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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A41900 The gallant history of the life and death of that most noble knight, Sir Bevis of Southampton Wherein is contained much variety of pleasant and delightful reading.; Beuve de Hanstone. 1691 (1691) Wing G170; Wing G170_VARIANT; ESTC R223625 15,121 51

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will I save thee The mother of Bevis like a woman distracted of her wits came running to her Brother in great hast and said What hast thou not flain that young Villain Madam quoth he he is dead Villain said she thou lyest If thou dost not make him away the sooner it shall cost thy life and his both Madam said he behold his Cloaths dipped in blood Bevis hearing her speeches stept out of the Chamber and was ready to tear her in pieces but she escaped out of his hands by the help of her Brother then she entreated Sir Sabere and another Knight to cast Bevis into the Sea and drown him which they did consent unto to pacifie her wrath CHAP. III. How Bevis was sold unto the Panims and carried over the Sea into Armony and presented to King Ermine AND going to the Sea-side they met with Merchants of Armony Sir Sabere sold Bevis to them the Merchants soon arrived in Armony and then presented Bevis to the King the King gave them many thanks and swore by his God Mahound he never saw such a sweet fac'd Boy in all his life Then the King asked him where he was born In England said Bevis Whose Son wast thou there said the King Sir Guy's of Southampton quoth Bevis I have heard much talk of thy Father said the King and by Report he was a valiant Knight as ever yet drew Sword I have but one fair Daughter said the King and if thou wilt forsake thy God and serve Apoline our god thou shalt have my Daughter to Wife and enjoy my Kingdom after me Not so my Lord said Bevis for all the Beauties in the World I would not deny my Creator Then said the King wilt thou be my Chamberlain and when I find thy desert I 'le dub thee a Knight and thou shalt bear my Standard in the Field against my Foes What you please to command me my Lord said he save denying of my God I will do Bevis was so beloved of the King that none Durst speak against him Nay Josian the Kings Daughter was in love with him As it chanced on Christmas-day Bevis rode into the Field to recreate himself and meeting with threescore Sarazens one of them asked him what day it was Bevis answered I know not for I was not seven years old when I came out of my own Country Then said the Sarazens upon this day thy God was born and wilt thou not honour thy God on his Birth-day Yes said Bevis if I was as well armed as my Father was you should know that I would honour this day better than ever you honoured your god Apoline With that they all run upon him thinking to kill him presently but Bevis having no Weapon got one of their Swords away and with the same made their Steeds to run home without their Riders for he slew and wounded all the Sarazens The King hearing what Bevis had done against his god Apoline swore he should dye then Josian down on her knees and desired her Father that Bevis might live which the King granted then Josian went to Bevis and kissed him and dressed his Wounds and then brought him to the King her Father who when he saw Bevis so wounded the Tears ran down his Cheeks and then he prayed Josian to do the best she could to cure his Wounds which she per formed in a little space so Bevis grew as sound as ever he was CHAP. IV. How Bevis one morning slew a mighty wild Boar in the Forrest VVIthin that Country there was a great Forrest and within the same there was a mighty wild Boar that devoured Man Woman and Child Bevis hearing of him one Morning early he saddled his Steed and took a good Sword by his side and rode to the Forrest to try a Combat with his wild Boar and riding to and fro it was his luck to find the Cave where this wild Boar was and as he tyed his Steed to a Tree out came the Boar and so assailed Bevis that he was fain to shrink back then Bevis recovering ground made at him with a Spear and burst it all in pieces then out he drew his Sword and laid many a heavy blow upon the Boars Bristles but could not make any entrance into the flesh at last by good fortune the Boar came at him with an open mouth and Bevis having that advantage with one violent blow cut his upper Iaw asunder at which the Boar gave such a cry as would have frighted a thousand men had they been in the hearing of it then into his throat Bevis thrust his Sword and killed him outright and with much ado cut off his Head and stuck it upon the Truncheon of his spear and so mounted himself upon his Steed and as he was riding homewards twelve Forresters set upon him to take the Boars head away that they might get the Honour which Bevis had ventured his life for And indeed Bevis was unprovided for he with very joy that he had slain the Boar left his Sword behind him but yet he made a pretty shift with them for he killed nine of them and the other three ran away and then Bevis had frée way to ride to the Court without any hindrance There was many spectators to behold Bevis with the Boars-head among which company was fair Josian beholding Bevis with great joy and Bevis seeing Josian smile began to ride Majestically towards her and entred the Court fair Josian bad him welcome and brought him to the King so when Bevis presented the Boars-head the King received it and gave Bevis many thanks and swore by Apoline for slaying the Boar he would do him great honour CHAP. V. How Bevis was made a Knight and a General of Twenty Thousand Men to go against Brandmond ABout this time King Brandamond sent an Ambassador to King Ermine to have fair Josian to his wife or else he would beat him out of his Country Then Ermine assembled all his Lords and Barons together to advice what to do some said it was better to let Josian go rather than to hazard the loss of his Crown and Kingdom Josian knowing their resolution spoke to her Father in this manner Father said she if you will be pleased to make Bevis General over an Host of men he would maintain your right and conquer your Foes The King hearing of his daughters words sent for Bevis and dubb'd him a Knight and chose out twenty thousand men to go under Sir Bevis's Command then Josian fitted on his Armour gave him a Sword called Morglay then she brought him a Steed called Arundel so Sir Bevis being mounted Josian viewed him well and smiled at him and Bevis smiled on her again and then saluting her away he rode with all his Host against Brandmond and his Host Brandmond seeing Bevis's Army to be no more laughed at them Dost thou laugh said Bevis I 'le make thee curse the time that ever thou camest hither then setting his Golden Spurs
quoth the Gyant by Apoline I swear thou shalt win it before thou hast it I I said Sir Bevis I le Dine at thy Castle and thou shalt sup with the Devil shall I so quoth he and up with a mighty Bar of Iron and struck at him which blow he wonderfully mist but it beat out Trunchifise's brains Bevis seeing that nimbly leapt out of Saddle and laid upon the Gyant most stoutly the Gyant finding that he was very strong with a violent force he struck a Dart into his shoulder then in the heat of blood he made a full blow at the Gyant which parted his Head from his Body then into the Castel went Bevis and forced the Gyants Wife to taste both meat and drink and he fed after her then into the Stable he went and took a goodly Horse and rode away from thence to find out fair Josian whom he dearly loved and it happened that he met with a poor Palmer to whom he said Who liveth in yonder Castle Marry quoth the Palmer there dwelleth King John that married the fair Lady Josian and is the Queen living said he Yes sir Knight said the poor Palmer I will give thee my Steed for thy Weed said he With all my heart replyed the Palmer and thank you too then he leaped off his back and gave his Steed to the Palmer and so put on the Palmers Weed then he took his way to the Castle where he found abundance of joys more than he lookt for but at the first Josian did not know him yet still he and she talked that he got so far into Josians favour that she gave him leave to see Arundel and then she knew Sir Bevis for his Steed Arundel hearing him speak broke seven Chains asunder and Neighed then Josian took Bevis uside into her Garden and there they both concluded to be gone Boniface her Chamberlain was a trusty friend unto her and vowed to further their Iourney he would do his best then said Josian to Bevis My Lord you shall stay about my Castle a while and you shall say to the King that you came from Jury and that King Bradwin is besieg'd by the King of Syrack and how he is like to lose his Kingdom In the mean time King Jour came home and Bevis told him all that Josian bid him Why sent he not to me said the King he did send replyed he but his Messengers were taken by Syrack then Jour swore by Mahound he would revenge his Brothers wrong so with all speed he raised an Army and went to help his Brother and left Sir Grassy to rule in his stead till his return King Jour being gone they gave Sir Grassy a sleepy drink which made him lye like one that was dead for four and forty hours in the mean time Bevis Josian and Boniface got great store of Moneys and costly Iewels and then away they came for England and as these three travelled they were so hard pursued by Sir Grassy that they were forced to take for their succour a Cave for shelter so there they stayed all one night Next morning Sir Bevis went out to kill some beast or other to dress for Josian for she was hungry The while Bevis was abroad there came into the Cave two dreadful Lions which slew poor Boniface and eat him whilst Josian trembling with fear the Lions went to her and laid their heads in her Lap By this time Bevis returned to the Cave seeing the blood and bones of Boniface wondred at it and entring the Cave Josian said good Bevis be careful for here is two Lions in the Cave with me and they have slain Boniface and eaten him Bevis answered art thou alive by this I know thou art a pure Maid Josian replyed I will hold the one whilst thou kill the other Nay said he let them both come together then Josian set them at liberty and they came full drive at him but he with his good Morglay flew them both presently and so the quarrel was ended Then Bevis Josian refresht themselves and rode onward on their Iourney and as they went there met them Ascapart an ugly Gyant who was thirty foot in length and a foot between his Eye-brows he was bristled like a Swine and his blobber lips hung a one side and meeting Ascapart said stand thee and thy Lady must along with me Not so said Bevis thou shalt have but one of us for I will try my Manhood with thee first and if you get the day take it and welcome Then Josian held Arundel whilst he fought with Ascapart the fight continued a long time yet Bevis avoiding his heavy blows gave Ascapart many a wound made him roar extreamly and being mad he laid at him with his cruel Bat thinking for to beat out his Brains but with that stroke his foot slipt and down he fell Bevis would have smote off his Head but Josian being pittiful said Do not so let him go with us Lady said Bevis he may betray us By all my Gods said Ascapart I swear if thou wilt save my life I will be true to thee and thy Lady and do you what service I can Then rise and live said Bevis So Bevis and Josian mounted Arundel and away they rode with Ascapart by their side till they came to the Sea where they found many Sarazens and a Ship bound for Christendom but the Sarazens would not ferry them to the Ship then Bevis and Ascapart made great slaughter among them and killed a bundance of them then said Ascapart let me alone I will carry you to the Ship Horse and all so he took the Horse under his Arm with Bevis and Josian and waded to the Ship where they had welcome and so sailed into the Land of Colen where dwelt a Bishop that was Bevis's Kinsman who bad them very Welcome and after much discourse the Bishop said What Country Lady is this Bevis answered the King of Almonies Daughter and she would become a Christian for my sake And what ill-favoured Lubber is this said the Bishop He is my Page said he and Josian and he would fain be christened this Lubber is too big to be carried by a Midwife to the Font said the Bishop that is true quoth Sir Bevis But in the end Josian was christened by the Bishop and Ascapart had a Font made on purpose to be christened in that was very large but when he came to be christened Out Devil quoth Ascapart thou wilt drench me I am too big to be christened by thee and leapt over the Font and away he went CHAP. VIII How Bevis slew a dreadful Dragon and what after chanced BEvis being in bed heard a Knight cry I Rot I Rot at which sad noise Bevis wondred and the next morning he asked what was the cause of that noise He was a Knight said they that coming through the street the Dragon met with and cast her Venome upon him whereof he rotted and dyed Where is that