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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04931 A sermon preached by Iohn Knox minister of Christ Iesus in the publique audience of the Church of Edenbrough, within the realme of Scotland, vpon Sonday, the. 19. of August. 1565 For the which the said Iohn Knoxe was inhibite preaching for a season. To this is adioyned an exhortation vnto all the faythfull within the sayde realme, for the reliefe of suche as faythfully trauayle in the preaching of Gods worde. Written by the same Iohn Knoxe, at the commaundement of the ministerie aforesayd. Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1566 (1566) STC 15075; ESTC S108139 37,230 132

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Adding that the knowledge thereof came not from the starres but only frō the God of Abraham who onely was and is the true God ▪ which thing vnderstanded the king burst forth in his confession saying of a truth your God is the moste excellent of al Gods And he is Lord of kinges and onely he that reuealeth the secretes seeing that thou couldest open this secret And when the king after puffed vp in pride by the counsell of his wicked nobilitie would make an Image before the which he would that al tongues and nations subiect to him should make adoration that Sydrack Misacke and Abednago woulde not obey his vniust commaundement so were cast in the flaming furnace of fyre and yet by Godes Angels were so preserued that no smell of fier remayned in their persons nor garments this same king giueth a more notable confession saying the Lord God of Sydrack Misack Abednago is to be praysed who hath sent his Angels and deliuered his worshippers that put their trust in him who haue done against the kings cōmaundement who haue rather giuen their owne bodyes to torment than that they woulde worship another God except their owne God By me therfore is there made a decree that whosoeuer shal blaspheme the God of Sydrack Misack Abednago that he shall be cut in pieces and his house shal be made detestable Thus we se how God began euen almoste in the beginning of their captiuitye to notifie his name to multiply his knowledge set forth aswel his power as his wisedome true worshipping by those that were taken prisoners yea that were dispised and of all men contempned so that the name feare of the God of Abrahā was neuer before notified to so many realmes nations This wōderous worke of God proceeded from one Empire to another For Daniel being promoted to great honor by Darius king of Perses and Medes falleth into a desperat daūger For he was cōmitted to prisō among Lyons bicause that he was deprehended breaking the kings iniunctiō not that the king desired the destruction of Gods seruants but bicause the corrupt Idolaters that in hatred of Daniell had procured that lawe to be made vrged the king against his nature But God by his Angell did stop the Lyons mouthes and so preserued his seruant Which considered with the soddaine destruction of Daniels enimies by the same Lyons king Daryus besides his owne confession wrote to all people tongues and nations after this forme It is decreed by me that in all the dominions of my kingdom men shal feare and reuerence the God of Danyell bicause he is the liuing God abiding for euer whose kingdome shall not be destroyed and his dominion remayneth who saueth and deliuereth and sheweth signes and wonders in heauen and in earth who hath deliuered Daniell from the Lyons This knowledge was yet further increased in the dayes of Cyrus who giuing freedome to the captiues to returne to their owne natyue cuntry giueth this confessiō Thus sayth Cyrus the king of Persians all the kingdomes of the earth hath the Lorde God of heauen giuen vnto me and hath commaunded me that a house be built to him in Ierusalem which is in Iuda Whosoeuer therefore of you that are of his people let the Lord his God be with him and let him passe vp to Ierusalem and let him builde the house of the Lord God of Israell for he only is God that is in Ierusalem Time will not suffer to intreate the poyntes of this confession neyther yet did I for that purpose adduce the historie But onely to let vs see howe constantlye God kept his promise in increasing of his people and in augmēting of his true knowledge when that both they that were the seede of Abraham and that religion which they professed appeared vtterly to haue bene extinguished aboue mens expectation I say he brought fredome out of bondage light out of darkenesse and lyfe out of death I am not ignoraunt that the building of the temple reparation of the walles of Ierusalem were long stayed so that the worke had many enimies But so did the hande of God preuayle in the ende that a decree was giuen by Daryus by him I suppose that succeded to Cambises not onely that all things necessarie for the building of the temple and for the sacrifices that were to be there brent shoulde be ministred vpon the kings charges but also that whosoeuer shuld hinder that work or change that decree that a balke should be taken out of his house and that he should be hanged thervpon Yea that his house should be made a donghil and therto he addeth a prayer saying the God of heauen who hath placed his name there roote out euerye king and people O that kings and nations should vnderstande that shall put his hande eyther to change or to hurte this house of God that is in Ierusalem and so in dispite of Sathan was the temple builded the walles repayred and the city inhabited and in the moste desperat daungers it was preserued til that the Messias promised the glory of the seconde temple came manyfested himselfe to the worlde suffred and rose againe according to the scriptures And so by sending forth his gospell from Ierusalem did replenish the whole earth with the true knowledge of God and so did God in perfectiō increase the nation aud the spirituall seede of Abraham Wherefore deare brethren we haue no small consolation if the estate of all thinges be this daye rightly considered we see in what furie and rage the worlde for the moste parte is nowe raised against the pore Church of Iesus Christ vnto the which he hath proclaymed liberty after this feareful bōdage of that spirituall Babylon in the which we haue beene holden captiues of longer space than Israell was prisoner in Babylon it selfe For if we shall consider vpon the one parte the multitude of those that liue without God and vpon the other parte the blinde rage of the pestilent papistes what shal we think of the small number of them that do professe Christ Iesus but that they are as a poore sheepe already seazed in the clawes of the Lyon yea that they the true religion which they professe shall in a moment vtterly be consumed But against this fearefull temptation let vs be armed with the promise of our god to wit that he wil be the protector of his church yea that he will multiply it euen when to mans iudgement it appeareth vtterly to be exterminate This promise hath our God performed in the multiplication of Abrahams seede in preseruation of it when Sathan labored vtterly to haue destroied it in deliuerance of the same as we haue heard from Babilon He hath sent his sonne Christ Iesus clad in our flesh who hath tasted of all our infirmities sinne except who hath promised to be with vs to the ende of the worlde He hath further kept promise in publication yea in
take trial of this poynt it is not hard for Moses in the election of Iudges and of a King describeth not onelye what persones shall be chosen to that honour but doth also giue to him that is elected and chosē the rule by the which he shal trie himselfe whether God raygne in him or not saying when he shal sit vpō the throne of his kingdō he shal write to himself an examplar of this lawe in a boke by the priests the Leuits it shal be with him and he shall reade therin all the dayes of his life that he may learne to feare the Lord his god and to kepe all the words of this law these statuts ▪ that he may do them that his hart be not lifted vp aboue his brethrē that he turne not from the cōmaundement to the right hand or to the left Thesame is repeated to Iosua in his inanguration to the regiment of the people by God himselfe saying let not the boke of this lawe depart fro thy mouth but meditate in it day night that thou mayst kepe and do according to al that which is written in it For then shall thy way be prosperous and thou shalt do prudently The first thing thē that god craueth of him that is called to the honor of a king is the knowlege of his wil reuealed in his word The second is an vpright and willing minde to put in execution suche things as God commaundeth in his lawe without declyning eyther to the right or left hande Kings then haue not an absolute power to do in their regimēt what pleaseth them but their power is limitted by gods word So that if they strike where god commaundeth not they are but murderers if they spare wher GOD commaundeth to strike they and their throne are criminal and giltie of the wickednesse that aboundeth vpon the face of the earth for lacke of punishment O if Kings and Princes shuld consider what accompt shall be craued of them as well of their ignoraunce and misknoweledge of Gods will as for the neglecting of their office But nowe to returne to the words of the Prophet In the person of the whole people he doth complayne vnto God that the Babilonians whō he calleth other Lordes besydes God both bycause of their ignoraunce of God and by reason of their crueltie and inhumanitie hadde long ruled ouer them in all rigor without pitie or cōcompassion had vpon the aunciente men and famous matrones For they being mortall enimies of the people of God sought by all meanes to aggrauate their yoke yea vtterlye to haue exterminate the memorie of thē and of their religion from the face of the earth After the first part of this dolorous complaynt the Prophete declareth the protestation of the people saying neuerthelesse onely in thee shall we remember thy name others reade it Put wee wyll remember thee onelye and thy name But in the Hebrew there is no Coniunction copulatiue in that sentence The minde of the Prophete is playne to wit that not withstanding the long sustayned affliction the people of God declyned not to a false and vayne religion but remembred God that sometime appeared to them in his mercifull presence which albeit then they saw not yet would they still remēber his name that is they would cal to minde the doctrine and promise which sōetimes they hard albeit in their prosperity they did not sufficiently glorifie God who so mercifully ruled in the midst of them The temptation no doubt of the whole Isralites was gret in those dayes They were caryed captiues from the land of Canaan which was to thē the gage pledge of Gods fauour towardes thē For it was the inheritaunce that God promised to Abrahā to his seede for euer The league couenant of Gods protection appeared to haue beene broken They lamentably cōplayne that they sawe not their accustomed signes of Gods merciful presēce The true prophets were fewe the abhominatiōs vsed in Babylon were exceding many And so it might haue apered to thē that in vayne it was that they were called the posteritie of Abrahā or that euer they had receyued law or form of right religion frō god That we may the better fele it in our selues the temptatiō I say was euē such as if God shuld vtterly destroy al order policy that this day is withī his church that the true preaching of the worde should be suppressed The right vse of sacramēts abolished Idolatry papistical abhomination erected vp again And therwith that our bodies should be takē prisoners by Turks or other manifest enimies of God of al Godlynesse ▪ Such I say was their temptatiō How notable then is this their cōfessiō that in bōdage they make to wit that they wil remember God onely albeit he hath appeared to turne his face from them they will remember hys name and will cal to minde the deliuerance promised Hereof haue we to consider what is our duetie if God bring vs as for oure offences and vnthankfulnesse iustely he may to the like extremitie This confession is not the fayre flattering wordes of hypocrites lying and bathing in their pleasures but it is the mightye operation of the spirite of God who leaueth not his owne destitute of some comfort in their most desperate calamities This is then oure duety not onely to confesse our god in the time of peace and quietnes but he chiefely craueth that we auowe him in the middeste of his and our enimies And this is to doe but it behoueth that the spirite of God worke in vs aboue all power of nature And thus we ought earnestlye to meditate before the battayle rise more vehement which appeareth not to be farre of but now must we enter in somewhat more deepely to consider these iudgements of God This people entreated as we haue heard was the onely people vpon the face of the earth to whō God was rightly knowen among them onely were his lawes statuts ordinaunces and sacrifices vsed and put in practise They onely inuocated his name and to them alone had he promised his protection and assistance What then shoulde be the cause that he shoulde giue them ouer into this great reproche and bring them into suche extremitie as his owne name in them shoulde be blasphemed The Prophet Ezekiell that saw this horrible destruction forespoke by Isaiah put in iust execution giueth an aunswere in these wordes I gaue vnto them lawes that were good in the which whosoeuer shoulde walke should liue in them But they woulde not walke in my wayes but rebelled against me and therefore I haue giuen vnto them lawes that are not good and iudgements in the which they shal not liue The writer of the bookes of kings and cronicles declare this in more playne words saying the Lorde sent vnto them his prophets rising early desiring of them to retourne vnto the Lorde and to amende their wicked wayes for he would haue