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A19234 A dyall of dayly contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind instructing vs to liue vnto God, and to dye vnto the vvorld. First colected & published in Latin, at the request of a godly Bishop, and Reuerent Father, Richard, sometime Byshop of Dirham, and Lorde Priuie Seale. Novv nevvly translated into Englishe, by Richard Robinson, citizen of London. Seene, and allowed.; Contemplacyon of synners. Touris, William, attributed name.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1578 (1578) STC 5644; ESTC S119753 81,912 254

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neyther can the delites of the body of the soule abide to dwell togeather HVGO 2. de Anima A Good conscience is the tytle and signe of religion the Temple of Salomon the feelde of blessing the breeder of delites the golden reclaiming meane of a transgressor the ioy of Angels the Court of God the habitackle or dwellyng place of the holy ghost the booke opened and shut which shal be manifested in the day of iudgement CASSIODORVS WHAT is there thought may be obteyned where as a good conscience is lost GREGORIVS THere is no man more corrupt in life then he that seemes to him self to be cleare and sound in lyfe SENECA ad Lucillum LOoke vppon the mind scanne vppon the maners marke and be mindful of thy doinges for euer in them and by or of them shalt thou knowe what thou art CICERO IT is a poynt of foolishnesse properly for a man to prye and looke neare into other mens faultes and to forgeat his owne God graunt al states to keepe with diligence In conscience good the most assured stay Of treasures heauenly highest in excellence VVhich may our mindes chearefull make alway That lyfe from learnyng doo not goe astray Ne yet with shiftes of cloked collusion Our selues and our freendes corrupt we may To turne vnto our owne confusion ZACHE CAP. 13. I Wyll smite the Shepheard and the sheepe of the flocke shal be scattered one from an other the integritie of them that beare rule is the health of the Subiectes ECLESIAST CAP. 8. IT falleth out nowe and then that one man hath power ouer an other to his owne hinderance PROVERBES CAP. 11. THE Citie shall reioyce in the wealth of iust and vpright Rulers and there shal be ioy ouer the destruction of the wicked BERNARDVS MAN is neuer in state of honour without dolour and sorowe in pleasure without payne in aucthoritie without vanitie ESAI CAP. 3. I Wyl geue them children for their princes and such as are of womanish mindes shall beare aucthoritie ouer them and the people shall perishe BERNARDVS ad Impios THY Shepheardes are chaunged into fleesers of their flocke thy Lambes into Woolues thy defenders into dispersers of the flocke and they that should be sober are dayly geuen to drunkennesse they that should be chaste are vicious liuers for godly Prelates thou shalt haue wicked Pilates and they that ought to be god●y inducers and teachers of thee shal be seducers and fetchers of thee from the right way Eche Communalty then standeth in good state VVhen as their princes rulde are by reason But be they vicious and infatuate Then falleth all to foule confusion VVe haue to marke then what abusion Other Realmes doo on them selues ay bring By their misrule way our condicion In happier state God knoweth florishng AVGVSTINVS DAVID the second Kyng of Israel dooth surely shine in mankind as it were a certayne brightnesse that would dazell our eyes In what man at any time were there found togeather these two thinges that is to say so great aucthoritie conceaued with so great humility so great courage so great clemencie so great a care as he conteyned towardes the disposing of his worldly affaires so pure and deuoute contemplacion or meditating of spirituall matters to kill so many men and to shed teares of repentance to fall into so great offences as he dyd and to perfourme so good repentance PSALM 119. I Am delighted in the way of thy testimonies as in al the riches and worldly wealth which I haue Idem DElight thou thy selfe in the Lord and he shall rewarde thee euen to the desyres of thy owne hart Idem WEre it not but that my meditation is in thy lawe I shoulde then perhappes haue perished in my owne humilitie Lorde my hart is not puffed vp neither are my eyes lifted vp neither haue I walked in greate thinges nor in woonderfull thinges aboue my reache Lord remember Dauid and all his mercie August in epist. ad comit charis WIth exhorting thee good brother I beseeche thee that vnto euery seruaunt of thy housholde from the greatest vnto the least thou wouldst be a messenger of loue and sweetenes towardes the obteyning of that heauenly kingdome and denounce vnto them the horror and trembling that is in the infernall pit of hell and that thou be wyse thy selfe for theyr welfare and be as a watche man vnto them because for euery seruaunt which is within thy house thou shalt render an account PSALME 101. DEpart ye wicked from me and I wyll searche foorth the commaundementes of my God. VVho euer yet conioyned in one person So profound meekenes with high excellence Such temporall trouble with harts deuotion So great slaughter so prteous penitence Seuere iustice mixt with compacience As had King Dauid loe appeareth well To God and man his watchfull diligence At this day Princes many doth excell SAPIENCE CAP. 15. FOR the louers of euill men are woorthy of death ECCLESIAST CAP. 7. GOE away from the wicked man and there shall no euill come neare thee 1. CORINTH CAP. 5. I Haue written vnto you that you should not entermingle your selues with fornicators with offenders specially whiche haue committed fornication against god And this dyd I vnto that end that eyther they myght be confounded or amended MATTH CAP. 7. HEarken not you vnto the false prophetes whiche may come vnto you in Sheepes clothing CHRISOST super Matth. IN nature of worldly things saith he thus falleth it out that so ofte as the euyll man is a companion vnto the good man the euill man is not made better by the good man but by the euyll man the good man is made woorse HIERONIMVS THERE is nothing so much hurteth a man as dooth euyll company I thinke it a thing more then possible that that man can any longer continew in dooing well whiche is dayly conuersant with euyll men PSALME 1. BLessed is the man which hath not walked in the counsell of the wicked and hath not stand in the way of the vngodly nor hath not sit in the chayre of pestilence but hath reposed his wyll and desyre in the lawe of the Lorde PSALME 18. WIth the holy thou shalt be holy and with the froward thou shalt learne frowardnesse In two poyntes dependeth principally The key of honest conuersation Into wyse counsayle and good company VVherefore as Princes with due discretion Knowe euery counsellours disposition For better sauety in good gouernment Semblably eche baser state and condicion By company and counsell are ruled verament HESTER CAP. 18. WHiche matter is prooued by auncient histories and by suche persons as they are accomplished dayly how by the euill suggestions of certaine which are in aucthoritie about some princes of the world the trauels and affaires of those Princes are brought to yll passe 2. PARALIPOM CAP. 24. IOAS the King of Iuda dyd that whiche was acceptable in the syght of the Lord so long as Ioiada the high Priest liued but of trueth when Ioiada dyed the P●inces
pouerty and oppression Murmure discord and desolation Confiskes many a Kingdome ane huge Impery From theyr late former good condicion For want of Iustice through iniquity ESAI CAP. 59. THEY haue wrested iudgement backwardes and Iustice hath stoode a farre of because trueth hath fallen downe in the streetes and equitie coulde not enter there and trueth was made a guste of forgotten freendship and the man that departed from dooing euill felt the smart of a prized spoile IEREMI CAP. 21. BEholde I deliuer before you the way of life and the way of death doo your iudgement in due time and bring the oppressed soule out of violence least that my displeasure and wrath doo haply depart from me towardes you as a consuming fyre and so burne you that there ve none to quenche the same by reason of the malice of your inuentions ISIDOR WIcked Iudges euen after the maner of Woolues do rauen and make hauocke of all thinges IEREMI CAP. 51. NAbuchodonozor eateth me vp and greedely dooth as it were deuoure me ECCLESIAST CAP. 20. BRibes and rewardes doo blind the eyes of Iudges and as a gift in the mouth dooth stoppe their reprehencions In England then trueth shewe thy stately style And Iustice thou thy Baner brode display All leagerdy maynes from hence quite exile Graunt God that good meaning mainteined be may All subtyll shiftes to conuince and bewray VVherewith the couetous encombred bee Least that the great flee the small eatyng alway Doo the same deuoure by lawles libertee MICHEA prophet CAP. 3. HEARE this ye Princes and Rulers of the house of Iacob and you Iudges of the house of Israel whiche haue abhorred to doo iustice in iudgement and doo peruert all thinges that are good because you build vp Sion with bloodshed and Hierusalem with iniquitie their Princes shall geue iudgement for rewardes for this cause shall Sion be furrowed vpon euen as a feelde ISIDOR THE simple people are more greeuously torne in peeces of the euyll Iudges then of their most cruell enimies For there is no robber so greedy of other mens goodes as a wicked Iudge is amongst those whom he hath aucthoritie of AVGVSTINVS IN so much as the mischeefe of couetousnesse waxeth nowe so ripe that euen of custome the very lawes are bought and solde iudgementes are corrupted the very sentence it self is set to sale for mony there can be no cause without care and vexation tryed ESAI CAP. 5. WOO be vnto you whiche iustifie the wicked for bribes and rewardes and doo wrest the iust mans cause from him Farre from vs O God expell corrupt iustice VVith couetousnesse and false affection That goodnesse of eache cause may full suffise To try it selfe cleare in the action Of euill buddes let no bitter abusion Make crooked causes cloked to bee In Consistory Court or Ciuill Session But graunt O GOD to trueth the victory ESAI CAP. 49. HEARE me O ye of hard harts which haue sequestred your selues farre from Iustice Expositio Matth. 22. YOV haue forsaken those two most graue respects of the law that is the one iudgement the other mercie PATRONIVS FOR nowe Iustice is made none other thyng but a common marchandize PSALME 2. NOW O ye Kynges be wyse and learned you that iudge the earth ECCLESIASTICVS CAP. 47 IT is the office and duety of kinges to keepe vnder those that are euil and aduance such as are good subiectes 1. MACHABES CAP. 15. ANtiochus saide I wyll be reuenged vppon them whiche haue corrupted the land c. AVGVSTINVS IN this poynt doo Kinges serue God yf in theyr kingdomes they commaund and establishe that whiche is good and forbid that which is euil not in matters only parteyning to humane society but as concernyng deuine religion for neither liue they at ease free from cares of mind and trauels of the body but bestowe their tyme in great disquietnesse and labour vntill such time as they haue accomplished their functions and dueties to all perfections SAPIENCIA 6. THE hardest iudgement shall be ministred vnto them whiche beare aucthoritie ouer others To Kyng without colour that lyst to keepe Iustice The nearest way most honorable and easie Ys corrupt men to suffer in no wyse By false affection or parcialitie To execute the office of Iustice duely And yf in this poynt a Prince be negligent His mind perswaded may be fully He shall incurre Gods dreedfull iudgement ECCLESIASTES CAP. 10. BLessed is that land whose King is of noble race ARISTOTLE primo Politico VErtue and malice doo determine and handle matters betweene bondmen and freemen betweene noble men and those of base degree Idem 5. Politicorum NObilitie and Vertue are in few persons to be found remayning togeathee PSALME 101. MY song shal be of mercy and iudgement to thee oh lord Idem I haue done indifferent iustice and executed iudgement I haue hated the workes of iniquitie c. IOB CAP. 29. I Haue clothed me with Iustice and with my iudgement haue I apparrelled me as it were with a garment and Dyadem of honour I haue been in steade of an eye to the blind man and as a foote to helpe the lame A father haue I also been of the poore and such cause as I was vtterly ignorant in haue I diligently searched for the certeyne trueth thereof I haue destroyed the labours of the vniust man and out of his Iawes haue I taken the spoyle MATTHEA 5. BLessed are they whiche hunger and thyrst after righteousnesse because theirs is the kingdome of Heauen AVCTHOR FOR as from day to day there is a continuall thirst and hunger renewed in our stomackes after meates and drinkes corporall so ought there appeare in vs a freshe and new appetite or affection inseperable after iustice in correcting of offences committed Nowe Princes Lordes and Nobles of renowne VVhom it pleaseth to vse Iustice with mercie Take Iob and Dauid examples to your crowne VVhen to the poore they had a piteous eye And of mighty offenders punisht peruersitee VVhom Gods good grace hath remunerate VVith blessinges moe then may expressed bee In lasting fame ay to be Lawreate SEleucus Prince of Locria on a time being in the cheefe Citie thereof whiche he had established protected with most wholsome and profitable lawes when as his sonne was condemned for adulterie accordyng to the lawes whiche he him selfe had ordeyned that such offender should be depriued of both his eyes and that the whole Citie for the honour of their Countrey did for a certayne space withstand and gaynesay to dispence with necessity of punishment in this respect The father being throughly ouercome with the instant requestes of the people because he would doo some moderation of iustice and borowe the lawe in some part executing it at full in an other first causing one of his owne eyes to be quite pluckt out and then afterwardes one of his sonnes eyes left vnto them both but two eyes to see with So farre dyd he perfourme a due measure of punishment with a
hart and yet most hygh maiestie and oh most highest and last ioy of humane kind oh reproche of men and glory of angels no man more noble and yet none more despised Who coulde refraine from teares to heare such wicked handling RABANVS TO con●inue in sinne dooth increase wickednesse PSALME 41. ONE depth calleth vpon an other GREGORIVS THe sinne that is not extinguished by earnest and true repentance straightway with the efficacie thereof dooth 〈…〉 more sinne MATTH CAP. 2● PEter remembred and thought vppon the woordes of Christe CHRISOSTOMVS NOthing so muche healeth the sore of sinne as when we continually think vppon the Lord in our mindes MATTH CAP. 26. HE went out and wept bitterly c. Freendles among his foes in feoble plight He suffered of them this greeuous tribulation They fyled his face with spitting in despite And blinded his eyes in scornefull derision His pacience yet surpassing all imagination Peter then fledde wherefore thou sinner Cleaue to Christe in fayth by harty reformacion Forsake not thy Sauiour that held thee so inteare PSALME 108. WHAT shall I render agayne vnto the Lord for all that he hath bestowed vppon me PSALME 35. THEY haue rewarded me euyll thinges for good HIERONIMVS IVdas sinned more in that he dispayred then in that he betrayed Christe Couetousnesse is the snare of the deuill by meanes whereof he han●eth vp all couetous persons MATTH CAP. 27. THey brought him foorth with his handes bound behind him and deliuered him vnto Poncius Pilate the cheefe Iudge HIERONIMVS I Haue seene howe paynefull the priestes haue been about mischeefe they haue watched all the nyght long because they woulde spill the blood of the innocent MATTH CAP. 27. WHich of these two wyll you that I let loose vnto you Barabbas or Iesus which is called Christe LVKE CAP. 23. AND all the whole company cryed out togeather Take this man and let Barabbas goe at libertie BERNARDVS OH fury of mad men oh blindnesse of the Iewes what more peeuishly coulde they haue done then to slay him who hath raysed vp the dead from their graues and to let goe a theefe whiche after his libertie might doo more mischeefe BEDA THE Iewes earnest request remayneth vntyll this day a memori●ll when they lost the kyngdome of Heauen because they had leuer haue a sedicious Prince to gouerne them that is to say the Deuil then the Lord GOD. Christe was accused in presence of Pilate The Iewes they cryed him to crucify A theefe was dismissed O change infortunate And the Sonne of God scourged most cruelly Oh Heauenly flowre of our humanity Thy feature faded thy vnspotted flesh wext pale VVhen plonged thou wast in such perplexity Both the Earth and Heauens dyd rent theyr vale PSALME 99. BEcause I am prepared for the scourge ANCELMVS THE most louely young man elegant and gracious of more excellent feature in respect of the sonnes of men was bound to a pi●ler and scourged with the greeuous and sorowfull whippe of most vyle persons That tender fleshe of his most vndefiled and fayrest flowre of all fleshe and of all humane kinde most innocently was greeuously scourged wounded and torne in peeces of them ANCELMVS IT is smal to purpose that the Iewes with their mis●heeuous handes so crucified thee but that thy soule before was replenisht and with gohstly consolations illuminate O elect childe of GOD what hast thou trespassed which deserued such bitternes and confusion Doubtlesse nothing at all I silly soule that I am haue been the cause of all thy affliction and persecution AVGVSTINVS IF he went not from hence without the scourge who came into the world without sinne Howe doo they deserue to be scourged which haue offended euen tyll this day Idem FRom the soule of his foote euen vp to the crowne of his head was there not remaynyng one free spot ▪ APOCAL. CAP. 1. HE washed vs from our sinnes by the sheddyng of his blood MATTH CAP. 27. AND they makyng a crowne of thorne put it vppon his head and gaue him a Reede in his right hand and bowyng theyr knees before him laughed him to scorne saying HAYLE KING OF THE IEVVES As Christe shrincked not his p●tecious blood to shed No part of his body without greeuous plight From the sole of his foote to the crowne of his head Neyther yet refused any scornefull despite Oh man so remember what so euer crosse Or trouble for the tryall of thy true fayth Happen thee of temporall thinges suffering losse In Christes name neuer shunne thou to death BERNARDVS HEare hath our Sauiour powred foorth vpon vs the abundance of all charity and plenitude of all his godlinesse And here agayne hath he powred foorth the heauy indignation of his inspeakeable wrath LVKE CAP. 22. SAyde the Theefe Lord rememmber me when thou shalt come into thy Kingdome Iesus said vnto him Verely I say vnto thee This day shalt thou be with me in paradyse GREGORIVS O What a fayth and what a perfect conuersion or turnyng to the Lorde had this Theefe he had nothing left him at his owne libertie but his hart and his tongue whereby he declared his inward r●pentance and being inspired with this good motion towards God obteyned no doubt all that he found in his owne free desyre remayning BERNARDVS OH most godly Iesus what haue we trespassed vnto thee and thy death and thou hast not mourned for it what haue we ben indebted vnto thee and thou hast not thy selfe paid it Thy loue and our iniquitie hath so made thee lowly and weake for our sakes MATTH CAP. 27. THey ledde him f●orth to crucifie him Idem IF any man wyll come after me let him take vp his crosse and folowe me AVGVSTINVS THE Crosse of the Lorde is not onely meant that which was of wood wherevppon he was crucified but also the Crosse of Christe is called that whiche in all the tyme of our life is made equall with vertues suffering all maner corrections LVKE CAP. 23. FAther forgeue them for they knowe not what they doo BERNARDVS THE Iewes cryed Crucifie him And Christe cryed Forgeue them Lord how great is the multitude of thy sweetenesse Oh Lord howe shalt thou drinke of them in the flood of thy pleasure whiche delight in thee and desyre thee which powrest out so abundantly the oyle of thy mercy to ●utch as hate thee AVGVSTINVS BEhold the abundance of charity and wonderfull pacience in our Sauiour He commaundes vs to pray for our enimies and seeketh no reuenge why then should that little creature the Ante the Moth of the earth and woorme that is to say the hart of man seeke reuengement and deferre of to forgeue Vpon his head they put a crowne of thorne For Dyadem A Crosse he bore of tree As kyng of Iewes they saluted him in scorne And twyxt two Theeues deputed him to dye Thus through his loue and our iniquity He suffered thou sinnedst O man most freeuolous Beare this in mind and degrade not thy degree Though thou be
the heauenly God he is the fire whiche is neuer extinguished neither is he with mans loue consumed nor with wood noryshed BERNARDVS WHat is more horrible to thinke vpon then death what is more feareful ▪ then iudgement what more intollerable then the pai●es of hell fyre what more ioyfull then the glory of Heauen c. VVith this foresayd action I reade right ernestfull Repentantly into thy hart imprint Lhy state with teares bemone as most wofull VVith contrite hart doo now thy sinnes lament And wheretofore euyll custome by consent Of selfewyll dyd cause wickednesse abound Let hencefoorth grace amend thy lyfe present That lyfe to come with ioyes may thee redound ¶ FINIS Of the Contemplacion for SATVRSDAY ¶ THE AVCTORS Commemoration for SONDAY Remember here the ioyes of Heauen The principall blisfull state of seuen The Translators Application Thalmighty woorkeman ended now hi● worke which he dyd frame ▪ Resting from woorke he blest this day and sanctified the same As one that greatly dyd reioyce to see all thinges so well VVith glory infinite he restes where Saintes and Angels dwell This Sabbothes rest to keeps let vs. To enioy Heauens ioyes most precious AVGVSTINVS MAN dooth not comprehend in faith or beleeue what God hath prepared for them that loue him neither is it a thing that can be hoped sufficient nor desired as it ought to be yet may it be obteyned but it can be sufficiently esteemed valued or deemed according to the due value thereof PSALME 132. HOW dearely beloued thy tabernacles of vertues are Oh Lorde my soule hath desiered to knowe within thy Courtes and yet hath it fayled thereof MATTH CAP. 25. ENter tho● into the ioy of thy Lord. AVGVSTINE EVery man is made blessed in the country of the heauenly kingdome as well within doores as without within that is to say in the contemplac●on of the diuinitie of the Creator without to say in the incarnation and beholdyng in Heauen his Sauiour PSALME 84. BLessed are they which dwell in thy house oh Lorde they shall praise thee worlde without end PSALME 49. THere are glorius sayings of thee oh thou Citie of God. Idem O Lorde I haue loued the beautie of thy house and the place of thy habitation THOBIA CAP. 13. BLessed shall I be yf the rest of my seede might hereafter see the bright clearenesse of the Citie Hierusalem The gates of Hierusalem are builded of the Saphir and Smaragd stone and of diuers precious stones yea of precious stones is the compasse of the walles thereof APOCALIPS CAP. 21. THe heauenly Hierusalem hath the walles thereof in measure an hundred and foure and fourty cubites after the measure of man which is of the angel that measured the same hauing twelue foundacions that is to say all beautified with eache kinde of most precious stones And the first fundacion was of Iasper stone the second of Saphire the third of Calcedony the fourth of Emerald the fifth of Sardonix the sixth of Sardius the seuenth of Crysolity the eight of Berill the ninth of Topas the tenth of Crysophrasus the eleuenth of Iacinth and the twelfth and last fundacion of an Amethist Sequitur AND the streetes of the Citie resembled a golden world shining clearly as bright as glasse And the Temple thereof dyd I not see for the Lorde God euen the Almighty he is the Temple thereof and the Lambe And the Citie neyther wanted Sunne nor Moone to geue light therein for the beauty of the liuing God hath illuminated the same and the light thereof is the Lambe And the gates thereof are n●t shutt by day time for there shall no night be seene there And thyther shall they bring glory and honor out of the Nacions There shall nothing that is de●owled enter in therat neither any thing that woorcketh abomination or maketh leasings but such as are written in the booke of the life of the Lambe Augusti ▪ in confessi THere is a ioy that is not geuen vnto the wicked ones but vnto those thankful ones whiche honor thee whose ioy thou thy selfe art Ther is perfection and flowre of al fairenes VVhere simplest stuffe is gold and precious stone There is finall felicitie euermore faultles VVhose pleasures there surpasse all mencion There Christe our king for the saluacion Of those that liue in his feare and him loue Caelestiall ioyes preparde hath many a one For ay to dure in glorious Heauen aboue ESAI CAP. 32. MY people shal rest them in the Tabernacle of faithfulnesse in the beautiful court of peace ESAI CAP. 9. AND there shal be none end of peace August de ciuitate dei OH heauenly house of Hierusalem whiche art ful of light vnto thee breatheth my peregrination that he might possesse me in thee which hath made both thee and me AVGVSTINVS ETernall blessednesse consisteth in two pointes to say in the necessarie absence of all euyl and in the necessarie presence of al good If we aske what good there is at all to be found otherwyse it may not be answered but what so euer good thing may be is there to be found and what so euer euyl there is or may be in any place is not at al to be found there PSALM 84. ONE day in thy Courtes is better then a thousand Idem A Thousand yeeres are in thy sight but as one day GREGORIVS FOR who would loue that which he knoweth not wherevpon the Psalmist admonisheth vs saying Taste and see how sweete the Lord is And yf he manifestly declare his sweetenes yet you knowe him not because you haue not tasted of him AVGVSTINE SVch is the beauty of Iustice so much is the pleasauntnes of eternall light that although we had but one day and no longer limitted vs to tarry there euen for this cause only yf there were none other might in-numerable yeeres of this life be despised which are passed full of delightes in the abundance of temporal wealth and that but of right and with iust cause CHRISOSTOMVS PRosperity the Stepdame of vertues from the fyrst beginning of the world hath been proffering vnto her guestes sweete things to drincke that when men haue been drunke with the dregges of her wine she might entermingle them her deadly poyson therewith VVho would be carefull with deuoute diligence Digestly to thincke on the ioyes celestiall Might well discerne by true intelligence That worldly pleasure is of price but small VVhich as deceitfull would nought esteeme at all VVhen he dooth behold with great security That precious Pallace and place imperiall Ordeyned for Christes elect eternally SAPIENCE CAP 3. VNhappy and voyde is the hope of them their labours are without fruite but glorious is the fruites of the labours of the good men AVGVSTINE WHat madnes of soules is that to lose life and take death to gett wealth and lose heauen CHRISOSTOME IT is better to be compared vnto the brute Cattell then continually to be borne into this world For naturally to be boyde of reason is a thyng intollerable but
be adurned with the Dyadem of eternal glory not in the dounghill of this world but in the Pallace of Heauen in the sight of innumerable Ang●ls and of al the Sainc●es in your stoole of immortalitie and with splendant royal ornamentes to be inuested Vnde Sapi. CAP. 5. LTT them receaue the kyngdome of honor and the Dyadem of dignity euen at the handes of the Lord. AVGVSTINVS OH thou my soule yf it be so that we must needes suffer tormentes euery day yea to suffer the very horrible hel it selfe a long time so that we might afterwards see Christ our sauiour in his glory and with his saintes euermore accompanied should we not onely suffer all sorrowe and paine to be made partakers of such glory and good graces VINCENCIVS BEloued brethren in the perplexity of this worldly pilgrimage we suffering the sorowes of our exile as it were with want of all goodnes are defiled and suffer the disposing of all incombrances the snares of sinnes laide for vs in euery place fearing the subtel deceiptes of our enimies but not sufficient watchfully or diligently preuenting them as we ought forbearing detrimentes and vexations and not able to shake from vs calamities swelling in vices enclined to vanitie in steade of veritie enduring exile for our countrey taste pouertie in steade of abundance vyle thinges for want of glorious thinges and doo so loue this world with a miserable blindnes or rather foolishe madnes that we are vtterly ignorant of that same glory of the holy ones of God whervnto lyfting the face of our mind and inward man we then behold the ioyes of eternal lyfe that we might some what surely sauour in our hartes the sweetenesse thereof AVGVST OH that I knew what I my selfe am and what thou art oh Lorde Oh yf a man knewe what him selfe were and what GOD were he would suffer a thousand deaths yf it wer c. SAPIENCE CAP. 3. BEholde the perpetuall goodnes of the reward for such as feare God. ECCLESIASTI vltimo BEhold with your eies● forasmuch as I haue laboured a little and I haue found great rest vnto my selfe Let your hart reioyce in his mercie Be dooing what you can before the time and he shall geue you your reward in due time VVhen humane soule her selfe so dooth demene That she loues death and leaues lyfe spirituall Both God she then forgetteth quite and cleane Vertue dispisde she flowes in sinnes sensuall Contemning Christe obayes to Belyall And what her selfe is eke forgetting she For heauenly ioy feeles sorowes infernall For life she tastes death then perpetually Actum Aposto CAP. 5. THE Apostles went from out of sight of the people which gaue counsell because they were coumpted woorthy for the name of Christe or in his behalfe to suffer reproches AVGVSTINVS WE wyll reioyce with the elect of God and we wyll suffer tribulations of the world with them for surely they that would not imitate the holy ones in this manner shoulde not attaine vnto their renowne and glory 1. CORINTH CAP. 3. FOR euery one shall receiue his owne reward according to his labour and trauell but many for the most not meanyng to liue well desire to dye well knowyng how precious in the sight of the Lorde is the death of his sainctes Is he the God of the Iewes onely is he not also of the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles also CIRHSOSTOMVS IF any man shal thincke the way paynefull to liue wel such a one is the excuser of his owne slouth and negligence for yf Mariners and Seafaring men soppose the raging floods of the Sea to be threatninges of danger vnto them yf the season of Winter be thought a hinderance vnto husbandmen yf woundes and slaughter of Souldyers seeme a thyng tollerable and yf most greeuous stripes and blowes seeme thinges easie to be borne withal of very champions them selues for the hope of temporall thinges and transitory commodities much more when heauen is prepared for a rewarde of the godly we ought not once to thincke any thing of these present calamities neither ought a man to looke that this way is streyt but whyther it bringes a man neyther ought we to seeke for any other beeause it is brode but where the same finisheth LVKE CAP. 9. AND being bidden to the supper they begun euery man to excuse them selues BERNARDVS FOrgeue vs Lorde forgeue vs we excuse our selues we woorke al against the graine so as there is scarce any man whiche wyl be made practized as he may w●ll be in those thynges which parteyne vnto thee They all sauour earthly thinges they seeke that which is theirs and not that which is parteinyng vnto Iesus Christe They embrace vices they flee vertues and they waxe v●le togeather as the brute beast through filthynesse of their sinnes MICHEA CAP. 7. THe godly man perisheth vpon the earth and there is not any one amongst menne that liueth aright c. Resume thy strength nowe as a knight spirituall Fyght for the heauen winne it with diligence The ●ende the fleshe and vyces mundyall Quite to subuert by deuyne sapience If weake thou be craue God for thy defence Hauing good hope by Gods prouision Through watchfull care and humble pacience VVith tryumph thou shalt win an heauenly crowne AVGVSTINE THere shal be the cheefe securi●ie the safe tranquility the tranqiul or safe sweetenes the sweete felicitie the happy eternitie the eternall blessednesse· BERNARDVS OH heauenly Citie thou safe M●nsion place a countrey fully c●n●eyning wh●● so euer may be delightful ▪ a people without murmuring quiet inhabitance men hauyng no neede of any thing ORIGEN THE deuine bountie of the most highest shal replenishe all the receptacle of the soule with all goodnesse that is to say the angry and irefull soule with power and dignitie the greedy and couetous soule wi●h delightes and the reasonable soule with wysdome that there may therein appeare power without contradict●on dignity without comparison PROVERBIORVM CAP. 1. THE feare of the Lorde is the Well of lyfe AVGVSTINE LET the loue of this present Wo●lde depart from thee wherein no man is so borne that he may not dye and let the loue of the worlde to come take place in thee wherein al men are made liuing so as thence foorth they shall not dye where no aduersitie shall trouble thee and no gree●es disquiet thee but whereas euerlastyng ioy and gladnesse raigneth for thy perpetual comfort ESAI CAP. 6. THe● sayd I Lorde how lon● H● answered vntyl the Cities be vtterly wasted without inhabitantes c. ESAI CAP. 35. THey shall obteyne ioy and gladnesse and sorowe and lamenta●ion shall flee from them PSALME 119. OH howe good is the God of Israel vnto such as are true of hart Remember man this solace shal be sure Altogeather voyde of worldly variaunce It shall without dreade or distance ay endure But in this lyfe is no continuance Ritches pouertie lyfe and death are but a traunce VVherefore in this worldly mutable estate Let vs seeke to liue after God his ordinaunce Least of that lasting blis we make our selues frustrate DEVTERONO CAP. 3. MOYSES sayd vnto the chyldren of Israel Consider that this day I haue set before thee in thy sight both lyfe and good and of the contrary part death and euyll Sequitur I Take this day Heauen and Earth to witnesse that I haue set before you lyfe and good blessing and cursing choose you therefore lyfe that you may lyue I marueyle and greatly marueyle that man whiche aboue others is a creature endued with reason dooeth not in any thyng followe the iu●gement of reason despi●yng wholesome thynges and embrasing daungerous thinges seekyng and desyring deadly and hurtfull thinges OH eternall GOD what is the cause of suche dotyng foudnesse in man what reason is there of such foolishnesse and madnesse Why dooeth he desyre the death of the soule with so wicked a hart c. Nowe Heauens and Earth for witnes in I call How God disposeth for mans direction Perpetuall payne and ioy celestiall Vertue vice health and perdition Put to our choyse by free election VVherefore our hartes and eyes le ts eleuate To God the geuer of all grace deuine Of him to craue that he the fyrme estate Of lastyng blisse would graunt vs all in fine ¶ FINIS Of the Contemplacion for SONDAY Per Authorem Namque huius mundi fallacis gaudia vitae Et quibus exuere se debet omnis homo Sunt miserand●a ni●●is vexant mortalia corda ▪ Virtutum faciunt quemlibet immemorem Quos igitur Chricti baptisma sacrū renouauit Librum hunc perlegite qui facit esse sacros Quid Iusto prodest aut quid peccator egebit Si Libet inspicere vos docet istud opus Soli Deo Gloria Here endeth this woorke of Contemplacion fyrst printed in Latine at Westminster the yeere of our Lord God. 1499. and nowe newly englished and printed at London by H●gh Singleton dwelling in Creede Lane at the signe of the gylden Tunne Neare vnto Ludgate Anno. 1578.