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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06676 Paraphrasticall and devout discourses vpon the Psalme Miserere, composed by Ch. M. Kellison, Matthew. 1635 (1635) STC 17130; ESTC S102830 80,842 304

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face or forepart of the head can not be hidden but is exposed to the sight of all though in the inferiour members of the body it be seldome marked Euen so the faultes or euill examples of Princes or Superiours vvho are the heades of their subiectes are by by noted vvhen their subiectes faultes are not regarded and therefore it is sayd that Princes faultes are vvritten in their foreheades I saith Dauid am the Heade of my People King of my Kingdome so my faultes of murder against Vrias and adulterie with his vvife are so well knovvne to all my subiectes that they haue not onelie offended thee ô Lord but haue also scandalized them from vvhom they could not be hidden and haue giuen them the euill example to follovv me in my euill vvayes because the People follovveth the example of the King and thinketh they may doe that securelie which they see the Prince doe before them 2. Yea I haue not onely by these my greate sinnes scandalized the Ievvs my subiectes but also the Gentils 2. Reg. 12. and haue caused the enemies of thee my Lord to blaspheme thy name vvherefore hereafter for satisfaction of thee ô Lord and of the vvorld I will teache the vniust thy vvayes the impious by my meanes shall be conuerted to thee For as I haue heretofore accompanied the Ark which was thy mānour house with nables harpes cymbals trumpets and all musicall instruments Yea and haue daunced before it to honour and praise thy name 1. Par. 15. vvhich novv by my sinnes I haue caused to be blasphemed of thy enemies so I vvill again resume this my deuotion and although thou hast forbiddē me to build thy Temple because I haue beene a vvarriour so hauing defiled my hands with bloud am not fit to build it 2. Reg. 7.1 Paral 28. yet I vvill giue the charges of it and of gold I vvill giue a hundred thousand talentes and of syluer a thousand thousand talentes 1. Par. 22. But of brasse and iron there is no vveight for the number is surpassed with the greatnes timber and stones I haue prepared to all the charges I vvill dispose of the offices of the Temple Musicians and their instruments and psalmes and songes 1. Par. 23.24 25. 2. Par. 28. I vvill giue to my sonne Salomon a description of the porche and of the Temple and of the cellers and of the vpper loft and of the chambers in the inner roomes and of the house of the proposition c. And this sayth Dauid I will doe for satisfaction of my sinnes and for the glorie and prayse of thy name vvhich shall be praysed and honoured in this Temple till the Messias shall come And vvhereas I haue scādalized the Gentils they vvhen they shall be conuerted to Christian Religion shall in their churches sing day and night and I in them by the psalmes vvhich I haue composed prayses laudes vnto thee euen to the end of the vvorld Ps 56. I will confesse to thee amongest peoples ô Lord and I vvill say a psalme to thee among the Gentils And I shall teach the vniust amongest Iewes and Gentils thy vvayes vvhich if they follovv they shall attaine to life euerlasting the impious amongest them shall be conuerted vnto thee And this I will doe partlie by my psalmes in vvhich I teach thē to knowe thee to loue thee to feare thee to serue thee In vvhich I shall teach both Ievve and Gentill Christian Religion for I shall treate in them of thy povver Maiestie Iustice mercie and of all thy Diuine attributes yea in them I shall discouer vnto them the Incarnation of the Sonne of God his Conception Esa 11. Esa 9. Natiuitie life and death Resurrection and Ascension and partlie also I shall doe this by the exāples of my good life vvhich hereafter I vvill leade For as Iob vvas an example of patience and vvill be to the end of the vvorld to all that are in affliction So will I be an exāple of penance to all sinners I vvill by my example make them to hope in thy mercie neuer to dispaire of it For if I after so greate sinnes and so many haue found mercie at God his hands vvhat sinner may not hope to finde the like mercie if he be sorrie for thē as I haue beene If I a King would detracte so much tyme from the publique affayres of my Kingdome as seauen tymes in the day to praye and sing laudes vnto God Ps 118 If I vvould rise at middnight to Confesse to God vvhat shall other sinners doe vvho haue no such incumbrances If I a King haue laboured in much sighing If I euery night haue vvashed my bedd and haue vvatered my couch with teares Psal 6. If my eyes haue gushed forth issues of teares will other sinners thinke without teares and sorrow to get remission of their sinnes I Dauid crye then vnto you all who are sinners you who haue followed Dauid in his sinnes follovv him in his repentance and you will find mercie as he hath done 3. O Dauid I must needs confesse that as thou hast sinned greeuouslie so thy sorrovv and satisfaction for thy sinne hath been great as thou hast by thy euill vvorkes dishonoured God his name so by thy good vvorkes alleadged thou hast glorified God and by thy example hast caused also others to glorifie his name as by thy euill exāple thou hast peruerted many so by thy Heauenlie psalmes and wholesome documents in thē thou hast conuerted thousands shalt by them conuerte sinners to the end of the vvorld O great King Prophet thy sinnes indeede haue beene great but thy repentance also and satisfaction through Gods grace hath beene greate so great that J can not easelie say vvhether thou vvast more vnhappie in sinning then thou hast beene happie in repenting yea thy repentance hath beene so greate so honorable to God so beneficiall and exemplare to all the vvorld that I can scarce hold my selfe frō saying ô happie sinne of Dauid See the like speech in the benediction of the paschall candle O foelix culpa que talem at tantum meruit habere Redemptorem which vvas seconded by so rare and so exemplare a repentance and satisfaction 4. Graunte vnto me ô Lord saye so ô repentant sinner that as I haue imitated Dauid in his sinnes so I may follovv him in his repentance and satisfaction I haue by my euill examples yea persuasions allured others to sinne but graunt me ô Lord thy grace and in vertue of it I shall endeauour vvith Dauid to teach by vvord of mouth or by bookes or example the vniust thy wayes the impious thereby shall be conuerted to thee To sollicitate others by persuasion or euill exāple vnto sinne is the office of the Deuill vvho in all his tentations intendeth nothing else but to draw vs to sinne and not onelie to spirituall sinnes as pride enuy and
in cryes and my eyes vvitnesse it vvith flouddes of teares O Dauid vvho art thou vvho novv art so humble euen in heart vvast not thou elected by God and anointed by Samuel the Prophet King of the Ievves vvas it not thou 2. Reg. 10. vvho killedst a lion and a beare 1. Reg. 17. foyledst at thy feete the great Giant Golias vvho braued the hostes of God made them all to quake Art not thou he of vvhom the yonge maydes virgins sange 1. Reg. 18. Saul stroke a thousand and Dauid ten thousand It is true I am he that did all this but I vvho killed the lion 1. Reg. 17. the beare and the Giant Golias am now slaine by an homebred yet more cruell beast concupiscence vvhich pretending to doe me a pleasure hath giuen me my deadlie vvound and like a trayterous Ioab seeming to offer me a kisse 2. Reg. 20. 1. Reg. 18. Psa 88 gaue me the stabb O Dauid art not thou he to whom God promised the Kingdome of Israel to continue in thy race for euer of vvhich race the Messias was to descende vvhy then art thou so deiected and humbled in heart I am he but I am now a greeuous sinner and those great titles prerogatiues and priuileges vvherevvith God heretofore honoured me doe now but aggrauat my sinnes and therefore not vvithstanding the aforesaid titles I am afflicted in spirit my heart is contrite broken vvith sorrovv and humbled 11. And yet ô Lord saith he I vvill not dispaire knowing thee to be mercifull and mercie it selfe Psa 21. Ps 70 ibid. Thou art my hope from the breastes of my mother thou art my hope from my youth In thee Lord I haue hoped let me not be confounded for euer Ps 131. Remember Dauid ô Lord and all his meeknes Remember vvhat I vvas heretofore Act. 13. a man according to thy heart consider not vvhat I am but pardon vvhat I am restore me to what I was to my former vertue grace and fauout and for my sinnes past I vvill offer thee a sacrifice not of oxen or sheepe but of my selfe of an afflicted spirit of a cōtrite humbled heart vvhich is more agreable to thee thē hecatombes of brute beastes I ô Lord vvill be my selfe the Priest my Altar shall be my soule my sacrifice my heart vvhich by contrition I shall breake and bruse by charitie I vvill burne vnto thy honour as a most gratefull holocauste knowing that a contrite heart and humbled thou wilt not despise 13. O the noble sacrifice of a contrite heart This sacrifice in all lavves be it the lavv of Nature before Moyses or the lavv vvritten before CHRIST or the nevv law since the comming of Christ is auaylable alwayes gratefull neuer abrogated as the old sacrifices are I neede not seeke farre countries for it it is vvithin me I neede not lay out mony to buy it it is myne CHRIST IESVS by his passion bought it and gaue it to me if I vvill I neede not begge it of any but CHRIST IESVS it is in my povver with his grace it is a sacrifice which euerie one may offer aswell the poore as the rich aswell the subiect as the King aswell the seruant as the Master it maybe offred asvvell in the night as the daye aswell in the field as the Church no time no place no person no hovver no moment vnfit for this sacrifice 14. I ô Lod remembring with Dauid my many greeuous sinnes am desirous with him to offer a sacrifice to appease thy anger cōceaued against me for them and because the sacrifices of brute beastes which were offered in the old lavv are not now pleasing vnto thee nor neuer vvere for themselues vnlesse they proceeded frō the invvard sacrifice of the heart I offer vnto thee the invvard sacrifice vvhich Dauid offered thee to wit a contrite and humbled heart beaten to povvder with contrition burned to ashes by loue of thee and charitie The zealous Moyses vvhen he saw that the Iewes had adored the golden calfe instead of God Exod. 32. vvas transported with such an holie rage furie that in this zeale he slew the Idolaters and caused the golden calfe their Idoll to be beaten to powder and mingling the powder with water caused the children of Israel to drinke it If Moyses was so angrie vvith that Idole which committed no Idolatrie but vvas onely the obiect of the Iewes Idolatrie to vvhich also it could not consent How should I detest my heart in what a rage should I be against it vvhy should I not beat it to povvder by contritiō it hauing committed a kinde of Idolatrie so often as it sinned mortallie in preferring the creature before the Creatour his cōmaundements and why should not I mingle this powder with the teares of contrition and drinke daylie this potion and make it my meate and drinke Psa 41. as he did vvho sayd Fuerunt mihi lachrymae meae panes die ac nocte My teares haue beene breads vnto me day and night 15. O sweet Iesus our true Moyses the veritie of the Ievves Moyses a tipe figure of thee who gauest vs the law writtē in heartes not in tables as he did vvho deliueredst vs not from a temporall captiuitie of Pharao as he did Exod. 17. but from an eternall thraldome of the Deuill strike vvith the rodd of thy crosse and consideration of thy passion suffred for our sinnes on it the rocke of my stonie heart that the teares of contrition may gushe forth and flow from it by my eyes as they did frō Dauids S. Peters S. Marie Magdalenes eyes O sweet Iesus resolue by the blood of thy passion my hard heart into the riuers of teares in vvhich Dauid Manasses S. Peter S. Marie Magdalene vvashed their soules frō the filth of sinne In this Iordā of teares vvash me ô Lord 4. Reg. 5. Luc. 4. from my leprosie of sinne vvith Naaman Syrus In this poole of Siloe vvash myne eyes vvith the blind-borne Ioan. 9 Ioan. 5. In this Probatica heale me and cure me of all my infirmities Ioan. 4. Wash me in this fountaine of liuing water which springeth vp to life euerlasting In this second baptisme called Baptismus flaminis regenerat me a new creature 2. Par. 33. Ionae 3. 4. Reg. 20. 1. Reg. 2 Psa 50. Luc. 7. Math. 26. These teares restored Manasses to his kingdome deliuerd Niniue from destruction prolonged Ezechias life fifteen yeares procured to Anna a Samuel to Dauid S. Peter S. Marie Magdalene and thousand other sinners remission of their sinnes And if in Noë his tyme the vvorld had beene vvashed in this water it had neuer beene drovvned in the Deluge In this vvater the ship of my soule shall sayle to the hauen of heauen securely because in this sea of teares there is no storme to shake it no surging vvaues to tosse it no rock to shiuer it in peeces or on which
hovv vile seemest thou vvhen I contemplate this Heauen All thy pleasures honours riches are but sweepings of this house lees of this wine dregges of this drinke drosse of this gold chaffe of this corne fragments crustes and crūmes of this bāquet all the world is but a poore cottage in respect of this Pallace a village in respect of this kingdome a litle hillock in respect of this high and holy mountaine a point in respect of this circumference O how great is the house of God Baruc. 3. and hovv great is the place of his possession ô Hovv beloued are thy tabernacles ô Lord of hostes my soule coueteth fainteth vnto the courtes of our Lord Psal 83 Blessed are they that dvvell in thy house ô Lord for euer and euer they shall praise thee If I shall forget thee ô Heauenlie Hierusalem Ps 136. let my right hand be forgotten let my tongue cleaue to my iavves if I doe not remember thee the cogitation of thee shall make me endure with all alacritie all afflictiō the cogitation of thee shall make me contemne all that the world can promise or threaten 17. O Lord saith Dauid deale fauorablie in thy good vvill vvith Sion that the vvalles of Hierusalem of this Heauenlie Hierusalem may be built vp that sinners may with me be daylie conuerted made fit to be of the liuing precious stones of which that Cit●e is built that the emptie roomes in Heauen made vacāt by the falle of Lucifer and his adherentes may be filled by holie soules daylie thether ascēding that the number of the elect and predestinate may be accomplished and that the Church militant may be assumed to that Church triumphant and consequently that then there may be no more any Church militant but of both may be made one Church triumphant where the blessed may for all eternitie offer spirituall sacrifices vnto thee of thēselues all their actions where they may render vnto thee not the materiall calues which the Iewes layed vpon thyne Altar but the spirituall calues of the lippes Osee 4. Heb. 13. as Osee the Prophet stileth them or the fruite of the lippes as S. Paul termeth them that is praise and thankesgiuing for euer and euer 18. And ô my soule pray thou also that this Heauenlie Hierusalem may be built vp that thou maist be one of the stones of vvhich it is to be built though thou be the least stone in the building yea though thou shouldst suffer much knocking and hammering of aduersities before thou canst be made a fit stone to be placed in that building Nothing attaineth to perfection but by suffering The gold cā not be pure vnlesse it passe the fire nor can it prooue a golden goblet fit for a Princes cupboord before it suffer the knockes of the gold smiths hammer The corne is not purged from the chaffe but by threshing it can not make bread till it be grinded The grapes are pressed before they prooue good vvine frankencense perfumeth not till it be burned nor doe spices smell till they be bruised in the morter The stones of the materiall Hierusalem tēple could haue no place in those sumptuous buildings till they were hewed knocked smoothed and carued and shall any christian thinke euer to be placed in the celestiall Hierusalē vvithout suffering hāmering knockes of aduersitie Our blessed Sauiour the corner-stone yea the foūdatiō both of the Hierusalem militant and triumphāt his virgin-mother vvho vvas the next precious stone of that Citie the Apostles vvhich vvere next to her and all the martyrs and Saints vvhat knockes of tormentes yea and deathes did they suffer before they found place in this Celestiall Hierusalem Tunsionibus pressuris Expoliti lapides Suis coaptantur locis Per manus artificis Disponuntur permansuri Sacris aedificijs Those stones the workemen presse and beate Before they throughlie polisht are Then each is in his proper seate Establisht by the builders care In this fayre frame to stand for euer So ioynd that them no force can scuer 19. O Sweet IESVS the Prince cheefe builder and Architect of this Heauenlie Hierusalem graunt me a place in that glorious building and if by reason of my many sinnes I be so vnapt for that place and building that I neede much hammering and knocking spare me not but hammer me and breake me here so I may be one of those liuing pretious and glorious stones of vvhich that Hierusalem is composed spare me not here so thou place me there Hic vre hic seca vt in aeternum parcas here burne me here cutt and launce me that thou maist spare me for euer Amen FINIS