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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34429 An exhortation to firmness and constancy in true religion in a sermon preached at St. Mary Islington, Feb. 2, 1689/90 / by Shadrach Cooke ... Cooke, Shadrach, 1655?-1724? 1689 (1689) Wing C6037; ESTC R20683 19,785 32

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Minds and such as is an Injury or Violation to our own very Consciences For that Man hath nothing to palliate or excuse his Crime that breaks through and violates the Sense or Perswasion of his own Conscience which is more to him than Ten thousand Witnesses And therefore though Men may be Deaf to this inward Guide and by their Lusts or fordid Interest be prevailed upon to contradict or stifle those internal Sentiments yet no Man can think them happy much less hath any reason to envy them what they thus obtain For this Candle of the Lord as is Solomon's Phrase for Conscience will sometime or other glare in their Faces or burn them to the quick and torment them severely for being thus Unjust Base and Treacherous to themselves And though we see it God knoweth too often that Men Sacrifice Peace of Conscience to base and unworthy Interest as if worse than the unjust Judge they did not regard God or Man nor themselves yet this Perplexity and Vexation which is inevitable hereupon will be a perpetual Plague and like a troublesome Ghost haunt and fret them where-ever or however they are And a Man is scarce capable of a greater Condemnation or Punishment than thus to decry or reprove his own Actions Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that Thing which he alloweth Rom. 14.22 4. And which doth ensue upon this The Case which is here Condemned by our Saviour is a Reproach even to humane Nature Firmness and Constancy of Mind is generous and manly an Argument of a brave and couragious Spirit such That is always accounted which can bear it self up and maintain its Integrity against all Opposition and Allurements to the contrary And therefore such resolute trusty Souls have evermore had the general esteem and commendation of good and wise Men. As on the contrary it s an undoubted proof and instance of an unmanly pitiful or dangerous Temper easily to forgo or yield up our Truth and Integrity the greatest Glory of our Nature so that he debaseth himself to the vilest degree and most miserable Condition that debauches the noblest Principle of his Soul as is the case of such who are ashamed of God and a good Cause Another Aggravation that we may add to this Is in the Fifth Place Even the present Insecurity of such Men or of such a Condition as is here spoken of by our Saviour And this consideration added to the rest cuts them clear off from all their holds Such base Hypocrisie and Dissimulation will not last long and doth but seldom answer such Mens designs in it for as Solomon saith The Lip of truth shall be established for ever but a lying Tongue is but for a Moment Base complyances and such unworthy practices in the cause of God and Religion do frequently carry Guilt in their Foreheads and do sooner or later prove ineffectual and dangerous to themselves and very often spoil or frustrate their own Actions or Designs And then all Men that see them shall laugh them to Scorn Whereas certain it is That Uprightness and Integrity a closs and steady Adhesion to an honest Cause and a good Conscience will be more approved of succeeded better for our Interest and carry us most happily thorough all Difficulty and Opposition while Base Cowardize and Dissimulation will render us Improsperous in all our Designs and make us every way Odious and Hateful to God and Man From whence we proceed to consider in the Fourth Place The Judgment and Punishment to be inflicted for it Of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with the holy Angels Where our Saviour as you see doth consign the Punishment of such base Deserters of him and his Religion to a future Judgment and Tribunal Whereupon by the way we may make these following Observations First This threatning of a future Recompence is not designed so as to imply an utter Exclusion of all present Punishment or Judgment to be inflicted on such Men they may be and frequently are met with and punished severely in this World The sting or guilt of Conscience will sometime fret and torment them for such base and unworthy Practices they are frequently exposed to the scorn of good Men and the contempt of the World and are no small Sufferers in their present Enjoyments These or the like Punishments do or may overtake such Offenders even now at present it being a Practice that is frequently injurious to Mens Secular Interest and Security as we heard before Thus with a future this may also refer to or not exclude a present Punishment as God in his Wisdom may think fit and convenient Though too in the Second Place this may imply what doth sometimes happen That wicked Men and among these such as are thus guilty may pass through this World with Ease or Impunity and perhaps to outward appearance meet with no Punishment no Retribution for so great Impiety For many good Causes God may for a while forbear or delay their Punishment to the great and general Day of Accounts when he will give to every one according to his Works So that we are not to judge from the present Impunity or which is more the Flourishing and Prosperous Condition of such Men though so guilty against God that he is altogether regardless of them and his Honour Though he doth forbear he doth not altogether forget them but will if not before call them to strict Examination another Day Whereupon we may observe again Thirdly That the mentioning of such a future Retribution may be and doubtless is with some design of showing or representing the greater Judgment or Vengeance of God that is treasured up against them as if such profligate Sinners could not be enough or sufficiently punished till Christ were invested with his Sovereign Power and Authority So that this is here mentioned as a very heightning Aggravation of their Punishment they may consider and tremble to think on it that their Doom is reserved for that Great and Solemn Assize Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my Words in this Adulterous and Sinful Generation of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with the holy Angels And its being thus expressed may show the Punishment of such to be very Severe and Terrible upon these following Accounts As it doth imply 1. Christ's utter Disowning of them 2. After the most disgraceful Sort or Manner 3. At the most solemn Time or Season 4. In Mens greatest Streights and Necessities And 5. A Consequence of most dreadful Ruin and eternal Destruction First This threatning here before us doth imply or signify Christ's utter Disowning of them and that is here represented to us these Two ways First By his being ashamed of them that is such shall be rejected by him and quite disowned from having any share or benefit in his Redemption and the Kingdom of his Father
Now as God saith by the Prophet concerning good Men They shall be mine saith the Lord in that Day when I make up my Jewels So contrariwise may be here said or intended of these Christ at that great Day shall utterly disown them and cast them from his Presence for ever as is still Secondly further implied and signified by the time here expressed for his so doing When he cometh in the Glory of his Father c. At that great and solemn Day which is the final Consummation of all things after which there is nothing to be done no more Accounts to be made then shall he pass on them an irrevocable Sentence of Condemnation And is not this a most severe and affrightful Case that forebodes and threatens an eternal Banishment from the Divine Love and Favour and the procuring of God's utter Hatred and Displeasure of which there can be no repeal or recovery To be thus rejected and abandoned by Christ our Lord who hath shed his Blood for our Redemption and has laid on us the strictest Obligations imaginable to own and obey him is a most heightning consideration of Misery and Condemnation To see at that great Day of Accounts the gracious Saviour of the World thus utterly to reject and cast off those for whom he shed his Blood and instead of Reward or Redemption to pass a dismal Sentence of Punishment against them is a cutting consideration even now to think of What will it be to experience another Day Considering in the Second Place That this will be done after the most disgraceful Sort or Manner Of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed Nec Lex est justior ulla For it both represents the Equity of the Divine Proceedings together with the sharpness of the Punishment as they have been ashamed of him so will he be of them he will reject and disown them in the most Vile and Contemptious manner he will be even ashamed to look upon them and will cast them from him with Scorn and Confusion Now there is nothing that doth generally more affect human Nature than to be treated with Contempt to a good and generous Spirit it is most cutting and intollerable And you can't but observe from daily Experience that nothing goes so deep or afflicts so much as to be slighted and contemn'd From whence we may make a guess of the great Punishment of all such Souls as shall be thus treated by Christ at that Day There is even to common Malefactors a kind of secret Pity and Commiseration though Suffering for very Notorious Crimes and Villainies but those Men are prodigiously Guilty and Miserable that fall with universal Scorn and Derision Yet such and much worse is the Punishment here threatned Of them shall Christ be ashamed However others may fare these shall suffer Shameful and Unpitied or one great Punishment to be inflicted on them is Shame or Contempt And you know among Men That 't is a great heightning and sometimes indeed the utmost Aggravation of a Suffering to have the Ingredient or Circumstance of Shame or Scandal And what now shall we think of these at that great Day when whatever is really Shameful and Scandalous shall be the Lot and Portion of such Sinners For Thirdly All this shall be at the most solemn Time and son Of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with the holy Angels Shame or Contempt is a relative Evil that which doth properly depend on the view or apprehension of others which is more and more heightned or improved that is rendered still the worse to bear the more and greater the Objects we are thus exposed to and therefore how great and intollerable is this most Shameful Punishment like to be that is executed or inflicted after such a Serious and Solemn manner bearing in it whatever may render it Affrightful and Terrible Of him shall the Son of Man c. that is Christ who was God and Man this great God shall then be ashamed of him And as if this were not enough to superadd hereunto it is Aggravated from the Time Company or Circumstances here mentioned When he shall come in the Glory of his Father with the holy Angels Every Word bears in it a most cutting Consideration This shall be their Lot and Portion from him when he shall appear in his infinitely glorious Godhead after the most Solemn and Triumphant manner and comes with Millions of Angels to call all the World to Judgment before infinite Multitudes of such Pure and Holy Spirits and before all the World he shall pass such a dismal Punishment upon them As if he should say Men have very great reason to be careful against this Evil considering that such a present denial or being ashamed of Christ shall be thus repayed hereafter They that disown him now before Men in an Adulterous and Sinful Generation shall be shamefully rejected by him before the holy Angels He that will be invested with infinite Glory and Majesty will for This be then ashamed of them in the presence of these Pure and Immaculate Beings And the consideration of these Solemn Circumstances is a most dismal Aggravation of that future Condemnation and Punishment reserved for them against the great Day of Judgment Considering in the Fourth Place That this is in Mens greatest Streights and Necessities Of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with the holy Angels a time of the greatest distress and danger For the future Day of Accounts or Judgment whereof this is such a lively Representation will be the Season when we shall stand in most need of God and Christ our Redeemer Then to have a share and interest in Heaven and to have favour with the great Judge of the World will be our greatest and indeed our only Comfort Nothing will then stand us in stead or avail us but such a happy Provision as this But oh how miserable now must the contrary case of such Men be who have provoked him to the highest degree and rendered him their utter and implacable Enemy To be conscious to our selves that we have done all we could to Affront and Abuse our Lord and Saviour as is too much the Case of these Sinners must strike the deepest Melancholy to our Souls Then when we have most need of Comfort we shall have the the least of it and instead of Acceptance with God have a Shameful and Bitter Sentence from him So that what Solomon saith Prov. 1.24 may be fitly applied to the Case before us Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no Man regarded but ye have set at nought all my counsel and would none of my Reproof I also will laugh at your Calamity I will mock when your Fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and destruction cometh as a Whirl-wind when distress and anguish cometh upon you Then shall they