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A07439 Historia mundi: or Mercator's atlas Containing his cosmographicall description of the fabricke and figure of the world. Lately rectified in divers places, as also beautified and enlarged with new mappes and tables; by the studious industry of Iudocus Hondy. Englished by W. S. generosus, & Coll. Regin. Oxoniæ.; Atlas. English Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612.; Saltonstall, Wye, fl. 1630-1640.; Glover, George, b. ca. 1618, engraver. 1635 (1635) STC 17824; ESTC S114540 671,956 890

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Dropsie or Ptisicke Achilles Gassarus affirmeth that Guns were here first invented by a Monke THE THIRD TABLE OF DENMARKE Jn which are part of the Dukedome of SLESWICH and HOLSATIA SO much concerning Northerne Iutia the Southerne followeth which the Ancients did call Nordalbingia because it is seperated and parted toward the North from the rest of Germanie by the river Albis It containeth the two Dukedomes of Sleswick and Holsatia of which wee will speake in order The Dukedome of Sleswick taketh his name from the Metropolis and ancient Mart Towne of Sleswick Heretofore this Countrie was called the Dukedome of Iutia which Woldemare Nephew to Abel King of Denmark received to hold in fee of King Ericus about the yeare 1280. But the Royall Line of the Kings and Dukes being extinct and the Dukedome of Sleswick being thereby fallen to the Crowne Margaret Queen of three Kingdomes gave it to Gerard Earle of Holsatia on this condition that hee should acknowledge to hold it of the King of Denmarke The Cities which are subject to this Dukedome because they have the same priviledge with other parts of Denmarke therefore they have the same Lawes with them The Subjects may appeale from the Sentence of the Magistrates of any place to the Princes and their Senators and not farther as it is provided by their priviledges But the generall government of both these Dukedomes belongeth to the King of Denmarke and the Duke of Holsatia by turnes When it is devolved and doth fall to the King it is governed by his Substitute in his name The chiefe Towne of this Dukedome is Slesvicum commonly called Schleswick It hath its name from a German word in regard it is situated neere Slia in the Bay of the Baltick Sea for Wick signifies in the Saxon language both a Towne and a crooked winding or Bay of the Sea as Becanus hath observed in his Bookes of Gothish Danish matters Crantzius and those who have writ the Saxon Histories doe give it an other appellation besides Sleswick which is still in use with the Danes Freeslanders for they call this Towne in their language Heidebui or Heideba because they say it was first built by a certaine Queene of Denmarke whose name was Heth. It hath a convenient situation for traffick and a convenient Haven for commerce and trading Not farre from this Towne is seated the Castle Gotorpi Heere is a famous Custome or Toll for it hath beene observed that in plentifull yeares fifty thousand Oxen being driven out of Denmarke into Germanie have heere beene paid toll for There is also in this Dukedome Flensburg a famous Towne lying among the high Mountaines neere the shore of the Easterne Sea It HOLSATIA THE THIRD TABLE OF NORWEY hath a Haven so convenient deepe and safe that many of the Citizens may loade and unloade ships even at their owne doores And heere are the Townes Husenum or Hussum and Haderslebia This Dukedome hath onely one Bishoprick two Chapters three Monasteries and divers Castles belonging to the Prince and his Nobles The order of Senators whereof I have heretofore made mention doth consist of the number of 24 persons of the Gentry to whom is joyned a generall Chancellour and two Doctors of the Law The Dukedome of HOLSATIA SOme doe suppose that Holsatia was so called from the many Woods and Forrests which are in it for the Cimbrians and Low Germans doe call a wood holt and some doe derive the Etymologie of the word from a hollow stone because the Dukes of Holsatia were formerly called Dukes of the hollow Stone It is bounded on the East with the River Bilena on the West with Stora or Steur on the South with Albis and on the North with Eider The Countrie it selfe is woody and full of Forrests whence they have such store of fuell that they are able to supplie Freesland with wood when they themselves also doe keepe great fires But although their woods are very spatious so that they seeme to have no end yet they seldome have any great Oakes in them but are full of Beech-trees with whose waste an innumerable sort of Hogges are fatted The Land for the most part doth afford them every three yeares great store of fishing and a very rich and plentifull harvest For three yeares together it is tilled sow'd and mow'd and three yeares afterward the Lakes are let in to feede the fish and grasse thereby a certaine fat and slimie matter is brought in which doth fertilize the fields This place beares neither Vines nor Olives but there is much hunting of wilde beasts And this Countrie doth breede a great number of horses Holsatia is divided into foure parts Dithmarsh Holsatia Stormaria and Wagria These were heretofore Counties and afterward chang'd into a Dukedome by Frederick the third Emperour at the suite and request of Christierne the first who now is charged to maintaine 40 horsemen and fourescore foot for the use of the Roman Empire Dithmarsh at the first enjoy'd freedome and libertie for some hundred yeares and albeit it were granted by the Emperour Frederick to Christierne the first in fee yet it was not at that time subjected Afterward his Sonnes King Iohn and Duke Frederick did undertake to make an expedition against it in the yeare of our Lord 1500 but the Dithmarsians having overthrowne their Armie defended their owne libertie untill they were conquer'd overcome by the Nephews of Christierne the first namely Duke Iohn Adolphus and Frederick the second King of Denmarke in the yeare of our Lord 1559. In Holsatia are these Cities first Segeberg in Wagria a Countrie of Holsatia 16 miles from Lubeck 2 Itzohoa a faire Towne in regard of the nature and situation of the place and the resort of ships unto it 3 Stormaria is encompassed and as it were embraced in the armes of a fishie and navigable River which arising in the inner parts of Holsatia doth wash the wals of certaine Townes and the noble Ranzovian House of Bredenberg and afterward doth discharge it selfe into the River Albis Heere is in this Countrie Chilonium commonly called Kile which is an ancient Towne and hath a large Haven in which to the great commoditie of the Holsatians divers sorts of merchandize are brought out of Germanie Livonia Denmarke and Swethland Also Krempe and Reinholdsburg or Rensburg the former taketh his name from the River gliding by it the later from the first builder Here are moreover Meldorp Heiningsted or Henste and Tellingsted in Dithmars and Hamburg the Metropolis of Stormaria a renowned Mart-Towne neere the River Albis which after many devastations and calamities suffered in the warres was at last reedified and in the time of Henry the fourth Emperour it began to be encompassed with wals and to be beautified with three Gates and twelve watch-towres In this Citie Albertus Crantzius an eloquent and true Historian lived and was buried This Countrie is full of Lakes and especially Dithmars
Evesche de Langres Those which Caesar calleth R●mi Ptolemy calleth Rhem●i Pliny Faederati and the Country in which is their City of Rhemes is called Duché Pairie and Archenesché de R●ims as wee have before mentioned The Learned doe thinke that the Cathelaum mentioned in Amianus Marcellinus should bee written Catalauni And so they are nominated CAMPANIA CHAMPAGNE comitatus CAMPANIA in Eutropius his Bookes Their City is now called la Evesché de Challon In the Catalannian Fields Atilla King of the Hunnes in the yeere from the building of the City of Rome 1203. and after the birth of Christ 450. was overcome by the Romanes Gothes and Frenchmen under the conduct of their Captaines Actius Patricius Theodoricus and Merovaeus there being slaine on both sides 162000. except 90000. Gepidaans and Frenchmen who were slaine before Iornandes cap. 36. doth delmeate and set forth these Fields and the place of the Battell The Meldae Pliny calleth Liberi Strabo Meldoi Ptolemie Meldai and an Inscription engraven on an ancient Stone Meldi Strabo precisely maketh them and the Leuxovians to bee the Parokeanitae which are in the middle of the Country where there is now the Towne Meaulx neere the River Matrona The Senones which are celebrated by Caesar Pliny and others Ptolemy calleth by the same name and placeth them in Gallia Lugdunensis Strabo thinketh that there are other Senones neere to the Nerviais towards the West The former of them did make those horrible incursions into Italy so much spoke of and they did moreover wage a most fierce warre against the Romanes in the yeere from the building of the City 364. which they called The Senonick French warre Their Captaine was Brannus an Nobleman of France After the Fight or Battell they entred the City of Allia and there having slaine all they met and wasted all with fire they besieged for many moneths the Capitall into which the Romane youth had fled for their safegard but at last having made a peace with them for a certaine summe of money contrary to faith and promise they were partly slaine and partly put to flight by M. Furius Camillus the Dictator who entred the City with an Army All these things Livie Lib. 5. Florus Lib. 1. cap 13. and many other Writers doe delineate in their proper colours Campania is honoured with the title of a County and was once the Inheritance of Eudo Nephew to Gerlo the Norman by his Sonne Theobaldus This Gerlo was he that accompanied into France Rudulphus or Rollo the Norman to whom Charles the Simple granted Neustria which was afterward called Normandie After Eudo there succeeded in a right Line Stephen Theobaldus the 2. whose sonne Theobaldus the third dying without issue there succeeded him his Cosin germane Henry surnamed the large the sonne of Stephen King of England who was Brother to Theobaldus the second Henry had a sonne who was Earle of Campania and the other Territories but he dying without issue his Brother Theobaldus invaded the County and writ himselfe Count Palatine of Campania This Theobaldus being afterward made King of Navarre upon the death of Grandfather by the Mothers side brought the County to belong to the Crowne and left Henry his Successor both in Campania and in that Kingdome Lastly Ioane Daughter and Heir to this Henry being married to Philip the Faire King of France Campania and the other Provinces were united to the Crowne of France from which they were never after separated Campania as I have already spoken is usually now describ'd both by it selfe and with the Principalities adjacent and lying round about it As it is considered properly and by it selfe it is twofold the Lower and the Higher In the Lower is Tricassium and the Territories which are commonly called Ivigny ●assg●y and Vallage Moderne Writers doe call that Tricassium which is now called 〈◊〉 Th●se who were heretofore Earles of Campania from this City were called Earl●s of Tricassium It is one of the greatest and fairest Cities in this Kingdome The Latitude thereof is 47. degrees and some few minutes towards the North. It is a Bishops Seate and Belles●●rr●tius reckons 83. Bishops thereof Among these was that famous Lu●●● whom Sidonius Apollinaris praiseth for his vertues Lib. 6. Ep. 1.4 〈◊〉 9. as also Paulus Diaconus in Marciano Bede Lib. 1. Histor cap. 17. and others This City hath a large Jurisdiction and it is the seate of a President of Counsellors of Judges and others of the Kings Officers The Townes have reference to it namely Bar Sur Seine Mussil ●●●tique La ferté Sur Auge N●gent Pent Sur Seine Fruille Chastel and S. Florentin being all Townes of Campania The Territory of Ivigny separateth ●ampania from Burgundie The chiefe Towne thereof is Ivigny which is under the Jurisdiction of the Bayliwick of Tricassium Bassigny is so named because it is the better part of Lower Campania as we have before declared The Metropolis thereof is named from the bald Mountaine which Ivonus mentioneth Ep. 105 commonly call'd Chaum●nt on Bass●gny It hath an ancient Castle seated on a Rock and well fortified the Tower on the West side whereof is called in French Donyon and La haulte fueille This Castle the Earles of Campania did heretofore make their Palace No River runneth by it nor affordeth water unto it but that which Cesternes doe yeeld and a Fountaine at the foote of the Tower There are also in Bassigny the Townes of Montigny Go●ssy N●gent le Roy Monteclar Andelot Bisnay Ch●iseul Visnorry and Clismont being all strong Townes and the most of them well fortified with Castles besides Andomatunum Lingonum commonly called Langres of which we shall speake in an other place The Territory of Vallage is supposed to be so called from the Valleys in it which are both faire and fruitfull The Townes of chiefest note in Vallage are first Vasscium or Vassy neere Blois in the Country of Guise Francis Duke of Guise comming hither in the yeere 1562. was the Author of that Vasseian Massacre mentioned by the French Historiagraphers wherein many that professed the reformed Religion were slaine on the Kalends of March Not farre from thence there is a kind of earth found of which B●le Armenack is made The second Towne of not is S. D●●●re or Dedu●● which was taken by the Emperour Charles the fifth and afterward a peace being concluded was restored againe to the French It hath a strong Castle The third is the Towne of Ian●●●ille or as some write is ●o●●t ville which some doe fabulously report was so called from Ianus It belongeth to the Families of the Guises Prye so called from a Towne commonly named Brye or Bray Counte Robert is reckoned by some with Campania The Country of Brye although it were heretofore and also now is very wooddy yet in fertility and fruitfulnesse it is not inferior to any part of Campania For it hath a cleare skie and a sweete and temperate ayre It is watered with great wholesome
the other smoothe with a plaine webbe There are other Birdes which they call Marinetae lesse than a Blackbird being short like a Starling yet differing from him by the whitenesse of the belly and the blacknesse of the back It is a wonderfull thing which was reported concerning these Birdes for if when they are dead they be kept in a dry place they will not putrifie or corrupt and being placed among garments and other things it will preserve them from moathes That which is more worthy of admiration is that if being dead they be hanged up in some drie place they will every yeare renew and change their feathers as if they were alive Ireland contayneth all kindes of wilde beasts It hath Harts that are so fat that they can hardly runne and by how much they are lesser in body by so much the larger are their hornes There are great store of Bores many Hares c. but the bodies of all the wilde beasts and birds are lesser here than in other places It hath many Badgers and Weesils It hath few or no Goates fallow Deere Hedghogs Moles but infinite store of Mice It hath also Wolves and Foxes But enough of these things I returne to other matters Heretofore Ireland was ruled by many Earles now it is subject to England and is governed by the Kings Substitute who is called the Lord Deputie It came to be under the dominion IRELAND IRLANDIA of the Kings of England about the yeare 1175 at which time Roderick King of Connaught stiled himselfe King of all Ireland and striving to subject the whole Kingdome to himselfe waged continuall warre with the other Earles by whose sedition it came to passe that the other Earles of their owne accord and without any effusion of blood did put themselves under the obedience of Henry the second King of England from whom all the Kings of England were called Lords of Ireland untill the time of Henry the eigth who by the Nobles of Ireland was declared King of Ireland because the name of Lord grew hatefull to some seditious people There are foure speciall Cities in this Island First Dublin the Metropolis or Mother-Citie of Ireland being the royall Archiepiscopall Seat giving name to a County The next in dignity is Waterford the third Limbrick the fourth Corke There are many other very great Townes of which wee will speake more largely in the particular Descriptions of Ireland This Country hath many Lakes and standing waters among which there is a Lake in Vlster twenty miles distant from the Lake Erne of which wee will speake more largely hereafter There is a little Lake beyond the Citie Armack in which if you stick a Speare up some moneths that part which stuck in the mudde will bee iron that which is in the water stony and that which is out of the water will remaine wood There is also the Lake Erne which is thirty miles long and fifteene miles broad being compassed about with thick woods and so full of Fish that the Fisher-men often breake their nets by taking too many at one time This Island is divided and watered with many faire Rivers whose names are these Avenliffe running through Dublin Boandus through Methe Banna through Vltonia Linu● through Connack and Moadus through Kenel cunillia Slicheia and Samaira Besides Modarnus and Furnus through Keneleonia and many other But of all the Rivers of Ireland the River Synnenus is the chiefe both for the breadth and length of its course and for the plenty of Fish which is in it But in generall the Rivers and Lakes are full of fish bred in them This Countrie is unequall and mountainous soft and waterish you shall finde Lakes and standing waters on the top of the Mountaines The Mountaines abound with Cattell the woods with wilde beasts Solinus writeth thus concerning the Sea which floweth between Ireland and England The Sea betweene Ireland and England is rough and unquiet all the yeare and is scarce navigable but in some part of the Summer But hee erres for it is quiet enough unlesse it bee stirred up with windes And not onely in Summer but also in Winter passengers doe sayle to and fro All the Sea shores doe abound sufficiently with Fish Ireland hath in all three and thirty Counties and foure Archbishops The Bishop of Armach Primate of all Ireland the Bishop of Dublin the Bishops of Cassil and Toam and these foure have nine and twenty Suffragans or Vicegorents Ireland from the manners of the Inhabitants is divided into two parts For those who refuse to obey the Lawes and live more uncivilly are called Irishrie and commonly Wild Irish But those who are willing to obey the Lawes and appeare before the Judges are called the English-Irish and their Country the English Pale they speake English naturally and uncorruptly yet they understand Irish in regard of their daily commerce with the Irish-men The Irish-men have some certaine Lords under whose command the most of them are but they live under the jurisdiction of the English but counterfeitly and as long as the English Souldiers doe waste their Territories yet they appoint Sessions to be kept at certaine times and places to restraine and punish robberies and theft committed by night There those that are accused if they be convicted have certaine Arbitratours to judge of the cause whom they call Brehoni these are all of one familie and although they have no knowledge in the Law yet for their wisdome honestie of life they are accounted divine Their warre is partly on horsback and partly on foote The Gentrie have horses well managed so that without any advantage they will mount them in their armour and taking a Javelin or dart of great weight by the middle they will throw or brandish it against their enemie with much ease Among the footmen some are Souldiers in Cassocks very strong whom they call Galeglacii having Cuttle-axes as sharpe as razors and they are the chiefe strength of the Irish warres The next are Footmen wearing a light armour with swords in their hands and these are called Karnes and they thinke a man is not dead untill they have cut off his head In the third place are footmen whom they call Daltines who going unarmed attend upon the horsmen The footmen as well as horsmen as oft as they come to fight with their enemies doe crie with a great voyce Pharro Pharro and they use a Bagpipe in stead of a Trumpet The Irish doe fare sumptuously and magnificently for though they have no delicate dishes nor great service in their banquets yet their Tables according to the season of the yeare are well furnished with Beefe and Porke and other meate In their Feasts they lye upon Beds the first place at the Table belongs to the Mother of the Family who weares a long Gowne or Mantell reaching to her ancles often dyed and also sleeved THE SECOND TABLE OF IRELAND IN WHICH
for Philosophers we shall meete with L. Anneius Seneca and his sonnes Seneca Nonatus and Mela Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella C. Iulius Hyginus Sotion and Iohannes Vives Valentinus If wee search for Mathematicians behold Pomponius Mela Abrahamus Cacutius Alphonsus King of Castile Henricus the Infanta of Portugall Henricus Marquesse of Villena Arnoldus Villanovanus and his Scholler Raimundus Lullius If we enquire for Orators we shall finde beside Seneca Portius Latro and M. Fabius Quintilianus Lastly if we would reckon up some Poets borne here we may make account of Sextilius Hena L. Annaeus Seneca and Lucan who were Cosins M. Valerius Martialis Rufus Festus Avienus Aurelius Prudentius Pope Damasus Caelius Sedulius and many others I omit for brevities sake the later moderne Poets The Spaniards are by nature hot and drie swarthe-coloured to helpe which the women use a kinde of painting they are well limb'd and strong set They are the most superstitious of all people so that other people doe learne from them both ceremonies complements and large titles They have a great dexteritie in concealing their thoughts both by silence and dissimulation They have a kinde of an affected gravitie which maketh them incurre the hatred of all other Nations which as Marianus sheweth is an individuall concomitant or companion to great Kingdomes The women are not very fruitfull in bearing children they abstaine much from wine and are seldome seene abroade as imitating therein the Roman Matrons They use strangers discurteously and in forraine Countries they will reverence prayse and extoll one another They are great observers of Justice so that Justice is administred to all even from the highest to the lowest and so great is the painfull industrie of Magistrates that there are few or no robberies committed Beside they keepe their hands free from bloud and other wicked acts and whosoever offendeth the Lawes or doth trespasse against any one though never so meane is punished for it They are still attempting some greate matter for having supprest their enemies at home and overthrowne the Saracens they seeke for to discover and get for their King the most potent parts of the world When two or three meete together of what place or condition soever they alwayes discourse of the Common-wealth and serious affaires they seeke wayes how to weaken their enemies force they devise stratagems and invent a thousand engines which they open and make knowne to the Captaines In the field they can endure both hunger thirst and labour In battle and matters of warre they are more politick than stout they are of a light body and being lightly armed they not onely easily pursue their enemies but when they are put to it they can easily save themselves by flight alwayes meditating on some militarie or warlike designe In their feastes and banquets at home they are frugall sober and content with a little but abroade they have more delicate fare They use handsome convenient garments well made fashioned Spaine doth affoord to the neighbour Countries and also to remote Nations Silke-wooll Cloath of all kindes Salt Sugar Honey Orenges Pome-Granats Lemmons pickled Olives Capers Grapes Figges Pruines Almonds Chesnuts Anny-seed Cumming-seed Coriander-seed Rice Saffron Oyle Waxe Alume Vermilion Purple Saltfish Bay-berries preserv'd Fruits of all sorts Alablaster Corall Gold Silver Iron Steele Tinne Copper Leade Dying Oade Quick-silver Gotten pretious stones Aromatickes and sweet Spices which are brought from the Indies and other places And in exchange for these the Europaeans the Africans the Asiatians and the Americans doe give the Spaniards such commodities as their owne Country doth not affoord PORTVGALL AND ALGARBIA HItherto wee have described Spaine in generall now our Method requireth that wee should decipher it in particular and by parts Wee said in our generall Description that it was diversly divided But wee will make a faithfull Description of the parts of Spaine in such order as it is delineated by Hondius Hee describeth it in sixe Tables in this order In the first Portugall is described in the second Biscay Guipuscoa and Legio in the third the New and Old Castiles in the fourth Andalusia in which is the Countrey of Hispalis and Gades in the fifth is Valentia and in the sixth is Aragon and Catalonia Portugall which offers it selfe in the first place was anciently called Lusitania and M. Varro and Plinte doe affirme that it received this name from Lusus the Sonne of Liber and Lysa who was drunke with him for it was called Lusitania as it were the Countrey of Lusus Marcianus thinketh it was called Lusitania from a River which is now called Tagus Some suppose it was called Portugall à Portu Gallorum which is as much to say as the Frenchmens Haven But Andraeas Resendius whose opinion other learned men doe follow doth observe that the name of Portugall is derived â Portu Cale This Countrie if wee consider the breadth thereof from the South Northward is greater than Old Lusitania but if wee consider the length from the West Eastward it is lesser Portugall at this day runneth forth Northward beyond the meeting of the two Rivers Minius and Avia even to the Towne Ribadania seated on that banke of Avia which looketh toward Gallicia and a straight line being drawne from thence Eastward it reacheth even to Miranda seated upon the River Durius and from thence toward the South to the Mouth of the River Ana on that side where it bordereth on Castile Estremadura and Andaluzia on the Northwest it looketh toward the Atlantick Ocean so that the whole compasse thereof is thought to bee 879 miles This countrie hath an excellent sweete and temperate Ayre and a cleere and fruitfull Climate It aboundeth with Wine Oyle Oranges Pome-citernes Almonds Honey and Waxe The fruite of this Countrie doth excell that which growes in others neere unto it And though the Inhabitants have not out of their fields sufficient store of corne to sustaine them with foode yet there is much transported thither out of France and Germanie This Countrie doth breede many living creatures especially great store of Horses and those so swift of foote that they imagin'd them to bee begotten by the winde The Kingdome of Portugall began about the yeare 1100 for at that time it became a part of Spaine Chronicles doe mention that the first of the Line of the Kings of Portugall was Henry Duke of Lotharingia Earle of Limburg a man of a great courage and ready of hand who removing into Spaine married Tyresia the Daughter of Alphonsus the sixth King of Castile and Legio and tooke for a Dowrie that part of Gallicia and Lusitania which is now called Portugall and which not long before by his owne valour hee recovered and got from the Saracens and Moores Hee dying about the yeare 1112 there succeeded him his Sonne Alphonsus who calling himselfe Dake of Portugall was enstiled King thereof by his whole Armie in the yeare 1139 having obtained a victory against Ismarius and
Portugall this Kingdome of Algarbia which is the least and unnoted'st Kingdome of all Spaine There are carried hither out of divers parts of Spaine downe the River Anas all sorts of Wines Sacks Bastards Roman Wine and others of the like sorts which being shipped are transported into France the Low-Countries and other parts It hath in it the Townes of Balsa so called by Ptolemie Plinie Antoninus and Pomponius Mela but now Tavila as Coquus supposeth and Ossonoba so called by Plinie Antoninus it is called also by Pliny Lusturia by Ptolemy Ossonaba by Pinetus Gibraleon by Clusius Exuba by Varrerius Estombar as also by Moralis and it is thought to bee the same which is now called Silvis or Selves There was also in the same place neere the Holy Promontory the Citie which Pomponius calleth Lacobriga the ruines whereof are yet to be seene neere the Sea-Towne Lagos at a Village which is called in the Portugall language Lagoa as Vasaeus writeth Algarbia at the first was given in dowry by Alphonsus the 10 King of Legio or Leon as ancient Annals doe report unto Alphonsus the third King of Portugall when hee married his daughter Beatrice which hee begate on a whore Dionysius was derived from this marriage who first of all began to usurpe the title of King of Algarbia But thus much shall suffice concerning Portugall Algarbia I passe to the other parts of Spaine GALLICIA LEON AND ASTVRIA DE OVIEDO GALLICIA which is also written Galecia or Gallaecia and taketh its name from an ancient people called Calla●●i hath on the North and West the Ocean on the South Portugall with the River Durius flowing betweene them and on the East Asturia This Countrie in regard it hath many rugged mountaines and wanteth water is but thinly inhabited It aboundeth so with Horses that they are supposed to be begotten by the winde Pliny noteth that here are rich mines of Gold Niger writeth that the rivers hereof do bring downe earth mingled with gold silver and tinne and that the soyle it selfe is full of gold brasse and lead so that golden clods are oftentimes ploughed up The mountaines afford great store of wood for building of ships Gallicia doth exceedingly abound with fish especially with Salmons Congers a kinde of fish which they call Pescades and many other daintie fishes which being salted are carried into divers parts of Spaine In the moneth of November and December a great number of those fish are taken which they commonly call Vesugos being two or three pound weight they are carried fresh and sweete into Castile and are sold there for the cold doth easily preserve them they have an excellent taste yet those are best tasted which are taken in the Ocean and not in the Meditterranean Sea For the coldnes of the Ocean doth fatten the fish and therefore those which are taken most Northward are the best The most part of the Inhabitants doe live in mountaines on which they build convenient houses Concerning the name and originall of the Callaicians let the Reader have recourse to Iohannes Bishop of Gerunda Lib. 2 Paralipomenorum Hispaniae Roderieus Toletanus Lib. 10. de rebus Hispanicis cap. 4. and others The Metropolis of Gallicia is Compostella where is worshipped S. Iames the Apostle who together with the Universitie making the Citie famous giveth unto it the name of S. Iago it was heretofore called Briantia as Franciscus ●arapha Ambrosius Moralis and Villanovanus do thinke Orosius calleth it Brigantia who saith that there is in it a very high watch-towre Ptolemie calleth it Flavium Brigantum Beuterus C●q●us and Iohannes Mariana do call it Betancos Florianus and Gomectus call it Coruna and Iohannes Bishop of Gerunda Lib. 1. calleth it Compostella saying it was so called quasi Compos Stella for so the evening starre was called which maketh these countries wholsome There is extant at Salamantica in the Library of the Colledge of our Saviour the Historie of Compostella the growth and increase of the Church of Compostella described in two volumes written by the command of Didacus the first Archbishop thereof concerning which you may also read Lucius Marineus Siculus in his fift Booke and in GALLICIA LEGIO GALLICIA Chapter concerning religious houses in Spaine and the wonderfull miracles done therein The Lesser Townes are Orensium a Citie neare the River Minius and called by Ptolemie Thermae Calidae as Gomecius thinketh in the life of Franciscus Zimenius where hee addeth that the Swedish people of Germany who heretofore did subdue these parts in their native language did call it Warense though Ortelius saith it should rather be written Warmsee which signifies the Warme Lake Also a Town called in Latine Lucus and by the Inhabitants Lugo Pomponius calleth it Turris Augusti Pliny Aresti and Arae Sextianae and Ptolemie Promontonum Arae Sestii neare to the Cantabricke Ocean in Artabria Also Pons vetus Ponte Vedra and Ribalaeum commonly called Ribadeo Other towns Marinaeus Siculus mentions in the beginning of his third Booke Gallicia got the title of a Kingdome a thousand and sixtie yeares after Christ For that yeare Ferdinand the sonne of Sanctius Major King of Navarre being King of Castile when hee had married Sanctia the daughter of Alphonsus the fift and so united the Kingdome of Castile and Legio having three sonnes hee made by his will Sanctius King of Castile Alphonsus King of Legion and Asturia and Garcia King of Gallicia which hee enjoying in the right of his wife was till then but an Earledome and Portugall Sanctius being not content with this division which his father made thrust his brother Alphonsus out of his Kingdome and slew Garcia his other brother Now when Sanctius had ruled about sixe yeares and was at last beheaded by Vellidus through trecherie Alphonsus who lived as a banisht man with the King of the Moores at Toledo did not onely recover the Kingdome of Legio which his father gave him by Will but also got the Kingdome of Castile Gallicia and Portugall Alphonsus had three children lawfully begot on three wives by Isabell Queen of France hee had Sanctia who was married to the Earle Rodoricke who brought new Colonies into the Citie which is commonly called Ciudad-Rodrigo by Zaida a Moore daughter to the King of Sevill he had Sanctius who was slaine in a battell against the Saracens and lastly by Constantia he had Vrraca who out living Sanctius and Sanctia who dyed without issue after shee had beene wife to Raimundus Berengarius Earle of Tolosa married Alphonsus King of Aragon and had an heire by him who was afterward Alphonsus the seventh the most powerfull King of all his predecessours and one that deserved to be called Emperour of Spaine From that time Gallicia Castile and Legio have alwaies but one King Neare to Legio bounding thereon on the North is Asturia on the West Gallicia and on the South and East old Castile It taketh its name from the seventh German Legion which was seated
yet at the last they were wholly subdued and brought into obedience to the Romans When Caius Iulius the Dictator being kill'd at Rome Octavianus Augustus succeeded him For Augustus sent foure Legions against them who entring the Province did waste it with fire and sword When therefore they saw that they were unable to resist the Roman forces the most of them fled to the mountaines which were very steepe and inaccessible and are now called Navaia lying length-wayes betweene Mescua and Eulates Heere when they had dwelt a long time they were called from those Mountains Navinii and afterwards the Moores possessing Spaine did corruptly call them Navarri But being opprest by the Tyrannie of the Moores and compelled to forsake their owne habitations they betooke themselves to the Pyrenaean Mountaines where they chose themselves a King and for many successions of Kings lived according to their owne Lawes even till the yeare a thousand five hundred and thirteene when Pope Iulius the second did by the sentence of Excommunication deprive Iohannes Albretus King of Navarre of his Kingdome as a Schismatick adhering to Lewis the 12 King of France and gave a faire pretext occasion to Ferdinand the Catholick K. to invade Navarre which hee long gaped for he therefore sending Duke Alban did drive King Iohn out of his Kingdome and left it to his Successours The chiefe Citie of Navarre is now commonly called Pampelona some call it Pompeiopolis as if it were built by Pompeius Magnus It is situated under the sixteenth Degree and eleven Minutes of Longitude and the 44 Degree and 43 Minutes of Latitude There are besides these chiefe Cities Sanctus Iohannes Pedis Portus Mons Regalis Amaya Estella Olyta Taffala and Tudela THE OLD AND NEW CASTILE CASTILIA or Castella which taketh its name from the Castle that King Pelagius having recovered Legion from the Moores did build was heretofore called Bardulia The describers of Spaine doe make it twofold the Old and the New Asturia and Biscay doe compasse the Old Castile on the North on the West Portugall on the South New Castile the Mountaines which runne through the length of Spaine lying betweene them and on the East Aragon and Navarre The Country is very fertile full of wine and all kinde of Fruits Saffron and all kinde of living Creatures and this was the beginning of the Kingdome Pelagius having taken againe Legio from the Moores built a Castle as a defence against the violence of the Barbarians the Governours wherof were called Earles of Castile and did acknowledge the King of Legio a long time as their Prince even to Ordonius the second the fourteenth King of Asturia and Legio who having called the Earles and Nobles of Castile unto him under the colour of parley beheaded them This wicked act the Castilians stomacking and having cast off their obedience to the Kings of Legio they choose two Judges out of themselves Nunius Rasura and Lainus Calvus one to give Judgement and the other to oversee matters of warre whose children and posteritie were afterward called Earles of Castile even to Sanctius Major King of Navarre who when by his warlike valour hee had taken Corduba and Toledo from the Saracens and had thrust out all the Moores out of Navarre Aragon Castile 〈◊〉 Portugall and other parts of Spaine restored all Spaine to the Christians and having married Eluira the daughter of Sanctius Earle of Ca● and sister to the last Earle of Garsia writ himselfe in the right of her d●●y not Earle but King of Castile and left the Kingdome to his Son 〈◊〉 who was enriched with the Kingdome of Legio by his wife 〈◊〉 Sanctius the sonne did succeed Ferdinand and after him his brother 〈◊〉 whose daughter V●raca for the heire male died when after the decease of Ra●mundus Berengarius Earle of Tolosa her former husband shee had married Alphonsus King of Aragon the Kingdomes of ●●ra●on Castile and Legio came to be united The Metropolis of 〈◊〉 Castile is the Citie of Burges commonly called Burgos Ptolemie thinketh it should bee called Bravum It is an ancient Citie famous for many things and deserveth to be accounted one of the chiefe Cities of Spaine for it hath an hundred and fiftie lesser Townes under it every where beautified with great faire and convenient houses adorned with market places streetes bridges Temples Friaries and Rivers and is very notable for the incredible diligence of the Inhabitants of whatsoever age sexe or condition Round about the Metropolis divers Towns are pleasantly and commodiously seated as Palentia situated THE OLD AND NEW CASTILE CASTILIA VETUS et Nova on the banke of Carion Pliny calls it Palantia as also Mela Ptolemy and Appianus Strabo calls it Pallantia and Antoninus corruptly Peralantia Also the Towne Valdoletum heretofore a Royall Seate and one of the seven Ancient Universities of Spaine It is the fairest and most delightfull place not onely in Spaine but also in all Europe as being seated on the most pleasant banke of Pesuerga neither is there any Citie which can be preferr'd before it for the fertilenesse of the soyle round about it It hath a faire and large market-place the circuit wereof is seven hundred paces and whereas this Towne is very famous for many respects yet it is especially honoured by the birth of Philip the second King of Spaine It is commonly called Valladolid which some doe interpret the Vale of Oletus Ptolemie calls it Pintia and Antoninus Pin●●a as Cusius thinketh Also Simanca called by Antoninus Septimanca and Camora which Ptolemy calls Sarabris as Clusius thinketh but Antoninus corruptly Sabaria Yet Florianus del Campo and Gomer●us doe thinke that Sarabris was that Town which is commonly called Tora and in Latine Taurus neare to the River Durius Salmantica is not the last in account which Pylaenus calls Salmatis but is commonly called Salamanca Not farre from hence neare the River which is commonly called Gada is the Citie of Count Rodoricke called anciently Ciudad Rodrigo which as Vasaeus and Clusius thinke Ptolemy would have to bee Myrobriga From hence Southward is Coria heretofore called Caurita as Clusius writeth Andraeas Schottus doth affirme that by the Moderne Latine Writers it was called Cauria About nine leagues on the East from Cauria is Placentia a faire Citie whose Cittrons and other Fruites as also their white bread are chiefly commended and desired it is commo●●● called Plazentia Placentia hath many pleasant Townes und● jurisdiction among which is Xavahicium proud of her woods and lying in a Valley like an Altar as Marinaeus noteth in the innermost part of a Church The Mountaines adjacent and lying neare to Placentia are named from the Citie Verade Placentiae Also Avila called by Ptolemie Olbula as Clusius would have it Not farre from the Fountaines of Areva lyeth Segobia which Pliny and Antoninus call Segovia and Ptolemie Segubia it is a Citie famous for Cloath-making and wherein as Vasaeus writeth this is memorable that
of Grenoble and of Romans Fourthly the Archbishop of Aix under whom there are five Bishops the Bishop of Aps of Fre●ul of Sesteron of Ere 's and of Vapinte Fifthly the Archbishop of Arclatum or Arles under whom are the Bishops of Massilia of Vasison of Tricaste of Cavallion of Avignon of Orange of Carpentras and of Tollon The Archbishop of Lyons and Primate of all France hath his residence in the Citie of Lions and hath foure suffragan Bishops under him as the Bishop of Autun of Mascon of Chalon by the River Saone and of Langres PROVINCIA OR PROVENCE HItherto wee have described Aquitania and the Kingdome of Arelatum Provincia followeth This most excellent part of France from beyond Rhodanus even to the River Garumna was called Provincia because the Romans many yeares before the Nativitie of Christ did reduce it into the forme of a Province which name it still retaineth in a small portion thereof wherein is Massilia and Aquae Sextiae by way of excellencie to declare that it had preheminence both in order and dignitie above all the Provinces of the Roman Empire Daulphine lyeth neere to Provincia on the North side being parted from it with the Mountaines commonly called the Mountaines of Velay and by a great part of the River Drue●●ius or Durance running betweene It is enclosed on the East side by the Alpes and the River Varus on the left hand banke whereof stands the Towne Nicaea where Italie beginneth on the South the French Sea beateth on it and the Westerne bounds of it are partly the Principalitie of Arausio or Orange and the Countie of Avenio or Avignon which did formerly belong unto it though now they appertaine to other Princes and partly the whole River Rhodanus as farre as Lions and Arclatum belonging to the Jurisdiction of the Parliament of Languedock The Ayre here is gentle milde and very pure The Countrie doth produce not onely excellent Corne but also Fruites with litle labour or tillage and heere is as great plenty of Rasons and Figges as may furnish the greatest part of Europe Heere is such great store of Rosemarie Juniper-berries Chesse nuts Pome-Citternes Lemmons Oranges Saffron Rice and the like as if the horne of plenty were poured forth upon this Countrie The Vines yeeld excellent rich Wines heere and the Soyle is every where very good and fruitfull Concerning the ancient Earles of Provincia some things are to be noted Wee reade in ancient Annals that in the time of Ludovicus the eigth King of France Raymundus Berengarius was Earle of Provence and that Charles Earle of Anjou and Sonne to the afterward King Ludovicus did marrie Beatrice his onely Daughter and Heire by that meanes got this Country After him succeeded Charles surnamed the Lame being Prince of Salernum and King of Naples After him his Sonne Robert succeeded being Duke of Calabria and King of Naples and after him his Grand-childe Ioane whose Father Charles Duke of Calabria was dead before for by the last Will of this Robert she was made Queene of Naples and Countesse of Provence This woman that shee might be revenged on her Adversaries did adopt Ludovicus of Anjou Sonne to Iohn King of France and left him her successor both in other Principalities and also in this Countie After this Ludovicus his Sonne Ludovicus the second was made Earle and next after him his Son Ludovicus the third who was also adopted by Ioane the second Queene of Naples to be King of Sicily and Duke of Calabria This Ludovicus having no issue by the consent of the aforesaid Ioane instituted his brother Renatus to bee successor in those Principalities And he being unwilling to resigne his right in the Kingdome of Naples and the Countie of Provence to Renatus Duke of Lotharingia his Nephew did passe it over unto his brother Charles Earle of Maine who made his sonne Charles dying Ludovicus the eleventh King of France his heire Some would have it that Renatus made him heire after Charles by his last will although Renatus Duke of Lotharingia did justly expostulate with him concerning the same Heere dwelled heretofore the Salyi the Aquenses the Arelatenses the Sextani the Sentij the Ebroduntij the Dinienses the Vesdiantij the Sanicienses the Nerucij the Vencienses the Vulgientes the Aptenses the Reienses the Ostaviani the Commoni the Foro-Iulienses the Segestorij the Albici the Oxubij the Deciates and others There are in Provence under the Aquensian Parliament besides many Townes of no small note two Cities which have Archbishops and eleven that have Bishops in them The Archiepiscopall Cities are Aquae Sextiae and Arelatum The Latines Paterculus Solinus and others doe call the first Aquae Sextiae Colonia Plutarch in the life of C. Marius Sextilia the Itinerarie tables Aquae Sestiae The inscription of a stone at Lyons neare to S. Benedicts Church Colonia Iulia Aquae Lastly a certaine ancient inscription and Vespasians coyne Colonia Iulia Aquae Sexiae Legio 25. It was called Aquae because there are bathes of hot water whence also it is now called Aix and it was called Sextiae from C. Sextius who was Consul in the yeare from the building of the Citie of Rome 630. For he having subdued the Nation of the Salyi built this Citie to the end that hee might place a Roman garrison therein and that hee might drive the Barbarians from those coasts which open a way from Massilia into Italy seeing the Massilians were not able to suppresse them you may reade Livy lib. 61. from the 10. cap. But concerning the same it was called Iulia Augusta from C. Iulius Caesar Augustus who did enlarge it with colonies bringing thither the old Souldiers of the 25 Legion The Parliament of Provence is held here which therefore is called Parliamentum Aquense Partly at this Citie and partly in Italie did C. Marius overcome the Cimbrians a people of Germanie and the Tigurini and Abrones French Nations that banded themselves with them of which Historie elsewhere The second Citie Orosius and Ausonius Lib. de urbibus in Epigraphe ipso carmine 7 o do call Arelas the same Ausonius elsewhere doth call it Arelatus Caesar calls it Arelate as also Suetonius in the life of Tiberius Mela and others Strabo calls it Areletae Ptolemie Arelaton Salyorum Colonia and Pliny Arelate Sextanorum but now by a word of the plurall number it is called Arles Festus Avienus doth report that the Graecians heretofore inhabiting it did call it T●elinis Iulius Scaliger witnesseth that in a faire inscription on a pillar which hee had seene it is called Mamiliaria but the reason why is unknowne Fl. Constantinus the Emperour did enact and ordaine that it should be called Constantia and that the assemblies and conventions of seaven Provinces namely of Vienne of both the Narbons of both the Aquitanes of PROVENCE PROVINCIA Novem-Populana and the Maritime Alpes should be held and kept there and Ausonius calleth it Gallula Roma in those verses which I mentioned before It is
into the Haven Edward the fifth King of England tooke it the day before the Nones of August 11. moneths after that cruell Battell fought against Philip the sixth King of France neere to Cressy in the yeere 1347. which Paulus Aemilius lib. 9. lively delineateth The English did possesse it 211. yeeres for Philippus Bonus a Burgundian did in vaine besiege it in the yeere 1431. his Flandrians forsaking him and did keepe it as the English were wont to say as the Key of France the Duke of Guises afterward tooke it and the Frenchmen regain'd it in the yeere 1558. in the moneth of February In the mid-way betweene Calis and Bononia towards the Mediterranean Sea is Teroane which still retaineth that name although Charles the fifth passed it and call it Terrennerbere● Anten●●●● nameth it Tervanna or Tarvenna the Itinerary Tables Tervanna and Ptolemy Tarvanna Bovillus affirmeth that some doe call it Taruba●um T●●themius in his History of France mentioneth the Terrabania●● BOVLONGNE· BOLONIA Some call it Tervana as it were Terra-vana in regard of the meanenesse of the Territory In the Register of the Provinces where the Cities of Belgia are reckoned up it is called the City of the Morinneans that is l' Evesché de Teroane In the Inscription of an ancient Stone which in former time was found in Gilderland it is called the Morineans Colony The Territory of Oyana or Terre de Oye doth reach even to Dunkerk a Towne of Flanders There are also beside Oya some other smal Towns I returne now to Boulogne which is watered with stremes and Rivulets which running by the Towne Arque and S. Audomare doe come to Graveling Not farre from thence is the Bay of Scales flowing even to the Castle of Ardera There are also two other Rivulets namely one in Marquisia the other in Bolonia There is also the River Hantia or Hesdin which doth impart his name to the Towne Hesdin There is also in this Country the Moorish streames of the Pontinians and the River Cauchia Some of these Rivers doe make Lakes and Fish-pits which are full of Fish and are denominated from the neighbouring Townes as those which they call in French le Vivier d' Hames d' Andre d' Arbres All this Country toward the Sea is environd with sundry Hills and in the inner part thereof there are those Hills which they call in French les Mons de S. Ingelvert and les Mons de neuf Castel and Dannes All the Country is interlaced with many Woods as the Woods les Bois de Surene Celles c. The Inhabitants are accounted to be froward and too much conceited of themselves ANIOV THE DVKEDOME OF ANDEGAVIA The Dukedome of Anjou containeth Counties Baronnies and Seigniories as C●aon 1856. 4743 c. which I have not yet found out nor can distinguish these foure Counties Maine Vendosme Beaufort and La Val doe hold of it by Homage and Fealty THE IVRISDICTION The Praesidiall Seate of the whole Kingdome is Angiers under which are these particular Juridicall Seates Angiers Samur Bauge 1945. 4725. and Beaufort en Valleé 1940. 4716. The State Ecclesiastick Angiers hath one Bishop of Andegauja who is subject to the Archbishop of Turone The Meridians are placed according to the Proportion of the 47. and 15. Parallels to the greatest Circle The Dukedome of ANIOU THE Dukedome of Anjou followes in our Method or la Ducké d' Anjou C. Caesar calleth the people of this Province Andes and Pliny nameth them Andegavi It beginneth at the Village Towne Chousay and endeth betweene Moncontour and Herrant where the Territory of the Picts beginneth lying South of it on the East the Turonians and Vindocinians doe border on it on the North the County commonly called Maine and l● Val and lastly on the West it joyneth to Brittaine The Country is more fruitfull and pleasant than large having every where Hills planted with Vines and Valleies crowned with greene Woods flourishing Meddowes excellent Pastures for Cattell Here are good white Wines commonly called Vins d' Aniou In briefe this Country doth afford all things necessary for life In some parts also of this Province they digge forth those blue kind of Stones with which being cleft in pieces they do slate their Churches and Houses to keep off the weather and in French they call them Ardoises King i●ec●●us after the Earle Paul was slaine got the City of Indeg●●●a and left it to his Posterity who were Kings of France among whom ●arolus Calvus gave the higher part of the Province to Iorquatus retaining still the Royalty thereof to himselfe and the lower part to Eud●● Earle of Paris whose Nephew Hugo magnus by his Brother Rupert Earle of Andegavia and Duke of Celtica gave it to Fulco the Nephew of Iorquatu● After Fulco there succeeded in order Fulco the 2. and Gotefridus commonly called Grisgonella Fulco the 3. Got●fridus the 2. Fulco the 4. Fulco the 5. who was King of Hierusalem after Baldwin whose Daughter he being a Widdower had married and lastly Godfridus Barvatus the 6. who was married to Machtildis the Daughter of Henry the first King of England His Sonnes were Henry who was the second King of England of that name and Gotefridus the sixth and William were Earles of Anjou whom when their Brother the King had overcome by warre and droven them out of their Country his eldest Sonnes did succeed him in the Kingdome of England and Gotefridus the 8. in the County of Anjou The Unckle ●ohn King of England did wage warre against the Earle Arthur the Sonne of Gotefrid and Duke of B●ittaine by the Mothers side Arthur had now done Homage and Fealty to Philip Augustus King of France for his Principality which he had of him by whose instigation leaving to take away Picardy from his Unckle the King and having passed his Army over the River and Ligoris the King comming upon him on a sudden tooke him prisoner and brought him to ●otomagum where not long after he was put to death The Mother of Arthur Constantia by name the Daughter and Heire of Conan Prince of Brittaine did accuse King Iohn of Parricide before the King of France aforesaid who being summoned and not appearing the Peares of France did condemne him of parricide and those Provinces which he had in France they confiscated to the King which sentence the King ex●cuting he tooke Anjou into his owne hands and left i● to his Sonne Ludovick the 8 King of France After whom succeeded his Son Ludovick the 9. surnamed the Holy who granted this Province to his Brother Charles by right After him followed Charles the 2. who marrying h●s Daughter Cleme●tia to Charles Valesius he gave this Province with her for her Dowry After whom succeeded Philip Valesius the Sonne and after him his Nephew Iohn who gave the greatest part of this Country which was honourd with the Title of a Dukedome in the yeere 1350. to his Sonne Ludovick After him there follow'd in a
Ludovick the ninth yet with this caution that it should be called after his wives name and the house of the Burbons that so the title thereof might remaine to posteritie Which being done Robert the sonne of Ludorick the ninth who was canonized for a Saint did propagate and enlarge the name of the Borbons For his sonnes were Ludorick surnamed the greate who succeeded his Father Iohn Clar●m●nt Lord of the Towne of the Fane of Iustine in Campania Peter Archdeacon of Paris and two daughters This Ludorick Philip Valesius the sixt created the first Duke of Burbon in the yeare 1339. or thereabout who had by his wife Mary the daughter of Iohn Earle of Hannonia Peter the first who succeeded him and Iames the Father of the Earles of March and Vendosme Philip Lord of Bello●●● Mary and Beatrix This Peter was created the second Duke of Burbon and Lord of Molin Hee was slaine in a Battell fought betweene the Picts and the English Hee had by Isabell the daughter of Charles Earle of Valence Ludorick the 2. who succeeded his Father Iames the Lord of March and seven daughters Ludorick surnamed the good married Anna. the daughter of Peral●us the Dolphine of Avercia who was called Duke S●mus and of Ione Forres●aria who brought him Iohn who succeeded his Father Ludovick and Iames Lord of Pransium Iohn the first of that name marrying Mary the daughter of Iohn Duke of the Biturigians was Duke of Burbon and Avernia Earle of Claromont M●mpensper Forrest and Lord of Bellyocum and the Castle of Chinon From him issued Charles who succeeded his Father Iudorick Earle of Montpenser from whom the Dukes came of Montpenser and Iames. Charles tooke the part of King Charles the 7. and Philip the good Duke of Burgundie with whome at last by the meditation and perswasion of his wife Agnes a Burgundian sister to Philip hee made a peace with him Agnes brought him Iohn who succeeded after him Ludovick Peter who was afterward a Duke Charles a Cardinall and Archbishop of Lions Lud●●ick Bishop of Le●dium Iames and five daughters Iohn the second was Duke of Borbon and Avernia Earle of Claromont of Forrest the Iland and March Lord of Belliocum and of the Castell of Chinon a ●eere and Constable of the Kingdome of France Hee marryed thrice but dyed without issue Peter the 2. succeeded his brother John who was high Chamberlaine of the Kingdome of France and hee had by Anne daughter of King Ludorick the 11. one onely daughter called Susan who succeeded her Father Shee marrying Charles Burbon Earle of Montpenser the sonne of Gilbert Burbon Nephew to Iohn Ludorick the first aforesaid Duke of Burbon Earle of Montpenser and Dolphine of Avernia by her marriage made her Husband Duke of Burbon This was that Charles who being Constable of France revolting from his Prince Francis King of France tooke part and sided with the Emperour Charles the fifth and besieged Rome where being shot with a bullet in the yeare 1527. the day before the Nones of May he dyed having obtained no victorie nor left no children After the death of his wife Susan the King getting Burbon to himselfe the Dukes of Vend●sme kept onely their armes and their bare title by the right of affinitie The Earles of Flanders did first lineally descend from the familie of the Burbons and many great Kings and Princes have sought to bee linkt in affinitie with this royall and Princely house Moreover the French Geogrophars doe make two parts of the Dukedome of Burbon the lower and the higher The lower containeth divers Cities and two Countries Concerning the Cities The Metropolis of the whole Dukedome is Molirum or Malins a Towne by the River which Caesar calls Elaver now Al●ie● it was the ancient Seate of Dukes afterward it was a house of pleasure and a pleasant retyring place for the Kings of France Some thinke that that which Caesar calls Gergobina was a Towne among the Celta whom Caesar in the Helvetian Warre placed there The Marshall of Burbon hath his Presidiall Seate here which was erected by King Francis the first of that name Molins hath a very faire Castle and a curious Garden adjoyning to it in which there are great store of Oranges and Citernes In the Castle Xystum you may see the lively Pictures of the Dukes of Burbon and their Genealogies Here is also a faire Fountaine THE DVKEDOME OF BVRBON BORBONIUM Ducatus The other Cities and Townes are Burbon famous for antiquity and which heretofore did name the whole Province Caesar in his 7. Booke calleth it Boia This City is situated betweene the Rivers Elaveres and Caris commonly called Cher well knowne and famous in the time of Charles the great It hath a strong Castle and Baths also L'Archimont Montmerant And Cosne surnamed en Burbonnois neere the River Lotre having a Castle and in regard that the Territory is fitt for Pasturage it exceedeth other parts also Montlusson and S. Porcin whose Fields doe bring forth excellent Wines yet some doe ascribe it to ●vernia also Cusset Chancelle Charroux Vernueil famous for Wines also Varennes a famous Towne by the River Elaveres Gannat confining upon Avernia also Le Mont aux Moines Souvigni le Comte ou aux M●ines la Palisse having a stately Castle also Erisson Sancoings the Fane of S. Peter commonly called S. Pierre le Monstier which is not very ancient It hath a President under whom are the Baylies of the same Towne and the Townes which are commonly called Douziois Xainco●●usset and others one part whereof are seated in Avernia and anoth●● 〈◊〉 Nervernesium there is also Ainayla Chasteau so named from the Ca● S. Amand and others So much concerning the Cities and Townes The Counties are two which are commonly called Beaujolois and F●●est The former Bello Iolesius containeth all that lyeth betweene the River Ligeris and Araris being situated towards the East betweene the Forestians and Burgundians being the Patrimony of the ancient Burbons The chiefe City is called in French Beau-jea The other is named not from the Woods and Forrests as the word doth seeme to intimate but from the Forensians for so I name those people on the North lyeth Burbon on the West Avernia on the South the Lugdunians confine upon it on the East the Bello-Jolesians Heretofore it had Earles from whose Stock did arise the noble of Bello-Iolesius A certaine Earle of Forrest and Bello-Iolesius is celebrated by French Historians who had three Sonnes Arthauldus Earle of Lugdunum Stephen Earle of Forrest and Emfrid Earle of Bello-Iolesius When thus the Counties of Forrest and Bello-Iolesius had beene for a long time distracted they were united againe by the death of Guica●d Earle of Bello-Iolesius who was Master of the horse in the time of Philip the 2. King of France for his Sister Isabel Countesse of Bello-Iolesius was married to Reginaldus Earle of Fortest who was discended of the stocke of Arthauld aforesaid as shee from the ofspring of Stephan who was
in the middle is called the Iland which words may seeme to be translated out of a credible Writer who lived about the same time and was familiarly acquainted with Scipio but that he addeth that this Iland being populous and abounding with all things necessary was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is abounding with people and well stored with food Plutarch in the life of Ainnbal doth deliver the like but more plainely and calleth it Li●ns whose words according to the Translation of Acciarolus He remov'd his Tents and marching by the banke of Rhodanus up against the streame in few dayes he came to that place which the French men call the Iland which the Rivers Rhodanus and A●ar flowing out of diver Mountaines doe encircle where there is the City of Lions the most famous City of all France which long time afterward was built by Plancus Mu●●atius Some call it the City of Sequanians and Maxima Sequanorum which appeareth by an ancient Inscription on S. Peters Church which is this JOVI OPT. MAX. Q. ADGINNIUS URBICI FIL. MARTINUS SEQ. SACERDOS ROMAE ET AUG AD ARAM AD CONFLUENTES ARARIS ET RHODANI FLAMEN II. VIR IN CIVITATE SEQUANORUM And Seneca doth celebrate the praise of this place in his Verses concerning the death of Claudian I sawe a Hill that hangeth or'e two streames Which Phaebus rising glideth wi●h his beames Where the great River Rhodanus doth flowe And Arar doubtfull whether he should goe Thorow quiet Foords his course along doth guide Washing the Bankes as he along doth glide THE PROVINCE AND CITIE OF LIONS LYONNOIS Forest et Beaujolois LANGVEDOC A PART OF AQVITAINE THE Occitane Country of France commonly called Languedec is a part of Aquitane and is so named as some conceive from the Gothes the Possessions thereof as if you should say Land-Got That is the Gothes Province Some derive it from the word Lingua a tongue and the word O● I suppose that these conjectures are more vaine than Sicilian toyes and are but meere vulgar trifles The ancients tooke it for the Province of Narbon neere the Pyrenaean Mountaines Strabo calleth it Tectosages the Metropolis whereof Tolouse is accounted one of the chiefe Cities of France having an Archprelate a Senate and a University Some derive the name thereof from those which fled from T●oy Caesa mentioneth it in his first Booke of Commentaries where he speaketh thus It was told Caesar that the Helvetians purposed to travell thorow the Sequans and Aeduans Country unto the borders of the Santones which are not farre from Tolouse which is a City in Province and also Lib. 3. concerning P. Crassus Moreover valiant men being levied out of Tolouse Carcasson and Narbon which are Cities of France neere to Province c. Ammianus Marcellinus giveth it the prerogative above all the neighbour Cities Neither can we omit that worthy Elogie of the ancient magnificence and power thereof written by Aus●nius a most famous Poet and a Consull of Rome in praise of his Nurse and Foster-mother in these Verses Non unquam altricem nostri reticebo TOLOSAM Coctilibus muris quam circuit ambitus ingens Perque latus pul●ro perlabitur amne Garumna Innumeris cultam populis cenfinia propter Nirgida Pyrenes Pinea Gabennarum Inter AQUITANAS gentes nomen Iberum Quae modo quadruplices ex se cum effuderit urbes Non ulla exhaustae sentit dispendia plebis Quos genuit cunctos gremio complexa colonas My Nurse Tolasaes praises I will sound Which with a Brick wall is encompas'd round And faire Garumna runneth by her side And many people doe in her reside Cause the Pyrenean Ningide confines Upon it and the Pinean Gabinines Betweene the Country of faire AQUITAINE And Iberus which now is called SPAINE· LANGVEDOC A ●T OF AQVITAINE LA PARTIE Septentrionale du LANGUEDOC And having yeelded people unto four Large Cities out of her abundant score Yet in her no want of people doth appeare Which done within her bosome nourisht were Whence the Vi●i-G●th● having drove● out the Romane● from thence did make this City the royall Seate of the Kingdome untill they were quite expulsed by the French in the raigne of 〈◊〉 the first Christian King at what time all that Province was subjected to France Concerning the State Ecclesiastick the Tolousians were instructed in the Christian faith by Ma●tiall who was their first Prelate after whom succeeded Saturninus Honoratus Silvius Hilarius Ex●per●u● and many others even to Lud●v●● St●ulus the Sonne of Charles 〈◊〉 King of Sicily in whose time this Bishoprick was translated 〈◊〉 to an Archbishoprick under whom are these Suffragan Bishop●● the bishop of M●nta ban 〈…〉 of S. 〈…〉 created by Pope 〈◊〉 the ●2 An has this City is larg● and popul●u● to it hath many 〈◊〉 built Churches and also Colled●●s 〈◊〉 Mo●●●●●ries The chiefe Church belonging to the Bishop 〈…〉 cr●ted to S. 〈◊〉 It hath also an University famous for 〈…〉 and for the great number of Students which study there Here ●omerly Playe● i● ho●our of 〈◊〉 the Goddesse o● Flowers were ●●brated of which there doe yet remaine some to●●●s But the Fami●● of the E●●●●ingling with the Royall Stock this Cou●try wa●●●ted to the Kingdome of 〈◊〉 It will be h●●● convenient to nominate some of them a● namely 〈…〉 others ●●metus reckon●t● the Earles of 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 France who enjoyed that dignity u●to 〈…〉 The●●●ly who after the decease of his Brother ●●phonsus did unite 〈◊〉 County unto his Kingdome There are also among others these Townes in Languedoc Narbon Mons ●essusanus Carcassona Nemansus Vzes THE DELPHINATE OF FRANCE ON the South Province is neere to the Delphinate and on the North it hath the Bressians who are parted from it by the River Rhodanus flowing betweene them on the West is the County of Venusinum and lastly on the East the Pedemontian and Sabaudians doe encompasse it Caesar by one common name calleth those of the Delphinate and the Sabaudians Allobrogians who were then confederate with the Romanes The Country is now devided into the higher part the chiefe City whereof is Ebrodunum and the lower part in which the prime Cities are Gratian●polis and Vienna Those of the Delphinate who dwelt beyond Rhodanus were hertofore a part of the Kingdome of Burgundy and then of Orleans and afterward of Burgundy the head City whereof was then Arelate which afterward from that City was called the Kingdome of Arelatum but when that Kingdome came to the Emperour Conradus the 2. after the decease of Rodolfus the first the last King thereof there arose one Guigno a man of base birth who was called afterward the fat Earle Grinmand hee through his owne industry and the confusion of the times obtained most of the chiefest Cities of this Country so that at last he possessed Gratianopolis and made himselfe Lord of the whole Province which to honour his Sonne who had married Delphina the Daughter of the Earle of Albon and Vienna he called it
Curta and some others The Inland Townes are Cuthna Colen Belsina Verena Zate●●um Launa Slana ●●tomericum Tabortum The chiefe Rivers are 〈◊〉 which they call Labe it breaketh forth of the Mountaine neere the Citty Aust and hath great store of Salmons There is also Multavia which Ptolemy calleth Cassurgis and the Germanes Molea and the Inhabitants Vltauva there are also the Rivers Egra ●assava Gisera Misa and others some whereof have fine sands of gold and some of them have shells out of which they get Pearles The Mountaines Sud●ta doe encompasse Bohemia on the South and West The Mountaine Pinifer which is so called from the abundance of Pines growing there which riseth in the Mountaines of the Maraniship of Brandenburg betweene Franconia Voitlandia and Bohemia in the compasse of two miles doth send forth foure famous Rivers towards the foure parts of the World namely Moenus in Francia Sala i● 〈◊〉 Nabus in Bavaria and Egra in Bohemia This Mountaine also hath Gold Silver Quick-silver Iron and Brimstone It hath also 〈◊〉 of Precious-stones The whole Country is as it were walled 〈◊〉 with Woods of which that part which lyeth between 〈…〉 West and the North Strabo calleth the Wood Gabreta and Ptolem● 〈…〉 that part which streteheth from the South to Danubius Ptolemy calleth the Moones Wood but now it is called Passavica Silva or De● Passawerwaldt on the West where it joyneth to Moravia it is called Der Scheib The Emperour Charles in the yeere 1361. did devide the Kingdome of Bohemia into 12. Countries which are governed by Captaines and Barons who doe first decide small controversies and secondly if there bee any theeves they may call the Nobility to ayde them in suppressing of those Robbers and at last in time of warres every one repaireth to his owne Captaine I finde that the Burpaviate of Carlstein is in this Kingdome where the Crowne of the Kingdome is kept There are these Countries Lob●●wits Hassenstain Litzkaw Camethaw Passau Melnis Rosenberg Hadretz Dominia Hasenburg Leip Perstain Dobitschaw Walstain R●schatec Dachaw Totsnick Wartenberg Schellenberg Kost Schmirits Lissaw Kunewaldt Dessaw Schonpeck Slawa Grossen Bora Liebenstain Ioppendorff Gradetz and Colourat some of which are Counties also the Baronies of Trachenberg and Millusch Prague was made an Archbishops seate by Charles King of Bohemia and Emperour of Germany and the Bishop of Litomisliens was made his Suffragan I come unto their manners concerning which Iohn Dubravius writeth thus The Bohemians in their manners and habit doe shew a kinde of Lion-like courage under which signe Bohemia lyeth whether you consider the great stature of the Bohemians or their strong broad breasts or neckes coverd with stiffe yellow hayre or their great voice or glistering eyes or their courage and strength Moreover the Lion is wont to swell in contempt of other beasts and cannot be disarmed especially if you set upon him by force Neither doth the Bohemian degenerate from him in this also for he contemneth others both in word deed and sheweth much pride and arrogancy both in his gate and gesture And he is most fierce when he is roughly entreated Moreover he is as bold as a Lion in any enterprise and stout and hardy in the Execution but yet he is ambitious and vaine-glorious And besides he is as hungry and sharpe as a Lion and immoderate in his Dier THE MARQVISHIP OF MORAVIA MORAVIA commonly called Marnhern doth confine on Polonia Westward It is so called from the River Moravia which runneth thorow this Country The Ancients did call it Marcomannia because it did border Germany on that part where Danubiu● glideth towards Pannonia For in the Germane language Marck signifies a limmit or bound and those which dwelt there were called Marcomanni the Inhabitants of the Frontiers or Marches as Dubravius thinketh But Arrianus saith thus The last saith he of these Nations are the Quadians Marcomannians after them the Iazyges or Sarmatians then the Getes and lastly a great part of the Sarmatians And it appeareth manifestly that this Moravia was the Seate of the Marcomannians because neere the River Hana the Husbandmen as they were ploughing did often finde certaine coynes of the ancient Romane Emperours as of M. Antoninus who as Histories doe witnesse did conquer and subdue this Nation There was also mony taken from the enemy as a booty with this Inscription De Marcomannis There are some doe conjecture by the Etymologie of the word that the Marcomannians did possesse that Province of Germany which is commonly called Die Marck or the Marquiship of Brandenburg beyond Albis toward the Ocean for the Inhabitants thereof are called Die Marcker that is Marcomannians as it were Marcmenner some say the Marcomannians were so named from Horses as we call Mareschalcus a Praefect of the Horse and Mar-staller a Master of the Horse for Marrha and Merrhen doe signifie in the Germane language a Horse and a Mare whence they translate Merrhenlandt the Country of Mares But the former reason is more probable Moravia as it is now is bounded on three parts of it with Mountaines Woods Forrests or Rivers on the East from Hu●garia on the West from Bohemia on the North from Silesia For on the South towards Austria it is plaine ground and in some places it is parted from it by the River Thaysa and in other places by a small River The ayre of this Country is gentle and warme and so more subject to corruption And as this Country is populous so it yeeldeth great store of Corne and Wine and all things necessary for mans use It hath also great store of Saffron The inward part of the Country is Champion ground the Fields are of a fat and fruitfull soyle and therefore good for tillage there are Hills crowned with Vineyards and in regard it hath a better soyle for Vines than Bohemia therefore THE MARQVISHIP OF MORAVIA MORAVIA it excelleth it for goodnesse and plenty of Wine It is all tilled so that there is no part left for feeding of Flocks and Cattell unlesse it bee in the Woods and Desarts The Mountaines Sudetae neere the Citty Igla are thought to bee full of Mines Moreover it is wonderfull that there is Frankincense and Myrrh in Moravia which doth not distill out of a sweating Tree as in other parts but is digged out of the ground especially in one place called Gradisco in which there is both male and female Frankincense But of late Venceslaus a Nobleman as he was laying the foundation of the head of a Fish-pond in his owne grounds at Sterenberg found the whole body of a man which was nothing but Myrrhe This Country was heretofore adorned with the title of a Kingdome and it had formerly Kings who governed all Bohemia and Poleland and it was a very large and potent Kingdome About the yeere of Christ 700. Zuantocopius did possesse Moravia Bohemia Silesia and Poleland and the Dukes thereof were subject unto him But hee being proud of his large Territories did deny
West with the River Hammirabith There are few walled Citties in this Country Among which is the Citty Azaefi situate on the Ocean shore The Affricans built it there is also Conte which was built by the Gothes and T it built by the Affricans Elmedina is the head Citty of all this Country Centopozzi is a small Towne There are also Subeit Temaracost Terga Bulativan Azamur and Meramer The Country of Hascora confineth on the North on Duccala it is bounderd on the West with the River Tensiftus and on the East it is devided with the River Quadelhabit from the Country of Tedeletes There are many rich populous Townes which belong to this Country as the Citty Alemdin which is built in a Valley encompassed with foure high Mountaines in which there dwell both Noblemen Merchants and Artificers Tagodast is seated on the top of a Mountaine and environd with foure other Mountaines Elgumuha is built on a high Mountaine betweene two other Mountaines which are as high and Bzo is an ancient Citty seated on a very high Mountaine about 20. miles from Elgiumuha VVestward Tedles is a Country not very MOROCCO· MARACCHI REGNUM large it is bounded on the West with the Rivers Servi and Omirabih on the South it joyneth to the Mountaine Atlas on the North it is bounderd with the confluence and meeting of the Rivers Servi and Omirabih so that the Country lyeth in a triangular or three cornerd figure There are some Townes in it the chiefe whereof is Tesza built by the Affricans and well inhabited There are also Esza Githiteb and others The chiefe Rivers of this Kingdome are Tensift and Omirabih which issuing out of the Mountaine Atlas doe runne into the Ocean But Tensift riseth in the Country of Morocco and is enlarged by the receit of many Rivers the greatest whereof are Sifelmel and Niffis But Omirabih doth breake forth among the Mountaines where the Province of Tedles confineth on the Kingdome of ●esse On the shore side in some places there is found great store of Amber which is very cheape there so that the Portugals and other forraigne Nations doe transport it into other Countries Here are many Mountaines as Nisipha Semede Sensana and others The most whereof are cold and barren so that they beare nothing but Barley In this Kingdome there are no great store of Churches Colledges nor Hospitals In the Citty of Morocco there are many Churches and one of the most curious and magnificent is that which standeth in the middle of the Citty and was built by the aforesaid Halis There is also another built by his successor Abdul Miomem and enlarged by his Nephew Monsor and enriched which many Pillars brought thither out of Spaine He made a Cisterne under this Church which is as bigge as the Church he coverd the Church with Lead and made leaden Pipes at every corner to receive and convay the raine water into the aforesaid Cisterne The Tower or Steeple of stone like unto Vespasians Romane Amphitheater is higher than the Steeple of Bononia in Italy the steps which goe up into it are very broad and the walls thick This Tower hath three Belfries or Turrets on which there is another little arched Tower built And this hath three Turrets one over another and they goe from one to another by a wodden Ladder If any one looke downe from the highest Tower he will thinke that men of great stature are no bigger than children of a yeere old And this Tower hath a golden Moone for a Weathercock and three golden Globes so fastned upon Iron that the greatest is placed lowest and the lesser highest There is also a strong Castle in this Citty so that if you beheld the spaciousnesse thereof the Walls Towers and Gates built of Tiburtine Marble you would thinke it a Citty It hath a Church with a high Steeple on the top whereof there is a Moone for a Weathercock and under it three golden Globes or Balls one bigger then another which doe weigh in all 130000. Crownes Within the Walls of this Citty there are Vineyards Date-trees spacious Gardens and Corne-fields For the Arabians frequent incursions and in rodes doe hinder them from ploughing the ground without the walls The Inhabitants of this Kingdome are in some parts more civill and in some parts ruder and voide of civility They eate Barley bread not leavened nor baked in an Oven and sometimes they make meate of Barley meale Milke and Oyle or Butter Many of them doe use no Tables nor Table-cloathes They are clothed with a kinde of cloth made of Wooll like Carpeting stuffe they weare a great deale of fine cloth about their heads yet the forepart of their head is bare none weare Hats or Caps but old men and learned men they weare no Smocks and in stead of Beds they have haire Blankets in which they wrap themselves They shave their beards before they are married but afterward they weare them long THE KINGDOMES OF THE ABISSINES AND CONGVS THE Kingdome of the Abissines is called Aethiopia which Ptolemy placeth beneath Aegypt The Moores doe call the Prince thereof Asiela Bassi and in the Aethiopian language he is called Iohn Belul that is High and Precious not Presbyter as some are of opinion Hee glorieth that he is descended from the stocke of David and this is his Title N. N. The supreme Governour of my Kingdomes the onely beloved of God the Pillar of Faith descended of the stock of Judah the Sonne of David the Sonne of Salomon the Sonne of the Pillar of Sion the Sonne of the seed of Jacob the Sonne of Mary the Sonne of Nahu according to the flesh the Sonne of the Saints Peter and Paul according to Grace the Emperour of the higher and lower Aethiopia and of my large Kingdomes Iurisdictions and Territories King of Noa Caffares Fatiger Angola Baru Balignaca Adea Vangua and Goyama where there are the Spring-heads of Nilus c. Hee is without doubt one of the greatest Monarchs of the world whose Territories doe lye betweene the two Tropickes even from the red Sea to the Aethiopian Ocean And that we may describe the bounds of his Empire more accurately on the North it hath Aegypt which is subject to the Turkes on the East the red Sea and the Bay of Barbery on the South it is encompassed with the Mountaines of the Moone on the West it is bounderd with the Kingdome of Congus the River Niger the Kingdome of Nubia and the River Nilus In which bounds are contained ancient Aethiopia below Aegypt Troglodite and the Cinnamon-bearing Country and part of the innermost Libya The Country in general as appeareth by those who have taken a late view of it is most fruitfull There is a double Summer which almost lasteth all the yeere so that in some Fields they are sowing and in others they are mowing at one and the same time And in some parts Corne and Pulse is sowed every moneth This Country hath but little Wheate but plenty
are exceeding hot and cold The pleasantnesse of this Country is so great that it became a Proverbe All the Land is so renowned both for the fertilitie of the fields the varietie of fruits and large pasturing of cattell and for the abundant plenty of those things ASIA ASIA which are exported that it doth easily excell all other Countries Here is wonderfull plenty of Fruits Spices and Mettalls Hence we receive Balsam sweet Canes Frankincense Myrrhe Cassia Cinnamon Gariophylus Pepper Saffron sweet Woods Rozine Muske and all kinde of precious stones Here we may behold many different sorts of living Creatures For it bringeth forth a number of Elephants Camells and many other living Creatures both tame and wilde we may here also admire the wits riches and power of the Inhabitants Here Man was first created by God here was the first Seat of the Church of God here Artes were first invented here were Lawes first made here the Doctrine of the Gospell first granted to miserable mortall men with the hope of Salvation through Jesus Christ the Sonne of God Here the confusion of Languages was sent downe amongst men in the destruction of the Tower of Babel Here first Dominion over inferiours began Here Nimrod began to raigne of whom we reade in Genesis But the first Monarchs of the whole Country of Asia were the Assyrians the last whereof was Sardanapalus a man given to wantonnesse and effeminate softnesse who being found by Arbactus amongst a crew of whores and not long after being overcome by him in battaile hee made a great fire and cast himselfe and his riches thereinto Afterward the Empire came to the Persians Among whom Xerxes the sonne of Darius did maintaine a warre begun by his father five yeares against Greece and he brought out of Asia into Europe an army of ten hundred thousand men and passed them over a bridge which he built over Hellespont he came also accompanied with ten hundred thousand ships but with a vaine endeavour for he that durst threaten God insult over the Sea put fetters upon Neptune darken the Heavens levell Mountains and shake the whole World was faine his army being put to flight to passe over the narrow Sea in a fisher-boate the Bridge being broken by the tempests of Winter Darius was the last Persian Emperour whose being conquered overcome by Alexander made way to the Monarchie of the Macedonians for Alexander did first translate it out of Asia into Europe All Asia according to the severall government thereof may thus be divided The first part is under the Turkes command the originall whereof is from Mahomet and is a large Territory The Duke of Moscovia doth possesse a second part enclosed with the frozen Sea the River Oby the Lake Kitaia and a Line drawne thence to the Caspian Sea and to the Isthmus which is betweene this Sea and Pontus The Great Cham Emperour of Tartarie doth possesse the third part whose borders on the South are the Caspian Sea the River Iaxartes and the Mountaine Imaus on the East and North the Ocean on the West the Kingdome of Moscovia The King of Persia called the Sophie hath the fourth This hath on the West side the Turke on the North the Tartarian on the South it is washed with the Red Sea but on the East with the River Indus The fift part doth containe India both on this side and beyond Ganges which is not governed by one alone but by many Rulers for every Country thereof hath almost a severall Prince some whereof are tributarie to the great Cham. The sixt part contayneth the large Kingdome of China The seaventh containeth all the Islands scattered up and downe in the Indian and Easterne Sea Among which are Tabrobana and Zetlan the two Iava found out not long since by the Portugalls Borneo Celebes Palohan Mindanao Gilolo with the spice bearing Moluccoes also Iapan with Nova Guinea lastly found out concerning which it is not yet known whether it be an Island or joyned to the Southern Continent But the Ancients as Strabo and Arrianus have made many divisions of it Ptolomie doth divide it into 47. Countries and Provinces the description whereof hee delivers in his fift sixt and seaventh Bookes of Geographic and doth set them forth in twelve Tables It hath three Cities famous through the whole World Babylon Ninivie and Ierusalem It hath great Lakes full of fish and the Caspian Sea in manner of a Lake which never commeth to the Ocean Also many Rivers among which the chiefest are Tigris Euphrates which Moses mentioneth in Genesis Iordane Indus Ganges c. Here are also great and wonderfull Mountaines among which is the Mountaine Taurus which comming from the Easterne shoare divides all Asia on the right hand where it first riseth from the Indian Sea it beareth Northwards on the left hand it is Southerne and bending toward the West untill the Seas meet with it as here the Phaenician the Ponticke There the Caspian and Hyrcanian Seas together with the Meoticke Lake as if Nature on purpose had opposed it But though this Mountaine bee shut as it were betweene these bounds yet with many windings it runneth forth even as far as the neighbouring Cliffs of the Rhiphaean Mountains being famous wheresoever it goeth and knowne by many new names At first it is called Imaus and by and by Emodus Paropanisius Circius Chambades Pharphariades Croates Oreges Oroandes Niphates and Taurus where it doth as it were exceed it selfe Caucasus where it spreadeth its armes as if it would embrace the Sea Sarpedon Coracesius and Cragus and againe Taurus But where it openeth it selfe it taketh its name from the Havens which are sometimes called the Armenian elsewhere the Caspian and Cilician The bredth of it in most places is three thousand furlongs which is 5625. Italian miles that is from the Coast of Rhodes even to the farthest bounds of China and Tartaria But of these things enough I passe now to the publicke workes which have beene heretofore very stately and magnificent and worthy to bee numbred among the seaven Miracles of the World Amongst them the first were the walls of Babylon which Semiramis built or at least did repaire being ruinate with brickes joyned and laid in a pitchy kind of mortar they were two hundred foot high and fiftie broade so that Chariots might meet thereon they had three hundred Towers and should have had more but that in some parts the Marshes were insteed of walls It is reported that for this so great a worke three hundred thousand workemen were employed Herodotus reporteth that the walls of Babylon were fiftie royall cubits thicke and two hundred high and round about there were placed in them a hundred brazen Gates The second was the Temple of Diana of Ephesus which was built by all Asia in two hundred and twenty yeares as Histories doe testifie And it was seated in a Moorish place least
The figure of it is Triangular or three cornerd and it runneth forth into three severall Angles The first Promontorie towards the West the Englishmen doe call the Cape of Cornewall The second in Kent which looketh towards the East the English call it North-forland The third is Orcas or Tarvisium which lyeth farre North the Scots call it D●ngisbehead Livius and Fabius Rusticus have likened it to a Cheesell On the West side whereon Ireland lyeth the Vergivian Sea breaketh in on the North it is beaten with the wide and great Northerne Ocean on the East where it lyeth against Germany with the Germane Sea on the South where it butteth upon France it is beaten with the Brittish Sea Diodorus in his sixt booke writeth that the compasse of it is two and forty thousand furlongs Martian saith that Brittaine is eight hundred miles long and three hundred broad and in compasse 6000. miles The learned and accurate Writer Camden doth thus account it from the Promontorie Tarvisium to Belerium following the winding of the shoare is eight hundred and twelve miles from thence to Kent 320. miles Lastly from Kent to Tarvisium seaven hundred and foure miles the whole summe is 1836. miles This Iland formerly was divided into two parts as Ptolomie witnesseth in his second Booke where he parts the whole Iland into Great Brittaine and Little Brittaine The Great he calls the Hither part towards the South the Lesser the Farther toward the North. But the Romans neglecting the farther part because as Appian saith it could not be commodious to them the hither part being reduced into a Province they at first divided into the Lower and Higher as it is gathered out of Dion For the hither part of England with Wales he calleth the Higher the farther and Northerne he calleth the Lower Afterward they divided it into three parts as appeares by Sextus Rufus into Maxima Caesariensis Brittania Prima and Brittania Secunda Afterward when the forme of the Common-wealth was daily changed they divided Brittaine in five parts the First Second Maxima Caesariensis Valentia and Flavia Caesariensis And these were divisions of Brittaine when it was under the Romans Some have written that the whole Iland was heretofore divided into three parts Leogria Cambria and Albania but Camden beleeveth that this was a later division which seemeth to arise from those three People the Englishmen Welch and Scots who last of all divided this Iland among themselves Afterward the Iland was divided into two Kingdomes namely England and Scotland but at last under the happy raigne of Iames the sixt King of Scotland these two Kingdomes were united and the whole Iland called Great Brittaine Brittaine as we said before is every where environed with the great and wide Ocean which S. Basil saith is a great Sea and very terrible for those that sayle on it Now it floweth farre into the Land and then it returneth backe againe and leaveth the Sands naked it feeleth the efficacy of the encreasing Moone very powerfully and doth flow in with so great a force that it doth not only drive backe Rivers but it sometimes sweepes off cattle from the Land casts forth the fishes on the shoare and at the ebbe leaveth them there In a word so great a matter it was held to sayle upon this Sea that Iulius Firmicus in his Booke concerning the errours of prophane Religions cryeth out thus to Constantine the Emperour In Winter which was never heretofore done nor shall bee done you have passed over the swelling raging waters of the Brittish Ocean the waves of a Sea almost unknowne to us have trembled under our Oares and the Brittaines have beene afraid at the unlookt-for presence of the Emperour What would you more The Elements themselves were conquered by your valour It doth not belong unto us to speake here of the commodities which this Sea yeeldeth of the time when it cherishes the Earth of the vapours with which it nourishes the Aire and bedewes the fields of the divers kindes of Fish as Salmons Playces Crabfishes Codfishes Herrings c. of which it bringeth forth infinite numbers Yet the Pearles are not to bee passed over in silence which in a round shape doe swimme in great shoales as it were following one Leader like Bees so that Iubas calleth it the Sea of Bees and also Marcellus makes mention of it Suetonius doth report that Caesar did first attempt Brittaine in hope of getting these Pearles and so much concerning Albion or England now let us passe over to the rost Among all of them Ireland doth farre excell of which wee will speake nothing here intending to speake of it in particular Tables The Orcades doe follow now called the Iles of Orkney which are about thirty in number and doe lie a little way distant one from another which a certaine ancient record doth so call as if it were Argath which is there expounded as much as supra Getas above the Getes Camden would rather have it above Cath for it lyeth over against Cath a Country of Scotland which in regard of the Promontorie they now call Cathnesse whose Inhabitants Ptolomy though wrongfully doth call Carini instead of Cathini In the time of Solinus they were not inhabited being overgrowne with Reedes and Bullrushes but now they are tilled and bring forth Barley enough though they want both wheat and trees there is no Serpent or poysonous Creature in them They have great numbers of living Creatures in them as Hares Cunnies Cranes and many Swans There is good fishing in them of which the inhabitants make great profit Iulius Agricola first sayling in a Shippe round about Brittaine did finde out and conquer the Orcades at that time unknowne and therefore it is unlikely that Claudius did first overcome them as Hierom affirmeth in his Chronicle Afterward when the Romans were Commanders over Brittaine they were the seats of the Picts and after that they came under the power of the Norwegians and Danes whence the Inhabitants doe speake the Gothicke tongue Last of all Christiernus King of Denmarke in consideration of a summe of money in the yeare 1474. did passe over all his right unto the King of Scotland The chiefe of these is Pomonia famous in regard it is the seate of a Bishop which was called by Solinus for the continuall length of the day Pomona diutina now it is called by the Inhabitants Mainland as if it were a Continent It hath abundance of Tinne and Lead and is adorned with a Bishops See in the Towne Kirkwale and with two Castles Among these Ptolomie also reckoneth Ocetis which Camden supposes should now be called Hethy And saith the same Camden I am not yet resolved whether I should call Hey which is among these Plinies Dumna If it bee not so I had rather thinke Faire I le which hath onely one Towne called Dume to bee that Dumna than with Becanus to thinke that it is Wardhuys in Lappland
the East side of the Citie is the Kings pallace which they call King Arthurs Chaire on the West there is a steepe Rock and on the Rock a great Towre which the Scots doe commonly call the maiden Towre which is the same which Ptolemie cals the Winged Castell There are also other Cities and famous Townes in this Kingdome which we will describe particularly in their places In the Valeys there are many Lakes Marshes Fountaines and Rivers full of Fish the greatest part whereof arise out of the Mountaine Grampius of which wee will make mention in our next Description The Scottish Sea is full of Oysters Herrings Corall and shell-fish of divers kindes Scotland hath many Havens Bayes amongst which Letha is a most convenient Haven The Country it selfe is very rugged and mountainous and on the very Mountaines hath plaine levell ground which doth afford pasturage for Cattell Grampius is the greatest Mountaine and doth runne through the middle of Scotland it is commonly called Grasebaim or Grantzbaine that is to say the crooked mountaine for it bending it selfe from the shore of the German Sea to the mouth of the River Dee and passing through the middle of this Countrey toward the Irish Sea endeth at the Lake Lomund it was heretofore the bounds of the Kingdome of the Picts and Scots At Aberdon there are woody mountaines It is thought that here was the Forrest of Caledonia which Lucius Florus cals saltus Caledonius very spacious and by reason of great trees impassable and it is divided by the Mountaine Grampius Moreover not onely ancient writings and manuscripts but also Temples Friaries Monasteries Hospitals and other places devoted to Religion doe testifie that the Scots were not the last among the Europaeans who embraced the Christian Religion and did observe and reverence it above others The royall Pallace of Edenburgh of which I spake before is very stately and magnificent and in the midst of the Citie is their Capitoll or Parliament-house The Dukes Earles Barons and Nobles of the Kingdome have their Pallaces in the Citie when they are summoned to Parliament The Citie it selfe is not built of bricke but of free squared stone so that the severall houses may bee compared to great Pallaces But enough of this let us passe to other things The people of Scotland are divided into three Rankes or Orders the Nobility the Clergie and the Laiety The Ecclesiasticall Order hath two Archbishops one of S. Andrewes Primate of all Scotland the other of Glasco There are eight Bishopricks under the Archbishop of Saint Andrewes of Dunkeld of Aberdon of Murray of Dunblan of Brecchin of Rosse of Cathanes and of Orkney Under the Bishop of Glasgo there are three to wit the Bishop of Candida casa the Bishop of Argadia and the Bishop of the Isles namely Sura Mura Yla c. This is the manner and order of the Nobilitie the Kings and the Kings Sonnes lawfully begotten have the first place of which if there bee many the eldest Sonne is called Prince of Scotland the rest are onely called Princes but when the King is publickly crowned hee promiseth to all the people that he will keepe and observe the Lawes Rites and Customes of his Ancestours and use them in the same manner as they did The Dukes have the second place the Earles the third and those Nobles the fourth place who are not known by that Title in forraine Countries but the Scots doe call them My Lords This name is so much esteem'd amongst them that for honours sake they attribute it to their Bishops Earles and chiefest Magistrates In the fifth place are the Knights and Barons who are usually called Lords They are in the sixth and last place who having attained to no title of honour but yet descended from a noble Familie are therefore commonly called Gentlemen as the Brothers and Sonnes of Earles and Lords the youngest Sonnes of Knights who have no part in the Inheritance because by the Lawes of Scotland that commeth unto the eldest Sonne for the preservation of the Familie but the common people call all those Gentlemen who are either rich or well spoken of for their hospitality The whole weight of warre doth depend on the Nobility of the lowest degree The Plebeians or Citizens are partly chiefe men who beare office in their Cities partly Merchants and partly Tradesmen or Handy-craftes-men all which because they are free from Tribute and other burdens doe easily grow rich And least any thing should be too heavily enacted against any Citie the King permits that in publick assemblies or Parliaments three or foure Citizens being called out of every Citie should freely interpose their opinion concerning matters propounded Heretofore the Clergie was governed by the authoritie of Decrees Councels but now as the rest they are ruled by the Lawes which the Kings have devised or confirmed by their royall assent The Booke which containeth the municipall Lawes written in Latine is entituled Regia Majestas the Kings Majestie because the Booke begins with those words In the other Bookes of the Lawes the Acts of their Councels which are called Parliaments are written in Scotch There are many and divers Magistrates in Scotland as in other Nations Among these the chiefe and next to the King is the Protectour of the Kingdome whom they call the Governour Hee hath the charge of governing the Kingdome if the Common-wealth at any time be deprived of her King or the King by reason of his tender age cannot manage the affaires of the Kingdome There is also a continuall Senate at Edenburrough so framed of the Clergie and Nobilitie that the Clergie doth in number equall the Laiety The Clergie have a President over them who hath the first place in delivering his opinion unlesse the Chancellour of the Kingdome bee present for hee hath the chiefe place in all affaires of the Kingdome Hee that sits on matters of life and death they call The great Justice hee that lookes to Sea-matters the Admirall he that lookes to the Campe the Marshall and he that punishes offences committed in the Court is called the Constable There are also in severall Provinces which they call Viecounties those which are Governours of them whom by an ancient name they call Vicounts Their authority in deciding those matters which belong to civill causes doth depend on a certaine hereditary right by which they claime also unto themselves those Vicountships So that these Vicounts may be said not to be created by the King but borne unto it by right from their Parents The Cities also and Townes have their Governours their Bailiffes and other Magistrates of that kinde who keepe the Citizens in obedience and doe maintaine and defend the Priviledges of the Cities whereby it comes to passe that the Common-wealth of Scotland by the apt disposition and ranking of Degrees by the holy Majestie of Lawes and the authority of Magistrates doth flourish and deserveth great
and so transported to other Nations Heere are many Hils on which flocks of sheep doe graze which are esteemed not onely for their flesh which is very sweete and pleasant but also for the finenesse of their wooll and these flocks of sheepe doe prosper and increase through the wholsomnesse of the Ayre and goodnesse of the Soyle as also by reason of the scarcitie of trees on the Hils and the freenesse of the whole Countrie from Wolves This Countrie aboundeth with all kinde of Cattell living Creatures except Asses Mules Camels Elephants and a few other There are no where better or fiercer Mastiffes no where greater store of Crowes or greater plenty of Kites that prey upon young Chickens than here The Romans did command the better part of Brittaine almost five hundred yeares namely from the time of Caius Iulius Caesar to the time of Theodosius the younger when the Legions and Garrisons of Rome being called to defend France they left the Isle of Brittaine whereby it came to passe that the Southerne parts thereof were invaded by the Picts and Scots whose violence when the Brittaines could no longer sustaine they called the Saxones out of Germanie men accustomed to warre for their Ayde These Saxons assisted them in the beginning but afterward being allured with the temperature of the Ayre or perswaded by the friendship and familiarity of the Picts or stirred up by their owne treacherous mindes they made a league with the Picts against the Brittaines and having driven out their Hosts they themselves possessed their places England containeth many Cities and faire Townes among which the chiefe are London Yorke Canterbury Bristoll Glocester Shrewsbury Winchester Bathe Cambridge Oxford Norwich Sandwich with many other which wee will delineate in our particular Descriptions The chiefe Rivers are Thames Humber Trent Ouse and Severne of which in their places The Ocean which washeth this Isle doth abound with plenty of all kindes of Fish among which is the Pike which with the Inhabitants is in great esteem so that some times they take him out of moorish Lakes into fish-ponds where after hee hath scoured himselfe being fed with Eeles and little fishes hee growes wonderfull fat Moreover there are no where more delicate Oysters or greater plenty of them than heere The especiall Havens of England are these first Davernas commonly called Dover which is the farthest part of the Countie of Kent it is fortified with a Castle seated on a Hill and well furnished with all kinde of Armour secondly Muntsbay of a great breadth in Cornewall where there is a safe harbour for ships There is also Volemouth or Falemouth Torbay South-hampton and many others The King of England hath supreame power and acknowledgeth no superiour but God his Subjects are either the Laiety or the Clergie the Laiety are either Nobles or Commons The Nobles are either of the greater ranke as Dukes Marquesses Earles Vicounts Barons and Bannerets who have these Titles by inheritance or else are conferr'd upon them by the King for their vertues The lesser Nobles are Baronets Knights Esquires and those which commonly are called Gentlemen the Gentlemen are those who are honoured by their birth or those whose vertue or fortune doe lift them up and distinguish them from the meaner sort of men The Citizens or Burgesses are those who in their severall Cities doe beare publick Offices and have their places in the Parliaments of England The Yeomen are those whom the Law calleth legall men and doe receive out of the Lands which they hold at the least forty shillings yearely The Tradesmen ENGLAND ANGLIA are those who worke for wages or hire All England is divided into nine and thirty Shires and these Shires are divided into Hundreds and Tithings In each of these Counties is one man placed called the Kings Praefect or Lievtenant whose office is to take care for the security of the Common-wealth in times of danger and every yeare there is one chosen whom they call the Sheriffe that is the Provost of the Shire who may bee rightly called the Questor of the Countie or Province For it is his office to collect publick money to distraine for trespasses and to bring the money into the Exchequer to assist the Judges to execute their commands to empannell the Jurie who are to enquire concerning matters of fact bring in their verdict to the Judges for the Judges in England are Judges of the Right not of the Fact to bring the condemned to execution to decide of thēselves small controversies But in great matters those Judges do administer right whom they call Itinerarie Judges Judges of Assise who twice every year do visite most of these Shires to determine and end matters of difference and also to give judgement upon Prisoners For asmuch as concernes Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction England hath now two Provinces and also two Archbishops the Archb. of Canterbury Primate of all England and the Archb. of Yorke Under these are seven and twenty Bishops two twenty under Canterbury and the other five under Yorke The Tribunals or Courts of Justice in England are of three sorts for some are Spirituall some Temporall and one mixt which they call the Parliament consisting of the three Orders of England and it representeth the body of the whole Kingdome This Parliament the King cals and appoints according to his pleasure Hee hath the chiefe authority in making confirming abrogating and interpreting of Lawes and in all things that belong to the good of the Common-wealth The temporall Courts are two-fold namely of Law and of equity The Courts of Law are the Kings Bench the Starre-Chamber the Common Pleas the Exchequer the Court of Wards and Liveries the Court of the Admiraltie and Assises wee omit others which are obscure The Kings Bench is so called because the King is wont to sit in it and it handleth Pleas of the Crowne The Starre-Chamber or rather the Court of the Kings Counsell is that in which criminall matters are handled as perjuries impostures deceits and the like The Common Pleas is so called because common pleas are tried there betweene the Subjects by the Law of England which they call the Common Law The Exchequer deriveth its name from a foure square Table covered with a Chequer-Cloth at which the Barons sit in it all causes are heard which belong to the Exchequer The Court of Wards hath his name from Wards whose causes it handleth The Admirals Court handleth Sea-matters Those which wee call the Assises are held twice in a yeare in most Shires in which two Judges of Assise appointed for it with the Justices of peace doe enquire and determine of civill and criminall matters The Courts of Equity are the Chancerie the Court of Requests and the Councell in the Marshes of Wales The Chancerie draweth its name from the Chancellour who sitteth there This Court gives judgement according to equitie and the extreame rigour of the Law is thereby
the South Saxons After that Caedwalla King of the West Saxons the aforesaid Edwalch being slaine and Arnaldus Governour of the Island being made away adjoyned it to his territories But see more concerning these things in Camden The Inhabitants by nature are warlike bold and forward and the Souldiers very stout In Bedes time there were thought to be in this Island a thousand and two hundred families but now it hath sixe and thirtie Townes besides Villages and Castles The chiefest Townes are New-port the chiefe Market-towne of the Island heretofore called Medena and Novus Burgus de Meden from whence the whole Countrie is divided into East-Meden and West-Meden according as it lyeth East or West Also Brading Newton Yarmouth which have their Majors and do send up their Burgesses to the Parliaments of England This Yarmouth and another also called Sharpnore have Castles which together with the Fort Worsteys doe defend the coast on the West side Over against which scarce two miles off standeth the Fort Hurst on a little tongue of ground in Hampshire Here is also the Towne Quarre where a litle Monasterie was built in the yeare 1132 for vailed Virgins or close Nunnes and Gods Hill where I. Worseley founded a Schoole for the nurture of children Here is situate Westcow and Eastcow now ruinated which Henry the eight built in the very jawes and entrance of New-port And on the East is Sandham a Castle fortified with great Ordinance as the rest are beside the fortifications of nature for it is encompassed about with ragged cliffes underneath which are hidden rocks As these two Islands lye neare to the English shoare somewhat more toward the West some Islands do appeare in the Sea neare to France and yet belong to England among which are Gerzey and Garnzey and first Gerzey called Caesarea by Antoninus lyeth neare to Normandie or the shoare of Lexobii whom our Brittaines do call Lettaw that is dwellers on the shoare or coasters this word Caesarea the Frenchmen have contracted into Gersey even as Caesaris Burgus a towne in Normandie is by them contractly called Cherburgh and Caesar Augusta a Towne in Spaine is by the Spaniards called Saraggosa Into this Island condemned men were heretofore banished for the Bishop of Lyons was banished hither Papirius Massonius calleth it the Isle of Constantine shoare because it lyeth over against the ancient citie of Constantia which Ammianus thinketh was heretofore called Castra Constantia and in former times Muritonium This Island is about 20 miles in compasse being defended by rockes and such sands as are dangerous to sea-men The earth is sufficiently fertile abounding with divers fruits and with flockes of cattell it hath many sheepe and most of them such as have foure hornes is beautified with so many greene Orchards and Gardens and those so fruitfull that the Inhabitants make a kinde of drinke of apples which they call Sisera and the English Side● therewith but in regard they have little fuell instead of wood they use Sea weeds by them called Vraic which seemes to be that sea-grasse which Pliny mentions and they grow so plentifully on these rocks that they seeme a farre of to be thicke woods These being dryed in the Sun and after burnt for fuell they make use of the ashes for manuring their fields and making them fruitfull This Island is likewise full of Villages having twelve Parishes It is fortified with a strong Castle seated on the hill Montorguel and hee that governes it for the English is also governour of the whole Island Twentie miles hence towards the West is another Island which Antoninus named Sarnia the English at this day call it Garnsey lying from East to West in the forme of a harpe it is not to be compared either for largenesse or populusnesse with the aforesaid Gersey for it hath onely tenne Parishes Yet in this it is to be preferred before it because it hath no venemous thing in it beside it is more fortified by nature as being encompassed on every side with broken cliffes among which the Smyris an hard and rough stone is found which the English call an Emrall with which Jewellers do cut their stones and Glaziers do cut their glasse This Island also as the former hath greene Gardens and Orchards planted with divers trees whence for the most part the Inhabitants use the drinke made of apples called Cider as the Gersey people doe in regard of the convenience of an Haven and the traffique of Merchants it is more famous than Gersey For on the farthest part toward the East on the Southerne side it hath a Haven like an halfe Moone neare which is seated the Towne of Saint Peter being one long narrow streete full of warlike provision and frequented much with Merchants when warres begin in other places The entrance into the Haven is fortified on either side with Castles on the left hand is an anciēt Castle on the right hand another which they call Cornet seated on a high rock environed with the Sea The Inhabitants of either Isle are originally either Normans or Brittaines and do speake French In both Islands they use that which they call Vraic instead of fuell or pit-coales digged in England both of them have great store of fish These Islands with other adjacent and lying neare unto them did heretofore belong to Normandie but when Henry the first had overthrowne his brother Robert in the yeare of Christ 1108 he adjoyned Normandie these Islands to the Kingdome of England since which time they have continued in faithfull obedience to England although the French banishing King Iohn possessed Normandie and Henry the third sold his right in Normandie and yeelded up the possession of Aquitaine in consideration of a certaine summe of money 'T is true that the French in the raigne of Henry the fourth did hold Garnsey but by the industrie of Richard Harleston Valectus de Carona as they then called him they were driven out in reward whereof the King did conferre and bestow upon him the government of the Island and Castle And let so much suffice to have beene spoken concerning these foure Islands and also concerning England both in generall and particular NORWEY AND SVVETH-LAND The first and second Kingdome of the North part of the World BRITTAINE being described as faithfully as wee could that Northerne part of the world now followeth in our method which the Ancients did call Scandia and Scandinavia Pliny calleth it the Nurser of Nations and the receptacle of people of a great stature That part which is neerest to the farthest Northerne shore of Germanie is distinguished at this time into the three Kingdomes of Norwey Swethland and Denmarke Norwey or Norwegia commeth in the first place to be viewed The Etymologie whereof is easie to be knowne for it is so called from Nord which signifieth the North and Weg which signifies a way as if wee should say the Northway
or Northerne Countrey It hath on the South Denmarke on the West the Sea on the East Sweth-land and it is bounded on the North with Lapland from which it is parted with high and rugged Mountaines covered over with continuall snow All the Countrie toward the West is unpassable by reason of rocks and sharpe cliffes and it is also stony toward the South especially in that part which lyeth against the Cimbrick Chersonesus from whence it is 250 miles distant But all the Countrie both toward the West and South hath a gentle Ayre for the Sea is not frozen neither doe the Snowes lye long And though the Countrie it selfe bee not so fertile that it is able to furnish the Inhabitants with foode yet it aboundeth with cattell and wilde beasts as white Beares of an unusuall bignesse Beavers and innumerable other Norwey was somtime a very flourishing Kingdome under the jurisdiction whereof were Denmarke and the Isles of the Sea untill it came to be govern'd by hereditarie succession Afterward in the Interregnum it was agreed upon by the consent of the Nobles that the Kings should bee chosen by election From Suthdager the second to Christierne the last there were 45 Kings Now it is under the command of Denmarke There are at this time in it five royall Castles and so many speciall Provinces whereof the first and farthest toward the South is Bahusia or Bay The Townes subject unto it are Marstand seated on a rocky Peninsula and famous for herring-fishing and the Townes of lesser note are Koengeef or Congel neere Bahus and Oddewold otherwise called Odwad The second Castle is Aggerhusia out of the Province whereof high Masts of ships oaken and maple plankes and wood fit for building houses is yearely carried into Spaine and other Countries The Townes subject unto it are Astoia the Seat of a Bishop to which strangers doe chiefly resort because there is held the Court whither causes are brought for triall out of all parts of Norwey Also Tonsberg or Konningsberg Fridrichstad Saltzburgh and Schin or Schon where there are Mynes of Coppresse and Iron also Hammaria the Greater and the Lesser heretofore being Bishopricks but now committed to the care of the Asloian Bishop and divided by the Bay of Mosian gliding betweene them The third is the Castle Bergerhusia under which are the Cities of Bergen or Berga and Staffanger But Berga is the most famous Citie of all Norwey for traffique and as it were the Barne thereof heere resideth the Kings Lievtenant and a Bishop and heere that delicate fish is sold which being taken neere the shore of Norwey is called the fish of Bergen being transported from hence by Merchants into divers Countries Heere lye the Factors of the Vandals the Sea Townes who continuing heere all the yeare for traffique sake doe take up one part of the Citie which the Inhabitants call the Bridge Heere is also an excellent and safe Haven The Citie Staffanger although it have the same Governour with Bergen yet it hath a Bishop peculiar to it selfe and living therein The fourth Castle is Nidrosia called so from the River Nideros Rosa which is the name of a Temple commonly called Trundtheim and heretofore Trondon it is the Metropolis of all Norwey and now reduced into the forme of a Towne It was the chiefe seat heretofore of the Archbishop and of the whole Kingdome It hath a large Jurisdiction in which much fish and pretious skins are gotten and afterward carried to Bergen to be sold And heere is at this day a Cathedrall Church and such a one as there is scarce an other like it in the Christian world both for the largenesse of the stones and for the carved worke The Border and ground-worke about the Altar in this Church was burnt with fire in the yeare 1530 and the losse redounding thereby was valued at seven thousand Crownes The fifth and last Towre toward the North of Norwey is Wardbuise standing on the little Island Ward it is now very small and almost decayed having neither castle nor munition yet hath it a little Towne adjoyning unto it which consists all of fisher-mens houses In this Towre or rather Cottage the Kings Praefect liveth in Summer and governeth this cold Northerne part of Norwey even to the borders of Russia Moreover the Westerne shore of Norwey because it is of an unsearchable depth in the Spring time is much troubled with Whales to prevent whose violence the ship-men use a kinde of Oyle made of Beavers stone which is a present remedie for assoone as it is cast into the Sea and mingled with the water straight-way that great Sea-monster maketh away and hideth himselfe in the deepe Heere is good fishing in the neighbouring seas especially of Stock-fish which being dried and hardened in the cold and hung up upon poles they send into other Kingdomes of Europe The best taking of them is in the Moneth of Ianuary for as then in regard of the cold they are more easily dried so the sea doth yeeld more plenty of them and fatter The commodities of this countrie in generall are pretious Skins Tallow Butter Hides the fat of Whales Tarre Oake timber Masts and Planks and Boards of all sort to the great commoditie of those who sell them The Inhabitants are honest loving and hospitable to strangers neither NORWEY AND SWETHLAND SVECIA ET Norwegia etc have they robbers theeves or Pirates among them The Kingdome of Swethland is an ancient Kingdome as Pliny witnesseth It hath on the West Norwey on the North Lapland and Botnia on the East ●●●land seperated from it by the Botnian Bay or Finnish Sea L●●onia 〈◊〉 L●sland disjoyned from it by the Baltick Sea called by Ta●●●us Mar● p●grum by the Suc●ians Mare Su●vicum and on the South Gothia It is a com●●● the most fruitfull of all the North parts it hath a plentifull soyle and seas lakes and rivers abounding with fish of divers ●●ndes it hath also Mettals as Lead Iron Brasse and Silver which is digged up in very p●●e oa●e neere Sl●burg and likewise woods full of wilde beasts and honey It is thought that it doth doubly exceede Norwey both in largenesse fruitfulnesse and goodnesse of soyle yet in some places it is ●ugged and moorish This Countrie being for some ages valiantly and happily defended enlarged by the native Kings thereof afterward came to the Kings of Denmarke and having beene subject to them more than an hundred yeares at last did shake them off under colour that the Lawes wh\ich they were sworne unto at their Coronation were not observ'd and hence it stood a while in a very uncertaine condition But now it is returned againe to the natives out of which it chooseth it selfe a King There are divers Provinces of this ●ingdome some belonging to the Gothes as Ostgothia whereof Lincop is the Metropolis Westgothia seperated with an ancient Lake from Ostgothia whereof Scara
is the Bishops seate Also Southerne Gothia or S●●alandia ●u●s●ia Verendia in which Vexio or Wexo is the chiefe Town Also Meringia and the Isle of O●land fortified with the Castle Borgholm Other Provinces there are that belong to Swethland specially so called as Oplandia in which is Vpsal in the very centre of Swethland heere are an Archbishops seat publick Schooles and many sepulchres of the Kings of Swethland magnificently and fairely built Also Stocholm a fai●e Mart Towne and one of the Kings places of residence being fortified both by Nature and Art It is seated in a marshie fenny place like Venice and is named as aforesaid because it is built upon stakes There is a passage to it out of the Easterne Sea by a deepe channell through the jawes of M●lerus and it doth let the sea flow so farre into it that ships of great but then may easily come with full sayles into the Haven But the towre Waxholme on the one side and Digna on the other side doe so straighten the entrance that no ships can come in or goe forth against the Governours will who keepe watch there On the Southerne banke of M●le●●● lyeth Sudermannia whose townes are Tolgo Strengenes the seate of a Bishop and the Castle Gripsholme In the third place is N●●●ct● in which is the castle Orebo toward the West the countrie of Westmannia and the cities Arosia neere to which there is such excellent silver that Artificers can extract out of fifteene pounds of silver one pound of gold and Arboga doe lye neere unto a Lake From thence toward the West doe lye Westerne Dalia the Easterne and Sol●es Dalia so called from the Lake Sol●on which three Provinces together with the greater part of the mountainous Provinces are under the Bishop of Sa●●●s● Heere are minerall veines which stretch themselves Eastward to the Baltick Sea and to the Bay of Helsing●a and toward the West they runne almost without interruption through Wermeland to the Westerne Ocean so that in every part there is digged up some kinde of mettall as Silver Coppresse Lead Iron Steele or Sulphure Toward the North neere unto Opland are these Countries first Gestricia then Helsing after that Midelpadia and beyond that the Northerne and Southerne Angermannia Then is there North-Botnia divided into West-Botnia and East-Botnia both of them being large Provinces and after these towards the North lye Scricfinnia Lapland and Biarmia These or most of these ancient Provinces of the Kingdome of Swethland the Botnick Bay stretched forth from the Balthick straight Northward to Toronia beyond the Artick Circle doth divide from Finland a large Peninsula at the Southward point whereof are the Islands of Alandia or Alant and Abo a Bishops Seate and on the North point Withurgeum Finland is divided into the Northerne Southerne Finland to which the higher and lower Natagundia Savolosia Tavastia all very large countries are adjoyned From thence beyond the Finnick Bay is Corelia the Metropolis whereof is Hexholme or Kexholme and toward the West Wotichonia in which is the mouth of the River Lovat that glideth by Novogardia which the Inhabitants call Ny above Copora is Ingria in which standeth the Forts Iamagrod and Solonseia wherein standeth Ivanogrod over against Nerva or Narva confining upon these toward the South are the provinces of Lieflandia or Civonia extended even from Nerva to Revalia or Revel and Prenovia or Parniew as first Allantacia wherein Nerva is a Bishops See then Wiria whereof Wesemberg is a Bishops See besides Wichia wherein Habsay is a Bishops seate and the Isle Dagen or Dachlen most of which Countries beyond the Finnick Bay were added to the Kingdome of Swethland in the yeare 1581 by the valour and good successe of King Iohn the third after that Revalia had willingly yeelded it selfe to Ericus the fourteenth King of Swedes Anno 1561. Swethland hath many fishing-waters and many rivers gliding through it The Countrey it selfe is rugged being full of mountaines and woods The subjects are partly Church-men partly Lay-men the Lay-men are either Nobles or Commons The chiefe title of Nobility is Knighthood which is solemnly conferr'd by the King as a reward of vertue The provinces are governed by the natives If the Inhabitants be compar'd with the Germans they have lesse civilitie but are more industrious and witty so that every countrey-fellow with them hath skill almost in all trades and all mechanick Arts. THE STATE POLITICK OF THE KINGDOME OF DENMARKE DENMARKE is a large and populous Kingdome commonly called Danemarch as it were the Countrie of the Danes But whence the originall of the Danes came they themselves doe not know Some doe fetch it from Danus their first King and some from the Dahi a people of Asia Dudo de S. Quintino an ancient Writer as Camden reporteth doth affirme that they came out of Scandia into the ancient seats of the Cimbrians But they seeme to be so called from the waters because AHA with them signifies a River and they doe call themselves Daneman that is as it were River-men or Water-men All Denmarke is a Peninsula as the Description sheweth and is divided into 184 Prefectships or Provinces which they call Horret and they are governed by so many Prefects skilfull in the Danish Lawes It hath a King rather by election of the Nobles than by succession of birth the ancient manner of chusing him was that when they gave their voyce they stood in the open field upon stones devoting by the firme stabilitie of the stones under them the constancy of their election The Kings are crowned at Hafnia in the Church of the blessed Virgine Mary before the Altar and are led into the aforesaid Church by the Senatours of the Kingdome the ensignes of regality being carried before them as the Sword Globe and Crown Neither are these things attributed to speciall Families as it is in most Countries but as every one excelleth in vertue and dignitie so is hee chosen to that place First the King is compelled to sweare that he will observe certaine written Articles and that hee will strictly defend the Christian Religion and the Lawes and Customes of the Kingdome Afterward hee is anoynted by the Bishop of Roeschild and first the Crowne is set upon his head by all the Senatours who then take their oath to his Majestie if they have not done it before the Coronation and then the King maketh out of the Gentry some Knights by the light stroke of a sword for some service done either in peace or warre Thus the ancient Danes did establish an excellent Politicall State and Monarchie neither hath any Nation ever brought them into subjection or tooke away their Country Rites and Priviledges But on the contrary the Northerne people as the Danes Swedens Norwegians have wasted almost Europe and in some places have established Kingdomes For the expedition of the Cimbrians against Italie is knowne unto all Historiographers as
also the Gothes subjecting of Spaine the Longobards establishing of a Kingdome in Italie the Normans seating themselves in France the erecting of the Kingdome of Naples and Sicilie and the attempt of Godfride upon Freseland against Charles the Great Canutus the Great his holding five Kingdomes a long time For he was King of Denmarke Swethland Norwey England and Normandy and sonne in law to Henry the third Emperour of whom these verses are yet extant Desine mirari quos garrula laudibus effert Graecia quos jactat Roma superba duces c. Cease thou to wonder at those Captaines bold Of which both Greece and Rome did boast of old For now the Danish Land hath brought forth one That is in vertue second unto none By my atchievements I much fame attain'd Five Kingdomes subject were to my command And me he chose his sonne in Law to be Who was third Emperour of Germanie My Iustice famous was I shew'd the way How powerfull Kings should their owne Lawes obey By which it appeares as also by the following warres which divers Kings of the Familie of the Oldenburgs happily waged that it is a warlike Nation and fortunate in vanquishing their enemies both by Land and Sea The Noble men and Senatours of the Kingdome have a free power to elect the Kings but for the most part they chuse the Kings eldest sonne unlesse there be some sufficient cause for the contrary However they alwayes chuse one of the Royall bloud and they doe not suffer the Kingdome to be divided unlesse they be compelled thereunto by civill warres They send the younger sonnes or brothers into other Countries seeing they cannot participate in the government of the Kingdome and hence it is that so many expeditions are undertaken by them Moreover seeing all the Nobles and Common-people cannot live conveniently in their owne Countrie therefore they seeke out to get themselves a more fit seate For the Northerne people have abundance of children in regard of their abundance of bloud and heate they are quarrellers and fighters they drinke and eate much for the cold Ayre excites their appetite and yet digest it well whence it is that they live long they are faire complexioned of great stature crafty and faithfull And an argument that they are long liv'd is that their Kings have raigned very long many of them thirty yeares some forty and some longer The Politicall government THere are five States or Orders in the Common-wealth of Denmarke The first is of the Kings Familie the second of the Nobles among which there are neither Earles nor Barons yet all of them can shew how their Nobilitie descended to them by a long pedigree of Ancestours They carry Bucklers which they will not change nor alter because they anciently used them There are some Families yet living whose Ancestors were present at the Parley between Charles the Great Hemmingus King of Denmarke upon the River Egidora or Eider as the Familie of Vren and others These hold their goods and lands in Capite and they have free liberty to hawke and hunt in their owne lands as the Counts have in Germany Their goods are not feudatory but hereditary All the Castles lands and goods as well moveable as immoveable left them by their parents are equally divided among the brethren and the sisters by a speciall priviledge have a share also yet so that the brother hath two parts with the Castles and places of strength and the sister but one By this meanes the eldest sonnes have not much lands yet some of them comming of a good Familie and being endued with vertue through the Kings favour doe advance themselves to great possessions by marriage Out of this order the Senatours of the Kingdome are chosen who are seldome more then 28. These Senatours have a certain allowance from the King and Kingdome for they have Castles so long as they bee Senatours for which they pay no rent to the King but are charged to keepe certaine horses both in peace and warre and whensoever the King calls them they are to be ready at the proper charge of the Kingdome If they be sent on any Embassage out of the Kingdome they have allowance out of the Exchequer that they may performe their journey in a Princely manner as becommeth a Kings Embassadours The other Nobles also have sufficient maintenance from the King whether they live at Court or not For the King hath lands which in the Danish speech are called Verleghninge or Benefices and out of these hee giveth maintenance either for terme of life or for yeares to those who have done him or the Kingdome any service And those who hold these Benefices of the King are charged to keepe certaine horses and to pay yearely a certaine summe of money into the Exchequer yet so as they may gaine something in reward of their labour and service There is also a good Law Institution in the Kingdome of Denmarke whereby the King is prohibited and restrained from buying any immoveable goods of the Nobles least any dissention should arise betweene the King and them For otherwise the King might by violence take into his hands those lands which the Nobles would not sell yet the King may change any immoveable goods with the Nobles though on the contrary the Nobles cannot buy any of them of the Kings Farmers many of which have hereditarie and as it were free lands Here followes the names of the speciall Families of the Nobility in the Kingdome of DENMARKE THe Lords of Kaas the L. Guldensteen the Lords of Munc of Rosencrantz of Grubbe of VValkendorp of Brahe of Schram of Pasberg of Hardenberg of Vlstant of Bing of Below of VVepfert of Goce of Schefeldt of Ranzow of Schelen of Frese of Iul of Bilde of Dresselberg of Green of Brockenhusen of Holke of Trolle of Knutzen of Biorn Schested of Iensen of Steuge of Mattiesse of Lunge of Banner of Luc of Rastorp of Krusen of Fassi of Lindeman of Suvon of Stantbeke of Quitrowe of Lange of Gelschut of Glambeke of Krabbe of Marizer of Kragge of Achsel of Be● of Ruthede of Negel of VVirfelt of Split of Ofren of Appelgard of Iuenam of Poldessen of Reuter of Podebussen who were all in times past Barons in the Dukedome of Pomerania and some of whose Familie are still remaining there Also the Lords of Vren who lived in the time of Charles the great Also the Lords of Bli● of Galle of VVogersen of Bassi of Solle of Daac of Bax of Basclich of VVensterman of Hoken of Lindow of Bille of Reutem of Hundertmar● of Heiderstorper of VVolde of Papenhaimb of Spar of Falster of Narbu of VVorm of Bilde of Bocholt of Budde of Swaben of Santbarch of Gram of Lutken of Vhrup of Spegel of Bammelberg of Rosenspart of Duve of Hube of Schaungard of Must of Gris of Falcke of Brune of Laxman of Duram of Baggen of Norman of Goss of Matre of Rosengard of Tollen of Ronnoun of
Krimpen Out of this Nobilitie is chosen the Praefect or Master of the Court which is such an office as the Governour of the Kings House in France Hee dwelleth for the most part at Haffnia being as it were the Kings Substitute and doth dispatch matters as hee is directed by the King Next to him is the Marshall which in the time of warre and peace doth provide those things which appertaine to expedition In the third place is the Admirall which doth build new ships repaire the old and every year order the sea●matters for the securing of the coasts He hath under him an other Admirall appointed and in every ship a Captaine who must bee borne a Gentleman There is also the Chancellour of the Kingdome to whom out of all the Provinces and Isles they appeale and make suite unto and from whom appeale is also made to the King and the Senate of the Kingdome All the Provinces are divided into Haeret as they call them or into Dioceses under which are many Parishes heere if there be any controversies matters are first tried And from hence they appeale to the Judge of the Haeret. Afterward to the Chancellour and last of all to the King and Senatours where it hath a determinate and finall Judgement They have a written Law composed by Woldemare the first together with the Bishops and Senators which is very agreeable to the law of Nature and not much differing from the Roman Lawes and that causes and suites may sooner have an end and judgement be given and put in execution It is provided that Judges if they doe any wrong or give false judgement are condemned to lose halfe their goods whereof the King hath the one part and the injured partie the other Woldemare the first except I be deceiv'd added the Bishops to the Senators whom Christianus the third for rebellion and certaine other causes did put out againe The Kings Chancellour who for the most part followeth the King in the Court hath seven or eight Noble men adjoyned unto him as Assistants besides Secretaries and Clerkes and all businesses are dispatch'd by the King himselfe But if it be some matter of consequence as concerning peace or warre entring into league with forraine Nations or into consultation concerning the defending of their owne Territories then the King calleth a Councell of Senators Neither can the King impose any taxe upon the Kingdome or Countrie without their consent and the consent of the Nobles There is also in this Kingdome a Master of the Exchequer who collecteth and gathereth all the Revenues of the whole Kingdome both of Castles Farmes and Customes as well by Sea as by Land Hee taketh account of them enquireth into them and giveth acquittances for the receit of them Hee hath two Assistants of the Nobilitie and many Clerkes under him and for his office hath a yearely stipend or pension The third State is of the Clergie in which there are seven Bishops as the Bishop of Lunden the Bishop of Ro●schild the Bishop of Otthon of Rip of Wiburg of Arhuse and the Bishop of Sleswich to whom the other Canonicall persons have relation These have the Tenths of the Kingdome which in divers Countries are divided in a divers manner for the Bishops have an halfe part of the Tenths and the King an halfe part the Canonists and Preachers have a part and a part is contributed toward the building and repairing of Churches And as concerning the Popes authoritie in this Kingdome as also in France the ordination of Prelates and Bishops have beene alwayes in the Kings power as may appeare by the answer of Woldemare the first King of Denmarke which heere I have annexed When the Pope required these and the like priviledges from the King it is reported that the King writ back unto him Wee have our Kingdome from our Subjects our life from our Parents our Reliligion from the Romish Church which if you will take from us I send it you by these presents And as the wise Decree of Charles the fifth is praised prohibiting Ecclesiasticall persons from buying any immoveable thing without the consent of the King so Christian the third as wisely did ordaine that the Clergie should not sell any thing without the Kings expresse commandement In other matters the Clergie-men through the whole kingdome are well provided for by Christian the third of famous memorie and many Schooles erected in many places as also two in Iseland where they have likewise a Printing-House There is but one Universitie in the whole kingdome called the Universitie of Haffen or Hafnia founded by Christerne the first by permission of Pope Sixtus in the yeare of Christ 1470 which Frederick the second although hee were seven yeares incumbred with the Swethish warres did so enrich that the yearely revenues thereof are very much The fourth State is of the Citizens and Merchants dwelling in Cities and Townes These have proper and peculiar priviledges which they enjoy besides certaine fields and woods that belong to them and these doe traffique both by Sea and Land in all parts of Europe Out of these as also out of the Countrey-people the Bishops the Canonists the Preachers and Senators of Cities the Clerkes of Bands the Lievtenants of Towres and the Masters of Ships are chosen and some of them are Masters of the Customes or Tributes lastly of these all lesser Councels of Justice doe consist one of the Nobility for the most part sitting as President The fifth State is of the Rustick or Countrey-people and there are two sorts of them the first they call Freibunden that is Free-holders These doe hold Lands of Inheritance yet paying for the same some little free-rent every yeare These doe also use merchandise and fishing They are not opprest with doing services neither doe they pay any taxes unlesse the Senators of the kingdome doe grant it as a subsidie The other sort is of those who doe not possesse goods of inheritance but doe farme them of the King the Nobles or Ecclesiasticall persons and are constrained to doe many services for their Lords in such manner as they shall covenant with their Land-lord These are the chiefe things which I thought good to declare concerning the State politick of Denmarke whereby it appeareth that the Danish Monarchie was for the most part well framed for the free election of the Kings being in the hands of the Nobilitie and yet notwithstanding out of the royall Progenie as wee said before it followeth that the Danes have no civill warres or dissentions unlesse those which are betweene such as bee of the Blood Royall which are quickly composed by the mediation and helpe of the Nobles but especially seeing the Kings younger Sonnes can have no part of the kingdome Moreover as they are all stiled but Nobles and know not the titles and names of Barons Earles and Dukes so there are none that have so much wealth and power as that reposing trust therein they dare oppose themselves against
of the Aestii In as much as Rhenanus saith it did appeare that it was in the first copie Aestui in stead of Aestii the ancient Writers of Bookes putting U for I. And Althamerus saith if it were in the ancient copie the Efflui hee durst affirme that the Eyslanders were so called from them by a litle alteration of the word These people also are called Sudini and their Countrie Sudina joyning to Prussia Some doe place the Lectunni hereabouts from whom it may be that their name was derived Livonia is stretched toward the Balthick Sea or the Venedick Bay being 500 miles in length and 160 in breadth Borussia Lithuania and Russia doe encompasse most part of it the rest the Livonian Bay doth hemme in The Countrie is plaine and very fertile it bringeth forth corne in such abundance that in deare times and yeares of scarcity it supplieth the wants of other Countries It aboundeth also with the best flaxe and breedeth store of cattell Besides there are in the woods of this Countrie many Beares Alces Foxes Leopards Cats of the mountaines and here are many Hares which according to the season of the yeare doe change their colour in like manner as they doe in Helvetia upon the Alpes in the Winter they are white in Summer of an Ash colour And heere is such plentifull hunting of wild beasts that the Countrie people though they be cruelly used by the Nobles are not prohibited from it In briefe Livonia wanteth none of those things which are necessarie for the preservation and sustentation of mans life except wine oyle and some other things granted by the divine bountie to other Countries as being under a more warme and gentle Climate which yet are brought hither in great abundance Livonia being Anno 1200 by the industrie and labour of the Merchants of Bremes and especially by the Knights of the Dutch order brought and converted to the Christian Faith when it had a long time suffered the miseries of forreine and civill warres and had beene made as it were a prey to the neighbour Kings and Princes at length in the yeare 1559 being under Gothardus Ke●lerus the last Governour of the Dutch Oder it was received into the protection and government of Sigismundus the King of Poland as a member of his Kingdome and of the great Dukedome of Lithuania But Gothardus resigning his Order on the fifth day of March Anno 1562 in the Castle of Riga before Nicholas Radziwilus the King of Polands Commissarie and Palatine of Vilna as first the Crosse afterward the Seale then his Letters Patents and all Charters which the Order had received from the Emperours and Popes besides the keyes of the Castle of Riga and of the gates of the Citie the office of Commendator the priviledge and power of coyning money the custome of fish and all other rights belonging to him hee was presently proclaimed by the aforesaid Palatine in the Kings Majesties name Duke of Curland and Semigallia and straightway the Nobilitie of Curland and Semigallia did take their oath of allegeance before him as to their lawfull and hereditary Lord. The next day the Duke of Curland sitting in estate was proclaimed in the Court of Riga Governour of Livonia and received the keyes of the castle and the gates of the Citie after which the Nobility and the Citizens had all their rights and priviledges restored and confirmed unto them Livonia is divided into three parts distinguished both by situation and language namely into Estia Lettea and Curlandia The Provinces of Estia or Eastland are Harria or Harland the chiefe Citie whereof is Revalia or Revel being situated toward the North neere unto the Balthick Sea and nothing inferiour unto Riga it was built by Voldemata and hath a famous Haven The Citizens use the Lubeck Law and doe coyne foure-square money Also the Province of Viria Virland or Wirland in which are Weisenburg Tolsberg and Borcholm the Seate of the Bishop of Revalia In the third place is Allantika where is the Towne Nerva or Nerve by a River of the same name over against which is the Castle called Ivanow Gorod belonging to the Moscovites for the river that runnes between these townes doth part Livonia from Moscovia also Nyschlot or Neuschlos In the fourth place is Odenpoa in which is Derpt or Topatum an Episcopall Citie Wernebes Helmet and Ringen In the fifth place is Iervia or Ierven in which are We●ssenslein Lais Overpolen or Ober Paln and Vellin or Fellin In the sixth place is Wichia or Wicke wherein is Abseel or Hapsel Leal Lode and Pernaw Neere to the Estians lye the Islands Osilia or Osel Dageden or Dachden Mona Wormse or Worist Wrangen Kien and many others in which they use partly the Estian language and partly the Swedish The Cities of Lettea or Letten are Riga Kokenhusen Wenden and Wolmar Riga is the chiefe citie of Livonia neere the River Duina which doth discharge it selfe into the Venedick Bay This citie is fortified with a strong Wall with strong Towres and pieces of Ordnance against any assault and is strengthned or fenced with double ditches and sharpe stakes round about it It hath a Castle well provided in which heretofore the Governour of Livonia being of the Teutonick or Dutch Order kept his residence and this Castle though Gothardus Ketlerus aforesaid did governe in the King of Polands right yet hee did usurpe no authoritie over the Citie for the Citizens being strong and defenders of their libertie cannot endure to have any Governour or Captaine over them They doe onely pay tribute and yeeld obedience LIVONIA OR LIEFLAND LIVONIA to the King of Poland in other things they have Lawes peculiar to themselves Besides heere is a Market of all Northerne commodities as of Pitch Hemp Waxe Timber and such other things The Townes and Castles of Curland are Goldingen Candaw Windaw which the Polanders call Kies and the Germans Wenden this Towne was famous heretofore for that the Master of the Teutonick Order did keepe his Court heere Parliaments were here wont to be held now it is defended by a Garrison of Polanders There are also the Cities Durbin Srunden Grubin Pilten Amb●t●n and Hase●●ot The Cities of Semigallia are Mitovia commonly called Mitaw where the Duke of Curland kept his Court also Seleburg ●a●●●burg Doblin and Dalem The River Duina doth divide Semi●allia and Curland from Lettea and the rest of Livonia In Livonia there are many Lakes the chiefest is Beibus which is 45 miles long and doth abound with divers kindes of fish The Rivers are Duina Winda Beca and some others Duina or Duna which Ptolemie cals Turuntus and Pe●cerus Rubo running out of Russia a great way through Lithuania and Livonia at length eight miles below Regia powreth it selfe into the ●avorick Bay and the Balthick Sea Winda in like manner dischargeth it selfe into the Balthick Sea which neere unto the mouth thereof is very deepe and dangerous The River Beca
the West even to the Celtick Promontorie divide Spain into that part which lyeth on the hither side of the mountaines and that which is on the further side thrusteth forth a mountaine neare the fountaine of Iberus towards the South through the breadth of Spaine Strabo and Ptolemie do name it Idubeda But it is commonly called Saltus Aucencis and Monte d' Oca from the ancient Citie Auca some ruines whereof may be discerned at Villa Franca beyond Burgos Also there is the mountaine which ariseth out of Idubeda called by Strabo Orospeda by Ptolemie Otrospeda Yet hath it not one certaine name for all the whole mountaine for whereas Alvarius Gomecius calleth it Sierra Vermigia Florianus Sierra Mollina and Clusius Sierra Morena these names are but names to part of it Calpe is reckoned with Orospeda For so this mountaine is called by Ptolemie and others It is neare to the Bay of Hercules which is commonly called the Bay of Gibraltar Part of Orospeda is high and ●ockie and reaching from the Citie of Hispalis to Granada it doth lift up it selfe neare Archidona It hath its name and deserveth still to be famous by reason of a memorable example of love which was shewed thereon for the Spaniards call it La Penna de les Enamorades or the Lovers Mountaine Paulinus calleth it Bimaris because it looketh on two Seas the Inward and the Outward Strabo saith that the mountaine Calpe is not very large in compasse but that it is so high that to those who are farre off it may seeme an Island some do fabulously suspose it to be one of Hercules Pillars and Abela over against it in Africke to be the other both being the bounds of Hercules labours they say that it was heretofore one mountaine and that Hercules digged it through and so altered the shape of it Out of Alcarassum do arise the mountaines called by Pliny Montes Mariani by Ptolemie in the singular number Marianus and by Antoninus mons Mariorum They are now called Sierra Morena The noble river Baetis doth water the bottomes of their mountains on the left side Neare to Barcinon or Barcilona there is a mountaine which the Inhabitants call Mon-Iui some do translate it Iupiters mountaine and some do better render it the Iewes mountaine for that they were heretofore buried in this place where many of their Graves and Sepulchers do yet remaine On the top thereof there is a Towne from whence a watchman by setting up a linnen flagge in the day time and a fire in the night doth give notice to the Citie Barcinon of the approaching of any ships Spaine is every where full of woods and trees bearing singular and excellent kindes of fruit which it would be too long to recite in particular There is a wood neare unto the Towne called Monte Majore in which Nature alone hath planted Oakes Chestnut-trees Nuts Filberds Cherries Prunes Peares Figges wild Vines and all kinde of fruit-trees very high and fairely spred Not farre from the Towne Beiar or Bigerra is a most pleasant wood where Lucius Marinaeus Siculus writeth that hee hath measured Chesnut-trees which have beene fortie foot about It hath many woods also to fell and cut which do afford the Spaniard wood enough for the building of ships What shall I speake of the publike or private workes in this kingdome here are many magnificent Temples many Abbeys Friaries Monasteries Hospitals for strangers and for the sicke Here are many famous Kings Pallaces many magnificent and faire houses belonging to Noble-men and Knights and innumerable other publike and private edifices The King of Spaine is borne not chosen or elected to the Crowne yet is hee inaugurated and sworne to defend this people and their priviledges when hee taketh the oath of alleagiance of them The Kings children are called Infantaes Among whom the eldest sonne who in his fathers life is declared King by the consent and oath of the Nobles the Cittizens and people is called Prince of Spaine Although the King have supreme power over all persons and over all causes yet hee seldome decreeth any thing but with the consent and by the counsell of twelve men who being the chiefe of the whole Kingdome do make a royall Senate By them matters of moment are discussed and determined but matters of more secresie are consulted of by a Privie Counsell which consisteth of the King the Dictator of Leon the President and the third part of the Kings Counsell Those things which concerne the Indies and their government are handled in the Senate which they call the Indian Senate by one President and twelve Counsellers Matters of warre are handled in the militarie and warlike Senate which the 12 Royall Senators the Dictators of Leon and Castile with others doe make up Besides these there are also in Spaine three Prefectureships of Right and Justice which they call Places of hearing or Chanceries one being in Castile the other in Granada and the third in Gallicia Every one hath a President and 12 Senators and if that Suiters receive no satisfaction or redresse of their greevances from them their causes are brought before the Royall Senate Lastly there is the Treasurer of Castile having foure Questors under him whose office is to receive the Kings Treasure and to take and give accompt thereof There is a great company of Dukes Marquesses and Earles in Spaine Besides the Prince of Asturia and others I finde that there are about 23 Dukes as the Friensian Duke the Duke of Medina-Rivi-Sicci of Alua of Alcala of Albuquerqua of Scalona of Osuna of Averi of Bejar of Gandia of Sessa of Infantasg of Medina Caeli of Medina Sidonia of Maqueda of Najar of Feria of Segorbia of Sonna of Villa-Formosa of Verragua Pastrana and Franca-Villa And these have for their yearely revenues some fortie some an hundred thousand Duckets The Dukes of Infantasg and Medina-Sidonia have a farre greater revenue for the latter hath 130000 and the former 120000 Duckets per annum These are the Marquesses the Marquesse of Villa Nova of Astorga of Aquilar of Denia of Mondejar of Navares of Savia of Velleza of Comares of Aiomonte of Altamir of Veladra of Vearina of Carpio of Camarassa of Cortes of Monte-Majore of Guardia of Monte-Clare of Las Navas of Poza of Steppa of Tanara of Villa-Franca of Drada of Cavietis of Falcis of Fomesta of Molina of Ciralva of Valesis of Vallis of Zaara of Ardalis of Tarifa of Alcanisa and others the greater part having annuall revenues from ten thousand to 40000 Duckets There are also about an hundred Earles whose yearely revenues are from ten thousand to 25 thousand Duckets the chiefe of them are the Earles of Benaventum of Albua Miranda and Oropoza It would be too tedious to the Reader to reckon up the Vicounts which are ten in number the Barons the long roll and Catalogue of Vice Roys Governours Prefects of Provinces and of the Sea and lastly the
foure other Kings of the Siracens and Moores leaving to posteritie five Scutcheons for their Armes in remembrance of that atchievement There succeeded him almost in a right line Sanctius Alphonsus the 2 Sanctius the 3 Alphonsus the 3 Dionysius who first began to usurpe the title of the King of the Algarbians also Alphonsus the fourth Peter Ferdinand Iohn Edward Alphonsus the fifth surnamed Africanus Iohn the 2 Emanuel Iohn the 3 Sebastian slaine in Africk Henry the Cardinall and Antonius who because hee was a Bastard was expell'd Philip the second King of Spaine Nephew to Emanuel by Isabel his eldest Daughter and Father to Philip the 3 whose Sonne Philip the 4 doth now reigne The Metropolis of Portugall is Olisippo as it is called in the ancient faithfull copies of M. Varro Pliny Antoninus and Mela. For in vulgar writings it is written sometimes Olysippo and sometimes Vlysippo and divers other wayes now it is called Lisbone or as the Inhabitants doe pronounce it Lisboa It is a great Towne of traffique abounding with riches and it is a famous store-house of forraine commodities which are brought thither out of Asia Africk and America It hath a pleasant and commodious situation almost at the mouth of the River Tagus it is now very large being built on five Hils and as many Vales or descents but heretofore it was lesse being seated onely on one hill as some doe report On that side which is toward the Sea it hath two and twentie Gates and on that side which is toward the Continent it hath sixteene It hath threescore and seventeene watch-Towres upon the wals The Parish-churches are twenty five besides many Chappels and Churches belonging to the Monkes the Anachorets and the Nunnes The Cities beyond Tagus doe acknowledge Lisbone to be the Mother-citie as Ebora called by Ptolemie Ebura and now commonly Evora Begia commonly called Bega or Beia and heretofore Pax Iulia by Antoninus and Ptolemie Setubal heretofore named as Clusius supposeth Salacia Also Alcasar de sal in the Countrie of Algarbia and Almada which Ptolemie cals Caetobrix and Antoninus Caetobriga Beyond Tagus not farre from Lisbone Northward the Towne of Cascala is seated and as you come a litle neerer to the Citie you meete with a litle Towne called Bethleem There are also Leria Tomar and Guarda all Townes of note Not farre from Tomar lyeth Ceice which Antoninus calleth Celium Also Alanguera by the River Tagus which Damianus à Goes being his owne native Towne thinketh to be so called quasi Alankerke that is the Temple of the Alanes It was heretofore called Ierabrica but now Coimbra and it was heretofore the head Citie of the Kingdome of Portugall There is also the Towne Viseum commonly called Viseo Plinie calleth it Vacca but now it is called Ponte Fouga The third Councell of Toledo doth PORTVGALL AND ALGARBIA PORTUGALLIA OLIM LUSITANIA mention Lameca commonly called Lamego Lastly Braga which lyeth betweene the Rivers Durius and Minius it is now so called though Ptolemie calleth it Bracar Augusta Antoninus Braccara Augusta and Plinie Augusta Bracarum It is reported that it was built by the Gaules surnamed Braccati in the yeare before Christs birth 290 and the Romans having conquered it gave it the surname of Augusta It was heretofore so famous that here were the seven great Assemblies or Parliaments which were kept and held in the hithermost Spaine so that foure and twentie Cities as Plinie reporteth did bring their suits and causes hither to have them tried The Rivers of this Countrie are Anas and Guadiana Tagus or Taio Mondego or Monda Durius or Duero and Minius or Mino two of these being famous to wit Tagus and Durius Portugall on the West and South looketh toward the Atlantick Ocean which besides fish which it yeeldeth in great abundance doth afford many other commodities This Countrey is indebted unto and receiveth all her plenty from the Sea which she acknowledgeth in so much that it may more worthily be called the golden Sea than golden flowing Nilus because by the helpe hereof they have commodities imported and brought in from all parts of the earth so that it standeth in need of nothing and againe those commodities wherewith it aboundeth it exporteth by shipping to traffique with forraine Countries There is also besides the Havens which wee mentioned before the Haven of Setubal Dubal or Tubal which lieth Southward from Olisippo or Lisbone Heere are few Mountaines and those not very great as namely those which the Inhabitants call Sierra de Monchiquo de Chaldecatao de Sordedas called heretofore the Mountaines of the Moone c. And these for the most part are full of woods and thickets There are also very great and thick woods in which the Princes of Spaine are wont to hunt In the litle Towne of Bethleëm there is a Temple dedicated to the holy Virgin Mary and built very costly also the Monument of Emanuel King of Portugall whiche hee appointed to bee built in his owne life-time yet was it afterward enriched and beautified by Iohn the third the Sonne of Emanuel There are moreover in that part of Portugall which lyeth betweene Tagus Durius as Vasaeus writeth besides the Metropolitan Church of Bracara the Cathedrall Church in Portugall and five other Collegiate Churches more than an hundred and thirty Monasteries the most of which have most large revenues and about 1460 Parish-Churches In that part which belongeth to the Church of Bracara there are reckoned eight hundred Parish-Curches whereby you may easily collect and know the fertility of this Countrie I doe not mention the Hospitals for strangers for the diseased and for Orphanes the Towre the faire houses the pleasant gardens and Universities which are in this Kingdome as namely Ebora and Coimbra or Conimbrica the first was lately instituted by Henry Cardinall of Portugall and President of the same Citie the other also was lately instituted by Iohn the second King of Portugall The Portugals are the strongest of all the Spaniards the quickest the most nimble and light of body so that they can easily pursue or retire from the enemie Their disposition is to be proud and selfe-conceited of themselves and their owne affaires and they say themselves that they live by opinion and conceit that is they sustaine themselves more with that which they thinke themselves to be than with that which they truly are They are skilfull in sea-matters and are famous for their Navigations to unkowne parts of the world where they grow rich by trading and merchandizing Under Portugall at this time is the Kingdome of Algarbia It taketh its name from the Arabick tongue and doth signifie a happie and plentifull Field or Medow in which are all things necessarie for traffique A straight line drawne from the River Anas betweene the Rivers which are commonly called Vataon and Carei-vas to the litle Towne Odeseiza that is from the East Westward doth separate from
and placed here under the command of the Emperour Nerva as some suppose The Metropolis hereof is that famous Citie which taketh its name from the Countrie and is called by Ptolemie Legio septima Germanica Antoninus calleth it Legio Gemina but it is now commonly called Leon which name I cannot see why Franciscus Tarapha should rather derive from Leonigildus King of the Gothes than from the Legion it selfe Moralis doth deliver also that it was heretofore called Sublantia and writeth that some evidences of that name are extant in a place but a little distant from Legio called Sollanco L. Marinaeus Siculus writeth thus concerning the Church of Legio in his third Booke of Spaine Although the Church which the Citie of Hispalis hath built in our age doth exceed all the rest for greatnesse although the Church of Toledo surpasse the rest for treasure ornaments and glasse windowes and the Church of Compostella for strong building for the miracles of Saint Iames other things yet the Church of Legio in my judgement is to be preferred before them all for admirable structure and building which hath a Chappell joyning to it in which lye buried seven and thirtie Kings and one Emperour of Spaine It is worthy of memorie that this Citie was the first from which about the yeare 716. the recoverie of Spaine which formerly the Moores and Saracens almost wholly possessed was begun For as also Rodericus Toletanus in his sixt Booke of Spanish matters for many Chapters together and Roderick Sanctius in the first part of his Spanish Historie cap. 11. do relate Pelagius the sonne of Fafila Duke of Cantabria and descended of the royall blood of the Gothes being made King by the remainder of the Christians who fled into the mountaines made a great slaughter on the Moores and being scarcely entred into his Kingdome tooke Legio from the enemies This man afterwards making it the Seate of his Principalitie built a new Castle there as a Fort and defence against the violence of their incursions And laying aside the armes of the Kings of the Gothes gave the Lion Rampant Gules in a field Argent which the Kings of Legio do use at this day Fafila the sonne of Pelagius succeeded him in the Kingdome and he dying issuelesse there succeeded him Alphonsus Catholicus the sonne of Peter Duke of Cantabria being descended from the stocke of Ricaredus Catholick King of the Gothes who married Ormisenda the onely sister and heire of Fafila The government of Legion remained in the hands of Alphonsus his familie even to Veremundus the 24 King of Legio who dying in the yeare 1020. without a Successour his sister Sanctia married Ferdinando of Navarre King of Castile and brought the Kingdome of Legio to be joyned and united to his kingdome Asturia hath on the North the Ocean on the East Biscay on the South old Castile and on the West Gallicia It produceth and bringeth forth gold divers sorts of colours otherwise it is but little tilled and thinly inhabited except it be in those places which are next to the Sea Here was the Seat of the ancient Astures who were so called as Isidore writeth lib. 9. Etymolog cap. 2. from the River Asturia whereof Florus maketh mention in the fourth Book of his Roman Histories and others From whom Ptolemie calls the Countrie it selfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Latines Asturia as also Astyria as is evident by what I have read in ancient marbles At Rome in the pavement of the Chappell which is in the Temple of Saint Gregorie in the mountaine Caelius there is a broken marble-table engraved with these words Acontit L. Ranio Optato V. C. Cos Curatori Reip. Mediolanensium Curat Reip. Nolanorum Procos Provincia Narbonensium Legato Aug. Et Iuridico Astyriae Et. Galaecia Curatori Viae Salariae c. Moreover I see it called Asturica in a marble-Table which is at Rome beyond Tiber in a private Roman-citizens house I will set downe the words in the Description of Italie where I shall speake of the Alpes joyning to the Sea And it is called at this day Asturias Pliny lib. 3. cap. 3. doth divide the Astures into the Augustini and Transmontani The one being on the hither side of the mountaines toward the South and the other beyond the mountaines Northward neare the Ocean Concerning the Astures Silius the Italian Poet writeth thus lib. 1. Astur avarus Visceribus lacerae Telluris mergitur imis Et redit infelix effosso concolor Auro The covetous Asturian will goe Into the bowels of the earth below Whence he returnes in colour like gold Oare Which hee unhappily digg'd up before The Metropolis of the Province is Oviedo of which Rodericus Toletanus writeth much lib. 4. de rebus Hisp cap. 14. where among other things he giveth the reason wherefore it was called the Bishops Citie Here is also Astorga called anciently Asturica Augusta and some other small Townes BISCAY GVIPVSCOA NAVARRE and Asturia de Santillana BISCAY as Iohannes Bishop of Gerunda affirmeth taketh its name from the Bastuli the ancient Inhabitants of Baetica for they comming from Lybia into that part of Spaine which is called Baetica and being beaten and expulsed thence by the Moores they fled into the Mountaines of Galaecia and so building themselves houses the whole Countrie was called from that time Bastulia which is now called Biscay Some doe call Biscay Viscaia which word hath some affinity with the name of the Vascones Biscay is a Countrie of Spaine lying neere the Ocean and very full of hils out of which arise 150 Rivers It hath a more temperate Climate than other parts of Spaine For being environ'd with great Mountaines it is not troubled with too much cold nor burnt with too much heate The Countrie is full of trees fit for the building of Ships which not onely Spaine doth acknowledge but other Countries whither whole ship-loades are often transported Heere are abundance of Chesse-Nuts Hasel-Nuts Oranges Raizins and all kind of Mettals especially Iron and Black-lead besides other commodities Where they want wine they have a kinde of drinke made of prest Apples which hath an excellent taste Heere are also store of beasts fish fowle and all things which are convenient and necessarie for the sustaining of mans life The Cantabrians did heretofore inhabite that Countrie which wee now call Biscay but it was larger than Biscay is now and contained Guipuscoa and Navarre These Cantabrians were a famous people and much celebrated by many Writers They thought that was no life which was without warres and when all the people of Spaine were subjected and reduced to the obedience of Rome they alone with the Asturians and some others who joyned with them could not be overcome untill at last C. Caesar Octavianus Augustus did subdue this stout Nation being broken wearied by a warre of almost five yeares continuance hee himselfe going against them and the rest that were not
others call Asta Antoninus with an asperation calleth it Hasta Moralis writeth that it doth still retaine the name of Asta and thinketh it to be that place neare the river Guadalet which is commonly called Masa de Asta But Ortelius supposeth that it was drowned with the Island Tartessus in the mouth of Baetis An hundred furlongs from the mouth of Baetis standeth the Towne Chipiona which Strabo lib. 3. calleth Capionis Turris At the mouth of the River Lethes which is now called Guadelet or in the Arabian language Bedalac there is a Towne which is called Portus S. Mariae and commonly El puerto de S. Maria. Having passed over Lethes the next towne you shall meet withall is Medina Sidonia and somewhat more Southward toward the Sea-shoare is Conilium a famous towne of Spaine sixe leagues distant from the Citie Gadiz and subject to the Duke of S. Lucar and Medina Sidonia There is also Carteja called commonly Tariffa and not far from thence is the Towne Vegelium commonly called Vegel It is indeed a litle Towne but yet famous for the situation and beautie of it for it is seated on a hill which is environed round about with a large plaine so that it hath a faire prospect as farre as the eye can reach not onely upon the plaines and greene medowes toward the East as also the Mountaines of Africke and the Southerne coast but likewise upon the great troublesome Ocean toward the North and West Lastly from hence toward the Northwest lyeth the towne Munda for so Pliny nameth this towne which now is called Monda though some do thinke that to be old Munda which now is called Ronda veja There are in the Diocese of Hispalis an innumerable company of Monasteries and Nunneries It would be a tedious thing to reckon up the Hospitalls for strangers that are in this country seing there are in Hispalis it selfe an hundred and twenty which are richly endowed some of them having eight thousand Crownes and some fifteene thousand Crownes yearely revenue Hispalis is the most beautifull of all the Cities of Spaine in regard of the Religious houses and Churches which are therein among many Churches the chiefest is the Church dedicated to Saint Mary than which the Christian world cannot shew a better if you consider either the greatnesse and majestie of the worke which carrieth with it an excellent beauty or if you behold the heigth of the Towre wrought with admirable workmanship from whence there is a pleasant prospect over all the City and the fields that lye round about it What shall I describe the royall furniture of the Kings Castle in this Citie than which the Kings of Spaine have none more fairely or curiously built What should I mention the Pallaces here belonging to Dukes Earles and other Nobles Or why should I speake of the Citizens houses adorned with pleasant Fountaines and Gardens I passe by the ancient Aquaeducts by which water is convey'd into severall parts of the Citie and those later which were brought with great cost and labour to the Pillars commonly called Hercules Pillars and dedicated to publick delight besides many other ornaments of this Citie since I feare lest I be tedious VALENTIA AND MVRCIA VALENTIA taketh its name from the Metropolis thereof being a faire Mart-Towne and of great antiquitie On the South it looketh toward Murcia on the West toward both the Castiles on the North toward Aragon and on the East the Sea beateth on it It hath a more temperate Ayre and a more pleasant Climate than any other part of Spaine yea the Kingdome of Valentia hath such a gentle Climate the warme Westerne windes breathing upon it that at any time even at Christmas and in the Moneth of Ianuarie the Inhabitants may carrie Posies of flowres in their hands as they doe in other places in April and May. It is an excellent Country having plenty of all things as Sugar Wine Oyle Corne and divers other fruites It hath Mynes of Silver in a place which they call Buriel betweene Valentia and Dertosa And there are stones found which have as it were golden veines and lines running through them in a place which is called Aioder At the Promontorie Finistratum there are Iron Mynes and neere to Segorbia there are some signes remaining of a Quarrie out of which Marble was heretofore digged and carried to Rome In some places Alablaster is digged up but Alume Tinne Marking-stone and Chalke is found every where The Moores by a long succession of Dukes held the Citie of Valentia for a long time though it had beene often besieged by the Kings of Aragon untill Iames the first King of Aragon by a long siege obtained it and enforced their Captaine Zaen Maure together with fiftie thousand Moores to depart the Citie and to flie unto Denia carrying with them their Gold Silver Armour and Houshold-stuffe Valentia being thus forsaken King Iames sent a Colonie to replenish it againe The Colony consisted of Catalonians and Aragonians their Captaine being Berengarius Palatiol Bishop of Barcelona Vidalus Cavelia Bishop of Ossa Peter Ferdinandes d' Acagra and Simon de Vrrea Knights they distributed the whole Citie among the new Inhabitants which were 384 families according to their severall dignities and adorn'd the Common-wealth with new Lawes This Countrie obtained the title of a Kingdome in the yeare of Christ 788 as Ortelius writeth out of Petrus Metinensis Petrus Antoninus Beuterus The Historie hath it thus Hisen King of Corduba being dead there succeeded him in the yeare of Christ 788 his sonne Alca whose uncle Aodala Lord of Valentia called to him his Brother whose name was Culema and had beene disinherited out of Taviar these two Brethren uniting their forces came to Corduba and endeavouring to expell their Nephew out of his Kingdome were overcome in battell so that Aodala fled for his safety and returned to Valentia VALENTIA AND MVRCIA REGNI VALENTIAE TYPUS But the chiefe of the Moores interposing themselves betweene the Uncles and the Nephew they brought them to that agreement that Aodala should write himselfe King of Valentia and that Culema should receive every moneth out of the revenues of Valentia a thousand of Moradines which was a kinde of money for the maintenance of his table and five thousand Moradines more for the provision of other necessaries To which agreement when Aodala had consented hee first stiled himselfe the King of Valentia The ancient Inhabitants of Valentia were the Hedetani which as Ptolemie thinketh were the same with the Sedentani Secondly the Biscargitani whose Metropolis was Biscargis whereof there is some mention made in the Inscription of Caesars coyne as Hub. Goltzius witnesseth and these seeme to have beene of the Heditanians seeing Ptolemie names Biscargis to be amongst them Thirdly the Leonicenses whose Metropolis Ptolemie cals Leonica and placeth it also among the Heditanians Fourthly the Co●●stani from whom Pliny nameth the Countrie of Contestania in Tarraconia
Their memory is preserved by the Towne Contayna or as some pronounce it Contentaina at the head of that River at the mouth whereof the Town Oliva is seated over against the Pityusian Ilands Fiftly the Lusones whom Appianus placeth by the River Iberus in Iberia neere to the Numantines but Strabo at the Fountaines of Tagus Sixthly the Lobitani whose Metropolis Ptolemie cals Lobetum and which Beuterus writeth was first called Turia afterward Avarazin and last of all as at this day Albarazin Seventhly The Torboletae in Iberia neere to the Saguntines from whom Ptolemie calleth the Citie Turbula now perhaps called Torres Lastly the Celtiberi so called by Plinie lib. 3. cap. 3. Pomponius Mela lib. 3. cap. 13. and other Latines but by Ptolemie Celtiberes for though some doe place them in Old Castile yet the most in Valentia Among the Cities of this Kingdome Valentia commonly called Valencia is the Metropolis and a Bishops Seate It was built by King Romus as Vasaeus and others write and from him called Rome And the Romans having afterward amplified and enlarged it did call it Valentia a name signifying the same which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke doth But this seemes a fable to Resendius who reporteth that it was built and so named by the Portugals and other Souldiers It is seated in the innermost part of the Bay of Sucronia on the right-hand Banke of the River Turia It is famous for its manners institutions and profession of all Arts both Liberall and Mechanick It is happie in great wits and desirous to preserve peace and concord within it selfe It hath many Gentle-men in it and is very rich in Merchandize Wee will not passe by that which L. Marinaeus Siculus noteth concerning the Valentians They have saith hee a custome every yeare on the Feast of Saint Matthew that having made many supplications and prayers they repaire to the place of execution and there they take up the bodies of those who have suffered death whether they be hanged up or lye on the ground gathering also together their scattered bones if any be and by and by having laid all things on a Beere they carrie them to the common burying-place of the Citie and there with sacrifices and prayers doe bury them Petrus Medinensis relates that there are in this Citie ten thousand springs of water Heretofore on the left-hand banke of Turia not farre from Valentia stood Saguntum which Ptolemie affirmeth to be a Citie of the Heditani Strabo and Plinie doe place it a mile off from the Sea Strabo calleth it Saguntus Stephanus Zacynthus and Antoninus corruptly Secundum and Secunthum The most doe thinke it now to be the same with Morvedere being so called as some suppose from the ancient wals thereof Appianus maketh it the Colonie of the Zacynthi some doe suppose that Saguntis the Sonne of Hercules was the builder of it and some would have it named from the Iberian Sagi Silius the Italian Poet describeth the situation of it in his first Booke Livie in his 30 Book saith that the wals of Saguntum were cemented with Lime and dirt mingled together which was an ancient kinde of building It seemeth by Plinie that the Saguntini did heretofore reverence Diana being brought thither by the Zacynthians their Progenitors two hundred yeares before the destruction of Troy Pomponius Mela saith that the Saguntians are faithfull in the midst of troubles and adversitie Concerning the overthrow and devastation of this noble Citie which through their admirable constancie and great fidelitie towards the Romans happened in the yeare from the building of the Citie 535 M. Lucius Salinator and L. Aemilius Paulus being Consuls you may reade and have recourse to Livie lib. 21. Polybius lib. 3. Orosius lib. 4. cap. 14. Eutropius lib. 3. Florus lib. 2. cap. 6. Silius the Italian lib. 1. Valerius Maximus lib. 6. cap. 6. Augustine lib. 3. de Civit. Dei cap. 20. Aemilius Probus in Hannibal Cicero in his Philippicks and many others There are also at this day these famous places in Valentia First Segorbia which Ptolemie and Strabo as also Vasaeus Clusius Tarapha Emanuel Henricus and Augustus his coyne doe call Segobriga Plinie also calleth the Inhabitants Segobricenses placing them in the chiefe part of Celtiberia But Moralis thinketh that Segobriga should be called Injesta or Cabeca el Griego and Ioannes Mariana is of the same opinion Hieronimus Surita professeth that hee knew not where this Segorbia was Secondly there is Denia called by Cicero and Plinie as Florianus Morialis and Clusius will have it Dianium and Dianium Stipendarium Thirdly Incibilis so called by Livie and by Frontinus Indibilis where Scipio put Hanno Captaine of the Carthaginians to flight It is thought by Florianus to bee Chelva Fourthly that Towne which Plinie cals Illici Ptolemie Ilicias Pomponius Illice and in the Inscription of coyne Ilce Colonia Ptolemie also cals it Illicitani whence commeth the appellation of the Illicitane Bay and now some call it Alicanta and others Elche which commeth somewhat neerer to truth Fifthly Belgida a Citie of Celtiberia which still keepeth its old name Sixthly Leria which Ptolemie cals Hedeta whence the Heditani have their name Clusius and Moralis Oliete and later Writers Liria Seventhly the Towne which Florianus cals Orcelis and Gomecius and Clusius Horivela and Oriola but Nebrissensis Zamora Eightly the Towne which Livie and Ptolemie call Bigerra Beuterus and Vasaus Bejar and Clusius Villena Ninthly the Towne which Strabo cals Setabis Ancient Stones Satabis as Clusius witnesseth and is now called according to Florianus his opinion Xativa This Countrie hath many Rivers and especially Turia which Pomponius calleth Duria and Ptolemie Dorium The Inhabitants doe keepe the Arabick word calling it Guetalabiar which signifies pure Water This River bringeth great commodities to those places by which it floweth There is also the River Xucar called of old Sucron and Surus which riseth out of the Mountaines of Orespeda Valentia hath two Mountaines which are called Mariola and Pennagolosa which being full of divers sorts of rare hearbs and plants doe cause a great number of Physicians and Herbalists to resort unto them out of divers parts of Spaine in regard of the rarities which are found there The Citie of Valentia being venerable for antiquity hath many ancient Marbles which remaine to posteritie engraven with Roman inscriptions some of which may be seene in Beuterus Ambrosius Moralis Hottomannus and others In the Citie of Saguntum now called Morvedre there was a Theater a Scene and many other Reliques of antiquitie as the Sepulchres of the Sergii of L. Galba and Sergius Galba and other Romans with the stones whereof a Monasterie was built for the Friars of the Order of the Trinitie Valentia hath a famous Universitie in the Citie so called and also an other Universitie at Gandia which was not long since erected and founded by the Duke of Gandia that the Fathers of the Society of Iesus of which Society hee became one
himselfe might studie there The Citie of Valentia in regard of its government of the Common-wealth doth excell all the Cities in Spaine The Countrey wherein this Citie is seated is inhabited for the most part by a Nation which are descended from the Moores and therefore they doe yet retaine their Ancestours speech and manner of life That is not to bee omitted which M. Tully doth speake in his last Oration against Verres in the praise of Valentia Valentinorum saith hee hominum honestissimorum testimonio that is by the testimonie of the Valentians who are most honest men Much silke is made in this Kingdome Valentia as Olivarius Valentinus writeth hath great store of traffique and trading for divers sorts of wares are exported from thence as silke-thread of all colours and raw silke as it comes from the Silke-worme the best cloth also is carried from thence into the Isles called Baleares and into Sicilie and Sardinia Besides there is exported from thence Rice Wheate Sugar Raizins Figges and preserv'd fruites into many Countries in Europe ARAGON AND CATALONIA ARAGON tooke its name either from the Autrigonians a people of Spaine as Laurentius Valla witnesseth or from Tarracone an ancient Citie as it pleaseth Antonius Nebrissensis and Vasaeus Some suppose it was so called from the River Aragon which rising there doth flow into Iberus Some doe derive it from the the Altar of Hercules called in Latine Ara and his sports called Agonalia which if it be true it is a wonder that Ancient Writers are so silent concerning Aragon Navarre cleaveth to this Kingdome on the Northwest Calatrava toward the Southeast On the Southwest it looketh towards Castile and on the North it hath the Pyrenaean Mountaines The Country is for the most part rugged drie towards the Pyraenean hills so that you shall not meete with a house for many dayes journeys yet here are some fruitfull Valleyes abounding with the best corne and other fruits and it is refreshed with sweet Rivers All Writers do report that Ranimirus was the first King of this Kingdome He was made King of Aragon in the yeare 1016. But concerning the Kingdome and the Kings of Aragon as also Valentia and Catalonia how and from whom they had their beginnings and of their union you may reade Rodericus Sanctius in the first part of his Spanish Historie cap. 13. Also Lucius Marinaeus Siculus de Regibus Hispaniae lib. 8. and others The Metropolis and head Citie of the Kingdome Pliny and others doe call Caesar-Augusta Ptolemy Caesarea-Augusta It is now called Sarragosa and is a famous Universitie They report that the builder thereof was Iuba King of Mauritania who called it Saldyba that is the house of Iuba but afterward the former name being left off it was called Caesar-Augusta It is seated on the banke of Iberus in a plaine place and hath a long stone bridge which serveth the Inhabitants to passe over the River as Strabo speakes in his third booke The Citie lyeth in the forme and shape of a shoo-soale It hath foure gates looking to the foure quarters of the world It is encompassed with strong walls and well fortified with many Towres In this Citie the Kings of Aragon were wont to be crowned by the Archbishop Primate of the whole Kingdome The other Cities are these first that which Ptolemy and Plutarch doe call in Latine Osca and is now called Huesca but Velleius Paterculus fabulously calleth it Eteosca where he writeth that Sertorius was slaine Secondly the Citie Tyriassona neere the Mountaine Cacus which some doe suppose was built by the Tyrians and Ausonians Thirdly Iacca lying in a valley heretofore the Seate of the Iaccetani Fourthly Calatajut standing in a Plaine and built out of the ruines of Bilbilis which together with many other Monuments of Antiquitie are to be seene a mile and an halfe from the Towne on a Hill which is commonly called Bambola or Banbola This Mountaine is enriched almost on every side with the River Salon or Xalon where Valerius Martialis lib. 10. Epigram 103. doth place Bilbilis being borne a Citizen of it Paulinus calleth it Bilbilis hanging on the rock Ptolemie corruptly calleth it Bilbis and Martiall calleth it Augusta Bilbilis as also doe the Inscriptions of ancient coyne Fifthly Barbastrum famous for Iron Crosse-bowes which Ptolemie cals Burtina and Antoninus Bortina as some thinke Sixthly Monsonium seated in the midle or navell of the Kingdome not farre from the Banke of the River Cinga neere which there is a hill from whence the Towne taketh its name It is a Towne that is famous by reason of the meeting and convention of the Kingdomes of Aragon and Valentia and the Principality of Catalonia where it standeth It is commonly called Moncon and hath not onely a fruitfull Soyle but a sweete and open Ayre Seventhly Fraga between Ilerda and Caesar-Augusta Ptolemie cals it Gallica Flavia and Antoninus Gallicum as Varronius thinketh though some doe place Gallicum there where now stands Zuera Eigthly Gurrea heretofore called Forum Gallorum which Antoninus placeth betweene Caesar-Augusta and the Pyrenaean Hils Ninthly Ajerbium where it is thought that Ebellinum sometime stood which Antoninus and others doe mention 10 ly Vrgella which Aimonius calleth Orgellum and Ptolemie Orgia It is a Towne not farre from the Fountaines of Sicoris or Segre There were also other Townes which are now so ruinated that there remaines nothing of them among which was the Towne Calagurris Nassica being an other besides that in Navarre The Citizens thereof are called Calagurritani by Caesar in his first Booke of Commentaries and Suetonius noteth that Augustus had a Guarde of them in the life of Augustus cap. 49. Pliny nameth them Nassici The Rivers heere are Iberus or Ebro and Gallego or Gallicum with others ARAGON AND CATALONIA Arragonia et Catalonia Aut fugies Vticam aut unctus mitteris Ilerdam From Utica thou either now shalt flee Or else sent to Ilerda thou shalt bee Heere Pope Calixtus the third taught publickly the knowledge of the Law as Platina witnesseth These things may suffice which have beene spoken hitherto concerning Spaine But yet I thinke it fit to adde by way of conclusion the excellent testimonie of a French-man concerning this Kingdome wherein whatsoever wee have hitherto said in praise and commendation thereof is briefly and pithily repeated by way of recapitulation This French-man whom I mentioned was called in Latine Pacatus who writ a most learned Panegyrick to Theodosius the Emperour being a Spaniard in which hee speaketh to this purpose Now it will appeare that hee is declared Prince who ought to bee chosen of all men and out of all men For first Spaine is thy Mother a Land more happie than all other Countries the great Fabricator and Maker of all things hath beene more favourable in enriching and adorning this Countrie than the Countries of others Nations for it is neither obnoxious to the Summers heate nor subject to the Northerne
the lowest degree of Nobility whence their proprieties and order of government doe most clearely appeare A Knight saith this author or a Chevalier shall be thus created of one that was a Squire before and bore armes in his Escutcheon If hee having long followed the warres exercised armes beene present at many conflicts hath sufficient meanes to maintaine the state of his degree and commeth of a great noble and rich Familie then in any skirmish hee shall make knowne his request to the Generall of the Army or to some valiant generous Knight and when the battell is ended hee shall come unto the said Generall or Knight and entreate him in the name of God and S. George to give him the Order of Knighthood Whereupon hee shall draw out his Sword and strike him thrice with it saying I make thee a Knight or Chevalier in the name of God and S. George faithfully to defend the Faith Iustice the Church Widowes and Orphanes But if the supplicant although he be valiant yet be poore hee shall not bee admitted unlesse so much yearely revenues be assigned and given unto him as is necessarie to preserve and maintaine the honour and dignitie of his Order And this is the first degree of Nobility arising from the lowest A militarie Tribune called een Bander-heer shall be made of a Knight if having long followed the warres hee hath lands and revenues enough to keepe and maintaine fiftie Gentle-men in pay that is one Band of horse men which shall follow his colours in the war For no man can set up a Colours or standerd of his owne unlesse hee can bring into the field at his owne charge a Troupe or Band at the least of fiftie Gentlemen who receive pay from him A Baron may bee created of a Knight or also of a Noble Squire which hath foure Castles in his dominion and all power within himselfe for then the King may conferre a Baronrie upon him yet hee cannot give him this honour unlesse he hath behaved himselfe valiantly in the warres Therefore after the first conflict or battell he is made a Knight after the second a militarie Tribune and after the third a Baron The degree of an Earle is the next and first an Earle of the Marches whom wee call a Marquesse that is Marcgrave And hee may be created one who hath two or three Baronies included in one Dukedome and that by the Duke in whose precincts they lye Hee may be made a Provinciall Earle that is a Landgrave who hath foure Baronies in one Dukedome by the Duke or the King by the instance or permission of the Duke Hee may bee made a Vicount who hath five Counties or more within one Dukedome or which are joyned together by vicinitie of situation And by the Kings permission he may be created by the Duke with great solemnitie But if the King himselfe be present the Principality is more honourable The Duke who is to be made of an Earle must first possesse in the Kingdome wherein hee is to bee crowned foure principall Counties and must have in every one of them foure other Counties or Baronies which must bee bound to doe fealtie and service to them But he must be crowned by the King or Emperour whose subject hee is his Hatt being adorned with pearles and pretious Stones in the most flourishing Citie of his territories and that in a great assembly of Princes Dukes Earles and Barons a solemne festivall being also held as it is the custome as the Coronation of Kings Hee that is to bee King must have foure Dukedomes lying neere together subject unto him and in every Dukedome foure Cities which hee alone governeth in every one of these foure Cities one Archbishop and under euery one of these againe ten Provinciall Bishops Hee being endowed and adorned with these dominions and dignities shall come unto the Emperours Majestie as to his superiour or shall invite him by an honourable Embassage to come unto him and so desire to be crowned by him But this seemes to be a later manner of electing the Kings and other Princes for as long as those wandring Nations of the Gothes Vandals Longobardes and many others did bring in their Kings with them they did not measure the royall dignitie by large possession of lands but by the multitude and strength of the people which they brought in Neither was there any other choise of Dukes who first began to bee instituted by Longinus Governour of Ravenna in the yeare 569 and afterward by the Longobards than for their valour and wise atchievements Adde to this that which Paulus Aemilius witnesseth namely that Dukes and Earles were in the beginning made Prefects by the King over Nations and Cities on this condition onely that as often as there was occasion they should bee dismissed or changed Now how could the afore said Lawes of creating Princes which are measured by and doe claime the hereditarie possession of Lands be in force at that time seeing Dukedomes and Counties were conferr'd by Kings and Emperours as a temporary bountie Therefore though the precise time of the Institution of them cannot be shewed for that French Booke doth mention nothing of it yet it is very likely that under Otto the second Emperour or about the yeare one thousand or a litle after that manner of constituting and confirming dignities was ordained by the Monarches For even untill Otto the second every Prince according to his power and ambition did aspire to greater dignitie and royall Majestie So out of one Kingdome of Lotharingia or Lorreine which being extended from the Rhene even to the River Scaldis was bounded with the Friesland Sea and belonged to Lotharius the Sonne of Lodovicus Pius more Kingdomes did afterward arise namely the transjurane Burgundie which being extended from the Mountaine Jura even to the Alpes did containe all Helvetia the Rauraci the Allobroges and the transjurane Burgundians and the Kingdome of Provence which did certaine some part of Burgundie and Sabaudia and was afterward called the Kingdome of Arelatum of which at this day the Elector of Trevers is called the Archchan●●liour It did also containe the Kingdome of Lotharingia now also called Lotharingia and other Kingdomes betweene the Rhene and Scaldis even to the Friesland Sea and heretofore it was called the Kingdome of Austrasia Againe this Kingdome of Lotharingia Charles the bald and his Brother Lodovick did part betweene them both of them preserving the title of a King in all places I omit the other Kingdomes which sprung up in that agely the desire and asseciation of Soveraignty But the Emperour Otto the second did divide Lotharingia having tooke away the name of a Kingdome into nine Dukedomes and Earledomes as it were into members pulled and separated from the body as Cuspinian hath it and having made a division thereof Anno 981 be first made Charles the Brother of Lotharius King of France Duke of that Countrie which is now called Lotharingia a● Richardus Wissenburgius
birth and descended of noble Families plying their Bookes night and day and busying themselves with the sacred Mysteries of the Muses There are those who to the great admiration of those that heare them without any premeditation can in an admirable method very readily discourse or speake of any matter that shall be propounded There are many Libraries in this Kingdome especially the Kings Librarie at Paris and the Librarie of S. Victor That I may omit other publick and private Libraries furnished with the best and rarest printed Bookes and with the choysest manuscripts Now I come to speake of their manners Diodorus and Strabo doe witnesse that the French-men are very sharpe-witted and reasonable good Schollers Symmachus in many places doth commend their studies in good letters and learning Marcus Portius Cato Originum lib. 2. saith that the most part doe follow two things very industriously to wit Warfare and Eloquence that we may know that the ancient French did carrie away the glory of eloquence from other Nations Strabo doth attribute to them a curteous Nature voyde of malice Iulianus an eye witnesse doth report of them that they know not how to flatter but that they live freely and justly with all men They have no more knowledge of Venus and Bacchus than serveth them for marriages for procreation and for the moderate drinking of their owne wines Those things which some speake on the contrarie are to be esteemed as rayling speeches proceeding from an envious minde For who seeth not that hath read ancient Writers concerning the disposition of the French-men and compar'd it with what it is at this present that that is fals which Servius reporteth namely that the French-men are dull-witted and that which Iulius Firmicus annexeth to wit that they are blockish and that of Iulianus who forgetting himselfe saith that they are stupid and rustick that of Polybius who saith that they doe not give their mindes to Learning and good Arts. That which Diodorus Athenaeus and Clement Alexandrinus doe avouch namely that they are unfaithfull given to gluttonie and drunkennesse that which Livie and Polybius report to wit that they are soft and effeminate that of Mela who affirmeth that they are desirous of gold ambitious proude and superstitious that of Solinus who saith that they are vaine bablers and lastly that which Plutarch speaketh in the life of Pyrrhus namely that they are insatiably covetous of money Neverthelesse it is confest that the French-men may be corrupted with many vices by having commerce and traffique with other Nations Florus saith lib. 3. cap. 10. that no man can say that the French are onely fierce seeing they deale fradulently and by wiles Ammianus lib. 15. sheweth that they are quarrellous Diodorus doth reprehend the French-men for their intemperancie in speech and also noteth that they use a short and obscure kind of Language that they speake many things ambiguously of purpose that they talke much in praise of themselves in disgrace of others and that they are detracters and selfe-conceited or opinionated Strabo also noteth their boasting which is that French ostentation which Caesar speaketh of lib. 7. and is exemplified in many of his other Bookes such is the boasting of Helvetius Divicon lib. 1. while he extols and magnifies the vertue of the Helvetians and doth upbraid the Romans with the remembrance of their overthrow So Vercingetorix braggeth in his Oration that hee alone would cause a Councell to be called out of all France which the whole world could not resist Concerning the Religion of the ancient French men and their manner of worship which they used Marcus Tullius is not to be regarded who writeth thus in his Oration for M. Fonteius The French-men are not moved with any Religion Let us rather heare Livie who though in other matters hee doth unjustly taxe this Nation yet hee affirmes that they are not negligent in matters of Religion and Caesar lib. 7. de Bell. Gall. who knew this Nation well enough when hee saith that it was very much given to Religion Caesar saith that they especially worshipped Mercury Max. Tyrius doth witnesse that the Celtae or French-men did worship Iupiter and for his sake they honoured the highest Oake Strabo testifieth that Diana had a Temple at Massilia and Polybius lib. 8. as also Plutarch doe mention that Diana was worshipped and adored by the Gallo-Grecians Lactantius Lucan and Minutius Felix doe report that the French-men had Esus or Hesus Te●tates and Teranes for their Gods which most of the Learned doe interpret to bee Mars Mercurie and Iupiter Ausonius maketh B●l●nus to be the French-mens God whom Herodian calleth Belis the same perhaps with that which Tertullian cals Tibilene whom the Greekes and others thinke to be Apollo Also the French-men did worship Abellio of which as Ioseph Scaliger writing to Ausonius lib. 1. cap. 9. noteth there doe still remaine some monuments And Lucian reporteth that they did worship Hercules by the name of Ogmius Athenaus writeth that when the ancient Gaules worshipped their Gods they did turne themselves to the right hand They did offer humane sacrifices to their Gods especially to Mars as Caesar witnesseth But they never offerd any sacrifice without their Druides as Diodorus witnesseth These Druides were Priests heretofore much esteemed by the French-men as also their Bards were of whom Lucan thus writeth Vos quoque qui fortes animas bellòque peremptas c. Then you that valiant soules and slaine in warre Doe celebrate with praises that still are Immortall so that vertue never dyes You Bards securely sung your Elegies You Druides now freed from warre maintaine Your barbarous Rites and sacrifice againe You what heaven is and Gods alone can tell Or else alone are ignorant you dwell In vast and desert woods you teach no spirit Plutoes pale Kingdome can by death inherit They in an other world informe againe Death long lifes midle is if you maintaine The truth the Northerne people happie are In this their errour whom feare greatest farre Of all feares incures not the feare of death Thence are they prone to warre nor losse of breath Esteeme and they doe thinke it is a shame To spare a life that will returne againe And so much concerning the French-mens Religion now let us adde something concerning their customes and fashions Livie testifies that the French men doe come to Councell in Armour Strabo writeth that it was the manner of the French Councels that if any one did interrupt a Suiter a publick Officer went to him and drawing out his sword did threaten him and command him to keepe silence and if hee did not then hold his peace the Officer did in the same manner as formerly the second and third time and lastly he cut off so much of the Interrupters cloake so that the rest was good for nothing Caesar saith that the French-mens Councels are rash and suddaine and that they are unconstant in Councell and desirous of innovation The same Caesar
of shot scaling Ladders underminings and all manner of engines which could bee invented or used And on the besieged side you might have seene men women and children with great courage of minde sustaine the furious assaults of their enemies and with constancie and cheerfulnesse repaire the ruines of the wals keepe down those that would have ascended up drive back their enemies to their trenches pursue them and at last fight it out for the most part with good successe Moreover you might have beheld them wearying the besiegers with daily sallying out upon them and lastly subsisting after nine assaults in which though their enemies did fight valiantly yet they were enforced to retire with great losse At length the Ambassadours of Polonia comming the 15 of Iune that they might bring with them Henry Duke of Anjou whom the States of the Kingdome had chosen for King God used this as a meanes to free Rochelle being now exhausted and drawne drie of Corne and being weakned in warlike fortifications besides the losse of many thousand men for now the King by Articles of peace confirmed by his royall solemne edicts did grant that Rochelle Montalban Nemansum and other Cities which did defend themselves should bee free to use their owne Religion such an event had this grievous siege which endured almost for seven moneths In which time more than twentie thousand men perished in conflicts sallies besieges by wounds hunger and sicknesse Rochelle is a constant Seate for presidiall Senatours and other Lawyers The other Cities Townes of note in Santonia are commonly called S. ●ean d' Angely Ponts or Pont l' Oubleze Blaye Taillebourg Borbesieux Brovage and Iosac S. Iean d' Angely otherwise called Angeliacum and S. Ioannes de Angeria is a new Citie although it be one of the speciallest and greatest of all Santonia It renewed its name from an Abbey which was built in that place to the honour of S. Iohn the Baptist the foundation whereof happened to be in the reigne of King Pipin who kept his Court in the Pallace of Angeria neere the River commonly called Boutonne in the Countrie of Alnia for hither as they say came certaine Monkes out of the Holy Land who brought with them the head of S. Iohn Baptist by whose comming the King obtained a famous victorie over his enemies and therefore in remembrance thereof hee built in that place where was the Pallace of Angeria the Abbey of Saint Iohn there placing religious men and endowing them with great revenues that they might there devote themselves to the service of God now by this meanes people flocking thither and building round about the Abbey by degrees it began to be a Citie as it is now at this day and was called by the name of S. Iohn All these things happened about the yeare of our Lord seven hundred sixtie eight while Pipin waged warre against Gaifer King of Aquitania whom hee overcame as it may bee read in the Historie of the Foundation of this Abbey This Citie the Duke of Andegavium or Aniou did besiege in the yeare 1569 and it was yeelded to him after 50 dayes siege the King granting the Citizens th●se conditions That they should march forth of the Citie with their Armour Horses and Colours displayed Santonia raiseth great store of money by its Corne which the Spaniards every yeare doe transport from thence or Merchants which fell it unto them And the Citie of Rochelle is very rich in regard of its neerenesse to the Sea and especially because of the traffick of the English and Dutch whose shipping doe often arrive there AQVITANIA AQVITANIA whose Southerne part is delineated in this Table some would have so called from the waters wherewith it doth abound and some derive it from the Towne Aquis or Aqs. It was extended according to Ptolemie from the Pyrenaean Mountaines even to Liger But now as Ortelius witnesseth from the River Garumna to the Ocean and the Pyrenaean Hils Towards the North-West it hath the Ocean which is called the Aquitanick Bay on the West Spaine on the North Gallia Lugdunensis and on the South Gallia Narbonensis In it according to Mercators account there are five Dukedomes twentie Counties and sixe Seigniories The Dukedomes are Vasconia or Guienna Avernia the Countrie of Engoulesme Berrie and Turonia Vasconia or Guienna being situated neere the Sea betweene Bayon and Burdeaux yeeldeth great store of wine which is transported from thence into other parts of Europe The chiefe Citie in it is Burdigala or Burdeaux the other Cities as Nerac Condom Mirande Nogerat Orthes Bazes and Dax are of no great note yet Dax is famous for her hot Fountaines Salt-pits and Iron-mettle Burdigala so called by Ptolemie is situated in a marsh which the overflowing of Garumna maketh and is adorned both with a Parliament and an University in which the Professours of all Arts and Sciences doe instruct Youth Avernia or the Dutchie of Avergne is partly a plaine and partly a mountainous Countrie It hath on the East Forest on the South Languedock on the West Quercy Perigort and Lemosin and on the North Berry and Bourbon Avernia is two-fold the Higher and the Lower The Higher which is called Le hault pays d' Avergne and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Avernia hath one prime Citie in it called S. Flour being seated on a high Rock the other Townes are commonly called Orillac Carlatum Muratum Buillons le Puy c. There is also in it the Territorie and Bayliwick of Beaucaire The Lower is rich and very fertile being full of excellent Wine Fruit Honey Saffron Cattell Wooll Medowes and Woods The Metropolis of it is Clarimontium commonly called Clermont It is proude of her Castle and is a Bishops Seate The other Cities or Townes are 13 in number of which Rion Monferrat and Isoire doe excell the rest Engoulesme on the North joyneth to Poictou on the West to Santonia on the South to Perigort and on the East to Lemosin It hath abundance of very good Wine fruit and Hempe The Metropolis of it is Inculisma now called Engoulesme being an ancient Citie It is seated on a hill which hangeth over the River Charente in a remote place from the Kings high way The lesser Towns are those which are commonly called Marton Chasteau Neuff Blaisac Chabannes Confollant Cuffec Aigres Gourville la Roche-Foucault Marveil Lanzac Villebois Momberon and Bouteville Concerning the Countrie of Berry wee will speake in a Table by it selfe Turonia commonly called Touraine beginneth somewhat beyond the Citie Amboise towards Belsia and endeth at the towne which is commonly called la Chapelle Blanche AQVITANIA AQUITANIA being subject in spirituall matters to the Bishops of Anjou and Chousai For they appoint and set downe limits betweene the Turonians and Andigavians The sweetnesse of the Ayre doth make this pleasant country more delightfull so that it is called the Garden and Orchard of France It is fruitfull in Wine and
after a certaine victory obtaind against them were all slaine at this Towne who could not pronounce the name thereof for they pronou●ced it ●equeny in stead of Pequigny The Geographers that describe 〈◊〉 doe note that Veromandois doth containe under it the Territories of ●issenois La●nn●is and ●artencis and the Cities N●yon and S. Quintins The City of Soiss●ns is subject to Themes the chiefe City of Calaa Belgica and was honoured by Caesar with the title of a Royall City It was in the power of the Romanes but was taken from them by Cladoveus after whose decease his Sonnes restored it to that former honour which it enjoyed in Caesars time The Inhabitants are a warlike people In this City in the raigne of Philip Augustus there was a Consell held by the Clergie of England and France for that the King of England having thrust the Bishops out of their Seates had kept the Churches goods in his owne hands for 6. yeeres and afterward had banisht the Bishops into Fran●e In this Cou●sell he had excommu●ication and warres denounced against him as an enemy to the Church upon which he was overcome in Battell and all his auxiliary Forces which he had out of Planders were overthrowne the Suess●nes among the rest behaving themselves very valiantly against him The Temple and Monastery of the blessed Virgin in the City Soiss●ms was built by Ebroynus the Tyrant who was Master of the Palace of ●rauce The Bishops of Soissons from Sixtus to Mathew Paris were 79. The Country of Laonois so called from the City Laon which i● situated betweene the Rivers Ayne and Oysa on a Hill and ●gisbertus saith that ●l●doveus in the yeere 500. did honour this City with a Dukedome and a Bishoprick Hee constituted Genebaldus to bee the first Bishop thereof and after him unto Iohannes Bu●●erius there are reckoned 72. Bishops It is also a Bayliwick under which are these Cities Soissons Noviomagus or Noyon S. Quintins Ribuaria or Ribemont C●u●y Chau●y Guise Perona Mondidier and Roia Next adjacent unto Laon is ●●mpendium called by the French Compiegne and by others Par●p●●is from Carolus Calvus who in the yeere 896. did enlarge and fortifie it like Constantinople erecting there also a Monastery to Saint Cornelius The Church of Compiegne and the Monastery of the Dominicans and Franciscans were built by S. Ludovicus King of France The Metropolis of Tartenois is Fera commonly called La Fere being a City well fortified and commodiously seated at the confluence and meeting of the Rivers Oysa and Serva and having a strong Castle Concerning the Cities Noyon and S. Quintins there is enough spoken in the Description of a former Table So much therefore concerning true Picardie There are divers parts of the lower Picardie called Le Basse As Sancterra Pontium Bolonesium Gu●naeum and Oyum. Sancterra or Sancterre lyeth betweene Mons S. Desiderij Perona Roye and Nesla Mons S. Desiderij or Mondidier is a strong Place or Hold. Perona is situated at the River Somona here Herebert Earle of Veromandois kept Cha●les the Simple King of France Captive where he died and left the Kingdome much troubled Roye is a faire Towne fortified with a Castle Antoninus calleth it Caesaremagnus as also the Itinerary Tables ●essa is a strong Fortresse as many other places are in this part of the Kingdome In Sancterra have many famous men beene borne and the ancient Lords thereof being Marquesses formerly joyned in affinity and allyed to the Family of the Courtneys which descended from the Kings of France Pontium or in French Le Conté Ponthieu is so named from the great company of Bridges and Marishes which discharge and empty themselves into the Sea neere to S. Valeri The chiefe Towne of the County is Abatisvilla commonly called Abbeville neere the River Oyse being a Bailiwick and the Seate of a President from whence Causes and Suites in Law are brought to Paris The other Townes are Cr●toy Rua Treport and S. Richeri besides Cressiacum or the little Towne of Cressi famous for the slaughter of 36000. Frenchmen under the conduct of Philip of Valots in the yeere 1346. This Country also doth containe two other under it to wit the Counties of M●●streul and S. Paul some thinke the former was so called quasi M●rs Reguis that is the Royall Mountaine but others imagine it to bee so named from a Monster which had his dwelling house here Lower Picardie containeth the County of Bononia commanly call'd Co●●● de Boleigne and the County of Guisne of which we will speake in the Description of Bononia The chiefe Rivers of Picardie are Somona neere to which lye the Towne Ambianum or Amiens and Abbe-Villa Oyse or Esia Scaldis Escault or Sceldt and those which are commonly call'd A●●● and Scarpe I come to their manners The Picardians are of a good disposition well set courteous Officious valiant and prone to anger whence they are called hot heads they are so soone assuredly given and addicted to wine so that a man can hardly obtaine any thing of them unlesse he will beare them company in drinking Yet they agree so well among themselves that if you offend one of them all the rest will be your enemies The Nobles are warlike and doe most of all delight in military affaires So much concerning Picardy CAMPANIA THE STATE ECCLESIASTICK Here is the Archbishop of Rhemes under whom are eight suffragan Bishops as the Bishop of Laon a Duke and Peere of France the Bishop of Chalon an Earle and Peere of France the Bishop of Suesson the Bishop of Terwaen whose Seate was translated to Boulogne the Bishop of Amiens the Bishop of Noviomagum or Noion an Earle and Peere of France the Bishop of Senlis and the Bishop of Beauvais an Earle and Peere of France Here is also the Archbishop of Sens under whom are seven Bishops to wit the Bishop of Paris of Chartres of Orleans of Nivers of Auxerre of Trois en Champaigne and of Meaux CAMPANIA CAMPANIA called in French Comté de Champaigne is derived as I have said before if we shall beleeve Graegorius ●uronensis from the great and spacious Field wherof it consisteth For it is a very plaine and Champion Country The Territories of Brie Burgundie Carolois and Lotharingia doe encompasse it on every side The Tricasses Lingones the R●mi the Catalaunians the Meldae the Senones and others who are now worne out of memory were heretofore seated in this Country The Tricasses nominated in Plinies chiefest Bookes Ptolemy calls Trikasstoi and Ammianus Tricassini as also in certaine Panegyricks and in the Inscription of an ancient Stone Hericus calleth the Trecae in the life of S. Germane and others call them by contraction Tresses Their City is called Tricassium and commonly Trois en Champaigne Those which Caesar Pliny and others doe call Ling●nes Ptolemy calls Do●gones and the same Pliny Faederati That Province which containes their City which is Langres is now called La Duché Patre and
to be taken and we are not to assent to them who would from thence deduce a new kind of people Cadurcium hath two Diocaesses Doveoni Cadurecorum and Mo●talbarum D●veoma well knowne to Ptolemie which some badly interpret Du●●na It is commonly called Canors neere the River Lothus Some learned men doe call it Divona Truly howsoever it is written Ioseph Scaliger in his letters to Merula thinketh it to bee the Metropolis of the Cadurcians and also Vinetus writing to Ausionius and others Iustus Lipsius in his golden Booke concerning Amphitheaters supposeth that Doveona is a Towne commonly calld Dowe about halfe a dayes journey distant from Ligeris on that side where the way lyeth from Andegavia to Pictavia And so the name doth intimate but then D●veona according to the opinion of Ptolomie cannot bee the Metropolis or mother Citie of the Cadurcians which is 60. leagues from that place Besides that which Antonius calleth Auned●nacum and Peutingers Tables Avedonacum in the way betweene Burd●gala and August●dunum cannot be the same with Ptolomies Doveona which is commonly called Cahors For Aunedonacum and Mediolanium of the Santonians are 16. Miles asunder but betweene D●veona and Mediolanium called in the Country speech Cahors and Sa●●●●s there are about 40. leagues which make almost an hundred Miles Besides the Metropolis of the Cadurcians standeth so farre Eastward that it cannot be in the way to Burdigala Let us therefore conjecture with Merula that Aunedonacum is that Towne commonly calld Aulnay being distant Northward from the Mediolanum of the Santones somewhat more than sixe leagues Aus●nius doth designe and shew the Metropolis of the Cadurcians Lib. Professorum at the 18. verse concerning Ex superius a Rhetorician of Tolouse Decedens placid●s mores tranquillaque vitae Tempora praedives fimsti sede Cadu●ca Thou dying rich at Cadurcum didst end Thy life which thou so quietly didst spend CADVRCIVM CADURCIUM BRESSIA OF THE SEGVSIANS BRESSIA is a Country lying under the Alpes in Sabaudia where Caesar heretofore placed the Segusians according to Villonovanus although Ptolomy doth make Lions a City of the Segusians At the least these people were next to the Aedus which he affirmeth lib. 7. de bello Gallico in these words His constitutis rebus or Aeduis Segusianisque qui sunt finitimi ci l'revincioe x. millia perditum imperat· These things being thus setled he levieth 10000. Foote out of the Aeduans and Segusians which are Provinces neere unto him Also Pentingers Chart doth hereabouts place Segusione in the Alpes Ammianus who lived in the time of ●ulian the Apostate in the 15. Chapter of his History maketh mention of the Towne Segovium situated at the foote of the Alpes Bressia therefore is situate betweene the Rivers Rhodanus and Araris now called Saona and Marcellinus Sacona at the beginning of the Alpes in a fruitfull place so that it may compare with any Country of France for plenty of Wine Corne and all kindes of fruits and for Rivers Cattell and Woods It is neighboured with the Burgundians and was sometime subject to the Princes thereof afterward it was a part of the Kingdome of Arelatum which being devided into divers parts was afterward governed by Earles one of which Vlrick Earle of Bresse and Baugenciak lived about the yeere 1300. who much enlarged his Territories and left one onely Daughter and Heire Sibyll of Bressia who was marryed to Amades the fourth the 8. Earle of Sabaudia who brought her Husband beside a large Inheritance the County of Bressia which being afterward united to Subaudia remained in that Family 300. yeeres even untill our age when Henry the fourth King of France for his vertue surnamed the Great understanding that the Saluffians a people of France were possessed and overcome by Sabaudus by treachery and deceit and that Henry the third was almost oppressed by his rebelling Subjects and was engaged in a dangerous Warre he thought it fitt to recover that part of France and seeing the Duke of Sabaudia did delay the restitution thereof by making many exceptions and deceiving promises which by reason hee could not doe he thought it meete by force of Armes to regaine that which was lost and having levied an Army he tooke Bressia by the helpe and assistance of the Marshall Byroone and brought the Duke to that straite and was content to end the matter by exchange and that the King for the Salussians taken from him should have the Bressians the Brengeans the Virroneans and generally all that belong'd to France on the other side of Rhodanus so that all that Country which lookt toward France from the issuing of that River out of the Lemanick Lake should be afterward united to the Kingdome of France And so the Duke should wholly deliver into the Kings hands the BRESSIA· BRESSE strong Castle of the Towne with all the Warlike furniture thereof by which Bressia and all that Province were as it were fetterd and manacled so that France was secured from any future attempt from those parts And so Sabaudus learnt with his owne losse how dangerous a thing it is to use violence with those that are stronger than our selves since such rashnesse redounds to his harme that attempts it and most commonly he is compell'd to restore againe unto them with interest that which he had so gotten THE PROVINCE AND CITIE OF LIONS THE Court of Lions is the last and remotest of all the Presidiall Courts which depend on the chiefe Senate of Paris But Lions is the chiefe and principall City of Gallia Celtica which from thence is called Lions being a strong Fortresse of France being the Primate Seate of all France in spirituall matters and being the Shop for Tra●ing and commerce for the whole World The Bressians confine o● it on the North on the East the Sabaudians on the South the Al●o●●o●ians and the Narbonians along the River Rhodanus and on the West the Avernians It is situate in the most beautifull and convenientest soyle of al Europ for there is no place which hath two riches fruitfuller Nurses than the Rivers Rhodanus and Arar are unto this Country in whose bosome the horne of plenty filled with the Gods bounty doth rest and is largely powred forth upon it so that it alwayes enjoyeth a continuall plenty The ancients called it Lugdunum as if you should say the happy or blessed Mountaine Titus Livius calleth it an Iland Lib. Hist 21. In these words the next day Amiball marching on the contrarie banke of Rodanus went up into the Mediterranean parts of France not because it was a straiter way to the Alpes but the more he went from the Sea the more hee should bee sure not to meete with the Romanes with whom he did not purpose to sight before he came into Italy Hee came with the fourth part of his Camp to the Iland where the Rivers Arar and Rhodanus running out of divers parts of the Alpes and having encompassed some part of the Country doe meete together from whence the Country
the Delphinate After this the Province of the Delphinate became subject to Provinces who ruled it untill the time of Philip Valerius King of France who annexed it to his Crowne about the yeere of Christ 1348. which was the cause that Humbert Delphine of Vienna having lost his eldest Sonne in the Battell of Cressey and his yonger Sonne dying by sicknesse when hee was provoked to warre and set upon by Amades the 6. of that name he determined to put himselfe into the Kings protection and to leave him Heire to his Dominions on this condition that from thenceforth the eldest Sonnes of the Kings of France during their Fathers life time should beare the Armes and Title of the Delphinate And so this Country came into the Kings hands who thought fit to annex so noble a Prince neighbouring on Italy for ever to his Kingdome The Delphinate therefore being one of the chiefe Countries of France is devided as I said before into the higher and lower part and hath many faire Cities and Townes in it In the higher there are Ebrodunum which hath a Prelate also Valence Dium and S. Pauls Church In the lower is Vienna which was formerly the Metropolis and Mother City of the whole Delphinate which is now Gratianopolis there are also Romanium Brianconium Mons-Limartium upon Rhodanus a Towne much frequented by Merchants where there are also many Monuments of Antiquity also S. Antonies Church Valerians Church and the Monastery Gratianopolis was so called from the Emperour Gratian who reedified it and beautified it with many Buildings now it hath a Parliament and a President with Senators and other Officers belonging thereunto and it hath a Prelate who is one of the chiefe men of the Province under the Metropolitan of Vienna But Vienna venerable for Antiquity hath a long time had a Metropolitan Bishop Valence is converted and raised to a Dukedome and hath a Bishop and a University in which the Romane Lawes are read and declared in which Iames Cuyacius taught who was the Prince of all those Lawyers which flourished in former times whose name shall live as long as Lawes continue in the world Here are found Romane Inscriptions and other ancient Romane Monuments King Francis intended to have newly fortified Gratianopolis against the invasion of enemies but hee left it undone THE DELPHINATE OF FRANCE DAVPHINE Par IEAN de BEINS THE DVKEDOME OF LOTHARINGIA THE SOVTHERNE PART whereof is painted forth in this Table AFter Pictavia according to my method the Dukedom of Lothari●gia followeth Lothoringia according to the Latines was so called from Lotarius the Sonne or Nephew of the Emperour Ludovick King of France Truely Ludovick Pius had foure Son who warring like Parracides against their Father having shut him up into a Monastery among the Sues●ons they devided his Principalities amongst themselvs so made it a Tetrarchie Afterward by the meditation of the Nobles of the Empire the matter came to that passe that Lotar●us the eldest Sonne should enjoy the Title of the Empire with Italy Gallia Narb●nensis and those Territories which were called by the name of Lotharingia and that Ludovick should possesse Germany Charles should have France from the River Mosa to the Ocean and lastly Pipin or his Sonne should have Aquitaine Lotarius had besides Ludovick who succeeded him in the Empire a Sonne named Lotarius King of Lotaringia And as the Germanes as first called it Lotar-rijck or Lot-reych that is the Kingdome of Lotarius so the Latines afterward called it L●tharingia The Inhabitants and the other French doe call it Loraine as it were Lotregne The French Writers doe report that the bounds of Lotaringia were heretofore larger and that it was heretofore called Austrasia or Austria or Oost-reych having Westrasia or Westria now called West-reych and corruptly Neustria a Westerne Kingdome lying over against it and that being devided into the higher and the lower and contained betweene the Rivers Rhene Scaldis and Mosa the lower part hath divers names and is subject to divers Princes and that the higher part which is called Mossellanica and Tullingia is all except some parts thereof under ones command so that on the East of Lotaringia there lyeth Alsatia and Westrasia on the South Burgundy on the West Campania on the North it is bounded with the Wood Arduenna the Leuceburgians Treverians and other people bordering thereon which were heretofore the chiefest parts of Lotharingia Lotaringia although it be full of high Mountaines and thick Woods yet it needeth not the supplies of forraigne Countries for it hath good store of Corne and Wine It hath divers kinde of Mettalls as Silver Brasse Iron Tinne and Lead It hath also Pearles for which there THE DVKEDOME OF LOTHORINGIA LOTHARINGIA is excellent fishing at the foote of V●gesus There are also certain Stones found which the Inhabitants in regard of their ●●lac colour doe call Lazuli and doe make great benefit of them There is also a certain substance of which they make Looking-glasses the like wherof is not found in other Provinces of ●ur●●● Here are also Cal●i●●nes of great bignesse so that great cups are made of small pieces thereof It produceth divers kindes of living Creatures especially excellent Horses like to Neapolitan and Turkish Horses Lotaringia was heretofore a Kingdome as appeareth in the French Writers But there are not mentioned above two or three Kings thereof For C●ar●●s the Bald presently after the decease of his Unckle Lotarius invaded his Territories and joyned them to his Principalities And not long after it was made a Dukedome The first Dukes are scattringly mentioned by Historians and divers Writers In the raigne of Henry the 4. ●●t●fridus held Lotari●gia hee who afterward having sold his Dukedome ●●u●●gn● together with his Brothers Baldwin and Eustathius made a memorable expedition to the Holy Land and carried his conquering Army thorow Asia and Syria even to the City of Hierusalem and was created King of Hierusalem After him succeeded Baldwin and after Baldwin Eustathius Afterward King Henry the fifth gave the Dukedome to William Earle of ●●vani● after whom Theodore Theo●●●● Frederick others were created Princes of Lotari●gia whom from the ●●●●edome was passed to Frederick Earle of Vadimomium from whom the Dukes of Lotaringia are descended Mercator doth plainely d●scr●be be it in two Tables in one whereof he painteth out the Northerne part in the other the Southerne part Heretofore the Med●●ma●●ices and Leu●● did inhabit L●taringia Lib. 4. Tacitus Pliny Strab● and Ptolemy doe call them Med●●ma●●ices and Caesar also Lib. ● calleth them Med●●matri●● whose Metropolis is called D●vodurum and ●ow M●tz In the Register Booke of the Provinces of Belgia it is called ●v●●as Med●●●a●ri●um or le Eves●he de Metz le Pays M●ssin Cae●●● 〈◊〉 Lu an lib. 1. and Pli●y doe call the Leu●t●●beri Ptolemy also calls them Leu●● and maketh their Metropolis to be ●u●●um And so 〈◊〉 called in the Register Booke of the Provinces of Belgia Civitas
if he were furnished with the aforesayd munition he would easily suppresse the enemies violence All things were sent which hee desired but he did not performe that which hee boasted hee would THE DVKEDOME OF LIMBVRG LIMBURGENSIS DVCATUS NOVA DESCRIPTIO Auct AEGIDIO MART. doe for at the enemies first approach he came to a parly and yeelded it up unto him without any resistance Not farre from Limburg yet out of the Territorie thereof Northward the Spaw Fountaines doe breake forth which are so famous and well knowne Moreover betweene Walhormus and Montzius there are certaine hills commonly called Kelmbergen in regard of the great store of that mettall and stone above mentioned which is digged out of them in defence whereof the aforesayd Earle hath built a Castell But some few yeares since the Batavians burnt it through the Souldiers negligence The great wood commonly called Fangne lyeth neere unto the Cittie of Limburg in which there is excellent hunting And so much concerning the Cittie it selfe and the Dukedome of Limburg There are three other Citties which have counties belonging to them which are reckoned as appendances to the Dukedome of Limburg which are these Valkenburg Dalthemium and Rolducum of which we will now speake in order Valkenburg in French Fauquemont is a neate Towne having iurisdiction over a large Territorie and some Townes being three long miles from Aquisgrave and two little miles from Vltrajectum It is a fruitfull Country both for corne and pasturage not far from which is the Monastery of S. Gerla being a faire auncient building Moreover the Countie of Valkenburg was in the possession of Iohn the third of that name Duke of Brabant who tooke it by force of armes from Raynout Lord of Valkenburg who being a troublesome man and having injured the Trajectenses at the River Mosa was overcome and taken prisoner by the aforesayd Duke Dalthemium is a little Towne with a small Castell belonging to it It is three long miles from Aquisgranum and two from Leodium It is honoured with the title of a Countie and hath some Villages and lands beyond Mosa which are within the jurisdiction thereof Henry the second Duke of Brabant did possesse it and did joyne it to his owne Territories The famous Abby of the Valley of God belongs to Dalthemium the Abbot whereof is the chiefe man of that Countrie and besides this there is the Abby of the holy Crosse Rolducum is an old Towne with an ancient Castell It is a mile distant from Valkenburg and it is the fourth Lordship beyond Mosa and it hath a Tribunall or Court of Iustice but the Senate of Brabant have the oversight of it Here I cannot passe by the village commonly called Carpen betweene Iuliacum and the Colonie being two long miles from the Rhene It is as big as a little Towne and hath a Collegiate Church as they call it and hath Faires and Markets whither all sorts of commodities are brought and a great confluence of people doe resort unto it it hath also a Castell well fortified William Nassavius Prince of Orange passing over the Rhene tooke it in the yeare 1568 and fortified it with a Garrison All these parts being gathered together doe make a great Lordship which was used to be governed by a peculiar Lord but the Dukes of Limburg have now subjected it to themselves although it have a Prefect beside who lyeth there with a strong Garrison This Countrie hath three other Rivulets besides Mosa which at length become Rivers namely Beruinum which watereth Dalthemium Geuda which runneth by Valckenburg and Worma which glideth by Rodulcum Moreover as well the Dukedome of Limburg as the other States and Lordships aforesayd doe consist of three members namely the Clergie the Nobles and the Iudges The Dukedome of Limburg doth containe five members or divisions which they call Ban●as Hervium Spremontium Balenium Walhornum and Montzium the two former whereof are governed by Majors and the three latter by magistrates called Drossards And so much concerning the Dukedome of Limburg and the appendances thereunto I passe to the rest A PROFITABLE instruction concerning the Tables of GERMANIE FOrasmuch as the Romaine Empire is in the power of the Germaines and very politickely divided into parts I thinke it a matter worth my labour to set before your eyes the order and disposition of those parts as they are described in a writing called Matricula Imperij and afterward to shew you in Tables the severall members of this Empire that the studious Reader may finde in what Country they are situated But I have gotten two Coppies of this Matricula the one written the other printed at Venice in Italian being both much corrupted And I know that the Empire is now divided in another manner Therefore let no man blame me or be of●ended if he finde some parts that are reckoned as belonging to the Empire doe not belong thereunto for it is not my intention to speake expressely of all the severall parts of this Empire neither was it possible for me to do out of such corrupt Coppies especially seeing that I know that a great part of the Empire came into the hands of private Princes either by Exchange or Morgage or gifts for their good service in defence of the Empire or for some other causes Neither is it my part to prosecute those things which belong to Politicians and not Geographers but onely I sought that out of this Coppie of Matricula I might shew the elegant disposition and division of the Empire of Germany and might declare how the studdies of Geographie and Policie doe mutually illustrate one another This is therefore the order of the Empire The Emperour is the head of the Empire And he hath three States under him who meete together to consult and conclude of all the affaires of the Empire namely the seaven Electors who were first instituted about the yeare of our Lord 1273 by Pope Gregorie the tenth and were confirmed by the Emperou● Charles the fifth as Onuphrius sheweth in Comitijs Imperatorijs and Iohn A●ventine Lib. 5. of his history of Bavaria These have power to elect and chuse the Emperour The second State is the Ecclesiasticall and saecular Princes The third is the free Citties GERMANIE GERMANIA The first member therefore of the Empire is the seaven Electors THe Archbishop of Moguntinum Arch-chancellor of the Romaine Empire through Germanie The Archbishop of Trevers Arch-chancellor of the Romaine Empire through France and the Kingdome of Arelatum The Archbishop of Collen Archchancellor of the Romaine Empire through Italy The King of Bohemia chiefe pantler of the Romaine Empire The Count Palatine of Rhene the chiefe cupbearer of the Romaine Empire The Duke of Saxonie chiefe Marshall of the Romaine Empire The Marquesse of Brandenburg chiefe Chamberlaine of the Romaine Empire The second member is the Princes and Nobles I will set downe the common names of places as they are in the Tables and the number of the Circles in which they are
there even to Bishop Huberts time whom the yeare 713 did translate it to Leodium where it now remaineth Moreover from Hubert the first Bishop of Leiden even untill our times Guicciardine reckoneth 62 Bishops Neither is this Praelate a Bishop onely but also a Prince of the Empire Duke of Bouillion Marquesse of Francimont Count of Loten and Hasbania The auncient inhabitants of this Bishopricke were the Eburonians the Tungrians Centronians and Ceraesians Now it taketh up a great part of the auncient Lotharingia for the Dioecese of Leden containeth the Dukedome of Bouillion the Marquiship of Francimont the Countie of Hasbania or Haspengaw and Loten and many Baronies And there are in this tract besides Trajectum the middle part whereof is subject to the Duke of Brabant 24 walled Citties and a thousand 700 Villages with spire Steepled Churches and many Abbyes and Lordships The names of the Citties are these Leden Bolonium Francimontium Loots Borchworm Tungri Hojum ●lasselt Dinantum Masacum Stochum Bils●num Saint Trudonis Visetum Tumum Varem Beringum Herck Bree Pera Harmontium Sinetum Fossa and Covinum as Guicciardine reckoneth them The Metropolis of them all is Leden which some call Augusta Eburonum the inhabitants doe call it Liege and the Teutonians Luyck and Luttich It is an auncient Cittie and Hubert Thomas a Ledener doth referre the originall thereof to Ambioriges a couragious King of the Eburonians under whose conduct the inhabitants by an Ambushment slew Co●a and Sabinus having cut off one Romaine Legion with 5 Cohorts as C. Caesar Lib. ● of his Commentaries concerning the French warre doth relate Others suppose that it is a new Cittie which was built by Hubert of Aquitaine but their opinion is manifestly proved to be erroneous by some auncient Monuments and buildings There doe flow into the Cittie some other Rivers besides Mosa and Legia as Vtes Veses and Ambluarus which arise out of the Wood Arden There are also very many cleare fountaines so that many private houses have two or three The Cittie is wide built and doth containe some Mountaines and Vallyes the compasse of it is foure Italian miles There are faire Aedifices and buildings and the Bishops Pallace for statelinesse and magnificence exceedeth all the rest which was built by cardinall Erard of Leiden But for faire Churches whether you consider their number or their curious building or their richnesse it doth farre exceede all the Citties not onely of France but of both Germanies There are eight Collegiate Churches in it in which there are very rich Cannons but the chiefe and fairest is Saint Lamberts Church It is a Cathedrall Church and the Bishop thereof is Prince of the whole Dioecese and Country but none are chosen to bee Cannons unlesse he bee descended of a Noble stocke or else a Doctor or Licentiate and it is lawfull for any Cannon unlesse he be chosen into the number of the Priests to resigne his benefice to marry a wife and to take upon him another calling In this Church there are very many pretious vessells and many ornaments of Gold and Silver among the rest there is Saint Georges statue of pure Gold which Charles Duke of Burgundie consecrated There are also foure very rich Abbyes adorned with well furnished Libraries There are 32 Parishes within the Citty as many Churches Whereby it appeareth that that which Petrarck writ was not undeserved Vid● Leodium insignem Clero locum that is I saw Leden famous for the Clergie men The Bishop hath the right and title of a Prince yet the Citty hath so many priviledges and liberties that it may be counted a free Cittie For it hath Consuls it was heretofore a great place of studdy so that it is observed that at one time 9 Kings sonnes foure and twentie Dukes sonnes and 29 Earles sonnes were students at Leden Besides many Barones sonnes and gereat mens children who were all for the most part Cannons of S. Lamberts Church Bolonium or Bouillon is a Castle foure mile from Iuoys and sixteene from Leden being built with rare workemanship on the toppe of a Mountaine it is the seate of the Dukes of Bouillon Godfrey Duke of Lotharingia was borne here who in the yeare 1016 at the generall councell held at Claremont in Avernia together with his brothers Eustatius and Balduine went to warre against the Infidels to recover the holy Land At what time this Noble Heroe to furnish himself for this warre sold this Dukedome to Spertus Bishop of Leden which was a greater glory to the seller than the buyer By his valour the Christians tooke Ierusalem in the yeare 1020 When the Army offered him for his brave atchievements the Kingdome of Ierusalem and a golden Crowne this Noble Christian Prince refused them saying that he would not be made a King nor weare a golden Crowne there where his Saviour had worne a Crowne of thones Francimontium was heretofore a walled Towne but now the walls are fallen downe Cardinall Erard whom I formerly mentioned built a ●●ort heere It is 4 Miles from Leden and it is honoured with the title of a Marquiship At Tuini which is a Village Towne neere Francimont there is the best Lead and in the Mountaines neere unto it there are Marble Quarries The Tungrians are three miles from Mosa and as many from Leden their Cittie is now called Tongeren being situated neere the River Iecher it was so called from the Tungrians a people of Germany who leaving their Country passed over the Rhene and seated themselves heere It is the Auncientest Cittie in all Brabant It is two hundred miles from this Cittie to Paris and all the way was once paved with stones as it is yet manifest by some part thereof Hercules his Church within the Cittie sheweth the antiquitie of it whose statue doth yet stand over the gate Hojum or Hoy is so called from a little swift running Rivulet which here casts it selfe headlong into Mos● it is five miles distant from Leden Foure miles from Leden neere the little Towne Dener is Eilsen and beyond that the Village Munster hilsten three miles from the Tungrians is the Cittie of Saint Truden which as some suppose was the seate of the Centronians whom Iulius Caesar doth often mention A mile from Leden is the Village Ebure which as it is supposed also was the seate of the Eburonians Flacencius writeth that I may adde this by the way that a part of Trajectum joyned to this Dioecese by the donation or gift of Porus Count of Lovania We omit the other Townes for brevitie sake This Countrie is every where watered with Rivers the most of which doe runne into Mosa as Legia or Legio Vtes Veses Ambluarus Ieckel Hoy Vesera Vl●Veer Vr● the others runne into Demera and so to Scaldis as Rath●ck Stimmer Herck and Hespe which are all faire cleare Rivers abounding with all kindes of fish Heere was a Fountaine concerning which learned men doe not agree Some doe affirme that it is yet within the Cittie
Eberhard Earle of Wirtemberg a Duke Duke Eberhard the second continued but two yeares in his Dukedome but having melted his gold and silver plate he fled first to Vlma and afterward to the Prince Palatine and dyed without is●ue After that the Emperour Maximilian created Eberhard the Nephew of Eberhard Duke of Wirtemberg But hee was droven out of his Country in the yeare 1519 by the Swedlanders Christopher succeeded his father Vlricke and Ludovicke his sonne succeeded after Christopher And Ludovicke was succeeded by Fredericke the sonne of George Earle of Mount Vellicard The Intcurgians were formerly seated heere but Rhenanus called them the Vuithungians This Dukedome is as it were circular and round and doth containe many Citties and Townes The chiefe Citties are Tubinga Stutgardia Tubinga is commonly called Tubingen which is situate neere the River Neccarus being a very neate Cittie having store of bread and Wine which is transported to Swethland and it hath a stone Bridge over the River Neccarus It hath also a Castle and a hill planted with Vines a Colledge of C●nnons and an Vniversitie In this Cittie besides Iohn Stoffler and others Leonard Fuchsius did professe Physicke And the most famous and learned Martin Crusius was the Rhetoricke professor in the same Academy It was instituted by Eberhard Earle of Wirtemberg whom Maximilian as we sayd before created a Duke in the yeere 1477. Iohn Herold in his booke of the Germaine antiquities sheweth by an inscription engraven there that Augustus had a Mansion house at Tubinga Which Peter Appianus in his booke of auncient inscriptions doth set downe thus MAX. IN AV● EM GER MAX. DA● MAX. ARM. MAX. TRIB P. COS. ET But Heroldus setteth downe the whole inscription as the Emperour was usually enstiled at Rome Imp. Caes. Divi. L. Sept. Sever. Pert. Aug. Parth. Tarah Adiab F. M. Aurel. Antonin Aug. Sarmat Max. Ger. Max. Dac Max. Armen Max. Britan. Max. Arab. Max. Aleman Max. Parth. Max. P. E. Pont. Max. Trib. Pote vi Cos. Procos Perpet Leg. 8. Ant. Aug. P. E. Ejus Num. Devot Prin. Opt. Fortis THE COVNTIE OF WIRTEMBERG WIRTENBERG THE LOWER ALSATIA ALsatia commonly called Elsasz was so called as some suppose as it were Edelsalz that is a Noble and famous seate others thinke it was so named from the River Illa by changing a into i as it were a seate by the River Illa whence some doe affirme that it was called the Country of Illesass and not Alsas It is as fruitfull a Country as any that lyeth by the side of the Rhene on the East it hath Helvetia which parteth it from Rhene on the West Lotharingia where the Mountaine Vosagus is the bordering limit betweene Lotharingia and Germanie on the South it hath part of Helvetia Burgundie on the North it is boundred with the Dukedom of Wiriemberg It is nine Germaine miles long and from Rhene to the Mountaines it is three Germaine miles broad but towards Haganoa it groweth broader betweene the Mountaines But this Country is so fruitfull and there is such great plenty of all things especially of Wine and Corne in this little tract of Land that it doth not onely serve the inhabitants but other people also of Germanie both farre and neere Therefore Iames Wimphelingus in his Epitomy of Germany doth call it the Store house and Nurse of Germanie For excellent Wines are continually brought out of this Country in Carts and sometimes are convayd by shipping into Helvetia Swethland Bavaria Lotharingia and the Low Countries and sometimes into England In Sungoja there is great store of corne and all over the plaine ground of Alsatia even to Argentina there is every where great store of corne so that the inhabitants of the Mountaines of Lotharingia the Burgundians and a good part of Helvetia are sustained by it It hath Mountaines which yeeld excell●nt good Wines and in the plaine ground it hath Corne and divers kindes of fruite trees It hath also on the Mountaines Woods of Chesnuts and Mines of Silver Brasse and Lead especially in the val● Leberthal I● hath also faire pastures both upon the Mountaines and valleyes as appeareth by those excellent fat cheeses which are made in Munsterthall so that there are great store of Kine and cattle bred in this Country And it hath in some parts many wilde horses also Leopards Beares Martines and Harts and innumerable other wilde beasts Alsatia was heretofore under the Dominion of the Kings of France as also a part of the Kingdome of Austria Alsatia was held to be the chiefest Dukedome which H●ldericke King of France did honour with that title and gave it to his Cosen Etico in the yeare ●84 After Etico there succeeded his sonne Adelprechtus who being slaine with an arrow left two sonnes Linfrid and Eberhard who were governours of Alsatia Afterward their familie was expelled forth of Alsatia by Charles Martell Palatine and Master of the Court in the Kingdome of France But in the time of Otto the first the Earles of Kyburg who where allyed by consanguinitie to the Emperour did governe Alsatia Some say that they were made Landgraves of Alsatia others say that Otto the third did divide it into Landgraveships and that the higher Landgraveship which contayneth the Towne Einsheim and the adjacent Townes did fall to the Earles of Habsburg The other to the Earles of Ottingen to whom it descended from Henry Landgrave of Lower Alsatia who dying without issue did sell it to the Bishop of Argentine But this small Country is so fruitfull and pleasant that it hath 46 Citties and Townes in it which are walled about Fiftie Castels which are situated on Mountaines and Plaines and an innumerable sort of Villages Alsatia is two fold the Lower which is described in this present Chart and the higher which is painted forth in the Table following the Tribocians did possesse them both The chiefe Cittie is called by moderne writers Argentina Sextus Aurelius and Ptolomie doe call it Argentoratum Reginus nameth it Strasburg who writ five hundred yeeres before and more Rob. Constantinus supposeth it to be the same with that which Aurelius Victor and Diac●nus doe call Angentaria It is commonly called Strasburg from the number and capacity of the streetes This Cittie is situated in a fertile soyle and hath great store of Wine and Corne. And Munster writeth that there are in this Cittie above an hundred Gardiners who make a great gaine out of Turnips Onions Radishes Cabigges and the like An arme of the River Rhene and three other Rivers doe run through this Cittie and the severall Channells doe glide through the streetes as at Venice It is well governed and it hath a famous schoole and a Church On the West there are the Tabernae celebrated by Antoninus Simler calleth them Zaborn Frodoard nameth it Zabreni Ortelius calleth them tres Tabernae Concerning which Antoninus saith thus Riguasque perenni Fonte Tabernas THE LOWER ALSATIA ALSATIA INFERIOR The Country is partly Mountainous and partly
Wood called De Stubhenitza that is a heape of Stubs of Trees doe yeeld firewood enough for the whole Iland The Clergie here have both Meddowes and Fields of their owne and have also tythe Cattell and tythe Corne. There are great store of Nobility in this Country who are discended from ancient Families of which some are more hospitalious and bountifull and some more sparing some doe addict themselves to the warres and some to study and most of them doe travell to forraine Princes and Kings Courts and doe goe to Universities and to the Warres And so are chosen to be Governours both in forraine Countries and Provinces and also in their owne Country in times of parre and weace not onely in Politick but also in Ecclesiastick affaires The Country people also doe live well in this Principality who doe onely pay the Magistrates a certaine summe of money and doe certaine services and some of them doe none at all And let so much suffice concerning the Iland and Principality of Rugia THE KINGDOME AND ELECTORSHIP OF BOHEMIA BOHEMIA Boemia or Bojemia as some would have it was so called from the Wood Hercynia For in the Germane language Baum and in Dutch Boom signifies a tree the Graecians call it Baemia and Ptolomy calls the Inhabitants Baemi and Strabo Lib. 7. calleth them Kolduli Some would have it so named from the Bojans who fled and transmigrated thither which seeme to bee so called from Bois that is from Wood. Ptol. lib. 2. cap. 11. in his description of Germany doth place the Baemians under the Wood Harcynia being a great Nation spreading even to Danubius Strabo calleth it Bubiemium for so Rhenanus Aventine and others doe read it but yet in the Graecian printed Copies it is called Boviasmon but Rhenanus thinketh this to be a corrupt reading of it and Causabon noteth that in ancient Bookes it is called Bovia●mon Tacitus calleth it Bojemum On the East it hath the Marcomannians and Quadians on the West the Noricians on the South the higher Pamonia now called Austria and on the North it is bounded with Saxonie and Misnia The Wood Hercynia doth encompasse it round about and encloseth it in manner of a Romane Amphitheater So that the length and breadth is all one being above two hundred mile broad and as many long The ayre in regard the Country standeth Northward is cold and sharpe but yet wholesome But the soyle yeeldeth such great store of Barly and Wheate so that it furnishes and supplies other Countries But it hath but little Wine and that which growes there is very tart and sharpe It hath excellent Saffron both for colour and sent This Country also yeeldeth very rich Drugs yet it hath no Oyle nor any other parts of Germany It hath many rich mines the chiefe whereof are in the Countries of Cromelaw Budeveisz and Kuttenberg Also neere the Towne Beraun there are Iron Mines And in other parts it hath Tinne Leade and Brasse And moreover it hath Carbuncles and Amethists which are taken out of the Oare Moreover there are great store of wilde Beasts for hunting as Foxes Beares Harts and wilde Oxen which they call in their language Lomi And they report that this wilde Beast Lomi when hee is hunted filleth a Bladder which hee hath beneath his necke with hot water and therewithall hee sprinckles the Dogs that follow him which burneth whatsoever it toucheth like scalding water so that it will make the hayre and skin come of This Country was governed at first by a Duke The first Duke was Zechus who comming out of Crotia did first establish this Country of Bohemia After him succeeded Crocus and his Daughter Labussa with her Husband Primislaus after him Nimislaus and his Nephew Mnato and Vrislaus the Sonne of Mnato also Necla Noctericus and Borsinous In whose time Bohemia received the Christian faith in the yeere 900. in the time of THE KINGDOME AND ELECTORSHIP OF BOHEMIA BOHEMIA the Emperour Arnulph but in the yeere of our Lord 1086. Bohemia was made a Kingdome and in the Counsell at Moguntine Vratisslaus the first was created King by the Emperour Henry the fourth and Gilbert Bishop of Trevers was sent to Prague to annoynt the King in the presence of the people and to invest him with the Royall ornaments his wife also Swatana was crowned Queene But afterward it fell to bee a Dukedome againe when it came to Vratislaus the fourth who for his service in the Mediolanian expedition was created by the Emperour Frederick King of Bohemia and an associate in the Empire and had given him for his armes a red Lyon with a forked tayle in a white Field from whom some Emperours discended after that Bis●tislaus had carried away Iutha the Daughter of the Emperour Otho the II. whence they began to bee a kinne to the Emperours The King of Bohemia is one of the seven Electors Bohemia hath some Citties which are subject to the King and some to the Lords and Nobles The chiefe Citty is Prague which was walled about by Primistaus the third Duke of Bohemia and his wife Libusla It hath the Castle V●segradum or Herschin which is seated on a Mountaine The whole Citty is divided into three Citties the Higher the New and the Lesse The River Muldavia doth seperate old Prague from the new in which there is a Castle and the Cathedrall Church of Saint Vitus and these two parts of the Citty are joyned together with a stone Bridge of 24. Arches which was built by King Vladislaus The Emperour ●harles the IV. and the King of Bohemia did much adorne and enlarge this Citty The Castle standeth on a very steepe Hill In the Church of the Castle there is an Alablaster Monument wrought with curious workmanship in which divers Princes and Emperours have beene buryed Ptolomy would have it call'd Casurges Aventinus Ma●●budum and Strabo Bubienum In the yeere 1370. King Charles erected here an Academy or Vniversity which continued untill the yeere 1308. And afterward by reason of a faction which arose it was translated to Lapsia The Citty Egra is situated in the first entrance into Bohemia which was so named from the River Egra by which it was seated It was heretofore subject to the Romane Empire but now to the Kingdome of Bohemia It is faire and beautifull within it hath faire houses and civill courteous and magnificent Citizens And without it hath pleasant Orchards and fruitfull Fields and a River full of Fish This Citty is famous for a kinde of drinke called Mede which is made of Honey The chiefe Townes of Bohemia towards Moravia are Mutha Chrudima Hradecium Pardubitium Litomossium and from thence toward Noricia there are Glatovia Dornazlicium Misa and Tacovia On the South side the chiefe Townes are Budvicium Crum●●via Trebonia Hadrecium Hencici and on that side which is toward Misma it hath these Townes Pons Cadana Chomutavia and Austio And these Townes are neere the confines of Sl●●ia Hiaromirium Gla●●um
call by divers name on the West there is Gastein ●aurn Villacher Taurn Rastatter Taurn and Karn●n Taurn But some of the Alpes doe keepe their owne names as Modringalbin Serbisalbin Sanalbin c. Dietzperg hangeth over the River Dravus and above it there is the Mountaine Argentatus which the Inhabitants call Silber Berg in the Mountaine Rasperg there are the Fountaines and Spring-heads of the Rivers Mura and Isara the one running Southward the other Eastward And betweene these high Hills of Taurus and the Alpes there are many woods which are parts of the wood Hercynia as Hirschpuhl Priewalt Adelwaldt Eremus commonly called in der Einod The aforesaid Alpes have Gold Silver and Iron in them Concerning the Ecclesiasticall government it is devided as Paracelsus saith betweene the Bishop of Saltzburg and the Patriarch of Aquilegium Munster in his third Booke of Cosmographie and Pius 2. in his Europe doth describe a strange custome which they have in inaugurating their Princes THE KINGDOME OF POLAND· POLAND was so called from the Planesse of the Country which they themselves call Pole It is a very great Country on the North side it hath Borussia and Pomerania on the East Massovia and Lithuania on the South it is enclosed with the Mountaines of Russia and Hungaria on the West it hath Lusatia Silesia and Moravia it is 480. Miles long and three hundred broade The ayre of this Country is pure but the Winters are cold and sharpe All the Country is plaine and yeeldeth good store of Barley Wheate and Pulse It hath abundance of fruites Waxe Honey and Butter It hath also great store of Salt which is digged out of the earth I and there are in these Mountaines Mines of Brasse which the inhabitants call Tatri and also Mines of Brimstone It hath also great store of Cattell so that Saxonie and many Countries of Germanie doe live by Poland Oxen. There is great variety of living creatures and great store of cattell and wild beasts It hath wild Oxen Buffones Bulls and wild Horses and Ounces and the like There are also great store of foule for Hawking Poland was dignified with the title of a Kingdome in the yeare 1001. in the raigne of Boleslaus Chabri who received his royall Diadem from the Emperour Otto the third But 77. yeares after in the raigne of Boleslaus Audaci or the bold who cruelly murdered Stanislaus Bishop of Cracovia the Pope devested it of that dignity and tooke it away And it was made a Kingdome againe in the yeare 1295. and Primislaus the second Duke of the greater Poland and Pomerania was elected King This Country is divided into the greater and lesser Poland The greater is more Northward and the River doth part it in the middle The lesser is Southward and the River Vistula runneth through it In the greater Poland the principall Cities are these Posnania by the Rivers Varta and Prosna it is situate betweene the Hills and walled with a double wall it hath many faire tiled or slated houses the Suburbs are large on the farther banke of the River Varta encompassed with a great Lake and Marshes it hath every yeare two famous Faires and it is a Bishops seate It hath these Townes under it Koscien among the Marshes which is 7. Miles distant Also Meidzyrzexze in which the houses are built all of wood and it is neere to Silesia and Pomerania Also Ostresow which is situate on a plaine betweene the Woods and the Townes Wschow Sremick Prenez and Rogozno Calisia is a walled Citie among the Marshes the River Prosna runneth by it and there are some ruines of a Castell Vnder this Citie there are Gnesna Pizary Wartha Noklo Land Konin Slupeza and Kolo Gnesna is walled about and seated on a Plaine betweene Lakes and Hills This Citie was first built by Lechus in which Boleslaus THE KINGDOME OF POLAND· POLONIA et SILESIA Chabri Prince of Poland received the Royall Diadem from the Emperour Otto the third which the Kings of Poland doe still enjoy Siradia is a Citie built of wood walled about and seated on a Plaine Vnder it there are the Cities Vielunia Sadeck Petricovia Rosprza and Spicimiria Petricovia is seated in a moorish ground Lancisia is a pleasant Citie walled about and seated on a plaine Vnder it there are Orlovia Piatec Bresma Kornazew Biechow and some other Townes Cuiauia or Vladislauia is a faire Citie and it hath under it Bistgostia by the navigable River Buda by which commodities are transported out of Poland into Vistula Brestia hath under it Radziciow Crusphicia and Cowalow Crusphisia is the chiefe Citie of all Poland next to Gnes●a it is built of wood with a brick Castell and it is seated by the Lake Goplo out of which Lake Mice heretofore came forth who by the just judgement of God did devoure Pompil●us Prince of Poland in that Castle Raua is a woodden Citie by the River Raua it hath under it these Townes Sochaczouia Gostinin and Gamh●● Ploozko is a pleasant Cittie seated on a Hill by the River Vistula it is a Bishops seate under it there are Bielsko Raczyayaz Steperoz Stre●sko Mlawa Plonsko and Radzanow Dobrinta is situated on a rock by the River Vistula it had a Castle which the Crucigerans did demolish Vnder it there are 〈◊〉 Ripin and Gorzno In the lesser Poland there are these Principall Cit●ties Cracovia Sandomiria and Lublinum Cracovia is built on a Plaine by the River Vistula Peter Appiarus supposeth it to be the same which Ptolomy calls Carrodunum being walled with a double wall It hath a Castle on a high rock which they call Vanel In this Citty the King of Poland keepe their residence and are buryed It hath also a Vniversity famous for study and Arts. But the Cracovians have no chiefe Advocate so that the King himselfe is the Praetor of Cracovia There are three Cities neere unto Cracovia Clepardia Stradonia and Casimiria It hath two Dukedomes under it Biecz Wonincz Sandecz Lelow K●yaz and Proszovice Sandomirta is a principall Cittie walled about being situated on a Hill by the River Vistula 22. Miles distant from Cracovia It hath an ancient Castle well fortified Vnder which is Che●●●y seated on a Plaine and famous for Mines of Blew in which there is also some silver found also Korzin Wislicia Pilzno Opoczno Radomia P●●onieck Zannichost Zarnow and Mologost Lublinum is a chiefe Citty well-fortified with a wall and a Castle In which there are yearely three Faires to which both Turkes Armenians Graecians Germanes Moschovites Lithuanians and others doe resort the River B●sterra doth runne by the Castle Vnder it there are Vrzendow Lulow Parc●● and Casimiria Moreover the Kingdome of Poland hath many Lakes in which there are all sorts of Fish It is watered also with many faire Rivers the chiefe whereof is Vandalus or Vistula which the Germanes call De Wixel The next are Chronus now called Pregell Nyennien Ruhon Viadrus Varta Tyras now called Nyester Hypanis now Bugh Borysthenes now Nyeper
there are also many other small Rivers There are almost no Mountaines except Southward where it is parted from Hu●gary by the Sarmatian and Carpathian Mountaines which the inhabitants call Taury The Country is full of woods which are parts of the wood Hercinia But so much hitherto The Politick state of the Kingdome of Poland hath 2. Members The first are the Clergie in which are the two Archbishopricks of Gnesna and Leopolis The Bishops of Cracovia of Ploczko of Chelma Vladislavia Pomesania Varmia Culma and Sambiensis Posnonia Proemislia Cavenez Vilna Medincque Luceoria In Livonia the Bishops of Riga Dirpta Absel and Revalia Secondly the Nobles in which there are Castellanus Cracowvia the Palatine of Cracovia Posnania Sandomiria Kalischy Siradia Lancisa Brezeste Inowladislavia Russia Podalia Lublin Belze Plocense Mozavia Rava Also in Lithuania the Palatines of Vilna of Trochy Poletsho Novogrod and Vitellia Also in Prussia the Palitnes of Culma Marienbourg Pomerania The Counts are of P●snania Sand miria Kalische Voinice Gnesne Siradi● Lancise Brizeste Inowladeslavia Leopolis Camenezia Lublin Belze Plocense Geine Ravense Sandecia Myedzeris Vis●icie Biece Rogostia Radom Zawichost Land●nse Streme Zarnowe Mologost Vi●lune Premis●ia Haine Sa●●e Chelme Dobrine Polane●ce Premetense Criswinense Czecovia Nacle Rospirie Byechov●a Bydgostia Brezezine Crininice Osvecimense Camenetz Spicimirie Inowlodense Revalia Zavoloo Sachazonia Vasovia Gostine Visne Raciez Sieprecense Wisogrod Riprin Zabrochzinense Circhanouia Livense In Lithuania there are old Palatines of Vilna and Trochi In Prussia of Culma Elbingen and Pomerania There are many Captaines in the Kingdome of Poland And two Mars-halls of the Kingdome and the Court. The Ecclesiastick doth consist of these Archbishops Bishops aforesaid The Noble men are very sharpe witted and they doe travell into forraigne Countries to get knowledge and languages They are couragious and doe not feare the stoutest Enemie and if the Nobles doe wrong them all their kinsfolkes and friends doe joyne with them to revenge it and doe never cease untill they have revengd it or lost their owne lives Lastly they are not so liberal as Prodigall both in Banqueting and imoderate guifts and also in keeping a great retinew or number of Servants whom they cloth and feede SILESIA ANd so much concerning the Kingdome of Poland Silesia remaineth which I will briefely unfold It was so called from a River of the same name as Conradus Celtes witnesseth Others have other derivations It is bounderd on the North and East with Polonia on the South with Moravia and the Wood Hercynia on the West with part of Lusitia and Bohemia It is 200. Mile long and 80. broade Though the ayre be somewhat cold yet it is milde and gentle The Country in regard it is watered with many Brookes and Rivers is very fruitfull in most places and it hath in some parts Veines of Gold Silver Lead and Iron it yeeldeth also clothing for it selfe and many other Countries beside The Citties are well inhabited and adorned with Lawes and good Arts. The Metropolis thereof is Vratislavia some would have it to be that which Ptolomie cals Budorchis it is comonly call'd Breslaw Duglossus writeth that it was built by Mieslaus Duke of Polonia a little before the yeere of Christ 1000. And 40. yeeres afterward it was adorned with a Bishoprick by Casimirus King of Poland and it encreased so much that the Bishops of this Citty were called the golden Bishops in regard of their wealth and riches In the yeere 1341. it was burnt downe But the Emperour Charles the third made it in stead of Brick of Gold On the Steeple of St. Elizabeths Church there is this Inscription Mirabilis in altis Dominus The Situation the beauty of the Houses Towers and Churches the faire Bridges and large Streets doe much set forth this Citty Nissa is an Episcopall Citty There are besides in this Country 15. Dukes Lignicensis Bregensis Teschinensis Monsterbergensis Olsvicensis and Beoustadiensis and three ancient Families namely Ligvicensis Teschinensis and Monsterbergensis Tropaviensis Opeliensis Nissensis Vratislavensis or Breslauw Swidnisensis Hurensis Glagoviensis Ratibonensis and Sagonensis But these latter honours the Kings of Bohemia since the decease of their Lords have gotten There are three Baronyes namely of Trachenberg of Vertenberg and Plessensis The Kings high Court in Silesia is kept at Vratislavia where there is a Bishops seate as also at Kissa Viadrus runneth thorow this Country into which many Rivers and Streames doe flow as Elsa Ola Bobrus Barusins and others POLAND POLAND which is situate in the Europian Sarmatia is both long and wide and doth take up a great part of it it was so called from the Fields and plaine ground for Pole signifies as much as Plaine it is a very great Country having on the North Borussia and Pomerania on the East Massovia and Lithuania on the South Russia and the Mountaines of Hungaria on the West Lusatia Silesia and Moravia It is devided into the greater and lesser Poland The greater is more Northward and the River Varta runneth thorow the middle of it The lesser is Southward and the River Vistula glideth thorow it The Polanders are descended from the Sclavonians as Neugebaverus witnesseth Lib. Rer. Polonicar and their Kingdome was never so large as it is now because the great Dukedome of Lituania Livonia are joyned unto it albeit the King of Swethland hath lately gotten a great part of these Provinces It reacheth from the River Notes Obrá which doe devide it from Marchia and from the River Odera which doth part it from Silesia even to Beresaia and Borysthenes which seperateth it from Moscovia and so it extendeth West and East 120. Germane miles and as much from the farthest part of Livonia to the confines of Hungarie And so being of a round forme it is very wide and capacious There are in the greater Poland these principall Citties Posnavia built by the Rivers Varta and Prosna betweene the Hills with a double wall it hath faire slated Houses and great Suburbs by the farther banke of the River Varta being encompassed with a great Lake and Marshes and having two famous Faires every yeere it is a Bishops seate and hath many Townes under it Calisia is a walled Citty among the Marshes by which the River Prosna runneth It had sometime a strong well fortified Castle as the ruines doe testifie there are other Townes also subject unto it Gnesna is walled about being situate in a Plaine betweene Lakes and Hills and it is an Archbishops seate This Citty was first built by Lechus in which Boleslaus Chabri Prince of Polonia received the royall Diadem from the Emperor Otto the III. when before that time Poland was onely a Dukedome Siradia is a woodden Citty walled and seated on a Plaine it hath a strong Castle by the River Varta This Citty was honoured with the title of a Dukedome which dignity belonged to the Kings second Sonne It hath also many Townes under it among which is Petricovia which was heretofore of great
note where the Sessions for the whole Kingdome were wont to bee held which are now translated to Warsavia Lancicia is a pleasant Citty seated on a Plaine and walled about having a walled Castle on a Rocke by which the River Bísura glideth Cujavia or Vladislavia is a faire Citty being a Bishops seate Bidgostia is subject unto it which is seated by the navigable River Buda Brestia hath under it Radzieiow Crusphicia and Cowalow Crusphicia is the chiefe Citty of Poland next to Gnesna it is built of wood with a slated Castle by the Lake Golpo Rava is a wodden Citty situate by a River of the same name Ploczko is a pleasant Citty seated on a Hill by the River Vistula in which there was a Castle which the Crucigerians did demolish In the lesser Polonia the chiefe Citties are these Cracovia Sandomiria and Lublinum Cracovia is built on a Plaine neere the River Vistula being fortified with a double wall and a deep ditch It hath a Castle on a high Rock● which they call Vanel in this Citty the Kings of Poland keepe their residence and are buried It hath a famous Schoole for the study of Philosophie The Castellanus of Cracovia taketh place of the Palatine in the Senate but in other Provinces the Palatine is preferd before the Castellanus Moreover there are three Citties neere unto Cracovia Clepardia Stradomia and Cassimiria It hath two Dukedomes under it Zarocensis and Oswiecimensis It hath many Townes under it Sandomiria is a principall Citty walled about and situate on a Hill by the River Vistula being 22. miles distant from Cracovia It hath an ancient Castle well fortified under it there are Checiny in a Plaine which is famous for Mines of Blue in which there is Silver also found also Korezin Malogast and other Townes Lublinum is a Citty beyond Vistula being fortified with a Wall a Ditch a Lake and a Castle In which there are 3. Faires every yeere unto which both Turkes Armenians Grecians Germanes Muscovites and Lithuavians doe resort The Iewes doe ininhabite a great part of the Suburbs and have a Sinagogue there The River Bystizna doth runne by the Castle Poland as we said before is a plaine Country the most part of it is coverd with Woods and it yeeldeth good store of Barley Wheate and Pulse It hath abundance of Cattle It hath Lakes which are full of all kindes of Fish The chiefe Rivers are Vistula Viadrus commonly called Odera Tyres now Niester Hypanis which is called Bugh Vistula now called die Weixel was heretofore called Vandalus some call it Issula and Vissula This River riseth in the Carpathian Mountaines and before it commeth to Cracovia it is enlarged by the receit of many Rivers and afterward being growne very deepe and broad before it come to Dantiscum it dischargeth it selfe into the Codan Bay Boristhenes so well knowne of old is now called Nieper It hath a few Mountaines and those Southward where it looketh toward Hungaria The State of the Kingdome consisteth of the Clergie and Nobles The Ecclesiastick Order hath two Bishops the Bishop of Ghesnia who is Primate of the Kingdome who doth also crowne the King and the Bishop of Leopolis in blacke Russia The Bishops are of Cracovia in lesser Poland the Bishop of Posnia in the greater Poland and in other Provinces the Bishops Plocensis Chelmensis Vilnensis Kioviensis Lucensis Ianoucensis Samogitiensis Warmensis Culmensis Sambiensis Pomasaniensis Rigensis and others The Politick order of the Nobles hath 26. Palatines 60. Counts 4. Marshals a Chancellor and a Vicechancellor two Generals or Captaines in the lesser Poland there are forty common Captaines in the greater 30. in Massovia 12. So that the Kings when occasion requires can raise 200000. Nobles He that desires to know more concerning the state of this Kingdome let him have recourse to Stanislaus Kizistanowie his POLAND POLONIA description of the State of the Kingdome of Poland or to Guagninus or Boterus their description of Germany and Neugebaverus his Polonian History There are also in Poland Mines of Salt by Bochnia and Veliscus which doe exceed all others Veliscum is 8. miles distant from Cracovia Bochina is a faire Towne with a Castle where the Governour of rhe Saltpits dwels who is called Zupparius The Country round about is barren but this Country maketh a greater revenue out of these Mines then some Countries doe out of Gold and Silver Mines The people of Poland especially the Nobles doe now differ much from the Scythian barbarisme of the ancient Sarmatians They have no Robberies so that in Summer time they ride in Waggons and in Winter time in Coaches safely and without danger Most of the Nobility are very sharpe witted and doe get experience and languages by travelling into forraine Countries They are couragious and will not shun the stoutest enemy if any one bee wronged by the Nobles all their kindred and friends doe joyne together in revenging it and doe never cease untill they have revenged it or lost their owne lives Lastly they are not so liberall as prodigall both in their frequent Banquets and in the great retinue and number of Servants which they keepe and clothe THE KINGDOME OF HVNGARY HUNGARIA commonly called Hongeren which name it received from the Huns or Hungarians who came out of Scythia and did inhabit it doth containe Pannonia and the Countries of Iazigus and the Dacians beyond Danubius On the South it hath the River Savus which devideth it from Croatia and Servia which are a part of Illyrici over against the Adriatick Sea On the North it hath Poland and Russia which are disjoyned by the Mountaine Carpatus On the West it hath Austria which was heretofore the head of the higher Pannonia together with Moravia and Styria on the East Mysia which they now call Rhetiana It is an excellent Country both for the goodnesse of the soyle and the pleasantnesse of the Situation The Country is very fruitfull and fertill and yeeldeth Pearles Gold Silver Colours and Salt which are to be digged out of the Earth It hath abundance of Grasse Wheate Pulse and Fruit. That Country which is by Danubius doth yeeld excellent wine even from the Country of the five Churches to Taurunus or Belgrad But there is no Oyle and excepting that it is adorned with all the gifts of nature It hath divers kindes of living Creatures having such great plenty both of Oxen and Sheepe that great Droves are carried into other Countries especially into Italy and Germany It hath also abundance of wilde beasts as Hares Does Goats Harts Wolves Beares and the like And also great store of Birds especially Thrushes Partridges and Pheasants The Paeonians or Pannonians did first inhabit this Country afterward the Gothes who were expulsed by the Huns and the Huns by the Longobards who were seated here 13. yeeres But the Huns came in againe under the conduct of their Captaine Attila after whose death Charles the Great tooke it into his owne possession But in the yeere 700. the Huns
comming out of Scythia in the Raigne of the Emperour Arnulph possessed those parts being Pagans untill King Stephen whom they called the holy was inaugurated and made King And after him even untill our times Hungary did professe the Christian Religion Hungary doth containe all the whole Country of Iazigus Metanastarum which Ptolemy circumscribeth or boundeth with Danubius ●ibiscus and the Sarmatian Mountaines There are some ruines yet remaining which by contracting the word are commonly called ●az But they inhabit those parts which Pl●● describeth and their speech differs from the Hungarian language The first King of Hungary after the Christian Religion was established therein was Stephen surnamed the Holy after whom there follow●d his Co●●a Peter his Kinsman Andreas also Bela Salomon Geysa Ladislaus Almus Stephanus the II. Bela Caecus Geysa the II. Stephen the III. Bela the III Emericus Ladislaus the II. and others even untill the time of the Emperour Rudolphus King of Hungary The King of Hungary doth governe his Kingdome by two Magistrates the higher is devided into three Magistrates the first of which governeth the Kingdome in the Kings name in which are the Palatine of the Kingdome who is next to the King and judgeth the King if he be accus'd whom the people of the Kingdome doe chuse neither is it an heriditary office Also the Judge of the Court who is one of the ordinary Judges of the Kingdome The Chancellor who is the Metropolitan of Strigonium who is called the Primate and Secretary of the Kingdome and he hath power to annoynt the King that is chosen and he keepeth the Privie Seale The Master of the Court doth follow the Kings and is one of his Privie Counsell The Master of the Regallities doth judge of all matters concerning Mines of Gold and Saltpits and lastly all matters which appertaine to the Exchequer Secondly those which sit in Judgement of which there are certaine Officials three of greater authority as the Vice-Palatine of the Kingdom the Judge of Personall Presence The Vice-Palatines Protonotary or chiefe Clarke the Vice-Judges Protonotary They are all called Masters and have these assistants or associates joyned to them the Archbishop of Strigoniums Secretary who is called the Secretary of the Exchequer twelve Assistants and some sworne Clarkes Thirdly those that serve the King as the Treasurer the Master of the Bed-chamber the Cup-bearer the Master of the Pantry the Master Porter and other lesser offices Moreover because the Country is large there are severall Judges appointed thorow the Provinces which the Hungarians call Counties And they are these beyond Danubius on the West of the River Tibiscus Posoniensis Nitriensis Cepusiensis Gewinariensis Posthiensis Semliniensis Comariensis Leptoniensis Novigradiensis Abavivariensis Bathiensis V●gensis Traachimensis Barsiensis Hontensis Borsodiensis Bodroghtensis Peregriensis Turoezensis Omuzolis Tornensis Heweciensis Zolnocensis Moramarusiensis Above Danubius on the East of Tibiscus there are Vgoghiensis Bihoriensis Zatmariensis Oradiensis Zabolciensis Temesiensis Betweene the Rivers Danubius and Dravus there are Musunensis Zaladiensis Tolnensis Rhab or Iauriensis Vespriniensis Strigoniensis Soponiensis Albensis Sinigiensis Castriferrensis Pelisiensis Waranlensis Betweene Dravus and the River Savus there are Valkonensis Rifiensis Syrimiensis Warasdiensis Prosegiensis and Zagrabiensis The Ecclesiasticall government belongeth to the two Archbishops of Gran or Strigonia the Popes Legate and Primate of the Kingdome It hath under it Agriensis Vaciensis Nitriensis Quinque Ecclesiensis Vespriniensis who is the Queenes Chancellor and crowneth her and the Bishop Iauriensis commonly called Rab Colosensis or Colotz under whom are Sagabriensis Transilvaniensis Voceadrensis Visemburgensis Sulniensis Cenadiensis or Chonad and Bosnensis All Hungary is devided into the hither-most and the farther The hither-most Hungary doth containe all that Country which is on this side Danubius the farther-most doth containe that Country which is beyond Danubius and Tibiscus THE KINGDOME OF HVNGARY HUNGARIA glideth thorow the middle of it The Metropolis and Mother Citty of this Kingdome is Buda which was so denominated as the most doe suppose from Buda the builder of it who was Brother to King Artila or as others write from the Budines a People of Scythia of whom Herodotus maketh mention If you consider the Situation of this Citty it is seated partly on a Mountaine and fortified with strong Bulwarkes so that it is the strongest and pleasantest Citty in all Hungaria it hath many faire buildings both publike and private It standeth in a fruitfull soyle Soliman the Turkish Emperour tooke it from the Christians in the yeere 1526. on the 20. day of August The Next is Posonium commonly called Prezborgh which is a noble Citty Here the River Leyta deviding the higher Pannonia from the lower doth mingle it selfe with the River Istrus It is an ancient faire Citty having a pleasant ayre and situation and doth therein excell all the Citties of Pannonia It hath Mountaines planted with Vines which are also full of Wood. In the Suburbs it hath a Castle seated on the top of a high Rocke There is also Belg●ad at the meeting or confluence of the Rivers Savus and Danubius it is commonly called Alba Graeca the ancients called it Taurunum and the Germanes Griechs Weissenburgh Soliman the Turke tooke it in the yeere 1520. and having beene before a Towne of defence against the cruell enemy of Christianity now it is the Turkish Emperours seat A little lower downe the River Danubius there is Singidunum which was taken by the Turke in the yeere 1439. In the midst betweene these two Citties there is a Field famous for the victory of Hunniadus against M●homet the Turkish Emperour they call this Field Maxons This Battle was fought in the yeere 1456. Downe the River there are many places where the Christians have received many fatall overthrowes The Citty Valpo was taken in the yeere 1543. Quinque Ecclesiae by Dravus in the yeere 1543. Zigetha was taken in the yeere 1566. Buda wee have mentioned before Strigonium by Danubius commonly called Gran was heretofore an Archbishops seat but it is now in the Turkes hands Alba Regalis or Stulweyssenburg is famous in regard the Kings are crowned and buried here it was taken in the yeere 1543. In the same Country there is Stridon where Saint Hierom was borne There is also the Citty Comara in an Iland of the same name which the Turkes in vaine attempted Iaurinum commonly called Raab is an impregnable Citty by the River Danubius I passe by the other Townes There are also in Hungaria many famous Lakes the chiefe whereof is Balaton which the Germanes call Platze being 40. Italian miles broad and 8. Hungarian miles The chiefest Rivers are Danubius Savus Dravus and Tibiscus the three former are common to other Countries but Tibiscus runneth onely thorow Hungary It riseth in Maramusia in the high cliffes of Carpatus and for plenty of Fish it exceedeth all the Rivers in Hungary for it hath abundance of all kindes of Fish as great Pikes Lampreys and Sturgeons There are also other Rivers
Rosselanian fields in Vmbria are reported to have beene so fruitful that Varro witnesseth Caesar Vopiscus when he pleaded his cause before the Censors said that the Rosean Fields were the Senum Italiae in which if a Pitchforke bee left the day before the grasse will cover it over in one nights growth Varro speaking of the endowments of Italy saith that it produceth all things necessary for food Campania doth yeeld Corne Falernus wine Cassinas Oyle Tusculan Figges Tarrentine Honey and Tiber Fish Moreover Pliny witnesseth that Italy is the Mother of all kindes of Trees I will not mention the Vulgar common sort For here are great store of Orange Trees Lemmon Trees and Quince Trees All the Coast as for example Liguria and that which belongeth to Genoa is adorned and beautified with faire Trees and great high Palme Trees which are full of sweet smelling fruit so that it is pleasant both in sight and scent and it hath every where pleasant Gardens to recreate sad mindes and drive away Melancholy And the same may be said of a thousand other places The same Pliny sheweth that there are Pepper trees in Italy The Hydruntine Country hath abundance of Olives so that he that hath not seene the great Woods of Olive trees which are in these parts would thinke it incredible The Barian Fields in Apulia Peucetia doe bring forth great store of Oyle Wine Corne Almonds and Cotton and other fruits The Valley of On●lia in Liguria hath such great store of Oyle that sometimes it yeeldeth 32. and 22. thousand Jarres which the Inhabitants call Barilas There is also Manna in Italy For Manna is gathered neere Altomontium in Brutia which falleth downe like dew by night especially when the skie is serene and cleare after raine It is gathered from the Leaves of certaine Trees Pliny reporteth that it hath the choisest and best Vines so that it excelleth the most odoriferous Nations of the world for there is no scent to be compared with the delicious smell of the sweet budding Vines As the excellent Wines which are so celebrated and praised by ancient Writers doe testifie Pliny doth devide the Wines of Italy into foure sorts He preferreth the Setine Wines before all others which was so called from Setia a Towne of Latium The next he accounteth to be the Falerne Wine The third he reckneth to be the Albanian the Surrentinian the Massuan the Stanonian the Calenian the Fundanian the Vilitertian the Privernatian and the Signinian Wines The fourth sort are the Pretutian the Anconian and the Palmesian Wines But of these things others doe report I passe to the other gifts of Italy and will describe them briefly It is very fruitfull in producing all kinde of hearbes What should I speake of the Mettals Stones and other gifts Pliny saith that it is inferiour unto no Country for Mettals In Forum Iulium there is the River Hydra and not farre from thence a Mine of Quicksilver Great store of Allom was found heretofore among the Etruscians in the Territory of Masla In Campania there are Mines of Brimstone Three miles from Volaterris toward the River Caecina there are some Hills in which there are Salt-pits At Brutia also there are Salt Mines which are hollowed into the inner parts of the Mountaine with digging forth of Salt I omit the Stone Quarries out of which divers Stones are cut I doe not mention the Marble the Alablaster Chrystall and divers sorts of precious Stones nor the Saffron Blue and Rosen And that I may not be tedious in reckoning up the variety of living creatures Aulus Gellius Lib. 11. Noct. Atticar Cap. 1. Timaeus in his History and M. Terentius Varro in Antiquit. doe report that there are great store of Oxen in Italy and that there are many Buffons bred in this Country Lucillius witnesseth that the great strong Lucanian hearbs did graxe here Quem neque Lucanis oriundi montibus Tauri Ducere pro telo validis cervicibus possent Italy besides other Fowle hath Eagles and Vultures which are so often mentioned in the ancient Romane Histories I come now to the ancient Government There is no indubitable certainty concerning the ancient Government of Italie Annius of Viterbium doth speake of Comer who came first into this Country as a stranger also of Chamus Ianus Sabatius Sagus Cranus Aurunus Malotte Tages Ofrides Hercules Tuscus Alteus Ritis Italus Morgetes Roma Romanessus Iasius and others but approoved Historians doe make no mention of them But if we read Dionysius Halicarnassaeus Pompeus Trogus Solinus Polyhistor and other Greeke and Latine Writers that many yeeres before the building of Rome wee shall finde that Italie was governed by divers people as Sicilians the Aboriginians the Ligurians the Umbrians and the Etrurians which at last were all reduced under the government of the Romane Empire Rome at the first was governed by Kings for 245. yeeres together as Dionysius and Livie doe witnesse whom in the Romane History it is best to follow In whom wee may read the order and progresse of their atchievements and it is to be considered that their power did encrease abroad by military Discipline and at home by moderation and Justice and by the order of government Afterward the Kings for their tyranny and lust were expelled which many times had caused many changes and mutations in the Empire The names of the Kings are these Romulus who raigned 38. yeeres Numa who raigned 43. yeeres Tullus Hostilius who raigned 32. yeeres Aneus Martius who raigned 24. yeeres Tarquinius Priscus who raigned 37. yeeres Servius Tullius who raigned 44. yeeres Tarqu●nius Superbus who raigned 25. yeeres He was expelled the Kingdome for his Sons wicked act who ravished Lucretia But when the Kings were expelled the government became Annuall and two Consuls were created The first of which was L. Iunius Brutus unto whom was joyned Sp. Lucretius Tricipitinus and after him M. Horatius Pulvillus Thus Italie was governed by Consuls untill the time of the Emperour Caesar Fl. Momyllus Augustulus whom Odoacer Herulus King of the Gothes did depose and subverted the Country to himselfe and afterward being slaine he left it to Theoderick his Successors I need not set downe a Catalogue of the Romane Consuls and Emperours which are well knowne And we may read in Histories the forme of the first royall government the changes of Lawes and Magistrates the Romanes valour their warres and their many civill dissentions untill Rome had got the Monarchie of the World and how by luxury civill warres and the fatall vicissitude and change of things it lost againe both vertue and Empire I proceed to other matters Italie hath many faire flourishing rich Citties many famous populous Townes and many Villages adorned with Noblemens houses It will not therefore be impertinent to set downe what Thomas Edwards an Englishman hath written concerning the most famous Citties of Italie Rome's holy by the blood of Saints there shed Rich Venice with the Sea 's encompassed Parthenope doth Captaines stout beget Mediolanum
Citty Sassaris which hath a pleasant soyle watered with many Springs abounding with divers sorts of fruites but it is weakely fortified Algher is a new small Citty but yet populous and strong and adorned with many faire aedifices and buildings the inhabitants whereof are almost all Tarraconians Sardinia hath also other Citties and Townes which for brevitie sake wee omit It hath many pleasant Rivers which are not deepe so that in sommer time you may passe over the bards There are many Magistrates in Sardinia The chiefe is the Viceroy who hath al the Kings authority and according to their ancient lawes none but a Spaniard can beare this office The King doth assigne and appoint him one assistant who is Doctor of both Lawes whom they call there the Regent Moreover hee hath other Counsellors who dispose and order all matters and this Court is called the Kings audience Heretofore it was a priviledge of the Kingdome that no man could beare this office longer than three yeres and then another succeedeth in his place But now one continueth in that office as long as the King pleaseth Concerning the manners and dispositions of the Sadinians they are strong of body and inured to labour except it be some few who are given to effeminacy and wantonesse Many of them doe keepe Cattell and are contented with poore fare and water Those that dwell in the Townes and Villages doe live peaceably and quietly together They love strangers and doe use them kindly They live from hand to mouth and goe in a poore habbit And which is strange there is not one Artificer in all the Iland that can make either Swords Daggers or other weapons so that they fetch them out of Spaine and Italy Mercator mentioneth these Bishops The Archbishop Claritanensis under whom are these Bishops Sulcitanus or Sulciensis Doliensis Suellensis The Archbishop Turitanus under whome are these Bishops Sorrensis Plotanensis Ampuriensis Gifacensis or Girardensis Castrensis Othanensis or Othricensis Bosanensis or Bossa The Archbishop Alborensis under whom are the Bishops of Vssellensis S. Iustia Terra Alba Civitatensis and Gastelliensis are excepted THE KINGDOME OF SICILIE· SICILIE is next to bee described which excelleth all the Ilands of the Mediterranean Sea Thucidides calleth it Sicania from Sicanus who as Solinus and Capella doe write came with a band of Iberians into that Country before the Trojan warres Many doe call it Trinacria and especially the Poets in regard it hath 3. Promontories Or else because it resembleth a Triangle or three cornerd figure for it runneth forth divers wayes with three Promontories and so is like the greeke letter Delta which beareth this shape Δ. These three Promontories are Pelorus Pachynus and Lilybaum The Graecians did call it Sicelia But some suppose Trinacria quondam Mutavere situm rupit confinia Nereus Italiae pars una fuit sed pontus aestus Victor abscissos interluit aequore monteis Trimacria hath her situation chang'd And now the Sea their borders hath estrang'd Heretofore it was a part of Italie From whence 't is now divided by the Sea And hence Rhegium is so called in Italie because Sicilie is there divided from Italie On the North it hath the Tyrrhene Sea on the East the Hadriatick and Ionian Sea on the South the Affrick Sea and on the West the Sardinian Sea Thycydides writeth Lib. 6. that the compasse of Sicile is about 8. dayes journey and yet it lyeth but 20. furlongs from the maine land or continent of Italy Moreover this Iland doth excell for the wholesomenesse of the ayre the fruitfullnesse of the soyle and plenty of all fruite and other things which are necessary for the use of man For it lyeth in the 4. Climate which for the gentlenesse and temperatenesse of the ayre doth exceede the sixe others So that Sicilie produceth the best fruites So that Marcus Cato calleth it the Stoarehouse of the Commonwealth and the Nurse of the Romane People and Strabo the Barne of Rome In the Sunensian fields where the ancients doe faine that Proserpine was tooke away violently which they call the Navell of Italie the Corne yeeldeth so great an increase insomuch that one bushell of Wheate sowed yeeldeth an hundred which field they call therefore Campe dallo cento Salme The Leontine fielde is not inferiour unto this concerning which Cicero saith in his third Oration against Verres Quid Vina commorabo optimi saporis adorisque What should I mention the fragrant pleasant Wines Pliny who was most diligent and curious in reckoning the best sorts of Wines doth affirme that there is excellent good Wine made in Sicilie And hee saith that there is the Balincian Wine in Sicilie which tasteth like Methegling or Wine mingled with honey So that they suppose the Balincian Wine is that which they call Muskadine which is very sweete For both Alpes Muskadine whence so called that is Bees and Muscae that is flies doe haunt these Grapes which are therefore called Muskadine Grapes out of which a sweet pleasant wine is pressed which they call Muskadine though some suppose that it was so called because it smelleth like Muske So that the Wine of Sicilie may be rightly esteemed the best for it is as good as the Italian Wine and as pleasing to the Pallat and will keepe as long Moreover Sicilie hath great store of Oyle Suger Saffron Honey Salt all sorts of fruites and excellent Silke Besides Sicilie is rich in Mettalls for it hath Gold Silver Iron and Allom. It produceth also Pretious stones as the Emerald the Achates the Berill the red Marble stone the Iasper and it hath great heards and flocks of Oxen and Cattell There is excellent hunting of Does and Boares and Hauking at Partridges and Quailes which they commonly call Francolinas And Falcons who are enimies to all flying fowle are taken heere The fierce Lestrigonians did first possesse this Country afterward the Sieanians a Colonie of Spaniards and lastly the Trojans and Cretensians came hither Afterward the Graecians did invade it then the Romanes and after the division of the Easterne and Westerne Empire it was subject to Constantinople almost 200. yeares But in the raigne of the Emperour Iustinian the Gothes invaded this Iland who 17. yeares afterward were expelled and droven out by Belisarius Afterward the Saracens did possesse it under Michael Balbus and held it 400. yeares The Normans succeeded them and afterward the Langbards Suevians and Germanes but they being droven out by Clement the 4. the Frenchmen possessed it 16. yeares Afterward it was subject to the Aragonians untill the raigne of King Ferdinand after whose decease the Kings of Spaine were also Kings of Aragon and Sicilie Pliny reckoneth that there are 72. Citties in it But now there are 173. Citties and Townes as Maginus witnesseth The Metropolis or mother Citty of the Kingdome is Panormus which Ptolomy and others doe call Palernum it is now called Palermo It is an ancient Citty and a Colony of the Phoenicians as
Mediterranean Sea The Ayre and Climate of this Country is various and different In the Spring the ayre is gentle milde and cleare in Summer the heate is most vehement especially in the Moneths of June and July but in Autumne it is somewhat cooler in the Winter the cold is somewhat sharpe especially about December and January but it is but in the morning onely so that no man is compelled thorow cold to come to the fire The end of Autumne and all the Winter and a good part of the Spring hath great store of impetuo●s and violent windes and stormes And sometimes they are troubled with Hayle Lightning and fearefull Thunder and in some place● there is thick Snow This Country yeeldeth grea● store of Dares and Pomegrants but it hath but little Wheate so that the Inhabitants for the most part doe make Barley bread It hath also great store of other fruit as Cherries Figges Apples Peares Prunes Peaches Apricotts Quinces Olives and the like It hath abundance of Oyle Honey and Sugar and great store of Heards of Cattell and wilde beasts For this Country doth breed Dragons Elephants Goats Bulls or wild Oxen and the like also Lyons and Libbards it hath also Wesils which are as bigge as Cats but that they have not such great jawes and great store of Apes The Phaenicians and others who came out of Asia or Aegypt did first inhabit this Country afterward it was subject to the Romanes then to the Graecian Emperous and afterward to the Vandals Sarazens and Arabians now it is partly subject to the Turke and partly to a S●riti● of it● owne also the King of Spaine hath some Castles BARBARY· BARBARIA in it There are foure Kingdomes in Barbary the Kingdome of Morocco of Fesse of Teleusinum and Tunis unto which some doe adde Barca We will entreate of the two former namely Morocco and Fesse in the following Tables but of the other we will entreate here The Kingdome of Teleusinum which they call Tremisen is Mauritania Caesariensis The length of it from the West to the East is 380. miles The breadth of it is narrower being 25. miles namely from the Desarts of Numidia even to the Mediterranean Sea The most part of this Country is unhabited dry and rugged especially Southward But the Coasts by the Sea side are somewhat more fruitfull and fertile There are few Citties or Castles in it The Metropolis is Teleusina which was heretofore a great Citty but now it is for the most part ruinated In the same Country there is also Algiers a great Citty and well fortified This Citty did first revolt from the King of Telusia●um and paide tribute to the King of Bugia afterward it revolted from him and received Ferdinand King of Spaine to be their King And at last it was taken by Barbarossa and added to the Ottoman Empire it is famous for the Shipwrack of Charles the 5. for the sad captivity and slavery of the Christians and the excursions of the Turkish Pirates It is now so fortified that it is thought to be impregnable Castaldus supposeth that Ptolemy did call this Salden but Ortelius and our Mercator doe thinke that that which Ptolemy called Salden is now called Tadelis ●ovius thinketh it to be Iulia Caesarea and others Crita There are also the Citties Mersalcabir Messagran Mustaganin and others This Kingdome hath two famous Havens the one the Haven of Horamus or Orania with a strong Castle the other of Marsa Eltabirus whether great store of Merchants Ships doe resort especially from Italy both which the King of Spaine got some yeeres agoe to the great detriment and losse of this Kingdome The Kingdome Tunitanum doth containe Affrick the lesse and a great part of Numidia For it reacheth from the River Major which Maginus supposeth to be that which Ptolemy calls Audum even to the River of the Country of Mesrata AEGYPT· AEGYPT is a noble ancient Country which was first inhabited by Misraim the Sonne of Chus Nephew to Cham and Nephew once remoov'd to Noah Wherefore in Osiris sacred rights it was called from Cham Chemia in stead of Chamia as from the other Misraim for the Arabians doe still call it Mesre The Turkes call it Elquibet or Elchebit The bounds of it on the West beyond Nilus are the Desarts of Barch Libya and Numidia with the Kingdome of Nubia On the South it is enclosed with the Bugiensian Country and Nilus where Nilus bendeth his course from the West Eastward Pliny doth bounder it with the Citty Syene which is now called Asna On the East it hath the Desarts of Arabia which lye betweene Aegypt and the red Sea On the North it is enclosed with the Mediterranean Sea which is there called the Aegyptian Sea It seldome raineth in Aegypt and Plato saith that it was never seene to raine in Aegypt so that the ayre is continually serene and cleare whence happily it was formerly called A●ria The Country is wonderfull fruitfull being full of men and all kinde of creatures The River Nilus which runneth thorow the middle of it and doth overflow it every yeere doth so moisten and fatten it so that it is wonderfull fertile and fruitfull Writers have left many Elogies in praise of the fruitfulnesse of this Country Iustine affirmeth that there is no Country more fruitfull than it For saith he there is in Aegypt great store of Wheate Pulse Barly Oates Beanes and other kinde of Graine and also excellent Wine It hath also pleasant Pastures but hath but little Oyle and Wood. Besides wilde beasts of which this Country hath abundance it doth breed great store of tame Cattell as Buffes Oxen Camels Horses Asses Rammes and Goates all which are of a great size as B●l●●i●s witnesseth in regard of the temper of the ayre the abundance of Fother and the sweet Grasse which groweth there by the overflowing of Nilus among the rest there are very fatt great Rams which have a great thick taile that hangeth downe to the very ground and dewe lappes hanging downe under their neck as Oxen have and their wooll is black Moreover all Aegypt did heretofore flourish under divers Kings of divers names even to the Ptolemies for there were few Pha●●es But the Ptolemies raigned a long time even to the Romane Empire which declining Aegypt was governd by the Agarenes of Arab a felix the Prince whereof was called the Sultan and those that followed him were also called Sultanes being all Mahometans they raigned many yeeres untill they were expulsed by the Turkes But now Soliman the great Turke doth possesse all Aegypt and leaveth there a President who is called the B●xa of Aegypt Alexander of Macedon did devide it into Praefectureships of Townes whereof Herod●tus reckoneth 18. Strabo one more and Ptolemy 46. Pliny 50. who also addeth that some of them had changed their names so that it is not to be imagined that there were heretofore so many Praefectureships of Aegypt as are nominated in Historians seeing there might
of Barley Millet Vetches Beanes and other Pulse It hath abundance of Ebon wood and Indian Pepper Cinamon and Ginger It hath also great store of Sugar Canes but they know not how to boyle and refine the Sugar Here are many Vines but they use no Wine except it be in the Kings or the great Patriarks Court It hath also great store of Oranges and Lemmons and also great store of Honey For Bees doe breed even in their houses So that they make such store of Waxe as serveth all the Country to make Candles without Tallow or Suet. This Country hath also Hempe and Flaxe but the Inhabitants have not the Art to make Linnen THE DVKEDOME OF THE ABISSINES· ABISSINORUM REGNŪ cloth of it and therefore they make their cloth of Cotton wooll of which there is great store here They have Mettals as Gold Silver and Brasse but they have not the art to refine it Moreover this Country hath all kindes of Beasts and Birds as Elephants Lions Tigers Leopards Rhinocerites Apes and Harts which is against the opinion of the ancients who deny that Affrick hath any Harts also Oxen Sheepe Goates Asses Cammels Horses and they are oftentimes much troubled with Locusts This Country was heretofore governd onely by Queenes So that wee read in the Old Testament that the Queene of Sheba of the South came to King Salomon to heare his admirable wisedome about the yeere of the world 2954. This Queenes name was Maqueda The Aethiopian Kings doe beleeve that they are descended of the Stock of David and the Family of Salomon And therefore they are wont to stile themselves the Sonnes of David and Salomon and of the holy Patriarcks because they are come of their Seed For they doe faine that the aforesaid Queene Maqueda had a Sonne by Salomon whom they called Meilech And afterward he was called David He according to their fiction when he had attained to 20. yeeres of age was sent by his Mother to his Father Salomon that he might instruct him in all profitable and wholesome learning and wisdome Which as soone as Meilech or David had attained unto he chose many Priests and Earles out of every one of the 12. Tribes and so returning back to the Kingdome of Aethiope he tooke upon him the government thereof And hee brought in with him the old Law and Circumcision These were the first beginnings of the Jewes Religion in Aethiopia and they say that untill this day there are none admitted to any Office in Court or Canonicall place unlesse he be descended from the Jewes And by them the knowledge of God was propagated in Aethiopia and tooke roote and so was derived and spred abroad by succeeding ages For the Aethiopians had the Bookes of the Prophets and went to Hierusalem to adore and worship the true God of Israel Which may bee understood by the story of Queene Iudiths Eunuch who is properly called Iudith For hee 10. yeeres after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ came 240. miles journey to Ierusalem And when he had there worshipped God and was returning home sitting in his Chariot he read the Prophet Esaiah And so Philip one of Christs Disciples by Gods command was sent unto him And when they came both to the Citty Bethzur three Miles from Ierusalem there the Eunuch spyed a Spring or Well at the foote of the Mountaine with the water whereof he was baptized by Philip. But as soone as the Eunuch returned into Aethiopia he baptized the Queene and a great part of her houshold and people From which time the Aethiopians began to be Christians and alwaies afterward profest the Christian Faith There are few Citties in all this Empire so that they dwell in Villages The chiefe Kingdomes belonging to the higher Aethiopia which are for the most part subject to Prester Iohn are these following The Kingdome of Barnagues which is enclosed with the River Abanthus and the red Sea the chiefe Citty is Beroae or Barnae which Ptolemy calls Colone here the Viceroy liveth who payeth yeerely to the King of the Abissines an 150. Horses for a trib●te with silke and other commodities and 1000. Ounces of Gold to the Turkes Bashaw Tigremaon which is next unto the River Marabus and the red Sea doth pay yeerely to the King 200. Horses which are brought out of Arabia Unto this Kingdome the Kingdome of Tigrai is subject in which there is the Citty Caxumo or Cassume which was heretofore the Seate as appeareth by their Annalls of the Queene of Sheba and afterward of Queene Candaces The Kingdome of Angote hath no money and therefore they use in stead thereof pieces of Salt and Iron Amara is so called from the Mountaine in which the Emperours Sonnes are kept with a strong Garrison that after the Emperours decease the Heire may be brought out There are two memorable Rivers in this Kingdome which doe glide thorow Aethiopia Abanhi which Ptolemy calls Astapus and Tacassi which Ptolemy calls Astraboras into which many other Rivers doe runne The Fountaine of Abanhi is the great Lake of Barcena lying under the Aequinoctiall in which there are many Ilands This Lake Ptolemy calls Coloe Palus or the Lake Coloe The Inhabitants doe professe the Christian Religion and the chiefe Articles of their Faith are these They beleeve in one God Creator of Heaven and Earth distinguisht into three Persons God the Sonne begotten of the Father from all Aeternity who for our sakes tooke flesh upon him was dead and rose againe and God the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne This is the summe of their Religion They doe joyne the Old Testament with ●he New so that they follow some Judaicall and some Christian Rites and Ceremonies On the eight day they circumcise all their Infants both Male and Female But they thinke that Circumcision availeth nothing to salvation but onely Faith in Christ Jesus But they baptize their Male children on the 40. day and their Females on the 80. day unlesse the weakenesse of the childe doe require haste They every yeere baptize them anew both those that are come to ripenesse of yeeres and also Infants saying these words Ego te baptizo in nomine Patris Filij Spiritus Sancti That is I baptize thee in the Name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost And they doe religiously keepe this custome from their Ancestors not to extenuate or weaken the first baptisme but that they may have absolution from their sinnes every yeere They receive the Lords Supper sub utraque specie or in both kindes both the Lay-people and the Clergie They doe not esteeme or use Confirmation and extreme Unction as a Sacrament They keepe the Sabbath and the Lords day without doing any worke according to the ancient manner of the Christians They hold that the chiefe use of the Law is to shew us our sinnes and they beleeve that wee can bee saved by no other but Jesus Christ who fulfilled and satisfied the
●dumaea It was so called from Iudah which was the chiefe Tribe in which there were many Citties and Townes but the fairest of them all was Hierusalem the Metropolis of Iudaea and the most famous Citty in the World In Ptolemies time it was called Ae●ia Capatolia and now the barbarous Inhabitants doe call it Coz or Godz or Chutz There are also other Townes and famous places in Iudaea beside Hierusalem as Iericho Ioppe which is now called I●ffa Stratoes Towre afterward call Caesars Towre also Bethlehem Chebron or Hebron before called Arbee and Mambre and Cariatharbe that is the Citty of foure men And the Towne Macherus with a strong Castle beyond Iordane ●ere were also Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed for their abominable wickednesse Samaria followeth which is situate in the middle betweene Iudaea and Galile It was so called from the Metropolis of the same name which Amri King of Israel built it is now called Sebaste here are these Townes Sichem afterward called Neapolis also Capernaum Bethsaida and Chorazin Galiley is situate beweene the Mountaine Liba●us and Samaria and it is devided into the higher and the lower the higher is otherwise call'd the Galiley of the Gentiles neere to Tyre The lower is situate by the Sea of Tiberias or Genezareth The Citties in it are Naim Cana Nazareth and Gadara Butthe whole Country is situate betweene two Seas and the River Iordane It hath many Lakes which are Navigable and have great store of good Fish But the Riuer Iordane which the Hebrewes call Iarden runneth thorow all the length of this Country This River as Hierome writeth issueth from two Fountaines not farre distant one from another namely ●or and Dan and afterward these two forked streames joyning together doe make the River Iordan It hath two chiefe Mountaines Hermon on the East and Tabor on the West which are very high and all the other Mountaines are but armes and parts of them For Ebal Bethoron and Misha or Maspha and Be●el by Hermon Gelboe Gerizim Sarona and lastly Carmel neere to the Sea are but part of the Mountaine Tabor There are also these Mountaines Mount Sion Mount Moriah Mount Olivet Mount Calvary and others It hath also many Woods Wildernesses and Groves Here are many faire buildings and especially at Hierusalem But of all those workes which were famous in ancient time the chiefe is Mons Domus and the Jebusians Tower into which King David carried the Arke of the Lord and there is continued untill Salomons Temple was built and consecrated of which there are some ruines yet remaining where it is thought that Christ supped at the time of the Passeover There are also some Monuments of David and the Kingdome of Iudah There was also Davids House which is still preserved and called by the name of Davids Tower Here also some ruines of Mello at the farthest part of the Mountaine Moriah Here was Salomons famous Temple which was 7. yeeres building and had 50000. men working daily at it Concerning the magnificence and statelinesse whereof you may reade in Lib. 1. of the Kings Cap. 6.7 Chron. Lib. 2. Cap. 3. 4. Concerning their Lawes and Customes for brevity sake I will adde nothing but referre the Reader to the Bookes of Moyses Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy ASIA THE LESSE VVHICH IS NOVV CALLED NATOLIA ASIA the lesse so called to distinguish it from the greater is now to be described for so the Romanes when they made a Province did call it after the name of the Continent The Turkes doe call it now Natolia or A●atolia as if you should say the East Country from the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies the East which Peter Bellonius sheweth in his learned observations of his travels And it is called of late the greater Turky Marius Niger delivers that the Low-Country-men call it new Turky and the Barbarians Rom namely the Northerne part which containeth Bithynia Galatia and Cappadocia But they call the Southerne Country in which are Licia Cicilie and Pamphilia Cottomanid●a The bounds of this Country on the East is the River Euphrates on the South the Mediterranean Sea on the West the Aegean Sea or the Archipelagus of Greece on the North it is washed with the Euxine Sea and the greater Sea It containeth therefore all that Chersonesus which lyeth betweene the Euxine the Cilician and Pamphilian Sea The breadth of it according to Pliny is about 200. miles namely from the Isacan Bay now called Golfo de Lajazzo and the Amanian Haven even to Trapezuntes which is on the Sea Coast in which he consenteth with Herodotus who saith that the Isthmus of the lesser Asia is 5. dayes journey This Country is not inferiour to any other both for the gentle temperatenesse of the ayre and the fertility and goodnesse of the soyle Which Cicero witnesseth in these words The Custome and Revenues of other Provinces O Citizens are so small that we are not content to undertake the defence of the Provinces for them But Asia is so fat and fruitfull that it excelleth all other Countries both for the fertility of the Fields the variety of Fruits faire Pastures and divers commodities which are exported from thence So that it was heretofore enriched with fruitfull Fields fatt Pastures and Gold-bearing Rivers Besides it hath all things that can be desired wanting nothing but is content with her owne commodities It hath great store of Wine and Oyle But it hath one shrewd inconvenience which is that it is often troubled with Earth-quakes so that Citties are over-throwne by them as in the raigne of Tiberius Caesar 12. Citties in Asia fell downe in one night as Pliny reporteth Lib. 2. In this Asia there were heretofore the great Kingdomes of the Trajans of Craesus Mithridates Antiochus of the Paphlagonians Galatians Cappadocians and others It was first governed by Cyrus King of Persia afterward the Macedons and Alexanders Captaines together with Syria Aegypt and Babylon did devide it amongst themselves afterwards it was wasted by the Romanes and then by the Turkes so that it hath now nothing memorable in it and it is all subject to the Turkish Emperour Here are no Nobility THE LESSER ASIA· PEREGRINATIO PAULI In qua omnis loca querit●● fit 〈◊〉 in actis et epistolis Apostolorum et Apocal●psi describunt●● by blood or descent but all are equall and the great Turke uses them as slaves who hath here his Beglerbeys and Sangiacks in divers Countries and Provinces Natolia containeth these Countries Pontus Bithynia Asia properly so called Lycia Galatia Pamphilia Cappadocia Cil●cia and the lesser Armenia Pontus and Bithynia were heretofore devided and parted by the little River Sagaris flowing between them afterward they were reduced into one Province which is now called Birsia or Be●sangial It was heretofore Mithridates his Kingdome The chiefe Citties are Chalcedon Ni●●media Cerasus Prusa by the Mountaine Olympus where the great Turke kept his residence before he tooke
that there are two Rivers in this Iland Cerus and Neleus which are of divers natures For if beasts drinke out of one of them their haire groweth white but if they drinke of the water of the other River their hide and haire groweth black There is an arme of the Sea which Livie calleth the Euborian Bay which is a violent Sea and floweth and ebb●th 7. times by day and 7. times by night with such a violent course that no Ship can sayle against it There is also the Mountaine ●apha●●us famous for the Shipwrack of the Graecians as they returned from Tr●y and for the death of Pa●amedes at Troy the Sonne of E●ripides N●●plius King of the Eubaean Iland CERIGO PTOLEMIE calls it Cythera Pliny heretofore called it Porpyris and ●u●●a hius calleth it P●rphyrusa from the great store of Porphirie Marbles which i● in the Mountaines It is now called Cerig●●● is th● first Iland of the Aegaean Sea on the West over-against the La●onick 〈◊〉 It 〈◊〉 it from the shoare of Peloponnesus 5. miles and it is 60. miles in compa●se It hath a Towne of the same name and many Havens which are not safe and secure for there are many Rocks which lye scatteringly round about this Iland RHODES· THERE remaineth in this Table the Iland of Rhodes This as Pliny witnesseth was heretofore called Ophtusa Asteria Aethraea Trin●●hia Corimbia A●abiria and Macarta It is distant from the continent of Asia 20. miles The compasse of it is 140. miles It hath a temperate and gentle Ayre and it was consecrate to the Sunne because there is no day wherein the Sunne doth not shine upon it The soyle is fruitfull and the Meddowes fertile and it hath great store of fruit Trees of which many are alwayes greene It hath now but one strong Citty of the same name which is situate in the Easterne part of the Iland partly on a steepe Hill and partly on the Sea Coast It hath a faire and safe Haven and it is well fortified with a double Wall thirteene high Towers five Castles and other Forts and Bulwarkes And it hath an University which heretofore was as famous as that at Massils Athens Alexandria and ●arsus and it had a brazen Colossus of the Sunne which was seventy Cubits high which after it had stood 56. yeeres it was throwne downe by an Earthquake and when it lay on the ground it was a wonderfull sight to behold For a man of a good stature could not fathome or embrace his Thumb And the Fingers were greater than most Statues and when it was broke his Belly did gape like a great Cave This Colossus was making twelve yeeres and three hundred Talents of Brasse went to the making of it and within there were great stones layd that might make the worke stand firme The Sultan laded 700. Camels with the Brasse of this Statue THE KINGDOME OF PERSIA OR THE EMPIRE OF THE SOPHI THE Persian or Sophian Empire as it was renowned heretofore so now also it is very famous The Inhabitants are Persians They are called also Ayami or Azamij from the Kingdome of Azamia which some thinke was heretofore called Assyria they were called Persians from Persides and Cheselbas from the red Cap or Hatt which they used to weare They were called Sophians from Prince Sophos The Kingdome of Persia is situate betweene the Turkish Empire the Tartarians the Zagatheans the Kingdome of Cambaia and betweene the Hircanian or Caspian Sea and the Persian Bay It hath thereof on the East the Indies and the Kingdome of Cambaja from which it is separated and parted by the Mountaines and Desarts on the North are the Tartars neere the River Albianus or Oxus the rest is enclosed with the Caspian Sea on the West are the Turkes neere the River Tigris and the Lake Giocho on the South it is washed with the Persian Bay and the Indian Sea which is a large space of ground for it containeth 38. degrees of longitude from the East to the West And from the South to the North 20. degrees Concerning the temper of the ayre of Persia Q. Curtius Lib. 5. writeth thus There is no whole-sommer Country in all Asia for the ayre is temperate here a continued shady Mountaine doth qualifie the heate thereof and there it is joyned to the Sea which doth cherish it with a temperate warmth But this Country is not all of one quality nor of one soyle That part which lyeth toward the Persian Bay in regard it is watered with Rivers and also that part toward the Caspian Sea having pleasant Rivers a milde gentle Ayre are both happy and fruitfull and doe yeeld all kindes of fruits and doe breed all kindes of living creatures It hath abundance of Wheate Barley Millet and the like Graine and also Mettals and Pretious Stones and Paulus Venetus witnesseth that it hath great plenty of Wine The other parts are desolate by reason of the heate and drynesse Moreover the Persians were at first an obscure Nation but they grew famous afterward by their King Cyrus who having gotten the Empire Media and Lydia joyned it to Persia and so having conquerd Asia and subdued all the East he left it a faire and flourishing Kingdome Cambyses succeeded his Father who added Aegypt to the Empire after whom Persia continued in one Estate untill Da●ius raigned who being conquerd by Alexa●der of Maced●n lost his life together with his Kingdome It was governed by Kings 230. yeeres as Q. Curtius affirmeth Lib. 4. and the Prophet Ieremiah doth assent unto him at the 9. Chapter of Daniel But now the Persian Empire which is subject to the great ●ophy is accounted one of the most potent Empires of all the East which though it were sometimes oppressed by the Sarazens and sometimes by the Tartars yet it grew up againe in the raigne of King Ismael The Countries which are subject to the Persian Empire are these Media Assyria Susiana Mesopotamia Persis Parthia Hyrcania Marg●a●a Bactriana Par●pamissus Aria Drangiana Gedrosia and Carmania Media is now called Servan which is situate betweene Persia and the Hyrcanian Sea it hath on the East Hyrcania and Parthia on the West the greater Armenia and Assyria It is devided into the greater or the Southerne and the Northerne Atropatia The latter is colder and therefore lesse inhabited The chiefe Citty is Sm●chia there are moreover these Citties Derb●nt Ere 's Sechi and Giavot The greater is more inhabited it hath also the Citty Tauris which is placed at the foote of O●ontis being 8. dayes journey distant from the Caspian Sea The compasse of it is almost 16. miles in which it is supposed that there are 200000. Citizens The Ancients did call it E●batana where the Kings of Persia doe dwell in Summer In the same Country there are Turcomian ●aru Sus●an Nassiva Ardavil and Marant Assyria which is now called Arzerum hath on the East Media on the West Mesopotamia on the North Armenia on the South ●usiana It had
Cottages being situate on a pleasant Hill the Lords of which place were called by the same name as also the neighbour Nation who entertained him well without any shew of Hostility Wherefore when Captaine Newport came thither with a new supply he would needs goe visit Po●hatan at his house at Weromoco who being courteously entertain'd he found him sitting on a Straw Mart and resting his head after his Country manner on a faire Pillow and Maydes as faire as the place could afford did sitt at his head and feete and 20. Concubines did watch at each side of the Palace But hee himselfe having his head and breast painted red wore a chaire of white Corrall And when the Captaine had given him one of his Boyes hee gave him back in exchange one of his Servants call'd Wamotack with Corall and some Corne which served well for the reliefe of his men and afterward he furnished the Captaine with all things necessary Hee as also Captaine Smith had a great desire to finde out veines of Gold and Silver but both he and those that came after him were frustrated in their desire Yet he sent a Ship loaden with Cedar to England In the meane time Ponuhatan labourd to get some armes and munition from the English which the Governours did very much suspect as if the King with those armes intended to kill the English or drive them out of the Country But Captaine Smiths vigilance and watchfulnesse prevented him so that he could effect nothing and the English Colonie living here are now in a good estate increased to many thousands and Kine and Hogs and Turkies aboundance and all things plentifull and no want but of good women thick sowne but thin come up NEVV SPAINE HISPANIA NOVA Tecoanteper a Country of new Spaine There raigned in the Citty of Mexico 9. Kings in a 130. yeeres being 619. yeeres after that the Chichimeicians did possesse the Country of Mexico The last of these was Motezun●a who was slaine in a certaine sedition and in him the family of the Mexican Kings was extinct Moreover this part is inhabited by the Spaniards who have many Colonies in it namely Comp●stella Colima Purificatio Guadalajara Mechoaca Cacatula Mexico and others There are also in New Spaine divers famous Countries namely new Galitia Mechawcan Mexico and Guastecan Nova Galitia was first called by the Inhabitants Xalisce which Nunus Gusmannus first sought out and discoverd who built some Citties in it namely Compostella where there is a Bishops Seate and a Royall Counsell also Spiritus S. Conceptionis S. Michaels and Gaudalajara which is the chiefe Citty of the whole Kingdome There belongeth to Nova Galitia that Country which is called Culicana from a Citty of that name It lyeth betweene the River Piasala and the River S. Sebastian which runneth under ground before it discharge it selfe into the Sea The Metropolis is the Citty Culiacan where the Spaniards planted the Colony of Michaels House The Country Methaucan is 40. leagues in compasse and it is one of the richest and fruitfullest Kingdomes of new Spaine for it hath ripe Maiz three times a yeere and also other fruits This Country doth containe two principall Citties in which the Spaniards live call'd Pas●uar and Valadolid which is a Bishops Seate besides other Townes of lesse note The Country of Mexico doth not onely exceed the other Countries of New Spaine but of all America It was so named from the Citty Mexico which is called also Temistitan It is the Metropolis of the Province of Mexico It was seated in the middle of a great Lake before Cortes did possesse it who remov'd it to the banke of the same Lake it is now well built and it is 6. Italian miles in compasse one part whereof the Spaniards doe inhabit the other part the Indians Mexico signifies a Fountaine and it was so called by the first Founders in regard of the many Springs and Fountaines which doe encompasse this Citty This was the fairest and chiefest Citty of the Indies yea of the whole World when Ferdinand Cortesius tooke it and wonne it by assault in the yeere 1521. For this being the chiefe Citty of the whole Kingdome of Mexico contained 70000. Houses The Kings and Noblemens Houses were very large and conveniently built but the Common peoples Houses were meaner and lower There are in this Citty a Bishop a Vice-roy and the high Tribunall or Court of New Spaine There is also a Mount in it for coyning of money Moreover there are in the Mexican Lakes and about their bankes 50. Townes every one of which doth containe about 10000. Houses Next after Mexico is the Citty Tescura by the banke of the same Lake which is as bigge as Mexico There is also in this Province the Citty Angelorum which was first called V●●sita●● that is the Land Serpents which is famous for dressing of W●o●● which hath Vales and Plaines round about it in which great Flocks and Heards of Cattell doe graze and great store of Corne and 〈◊〉 are gotten and gathered here The Country of Guastecan in THE DESCRIPTION OF NEVV SPAINE HISPANIA NOVA NEW SPAINE NEW Spaine is the greatest Province of America being more inhabited more populous and more pleasant than the rest It is a great tract of Land reaching from Tavascus or the River Grialvus Westward to the Land of Saint Michael and the Culiacans Country On the North it is bounderd with new Granada and other Countries of the Kingdome of new Mexico The South shoare is washed with the Pacifque Sea It lyeth betweene the Aequinoctiall Linē and the Tropick of Cancer so that there is little difference betweene the length of the dayes and nights and it is almost alwaies Spring In the moneths of June July August and September the daily raine and the gentle breeses of winde that come from the Sea doe temper and mittigate the heate of the day which is the true reason why it is convenient living under the Summer Tropick contrary to the opinion of ancient Philosophers Therefore it hath a temperate ayre although it lye under the Torrid Zone This Country hath abundance of rich Mines of Gold Silver Iron and Brasse it hath also Cassia and a certaine kind of fruit which the Inhabitants call Cacao which is like Almonds of which they make a drinke which is very much desired It hath abundance of Cotton and all other kindes of fruits which we have in Europe as Wheate Barley and all kinde of Pulse also Sallets Lettice Colworts Cabbages Radishes Onions Leekes wilde Alexander Rape Rootes Parsnips and Carrets Turnips Beete Spinnage Pease Beanes Lentills and the like There are also great store of Oranges Lemmons Citrons Pomegranats Here are also Apples and Peares but not very bigge Prunes are rare but there are abundance of Figs. But there are great store of Cotton Apples but Cherries doe not yet thrive there There are Vines also that beare Grapes but no Wine is made of them Moreover it hath Oyle Sugar and
to pay the Emperour that tribute which hee had sometime paid to Lodovick King of Germany So that the King made warres upon him but hee drew up great forces to defend himselfe The Hungarians were as it were a bolt or barre which the King of Moravia had placed to shut up the passage that way The Emperour who purposed not to depart from Moravia without victory perceiving where they were ayded opened a passage to Hungaria and let in the Turkes amongst them who did grievously afflict this Province And so the Emperour using the Turkes Forces did suppresse the King of Moravia and having made a great slaughter and taken many prisoners he put him to flight Who by this meanes escaping betooke himselfe to a thicke Wood and having cast away his royall Robes and apparell hee went to a Hermit with whom hee liv'd a solitary Hermits life untill his death and then hee discovered who hee was and so slept in Christ After that the Princes of Bohemia Poleland and Silesia had every one Dukes of their owne yet they payd some tribute to the Emperour At the same time when Michael was Emperour of Greece there came Cirillus Doctor and Apostle of all Sclavonia together with Merodius who layd the foundation of the Christian faith in Moravia and erected an Episcopall Church in the Towne Vielagrad So that being called and summoned by the Pope to answer why they read Masse in the Sclavonian tongue they answered because it is writtten Omnes Spiritus laudet Dominum Let every spirit praise the Lord. But afterward Moravia was governed by Dukes and Marquisses and it is now devided so that the better part of it and almost all of it is subject to the Kings of Bohemia the other part is subject to Barons and Lords The chiefe head-Citty of this Marquiship is Brunna which the Germanes call Brin and the Bohemians Brino and some doe call it Olmuzium and Olomontium it is a Bishops Seate and heretofore it was called Volograd It hath also many other faire walled Citties as Zwoyma Radisch Iglavia Nova Civitas Niclosburg Mons Nicolai Weiskirchen Cremser Boserlitz heretofore a Marquiship and many others which may be found in the Table or Card. The chiefe Rivers in Moravia are Morava or Ma●ava●a Ptol●my calls it C●abrus it is commonly called die Marche which floweth by the chiefe Citty Olomuz●um and so running into ●a●rovia it falleth at last into Di●ubius It is thought that this River named the Country but it is more likely that the Country named the River The other chiefe Rivers are Iheya or Deins which Dubravius calls Tha●sa and some Thysia It floweth by Zuoyna which is memorable in regard that the Emperour Sigismund dyed here and it doth border Mo●avania and Austria The River Igla whence the Citty Iglavia is so called doth devide the Maravanians from the Bohemians and doth enter also into Marava●ia But the River Odera which riseth not farre from Olomuzium doth keepe his owne name untill hee falleth into the Ocean Some suppose that Ptolomy doth call it Viadrum They called Odera by a word borrowed from Fowlers who set down daring Glasses to catch and allure Birds to their Nets which they call Odri and the Fowlers doe now set downe such Glasses in Moravia by the Fountaine of Odera Neither can wee passe by Hama although it bee a small streame yet it watereth those Fields which are the fruitfullest in all Moravia so that the Husbandmen in regard of their great plenty of Corne which they yeeld doe call them the light or eye of Moravia And also Gold and Silver coynes of M. An●●●us and Commodus and some other of the Emperours are very often found in these parts which are manifest tokens of the warres which the Romanes had against the Marcomannians in Moravia There is also the River Nigra ●ommonly called Suarta and Suittaw which doth glide by the Citty Brunna and is next in esteeme to Olomuzium These Rivers have great store of divers kindes of Fish This Country is not so Mountainous as Bohemia neither is altogether plaine Ptolemy placeth here the Wood Orcynium and the Wood Gabreta The Inhabitants are very rude and doe use a mixt kinde of speech But they speake just the Bohemian language for the Germane speech is onely used in Citties and that among the Nobles and chiefe men In other matters Dubravius saith that they are like the Bohemians in their rites and manners In the Villages of this Country there doe dwell divers Anabaptists who professe that there ought to be a community of all things Mercator placeth these Counties in Mo●avia Huckenwaldt Schonberg and these Signiories or Lordships Lomnicz Dubrantiz Gemniez Walstain Pietnix Neuhauss Telesch Bozkowitz Trebits●h Dernowitz and Ragetz THE ARCHDVKEDOME OF AVSTRIA The third Circle of the Empire is AUSTRIA in which there are two Orders THe next that followeth in our method is Austria called heretofore Pannonia the higher The name of Austria as Wolfgangus Lazius witnesseth is but of late time being called so either from the South wind which is frequent in that Country or from the Germane word Oostreich for so the Frenchmen called the Easterne bounds of their Kingdome as they call'd the Westerne bounds Westretch But that which the Frenchmen called Oostreich was situated by the Rhene and called afterward Austrasia which name having lost they call'd it Pannonia as Lazius testifieth Lib. 1. Cap. 11. Comment Gent. Aust Moreover the Austrians are descended from the Frenchmen and Saxones who by the sword got this Country from the Hungarians Austria hath on the East Hungaria on the South the Mountaines of Styria which doe runne out with one continued Bridge from the Alpes into Hungary and other Countries beyond it it hath on the East Bavaria and on the North the Rivers Tejus and Moravia It hath a milde pleasant ayre and wholesome in regard that the East winde doth purifie it The soyle is very fruitfull and not chargable in tilling For the Husbandman in that part which is called Campus Transdanubianus or the Fields beyond Danubius will plough the ground with one poore leane Horse The Austrians doe not know what Marle is with which the barren leane Fields in Bavaria are manured All the Country hath excellent Wine which is purer then the Germane wine and weaker then the Spanish wine which it doth transport to Moravia Bohemia Silesia and Bavaria Besides it hath excellent good Saffron It hath also abundance of Silver but no Gold it hath Salt also which is partly made at home partly imported and brought in from other parts The Earles of Babenberg did sometime governe Austria the first was Lupold whom the Emperour Otto the second created Marquesse of Austria whose Line being extinct Rudolphus of Habspurg who was elected Emperour in the yeere 128● did governe it and made it a Dukedome And Frederick the second made it a Kingdome The armes of this Country were heretofore five golden Larkes painted in a Sky-colour Field but the Marquesse Lupold the V.