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kingdom_n day_n good_a lord_n 2,314 5 3.5474 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74591 Articles of peace, friendship & entercourse, concluded and agreed between England & Svveden, in a treaty bearing date at Upsal the ninth day of May in the year of our Lord God 1654. Published by his Highness special commandment. England and Wales. Council of State. 1655 (1655) Thomason E1065_4; ESTC R210504 5,290 15

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ARTICLES OF PEACE FRIENDSHIP ENTERCOURSE Concluded and Agreed between ENGLAND SWEDEN In a Treaty bearing date at Upsal the ninth day of May in the year of our LORD GOD 1654. Published by his Highness special commandment London Printed by Henry Hills and John Field Printers to His Highness MDCLV ARTICLES OF Peace Friendship and Entercourse concluded and agreed between England and Sweden In a Treaty bearing date at Upsal the ninth day of May in the year of Our Lord God 1654. I. THat from henceforth there be and remain a good firm sincere and perpetual Peace Amity Allyance and correspondence between the Protector and Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Queen and Kingdome of Sweden and all and singular their Dominions Kingdomes Countries Provinces Islands Plantations Lands Cities Towns People Citizens and generally all their Subjects and Inhabitants so that each part treat and use the other with all real friendship and affection II. The said Confederates their People Subjects and Inhabitants shall as opportunity is offered take care of and promote the welfare each of other And shall advertise each other upon knowledge therof of all imminent dangers plots and conspiracies of Enemies against the other and as much as in them lies oppose and hinder the same Neither shall the one Confederate either by himself or any else treat of act or attempt any thing to the prejudice and disadvantage of the other his Lands or Dominions in whatsoever place whether at Sea or Laud Nor shall any way assist the Rebells or Enemies of the other to the damage of the Confederate nor receive or entertain within his Dominions any Rebel or Traytor who shall attempt any thing against the others State much less afford them any Council help or favour or permit it to be done by any of his Subjects People and Inhabitants III. The said Protector and Commonwealth and the said Queen and Kingdome shall take diligent care That as much as in them lies all impediments and obstacles be removed which have hitherto interrupted the freedome of Navigation and Commerce as well between both Nations as with other People and Countries within the Dominions Lands Seas and Rivers of either And shall sincerely endeavour to assert maintain defend and promote the aforesaid Liberty of Navigation and Commerce against all the Disturbers thereof by such waies and meanes as either in this present Treaty or hereafter shall be agreed upon Neither shall they suffer that either by themselves their Subjects and people or through their default any thing be done or committed contrary hereunto IV. That either of the aforesaid Confederates their people and Subjects may without any safe conduct licence general or special freely and securely go and enter by Land or Sea in and to the Kingdoms Countries Provinces Lands Islands Cities Villages Townes whether walled or unwalled fortified or otherwise Havens and whatsoever Dominions of the other and there stay and from thence return or pass through and in the same places upon just prices to procure and have provision of Victuals for their use and sustenance and to be used with all friendly Offices And that either Confederate their people and subjects may trade and have commerce in all places where commerce hath hitherto been exercised in what Goods and Merchandises they please and may freely import and export the same paying the customs which are due and conforming themselves to the Laws and Ordinances of the said Commonwealth and Kingdome whether the same respect Trade or any other right which presupposed the people subjects and inhabitants of both Confederates shall have and enjoy in each others Kingdomes Countries Lands and Dominions as large and ample privileges Relaxations Liberties and immunities as any other Foreiner at present doth or hereafter shall enjoy there V. No Merchants Captains and Masters of Ships Mariners nor any other persons Ships Goods or Merchandize belonging to either Confederate shall upon any publique or private account by virtue of any Edict General or special within any the Lands Havens Sea-roads Coasts or Dominions of the other for any publick service or expedition of War or any other cause much less for any private use be feised embargued arrested forced by violence or be any way molested or injured provided onely such arrests as are conformable to justice and equity be not hereby prohibited so be it they are made according to the ordinary course of Law and not granted upon private affection or partiality but are requisite for the administration of right and justice VI. In case any of the Ships of either Confederate whether of War or Merchants belonging to the Subjects and People of either be by occasion of Tempests pursuit of Pyrates and Enemies or any other urgent necessity constrained to put into each others Havens Roads or shores they shall be received there with all kindeness and humanity and enjoy all friendly protection and be permitted to refresh themselves and procure at a reasonable price all things needfull for their sustenance reparation or use Neither shall they be hindred from going out of the said Ports or Roads at their pleasure without paying any customs or duties Provided they do nothing contrary to the Laws Ordinances and Customes of the place which the said Ships shall enter into or abide in VII In like manner if any Ship or Ships whether publick or private belonging to either Confederate their People and Subjects shall within any the Coasts or Dominions of the other stick upon the sands or be forced to lighten their burden or be wrack'd or suffer any dammage all friendly help and relief shall be given them upon a competent reward And what ever shall be remaining of the goods thrown overboard or after Shipwrack or any other damage sustained shall be kept in safe custody and restored to the owner or whom the said Owner shall appoint VIII In case the people and subjects on either part whether they be Merchants Factors or Servants Masters of Ships Mariners or such others who travel and inhabit within the Dominions of the other or those who act on their behalf before any Court of Iudicature for recovery of their Debts or for other lawful occasions shall stand in need of the Magistrates help the same shall be readily and according to the equity of their Cause in friendly manner granted them and Iustice shal be administred to them without long and unnecessary Delayes Neither shall they be any way molested upon any pretence in the Dispatch of their Affairs in their Iourneying Bargaining and Receiving the Price of their Commodities but that all Love and Friendship be extended towards them And it shall be free for them on both sides in their passage to and again in each others Coasts Ships Havens and Publique Places to wear about them Armes for their proper defence so be it they give no iust suspition to the Governour or Magistrate of the place of any design against the publique or private peace But he especially