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A92098 A declaration of His Highness Prince Rupert. With a narrative of the state and condition of the city and garrison of Bristoll, when his Highnesse Prince Rupert came thither: of the actions there during the siege, of the treaties, and rendition thereof. Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine, 1619-1682. 1645 (1645) Wing R2294; Thomason E308_32; ESTC R200409 18,995 36

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be taken we shall hardly be able to withhold the Souldiers from doing that violence and dammage to the City which we earnestly desire and study to prevent 4. For the particular way of their attempt we must expect advertisement from them and cannot particularly direct them but in generall we offer that it may be either by seizing the Prince or possessing or delivering up some Fort or Worke which wee may enter or setting open some Port or by a generall rising to assault and oppose the Princes Forces or otherwise as they shall finde any speedy opportunity and upon the perceiving of any such rising or attempt of theirs within we shall apply our Forces accordingly to enter for their assistance and if by any such meanes of theirs we enter we shall undertake to secure the City from losse or violence by our souldiers 5. If they thinke themselves by their own force able to master the Enemie or by any designe to make themselves masters of the commanding Forts without our assistance we shall not bring our Armie into the City unlesse they desire it Upon the interception of which papers his Highnesse caused severall suspected and active persons to be restrained which prevented the designe and withall by his personall presence secured the great Fort from surprizall In the meane time his Highnesse to interrupt the Enemies working made severall sallies all which succeeded according to designe August 26. Soone after a storme being expected by the Enemies drawing great bodies of horse and foote his Highnesse double manned the Line but nothing followed August 28. Five Parliament Ships entred Kingrode and fore't Captaine Boone who commanded the tenth Whelpe to run up the Severne for securitie August 29. The Enemie was making a bridge over Avon to conjoine their quarters Sept. 3. His Highnesse began a work or cutting off within the Line by Laffords-gate Sir Thomas Fairfax his Summons SIR For the service of the Parliament I have brought this Army before the City of Bristoll and do summon you in their names to render it with all the Forts belonging to the same into my hands to their use Having used this plaine language as the businesse requires I wish it may be as effectuall with you as it is satisfactorie to my selfe that I do a little expostulate with you about the surrender of the same which I confesse is a way not common and which I should not have used but in respect to such a person and to such a place I take into consideration Your Royall Birth and relation to the Crowne of England Your honour courage and the vertue of Your Person and the strength of that place which You may thinke Your Selfe bound and able to maintaine SIR The Crowne of England is and will be where it ought to be we fight to maintaine it there but the King misled by evill Counsellors or through a seduced heart hath left His Parliament and His people under God the best assurance of his Crown and Familie the maintenance of this Schisme is the ground of this unhappy War on your part and what sad effects it hath produced in the three Kingdomes is visible to all men To maintaine the rights of the Crowne of England joyntly a principall part wherof is that the King in supreame Acts concerning the whole State is not to be advised by men of whom the Law takes no notice but by His Parliament the great Councell of the Kingdome in whom as much as man is capable of he heares all his people as it wereat once advising him and in which multitude of Counsellors lies His safety and His peoples interest and to set him right in this has been the constant and faithfull endeavour of the Parliament and to bring those wicked instruments to Justice that have misled Him is a principall ground of our fighting SIR If God makes this cleare to you as he has to us I doubt not but hee will give you a heart to deliver this place notwithstanding all the other considerations of ho … courage fidelity c. Because their consistency 〈◊〉 ●…se in the present businesse depends upon the right and wrongfulnesse of this that has beene said and if upon such conviction you should surrender it and save the losse of bloud or hazard of spoyling such a City it would be an occasion glorious in its selfe and joyfull to us for the restoring of you to the indeer'd affection of the Parliament and people of England the truest friends to Your Family it hath in the World But if this be hid from your eyes and that through your wilfulnesse this so great so famous and ancient a City and so full of people be by Your putting us to force the same exposed to ruine and the extremity of War which yet wee shall in that case as much as possible endeavour to prevent then I appeale to the righteous God to be Judge betweene You and us and to require the wrong And let all England judge whether the burning of its Townes ruining its Cities and destroying its people be a good requitall from a person of your family which hath had the prayers teares purses and blood of its Parliament and people and if you looke on either as now divided which hath ever had that same party both in Parliaments and amongst the people most zealous for their assistance and restitution which you now oppose and seeke to destroy and whose constant griefe has been that their desires to serve your Family have been ever hindred or made fruitlesse by that same party about his Majesty whose counsels you act and whose interest you pursue in this unnaturall warre I expect your speedy answer to the summons with the returne of the bearer this evening and remaine Sept. 4. 1645. Your Highnesse humble servant THO. FAIRFAX His Highnesse reply was onely to know whether hee would give leave for a messenger to goe to his Majesty to know his pleasure which occasioned Sir Thomas Fairfax to returne this answer SIR THe overture of sending to the King to know his pleasure I cannot give way to because of delay I confesse your answer doth intimate your intention not to surrender without His Majesties consent yet because it is but implicite I shall send againe to know a more positive answer from your selfe which I desire may be such as may render me capable to approve my selfe Sept. 5. 1645. Your Highnesse humble servant THO. FAIRFAX Whereupon his Highnesse sent him these following Propositions for during a Treaty wee might strengthen our workes within heare from the King and had hee assented unto our demands wee should have required a confirmation of them by the Parliament which protraction of time would have been our advantage At the Councell of Warre present Prince Rupert Lord Hawley Lord Lumley Col. John Russell Sir Matthew Appleyard Colonell Tillier Colonell Fox Col. Robert Slingesby Col. Walter Slingesby Col. Murrey Lieut. Colonell Osborne SIR VVHereas I received your Letter for the delivery
A DECLARATION Of His Highnesse Prince RUPERT NOt that His Highnesse thinks to justifie himselfe to those who by that must condemne themselves nor that he believes any thing he hath done needs a Declaration does he publish this to the world but hee thought it might not be unnecessary to the service of his Majesty in order to which all his actions have been directed to let the world see that hee hath faithfully served Him and that his enemies had no other reason for his accusation than that they found it necessary for their defence His Highnesse is not ignorant how great a difficulty he hath undertaken in satisfying the people who are as severe in the actions of others as they are partiall in their owne and who censure all by successe which judgement how unjust it is the meanest understandings even those brought against him must confesse Yet with these disadvantages must he now appeare and he is confident that through them all he shall let the mis-informed Kingdome see that his honour is as much above the malice of his enemies as their competition His Highnesse will not goe backe to the beginning of these times nor particularly mention his actions in this warre although he believes he may without vanity say that neither integrity nor industry hath been wanting in any of them nor that there hath scarce been any service where he hath not appeared in his person and his care which how succesfull it hath been in severall occasions the Kingdome will be his witnesse and where the event hath been contrary His Majesty and the Armies will acquit him of his part in it And he esteemes it his happinesse to have served the King in difficult times where he hath appeared with him in good and ill-fortune assisted by the gallantry of those Gentlemen who neither in danger nor disfavour have forsaken him of whose affections he shall ever make a just and proportioned acknowledgement But since as it is the fate of those in the condition of his Highnesse hee hath had his actions imperfectly if not maliciously related examined at a distance and accordingly censured since he is become the subject of every ones passion how unjust soever and of every opinion although never so weake His Highnesse thought it was a right hee owed the Kings service and himselfe whom hee will ever consider last to publish in the following narrative the integrity and reasons of his proceedings that it might appeare that as his Highnesse hath faithfully served the King he hath not served him unadvisedly but like a souldier as well as a man of honour And all the world even his enemies shall see that his actions to say no more have been as farre from injuring His Majesties cause as theirs from defending it A Narrative of the state and condition of the Citie and Garrison of Bristol when his Highnesse Prince Rupert came thither of the actions there during the Siege of the Treaties and Rendition thereof HIS Majestie after the Battell of Knasby retreating towards Hereford intending to recruit his Army by new-levyes in those parts His Highnesse Prince Rupert crost the Severne-Sea to visit his Highnesse the Prince of Wales and by his personall presence to informe himselfe more fully of the condition of his Majesties Forces in the Westerne parts In his returne hee passed through the Lord Goring his Army thereby to settle and order things so there as might most advantage his Majesties future service and immediately after his Highnesse intending to provide for a traine of Artillery and other necessaries for his Majesties Army repaired to Bristol where the then present constitution of the Garrison had by the establishment Contribution setled for 3600 men for that and the subordinate Garrisons as Nuney Portsend Point c. But at his comming thither the presidiary Souldiers which went by reputation for 800 or 900 men and for some reasons unknowne to his Highnesse it was not thought fit or convenient by them who tooke upon them the power to have them called to a Muster were really in the judgement of honest and judicious persons whose safeties were concerned in it betwixt 500 or 600 effective The Auxiliary and trained Bands by interruption of Trade and Commerce by the Pestilence then raging there by their poverty and pressures layd upon them were reduced to 800 and the Mariners for want of imployment betooke themselves to other parts or to the Enemy The Commissioners intrusted for the Contribution and support of the Garrison upon the Enemies approach abandoned the Towne and many considerable persons had libertie given them and quitted the Town which much weakned and dis-heartned the rest For the securing of that place his Highnesse drew in so many that made the Garrison 2300 men upon sight But after the Enemy approach't his Highnesse could never draw upon the line above 1500 and it was impossible for his Highnesse to keepe them from getting over the workes and many of those were new-levyed Welch and unexperienced men The Line which was to be defended was above foure miles in compasse the brest-worke low and thin the graffe very narrow and of no depth and by the opinion of all the Colonels whose judgements and votes were required upon all important occasions not tenable upon a briske or vigorous assault The great Fort which had the reputation of strength lay open to Brandon-hill Fort which being taken would from its height with the Cannon command the whole plaine within it and that wanting water was not to be kept many dayes For the like consideration of danger to the Line from another part his Highnes built a redout without which on that side prevented the enemy from erecting a battery as likewise three other during the Siege and drew a line of 500 foot After the mis-fortune which hapned to the Lord Goring his Army the losse of Bridge-water and Sherborne and upon his Majesties sudden recesse out of Wales his Highnesse not having received any command or intimation to follow him he thought it might be more conducible to his Majesties affaires for him to remain there and conceiving that the Enemies designe after their former successes might be for Bristol gave expresse orders for all Inhabitants to victuall themselves for six moneths and upon a strict survay there were 2500 families then remaining in the Citie whereof 1500 through indigence and want could not provide for themselves To supply this defect his Highnesse caused 2000 bushels of Corne to be imported out of Wales For further supply his Highnesse upon the certaine approach of the Enemies whole Army commanded out parties to drive in all the Cattell thereabouts of which there were an indifferent number The Ammunition was scant considering that in the Forts Castle Line and Streets there being above 100 Cannon mounted the quantitie of powder exceeding not 130 barrells and at his Highnesse first comming thither there was not in the publique magazine musket-balls for three houres fight wherefore he caused immediately great
of the City Forts and Castle of Bristol and being willing to joyne with you for the sparing of blood and preserving of His Majesties subjects I have upon those grounds and none other sent you these following Propositions 1. That my selfe all Noblemen Commanders Officers Gentlemun and Souldiers of Horse and Foot that have served either His Majesty or Parliament in England or elsewhere as likewise all persons whatsoever men or women now resident here in this City of Bristol Castle and Forts thereof shall have free libertie to march away out of the said Citie Castle and Forts with their Armes flying Colours Drummes beating Trumpets sounding Pistols cockt Swords drawne Matches lighted on both ends Bullets in their mouthes and as much Powder as they can carry about them with all their Bagge and Baggage Horses Armes and other Furniture ten pieces of Cannon fifty barrels of Powder and Match and Bullet proportionable 2. That neither my own Person nor the person of any Nobleman Commander Officer Gentleman or Souldier or any other of mine or their Retinues be searched molested or troubled upon what pretence soever but left to their liberties to depart or stay as it shall be most convenient for them 3. That none of your Army whatsoever shall entice or perswade any Officer or Souldier of mine from their Regiments or Colours with any promise of preferment or rewards 4. That all such Officers and Souldiers that are hurt and sicke and cannot now march out of this City Castle and Forts shall have liberty to stay untill they be recovered and then have safe conduct to goe wheresoever they please either to any of His Majesties Armies or Garrisons or their owne houses where they may live quiet in the interim they being sicke and hurt may be protected by you and have civill usage That all prisoners taken on both sides since the beginning of this siege be forthwith set at liberty 6. That my selfe and those above-mentioned be not required to march further in a day then what conveniently we may and that a day or two of rest may be allowed upon our march if we shall finde it requisite and that we be accommodated with free quarters during our march and a sufficient convoy to any of the Kings Armies or Garrisons which I shall name to secure us in our quarter and upon our march from injuries and incivilities that shall any way be offered unto us and likewise that there be one hundred and fifty carriage-horses and forty Waines with sufficient Teames provided for carriages of all sorts 7. That no person here in these Articles mentioned shall be in their march Rendezvouz or Quarters stopt searched or plundered upon any pretence whatsoever That two Officers be appointed by you the one for accommodation of free quarters for Officers Souldiers and others and the other for providing of horses and carriages for our baggage and traine 8. That all Noblemen Gentlemen Clergymen Citizens Resiants and any other person within the City Suburbs or liberties of the City of Bristol shall at any time when they please have free liberty to remove themselves their goods and families and to dispose thereof at their pleasures according to the knowne and enacted Lawes of the Land either to live at their owne houses or elsewhere and to enjoy their houses lands goods and estates without any molestation and to have protections for that purpose and this Article to extend to all whose estates are sequestred or not sequestred and that they may rest quietly at their abodes and travell freely and safely upon their occasions and for their better removeall they may have Letters of safe conduct with horses and carriages at reasonable rates upon demand 9. That all persons above-mentioned may have liberty to goe beyond the seas at any time within three moneths as their occasions shall require 10. That the Lines Forts Castle and all other Fortifications about or in the City be forthwith sleighted and the City stated in the same condition it was before the beginning of this unnaturall war and that the Parliament during this war place no garrison in it 11. That no Churches be defaced that the severall members of the foundation of this Cathedrall shall quietly enjoy their houses and Revenues belonging to their places and that the Ministers like wise of this City may enjoy their Benefices without any trouble 12. That no Oathes be imposed upon any person now in this City Suburbs and Liberties other then such as are required by the ancient and enacted Lawes of this Land 13. That the Major Sherriffes Aldermen and Cittizens within this Corporation of the City of Bristoll shall be free in their persons and Estates and enjoy all their Priviledges Liberties and Immunities in as full and ample maner as formerly at any time they did before the beginning of this Warre And that they have freedome of trade both by land and Sea paying such customes and duties as formerly they have done to His Majesty and that no Mulct nor Fine be imposed upon any person mentioned in this Article or questioned for any Act or thing done before the day of our marching forth upon any pretence whatsoever And that noe Freequarters be put upon them without their owne consents 14. That all other persons whose dwellings are in this City and now absent may have the full benefit of these Articles as if they were present 15. That all Noblemen Gentlemen and others who have Goods in this City and now present or absent may have liberty at any time within three Moneths to dispose of their Goods as they please 16. That there be no Plundering or taking away of any mans person or any part of his Estate under what pretence soever and that Justice according to the knowne and enacted Lawes of the land be administred to all persons within this City by the civill Magistrates 17. And for the performance of all these Articles J expect such Hostages to be given as J shall accept of and hereunto J desire your speedy answer Sir by this you may evidently perceive my inclination to peace and you may be assured that I shall desire nothing but what shall be with relation to his Majesties honour and the saftie of the Kingdome and what may become Sir Sept. 7. 1645. Your servant RUPERT Vpon perusall of which Sir Thomas Fairfax returns this answer SIR I Have perused your Propositions wherin some things are doubtfully expressed other things inconsistent to the duty I owe to them I serve notwithstanding to the end I may give assurance that I earnestly desire to save effusion of blood and the ruine of a City and people that may be so serviceable to the Crowne and Kingdome If your Highness please that Commissioners may treat between us concerning the accommodating of things I hope to make it evident to the world that what shall respect the honour of a Souldier due civilities to all men the good and welfare of the people of that City both in
11. That no Churches be defaced that the severall Members of the foundation of the Cathedrall in Bristoll shall quietly enjoy their houses belonging to their places and for the Revenues of them as also the Ministers of the City for their Benefices they shall be in the same state and condition with other Clergie men of their quality continuing in the protection and obedience of the Parliament 12. That no Oaths other then such as are required by the enacted lawes of the Land shall be imposed upon any person that now is and shall continue in the said City Suburbs and Liberties either by the Generall or any other by his authority 13. That the Major Sheriffs Aldermen and Citizens within the Corporation of the City of Bristoll shall be free in their persons and estates and enjoy all their Priviledges Liberties and Immunities in as full and ample manner as formerly before the beginning of this Warre and shall have freedome of trade by Land and Sea to all places and with all persons not in hostility against the Parliament paying such Duties and Customes to the Officers appointed by the Parliament as formerly they have done to his Majestie and that no Mulct or Fine be imposed on any person mentioned in this Article nor any of them questioned upon pretence of any act or thing done or committed before the date hereof the Kings Forces marching forth as aforesaid and that no free quarters shall be put upon them without their own consents 14. That all other persons whose dwellings are in this City and now absent shall have the full benefit of these Articles as if they were present provided that such of them as are elsewhere in Armes against the Parliament doe come in within one moneth after the date hereof 15. That all Noblemen Gentlemen and others who have goods in the said City and are now present or absent shall have liberty at any time within one moneth to dispose of their said goods as they please except it be Armes or Ammunition 16. That there shall be no plundering admitted under what pretence soever nor any taking away of any mans person or any part of his estate contrary to these Articles and that Justice according to the knowne Lawes of this Land be administred to all persons within this City by the civill Magistrates 17. That in consideration hereof the City of Bristoll with the Castle and all the Forts and Fortifications thereof without any sleighting or defacing thereof and all the Ordnance Armes Ammunition and other furniture and provisions of warre therein without diminution or imbezlement excepting what is allowed to be carryed as before shall be delivered up to Sir Tho. Fairfax on Tuesday morning next by nine of the clocke at which time the Prince with all the persons mentioned in the first Article that march out then naming what Army or Garrison of the Kings he will march unto 18. That none of them in their marching out or before shall plunder hurt or spoile the towne or any person in it nor carry out any thing but what is properly their own except before excepted 19. That the Convoy and two Officers to be sent with the Prince as before in the sixt and seventh Articles shall not have any violence offered or done to them by any of the Kings forces during the said eight dayes allowed for the Prince his March and seven dayes more for their returne to the Army 20. That sufficient Hostages shall be delivered immediately upon Signing hereof for performance of those Articles on both parts Signed and Sealed Tho. Fairfax Wherein his Highnesse finding sundry omissions of severall clauses and some Propositions totally left out returned him this Letter with the Postscript SIR ALthough I conceive my former propositions so well grounded upon honour and justice as that I cannot well recede from them yet for preventing of effusion of blood and for the welfare of this place with which I am intrusted I am willing so far to assent unto you as to leave the Castle undemolished but for the other forts and lines to have them absolutely slighted and for all the other arricles to stand firme as I proposed them to which if you will assent I will then send Commissioners unto you to regulate and settle all things betweene us which will occasion me to rest Sept. 8. 1645. Your servant Rupert SIR I have returned you your propositions again finding many alterations and omissions in them very prejudiciall to those whom I am obliged in honour and am resolved to protect But Sir Thomas Fairfax being constant to his owne Propositions gave this answer SIR I Have offered what is faire for your honour and the townesmens immunity and for what I demanded I can accept no lesse except I should grant all for nothing and though for that point of the Townesmen security I shal be most willing to supply any thing that might be thought wanting in my offers yet to admit a new consideration upon your propositions would tend to and I doubt end in nothing else but further delay for by all your letters and the whole carriage in this businenesse I find the advantage of time wholly or chiefly intended As you have thus far had your end therein I have not lost mine that is to make my proceedings more cleare and innocent before God and the world and having done this I can with a cleare confidence trust God for a better issue in an other way you have my resolution which if you accept not I desire nothing further but the returne of my trumpet by noone and that he may not be detayned as formerly I remaine Sir Sept. 9. 1645. Your highnes humble servant Tho Fairfax Hereupon his Highnes and the Commanders resolving not to breake off nor conclude the Treaty untill that they might heare from the King unlesse forced thereunto returned this Answer His Highnesse his Answer SIR HOw faire your offers are to my honour I hope you will give me the liberty to judge finding you wanting in your care of the Noblemen Commanders and Souldiers that are under my protection of whom I am bound to have an equall care with my selfe and am sorry to find so ill a construction made of my faire proceedings and intentions in this my intercourse of Letters since you interpret that a delay which on my part was but a compliance to what you propounded tending to the prevention of effusion of blood and to the good of the Kingdome to which the sleighting of the Castle Forts and workes was the most conduceable meanes since that can only settle this City in the condition of its former peace and might have bin a leading president to the happinesse of the whole Kingdome Thus you may see the reallity of my ends which since you tooke the liberty to question give me leave to tell you that yours have not beene such to me as you have profest before God and the world by what I have seene under your hand and