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kingdom_n day_n father_n lord_n 3,631 5 3.5469 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16579 A godlye medytacyon composed by the faithfull ... I.B. latlye burnte in Smytfelde ... Bradford, John, 1510?-1555.; Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-1540. Excitationes in animi Deum. aut; Pownall, Robert, 1520-1571. Most fruitful prayer for the dispersed church of Christ. aut 1559 (1559) STC 3483; ESTC S109638 19,168 75

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euer towardes those that ernestly repente but in the stede of vengance doest showe mercye We mooste penitently beseche the to remoue this thy great indignation bente towardes vs and gyue not ouer our lande our Cytyes Townes and Castels our goodes pocessions ryches our wyfes chyldren and our own lywes into the subiectiō of strangers But rather O Lorde expell them our land subuerte there coūselles dissipate their deuyces and delyuere vs from theire tyranny as thou delyuerest Samaria frō that cruell Benadab Ierusalem from that blasphemus Senacherib and Betulia from that proude Holifernus Gyue vs O Lord such princes rulers suche maiestrates gouernours as wil auaūce thy glory erecte vp thy gospell supprese Idolatrye banish all papistrye execute iustice equite Water agayn O lord thy vyne of england with the moysture of thi holy-word leste it vtterly peryshe wither away Byld vp agayn the decayed walles of thy rewyned Ierusalē thy congregation in this land lest the vngodly do attribute oure confusion not vnto our sinnes as the truthe is but vnto our profession in religion Remember O Lord that we ar a persell of thy portion thy flocke the inheritors of thy kingdom the shepe of thy pasture and the mēbers of thy son our sauiour Iesus Christ deale with vs therfore according to the multitude of thy mercies that al nations kindredes toūges may selebrate thy prayses in the restoringe of thy rewyned church to perfection agayn for it is thy worke O lord not mās from the do we with paciēce attende the same not frō the fleshly arme of mā therfore to the only is don all dominion power and thākes geuing now in our dayes and euermore Amen i. Timoth. ii Praye in euery place lyfting vp pure hādes OH mighty kinge and moste high almighty god the father of our lorde Iesus christe whiche mercifully doest gouerne al thinges which thou hast made loke downe vpon the faithful seade of Abraham the children of thy chosen Iacob Thy chosen people I doe meane consecrate vnto the by the anoyncting of thi holy spirite And apointed to thi kingdōe by the eternal porpose free merci and greace but yet as straungers wandring in this vile vale of misery brought forth daily by the worldly tyrantes like sheape to the slaughter O father of al fleashe who by thi diuine prouidēce chaūgest times and ceasons and most wonderfully disposest kingdoms thou hast destroyed Pharo with all his horse and Chariottes puffid vp with pride agayenst thy people leadinge forth saffelye by the handes of thy mercie thy belouede Israell thorow the highe waues of the raging waters Thou oh god the lord of all hostes and armis didest first dryue awaye from the gates of thy people the blasphemous Senacherib slaing of his armye foure score and fiue thousand by thy angil in one night And after bi his owne sonnes befor his own Idoles didest kil the same blasphemous Idolater showyng openly to all heathē thy prouidēt pwre towardes thi dispised letel ones Thou didest traūce forme and chaūg proud Nabuchodonosar the enimy of thi people into A brute beast to eate grasse and hay to the horable terrour of all worldly tirantes And as thou arte the father of mercies and god of all consolacion so of thy wonderful mercie didest thou preserue thos thi thre seruauntes in Babilō which with bolde corage gaue theyr bodies to the fire because thei wolde not worship any deade Idole and when they were cast into the burning fornace thou didest geue them chearful hartes to reioyse and singe psalmes and sauedest vnhurt the very heares of their heades turning the flame frō thē to deuoure their enemies Thou oh lorde god by the might of thy right arme which gouerneth all broughtest Daniell thi prophet saue into light and life forthe of the darcke denne of the deuouring lions where by false accusations he was shout vnder the erth of those raging beastes to be deuoured but thou turnedst ther cruelty vpon his accusares repainge the wickede vpon their own pates Yea lord which passeth al wonders is far aboue mans powre to perceiue therin thy workinge thou didest cause the huge and greate dragon of the seas the horrible Leuiathan and Behemoth the main whalefish to swalow vp and deuoure thy seruaūt Ionas to kepe him iii. dayes and iii. nightes in the dongeon of his bealy the darke hellicke graue to a liuinge man Thou didest cause that grete monster to carie him to the place that thou haddest apointed and ther to cast him vp saue and able to do thy massage Now also O heauenly father beholdor of all thinges to whome only belongeth vengeaunce thou seest considrest how thy holy name by the wicked wordlinges and blasphemous Idoloters is dishonorid thy sacrate woorde refused forsaken and dispised thy holye sprite prouokede and offended thy chosene temple polluted and deffilede Tarie not tooe longe therfore but show thy powre spedelye vpon thy chosen household which is so greuously vexed so cruelly handled by thy open enemyes Auenge thy owne glorye and shorten these euell dayes for thy electes sake Let thy kingdom come of all thy desyred though oure liuinges hath offended thy maiesty as we doe cōfesse vnfaynedly O Lorde that we haue all sinned our kings princes prestes prophetes and people All we together wyth our parētes fathers mothers haue most greuously infinitely passing all mesure and number with our harde flintishe hartes our dissolute and careles lyfe withoute all shame and repentaunce for syn offendid transgressid trespassid synned and cōmitted most horrible wickednes so that we haue worthely deserued the vttermoste of thy plages and terrible vengeaunce Yet for thy owne glorye O mercifull Lord suffer not the enemye of thy sonne Chryste the romyshe Antichrist thus wretchedlye to delude and draw frō the our poore brethern for whome thy sonne once died that by his crueltie after so cleare light thei shold be made captiues to domme Idoles and deuelysh Inuentions of popyshe ceremonies therunto pertayning Suffer hym not to seduce the symple sort with his fonde opinion that his false gods blind mumbling fayned religion or his folishe supersticion doth geue hym suche conquestes suche victories suche triumphe and so high hand ouer vs. We knowe moste certaynely O Lord that it is not ther arme and powre but our synnes and offences that hath deliuered vs to their fury And hath caused the to turne away frō vs. But turne agayne O Lorde let vs fall into thy handes otherways seing thy iustice must ponish vs let vs fall into thy handes as Dauid dyd chewse by darth famin or pestilence or what waye thou likest least these vayne Idolaters doe reioyse at the miserable destruction of those men whome they make proselites and frome thy doctrine Apostates But oh lorde thy holye will be fulfilled this is thy righteous Iudgment to ponish vs wyth the tyrannical yoke of blindnes because we haue cast away from vs the sweate yoke of the