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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17338 A sermon preached at Pauls crosse on Trinity sunday, 1571. By E.B. Bush, Edward.; Bunny, Edmund, 1540-1619. 1576 (1576) STC 4183; ESTC S107148 27,884 68

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earth and purgatory he will forgiue sinne and make Saintes and is not this to lift vp his horne very hye Is not this to exalt himself aboue all that is called God He hath made Emperors and kinges to kisse his féete and holde his styrrop to waite at the gates of a cyty ●j or iij. dayes in frost and snow barefooted he hath troden in their neckes he hath deposed them from their crownes kingdomes and hath absolued their subiectes from their obedience and loyalty and is not thys to ●ift vp his horne very hye Thys Romish ●●ul hath of late lifted vp his horne against ●ur gracious Soueraigne against thys our ●ountry and the estate thereof But Gods ●ame be praised this Buls hornes are now sawed he cannot goare vs this Boores tusshes are now cut he cannot ra●s vs And if we will vtterly flye and forsake hym all his damnable doctrine and depend wholly vpon God he shal neuer be able to goare vs or hurt vs God hath here promised in thys Psalme that the hornes of the wicked shal be exalted And let the Pope looke for thys that for as much as he hath thus exalted himselfe God wil put him down And although this great whore say that she fitteth lyke a Quéene is no widow and shall sée no mourning yet shal her plagues come at one day death and sorow famine and shée shall be burnt with fyer for strong is the Lord God which wil condemne her And the spirite of God by S. Paule did forshew that the Lord shal consume him with the spirit of his mouth and abolish hym with the brightnes of hys comming And let all those that séeke to flye a loft with the winges of vanity and seeke to exalt themselues by bribery flattery or any other vngodly meanes know that the Lord God wil throw them down The Angels which kept not their first estate but would exalt themselues either aboue or against God God threw them downe into euerlasting chaines of darknes vnto the iudgement of the last day Adam and Eue would be exalting themselues and would be lyke vnto God hauing knowledge of good and euill but God pulled them down shewed thē their nakednes and driue them out of Paradise Corah Dathan and Abyram woulde néedes exalt thēselues against Moses their godly gouernour but God caused the earth to open and swallow them vp Absalon would exalt himself against his own father and king and would haue bene king in his place but God quailed hys courage and he ●me to a shameful ende as he wel deserued ●eing hanged in his heare and thrust throw ●ith speares Nabuchadonozer king of Ba●ilon would ascend into heauen and exalt ●is throne aboue the starres of heauen and 〈◊〉 like to the most hyest but God brought ●im downe and made him eate grasse like ●●n Oxe Beware therefore of exalting your ●elues let God exalt you for true prefermēt ●ometh neither from the East nor from the West nor frō the South but frō the Lord ●e exalteth Moses from kéeping of shéepe to ●e the deliuerer gouernour of his people ●e exalted Ioseph to be gouernour of Egipt ●nder the king he chose Dauid his seruant ●nd tooke him from the sheepefoldes euen ●rom behind the ●wes with yong and exalted him to feede his people in Iacob and his inheritance in Israel God exalted the virgine Mary frō low degree to be mother of our Sauiour Iesus Christ Christ calle● the Apostles from the nets and made them pillers of his truth thus we sée that true which Annasaid Ichoua pauper●● facit●● 〈◊〉 humiliat●et exaltat The Lord maketh poore and ritch bringeth low and exalteth And that which the Virgine Mary sayde Deposuit potentes de sede et exaltauit humiles He hath put down the mighty frō their seate and hath exalted the humble méeke And howe daungerously they haue fallen which haue ascended very hye But as I haue sayd to consider that true preferment commeth from god And here I will admonish all those that be exalted to any authority to remember who hath exalted them and from what they haue bene exalted and thirdly to what ende they are exalted to acknowledge that what power or dignity soeuer they haue they haue it of God that to edification and not to destruction I might speake much more of exaltation but the tyme will not suffer me wherefore I wil now come to the last part wherein is set forth a commination against the wicked that in the hand of the Lord is a cup and the wyne is red it is full mixt and he poureth out of the same al the wicked of the earth shall wring out drinke the dregs thereof This word Cup is often tymes in the scripture taken in the euyll parte for affliction plague and punishment as in Hieremie Babel hath bene a cup of goulde in the Lordes hand that made al the earth dronken the nations haue drunkē of her wine therfore do the natiōs rage that is to say Babel hath ●e a scourge in the hande of the Lorde to ●rge the wickednes of the world So like●ise Esay Awake awake stand vp Ierusa●●m which hast drunken at the hand of the ●ord the Cup of his wrath thou hast drun●●n the dregs of the Cup of trembling and ●ung them out And in the Psalme Pluet ●per impios vpon the wicked he shal raine ●ars fyre brimstone stormy tempest ●is shal be the portion of their cup. In this ●nse Christ said to his Disciples that were ●spiring to primacye ye know not what ye ●ke are ye able to drinke of the cup that I ●al drink of And againe Father if it be thy ●yl let this Cup passe frō me So we reade 〈◊〉 the Apocalips if any man worship the ●east and his image and receiue his marke 〈◊〉 his forhead or on his hand the same shal ●rinke of the wine of the wrath of God yea ●f the pure wine which is poured into the ●up of his wrath and he shal be tormented ●n fyer brimstone before the holy Angels 〈◊〉 before the lambe So dearly be loued if we ●o not vnfeinedly feare God stand in awe ●f his iudgements but worke wickednes ●ōmit abominations in the sight of God ●urely we shall drinke of this cup which is filled with Gods wrath For vnto thē saith the Apostle which are contentious and disobey the truth and obey vnrighteousnes shal be indignation wrath tribulation anguish vpon euery soule that doth euil Let vs take heede that we prouoke not Gods anger by our synnes Consider that it is a terrible thing to fal into the hands of the liuing God wherfore I exhort you dearely beloued vnfeinedly to repēt you of your sins truely to turne to the lord your God to serue him in holines righteousnes all the dayes of your liues earnestly to pray vnto god that ye may drink of the cup of his mercies in Christ not of the cup of his wrath And this if we wil do god shal be our God we his people God shal blesse vs both with temporal benefites spiritual graces and we shal drinke the cup of his great mercies the which god our mercifull father for hys crucifyed Christes sake graunt vs to whom with the holy ghost three persons one true and immortal god be al lande prayse and glory both now and for euermore Amen Caluine in his preaface before the Psalmes Psal. 41 9 〈◊〉 ●5 15 Mich. 33 Psal. i4 4 Pro. 21. i3 Pro. 28.9 〈…〉 Caluine in his preaface before the psalmes Mich. 33 Psal. i4 4 Pro. 21.13 Pro. 28.9 〈…〉 Caluine in his preaface before the psalmes Mich. 3● Psal. i4 4 Pro. 21. 13 Exo. 2.24 Exod. 3.9 10. Exe. 14.16 Psal. 14.4 Mich. ●● Exo. 2.24 Exod. 3.9 10. Exe. 14. ●6 Psal. i4 4 Mich. 3● Exo. 2 2● Exod. 3.10 Exe. 14. i● Mich. 3● Exe. 14. ●