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A08483 An exposition of the Symbole of the Apostles, or rather of the articles of faith In which the chiefe points of the euerlasting and free couenant betweene God and the faithfull is briefly and plainly handled. Gathered out of the catechising sermons of Gasper Oleuvian Treuir, and now translated out of the Latine tongue into the English for the benefite of Christ his Church. By Iohn Fielde. Olevian, Caspar, 1536-1587.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1581 (1581) STC 18807; ESTC S113494 126,658 260

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to God peace to the earth A good wil in men Like as therefore in times past when Salomon by the commaundement of God was annoynted there was publike ioye amongest the people of God because they knewe that God woulde doe them good and defend them by the hande of a king so also we when wee heare out of the worde of God that our Lorde Iesus is Christ that is that same annoynted of the lorde we ought together with the Angels to be filled with an exceeding ioye of minde being surely persuaded that euen in this verie thing that the heauenly father hath appointed and in verie deede giuen his owne sonne Christ that is annointed to be our king that he doeth openly from heauen declare that hee by this sonne will become the euerlasting restorer and defender of his Church Why Christ was annointed not onelie to be king but also Priest IT followeth that we declare whie he was not onely annointed to bee a king but also a Priest The reason is because the kingdome of Christ was so to bee established that he must satisfie for euer the righteousnes of God and so this begonne peace promised grace might staie vppon a sure and sound foundation Now the foundation is the euerlasting priesthood of Christ that is that same gift which not onely by commaundement but also by solemne oth in a wonderful wisedome and mercie is from the father laide vpon this certaine person whereof these are partes First the prayer of so great a person most pure and most holy together with a sacrifice matchable with the sinnes and wickednesses of all beleeuers Io. 17. Heb. 7. the other the shewing of himselfe before the face of the father in the heauens after this sacrifice is offered vp Hebr. 9 vers 24. Because it was ordained of God by an oath and by an vnchangeable decree of God which we may surely trust to that Christ should shewe himselfe to witte his owne bodie and soule taken into the vnitie of his person in which all our sinnes were punished without ceasing before the face of the father that alwayes the efficacie of that Sacrifice once offered vp might florish and be of force before the father Of the profite that we take by this that Christ was anointed to be a priest THe chiefe profite is that I haue a certaine person which hath sacrificed for mee and continually maketh intercessiō for me that the force of his intercessiō made sacrifice offred vp in earth might alwaies be of force in the sight of God as it is saide in the Psalme 110. The Lorde hath sworne and will not repent him Thou art a Priest for euer Nowe an euerlasting priest is not without an euerlasting vse and fruite of his priesthoode towarde his faithfull But wee will speake more aswell of the kingdome as of the Priesthoode in the article of sitting at the right hand of God Why also was he annointed to be a Prophet THe reason why hee was annointed to bee a Prophet is because that same priestly kingdome in which euerlasting righteousnes and peace should florish was to bee established by the scepter of his worde that is by the preaching of the Gospell and in the power of the spirite whereby he was annointed And truelie so was it foretold by Esay The spirit of the Lord is vpon me because he hath annointed me that I should preach glade tydinges vnto the power he hath sent me that I shoulde heale the contrite in heart as our Lorde affirmeth in the 4. of Luke that it was fulfilled in him Therefore hee saith vnto Pilate that his kingdome was not of this worlde that he came into the worlde that he might giue testimonie vnto the truth I vnderstande Christ therefore so to be annointed a Prophet that hee being sent out of the bosome of his heauenly father in mans nature was annointed with the fulnes of the holy Ghost that being ful of grace and trueth hee might cleerly and manifestly set forth vnto vs that same mysterie hidde from the beginning the euerlasting will and counsell of God concerning the redemption of mankinde Iohn 1. The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath shewed it vnto vs. Furthermore also that the same Christ may effectuallie teach vs to the end of the worlde For which cause hee also hath promised his presence by the office of teaching Beholde I am alwayes with you euen to the end of the worlde Of the fruite of Christes propheticall office THe Lorde Iesus is anointed with the spirite of prophesie to this end that we should by no meanes doubt of the vnchangeable wil of the father towarde vs. Heb. 1. God in times past at sundrie times and in diuerse maners spake vnto our fathers by the Prophetes but in these last times he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne Further who dareth to say howe shall I knowe the will of God towardes beleeuers seeing the sonne him selfe to whome the minde and will of the father is throughly knowen hath opened the will and promise of the father in the Gospell The other fruite is nowe declared for that it teacheth vs effectuallie to the end of the worlde and transformeth vs into that which we are taught of him 2. to the Corinth 2. vers 17.18 Howe far forth those things which are spoken concerning the office of Christ or of the priestly prophetical kingdome of Christ agree with the doctrine of the free couenaunt BVt same man will say that same priestly kingdome that thou hast said to be established by that same Messias or annointed of the Lord by the scepter of the word and power of the spirite is it not that same euerlasting couenaunt or worke of saluation that standeth in the free forgiuenesse of sinnes and vndeserued gift of the holy Ghost and euerlasting life Yes verilie For that same couenant of saluation made with Abraham was renewed with Dauid and to him was promised out of his seede an euerlasting king who shoulde be the mediator of this couenaunt Psalme 89. And in the first of Luke the Angel saith to Marie This shall be great and he shal he called the sonne of the most high and the Lorde God shall giue vnto him the seate of Dauid his father and he shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and there shall bee no end of his kingdome And a little after Zacharie the father of Iohn Baptiste being full of the holy Ghost prophecied saying Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel because he hath visited and redeemed his people and hath lifted vp an horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of Dauid his seruaunt as he hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets which were since the world began that it should come to passe that he would saue vs from our enemies and out of the hande of all that hate vs that he shoulde shewe mercie towardes our fathers and be mindfull of his holy couenaunt of the oath
can receiue any hurt of thē but so farre as God being their moderator shall vouchsafe to giue thē place who maketh that same hurt to worke together with him their good Ps 27.1.3 psa 91. He shall couer thee with his winges and vnder his winges thou shalt be safe His truth is thy shield and helmett Thou shalt not feare for the feare of the night Also Psal 118. vers 6. Rom. 8. vers 31.38 So Dauid humblie beholding the nature of God hopeth that Simeies railinges should turne to his good 2. Sam. 16. vers 12. Perhappes the Lord will behold my affliction and render me good for his cursing this day By what a wonderfull prouidence was Paule saued with all the rest that were in the shippe with him where euen in the middest of the waues of the sea and in roaring of the windes al things to the shew were confused there appeared euident and vndoubted printes of the diuine prouidence which draue the shippe thither whence they might safely escape Acte 27. which thing vndoubtedly from thencefoorth brought great securitie to Paule against all the hurt of all creatures and then especially when he must come before Nero and should wey with himselfe with how greate prouidence of God contrarie to his owne determination and counsaile he was brought thither Moreouer he conceiued greater securitie for the time to come by his deliuerance in his first defence as he writeth in the 2. Tim. chap. 4. No man assisted me but all forsooke me the Lord lay it not to their charge but the Lord was present with me and strengthened me that through me the preaching should be fulfilled and all the Gentiles heare And I was deliuered out of the mouth of the Lion And the Lord will deliuer me from euerie euill worke and will keepe me to his heauenly kingdome to whom be glorie worlde without end Amen This is euen that couenant that the faithfull that are confederate to God the creator haue also necessarily with all creatures because without the will of the creator they cannot somuch as moue whereof Hoseas speaketh in the 2. chap. THE SECOND PART CONCERNING THE sonne and our reconciliation And in Iesus Christ Testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles ESay 9. A childe is borne vnto vs A sonne is giuen vnto vs whose gouernment shal be vppon his shoulder his name shal be called Wonderful Counsailor the mightie God father of eternitie Prince of peace Matt. 1. She shal bring forth a sonne thou shalt call his name Iesus For he shall saue his people from their sinnes Furthermore all this is done that that might be fulfilled which the Lord hath spoken by his Prophet saying Beholde a virgine shall be with childe shal bring foorth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Emanuell which is if thou interprete it God with vs. Luk. 1. The Angel saith vnto Marie thou shalt call his name Iesus This man shall be great and shall be called the sonne of the highest And the Lorde God shall giue him the seat of Dauid his father he shal raigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome there shall be no ende Why we beleeue in Iesus Christ the only begotten sonne of God WE beleeue also in Iesus Christ the onelie begotten sonne of God First because the sonne of God is of one substance glorie together with the Father Io. 1. We sawe his glorie as of the onely begotten sonne of the father Therfore in the first Chapter to the Hebrues he is called the brightnes of his glorie and engrauen forme of his person Ioh. 10. I and the Father are one Further because the Father hath commanded that we beleeue in the sonne Psalm 2. Kisse ye the sonne And in the end of the same Psalme Blessed are al they which trust in him Also This is my beloued sonne in whome I rest heare him Nowe we so heare the sonne expounding the commandement and promise of the father Io. 6. This is the wil of that my father who hath sent me that whosoeuer seeth the sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life And I wil raise him vp in that last daie And in the 14. of Ioh. he saith Ye beleeue in God beleeue also in me And this is so seuerely commanded that a most greeuous punishment is denounced against such as refuse the benefite offered in Christ He that beleeueth not the sonne shal not see life but the wrath of God abideth vpon him Io. 3. Also the 8. Vnlesse you beleeue that I am he ye shal die in your sinnes And the 1. Io. 2. Therefore I confesse that I beleeue in the sonne of God verie God begotten of very God before all worldes To the Hebrues 3. Prouerb 8. And that from my hearte I submitte my will to this commandement and promise of the father that I am throughly persuaded although I be a wretch that yet for this eternal sonne of God I am indeede receiued neither would he I should adde this the greatest sinne to my great and manifolde sinnes that I should reiecte the sonne of God freely offered but that his desire is that with all my soule I should resist all vnbeliefe and should deliuer my selfe altogether deuoide of saluation to be saued to this sonne forasmuch as our heauenlie father hath so commanded Why the sonne of God is named Iesus THe sonne of God manifested in the flesh is named Iesus because he hath saued vs through his desert and yet still saueth vs by his power from all our sinnes Mat. 1. Acts 4. Hebr. 7 Nowe the fruite that comes vnto me by this knowledge is this Seeing God that can not lie Tit. 1. hath giuen this name Iesus from heauē to his sonne manifested in the flesh that is to saye of a sauiour I knowe and vndoubtedly assure my selfe that he fully and perfectly saueth me wholy both in soule and body and in this faith I call vpon him As often as I heare therefore the name of Iesus I ought to remember the promise of the Gospell that lyeth hidde in it that he through his merite hath saued me from my sinnes and by his power mortifieth the remnants of sinne in me vntill he fully deliuer me from them that he also quickeneth me through his holy spirite and that he euerlastingly keepeth for me that same saluation purchased with so great a price 1. Pet. 1. and so he beareth that worthy name for my sake which was giuen vnto him by the father from heauen that he might shewe the truth of his name in truth and effectually aswel in my saluation as in the saluation of al beleeuers He is faithful that beareth that notable name of sauiour and he that hath promised shall doe it Christ Testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles TO the Sonne he saith Thy throne O God Psal 45. is for euer and euer thy scepter a right scepter the scepter of thy kingdome Thou hast loued righteousnesse and
religiō depēdeth not vpō any man or mans authority but vpō the vndoubted scriptures If they can shew better warrant for that they holde let vs heare their euidence but if their stoare be so beggerly that the richest of them and he that comes so appointed to challendge all in the name of al the rest writing which is with greater aduice than any sodain speaking can be be faine to limpe sinke in his entry what shal we thinke wil be done ere the battell be fought Surely if we came with carnall weapons it is like he would ouermatch vs hauing mans wisedome the world and the diuell on his side But thankes be to God we come appointed with spirituall weapons we come in the name of the Lord armed with the mightie word of God against all counterfait catholiques and heretiques And if God blesse her Maiesties gouernment so that the Gospell may proceede in a ful ministerie that the youth may be catechised seasoned with such sound instructions as this booke yeeldeth those that are ancient may be confirmed and the froward by an holy discipline ordered our youth our aged our common people of al sorts shal be able to vāquish put to flight all such emptie vaine boasters And this is the thing that I sought for in trāslating this excellent sound worke Which I hope your honor will accept according to that humble dutie and seruice wherewith I haue euermore helde my selfe specially bounde to your good Lordship as my singular patrone as a principall member in the church of God The Lorde Iesus establish your honors heart giue you a setled persuasion in that euerlasting trueth that euermore you may feele the cōfort assurance of that blessed kingdome which he so freely hath purchased for you Amen Your good Lordships faithfull seruant euer to commaund IOHN FIELDE To the most mighty and noble Prince and Lord Friderike Countie Palatine by the Rhene Duke of either Bauaria Elector of the sacred Romane Empire his most gratious Prince and Lorde Gasper Oleuian Treuir wisheth from his heart grace and peace from our Lorde Iesus Christ. THere are two special cause● most noble Prince Elector and my verie good Lorde which haue moued me to the publishing of this little booke One that I might profite the studious youth by this easie plaine doctrine to wit to the end that by the taste thereof they may be stirred vp and prouoked to the ministerie of the worde of God For verily they chiefly serue the Church of Christ who allured by the sweetnes of the heauenly doctrine because they haue tasted how good the Lorde is and being stirred vp with a care of promoting his glory offer vp to the faithful people yea rather to Christ himselfe their diligence yea and in a sorte themselues also And truely it is a great matter euē frō the tender yeres to haue deeply tasted Christ in his heauēly doctrine for frō thence doth necessarily flow as Peter calleth it that same desire of the syncere milke of his worde 1. Pet. 2.2 and that same feruent desire of communicating of it vnto others Many good and learned men here know that this was the best and principal cause of the publishing hereof vnto whō I cōmunicated some yeares past those things which now I set forth and also declared the purpose of the publishing therof But hitherto I haue deferred the same because I feared least this simplicitie of teaching and writing not so filed and laboured should not satisfie many wherwith I endeuoured not so much to feede their eares as their mindes An other cause was that it might be a testimonie of doctrine against that same tempest which in many places is stirred vp against this Church Against this I would set this bulwarke of sande if peraduenture God who is mightie in the weake would vouchsafe to appease the same in the mindes of certaine more moderate than the rest also asswage it a litle in others For I haue thought of that same greate power of God whereby he hath set vnto the sea her boūds which whē it woulde seeme with his hugenes to ouerwhelme the whole earth by the commaundement of God all his force is broken against the softe sand I haue trusted therefore that through this simple and plaine declaration of the groundes of our religion which hitherto we haue vsed that the Lord would bring some good thinge to passe for the appeasing of certaine mens mindes vnto whom peraduenture our innocencie hithervnto hath beene lesse knowne Many keepe a great stirre as though horrible doctrine sounded in the congregation of this Church and such rumors are scattered abrode farre and wide Some may say that euen a sea of sclaunderous reproches is vomited out against vs wherewith we might be drowned But whie rage you ô good sirs for let it be free for me by your highnes leaue euen to compell them consider all the articles of our Christian faith will you finde in any one any such matter of raging Be not all thinges exacted to the rule of God his word and are they not directed to edification in true and sound godlines If you your selues doe not feele that same consolation in your consciences of this doctrine I will freely graunt that iustlie you rise vp against vs But take heed I beseech you that you rise not vp against your owne conscience against God himselfe who in the conscience hath erected his high seate For certeinly nothing hath bin done of vs in corners We haue manie yea innumerable witnesses of the exposition of this christan doctrine yea your highnes it selfe who shal reade the selfesame thinges here which publiquely you heaue now hard these fiften yeres past in which it hath pleased the Lord that I should deliuer here vnto his Church these principall grounds of the christian faith You haue now most noble prince Elector the causes of the publishing hereof which as I know to be true so I doubted not to lay them open to your highnes Now as touching that which may priuately concerne your highnes this shorte treatise lately drawne out of those catechising sermons of the former yeares shal be at the least wise some signification of a thankefull minde for a speciall benifite for that your highnes hath giuen enterteinment to that same heauenly doctrine the vndoubted word of the prophets and Apostles reueiled vnto men and also hath procured to many of the children of God being gathered together vnder the winges of your highnes with more than a fatherly clemencie the pure doctrine of saluation administred altogether with an heroical and principall spirite and altogether through the grace of God with a chearfull minde Now if againe in this your highnes age which the Lord vouchsafe to renue as the age of the Egle your highnes by the reading of the doctrine of God his prouidence of the power of Christ his resurrection of the euerlasting righteousnes now brought into light and of
vs and through his efficacie or operation whereby as the king of his Church he first bringeth our heartes to the knowledge of their euill and to the consideration of the diuine righteousnesse and createth in them the studie of reconciling themselues to God and conuerting them to his wil. Now afterwards things thus set in order he offreth the worde of reconciliation and engendreth faith in them through which he communicateth himselfe after whom they thirst vnto them to this ende that hauing obtained through his merite iustification they may vse it to the euerlasting peace of their conscience and may dayly also through his spirit be restored and builded vp Lastly he exhorteth those that are reconciled and thus endowed with his spirit to bring forth workes worthy those that repent to the ende that the glory of their king may shine in them Rom. 8. ver 29 30. These degrees in the administration of the kingdome of Christ and of his new couenaunt the Lord comprehendeth in that same speach to Paule when he saith that thou mayst open their eyes that is done when through the working of that king Christ their conscience is illuminated through the holy Ghost For it is he that maketh his ministerie effectuall so as they knowe both themselues and their sinnes and againe God his holynesse and righteousnesse to which they must be conformable that through faith turning vnto him they may receaue in Christ a double benefite forgiuenes of their sinnes a lot amongest the sanctified who daily studie Christ exhorting them to bring forth the worthy fruites of repentance For whom he hath chosen those also hath he called whom he hath called those also hath he iustified whom he hath iustified those also he hath glorified First therefore let vs see how Christ our king by calling into his kingdome doth engender in men a desire of being reconciled to God then how he offreth vnto them the forgiuenes of their sinnes or rather the free grace of reconciliation and iustification and therewithall how he beginneth their restoring to euerlasting life and glory how daily he setteth it forward and at length in the worlde to come doth fully finish the same How Christ the King engendreth in his elect the studie of reconciling themselues to God and howe he preserueth and encreaseth in them which are reconciled the studie of holding that reconciliation CHrist the King doth engender in his elect the studie of reconciling them selues to God first of all by shewinge that all men are vnder sinne and in the kingdome of darkenes especially because that when all men haue the knowledge of God naturally engraffed in them and the worke of the lawe by nature written in their heartes and by the thinges created are constreined to knowe God notwithstanding doe not glorifie him but doe sinne contrarie to the lawe of nature Rom. 1. The which thing they witnes in their deedes and their owne conscience doth conuince their thoughtes either accusing or excusing them Againe by vncouering all and euerie of their wickednesses and in accusing them by the lawe written and by the threatninges which are manifest euerie where throughout the whole prophetes many wickednesses also being heaped together as plainely may be seene in the Epistle to the Romaines Chap 3. vers 9 10 11 12 13 14. And also by shewing that this is the vnchangeable will of God whereby he will not onely that all men be conformed to the lawe of nature but also to the lawe written otherwise that he will so long accounte them for sinners and enemies til they be conuerted and through faith be reconciled vnto God Iohn 3 vers 36. Rom. 5. vers 10 11. Secondly by shewing what a great euil sin is Such and so great an euil sin is that it deserueth the euerlasting destruction of mā yea verily so great an euil that it cannot by the euerlasting destruction of man be cleansed Wherevppon it foloweth that sinne is a greater euill then mans euerlasting damnation seeinge that the damned cannot by euerlasting paines cleanse or ouercome so greate an euill To conclude it is so greate an euill to haue offended the maiestie of God but with one sinne that the destruction of all creatures were a lesse euill For certainly neither the destruction of all creatures yea if they shoulde be brought to nothing were a sufficient price for the cleansing of one onely sinne which could not otherwise be cleansed but by the death of the sonne of God Thirdly by shewing that the nature of God is righteous and therefore that it doth accurse all sinners to wit as well theire bodies as soules as well in this worlde as in the world to come Deut. 28. vnlesse reconciliation be made For so immutable is this righteousnes of God and will to iudge sinnes that not so much as one sinne amongst so many thowsandes which dayly are committed shall escape vnpunished For either it is punished in vs or els in Christ in Christ it is once perfectly punished so that we repent and amende and beleeue in him in our selues it shal be punished if we haue an vnbeleeuing hearte and such a a one as cannot repent as Christ saith verily I say vnto you that men shall make accounte for euerie idle word in the day of iudgement Also if this be done in the green wood what shal be done in the dry 1. Peter 4. verse 17 18. To be short god is so righteous and so great an euil is sin that euen when he doth forgiue sinnes he doth not yet alowe them and that he may shew this thing he doth chastise them in those that are conuerted yea after the forgiuenes thereof with most sharpe scourges as in Dauid yea after God had spoken vnto him by Nathan the Prophet The lord hath taken from thee thy sins We see by how sharpe whips he declared that he did not allow the sin of Dauid 2. Sam. 12. ver 11.12.13 also 2. Sam. cap. 24 vers 10.12 Fourthly by setting forth the execution of the righteousnes iudgment of God against the impenitent vnbeleeuing First in the examples which he hath exercised dayly doth exercise aswel in the wringing terrors of cōscience wherwith the vnrepētant are afflicted as also in those same temporal punishments which although they be great yet are the onely signes of the wrath of God to come farre greater yea most great For like as the patience gentlenes of God is greater then the gentlenes of al creatures so also his wrath doth exceede the wrath of al creatures Secondly by setting before their eyes the day of this wrath or the euerlasting iudgement as the scripture doth often times set the same aswel before the eyes of the faithful as of the vnfaithful By these the like reasons meanes taken out of the word of god Christ the king doth engēder in the ministerie of the word through his spirite in thē whō he hath first called that same study of recōciling themselues vnto God
comforter that he may dwell with you for euer to wit the spirite of truth which the world cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither hath knowne him But you knowe him because he abydeth with you shall be in you Also ver 23. The father and I will come make our abiding with him 1. Ioh. 1. ver 3. 1. Cor. 6. ver 19.20 Secōdly it is profitable necessarie that in our calling vpon God we should thinke vpon what god we cal to wit vpō that same true God with whom we haue stricken and entred into a couenant of faith and who hath witnessed in an euerlasting league that he wil be a God vnto vs and which he hath sealed vnto vs by the seale of baptisme that so we might separate our inuocation from the inuocation of Ethnickes Turkes and such like who call vpon those Gods that are no gods but are deuised of the father of all liuing For God cannot tollerate at any hand that there should be any felowship with his confederates in the inuocation and worship of false gods the which thing the holy ghost playnly pronounceth 2. Cor. 6. vers 14 15. Now the same Apostle yet further setteth before our eyes the greatnes of the daunger vnlesse through true obedience of faith wee cleaue vnto the true God whose confederates we are and altogether abstaine from al idolatrous worship or inuocation 1. Cor. 10. That which the gentiles offer they offer to diuels not to God Now I would not that ye should be partakers with diuels Ye cannot drinke of the cup of the Lord of the cup of diuels Ye cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord and of the table of diuels For there followeth after the fellowship with the diuels table fellowship also in euerlasting paines Apoca. 14. ver 9 10 11 12. Luk. 11. ver 49 50 51 52. In God the father BY the name of the father we are put in minde of that same most streight couenant confirmed betweene God and vs in Christ his onely sonne and of his vnchangable loue towards vs. Iohn 17. O holy father keepe them through thy name whom thou hast giuen me that they may bee one euen as wee are one Also That the world may know that I was sent from thee and that thou louest them euen as thou hast loued me For albeit he be named father in respect of his coeternall sonne yet we rightly gather thereof that he is also in a free vndeserued fauor our father because he hath promised in his sonne that hee will become such a one vnto vs and hath performed it in deede when he gaue his onely begotten sonne to be our brother and made vs in his sonne reconciled vnto him selfe his members and so adopted vs into his children Ephe. 1. vers 5. Iohn 1. ver 12 Which thing also hauing wrought that same full reconciliation Christ witnesseth Iohn 20. I ascend vnto my father and to your father to my God and to your God Wherefore the true Citizens of the kingdome of Christ haue God for their father imbracing them with the same loue wherewith he imbraceth his onely begotten sonne Ephes 1. vers 6. 1. Iohn vers 3 12. Almightie I Beleeue that I am entred into league with almightie God who also by his omnipotencie worketh what soeuer he wil in al the world whatsoeuer things he wil not or hath not decreed he hindereth cōfoundeth scatereth thē so as it is impossible that they should be done For euen like as he is almightie in bringing that to passe that he wil so in that that he wil not he abideth no resistance which is as it were the other part of his diuine power Ps 135. ver 6 7.14 Esai 43.13 8. ver 10. 46.10 14. Ioh 10. vers 29.30 Now let this omnipotency be alwaies in sight to the confederates or rather faithful citizens of the kingdome of God euen as the Lord from the verie beginning hath set the same before the eyes of Abraham the father of beleeuers in his couenant I am God almighty and before in the 15. Chapter Feare not Abraham I will be thy shielde Therefore I must not consider any thing whatsoeuer seemeth to be against the diuine promises either in my selfe or in all creatures but I must giue praise to the omnipotent power of God must chearefully followe God whither he calleth Rom. Heb. 11.17.19 Creator of heauen and earth THese wordes make very much for the confirmation of our faith in God almighty For first whiles we haue a couenant with the creator who giueth substance and being to all things we beleeue that we haue a sure help in him against all creatures because it is as easy for the creator to destroy them and bring them to nothing as it was once easy for him to create them of nothing Genes 1. Psal 91. and 104. Secondly forasmuch as the creator with whom we are in league doth giue mouing all things else vnto his creatures so that they can doe nothing but as they are driuen of the creator we must constantly holde that whatsoeuer thinges are sent vpon vs by the creatures that they are sent of God yea and that for our good and further in respect of the constant and euerlasting league that we haue with the creator so consequently with all creatures which thing is contained in this article of our faith and is offred and described vnto vs by the Prophet Osee in his 2. Chapter euen to the ende of it Thirdly the consideration also of the workes of God doth make so for the confirmation of our faith whiles that we knowe that we haue league not with an vnknowen God but with him who daily offreth himselfe vnto vs to be felt of vs. Acts. 17. As also Dauid saith in the Psalmes Tast and see how good the Lord is Therfore all the creatures which we vse daily are so many testimonies vnto vs of Gods omnipotencie wisedome and goodnesse towards vs. Fiue chiefe points of the doctrine of Gods prouidence BEcause we haue said that that same omnipotencie of God is not an idle but a working and an effectuall omnipotencie which continually sheweth it selfe in the conseruation gouernance of the things which are created it followeth that we set out that same most profitable doctrine of Gods prouidence and of the fruites thereof Nowe there are fiue speciall points to be marked of euerie one that is in league with God for the obtaining of that same true knowledge of Gods prouidence and sure establishing of the confidence and faith of the heart The first point of doctrine concerning Gods prouidence FIrst of all let euery faithfull man that is in league with God vndoubtedly determine with himselfe that God by the selfe same omnipotencie whereby he hath created all things doth also preserue and continue the same and by his wonderfull prouidence doth gouerne them Heb. 1. verses 10.11.12 Coloss 1.16 And that
hated iniquitie therefore hath God euen thy God anointed thee with the oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Dan. 9. The holy of holy shal be anointed Afterwardes he saith The Messias shall be cut of and then the people shall destroye the Citie and the Sanctuary with that Captaine that shall come The Angel witnessed the fulfilling of this anointing Hierusalem yet standing Luke 2. Behold I bring you glad tidinges of great ioye that shal be to al the people that a Sauiour is this day borne vnto you in the citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lord. The whole multitude of the heauenlie hostes witnesseth the same thing praising God and saying glorie to God in the highest heauens and in earth peace and towardes men a good will Mat. 2. The starre and the wise men witnesse Christ or the anointed of the Lorde to be sent and in the second of Luke Symeon and Anna the prophetesse from the 25. verse to the 41. where also the prophesie of Esaias is sene fulfilled Ca. 8. ver 14. A notable prophesie of Isaias in the 61. Cap. is fulfilled Luke 4. Iesus came to Nazareth where he had ben brought vp and entred as he was wont vpon the sabboth day into the synagogue and rose vp that he might reade Then was giuen vnto him the Booke of the Prophet Esaie and when he had opened the booke he found a place in whiche it was written The spirite of the Lorde is vpon me because that he annointed me that I should preach gladde tidinges he sent me to heale the broken in heart that I should preach deliuerance to captiues and recouerie of sight to the blinde that I should se● them at libertie that are distressed And that I should preach the acceptable yeare of the Lorde And when he had restored the booke closed vnto the minister he sate downe and the eies of all that were in the synagogue were fastened on him Then he began to say vnto them This day is the scripture fulfilled in your eares Also Acts the 10 vers 38. The vniforme praier of the Apostles witnesseth the prophesie in the 2. Psalme to be fulfilled in our Lorde Iesus For so also Luke writeth in the 4. of the Actes The man was aboue fortie yeare olde on whom this miracle of healing was shewed Nowe being let goe they came to their companie and shewed what the cheefe of the priestes and the Elders had saide vnto them And when they heard it they lift vp their voices with one accorde to God and saide O Lord thou art the God which hast made heauen and earth the sea and all thinges that are in them Who hast saide by the mouth of thy seruant Dauid Whie did the Gentiles rage and the people imagine vaine thinges The kinges of the earth stoode vp and the princes were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ For they were gathered together in deede against thy holie sonne Jesus whom thou hast annointed both Herode Pontius Pilate with the nations and peoples of Israel that they might do whatsoeuer thine hand and thy counsel had determined before to be done These are the testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles that Iesus is the Christ or the annointed Messias What we are taught by the name of Christ or anointed BY the terme of Christ or anointed is taught that this person came with the commandement of the father and that the same was ordained of him that he shold erect that Priestly kingdom by the scepter of his word power of his spirite in this life and should finishe it in the life euerlasting For like as anointing wherby at Gods commandement Kinges Priestes and prophets were appointed amongst his people with an outwarde and visible oyle was a publike testimonie that God would gouerne efend his people by this person also kepe vpholde his diuine worshippe and likewise teach his people and this person had commandement of this thing that they might suffer themselues to be gouerned clensed and taught so the sonne of God manifested in the fleshe concerning his manhoode is anointed with the holy Ghoste without measure which is the truth of that outward anointing and so is ordained and giuen of the father to be the king priest and prophet of his Church First of all therefore the name Messias or Christ serueth for a notable confirmation of our faith to witte whilest we vnderstand by anointing that the sonne of God hath commandement in the very same that he is Christ or anointed by his kinglie power to keepe vs by his euerlasting sacrifice to reconcile vs to the Father and to open vnto vs al the will of the father to be short not to rest vntil he haue beautified his Church with glorie and euerlasting life Ioh. 6. verse 27. cap. 10.18 Psalme 43.6.7 to the Heb. 2. ver 8.9 Also cap. 5. ver 4.5 Heb. 1. ver 9. And forasmuch as the sonne of God that same annointed of the Lord hath his solemne commandement it is certaine that he wil execute it most faithfully Of the frute or consolation which the faithful receaue thereby THe first fruite is that our faith hath a certaine obiect or matter to respecte to wit this same certaine person sent and appointed from the Father with commandement which now beginneth in vs that same spiritual and euerlasting kingdome which is righteousnes peace and ioie in the holie Ghost in the sted of sinne euerlasting heauines and death and shal finish it afterwardes and seeing that he holdeth vnder his gouernement and iron scepter al thinges created both his and our enemies that is both wicked men and diuels that they hurt not either his glorie or our saluation but rather that euen against their willes they aduance both Hence peace and ioye arise in the heartes of beleeuers who are citizens of this kingdome For as it must needes bee that al they be made sadde that doubt vnder what Lorde they are in this life whether vnder Christe or Satan so on the contrarie it can not be but all they must be filled with ioye who by the inwarde testimonie of the anointing of faith and by the outwarde of holie baptisme are assured that they are vnder Christe the King of righteousnes and are translated out of the kingdome of darkenesse into the kingdome of Christ Coloss 1. and haue the kingdome of the sonne of GOD euen begone in them as Christ saith the kingdome of God is in you or amongst you The Angel exhorteth vs to this ioye in the verie manifestation of this king Luk. 2. verse 10.11 Be not afraide For beholde I bring you glad tydinges of great ioye that shal be to all the people to wit that this daie a Sauiour is borne vnto you in the citie of Dauid which is Christ the Lorde Hence is the same peace and good will in the heartes of beleeuers of which afterwardes that same multitude of heauenly hostes doe mention in their songe Glorie in the highest heauens
from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. If when Christ raigned in humilitie the diuels were constrained to aske him leaue howe shall they nowe dare to attempt anie thing against any member of Christ after that Christ is ascended on high hath led captiuitie captiue vnlesse first they shall entreate the Lorde Christ But faithfull is Christ our Lorde who shall not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that wee shall bee able to beare 1. Corinthians 10. If then when he gouerned his kingdom in humilitie and great abasement the sea was still when he said Mar 4. be still What shall be now done he raigning in high glorie when he wil declare his wil as were but by a becke against the stormes of persecutions But wee are the members of so great a Lorde and of Christ and therefore he not only can but also will that which is most healthful vnto vs. And doe not we nowe much more deserue that Christ should vpbrayde no lesse vnto vs then vnto the Apostles a lacke for sorrowe that same faintnes of faith because that in the tempestes of aduersities in the meditation of so great thinges our faith doeth mount vp no higher See an example of defence Act. 18. ver 8.9 From thence he shal come to iudge both the quicke and the deade Testimonies out of the Prophetes and Apostles DAniel 7.13 I did see in a vision by night behode one like the sonne of man came in the cloudes of heauen and approached vnto the auncient of dayes and they brought him before him and he gaue him dominion honour and a kingdome that all people nations and languages shoulde serue him his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away and his kingdome shal neuer be destroyed And in the Epistle of Iude verses 14.15 And Enoch also the seauenth frō Adam prophecied of these saying beholde the Lorde commeth with thousandes of his sainctes to giue iudgement against all men and to rebuke all the vngodly among them of all their wicked deedes which they haue vngodly committed and of all their cruell speakings which wicked sinners haue spoken against him Matth. 25. And when the sonne of man commeth in his glorie and all the holy Angels with him Then shall he sit vppon the throne of his glorie and all nations shall bee gathered before him and hee shall separate them one from an other as a sheepehard separateth the sheepe from the goates And he shal set his sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left Then shall the king say to them on his right hande Come ye blessed of my father take the inheritance of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world For I was an hungred and ye gaue me to eate I thirsted and you gaue me to drinke c. 2. Pet. 3. verse 9. The Lorde is not slacke as some men count slackenesse of that promise he hath promised but is patient toward vs and woulde haue no man to perish but all to come to repentance But the day of the Lord wil come as a theefe in the night in the which the heauens shall passe awaye with a noise and the elements shall melt away with heate and the earth with the workes therein shall be burnt vp Seeing therefore that all these thinges must be dissolued what maner of persons ought ye to be in holy couersation and godlinesse looking for and hasting vnto that day of the Lord by the which the heauens being on fire shall bee dissolued and the elementes shall melt with heat Why this article is added vnto the former THis article is added vnto the former for the greater confirmation of our faith For because Christ sitting at the right hand of his father doeth so exercise his kingly power of iudging partly by defending his that are in couenant with him that yet in the meane while hee keepeth them vnder the crosse and wronges of their enemies to mortifie sinne partly so bridling the vngodlie Actes 12. that in the meane season he leaueth many thinges vnpunished to the ende his long sufferaunce may exclude all excuse and therefore Christ our Lorde will to the ende that wee bee not troubled with any miseries or crueltie of enemies that we shoulde lift vp our heades with true confidence of minde to looke for his comming that the greater our miserie shall bee the more certaine wee may bee that the daye of our triumph is at hande and of the righteous destruction of all the wicked enemies of God That the generall and last iudgement must of necessitie be that we may bee armed against those scorners whome the holy Ghost hath foreshewed shoulde be by Peter the Apostle in these last times A sure foundation may bee taken from the righteousnes of God and the state of the righteous in this life as Paul hath concluded in the 1. Thes 1. For it is a righteous thinge with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you which are troubled release with vs when the Lorde Iesus shall shewe himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire c. Forasmuch therefore as that recompence is not in this life which the righteousnes of God requireth and this notwithstanding this righteousnes remayneth firme vnmoueable with God for euer that the wicked may be punished the Godly may receiue that same promised release there vpon the Apostle inferreth that that is a manifest token of the iust iudgement of God to followe of the comming of the Lorde Furthermore this foundation being laide the destruction of the citie of Ierusalem maie bee added which Christ ioyned with the prophecie of the last iudgement not without a great weightie cause that is to say the figure with the thing signified that wee might no more doubt of his wrath to come vppon the vngodly in the day of iudgemēt then of the shame of the Iewes foreshewed of Christ which yet they beare before our eyes Matth. 24. Luke 21. Of the meaning of this Article THE meaning of this article is I doe beleeue that Iesus Christe doeth not onely nowe exercise his kingly power of iudgeing by his vertue from heauen by diuerse examples aswell in defending the godly as repressing the wicked but also that he shall solemnly come from heauen from the right hande of the power of God in a corporall presence thorowly to iudge all men as well those that are departed out of this life frō the beginning that the worlde was created whose bodies shal rise againe as those whome that day shall finde remaining yet liuing in this worlde who shall soudenly be changed Nowe forasmuch as to iudge is to absolue the innocent to beautifie them and to condemne the wicked and to punish them I beleeue that he shall so iudge that hee shall fully deliuer the godly and beutifie them with eternall glorie contrariwise that he shall fully execut the condemnation vppon the
in vs by the same spirit that same newe obedience which is an vndoubted testimony of our engraffement into Christe and therefore of the forgiuenes of sinnes Rom. 8. in the beginning of the Chapiter For the free couenant of God doth containe these two partes as may be seene in the 31. Chapiter of Ieremy And hereof it commeth to passe that it is euerlasting because both he writeth his lawe in our heartes that is through his spirite he beginneth a newe obedience that we depart no more from God Ieremy 32.40 and because that being vnperfect he will remember our sinnes no more Where these two are there is sure friendshippe a constant and euerlasting couenant The resurrection of the flesh Testimonies out of the Prophets and Apostles DAniel 12. verse 2. And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shal awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetual contempt Iob 19. verse 25. I knowe that my Redeemer liueth and he shal stand in the last day vpon the earth and I shal be clothed againe with my skinne and shall see God in my flesh I shal see him my selfe none other for me Paul 1. Cor. 15. as it were with the finger pointing at those same bodies which we carrie about saith on this wife that this corruptible that this mortal this I say and none other must put on incorruption and immortalitie The meaning of this article THe articles that followe conteine the consūmation or perfecting of those same benefites of Christ to wit that same blessed life which we shal liue both in bodie and soule in the kingdome of our heauenly Father beeing fully ioyned with our head Christe beeing fully regenerate and transformed into his image and glorie 1. Cor. 15. Philip. 3. For our soules as soone as they shall passe out of this life shal enter into the rest of their Lorde for that whiche was spoken vnto the beleeuing theefe is also spoken to all the faithfull Nowe in the end of the worlde their bodies being taken againe they shall enioy full happinesse And certainly the verie same bodies which hauing put off al infirmitie shal put on incorruption incomprehensible power glorie a taste whereof Christe gaue vnto his Apostles in the mount Matth. 17. for he was transformed before them and his face did shine as the sunne and his garments were glistering as the light That the dead aswell righteous as vnrighteous must needes rise againe THe resurrection of the dead hath most sure and certaine foundations First of all the infinite power of God whereby he could create our bodies of nothing and whereby he can bring all thinges vnder subiection to himselfe Gene. 1. Rom. 4. Philip. 3. Further his vnchangeable will wherein he hath declared his righteousnes vpon which foundation the reason of the Apostle 2. Thess 1. leaneth For it is a righteous thing with God saith he to render affliction vnto them which afflict you and to you who are afflicted release together with vs when the Lorde Iesus shall be reuealed from heauen with the Angels of his power The righteousnes of God requireth that not other bodies but euen the verie bodies of the wicked be afflicted and that the bodies of the godlie receiue that promised release nowe whatsoeuer God can and will that of necessitie is done That the same bodies which we beare here shal rise againe THese verie same bodies and none other concerning the substance shall rise againe For God is the fountaine of life who hath taken into his couenant not halfe man but whole man and therefore shal quicken our bodies that are confederats vnto him For the God of Abraham of Isaak and of Iacob who is also our God is not the GOD of the liuing but of the deade like as Christ himselfe proueth the resurrection by the couenant Therefore these verie same bodies in respect of the substance shall rise againe But if any man will aske concerning the qualities there is a great diuersitie and so is that same voice of Christe to be vnderstoode Matth. 22. that in the resurrection we shal bee as the Angels of God in heauen And Christ saith Matthewe 13. Then the righteous shall shine as the sunne For this cause the bodies of the faithfull are called clarified bodies of the clearenes of the heauenlie light wherewith they are enlightened and they are called glorious bodies of that same glory which appeareth in that same clearenes as in the face of Moses spiritual bodies of the spirit of Christ by which they are quickened bewtified not to returne againe to nothing Now the cause of this our glorious resurrection is set forth in the third fruite of the resurrection of Christe Indeede the bodies of the wicked shall also rise againe as I shewed before when I sette foorth the foundations of the resurrection And Paule expresseth this Actes 24. But in a condition and qualitie diuerse from the godly For infirmitie shame corruption and misery shall not be taken from the bodies of the vngodly but like as they rise in shame so by the iudgement and power of God they shal bee confirmed in shame and corruption so that they shal be made immortall and incorruptible in corruption and death it selfe not to bee consumed with any tormentes but as it were hot burning yron they shall burne for euer Daniel 12. Some shal rise to euerlasting shame and Math. 25. The reason is because not onely the first death but also the seconde which is euerlasting is the punishment of sinne cōmitted aswell in body as in soule against the infinite maiestie of God And life euerlasting Testimonies out of the Prophetes and Apostles ESay 64. verse 4. And since the beginning of the worlde they haue not heard nor vnderstoode with the eare neither hath the eye seene another God beside thee which doeth so to him that waiteth for him The which place Paul citeth 1. Cor. 1. which the eye hath not seene which the eare hath not heard c. And in 21. of the Apoc. And God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrowe nor crying The meaning of this article THE meaning is I beleeue that the same life which is in Iesus Christ shall be reuealed also in mee Coloss 3. Your life is hid with Christ in God When Christ our life shall be made manifest then shall you also be made manifest in glorie The name of euerlasting life comprehendeth in it all that same happinesse and gladnesse both of soule and body which the soules enioye by and by after this life through Iesus Christe and which also the bodies ioyned to the soules shall enioye with them when they shall be taken vp into the aire that they may bee alwayes with the Lorde 1. Thess 4. I confesse not onely this euerlasting life but I trust that it is prepared proper to me Christ confirmeth this prorietie and feeling begun thereof which a ful