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A51759 The voyages & travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem, as also to the lands of the great Caan, and of Prestor John, to Inde, and divers other countries : together with many strange marvels therein. Mandeville, John, Sir.; Jean, d'Outremeuse, 1338-ca. 1399. 1677 (1677) Wing M415; ESTC R21151 84,811 129

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so by the Bastle of Pallerins then to Askalon and to Iaphet and so to the holy City of Ierusalem CHAP. XI The way by Babylon where the Soldan dwelleth AND whoso will go through the Land of Babylon where the Soldan dwelleth he may go more securely through these Countries but must go up to Mount Sinai before he come to Ierusalem and then return by Ierusalem and then by Jerusalem and he shall go from Gaza to the Castle Dayre And after a man cometh out of Sury and goeth on the way is very sandy and the Wilderness lasteth eight days journey wherefore men must provide them of necessary victuals and that Wilderness is called Archellek When a man cometh out of this Desart he entreth into Egypt and they call Eygpt Canopat and in another Language men call it Mersine and the first good Town that men come to is called Beleth which is at the end of the Kingdom of Alap and from thence men come to Babylon and to Kayre and in Kayre is a fair Church of our Lady where she dwelt seven years when she was out of the Land of the Jews for dread of King Herod And there lyeth the body of Saint Babara Virgin and there dwelt Joseph when he was sold of his Brethren And in Babylon Nebuchodonosor put the Children into the Fire because they worshipped the true God these Children were called Ananias Azarias and Misael as the Psalm of Benedicite saith but Nebuchodonosor called them thus Sadrak Misak and Abednego that is God glorious and victorious God over all Kingdoms and that was for Miracle that he made God's Son as he said go with those Children through the Fire There dwelleth the Soldan for there is a fair City and a strong Castle which standeth upon a Rock In that Castle are always dwelling to keep the Castle and to serve the Soldan above eight thousand persons that take all their provision at the Soldans Court. This I well know for I dwelt with him a great while a Soldier in the Wars against the Bedians or Arabins and he would have marryed me unto a great Princess If I would have forsaken my Faith CHAP. XII Here followeth of the Soldan and of his Kingdoms that he hath Conquered which he holdeth still by force AND ye shall understand that the Soldan is Lord of seven Kingdoms which he hath Conquered and gotten to him by strength and these be they the Kingdom of Canopat the Kingdom of Egypt the Kingdom of Jerusalem whereof David and Solomon were Kings the Kingdom of Sury whose chief City is Damasse or Damascus the Kingdom of Alape in the Land of Dameth and the Kingdom of Arabia which was one of the three Kings that made Offering to our Lord when he was born Many other Isles he holds in his hand He holdeth Calupgas that is a great benefit unto him being among them of Royes Isle and that Vale is cold And then men go up to the Mount of St. Katharine and that is much higher than the Mount of Moses And this St. Katharine hath no Image in any Church or Castle nor other dwelling place but there is a Hill of Stones gathered together about the place where she was buryed There was wont to be a Chappel which now is wholly cast down but a great part of the Stones is there left And under the foot of Mount Sinai is a Monastery of Monks and there is the Church of Saint Katharine wherein be many Lamps burning and they have oyle-Olive enough to eat and to burn and that they have by Miracle for they say there come certain of all manner of Birds every year once like Pilgrims and each of them bringeth a Branch of Olive in token of offering whereof they make much Oyl CHAP. XIII For to return from Sinai to Jerusalem NOw when a man hath visited the holy place of St. Katharine and he will turn to Jerusalem if he shall first take leave of the Monks and recommend him especially to their prayers then those Monks will freely give to Pilgrims Victuals to pass through the Wilderness to Sury so much as shall last thirtéen days journey And in that Wilderness dwell many Arabians that men call Bedions and Ascopards These are Folks that are still of all manner of ill conditions and they have no Houses but Tents which they make of Beasts skins as of Camels and other Beasts which they eat and thereunder they lie and they seek to dwell in places where they may find water near the Red Sea for in that Wilderness is great want of water and it falleth out that where a man findeth water one time he findeth it not another time And therefore make they no Houses in those Countreys These men that I speak of Till not the Land for they eat no bread except it be those that dwell near a good Town and they rost their Fish and Flesh upon hot stones against the Sun and they are strong men and warlike but they do little but hunt wild Beasts for their sustenance and they set not by their lives therefore they dread not the Soldan nor any Prince of the World And they had great War with the Soldan at the same time that I was with the Soldan They bear but a Shield and a Spear to defend them with and they use no other Armour but they wind their Heads with a Linnen Cloth CHAP. XIV When men are passed this Wilderness then to come again to Jerusalem AND when men have passed this Wilderness to come to Jerusalem they pass by Bersheba that was sometime a fair and a rich Town of Christians and yet is there some of the Churches left and in that Town dwelt Abraham the Patriarch This Town of Bersheba was founded by Vrias on whose Wife David begat Solomon the wise that was King of Jerusalem and of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and he reigned forty years and from thence men go to the Vale of Ebron that is from thence near twelve miles and some call it the Vale of Mambre and it is called the Vale of Tears forasmuch as Adam in that Vale bewailed an hundred years the Death of his Son Abel whom Cain slew And this Ebron was sometime the principal City of the Philistims and there dwelt Byants and it was frée so that all that had done evil in other places were there saved In Ebron Joshua and Caleb and their Company came first to espy how they might win the Land of Promise In Ebron David reigned first seven years and a half and in Jerusalem he reigned two and thirty years and a half and there be the Graves of the Patriarchs Adam Abraham Isaac and Jacob and of their Wives Eve Sara Rebekah and Leah and they Ise in the side of the Hill And beside this Hill is a right fair Church builded after the fashion and manner of a Castle which the Sarasins kéep right well and they have the place in great Worship for the Holy Patriarchs sake that
into another world he shall not be without an house nor horse nor silver nor gold and the Mare shall give him Milk and bring forth more Horses till he be well slored in another World and one of his Chamberlains or servants is put with him in the earth for to do him service in the other World for they believe that when he is dead he shall go to another World and be a greater Lord there then here and when he is laid in the earth no man may be so hardy for to speak of him before his friend CHAP. LXXVIII When the Emperour is dead how they chuse and make another ANd when the Emperor is dead seven of the Kindred gather them together and they touth his Son or the next of his blood and they say thus We will and we ordain and we pray thée that thou wilt be our Lord and Emperor and he enquired of them and saith If ye will that I reign over you then must you do all that I bid you And if I bid that any shall be slain he shall be slain and they answer all with one loud voice All that ye bid shall be done Then says the Emperor From henceforth my word shall cut as my Sword and then they set him in a Chair and Crown him and then all the good Towns thereabout send to him presents so much that he shall have more then an hundred Camels loden with Gold and Silver beside other Iewels that he shall have of Lords as precious Stones and Gold without number and Horses and rich cloaths of Camacas and Tarius and such other CHAP. LXXIX What Countries and Kingdomes be next to the Land of Cathay and the Fronts thereof THis Land of Cathay is in Asia the déep and this same land reacheth towards the West upon the Kingdom of Sercie the which pertained some time to one of the thrée Kings that went to séek our Lord in Bethlem and all those that come of this kin are Christian men These men of Tartary drink no Wine In the Land of Corosayme that is at the North-side of Cathay is a very great plenty of goods but no Wine the which hath at the East side a great Wilderness that lasteth more then a hundred daies iourney and the best City of that land is called Corosaym and after the name of that City is the land called and men of this land are good Warriours and hardy and thereby is the Kingdom of Comayne this is the most and the greatest Kingdom of the World but is not all inhabited for in one place of the land is so great cold that no man may dwell there for cold and in another place is so great heat that no man may dwell there and there are so many Faiths that a man cannot tell on what side he may turn him and in this land are few trées bearing fruit In this land men lie in Tents and they burn dung of Beasts for lack of wood This land descendeth toward Prusie and Rusie and through this land runneth the River Echel that is one of the greatest Rivers of the World and it is frozen so hard every year that men fight thereupon in great Battels on Horse and Foot-men more then a hundred thousand at once And a little from that River is the great Ocean that they call Maure and betwéen this Maure and Aspy is a very streight passage to go toward Inde and therefore King Alexander did make there a City that men call Alexandry for to kéep that passage so that no man may pass unless he have leave and now is that City called Port de Fear and the principall City of Comaine is called Sarachis that is one of the thrée ways to go to Inde but through this way may not men go unless it be in Winter and this passage is called Berbent And another way is to go from the land of Tulkescon through Persia in this way are many daies iourney in Wilderness And the third way is that that cometh from Cosmane and goeth through the great City and through the Kingdoms of Abachare And ye shall understand that all these Kingdoms and Lordships unto Persia are holden of the Caane and many other and therefore he is a great Lord of men and of land CHAP. LXXX Of other ways coming from Cathay toward the Greek Sea and of the Emperour of Persia. NOw that I have shewed you the land toward the North to come from the lands of Cathay to the lands of Prusie and Russie where Christian men dwell Now shall I shew unto you of other lands and Kingdomes in coming down from Cathay to the Gréek Sea where Christian men dwell and for as much as next the great Caane of Cathay the Emperor of Persia is the greatest Lord therefore I shall speak of him and ye shall understand that he hath two Kingdoms the one beginneth Eastward and it is the Kingdom of Turkescon and it lasteth Westward to the sea of Caspy and Southward to the land of Inde This land is great and plain and well manned with good Cities but two most principal the which are called Facirida and Sormaguant The other is the Kingdom of Persia and lasteth from the river of Pison unto great Armony and Northward unto the sea of Caspy Southwards to the land of Inde and this is a full plenteous country and a good In this land are thrée principal Cities Nassal or Saphen and Sermesse CHAP. LXXXI Of the Land of Armony which is a good Land and of the Land of Middy THen is the land of Armony in the which was sometimes thrée Kingdoms that is a good land and plenteous and it beginneth at Persia and lasteth Westward to Turky in length and in breadth lasteth from the City of Alexander that now is called Pott de Fear unto the land of Middy In this Armony are many fair cities but Canrissy is most of name Then is the land of Middy and it is very long and not bread and beginneth Eastward to the land of Persia and Inde the less and lasteth Westward to the Kingdom of Chalde and Northward to little Armony in this Middy are many great Hills and little Plains and there dwell Sarasins and other manner of men that men call Cordiner and Kermen CHAP. LXXXII Of the Kingdomes of Georgy and Abean and many marvels THen next is the Kingdom of Georgy that beginneth Eastward at a great Hill that men call Abior this land lasteth from Turkey to the great sea and to the land or Middy and to great Armony And in this land are two Kingdoms one of Abcan and another of Georgy but he of Georgy is in subiection to the great Caane but he of Abcan hath a strong country and defendeth him well against the Enemies and in this land of Abcan is a great marvel for there is a country in this land that is near three days iourney in length and it is called Hampton that country is all covered with darkness so
may no more travel or work not because it is forbidden but they keep them for tilling their Land In this city of Bethlehem was King David born he was King of the Land of the Iews and reigned in Herusalem and had forty Wives and thrée hundred Concubines And at Bethlehem towards the South side is a Church of Saint Markoret that was Abbot there for whom they had much sorrow when he died and it was shewed there how he made lamentation when he died and it is a pitious thing to behold From Bethlehem to Hierusalem is two miles and in the way to Hierusalem half a mile from Bethlehem is the Church where the Angel told the Shepheards of the Birth of Christ. In that way is the Tomb of Rachel that was Mother to Joseph the Patriarch who died as soon as Benjamin was born and there she was buried and Jacob her Husband set twelve great stones upon her In this way to Hierusalem are many Christian Churches by the which men go CHAP. XIX Of the City Jerusalem FOR to speak of Hierusalem ye shall understand that it standeth fair among Hills and there is neither River nor Well but water cometh by Conduit from Ebron Also ye shall understand that at first it was called Jebus and since it was called Salem unto the time of David who called it Hierusalem and so it is called yet And about Hierusalem is the Kingdom of Sury and thereby is the land of Palestine and Askalon but Hierusalem is in the land of Iuda and it is called Judah for Judas Machabeus was King of that Land and it bordereth also upon the Kingdom of Arabia on the South side on the West side on the great sea on the North side on the Kingdom of Sury and the sea of Cypress About Hierusalem are these Cities Ebron at eight miles Jericho at six miles Barsabe at eight miles Askalon eighteen miles Jaff at twenty and fine miles Ramatha at four miles This Land of Hierusalem hath been in the hands of divers Nations as Jews Canaanites Assyrians Persians Macedonians Greeks Romans Christians Sarasins Barbarians Turks and many others For Christ will not suffer lend sinners long to possess it be they Christians or others And now hath that Land béen holden by Infidels an hundred years and more but God grant they may not hold it long CHAP. XX. Yet of this holy City Jerusalem AND ye shall understand that when men first come to Jerusalem they go first on Pilgrimage to the Church where the holy Grave is the which was out of the City on the North side but it is now closed in with the wall of the Town And there is a fair Church round all flat above and well covered with Lead and on the West side is a fair and strong tower for Bells and in the midst of the Church is a Tabernacle made like a little House in manner of a half Compass very richly trimmed with Gold Azure and other colours In the right side is the Sepulchre of our Lord Christ and the Tabernacle is eight foot long five foot wide and eleven foot high And it is not long since the Sepulchre was all open so that any man might then touch it but because the folks that came thither spoiled and brake the stones all in pieces therefore hath the Soldan made a Wall about the Sepulchre that no man may touch it In the left side is a window wherein are many Lamps lighted and there hangeth a Lamp burning before the Sepulchre which they say on Good Friday goeth out by it self and lighteth again by it self at the hour that our Lord rose from death to life And within that Church upon the right side of Mount Calvary where our Lord was Crucified the Cross was set in a Morteis in the Rock that is white of colour and mingled with a little red and upon that Rock dropped the blood of the wounds of our Lord when he was nailed on the Cross and that is called Golgatha and men go up to that Golgatha upon steps and in that Morteis was Adams Head found after Noahs Flood in token that the sin of Adam should be redéemed in the same place and upon that Rock Abraham offered sacrifice to our Lord and there is an Altar and before that Altar lyeth Godfrey of Bouloign Baldwin and others that were Christians and Kings of Jerusalem Likewise where our Lord was crucified it is written Hic Deus Rex noster ante saecula operatus est salutem in medio terrae that is This God our King before Worlds hath wrought health in the midst of the Church Vpon this Rock also where the Cross was fixed is written within the Rock Quod vides est fundamenta totius mundi hujus fidei that is That theu séest is the ground of all the World and of this Faith Ye shall understand also that when our Lord died he was two and thirty years old and thrée Months yet the prophesie of David saith that he should live forty years when he saith thus Quadraginta annis proximis sui generationi huic that is Forty years was I neighbour to this Generation and thus it should seem that Prophesie is not true but it is For in old time men counted but ten Moneths to a year of which March was the first and D●●●mber the last but Gaius Caesar that was Emperour of Rome added to these two Months more January and February and ordained the year of twelve Months that is thrée hundred sixty five days without Leap-year the proper course of the Sun and therefore after the accounting of ten Moneths to the Year he died in the fortieth year and after our years of twelve Moneths it is thirty two years and thrée Months Also within Mount Calvary at the right side there is an Altar where the Pillar lyeth that our Lord was bound to when he was scourged and thereby are thrée other Pillars that always drop water and some say that those Pillars wéep for our Lords Death And near this Altar in a place forty steps déep was found the very Cross by the knowledge of St. Elene under a Rock where the Iews had hid it And they found thrée Crosses one of our Lord and two of the Théeves These Crosses St. Elene tryed upon a dead Body that did rise as soon as the very Cross of our Lord was laid upon him and thereby is the Vale of the place where the four Nailes of our Lord were hid for he had two in his hands and two in his féet and with one of those Nailes the Emperour of Constantinople did make a Bridle for his Horse to bear him in Fattel by the vertue whereof he overcame his Enemies and won all the Land of Asia Turkey Damasse the more and the less Sury Hierusalem Arabia Persia and Mesopotamia the Kingdoms of Asape Egypt the high and 〈◊〉 with many other Kingdoms even almost all unto Indie the less that then were Christened and there were at that
little Pillar to the which our Lord was bound and scourged and there was Annas House that was Bishop of the Iews at that time and in that same place denyed S. Peter our Lord thrice before the Cock crew and there is a part of the Table at which Christ eat his last Supper with his Disciples and yet there is the Vessel with Water out of which the Disciples féet were washed and near by also is Saint Stephens Grave and there is the Altar where our Lord heard the Angel sing and there appeared Christ first to his Disciples after his Resurrection when the Gates were shut and said Pax vobis that is Peace be to you and upon that Mount appeared Christ to Saint Thomas and had him féel his wounds and that was eight daies after his Resurrection and then he believed perfectly and said Dominus meus Deus meus My Lord and my God In that same Chappel behind the high Altar were all the Apostles on Whitsunday when the Holy Ghost descended on them in likeness of Fire and there God made peace with his Disciples and there slept S. John the Evengelist on our Lords breast and saw in his sléep many secret things of Heaven Also Mount Sion is within the city and it is a little higher then the other side of the City and that City is stronger on the one side then on the other for in the foot of Mount Sion is a fair and strong castle which the Soldan did cause to be made there On Mount Sion was King David buried and Solomon and many other Kings of Hierusalem and there is the place where Saint Peter wept full bitterly when he had denyed our Lord and a stones rast from that is another place where our Lord was judged for at that time was Caiaphas House there and betwéen the Temple of Solomon and Mount Sion is the place where Christ raised the Maiden from death to life Vnder Mount Sion in the Vale of Josaphat is a Well called Natatory Silo there was our Lord washed after he was Baptized And thereby is the Trée on the which Judas hanged himself for despair when he had sold and betrayed Christ. And thereby is the Synagogue where the Bishops of the Iews and Pharisées came to held their Councel and there Judas cast thirty pieces before them and said peccavi tradens sanguinem justum that is I have sinned in betraying the Innecent Blood CHAP. XXVI Of the Field Acheldemack which was bought with the thirty pieces ON the other side of Mount Sion toward the South a stones cast is the Field that they bought with those thirty pieces for the which Christ was sold that men call Acheldemack that is the Field of blood in that Field are many Tombs of Christian men for there be many Pilgrims buried And also in Hierusalem toward the West is a fair Church where the Trée grew of which the Cross was made and thereby is the Church where our Lady met with Elizabeth when they were both with Child and St. John stirred in his Mothers Womb and did Worship to our Lord his Maker and under the Altar of this Church is the place where St. John was born and thereby is the Castle of Emaux CHAP. XXVII Of Mount Joy TWo miles from Hierusalem is Mount Joy this is a fair place and there lyeth Samuel the Prophet in a fair Tomb. It is called Mount Joy for there these that travel first sée Hierusalem And in the middle of the Vale of Josaphat is a little River that is called Torrens Cedron over which lies the Trée for men to pass over of which the Cross was made In this Vale is a Church of our Lady and her Sepulcher and she was thréescore and twelve years of age when she died And there near is the place where our Lord forgave Saint Peter his sins and misdéeds which he had done Near unto that is a Chappel where Judas kissed our Lord that men call Gethsemain when he was taken of the Iews and there left Christ his Disciples before his Passion when he went to pray and said Pater si fieri potest transeat à me calix ista that is Father if it may be done let this Cup pass from me And thereby is a Garden where our Lord sweat both blood and water and there is the Tomb of King Josaphat of whom the Vale had the Name and on the side of that Vale is the Mount Olivet and it is called so for there grow many Olive Trées and it is higher then Hierusalem and therefore from that Hill men may sée into the Stréets of Hierusalem and betwéen the Hill and the City is nothing but the Vale of Josaphat and that is not very large and upon that Hill stood our Lord when he ascended into Heaven and yet séemeth there the step of his left foot in the stone and there is an Abbey of black Cannons that was great sometimes but now there is but a Church and a little thence eightéen paces is a Chappel and there is the stone on the which our Lord God sate when he preached and said thus Beati pauperes spiritus quoniam ipsorum est regnum coelorum that is Blessed be they that are poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven And there he taught his Disciples their Pater-noster There also is a Church of that blessed woman Mary Egyptian and there is she buried And upon the other side toward the East thrée bow-shoots from thence standeth Bethphage where our Lord Iesus Christ sent Peter and James for to fetch the Ass on Palm-sunday CHAP. XXVIII Of the Castle of Bethania THere toward the East is a castle that men call Bethania and there dwelt Simon the Leper that harboured our Lord and them that were baptized of his Disciples and he was called Julian and was made Bishop and that is he that men call on for good Habour In that same place our Lord forgave Mary Magdalen her sins and there she washed his féet with tears and wiped them with her hair and there was Lazarus raised after he had béen four days dead CHAP. XXIX Of Jericho and other things AT the returning to Mount Olivet is the place where our Lord wept upon Hierusalem and thereby our Lady appeared to S. Thomas after her Assumption and gave him her Girdle and thereby is a stone on which our Lord sate often and Preached And there is mount Galile where the Apostles were gathered when Mary Magdalen told them of Christs rising Betwéen Mount Olivet and Mount Galile is a Church where the Angel told our Lady when she should die And from Bethany to Jericho is five miles Jericho was sometime a little city but it is wasted and now it is but a little Town that Town took Joshua through the Miracle of God and bidding of the Angel and destroyed it and cursed those that should build it again Of that city was Rahab that common woman that received the Messengers of