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A07026 The bee hiue of the Romishe Church a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe. Translated out of Dutch into English, by George Gylpen the elder.; Byencorf der H. roomsche Kercke. English Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598.; Stell, John, fl. 1580.; Gilpin, George, 1514?-1602. 1579 (1579) STC 17445; ESTC S119818 327,751 730

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brought in subiection and vnder them all Kingdomes and so to leaue the same by will and testament vnto the Popes of Rome their successours for then endeth that determination And that was the cause why the Popes beganne to trauell with a deliberate intention to make a diuision of the Imperiall crowne of Rome who then had the East and West countrie of Greece and almost the whole world in subiection as Pope Alexander 3. did plainlie acknowledge vnto the Embassadors of Emanuel Emperour of Graecia declaring plainlie That hee in no wise would haue the Empire of Graecia the Empire of Rome vnited or ioyned together againe in one which was done especiallie to the intent that hee might bee the better able to ouerrule them both And out of that it doth likewise growe that Gregorie the ninth and Innocentius the fourth Popes of Rome did depose the Emperour Fredericke the second and absolued his subiectes of their othe which they had taken and made vnto him and aboue that did excommunicate and banishe all such his subiectes as did remaine faithfull and true vnto him And furthermore graunted great indulgence and pardon to such as would rebelliouslie rise vppe to destroy and confound them And yet besides all this after that hee with the summe of an hundred and twentie thousand markes of golde in weight had redeemed and set free him selfe out of the excommunication of the said Pope Gregorie yet was hee notwithstanding that once againe accursed and banished In so much that Henrie Lantgraue of Thuringe was chosen Emperour and after his death which was verie sudein the Imperiall crowne was giuen to one William then Earle of Hollande who verie shortlie after that was by the Freeses slaine After whose death the Empire did remaine seuentene yeres complete without head or Emperour And yet I pray you consider Do wee not finde by all perfect histories that Pope Vrbane the fourth did about the yeere of our Lorde 1264. violentlie dispossesse Conradinus sonne to Conrade then Emperour of the kingdome of Sicilia notwithstanding the same did by iust title of inheritance apperteine vnto him and gaue the same to Charles Earle of Angiou de Prouince and brother to Lodo●ike King of Fraunce and his successour Clement the fourth did set the Crowne vpon his head with condition that hee shoulde yeerelie pay to the Sea of Rome fourtie thousand crownes of golde Nowe to deface that deede and intent Pope Nicholas the third about the yeere of our Lorde 1268. caused Peter the King of Aragon who had maried the cousine germane of the said Conradinus to come out of Italie to depriue the saide Charles of the same and brought the matter so farre that he tooke perforce the said kingdome of Sicilia hauing first by a craftie practise in one night caused most cruellie to be murthered by the Sicilians all the French both men women and children yong and olde that were within the whole Island of Sicilia by reason whereof they vse yet at this day for a common by woorde to call it The Sicilian Euensong And then after to the contrarie of this his successour Pope Martin the fourth did both banishe and curse the said Peter and so not onelie committed the defence and custodie of the said kingdome of Sicilia vnto Robert Earle of Artois for and to the vse of the sonne of the said Charles who was kept prisoner in the handes of his enimies but did likewise take from him the kingdome of Arragon which hee possessed and enioyed by patrimonie and did giue the same kingdome of Arragon vnto Charles Earle of Valois and sonne to Philippe the Frenche King. And did not Pope Bonifacius the eight in like manner curse Philippe the French King and gaue his kingdome to the Emperour Albertus by authoritie and gift of the holie and catholike Church of Rome and that because the said Philippe would not acknowledge accepte and receiue the Pope of Rome for his superiour In so much that the foresaid king of France was forced of necessitie to sende out secretlie vnder the gouernement of Sarra Colomna three or foure hundred horsemen who in the night tooke the Pope prisoner at Anagnia where he was at that time resident and so brought him to Rome as prisoner where within foure and twentie dayes after hee died like a beast as by a common prouerbe which hereafter shal be more expreslie set forth doeth appeare We haue likewise seene not long agoe that Pope Alexander the seuenth did giue vnto Ferdinando king of Castile grand father vnto the Emperour Charles the fift all the countries of the newe Indians which lie Westwarde from Spaine in the Ocean Seas and that in such order and maner as by the Bull is specified Motu proprio that is to say Of his owne meere motion and beeing not therevnto required but much rather De mera liberalitate ex certa scientia ac de Apostolicae potestatis plenitudine that is to say Of meere liberalitie and an assured knowledge and by full power Apostolicall In so much that the King of Peru called Atabaliba who being ouercome by the Spaniardes in a battell saide verie vnwiselie That hee did not esteeme the Pope saying that hee would giue away to another that which was none of his owne For Frier Vincent Valuerda had let him plainlie vnderstande out of his Breuiarie or Portesse That Christ the Sonne of GOD did at his departing out of this worlde appoint and leaue the Pope of Rome for his Liefetenant with power and authoritie to giue and distribute all kingdomes at his will and pleasure And that the Pope of Rome had giuen all his countrie of Peru and the newe Indians to the King of Spaine And likewise in the yeere of our Lord 1515. Leo 10. would haue giuen Frances the French king who was then at Bolonia in Italie and that to make confederacie and league with him the whole Empire of Constantinople But the king giuing him worthie thankes woulde not accept the gift vnlesse he would put him in possession of it which our holy father the Pope had no minde to do because it would haue cost him a great deale more monie than the sealing of his Bulles And not long before this about the yeare of our Lorde 1466. Pope Paule 2. had deposed by sentence George the naturall king of Boemia from his said kingdome and giuen the same to the Dukes of Germanie marie with this condition that they should go and take it perforce at their own cost and charges in which attempt they lost aboue an hundred thousand men both horsemen and footemen and yet did preuaile verie little For such presentes and gifts are of the nature of his Bishoprikes of Hierusalem and other townes in Turkie which he giues to this man and that man whereof the Bishops neuer inioy anie more but the bare title which they haue well wrapped vp in a Bull
neither anie lawe nor iudgement hath power or iurisdiction ouer him for that he is the liuelie f●unteine of lawe and iudgement who as touching matters of our faith can not in anie point faile or misse and therefore hee may order and determine vpon all matters touching our beleefe and faith and so interprete the Scripture as he thinketh good he onelie may take and leaue doe and vndoe In so much that though all the worlde were against him yet must we take his part To be briefe there is no man to bee compared vnto him but God alone and therefore can he do all things that God doth For looke what soeuer God doeth in heauen the like doth the Pope here in earth What should a man say more His authoritie and power is so great that no tongue can expresse it neither is it possible for the capacitie of man to conceiue it as Zodoricus Zamorensis and Bartholus Chassaneus yea the whole Catholike church of Rome hath determined and concluded For as Antonius Florentinus doth testifie he is aboue al creatures and his might and power doeth extend euen to matters in heauen earth and hell for that he is the cause of causes and the Lord of Lords the Head Bridegrome of the whole church yea the high and principall Gouernour of the worlde vniuersall he is the light the brightnesse the verie foundation of faith and the verie summe and touchstone of the trueth hee is the hiest step of the staires and all in all whatsoeuer can be thought or said For as touching the giuing and distributing of Kingdomes Dukedomes lands and countries to whom when he shall think good that office he hath fast sure in possession and doth dailie practise put the same in exercise as is right to bee vnderstood by this pretie verse folowing Petra dedit Petro Petrus diadema Rodulpho That is to say The Rocke gaue Peter and his race a princelie and emperiall crowne And Ralfe receiu'd from Peters Grace a royall diademe of renowne Which trimme verse was by the before named Pope Gregorie 7. after that hee had excommunicated the saide Emperour Henrie 4. and cursed all his adherents sent vnto Ralphe the Duke of Swaben with am Imperiall crowne aduertising him plainlie therewithall that it lay wholie in his handes to giue to whem soeuer it pleased him as well the Empire as the crowne wherein hee did finelie prophesie in such order as Caiphas the Iewish Pope had prophesied saying That hee would neuer be esteemed as Pope if there did not die the same yeere before Whitsuntide a false or vniust King For it came euen so to passe Not that the Emperour Henrie by whom hee spake did die that yere but that the lotte fell vpon Ralphe to whom the Pope had giuen the Imperiall crowne who was the same yere pitifullie slaine his hands first cut of he lamenting sore before the Bishops That through informing of the Pope their prouokings he had made him and his accursed and rebelled against his owne lord and supreme head Nowe a litle after this did succeede Pope Paschalis 2. who againe excommunicated afreshe the Emperour and commaunded the Earle of Flaunders called Robert to destroy with fire and sword the territories of Luek and Camericke because that they would remaine true vnto their naturall lord and Souereigne the Emperour Henrie Yea hee did giue the Imperiall crowne with all the iewels of the Empire to Henrie the 5. sonne vnto the said Henrie the 4. Emperour herein preuailed so much that he did prouoke the sonne to rebell and persecute his owne Lord and naturall father yea with such horrible and vnnaturall malice that he let him most pitifullie starue in the prison at Luek which happened in the yeere of our Lorde 1108. Neither would hee receiue the Lukeners to grace til such time as they had taken vppe the dead carcase of his father which was by thē there buried cast the same out into the fields like the carion of a dogge And by that meanes the Lukeners were likewise discharged of the excommunication which Pope Paschalis had laid vpon them Men may likewise verie well conceiue the same by the example of the Emperour Fredericke Barbarossa who after a great manie of excommunications and curses was in the ende within the towne of Venice vpon the great market called Saint Markes place at the toppe of the staires of the great church or palace troden vpon the necke by Pope Alexander 3. euen with his feete who for the establishing of his authoritie and power did vsurpe and openlie pronounce before al the people this saying in the Psalme Super Aspidem Basiliscum equitabis cōculcabis Leonem Draconem that is to say Thou shalt ride vpon the Lion and the Adder the yong Lion and the Dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy feete c. And thus likewise was Franciscus Dandalius Duke of Venice excommunicated and banished by Pope Clement 5. and enioyned vnto certei●e penance which was That he should goe creeping alongest the Popes palace vpon his handes knees with a collar about his necke like a dogge So that it is apparant that the Pope of Rome hath ful and absolute power ouer al Kings Dukes and Princes and therefore may commaunde them as his subiectes and tenantes and may extoll or aduance and disgrade or depose them euen as he shall thinke good Which authoritie of his doeth extende and reache so farre that hee hath likewise full power commaundement and iurisdiction ouer the Kings and Emperours of Turkie and other Heathen countries In so much that a man may lawfullie appeale vnto him in anie matter from before anie earthlie Prince or Potentate In summe hee hath vnder him the rule and gouernement of all Emperiall Princelie and Spirituall iuris●iction for hee is consecrated as a Priest and crowned as a King and is therefore the King of Kings and Lorde of Lordes For as touching that which these Heretikes do alledge against this That Christ should haue said Giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars and vnto God that which to God belongeth that saieth our mother the holie church was not a perpetuall rule but stood in effect onlie for a short time to wit till such time as Christ had suffered and was ascended vp into heauen For now to answere that where hee saith After that I shal be lifted vp from the earth I will drawe all things vp after me that is thus to bee vnderstood saieth the holie church of Rome That Christ after his ascension into heauen should take al Kingdomes Dukedomes and such like out of the possession of Kings Dukes c. and that by meanes of his souldiers especiallie by his Romishe Apostles And whereas in other places hee doeth forbid his Disciples to seeke after or to receiue golde or siluer that must likewise be vnderstood but till such time onelie as they haue
of a sheep skin surely sealed And if they be not therewithall content they may go seeke further at their owne co●t and perill And yet will our holie father haue homage and rewarde for it although it haue cost him neuer a penie Of the like to this we see daily examples as the kings of Sicilia and Naples must euerie yeare vpon S. Peters day do homage vnto him and acknowledge him for their chiefe Lord and for testimonie of the same they present him with a white hackney well trapped with riche furniture with thousands of ducates besides yea the kingdome of Englande was a great while in subiection and at the disposition of the Pope For the before written Pope Alexander 3. did bring one king to that point about the yeare of our Lord 1181. And that vnder pretence that Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canturburie was by the kinges consent slaine And further long before that in the yeare 740. a certein king of England called Inas did make the whole Island tributarie to the Pope of Rome insomuch that the Popes had alwayes their Collectors and Receiuers in Englan● to gather vp and receiue the Peter peace till such time as it was forbidden by king Henrie 8. But to what purpose should I so particularly name the kings of England Naples and Sicilia seeing that all Kings and Emperours throughout the whole worlde are bounde to kisse with great reuerence the Popes holie feete Is not that a sufficient proofe that he hath full power and iurisdiction ouer them all And good reason it should so be For by him Kings do reigne and by him Iudges execute the lawe as it is written by Solomon in his Prouerbes Chap. 8. For that which he writes there of the eternall wisedome of God that is by our mother the holie Catholike Churche vnderstoode and sette foorth concerning the Pope of Rome As plainely doeth appeare by the glosse vpon the Clementines and by Panormitanus likewise And therefore whensoeuer the Popes holinesse is disposed to ride on horsebacke then must the Emperour or King which is present holde his stirrop and after for a while lead the horse by the bridle in his hand And alwayes when the Pope will be caried in a chaire then is the Emperor or King whosoeuer it be bound of duetie to bow downe his necke and to take the chaire vp vpon his shoulders And likewise when the Pope goeth to dinner the duetie of the Emperour or King is to serue him with water wherwith to wash his holy hands he must be sure to attend at the table till the first course be serued For a finall end hee must serue the Pope euen as a seruant doeth serue his maister yea and I pray you wherefore should he not see●ng he hath taken made his othe solemnly of obedience and fidelitie to the Pope as is plainly sette forth in the Popes lawes And yet is not the Pope bound in anie point or iot to him nor to anie other earthly creature vnlesse he will sometime of speciall grace rise out of his seat to let the Emperour kisse him kindly Otherwise all men liuing are bounde of duetie as soone as they come within his presence to fall three times downe vpon their knees and then to kisse his feete And wheresoeuer he passeth by there they must all fall downe vpon their knees and worship him otherwise they are like to eate stock●ish which his Garde will giue them largely yea and that without Butter And therfore do they crie Abasso Abasso which is as much to say as Downe vpon your knees Which thing I assure you is most duetifull and established by plaine Scripture for that it is written Psalme 8. Thou hast put all things vnder his feete sheepe and oxen yea and the beastes of the field which is to be vnderstood Christen men Iewes Turks Moores And the foules of the aire that is The Saints departed And the fishes in the sea that is The soules which lie in Purgatorie Insomuch that there is nothing but it is made subiect vnto him For he onely is Lorde ouer all the world and the worlde is properly his so proued by the plaine text Psal. 23. The earth with all her plentiousnesse is the Lordes as our mother the holie Church hath interpreted it and so concluded For which cause he may as Antonius de Rosellis doth testifie take from one whatsoeuer he will and giue to another what he list And this is that which Cardinali Poole being the Popes lieftenant at the councell of Trent did likewise defend and establish by Scriptures euen by the verie wordes of Christ saying That he would make of Peter a fisher of men Which is in this sense to be vnderstood according to the interpretation of the holie Church of Rome That he would driue al Emperours and Kings yea all people of the world into the Popes net so that he might seeth them broyle them or frie them in a panne euen as his holinesse should thinke best to vse and order them And although Paule did speake of an other which shoulde bee the God of this worlde and that Christ doeth like●ise name the same The Duke or Lorde of this worlde meaning the Tempter which shewed him all the kingdomes of the world and the glory of the same saying vnto him All these will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship mee for they are mine and I may bestowe them vpon whom soeuer I will. Yet doeth not all that make anie thing against our purpose for they twaine to witte the Pope and he are both as one and agree like two heades in one hoode so that there can no gealousie growe thereby For as the Scripture sayth and beareth witnesse The dragon hath rendered vp and giuen to the beast with seuen heades all his power his seate and authoritie Now what conditions are made bet 〈…〉 ene them I wote not but let them alone with that matter they will agree well ynough Thus much then in effect touching all that which Daniel and Paule did say and prophesie in the Scriptures before specified is throughly fulfilled in the Pope of Rome and therewithall likewise that thing whereo● Iohn speaketh in the Apocalypse that The citie which is builded vpon seuen mountains or hilles which out of doubt is the Citie of Rome as Tertullianus Lactantius Hieronymus and all the old fathers haue testified and as the situation and state of the citie it selfe doth make apparant shall receiue a maruellous power and authoritie specially of the same whome Paule calleth The God of this world and whom Christ calleth The duke or Prince of this world whom Iohn calleth The dragō insomuch that all kings and princes of the earth shall pray vnto him he shal be trimmed and decked with golde siluer pearles and all rich precious iewels as you may plainly see in our holy father the Pope