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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A24038 An Abstract of the unnatural rebellion and barbarous massacre of the Protestants in the kingdom of Ireland in the year 1641 collected from the most authentick copies. 1689 (1689) Wing A146; ESTC R5978 17,369 32

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AN ABSTRACT OF THE Unnatural REBELLION AND Barbarous Massacre OF THE PROTESTANTS In the KINGDOM of IRELAND In the Year 1641. Collected from the most Authentick Copies LONDON Printed and are to be Sold by Richard Janemay in Queens-head-alley in Pater-noster-Rowe 1689. AN ABSTRACT OF THE Unnatural REBELLION and Barbarous MASSACRE of the PROTESTANTS in the Kingdom of IRELAND in 1641. THE implacable Rancour and restless Attempts of those in Communion with the Church of Rome tho they have in all Ages display'd themselves in the most bloody Characters and have had the barbarous Effects of depopulating Regions Countreys and Kingdoms by Massacres Sword and Fire in order to the setting up and establishing their Religion by destroying the Lives and Properties of those of different perswasions Yet perhaps amongst all their Efforts of that Kind none have deserved greater abhorrence nor given a blacker Testimony of their Inhumanity than the barbarous and bloody Irish Rebellion which brake out in the Year 1641. and was carried on with that Rage and Violence that it laid almost all the parts of that deplorable Countrey in Blood and Confusion depriving by a most horrid Massacre above two hundred thousand Persons of all Ages Sexes and Qualities of their dearest Lives Leaving Children without Parents Wives deprived of their Husbands and Husbands robb'd of their Wives sometimes without distinction burying whole Families in the same Fate And though there be many Histories of large Volumes that have Chronicled this Affair to be still kept alive in the Memories of Posterity yet it must not be accounted a Work improper at this time to remarque some of the most important and best attested Passages relating thereunto This little Collection presents you with nothing but what comes under the Hands of the Great Ministers of State and those which at that time had a share in the management of the publick Affairs and Administration of that unhappy Kingdom The Priests and others of that Communion of the Irish Nation have not been wanting to decrie and as much as in them lies to blast all Evidences of that Kind and have taken all occasions to Remonstrate the Pressures which they pretend to have suffered under the then Government in that Kingdom and spare not to term it Tyrannical They intimate as if their Case were like that of the Israelites in the Land of Egypt and equal to those Persecutions for Religion in the Primitive Times In a Remonstrance of Grievances presented to his then Majesty in behalf of the Catholicks of Ireland and given in to his Majesties Commissioners at Trime the 17 of March 1642. they Express themselves to this purpose THat only some Catholicks considering the deplorable and desperate Condition they were in and apprehending the Plots laid to Extinguish their Religion and Nation did take Arms in the North in Maintenance of their Religion and for the Preservation of Life Liberty and Estate together with his Majesties Rights and that the Lords and Gentlemen dwelling within the English Pale were likewise by the great Rigour and severity used by the State towards them inforced to take up Arms in their own defence This is the language of that Remonstrance whereby they endeavour to cast the Odium of their infamous Treasons and Butcheries upon his then Majesty and the Principal Officers of State within that Kingdom of which there needs no other Confutation than a true and Impartial Relation of the beginning and Progress of that Rebellion The Kingdom of Ireland was brought in subjection to the Crown of England by the victorious Arms of Henry the second the beginning of whose Conquests bear Date from the year of our Lord 1172. The Towns and Villages were contemptible their Buildings so poor that when the King arrived at their chief City of Dublin he set up a Long House made of smoothed Wattles after the manner of their Countrey and therein kept his Christmass finding there no place fit for his Reception and Entertainment The Inhabitants were as uncultivated as their Lands being generally void of all manner of Civility govern'd by no settled Laws but living like beasts of Prey biting and devouring one another without any reasonable Constitutions for determining of their Properties or to fence them against open Force and Violence Murthers Rapes and the most notorious Robberies and other Acts of Inhumanity and Barbarism raging amongst them without Controul or means of Redress For the first Century almost the English kept themselves in Bodies distinct and separate from the Irish not suffering them to inhabit or mix amongst them but in after-times by Degrees they admitted them into a fatal familiarity which polluted them with their beastly Customs and Manners for prevention of which in the times of that most excellent Prince Edward the third many good and wholsome Laws were Enacted Notwithstanding which they have not sail'd at all times to Rise up and imbrue their hands in the Blood of their English Neighbours so that Ireland hath for a long time been a true Aceldama or Field of Blood and a devouring Sepulchre of the English Nation For by the Histories of those times we cannot find that there was any settled Peace or good Establishment from the first coming over of the English until the Reign of Queen Elizabeth which contain'd above three hundred and eighty years during the greatest part of which time they were in Perpetual Troubles and Combustions being extreamly Harass'd and over-worn with Misery whereupon that Blessed Queen even in the beginning of her Reign sent over Prudent and Religious Governours to advance the Work of Reformation and enacted many more wholsome Laws against the Barbarous Customs of the Irish Notwithstanding which Care and all the Circumspection of that wise Princess still there was one Rebellion breaking out upon the Neck of another even amidst their repeated Submissions and pretended Obedience to the English Crown which occasion'd her to send over a Royal Army under the Conduct of her most Renown'd and Choice English Commanders Nevertheless it was not without great difficulty and Effusion of much English Blood and Treasure that that Glorious work of reducing the Traitor Tyrone was accomplished The calamities of that War and the raging of a Famine had reduced that Kingdom to a deplorable Condition in the daies of King James the first who seized the six Counties within the Province of Vlster which had belonged to the Rebels some part of which were reserved to gratifie the well-affected Natives and the rest distributed in certain Proportions amongst the English Undertakers who settled themselves and many of their Families in those parts laying the Foundations of some good Towns incompassed with Stone Walls raising several Castles and Houses of strength in the parts of the Countrey to the great Comfort and security of the Brittish Inhabitants who with great cost and much Industry cultivated the Land and introduced Civility amongst the Natives the whole Kingdom began exceedingly to flourish the People to multiply and increase and the
Mercy of Almighty God to His Majesty and this State and Kingdom those wicked Conspiracies are brought to Light and some of the Conspirators committed to the Castle of Dublin by Us by His Majesties Authority so as those wicked and damnable Plots are now disappointed in the chief parts thereof We therefore have thought fit hereby not only to make it publickly known for the comfort of His Majesties good and loyal Subjects in all parts of the Kingdom but also hereby to require them that they do with all confidence and chearfulness betake themselves to their own Defence and stand upon their Guard so to render the more safety to themselves and all the Kingdom besides and that they advertise Us with all possible speed of all Occurrents which may concern the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom and now to shew fully that Faith and Loyalty which they have always shown for the publick services of the Crown and Kingdom which We will value to His Majesty accordingly and a special memory thereof will be retained for their advantage in due time And We require that great care be taken that no Levies of men be made for Forreign Service nor any men suffered to March upon any such pretence Given at His Majesties Castle of Dublin Octob. 23. 1641. R. Dillon Ro. Digby Ad. Loftus J. Temple Tho. Rotheram Fr. Willoughby Ja. Ware. Ro. Meridith God save the King. Before we come to the Particulars of this bloody Execution it will not be amiss to recite a passage from the Excellent Pen of that great Peer and Statesman the Earl of Orrery in his Answer to P. Welsh The Wifest of men thought the Irish Papists fastened to his Majesty in the Year 1641. by the best of Governments and to the English Protestants by the strictest tyes of Interest and Friendship Marriage and which is more in their Esteem Gossiping and Feasting to the publick Peace by their as flourishing so free Condition and to all by those Royal Graces which his Sacred Majesty at that time Indulged their Commissioners such as themselves desired 't was but to Ask and have Yet all this Honey was turn'd into Gall for at that very time wherein the King was Exercising such High Acts of Grace to them the Irish Papists Plotted and soon after perpetrated the worst of Rebellions the worst Extensive Exulcerating generally and Intensive breaking forth with more Perfidy Barbarisme and Cruelty than can be parallel'd in any History So far that extraordinary Person But whilst by the great Care and Conduct of the Lords Justices and Council the intended surprize of the Castle of Dublin was defeated divers of the Chief Ring-Leaders seized and in Custody their other Confederates brake forth in the North of Ireland with an uninterrupted and Tragick Execution of their Hellish Purposes and dividing their Forces into several Parties according as they had determined amongst themselves at one time surprized by Treachery the Town and Castle of the Newry the Fort of Don-Gannon the Fort Mont-Joy Charl … Ton-Rages Carick Mac-Rosse Clough-Cutter Castle … ley Castle of Monagham being all of them considerable … es of strength and in divers of them Companies of Ho●se and Foot belonging to the standing Army They likewise m●de themselves Masters of a multitude of other Castles Houses of strength Towns and Villages well Peopled with English Inhabitants who had much inriched the Country as well as themselves by their painful Labours The English thought themselves secare in the friendship of their Irish Tenants Servants or Land-Lords and the surrounding Neighbourhood whom they had endeavoured to oblige by all the kindnesses of Friendship So that when the Fire first began to break out and the whole Country began to rise about them some had their recourse to those they esteemed their Friends for Protection relying on their Tenants Neighbours or Land-lords for Preservation or at least present safety and with great confidence put their Lives their Wives their Children and all they had into their Power But Oh Inhumane and Perfidious these confiding Innocents were by these their Irish Friends either betrayed into the hands of other Rebels or most inhumanely Butcher'd by their own hands such Maxims had their bloody Priests instilled into them that they held it mortal sin to give any manner of relief or Protection to the English No tyes of Faith or Friendship could restrain their Rage Irish Landlords devoured their English Tenants Irish Tenants and Servants made a Sacrifice of their English Landlords and Masters one Neighbour cruelly Butchered and destroyed another the Venom descended in the Veins of their Children those of the Irish Nation in the very beginning fell to Strip and Kill the Children of the English 'T was thought meritorious in them that could by any means bring the English to Destruction Servants were killed as they were Plowing in the Fields Husbands cut to peices in the presence of their Wives the Childrens Brains dashed out in the Presence of their Parents and in a moment their Goods and Cattel were seized their Houses burnt the Places of their Habitation laid desolate and those that had their Lives exposed to the greatest miseries of Nakedness and Famine Where the English stood upon their Defence and in small Parties endeavoured to oppose the violence of the Rebels there they entrapt them with promises of safety of Pass-ports of Protections for themselves and Goods This they confirmed to them sometimes by Oaths and deepest Protestations sometimes under Hand and Seal but no sooner were they in their Power but they took themselves to be discharged from the Sacred Obligations of Faith and Justice and with more than Pagan Barbarism cut in peices those whom they had taken into their Protection Permitting their Soldiers after all the forementioned securities to destroy and Butcher them at their Pleasures Nor were the sacred Walls of the Cathedral Church at Armagh any defence against the Sacrilegious Violences of Sir Phelim Oneal and his Brother Turner Besides many others by the same Artifices inveigled and betrayed out of Churches Castles and Places to which they had fled for security The Rebels were embodied and dispersed in Parties through all the Neighbourhoods so that the English durst not draw out of their own Houses to form a Body to oppose them whereas if they had left their Houses upon the first rising of the Irish and in several Counties put themselves into a Posture of Defence they might have undoubtedly prevented the effusion of much of that Blood which for want of some such Conduct was so barborously spilt Other Policies they made use of to heighten and Protract the Calamities of the Innocent Of some they took Plate Money or whatever other moveables could be produced promising them under such consideration to convey them safe to Dublin notwithstanding which by an unpresidented perfidy they either exposed them into such unsufferable Calamities upon the way under which they could not subsist or else dispatcht them by an immediate