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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10812 The most royall and honourable entertainement, of the famous and renowmed king, Christiern the fourth, King of Denmarke, &c. who with a fleete of gallant ships, arriued on Thursday the 16. day of Iuly 1606. in Tylbery-Hope, neere Grauesend VVith a relation of his meeting, by our royall king, the prince and nobles of our realme: the pleasures sundry times shewed, for his gracious welcome, and most famous and admirable entertainment at Theobalds. VVith the royall passage on Thursday the 31. of Iuly, thorough the citty of London, and honorable shewes there presented them, and maner of their passing. By H.R. H. R. (Henry Roberts), fl. 1585-1616. 1606 (1606) STC 21085; ESTC S115982 11,170 32

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THE Most royall and Honourable entertainement of the famous and renowmed King CHRISTIERN the fourth King of Denmarke c. who with a Fleete of gallant ships arriued on Thursday the 16. day of Iuly 1●06 in Tylbery-Hope neere Grau●send With a relation of his meeting by our royall King the Prince and Nobles of our realme the pleasures sundry times shewed for his gracious welcome and most famous and admirable entertainment at Theobalds VVith the royall passage on Thursday the 31. of Iuly thorough the Citty of London and honorable shewes there presented them and maner of their passing By H. R. AT LONDON Printed for H. R. and are to be sold by William Barley dwelling in Gracious streete neere Leaden Hall gate 1606. To the Right worshipfull and most worthy fauourer of all vertues Sir Thomas Smith Knight all increase of worship in this life and after death the ioyes eternall RIght worshipfull as I was in the time of your worshipfull father for many great fauours bounden so haue I euer deuoted my selfe and all my abilitie to your worship and all the rest of his worshipfull progenie Amongst all which your selfe whose vertues God hath regarded and the Prince worthily respected I haue in my cheefest thoughts sought to acknowledge my dutie and to manifest my zeale to that worshipfull house from whence you proceed And albeit to mine owne knowledge you haue beene a spectator of those things wherewith I now make bolde to present you yet thereby I haue thought to manifest my loue and humbly beseech you that you vouehsafe the acceptance thereof The rather for that it concerneth the honours done by our King vnto his most deere beloued brother all which your selfe being better acquainted with then many others that by fostering it your honoured name shall be had in acceptance with many thousands of this realme whose desues are great to heare the truth of al these honourable entertainements giuen and receiued Thus humbly commending my selfe vnto your worships fauour and humbly crauing pardon for my presumption I cease from your further trouble and and rest in all humble duty at your seruice Ready for euer to be commanded Hen. Robarts The royall rare and most honorable intertainment of the famous King Christierne the 4. King of Denmarke c. since his first arriuall on shore the 17. day of Iuly 1606. WHen it pleased GOD to place the Imperiall crown of this most blessed and famous kingdome on the head of our most glorious and renowned soueraigne King Iames it was not a little admired amongst the commons of this land the honors done his highnesse by most Christian Kings and Princes who by their Ambassadours as from France Spaine Italy Denmarke Holland and others not onely presented their honourable loues and ioy for his happinesse therein but desiring peace with his people and state with loue in all honour to be continued amongst them and their nations Their honourable and Christian request his Highnesse with all honor embraced with such kingly conditions loue and fame to him and his subiects as all the Kings and Potentates of the world may admire and his owne people ioy in such honoured peace For thereby haue our Marchants sure and safe trafficke to all nations and they to our land where they trade at their pleasures Since when diuers nations which with good regard of those blessings God hath endued this Realme withall and the troubles of their owne countries preferring their quiet aboue their natiue countrey wealth and friends haue left their home-borne regions and placed themselues hero with their families where they liue free from those dangers they were subiect vnto vnder the gouernment of a most religious and honourable King inioying their wealth without feare and resting in all tranquillitie of minde and securitie of their estates praise God for his excellent Maiestie that so carefully tendereth their liues and safeties as his owne peoples Peace and all happy tranquilitie with so many countries being established and his Maiestie enioying the blessing of the most high God that placed him Ambassadours from state to state oftentimes passed whereby the Kings from farre receiued ioyfull tidings of his royall gouernement health and welfare and his Maiestie likewise from them and their kingdomes The affinitie of bloud and desire of true brotherly loue to be continued which Loue is the true Loadestone that draweth friends and moueth the heart to desire the company which they most honour and esteeme oft as we haue read many famous examples of all estates aswell Princes as others But in mans memory hath not beene heard nor hearing with more reioycing seene so ●are and most excellent a simpathie of true and honorable loue as is most apparent by that most royall King Christian of Denmarke who nothing regarding the dangers of the seas nor any other accidents albeit he did often times heare of the gracious and happy estates of our dread soueraigne King Iames his Royall and most esteemed Princely sister Queene Annc Prince Henry and their royall issue that such is his great desire and Kingly affection that no report what so euer could satisfie his Kingly minde but in person aduentured to be partaker of their most royall presence and to participate with them and their maiest call companies wherein no doubt a most honourable and true combined royall minde is expressed For which honourable intention his ships of great strength were prepared 2. Pinnases the Admirall wherein his owne person came being a most huge ship is esteemed of 1500. Tunnes which ship is so adorned with rich gold and very excellent workemanship as many thousands vpon report ther●of of purpose haue gone to Grauesend where shee doth ●yde to view her Besides the beautie and riches of this great ship she is appointed with most huge ordinance men and victualls sit for so Kingly a presence The rest likewise accordingly complete all riche in Ordinance men and munition The Kingly attendants of his person and all others of his traine furnished in apparell very riche and most beautifull euery one in his estate and place his Counsell and chiefe men very decent after their countrey fashion richly decked in silke with gold and siluer lace Iewels and chaines of rare estimation His Pages and garde of his person in Blew Veluet laide with Siluer Lace for their best sute and one sute for to exchange of other silke whitish coloured Hattes with bands embrodered most of them either white or blew stockins his Trumpetors in white Satten Dublets Blew Veluet hose trimd with silke and siluer lace watched cloakes guarded with sundry colours white Hattes with Blew silke and golde bands embrodered his common garde of Souldiers with Muskets furnished very riche white Fustian dublets watched hoase with white and Blew Lace loose Cassockes large and faire like our foot-mens coates with white and Blew lace Hattes with bands suted like and all his common souldiers in cassocks and hoase of watched colour the maister and his mates Gunners
and chiefe officers being very riche in their apparell his Trunckes and other prouision for carriage couered with redde Veluet trimmed with blew Silke and Golde lace his Sumpter clothes and couerings to couer his lading of redde Veluet with blew silke and gold lace all made after the English fashion For the gouernment of his followers of all sorts according to his Kingly pleasure he ordained a Marshall who had vnder Marshals many with great charge from his Maiestie that if any man of his company should be drunke or otherwise to abuse himselfe in any maner towards Englishmen or his owne followers to be punished sharply such is the royall care and honor of his excellencie which is duely executed All things being ready for the voyage which with great care of all his officers was accomplisht after a most honourable order taken for gouernment of the Kingdome in his absence the winde seruing fitly and a heauie parting of the Queene his honoured and most gracious Mother with the States and chiefe of the land with teares of sorrow plentifully shed of his louing subiects and their hearty prayers zealouslie made to GOD for the prosperous successe of his Maiestie at Sea and happy arriuall to his desirous Porte he bad them all farewell leauing them to their charge and betooke his royall person to the mercy of GOD that guideth heauen and earth and seas and in all dangers protecteth his people And by Gods prouidence who sendeth winds at has pleasure after some more then ordinary 〈◊〉 of our dread soueraigne and his people 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 co●ming ● royall fleete had sight of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and in safety e●●ed the same bea 〈…〉 of Tham●s beholding with g 〈…〉 pleasu●e admi●ing the sweet and pleasant 〈◊〉 a●d 〈…〉 lay of the Land not des●●ing to 〈◊〉 to 〈…〉 his ex●ellent person vnti●l the Kings maiestie our soueraigne came But applied wi●h h●s shipping so high as Tilbury hope a roade some two or three miles distant from G●●●s●●d a Port towne in the county of Kent Where some small way off the roade more nere the towne they came to anchor whereof our gracious King being by poasts aduertised hauing his Ba●ges ready who being a King replenished with all Kingly curtesie well considering of those great trauells this Kingly brother had vnder gone to see his Highnesse the Queene and their honourable progeny without long stay this mirrour of all h●nour King Iames accompanied with the Prince his counsell and many of the nobility of the Land with great store of Countiers which gaue their attendance tooke their Barges towards T●lbury where the King in his ship attended his Kingly company The Denmarks looking earnestly now for the comming of the King with his companie When they came sayte with the townes end at Grauesend they from the shippes discried the barges and gaue notice there of to the King and presently at the command of the Lord ●dmirall of the fleet the company was by the Boatswains whistles called vp and in all the gallant manner that might bee each man in his Liuery making a gallant shew and noyse of Trumpers after the sea manner and meeting of friends The Tacklings toppes and euery part of the shippe was so replenished with men that hardly might you decerue the ropes or see the shippes sides The King ariuing at the shippes side was intertained most graciously by the Denmarke king to his shippe with the Prince Nobles and Gentlemen of his traine Which by King Iames the Prince and Nobles was againe requited with Kingly embracings and most honourable entertainement to this Country Like honourable fauours and g●eat welcomes were made his followers by the Counsell of England and the●●s to the great ioy of all the beholders One house and something more beeing spent with great delight aboard the shippe these famous Kings Ioyed in each others company The Tide seruing they set foreward to the Court. The two Kings and the Prince in his barge were placed and the Noblemen of England courteously entertained into their companies the Noble men and best of the King of Denmarks traine The Barges falling off from the shippe after they had ●owed some small way The Admitall discharged such a thundering peale of Ordinance whereof many are Cannones of brasse as the smoake dimmed the skies and their noyse was heard a farre way off after her the vice and reere Admiral and so all the rest which made a long peale cuery shippe taking his turne very orderly in exceeding good sort By this time they came to the blocke-houses situat neere Grauesend who followed in discharging their Ordinance in like manner with such good industry and care as was very well commended and highly praysed of both kings and their companies This honorably welcome giuen and receiued they passe the riuer till they came to Greenewich where the royall Court of England lay All the way passing the royall King of Denmarke with many louing fauours shewed his hearts Ioy in imbracing the noble most honourable Prince Henry Being now on our English land a more kinde welcome was againe begun to all the strangers To behold the multitudes of people which came to see them was admirable especially hauing so small knowledge of the Kings arriuall In royall manner they entred the Court at Greenewhich where our gracious Queene Anne lay vnto whom you neede not doubt but this happy tidings and Kingly brothers company was most pleasing and ioyfull as appeared at their most royall and kingly meeting of these most great Princes brother and sister whose trauells he holdeth for pleasure and therein taketh great comfort inioying the sight and welfare of so high and mighty a Princesse his deare siste Queene Anne and so toward and happye islue of their loynes as were present that in that in them and their presence no Monarch of the earth might thinke a more happier contentment This night being Friday at night and the. 7. day of Iuly the royall Kings reposed themselues in the Court Satterday all day and night with great welcomes and ioy of either of them On Sunday the 19 day King Iames accompanied with his brother of Denmarke and Nobility of both kingdomes verye rich in their courtlike attire The King being in English fashion went to the Chappell where they heard a learned Sermon preached by the Reuorend Father the Bishop of Rochester By all the way as they passed and returned the Royall King with admiratiō gaue great honorable regard to the multitude of people there present The honorable state and gallant managing of the Nobilitie and Courtiers with the rare companie of Gentlemen Pensioners and the Garde in their riche Coates as hee wondered highly at that rare and most high seruice and sumptuous attendance The time of dinner being come the Garde of our King appointed to giue their attendance on the Gentleman Sewer carryed vp his Kingly vvands where wanted not any thing that could possibly be gotten with Wine and Beere plentifull all serued vp