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A42017 Sermons of Christ, his last discovery of himself of [brace] the spirit and bride, the waters of life, and, his free invitation of sinners of come and drink of them : from Revel. 22. 16,17 / by William Greenhill ... Greenhill, William, 1591-1671. 1656 (1656) Wing G1858; ESTC R40034 141,801 259

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Saul was given in wrath and rejected of God and therefore it is not called the Kingdom of Saul and the reckoning is not from Saul but it is called the Kingdom of David and the reckoning is from David so that he was a most eminent and a known person in Israel of great repute in Israel 2 Chron. 13.5 Ought yee not to know That the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom over Israel to David our Father for ever even to him and to his Sons by a Covenant of Salt God gave the Kingdom to David and David was the most eminent King and the Founder of the Kingdom of Israel therefore here David is rather mentioned he is the Off-spring of David the Founder of the Kingdom of Israel 2 David was the most lively Type of Jesus Christ of any in the whole Scripture and therefore he is named the Off-spring of David rather than any others David was beloved of God so his name signifies and David you know slew the Bear and the Lion and reserved the Sheep and the Lamb from them David killed Goliah and freed the whole Army of Israel from him David was a gre●t Warrier a great Conqueror and got famous Victories David brought back the Ark of God David was a man indured great afflictions after he was annoynted King for many years together before hee came to the Throne and to the Kingdom David likewise was a Prophet and Psal 22. is a Psalm wherein David is set out fully to be a type of Christ all along that Psalm So Christ he was the beloved of God and Christ he delivered the Lambs from the Bear and the Lion Christ he slew Goliah he led Captivity captive the Lord Christ obtained great Victories over the World Sin and Sathan and all our Spiritual enemies the Lord Christ brought back the Ark the truths of God that were in darkness and hid he brought immortality and Life to light again The Lord indured here in this World a great deal of misery before hee came to glory and therefore he is said to be the Off-spring of David rather than any other 3 But lastly For answer to this The Prophecy was that Messiah should be the Son of David God had promised David That out of his loyns Christ should come 2 Sam. 7.15 But my mercy shall not depart away from him as I took it from Saul whom I put away before thee And thine House and thy Kingdom shall be established for ever before thee thy Throne shall be established for ever Mark God promises him a Throne that should be established for ever he must have a seed then and that God swears unto him concerning it Psal 89.35 36. Once have I sworn by my holiness That I will not lie unto David his seed shall indure for ever and his Throne as the Sun before me This is spoken of Christ the Seed and the Scripture saith That of the seed of David Messiah should come Now though the promise were made to Abraham that Christ should come of his seed and he is said to be the Son of Abraham yet David is put first because the Promise was later made to David than to Abraham therefore the eyes of the Jews were upon that promise rather than any other Hence you find that it was ordinary and common in their mouths To look at Christ the Son of David Matth. 15.22 A woman of Canaan came out of the same coast and cryed unto him saying have mercy upon me O Lord thou Son of David and Matth. 20.30 And behold two blind men sitting by the way side when they heard that Jesus passed by cryed out saying have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David And chap. 21.9 And the multitude that went before and that followed after cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David even all sorts looked at Messiah to be the Son of David and the Off-spring of David Hence is it that rather David is named here than others Object But if Christ be the Son of David It may be said by way of Objection from that in Isa 53.8 And who shall declare his Generation If Christ be the Son of David every one may declare his Generation therefore how do these two Scriptures then correspond Who shall declare his generation saith Isaiah Now Matthew and John tell his Generation that he is the Son of David and the Off-spring of David Answ For answer First of all know That some Expositors and not without cause do refer this in Isaiah to Christs divine Nature and generation of God and who can declare his Ganeration that is who can declare how the Father begot the Son how Christ from all eternity should be a Son let that man arise and set his gifts and graces a work to the uttermost as he can and shew the Generation of Christ his eternal generation it is beyond the comprehension of men or Angels therefore I say some Expositors refer it to that and so who can tell his Geneneration 2 It may be referred to Christs days and years that he was for to live and continue after his Incarnation for he speaks in this Chapter of Christ as man and suffering and saith he here in the verse Who shall declare his Generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living Who shall declare his Generation That is the continuance of his days and time for they thought that when he was cut off there had been an end of his daies but there was not an end of Christs days for though his humane nature were laid in the grave yet there was a root under that the Divine Nature and he was raised again and Christ he lives for ever Heb. 7. and Rev. 1.18 I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Who shall declare his Generation Who shall declare the days and years that Christ now shall live he lives for ever he lives for evermore who shall declare his Generation Or Thirdly And that which I conceive to be more full yet Who shall declare his Generation that is The off-spring that shall come of him for we say this is the Generation of such a man these are his posterity Who shall declare his Generation that is Who shall declare his seed his children those that shall be his for the Lord Christ he hath a seed Heb. 2.13 Behold I and the children which thou hast given me Christ had children he had an Off spring Isa 9.6 he is called the Everlasting Father because he hath children children in all ages and in all Generations and Christs Generation did exceed declaring who shall declare his Generation Act. 21.20 Thou seest brother how many thousands of Jews there are which beleeve How many ten thousands as the word signifies in the original many millions and Rev. 7. There was sealed out of every Tribe twelve thousand an hundred forty and four thousand And in vers 9. After this I beheld and loe a great multitude
in your desires a beleeving Soul sees what an honourable Person Christ is Carnal eyes do not see but Spiritual eyes do see this Off-spring of David they see what a Plant he is what a Branch he is And it should make men and women desirous to come in to Christ and close with Christ Women desire honourable Matches and rich Matches and shall not our Souls now close with Christ who is the best Match the Off-spring of David the Heir of the World the Heir of Heaven O therefore let your desires be towards Christ and close with the Lord Jesus and honour him in your thoughts and exalt him in your hearts and lift him up higher and higher every day for there is none like unto him 4 Lastly This may serve to let us see what service and subjection is due unto Jesus Christ hee is the Off-spring of David hee is the Root of David he is God and he is true Man and he is of the most eminent of men in the World therefore all service and subjection is due unto him Psal 2. Kiss the Son lest he b●e angry and yee perish from the mid way O kiss him and subject unto him kiss him and serve him kiss him and obey him manifest your respects unto him every way the meaning here is Kiss the Son and serve him serve him with your Souls with your Bodies he hath the right of Redemption O therefore serve him The next Conclusion to be drawn from these words is this If Christ bee the Root and Off-spring of David then whatsoever the Scripture faith upon this account and consideration must be made good and there are two Scriptures worthy your serious and best consideration The first is in Jer. 23.5 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute Justice and Judgement in the earth Hear what the Scripture saith of the Off-spring of David he shall be a King and shall prosper and he shall execute Justice and Judgement in the earth The other Scripture is in Luk. 1.29 He shall be Great and shall be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David Whether ever Christ yet had these Scriptures made good unto him is worth your serious consideration was Christ ever yet set upon the Throne of David according to these words When Christ was here it was in a state of Humiliation he came not to be ministred unto but to minister unto others and he did wash his Disciples feet he was in a state of humiliation doth it not remain then that these Scriptures should be made good It is true Christ hath a Throne in Heaven but that is not Davids Throne that is the Throne of God but he shall sit upon his Father Davids Throne And surely there is something in that Rev. 19.11 And I saw heaven opened and behold a white Horse and he that sate upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make Warre his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many Crowns and hee had a name written that no man knew but himself and he was cloathed in a vesture dipt in bloud and his name was called the Word of God who was this but Christ And the Armies which were in Heaven followed him upon white Horses cloathed in fine Linnen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp Sword that with it he should smite the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of Iron and he treadeth the Wine-press of the fiercèness and wrath of Almighty God c. Whether this bee yet fulfilled take into your serious consideration and this conclusion that Christ the Off-spring of David must reign and sit upon the Throne or David serves for two speciall things First For preparation Secondly For expectation First for Preparation That people should prepare and sit themselves against the coming of Christ so Revel 19.7 Let us be glad and rejoyce and give honour to him for the Marriage of the Lamb is come and his Wife hath made her self ready This was in Vision now it must be made good in reality let every Soul prepare and make themselves ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus you know a Bride doth trim and deck up her self and put on her ornaments and make her self as lovely and amiable as possibly the can so should every Soul purge away sin and deck up themselves with the Graces of Gods Spirit and walk righteously and holily and unblamably and so make themselves ready for Christ The Second is for Expectation saith Christ I am the Root and the Off-spring of David and what follows in the next words And the Spirit and the Bride saith come and let him that heareth say come c. presently ther● is an expectation raised Christ speaks these words to raise the expectations of all that should live after this Book to expect his coming I am the root of Jesse the root of David and the Off-spring of David I have upheld David and he hath had a Kingdom and I am his Son and I must come and I must sit upon his Throne and I must reign The next Conclusion is this That the knowledge of Christ under these Notions or expressions here is of great concernment This is the last Declaration that ever the Lord Jesus made of himself here in the world and what saith he I am the root and the off-spring of David and so leaves it unto the World to consider of This is of great concernment to consider Christ under these Notions now to make it out in two or three particulars 1 Here is held out unto us the two Natures of Christ his God-head his Divine Nature and his Human Nature the Divine Nature I am the root of David his Human nature The off-spring of David and withall a great Mystery for mark I am the root of David and the Off-spring of David and David lyes between both So here Christs Human nature in the Off-spring the Divine nature in the root and Christ Mediator lyes between both for there must be a concurrence of Divine and Human nature to impersonate Christ to be a Mediator which here is held out unto the World in the last Declaration of the Lord Jesus Christ I am God and I uphold you I uphold David and his Kingdom and I am the Off-spring of David I am sensible of any thing is done to my Church and People and I am Mediator and will mediate with my Father for vengeance on those shal wrong them and for assistance of all those he hath given unto me 2 Herein many Scriptures are fulfilled I am the root and Off-spring of David and so wee may see the truth reality and certainty of Scripture Joh. 4.7 Hath not the Scripture said that Christ cometh of the Seed of David and out of the town of
15. he is said to be a quickning Spirit he hath life in him and quickens others Joh. 14.6 he is The life he is life emphatically above all others he is a Root he hath life principally and eminently in him 3 The Root you know bears up the tree the branches and the fruit of the tree the Root bears up all Thou bearest not the root but the root bears thee Rom. 11. So it is the Lord Jesus Christ this Root that bears up all Christ bears up the world Christ bears up the Church Christ bears up heaven he bears up all Heb. 1.3 Vpholding all things by the word of his power The Lord Jesus is the Root I say that bears and upholds all the whole Creation Sion it self and Heaven it self are upheld by this Root the Lord Jesus Christ but especially the Church here in this world especially Sion and the members of Sion beleeving souls Joh. 15. I am the Vine that is I am the Root of the Vine the Church is the Vine and Christ is its Root and he bears up the whole Vine and all the branches and all the clusters upon the Vine hee bears them up he is the Root of the Vine so that Christ is a Root that bears up all he did bear up David his family David and his Kingdome he bears up Sion and all the children of Sion 4 Lastly the Root doth convey life and sap and nourishment unto the whole body to all the branches so it is the Lord Jesus Christ that doth convey sap and life and nourishment unto all his body every branch in the Vine receives the vertue from the root of the Vine and all have life from Christ I am come that ye may have life Joh. 10. all life is from Christ and all light is from Christ He is the morning star which we may speak of afterwards and all nourishment is from Christ he is said to be the Head of the Church and the Head of the Church is the Root of the Church in the Scripture sense And from the Head is all influence of light and of direction and counsel and motion and comfort all is from the Head all is from this Root From Christ is conveyed all Without me yee can do nothing unless yee be in me and have vertue from me and derive all from me you can do nothing Thus you see that Christ is a Root the Root of David But there are some disparities What disparities there are between Christ and a Root or things wherein Christis not like a Root First A Root take it in the litteral sense the roots of trees and plants they are of a dying nature decaying nature and wil grow rotten and consume Job 14.8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth and the stock thereof dye in the ground the root of a tree waxes old and will dye and perish and come to nothing but Christ is not like a root in that sense For Christ he lives for ever Heb. 7. This Root never dyes never decayes Christ the same yesterday the same to day the same to morrow and the same for ever The Root of Sion for ever and the Root of David for ever Secondly A root doth bear but one tree suffices one or two or three bodies at most the root of a Corn it may be will suffice for two or three or half a dosen stalks it cannot suffice for all But Christ is a Root that suffices for all for all Sion for the whole world for the Church for Heaven Hee is the Root of David the Root of Jesse the Root of Abraham of Isaac Hee is the Root of all the Prophets and Apostles of all beleevers of all that have spiritual life in them he is the Root of them all so that this Root is of another nature than those roots Thirdly Other roots are subject to the wills and humors and pleasures of men they can dig up the roots of things they can burn the roots and abuse the roots but Christ is not subject to the wills and humors of any to be spoyled to bee consumed The Scribes and Pharisees thought to root out this Root when they put him to death but when he was in the grave he saw no corruption he laid down his life and none took it from him without his leave And he rose again Rom. 1.4 and mightily declared himself to be the Son of God by the Spirit of holiness he declared himself to be a Root that man hath not power over So then you see for the opening of this word Root these things do clear it Object But here is an Objection You say Christ is the Root of David and the Root of all Why had not Christ himself a Root and was not he from a Root and how can he be the Root of all Isa 11.1 And there shall come forth a Rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shal grow out of his Roots This is meant of Christ that Christ should come out of Jesse and Jesse should be the Root of Christ and in the 10. v. it is said In that day there shall be a Root of Jesse which shall stand for an Ensign of the people The same is said to be the Root of Jesse which is said to be the stem or branch of Jesse How will these things accord Ans As I answered before Jesse is the Root of Christ according to his humane nature and Christ is the Root of Jesse according to his Divine nature or if you will Christ as Mediator was the Root of Jesse and of all the godly The words being opened I shall give you this Observation I am the Root of David Observ That the Lord Christ is the Root of Nature the Root of Grace and the Root of Glory How will that appear why he was the Root of David as a man the Root of David as a Saint and the Root of David as glorified David was now in heaven Hee was the root of David as a man Psal Christ th● root of Nature 119.73 Thy hands have made me and fashioned me O Lord saith David I did not make my self and my Parents did not make me But thy hands have made me and fashioned me Thy hand hath made me such a creature thy hand did curiously work me when I was in my mothers womb that framed me and moulded me that ordered all my bones and sinews and joynts and parts and faculties and the like Thy hand hath made me the work of nature was from him He was the Root of Nature And so likewise He was the Root of Grace Christ the root of Grace and Glory and the Root of Glory saith David Psal 110. The Lord said unto my Lord Why was Christ Davids Lord because he had given him Grace and made him his servant Why his Lord because he would give him Glory The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand Christ was Davids Lord because he
of his Son the Lord Jesus Christ and this is the Commandement of the Son that we should beleive in him When the Father commanded his Son to goe to the Vineyard and digg there the Father was very willing the child should goe and doe it And so when God the Father and Christ the Son commands us to beleive they are very willing wee should When Princes send out their Commands to the people to doe such and such things they are very desirous they should be done So when God gives out his Commands in the Gospel and Christ commands in the Gospel to come come saith Christ Let him that is athirst come I command you to beleive It 's an argument there is a strong will in him for it Sixthly Doth not Christ sweetly invite you use sweete Invitations and allurements to draw sinners to him can there be more sweete Invitations then what you have from Christ upon this account in the 11th of Math 28. Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavie laden and I will give you rest oh you poore sinners of the world you poore sinners of the earth you that travell under the burden of your sins you that are heavie laden you that are ready to sinke into hell through feare of wrath come unto me come unto me he doth not say why have you broken Moses Law why have you offended my Father why have you liv'd so basely and vilely no come unto me you that are weary and heavie laden you that are ready to sinke and perish and are hungry and thirsty and know not which way to turne your selves now for releife come unto me So in the 55 of Isaiah see what a blessed Invitation there is Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come ye buy and eate come buy wine and milke without money and without price Wherefore doe you lay out your money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which satisfieth not hearken diligently unto me and eate ye that which is good and let your soule delight it selfe in fatness Is not here a sweete a gracious a blessed Invitation now to poore sinners unto such as we are here this day The Lord Christ is a speaking unto you this day Ho every one every one that thirsteth young or old rich or poore learned or unlearned of whatsoever condition you be are you athirst would you have mercy peace grace the Spirit of Christ would you have any thing to doe your soules good come come unto me Come unto the waters I but I have no money It matters not come without money come here 's wine here 's milke and here 's bread and marrow and fattness here 's that will make your soules live here 's virtue in Christ to make your soules live for ever So in the 23 Pro 26. My son give me thy heart ô my son saith God give me thy heart Christ is the Everlasting Father and he saith my son give me thy heart come to me One place more in the 3d Revelation is worth your observing Behold I stand at the doore and knock if any man heare my voyce and open the doore I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with mee Behold I stand at the doore and knock I came downe from heaven into mine Ordinances I knock at the doore of your hearts and consciences if any man will open now if any man would have water of life from me if any man would have bread of life from me if any man would have communion with me let him but open and receive me in and I will sup with him and he with mee what sweete Invitations have wee from Christ how forward how ready is the Lord Jesus to doe poore sinners good Seventhly This appeares in that the Lord Christ hath Instituted and appointed his Officers his Messengers his Ministers and sent them to wooe intreate beseech and to draw men in unto him The Lord hath set up in the Church Officers purposely to make known his forwardness and readiness to receive sinners and to goe forth in his Name and to get them to come in to Christ 'T is our worke to beseech you Brethren to intreate you to hearken to the Lord Christ to come in to him to come and tast of his dainties to receive righteousnesse grace strength salvation to receive pardon this is our worke to get men in to Christ to fetch you in to the Fould In the 14 of Luke 16. A certaine man made a great Supper and bad many and sent his servants at Supper time to say unto them that were bidden Come for all things are now ready Christ is the great Man and hee makes a Supper in the time of the Gospel and he sends out his servants he sends out the Ministers to Invite and call men saying Supper is ready and all things are ready Christ hath satisfied Divine Justice Christ hath laid downe his life and shed his blood he is risen from the dead he hath overcome the world overcome the Devill hath opened heaven all things are ready for you to feede upon ô come But they all made excuse Then the Master of the house being angery said to his servants goe out quickly into the streets and lanes of the Citie and bring in hither the poore and the maimed the halt and the blinde and the servants said Lord it is done as thou hast commanded and yet there is roome and the Lord said unto the servants goe out into the high wayes and hedges and compell them to come in that my house may be filled Goe ye saith he my Apostles my Disciples my Ministers my Servants goe fetch in men and women from high wayes and hedges from lanes and streets from all parts ô bring them in to the Gospel bring them into my house bring them into the kingdome of heaven tell them of the dainties there tell them of their danger abroad This is the great worke now of the Ministry which is a cleere demonstration that the Lord Christ would have sinners saved he would have his house filled he stands not upon what they be let them be blinde maimed naked poore wounded bring them in saith Christ let them tast of the dainties of the Gospel let them heare of mercy through me of pardon and forgiveness through me So in the 9 Pro Wisdome hath builded her house she hath hewn her out seven pillars she hath killed her beasts she hath mingled her wine she hath also furnished her table she hath sent forth her maidens she cryeth upon the highest places of the Citie who so is simple let him come in hither as for him that lacketh understanding she saith to him come eate of my bread and drinke of the wine that I have mingled For sake the foolish and live and goe in the way of understanding This is spoken of Christ and the times of the Gospel and the Ministers
it is all from the root of the tree so the differences that are amongst men it is from the root Christ he gives unto one man great parts to another man lesser parts he gives unto one man a strong judgement a strong memory admirable Elocution to another man he gives not the same the difference is in Christ he is the root of Nature and communicates what he please So likewise the talents of Grace he gives to one man one talent to another man two talents to another man five talents the Lord is the root and he makes one higher than another some men have choyse Gifts and Graces some one man hath more than ten other men have it may be another man is beneath him in a degree or two some are beneath a great deal in Grace some are Babes some Children some Young-men some old Disciples So in Glory the twelve Apostles shall sit upon twelve Thrones in glory some are like the Sun some like the Moon some like the Stars where is the difference the difference lies in the root he communicates what he pleases both in Naturals in Spirituals and in Glory 3 If Christ be the root then let us not bee high-minded let none be lifted up with whatsoever injoyments they have whatsoever gifts you have whatsoever Graces you have what Glory soever you look for bee not lifted up and the reason is plain here and so Rom. 11.18 Boast not against the Branches Why another man is a Branch as well as thou art take man as man he is a Branch in the Tree of Nature and wilt thou boast thy self against him boast not of thy wit or beauty or strength or any Natural abilities thou hast for thou bearest not the root but the root thee So boast not of Spirituals that you have so much faith so much knowledge so much patience humility and love do not boast of these things Christ is the root and the root bears thee So do not boast of what places you shall have in Heaven the Sons of Zebedee they would bee at the right hand and at the left hand of Christ when they came into his Kingdom they would have such and such places but know the root bears thee be therefore humble and lowly what thou hast thou hast received why art thou lifted up then as if thou hadst not received it the root the Lord Christ will call you to an account one day of what you have received and how you have imployed the same therefore remember thou hast all from the root and nothing of thine own 4 If Christ be the Root that bears up all bee the root of Nature Grace and Glory then let us fear to offend and provoke him if a mans life habitation and maintenance depended upon some one man would he not take heed how he provoked that man doth not your All depend upon this root Christ your Nature depends upon him in him you live and move and have your beings your habitations and maintenance depends upon him So for your Spiritual life and Spiritual good doth it not depend upon this Root Is not hee the Root of Life of all Spiritual life and comfort and blessings Is not hee the root from whom you receive all Grace all truth and all comforts and good Do you not look through him to have your glory why will you offend him now and sin against him O what a root is this that bears up all Nature that bears up all Grace and all Glory and bears up all the Spiritual good of men and women the root that bears up Heaven and Glory and all take heed I say of trampling upon this root of wronging Christ of slighting Christ of grieving Christ of displeasing him any way if he with-draw influences of nature dye you must presently if he with-draw influences of Grace in darkness you must sit presently if he should with-draw Glory from you where would you bee but without doors 5 Again If Christ bee the root of Nature Grace and Glory then let us make it our business to serve and honour him is it not the duty of a Childe coming from the loyns of his Parents to serve them and honour them so it is the duty of every man seeing Christ is the root of every man it is the duty of every man to serve the Lord serve him with thine Eyes serve him with thy Tongue serve him with thy Hand serve him with thy Foot serve him with thy Understanding serve him with thy Will serve him with thine Affections serve him with the whole Man for thou hast all from him as a man let all then return to him Waters that come from the Sea run back again to the Sea and seeing wee all come from Christ who is God and the root of Nature let us then work in order and serve him But much more you that are Spiritual hath Christ given you life Spiritual life quickned you when you were dead in sins and trepspasses Is Christ the root of all your Spiritual good and welfare will you not serve Christ what will you be for the World for Hell and for Sin now why Christ is your root are you then his Vine and will not live to Christ certainly we should serve Christ and honour Christ upon this account and we would do it if we did well consider why I have my life of Faith and of Grace and of comfort and I hope for Glory hereafter from Christ and shall I not serve the Lord Jesus Christ I look for glory therefore I will purifie my self as he is pure Christ in you the hope of Glory is he your root and have you hope of Glory then purisie your selves as he is pure yea serve Christ with pure hearts and pure affections and pure conversations live to the Lord Jesus he is the root of Nature the root of Spiritual life and the root of Glory 6 Again if Christ be the root of all then here you may know what your conditions are what state you are in tell me what root you are rooted upon what root do you grow on do you grow upon the old Adam still or are you rooted upon Christ If old Adam be your root as hee is the root of Man-kind of corrupt man if you grow upon that root you are no more than when you came into the World your fruit is sour your Grapes are wild Crapes your Natures are corrupt you are enemies to God you are upon the root of bitterness a root of death Nay let me say Are you upon Christ now as he is God only for Christ is the root of Nature as he is God if you be rooted upon Christ as hee is God only as he hath made you if you be no more than this you have marred your selves since he made you therefore make inquiry whether you be rooted upon Christ as Mediator as the root of David as God-man whether you have interest in Christ upon that account and if it be your
fruit is good fruit fruit becoming the Gospel fruit worthy of Grace and worthy of a man that is called justified and sanctified other fruit you bare now you bear such fruit as Christ did those that are translated and cut off from the old Adam and ingrafted into Christ they bear other fruit than before therefore inquire what root you are upon whether you are rooted into Christ yea or no that will yeeld a great deal of comfort unto you if it be so 7 Further If Christ be the Root of Nature the Root of Grace and the Root of Glory and of all then this is great comfort unto every true Christian why he is planted in Christ and hee shall never dry nor wither away in the 1 Psal he speaks there of a Tree planted by the water side that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither why he that is a true Christian that is intrinsically ingrafted into Christ he is in such a root that hath life water of life and vertue and is communicating continually unto the branches I am come in the tenth of John that you may have life and that yee may have it more abundantly If thou be truly in Christ thou shalt have life and have it more abundantly thou art in a River of Water thou art in a root that hath abundance of all Spiritual good and Spiritual Blessings for you therefore look to it that you be in Christ and then you shall have vertue in him your root shall never wither it shall never decay 8 If Christ bee the Root of all then bee exhorted every one to get interest in this Root get interest in him and then your natures will be sanctified get interest in him and then you will have of all the fulness of Christ and you shall have of all his glory Men and Women they labour to be rooted in the World to be rooted in Sin O how are men rooted in sin rooted in wicked practices how are they rooted in worldly things and so intangled and fixt that there is no getting of them off or out from the World what saith the Apostle 2 Colos 7. saith he rooted and built up in Christ O be rooted saith hee but where in Christ it is good to be rooted in Christ O labour to be rooted in him rooted in the love of Christ in the power of Christ in the Merits of Christ in the Intercession of Christ O labour to be rooted in these and then you will grow And the way to bee rooted in these is double there are but two things that I shall name and they are principall things The First is by Faith and the Second by Love Get faith in Christ that unites you to him and the more faith the more rooted in him and get further and further into Christ labour for faith and that will fix you settle and establish you in Christ it is our want of faith that makes us so off and on with God and with Christ and such poor Creatures as we are well labour for faith and that is a drawing Vertue a drawing Grace it will draw from Christ whatsoever is to bee had in him And then love the Lord Jesus where there is love how doth it root a man in the heart of a man or woman so if you love the Lord Jesus more you will be rooted more in him that is the way to be rooted in Christ get faith and get love 9 Lastly If Christ be the root of Reason the root of Grace and Glory the root of all then let us give the glory and praise of all to Jesus Christ and attribute nothing to our selves or others We are wonderful apt when wee see a Tree full of fruit to attribute it to the Tree O it is a very good Tree you look not to the root you attribute nothing to that whereas it is the root you should attribute it to so now we attribute this to our selves our own endeavours labours improvements and diligence but wee look not at the Root we look not at Christ who is the Root of Nature wee look not at Christ who is the Root of Grace we look not at Christ who is the Root of Glory and therefore see the reason why we are so little in thankfulness because wee have so little faith But if we had more faith now to see the root we should be more thankful the root is a hidden thing Christ is in Heaven and Christs Divine Nature was hidden and because we see not Christ as God see not Christ as Mediator look not at Christ as all in all therefore we give not that glory to him but wee look at second Causes Meanes Ordinances Magistrates Parents Friends and the like and so God and Christ lose their Glory and their Honour but if you would look at the root and say O this comes from Christ this comes from God this comes from the Mediator from his Grace yea all comes from him O then your hearts would be carried out to speak of and to glorifie his name Well look at Christ for you have nothing but from him therefore not to me nor to others but unto thee alone O Lord be all the glory Christs Royal Descent REV. 22.16 And the Off spring of David I Now proceed to the next words The Off-spring of David The word for Off-spring is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and it signifies that from whence another thing comes or proceeds Phil. 3.8 Circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel or of the off-spring of Israel Paul saith he was of the Israelites he proceeded and came from them hee was of that Race of that Generation and in Isa 44. vers 3. I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and stouds upon dry ground I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine off-spring upon those that are of thy Loynes and that descend from thee that is the meaning of the word Off-spring your Children are your Off-spring so that the meaning here is That the Lord Jesus Christ is of the Race of David In the Scriptures he is said to be the Seed of the Woman Gen. 3. he is said to be the son of Abraham Mar. 1. and the Off-spring of David here he is of the Race of Man-kinde of the Race of David In Matth. 1.1 The Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ the Son of David and Christ is very frequently in the Gospel called The Son of David Matth. 9.37 Thou Son of David have mercy on us Now to open the words yet a little further a Question may here be Q. Why is Christ said to be the Off-spring of David rather than of any other when as in Matth. 1. he is the Off-spring of all there mentioned Ans There be several Grounds or Reasons for it 1 David was he that founded the Kingdom of Israel there began the foundation of the Kingdom of Israel Saul was the first King but
coming do you purge out your Corruptions Do you mortifie your Lusts Do you renounce the World and the vanities thereof Do you trim and deck your selves with all Graces if you do it is an argument you desire Christ and your desires are right 3 Lastly Those that desire the coming of Christ in truth and sincerity they are glad when there are any appearances of the coming of Christ any signes any tokens of the coming of Christ Luke 21.25 And there shall be signs in the Sun and in the Moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the waves roaring mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth and then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a Cloud with power and great glory and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh When there is any appearance of Christs coming the Saints are glad and those are gracious are glad Is Christ a coming now they lift up their heads we shall bee freed from all our enemies without and within Christ shall be compleat now all the wicked Sathan and Antichrist shall bee judged now wee shall have that refreshing that never was before now wee shall enjoy the glorious liberty that we have waited for and lookt for now wee shall bee freed from sin now we shall have have more intimate communion with him now we shall be made like unto him this is that that makes the heart rejoyce at the apprehension of his coming therefore examine your selves whether you have such desires of his coming as here the Bride had 5 The last use of the point is this An exhortation to us to desire the coming of Christ and to say with the Bride here Come Lord come the Spirit saith come the Bride saith come either we are not indued with the Spirit of God or we are not the Bride of Christ if we will not say Come Besides these consider 1 It is an argument of love to Christ to desire his coming 2 Tim. 4.8 To all them that love his appearing If we do not desire his coming it argues little love to Christ A woman that doth not desire the coming of her Husband hath little love to her Husband 2 It will be a Marriage day to the Soul the day of his coming Revel 19.7 9. and Christ will rejoyce over his then as a man doth over his Bride Isa 62.5 therefore seeing the Spirit of God desires it and the Bride desires it let us also desire Christs coming manifest our love to Christ and long for the marriage day Quest But may some say What shall we do to have such desires begotten in us Ans 1. Consider your own sinfulness What we should do to have desires after Christs coming begotten in us are we not all Sinners full of sin and corruption Paul in Rom. 7. when he considered the Sin that was in him how carnal he was how he was carried away Captive how the sin in his members did warre against the Law of his minde what a wretched creature he was he longed for Christ Who shall deliver me I thank God through Jesus Christ well Christ is a coming ere long he will be here and then I shall be delivered 2 Consider the evils and confusions that are in fellow servants the Devil deceives the Nations Antichrist tyrannizeth great ones oppress one another much of Babylon is yet in S●on all her foundations and state foundations are out of course and what should the righteous and all do but long for the coming of Christ to set all in order the serious consideration hereof would quicken our desires that way 3 Consider the great good you shall have by Christs coming it will be a time of refreshing it will be a time of liberty a time of glory a time of making you like unto Jesus Christ it will be a time of the greatest good to the Church that ever was 4 Read this Book much of the Revelations that will beget such desires in you then Antichrist shall go down then the enemies of the Lord Christ shall be under then shall it bee well with them that fear the Lord. I shall now come to the next words And let him that heareth say Come Of Christ his coming REV. 22.17 And let him that heareth say Come SEeing the Spirit saith Come and the Bride saith Come let him that hears what the Bride saith and hears what the Spirit saith let him be of the same minde and fall in with the Bride and the Spirit and say Come The words in the Greek are The hearing man let the hearing man say come some refer this to the succeeding Ages after the Church that now was the Posterity that should be after that time let all the Ages and all the Saints that shall be hereafter let them be of the same minde with the Bride and the Spirit and say Come come Lord Jesus come quickly But more properly it takes in all Let him that heareth Let the hearing man let any man that hath an ear to hear these things let him say Come let all sorts of men that read this Book and hear the voyce of the Spirit and of the Bride say Come come Lord. Quest But a Question here may be moved upon what account is it the duty of a wicked man to desire the coming of Christ or whether may awicked man desire the coming of Christ Ans Though a wicked man can never cordially desire the coming of Christ yet it is the duty of every wicked man of all men in the world and upon this account 1 As they are the Creatures of God all men are Gods Creatures and being Gods Creatures it is their duty to desire Gods Will being revealed for to be fulfilled therefore all wicked men taking notice that this is Gods Will revealed that Christ must come it is their duty to desire the fulfilling of Gods Will and not their own will Hence is it that they pray often Thy Kingdom come thy will be done though they know not what they pray 2 As they are the Servants of God and have talents committed unto them every one that is the servant of another and hath something committed to his trust it is his duty to desire the coming of his Lord and Master the coming of him to whom he must give his account there is not a man in this World but hath some talent or other given unto him some interpret that place in John He is the Light of every man that cometh into the world to be meant of that understanding and reason every man hath every one therefore having his understanding and reason from Christ should desire his coming 3 It is the duty of all men to desire that God should be glorified now God will bee glorified therein and upon that account it is their duty to desire
backbite others Christ is none of thine the Scripture is clear none such shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven therefore consider there is eternal woe for all those that dye in their Natural condition that have not this thirst in them after the Lord Christ and his Righteousness O therefore give no rest to God nor no rest to thy Soul until thou finde that thou art delivered 2 To you that are godly Direction to those that thirst after Christ and have some thirst in your Souls after Christ many times you grow luke-warm flat dead and secure you had need be quickned and to have your thirst stirred up in you and for that consider 1 Your own infirmities have you no infirmities is there no deadness dulness laziness how do you perform the Worship of God and the duties thereof Are you not more Carnal than Spiritual Do not your hearts wander Are you not sleepy are not you formal Do not you neglect many times your duty do not you come short surely these and many other things you know by your selves And whence came all these from the body of Sin from the Old man that is in you Paul he was sensible of this Rom. 7. he found a Law in his members warring against the Law of his minde he found he was Carnal sold under sin he found he was unspiritual and he is troubled at this and his thirst was increased what saith hee O wretched man who shall deliver me his thirst now is great Who shall deliver me I thank God through Jesus Christ I thirst after Christ and the coming of Christ to deliver me so that the serious consideration of your own infirmities and corruptions and the hinderances and cloggs and lets you have from them in your way of Christianity should cause your thirst to bee greater and greater daily 2 Consider what work you have to do and what little strength you have to do it Christians have a great deal of work to do here in the World they should pray continually they should stand and with-stand the Tempter and all his Temptations overcome the World work the Works of God they should side with Christ and his interest and help on the Gospel and the power of godliness they have their Lusts to mortifie and great things to do Now how will you do these saith Christ Without me you can do nothing will not you thirst after Christ now and strength from him and assurance from him and new influences from him and more of his Spirit daily Many do act in their own strength and therefore so little good comes thereof We pray by our own Natural abilities and Natural parts and through Power and Gifts acquired and therefore I say so little good comes of all but had wee Divine strength to pray and to do all we do did we go out in his Name and in his strength and work the Works of God who could stand before us then 3 Consider the great good that is to be had by Christ have you not wants why there is infinite good to be had by Christ In him is all fulness with him is plentious Redemption hee hath unsearchable riches of Grace he hath the residue of the Spirit he hath whatsoever may make our lives comfortable whatsoever may make our lives happy Christ hath all in his own hands and therefore you should hunger and thirst after Christ more and more 4 Consider what is promised unto you by Christ the Promise is That there shall be times of refreshing when Christ comes Acts 3.19 then the times of restitution of all things shall be there are times for these things And so when the Lamb shall be the Light then the Lamb shall lead you to the Fountain of living Waters then you shall hunger and thirst no more then all tears shall be wiped from your eyes Why do not you thirst after these things and after the Lord Jesus Christ and his coming The Spirit saith Come and the Bride saith come And what are your Souls asleep Should not we say Come Lord come quickly The times in which wee live are sad times but the coming of the Lord would change all and rectifie all and satisfie all therefore consider of these things and your thirst after Christ will be increased 5 Lastly If you that thirst would have your thirst more lively and inlarged remember what sweetness you have found in Christ at some time or other when men remember they have drunk admirable Wine the very remembrance of it makes them to thirst after that Wine the more the Wine that Christ made at the Marriage Feast and brought forth the people were so affected with it that they called the Governour and askt him why he kept the good Wine till then they were taken with the Wine so when Christians do remember what ravishments they have had from Christ sometimes what hits of joy what sound peace what sweet communion with the Father through him what out-lettings of his Spirit This will inlarge their hearts and their desires some Christians have had large experiences this way they have had flaggons of Wine to drink and apples of comfort to feed upon and the more they do remember these the larger will bee their thirstings after Christ Christ's willingness to save sinners Reve 22.17 Let him that is athirst come LEt him that is athirst come come Christ doth not say here Let him that is athirst seek out and yet that had been humanity and courtesie Christ doth not say Let him that is athirst goe to Jordan Christ doth not send them to Moses nor to any of the brooks or Cisterns but Christ saith Let him that is athirst come and whither should he come or to what should he come The meaning is let him come to me Let him come to me for drinke for satisfaction let him that is athirst come here 's exceeding kindness choice love peculiar mercy let him that is athirst come Come unto me as it 's said in the 7th of John and Drinke I have drinke for him water of life for him as it 's in the next words And whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely To open this word unto you what 's meant by come 't is not meant come bodily so you all know what coming is when the body removes out of one place and goes to another But it is meant spiritually 't is not the feete of the body but the feete of the soule are required and by coming in Scripture is meant beleiving unbeleife is departing from God Heb 9.12 Take heed Brethren least there be in any of you an evill heart of unbeleife in departing from the living God An heart of unbeleife is a heart departs from God and goes away from God So in the 10th Chap The Just shall live by Faith but if any man draw backe my soule shall have no pleasure in him An unbeleiving heart is a heart draws back and departs from God Now to
unto me heare and your soules shall live and I will make an everlaesting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David Is not here Incouragement enough now to come to Christ Incline your eare and come unto me and your soules shall live you shall have everlasting mercies and everlasting comforts Joh 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Here 's life and death set before you Come thou poore sinner and beleive in the Lord Jesus close with him here 's life for thee everlasting life for thee Refuse to doe it there 's everlasting death for thee thou shalt perish how peremptory is the Lord here In the 16 Mark 15 16. Goe ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature he that beleiveth and is baptized shall be saved but he that beleiveth not shall be damned how round is the Gospel he that beleiveth he that comes to Christ that 's the meaning he that beleiveth shall be saved saved from all his sinne saved from the power of death saved from the wrath of God saved from hell-fire saved from the guilt of his owne Conscience he that beleiveth shall be saved over and over and over he that beleiveth not shall be damned how doth he press men now to come to him If there be any weight in heaven or hell it 's laid all upon this your coming to Christ or refusing Christ if you come to Christ all heaven is yours all the glory all the joy all the comfort all the blessings all the happiness there is yours If you will not come to Christ all the terrors of hell are yours all the darkness all the mournings all the howlings all the gnashings of teeth all the misery there will be yours Therefore see how willing the Lord Jesus is that sinners should come and that they should be saved Christ's willingness to save sinners Reve 22.17 Let him that is athirst come 12ly ANother evidence of Christs willingness to save sinners that will come unto him is The Lord doth venture and hazard the loosing many by making knowne his free Grace and willingness to save sinners for when sinners doe heare that Christ is willing to save them and very desirous also many they abuse his free grace this rich mercy this willingness of Christ to doe their soules good If Christ be so willing say they wee will stay a while it will suffice hereafter In the 4th of Jude it 's said They turne Grace into wantonness and thousands of scorners turne Grace into wantonness when they heare Christ dyed and shed his blood for sinners that he is willing sinners should come in that he waites for them that he intreats and presses them to come to him they take advantage from hence to sin more freely to stay it out to the uttermost And thus the Lord runs a hazard of loosing many by making knowne the riches of his Grace the freedome of his mercy and loving kindness which shews there a very strong desire in Christ to save sinners Thirteenthly It is evident that Christ is very desirous of sinners salvation in that he takes sinners when they are at the worst of all at the height of wickedness If a Prince will take into his family those that are sick of the plague of the Leprosie and of the worst diseases 't is an argument he hath a minde to have them live in his family and that he is desirous of their company the Lord Jesus Christ he takes sinners when they are at the very worst Saul he was at the height of his blasphemy at the height of murder at the height of persecution and Christ saith Saul Saul why persecutest thou me thy blasphemies rage and persecutions are come up to heaven and Paul saith in the 1 Tim 1. he was a persecutor a blasphemer and an injurious person but I obtained mercy even when I was so great and notorious a sinner Christ came and tooke him in it 's an argument then that Christ is very desirous of the salvation of sinners that he will take sinners when they are in the height of their wickedness When the Prodigall had run out from his fathers house and had spent yeares in wicked practises in whoredome drunkenness gameing and running in the wayes of the world when he had spent all and spent himselfe now when he was in this height of wickedness it pleases God and Christ to call him to bring him home and to receive him againe had not Christ been desirous of the salvation of sinners he might have shut the doore against the Prodigall and said you shall never come in adores againe had not the Father been desrous for the Sons sake to have sav●d sinners he would not have entertain'd the Prodigall there is not a velleitie but a strong efficacious desire in God and Christ to save sinners The Jewes when they were at the worst when they had put that innocent one to death when they had said His blood be upon us and upon our Children when they had mockt him reviled him and accused him even after all this Christ takes in many of them three thousand of them converted at one Sermon by Peter Him whom ye have Crucifyed with bloody hands hath God raised here is a cleere evidence of the earnest desire of the Lord Jesus to save sinners he takes them when they are at the worst when they have done the uttermost mischeife spite they can against him and against his wayes Fourteenthly It 's an argument that the Lord Jesus is very desirous to save sinners If you confider that the Lord takes sinners at the last cast at the end of their dayes when they have no time left to serve him he t●kes them at the very first intreaty and begging of mercy The Theefe you know that had liv●d wickedly all his dayes when he came to the last cast and was upon the Laddar or nail'd to the Crosse and ready to breath out his last breath saith he Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome Christ might have said Remember thee why should I remember thee thou hast bin a bloody wretch a Theefe and a murderer all thy dayes and thou deservest nothing now but death and damnation and why should I remember thee No the Lord Christ saith not so but he saith This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise now when there was no time left for him to honour Christ and to serve Christ he onely now intreats this favour of him being on the Crosse saith Ch●ist This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise And doubtless though we have but this one Instance and so men should not presume to put off Repentance till it be too late yet I doe beleive many a soule hath met with mercy when they have been at the gates of death I say many a poore soule that hath been burdened with sin asslicted in
hath not a Will to a thing and he will not take it so present Christ the Spirit of God life eternall Heaven and Glory the great and pretious promises pardon of sin or what you vvill if a man have not a vvill he vvill not take it so that vvillingness is required to the taking If a man have not a mouth it is in vaine to offer him meate If men have not a will they vvill not receive Math 23.37 Acts 13.46 Therefore God requires vvillingnesse that men may receive the vvaters of life Secondly This willingnesse is requir'd that so men may not complaine for if men should be brought to drinke waters of life by a compulsory Act they vvill complaine of vvhat follows Therefore saith Christ in the 16 Math 24. If any man will come after me let him deny himselfe and take up his crosse and follow me If any man will come if a man have a will saith Christ to follow me let him he vvill meete with hard things and if he be not willing he vvill complaine that I should cause him to follow me Men must deny themselves and take up crosses and indure persecutions and temptations and if they did not come willingly to Gods way they would complaine of it Now God to prevent Complaining of his wayes he requires that men be willing Thirdly This is that so the Communion between Christ and the soule may be the sweeter vvhere there is vvillingnesse on both sides there vvill be the sweetest life If the parties doe not consent on both sides you will say it vvill be an Ill match But if there be a willingnesse and a freenesse on both sides there the Communion will be the sweeter So Christ saith I freely give and I would have them freely receive and so there will be a sweete Communion between Christ and the soule I am my beloveds saith the soule and my beloved is mine There was mutuall Consent and Agreement between them Lastly This willingnesse is required that so the wisdome of God in the Governing of his Church and of the world might not be Questioned for should God force men to his service they would say where 's the goodnesse of God where 's the wisdome of God here 's Tyranny here●s forcing of men into the service of the Lord. Now God will have none to be his servants but those that come freely Psal 110. In the day of thy power thy people shall be willing And when he speakes Compell them to come in It is not by Clubs Law but by strong Arguments tell them what the water of life is tell them what Supper is prepared tell them of the excellency of the provision that so that may compell them no other compulsion doth God use but the Grace of the Spirit and divine Arguments sett on upon the heart But this may seeme contrary to Joh 6.44 saith Christ No man comes to me except the Father draw him It should seeme then that it is not voluntary and free I answer God doth not force a mans will but God doth sweetly and lovingly take away the unwillingnesse of his will the corruption of his will Ezek 11.19 I will give them one heart and I will put a new Spirit within you and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will give them an heart of flesh I will take away the stoninesse the hardnesse that corruption that enmity and opposition I will take away all these out of them and put a new heart and a new Spirit into them So in the 36 of Ezek 26. A new heart also will I give you and a new Spirit will I put within you I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh and I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and ye shall keepe my Judgements and doe them He will cause them to walke in his statutes vvhat will hee thrust them on against their wills no see vvhat the Church saith Cant 1.4 Draw me ô Lord we will run after thee When God comes to draw the soule runs willingly and freely So that you see a willingnesse is required The Water of Life Reve 22.17 Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely TO proceed to the Uses of the poynt and so to finish the Text. Vse First If those that are willing shall have the waters of life then here it serves for Conviction and doth convince us that all who thinke and say they have drunke of these waters of life yet have not Every one thinks that he hath Grace and hath the Spirit hath Christ God and that he shall be sav'd but here is cleere conviction to the contrary for have you had this willingnesse in you that is required have men seene such excellency in these vvaters as to prize them above all have you so prized them as to choose them above all things in the world have you so chosen them as to pursue the getting of them to the uttermost of your power few have done so In the 7 of Math 21 22 c. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven Many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out Devills and in thy name done many wonderfull works And then I will professe unto them I never knew you depart foom me ye that worke Iniquitie These men did not see so much worth in the waters of life as they did in Iniquitie they did not prize Christs Grace his Spirit the Gospel and the promises thereof so much as workes of Iniquitie they would drinke puddle water poysonous water they would not let goe their Iniquitie for Christ yet these thought themselves Christians thought themselves safe happie and blessed creatures The five foolish virgins in the 25 of Math they had gotten lamps but they had gotten no Oyle in their lamps they had none of this water of life they had no Grace they had no Christ they had none of the Spirit they had none of the truths of God in their hearts they thought that to professe Christ and professe the Gospel was sufficient they had lamps but where was the oyle where was the water of life where was Grace they had none of it So in the 2 of Tim 3.5 Having a forme of Godlinesse but denying the power They had a forme they came to the Assemblies as you doe and sat there heard the word professe Christ seemed to be Christians and it may be did something in their families but they denied the power they never had this willingnesse to see the excellency of the power of Godlinesse never did they choose the power of Godlinesse never did they pursue after the power of Godlinesse And many in these dayes they live in base and sinfull
of the preceding SERMONS A ABilities naturall see Man Assurance is not of the nature of faith 146 B Beleiving what 146 147 Branch who meant by it 29 Bride see Church Brother who is a brother 57. C Christ wherein he resembles a roote and wherein not 2 3 4 5. He is the roote of nature grace and glory 6 7.11 He was true man and why 25 26. He is honourably descended 29. How to come to esteeme him 32. His coming what it calls for 35. Christs coming is desired 63. Christ is desirable 75 His coming is to be made knowne 85. Why so often mentioned in Scripture 87. It s to be hearkened unto 91. Of what concernment his coming is 92 93 94. Great good to be had by Christ 142 Christians have much to doe in this world 141 Coming see Christ what it is 145. How we may know whither we be come to Christ 173 174 175. And what is to be had by coming to Christ 180 Motives to come to him 179 c. Church wherein likend to a Bride 62. Triumphant and militant desire Christs coming 65 66 D David the most lively type of Christ 20 21. The founder of the kingdome of Israel 20. His seed numerous 38 Desire what kinde of desire the Church hath for Christ his coming 67. Why the Church desires Christs coming 70. what comfort desire of it yeilds 76 77. How to know whither we desire Christs coming 78 79 Doctrine of Christ the nature of it 42 43 Drawing of the Father what 147 E Eternitie 139 Expectation of Christ to come and sit upon the throne of David 34 35 F Faith how strengthened 32 Free what taking water of life freely imports 133 G God is pure 132. just ibid powerfull ibid justifiable in the destruction of sinners 225 Gospel the nature of it 42 43 Grace inlargeth the desires 125 H Hearkening to Christs coming 91. Of what concernment it is 92 Heart the opening of it 212 I Incarnation of Christ what the end of it was 231 232 Infirmities what use to make of them 140 141 Invitations not in vaine though man have no power in him 148 Christ doth sweetly invite sinners 233 L Law it s comprehensive terrible 134 135 Life water of life upon what account it s so cald 190. Mans life short 138 M Mariners by what starr they should sayle 53 Man his naturall abilities what they may doe 215 Mysterie in Christ a Mediator 36 O Offence take at Christs meanness how helped 31 Offspring Christ is the offspring of David rather than of others 20 Opening of the heart what 212 P Plant the plant of renowne 30 Power none in man to come to Christ 147 Why waters of life are freely offred 217 Prepare for the day of Christ 35.59 for his coming 89. what it is 89 90 Promises the nature of them 234 235 R Refusers of water of life 199. Evill of refusing 201 202 203 204 Righteous their memorie honoured 39 Roote wherein Christ is likend to a roote 2 3 4. How to be rooted in Christ 17 S Saints Christ in neare relation to them 37 They are Starrs but not as Christ is 49 Scriptures fullfilled in Christ 37 Sin the nature and evill of it 136 137 Sinners God is justifiable in their destruction 255. Of Christs willingnes to save sinners see willingness Starres how Christ resembles them 41. c. Whither this Starre be risen in our hearts 55 T Taking waters of life freely what it imports 193 194 Thirst naturall and spirituall 101. Why thirsting is required 102 103 104 105. The properties of spirituall thirst 106 107 108. There be few spirituall thirsters 108 109 110 111. Whence it is there are so few thirster Safter Christ 111 112 113 114. There is a false thirst as well as a true 115 116. How to know the one from the other 116 117 118. The effects and fruits of spirituall thirst 120 121 122 123 124 125 126. Why we should thirst after Christ 129 130 131. Directions how to attaine this thirst 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 How to stirre up and increase this thirst 140 141 142 143. W Waters of life what 188. and why likend to water 188. Why cald water of life 190 Of the excellency and use of it 235 236. To be had upon easie tearmes ibid Wicked whither a wicked man may desire the coming of Christ 84 Willingnesse severall Arguments to shew Christs willingness to save sinners 149 150 to 169. Why he is so willing 169 170. No willingnesse in man 187. How willingness comes ibid The willing shall have waters of life 211. Wherein this willingnesse lyes 213 214. Why required 219. Motives to it 228 229. Meanes to get it 230 231 Wishing and woulding not sufficient 225 FINIS