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A26656 Medulla historiæ Scoticæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First, to Our Gracious Sovereign Charles the Second : containing the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, with other observations proper for a chronicle, faithfully collected out of authors ancient and modern : to which is added, a brief account of the present state of Scotland, the names of the nobility, and principal ministers of church and state, the laws criminal : a description of that engine with which malefactors are tortured, called the boot. Alexander, William, fl. 1685-1704. 1685 (1685) Wing A917; ESTC R21197 93,143 254

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sent to bring home the Queen he was no sooner gone then his Interest at Court began to fall for a Parliament being called the Lord Boyd and his Brother Sir Alexander are summoned to appear thereupon he distrusting this Case fled to England but his Brother was taken and Arraigned the Earl of Arran also though absent is declared a Rebel The Queen arriving with her fleet arriving in the Ferth My Lady Arran went aboard in disguise and informed her Husband of the calamity of his House perswaded him to do for himself whereupon he hoisted Sails and returned with his Lady to Denmark The King sendeth Letters full of promises and threatnings to move his sister to return to Scotland which when she did she was constrained to be divorced from her Husband and to Marry James Lord Hamilton not long after the Earl of Arran dyed in great misery at Antwerp Queen Margaret the third year after her Marriage brought forth a Son who was named James the King of Denmark to Congratulate the happy delivery of his Daughter released all his claims to the Isles of Orkney and Sherland but in the midst of this calm a cloud begins to overcast the Kings Splendor for his Brothers being Princes of unquiet and restless spirits they set themselves altogether to study Novelties and to bring him into contempt with his Subjects to this end they had drawn away many of the young Nobility and Gentry to follow them The King was Naturally Superstitious giving much head to divinations which gave also his Brothers occasion to vilifie him and incense his people against him yea the Earl of Marre became so Insolent that in the Kings own presence he began to raile against the Government of the state and Court which the King highly resenting caused to Imprison him where he fell in a high Fever whereof he dyed The Duke of Albany imputed the death of his Brother to the Court party but while he was keeping his Cabals in order to an Insurrection he was surprised and Imprisoned in the Castle of Edenburgh out of which he soon after made his escape to France thence he came to England and began to tamper with King Edward revealing to him the weakness of the Kingdom of Scotland and how easily it might be subdued the Nobility not respecting the King but much affecting a change in the Government which by his assistance might easily be effected he promised also to settle a corespondence with the Nobles of Scotland which he did then that they might get their design wrought gives way for the breaking loose of the Borders fierce incursions are made by the English upon Scotland and by the Scots upon the English and the discontented Nobility blame the King for all thereupon pretending the necessity of the times and the danger the Kingdom was in they entered into a Bond of association after which they enter the Kings bed chamber where they seized some of his Servants in his presence and put them to death as incendiaries in the state About this time the Duke of Gloucester set forward toward Scotland with two and twenty thousand men finding Berwick two strong for him he marches directly to Edenburgh there by publick writings at the Market places he gave out high demands all which King James being shut up in Edenburgh Castle answered with silence the disatisfied Lords having obtained what they chiefly aimed at wished the English at home again therefore they desire a peace with them which the Duke of Gloucester granted upon condition that all his demands were satisfied one of which was to reinstall the Duke of Albany which after much debate was granted and he with his Army returned home The Duke of Albany having recovered his Estate and Honours his first work was to restore the King to his Prerogatives reconciling him to his discontented Lords but he himself stood not long in his favour for by the advice of some of his Enemies about the King a Plot is resolved upon to bring the Duke within compass of Law which he being aware of fled to England to present to King Edward and the Duke of Gloucester his grievancies in his absence he is convinced of many points of Treason whereupon he and the Lord Crightton his Associate are both forfeited which when he heard he presently caused to give up the Castle of Dunbar whereof he was Lieutenant to King Edward who immediately put a Garison in it Not long after the said King Edward dyed and his Brother Richard Duke of Gloucester Succeeded The Duke of Albany obtains five hundred Horse from King Richard with which he came with the old Earl of Douglass to Lochmabban to surprise a Fair which was held there whereupon the Laird of Johnston who was warden dispatched Posts about for supply of men with which he Encountred the Duke here it is most Couragously fought on both sides but at last the English are quite routed the Duke hardly by swiftness of his Horse escaped but the Earl of Dowglass is taken and brought in Triumph to Edenburgh where the King adjudged him to perpetual confinement soon after followed a Truce with England for three years but before the time was expired Henry Earl of Richmond came with some Companies out of France of which that Famous warriour Bernard Stewart Lord Albany Brother to the Lord Darnly had the leading which by the resort of his Country men turned into an Army and Rencountred Richard at Bosworth where he was killed and Henry Proclaimed King of England King James taking advantage of this change besieged Dunbar which was soon surrendred upon Articles After this King Henry sent Embassadors to King James to agree if possible upon a lasting and firm Peace between the two Crowns at length after some difficulty they agree upon a Truce for seven years The King having settled a Peace with England betakes himself to the Exercise of Religion having founded a Colledge for divine Service in the Castle of Sterling he endeavoured to annex the Priory of Goldingham to it The Priors of this Convent having for many years been of the Name of Humealedged that they were wronged of their Right First they began to Petition but finding this uneffectual they began to associate with their Neighbours giving it out that the King was a meer Tyrant not to be trusted by which means many of the Hearts of the Subjects were alienated from the King The King understanding how things stood he made choice of a Guard to defend his Person resolving to live beyond the River Ferth of which when the Lords of the Insurrection were certified they surprize the Castle Dunbar and tumultuously over-run the Countries besouth the Ferth Thus coming to Lithgow they resolved to make the Duke of Rothesay the Kings own Son their Head whom having corrupted his Keepers with Bribes they constrained to go with them But the King loosing neither Courage nor Councel passeth the Ferth near Blackness with his Forces before his arrival at this place
D. 420. A Valiant and Victorious Prince he managed the Government by the help of the Valiant Grame whose father was banished out of Scotland with Ethod Brother to King Eugenius the first who married a Virgin of the Blood Royal of Denmark She brought forth a daughter to him which was married to Fergus the second Eugenius his Father this Grame being the Kings Grandfather was mighty helpful to him against the Romans for he pulled down the wall of Abercorn built by the Romans called afterward Grames Dick as also Adrians Wall over against the Irish Seas By his help the Kings of Scots and Picts past with Fire and Sword through all the bounds between Tyne and Humber here they fought a most bloody Battel in which there were 15000. Britains killed together with most of their Princes and Nobles but few of the Scots by which means they totally expelled the Romans out of Britain and brought the Britains under Contribution reserving also to themselves the whole Land lying between Tyne and Humber This Prince dyed the one and thirtyth year of his Reign having the seventh year delivered his Country from the Romish Yoke 496 years after that Julius Caesar brought them first under Tribute 42. To him his Brother Dongard Succeeded A. D. 451 A Prince fitted both for war and peace in his time the Pelagian Heresie infested the Church for curing of which Celestine Bishop of Rome sent one Paladius into Scotland he is said to have been the first who Instituted Bishops there for untill that time the Church was governed by Monks this King dyed the fifth year of his Reign 43. Constantine the first Succeeded to Dongard A. D. 457. A man full of bad qualities cruel to his Subjects but fearful of his Enemies given up also to all kind of Lasciviousness the Picts seeing his unworthiness broke with him his Subjects also were at the very nick of Rebellion He was slain in the two and twentyth year of his Reign by a Noble man of the Isles whose Daughter he had defloured 44. To him Succeeded Congall the first A. D. 479. His first work was to reduce his Subjects from the sottish and base customs to which his Father had inured them The Britains seeing him inclin'd to peace perswaded Aurelius Ambrosius to demand restitution of Westmorland from him which he denying to do they draw to Arms on both sides but being better advised they again agreed that things should stand as Constantine left them During the Reign of Congall he had Wars with the Saxons but no great action In his time lived those two famous Prophets Merlin and Gildas He dyed the two and twentyth year of his Reign 45. His Brother Govan Succeeded him A. D. 501. who governed the Kingdom with great discretion In his time arrived in Britain Occa and Passentius the Sons of Hengist with an Army of German Souldiers against whom came King Ambrose and fought and routed them but with small reason to boast of his Victory for he lost the prime of his Nobility in that ingagement he thereupon sent for the King of Scots and Picts to come to his assistance finding himself so much weakened Occa being advertised thereof sent his Brother Passentius to Germany for assistance who by contrary winds being driven upon the coast of Ireland gathered a considerable number of Souldiers of fortune and returned home In the mean time Ambrosius was Poysoned by Occaes means to him Succeeded the Valiant King Arthur who by assistance of the Scots and Picts obtained several great Victories against the Saxons Govan having made peace with all his Neighbours returned home He dyed the thirty fourth year of his Reign not without suspicion of Treacherie in which Donald Captain of Athlo had no small hand 46. Eugenius or Ewen the third Congallus the firsts Son Succeeded A. D. 535. a wise and prudent Prince he consulted with some of his Nobles about revenging the late Kings death but found by their Coldness and Unconcernedness in the matter ground of suspicion that they themselves were not Inocent of it which made him dread their designes against Himself Yet he managed the Government so wisely that he dyed in Peace the twenty third year of his Reign 47. To him Succeeded Congal the second his Brother A.D. 558. A Prince of a very strict Life contending even with the Monks themselves for Piety he made many excellent Laws relating to Churches and Churchmen In his time lived these two Famous Men S. Colm and S. Mungo He dyed in peace the eleventh year of his Reign 48. Kinnatill Succeeded his Brother Congall A. D. 569. At which time Aidan Govans Son come to Scotland who being ntroduced to the King by S. Colm was Graciously received with assurance that he should be the man who should Succeed to the Crown He dyed in peace the first year of his Reign 49. Aidan Accordingly Succeeds A. D. 570. Soon after a Conspiracy being discovered which some of his servants intended against his Person the Conspirators fled to the Picts who refusing to deliver them up to Justice when demanded he quite broke with them and Confederated with the Britains against them and the Saxons routing them in several Battels about this time his good Friend S. Colm dyed to his great grief Soon after Augustine the Monk came into Britain being sent by Pope Gregory who created much trouble by his innovations in matters of Religion This Prince dyed in peace the thirty fifth year of his Reign 50. Kenneth the first Congalls second Son Succeeded A. D. 605. We have nothing Recorded of him worth noting He dyed in peace the first year of his Reign 51. Ewen The fourth Aidans second Son Succeeded A. D 606. He was Educated by S. Colm but slighted his Injunctions in one thing for that he preferred War to peace his hand was heavy upon the Rebellious and Stubborn but yet a modest Conqueror he dyed in peace the fifteenth year of his Reign 52. To him Succeeded his Son Ferchard the first A. D. 621. A Vitious Tyrant which his Nobility not being able to endure called him to an account but he refusing to submit was compelled having laid before him how injurious he had been to his Country and what an Enemy to Religion abetting the Pelagian Heresie with many such things they degraded him and put him in Prison where soon after he killed himself 53. To him Succeeded his Son Donald the fourth A. D. 632. He studied nothing more then to preserve and advance the Christian Faith at home and among his Neighbours he sent some Learned Divines to Northumberland to restore the Christian Faith which was much decayed He perished as some write in Lochtay being there at fishing the fourteenth year of his Reign but others affirm he dyed in his Bed 54. His Brother Ferchard the second Succeeded A. D. 646. A wicked Tyrant Impious toward God and cruel towards Man having strangled his Wife and Deflowred his Daughters his Nobles resolved to call him
convened his Nobles intending to determine the right of Inheritances which some had unlawfully kept in these unsettled times this begat a Conspiracy which being detected a meeting was held at Perth there by their own Papers many were Convicted and Executed but some Pardoned In the mean time a Legat came from Rome armed with all the Thunderbolts of that See to threaten the Scots into a Peace with England but missing of his Errand the Scots followed him with an Army and marched as far as Stainmore Edward in revenge raiseth a most powerfull Army Robert therefore considering that his force would not be in case to resist so great a Power caused all the cattel to be carryed unto the Avious retreats of the Hills that they might not be serviceable to the Enemy whereupon the English for want of Victuals were forced to retire Bruce pursues them as far as Yorke there he obtained a great Victory About this time the family of the Hamiltons took their rise one of them killing an English Gentleman fled to Robert for Protection who gave him lands which retain the name to this day Bruce now having subdued his enemies begins to compose himself to the cares of Peace and by Act of Parliament settles the Crown upon his Son though a Child and in case of his decease to Robert Stewart his Grand-child by his Daughter soon after Thomas Randolph and James Dowglas were sent with a flying party of horse into England from whence they returned without any considerable action saving only that Dowglas with two hundred horse beat up the English quarters cutting two ropes of the Kings Tent with his Sword and made a good retreat Bruce finding himself wasted with Age retyred to the Abby of Kilross leaving these three Counsels behind him First not to let one man Solely command the Ebudae Secondly never to put all their strength at one Hazard with the English Thirdly never to make long Truces with them Thus he dyed leaving Charge with the Valiant Dowglas to go to Jerusalem whither himself designed an Expedition which the Dowglas performing he afterward Joyned with the Christian Princes against the Turks and Saracens where he obtained several great Victories He purposing to return home was driven by a Tempest upon the Coast of Spain where he joyned with the King of Aragon against the Saracens and obtained great Victories at last he was killed by an Ambushment that was laid for him of purpose thus ended the Noble and Valiant Dowglas one of the most renowned warriours that lived in his days It is said that he was thirteen times Victorious against the Turkes and Sarazens and fiftie seven times against the English In the preceeding age there was a Gate in Dansick called the Dowglas port in memory of this Dowglas King Robert dyed at Cardross the twenty fourth year of his Reign and was buried in Dumfermling 98 To him Succeeded his Son David Bruce A. D. 1330. Being seven years of age Thomas Randal who was continued Governour kept the country in entire peace and prosperity which King Edward hearing of hired a Monk to kill Randal by poyson the Monk giving out that he had great skill in curing the Stone where with the Government was sore troubled came to be in favour with him which gave him opportunity to perpetrate his Villany how ever the Poyson did not take effect at first but the Monk returned home and told King Edward that he had done his business who immediately raising a great Army came to the border of which the Governour being advertised presently marched against him himself not being able to ride nor go was carryed in a litter when King Edward heard that the Governour was there in person he sent an Herald under pretence of seeking peace whom the Governour received with a very austere countenance when Edward was by the Herald certified of the truth of his being alive he returned home and burnt the Monk alive The Governour returning home dyed at Musselbrough after his death the Earle of March and the Earle of Marr were chosen Governours in which they were scarce warm when news was brought that Edward Balliol was seen in the Fryth with a formidable Fleet his Army consisted of both English and Scotch the Earle of Stafford with divers other English men of note were with him the Governours raised two great Armies to oppose the Balliol he came near the water of Hone where he pitched his Tents the Earle of Marr also encamped within view of him but he slighting the smallness of their number took little care of himself the Balliol in the night time passed the water of Erne having intelligence of the Ford by a stake set up for that purpose and entering the Earle of Marrs Camp killed him in his Bed with many other Noble men and Gentlemen namely the Earle of Carrick Sir William Hay Constable of Scotland Alexander Frazier also Robert Keith Lord Marshal Balliol past immediately and beseiged Perth and soon overcame it The Earle of March being encamped at Ochterarder and hearing of the Earle of Marrs death and the taking the Town of Perth marched thither and beseiged it but after he had filled the Ditches and put himself in a case to make an assault he most shamefully left it thereupon 99. Balliol usurped the Crown at Scone A. D. 1332. coming from thence to Perth they that adhered to David Bruce beseiged him and his party upon the other hand his adherents wasted and destroyed the beseigers country Perth being well fortified was by the King committed to the Earle of Fiffe as Governour of it but the Sons of them who were killed with the Earle of Marr at Duplin beseiged and took it committing the Governour to the Castle of Killdrummie Andrew Murry of Tullibardin was Executed for fastning the stake in the Ford of the River Erne whereby Balliol and the Englishmen were directed the Night wherein they Surprised the Earle of Marre Therefore John Kandal Earle of Murry and the Earle of Galloway gathered a great Army and came against Balliol and quite routed him killing many of his Nobles and taking many Prisoners the Kingdom being thus divided the one part for Balliol the other for Bruce the King of England thinking it a fit time for him to make a full Conquest of Scotland raised a great Army and beseiged Berwick mean while Archibald Dowglass raised an Army and entring the Borders Burnt all before him to divert the King of England from the Seige King Edward advertised of this sent a Messenger to Sir Alexander Setonn who was Governour telling him that if he did not presently render he would hang his two Sons whom he had in his hands which he refusing to do the two Young Gentlemen were presently hanged then the Governour came with an Army to Northumberland where a most Bloody battel was fought on Halidown-hill and the Governour himself with many Nobles killed thereupon Berwick was rendered and Edward Balliol Established King who sought by
all means to have gotten Robert Stewart in his hands for he knew that next to King David his Title was best to the Crown Soon after King Edward prepared an Army both by Sea and Land to enter into Scotland but the most part of his Ships Perished in Forth The King returning with Balliol into England left Cumin Earle of Athol Governour who seized upon all the Lands pertaining to Robert Stewart and his Friends but Robert Stewart took the Castle of Dunne and killed all the Englishmen therein at this time the Earle of Murray came from France who together with Robert reduced much of the Country to the obedience of King David chasing the Governour and his Followers to the Mountains but the English entred with a great Army and though a great part of their Army was routed took Perth but their Fleet being harrast at Sea were forced to retreat and the rather in design of a French War but some of the Nobles still standing out the English landed in Murray and reduced all and leaving Balliol returned home the next year the English beseiged Dunbar and sent in two Parties under Talbot and Monford who were both routed yet the seige continued at last they were forced to raise the seige also having received great loss by the Valour of Robert Stewart Murray in the mean time dying Stewart was created Viceroy till Davids returne who having the first year gained some Victories did the next year take Perth Sterling and the Castle of Edenburgh the Scots gaining all their ground except Berwick In the year 1336. David resolves upon an expedition into England though much disswaded by his council Making John Randolph General himself going disguised Soon after a peace for two years was treated of which David would not accept without the consent of France whereupon marching as far as the County of Durham had his Army quite routed and himself taken Prisoner his Kingdom also in a manner Depopulated with the Plague by this time John of France was also made Prisoner in England the Scots after eleven years Captivity ransomed their King who at his returne punished some of those who had deserted him at Durham and endeavoured to remove the Succession of the Crown from Robert Stewart to whom he was some years after reconciled he spent the last five years of his Reign in composing Domestick feuds Queen Jane daughter to Edward the second of England dying he Marryed Margaret Logy Daughter to Sir John Logy then he purposed to have past to Jerusalem having provided all necessarys for his Voyage but he fell sick of a Feavour in the Castle of Edinburgh whereof he dyed in the fortyth year of his Reign without Succession and was buried in Holyrood-house 100. Robert Stewart the first King of that Name succeeded his mothers Brother A. D. 1378. A Valiant and worthy Prince he Married Eupham Daughter to the Earl of Ross who bare to him David Earl of Strathern Walter Earl of Athol Alexander Earl of Marr with several Daughters After her Death he marries Elizabeth Moor his own Concubine the better to Legitimate Children he had by her he honoured them with Titles and declared them his Successors two years after an Attempt is made upon Berwick and Sir John Lilbourn and 〈…〉 grave Captains of it taken 〈…〉 After this the Earl of Douglass came with twenty thousand Men to the Fair of Pennire within England spoiling all the Goods there but carried away the Pestilence with him whereof many dyed To revenge this the English came with a great Army over Solway destroying all before them mean while the Scots gathered together about five hundred Men. and lay in Ambush till the English returned back then with a sudden noise and Clamour as they passed by they set upon them forcing them back till many were drowned in Solway Not long after Edward King of England dyed whereupon the Duke of Lancaster came into Scotland intreating to have a Peace for three years which Peace being expired My Lord of Galloway laid siege to the Castle of Lochmaban and made himself Master of it defeating a strong party of English who were coming from Carlyle to it's relief King Richard fearing of it sent the Baron of Gray-stock with a Body of Men to fortifie Roxburgh who being within a mile of it he was taken by the Earl of March and carried to Dunbar the same year the strengths of Teviotdale were by the Earl of Douglas recovered out of the English hands soon after which he dyed His Son James succeeding to him went by the Kings Order with an Army into England whence he was presently after Counter-manded home where he found the Admiral of France with two hundred and forty Ships well Man'd come to their Assistance with them they passed into England and took the Castles of Warkford and Corwal And laying siege to Roxburgh and Carlyle the Scots and French could not agree in whose Names the strengths should be kept if they were won which brought the business to nothing Whereupon King Richard in revenge enters Scotland with a great Army and marching through the Mers and Louthian did much hurt But the Earls of Fife Douglas and Galloway followed him into England and secretly passing the Water of Solway came to Cokermouth where in three days time they spoiled the whole Country about and returned safely with great Booty In the year 1388. The King past again into England with an Army at which time the Irish taking their advantage entered Galloway destroying all before them Whereupon William the Lord of Galloways Son pursued them to Ireland and burnt the Town of Carlingfoord and finding sixty Ships in several Harbors loaded fifteen of them with the spoil of the Town and burnt the rest Returning home he spoiled the Isles of Man The next year the King of England sent an Army into Scotland which did much hurt in the Mers revenging this affront King Robert sent two Armies into England the one under the Command of the Earl of Fife entred Cumberland the other led by the Earls of Douglass and March entred Northumberland the two Armies met within two miles of Newcastle The Earl of Douglass chose out ten thousand Men to besiege Newcastle wherein was the Earl of Northumberland with his two Sons Henry Hotspur and Ralph Henry Challenged the Earl of Douglass to fight with him which Douglass accepted off so being mounted upon two starely Horses they assaulted one another desperately at last Douglass beat Peircy out of his Saddle but he was presently rescued and brought into the Town Immediately Douglass assaulted the Town but it was so well defended by the English that he was forced to retire and encamp at Otterburn whither Henry Peircy immediately followed there they fought a bloody Battel until the darkness of the Night parted them but when the Moon began to appear they joyned again with more Fierceness than before Victory inclining sometime to one side and sometimes to another till at last Patrick
the Earls of Montross Gleancan Lords Maxwel Ruthwen with others being advertised by Letters came to him they of the Association having the Prince with them to add Authority to their Quarrel Gathered from all Quarters the two Armies being in readiness to decide their Quarrel by Battel the Earl of Athole the Kings Uncle so travelled between the Lords of either Party that the King had a Suspension of Arms agreed on The Earl rendring himself a pledge for the Accomplishment of the Kings part of the Reconcilement to Lord Hails Thus the King lost a good opportunity the like of which was never again in his offer for the Lords notwithstanding that was agreed upon continued very troublesome to the Country the Town of Edenburgh is pestered with Troops of armed Men. The King warned of his danger fortifies the Castle of Edenburgh for his defence then he sent to the Lords to understand their Intentions and what they meant they finding their offences flew higher than hope of pardon could reach answered that nothing could secure them nor the Kingdom until he had divested himself of all the Government of the Kingdom and resigned the Crown in Favour of his Son But he resolving to hazard all rather then condescend to this was advised by some of his Friends to retire to the Castle of Sterling where his Forces might have more easie Access to him but this proved a a fatal advice for coming thither the Treacherous Constable denyed him entrance in the mean time News came to him that the Confederates were within six miles of him at Falkirk The King to make a Vertue of necessity resoves to put all upon the hazard of a Battel the Confederates were incamped near the Torwood The King set forward with his Army upon the other side of the Torwood Both drew up in a plain field near Bannock-burn and engaged most desperately The first Charge is valiantly given and Lance meeting with Lance the Vant-Guard of the Lords began to yield ground But the next Charge being given by Anandale Men the middle of the Kings Army is beat back to the main Battel notwithstanding of which it is fought a while with great obstinacy on both sides until the Standard Royal was beaten down then began the Kings Army to bow the Horsemen obeying no Orders begun to turn their backs In this rout and Confusion of Horse and Foot the King seeking to retire towards the River Ferth by the fall of his Horse in leaping a Ditch being sore bruised was carried by such who knew him not to a Well at Bannock-burn where he was killed in cold Blood by Borthwick a Priest with some others the twenty ninth year of his Reign and was buried at Kambush-Kenneth 105. To him succeeded his Son James the fourth who was Crowned at Edenburgh A. D. 1489. Being about sixteen years of age a noble and Couragious Prince and Godly the beginning of his Government was most uneasie the Death of the late King being yet recent his followers resolve to have it revenged In the North Alexander Lord Forbs displayed the Bloody shirt of the murthered King upon a Lance in Aberdeen and other places of the North inviting the Country as by an Herald to the revenge of his Murther In the West the Earl of Lennox hath the same resolution also the Earl of Marshad Lords Goodore and Lyle with the Confederates in other parts of the Kingdom But the Lord Drumond routed the Earl of Lennox at Telliemoss and also Sir Andrew Wood obtained a considerable Victory over the English who pretended to revenge the late Kings death at the mouth of Ferth The Rumor of these Victories so amazed Forbs and his Confederates that they laid down their Arms and put themselves into the Kings mercy and were all received into Favour The Lords rejoyced greatly that they had brought things to this pass but the King gave no sign of Joy yea upon the contrary to give a Testimony to the World of the Agony of his mind for the Death of his Father and that Remorse and Anguish he suffered for the Faults of those who brought him to the Field against him he girded himself with an Iron Chain to which every third year thereafter he added some Rings and weight so long as he lived and though this might threaten no good to some yet they pass it by not daring to Attempt ought against the common Peace Amidst this Grief and Sorrow of the Kings Andrew Forman Secretary to Alexander the sixth Bishop of Rome arrived in Scotland with Instructions to the Clergy in a Letter from his Master to the King and Nobles exhorting them to the mutual Duties of their Stations after this some Head-strong Nobility dying the Country enjoyed a great calm of Peace the Seeds of Dissention seeming to be quite taken away But the Borders keeping up their old fewds by new Accessions make daily Incursions one upon another which came at last to open Hostility Whereupon King James enters England and spoils all the North parts and returns home without any considerable Action not long after Ambassadors came from England desiring a Peace which is granted and the Commissioners for both sides met at Edenburgh where many Articles and conditions of the peace were hotly disputed one of the Englishe's demands was an Interview between the two Kings at Newcastle which being referred to King James his own arbitrement he answered that he meant to treat of a Peace but not to go a Begging for it Much being said at last they conclude upon a Peace for some Months following after which followed a match between King James of Scotland with Lady Margaret the King of Englands Eldest Daughter which was consummated at Edenburgh King Henry bringeth his Daughter as far as Cokebiston in the way and then resigning her to the Earl of Northumberland who with a great train of Lords and Ladys brought her to Edenburgh to the King her Husband where they for some days were taken up with nothing but Banqueting masks and Tilting with such other exercises by this means the King wasted his Treasures greatly then some of them set their wits awork to squeeze the Subjects for Money which occasioned great murmurings among the Poor A. D. 1507. James Prince of Scotland and the Isles was born at Holy-Rood-house the one and twentyth of January but he soon after dyed at Sterling the year following the Queen brought forth another Son named Arthur but he dyed also in the Castle of Edenburgh Then she brought forth her third Son at Linlithgow who Succeeded to the Crown and was named James About the same time Bernard Stewart came to Scotland intreating that King James would make War with King Henry of England to keep him from molesting France which at last he obtained then began they to go to their old work of making incursions one upon another till at last it breaks out to an open War Whilst King James staied at Linlithgow attending the gathering of an Army now ready
there was so cruel a Battle fought that Night drawing on both Parties retired but the Scots and Picts understanding that the Brittons had left the Field they returned to their Camp where they found great spoil which they divided by Law of Arms and returned home Victors where Ewenus spent the rest of his days in Peace he dyed the nineteenth of his Reign and was buried in Dunstaffage 13. Durstius his two Sons who were the nearest of the Royal Line after Evenus his Death began to contend for the Crown in the mean time Gillus base Son to Evenus having got together some Villains for his purpose suppresseth them both and Murthers them then sets himself upon the Throne A. M. 3802. before Christ 79. after the Reign 252. But not thinking himself secure so long as any of Durstius his Posterity were extant resolved to take off his three Nephews who were in the Isle of Man the eldest two he caught in his Snare and killed but the third was conveyed away by his Nurse in the Night time and carryed to Argyle where she kept him for some years in a Cave for fear of the Tyrant who was at last killed in Battel in Ireland whether he had fled by Caldebus the Captain of the Brigrands the second year of his Reign 14. Evenus the second King Finnans Nephew succeeded in the Government A. M. 3894. before Christ 77. years a good Institutor he confirmed the Peace with the Picts having married Gethus the third King of Picts his Daughter he afterward overcame Belus King of Orkney in Battle who finding no way to escape killed himself He also built Innerlosher and Innerness he dyed in the seventeenth year of his Reign 15. Ederus Durstius his Brothers Son succeeded in the Year of the World 3911. before Christ 60. after the Reign 271. Bredus of the Isles Cousin to Gillus the Tyrant brake in upon the Country the King went presently against him and overthrew him and his followers and burnt their Ships he afterward assisted the Brittons against Julius Caesar in England where by his means a Glorious Victory was obtained he dyed in Peace the forty eight year of his Reign and was buried in Dunstaffage 16. To him succeeded Evenus the third his Son A. M. 3959. before Christ 12. This man came to such a height of Luxury that not being content that he took an hundred noble Women to be his Concubines he made an Act that every Man should keep as many Wives as he pleased so that he had an Estate to maintain them and another that the King should have the first Nights enjoyment of a Noble mans Lady allowing the Noble men the same priviledge from their Inferiors He was afterward taken in Battle and imprisoned where he was killed by a young Child the seventh year of his Reign 17. Mettallan's Nephew to Ederus succeedeed A. M. 3966. before Christ 4. after the Reign 326. A King universally beloved because that in his time there was universal Peace abroad and Tranquility at Home but yet he could not reduce his Nobles from the Riotous habit that they acquired in his Predecessors time he dyed Peaceably the thirty ninth year of his Reign 18. To him succeeded Garratacus his Sisters Son A. M. 4005. A. D. 35. He first composed some Tumults that were in the Isles upon the late Kings Death then assisted his Neighbours against the Romans Some report that in his time Orkney was conquered by Claudius the Emperor and the King and Queen of it sent in Triumph to Rome After many bloody Battles fought with the Romans he at last was desired by Vespasian to submit to them and he should be reputed a Friend to the Senate and enjoy great Honours to which he answered that the Kingdom of Scotland was as free to him as the Kingdom of the Romans was to Caesar he dyed Peaceably the twentieth year of his Reign 19. To him succeeded his Brother Corbred A. M. 4025. after Christ 55. after the Reign 385. The Islanders who almost in every Interregnum stirred up Sedition hoping for a Change therein divers expeditions quite subdued by him He suppressed Thieves going frequently from place to place doing Justice he dyed in the tenth year of his Reign and was buried in Dunstaffage 20. Corbred's Son being a Child the Parliament chused Dardan Nephew Metellan A. M. 4042. after Christ 72. there were great hopes had of him at first but within three years he degenerated and became an odious Tyrant murthering and destroying all the wisest and best of his Councellors and to compleat his Villainies hired a Ruffian to murther Corbred's two Sons who were in the Isle of Man but the Traitor being taken just ready to perpetrate the Villany was forced to discover the whole Plot Whereupon the Nobles Unanimously resolved to revenge the Treason but the King absconding himself and his Forces being defeated by the Nobles was at last taken and his Head struck off the fourth year of his Reign 21. Corbred the second Surnamed Galdus cometh next to the Throne after Christ 76. A Couragious and warlike Prince in his days the Romans had greatly inlarged their Borders for having quite routed the Brittons they went as far North as the River Tay and had probably gone further had not that Valiant warrier Agricola been called home by Domitian who envied his Success he was no sooner gone but Corbred came with an Army and made a great slaughter among the Romans pursuing them from one place to another till at length they were glad to beg their Peace which was granted upon very Honourable terms Corbred having spent the rest of his days in Peace dyed the thirty fifth year of his Reign and was buried in Dunstaffage 22. Luctacus succeeded his Father Corbred Anno Dom. 110. A most Flagitious man given to all kinds of Lewdness and Cruelty which his Nobles perceiving at a Convention of the States began to reprove him for his Wickness and Tyranny He being inraged at this commanded some of them to be put to Death but instead of being obeyed they fell upon him and his Complices and killed them the third year of his Reign he was buried in Dunstaffage 23. To him succeeded Mogald Corbred the second Sisters Son A. D. 113. the beginning of his Reign was fortunate for he Governed most Prudently and Successfully He discharged the Romans from approaching the Confines of his Kingdom and defended the Picts from them he defeated Lucus with his Romans in Westmorland and obtained a great Victory In his time Adrian the Emperor came into Brittain where he built Adrians Wall from the mouth of Tyne to the Flood of Esk fourscore miles in length he was killed in the thirty third year of his Reign 24. Conar succeeded his Father Mogald A. D. 149. Who became a cruei Tyrant and was suspected to have had a hand in Conspiring his Fathers Death he did greatly dilapidate the Rents of the Crown by his Extravagancies being forced to call a Parliament he
where at his Landing he overthrew Brennius and Cornellius who were Guardians to the young King of Ireland with their Nobles taking several Forts and Castles at last he laid Seige to Dublin where their young King was which after some resistance yeilded The King returning Conqueror from Ireland dyed the eighteenth year of his Reign by him the City of Aberdeen was built 74. Donald the sixth Constantine the seconds Son succeeded A. D. 894. He was a Religious and good King fit for either War or Peace he had some Ingagments with the Danes and sent Assistance to the King of England against them toward the latter part of his days he was troubled with Intestine broils for the Murrays and Rosses invading one another committed great Insolencies to quench this Fire the King came upon them with a great Army and taking the Leaders of the Faction put them to Death for an Example to others He dyed the eleventh year of his Reign 75. To him succeeded Constantine the third Ethus's Son A. D. 905. A Valiant but unfortunate Prince the perfidious Danes having broken their League with him joyned with the English but within four years they met with such measures as made them glad to return to the Scots Whereupon followed a hot and cruel War wherein Constantine found himself so unsuccessful that he resigned his Crown and betook himself to a Monastery where he dyed the fortieth year of his Reign 76. Malcolm the first Donald the sixths Son succeeded A. D. 943. A valiant Prince and severe Justitiar A Peace being made with England wherein Cumberland and Westmorland were annexed to the Crown of Scotland to be holden in Fee of the Kings of England this Prince passed the rest of his days in executing of Justice which he did with such strictness that some Villains in Murray-Land conspired against him where he was Traiterously killed the ninth year of his Reign 77. Indulf Constantine the thirds Son succeeded A. D. 952. A brave Warrior the Danes Landing in the North with a huge Army he went against them there in a pitch'd Battel he routed them but dyed himself in the Battel the ninth year of his Reign 78. To him succeeded Duff Malcolm the first 's Son A. D. 961. A Prince who much studied the Peace of his Country he went about his Northern Circuits where he kept his Courts severely punishing Malefactors coming at last to the Castle of Forress suspecting no harm was Traiterously murdered by the Captain and his Wife who were afterwards apprehended and put to a cruel Death 79. To him succeeded Culen Indulfs Son A. D. 966. Who having revenged the late Kings Death soon after became a most Flagitious and wicked Prince deflowring his own Daughters and Sisters He was killed by Rodard a Noble man at Meffen this Daughter he had deflowred the fourth year of his Reign 80. Keneth the third Duffs Brother succeeded A. D. 970. The beginning of his Reign was good executing of Justice severely finding his Nobles averse to deliver up ther Friends and Vassals who troubled the Peace to Justice he called a Convention of the States at Scone where having Clandestinely conveyed some Men in Arms where the Nobles were convened made them all Prisoners telling them that so it would be untill they did give up those Rebels to Justice they finding themselves thus hooked sent to their Friends to perform the Terms of their Liberation thus in a short time he had five hundred notable Thieves delivered up them he caused to be every one hanged upon Gibbets close by the Castle of Berth The Danes with a great Fleet of Ships Landing in Angus destroyed all before them till they came to Berth where the King and his Army ran-countered with them there followed a most bloody Battel the Scots beginning to give Ground were made to Rally by the means of one Hay and his two Sons who hearing as they were at Plowing not far from the Field that the Scots fled came each of them with a Club in his hand and renewed the Battel putting the Danes to flight there they were all cut off the King amply rewarded him giving him so much of the best Land in Scotland as a Faulcon off a Mans hand flew over which was six miles in length and four in breadth this was the Original of the Noble and Ancient Surname of Hay But that which darkned all this Noble Kings Acts was his causing Malcolm Prince of Scotland to be Poisoned making a Law that the Eldest Son or Nephew of the deceased Prince of what age soever he be shall succeed to the Crown with divers others Laws of the like Nature At last coming to the Castle of Felercarne the Lady Grof had the Kings Image in Brass in the midst of the House with a Golden Apple in his hand the King upon the Ladies desire pulling the Apple out of the Images hand was shot through the Body with an Engine that was made in it for the purpose He dyed the twenty fourth year of his Reign 81. To him succeeded Constantine the fourth Surnamed the Balde A. D. 994. He came to the Crown by Usurpation he was killed in Battel at Cramond in Lonthian the second year of his Reign 82. Grimus Duffs Son Usurped the Crown A.D. 996. Malcolm whose Right it was sent to the Nobles acquainting them how far he was wronged which Grimus hearing of caused the Messengers to be cast into Prison which was like to have been the beginning of a War yet they were seemingly agreed for that time by one Horthadus a Bishop but not long after his Vices being intolerable Malcolm was brought home from England who killed him in Battel the eighteenth year of his Reign 83. Malcolm succeeded to the Crown A. D. 1004. A Noble and Valiant Prince in his time Sweno King of the Danes being banished his Country and coming to Scotland was converted to Christianity and supplyed with Men for reducing his Kingdom yet to his great loss he soon after made War against Malcolm who utterly routed his Army several times This Prince was killed by a Conspiracy of some of his Nobles in the Castle of Glames the thirtieth year of his Reign the Conspirators flying in the Night chanced to pass over the Pool of Forfar upon the Ice where the Ice breaking they all miserably perished 84. Duncan the first Malcolm the seconds Grand-son by his Daughter Beatrix succeeded A. D. 1034. He was thought to be of too indulgent a Spirit for Governing that fierce and untractable People Bancho of whom are descended the Ancient and Royal name of Stewarts was in his time Thane or Earl of Lochaber He was Traiterously murdered by his Cousin Makbeth the sixth year of his Reign 85. To him succeeded Mackbeth Malcolm the seconds Daughters Son A. D. 1040. Altho' he came to the Crown by Treachery and Blood-shed yet he Governed for a time pretty moderately but at last brake out into all kind of Tyranny and Cruelty forcing his Nobles
to the servilest of his Work which they being not able to endure Macduff Earl of Fife Posts to England where he found Malcolm the late Kings Son at King Edwards Court whom he invited home to revenge his Fathers Death and possess the Crown which was his own by right Malcolm suspecting Treachery pretended several excuses to try Macduffs sincerity but when he found him Cordial he declared his Willingness Whereupon getting assistance of Men from King Edward he entred Scotland Macbeth hearing of his arrival went about to oppose him but Macduff surprizing him in his Castle of Dunfinnan killed him with his own hand the seventeenth year of his Reign 86. Malcolm Surnamed Kanmor Son to Duncan the first succeeded A. D. 1057. He was a worthy Prince and in Compensation of their Service and Loyalty in his Restauration created many Earls Lords Barons and Baronets commanding that their Lands should be called after their Names He made also his Thanes Earls many new Surnames began at this time as Calder Lochbart Gordoun Seytown Lander Kennethe Meldrome Schau Liberton Livermond Cargill Strachan Ratray Dundass Meazeis Mertine Cockbourn Lesly Abercromby At this time also William Duke of Normandy conquered England which was the occasion that these Surnames being expelled their Country came to Scotland viz. Ramsay Vans Lindsay Lownal Towres Preston Bissat Foules Wandlaw Maxwell from France came the Names of Frazer Sintcare Boswel Montray Montgomry Boyes Campbel Beaton At this time Walter Son to Fleance came to Scotland who shortly after was created high Steward of the Kingdom King Malcolm was killed at the siege of Anwick by one Robert Moubray who came from the Castle upon a light horse holding in his hand a Lance with the Keys of the Castle upon the point of it King Malcolm looking stedfastly to the Lance the other run him through the Eye with it escaping to the next Wood Whereupon King William changed this Moubrey's Name to Percy King Malcolm dyed the thirty sixth year of his Reign and was buried in Dunfermling 87. Donald the seventh Sirnamed Bane being Malcolm Kanmores Brother usurped the Crown A. D. 1093. But within a year he was expelled by Duncan base Son to the foresaid Malcolm 88. Duncan the second usurped the Crown but did not enjoy it long being killed by Macpendar Earl of Mearnes at Taich by procurement of Donald the seventh who after was Crowned King He gave the North and West Isles to the King of Norway for his assistance to recover the Crown He was taken Captive by Edgar his Successor and put in Prison where after some years he dyed miserably 89. Edgar Malcolm Kanmores Son succeeded A. D. 1098. He was the first anointed King Governing with great Wisdom and Sobriety He dyed the nineteenth year of his Reign and was buried in Dumfermling 90. To him succeeded Alexander the first Sirnamed Fierce A. D. 1107. Soon after his coming to the Throne certain Traitors were by his Chamberlains means let in to his Chamber intending to have killed him in Bed but he being surprised at their noise got out of Bed and caught a Sword in his hand wherewith he killed the Chamberlain and six of the other Traitors the rest hasted away but being pursued and some of them overtaken Confessed that divers of the Nobles were in the Conspiracy them the King pursued killing some and taking others He dyed in Peace the seventeenth year of his Reign and was buried in Dumfermling 91. To him succeeded his Brother David the first A. D. 1124. He possessed Northumberland and Cumberland Huntington and Westmorland He married Maud Daughter to the Earl of Northumberland who dyed in the flower of her Age for which the King took such Grief that he resolved never to Marry again but gave himself wholly to works of Charity He purged his Court from all Vices so that his whole Family were given to Vertuous Exercises no Rioting nor Drunkeness nor Lascivious or wanton Songs were suffered This Victorious and Religious King dyed in Carlyle the twenty ninth year of his Reign and was buried at Dumfermling where King James the first visiting his Tomb called him a Sore Saint to the Crown 92. Malcolm the fourth Sirnamed the Maiden next Heir after King David began his Reign A. D. 1153. A just and mild Prince in the beginning of his Reign there was a great Famine in Scotland whereof many dyed Sumerled Thane of Argyle taking advantage of the present Calamity raised a Rebellion purposing to make himself King but he was soon crush't his Friends killed and himself forced to fly to Ireland soon after being invited to London by King Henry of England under pretence of confirming him in his Title to Northumberland Cumberland and Westmorland he carried him with him into France where he had Wars for that time he no sooner was returned home then he made War with England to the great loss of both Kingdoms He dyed at Jedburgh the twelfth year of his Reign 93. To him succeeded William his Brother Sirnamed the Lyon A. D. 1165. He demanded Northumberland which by Right belonged to his Crown to be re-delivered to him which the King of England being taken up with Wars in France durst not altogether refuse but condescended to let him have such parts of it as his Grand-father possest but soon after he was by a Stratagem taken Prisoner at Alunick and sent to France where the King of England was whence not long after he was Ransomed with a sum of Money being returned home he expelled all the Murrays out of Murray-Land for that they were Seditious and Tumultuous in his absence About this time the Pope sent to King William a Sword with the Sheath and Hilts all of Gold set about with precious Stones with a Hat or Diadem giving him the Title of the Defender of the Church After this he retired to Bertha where he stayed not long when by a sudden Inundation of two Rivers Tay and Almond the Towns Walls were beat down the Castle demolished the young Prince and his Nurse with several others drowned the King himself narrowly escaping He founded and built the City of Perth granting to it several great and ample Priviledges He dyed the forty ninth year of his Reign and was buried in Aberbrothick 94. His Son Alexander the second succeeded to him A. D. 1214. Having pacified all Rebellions at home he led his Army into England where having made Peace with King John he married his Sister Afterward he went into France and renewed the old League with this Addition that neither of them should receive or protect the Enemies of the others Kingdom nor Marry with any Stranger without making one another privy thereto In the mean time his Queen dyed without any Succession within a year after he married Mary Daughter to Ingelram Earl of Coucy in France who bare to him Alexander the third in his time came Cardinal Egadius into Britain to beg Money for the Holy War of which he got a great deal but
going through France he spent it all and told his Holiness when he came to Rome that he had been robb'd by the way Whereupon presently another Legat was sent to Britain But the People hearing how they were cheated of their Money by the last procured an Order discharging this not to enter the Kingdom King Alexander dyed in Peace the thirty fifth year of his Reign and was buried at Melross 95. Alexander the third succeeded his Father A. D. 249. Being nine years of Age at his Coronation Ambassadors were sent to England demanding Margaret King Henry the third's Daughter in Marriage for King Alexander which was granted the next year the two Kings had a meeting at York where the Marriage was Solemnized During his Minority the Realm was well Governed by his Nobles taking the Government upon himself his first work was to summon the Earls of Monterth Athole and Buchan and the Lord Strabogy who were all of the Name of Cumings they not daring to appear were denounced Rebels They being now afraid thought nothing so much for their safety as the having the King in their Power which they got and confined him in the Castle of Sterling but the Earl of Athel who was the head of the Party dying their Hearts failed them and every one of them getting his Remission they set the King at Liberty soon after the Danes with a great Army invaded the Country the King with his Forces went against them and routed them killing twenty four Thousand of them the King returned to Norway with only four Ships which was all that was left of his whole Fleet. At this time Alexander Earl of Carrick passed to the Holy-Land having a Daughter who succeeded to his Estate she Married Robert Rance Lord of Annaudale and bare to him that noble and invincible Champion Robert Bruce King of Scotland King Alexander had two Sons by his Queen viz. Prince Alexander and David and one Daughter Margaret who was married to the King of Norway she bare to him Margaret called the Maiden of Norway The King and Queen going to London to the Coronation of King Edward the first David the second Son dyed in their absence within a few years after the Prince dyed at Lundores to the great Grief of the Nation and not long after the King dyed by a fall from over a Rock at Kinghorn the thirty seventh year of his Reign Leaving none of his own direct Line to succeed him The Nobility having met upon this so important occasion they put the Kingdom into the hands of six Regents for the South side Robert Arch-Bishop of Glasgow John Cumine and John the great Steward of Scotland For the North the Arch-Bishop of S. Andrews Macdiff Earl of Fife and Cumine Earl of Buchan Edward of England sends to demand the Daughter Grand-Child in marriage as next Heir to the Crown which was agreed too but the Death of the Lady frustrated all that Negotiation by which means great contention arose between Bourn and John Baliol. Baliol managing the English and Bruce the French interest Baliol being in the second degree of relation and Bruce in the third the one being David Earle of Huntingtons Grand Child the other his great Grand Child matters standing thus the whole was referred to King Edward who coming to Berwick and calling Lawyers to his assistance pretends all equity but raised up eight other Competitors the better to weaken the claim of the other two and so handled the business that Bruce having refused the Crown in Homage to England upon his aceptance of these conditions 96. John Balliol was declared King A. D. 1293. In the fourth year of his Reign an Appeal being made against him to King Edward by Mac-Duff and he refusing to rise from his Seat to answer it King Edward enters Scotland masters the Country takes Baliol and sends him Prisoner to London and afterward to France where he dyed long after in Exile About this time Sir William Walace arose who to his Honour did so Heroically defend his Country in its low condition as made it easily appear that if he had had as happy a fortune to advance as he had to relieve he might have been Commemorated for as great a man as ever was in any age for having upon a quarrel Slain a Young English Gentleman and enforced to lurk in the Hills for safety of his life he became inured to such hardness that awaking his natural Courage he be came the Head of all the Malecontents and filled both the Kingdomes with his terror so that having gleaned up to a tumultuary Army he became Baliols Viceroy thus after some little skirmishes he reduced all beyond the Forts after which he went to England and Ranged up and down for some time and returned without opposition after which the English enters Scotland with a great Army and finding the Scots disposed under three Leaders who disputed among themselves for Priority quite routed them but soon after they made a general insurrection to oppose which King Edward sent Ralph Conniers with a great army who a by tripple Victory were defeated at Kolkin All this while Robert Bruce continued with King Edward who weary of the Kings delays and offputs at last strikes in with John Cumin Baliols Cousin german they agreed that Bruce should have the Kingdom and Cumine all Bruces Lands Cumine notwithstanding communicates this agreement to King Edward Bruce hath notice and by shooing his Horse backward escapes to Lockambban there he finds Cumines Letters advising to cut him off upon which he hastens to Dumforess where he heard that Cumin was and after his exprobrating his infidelity Stabs him dead in the Franciscan Monastery About the same time Walace was traiterously Betrayed by Sir John Monteits at Glasgow and delivered to the English and being brought to London was Cruelly executed in Smithfield and his Limbs hung up in the most Eminent places 97. Robert Bruce was after he had stayed for the Popes absolution for defiling the Monastery with the murder of Cumine Crowned at Scone 1306. a Valiant and Heroick Prince he had many Enemies both at home and abroad which Edward taking advantage off with the assistance of the Cumines quite Routed him forcing him to the Hills where he endured great Misery to the great ruine and Slaughter both of his Family and Friends but making to gether some little force he took Carrick and Innerness by surprisal and by this means augmented his Train so that he was in case to withstand Edward having obtained a considerable Victory though sick and forced to be held on horse back this gave him time to take in the remaining strength but they were within a year retaken from him which incouraged Edward the second to enter with a great Army to Scotland but had a great defeat at Bannokburn which occasioned the loss of Berwick and Bruces confirmation in Parliament some few years after were spent in light Skirmishes and Incursions Robert having some rest
the mean time the Queen was conveyed out of Lochlavin by George Douglass the Governours Brother my Lord Seaton and divers of the House of Hamiltone with their dependers waited to receive her and conveyed her to Hamiltoun The Regent being at Glasgow draws together what men he could so suddenly command and with them Marches to Langsidemoor where it was Fought most Briskly but the Queen though being more in number was worsted after which she lost all courage never resting till she was in England The Regent returned Victor and destributed the Spoyl among his Friends and Dependants The Queen of England sends Ambassadors to the Regent desiring him to send Commissioners to her to give her a reason of their thus proceeding against their Queen upon which he himself went to Berwick for that purpose After long reasoning they parted without concluding any thing The Regent returning home did not sit long Idle for the Earl of Hamilton pretending a right to the Regency conveins his friends at Glasgow the Regent presently went against him He finding himself disappointed of many that he expected to come to his Assistance submitted himself and is made prisoner Queen Mary being by the Queen of Englands order conveyed to Carlisle The Duke of Norfolk in hopes to get her in Marriage became mighty forward to procure her liberation which made Queen Elizabeth begin to grow jealous of him whereupon he is committed to the Tower a Conspiracy being discovered which he managed for relievving the Queen of Scots The Regent having brought things to some order at home the Hamiltons seeing it impossible for them now to contend with him Killed him most Treacherously and Basely as he was passing through Lithgow having shot him with a Hakbut out at a Window January the 22 d. 1569. About three Months after Lennox the Kings Grandfather is chosen Regent Hamilton being by all refused he marches with 5000 to Lithgow to suppress the Queens Faction they intended to call a Parliament there great Confusion follows over all the Kingdom A Parliament being summoned by the Regent at Sterling they began to reform abuses which are very many but they thinking themselves secure took no care to keep Guards Whereupon one George Bell marches from Edenburgh in the Night time as guid to the Earl of Huntly he commanded five hundred men they surprised them all in their Beds some escaped and others were taken Prisoners but the Regent himself was killed in the Tumult Those who were for the King chose the Earl of Mar Regent about this time the Duke of Norfolk was arraigned and found guilty of Complotting with Queen Mary against Queen Elizabeth and within four Months after had his Head chopt off upon Tower-Hill where he confessed all the indictment Mar about a year after being chosen Regent dyes at Sterline to succeed whom Mortoon was without controversie Elected The King was committed to the keeping of Alexander Arskine and Mr. George Buchanan made his Tutor none of the Queens Party being permitted to come near him The Factious had by this time become very unnatural the Mother against the Son and the Son against the Mother Edenburg Castle which Kirkaldie of Grange kept for the Queen is besieged and taken by the Regent and the Governour with his Brother Hanged The Regent proud of his Success began to be somewhat extravagant which was a forerunner of his downfall which his Enemies improved to his disadvantage Whereupon he is deposed The King seeing that things were turning from bad to worse took the Scepter in his own Hand having the Assistance of twelve Noblemen whereof M●rtoun was one A Parliament soon after is called at Edingburgh where the King appeared to his People being yet but twelve years Old In this Parliament was ratified that Confession of Faith inserted in the late Test in Scotland Anno Dom. 1582. Fell out the Road of Ruthwen where the King was Seized by some of his Nobles and carried to Edinburg upon pretence That he was Misled by bad Councils They kept him under a sort of Restraint for above a Year but at last being at St. Andrews he was Relieved by Collonel Stewart Captain of the Castle for as the King had entred the Gate the Collonel presently shuts it and by this means shuts out the company that attended the King Soon after many of them are Imprisoned but all obtain a Pardon except the Earl of Goury who was Arraigned Condemned and Executed Anno Dom. 1584. About which time there is a Plot discovered in England to set the Queen of Scots at Liberty in which the Lord Pag●t Throgmorton and others were concerned who accordingly suffered for it But the Suspition of all reflected upon Queen Mary which hastened her ruine Whereupon she was removed from her Fifteen Years Imprisonment under the Earl of Shrewsberry to Sir Amias Pawlet and Sir Drew Drury in Fothrengam Castle on purpose to put her upon extremities of Redress against their extream Imprisoning Whereupon she deals with the Pope and Spain to hasten the means of her Relief but it proved the hastening of her destruction The Council of England after long deliberation what to do with Queen Mary at last resolved to proceed against her upon Act 27. Eliz. Against Plotters or Contrivers of the Queens Death To which purpose a Commission under the Great Seal issued out Impowering twenty-four Noble-Men and others therein who came to the Castle the 11th of Octob. 1536. to Try her The manner of her Tryal was thus A Chair of State was set as for the Queen of England at the upper end of the Presence Chamber Beneath against it was placed a Chair for the Queen of Scots close to the Walls on both sides of the Cloath of Estate seats were made for the Lords next to these were the Knights Privy Councellors Forward before the Earls sate the two Chief Justices and on the other side other two Justices At a Table in the midst sate the Attorney General the Solicitor a Sergeant at Law the Clerk of the Crown and two Notaries The Inditement being read she declined their Jurisdiction being a free Princess and not a Subject to the Crown of England to which it was Answered That her declinator was in vain for whosoever offends the Laws of England in England must be subject to the same and accordingly examined and Judged So they proceeded to examine the Evidence and after a long Tryal and much spoken on both sides she is found guilty Not many dayes after a Parliament was called wherein Queen Elizabeth was besought that the Sentence against the Queen of Scots might be put in Execution The Queen desired that some other methods might be consulted for safely and that poor distressed Queen spared but they answer What no other satisfaction Whereupon the Sentence was Proclaimed throughout London and all the Kingdom King James hearing of his Mothers condition writ several Letters to Queen Elizabeth passionately desiring that the Sentence might be reversed but all to no