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A40974 Fasti Gulielmi Tertii, or, An Account of the most memorable actions transacted during His Majesty's life, both before and since his accession to the crown with the days, months, and years wherein the same hapned [sic]. 1697 (1697) Wing F539A; ESTC R31503 112,181 335

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brought it to the Custody of a Messenger at Arms. 25. 15. 1689 The Duke of Gourdon refusing to surrender the Castle of Edinburgh the Convention sent the Heraulds with the usual For malities to command him to deliver the same and upon his Resusal he was proclaimed Rebel and Traitor 26. 16. 1691 The French having invested Mons on the 15th Instant his Majesty King William having sent Prince Waldeck before to assemble the Confederate Army at Brussels set out from the Hague after having taken his Leave of the States General followed by the Duke of Zell General Chanvet and many other Princes dit 1689 King William and Queen Mary were proclaimed in the Island of Jersey 27. 17. 1673 The Prince of Orange gave Audience to the Ambassadors of the Emperor and the King of Spain and sent in his Name the Sieur de Odyck to the Congress it Cologne and opposes the Suspension of Arms that was demanded because an Express he had sent to the Elector of Brandenburgh was not yet returned 27. 17. 1689 The Convention of Scotland publishes a Proclamation requiring all Persons from the Age of 16 to 60 to be in a Readiness to take Arms when they shall think fit to give farther Directions     They approved what the Nobility and Gentry had done in praying King William to take upon him the Government of their Kingdom They ordered some Arms and Gun-powder to be sent with all speed into Ireland for the Assistance of the Protestants of that Kingdom 28. 18. 1696 This Day Robert Charnock Edward King and Thomas Keys condemned the 11th Instant for conspiring against his Majesty's Life were drawn from Newgate to Tyburn in a Hurdle They said nothing to the Spectators but each of them delivered a Paper to the Sheriffs wherein they own to have been concerned in the Assassination of King William which Charnock called to attack the Prince of Orange and his Guards They were hang'd and afterwards quartered according to the Sentence past upon them 29. 19. 1680 The Prince set out from the Hague to take a View of the Fortifications of Boisleduc Berggopzoom and other Frontier Places of Brabant 30. 20. 1689 His Majesty King William appoints the Lords Lieutenants of the Counties of England and fills all other Vacancies occasioned by the late Revolution 31. 21. 1696 The King sent a Message to the House of Lords to acquaint them that he had received Information upon Oath that the Earl of Ailesbury was concerned in the Conspiracy against his Government and his Lordship was committed the same Day to the Tower for High Treason dit 1689 The Forces sent by King William into Scotland arrive at Edinburgh under the Command of Major General Mackay April     1. 22. 1691 The King arrives at Vilvord and causes his Army to march cowards Hall in order to attempt to relieve the City of Mons besieged by the French 2. 23. 1675 The Prince of Orange falls sick of the small Pox which caused a general Consternation through all the Vnited Netherlands and in most Courts of Europe dit 1689 The Convention of the States of Scotland signed this Day a Letter to King William and sent it by the Lord Ross wherein they return their hearty Thanks to his Majesty for the Danger he has exposed himself to for the Deliverance of their Kingdom They desire also his Majesty to continue his Care and Protection assuring that they will shortly fall upon such Resolutions as may be acceptable to him and secure their Religion Laws and Liberty dit 1691 The King took a Review of the Confederate Forces near Brussels and marched to Hall having given fresh Orders for the Artillery to march with all speed dit 1696 This Day Sir John Friend was brought to his Trial for High-Treason The Matters charged against him were That he had received and accepted a Commission from the late King James for raising a Regiment of Horse that he had appointed several Officers of his Regiment had paid several Sums of Money for the raising and listing of Men was present at several Meetings and Consultations with Charnock and others where it was resolved to send Charnock to France to invite the late King James to invade this Kingdom with a Body of French Troops and to join the late King James upon his Landing here with 2000 Horse That the said Sir John Friend knew of the said Invation and had made Preparations to join the French upon their Landing and that he was acquainted with the Intended Assassination of his Majesty All which being fully and clearly proved against him he was found guilty of High Treason 3. 24. 1674 The States General present the Prince with two Millions of Florins in Consideration of the Liberty obtained for the Dutch by his Highness from Charles II. for the Herring Fishery dit 1696 Sir William Parkins was this Day tried at the Old Baily for High Treason and was charged to have received and accepted a Commission from the late King James for raising a Regiment of Horse that he had raised a Troop consisting of old Souldiers and had several old Officers that would go Volunteers under him was present at several Meetings and Consultations with Charnock and others where it was agreed to send Charnock to France to invite King James to invade the Kingdom c. That he did own to have seen and read a Commission written with K. James's own Hand for Raising and Levying War on the Person of King William that he was present at several Meetings and Consultations with Sir George Barclay Charnock and others for the Intended Assassination of his Majesty consented thereto and undertook to provide sive Horses for that Design and that a great quantity of Arms were found buried in his Orchard in Warwick-shire The Evidence being very full and clear against him he was found guilty of High-Treason and received Sentence of Death 4. 25. 1693 The Right Honourable Sir John Sommers Knight was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England 4. 25. 1673 The Prince is obliged to take a Journey into Zealand to compose the Divisions that were in that Province which having ended to his Satisfaction his Highness returns to the Hague and takes a View in his way of Flushing L'Ecluse Bergopzoom Ardemburg Breda and Boisleduc 5. 26. 1689 The Convention of Scotland appoints a Committee of their Body composed of 8 Lords 8 Knights and 8 Burgesses to settle the Government     The Convention of Scotland ordered that the Militia of Horse and Foot of the whole Kingdom should be brought together and disposed into convenient Places to secure the Peace of the Country dit 1696 Four Conspirators against his Majesty's Person were this Day seized 6. 27. 1689 The States of Scotland gave a Commission in their Name to Major General Mackay to be Commander in chief of their Forces and to let the World know that they thought themselves the only Soveraigns of that Kingdom and that King James had
being assured of the hearty Concurrence and Assistance of our Subjects in Support of so good a Cause Hereby willing and requiring our General of our Forces our Commissioners for executing the Office of High-Admiral our Lieutenants of our several Counties Governours of our Forts and Garisons and all other Officers and Souldiers under them to do and execute all Acts of Hostility in the prosecution of this War against the French King his Vassals and Subjects and to oppose their Attempts willing and requiring all our Subjects to take notice of the same whom We henceforth strictly forbid to hold any Correspondence or Communication with the said French King or his Subjects and because there are remaining in our Kingdoms many of the Subjects of the French King We do declare and give our Royal Word that all such of the French Nation as shall demean themselves dutifully towards us and not correspond with our Enemies shall be safe in their Persons and Estates and free from all Molestation and Trouble of any kind Given at Hampton Court May the 7th 1689. dit 1694 The King landed at the Hook of Holland over against the Brill having left his Convoy several Leagues at Sea 18. 8. 1694 Their Majesties created the Right Honourable Henry Lord Viscount Sydney Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Master General of the Ordnance an Earl of this Kingdom by the Name and Stile of Earl of R●mney in the County of Kent dit 1696 The King being arrived at the Hague the Night before went to the Assembly of the States of Holland and afterwards to that of the States General and made a short Speech in each of them His Majesty was the same Day complimented by the States upon his safe Arrival by the Council of State and the Colleges of the Admiralty and foreign Ambassadors dit 1692 Admiral Russell with his Majesty's Fleet passed this Morning through the Downs and being joined by Admiral Allemond sailed to the Westward in quest of Count Tourville dit 1695 William de Nassan Seigneur de Zuilestein was created Baron of Enfield Viscount Tunbridge and Earl of Roch●fort     The same Day the Lord Gray of Wark was created Viscount Glendale and Earl of Tankerville 19. 9. 1691 Dr. Sharp Dean of Canterbury was this day nominated Archbishop of York dit 1689 A Proclamation was published at the Request of the House of Commons commanding all Papists to depart out of the Cities of London and Westminster and ten Miles adjacent dit 1692 A Proclamation came out for apprehending the Earl of Scarfdale the Earl of Litchfield the Lord Griffin the Earl of Newburgh the Earl of Middleton the Earl of Dunmore and a great many disaffected Persons for conspiring to subvert the Government dit 1695 The Duke of Schomberg the Earl of Tankerville and Peregrine Bertie Esq were sworn of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council 20. 10. 1692 This Day the Trained-Bands of the City of London consisting of 6 Regiments making about 10000 Men were drawn up in Hide-park under the Command of the Lord Mayor and received by the Queen who was extremely satisfied with the good Order they appeared in and of the great Zeal and Readiness which they expressed for their Majesties Service and their own Security against the Designs of the French who then threatned the Kingdom with a Descent their Fleet having appeared this Day off of Dartmouth dit 1694 The Earl of Stamford and Charles Mountague Esq one of the Commissioners of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer were sworn this Day of their Majesties most Honourable Privy Council 21. 11. 1689 This Day being appointed for the publick Reception of the Commissioners viz. the Earl of Argyle Sir James Montgomery of Skelmerly and Sir John Dalrymple of Stair younger who were sent by the Meeting of the States of Scotland with an Offer of the Crown of that Kingdom to their Majesties they accordingly at three of the Clock met at the Council-Chamber and from thence were conducted by Sir Charles Cotterel Master of the Ceremonies attended by most of the Nobility and Gentry of that Kingdom who reside in and about London to the Banqueting-House where the King and Queen came attended by many Persons of Quality the Sword being carried before them by the Lord Cardrosse Their Majesties being placed on the Throne under a rich Canopy the Commissioners presented a Letter from the States to his Majesty then the Instrument of the Government Thirdly a Paper containing the Grievances which they desired might be redressed ●nd lastly an Address to his Majesty for turning the Meeting of the said Estates into a Parliament All which being signed by his Grace the Duke of Hamilton as President of the Meeting and read to their Majesties the King return'd to the Commissioners the following Answer     WHEN I ingaged in this Undertaking I had a particular Regard and Consideration for Scotland and therefore I did emit a Declaration in relation to that as well as to this Kingdom which I intend to make good and effectual to them I take it very kindly that Scotland has expressed so much Confidence in and Affection to me they shall find me willing to assist them in every thing that concerns the Weal and Interest of that Kingdom by making what Laws shall be necessary for the Security of their Religion Property and Liberty and to ease them of what may be justly grievous to them     After which the Coronation-Oath was tender'd to their Majesties which the Earl of Argyle spoke word by word and the King and Queen repeated it after holding their right Hands up after the manner of taking Oaths in Scotland but when the Earl came to this part of the said Oath And we shall be careful to root out all Hereticks and Enemies of the true Worship of God that shall be convicted by the true Kirk of God of the aforesaid Crimes out of our Lands and Empire of Scotland the King declared that he did not mean by these Words that he was under any Obligation to become a Persecutor To which the Commissioners being authorized by the States of Scotland made answer That neither the Meaning of the Oath or the Law of Scotland did import it since by the said Law no Man was to be persecuted for his private Opinion and that even obstinate and convicted Hereticks were only to be denounced Re●els or out-law'd whereby their moveable Estates were consiscated Whereupon the King declared again that he took the Oath in that Sense and called for Witnesses the Commissioners and others present and then their Majesties signed the Coronation-Oath and the Commissioners and several of the Scotish Nobility were admitted to kiss their Majesties Hands 22. 12. 1689 His Majesty's Ship the Nonsuch of 36 Guns commanded by Captain Roomcoyle ingaged this Day off of Guernsey two French Men of War one of 30 Guns 120 Men and the other of 16 Guns 6 Pattereroes and 120 Men. The Fight lasted above
Men of War sailed this Day from the Buoy of the Nore to join the Dutch in the Downs and the same Day the Earl of Portland arriv'd from Holland with sive Men of War and two Fireships and brought an Account that the late King James had drawn a Body of Forces at the Hogue to make a Descent upon England but that they were not embarked 15. 5. 1692 The Kingdom being threatned with a powerful Invasion from abroad the late K. James with near 20000 Men being ready to embark at the Hogue and Count Tourville being in the Channel with the French Fleet to protect them the Queen put out a Proclamation requiring the Attendance of both Houses of Parliament on the 24th of this Instant and her Majesty ordered all the Forces of the Kingdom to be drawn together at Petersfield hear Portsmouth under the Command of the Duke of Leinster The Lords Lieutenants of the Counties bordering on the Sea received also Directions to raise the Militia and all other imaginable Precautions were taken to prevent the Design of the Enemy The King being then abroad with the greatest part of the Standing Forces there appeared a great Consternation but the Queen reviv'd the Spirits of the whole Nation by the great Courage and Prudence she expressed in that nice Juncture dit 1696 The King went on board the Elizabeth in Margate-Road and sailed for Holland 16. 6. 1695 The King declared this Day that he had thought fit to appoint Henry Lord Capel to be Lord Deputy of Ireland dit 1694 The King embarked this Day at Margate for Holland being attended by 8 Dutch Men of War 17. 7. 1689 The House of Commons having desired his Majesty to take into Consideration the many Incroachments of France upon Great Britain and our Neighbours and to declare War against the French King assuring him that the House would support him to carry on the same with Vigour a Declaration of War was published this Day And because the French have had the Impudence to say that we declar'd War against them without any Cause I think sit to transcribe the said Declaration     William R.     IT having pleased God Almighty to make us the happy Instruments of rescuing these Nations from great and imminent Dangers and to place us upon the Throne of these Kingdoms we think our selves obliged to endeavour to the uttermost to promote the Welfare of our People which can never be effectually secured but by preventing the Miseries that threaten them from abroad     When we consider the many unjust Methods the French King has of late Years taken to gratify his Ambition that he has not only invaded the Territories of the Emperor and of the Empire now in Amity with us laying waste whole Countries and destroying the Inhabitants by his Armies but declar'd War against our Allies without any Provocation in manifest Violation of the Treaties confirm'd by the Guaranty of the Crown of England We can do no less than join with our Allies in opposing the Designs of the French King as the Disturber of the Peace and the Common Enemy of the Christian World     And besides the Obligations we lay under by Treaties with our Allies which are a sufficient Justification of us for taking up Arms at this time since they have called upon us so to do the many Injuries done to us and to our Subjects without any Reparation by the French King are such that however of late Years they were not taken notice of for Reasons well known to the World nevertheless We will not pass them over without a publick and just Resentment of such Outrages     It is not long since the French took Licences from the English Governour of Newfound-land to fish in the Seas upon that Coast and paid a Tribute for such Licences as an Acknowledgment of the sole Right of the Crown of England to that Island and yet of late the Incroachments of the French upon our said Island and our Subjects Trade and Fishery have been more like the Invasions of an Enemy than becoming Friends who enjoyed the Advantages of that Trade only by Permission     But that the French King should invade our Charibbee Islands and possess himself of our Territories of the Province of New-york and of Hudsons-Bay in a hostile manner seizing our Forts burning our Subjects Houses and inriching his People with the Spoil of their Goods and Merchandises detaining some of our Subjects under the Hardship of Imprisonment causing others to be inhumanely kill'd and driving the rest to Sea in a small Vessel without Food and Necessaries to support them are Actions not becoming even an Enemy and yet he was so far from declaring himself so that at that very time he was negotiating here in England by his Ministers a Treaty of Neutrality and good Correspondence in America     The Proceedings of the French King against our Subjects in Europe are so notorious that we shall not need to enlarge upon them his countenancing the Seisure of English Ships by French Privateers forbidding the Importation of great part of the Product and Manufactures of our Kingdom and imposing exorbitant Customs upon the rest notwithstanding the great Advantages he and the French Nation reap by their Commerce with England are sufficient Evidences of his Designs to destroy the Trade and consequently to ruin the Navigation upon which the Wealth and Safety of this Nation very much depend     The Right of the Flag inherent in the Crown of England has been disputed by his Orders in violation of our Soveraignty of the Narrow Seas which in all Ages has been asserted by our Predecessors and we are resolved to maintain for the Honour of our Crown and of the English Nation     But that which most nearly touches us is his unchristian Persecution of many of our English Protestant Subjects in France for Matters of Religion contrary to the Law of Nations and express Treaties forcing them to abjure their Religion by strange and unusual Cruelties and imprisoning some of the Masters and Seamen of our Merchant-Ships and condemning others to the Gallies upon pretence of having on board either some of his own miserable Protestant Subjects or their Effects And lastly as he has for some Years last past endeavoured by Insinuations and Promises of Assistance to overthrow the Government of England so now by open and violent Methods and the actual Invasion of our Kingdom of Ireland in Support of our Subjects in Arms and in Rebellion against us he is promoting the utter Extirpation of our good and loyal Subjects in that our Kingdom     Being therefore thus necessitated to take up Arms and relying on the Help of Almighty God in our just Undertaking we have thought fit to declare and do hereby declare War against the French King and that we will in conjunction with our Allies vigorously prosecute the same by Sea and Land since he has so unrighteously begun it
Parole His Valet de Chambre who accompanied him saved his Life to the Expence of his own which Zeal and Fidelity deserveth to be admired especially in this Age. 5. 25. 1689 The Ambassadors of the States of Holland had this Day their Publick Audience of Leave of their Majesties with all the Ceremonies that are observed at the publick Audiences of Ambassadors from Crowned Heads 6. 26. 1688 The French King having invaded the Palatinate and the Empire without any Provocation or Declaration of War the Dauphin arrived this Day before Philipsburgh which had been before invested by the French dit 1696 His Majesty came to Kensington from his Campagn in Flanders having landed at Margate this Morning at 1 a Clock 7. 27. 1691 The Garison of Limerick having demanded to capitulate the Governour sent Articles to General Ginkel who rejected them and sent them 12 Articles and let them know that he would grant no others ordering immediately a new Battery to be raised dit 1696 The Neutrality for Italy was signed this Day by Count Mansfeld in the Name of the Emperor the Marquiss de Leganez for the King of Spain and the Marquiss de St. Thomas for the Duke of Savoy by which it is agreed that there shall be a Suspension of Arms in Italy till a General Peace that the Siege of Valence which was besieged ever since the 17th ultimo by the Duke of Savoy should be immediately raised and that the Allies should march out of Italy 300000 Pistols being paid them in lieu of Winter-quarters The Conduct of the Duke of Savoy can hardly be parallel'd in History for he was the greatest part of this Summer at the Head of the Allies and towards the latter end of it we have seen him Generalissimo of the French invading the Country of the Allies who had so generously defended his against the Tyranny of the French 8. 28. 1688 King James having certain Advice that the Preparations made in Holland were designed against him issued out this Day a Proclamation whereby he declared that tho he had notice some time before of the intended Invasion of the Dutch yet he had always declined any Foreign Succours relying upon the true and antient Courage Faith and Allegiance of his People with whom he had often ventured his Life for the Honour of this Nation and in whose Defence he was resolved to live and die He recalled also the Writs issued out for the Election of the Members of Parliament which was to meet in November following dit 1690 The Earl of Marlborough being reinforced by the Duke of Wirtemberg and a Detachment of the Grand Army carried on the Siege of Cork with so much Vigour that the Garison was obliged to capitulate having Reason to fear they should be put to the Sword our Men having posted themselves very near the Wall They demanded the usual Terms of Capitulations but were denied and the General sent them word that he would allow them no other Conditions than to be Prisoners of War which they submitted to and accordingly delivered the Fort to the English The Garisom was near 5000 strong The Duke of Grafton with the Lord O Brian Colonel Granville Captain Cornwal Captain Neville and several other Sea-Officers went to the Attack as Volunteers and behaved themselves with an extraordinary Bravery but the Duke received a morcal Wound of which he died some Days after justly lamented for his great Valour 9. 29. 1674 The Germans having resused to fight the French at Oudenarde and thereby disappointed the Designs of the Prince of Orange his Highness left Flanders and came this Day before Grave with 2000 Horse to press the Siege of that important Place which was carried on by General Rabenhaut dit 1690 The Irish quitted the Town of Kingsale upon the Approach of a Detachment of the English sent by the Earl of Marlborough from Cork dit 1691 This Day the Town of Carmagnole in Piemont surrendred to the Confederate Army commanded by the Elector of Bavaria and the Duke of Savoy dit 1693 The Peace of the Lower Saxony being in great Danger of being disturbed by the Death of the Duke of Saxe Law●nburg because of the several Pretenders to that Succession his Majesty of Great Britain the King of Sweden the States of Holland and the Elector of Brandenburgh interposed their Mediation betwixt the King of Denmark and the House of Lunenburg and this Day a Treaty was signed at Hamburgh whereby the Danes withdrew their Army from before Ratzeburgh which they had already besieged and the Princes of Lunenburgh obliged themselves to raze the Fortifications of that Place which had given a great Umbrage to the King of Denmark 10. 30. 1688 His Highness the Prince of Orange gave this Day his Declaration at the Hague containing the Reasons inducing him to appear in Arms in England for preserving the Protestant Religion the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland This Declaration sets forth King James's most notorious Breaches of the Original Contract between the King and the People and of his Coronation-Oath the Invitation made to his Highness by many of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons to come to their Relief and the Prince's Intention to join with the People of England and oblige the King to call a Free Parliament to redress those intolerable Grievances and inquire into the Legitimacy of the Prince of Wales which as his Highness says was suspected by the greatest part of the Nation   October   11. 1. 1690 The Earl of Marlborough sat down this Day before Kingsale 12. 2. 1688 King James being very sensible that his Arbitrary Government had alienated from him the Hearts of his Subjects thought there was no better way to disappoint the Designs of the Prince of Orange than to redress the Grievances of the Nation and in order thereto sent this Day for the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs of London to Whitehall where he told them that out of his Concern for the Peace and Welfare of the City and as a Mark of the great Confidence he had in them at a time when the Kingdom was threatned with an Invasion he had resolved to restore to them their antient Charter and Privileges and to put them into the same Condition they were in at the Time of the Judgment pronounced against them upon the Quo warranto     The same Day a General Pardon was published in which about 17 Persons were excepted dit 1689 The Town of Bon surrendred this Day to the Confederate Army commanded by the Elector of Brandenburgh the French having lost therein about 3000 Men. dit 1690 The two Houses of Parliament met this Day at Westminster where his Majesty made a most gracious Speech on the Transactions of the last Campaign and the necessity of encreasing our Preparations for the next dit   The Old Fort of Kingsale was this Day stormed and taken by the English 13. 3. 1688 This Day the Archbishop
Prince was born as they say on Sunday the 10th of June Old Stile 1688. 2. 23. 1689 The Parliament after a short Prorogation met again this Day and his Majesty was pleased to refer them to what he had said to both Houses the 19th Instant in relation to the Affairs of Ireland     The same Day a great Number of Lords and Gentlemen of that Kingdom met at Bow-Church in Cheapside to render Thanks to Almighty God for the Deliverance of the bloody Massacre the Irish made of the Protestants in the Year 1641 which began upon this Day 3. 24. 1673 This Day the Prince of Orange with his Army joined the Imperial Forces commanded by Count Montecuculi between A●dernacht and Bonn. 4. 25. 1684 The Chambre de Metz so famous for their unjust Judgments deprived his Highness the Prince of Orange of the Lands Mannors and Lordships he had in the French King's Dominions 5. 26. 1674 This Day there was a Rencounter between a Detachment of the Troops of the Duke of Lorain and the French Arrierban or Nobility commanded by the Marquiss de Sable consisting of 700 Gentlemen in which ●he latter were all killed or taken Prisoners except 17. The General himself was taken The Lorains were but 700 commanded by Monsieur Dupuy dit 1688 King James being acquainted that many made it their business by Writing Printing or Speaking to defame his● Government with false and seditious News and Reports to create in his Subjects and universal Jealousy and Discontent and that in Coffee-Houses and other Places People took the Liberty to censure the Proceedings of State by speaking evil of things they understood not published this Day his Proclamation forbidding the spreading of false News and declaring that those who should hear seditious Reports and Reflections against him and his Ministers and should not reveal it should be likewise prosecuted with the ●tmost Severity This Proclamation rather increased the Aversion Men had then for the Government and there were very few who did not presently reflect on Father Petre then one of the Privy Council as fitter to be hang'd than reverenced 6. 27. 1688 The Earl of Sunderland President of King James's Privy Council and principal Secretary of State was turned this Day out of all his Places and the Lord Preston made Secretary in his room The Change surprized all Men and it was given out that his Lordship had lost out of his Scritore the Original League concluded between the French King and K. James for the Extirpation of the Protestant Religion here and the establishing Popery and Arbitrary Government and that the same had been carried over to the Prince of Orange but my Lord Sunderland in his Letter to a Friend in London that came out some time after viz. March 23 1689. says that he never heard of such a League but tells us the Jesuits exasperated King James against him because he opposed the Prosecution of the seven Bishops who were put in June last into the Tower for refusing to read in their Churches the King's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience because ●●e advised the King to restore ●he Corporations annul the Ecclesiastical Court call a Free Parliament and redress all other Grievances He tells us also that he disswaded King James from calling a Parliament in Ireland which was designed to alter the Acts of Settlement I must not forget to mention two pieces of Service more to the Nation performed by his Lordship which was the refusing of the French Succours that were offer'd to King James which my Lord Sunderland opposed to Death and his hindring the securing the Chief of the disaffected Nobility and Gentry which was proposed to the Court as a certain way to break all the Prince's Measures 7. 28. 1677 His Highness having joined the Imperial Army held the 4th Instant a Council of War wherein it was resolved to besiege Bon and accordingly his Highness took his Quarters this Day before that Fortress which was invested the Day before 8. 29. 1689 This Day Sir Thomas Pilkington being continued Mayor of the City of London was according to Custom sworn before the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster whither he went by Water accompanied by the Aldermen and the several Companies of the City in their respective Barges adorned with Flags and Streamers Their Majesties and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark and the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament having been pleased to accept of an humble Invitation from the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common Council to dine in the City this Day their Majesties attended by his Royal Highness all the great Officers of the Court and a numerous Train of Nobility and Gentry in their Coaches went to Guild-hall the Militia of London and Westminster making a Lane for them the Balconies all along their Passage being richly hung with Tapistry and filled with Spectators and the People in great Crouds expressing their Joy with loud and continued Acclamations The Royal City-Regiment of Volunteer Horse richly accoutred under the Command of the Earl of Monmouth attended their Majesties from Whitehall to Guildhall where they were entertained with the Grandeur and Magnificence sutable to so august and extraordinary a Presence Christopher Lethieullier John Houblon Esq Sheriffs Edward Clark and Francis Child Aldermen received the Honour of Knighthood on this occasion Their Majesties returned in the Evening with the same Ceremonies amidst the Acclamation of their People Bonsires and Illuminations 9. 30. 1688 King James having received Advice the Day before that the Damage the Fleet of the Prince of Orange had received in the Storm which forced him back to Helvoetsluce had been magnified on purpose to delude him and that the Prince would sail in few Days sent fresh Orders to his Fleet to put to Sea and suspecting that the Prince would land in the North because of the great many disaffected Lords that were gone that way he sent thither a greater Number of his Forces which was looked upon as a new Instance of the Weakness of the Council of that Prince in sending his Forces to one of the Extremities of the Kingdom before he knew that his Enemy should not land in the other 10. 31. 1688 King James having read in the Prince's Declaration that his Highness was most earnestly invited hither by divers of the Lords both Spiritual and Temporal and by many Gentlemen and others his Majesty sent for some of the Bishops and required of them a Paper under their Hands in abhorrence of the Prince of Orange's intended Invasion which was designed to be tacked to a Proclamation which came out two Days after forbidding the reading of his Highness's Declaration upon severe Penalties but the Bishops of Canterbury London Peterborough and Rochester who were only sent for refused to do it at which the Jesuited Party were so violently inraged that if we may believe the Bishop of Rochester King James was advised to imprison the said Bishops and extort that Truth
he could not now refuse because of his Army refusing to sight to establish Popery he ordered this Day in the Privy Council the Lord Chancellor to issue out Writs for the sitting of a Parliament on the 15th of January following but it was then too late for the Nation having observed that the Court had refused that just Demand as long as ever they could was now in such a Ferment that what the Court did or said was very little regarded 9. 29. 1688 The Prince of Orange being advanced to Sherborn-Castle was joined there this Day by the Prince of Denmark and the other Lords with him dit 1677 His Highness the Prince of Orange knowing how necessary his Presence was at the Hague took his leave of the King and the Duke of York and imbarked at Margate with her Royal Highness his Wife on the 7th Instant and this Day landed in Holland at Ter Heyde from whence they went to Honsl●erdick 10. 30. 1688 This Day came out King James's Proclamation for the speedy calling of a Parliament as the best and most proper Means as he says to establish a lasting Peace in the Kingdom This Parliament was to sit upon the 15th of January next and the King declared by this Proclamation that all his Subjects should have free Liberty to elect and that all the Peers and such who should be chosen Members of the House of Commons should have full Liberty and Freedom to serve and sit in Parliament notwithstanding they had taken up Arms or committed any Act of Hostility having for that purpose directed a General Pardon to pass the Great Seal The King concludes with these remarkable Words And for the reconciling all publick Breaches and obliterating the very Memory of all past Miscarriages we do hereby exhort and kindly admonish our Subjects to dispose themselves to elect such Persons for their Representatives in Parliament as may not be biassed by Prejudice or Passion but qualified with Parts Experience and Prudence proper for this Conjuncture   December   11. 1. 1688 This Day the Duke of Norfolk came to Norwich attended with a great Number of Gentlemen where they delared for a Free Parliament and the Protection of the Protestant Religion dit   The same Day the Account of King James's Resolution to call a Parliament being gone to the Fleet my Lord Dartmouth called the Captains of the Fleet-together on board the Resolution wherein they resolved upon an Address of Thanks to his Majesty concluding with these Words Beseeching Almighty God to give your Majesty all imaginable Happiness and Prosperity and to grant that such Counsels and Resolutions may be promoted as conduce to your Majesty's Honour and Safety and tend to the Peace and Settlement of this Realm both in Church and State according to the established Laws of the Kingdom This Address was signed by the Lord Dartmouth the Lord Berkley Sir Roger Strickland and 38 other Commanders King James was very much surprized at this Address and perceived but too late how mistaken he had been to have believed that his Fleet would fight for the Establishment of Popery and the Destruction of the Protestant Religion and the Laws of their Country 12. 2. 1676 The Prince comes back from Zealand to the Hague having been in great Danger because of the Ice 13. 3.   14. 4. 1677 This Day the Prince and Princess of Orange made a magnificent Entry into the Hague the Burghers being in Arms the Guns discharged several times and the Evening was concluded with Fireworks Bonfires c. The Bridg was adorned with green Festoons under which was the following Inscription     Vxori Batavis vivat Nassovius Hector Auriaco Patriae vivat Britannica Princeps     Before the Town-house there was a Triumphal Arch with this Inscription     A VrIaCi hIs ThaLaMIs BataVIs Dos RegIa PaX     And in the Hoogstra there was another with these Words     Ingredere Auspiciis Batavis felicibus Aulam 15. 5. 1673 His Highness returned this Day to his Army in Brabant to intercept the Mareschal de Luxemburgh who was returning to France with the Spoils of the Cities they had conquered in Holland The Prince did his utmost to draw the French to a Battel but they declined it and intrench'd themselves under the Cannon of Mastricht where they remained till his Highness was obliged by the hard Weather to send his Troops into their Winter-quarters to refresh themselves of the Fatigues they had suffer'd in their Expedition in Germary and the taking of Bonn. 16. 6. 1689 Colonel John Cutts was this Day created a Baron of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Title of Baron Cutts of Gowra● in consideration of his faithful Services and zealous Affection to their Majesties and Government dit 1688 The Popish Party grew so contemptible in London that an Hue and Cry after Father Peters was this Day publickly cried and sold in the Streets of London and Westminster tho King James was still at Whitehall dit 1693 His Majesty having been pleased upon the Death of the Duke of Schomberg to appoint the Lord Viscount Gallway to command his Forces in Piemont in quality of Lieutenant General and to give him likewise the Character of his Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy his Lordship set out this Day for Holland in order to continue his Journey to Turin by Land 17. 7. 1677 The Prince went this Day to the Assembly of the States General to return them his Thanks for their Approbation and Consent to his Marriage and to acquaint them with what he had negotiated in England in relation to the Peace with France     The same Day his Highness went to the Council of State and approved the State of the War for the next Campagn dit 1688 This Day a supposed Declaration of the Prince of Orange was publickly cried and sold in the Streets which put the Papists under an unexpressible Consternation for therein was contained this threatning Expression We do declare that all Papists who shall be found in open Arms or with Arms in their Houses or about their Persons or in any Office or Employment Civil or Military upon any Pretence whatsoever contrary to the known Laws of the Land shall be treated by Us and our Forces not as Souldiers and Gentlemen but as Robbers Free-booters and Banditti and shall therefore be entirely delivered up to the Discretion of our Souldiers The Magistrates were likewise commanded to disarm the Papists and put the Laws in execution against them This Declaration was dated S●erborn-Castle November 28. Signed Will. Henry Prince of Orange c.     This was the boldest Attempt that ever was made by a private Person and if I had been able to learn his Name I would have inserted it here because of the great Service this Declaration did to the Nation for the Papists not knowing that it was forged were so terrified that many laid down their Commissions and threw
Members of Parliament in K. Charles's Reign met at Westminster by the Prince's Advice and presented him an Address of Thanks for rescuing the Nation desiring him to take upon him the Government till January 22. and in the mean time to issue out Letters for the Meeting of a Convention and take into his Care the Condition of Ireland 7. 1689 28. 1688 He issues out his Letters for electing Members for the Convention 8. 29.   9. 1689 30. 1688 The Prince puts out his Proclamation authorizing Sheriffs Justices of Peace c. to act 10. 1678 31. 1677 This Day a Treaty between England and Holland was concluded at the Hague in order to reestablish Peace in Christendom and oblige the French King to grant reasonable Terms to the Crown of Spain c.   January   11. 1.   12. 2. 1689 The Prince of Orange publishes a Declaration for the better collecting the Revenue 13. 3. 1689 The Lord Dartmouth brings back the English Fleet into the Downs 14. 4.   15. 5. 1689 The Prince of Orange publishes an Order for the regular Election of Convention Men. dit 1691 King William prorogues the English Parliament 16. 6. 1691 His Majesty sets out for Holland to confer with several Confederate Princes but the Wind turning contrary he is forced to come back 17. 7. 1672 The States General appoint John de Wit Mynheer Beverning and Mynheer Fagel to draw up the Commission of Captain General 18. 8. 1651 The States General meet to dispose of the Places vacant by the Prince of Orange's Death dit 1689 The Prince puts out a Proclamation at London for quartering of Souldiers 19. 9. 1672 The Prince is proclaimed Captain General of Holland and Westfrizeland 20. 10. 1672 The Prince sets out from the Hague to view the Fortresses of the States and order the Magistrates of the several Provinces dit 1689 The Scots Lords present an Address to the Prince to take the Government of their Kingdom upon him till March next and to issue out his Letters for calling the States of Scotland to meet the 14th of the said Month. 21. 11.   22. 12. 1674 The States of Holland encrease the Houshold of his Royal Highness and the Number of his Guards 23. 13. 1673 The Prince presents the States with his tenth Part of all Prizes to be applied to the Defence of the Country 24. 14. 1689 The Prince of Orange being waited upon by the Scots Lords tells them that he has given all necessary Orders for the Security of their Kingdom 25. 15. 1679 He returns to the Hague having visited the Fortifications of Naerden and other Places in the Provinces of Vtrecht and Holland 26. 16. 1691 The King goes on board a second time for Holland attended by the Dukes of Norfolk and Ormond the Earls of Portland Dorset and Devonshire the Bishop of London and other Lords 27. 17.   28. 18.   29. 19. 1675 The States of Vtrecht sent their Deputies to advise the Prince to accept of the Soveraignty of Guelderland and Zutphen 30. 20. 1691 His Majesty comes in sight of the Dutch Coasts with 12 Men of War and 7 Yatchs but the Ships being unable to come nigh the Shore by reason of the Ice he takes a small Shalop to go on shore wherein he continued for 18 Hours together in a dark Night without view of Land or his Fleet exposed at once to die for Hunger to perish with Cold to be drowned at every Stroke his small Pinnace made against the Ice and to be taken Prisoner by every Pirate The Danger his Majesty was exposed to wholly dispirited his Attendants and seeing one of the Seamen who seemed to succumb under the Pressures of Cold Weariness and Fear he rouzed him up with this Expression What! dost thou fear to die in my Company An Expression very like to that used by Cesar in the Sicilian Strait Quid times Caesarem vehis Fortunam Caesaris and which had the same Effect for the Seamen being thereby encouraged surmounted all Difficulties and set his Majesty on Shore 31. 21. 1691 He arrives at the Hague incognito where nevertheless he is received with extraordinary Demonstrations of Joy It was the first time he came thither since crowned King of England and the States designed him the most magnificent Reception these last Ages have seen but his Majesty declined it dit 1697 This Day his Majesty was pleased to create the Honourable Arnold Joost Van Keppel an Earl Viscount and Baron of this Kingdom by the Title and Stile of Earl of Albemarle Viscount Bury and Baron of Ashford     The same Day his Majesty was pleased to appoint the Lord Viscount Gallway one of the Lords Justices of Ireland February     1. 22. 1689 The Convention of the States of England met at Westminster the Marquiss of Hallifax was chosen Speaker by the Lords and Henry Powle Esq by the Commons Both Houses desired the Prince to take on him the Administration of the Government for a farther time and ordered a Thanksgiving day to be kept Jan. 31. Old Stile in London and Feb. 14. throughout England for the Deliverance of the Nation The Prince sent a Letter to the House of Lords about setling the Government 2. 23. 1674 The States of Holland and West-Frizeland declare the Place of Governour Captain General and Admiral of their Provinces possessed by his Highness hereditary in his Male-Posterity     The same Day the States of Zealand did the like and also made the Dignity of first Nobleman bestowed upon his Highness hereditary He was a few Days after complimented thereupon by K. Charles II's Envoy 3. 24.   4. 25. 1677 At the Request of the States General he goes to Gro●ingen attended by some of their Deputies to compose the Divisions that were in that Town 5. 26. 1679 This Day the Treaty of Peace between the Empire and France was signed at Nimeguen dit 1691 His Majesty was obliged at the States Desires and the Peoples Importunities to make a publick Entry in●●●he Hague which was performed with all the Solemnity imaginable 6. 27. 1691 He gives Audie●ce to several Princes and Deputies of the Cities of Holland 7. 28. 1689 The House of Commons resolves that K. James H. having endeavoured to subvert the Constitution of the Kingdom by breaking the Original Contract between King and People and by the Advice o● Jesuits and other wicked Persons having violated the Fundamental Laws and withdrawn himself out of the Kingdom has abdicated the Government and that the Throne is thereby become vacant dit 1691 His Majesty assists at the Assembly of the States of Holland and Westfrizeland of the States General and at the Council of State where he receives extraordinary Marks of Respect dit 1697 Sir John Fenwick Baronet attainted of High Treason for conspiring against the King and betraying his Country to the French was beheaded this Day on Tower-Hill 8. 29. 1689 The House of Lords being in a great Debate on
be careful in preserving the publick Peace of the Kingdom 8. 28. 1672 The French having besieged Muyden one of the Keys of Amsterdam the Prince obliged them to raise the Siege and to retire dit 1696 This Day their Excellencies Signior Soranzo and Signior Venier Ambassadors extraordinary from the Republick of Venice to his Majesty made their publick Entry having been received at Greenwich by the Earl of Radnor and Sir Charles Cotterel Master of the Ceremonies accompanied by six Gentlemen of his Majesty's Privy Chamber and brought by Water in the King's Barge to the Tower They were complimented at their Landing by the Lord Lucas Governour of the same and saluted with a Discharge of the Cannon the Standard being display'd From thence their Excellencies were conducted in his Majesty's Coach followed by eight Coaches of their own and many others with six Horses apiece to the Lady Portland's House in the Pall-mall that was prepared for his Majesty's Entertainment of them where they receiv'd the Compliment of Welcome from the King by the Lord Guildford and from their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark by the Earl of Sandwich and the Lord Fitzharding Masters of their Horse They had a very numerous Retinue with very rich Liveries 9. 29. 1696 Robert Lowick Ambrose Rook-wood and Charles Cranburn lately convicted of High Treason for conspiring to assassinate the King were this Day executed at Tyburn They owned the Crime they were condemned for 10. 30. 1662 This Day was born that incomparable Princess the Lady Mary Daughter to James D. of York our late Renowned Queen dit 1694 This Day his Majesty was pleased to create the Marquiss of Caermarthen Duke of Leeds the Earl of Bedford Duke of Bedford the Earl of Devonshire Duke of Devonshire the Earl of Clare Duke of Newcastle and the Viscount Newport Earl of Bradford   May   11. 1. 1689 Admiral Herbert having notice that the French Fleet was sailed towards Ireland steered his Course that way and fought them in Bantry-Bay and tho the French had 28 Men of War and 5 Fireships and that the English had but 19 yet the French Admiral finding the Place too hot stood further into the Bay and left the Honour of the Day to the English dit 1691 Maj. Wood having notice that the Rapparees were in great Bodies about Brittas in the Queen's County in Ireland he went out with 300 of my Lord George Hamilton's and Colonel Lloyd's Foot and 50 of Colonel Byerly's Horse with which he first killed near seventy Rapparees and leaving part of his Men to secure several Passes he went three Miles further beyond a Place called the Tougher of Malahone having with him one hundred and ten Foot and thirty Horse but instead of the Rapparees whom he only expected he discover'd about 800 Men of the Irish Army divided into two Bodies notwithstanding the great Inequality in number he encountred them and after several Charges put them to the rout killing 150 on the Place amongst whom were one Captain Schales and two Lieutenants Major John Fitzpatrick who commanded the Party was taken Prisoner with 17 Officers more 6 Sergeants 16 Corporals 2 Drummers a Chirurgeon and 80 private Sentinels We lost in that brave Action but a Corporal and a Trooper with 2 Foot Souldiers and Lieutenant Robinson wounded dit 1696 Signior Soranzo and Venier Ambassadors Extraordinary from the State of Venice had their publick Audience of the King with the following Ceremonies The Earl of Denbigh and Sir Charles Cotterel Master of the Ceremonies with 6 Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber received them at the House where they were entertained by his Majesty's Appointment and conducted in his Majesty's Coach followed by their own and a great many other Coaches with 6 Horses apiece and attended with a numerous Retinue to the Audience of his Majesty in the Banqueting-house at Whitehall with all the Ceremonies and Honours that are usual on the like Occasions About nine at Night they took their Leaves privately of the King at Kensington and his Majesty knighted Signior Soranzo the eldest of the Ambassadors as has been practised by his Majesty's Predecessors     There was a great Council at Kensington where the King declar'd his Intention of setting out the next Day for Holland and that he had appointed the Archbishop of Canterbury Sir John Summers Lord Keeper of the Great Seal the Earl of Pembroke Lord Privy Seal the Duke of Devonshire Lord Steward of his Majesty's Houshold the Duke of Shrewsbury one of the Principal Secretaries of State the Earl of Dorset Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold and the Lord Godolphin first Commissioner of the Treasury to be Lords Justices of England for the Administration of the Government during his Majesty's Absence     His Majesty was pleased to create Sir John Lowther of Lowther a Baron and Viscount of this Kingdom by the Title of Baron of Lowther and Viscount Lonsdale     Sir John Thompson was created at the same time Baron of Haversham in the County of Bucks and Sir Thomas Littleton was constituted one of the Lords of the Treasury 12. 2. 1691 His Majesty being resolved to command the Confederate Army in Person this Summer embarked this Day at Harwich for Holland being attended by a Squadron of Men of War under the Command of Rear Admiral Rook and the next Day landed at Oranje Polder dit 1688 The Prince designing to sit out a Fleet for his Expedition into England and the Consent of the Province of Holland being necessary for it his Highness acquainted their Deputies with it who unanimously consented thereunto and told the Prince that tho they did not see the necessity of such an Equipment in time of Peace yet they were throughly satisfied that his Highness would not put the States to so great a Charge unless it were absolutely necessary for their Safety dit 1696 His Majesty left Kensington this Morning intending to embark at Margate for Holland dit 1692 Sir George Treby was sworn Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and Sir John Summers Attorney General 13. 3. 1695 The King came to the House of Lords to give the Royal Assent to several Acts and having made a gracious Speech to both Houses the Lord Keeper prorogued them to the 18th of June     His Majesty declar'd in Council the Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Keeper the Earl of Pembrook the Duke of Devonshire the Duke of Shrewsbury the Earl of Dorset and the Lord Godolphin Lords Justices of England for the Administration of the Government during his Absence     The same Day his Majesty was pleased to constitute the Right Honourable Sir William Trumball formerly Envoy extraordinary to the Court of France and Ambassador to Constantinople one of his Majesty's principal Secretaties of State who accordingly took the usual Oaths in Council 14. 4. 1692 Their Majesties Fleet being fitted up with an incredible Diligence by the Care and Application of Admiral Russell the
to her Majesty that the Regiments of the Militia of the City making 9000 Men were compleat that they had raised 6 Auxiliary Regiments and had resolved by a voluntary Contribution to raise a Regiment of Horse and 1000 Dragoo●s desiring her Majesty to appoint Officers to command them The Queen gave them Thanks for their Zeal but the French Fleet which was then upon the Coast of Kent having sailed towards their own the same Day the Horse and Dragoons were not raised 22. 12. 1691 This Day at 4 a Clock in the Afternoon was fought the bloody Battel of Aghrim between the English Forces commanded by General Ginkel and the Irish Rebels commanded by Monsieur de St. Ruth The Irish had the Advantage of Numbers and were so strongly intrenched that it seem'd impossible to force their Camp which took up a Hill the Approach whereof was defended by two great Bogs and the Castle of Aghrim from which the Enemy fired upon our Army However those Difficulties did not deter our Men but they attacked the Irish with so much Vigour that they ran away leaving 5000 Men upon the spot their Arms Cannon Colours Tents and Baggage and 500 Prisoners besides 100 Officers Their General St. Ruth was killed in the Engagement and we must do him this Justice to say that he alone found the Art to make the Irish fight for they made a very noble Defence We had near 2000 Men killed and wounded in that vigorous Action 'T is impossible to express the Bravery of the Troops that made up his Majesty's Army either English French Danes Dutch c. or the Courage and Prudence of the General Officers who then gained an immortal Honour Our Army was commanded in chief by General Ginkel who had under him the Duke of Wirtemberg and Scravenmoore Lieutenant Generals Mackay Tetteau La Forest Ruvigny Talmash Count Nassau and Holstaple Major Generals and Villers Bellasis La Melo●iere Eppinger Levison Stewart Prince of Hesse d'A●mstat and Schack Brigadeers The Irish were commanded in chief by Monsieur de St. Ruth and under him by D' Vsson Thesse and Sarsfield Lieutenant Generals Hamilton and Dorrington c. Major Generals These two last were taken Prisoners 'T is agreed on all hands that had not the Night stopp'd our Victory few of the Irish would have escaped tho they were 28000 strong the English Army contisted only of 17000 Men. dit 1694 The English and Dutch Fleet commanded by the Lord Berkley came this day before Diepe which they bombarded and said entirely in Ashes 23. 13. 1672 His Highness the Prince of Orange advises the States General to recal the Ambassadors they had sent to treat with the French King and King Charles and the said States having seriously considered of that Matter recalled them accordingly 24. 14. 1690 The Queen issued out this Day a Proclamation for apprehending the Earl of Litcisi●ld Arlesbury Castlemaine and the Lords Montgomery Preston and Bellasis with several other disaffected Persons for aberting and adhering to their Majesties Enemies 25. 15. 1690 The late King James returned this Day to St. Germains to give the French King an Account of his Defeat in Ireland and of the Loss of his Interest in that Kingdom The Return of that Prince convinced the French Mob that the Prince of Orange was not dead as they thought for it is observable that either the Wound he received the Day before he passed the Boyne or the Promises some desperate Villains had made to murder his Majesty in the Battel gave occasion to a Report in France that he was dead upon which the Magistrates of most Towns of the Kingdom ordered to the eternal Shame of the French Nation Bonfires to be made 26. 16. 1694 This Day the English and Dutch Fleet commanded by the Lord Berkley bombarded Havre de Grace 27. 17.   28. 18. 1695 Major General Ellenberg Governour of Dixmuyde surrendred this Day that Place to the French by a shameful Capitulation the Garison which contisted of near 5000 Men being made Prisoners of War tho there was no Breach made in that Place The Governour was tried afterwards for the same and received Sentence of Death which was put in execution 29. 19. 1695 This Day the French Army consisting of about 80000 Mea under the Command of Mareschal de Luxemburgh attack'd the Confederate Army incamped near Landen which was only 45000 strong because of the great Detachments that had been made therefrom to cover Liege and Mastricht exposed to the Attempts of the Enemy and for the Expedition of the Duke of Wirtemberg against the French Lines The King was advised to retire the Day before but his Army tho inferiour being made up of the finest Troops that ever were seen his Majesty did not think fit to hearken to that Advice and ordered some Intrenchments to be cast up in the Night The French attacked the Allies at 9 a Clock in the Morning with an extraordinary Bravery but were as bravely repulsed and it was 4 in the Afternoon before they had gained an Inch of Ground but our Ammunition being spent by so long a Fight and some of the Horse of Hanover giving ground the French possessed themselves of our Intrenchments where there was a most bloody Fight for some time between our Horse and the French the King charging himself at the Head of the Squadrons but at last being over-power'd by the great Number of the Enemy they were obliged to retire which they did in Confusion and Disorder because of a River that was behind our Army in which many were drowned The Enemy was so tired that they were glad to part with us All the Confederate Troops except some Squadrons I have spoken of behaved themselves to Admiration and especially the English but the Regiment of Horse of Windham and the French Regiment of Gallway distinguished themselves in a particular manner who broke three times the French Life-Guard and other Troops of the Houshold which are esteemed the best in the World The Relation printed at Paris says that his Majesty fought at the Head of the Regiment of Gallway and own that our Troops made an extraordinary Defence His Majesty received no other Harm than a small Contusion in his Side by a Musket-shot The Elector of Bavaria was also in the hottest of the Action as the meanest Souldier This was as bloody a Battel as any that has been fought these 50 Years for the French in the Relation they printed at Lisle own to have lost above 16000 Men but since it appears that they lost very near 20000. As our Army was not so numerous as the French by half we lost not above 9000 Men but a great many were taken Prisoners We lost no Baggage nor heavy Cannon but only some Field-Pieces We took 55 Standards and Colours and 400 Prisoners amongst whom was the Duke of Berwick and 30 Officers Count de Solmes General of the Dutch Foot died of his Wounds and the Duke of Ormond and Monsieur