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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69464 An Ancient and present state of Poland giving a short, but exact, account of the scituation [sic] of that country, the manners and customs of the inhabitants, the several successions of their kings, their religion, &c., drawn out of their best historians : to which is added an impartial account of the death of the late king and the present election as it now stands. Savage, John, 1673-1747. 1697 (1697) Wing A3066; ESTC R16140 15,778 28

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Lignitz and Brieg in Silesia 'T is said this Duke was One Hundred and Twenty Years old when he died His Son Zigmovitus was a brave and Warlike Prince to whom succeeded his Son Lescus the Fourth of a peaceable Temper Of much the same was his Son Zickmovistus who succeeded him This Prince had but one Son who being born blind was in the Seventh Year of his Age in which Year according to the Custom of those Times his Head was to be shav'd and he to receive his Name restor'd to his Sight which was then taken for an Omen that he should be enlighten'd with the Christian Faith His Name was Micislaus or Mischo who began his Reign in 964. and was the first Christian Duke of Poland Boleslaus Chrobry his Son succeeded him in 999 and was created King by the Emperor Otho the Third who visited the Tomb of Sr. Adelbert kill'd in Prussia He left the Crown to Micislaus the Second Who likewise left it to Casimir who being an Infant his Mother Rixa took upon her the Administration of the Government but the Poles being dis-satisfied with her she was fore'd to flee with her Son into Germany who in his Journey afterwards to France assum'd the Order and Habit of a Monk During his Absence there were great Disturbances in Poland whereupon by the Mediation of the Pope the Poles prevail'd upon Casimir to leave his Monastery and to accept of the Crown but upon this Condition That they were yearly to contribute a Farthing for each Head except those of the Nobility and Clergy towards the maintaining a perpetual Burning Lamp in the Church of St. Peter's at Rome and moreover cause their Heads to be shaved about their Ears like Monks His Son Boleslaus the Second succeeded him This Prince surnam'd The Cruel put to death Stanislaus Bishop of Cracow and as a Punishment for his Crimes Poland lost the Title of King for a considerable Time The next King was Uladislaus the First Brother to the fore-going Boleslaus He was succeeded by his Son Boleslaus the Third a brave Soldier who obrain'd a signal Victory over the Emperor Henry the Fifth in the Dogs Field near Breslau There never was a Prince in Poland more famous than this he fought 45 Battels with Success except the last with the Red Russians which was lost through the Cowardice of the Vayvod of Cracovia to whom the King for Recompence sent a Hare's Skin and a Spinning-Wheel which so troubl'd him that he hang'd himself And the King likewise was so concern'd at his Defeat that he not long after died with Grief His Son Uladislaus the Second succeeded him After whom came Boleslaus Crispus his Brother who receiv'd a great Overthrow from the Prussians his Army having been mis-lead into Moors and Bogs through the Treachery of a Guide Next succeeded his Brother Micislaus Senier but he was soon deposed for Male-Administration Then came his Brother Casimir the Second to be elected who was only famous for chastising die Prussians His Son Lescus the Fifth Sur-nam'd The White was fain to contend with the banish'd Micislaus for the Kingdom Next him came his Son Boleslaus the Fifth Sur-nam'd The Chaste in whose Reign the Tartars committed prodigious Barbarities in Poland and from thence made an Inroad into Silesia where in a Battel fought near Lignitz they slew so many of the Inhabitants that they fill'd nine great Sacks with their Ears though they did cut off but one from each Head To him succeeded his Cousin Lescus Sur-nam'd The Black who was very fortunate in his Wars though the Civil Commotions and frequent Incursions of the Tartars occasion'd great Disturbances in his Kingdom After his Death there were great Contests about the Regency till at last Premis●aus Lord of Great Poland got the Upper Hand assuming the Title of King which had not been used for near Two Hundred Years before This Prince was murther'd by some Brand●nburgh Emissaries after he had reign'd but Seven Months Next to him was elected Uladislaus Lecticus who was depos'd for Male-Administration Then came Wenceslaus King of Bohemia to be chosen but after his Death Lacticus was restor'd After him his Son Casimir the Great succeeded who subdu'd all Russia and united it to the Kingdom of Poland He dying the Male Race of Piastus lost the Crown of Poland which after this Casimir devolv'd to Lewis King of Hungary who left two Daughters Hedwigis the youngest of which was declared Queen and married Jagello Duke of Lithuania who was then Baptized and made a Christian Upon this Marriage he was Acknowledged and his Countries joined to Poland about the year 1386. Jagello who took at his Baptism the Name of Uladislaus the 4th had for his Successor Uladislaus the 5th This King was killed in a Battle against the Turks in his stead Casimir the 4th was made King of Poland to whom Succeeded his Son John Albert● after whom came his Brother Alexander who Reigned only five Years when came Sigismund the First one of the most famous Princes in his time his Son Sigismund the 2d was next Elected who died without Issue and thereby the Male Race of the Jagellonick Family was Extinct Then the Polanders chose Henry Duke of Anjou Son of Henry the 2d of France King and he was Crowned the 15th of Feb. 1574. But this Prince having Notice of the Death of his Brother Charles the Ninth King of France he went to receive that Crown in 1576. Then one Party of the Electors set up Stephen Batori Prince of Transilvania and the other Maximilian Arch-Duke of Austria which brought a War upon the Country The First carried it and died without Childrin in 1580. Next Sigismund the Third Son to John King of Sweden was set upon the Throne in 1587 but the King his Father dying soon after he went to take possession of the Crown of Sweden Some time afterwards the Swedes revolted and chose Charles Prince of Sudermania his Uncle for their King They went to War with Sigismund took Riga from him in 1625 and he died in 1632. Uladislaus his Son succeeded him who dying in 1648 they chose in his place John Casimir he made a voluntary Abdication of the Crown and had for his Successor Michael VVitznowizki that died in 1672 and John Sobieski succeeded him and died in 1696. This Prince was the Third of that Name he was the youngest Son of Sobieski Palatin of Cracovia c. and of a Daughter of Stanislaus Zolkiewski Grand Chancellor and Grand General of the Crown He was made Grand Marshal of the Crown August 24th 1665 and Grand Master of the King's Houshold Palatin of Cracovia c. He recovered 60 Towns from the rebellious Cosacks in the Ukrain in 1667 he held out Podhois against the Tartars and two years after he took from them and the Cossacks all the Palatinate of Bracklaw in the Lower Podolia He defeated the Turks in 1671 during the siege of Leopold upon the Peltaw in the Black Russia and in 1673
won the famous Battle of Cherzim upon the Neister upon the Frontiers of Moldavia That Battle begun upon a Saturday and was not fully over till within three days after at what time it was ended by the Surrender of that that Fortress The Turks in that Battle lost 8000 Janisaries and 2000 Spahi's which being one of die most celebrated Victories in this Age was gained upon the 11th of Nov. the next day after the decease of King Michael Korilut Wiesnowiski The Grand Marshal Sobieski was Elected May 10. 1674 but was not Crowned till fifteen Months after during which time he gained several Advantages over the Turks and constrained them to make a Peace at Zurowna Every one knows how much he contributed towards the Raising the Siege of Viena being himself in Person at the Action wherein he acquired great Renown He espoused Mary de la Grange the Daughter of the Marquiss d' Arquien not long since made a Cardinal of the Noble Family of de la Grange in Nivernois she was the Widow of Prince Zamoiski The King had several Children by her and among the rest three Princes of which the Eldest has the Honour to be Brother-in-Law to the Emperor by Marrying one of the Princesses of Neuburgs Lastly to compleat his Encomium he spoke several Languages and was a great Lover of Books and Learned Men. CHAP. IV. Of the Government and Manner of Election in Poland POland is a State where the Government is Monarchical and Aristocratical It is Monarchical because they have a King and Aristocratical by reason their King is not an Absolute Prince that can Dispose and Resolve upon Affairs by his own Power without Consent of the Senators I have already taken Notice that the Archbishop of Gnesna is Primate of the Kingdom and has the Administration during an Inter-regnum He Assembles the States to Elect a new King and Appoints both Time and Place After every one has given his Suffrage the King is Elected by Majority of Voices This Prelate declares him brings him forth into the middle of the Assembly then he is Conducted to the Church where after Mass he Swears to preserve the Privileges of the Kingdom and to keep the Established Laws which oblige him to do nothing without Consent of the States Upon Matters Of moment the King sends by his Chancellor Letters to the Palatins called Instructionis Litterae because they mention the State of those Affairs his Majesty has to propose to the Assembly and Appoints them a Time to come to Court When they receive these Letters every one of the Senators particularly examines the Nature Quality Subject and Consequences of the Propositions to which he has a Liberty to Answer as he shall think fittting whether with respect to the publick Good or his own private Interest The King sends Letters also into the Palatinates where the Nobility assemble to choose one among them a Person of Merit that is sufficient and capable to speak in behalf of their Province in whom they are universally to agree to For if it happens there be one Negative in the Assembly 't is impossible to proceed farther the Deputy cannot go and that Province has no Voice in the States After these Provincial Assemblies are over the Senators and Deputies appear at Court at the Time prefixed where the King attended by his Chancellor signifies to them first the Cause of their Meeting then hears and receives their Advices but they must be unanimous in their Resolutions or as they say Nemine reclamante nemine dissentiente or the Diet breaks up every one goes home again and the Propositions come to nothing Among the Cities there are only Cracow Danzic and Vilna that have the Privilege of sending Deputies to the Diet. The ordinary Matters are Transacted before the Judges established in every Palatinate and as in the Provincial Assemblies all manner of Persons have Liberty to be present and hear what is proposed the meanest Country-man may know all So when ever they Treat of War the Enemy is advised and informed of their Designs their Strength and how to ruine them The King 's best Revenue consists in the Salt-works near Cracow in the Mines of Copper Lead and Silver in the Fishery and Tribute of the Jews His Revenues are computed at 600000 Crowns per Ann. The Prosit arising from his Demesnes are commonly given away in Pensions and Bounties to the Palatines Chastellains and other Great Men to engage them to his Interests Most of what comes into his own Coffers is either laid up or Expended in the Purchase of Estates for his younger Sons his Daughters being Married at the Publick Charge and the Expences of his Houshold defrayed by his Subjects He has the Nomination of the Bishopricks and of all the Dignities of the Kingdom and of the Commissions of War and Revenue the Courts of Justice and Civil Government The chiefest Dignities are the Lieutenant the Great Master of the King's Houshold the Great Treasurer the Great Provost c. These Places are both for the Kingdom of Poland and Dutchy of Lithuania where the King goes every two or three Years to hold a Diet and as soon as he enters upon the Country he is only served by the Officers of the Dutchy The Grand Marshal of the Crown or Crown General has very great Advantages and his Office gives him the Title also of Grand Master of the King's House Great Master of the Ceremonies Introductor of Ambassadors Judge and Master of the Civil Government he can make Laws and has Power of Life and Death in him The Generals of this Kingdom and of Lithuania may fight as they see Cause and have Soveraign Power in the Camp Besides the Palatines and Chastellans that I have spoke of there are in all the Cities Burghers Judges and Magistrates But there lies an Appeal from them to Cracow for Great Poland and to Lublin for the Lesser Poland and Russia Tho' the King of Poland has the name of a King and the first Dukes were in truth Kings without the Title yet at present he is nothing less being not allowed to make Peace or War to impose Taxes make Laws alienate any of his Demesnes or in short to do any thing of importance which concerns the Publick without the consent of the Diet. And he does not only swear to do all this but allows their Disobedience in case he violates his Oath which makes the Subjects the Princes Judges and this Kingdom a meer Aristocracy or knot of petty Kingdoms under one Head The First Dukes indeed were absolute Princes and ruled after a Despotical manner having power not only of the Estates of their Subjects but of Life and Death without formalities of Law yet when they once became Elective they lost much of that power which decayed so by degrees that at last it came to nothing magni nominis umbra A Diminution which began first in the times of Lewis of Hungary and Jagello of Lithuania who to gain