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kingdom_n crown_n hold_v king_n 2,616 5 3.6628 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16618 A protestation of the Kings supremacie Made in the name of the afflicted ministers, and opposed to the shamefull calumniations of the prelates. Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618. 1605 (1605) STC 3525; ESTC S120445 7,812 26

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A PROTESTATION OF THE KINGS SVpremacie MADE IN THE NAME OF the afflicted Ministers and opposed to the shamefull Calumniations of the Prelates Psa 7.3.5 O Lord my God if I haue done this thing if there be any wickednes in my hands Then let the Enimie persecute my Soule and take it let him tread my life downe vpon the earth and lay mine honour in the Dust Selah Ioh. 18.23 If I haue spoken Evill beare witnes of the Evill But if I haue spoken well why smitest thou mee Printed 1605 TO THE CIVILL STATES of this Kingdome WE beseech your H. and W. that you would by this true light that wee shall giue vnto you looke into our innocencie His Excelent Maiestie your selues and your Sacreed Thrones are exceedingly abused with Foggs and Mists which breathed out of the mouthes of the Prelates are cast between your eyes and the Integritie of our cause through the darknes whereof you are led to giue many heavie Sentaunces against the most harmles Subiectes in the Kingdome as Enimies to the Supremacie and State Whereas it shall appeare that no Christians in the world giue more vnto the same then wee and that in very truth the cause that we maintaine is for the King and Ciuill State against an Ecclesiasticall State that secretly and in a Mystery as we may hereafter haue occasion to proue opposeth it selfe against the same If this protestation shall in any measure satisfie you Then we desire your Honorable Mediations for vs to the Highest If not That then we may know wherein it is defectiue and we shal be found ready to giue all Satisfaction A PROTESTATION OF the Kings Supremacie VVE hould and maintaine the same Authoritie Supremacie in all causes and over all persons Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall graunted by Statute to Queene Elizabeth and expressed and declared in the book of Aduertisements Iniunctions and in M. Bilson against the Iesuits to bee due in full and ample manner without any limitation or qualification to the King and his Heires and Successors for euer Neither is their to our knowledge any one of vs but is and euer hath been most willinge to subscrib and sweare vnto the same accordinge to form of statute And we desire that those that shall refuse the same may beare their owne iniqutie 2 We are so far from Iudgeing the saide Supremacie to be vnlawfull that we are perswaded that the Kinge should sinne highly against God ●s hee should not assume the same vnto himself that the Churches within his Dominiōs shold sine dānablie yf they should deny to yeald the same vnto him yea though the statuts of the kingdome should deny it vnto him 3 wee hould it plaine Antichristianisme for any Churche or Church officers whatsoeuer either to arrogate or assume vnto themselues any part or parcel therof and vtterly vnlawful for the king to giue away or alienate the same from his owne Crowne and dignitie to any spirituall potentates or rulers whatsoeuer within or without his dominions 4 Wee hould that though the Kings of this Realme weare noe members of the Church but very Infidels ye and persecutors of the truth that yet those Churches that shal be gathered together within thes dominions ought to acknowledge yeald the said supremacie vnto them And that the same is not tied to their faith and Christianitie but to their very Crowne from which noe subiect or subiects haue power to seperate or disioyne it 5 We hould that nether King nor Ciuill state are bound in matter of Religion to bee subiect and obedient to any Ecclesiasticall Person or Persons whatsoeuer no further then they shal be able to Conuince their consciences of the truth thereof out of the word of God Yea wee thinke they should sinne against God yf they should ground their Religion or any part or parcell therof vpon the bare Testimonie or Iudgement of any man or of all the men in the world 6 Wee hould that noe Churches or Church officers haue power for any crime whatsoeuer to depriue the king of the least of his Royall prerogatius whatsoeuer muche lesse to depriue him of his supremacie wherin the height of his Royall dignitie Consists 7 Wee hould that in all things Concerning this life whatsoeuer the Ciuill Iurisdiction of Kings and Ciuill States excelleth ought to haue preheminence ouer the Ecclesiasticall and that the Ecclesiasticall nether hath nor ought to haue any power in the least degree ouer the bodies liues goods or libertie of any person whatsoeuer much lesse of the Kings and Rulers of the Earth 8 Wee hould that Kings by virtue of their Supremacie haue power yea also that they stand boūd by the lawe of God to make Lawes Ecclesiasticall such as shall tend to the good ordering of the Churches in their Dominions And that the Churches ought not to bee dissobedient to any of their Lawes so far as in obedience vnto them they doe not that which is contrary to the word of God 9 Wee hould that though the King shal Command any thing contrarie to the Word vnto the Churches that yet they ought not to resist him therein but onely peaceablie to forbeare obedience and sue vnto him for grace and mercie and wher that cannot be obtained meekely to submit themselues to the punishment 10 Wee hould that the King hath power by virtue of his Supremacie to remoue out of the Churches whatsoeuer he shall discerne to be practised therin not a greable to the word of God And if he shal see any defect either in the worship of God or in the Ecclesiasticall Discipline he ought by his royall authoritie power to procure and force the redresse therof yea though it be without the consent and a gainst the will of the Ecclesiasticall Gouerners themselues 11 Wee hould that the King hath as much author itie over the bodie goods affaires of Ecclesiastical persons as of any other of his Subiects whosoeuer And that by his authoritie he may force them not onely to all ciuyll dueties belonging vnto them but also vnto all Ecclesiasticall afflictyng as great punishment vpon them for the neglect thereof as vpon any other of his Subiects 12 Wee hould that he hath power to remoue out of the Churches all Scandolous Scismaticall Hereticall Teachers and by all due seueritie of Lawes to represse them 13 Wee hould that all Ecclesiasticall Lawes made by the King not repugnant to the word of God doe in some sorte bind the consciences of his subiects and that no subiect ought to refuse obedience to any such law 14 We hould that the King onely hath power within his Dominions to Couvene Synods or generall Assemblies of Ministers And by his authoritie Royall to ratisie and giue life and strength to their Canons and Conslitutions without whose ratification no man can force any subiect to yeald any obedience vnto the same 15 Wee hould that though the King may force the Churches to be subiect and obedient vnto him and to