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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A45729 The plain mans plain path-way to heaven directing every man how he may be saved. Hart, John, D.D. 1665 (1665) Wing H957; ESTC R40948 12,076 24

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they lived holy and righteously all our dayes endure hardship as they did as you may sée in the word of God What did the Prophets and Apostles of our blessed Lord and Saviour undergo St. Paul tells us in his book of Martyrs Heb. 11. They were persecuted stoned imprisoned sawn asunder mocked scourged despised by men wandred about in sheep-skins and goat-skins And other Apostles and Saints we read of some torn in pieces by wilde beasts others put in scalding oyl some ●ad their Skins stayed off alive dragged about with horses and our Smithfield is a good witness ●f the sufferings of the Martyrs and besides we ●eard of la●e the sad tydings of the sufferings of ●ur Brethren in Savoy which may make every ●ood Christians heart bléed to hear what cruel ●loody tortures those faithful Christians did en●ure for the sake of Christ how they were ●●orcht by fire dasht in pieces against the rocks ●ot pittying nor sparing even tender sucking ●nfants but destroying all The Lord make us ●ensible of his saving mercies towards us that ●●e are not delivered into the hands of such bloo●y wretches therefore as St. Paul saith Let us run ●ith patience the race that is set before us It is but ●or a little while and in due time we shall receive ●ur reward if we faint not Heb. 12.2 Let us then ●bour not for the meat that perisheth but for that ●hich endureth to eternal life So demeaning of ●ur selves here as those that look for the com●ng of our Lord Iesus who shall render to every ●ne according to their works And know that al●hough the righteous meet with hard fare in the ●orld yet their end shall be joy and peace Peace ●at passeth all understanding When the wicked ●en although they are crowned with rose-buds ●nd hath their paths washed in Butter and ●●ve an hundred years in pleasure yet they shall ●●e accursed for there will certainly come a day ●hen all mankinde high and low rich and poor noble and ignoble shall appear na●●● before the great Tribunal of the Lord. And then what will become of riches and honour beauty and pleasure Then the Crowns of Kings and the rags of Beggars shall all be laid aside and all without respect of persons receive sentence according to their deeds done in the flesh Then pride and luxury swearing and drunkenness swaggering complemental oaths and all other vile and lascivious courtings and adorations of beauty the so much admired and studied sins of the Gallants of the world shall be pronounced out of the mouth of God himself to be nothing else but glittering abominations then the adulteraring wares light and double weights and false measures now almost woven into the very art of trading shall be pronounced to be nothing else but mysteries of iniquity and self-deceivings and shall be rewarded with eternal fire and then the poor despised profession and professours of the power of godliness who tremble at the word of God make conscience of their wayes and forbear not onely vain and wicked oaths but also idle words whose hearts bléed for the abomination of the times and the wickedness of those among whom they live who walk humbly and mournfully before the Lord in an exa● holy conversation in the midst of a crooked an● perverse generation shall in good earnest be pronounced from the mouth of God himself t● have walked in that true and narrow way that ●eadeth to eternal life then the wicked and ungodly who mocked at the word of God when it is too late shall be forced to confess and say O what fools were we We accounted their lives madness and judged their end to be without honour How are they now reckoned among the Saints and have their portion in Heaven sitting down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of their God and we who lived in pleasure and walked in this broad easie and smooth way are tumbled down to hell there to receive the just reward of our ungodly sayings and doings eternal torments for ever and ever Now to conclude all in a word let every one of us take the good counsel of Solomon to remember our Creator in the dayes of our Youth Rejoyce O young man in thy youth and let thy heart chear thee But know for all this thou must come to judgement Remember there is both a heaven and a hell a heaven to reward thée if thou dost well a hell to torment thée if thou dost ill Labour then to be of the number of those to whom the Lord shall say at the last and great day of iudgement Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the begining of the world Mat. 25 24. Unto which Kingdom the Lord of his mercy bring us all Now the God of peace which brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus Christ that great shepheard of his sheep through the blood of the everlasting Covenant make us perfect in every good wor● and work to do his will working in us that which i● well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ ou● Lord To whom be glory and honour now and for ever Amen FINIS Licensed and Entered according to Order THese godly Books are sold by E. Andrews at the white Lion neer Pye-Corner Christs first Sermon Christs last Sermon Th● Christians Blessed Choice The Christians best Garment Heavens Happiness and Hells horrour Th● School of Grace Likewise 1. Englands Faithful Physician 2. The dreadful character of a drunkard 3. Dooms-day at hand 4. The Fathers last Blessing to his children 5. The sin of Pride arraigned and condemned 6. The Black Book of Conscience 7. Peters Sermon of Repentance 8. The Plain Mins Plain Path-way to Heaven 9. Death Triumphant 10. The Charitable Christian Read them over carefully and practise them constantly and resh assuredly thou wilt finde much comfort in them to thy own soul
PLAIN MANS Plain Path-way to HEAVEN Directing every man how he may be saved Very seasonable for these Times The four and thirtieth Edition with many Additions ●●n 14.6 Jesus saith unto them I am the War 〈…〉 Truth and the Life Who so would know the way to Heaven above Christ is the Way Faith Hope and Love London Printed for Eliz. Andrews at the White Lion near Py-eCorner 1665. The Plain Mans Plain Path-way to HEAVEN Mat. 7.13 14. Enter ye in at the strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth unto destruction any many there be that go in thereat but strait is the gate any narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that finde it THese words Beloved are the words of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and therefore doe crave every good Christians attention being spoken by so good a Master who not onely loved us but laid down his life for us as it is Rom. 5.6 7. Whilest we were sinners Christ died for us And beloved they are not onely the words of good counsel good counsel not for the body onely but for the salvation of our souls plainly declaring unto us the way to Heaven which is not the common beaten road of the world The way to Heaven is a strait and narrow way a hard way and a thorny way and whosoever would be saved must walk in this way Beloved I beseech you to consider Heaven cost our Saviour a dear price his precious life and blood and had he not shed his blood it had been impossible for us to have come to Heaven And beloved consider also that notwithstanding it cost Christ his Life to purchase heaven for us yet it is no easie matter to get to heaven the way to heaven is altogether up the hill and though it be painful and difficult yet it is worth our pains at last there are treasures in heaven joyes unspeakable and full of glory such things as St. Paul saith 1 Cor. 2.9 That eye hath not seen ear hath not heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive the things that God hath laid up for those that love him God hath laid them up for us Did we but seriously consider the happiness of the saints in heaven we should be willing to undergo any thing here below so we might get thither It is the opinion and fond conceit almost of all men that they shall go to heaven and they hope to be saved as well as the best though they walk not in the way But let them take heed how they deceive their own souls for the Scripture sayes plainly that those that would be saved must first be new creatures they must be born again John 3. Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Secondly they must not live after the flesh and lusts of men but after the will of God 1 Pet. 4.2 And how doth God in his word say men should live if they would be saved First we must live a life of faith He that believeth shall be saved but he that believeth not is condemned already the wrath of God abideth on him John 3.36 Secondly he that would be saved must repent God commands all men every where to repent Acts 17.30 Repentance must follow after faith Thirdly we must be willing to forsake all for Christ And the young man said unto him Good master what shall I do to be saved saith Christ Sell all that thou hast and give to the poor and follow me and thou shalt have treasure in heaven Mat. 19.21 Men must not say I have bought a Farm I have married a Wife therefore I cannot come Fourthly those that would be saved must be holy and unblameable walking as Christ walked they must dye unto sin and live unto righteousness for no unrighteous person shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven 1 Cor. 6.10 Heaven is the reward of holiness Having your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life Rom. 6.22 And lastly he must not do this once or twice but he must serve the Lord in righteousness and true holiness all the dayes of his life Luke 1.75 For he that continues unto the end shall be saved Mat. 20.21 Therefore unless men be such as God in his word requires they should be in vain do they say they hope to be saved by Christ unless they live as Christ lived holy as he was holy for certainly all those that live in sin and dye in sin without repentance shall come short of heaven And truly beloved heavenly counsel was never more needful then now in these last and worst of times which abound so much with sin and wickedness which plainly shews that these are the last times as St. Peter saith 2 Pet. 3.3 In the last days shall come scoffers walking after their own ungodly lusts self-lovers covetous blasphemers proud disobedient to parents unthankful unholy truce-breakers false accusers despisers of those that are good traitors lovers of pleasure more then lovers of God 2 Tim. 3. all which things the Lord knows is too evidently séen among us at this day How is religion and the wayes of God scorn'd and reproached at this day not onely by loose and lascivious persons as swearers drunkards Sabbath-breakers and such like ungodly wretches but by a generation of Vipers sprung up amongst us in these our dayes called Quakers Shakers and Ranters who pretend holines and are out wardly cloathed in Séeps cloathing but are indeed such as our Saviour speaks of in Matth. 7.15 Wolves in sheeps cloathing who despise Dominions and speak evil of Dignities ungodly men turning the grace of God into wantonness denying the onely Lord God and our Saviour Jesus Christ as St. Jude saith Who resist the truth being men of corrupt mindes having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof 2 Tim. 3.5 Professing they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and to every good work reprobate Tit. 1.6 Laboring to beat down Magistracy and Ministry which is the great work the Devil aims at that so he may the more easily delude souls If once the Devil could but beat down Ministry and Magistracy he would go in deluding souls without opposition all were his own then And therefore the counsel St. Judge gave the Christians in his dayes is now very seasonable in these ungodly times for every good Christian That they should beware lest they be led away with the error of those wicked ones and so fall from their own stedfastness and come short of Heaven bringing upon themselves sudden destruction And indeed this Epistle of St. Jude is very seasonable for these times and I beseech every good Christian seriously to read it sée there the dreadfull Judgement of God against sinners which are written for our examples not that we should follow them but that we would he afraid to sin against God as they did For certainly