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A11472 Sacred hymns Consisting of fifti select psalms of David and others, paraphrastically turned into English verse. And by Robert Tailour, set to be sung in five parts, as also to the viole, and lute or orph-arion. Published for the vse of such as delight in the exercise of music in hir original honour. Sandys, Edwin, Sir, 1561-1629.; Tailour, Robert, fl. 1614. 1615 (1615) STC 21723; ESTC S110824 61,097 158

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period of about seventi or fourescore years ordinarily he beseecheth God to have particular compassion upon this his chozen people sore wasted with the punishments which their sins had called doun upon them to make them wise by his grace to comfort them with his returning favour and lastly so to frame the coorse of their labours that his promise continuing cleer and hopeful to them might at length yet in their children have a glorious accomplishment IN pilgrim life our rest in thrald estate our stay From age to age thou Lord hast been and savĕd us from decay Thy self ere birth to hils to earth ere form didst give Ere world hadst framĕd from ay to ay alglorious God doost live But man thy creature fallĕn thy iustice dooth persue To dust and saith Ye Adams sons return whence first ye grew WHEN thousand years we livĕd those thousand in thy sight Not more appeard then one day past then watch in shortest night Yet soon encreasing sin those years much shorter makes While vengeance due desiled world to drouning flud betakes Since when our dreamlike life as weakest herb soon dys Which morn makes flour hote noon bids fade sad eeuĕn mowes doun and drys AH men unblest thy wrath our weariĕd life consumes Thy terrours great our soules affright so sore thyn anger fumes Our sins our foul revolts before thy face hast set And secretst falts to cleerest light or eys displeazĕd are fet What have our toils atchieu'd through anger thyn our day Black night devours our fruitles years as thought fly vain away MANS shortned life as now sole sevĕnti years dooth bide Great strength to fourescore may attain Of these evĕn flour and pride What is' t but toil and grief but vain pursuits and sin Which spent we hence to dusti home away to post begin OH who dooth duely waigh the powĕr of heavĕnli ire As terrors thyn so is thy wrath ô thow consuming fire Then teach us so our days our wasting years to count That wisdom true our thoughts towărd thee our endles end may mount Return ô Lord how long at length appeazd forgive Thy folk let favour shour in time that dying harts may live AND comfort cheer us Lord as chastiz'd long by thee Much evĭl our woful eys have seen like ioy so cauze us see This ioy with life shal last Then let thy woork growe cleer Towărd servants thyn on children their thy glori make appear And let Gods pleazed face us with his beauties bless And form our woorks ô thow our woorks to happiĕst end address TREBLE I N pilgrim life our rest in thrald e state our stay From age to age thou Lord hast been and savĕd us from decay Thy self ere birth to hils to earth ere form didst give Ere world hadst framĕd from ay to ay al glorious God doost live But man thy creaturefallen thy iustice dooth persue To dust and saith Ye Adams sons re turn whence first ye grew BASE MEANE COVNTERTENOR TENOR LUTE PSALM 92. This Psalm consecrated to the Sabbath as fit for an holi assembli exhorteth to praize by voice and musical instruments Gods goodnes and iustice apparent in the final destruction of the wicked now miserably flourishing and in his constant favour to the faithful inhabiters of his Church prosecuted even in old age with comli grace and fruitfulnes A GOOD a gracious act it is To praize the Lord to celebrate his bliss Thy name ô Highest to renoum With hymns which earth with heavĕns high honour croun Thy bountĕous grace let springing day Let silent night thy faithful trueth display Let ten-stringd lute with viole sweet Melodious harp in sacred consort meet Since ioy to me thy woork dooth bring Thy woorks great Lord my thankful ioy shal sing O LORD thy woorks how glorious great How deep thy thoughts thoughts shalo to defeat The floting brain of brutish man Not once observes not once it fadom can That when as grass the wicked growe When sinners proud doo sprout doo bud and blowe In flouring state they shall be mowne And all for ay to sad destruction throwne While thow ô Lord most high most iust Ay happi livĕst whole worlds sole endles trust FOR lo thyn impious foes ô Lord Thyn impious foes of heavĕns and earth abhord From earth and heavĕns lo chasĕd away In darknes dire their damned heads shal lay My strength but thow like stateli horn Of Unĭcorn stout with dread and beauti born Wilt long advance Oil fresh renŭed On me shal stream with gladnes sweet imbŭed And ey shal see ioid ear shal hear Chance wicked foes what gilti harts did fear THE iust mene while as fenced palm Shal flourish fair no storms shal him uncalm As cedar tall mount Libans praize His lofti top towărd heavĕns high valt shal raize Men planted midst Gods sacred place In sacred coorts shal spring yea through his grace In age extreme stil fruit shal give Stil iuiceful still with greeni boughs shal live To shew that God my strength and light Ay iust persists ay pure from all unright PSALM 94. The Author of this Psalm living in time of ungodli tyranni under which himself did also greatly suffer prezenteth the state of the Land unto the vieu of Almighti God whom he calleth on to be an Avenger against those Tyrants who oppressing Gods people atheistically scorned his future iudgements the veriti of which he establisheth by invincible argument Then he comforteth the better sort by assuring them that this chasticement should turn finally to their good and iudgement should once again return to true Iustice and encourageth them to make a stand of defence against the wicked who in wrong-dooing and oppression might execute their owne powër but could not derive such authoriti from God unto whose gracious protection he in fin●… betakes himself with assurance of his owne safeti and of his enimies destruction This Psalm is coniectured to have been made by David at what time he was persecuted by King Saul and his Coortiers and then seemeth most fitly to fall into the time when after that most cruel massacre of Gods Priests their wifes children servants and veri cattle in hate of David he began to think of standing upon his owne defence beeing anointed by God for successour in the Kingdom yet without any purpose of attempt against Saul in his person peace authoriti or digniti A VENGER great who mans presumptuŏus sin Earth righteŏus Iudge with plagues to chastize doost not lin At length shine out ô spring of purest light Rize up pay home the proud in worlds apparent sight How long great Lord how long shal godles sect Shal wicked crue triumph who heavĕnli laws neglect Shal tyrants fierce impunely fome their shames And grievous wrongs contrive then vant their hateful names THY servants Lord with iron teeth they grynd Th'elected race oppress no plea to barbărous mynd Nor widoes eys nor orphans palms can make Nor humbled strangers knees their murdĕring rage to slake That doon
thus say Can this to God be told Or Iacobs Lord wil hee from heavĕn our facts behold O blynded soules gainst God ye cloze your eys Look up why natures light doo brutish mynds despize CAN soverain cause whence all perfections flowe Himself not knowe on man yet knoweing powĕrs bestowe Who plants the ear shall hee unhearing bee Who ey with sight endues himself ye fools not see Round world who rules who nations all dooth rein To check to scurge leud lifes may careles hee remain Yeas God dooth see th' eternal light dooth knowe Yea knowĕth in hart of man how vain conceipts doo growe O BLEST that man whom thow doost Lord correct And by correcting teach towărd sacred laws respect Midst days of evĭl in rest he safe abides For wicked wretch dead pit while vengeance due provides For sure our Lord his folk wil not forsake Wil not peculiar flock t abandon e●…re betake For iudgement shall to iustice pure return And draw all upright harts which now for iustice moorn AH who for mee dare gainst malfactors rize What courage take my part If thow thy gracious eys If succŏring hand deer Lord didst not extend My life towărd death my soule towărd silent place did bend But when I cry'd My foot ah Lord dooth shake Thy pityĭng grace did mee to staid protection take In swarms of cares midst sad perplexed thought Yet comforts thyn delight in troubled soule have wrought MAY viŏlent throne from thee Lord powĕrs derive That lusts for laws ordein and griefs for ease contrive By troops they range the rightĕous soule to kill Yea iudgement seats abuze ungilti bloud to spill But God my towĕr my high retreit hath been My Lord my rock assurĕd in worlds fair vieu was seen He hee their wrongs their spite shal them restore Yea God our Lord their pride hew doun for evermore TREBLE A Venger great who mans presumptuŏus sin Earths rightĕous iudge with plagues to chastize doost not lin At length shine out ô spring of pu-rest light Rize up pay home the proud in worlds apparant sight How long great Lord how long shal god-les sect shal wicked crue triumph who heavĕnli laws neglect Shal Tyrants fierce impuneli fome their shames And grievous wrongs contrive then vant their hateful names BASE MEANE COVNTERTENOR TENOR LUTE PSALM 100. An Invitation to all Nations to prezent themselves cheerfully in the Coorts of God with exclaming thanks and praises for his constant goodnes and merci toward mankynd whom he hath made and framed peculiarly to be his WITH raized voice and cheerful grace Approach ye Nations all our king On bended knees prezent his face With hymn of bliss which Angels sing For knowe Hee formd vs God not wee His flock his folk yea sons to bee O THANKFUL enter then his gate His coorts high praises make exclame Resound his acts and glorious state And prostrate bless his sacred name Whose goodnes great and favour sure Whose trueth like heavĕns unchang'd dooth dure PSALM 101. DAVIDS vow unto God touching the wel governing of Himself his Coort and Kingdom made it seemeth a little before his actual coming to the Croun OF Iudgements Lord to thee I 'le sing Where Iustice Merci shall embrace Such thoughts shal righteŏus use make spring Towărd mee gainst pleazĕst to bend thy face MYN house an upright hart shal guid Which vice shal check which goodnes grace No pleazing sin shal train aside Those eys which thee before them place WHO thee forsake from mee I 'le shake Their woorks and them I 'le ay detest Nor perverse imp there root shal take Where evil all shal be supprest THAT sly deceipt the slandĕrous tong Which iust men heedles may beguile That secret seed of neighbours wrong Severe reproof shal strait exile THOSE hauti looks of swelling mynd Which Thee neglect and equals scorn That self-love hatred myn shal fynd I 'le soon pul doun their lofti horn WHAT woorthi person through the Land Myn ey can vieu what faithful wight He graced in my Coort shal stand His upright service my delight BUT false dissembling flattĕring mates With lying tricks that plot their owne No harbour get within my gates Their tricks and They shal out be throwne MY kingdom then I will begin From foul corruptiŏns clean to pare To hunt the wicked to their gin Shal be my daili earliĕst care SO shall Gods Citie brightly shine So shall his people flourish ay When damned crues exiled pine And lawles folk are swept away PSALM 103. King DAVID with great thankfulnes and high ioy of spirit celebrateth here the excelling graciousnes of God toward himself in particular the race of Israel in especial and in general toward all men who fear him and keep his covenant Where at large he expresseth the goodnes of our heavenli Father full of compassion and merci prone to reclaim and forgivo mankynd offending and contrariwise slowe in punishing In fine he exciteth the happi Angels of God with all his loial hosts and ereatures to bless their great King who hath placed his throne in the heavens embracing them all with his supreme dominion And himself lastly conioineth with them in lauding God PURE light of soule thou high-bred mynd Deriv'd from God and God to praize assignd Adore thy Lord his beauties bless And glorious acts in praiseful hymns express Bless still my soule with all thy powĕrs That sacred name whence bliss so richly shours No tract of time ô e're efface From thankful hart sweet vieu of bountĕous grace OF GRACE which all thy sins remits And all thy griefs sins pay with cures befits Thy life from grave which dooth redeem Redeemd dooth round with deer compassions steem With healthiĕst food thy mouth which fils That egle-like youths strength through age distils HE supreme iudge whence iustice springs To wrongd on earth from heavĕn iust iudgement brings He ways divine to Moses showne By Moses made to Isrăels ofspring knowne Same Israels race with ioy hath seen Those Acts to foes which terrour dire have been TH' algracious Lord with pitti'is fraught How slowe to wrath how soon to merci wrought Nor strive nor chide wil alwaies hee Ne let his ire though iust unending bee Not like our flats his strokes were found Sin wrath provok'd grace merci made abound FOR look how high earth heavĕn transcends How far from East to West huge space extends So great his grace towărd servants prooves So far our sins deer Lord from soules remooves As father tendreth feeble son With sonli fear like kyndnes his is won FOR well he knowĕth our brittle state Remembring whom of clay he did crëate As earth-sprung grass as flour of field So flouring man to earth whose days must yield When wynd sweeps o're fair flour is gone The place earst brave inglorious stands alone BUT ay benign still God the same Towărd them persists who fear who love his name Yea rightĕous trueth to fathers sworn With race observes of childrens children born Sole that his covĕnant they
Governours whence much mischief ensueth or by ani other evil or sorro whatsoever are all brought upon them by their sins and that odious unthankfulnes to God who yet even in publick miseries preserveth and prospereth his humble servants and when Nations apply themselfs faithfully to his service poureth upon them all blessings opposite to those former punishments Which things wise men will consider and make use of especially so as to knowe and acknowlege the Crëatours goodnes YE woorthi mynds in whom Gods gifts excell Whose persons walk on earth high thoughts in heavĕns doo dwell Renoum our Lord ring foorth his glorious name Whose goodnes no time fails sweet mercies still the same OBLAZE his acts ye now at rest that stand From hostile powĕr redeemd redeemd from strangers land Ye late dispersd now gathered by his grace From East from West from North yea from great Oceăns place In deserts wyld through uncouth invious ways All tired all forlorn they wandred nights and days With fainting spir̆its through thirst and hunger pin'd And no relief no steps towărd cultivĕd place could fynd IN need extreme when lo to God they cry He gracious hears their mone and help from heavĕn makes fly So strength renues so straying feet directs To peopled wals and safe from perils all protects O thankful then to God his grace confess His mervĕilous woork to men with ioious tongs express Who thirsting soule with waters sweet refreshd The empti fild and pace towărd longed home addresd IN darknes sad in shade of grisli death With irŏn and anguish bound who sighd their servile breath Il-ruled mynds that this and more deserv'd That Highests woord despysd from Gods advise that swarv'd When hart-burst clean they grovĕling rold in pain Ne hope of better saw nor place for worse remain IN need extreme to God their suit they bent Who pityĭng rueful plight from heavĕn sweet comfort sent He darknes dire grim shade of death dispels he cords from hands from feet he fetters burst repels O thankful then to God his grace confess His wondrous act to men with ioious tongs express Who brazen gates made all to fragments flee Brake bars of irŏn strong Lord and prison̆ers did enfree UNGOVERND fools transported by their lust From vertuŏus ways to vice when God severely iust Their wicked ioys afflicts such sicnes sends That soule abhorring meat at deaths pale door attends IN hour extreme to God then lo they cry Who gracious hears their grones and ease from heavĕn bids hy Doun comĕth his woord the per̆ishing soule to save And hasting life retracts from neer approached grave O thankful then to God his grace confess His mercies great to men with ioious tongs express And clensd in hart iust sacrifice of praise Let grateful hands yield vp renoum him all your days TO Seas in ships who Arts chief woork descend Adventrous harts by trade penurious state to mend Or spatious lakes who pass what wondrous sight Strange woorks of God in deep their staring looks affright Lo strait his woord tempestuŏus wynd dooth rear And roughest frouns on seas late smiling face appear Anon towărd heavĕns on back of arched wave They mount dismount in trise towărd hels unloveli cave As drunk they reel then melting harts gin fail Nought toil nought careful coorse of Masters skil avail IN case extreme when lo to God they cry Who gracious hears griev'd voice and help from heavĕn bids hy Strait wynds repose smooth hieu calmd seas regain Harts ioy woorks cheer til safe they long longd havĕn attain Then thankful ô to God his grace confess His merveils great to men with ioious tongs express And let Gods Church let faithful people hear Vowd praise in senat grave his mercies rare endeer HEE bubling springs chokes up with thirsti sand Yea rivers rich accursd dry desert makes to stand And fertile soil in plague of owners sin To saltnes damns whence fruit nor skil nor toil can win AGAIN his grace dry desert stores with pools Sends springs and bare burnt earth with fruitful moisture cools There hungri soules their citti sets to place Who sowe their grains plant vines years sweet return embrace Abounding food then blest with restful peace To numbers huge themselves their flocks and heards encrease BUT harts puft up soon spurning heavĕnli law Ah fools in chains of sin enchained tortures draw Oppression foul sad days unthriving care Their ioyles mynds abase their branching numbers bare He vyld contempt on woorthles Nobles pours And wayles wasts makes walk chasĕd out from lordli towĕrs Yet godli poor raizd up from pressing need As tree makes branch as flock his branched race to breed THESE things the iust with reverend ioy shal see And wicked mynds and mouths appald and stopt shal bee Who then is wise these sights to hart to lay Gods goodnes they shal learn Gods praises they display PSALM 110. The Prophet DAVID foresheweth the everlasting Kingdom and Priesthood of Christ who after his Ascension sitting at the Right hand of God should send out his forces from Sion and Ierusalem to reduce the world unto him Which spiritual warfare should take so wonderful effect that not onli at the veri beginning infinite multitudes should adioin themselfs to the Church but in short time also the Empire of Rome it self then Head of mani Nations with other great kingdoms should be conquered and subdued unto the obedience of Christ and his law The proof whereof to the later ages did manifestly appear THE Lord said to my Lord Thow at my right-hand sit While foes their necks I to thy feet as foot-stool make submit From Sion seat of Grace the Lord thy scepters might Through world shal send midst all thy foes bear rule thou Prince of light What day thy warli ranks shal high exploit begin The people prest with cheerful strife to serve thee shal com in Anon as prime of morn with silvĕri perls of dew Al-spreds the world like troops thy youth in sacred house shal shew THE Lord who will not change hath sworn fair Prince to thee A Priest thou art Melchĭsedek like and ay that Priest shal bee This Prince who ' on thy right hand great King of heavĕn thus shines Each earthli King in ire shal crush that gainst his rule repines He Hĕthen with swoord shall iudge fields streets with corps shal straw Imperiăl Head whom Nations serve assubiect to his law As lightning swift shal run in way of torrent drink Thus gloriŏus head triumphant raize while danted foes doo shrink PSALM III. The Psalmist here sings the praises of God both for his glorious woorks and for his gracious acts toward the Israelites in mercifully conducting them from the serviliti of Aegypt to the happi land of Canaan and therein chiefly for establishing to their everlasting good his sacred Law and Covenant In observance whereof true wisdom consisteth ALLELV-IA MY hart dooth heavĕnli heat enflame To sound high praise to glorious name Th'alglorious Lord midst rightĕous press In sacred senate
shall I bless Great are Gods woorks and bless their sight Whose mynds in knowelege high delight His gracious hand all good hath formd All beautĕous all with grace adornd Ovĕr all Gods Iustice glorious raigns Which rightĕous ay unswaid remains HIS acts which wondring Fathers saw So live enrold as guiding law That ages all with ioy recount Those graces thoughts which all surmount Hee gracious Lord with merci fraught His race elect from thraldom brought In desert bare in hungers raign With food celestiăl did sustain Hee who his covenant still remynds Where righteŏus fear true faith he fynds To Israĕl deer his powĕr expresd Which them of Hethens land possesd THUS all his woorks are trueth and right Prints of his hand sparks of his light His sacred precepts faithful all And dying man to life recall Unchanging rule unerring guid So Lord and Law stil same abide For when he first redemption sent And feet late thrald at freedom went He law he leaug with them ordaind Eternal bothe from heăven proclaimd That man should awful thereto frame Sith holi ' and dreadful lives his name PRIME entrance unto wisdom true Gods greatnes is to fear O you Sole you right understandings bless Who tremble ' his mandates to transgress Adore him then whose praises pure As sun illustrous ay endure PSALM 112. A mixed description aswel of the vertuous as also of the prosperous life of a good man beeing an hart-grief to the wicked whose desires all perish ALLELV-IA O HAPPI man with humblest fears And purest loves towărd God who bends With sweet delight Gods law he hears And heard through actions all extends O HAPPI man thy ioys are true Thy house with plenteŏus wealth abounds Thy iustice yields and reaps hir due Hir fruit to thee stil blest redounds HIS ofspring noble in their race By noblest vertues so endure Long hold on earth great powĕrful place And world of blessings round alure YEA evĕn in time of darkest wo To him dooth cheerfull light arize To righteŏus man who no ma●… fo Stil merciful stil merci trys HEE helpful bounteŏus lends and gives Reward from Gods sole grace expects In choisest thoughts stil blessed lives Which prudence rightly still directs THERFORE he stable ay shal stand Nor storm nor engin throwe him doun Yea gracious woorks of vertŭous hand With fame immortal shal him croun HIS setled mynd on God relys No troublous nues can him affright Firm stands his hart and fears defys Which on his enimies pates shal light THUS spends the iust thus ends his hours Dispersing hand the needi feeds Doun glorious blessing on him shours Reaps endles prize of ended deeds THE wicked this shal see and vex Shal grynd their teeth and pine to nought Sad fears shal duely them perplex Their deer desires to nothing brought ALlelu-ia ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij O happi man with humblest fears And pu rest loues toward God who bends With sweet de light Gods law he hears And heard through actions all ex tends O happi man thy ioys are true Thy house with plentĕous wealth abounds Thy iustice yields and reaps hir due Hir fruit to thee stil blest re dounds 2. TREBLE Allelu-ia ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij MEANE COVNTERTENOR Allelu-ia ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij TENOR Allelu-ia ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij ij BASE Allelu-ia ij ij ij ij ij ij LUTE Allelu-ia PSALM 118. This Psalm is with great reason coniectured to have been made by King David and at his first coming to the possession of the kingdom of Iuda It conteineth first his inward great thankfulnes to God for deliveri by divine hand from so mani strong attempts against him admonishing no assurance to be like unto trust in God Secondly it reciteth the verse which the People had taken up to magnifi God with for this victori as it were atchieved in advancing David above his enimies And lastly it setteth foorth the dueti of a truly noble and religious King in the example of this King David who besides his private thankfulnes maketh here a solemn entri into the Coorts of God there prostrateth himself publicly in thanks and praier to the Almighti which doon he is blest of the Priests of God and received as beeing sent to them from God to be their Governour In fine legal sacrifices are slain and offered up with sound of triumphing praises to the eternal Lord and King In the person of King David his Son our Saviour is here prefigured who beeing refuzed by the Archbuilders the Prelates and Potentates of his time yet became by Gods grace the head-stone of the corner whereupon the spiritual Church is builded and wherein the Iues and Gentiles were united beeing received of the true Israel as sent unto them from God SING ô sound out Gods woorthi praise Who goodnes pure stil grace displays Let Israĕls race agnize the same And thankful now renoum his name Great Aărons house thou blest to bless Same goodnes same sweet grace confess Yea all who fear our glorious King His rich his endles merci sing IN streit distress the Lord I sought Who gracious fair enlargement brought That sith my God dooth mee assist Sith aiders myn his aid hath blist Nor fear I man doo man his woorst Nor faun on fo with rancour burst Much better ô in God to trust Then ground on man whose ground is dust On God yea better to rely Then Princes lo evĕn Princes dy MEE nations all encloz'd as toil But Gods great help all put to foil As circle they did mee surround But Gods great help bare all to ground Yea evĕn as cloud of Bees they swarmd With ireful stings against me armd As cracling fire of thorns soon spent By Gods great help to smoke they went THOU sore at mee my fo hast thrust My wrongful fo but God God iust With succŏring hand me staid from fall Thy plots thyn hopes defeated all He hee my strength my verse of praise Sole health sole ioy for ending days HARK voice of ioy triumphing sound Fils rightĕous tents with safeti cround Sing God our God this fight hath wrought Whose right-hand valiant acts hath sought Advanced stands that powrful hand And powers terrene makes all disband IT 'S true God mee did sore correct Yet still from death my soule protect Then live I shall where's death thy sting O God thy woorks thy praise to sing NOW towărd th'Eternals glorious place With revĕrence bend we ioyful pace Ye sacred Priests to heavĕns great King Who vows who praiĕrs sweet praises sing Uncloze your gates give praise access At gates which praises all possess Hence crue profane Gods gates are pure Sole rightĕous mynds clean thoughts endure O KING of Kings who ear didst bend To iust requests and safeti send Lo prostrate here thy servant true Yields thanks brings praise great Lord thy due What stone th' Archbuilders did reiect Their folŏers scorn the world neglect Same stone now angles
soule purge out corrupted vse And safe through worldli waves to thy sweet rest conduce PSALM 141. This Psalm of DAVID seemeth by the matter thereof to have been made upon som occasion of an accident hapned out in Sauls third expedition against David when persuing him with three thousand of his choisest men up in the rocks of Engedi and having there withdrawn himself a side into a cave he had a skirt of his robe secretly cut off by David without offer of ani violence to his person At which time Saul in shew reconciling himself to righteous David yet afterward renued sharp persuit against him hoping how vainly and from how blynd desire at som time or other to effect his destruction whom God had declared successour in the kingdom David therfore in this Psalm prezenting his humble praiers as a sacrifice to Almighti God beseecheth him to preserve him in woord thought and deed from sin preferring the severe reproofs of a iust man before the delicacies and pleasures of the wicked Then closely intimating how kyndly he had dealt with Saul and how cruelly he was requited he praieth God to continue still his gracious protectour and that the snares laid by his enimies might entrap their owne gilti selfs whilest he with his innocenci did happily escape them TO thee ô Lord to thee my humbled mynd Hir humblest voice prezents ô let me favour fynd And hast my God let ear benign be lent To pitious cry to suit from grieffull hart upsent O let my praiĕr perfumĕd with heavĕnli grace So stand and sweetly smoke before thy pleazed face As incense pure midst holiĕst altars fire And hands let stretcht to thee like eevĕnings gift aspire MY speach so Lord my thoughts and deeds compoze That nothing thee offend A watch assign to cloze My mouth on woords unmeet the gate to heed That two-leafd gate of lips whence life and death proceed Retire my hart from poizŏned baits of sin Renforce my mynd that no provokements mee may win Untrue to thee with men that mischief breed To ioin their coorse to run on dainties their to feed LET iust mans zele me yea severely beat I kyndnes shall it deem let his religious heat Reproove my life as precious balm my head Not break it shall perfume And thankful hart imbred When change of times with sorroes him may press For comfort his to thee shal fervent suit address NOW these mens Iudges who with chozen bands My harmles life persue withdrawn were left in hands Of horrent rock where terrour none from mee But pleazing woords they heard from dout their soules to free BUT not they so requite When wee again Into their claws are light nought cruel they refrain But as in woods when stateli trees to ground Are hewĕd the chips and stics ly sparst on all sides round So bones of men devoured by their ire At graves sad mouth ly strawd and earths first womb dezire NOW then ô Lord myn eys since look to thee In thee I trust alone and succour none else see My God my Lord ô not my suit reiect Nor bare my soule of shield that sole can it protect My chased life from snaring net withdraw Which men who love their lusts not love thy sacred law For it have pitcht destroy deceiptful grin Which men compact of fraud have set t' entrap me in AND thow iust Iudge whose ey our mortal ways With right esteem beholds and snare with snare repays Let impious heads owne tangling nets infold While I with myn break through of thee who safeti hold PSALM 145. King DAVID now flourishing as it seemeth with prosperiti applieth most woorthily his thankful soule to sound out the high praises of the Author thereof He celebrateth therfore most excellently in this Psalm the incomprehensible Greatnes and glorious Maiesti of the Eternal King Then he singeth Gods Goodnes his Iustice and Merci embracing all his woorks with all favorable benigniti All which therfore he exciteth to return praise to their Lord and Maker And chiefly the true servants and Saints of God that by their menes the glori of the kingdom of God may be made knowne over all the world Himself then in example describeth the boundles extent and amplitude of Gods everlasting kingdom his assistance where need is his fatherls providence ministring food duely to all things whose lifes are therby susteined his iustice and holines in all his ways and actions especially in his gracious attentivenes to the iust petitions of his servants ever saving all those that love him as contrarily in his provoked severitie toward the wicked retributing to them their iust and deserved destruction For which he inviteth all men to ioin with him in ever praizing God GREAT Lord my God and glorious King My soule triumphs thy bliss to sing While heavĕns shal last with grateful praise Bove heavĕn of heavĕns thy name I 'le raize When Sun with Eastern rays up-springs And when doun West his flames he brings In toils of day at nightli rest Ay praiz'd and ay shalt thow be blest THY Greatnes first my mynd admires Whose right like praises great requires Thy boundles beĕing which gulf to thought In bounds each creature fit hath wrought Thy woorks each age with praise recounts And powĕr which puĭsance all surmounts And I with wondrous acts that light Of glorious state will glad indite They prowĕs and valures strange confess I beautĕous Maiĕsti would express THY Goodnes next prezents sweet vieu Where bounties rich stil gifts renue Glad hands receive and thankful tongs Shal sound what praise such grace belongs Here who thy Iustice can forget Where hymns where ioys are sweetly met Thy iustice fair with merci cround Of glorious bliss th'al-gracious ground O LORD benign of best desires To piti ay prone unprone to ires Towărd all thou good thou full of grace Thy Mercies all thy woorks embrace THERFORE Great Sire shal all thy woorks In heavĕn what shines midst earth what lurks What e're disperst through worlds great frame Ay blaze ay bless thy gracious name THEY chief who deer of thee esteemd Live Saints on earth from earth redeemd Thy kingdoms glories they shal teach Thy peerles strength they fearles preach That powĕr magnĭficent bliss divine And beauties there which glorious shine May sons of men to all made knowne All win to love and serve thy throne THY Kingdom Lord nought Kingles leves Nor mĕsure of things nor times receives Dominĭon boundles evĕri place Each time all things dooth round embrace Here reigns our Lord our bliss to breed Stil true of woord stil iust of deed Who gracious fallen man erects The sliding stays the staid protects HERE eys of all thy care attend Thy care due food which still dooth send Thou plentĕous hand o're world doost spred Whence each thing livĭng rests largely fed Thus all thy pleasure Lord partake Thy pleasure still to good awake In righteŏus ways thus ay doost raign Ay kynd in all thy woorks remain AND lastly Lord
SACRED HYMNS CONSISTING OF FIFTI SELECT PSALMS OF DAVID and others Paraphrastically turned into English Verse And by ROBERT TAILOVR set to be sung in Five parts as also to the Viole and Lute or Orph-arion Published for the vse of such as delight in the exercise of MVSIC in hir original honour LONDON Printed by Thomas Snodham by the assignment of the Company of Stationers 1615. 〈…〉 IN thee we live moove Lord by thee From thee pure mynds thee-knoweing light derive How then save through thy grace may wee That honour high to sing thy bliss atchieve Then thow draw vp my lowe desire And love of thee let noble thoughts inspire ETernal God! whose boundles time not led by circling sky Then former day now later leves whence wee som prime descry Whence first time gan his coorse thus parts which may arrange But thy blest time unmooving stands ay perfect void of change With thee eternal present all unknoweing first or last Deziring nothing yet to com regretting nothing past Thow infinite great Self-beĕing Lord first highest pure unmixt Vnbounded sole to all thy woorks wel-mezured bounds hast fixt That glorious Sun fair Moon and Stars finite since wee doo knowe Nor Gods themselfs and made by thee more glorious Light may shew And dread we yet who serve this Lord have prov'd his helpful might Mans Feends assalts May earth with powĕr above-celestiăl fight But Hee though world conteins and fils comprended though of none Yet gracious to his chozen train his vieu in supreme throne Their eys with light of glori ' encleerd pure blessednes prezents Abiss of ioy that thought exceeds yet woords fresh thought prevents For thow Perfection ô entire perfections all containst No good not in thee ' above thee none whole Good pure Bliss remainst What Beauties ey what mynd delight what Sweetnes drawth desire What Maiesties we high revere what Glorious states admire What Wisdom richly vests the mynd and makes it All possess Redoubling all by right-drawn shapes what Goodnes things dooth bless Diffuzing round it self from thence what Vertues noble spring By woorthi acts to cheer the world and better age to bring What Happi life our thoughts conceive for ah how small a mite Of happi life we here enioy what Ioy what deer delight What flagrant Pleasures full and mere in blessed state are found In thee great Fountain of them all united all abound From thee as beams from beautĕous Sun what evĕr is goodli seen In heavĕn or earth what rich what fair what evĕr we loveli deem And pleazed will alures from thee high Cause of All derivĕd By thyn aspect is all maintaind yea dead by thee revivĕd That all thy creatures supreme Lord thee Goodnes high define Themselfs from thee agnize to thee their praises all resign And dote we still on creatures mene in their perfections dwell Nor raize our loves towărd Him who them must thousand folds excell For as the matchles Sun though one imbuĕd with vertu high From richnes thyn in glorious walk brought round the broad-spred sky And lustring earth how poor a clod with beams and inflŭence sweet Of spĭrit sublime dooth various lifes each gracĕd with beauties meet Through land and sea disperse hence beasts hence fish each crauling thing Birds trees herbs flours fruits spices rare yea mettals deep respring All whose perfections great and mene in thousand kynds renuëd Whom thousand graces deck and yet with vertues more enduëd In Sun himself thy master-woork Cause whence they all proceed Must needs excell not beĕing as here not so hast thow decreed By matter course embas●…d empaird by distance great by site Oblique alaiĕd diversifiëd repugnant that they fight By mixtures of ten thousand forms but there they all refine Vnite in one one uniform high rich perfection shine So glorious Cause of all in thee what lifeful Light in Sun What Greatnes fair in Heavĕns dooth shine through Orbs what Beauties run What Powĕrs what Vertues nobly rich Intelligence what cleer What Wisdom Freedom Goodnes sweet in Angels blest appear What flagrant Loves what glorious Ioys Celestiăl Coorts embless In thee unite doost all in one eternally possess In infinite perfection more so sort in more sublime O purenes high whereto not mans nor Angels thoughts can clime For thow who Beeing art it self doost Beeings all contain Perfections all thence ô derivĕd more perfect there remain Then Lord from thee sith all proceed to thee in iust desire They bend at thee whence first they came Content they last require For thow First Cause Great End of all What evĕr true rest affects Perfection his what e're dooth seek what happi state expects Thee Lord ô thee it still pursŭeth som beam of bliss divine As due from bounti thyn it craves Evĕn senseles creatures thyn Through natures force inclin'd by thee woork out their Beeing best And place preserving seek But man with understanding blest And Spĭrits celestiăl strive to knowe thee ' who knowne doost Love alure Growe Knowledge Love wil growe True love dooth woorthi harts procure Thy will to woork thy Laws to keep which kept thow doost requite With high Reward with God himself Here blest with glorious sight They thee enioy to thee with love Eternal Bliss adhere O sourse of ioys Towărd which our hope unwoorthi though we rear And thee ah thee pursue Thow Lord in mortal life belowe Where hundred snares our soules beset where sin dooth all oreflowe Conduct us with thy grace and safe to life immortal bring With Angels where triumphant wee shal ay thy praises sing SACRED HYMNS PSALM 1. A description of the Righteous and their Feliciti also of the Ungodli and their Ruine in the day of Iudgement OBLESSED wight whose pure desires to stain Th'ungodli crue in vain their counseils bend In vain doo sinners ways his absence plain And scorners chairs in vain their poison spend Th'Eternals law hath rapt his whole delight Th' eternal law he muzeth day and night AS precious plant whom iuiceful veins doo fat Due fruits enrich unfading leafs doo grace The Masters ioy fair honour of the plat So righteous man whom blessings round embrace While wicked imps as rootles fruitles chaf Which whirled round the wynd seems cauze to laugh THERFORE when sovĕrain Iudge of heăvens and land By final doom shal destin to'each his place The iust shal shine and glorious senat stand When damned rout shal fly his dreadful face For righteous path th'alrighteous Lord advows But track perverse towărd dire destruction bows PSALM 2. The Prophet King DAVID though not here in the title yet elswhere in holi scripture named author of this Psalm foresheweth the vain conspiraci of the Princes of the world against Christ and his Kingdom proclaimed by God and establisbed over all the world And advizeth them therfore for their owne everlasting good to assubiect themselues to him and it WHAT graceles fears strange hates may Nations so affright Infuriate so gainst God with mad attempts to fight Gainst God and
slander wait THUS slave to passions vyld thou livĕst and I have silent been Whence yet more impious like thy selfe evĕn mee thou didst esteem But I not like to thee at length thy iust reproof have sent And ougli sins to fearful eys wil all aray prezent Consider this ô ye who God and Gods pure law neglect Least unrepenting harts I rend when none can them protect Who incense sweet of thankful praise sends up me right adores And rightĕous life who leads from fall to bliss my grace restores PSALM 51. King DAVID reprooved from God by the Prophet Nathan for his grievous sin with Bathsheba leaveth in this Psalm an excellent pattern of an hart truly repentant returning to the service of God and care of his people MY sinful soule arraind of twofold gilt Of Spouse-bed wrongd of bloud ah fouly spilt With saddest grief in tears imbrynd repents And wailed crimes at mercies feet prezents O sourse of grace whence seas of mercies flowe Release my gilt and love returning shewe MY gilt releasd then clenze my soule from stain From stain which sin behynd stil makes remain And nue sin breeds But since my pensiue sight Sin gilt and stain stil wound by day by night With sour remorse since them I Lord deplore Ah cure them Lord and rightĕous grace restore NO mortal law dooth me transgressour make Thy law divine whose iustice heăvens dooth shake Thee supreme Iudge sole thee my sin offends Whose piercing vieu to secretst thoughts extends Ah evĭl I Lord in thy pure eys have doon So iust reproof so iudgement right is com WHAT shal I plead of sin defiled mass From sin who com through sin to death must pass From mould deformd lo form I first receiv'd And mother frail in sin warm life conceiv'd But thow in soules thyn owne true form dezirĕst And wisdom deep it to restore inspirĕst AND thus I stood but now orethrowne by sin Deformd defyld ah Lord let grace begin Recure to woork with spring with hysop thyn So scour this soule more white then snowe to shyn And comfort Lord ô ioy now make me hear That bruz̆ed bones returning strength may cheer REMOOVE my sins from thy offended ey And cancel all my falts Hear once my cry Clean hart crëate right spir̆it in mee renue Then wavĕring mynd with heăvenli stay endue Ah cast not off griev'd breaker of thy law Nor HOLI SPIRĭT soules sovĕrain life withdraw Restore the ioy of thy sweet saving grace And sins bond powĕr with thy free spir̆it displace THEN erring soules my thankful zele shal burn Thy ways to teach who glad to thee shal turn And then my song but bloud keep Lord away My saving Lord thy iustice shal display Sole thou my lips once open Lord again And ioiful mouth shal sacred praise proclaim IF sacrifice thy powĕr divine might please If offrings burnt thy burning wrath appeaze What would I spare but nought in heăven obtains Beasts life in man while beastlike mynd remains Man 's owne griev'd spir̆it is Gods best sacrifice His sighs his tears doost ne're iust Lord despize THEN ô return ô bless stil Sion deer Ierusalems stil lingring wals uprear With cleered harts then wee in legal rites Iust sacrifice wherein great God delights Shal bring yong buls at altars side shal bleed And offrings burnt th'undying flames refeed PSALM 67. A praier of the Church unto God to be gracious unto mankynd and to enlarge his blessed Kingdom over all the world whence happines both earthli and celestial shall ensue as hath been fulfilled by the coming of Christ. BE gracious Lord Let cleerly shine The beauties of thy blisful face That earth may see thy ways divine And nations all thy saving grace Let people bless thy sacred name Let people all renoum the same ALL wo exil'd let ioy return For thow who right doost still protect Shalt iudge them who for iustice moorn And erring nations here direct Let people praize thy glorious name Let people all adore the same THEN shall the earth as fild with love Hir gifts in great abundance poure And God our God from heavĕn above His choisest blessings richly shoure God shall vs bless and vtmost lands Shal all submit them to his hands PSALM 68. King DAVID having assembled the flour of all Israel to conduct the Ark of God with solemniti to mount Sion the chozen place of rest which was the occasion and is the argument of this Psalm beginneth his march with those sacred woords uzed by Moses alwaies at the remooving of the Ark in the wilderness Then with great exultation celebrateth both the Maiesti and the Goodnes of God as toward mankynd in general so especially toward his peculiarly elected race drawn from servitude and placed in great prosperiti Afterward prosecuting the occasion he setteth foorth the great honour of Sion thus chozen to be the onli seat of Gods aspectable presence amongst his people And upon the consideration of this triumphant ascending of Gods Ark beeing his Sanctuari upon earth he breaketh out into a prophetical description of the Ascension of our Saviour the Lord of that Ark into the celestial Sanctuari whereof that terrestrial was a shado and figure from thence to pour blessings of deliveri from death and of salvation upon mankynd to subdue all his enimies and once again to reduce that selected people from dispersion and miseri Lastly touching by the way the manner of the marching of the Ark he concludeth with a praier to God for the preserving of his people and repressing of their enimies that so forain lands may assubiect also themselfs to God whom finally he exhorteth all the kingdoms of the world to woorship LET pleaze our God to ărize that enĭmies his disband And hating foes in hated flight be chas'd by mighti hand As smoke strong wynds doo drive as fire dooth wax consume So shalt thou sweep them from thy face so wast them all to fume Then shall the rightĕous mynds whose hopes on God depend Reioice in him and thankful shouts to heavĕns high coort upsend SING ô sing praise to God advance that glorious name Th' Eternal Selfbeĕing Lord who mounts on heavĕns high arched frame Prepare make plain his way who o're alpestrious place Coms marching towărd his seat elect triumph before his face Not hee neglecting man despizing mortal care In sacred throne resides not so but chyld of parents bare Him Father fynds him wido Iudge he prison̆er frees To sole an house to rebel race dry parched soil decrees WHEN Captain thow ô God thy troops from Pharaŏs thrall Victorious ledst through deserts wyld when march'dst before them all The mooving sea stood still th'unmooving earth it shakĕd The heavĕns at presence thyn dropt sweat fore thee mount Sinai quakĕd All Israĕls God did dread Thow then with bountĕous rain Didst chozen land enrich didst strength exhaust repair again HERE thow a seat for thyn thy poor despized bands A seat preparĕdst where ioious dwell and rule should neighbour lands
with speed and tender ey reflect Thou Goodnes pure thy servants not neglect In case extreme who mercies hand implore O spring of grace I mercies those adore Then Lord be neer yea for my ' insulting foes To free my soule once heavĕnli aid discloze AH see and iudge thou knowĕst my sad reproach Fore thee my foes my shames who shameles broach Stand all in sight Their wrongs have worn my hart Full chargĕd with grief I lookt if yet som part My frends would bere no frend condoling found If comfort speak but none least comfort sound For strengthning meat yea poizŏning gall they sent And vinĕger tart my thirst to quench prezent THERFORE iust Lord their owne them home repay Their pleazing boord where ioys before them play Let turn a snare to catch them in their woords And that which foli ' as lot to fools affoords Their wishes hurt good fortunes bee their bane Mynds sight obscure their loins rough valure lame AND as in furi man laith lode of blowes So let revenge which from thyn anger flowes Ad stripe to stripe and seaze with raging ire Their hated heads which mischief sole dezire Void stand their castles dweller none be found To grace the tents where graceles facts abound FOR thow whom Lord with hand severe hast smit They fierce persue and inhumanely sit With grievous woords t' encrease thy woundeds pain Let sin so sin so plague to plague enchain Thy righteŏusnes that still they wretched miss Nor way e're fynd that leads to heavĕnli bliss Devowd to death from book of life efface Ne write their names where iust mens names have place NOW I stil poor sole rich in griefs remain Help saving Lord and raize me once again That raiz'd thy grace my song may thankful praize And blisful name to heavĕns fair arches raize This sacrifice more pleazing God shal bee Then cleft-hoov'd steer at Altars horns to see THE myld of mynd great comfort hence shal take This sight shal ioy them O let harts awake To seek the Lord and so your harts shal live Nor wynds nor seas can from his anchor drive For ey of care who towărd mans wants reflects His prisŏners crys sure nevĕr at need neglects THEN heavĕns and earth then seas and all your gests Which spatiate there conform to supreme hests Ay laud our King who Sion fair wil save And Iudahs touns repair There shall they have A seat and lasting state Thus God shal bless His folks true seed who love towărd him address PSALM 79. This Psalm which seemeth to have been compozed in the time of Antiochus the persecutour by som descendant of the famous ASAPH and who bare also his name which in that Tribe was frequent conteineth a most lamentable complaint unto God of the ruins of Ierusalem the defilements of the Temple and massacre of Gods faithful servants Then praying first for propitiation for the sins of the people the true cause of that calamiti he presseth on with most fervent suit for speedi deliverance and large revenge upon their Hethen enimies THE Hethĕn ô God who fear not no nor knowe Thy glorious name into thy land are com And in thyn House whence blessings pure did flowe With hands impure polluting facts haue doon DEFYLD thy sacred seat thy rites profanĕd Thy treasures robd thy Citti set on fire Ierusalem earths ioy which earst was namĕd Throwne doun on heaps sits now in lothed mire THY servants slain for loial love to thee Their bodies dead heăvens fouls cast out to feed And flesh of Saints whose faith thyn eys did see To earths wyld beasts ingluvious throats decreed THEIR bloud as torrent streams about the wals Of sad Ierusalem no burriĕr found Opprobrious scorn us grievous lot befals And laughings proud in neighbours mouths abound HOW long ô Lord shal ever flame thyn ire Can no distress once moove to pitti take Thy iealous wrath and shal it rage like fire Which water none no tears may e're asslake AH turn it first gainst those who nor invoke Thy name great Lord nor knowe or seeke thy face Gainst Hethen kingdoms who with mortal stroke Thy Iacob wound lay wast h s resting place REDUCE not Lord to thyn offended eys Those falts forepast which still unthankful wee And fathers our have doon let grace arize Our soules from gilt of sorroed sins to free AND thou arize and with thy mercies deer Prevent our instant deaths Ah case extreme Denys delay Help source of goodnes meer And save vs thow whence safeties all doo stream RESPECT great Lord the glori of thy name Which wee revere our enimies proud despize Insulting Hethĕn to say they doo not shame Where 's now the God on whom their hope relys BVT let our God make noble in our sight To Hethen eys his high revenging hand That giltles bloud pourd out and not in fight Of servants thyn may full revenged stand AND let the sighs and moornings of thy Saints Who grone in chains to thee access obtain And mighti arm excited by their plaints Them rescue ' who now to death consignd remain THUS neighbours scorns wherewith they thee reproach Sevĕnfold to them in bosom Lord restore We then thy folk and flock thyn acts shal broach With thanks and praise will evĕr our God adore PSALM 73. The Prophet ASAPH by the sence of his owne afflictions and by contrari vieu of the exulting prosperiti of godles persons who pass on a pleasant time blaspheming God and oppressing his servants having endured like as other of the people of God a sore temptation of calling into question the veri Omniscience of God and his government over this loweër world at length getting the victori by Gods especial assistance he sheweth that out of the Sanctuari of God where his Oracles were delivered he had learned that it was not the condition of this transitori life but the end it self whereby the state of the good and bad was to be esteemed Seeing then the end of the wicked to be utter destruction and everlasting happines to attend the righteous he betaketh himself wholy to the conduct of divine direction with great assurance to be guided by Gods counseil in this life and afterward to be received by God into eternal glori In expectance whereof his soule repozeth YET surely God benign to Israĕl stands To pure in hart But I was sore declynd Griev'd vieu of fools of wicked prospering hands Had welnigh sapt my weak unwari mynd FROM bands of death by sicnes force or snare They free pass on live lusti puft with ioy With humane toils and cares untroubled are Yea publick plagues them least and last annoy THIS makes with pride their out-stretcht necks like chein With violence fierce as robe they lims attire Their plentĕous fare red strouting eys proclaim While heaping wealth surmounts evĕn harts desire FROM poizŏning filth their lothsom talk they change Oppressions proud with lofti stile to sound Their tongs through earth in wronging men doo range And hellish