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A51388 The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. 1. who and what art thou? 2. where hast thous been? 3. where art thou now going? 4. whither art thou going? : together with three select prayers for private families / by Sir Samuel Morland. Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. 1695 (1695) Wing M2785; ESTC R26850 73,650 220

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Childhood and Youth and yet as they grew up to a riper and more mature Age by reason of such cruel Usage became melancholy and mopish and at last meer Sots Dullards and Dunces Now if Masters and Mistresses are charged with so great Cruelty for abusing the Children of Strangers What can be said in the behalf of some Fathers and Mothers who as barbarously beat and bruise the heads of those very Children who came out of their own Loins even in their tender years never considering how softly our blessed Saviour laid his tender hands upon young Childrens heads when he took them up into his Arms and blessed them There is yet a Generation of Vipers I mean some particular Nurses who are so barbarous as to give dangerous Blows in their Fury and rage to poor young Infants in their Cradles and in their own Laps insomuch that those innocent Babes dread as much the fierce Looks of those Furies as Men usually dread the sight of Lions or Tigers Not to mention some other Behaviour of some of those Nurses after they have taken upon them so great a Charge that many times proves the loss of those poor Infants Lives for all which they must undoubtedly one day Answer it being a kind of Man-slaughter and so near a-kin to Murder Servants are to be obedient to their Masters according to the Flesh in singleness of heart as unto Christ Not with Eye-service as Men pleasers but as the Servants of Christ doing the Will of God from the heart with good will doing service as to the Lord and not to Men 6 Ephes 5 6 c. Masters are to be just and kind to their Servants forbearing threatning as knowing that their Master also is in Heaven 6. Ephes 9. And for that reason they ought not to be as Lions in their Houses nor Frantick among their Servants as the Son of Sirach wisely advises 4 Ecclesiasticus 30. Joshua 's Declaration before all the Tribes of Israel at Shechem is an excellent President for all Parents and Masters of Families and plainly admonishes and points out to them their Duties viz. Choose you this day whom you will serve whether the Gods which your Fathers served that were on the other side of the Flood or the Gods of the Amorites in whose Land ye dwell but as for me and my House we will serve the the Lord 24 Joh. 15. All Subjects are commanded in the Holy Scriptures both to pray for and to yield due obedience to Kings and all Supreme Governours as to God's Vice-Gerents Forasmuch as by Him King's Reign and there is no Power but of God and therefore whoever resisteth the Power resisteth the Ordinance of God 13 Rom. 1 2. On the other side Kings and Queens Soveraign Princes and Princesses who receive their Crowns and Scepters from the Hands of the great King of Kings are to be considered as Nursing-Fathers and Nursing-Mothers to all their Subjects but more particularly to his own Church where ever it is planted or established within their respective Realms and Dominions according to those Royal Presidents of David Hezekiah Josiah and several others recorded in the Holy Scriptures It is both the Honour and Duty of Senators Counsellors and Ministers who are in effect Pilots of those great Ships called Empires Kingdoms and Common-wealths with their utmost Skill Wisdom and Diligence to discharge the great Trusts that are reposed in them by their Soveraign Lords and Masters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to keep the Helm of the Government steddy to have a watchful Eye upon their Compass and never to give Directions for either Larboard Port or Starboard with an intention to steer a wrong Course to gratify their ambitious Desires or for any other sinister or Self-ends Bishops have their respective Diocesses and inferior Pastors and Ministers their particular Congregations and ought to act as good Shepherds watching over and feeding the Flocks of Christ committed to their charge Judges and Magistrates are commanded by God to hear the Cause of the Widow and Fatherless and to be no respectors of Persons Lawyers both Civilians and others for the very same reason are obliged to plead with zeal and diligence for the Oppressed against the Oppressors and not to spin or wire-draw just and righteous Causes while a Man might make several Voyages to and from the East or West-Indies nor to suffer their Atto●neys Proctors or Sollicitors to cut large Thongs out of their Clients Hides The proceedings of Physicians with their sick Patients forasmuch as the best of their Skill lies in a very narrow Compass by reason of the great variety of Constitutions and the daily Mutations which happen in the same Human Bodies ought to be with great caution and very conscientious never throwing away Men's lives to make Experiments or feeding them with vain hopes when they plainly see them drawing near to their last Agonies or for greedy Lucre to play with little Distempers till they turn to remediless Diseases There is likewise a Conscience to be used by Apothecaries in preparing and administring their Doses and Potions the particulars whereof I leave to their own private reflections Chyrurgions ought to be very cautious how they dally with slight Sores till they become incurable Wounds God alone knows what some Shop-keepers have to answer for making false Protestations to put off their Wares to unskilful Buyers or Customers Merchants and Trades-men of all Professions are required and commanded by God himself to be just and upright in all their Dealings and not to defraud or go beyond their Brethren in Sales or Bargains or in any wise to break their Covenants for Gain and Advantage for which they will do well to read what the aforesaid Son of Sirach observes A Merchant shall hardly keep himself from doing Wrong and an Huckster shall not be freed from Sin 25 Ecclesiasticus 29. The Rich and Mighty are not to oppress the Poor and Needy or to make use of their Labours Skill or particular Talents without giving them sufficient Recompences and Rewards as the custom of some is feeding them with fair Promises and flattering Speeches till they have obtained their own Ends and Purposes and then taking no more notice of them then if they had never known them which Behaviour of theirs together with a friendly Caution to such poor Men is not unaptly expressed in the following Verses When Great Men cajole thee mark well their design True Friendship 's a Goddess that few Men adore It 's something they want from thee or from thine Which when they have got they know thee no more By the foregoing Passages we are taught and instructed in the Holy Scriptures what God requires either to be done or not to be done on our parts in pursuance of his second Covenant made with us and how we are to demean our selves while we remain in these fleshy Tabernacles To encourage us to the performance of which with all Integrity and Faithfulness we have in the first place
Repentance with a stedfast and firm Resolution to reform and amend our Lives Bless us in our going out and our coming in when we are upon the Way when we lay us down and when we rise up When we are in our private Closets lend an Ear to our Prayers and answer the Desires of our Souls When we are employed about our Lawful Callings give success to our honest Labours and Endeavours When we are conversing with others let us behave our selves with all humility and meekness in all our Words and Actions esteeming others better than our selves and doing to others what we would be willing they should do unto us Being patient gentle and easy to be entreated slow to wrath and ready to forgive all those who have trespassed against us until seventy seven times Loving our Enemies doing good and shewing kindness as we have opportunities to those who hate persecute and despitefully use us Living in humble Obedience to and heartily praying for Him who hath the supreme Power over us together with all those who are related to Him or who are in Authority under Him Being no Busy-bodies in other Men's Matters no Whisperers Tale-bearers Slanderers or Back-biters No Deceivers or Covenant-breakers but sincere and upright in all our Dealings and Transactions No lovers of Earthly Treasure no Worshippers of Gold or Silver or greedy of filthy Lucre. With all chearfulness and alacrity dealing our Bread to the Hungry giving Drink to the Thirsty Clothing the Naked visiting the Sick relieving Prisoners redeeming Captives helping the Fatherless and Widows comforting and assisting the Desolate and Oppressed and never shutting up the Bowels of our Compassion from any who want our Help or Assistance And forasmuch as we are here but Strangers and Pilgrims let thy good Spirit guide and conduct us in our Way to our long Homes through the vast and wide Wilderness of this sinful World where there are so many Turnings and Windings Cross-ways and By-paths Thorns and Briars Pits and Precipices Traps and Snares laid for us by the Devil and his Emissaries to entice us to Sin and Wickedness and then to plunge us into endless Woe and Miseries Where there is no true content or Satisfaction to be found and where the most refined of Human Pleasures and Delights are allayed with the mixture of Cares and Troubles Fears and Jealousies Sicknesses and Diseases Crosses and Disappointments where Love and Kindness is often repaid with Hatred and Malice and the most bountiful Actions with ungrateful Returns Where the Poor are oppressed by Men of Power and innocent Lambs made a prey to ravenous Wolves where our Eyes are too often entertained with doleful Spectacles and our Ears filled with Sighs and Groans and bitter Lamentations And therefore Gracious FATHER be thou pleased to give us such a measure of Faith Hope and Patience as may bear us up in all the Changes and Chances of this Mortal Life and enable us in whatever State or Condition we are therewith to be content as well to be abased as to be exalted to want as to abound to have nothing as to possess all things And though the Fig-tree should be withered and no Fruit be found on the Vine the labour of the Olive fail and the Field yield no increase though there should be no Sheep in the Fold or Herd in the Stall no Cattel in the pasture or Stores in the Garner no Water in the Bottle or Oil in the Cruce yet still to trust in that GOD who feeds the Ravens and the young Lions when they call upon him who can make Rivers to flow out of hard Rocks and furnish a Table in the Wilderness With whom the very Hairs of our heads are all numbred and in whom none ever trusted and were confounded That so having finished our Course and run our Race and lived the Life of the Righteous our last END may be like unto his And whenever these Houses of Clay shall be dissolved our Souls may be safely conveyed by some blessed Guardian Angels to the place appointed for the Spirits of GOD's Elect there to wait with patience for a joyful Re-union with their respective Bodies at the Resurrection and second coming of CHRIST in Glory with all his holy Angels in whose Name and Words we farther desire to call upon Thee Saying Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy NAME thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this Day our daily Bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that Trespass against us and lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen AN EVENING-PRAYER FOR Every Day in the Week MOST Glorious LORD GOD and merciful Father in Christ Jesus who inhabitest the highest Heavens and yet art pleased to dwell in the lowest Hearts and hast graciously promised That where-ever Two or Three are gathered together in thy Name and Fear Thou wilt be there in the midst of them Look down in mercy upon us who are now before Thee and dare not give sleep to our Eyes or slumber to our Eye-lids till we have renewed our Covenant with the GOD and FATHER of Mercies and have humbly offered unto Him our Selves our Souls and Bodies as a reasonable service Be therefore pleased O Lord to forgive all the Sins of our past Lives particularly the Omissions and Commissions of this Day for which alone shouldst Thou enter into Judgment with us Thou mightst justly condemn us to the lowest Hell and give ns our portion with Hypocrites in utter Darkness Blessed LORD we desire from the bottom of our Hearts to be sensible of our manifold Frailties and Infirmities and of that Law in our Members that is always Warring against the Law of our Minds so that whenever we would do Good Evil is present with us and intermingles with our very Prayers and disturbs our most religious Duties and Performances And therefore it is that utterly renouncing our own Righteousness as Dung ●nd Dross we fly to Him who is our Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous to wash away our Sins with his own precious Blood and to present us unto Thee our GOD pure and spotless And for his sake we humbly beseech Thee O LORD to lighten our Darkness and by thy great mercy to defend us from all perils and dangers this Night giving us a moderate and refreshing Rest free from frightful Dreams and sinful Imaginations which are the evil Effects of our corrupt Natures When we awake let our Souls be filled with heavenly Thoughts and pious Meditations always remembring That we are in the presence of a God who knows our down-sitting and our up-rising who understands our Thoughts a farr off and is acquainted with all our ways If we should be so vain and foolish to believe that the Darkness would cover us the Night shall be light about us the Darkness hideth not from Thee but
the Night shineth as the Day The Darkness and the Night are both alike to Thee And forasmuch as the closing of our Eyes to Rest so nearly resembles Death and our Beds are but models of our Graves out of which we must one Day be called by the sound of the last Trump to Arise and come to Judgment Let this and every Evening and every Morning of our Lives put us in mind of our dying Hours And let no worldly Affairs hinder us from being always in a readiness for our last and final Conflict with the Prince and Powers of Darkness who knowing their time is but short will be sure to make their fiercest Assaults upon Departing-Souls when they find them struggling with Bodily pains and sharp Diseases and drawing nigh to their last Agonies And sometimes to terrify them with frightful Dreams and Visions to make them if possible utterly to despair of God's Mercies and to let go their hold and quit their Hopes of Eternal Life and Happiness Make us therefore sensible how highly it concerns us while we have Health of Body and soundness of Mind to arm our selves like good Souldiers with Christian Courage and Resolution for those Death-bed Combats and critical Hours Minutes and Moments of our Lives And because we are to wrestle with invisible Enemies of mighty Power and wonderful Knowledge great Subtilty and long Experience who know too well our Tempers Inclinations and Infirmities and where and how to set upon us with the greatest Advantage Be pleased to send thy blessed Angels and Ministring-Spirits to comfort and assist us in all those siery Tryals and Temptations That so Death which is to so many others the King of Terrors may be to us a kind Friend and a welcome Guest and we may with all cheerfulness quit these Houses of Clay and fleshy Tabernacles and exchange the Troubles and Sorrows of a painful Pilgrimage in a Valley of Tears for the Joys of Heaven and Everlasting Happiness with blessed Saints and Angels in the highest Heavens All which with whatever else Thou knowest to be needful either for us or for any of ours or for any of Thine we humbly beg in the Name and for the sake of the blessed Jesus who in compassion to our Infirmities has taught us thus to pray Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy NAME thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this Day our daily Bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that Trespass against us and lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen A MORNING-PRAYER FOR Sundays Fasts and Festivals LET us now fall down and kneel before the Lord our Maker Most Holy Blessed Glorious and incomprehensible Triniry Father Son and Holy Ghost Three Persons and One God Almighty Maker of all Things and Judge of all Men Have mercy upon us miserable Sinners who are by Nature Children of Disobedience and by our actual Sins every Day and Hour of our Lives liable to Divine Wrath and Vengeance Remember not O Lord the many Follies and Vanities of our Child-hood and Youth nor the innumerable Transgressions of our riper Years and how we have always erred and strayed from the Ways of Truth and Righteousness and trod in forbidden Paths through the several Stages of our Lives leaving undone those things which thou hast absolutely commanded and doing those things which thou hast exprelly forbidden and many times drawing upon our selves the guilt of other Men's Sins by our Encouragement Connivance or ill Examples breaking the solemn Vows and Promises either made for us by others in Baptism or by our selves in Times of Danger or Sickness unthankful for Mercies and incorrigible under Judgments rejecting the Motiors of thy blessed Spirit and following the Devices Desires and vain Imaginations of our own Hearts and so running the hazard of losing our precious and immortal Souls for the enjoyment of a few sinful and short-liv'd Pleasures Blessed LORD we cannot but confess and acknowledge with shame and confusion of face that it is a wonder of thy patience and forbearance that we are yet alive and that thou hast not cut us of in the midst of our Sins and Doom'd us to dwell with everlasting Burnings among damned Souls and Spirits But this is our hope and humble confidence that we have to do with the God and Father of Mercies who takes no delight in the death of Sinners but is slow to Anger and ready to forgive all those who sincerely repent and truely believe in our blessed Lord and Saviour CHRIST JESUS for whose coming into the world to save lost Sinners and to open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers with Angels and Arch-Angels and all the Company of Heaven we laud and magnify thy great and holy NAME as we likewise do for thy other Mercies and Favours daily and hourly bestowed upon us We bless and praise Thee for giving us a Being in the World for that admirable Frame and Structure of our Bodies while we lay inclosed in our Mother's Wombs for breathing into us the Breath of Life and enduing us with reasonable Souls after thine own Image and Likeness for being Born where the Gospel of thy SON is openly preached and professed and not among Heathens Turks or Infidels For the unparallel'd Pattern of all Goodness in the Life of the holy JESUS and for the pious Examples of the blessed Patriarchs Prophets Apost●●s and Martyrs who are gone before us and with their own Blood have traced out for us the true Way to Life and Happiness beseeching thee that we following their good Examples may with them be made partakers of Everlasting Life in the World to come We thank Thee LORD of Heaven and Earth for the wonderful Works of the Creation of which we all enjoy our shares and proportions for the Sun that shines by Day and for the Moon and Stars That rule by Night and by their regular Motions and sweet Influences serve for Signs and Seasons Days and Years for the Clouds that give Rain and drop Fatness upon our Fields and Pastures and for the Springs that go up by the Mountains and run down among the Vallies for reserving to us the appointed Times of Harvest and giving us the kindly Fruits of the Earth in their due and proper Seasons for our Food and Raiment and all the good things of this Life and our manifold preservations from sundry D●●●● and Dangers ever since we hung upon our Mother's Breasts for protecting us this last Night from many calamitous Accidents which in a Night might have befallen us and bringing us safely to the light of another Day and so giving us a longer time and space for Repentance and Amendment of our Lives most humbly beseeching Thee to continue these thy Mercies and Favours to us and to keep us the remainder of this Day and of our Lives from