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A54043 Naked truth, or, Truth nakedly manifesting itself in several particulars for the removing of hinderances out of the way of the simple-hearted, that they may come to true knowledge, life, liberty, peace and joy in the Lord, through the vertue and power of his precious truth, revealed and working in them : given forth by way of question and answer : whereunto are added, some experiences, with some Scriptures very sweet, and necessary to be experienced in the Gospel-state : as also, a few words concerning the true Christ, and a few words in the bowels of tender love and good will to my native country / by a long mourner and traveller after, but as length an happy experiencer of the truth, as it is in Jesus, Isaac Pennington. Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. 1674 (1674) Wing P1179; ESTC R39811 53,138 126

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spiritual effects in the Mind and that this is it even that which slays the enmity in the mind and crucifies to the World and the affections thereof God forbid said the Apostle that I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ whereby the World is crucified unto me and I unto the World Now mark That which is contrary to the World and crucifies to the World that is the Cross The Cross hath its power and nothing else and so there is nothing else to glory in The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other Mind here is the Cross The Spirit which is contrary to the flesh which mortifies the flesh through the Obedience whereof the flesh is crucified If ye through the Spirit mortify the deeds of the body ye shall live Whatsoever is of and in the Spirit it is contrary to the flesh The light of the Spirit is contrary to the darkness of the flesh The holiness of the Spirit is contrary to the unholiness of the corrupt heart The Life of the Spirit is contrary to the Life or rather death that is in sin The power of the Spirit is contrary to the power that is in Satan and his Kingdom The Wisdom of God is contrary and a foolish thing to the Wisdom of man Yea the new Creature which springs from God's Holy Spirit is contrary and death to the old Now he that comes hither out of his own Wisdom out of his own will out of his own thoughts out of his own reasonings and comes to a discerning of God's Spirit and to the feeling of his begetting of life in his heart and his stirrings and movings in the life which he hath begotten and waits here and receives counsel here he is taught to deny himself and to joyn to and take up that by which Christ daily crosseth and subdueth in him that which is contrary to God And here is the fight of Faith and the good travel under the Cross whereby the holy journey is gone and the enemies which rise up to oppose in the way vanquished and overcome For here is the power revealed the preserving power the leading power the conquering power of him who rideth on conquering and to conquer his spiritual enemies in the hearts of his Children who know his voice and are subiect to him who daily denying themselves and taking up his Cross follow him Wo is to them that are at ease in Sion under any thing that is contrary to God but blessings are upon them whose dwelling is under the Cross and who know no ease but what it allows It will make Truth Life Holiness Righteousness Faith Obedience Meekness Patience Love Separation from Sin Communion with the Lord and all the fruits of the Spirit as natural to them in the renewed state as ever sin was in the corrupt state And in that state they shall be able to say with Paul who once complained of his captivity and that he did what he hated yet after he had known the power of the Cross and was crucified with Christ he could then do nothing against the truth but for the truth Yea then being a conquerer having overcome the enemies which stood in his way he could do all things through Christ that strengthened him The cause of so many complaints and bowings down the head going mourning because of the prevailings of the enemy through temptations sin and corruption is because the Cross of Christ which is the power of God which is his Ordinance against the strength of the enemy is either not known or not taken up And this is the reason that many that make a fair shew for a while yet afterwards come to nothing but are like untimely figs or like corn upon the House-tops which hastily springeth up but soon withereth because they either rightly never learn or keep not to the Cross For that alone hath power from God to bring down and keep down that which is contrary to him So that from under the Cross of Christ there is no witnessing Salvation or preservation from the Lord but out of the limits of the Cross the enemy hath power to recover and bring back under his dominion again And whosoever in his travels leaves the Cross behind him does draw back unto perdition and not travel on in the living faith and newness of Obedience towards the Salvation of the Soul X Concerning the Mystery of Life and the Mystery of the fellowship which is therein God is hid from Man as he lies in his sinful and fallen estate and no Man can find or know him but as he pleaseth to reveal himself by his own blessed Spirit And Christ being God's image there is no knowing or confessing him or right calling him Lord but in and by the same Spirit 1. Cor. 12 3. When he appeared in the days of his flesh flesh and bloud could not reveal him but only the Father And he is the same to day as he was yesterday He is not to be known now but in the same Spirit in his own Grace and Truth in a measure of his own Life The dead cannot know him they only know him who are his Sheep who are quickned and made alive by him And this Life is a Mystery none can understand it but they that partake of it Can a man that is naturally dead know what the Life of nature means No more can a man that is spiritually dead know what the Life of the Spirit means The natural Man may get the words that came from Life and cry up them and speak great words of the same of Wisdom and of her Children but the thing it self is hid from them all O it is a strait gate at which the birth enters at which none else can enter The wise and prudent knowers and searchers after the flesh and of the Scriptures as they can put meanings upon them and comprehend them are shut out in every age but ther 's a babe born of naked Truth born of the pure simplicity admitted by God while men disdain and despise it And the fellowship of the Saints is in the Life and in the Light which is this Mystery The fellowship is not outward but inward All they that meet together in the outward place are not in the fellowship or worship but only they they meet together in the inward Life and Spirit They that worship the Father must worship him in Spirit and Truth Look ther 's the worship there are the worshippers They that are in the Spirit in the Truth They that meet in the Spirit in the Truth they meet together in the one spiritual place as I may call it And so we own no man after the flesh no man according to the appearance but in the righteous judgment of the Spirit those only who are of the Spirit Indeed we are tender where there is the least beginning of the work of God in any
it springs he may discern and receive it and when that which is of a contrary nature springs he may discern it under all its deceitful appearances and turn from it For out of the heart are the issues both of Life and Death There is all manner of deceivableness or unrighteousness in the unrigh●eous nature in the unrighteous Spirit and ●f the watch be not diligently kept it is easy to be deceived at any time But the true Seed the holy Seed the Living Seed the elect Seed the immortal Seed is never deceived O blessed are they who have their eyes opened and kept open in it to discern the mystery of Godliness and the mystery of Iniquity that they may be preserved safe in the one out of the reach of the other XIII Some Queries concerning the Seed of the Kingdom in which the Kingdom it self is contained as the nature and substance of things is contained in the Seed thereof and out of which it springeth up and ariseth in the heart Quer. 1. What is that Seed which is spoken of 1 Joh. 3.9 which remaineth in those that are born of God and preserveth out of sin those that are led by it and comprehended in it is it not the Seed of the Kingdom Quer. 2. Do not the natural herbs and flowers the natural plants and trees grow from a natural Seed Do not the spiritual plants the spiritual trees the trees of righteousness grow from the Seed of righteousness Quer. 3. Was it not the great doctrine of Christ to preach the Kingdom And how did he preach it did he not preach it as a Seed as a grain of Mustard-Seed and did not be liken this Spiritual Seed to leaven to a precious pearl to treasure hid in a field to a piece of silver lost c. O how happy is he who knows and enjoyes the thing it self which Christ preached All the prophets prophesied concerning him and when he comes this was his doctrine that men should mind this look after this purchase this possess this feel this planted and grow up in them and themselves ingraffed into and growing up in it Quer. 4. Can any man be born of God and not born of this Seed can any man be born of this Seed and not born of God Quer. 5. How doth Grace and Truth come by Jesus Christ Doth it not grow up from this Seed Can it grow up any other way in any heart Quer. 6. Is not Salvation felt and witnessed in every heart of those that are in any measure redeemed as this Seed grows up and overshadows them Was not this the Salvation ready to be revealed in the last time 1 Pet. 1.10 whereof the Apostle Pe●er himself was made a partaker Chap. 5.10 In the law were the shadows of good things to come but in the gospel the substance the Seed it self it revealed Quer. 7. Is it not the right beginning in Religion to begin in the Spirit and can any begin in the Spirit but he that begins in and with the Seed of the Kingdom Quer. 8. Is it not the main and chief thing in Religion to know this Seed to feel this Seed to be joyned to this Seed and abide in this Seed Quer. 9. Is not all that flows from this Seed true and certain is not the Knowledg certain here the Faith here the Love here the Peace here the Joy here the the Righteousness here From this true root can there grow or shoot forth any thing but that which is true O every breathing here is from pure Life and precious in the eye of the Father Is there any certainty elsewhere O when the Lord appears will he not disown all the religion and worship which is not of this growth Quer. 10. But some may say how may I know this Seed and how may I be joyned to it Answ In the quickning Life mayest thou know it and no-where else Didst thou ever feel that which quickned thy heart towards the Lord Therein and thereby at that time thou mayest feel an eye and heart opened which can truly see and know somewhat of God And keeping thy eie to the quickning power of God as that stirs moves and operates in thee and upon thee thou mayest know again and know more Therefore eye the power which quickens and eye the Seed which it reveals and raiseth in thee and wait to feel the power subjecting thee to the Seed that thou mayest come under it and it may come over thee and press down in thee all that is contrary to its pure nature And as thou comest hither thou wilt find that which death hath no power over and as thou abidest there thou shalt find it to have no power over thee F r of a truth in the holy Covenant of Life and Peace death never had nor can have power but he who abideth in him who is the Covenant who is the sheepherd who is the Love who is the Wisdom and Power of God witnesseth there a sure defence and strong tower where Salvation is for a Wall and Bulwark against the Enemy There are many sorts of talkers concerning the thing but there are few travellers into it but he alone who is a true traveller into it and takes up his rest there certainly knows and can truly witness what is to be found there And this is the reason that so many who seem great and experienced knowers cannot receive our testimony because they know neither the Seed nor its voice concerning which and whereby we testify But Wisdom is Justified of her Children and they that know the voice of the Sheepherd know his present appearance in this our day which is contrary to the Wisdom and Knowledg of all other Seeds and Births whatsoever He that hath an Ear to hear let him hear But he that hath not the true Ear cannot hear the true testimony though it should never so often be declared unto him But blessed is he that knows and stumbles not at the appearances of the Seed and Power of Life in his own heart but is turned from the Darkness to the Light there and from the Power of Satan to the manifestation of God's Spirit there for the end of words even of Christs own directions in the days of his flesh is to turn men to the holy Life and Power from whence the words came and thither man is to travel and therein to center waiting on the Lord in the way of his Judgments and tender Mercies to witness a translation from Darkness to Light and from the Kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of the dear Son which Kingdom is at first but as a grain of mustard-Seed and must be so known and so received And now let every serious heart examine concerning himself Dost thou know the Kingdom is the Seed grown in thee Doth it overspread thee Art thou in it as in a Kingdom Dost thou feel it overshadowing thee Art thou in unity with it Doth it speak Peace to thee from the Lord
Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me and take not they holy spirit from me c. saith he Psal 51.10 11. after his fall shewing what he had been acquainted with before and what he now God having touched his spirit afresh began to long after again And saith he in another place O send out thy Light and thy Truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy Hill and to thy Tabernacles Psa 43.3 O the sweetness of Light within Truth within O the precious leadings and drawings thereof which where once felt upon a fresh and tender remembrance thereof cannot but be longed after again VI. Concerning the Sun or Fountain of Spiritual Light Quest Whether the holy Scriptures or written Testimonies be the Sun or Fountain and the Light within but a ray or stream from them as is affirmed by my Antagonist Answ It is just quite contrary for the holy Men spake the holy words from the inward Light and quickning Life of Gods Spirit within them so that that was the Fountain in them and is so still With thee is the Fountain of Life And he that believeth as the Scriptures have said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water This spake he of the Spirit Joh. 7.39 that 's the Fountain The water that I shall give him shall be in him a Well of Water springing up into everlasting Life Joh. 4.14 Who esteems honours the Scriptures aright He that believes their Testimony comes to Christ and makes his Spirit Light and Life all or he that sets the Scriptures in the stead of that Word of Life which they came from testifie of and point men to as the fountain and foundation of Life and Salvation to all mankind VII Concerning the Words being a Fire and a Hammer to burn up the Chaff and break the Rocks in pieces Quest Is the Word which is a fire and hammer the Testimonies and Declarations of the holy Scriptures without or the Word nigh in the mouth and heart Answ That which I have felt hammering inwardly that which I have felt burning inwardly unquenchably as the mind has been kept to it has been the Word of Life it self from which the good words and holy testimonies proceed That which does the work in the inward Jew is the inward Ministration of the inward Covenant the appearance of God there He is the consuming Fire he is the Spirit of Judgment and Burning who by his holy flamings inwardly burns up the filth of the daughter of Sion A man may be exercised in the letter all his dayes and yet witness nothing of this inwardly in Truth and Righteousness but he whom the Spirit of Judgment and Burning inwardly comes nigh and whose flesh is kept in that holy furnace it will be consumed there day by day until it be quite wasted and destroyed and so he come to be judged according to the flesh and to live to God in the Spirit VIII Concerning God's writing his Law in the heart Quest How doth God write his Law in the heart Answ By his Spirit and Power working there whereby he both creates a new Heart and writes the new Law even the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus in the new Heart The Isles shall wait for his Law Whose Law The Law of the Messiah the Law of Grace which gives dominion the Law of the Anointing the Law of the New-Birth the Law of the Holy Seed His Seed remaineth in him 1 Joh. 3.9 In that Seed is the new Nature and the new Law both What is the Law of Sin what is the Law of Death how is it written in the Heart How doth the enemy write it there but by his corrupt spirit and nature And doth not God by his holy Spirit and Nature write the new Law the Law of Life in the hearts of those that are renewed and made tender to the impressions of his holy quickning Power every motion and drawing whereof is a Law to them who are born of the Spirit and taught of God to eye and walk after the quickning Spirit IX Concerning the inward Light of God's Spirit Quest What is it which the mind is to be turned to to enlighten it and to work the darkness and corruption out of it Answ It is no less than the Light of God's Spirit nothing else can do it The day-spring must arise from on high in the heart or there will be night for ever there All notions or apprehensions concerning the Light will not do it it is the shining of the Light alone inwardly which is able to expel the darkness there It was not for nothing that Christ came a Light to enlighten men and directed men to follow him the Light that they might not abide in Darkness and that he sent his Apostles with this message that God is Light and in him is no darkness at all and so gave his Apostles wisdom authority and power to turn men from the darkness to the light And if the darkness was within which they were to be turned from surely the light must shine within to discover the darkness and to that light must they be turned And in this light the holy Spirit is received and dwells there but out of this light and the limits thereof in every heart dwells the unclean and dark spirit and hath power and rule there for nothing but the light and strength of Gods Spirit is able to break his Kingdom and dominion inwardly in the heart X Concerning the Ministers and Ministry of the Gospel Quest Who are the ministers and what is the ministry of the Gospel Answer They are the ministers of the Gospel who have received that spirit and power wherein the ministry of the Gospel stands For Christ came in the spirit and power of the Father and he sends his Apostles and Ministers in the same spirit and power that they might be able to beget and reach to that birth which is to be begotten and ministred to It is one thing to be a Minister of the Law and to minister Letter and another thing to be a Minister of the Gospel and to minister Spirit The Apostles were able Ministers of the New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit and so are all in a degree who succeed them in any measure or proportion of their Ministry For the Ministry of the Gospel is in the Light Spirit and Power of the most High to turn peoples minds to a proportion of the same Light Spirit and Power in themselves and so to come to the manifestation and quickning of the same Life in themselves that so they may walk in the same Light For the Life is the Light and he can never have Light or see Light who comes not first to feel some vertue from the quickning Power O how precious is this ministry blessed be the Lord for his renewing of it in these our days And this ministry is not to
enemy the Soul can now sing because of that strength and heavenly authority which the Lord putteth forth and exerciseth in the heare against him When the Well of Life the Well of Salvation the Saviours Well is kept open and the Philistins the uncircumcised Spirit Power and nature cast out that they can stop it no more but the soul can draw the water of Life out of the Well and Fountain of Life with Joy Ah then the Gospel-dispensation is indeed known and the blessed estate thereof witnessed and experienced I counsel thee to buy of me Gold tryed in the Fire that thou mayest be rich and white raiment that thou mayest be cloathed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thine eyes with eye-salve that thou mayst see Rev. 3.18 What is the Gold tryed in the fire which man is to buy of Christ that he may be made rich therewith What is the white raiment which the soul is to be clothed with without which it is naked in God's sight and in the sight of the truly discerning and there is a time when the shame of its nakedness will appear more generally as it doth already to the eye of the spiritual man who Judgeth all things What is the eye-salve wherewith the eye is to be anointed or it cannot see Is it not precious to purchase this Gold and Raiment of Christ and to have this eye-salve to anoint the eye with and to keep it open that it may daily see its way and walk in the Light of the Lord Certainly this is all inward and Spiritual as a remnant witness it this day Glory to the Lord God But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you But as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him 1 Joh. 2.27 The outward anointing was a shadow of the inward and had a glory in it under the dispensation of the Law and the inward anointing in the Gospel-dispensation is Spiritual and Divine and exceeding glorious Christ the anointed one anoints all his No being a Son without being begotten by the Spirit and Power of the Father and no abiding a Son but by the Virtue and Power of the same Spirit remaining in and with the Soul so that every Son receives of the anointing of the Father Christ received the Spirit the fulness that he might give to them a proportion Now to experience this anointing and to experience it abiding and teaching all things and to know this voice the voice of the Sheepherd the voice of the anointing which the Sheep still finds to be true and no lye and to abide in the Vine in the Life in the Spirit in the Power as this Spirit or Anointing teacheth Oh here 's the sweet state the clear state the blessed state Here the Promises and Blessings are Yea and Amen in Christ and the Soul can say He is Faithful and Just who hath Promised who hath opened the treasures of Life to his Family to his House to his Children to his Servants and blesseth them with all Spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ Surely his Salvation is nigh them that fear him that Glory may dwell in our Land Mercy and Truth are met Righteousness and Peace have kissed Truth shall spring out of the earth and Righteousness shall look down from heaven Yea the Lord shall give that which is good and our Land shall yield her increase Righteousness shall go before him and shall set us in the way of his steps Psal 85.9 to the end Is it not precious to witness that fear of God in the heart to which Salvation is nigh and the Land wherein Glory dwells Where Mercy and Truth meet Righteousness and Peace kiss Where Truth springs out of the Earth and Righteousness looks down from Heaven Where God gives that which is good and the Land of the Living yields the increase of Life to him Where righteousness goes before him and he sets his in the way of his steps Where the Lamb goes before and the way is not known but as the Lamb goes before and leads into it Where God is the Sheepherd and the Soul doth not want because he maketh it to lie down in pastures of tender grass and leadeth by the waters of quietness where it drinks of the brook in the way and in the paths of righteousness for his names sake see Psal 23. Is there not a Kingdom of darkness a Land of iniquity inwardly and do not they they that dwell here and sit there dwell in darkness and sit in the region and shadow of death And is there not a travel out of this Land into the holy Land the Land of Light the Land of the Living and a translation out of this Kingdom into the Kingdom of the dear Son And is not God the Sheepherd there Christ the Bishop of the Soul there and doth not he oversee and take care of souls there leading them into fresh pastures and by the soft flowing waters Is not Salvation nigh there yea round about that Land doth not Mercy and Truth meet there Righteousness and Peace kiss there yea doth not the glory of the most high dwell in and overshadow that Land Is not the eye of the Lord upon it for good from one end of the year to the other doth not he watch over it night and day that none hurt it and water it in the proper seasons O who can utter the Goodness and Glory of the Lord which is revealed and shines here Rev. 3.20 Behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me Here are several things which in their order and seasons the living come to a certain and sensible experience of As first Christs standing at the door and knocking What is the door at which he stands and how doth he knock How doth the contrary Spirit knock how doth his Spirit knock Secondly What is his Voice and how is his Voice heard To hear Wisdoms cry within in the inward streets his call at the door at which he would enter Must not the true ear in some measure be opened first Can any one hear without an ear Thirdly What it is to open the door there is a door-keepers state to be witnessed and the right door-keeper knows how to open and how to shut the door and is exercised in opening and shutting the door The King of glory is to be opened to and let in but no wolf no stranger no strange Spirit is to be hearkned or opened to Fourthly What Christ's coming in is at the door opened to him When he knocks would he not come in Would he stand alwayes at the door knocking Nay nay when the door is opened at which he knocks he who is the