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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19824 The collection of the historie of England. By S.D. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1618 (1618) STC 6248; ESTC S107285 367,727 236

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take it his passionate committing the cause of the Church with his soule to God and his Saints the place the time the manner and all aggrauates the hatred of the deed and makes compassion and opinion to be on his side The vnfortunate Gentlemen hauing effected this great seruice rifled the Arch-bishops house and after waighing the foulenesse of what they had committed and doubtfull whether the King though they had done him a great pleasure would seeme so to acknowledge it withdrew themselues into the North parts and from thence pursued The Murtherers miserable ende fled into seuerall Countreys where they all within foure yeares after as is reported died miserable Fugitiues Soone ranne the rumor of this deed with full mouth ouer all the Christian world euery pen that had passion was presently set on worke The King of France himselfe The King of Fraunce informes the Pope of Beckets murther informes the Pope of the whole manner with aggrauation of the souienesse thereof and incites him to vse the most exquesit punishment he could To vnsheath Peters sword to reuenge the death of the Martyr of Canterbury whose bloud cries out for all the Church and whose diuine glory was already reuealed in miracles Theobald Earle of Bloys a great and graue Prince elder brother to King Stephen The Earle of Bloys informes likewise sends likewise his information to the Pope and shewes him how he was at the peace-making betweene the King of England and this blessed Martyr and with what a cheerefull countenance with what willingnesse the King confirmed the agreement granting him power to vse his authority as it should please the Pope and him against those Bishops which had contrary to the right and dignity of the Church of Canterbury presumed to intrude the new King into the Royallthrone And this he would iustifie by his Oath or howsoeuer and in this peace saith he the man of God doubting nothing puts his necke vnder the sword this innocent lambe the morrow vpon Saint Innocents day suffered Martyrdome the iust bloud was shed where the shot of our saluation the bloud of Christ is offered And then how Court dogges the Kings familiars and domesticks were his ministers to execute this horrible act concluding with an exhortation likewise of reuenge But William Arch-bishop of Sens comes with a more maine outcry as if he would wake the Pope were he neuer so dead asleepe and tels him how he was appointed ouer The Arch-bishop of Sens writes to the Pope Nations and Kingdomes to bind their Kings in fetters and their Nobles with manacles of iron that all power both in Heauen and Earth was giuen to his Apostleship bids him looke how the Bore of the wood had rooted vp the Vineyard of the Lord of Saboath c. and all in that most powerfull phrase of holy writ And after hauing bitterly inueyed against the King vses these words It imports you O most milde keeper of the walles of Ierusalem to reuenge that which is past and prouide for the future What place shall be safe if the rage of tyranny shall imbrew the Sancta Sanctorum with bloud and teare in peeces the Vice-gerents of Christ the foster children of the Church without punishment Arme therefore all the Ecclesiasticall power you may c. Such and so great was the vprore of the Church raised vpon these motiues as notwithstanding The King declares his innocency by Embassage to the Pope the King of England then the greatest Prince of all the Christian world imployed the most especiall men could be chosen in all his Dominions for reputation learning and iudgement to declare his innocencie to the Pope to vowe and protest that he was so farre from willing such a deed to be done as he was from doing it himselfe and how grieuously hee Pope Cardinals denied audience refused conference tooke the matter when he heard thereof yet so deepe was the impression setled before hand and his name made so odious at Rome as not onely the Pope denied Audience to his Ambassadors but euery Cardinall and all other his Ministers refused to haue any conference with them Which with the hard passage they had in going thither by the many dangers and restraints they indured and now the contempt they found there did as they signified to the King much discourage them Yet for all this were there those braue Spirits among them as great Princes haue alwaies great Ministers that neuer gaue ouer working to cleere their maisters honour by Apologies remonstrances and all whatsoeuer wit could deuise and delt so as they kept off the great confounding blow of the highest Censure though it were euery day threatned and expected And hauing by grauely vrging the mischiefes might follow in the Church if a King of so great a State and stomacke should bee driuen to take desperate courses giuen some pawse and allay to the first heare they timed it out all that Spring and a great part of the next Sommer when although they could giue the King no great security yet they aduertise him of hope But the sending of two Cardinals a Latere Gratianus and Viuianus downe into Normandie did exceedingly vexe him For they were rough against him and would haue interdicted him and his Dominions but being forewarned of their comming and intention hee appeales to the presence of the Pope and so put off that trouble Returning out of Normandie into England hee giues strict commandement That no briefe carrier of what condition or order soeuer without giuing good security for his behauieur to the King and Kingdome bee suffred to passe the Seas Notwithstanding all the vexation the Church put this King into hee left nothing The Conquest of Ireland vndone that concerned the aduancement of his affaires but as if now the rather to shew his powre and greatnesse takes this time for an expedition into Ireland hauing commanded a Nauie of foure hundred shippes to bee ready at Milford-Hauen for the transportation of Men Victuals and Armour and sets soorth in the beginning of Nouember an vnseasonable time both for those Seas and the inuasion of a Countrey not well knowne But the businesse it seemes was well prepared for him hauing had an intention thereof euer since the second yeare of his raigne in which hee sent a solemne Ambassage to Pope Adrian the fourth to craue leaue for the subdument of that Countrey vnder pretence of reducing those rude people from their vicious fashions to the fayth and way of truth Which the Pope willingly graunted and returnes the Ambassadours with an autenticall concession thereof in writing to this effect First shewing how laudable a thing it was and how fitting the magnificence of so mighty a King to propagate his glorious name on Earth and heape vp reward of eternall felicity in Heauen by extending the bounds of the Church reducing rude and vnlettered people from their vicious manners to the veritte of the Christian faith and ciuilitie And
ariuing at the Port of Dam where they found the French Nauie vnorderly dispersed and without defence their forces going out to inuade the Country set vpon and vtterly defeited the same and afterward ioyning their powre with that of Ferrand draue the King of France home with great dishonour and exceeding losse King Iohn raised with this victorie and his peace with the Church sets vpon great designes taking oportunitie of this disaster of the King of France whom in reuenge of his iniurie and hope of recouering his transmarine Dominions he plots to assaile on all sides stirring vp his Nephew Otho to ayde the Earle of Flanders for an Inuasion on the East part whilst himselfe withall his powre should enter vpon the West For execution whereof first hee sends supplies of treasure to his Chieftaines in Flaunders then assembles a great Army at Portsmouth wherewith hee resolues to passe the Seas But his designe contrarie to his desire and haste came to be delayed by the withdrawing The Nobility refuse to ayde King Iohn of his Nobilitie who refused to ayde or attend him vntill hee were absolued and had confirmed vnto them their liberties wherewith much inraged seeing no other remedie he speedily sends for the Archbishop of Canterbury and the other Bishops which were yet in France promising them present restitution and satisfaction vnder the hands and seales of foure and twenty Earles and Barons vndertaking for the performance thereof according to the forme of his Charter graunted in this behalfe Pandolphus with the Bishop and the rest of the exiled Clergie forth-with come ouer and finde the King at Winchester where hee goeth forth to meere them and on his knees with teares receiues them beseeching them to haue compassion on him and the Kingdome of England Absolued he is with great penitence and compassion exprest with teares of all the beholders and sweares vpon the Euangelists to loue defend and maintaine Holy Church and the Ministers thereof against all their aduersaries to the vttermost of his powre That hee would reuoke the good Lawes of his Predecessors and especially those of King Edward abrogating such as were uniust Iudge all his subiects according to the iust iudgement of his Court That presently vpon Easter next following hee would make plenarie satisfaction of whatsoeuer had beene taken from the Church Which done he returnes to Portsmouth with intention to passe ouer into France 1214. Anno. Reg. 16. committing the gouernment of the Kingdome to Geffrey Fitz Peter and the Bishop of Winchester with charge that they should order all businesses together with the Councell of the Archbishop of Canterbury And here a numerous company of souldiers repayring to him complayned that by The Archbishop threatens to excommunicate the King their long attendance their mony was spent so that they could not follow him vnlesse they might be supplied out of his Eschequer which the king refusing to doe in a great rage with his priuate family takes ship and puts forth to the Isle of Iersey but seeing none of his Nobles or other to follow him was forced hauing lost the oportunity of the season to returne into England where he gathers an Army with intention to chastise the Lords who had thus forsaken him But the Archbishop of Canterbury followes him to Northampton Vrging that it was against his Oath taken at his absolution to proceed in that maner against any man without the iudgement of his Court. To whom the King in great passion replyed That hee would not deferre the businesse of the Kingdome for his pleasure seeing Lay iudgements appertained not vnto him and so in fury marches to Notingham The Archbishop followes him and plainely told him that vnlesse hee would desist from this businesse hee would excommunicate all such as should take armes against any before the releasing of the interdiction and would not leaue him vntill hee had obtayned a conuenient day for the Lords to come to his Court which shortly after they did and a Parliament is assembled in Pauls wherein the Archbishop of Canterbury produces a Charter of King Henry the first whereby hee graunted the ancient liberties of the Kingdome of England which had by his Predecessors beene opprest with vniust This Charter is recorded in Mat. Par. with restes of the Subscribers exactions according to the Lawes of king Edward with those emendations which his father by the Councell of his Barons did ratefie And this Charter being read before the Barons they much reioyced and swore in the presence of the Archbishop that Lagam regis Edwardi vobis reddo cum illis emcndationibus quibus pater mcus eam amendauit for these liberties they would if neede required spend their bloud And there withall concluding a confederation with the Archbishop the Parlament brake vp Shortly after dies Geffery Fitz Peter Iusticiar of England a man of a generous spirit learned in the lawes and skilfull in gouernment Who in that broken time onely held vncrased performing the part of an euen Consellour and officer betweene the King and Kingdome whom though the King most vsed he most feared and least loued as ill Princes doe their worthiest ministers whose grauity and iudgment may seeme to Vide Append. keepe them in awe And hearing of his death reioycing said now when he comes into hell let him salute the Archoishop Hubert whom assuredly he shall finde there And turning to those about him swore by the feet of God that now at length he was King and Lord of England hauing a freer power to vnty himselfe from those knots which his oath had made to this great man against his will and to break all the bands of the late concluded peace vnto which he repented to haue euer condiscended And to shew the desperate malice of this king who rather then not to haue an absolute domination ouer his people to doe what he listed would be any thing himselfe vnder any other that would but support him in his violences there is recorded an Ambassage the most base impious that euer yet was sent by any free and Christian Prince vnto Miramumalim the Moore intitled the great King of Affrica Morocco and Spaine wherein he offred to render vnto him his kingdom and to hold the same by tribute from him as his Souraigne Lord To forgoe the Christian faith which he held vayne and receiue that of Mahomet In which negotiation the Commissioners are named to be Thomas Hardington Raph Fitz Mat. Par. Nichols knights and Robert of London Clearke the manner of their accesse to this great King is related with the deliuery of their message and King Iohns Charter to that effect and how Miramumalim hauing heard at large their message and the discription both of the King and Kingdome with the nature and disposition of the people so much Miramumalim scornes the Message of K. Iohn disdayned the basenesse and impiety of the offerer as with skorne hee commanded his ministers to depart
his expences and debts in France he giues fiue thousand markes as if remayning The King calls his officers to accoumpt of the summe hee had promised And for the rest of the Poictouins their preferments and rewards were to be had by the displacing and spoyles of his Officers Receiuors and others whom now hee calles to accoumpt and castes for defrauding him in their offices of whom Ralph Breton treasorer of his Chamber is first who was committed to prison and grieuoulsy fined then Hubert de Burgh his chiese lusticiar a man who 1228. Anno. Reg. 13. had long ruled all vnder him in a place euer obnoxious to detraction and enuy is called to accoumpt for such treasure as passed his office which was then for all reliefes and subsidies whatsoeuer raysed on the subiect and notwithstanding he had the kings Charter for it during life yet is he thrust out of his office and besides accused of haynous crymes of treason No sooner was this great officer and inward councellor falne into the Kings displeasure but presently a whole volly of accusations which feare in time of fauour held in were discharged vpon him and euery act of his examined and vrged according to the passion of the complainers The city of London laies to his charge the execution of their citizen Constantine in the time of a ryot committed betweene their people and those of Westminster at a wrastling in Saint lames feilds Anno. Reg. 4. as done without warrant and law and craue Iustice for his bloud Hubert to auoyd this sodaine storme comming vpon him fled to the Church of Merton for Santuary whence by armed men sent to pursue him he is drawne out by force and committed to prison Of which violence done contrary to the priuiledge of that sacred place the Bishop of London in whose dioses it was complaines and so wrought that he is brought back againe to the same chappell But yet all that could not shelter him from the Kings wrath who giues strict commandement to the Shriefes of Hartford and Sussex to set a guard about the place that no sustenance be brought him Hunger inforces him to commit himselfe to the Kings mercy and away is he sent prisoner to the Vize his money left in the custody The King remoues his officers of the templars is brought forth and seazed into the Kings hands clayming that and much more as stolne out of his exchequer Stephen de Segraue is put into his office a worse minister for the common-wealth which seldome gaynes by such shiftings and who must shortly runne the same fortune Walter Bishop of Carliel is likewise thrust out of his office of Treasorer and William Rodon Knight of his place of Marshall of the kings house and all the chiefe Councellors Bishops Earles and Barons of the Kingdome are remoued as distrusted and onely strangers preferred to their roomes Peter Bishop of Winchester lately returned from the holy warres to be the author of most vnholy discord at home is charged to be the cause hereof and with him one Peter de Riuallis now the sepeciall minion about the King These straines of so strange and insufferably violences so exasperate the Nobility as many whereof Richard now Earle Marshall vpon the death of his brother William was chiefe do combine themselues for defence of the publique and boldly do shew the King his error and ill aduised course in preferring strangers about him to the disgrace and oppression The Lords combine for the publike defence against the K. of his naturall liege people contrary to their lawes and liberties and that vnlesse he would reforme this excesse whereby his crowne and Kingdome was in eminent daunger he and the rest of the nobility would withdraw themselues from his councell whervnto the Bishop of Winchester replies that it was lawfull for the King to callwhat strangers he listed about him for defence of his crowne and Kingdome thereby to compell his proud and rebellious subiects to their due obedience With which answere the Earle and the rest depart with more indignation vowing that in this cause which concerned them ail they would spend their liues Herevpon the King sodenly sends ouer for whole legions of Poictouins and withall sommons a Parliament at Oxford whether the Lords refused to come both in regard they found themselues dispised and holding it not safe by reason of those multitudes The Lords refuse to come to Parliament vpon summons of strangers Then was it decreed by the Kings Councell that they should be the second and third time sommoned to try whether they would come or not And here from the Pulpit whence the voyce of GOD and the people is vttered the King is boldly shewed the way to redresse this mischiefe of the Kingdome by one Robert Bacon a Fryer Predicant but more comically by Roger Bacon in pleasant discourse asking the king my Lord what is most nocent to Sea-men and what feared they most the King replies Seamen know that best themselues then my Lord I will tell you Petrae et Rupes alledging to Petrus de Rupibus Bishop of Winchester After this the Lords were summoned to a Parliament at Westminster whether likewise they refused to come vnles the King would remoue the Bishop of Winchester 1232. Anno. Reg. 17. and the Poictouines from the court otherwise by the Common-councell of the Kingdome they send him expresse word they would expell him and his euill councellors out of the land and deale for the creation of a new King Vpon this threatning pledges are required of the nobility to be deliuered by a certeine day for security of their alleagiance But no act passed in this Parliament though 6. Parliament though diuers Lords came thither as the Earle of Cornewall Chester Lincoln Ferrers and others in regard the Earle Marshall the Lord Gilbert Basset and other Nobles were not present Then are Writs sent out to all who held by knights seruice to repaire to the King at Glocester by a certaine day which the Earles Mareschall and his associates refusing the King without the iudgement of his court and their Peeres cause to be proclaimed outlawes seizes vpon all their lands which he giues to his Poictouines and directs out Writs to attach their bodies wheresoeuer in the kingdome The Bishop of Winchester to weaken the party of the Mareschall wonne the Eatles of Chester and Lincoln with a thousand markes and the King had so pleased his brother the Earle of Cornewall as hee likewise left them Wherevpon they withdraw them into Wales and confederat with Lewelin and other great men in that country whither also came Hubert de Burgh escaping out of the Vize Castle and ioynes with them taking their oath intermutually that no one without other should make their accord The King goes himselfe in person with an Army against these revolted Lords into Wales Where he had the worst of the busines and much dishonour returnes to Glocester The K. with an
be sought his highnesse he would not vrge him therevnto disswading him from that iourny by the example of the King of France on whom he might see the punishment of God to be The speech of Isabel Countes of Arundel to the king falen for his rapine made on his peoples substance wrerewith hee had now inriched his enemies who were growne fat with the infinite treasure of the Christians transported into those parts The King seeing the resolution of this graue Bishop in great passion commanded his seruants to thrust him out of doore perceiuing by this what was to be expected of the rest and so falls to his former violent courses During this Parliament an ill time for sutors Isabel Countesse of Arundel widdow comes vnto him a bout a Ward detayned from her in regard of a smale parcell of land held in Capite which drew away all the rest the King giuing her a harsh answere and turning away she said vnto him My Lord why turne you away your face from Iustice that we can obtaine no right in your Court you are constituted in the middest betwixt God and vs but neither gourne your selfe nor vs discrectely as you ought you shamefuliy vex both the Church and Nobles of the Kingdome by all meanes you may To which speech the King disdainefully replies Lady Countesse hath the Lords made you a Charter and sent you for that you are an Eloquent speaker to be their aduocate and prolocutrix No Sir saith she they haue not made any Charter to mee But the Charter which your father and you made and sworne so often to obserue and so often extorted from your subiects their money for the same you vaworthily transgresse as a manifest breaker of your faith Where are the Liberties of England so often written so often graunted so often bought I though a woman and with mee all your naturall and faithfull people appeale against you to the tribunall of that High Iudge aboue and Heauen and Earth shal be our witnesse that you haue most vniustly delt with vs and the Lord God of reuenge auenge vs. Here with the King disturbed asked her if shee expected no grace from him being his kinswoman How shall I hope for grace said the when you deny mee right and I appeale before the face of Christ against those Councellors of yours who onely greedy of their owne gaine haue bewitched and infatuated you As boldly though in fewer words is he reproued by the Maister of the Hospitall of The King reproued by the Maister of the Hospitall of Ierusalem Ierusalem in Clerken-well who comming to complaine of an iniurie committed against their Charter the King told him The Prelats and especially the Templars and Hospitalars had so many liberties and Charters that their riches made them proud and their pride mad and that those things which were vnaduisedly granted were with discreation to be reuoked and alledges how the Pope had often recalled his owne grants with the clause non obstante and why should not he cassat those Charters inconsiderately granted by him and his Predecessors What say you Sir Said the Prior God forbid so ill a word should proceed out of your mouth So long as you obserue Iustice you may bee a King and as soone as you violate the same you shall leaue to be a King The Fryers Minors to whom he had sent a load of Frees to cloath them returned the same with this message That hee ought not to giue Almes of what hee had rent from the poore neither would they accept of that abhominable guift With these and many such like bold incounters ill becomming the obedience of Subiects is this King affronted to shew vs the ill complexion of the time and how miserable a thing it is for a Prince to loose his reputation and the loue of his people whereby they both haue their vexations And dayly more and more hardned hee is against the English whereby Strangers Strangers cōmit ryots are made so insolent as they commit many ryots and oppressions in the Kingdome William de Valence whose youth and presumption went which way his will led him goes from his Castle of Hartford to a Parke of the Bishop of Ely lying neere his manner of Hatfield where after hauing spoyled much game hee enters into the Bishops house and finding no drinke but Ale causes the Cellar doore being strongly barred to be broken open by his people who after they had drunke their fill let out the rest on the floore But a greater violence then this was offred to an Officiall of the Archbisnop of Canterbury by the commandement of the Elect of Winchester the one brother to the Queene the other to the King which troubled them both and gaue them much to doe before it was appeased Guy de Lusignan the other brother of the King comming as a guest to the Abbot of Saint Albones violates the Rights of Hospitality and many other iniuties are reported by our Authour to haue beene committed by strangers and much complaint is made of that time wherein this was sayed to bee the vsuall exclamation Our inheritance is giuen to Aliens and our houses to Strangers which notwithstanding the King seekes still to preferre A daughter of Guy de Lusignan Earle of Angolesme is married to Richard or Gilbere de Clare Earle of Glocester a man eminent and deerely loued of the Nobility Learned in the Lawes of the Land and held a great Patriot which manacle of alliance lockt not yet his hands from defending the liberties of his Country the King promises her a dower of fiue thousand Markes which hee sought to borow of diuers but could not The City of London is againe compelled to the contribution of 1000 Markes and the Gascoyns being vpon revolt vnlesse speedy remedy were taken generall musters are made and commandement giuen that whosoeuer could dispend 13 pound per annum should furnish out a horse-man This with the extreame wants of the King occasions another Parliament wherein the State began it seemes wisely to consider that all their opposition did no good the Kings turne must bee serued one way or other some must pay for it and where it lighted on particulars it was far more heauy then it could be in generall and therefore they agreed to relieue him rather by the vsuall way then force him to those extrauagant courses which he tooke But so as the reformation of the gouernment and ratification of their lawes might be once againe solemly confirmed And after fifteene daies consultation to satisfie the Kings desire for his holy expedition A Tenth and Scutage granted by Parl. a Tenth is granted by the Clergy which yet by view of the Lords should vpon his setting forth be destributed for 3. yeares and Scntage 3. Markes of euery knights Fee by the Laytie for that yeare And now againe those often confirmed Charters are ratified and that in the most solemne and ceremonicall manner as Religion and State could euer
Oath without leaue of his father they plainely Cron. Lichfield Henry eldest sonne to the King of Romans refuseth to take his Oath told him that if his father would not consent with the Baronage in this case hee should not bold a Furrow of Land in England In the end the Kings brethren and their followers are dispoyled of all their fortunes and exiled by proscription vnder the Kings owne hand directed to the Earles of Hereford and Surrey with charge not to passe either their Money Armes or Ornaments but in such sort as the Lords appointed and after their departure Claus 49. hee enioyneth the Citie of Bristow and other ports not to permit any strangers or Hen. 3. kinsmen of his to ariue vnlesse they did so behaue themselues as both hee and the Lords should like The Poictouines retyring to Bolongne in France send to King Louys to craue safe passage Mat. Par. through his Countrie into Poictou which in regard the Queene of France had been informed how they had defamed her Sister of England was by her meanes denyed at that time and Henry sonne to the Earle of Leicester whose estimation was great in France followes them with all eagernesse thither to incense the French against them And as they whom Enuie tumbles downe from high places shall be sure euer to haue all the thrusts possible to set them headlong into disgrace with the world so now the death and sicknesse of diuerse great men and others happening in England soone after this fatall Parlement is imputed to poysons supposed to haue been prepared by those Gentlemen The Earle of Glocester in a sicknesse sodainely lost his haire his teeth his nailes And his brother hardly escaped death which made many to suspect their nearest seruants and their Cookes Walter Scotny the Earles Steward being one is strictly examined committed to prison and after without confession executed vpon presumptions at Winchester Elias a conuerted Iew is said to haue confessed that in his house the poyson was confected but it was when he was a Diuell not a Christian Any thing in the prosecution of malice serues the turne Euery man that had receiued any wrong by those great men now put vp their complaints and are heard to the agrauation of their insolence and iniustice Guido de Rochfort a Poictouin to whom the King had giuen the Castle of Rochester is banished and all his goods confiscat William Bussey Steward to William de Valence is committed to the Towre of London most reprochfully vsed as an especiall minister of his Maisters insolencies Richard Gray whom the Lords had made Captain of the Castle of Douer is set to intercept whatsoeuer the Poictouines conuayed that way out of England and much treasure of theirs and the elect of Winchester is by him there taken besides great sums committed to the new Temple are found out and seised into the kings hands And as vsually in such heates much wrong is committed in these prosecutions of wrongs But now as an amuzatory to make the ill gouerned people thinke they are not forgotten the new chiefe Iusticiar Hugh Bigod brother to the Earle Mareschall chosen this last Parlement by publique voyce procures that foure Knights in euery shire should enquire of the oppressions of the poore done by great men vnder their hands and seales certifie the same by a certaine day to the Baronage that redresse might be made Moreouer order was taken that from thence forth no man should giue any thing besides prouisions for iustice or to hinder the same and both the corrupter and corrupted to bee grieuously punished Notwithstanding this pretended care of the publike it is noted by the writers and records of that time how the Lords inforced the seruices of the Kings tenants which dwelt neare them and were totidem tyranni how they furnished the especiall fortresses of the kingdom with Regist. in Scace William Rishangar Guardians of their owne sworne to the Common state and tooke the like assurance of all Shirifs Baylifes Coroners other publike ministers searching the behauiour of many by strict commission vpon oath And to make their cause the more popular it was rumored that the Kings necessitie must be repayred out of the Estates of his people and how he must not want whilst they had it whereupon the King sends forth proclamation How certain malicious persons had falsly and seditionsly reported that he ment vnlawfully to charge his Subiects and subuert the Lawes and Liberties of the Kingdom and by these subtile suggestions altogether false auerted the hearts of his people from him and therefore desires them not to giue credit to such perturbers for that hee was ready to defend all Rights an Customes due vnto them and that they might rest of this secured he caused of his freewill his letters to be made Patents But now Monfort Glocester and Spencer who had by the late institution of the 24 Conservators drawne the intire managing of the Kingdome into their hands inforce 1258. Anno. Reg. 42. the King to call the Parliament at London where the Authority of the 24 is delivered vnto themselues and order taken that three at the least should attend in the Court to dispose of the custodie of Castles and other businesses of the Kingdome of the 18. Parlement at London Ordinat inter Record Civil Lond. Chancellor Chiefe Iusticiar and Treasorer and of all Officers great and small And heere they binde the King to loose to them their Legall obedience whensoever he infringed his Charter In this State stood the Kingdome when intelligence was given to the Lords that Liceat omnibus de Regno nostro contra nos insurgere ad gravamen nostrum open operam dare ac si nobis in nullo tenerentur Chart. Orig. sub Sigillo Richard King of Romans had a purpose to come ouer into England which made them greatly to suspect being ignorant of the occasion least he were sent for by the King to come with power to subvert them by the example of King Iohn Whereupon they send to know the cause of his comming and to require of him an Oath before hee should land not to preiudice the now established orders of the Kingdome which he sternely refuses to do saying Hee had no Peere in England being the sonne and brother of a King and was aboue their power and if they would haue reformed the Kingdom they ought first to haue sent for him and not so presumptuously attempted a businesse of so high a Nature The Lords vpon returne of this answere sends presently to guard the Ports and come strongly to the Coast prepared to incounter him if occasion were offered But finding The Lords require an oath of him his traine small accompanyed onely with his Queene two German Earles and eight Knights they vpon his promise to take their propounded oath receiue him to land but would neither permit the King who came thither likewise to meete him nor
halfe a yeare against the King and his Army in the end their victualls fayling they yeeld vpon condition to depart their liues members and goods saued And it is worthy the note that we find no exccution of bloud except in open Battaile in all these combustions or any noble man to dye on a Skaffold either in this Kings raigne or any other since William the first which is now almost 300 yeares Onely in Anno 26. of this King William Marisc the Sonne of Geffrey Marsc a Nobleman of Ireland being condcmned of Piracie and treason was hanged beheaded and quartered and is the first example of that kind of punishment we finde in our Histories After the Parliament at Winchester the King goes with an army against the disinherited Barons and their partakers which were many resolute and desperate persons strongly fastned together And being at Northampton Simon and Guy de Monfort by mediation of friends and promises of fauor came in and submitted themselues to the King who at the earnest suite of the Earle of Cornwall their Vnkle and the Lord Phillip Basset had restored them to their Estates but for Glocester and others who doubting their spirits wrought to hold them downe where their fortune had layd them In so much as they were faine in the end to flye the Kingdome and worke their fortunes other where which they did the younger in Italy the Elder in France where they were propagators of two great Famelies Their mother was banished shortly after the battaile of Euesham A Lady of eminent note the daughter and sister to a King nocent onely by her fortune who from the Coronet of miserable glory betooke her to the vaile of quiet piety and dyed a Nun at Montarges in France Three yeares after this the disinherited Barons held out in those fastnesses of the Kingdom where they could best defend themselues made many excursions and spoyles Motions of peace made to the disinherited Lords to the great charge and vexation of the King at length motions and conditions of render are proposed wherein the Councell are deuided Mortimer now an eminent man in grace with others stated in the possessions of the disinhereted are auers to any restoration alledging it a great act of iniustice for them to be forced to forgoe what the King 1267. Anno. Reg. 51. had for their paines and fidelity bestowed on them and the others iustly forfeited and therefore would hold what they had Glocester with the 12. ordayned to deale for the peace of the state and other his friends whch were many stand mainely for restoration This caused new pikes of displeasure in so much as Glocester who conceiuing his turning not so to serue his turne as he expected taking his time againe changed foote retires from the Court refuses to come to the Kings Fcast on Saint Edwards day sends messengers The Earle of Glocest. revolt● to warne the King to remoue strangers from his Councell and obserue the prouisions of Oxford according to his last promise made at Euesham otherwise that he should not meruaile if himselfe did what he thought fit Thus had victory no peace the distemprature of the time was such as no sword could cure it recourse is had to Parliament the best way if any would serue for remedy and at Bury is the state conuoked where likewise all who 19 Parliament held by Kinghts seruice are sommoned to assemble with sufficient horse and armor for the vanquishing of those disherited persons which contrary to the peace of the Kingdome held the Isle of Ely Iohn de Warreine Earle of Surrey and William de Valentia are sent to perswade the Earle of Glocester who had now leuied an army vpon the borders of Wales to come in faire manner to this Parliament which he refuses to do but yet thus much the Earles had of him vnder his hand and seale neuer to beare armes against the King or his Sonne Edward but to defend himselfe and pursue Roger Mortimer and other his enemies for which he pretended to haue taken armes The first demand in the Parliament was made by the King and the Legat for a graunt of a Tenth of the Clergie for three yeares to come and for the yeare past so much as they gaue to the Barons for defending the Coasts against the landing of strangers Whereto they answere that the warre was begun by vniust desires which yet continues and necessary it were to let passe so euill demands and to treat of the peace of the Kingdome to conuert the Parliament to the benefit thereof and not to extort mony considering the land had beene so much distroyed by this warre as it could hardly be euer recouered 2. Then was it required that the Clergie might be taxed by lay men according to the iust valew of what appertayned vnto them They answere it was no reason but against all Iustice that Lay men should inter meddle in collecting Tenths which they would neuer consent vnto but would haue the ancient taxation to stand 3. Then was it required they should giue the Tenth of their Baronies and Lay Fee according to the vtmost valew They answere themselues were impourished by attending the King in his expeditions and their lands lay vntilld by reason of the warres 4. Then it was required that the Clergie should in lieu of a Tenth giue amongst them 30. thousand Markes to discharge the Kings debts contracted for Sicilia Calabria and Apulia They answere they would giue nothing in regard all those taxations and extorsions formerly made by the King were neuer conuerted to his owne or the benefit of the Kingdome 5. All this being denied demand is made that all Clergie men that held Baronies or other Lay Fee should personally serue in the Kings warres They answere they were not to fight with the materiall but the spirituall sword c. that their Baronies were giuen of meere almes c. 6. Then was it required the whole Clergie should discharge the 9000. pounds which the Bishops of Rochester Bath and the Abbot of westminster stood bound to the Popes Merchants for the Kings seruice at their being at the Court of Rome They answere they neuer consented to any such lone and therefore were not bound to discharge it 7. Then the Legat from the part of the Pope required that without delay predication should be made throughout the kingdome to incite men to take the Crosse for the Holy warre wherevnto answere was made that the greatest part of the people of the Land were already consumed by the sword and that if they should vndertake this action few or none would be leaft to defend the Kingdome and that the Legat hereby shewed a desire to extirpat the natiues thereof and introduce strangers 8. Lastly it was vrged that the Prelates were bound to yeeld to all the Kings demands by their oath at Coventrie where they swore to ayd him by all meanes possible they could They answere that when they tooke that oath
who assembling together at the instant when he was to be Crowned with his Queen at Westminster Anno Reg. 2. require him that Gaueston might bee remoued from The Lords displeased with Gauest. out the Court and Kingdome otherwise they purposed to hinder his Coronation at that time Whereupon the King to auoide so great a disgrace promises on his faith to yeeld to what they desired in the next Parlement and so the Solemnitie with much festination and little reuerence is performed Wherein Gaueston for carrying Saint Edwards Crowne before the King aggrauates the hatred of the Cleargie and Nobility against him Shortly after his Coronation all the Knights Templats throughout England are at once arrested and committed to prison They were an order of Knights iustituted by Balduin the Fourth King of Ierusalem about 200 yearts past first appointed for The Knights Templers arrested committed to prison the defence of that Citie and the safe conuaying of all such as trauailed thither afterwards they were dispersed through all the Kingdoms of Christendom by the pious bounty of Princes others inriched with infinite possessions which made them to degenerate frō their first institution become execrably vitious So that all the Kings Their dissolution of Christendom at one instant combining together caused them to be apprehended within their Dominions and put out of their order and estates The King of France began hauing a purpose to make one of his Sonns King of Ierusalem possesse him of their reuenues Their accusation followes their apprehension and condemned they are rather by fame then proofe in the generall Councell at Vienna as apeares by the condemnatory Bull of Pope Clement the Third Wherein he hath this clause Quanquam de iure non possumus tamen ad plenitudinem potestatis dictum ordinem reprobamus Their estates are after giuen to the Hospitaliers These businesses passed ouer the Lords prosecute their purpose against Gaueston The Lords prosecure Gaueston whose insolencie and presumption vpon the Kings fauour made him so farre to forget himselfe as hee scorned the best of them all as much as they hated him Tearming Thomas Earle of Lancaster the Stage player Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke Ioseph the Iew and Guy Earle of Warwicke the blacke dogge of Ardern Which scoffes leauing behinde them the sting of reuenge especially where they touche drew such a partie vpon him as in the next Parlement the whole Assemblie humbly besought the Reg. 3. Anno. 1310. King to aduise and treat with his Nobles concerning the State of the Kingdome for the auoiding of eminent mischiefe likely to insue through neglect of the Gouernment and so farre vrges the matter as the King consents thereunto and not onely grants them libertie to draw into Articles what was requisite for the Kingdome but takes his oath to ratisie A Parlement The king takeshis oath to rate fie whatsoeuer Articles the Lords would conclude in Parlement whatsoeuer they should conclude Whereupon they elect certaine choyce men both of the Cleargie Nobility and Commons to compose those Articles Which done the Archbishop of Canterbury lately recalled from exile with the rest of his Suffragans solemnly pronounce the sentence of excommunication against al such who should contradict those Articles which are there publiquely read before the Barons and Commons of the Realme in the presence of the King Amongst which the obseruation and execution of Magna Charta is required with all other ordinances necessary for the Church and Kingdome And that as the late King had done all Strangers should bee banished the Court and Kingdome all ill Councellors remoued That the businesse of the State should be treated on by the Councell of the Cleargie and the Nobles That the King should not begin any war or goe any where out of the Kingdom without the common Councell of the same Which Articles though they seemed harsh to the King yet to auoide further trouble Gaueston banished into Ireland hee yeelds vnto them but especially to the banishment of his Minion as if that would excuse him for all the rest and away is hee sent into Ireland where hee liued a while not as a man exiled but as the Lieutenant of the Countrie The King not enduring to be without his company neuer ceased working till hee had recalled him backe againe which within a few moneths after hee did And to make him as hee thought to stand the faster on his feete hee marries him to his Neece the Daughter of Ioan de Acres Sister to Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester a man beloued and highly esteemed of all the Nobility for whose sake hee hoped Gaueston should finde the Gaueston recalled more fauour amongst them but all this could not shelter him Either his behauiour or their malice was such as they could not endure to haue him about the King who by making him so great lessened him and the more hee was enriched the worse was his estate The Subiects spectators of their Kings immoderate gifts held it to bee taken out of the bowels of the Common-wealth as it were of their substance that was so wasted For it is reported the King gaue him the Iewels of the Crowne which hee sould to Marchant strangers and conuayed much treasure out of the Kingdome whereby the King sustained great wants and the Queene is abridged of her allowance whereof she complaines to the King of France her Father These stingues put the Barons on to send plaine word to the King that vnlesse hee The Lords threaten the King put from him Pierce Gaueston and obserue the late Articles they would all with one consent rise in armes against him as a periured Prince The King whom they found was apt to be terrified yeelds againe vpon this message to the banishment of his Minion whose fortune beeing to haue a weake maister was driuen to these sodaine extreamities Gaueston again banished mities and disgracefull expulsions at their will who were his enuiers and who now obtaine this Clause that if hereafter hee were found againe within the Kingdome he should be condemned to death as an enemy of the State Ireland was now no more to protect him France most vnsafe for him wait being their laid to apprehend him in Flanders he luiks a while but in great danger and finding no where any securitie back againe hee aduentures vpon England and into the Kings bosome the sanctuary he thought would Gaueston returnes not be violated hee puts himselfe and there is hee receiued with as great ioy as euer man could bee And to be as farre out of the way and eye of enuy as might be the King carries him into the North parts where notwithstanding the Lords shortly after found him out For no sooner had they heard of his returne and receiuing into grace but they presently combine and take armes electing Thomas Earle of Lancaster The Lords take armes for their Leader
perticular Lords whose Homages were passed ouer to the King of England protested against it Alledging how that the King could not dispose of the Soureigntie of the Kingdome nor alien his Domaine and therefore they would not obey it The French King notwithstanding least King Edward should thinke this but a collusion betweene him and his subiects publishes his Commandement for the obseruation of the Accord and thereof certifies King Edward Besides he had vndertaken a iourney for the Holy warres and desired to settle all things in peace at home before his going And this might be the occasion of his comming and not his loue to the Conntesse of Salisburie as is reported But howsoeuer this King shewed a Strange disposition to returne to the Gaole where he had indured so much affliction and where shortly after his comming The death of King Iohn of France hee ended his life much lamented of the King of England who sole mnly attended his Corps to Douer whence it was conuayed to Saint Denys and entombed with his Ancestors An. 1364. Reg. 38. The debate for the Duchie of Britaigne is about this time determined by the death of Charles de Bloys slaine in a Battaile neere Vannes by Iohn de Monfort and the English Forces led by the Lord Latimer Sir Iohn Chandos and Sir Hugh Cauerley The businesse of Britayne accomdated for a time Iohn de Monfort marries Mary Daughter to King Edward and by his consent doth his homage for the Duchie to Charles now King of France compounding with the widdow of Charles de Bloys for a summe of money and some estate in land And heere we haue some time of rest which the Souldier whom the warre had bred could not well brooke The cast Companies in France though they had no Head yet had strong Bodies and did much mischiefe in many parts of that Kingdom till they were imployed in the Warres of Spaine which fell out shortly after A Company of them passed over into Italie vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Haucut a great The Italians call him Iohannos de Acuto Warriour who found such entertainement with the Princes there where hee reuiued Militarie discipline that had layne long vnused among them and got such honour and estate by his valour as his fame remaines to this day and his Statue amongst their memorable Princes for action and vertue though hee went but a Taylorout of this Kingdome which in those dayes could haue furnished the whole world with Leaders and expert Militarie men And now heere haue we brought this mightie King to the Fortieth yeere of his Anno Reg. 40. Raigne which had it beene his last wee had left him the most glorious and tryumphant Prince in the world to whom Fortune neuer yet shewed her back neuer was retrograd But now these last ten yeeres present vs with a turning of the Beame a declination from that height of glory with certaine blemishes that age and frailtie brought vpon him This new King of France Charles the fift Intituled The wise recouered great aduantages vpon him hauing in the life time of his Father strugled so with affliction a better Mistresse of wisedome then prosperitie and learned so well to know a Crowne before he had it as now hee manages the same with great temperance and vigilancie and finding the preseruation of that State consisted more in counsell then force which had beene too aduenturously imployed by his Father and Grand-father he workes his fortune by lying still hauing excellent aydes and ministers to execute his designes and labour for him of whom for his warres Guesclin a Brittaine whom hee made Constable of France was of especiall note and first shewed the way how that State was to be recouered The Prince of Wales remayning in his Duchy of Aquitayne with a great Court which required great expences and many military attendants without worke is Anno Reg. 41. 1367. solicited by Peter King of Castile chased out of his kingdome by his bastard brother Henry to ayde him to recouer the same which the Prince vpon great promises of remuneration vndertakes by the consent of his father The cause was better then the person For this Peter sonne to Alphonso 11. King of Castile had cōmitted so tyrannicall outrages as were intollerable to his subiects oppressing and destroying The Prince of wales aides the King of Castile his Nobles to inrich himselfe putting away and after murthering his wife which was daughter to Peter Duke of Burbon sister to the now Queen of France by the instigation of his Concubine Maria de Padilla whom he afterwards married Whereupon the State adhering to his brother Henry who though he were a bastard by his birth was more Legittimate by his vertues then hee who was more a bastard by his vices crowned him King of Spaine at Bargos and forced Peter to fly the kingdome This Peter thus reiected the Prince of Wales with an Army of thirty thousand attended by his brother Iohn Duke of Lancaster and many Lords of England goes to re-inuest in his kingdome Henry is ayded by the French and those floting companies fore-remembred led by Guesclin Constable and Dandrehen Marshall of France hauing besides of Castilians Christians and Sarasins so many as his Army consisted of neere an hundred thousand men Vpon the borders of Castile it came to a Battayle the Prince of Wales hath the victory Henry is put to flight the French Leaders taken prisoners and Peter put into his Throne againe at Bargos The worke done reward for the same is required by the Prince which Peter could not or cared not to prouide but staruing him with delayes inforced him in the end to returne to Burdeaux without mony to pay his Army which was worse without health which he neuer after recouered This successe had this vnfortunate action vndertaken to right an vngratefull Tyrant who afterwarde notwithstanding was The Prince obtaines the victory in Spaine againe dispossessed taken and put to death by his brother Henry It is written that to strengthen himselfe hee combined with a Prince of the Sarazins married his daughter and renounced the Christian faith but it is commonly the reward of euill princes to be made worse then they are The Prince of Wales returning thus out of Spaine charged with more debts then before and destitute of meanes to content his people fals vpon another misfortune The il successe of that iourny as commonly men in these declinations seeking remedies increase maladies imposing a new taxation vpon the Gascoignes of Feuage or Chymney mony so discontented the people as they exclaime against the gouernment of the English and appeale to the King and Court of France for redresse The King of France at the instance of the great Lords and others who were turned ouer by the accord to hold of the Crowne of England sends a Gentleman to the Prince of Wales at Burdeaux with sommons to answere before him and his
most that nation as being part of their bloud and bred amongst them Of whom it seemed notwithstanding the former order taken to the contrary he had many about his person whose neerenesse being strangers whatsoeuer they did could not auoide to be thought to doe ill offices against the Earle and the English in generall whereby what went not right in the line of mens desires was thought to be their cause And in stomackes full charged this occasion gaue more fire Eustace Eustace Earle of Bullogne maried Goda the Kings sister Earle of Bullogne who had married Goda the Kings sister hauing beene at the Court and returning into France his Harbenger in taking vp lodgings at Douer vpon his peremptory behauiour was by a Citizen slaine The Earle arriuing with all his traine pursues and slue the homicide with 18 other The City seeing this tooke armes and in the bickering the Earle lost 22. of his men whereupon backe he hasts to the King aggrauates the insolency of the Citizens so farre that the Earle Godwin is sent for and commanded with a power of men to make against the City of Douer to chastice the people The Earle considering it was vpon the information of one side aduised the King rather to send for the cheife of the City to vnderstand what they could say for themselues and accordingly to proceede which being taken for a coldnesse in the businesse and of fauour to his Countrymen gaue the King and his enemies occasion to suspect his affection Shortly after the Earle is summoned to an Assembly at Glocester where neither he nor any of his sonnes would appeare and suspecting some practise against him by his Earle Godains insurruction enemies raises forces pretending to suppresse the Welsh who were not found to offend whereupon the Assembly remoues to London summons him againe to make his apparance to dismisse his forces and to come onely attended with twelue persons He sends them word to dismisse his forces he was content or any thing else the King would command him so it were with the safety of his life and honour but to come disaccompanied was for neither Then was he commanded within fiue dayes to depart the Realme which he did and with Toustaine and Swayne his sonnes gets him into Flaunders where Toustone married the daughter of the Earle Baldouin the 5. Harald his eldest sonne departs into Ireland the King puts from him the Queene to be partaker of the disgrace and misery of her house who is described by the writers of those times to haue beene a Lady of rare parts excellently learned beautifull and as faire of minde as body The Earle Godwin in this desperate fortune whilst the French and his enemies possest the King fell to Piracy distuibed the coasts approached London by the Riuer and being so popular as no forces would oppose against him made The French forsake the Court and Kingdome of England at length his owne peace with power in such sort as the French fearing reuenge forsooke both the Court and Kingdome This as fore-pointing to a storme that was gathering on that coast began the first difference with the French nation which thus acquainted with the distraction of the Kingdome and factions of great men wrought on those aduantages and were instruments to draw on the fatall enterprize that followed The weaknesse of the King and the disproportionate greatnesse of the Earle Godwin being risen vp from so great a fall learning thereby to looke better to his seete and make his sides strong increased these discontentments and partialities in the State wherein many acts of iniustice by the sway of power and passion were committed which did much blacken that time of peace and made a good man not by doing but induring ill held to be a bad King And it is sayd that Emme the Queene mother had her part of much affliction in his raigne suffering both in her goods and same and now to purge her selfe of a scandall raised on her with Alwyn Bishop of Winchester she vnder-went the triall of Fire-Ordeall Queen Emmes affliction and tryall which was to passe blind-fold with bare feete ouer certaine plough-shares made red hote and layd an vneuen distance one before the other which she safely performed And the reason why both her sonne and the State so little respected this great Lady whose many yeares had made her and actor in diuerse fortunes was for that she neuer affected King Ethelred nor the children she had by him and for her marriage with Knute the great enemy and subduer of the Kingdome whom she euer much more loued liuing and commended dead It seemed these priuate grudges with mens particular ends held these times so busied that the publicke was neglected and an issue-lesse King gaue matter for ambition and power to build hopes and practises vpon though for his owne part he shewed to haue had a care for the succession in sending for his Nephew Edward intitled the Outlaw with his children out of Hungary But Edward shortly after his artiuall died and Edgar his sonne surnamed Atheling to say Prince Edgar whom he had by his wife Agatha daughter to the Emperour Henry the 2. who either by reason of his youth which yet was no barre to his right or being borne and bred a stranger little knowing or knowne to the Kingdom had his claime neglected vpon the death of this Pious King Edward founder of Westminster Church King Which was Anno 1065. when he had raigned 24. yeares His corps was interred in the Church of Westminster which he had newly founded Harald the second AND Harald sonne to the Earle Godwin the next day after was preferred Harald the second to the Crowne whether by any title he might pretend from the Danique Kings as discended from that nation and as some report sonne An. 1065. to Githa sister to Swaine or by meere election of the greater part of the Nobility we cannot say but it seemes the pressing necessity of the time that required a more man to vndergo the burthen of warre and that trouble the world was like to fall into by reason of the claimes now made both by the Dane and Norman cast it suddenly vpon him as the most eminent man of the Kingdome both by the experience of his owne deseruings and the strength also of his owne and the alliance of his wife Algith sister of Edwin and Morckar Earles of Yorkeshire and Chester Neither did he faile but in fortune to make good this election taking all the best courses both for the well-ordering of the State and all prouisions for defence that a politicke and actiue Prince could do But being to deale in a broken world where the affections of men were all disioynted or dasht with the terror of an approching mischiefe failing as vsually is seene in these publicke feares both in their diligence and courage to withstand it soone found more then enough to do And the first man which
certaine daies the same businesses should bee determined in such place as he would appoint where New orders instituted by the Normans hee constituted Iudges to attend for that purpose and also others from whom as from the bosome of the Prince all litigators should haue Iustice and from whom was no appeale Others hee appointed for the punishment of malefactors called Iusticiarij Pacis What alteration was then made in the tenure of mens possessions or since introduced The alteration of Tenures we may find by taking note of their former vsances Our Auncestors had onely two kinde of tenures Boke-land and Folk-land the one was a possession by writing the other Lambert without That by writing was as free-hold and by Charter hereditarie with all immunities and for the free and nobler sort That without writing was to hold at the will of the Lord bound Freehold to rents and seruices and was for the rurall people The inheritances discended not alone but after the German manner equally deuided amongst all the children which they called Land-skiftan The Tenure of Gauel kin to say Part-land a custome yet continued in some places of Kent by the name of Gauel-kin of Gif eal kin And hereupon some write how the people of that Country retayned their auncient Lawes and liberties by especiall graunt from the Conquerour who after his battaile at Hastings comming to Douer to make all sure on that side was incompassed by the whole people of that Prouince carrying boughs of trees in their hands and marching round about him like a moouing wood With which strange and suddaine show being much mooued the Arch-bishop Stigand and the Abbot Egelsin who had raised this commotion by showing the people in what daunger they The Customs of Kent preserued by the mediation of the Archbishop Stigand were vtterly to loose their liberties and indure the perpetuall misery of seruitude vnder the domination of strangers present themselues and declared How they were the vniuersall people of that Countrey gathered together in that manner with boughes in their hands either as Oliue branches of intercession for peace and libertie or to intangle him in his passage with resolution rather to leaue their liues then that which was deerer their freedome Whereupon they say the Conquerour graunted them the continuation of their former Customes and Liberties whereof notwithstanding they now retaine no other then such as are common with the rest of the Kingdome Geruasius Tilburieasis Dialog Scacc. For such as were Tenants at the will of their Lords which now growne to a greater number and more miserable then before vpon their petition and compassion of their oppression he releeued their case was this All such as were discouered to haue had a hand in any rebellion and were pardoned onely to enioy the benefit of life hauing all their liuelihood taken from them became vassals vnto those Lords to whom the possessions were giuen of all such lands forfeited by attaindors And if by their diligent seruice they could attaine any portion of ground they held it but onely so long as it pleased their Lords without hauing any estate for themselues or their children and Villenage were oftentimes violently cast out vpon any small displeasure contrary to all right whereupon it was ordained that whatsoeuer they had obtained of their Lords by their obsequious seruice or agreed for by any lawfull pact they should hold by an inuiolable Law during their owne liues The next great worke after the ordering his Lawes was the raising and disposing of his reuenues taking a course to make and know the vtmost of his estate by a genesuruey of the Kingdome whereof he had a president by the Dome booke of Winchester taken before by King Alfride But as one day informes another so these actions of profit A suruay made of the Kingdome grew more exact in their after practise and a larger Commission is graunted a choice of skilfuller men imployed to take the particulars both of his owne possessions and euery mans else in the Kingdome the Nature and the quality of their Lands their estates and abilities besides the descriptions bounds and diuisions of Shieres and Hundreds and this was drawne into one booke and brought into his treasurie Geruasius Tilburien de Scatc Dome booke then newly called the Exchequer according to the soueraigne Court of that name of Normandy before termed here the Taleè and it was called the Dome booke Liber iudiciarius for all occasions concerning these particulars All the Forests and Chases of the Kingdome hee seized into his proper possession Ibid. and exempted them from being vnder any other Law then his owne pleasure to serue as Penetralia Regum the withdrawing Chambers of Kings to recreate them after their serious labours in the State where none other might presume to haue to doe and where all punishments and pardons of delinquents were to bee disposed by himselfe absolutely and all former customes abrogated And to make his command the more he increased the number of them in all parts of the Land and on the South coast dispeopled the Country for aboue thirty miles space making of old inhabited possessions a new Forest inflicting most seuere punishments for hunting his Deere and thereby The new Forest in Hamshire much aduances his reuenues An act of the greatest concussion and tyranny hee committed in his raigne and which purchased him much hatred And the same course held almost euery King neere the Conquest till this heauie grieuance was allayed by the Charter of Forests granted by Henry the third Besides these he imposed no new taxations on the State and vsed those hee found very moderately as Dangelt an imposition of two shillings vpon euery hide or plough-land He imposed no new taxations raised first by King Ethelred to bribe the Danes after to warre vpon them hee would not haue it made an Annuall payment but onely taken vpon vrgent occasion and it was seldome gathered in his time or his successors saith Geruasius yet wee finde in our Annals a taxe of 6. shillings vpon euery hide-land leauied presently after the generall suruey of the Kingdome Esouage whether it were an imposition formerly The occasion of paying Escuage laide though now newly named I doe not find was a summe of money taken of euery Knights fee In after times especially raised for the seruice of Scotland And this also saith Geruasius was seldome leauied but on great occasion for stipends and donatiues to souldiers yet was it at first a due reserued out of such lands as were giuen by the Prince for seruice of warre according to the Custome of other Nations As in the Romans time wee finde Lands were giuen in reward of seruice to the men of warre for terme of their liues as they are at this day in Turkey After they became Patrimoniall The Custome of Eiefs hereditarie to their children Seuerus the Emperor was the first who permitted the
had receiued The Arch-bishop called to account for the King of certaine Bishopricks and Abbeys during their vacancies which amounted to the summe of three thousand Markes For these accounts he alledged How the King knew well he was discharged before his election to the Sea of Canterbury and how the Prince the Barons of the Exchequer and Robert de Lucie Chiefe Iustice of England had made him his acquittance for all accounts and Secular receipts in the behalfe of the King and so free and cleered was he chosen to the administration of that Office and therefore would pleade the same no more The King notwithstanding vrging to haue iudgement passe against him both for this his late attempts and disobedience he was commanded the next day to attend his Censure The morning before he was to appeare he celebrates early with great deuotion the Masse of Saint Stephen Protomartir which hath these words Etenim sederunt Principes aduersum me loquebantur and so committing his cause to God sets forward to the Court in his Stole his blacke Canonicall hood carrying the Crosse in his right hand and guiding his horse with the left The people seeing him come in this fashion flocke all about him he entring the great Chamber sate downe amongst them the King being within in his Priuie Chamber with his Councell from whom first came forth the Bishop of London and much blames him for comming so armed to the Court and offered to pull the Crosse out of his hand but the Arch-bishop held it so fast that he could not Which the Bishop of Winchester seeing sayd to London Brother let him alone he ought well to beare the Crosse London replies You speake brother against the King and it will be ill for you After this comes forth the Arch-bishop of Yorke the heate of whose antient hatred saith Houeden would not suffer him to speake in peace and rebukes him very sharply Roger Houeden for comming in that fashion as if to a Tyrant or heathen Prince and told him that the King had a sword sharper then his Crosse and if hee would bee aduised by him hee should take it from him Canterbury replies the Kings sword wounds carnally but mine strikes Spiritually and sends the soule to Hell After much debate the Archbishoppe Becket inuayes against this violent proceeding against him How no age euer heard before that an Archbishop of Canterbury had beene adiudged in any of the Kings Courts for anie cause whatsoeuer in regard both of his Dignity and place and for that hee is the Spirituall Father of the King and all other his subiects Then to the Bishops you see the world rageth against mee the enemy riseth vp but I more lament the Sonnes of my Mother fight against mee If I should conceale it the age to come will declare how you leaue mee alone in the battaile and haue iudged against mee being your Father though neuer so much a sinner But I charge you by vertue of your obedience and perill of your Order that you bee not present in anie place of iudgement where my person or cause comes to bee adiudged And here I appeale to the Pope charging you farther by vertue of your obedience that if anie Temporall man laie handes on mee you exercise the Sentence of the Church as it becomes you for your Father the Archbishop who will not shrinke howsoeuer nor leaue the flock commitmitted vnto him Then were all these great complaints of his contempt Disobedience and Periury exhibited and aggrauated against him before the Assembly and they cried generally Complaints against the Archbishop hee was a Traytor that hauing receiued so many benefits at the Kings hands would refuse to doe him all earthly honour and obserue his Lawes as hee had sworne to doe The Bishops likewise seeing all thus bent against him renounced their Ecclesiasticall obedience vnto him cited him to Rome and condemnes him as a periured man and a Traytor Then the Earle of Lecester accompayned with Reginald Earle of Cornwall came to the Archbishop and charged him from the King to answere to what was obiected vnto him or else to heare his iudgement Nay sonne Earle sayd he first heare you It is not vnknowne to your selfe how faithfully I haue serued the King and how in regard thereof hee preferred mee to the place I haue God is my witnesse against my will For I knew mine owne infermities and was content to take it vpon mee rather for his pleasure then Gods cause therefore now doth God withdraw himselfe and the King from mee At the time of my Election hee made mee free from all Court bondage and therefore touching those things from which I am deliuered I am not bound to aunswere nor will I. How much the soule is worthier then the bodie so much are you bound to obay God and mee rather then any Earthly Creature neither will Law or Reason permit the Sonnes to condemne the Father and I refuse to stand either to the Iudgement of the King or anie other person appealing to the presence of the Pope by whom onely on Earth I ought to bee adiudged committing all I haue to Gods protection and his and vnder that authority I depart out of this place And so went hee out and tooke his Horse not without some difficultie in passing and many reproches of the Kings seruants The Archbishop disguised sled out of the Kingdome Being gotten out of the Court a great multitude of the common people reioycing to see him deliuered and diuers of the Clergie conuayed him honourably to the Abbay of Saint Andrewes whence disguised by the name of Dereman hee escaped ouer into Flanders and so into France This businesse of the Church I haue the more particularly deliuered according to the generall report of the Writers of that time in regard it laie so chayned to the Temporall affaires of the State and bewrayed so much of the face of that Age with the constitution both of the Soueraignty and the rest of the bodie as it could not well bee omitted Besides the effects it wrought in the succeeding raigne of this Prince the vexation charge and burthen it layed vpon him for manie yeares is worthie of note and shewes vs what spirit had predomination in that season of the World and what Engines were vsed in this Oppugnation Presently vpon the departure of this Great Prelate the King sends ouer to the King of France Gillebert Bishop of London and William Earle of Arundell to intreat him not onely to forbid the Archbishop his Kingdome but to bee a meanes to the Pope that his The King sends Ambassadors to the Pope cause might not bee fauoured by the Church being so contumacious a rebell as he was against his Soueraigne Lord. The King of France notwithstanding this intreaty sends Frier Francis his Amoyner vnder hand to the Pope to beseech him as he tendred the honour of holy Church and the ayde of the Kingdome of France to support
doe but so long as you shewed him fatherly Grace hee would loue you as a Father reuerence and cherish the Church as his Mother And humbly obay your sacred Decrees sauing his owne Dignity and that of his Kingdome and if of late hee hath not respected you with any reuerence the cause was that hauing with all his affection and all his powre stood to you in your necessitie hee was not answered worthily to his deserts vpon his recourse to you by his Ambassadours but in euery petition had the repulse And for hindring any which are willing to visit your Holinesse hee answeres hee will not nor hath hitherto done But for Appeales by the ancient custome of the Kingdome Hee chalenges that honour and cumber to himselfe that no Clergie man for any ciuill cause shall goe out of the Land till hee hath tried whether hee may obtaine his right by his Royall Authority and Iustice at home which if hee cannot hee may without any hinderance when hee will make his Appeale Wherein if any way hee doth preiudice Your Honour hee offers by the helpe of God to correct it as it shall bee ordred by the Councell of the whole Church of his Kingdome And for the Emperour though hee knew him a Scismatique hee neuer vnderstood hee was excommunicate But if hee bee by vs informed thereof or hath entred vnlawfull league with him or any other hee promises likewise to redresse the same by the sayd Ecclesiasticall Councell of his Kingdome And for our Father the Lord of Canterbury hee sayth that hee neuer expelled him out of his Kingdome but as hee went out of his owne accord so that at his pleasure it was free for him to returne to his Church in peace prouided that his Maiestie might bee satisfied concerning those complaints of his and haue him to obserue his Royall Dignity And if it can bee proued that any Church or Churchman hath beene opprest by the King or any of his hee is ready to make full satisfaction as shall bee thought fit by the whole Councell of the Church of his Kingdome This say they wee haue receiued in answere from our Lord the King and wish wee could haue had it fully according to your desire but these things wee thought good to notifie to your Highnesse that your Discretion may perceiue what is like to bee the conclusion of this businesse The King stands vpon the iustification of his owne cause ready to obey the Councell and iudgement of the Church of England Whereupon wee thought good to beseech your Highnesse that you would moderate for a time that zeale which by the fire of the deuine Spirit is worthily inkindled to reuenge any iniury done to the Church of God and forbeare to pronounce any sentence of interdiction or that last iudgement of abscision whereby inumerable Churches may bee miserably subuerted and both the King and an infinite number of people with him irreuocably which God forbid auerted from your obedience Then they tell him That better it were to haue a member bad then cut off abscision brought desperation a skilfull Chirurgion might recouer an infected part and how it were filter to imploy meanes to heale the wound then by cutting off a most noble part of the Church of God to bring more disturbance to the same that hath to much alreadie Though the King were stiffe they ought not dispare of the grace of God that a Kings stomacke was then to bee wonne when hee had wonne and might not blush to yeelde when hee had ouercome Patience and Meekenesse must pacifie him c. And inconclusion wee speake foolishly say they but yet withall Charitie if it come to passe that the Lord of Canterbury loose both his goods and liue besides in perpetuall exile and England which God forbid fall away from your obedience were it not better to forbeare for a time then with such zeale of seuerity to foster vp a party what if persecution cannot seperate many of vs from you yet will not there want knees to bow to Baall and receiue the Pall of Canterbury at the hands of an Idoll without choyce of religion or Iustice neither will there want suppliers of our Chayres that will obey him with all deuotion and already many deuoure these hopes wishing that scandalls may come and streight waies bee made crooked Thus much out of their letters which are the best peeces of History in the world and shew vs more of the inside of affaires then any relations else And by this wee truely see what barres kept these two mighty powers back from their wills and yet how lowde they threaten and both a feard of each other But the King of England stood safe ynough and was like to haue his businesses runne in a strong and intire course when by casting to make things safer then fast he layes open a way both to disioynt his owne power and imbroyle his people with diuision which was by the association of his sonne Henry in the gouernment an act without example in this Kingdome and strange that a Parliament an assembly of the State Prince Henry crowned King conuoked for the same businesse would in so wise times consent to communicate the Crowne and make the Common-wealth a Monster with two heads But it seemes the 1170. Anno. Reg. 16. strong desire of the King was such for the loue he bare his sonne as he would not bee denied in this motion nor hold it a sufficient Security to haue twice before caused all the Kingdome to take an Oath of Fealty vnto him to haue designed vnlesse he were Crowned King as he was with all vsuall solemnities the 14 day of Iune 1170. by Roger Archbishop of Yorke and had homage done vnto him that day by the King of Scots Dauid his brother and all the Nobility of England But now with what reseruations this was done wee are not particularly informed whether there was an equall participation of rule or onely but of Title and that the Father notwithstanding this Act was to haue the especiall manage of the Gouernment and the Sonne though a King yet a Sonne with a limited powre Howsoeuer this young King shewed shortly after That a Crowne was no State to bee made ouer in trust and layd much griefe and repentance vpon his Fathers forwardnesse What mooued the King with this precipitation to be before hand with his Graue may be deemed the iealosie he had apprehended by his Mothers example who for all the Oath of Fealtie sooften taken for her succession was yet put by it through the working of the Clergie and now considering in what termes hee stood with them and that although he had wonne some few Bishops vnto him was sure they loued him not and what they might worke with the people if himselfe should faile made him ouer doe his worke The King of France vnderstanding that his daughter was not Crowned with her husband which by reason of her tender age was deferred tooke it
of all the neighbor Princes which subsist by other then their owne powre now follow And being returned from concluding this Match in Piemont there comes vnto him lying at Limoges Raymond Earle of Saint Gyles by whom was giuen the first affront he had in France now to doe homage vnto him for the Earledome of Tholouse and there became the man of the King of England and of his sonne Richard Earle of Poictou to hold Tholouse from them by hereditary right for seruice of comming vnto them vpon their sommons and remayning The homage of Raymond Earle of Saint Gyles for the Earld of Tholouse in their seruice fortie daies at his owne charge and if they would intertaine him longer to allow him reasonable expenses Besides the Earle should pay yearely for Tholouse and the appertinances a hundred markes of siluer or ten Horses worth ten Markes a peece About the same time also came the Earle Hubert to Limoges to know what Land the King of England would assure his sonne Iohn who resolued to giue vnto him the Castles of Chinon Lodun and Mirabell Where with King Henry the sonne grew much Henry the son takes displeasure against his father displeased and here mooued his Father either to resigne vnto him the Dutchie of Normandie the Earledome of Aniou or the Kingdome of England for his maintenance in which motion hee was the more egar being incensed by the King of France and the discontented Lords both of England and Normandie who were many and falne or wrought from the Father vpon new hopes and the aduantage of a deuided Soueraignty And though there were many other occasions of this defection of the sonne from the Father yet that this for these Castles should first bee taken may seeme to bee the worke of Gods especiall iudgement being those peeces which himselfe had taken from his owne brother Geffrey contrary to his Oath made vnto his Father as is before related so as if to tell iniustice that it must bee duely repayed the same Castles are made to bring mischiefe vpon him and to giue a beginning to the fowlest discorde that could bee wherein hee had not onely the Children of his owne bodie but the Wife of his bedde to conspire and practise against him For hereupon the sonne sodainely breaking away from the Father came to Paris where the King of France who had no other meanes to preuent the ouergrowing of a neighbour but to deuide him sommons and solicites the Princes of France and all the friends he could make to ayde King Henry the sonne against the father and to take thir Oath either to disposses him of his Estate or bring him to their owne conditions The young King likewise sweares vnto them Neuer to haue peace with his father without their consents and all sweares to giue vnto Philip Earle of Flanders for his ayde a thousand pounds English by the yeare with the County of Kent Douer and Rochester Castles To Mathew Earle of Bologne brother to the sayd Earle for his seruice Kerton Soak in Lindsey the Earldome of Morton with the Honour of Heize to Theobald Earle of Bloys two hundred pounds by yeare in Aniou the Castle of Amboys with all the right hee pretended in Tureine c. and all these Donations with diuers other he confirmed by his new Seale which the King of France caused to be made Besides by the same Seale He confirmed to the King of Scots for his ayde all Northumberland vnto Tyne and gaue to the brother of the same King for his seruice the Earldomes of Huntingdon and Cambridge To the Earle Hugh Bigot the Castle of Norwich other Earles of England as Robert Earle of Leicester Hugh Earle of Chester Roger Mowbray c. had likewise their rewards and promises of the Lions Skin that was yet aliue Besides they draw into their partie Richard and Geffrey whose youths apt to bee wrought on for increase of their allowance are easily intised and with them their mother inraged with iealosie and disdaine for her husbands conceiued abuses of her bed So that this great King in the middest of his glory about the twentith yeare of his raigne comes sodainely forsaken of his owne people and is driuen through distrust to hire and intertaine strange forces procuring twenty thousand Brabansons which were certaine Mercinaries commonly called the Routs or Costerels for the recouery and holding of his Estate And some few faithfull Ministers he had notwithstanding this generall defection who tooke firmly to him as William Earle Mandeuile Hugh de Lacy Hugh de Beauchamp c. But how soeuer we haue seene the best of this Kings glorie and though he had after this good successes hee had neuer happinesse labour hee did by all meanes to haue qualified the heat of his distempered sonne by many mediations of peace offring all conuenient allowances for his Estate but all would not preuaile his sword is drawne and with him the King of France with all his forces enters vpon his territories on that side the Sea on this the King of Scots seizes vpon Northumberland and makes great spoyles The olde King complaines to the Emperour and all the neighbour Princes his friends of the vnnaturall courses of his sonne and of his owne improuident aduancing him William King of Sicile writes and condoles his misfortunes but lay too farre off to helpe him The King of France besieges Vernoul a place of great strength and importance which Hugh de Lacy and Hugh de Beauchamp valiantly defended and after a monthes siege they of the towne victualls fayling obtained truce of the King of France and permission to send vnto their Soueraigne for succour Which if it came not within three daies they would render the Cittie and in the meane time their Ostages The peremptorie day was the Eue of Saint Laurence The King of France with King Henry the sonne and with diuers great Lords and Bishops swore if they rendred the Citie at the day appointed their Ostages should bee redeiiuered and no dammage done to the Citie King Henry the Father with all the forces he could make came iust at the limitted day disposes his Army to strike battaile with his enemies but the King of France to auoyde the same sends the Archbishoppe of Sens and the Earle of Bloys to mediate a parle which was appointed the morrow this day lost lost Vernoul For to the morrow Parle the King of France neither comes nor sends but had entrance into the Towne according to couenants which contrary to his Oath hee sackes takes with him the Ostages and spoyle thereof remoues his Campe and leaues the King of England disappointed who that night after hauing persued the flying Army with some spoyle enters into Vernoul and the morrow surprises Danuile a Castle of his enemies with many prisoners Thence he goes to Rouen whence hee sent his Brabansons into Brittaine against Hugh Earle of Chester and Ralph Fulgiers who had possest themselues almost of the whole
buyes his peace vpon these yeelding conditions That Louys eldest sonne to King Philip should marry his Ncece Blanch daughter of Alphonso King of Castile and haue with her in Dowre the Citie and County of Eureux with sundry Castles in Normandy and 30 thousand Markes of Siluer Besides promises if hee died without issue to leaue vnto him all his territories in France And that he would not ayde his Nephew Otho lately elected Emperor against Philip brother to the late Emperor Hen. 6. whom the K. of France fauored in opposition of Pope Innocentius who tooke the part of Otho After this Peace made Otho taking it vnkindly to bee thus forsaken by his Vncle Iohn sends his two brothers Henry Duke of Saxony and William Winton so titled for hauing been born at Winchester to require the City of Eureux and the County of Poictou and two parts of the treasure which his Vncle King Richard had bequeathed vnto him besides other moueables but they come to late the obligation of bloud and rendring of dues is held to be of an inferior nature to the present interests of State To this vnkind and vnnaturall act he presently addes another Repudiats his wife daughter to 1201. Anno. Reg. 3. the Earle of Glocester alleadging consanguinity in the third degree and marries Isabell daughter and inheretrix to the Earle of Anglosme fianced before to Hugh le Brun Earle of March a Peere of great Estate and alliance in France by consent of King Richard in whose custodie she then was And hauing finished these distastfull businesses he returnes to giue as little contentment into Eng. where he imposes 3 shillings vpon euery An imposition of 3 shillings vpon euery Plough land Plough-land to discharge the great dowry of 30 thousand Marks he was to giue with his Neece Blanch the collection whereof Geffrey Archb. of Yorke opposes within his Prouice For which and for refusing vpon summons to come vnto this late treaty in France the King causes his Shriefe Iames Potern to seise vpon all his temporalties The Archb. interdicts the whole Prouince of Yorke and excommunicats the Shriefe K. Iohn shortly after makes a progresse with his wife Queen Isabel ouer all the North parts vnto Scotland exacts great fines of offenders in his forests In his passing through Yorkeshire his brother the Archb. refused him wine and the honour of the Bells at Beuerley but by the mediation of 4 B B. and 4 Barons and a great sum of mony a reconciliation is made betweene them with promise of reformation of excesses on either part Vpon Easter day after his returne from the North the King againe is Crowned at His second Coronation Canterbury and with him Isabel his Queene by the Archb Hubert And there are the Earls and Barons of Eng. surnmoned to be ready with horse armor to passe the Seas with him presently vpon Whitsontide but they holding a conference together at Leicester by a generall consent send him word that vnlesse he would render them their Rights and Liberties they would not attend him out of the Kingdome The King saith Houeden vsing ill counsell required of them their Castles beginning with William de Aubenie demanded to haue his Castle of Beauoyr William deliuers his sonne in pledge but kept his Castle Notwithstanding this refusall of the Lords hauing taken order for the gouernment he passes ouer with his Queene into Normandy where his presence with the great shew of his preparations caused the reuolters to forbeare their enterprises for that time and a 1202. Anno. Reg. 4. father ratisication with as strong couenants and cautions as could be deuised is made of the Agreements with King Phillip of France who feasts the King of England and his Queene at Paris with all complements of amitie And here both Kings solicited by the Popes Legat grant a Subsidy of the fortith part of all their Subiects reuenues for one yeare by way of Almes to succor the Holy Land Vide Append. For the leauying whereof in England Geffrey Fitz Peter Chiefe Iusticiar sends out his Writs by way of request and perswasion and not as of due or coaction to auoyde example But many months passed not ere a new conspiracy brake out by the instigation of Hughle Brun who stung with the rapture of his wife a wrong of the most sensible touch in nature combines with Arthur the Barons of Poictou and Brittatne and raised a strong side which the King of France notwithstanding all those tyes wherein hee stood ingaged to the King of England betakes himselfe vnto in regard of his owne interests and aduantages from which no bands could withhold him and againe both these Kings are in Armes The King of France declares himselfe for Arthur to whom he marries his yongest daughter requires King Iohn to deliuer vp vnto him all his territories in France and by a peremptorie day summons him to appeare personally at Paris to answere what should bee layde to his charge and abide the Arest of his Court which King Iohn refusing was by sentence adiudged to loose all he held of that Crown Then is he assailed on one side by the King of France in Normandy on the other by He takes his Nephew Arthur prisoner Arthur and the Barons in Aniou who lay siege to Mirabel defended by Elionor the Queene mother and were vpon the point of taking it when King Iohn with greater expedition and force then was expected came and defeited the whole army of the assayliants tooke prisoner the Earle Arthur Hugh le Brun with the Barons of Poictou and aboue 200 Knights and men of command all which hee carried away bound in Carts and dispersed into diuers Castles both of Normandie and England This victorie which might seeme ynough to haue established his Estate vndid him for by the ill vsing thereof he lost himselfe and his reputation for euer Arthur is shortly after murthered in prison and the deed layde to his charge which with the Arthur mur. thered cruell execution of many his prisoners and Ostages so exasperates the Nobilitie of Brittaine Aniou and Poictou as they all take Armes against him and summoned he is to answere in the Court of Iustice of the King of France to whom they appeale which he refusing is condemned both to loose the Dutchy of Normandie which his Ancestors 1203. Anno. Reg. 5. had held by the space of 300 yeares and all his other Prouinces in France whereof the next yeare after either through his negligence being as they write giuen ouer to the pleasures of his yong wife or by the reuolt of his owne Ministers incensed likewise against him he became wholy dispossessed And in this disastrous Estate he returnes into England and charges the Earles and King Iohn fines the Barons Barons with the reproach of his losses in France and fines them to pay the seuenth part of all their goods for refusing him ayde Neither spared hee the Church or the
take consideration till after Easter next and in the meane time he tooke vpon him the crosse rather as is said through feare then deuotion supposing himselfe to bee more safe vnder that protection But the Lords continuing their resolution foreseeing nothing was to bee obtayned but by strong The resolution of the Barons assembling their army at Stamford hand assemble an Army at Stamford wherein are said to bee two thousand Knights besides Esquires with those that serued on foot and from thence marched towards Oxford where the King then expected their comming according to the appoynted time for answere to their demands And being come to Brackly with their Army the King sends the Archbishop of Canterbury and William Earle of Pembrooke Mareschall with other graue Councellors to demaund of them what were those Lawes and Liberties A Schedule of the Demands of the Lords they required to whom they shewed a schedule of them which the Commissioners deliuer to the King who hauing heard them read in great indignation asked why the Barons did not likewise demaund the Kingdome and swore that hee would neuer grant those liberties whereby himselfe should bee made a seruant So harsh a thing is it to a powre that hath once gotten out into the wide libertie of his will to heare againe of any reducing within his circle not considering how they who inheret Offices succeed in the obligation of them and that the most certaine meanes to preserue vnto a King his Kingdomes is to possesse them with the same conditions that he hath inherited them The Barons vpon this answere being as hasty as hee was auers resolue to seize on The Lords seize on the Kings Castles his Castles and presently march towards Northampton which they besiege constituting Robert Fitz Walter their General intituling him the Mareschall of the Army of God and holy Church And after they assaile the Castle of Bedford where William de Beauchamp rendring his charge receiues them and the Londoners send thither priuy message to ioyne with them and deliuer vp the Citie to be garded by their direction And thither they repaire and are ioyfully receiued vnder pact of their indemnity The Lords repaire to London where dayly increasing in number of new Confederats they make their protestation neuer to giue ouer the prosecution of their desire till they had constrayned the King whom they held periured to grant them their Rights King Iohn seeing himselfe in a manner generally forsaken hauing scarce seuen King Iohn forsaken of his people Knights faithfull vnto him counterfeits the Seales of the B B. and writes in their names to all nations that the English were all Apostats and whosoeuer would come to inuade them he by the Popes consent would confer vpon them all their Lands and possessions The Earle Mareschall other mediate a reconciliation But this deuise working no effect in regard of the little confidence they had in the King and the powre of the Kingdome a new mediation is made to the Barons by the Earle Mareschall and others and a Parle is had betweene Windsor and Stanes in a Meadow called Running-mead a place anciently vsed for such Conferences where after many meetings and much debate the King freely consented for the glory of God A Parliament for restoring the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdome and emendation of the Kingdome to confirme those Lawes and Liberties formerly restored and in part ordayned by Hen. 1. And to the end that all discord should vtterly cease hee grants for the intire and firme enioying these Lawes and Liberties Securitie in this manner That there should be fiue and twenty Barons chosen of the Kingdome such as they would who should to their vtmost power cause the same to bee held and obserued And that if either the King or his Chiefe Articles of the Agreement confirmed by King Iohn Iusticiar should transgresse in any Article of those Lawes and the offence shewed Foure Barons of the fiue and twenty should come to the King or in his absence out of the Kingdome to his Chiefe Iusticiar and declare the excesse requiring without delay redresse for the same which if not made within the space of fortie daies after such declaration those Foure Barons should referre the cause to the rest of the fiue and twenty who with the Commons of the Land might distraine and inforce him by all meanes they could viz. by seizing vpon his Castles Lands and Possessions or other goods his person excepted and that of his Queene and Children till amends should bee made according to their arbitration And that whosoeuer would should take their Oath for the execution hereof and obay the commandement of the fiue and twenty Barons herein without prohibition And if any of them dissented or could not assemble the maior part to haue the same powre of proceeding Besides for Vide Append. more caution the foure Chatelaines of the Castles of Northampton Kenelworth Notingham and Skarbrough should be sworne to obay the commandement of the Fiue and twenty Barons or the maior part of them in whatsoeuer they thought good concerning those Castles Wherein none should bee placed but such as were faithfull and would obserue their Oath c. That all strangers whereof diuers are expresly nominated should bee remoued out of the Kingdome And a generall pardon is graunted for all transgressions committed through the occasion of this discord from the beginning thereof to this present time And mutuall Oathes taken of both sides in solemne manner for the inuiolable obseruing all these Articles The King likewise sends his letters Pattents to all the Shriefes of the Kingdome to cause all men of what degree soeuer within their seuerall Shires to sweare to obserue those Lawes and Liberties thus granted by his Charter And in this manner though it were to be wished it had not beene in this manner 1215. Anno. Reg. 17. were recouered the rights of the Kingdome Whereof though they seeme to haue now the Liuerie they had not the Seisin For presently the King being loose from the doing which he pretends to be by force vnlooses the Deed and there wanted not those about him who obseruing which way his will bent to turne him more violently vpon that King Iohn by euill councell frustrates his owne Grants side not in regard of his good but their owne interests making more profit by his irregularity then otherwise they could of his orderly courses telling him he was now a King without a Kingdom a Lord without a Dominion and a subiect to his Subiects Wicked counsellors as if it were not enough to be aboue men but to bee aboue mankinde as those Princes would be that would be vnder no Law considering the preseruation of Kings and Kingdoms is to haue the ballance of satisfaction both of the one and other equall But by such Counsailors is he confirmed in his refractory humor And worthily that Prince deserues to bee deceiued in his
appertayning thereunto The King of France answeres that the Kingdome of England neuer was nor is or euer shal be the patrimonie of Saint Peter and that King Iohn was neuer lawfull King thereof and if hee were he had forfeited the same by the murther of Arthur forwhich he was condemned in his Court neither could he giue away the Kingdome without the consent of the Barons who are bound to defend the same And if the Pope would maintaine this error it would bee a pernicious example to all Kingdomes Herewith the Popes Agent departs vnsatisfied Louys hauing first dispatched Commission Quater Vigint Coggis to Rome to declare his right iustifie his vndertaking sets forth from Calice with 600 ships and 80 other vessell and Lands with his Army at Sandwich King Iohn attends him at Douer with purpose to incounter him at his landing but vpon notice Louys lands in Kent 21 of May. of his great powre and distrusting the faith of his mercinaries hauing committed the keeping of the Castle of Douer to Hubert de Burg forsakes the field and with it himselfe retyres first to Winchester after to Glocester and leaues all to the will of his enemy Louys who after he had obtayned the submission of all Kent except the Castle of Douer which he neuer could get he comes to London where he is ioyfully receiued of the Barons and vpon his Oath taken to restore their Lawes and recouer their rights hath homage and fealty done him as their Soueraigne Lord thither came likewise the Earles Warrein Arundle Salisbury William Mareschall the yonger with many other forsaking King Iohn and rendred themselues vnto him Guallo the Popes Agent notwithstanding the sword was out in all the way of his passage got to Glocester shewes King Iohn the Popes care of him and in solemne manner The little effect the Popes Exmunication wrought pronounces the sentence of Excommunication against Louys and all that tooke part with him which though it brought him some comfort for the time yet it tooke little or nothing from the enemy neither could it so confirme his mercinaries but that most of them left him and either returned home into their Countries with such spoyles as they had or betooke themselues to this new commer King Iohn was not yet so forsaken but that he had powre enough remayning to infest though not incounter his enemies and faith he found abroad amongst many of his Ministers that well defended their charge Douer Castle with a small company holds out against all the force that Louys could bring against it Windsor Castle garded but with 60 men could not be won with all the powre of the Barons some other peeces as Nottingham and Lincoln Castles made very resolute resistance But nothing is effected saue the ruine of the Country The most-yeelding and fertill parts of the Kingdome as about Glocester the marches of Wales Lincolnshire Cambridgshire Norfolke Suffolke Essex Kent and all about London are the Stages of this warre and here they act their mischiefes which continued all that Sommer And about the later end of October a burning feuer makes an end of this fiery King which tooke him vpon an extreme griefe conceiued for the losse of his carriages sunke in the Sands passing the Washes betweene Lin and Boston and was augmented by a surfeit of Peaches new Ale taken at the Abbay of Swineshead from whence in The death of King Iohn great weakenesse he is conuayed to Newarke where after he had receiued the Eucharist and taken order for the succession of his sonne Henry hee departs this life hauing raigned 18 yeares fiue monthes and foure daies The Abbot of Crockeston a man skilfull in physique and at that time the Kings Physition disbowelled his body who no doubt would haue giuen notice to the world had his Maister as it was in after ages vainely bruted beene poysoned by a Monke of Mat. Par. Swinshead Abbay but the Writers of those times report no such matter Howsoeuer his death takes not away the reproch of his life nor the infamy that followes him whereunto ill Princes are as subiect as their euill Subiects and cannot escape the brute ofa clamarous Pen. witnesse this Disticque Anglia sicut adhuc sordet foetore Iohannis Sordida foedatur foedante Iohanne Gehenna He had issue by his wife Isabel daughter to Aymer Earle of Angolesme two sonnes Henry and Richard also three daughters Ioane Eleanor and Isabel. Henry succeeded him in the Kingdome Richard was Earle of Cornewall and Crowned His issue King of the Romans and had issue Henry and Iohn that died without issue also Edmond Iohn speed Earle of Cornewall and others Ioane the eldest daughter married to Alexander the second King of Scots died without issue Elianor the second daughter married to Simon Earle of Leicester had issue Henry Symon Almaricke Guy Richard and Elianor Henry slaine without issue Simon Earle of Bigorre and Ancestor to a Famely of the Mountfords in France Almarick first a Priest after a Knight Guy Earle of Angleria in Italy and Progenitor of the Mountfords in Tuscaine and of the Earles of the Campo Bacchi in the Kingdome of Naples Richard remayning priuily in England and changing his name from Mountford to Wellesborne was Ancester of the Wellesbornes in England Elianor borne in England brought vp in France married into Wales to Prince Lewin ap Griffith Isabel their youngest daughter married to the Emperour Frederic the 2 had issue Henry appointed to be King of Sicile and Margaret wife of Albert Landgraue Thurine She died in child-bed after she had beene Empresse sixe yeares He had also two naturall sonnes Geffrey Fitz Roy that transported souldiers into France when Hubert forbad his father to goe thither Richard that married the daughter and Heire of Fulbert de Douer who built Childham Castle had issue by her of which some famelies of good esteeme are descended Likewise one naturall Daughter Ioane married to Lewin Prince of Wales The end of the Life and Raigne of King Iohn The Life and Raigne of Henry the third THE death of King Iohn though it much altered yet it ended not the miserable businesses of the Kingdome for Louys notwithstanding held 1216. Anno. Reg. 1. his hopes and his party though much shaken by the sodaine Coronation of Henry eldest sonne to King Iohn solemnized in a great Assemblie of State at Glocester the 28 of October and committed to the tutelage of the great Marshall William Earle of Pembrooke the maine Pillar of the father and now the preseruer of the Crowne to his sonne a man eminent both in courage Henry the 3 Crowned at Glocester and Councell who with Guallo the Popes Legat the Bishops of Winchester Bathe and Worcester worke all meanes to draw the Barons and as many of powre as they could to their new and naturall King from this excommunicate stranger and his adherents And bred great fluctuation in the mindes of most of
so was it in this and therefore the lesse worthy of thankes The Legat was well payed for his paynes and notwithstanding the great distresse of the Kingdome carries away twelue thousand Markes with him to Rome But thus the long afflicted state began to haue some peace and yet with many distemp ratures at the first ere those virulent humors which the warre had bred were otherwise diuerted For many of the Nobles who had taken part with the King either vnsatisfied in their expectations or knowing not how to maintaine themselues and theirs but by rapine fall to mutinie surprizing of Castles and making spoyles in the Country as the Earle of Albemarle Robert de Veypont Foulke de Brent Brian de Liste Hugh de Bailioll with many other but at length they are likewise appeased And seeing the warre must nurse whom it had bred an Action is vndertaken for the Holy Land whither Ralph Earle of Chester Saer de Quincy Earle of Winchester William de Albeny Earle of Arundle Robert Fitz Walter William de Harcort with many other are sent with great forces Besides to vnburthen the Kingdome all strangers vnlesse such as came with Merchandize are commanded to auoyde the Land and all meanes vsed for the regayning the ability it had lost And no sooner had this prouident Protector the Earle of Pembrooke setled the The death of the Protector Earle Marshall Kings affaires but he dies to the great regrate of the Kingdome leauing behinde him a most Noble memorie of his actiue worth and is to bee numbred amongst the examples of the best of men to shew how much the Wisdome and Valour of a potent Subiect may steed a distracted State in times of danger The Bishop of Winchester imparting the charge with many other great Councellors is made Protector of the young King who in An. Reg. 4. is againe Crowned and the next yeare after hath by Parliament graunted for Elcuage two Markes of Siluer of euery Knights fee for the affaires of the Kingdome and recouery of his transmarine The King againe crowned 1. Parliament Dominions which now is designed and Malleon de Sauerie the Poictouine with William Long sword Earle of Salsburie sent ouer into Guien to try the affections of that people whom they finde for the most part inclinable to the obedience of this Crowne The King of France is required to make restitution of what hee had vsurped but returnes answere that what hee had gotten both by forfeiture and Law of Armes hee would holde To retayne amitie with Scotland and peace at home Ioan the Kings Sister is giuen 1220. Anno. Reg. 5. in marriage to Alexander King of Scots and Margueret sister to the same King to Hubert de Burgh now made Iusticiar of England and the especiall man who guided the greatest affaires of the Kingdome Wales reuolting vnder their Prince Lewelin gaue occasion of great charge and trouble to this State in the beginning of this Kings raigne and long after till it was wholy subdued And a commotion in Ireland made by Hugh Lacy is appeased by William Earle of Pembrooke sonne to the late great Marshall 1221. Anno. Reg. 6. and some few yeares after hath the Kingdome a kinde of quietnesse sauing that Falcasius or Foulke de Brent with certaine Chatelaynes the dregs of war fortifying the Castle of Belford with some other peeces of strength and committing many outrages gaue occasion of businesse till they were gotten by hard assault But now the King being come to some yeares of vnderstanding was in a Parliament holden at London put in minde by the Archbishop of Canterbury in behalfe of the State of his Oath made and taken by others for him vpon the peace with Louys for confirmation of the liberties of the Kingdome for which the warre began with his father and being the mainebase wheron his owne good and that of his people must subsist without which the whole State would againe fall a sunder they would haue him to know it betime to auoyde those miserable inconueniences which the disvnion of 1222. Anno. Reg. 7. Rule and Obedience might bring vpon them all which though it were impiously there oppugned as Princes shall euer finde mouthes to expresse their pleasures in what course soeuer they take by some ministers of his amongst whom one William Brewer a Councellor is named who vrged it to haue beene an act of constraint and therefore 2. Parliament not to be performed was notwithstanding promised at that time by the King to bee ratifyed and twelue knights or other Legall men of euery shire by writs charged to examen what were the Lawes and Liberties which the Kingdome enioyed vnder his Grandfather and returne the same by a certaine day and so by that vsuall shift of Prolongation the businesse was put off for that time to the greater vexation of that following For during all his raigne of sixe and fifty yeares the Longest of any King of England this put him to the greatest imbroylement made him ill beloued of his paople euer crost in his intendements and farre a lesse King onely by striuing to be more then he was the iust reward of violations And euen this first pause vpon the lawfull requisition thereof turnd the bloud shew'd how sensible the state was in the least stoppage of that tender vaine For presently the Earles of Chester Albimarle with many other great men assemble at Lecester with intent to remoue from the K. Hugh de Burgh chiefe Iusticiar and other officers supposed to hinder this motion But the Archbishop of Canterbury by his spirituall power and the rest of the nobility more carefull to preserue the peace of the Kingdome stood to the King and would not suffer any proceeding in this kind so as the Lords effected nothing at that time but were constrained to come in and submit Resumptions themselues And here the king by parliament resumes such alienations as had bin made by his Ancesters of what had apertayned to the Crowne whereby he might haue the 1223. Anno. Reg. 8. more meanes of his owne without pressing his subiect but this serued not his turne The next yeare after another Parliament is held at Westminster wherein is required the fiftieth part of all moueables both of the Clergy and Layetie for the recouery of those parts in France withheld from this crowne by Louys now King contrary to his 3 Parliament oath and promise made here in England at his departure Which motion though it concerned the honour and dignity of this Kingdome being the inheritance of the King and the Estates of most of the Nobility and other the subiects who had lands and possessions in those parts which no doubt they desired to recouer with their vtmost means yet would they not yeeld to the graunt of this subsidy but vpon confirmation of their liberties which in the end they obtayned in the same words and forme as King Iohn had graunted them in the
army against the Lords imployes new forces of strangers but all without successe Wherevpon a Fryer of the Order of Minors is imployed to confer with the Earle Mareschall and to perswade him to come in and submit himselfe to the kings mercy whom he had heard to say that notwithstanding his great offences he would pardon and restore to his estate vpon submission and besides giues him so much of Herefordshire as should conueniently mayntaine him Besides the Fryer told him what he heard of other Councellors about the King concerning the wishing of his submission and in what forme they desired Vide Appond it should be imparted in priuat And then as of himselfe he vses all inducements possible to draw him therevnto shewing how it was his duty his profit and safty so to doe Wherewithall the Earle nothing moued told the Fryer what iniuries hee had receiued and that hee could not trust the King so long as hee had such Councellors about him who onely sought the distruction of him and his associats who euer had beene his loyall subiects And after many obiections made by the Fryer with vrging the Kings power his owne weaknes and the danger hee was in the Earle concludes that he feared no danger that he would neuer yeeld to the Kings Will that was guided by no reason that he should giue an ill Example to relinquish the iustice of his cause to obay that Will which wrought all iniustice whereby it might appeare they loued wordly possessions more then right and honor c. So nothing was done the war continues with much effusion of bloud all the borders of Wales vnto Shrowesbury are miserable wasted and made desolate At length meanes is vsed to draw the Earle Mareschall ouer into Ireland to defend his estate there which was likewise seized vpon by authority giuen vnder the Kings hand and Seale and all those great possessions discended vnto him from his Ancestor the Earle Strongbow the first conquerors of that country spoyled and taken from him And here seeking to recouer his liuelihood hee lost his life circumuented by treachery his death gaue occasion of griefe both to his friends and enemies The king disauowes the sending 1234. Anno. Reg. 19. of this commission into Ireland protesting hee neuer knew thereof and discharges himselfe vpon his councellor A poore shift of weake Princes After two yeares his affliction a Parliament is assembled at Westminster wherein the Bishops grauely admonish the King by his Fathers example and his owne experiene 7 Parliament of the mischiefe of dissention betweene him and his Kingdome occasioned through the ill councell of his ministers to be at vnion with his people to remoue from him strangers and others by whose instigation for their owne ends these disturbances are fostered and his naturall Subiects estranged from him to the great alienation of their affections which was of dangerous consequence Wherefore after recitall of the Greeuances of the State and the abuses of his Ministers which were such as all corrupted times produce they humbly besought him to gouerne his according to the example of other Kingdomes by the natiues of the same and their Lawes otherwise they would proceed by Ecclesiasticall censure both against his Councellors and himselfe The King seeing no way to subsist and get to his ends but by temporizing consents to call home these Lords out of Wales restores them to their places and possessions amoues those strangers from about him and calls his new Officers to accompt The Bishop of Winchesler Peter de Riuallis and Stephan Segraue thereupon take Sanctuarie but afterward vpon mediation they obtayned with great fines their Liberty dearely paying for their two yeares eminency and grace Things thus appeased the King giues his sister Isabel in marriage to the Emperour Frederic the second successor to Otho and grand-child to Frederic Barbarossa the Archbishop of Cologne and the Duke of Louaine were sent for her Shee is conducted Isabel the Kings Sister married to the Emperor by the King her brother to Sandwich with three thousand horse The marriage is solemnised at Wormes She was the third wife of this Emperour an alliance that yeelded neither strength or benefit though that were both their ends to either Prince The continuall broyle which this Emperour held with all the Popes of his time Innocent the third Honorius Innocent the fourth Gregorie the ninth was such and so great as all hee could doe was not enough for himselfe For not to let goe that hold of the Empire he had in Italie with his hereditarie Kingdomes of Naples and Sicil which the Popes wrought to draw to the Church he was put to be perpetually in conflict neuer free from vexations thrust from his owne courses enioyned to vndertake the Holy warres to waste him abroade weakened at home by excommunications and fines for absolutions for which at one time hee payde eleuen thousand markes of Gold And in the end the Popes so preuayled that in the Graue of this Frederic was buried the Imperiall Authority in Italy after hee had thus raigned foure and thirty yeares leauing his sonne Conrad successour rather of his miseries then his inheritance Hee had a sonne by Isabel named Henrie to whom hee bequeathed the Kingdome of Sicile and a hundred thousand ounces of Gold but hee liued not to enioy it To the marriage of this Sister the King qiues thirty thousand markes besides an Imperiall Crowne and other ornaments of great value towards which is raysed two 1236. Anno. Reg. 20. Markes vpon euery Hide Land And the next yeare after himselfe marries Elianor daughter to Raymond Earle of Prouince a match in regard of the distance of the place with the meanes and degree of Estate little aduantagious either to him or his Kingdom but the circumstance of alliance drew it on with some other promises which were not obserued So that hee is neither greater nor richer by these alliances but rather lessened in his meanes hauing no dowre with his wife full of poore kindred that must draw meanes from this Kingdome After the solemnization of this marriage which was extraordinarily sumptuous a Parliament is assembled at London which the King would haue held in the Towre whither the Lords refusing to come another place of more freedome is appoynted where after many things propounded for the good of the Kingdome order is taken that all Shriefes are remooued from their Offices vpon complaint of corruption and Shriefes remoued for corruption others of more integritie and abler meanes to auoyde briberie put in their roomes taking their Oathes to receiue no guifts but in victualls and those without excesse Here the King displaces his Steward and some other Councellors and offers to take from the Bishop of Chichester then Chancellor the great Seale but the Bishop refuses to deliuer it alledging how hee had it by the common Councell of the kingdome and without assent of the same would not resigne it and hauing carried himselfe
breake the truce made with the King of France who was now too strong for them to doe any good c. Notwithstanding many of the greatest Peeres drawne by faire promises and their owne hopes for recouerie of their Estates so preuaile as the action is resolued on and an Ayde demaunded for the same The very motion for money was so distastefull as presently all the Kings supplies made from the beginning of his raigne are particulerly againe opprobriously rehersed as the 13. 15. 16 and 40 part of all mens moueables besides Carucage Hydage Escuage Escheates Amercements and such like A repetitiō of the Kings supplies formerly made which could not but fill his Coffers Then the Popes continuall exactions with the infinite charge for those who vndertooke the Holy warre are likewise repeated Besides they declare how the 30 leuied about foure yeares past in regard it was to bee layde vp in certaine Castles and not to bee issued but by the allowance of foure of the Peeres was as they held it yet vnspent the King to their knowledge hauing had no necessarie occasion to imploy the same for the vse of the Common-wealth for which it was graunted and therefore resolutely they denyed to yeeld him any more Whereupon the King comes himselfe to the Parliament and in most submissiue manner craues their ayde at this time vrging the Popes letter which hee had procured to sollicite and perswade them thereunto But all preuailed not their vow made to each other not to disseuer their voyces or to be drawne to a disvnion held them fast together In so much as the King is driuen to get what hee could of particular men either by guift or loane and vses such meanes as notwithstanding The King carries ouer 30 Barrells of siluer into France he carries ouer with him thirty Barrells of sterling coyne and taking with him his Queene leaues the gouernment of the Kingdome to the Archbishop of Yorke hauing first for his better quiet at home contracted a match betweene his daughter Margueret yet an infant and Alexander eldest sonne to Alexander 3 King of Scots to whom he commits the gouernment of the Marches This second expedition into France had no better successe then the first For therein The Kings second expedition into France he likewise consumed his treasure vpon strangers discontented the English Nobility was deceiued in his trust by the Poictouines who failed him with his money and after more then a whole yeares stay the Lords of England leauing him was driuen to make a dishonorable truce with the King of France And after hauing beene releeued with much prouision out of England and another imposition of Escuage hee returnes puts the Iewes to another redemption exacts of the Londoners is visited by his An imposition of Escuage with another redemption of the Iewes wiues mother the Countesse of Prouince who bringing with her Zanchia her daughter is to adde to his other expencesses sumptuously feasted a marriage solemnized betweene the young Lady and Richard Earle of Cornewall whose wife was late dead and he returned from the Holy warres The olde Countesse at her returne is presented with many rich guifts hauing besides The Countesse of Prouince mother to the Queen comes ouer into England to the great charge of the Kingdome receiued an annuall pension of 4000 Markes out of England for fiue yeares passed in consideration of a pact made that King Henry should after her discease haue the Earledome of Prouince But shortly after her returne home she disappoints him of that hope and bestowes the same with her youngest daughter Beautrix on Charles the French Kings brother who was after King of Naples and Sicile So that she liued to see all her foure daughters Queenes Richard Earle of Cornwall comming afterward to be elected King of the Romans Meanes now vpon these profusions to haue fresh supplie of Treasure was 1244. Anno. Reg. 28. onely by way of Parliament which is againe in Anno Reg. 28. assembled at Westminster and therein the Kings wants and the present occasions vrged for the necessarie defence of the Kingdome hauing now to doe with Wales and Scotland whose Princes lately reuolting ioyne together to annoy the same but nothing could bee effected 12 Parliament without the assurance of reformation and the due execution of the Lawes notwithstanding the King comes againe himselfe in person as before and pleades his owne necessities Here they desire to haue ordayned that foure of the most graue and discreet Peeres should be chosen as Conseruators of the Kingdome and sworne of the Kings Councell both to see Iustice obserued and the Treasure issued and these should euer attend about the King or at least 3 or 2 of them Besides that the Lord Chiefe Iusticiar and the Lord Chancellor should bee chosen by the generall voyces of the States assembled or else bee one of the number of those foure Besides they propound that there might bee two Iustices of the Benches two Barons of the Eschequer and one Iustice for the Iewes and those likewise to bee chosen by Parliament That as their function was publike so should also be their Election But whilst these things were in debating the enemy of mankind and disturber of Peace the Deuill saith Mat. Paris hindred the proceeding by the comming of Martin a new Legat sent from the Pope with a larger powre then euer any before to exact vpon the State which hee supposed now to haue beene so wrought and ready as the Kings turne being seru'd his likewise should bee presently supplied But making too much haste before the first had passage hee frustrates his owne desire and receiues a most peremptory repulse of the whole Kingdome in so much as his Agent was disgracefully returned home with this displeasing message That the Kingdome was poore had great warres the Church in debt not able to yeeld any more Besides this course was of daungerous consequence to this State which alone seemed exposed to the Popes will and therefore seeing a generall Councell was shortly to bee held at Lyons if the Church would bee relieued it were fit the same should bee done by a generall consent in that Councell Besides at this time the Emperour Frederic by his Letters which were openly read Vide Append. The Empetor Fredericks letters to the King in this Assembly first intreates as before he had oftentimes done that the Pope might haue no supplies out of England which he sayd were only required to ruine him whom contrarie to all Pietie and Iustice hee had oppressed by seizing vpon his Cities and Castles appertayning to the Empire And for many yeares notwithstanding his often submission and desire of Peace proceeded in all foule and Hostile manner against him both by the sword and vniust excommunications And seeing hee could obtaine no due hearing hee had referred his cause to bee arbitrated by the Kings of France and England and the Baronage of both Kingdomes And therefore
is reported able to dispend 100 Markes a day for tenne yeares besides his reuenues in England The French and especially the King of Spaine are much displeased with this aduancement complayning to the Pope and the King of England of the supplantation of the Earle of Cornewal Spaine pretending to haue beene first elected but being it seemes a Philosopher and studious in the Mathematikes which he first reuiude in Europe he was drawing Lines when he should haue drawne out his purse and so came preuented of his hopes About the time of the departure of Earle Richard in the iollity of the Kingdome 1257. Anno. Reg. 41. vpon this new promotion to set forward another the King calls a Parliament wherin bringing forth his sonne Edmond clad in an Apulian habit he vses these words Behold my good Subiects here my sonne Edmond whom God of his grace hath called to the dignitie of regall excellencie how fitting and worthy is he the fauour of you all and how inhumane and 15. Parliament tyranous were he who in so important a necessity would deny him Councell and ayde And then shewes them how by the aduice and benignity of the Pope the Church of England he had for attayning the Kingdom of Sicile bound himselfe vnder Couenant of loosing his Kingdom of England in the sum of 140 thousand Markes Moreouer how he had obtayned the Tenth of the Clergy for 3 yeares to come of all their benefices to be estimated according to the new rate without deduction of expences vnlesse very necessarie besides their first fruits likewise for 3 yeares Which declaration how pleasing it 52 thousand Markes vpon conditions promised by the Clergie was to the Clergie may be iudged by their former grudgings Notwithstanding after they had made their pittifull excuses in regard of their pouerty they promised vpon the vsuall condition of Magna Charta c. so often sworne bought and redeemed to giue him 52 thousand Markes but this satisfied him not The next yeare after is another Parliament at London wherin vpon the Kings pressing 1258. Anno. Reg. 42. them again for means to pay his debts to the Pope the Lords tell him plainly they will not yeeld to pay him any thing And if vnaduisedly he without their consents and councell bought the Kingdome of Sicile and had been deceiued he should impute it to his owne imbecillity been instructed by the example of his prouidēt brother who when the same Kingdom was offred vnto him by Albert the Popes Agent absolutely refused it in regard it lay so farre off So many Nations betweene the cauills of the Popes the infidelitie of the people and the powre of the pretender c. Then repeate they their owne greeuances the breach of his promises contemning both the keyes of the Church and the Charter he had solemnly sworne to obserue the insolence of his brethren and other Strangers against whom by his order no Writ was to passe out of the Chancerie for any cause what soeuer How their pride was intolleable especially that of William de Valence who most reproachfully had giuen the lie to the Earle of Leicester for which he could not be righted vpon his complaint How they abounded all in riches and himselfe was so poore as hee could not represse the small forces of the Welsh that wasted his Country but going the last yeare against them and effecting nothing returned with dishonour The King hearing this as he was apt vpon rebukes soundly vrged to be sensible and his owne necessities constrayning him thereunto humbles himselfe and tells them how he had often by ill councell beene seduced and promises by his oath which he takes on the tombe of Saint Edward to reforme all these errors But the Lords not knowing how to hold their euer-changing Proteus saith Paris in regard the businesse was difficult get the Parliament to be adiourned till Saint Barnabas day and then to assemble at Oxford In the meane time the Earles Glocester Leicester Hereford the Earle Mareschall Bigod Spencer and other great men confederate and prouide by strength to effect their desires Whilst the King put to his shifts to obtaine money gets the Abbot of Westminster vpon promise of high preferment to put his Seale and that of his Couent to a deed obligatorie as a surety sor three hundred Markes that by his example hee might draw on others to doe the like Sending his trustie Counsaylors and Clerke Simon Passeleue abroade with his Letters and this Deede vnto other Monasteries But Passeleue notwithstanding all the dilligence and skill hee could vse by threates or otherwise telling them how all they had came from the benignitie of Kings and how their Soueraigne was Lord of all they had they flatly refuse to yeelde to any such Deede Saying they acknowledged the King to bee Lord of all they had but so as to defend not to distroy the same And thus he comes likewise disappoynted in this proiect The Prince who likewise must participate in the wants of his father was driuien Prince Edward morgages Stamford and other townes to William de Valence to morgage the Towne of Stamford Braham and many other things to William de Valence who out of his store supplied him with money which after turned to the good of neither for it layde a recentement on the necessity of the one which made him breake through his bands and Enuie on the other whose superfluitie made him odious But now comes assembled the Parliament at Oxford and in a hot season the worst time for consultation and here burst out that great impostume of discontent so long in gathering The trayne which the Lords brought with them was pretended to bee for some exploit against the Welsh vpon the end of the Parliament and their securing the ports to preuent forrainers but the taking order for keeping of the Gates of London and their Oathes and Hands giuen to each other shewed that they were prepared to make the day theirs Here they beginne with the expostulation of the former Liberties and require the obseruation thereof according vnto the Oathes The Barons expostulate for their former Liberties and Orders formerly made The Chiefe Iusticiar Chancellor and Treasorer to be ordayned by publike choice The 24 Conseruators of the Kingdome to bee confirmed 12 by the Election of the Lords and 12 by the King with whatsoeuer else made for their owne imagined security The King seeing their strength and in what manner they required these things sweares againe solemnly to the confirmation of them and causes the Prince to take the same Oath But the Lords left not here the Kings brethren the Poictouines and other Strangers must be presently removed and the Kingdome cleered of them and this they would haue all the Peeres of the Land sworne to see done Heere they found some opposition in the Prince the Earle Warrein and Henry eldest sonne to Richard now King of Romanes the last refusing to take his
both In the Fift a Twentieth of their goods His many supplies means for Money towards the Welsh Warres In the seauenth the Old Money was called in and New coyned in regard it had beene much defaced by the Iewes for which 297. were at one time executed at London and this brought him in a great benefit In Anno Reg. 8. seeking to examine Mens Titles to their Lands by a Writt of Quo Warranto which opposed by the Earle Warreine who drew out his Sword vpon the Writt saying How by the same hee held his Land and thereby would make good his Tenure the King desists obtaines a Fifteenth of the Clergie In the Eleauenth he had a Thirtieth of the Temporaltie a Twentieth of the Clergie for the Welsh Warres In the Thirteenth Escuage forty shillings for euery Knights fee for the same purpose In the Fourteenth he had a Thousand Marks of certaine Marchants fined for false Weights In the Seauenteenth those fines fore-declared of the Iudges In the Eighteenth this Confiscation of Iewes a Fifteenth of the English After this Anno Reg Nineteenth pretending a Voyage to the Holy-Land the Clergie grants him an Eleauenth part of all their Moueables and shortly after the Pope procures him a Tenth for Six yeeres to bee collected in England Scotland and Ireland and laid vp in Monasteries vntill hee were entred into Mare Maggior But hee made the Collectors pay him the money gathered for Three yeeres without going so farre hauing occasion to vse it at home about the purchase of a new Kingdome For the crowne of Scotland vpon the death of King Alexander of the Daughter of Reg. 17. Anno. 1290. his daughter Margaret who was to inherit was now in controuersie Six Competitors pretend title thereunto all discending from Dauid earle of Huntingdon younger brother to William King of Scots and great Vncle to this late King Alexander This title King Edward takes vpon him to decide pretending a right of Superioritie from his Ancestors The occasion of his Warres with Scotland ouer that Kingdome The Scotts which swayed the Interregnum are constrayned for auoyding further inconueniences to make him Arbiter thereof and the Six Competitors bound to stand to his Award Two are especially found betweene whome the Right lay Iohn Baliol Lord of Galloway and Robert Bruce the one descending King Edward chosen by the Scots to arbitrate the right of the pretenders to that Crowne from an elder Daughter the other from a Sonne of a younger Daughter of Alan who had Married the Eldest Daughter of this Dauid Brother to King William The Controuersie held long Twelue of eyther Kingdome learned in the Laws are elected to debate the same at Berwick All the best Ciuilians in the Vniuersities of France are sollicited to giue their oppinions the differences and perplexednes whereof made the decission more difficult According to the Nature of Littigation that euer begetts rather Doubts then Resolutions and neuer knows well how to make Reg. 18. Anno 1291. an End King Edward the better to sway this businesse by his presence takes his Iourney Northward and whilst hee sought to compasse greater felicitie hee lost the better part of what hee had in this world his deere consort Elionor who had euer attended Queene Elionor dies Her Prayse him in all his Fortunes the Paragon of Queenes and the honor of Woman-hood who is said to haue sucked the Poyson out of the Wound giuen him by the Assasin in the East when no other meanes could preserue his Life dies by the way in Lincolnshire With whose Corps in extreame griefe hee returnes back to Westminster causing at all especiall places where it rested by the Way goodly engrauen Crosses with her Statue to bee erected As at Stamford Waltham West-Cheape Charing and others Gratefull Monuments of his Affection and her renowned Faithfulnes Her Funeralls performed back hee returnes to his Scottish businesse And now Six yeeres it was since the Death of King Alexander and much time hauing beene Scottish Hist. spent and nothing concluded in this controuersie King Edward that would be sure whosoeuer preuailed to haue the hand that should make him deales priuately with Bruce who had the weaker Title but the more friends and promises him if he would yeeld Fealtie and Homage to the Crowne of England he would inuest him in that of Scotland Bruce answeres Hee was not so desirous of Rule as thereby to infringe the Liberties of his Countrie Then with the like offer hee sets vpon Baliol who hauing better right but lesse loue of the people and more greedy of a Kingdome then honour Bal ol made King of Scotland yeelds thereunto is Crowned King at Scone hath Fealty done him of all the chiefe Nobility except Bruce comes to New-castle vpon Tyne where King Edward then lay and there with many of his Nobles sweares Fealtie and did Homage vnto him as his Soueraigne Lord. Which Act as hee thought done to secure him ouer-threw Reg. 21. Anno. 1294. him For being little beloued before hereby hee became lesse such as stood for Bruce and others of the Nobility more tender of the preseruation of their Countries libertie grew into Stomack against him as hauing not onely discontented them in this Act but shortly after in his Iustice in the case of the Earle of Fife one of the sixe Gouernours in the time of the Anarchie who had beene slaine by the Famelie of Aberneth And the brother of this Earle now prosecuted in Law before King Balioll in his high Court of Parliament where hauing no right done him King Baliol giuing Iudgement on the side of the Aberneths the wronged Gentleman appeales to the Court of the King of England King Baliol is thither summoned appeares sits with King Edward in his Parliament till his cause was to be tried and then is hee cited by an Officer to arise and stand at the place appointed for pleading He craues to answere by a Procurator it is denied then himselfe arises and discends to the ordinary place and defends his cause With which Indignity as hee tooke it hee returnes home with a brest full Baliol discontented returnes into Scotland charged with indignation Meditates reuenge renewes the ancient League with France Confirmes it with the marriage of his sonne Edward with a daughter of Charles brother to King Philip glad in regard of late offences taken against the Reg. 23. An. 1296. King of England to imbrace the same Which done Baliol defies King Edward renounces his Allegiance as vnlawfully done being not in his powre without the consent of the State to doe any such act Hereupon brake out that mortall dissention betweene the two Nations which during the raigne of the three last Scottish Kings had held faire correspōdence together that consumed more Christian bloud wrought more spoyle and distruction and continued longer then euer quarrell wee read of did betweene any two people of the World For hee
that began it could not end it That Rancor which the Sword had bred and the perpetually-working desire of Reuenge of wrongs that euer beget wrongs lasted almost three hundred yeares And all the Successors of this King euen to the last before this blessed Vnion haue had The occasion of the warres betweene England and Scotland their shares more or lesse in this miserable affliction both to their great exspence of treasure extreame hindrance in all other their designes Although the intention of this Great and Marshall King for reducing this whole Isle vnder one gouernment was Noble and according to the Nature of powre and greatnesse that euer seekes to extend it selfe as farre as it can yet as all such Actions hath much of iniquity so had this and we see it was not force or the Sword could effect it God had fore-decreed to make it his owne worke by a cleaner way and ordained it for an vnstained hand to set it together in peace that it might take the more sure and lasting hold which otherwise it could neuer haue done Violence may ioyne Territories but neuer affections together which onely must grow voluntarily and bee the worke of it selfe And yet no doubt it was in the designe of this King to haue obtained it in the fairest manner he could As first shewes his seeking to match his sonne Edward with Margaret daughter to the King of Norway grand-child and heire to the last King Alexander who dying an Infant soone after her grandfather disapointed his hopes that way and draue him to haue recourse to his Soueraignty which being opposed he was forced to take the way of Violence both to maintaine his owne honor and to effect what hee had begunne Whereof the miserable euents were such as now we may well spare their memorie and be content those bloudy Relations should bee razed out of all Record but that they serue to shew vs the wofull calamities of our seperation and the comfortable blessings wee inioy by this our happy Vnion Neither doth it now concerne vs to stand vpon any points of Honor whether of the Nations did the brauest Exploites in those times seeing who had the better was beaten neither did the ouercommer conquere when hee had done what he could That little which was gained cost so much more then it was worth as it had beene better not to haue beene had at all And if any side had the Honor it was the inuaded Nation which beeing the Weaker and Smaller seemes neuer to haue beene subdued though often ouercome Continuing notwithstanding all their miseries resolute to preserue their Liberties which neuer People of the World more Noblie defended against so Potent ritch a Kingdome as this by the which without an admirable hardinesse and Constancie it had beene impossible but they must haue beene brought to an vtter consternation For all what the Powre of this Kingdome could doe which then put all the strength to doe what it could was shewed in this Kings time Who now vpon this defection of King Baliol and his League made with France Counter-leagues with all the King Edward combines with other Princes Princes he could draw in eyther by gifts or Allyance to strengthen his partie abroad As first with Guy Earle of Flanders with whose Daughter hee seekes to match his Sonne Edward Then with Adolph de Nassaw the Emperor to whome he sends Fifteene thousand pounds Sterling to recouer certaine Lands of the Empire which Adolph claymed in France He had likewise married one of his daughters to the Duke of Barr who pretends Title to Champaign another to Iohn Duke of Brabant All which with many other confining Princes hee sets vpon the King of France who had for Certaine spoiles committed on the Coast of Normandy by the English and no redresse obtayned summoned King Edward as owing Homage to that Crowne to appeare and answere it in his Court which hee refusing to doe is by an Arrest condemned to forfeyt all his Territories in France And an Armie is presently sent forth to seize vppon An Army sent into France the same led by Charles de Valois and Arnold de Neele Constable of France Burdeaux with diuers other Peeces of importance are taken and fortified For the recouerie whereof the King of England sends ouer his Brother Edmond Earle of Lancaster Another into Scotland the Earles of Lincolne and Richmond with eight and twentie Bannerets Seauen hundred men at Armes and a Nauie of three hundred and Sixtie Sayle And notwithstanding all this mighty chargde and Forces imployed in those parts King Edward sets vppon King Baliol refusing vppon Summons to appeare at his Court at Newcastle standing vpon his owne Defence and enters Scotland with an Armie sufficient to Reg. 24. Anno. 1297. Conquer a farre mightier Kingdome consisting of Foure Thousand men at Armes on Horse and Thirtie Thousand Foote besides 500. Horse and one Thousand foote of the Bishop of Duresme intending here to make speedy worke that hee might afterward passe ouer Sea to ayde his Confederats and bee reuenged on the King of France Berwick is first wonne with the Death of Fifteene Thousand Scotts our writers report more but nothing is more vncertaine then the number of the slaine in Battaile and after that the Castles of Dunbarre Roxborough Edenborough Sterling and Saint Iohns Towne were wonne or yeelded vnto him King Baliol sues for peace Submits King Edwards victories in Scotland himselfe takes againe his Oath of Fealtie to King Edward as his Soueraigne Lord. Which done a Parliament for Scotland was held at Berwick wherein the Nobilitie did likewise Homage vnto him confirming the same by their Charter vnder their hands and Seales Onely William Dowglasse refuses content rather to endure the misery of a Prison then yeelde to the subiection of England King Baliol Notwithstanding his submission is sent Prisoner into England after his Foure yeeres dignitie I cannot say Raigne For it seemes hee had but little Powre and King Edward returnes from this expedition leauing Iohn Warrein Earle of Surrey and Sussex Warden of all Scotland Hugh Cressingham Treasorer and Ormesley Cheife Iustice with Commission to take in his Name the Homages and Fealties of all such as held Lands of that Crowne And heere this Conquest might seeme to haue beene effected which yet was not Reg. 25. Anno. 1298. It must cost infinite more Blood Trauaile and Treasure and all to as little effect And now the French businesses that require speedy helpe are wholly intended For which King Edward calls a Parliament at Saint Edmonds Bury wherein the Citizens and Burgesses of good Townes graunted the eighth part of their goods and other of the people a twelfth part But the Clergie vpon a prohibition from Pope Boniface that no Tallage or Imposition layde by any lay Prince vpon whatsoeuer appertained to the Church should bee paide absolutely refuse to giue any thing Which Prohibition may seeme to haue beene procured by
This Thomas was the Sonne of Edmond the second Sonne of Henry the third and was likewise Earle of Leicester Ferrers and Lincolne a most powerfull and popular Subiect with whom ioynes Humfrey Bohun Earle of Heresord Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke Guy de Beaucham Earle of Warwicke the Earle of Arundel With many other Barons But Gilbert Earle of Glocester the Kings Nephew for that hee would neither offend him nor be wanting to his Peeres stands as Mediator for their liberties and the peace of the Kingdome The Earle Warrein remained a while doubtfull and fauouring rather the Kings part till the Archbishop of Canterbury induced him to consent with the Lords who being thus prepared send to the King in the behalfe of the whole Comunaltie beseeching him to deliuer vpp vnto them Pierce Gaueston or else to send him away with his traine out of England The King neglecting their petition they set forward in armes towards the North. The King and Gaueston withdrawe to Newcastle there beeing aduertised of the strength of the Gaueston taken and beheaded Lords they take ship leauing the Queene in much griefe behinde and land at Scarborough Castle whereinto the King puts Gaueston with the best forces hee could prouide for his defence and departs himselfe to wards Warwickeshire The Earles of Pembrooke and Warrein sent by the Earle of Lancaster lay siege to the Castle Gaueston is forced to render himselfe into their hands but intreates thus much that hee might be brought once more to speake with the King and then after they should doe with him what they pleased The Earle of Pembrooke vndertakes vppon his honour he should but as his seruants were conducting him to wards the King the Earle of Warwicke tooke him from them by force and commits him to his Castle of Warwicke where after some consultation among the Lords not withstanding the Kings earnest solicitation for his life they condemned him to the blocke and tooke off his head This was the end of Pierce Gaueston who for that hee was the first Priuado of this The description of Peirce Gaueston kinde euer noted in our History and was aboue a King in his life deserues to haue his Character among Princes being dead Natiue hee was of Gascoine and for the great seruice his father had done to this Crowne intertained and bred vp by King Edward the first in company with his sonne this Prince which was the meanes that inuested him into that high fauour of his Hee was of a goodly personage of an haughty and vndauntable spirit braue and hardy at armes as hee shewed himselfe in that Turneament which hee held at Wallingford wherein hee chalenged the best of the Nobility and is saide to haue foiled them all which inflamed the more their malice towards him In Ireland where hee was Liuetennant during the short time of his banishment hee made a Iourney into the mountaines of Dublin brak and subdued the Rebels there built Newcastle in the Kerns country repaired Castle Keuin and after passed vp into Munster and Thomond performing euery where great seruice with much valour and worthinesse Hee seemes to haue been a Courtier which could not fawne nor stoope to those hee loued not or put on any disguise vpon his Nature to temporize with his enemies But presuming vpon his fortune the misfortune of such men grew in the end to that arrogancie as was intolerable which the priuacie of a King fauour vsually begets in their Minions whose vnderstanding and iudgement The miserable ostate of Minions being dazed therewith as is their sight who stand and looke downe from off high places neuer discerne the ground from whence they ascended And this extraordinary fauour shewed to one though hee were the best of men when it arises to an excesse is like the predomination of one humour alone in the body which indangers the health of the whole and especially if it light vpon vn worthinesse or where is no desert and commonly Princes raise men rather for appetite then merit for that in the one they shew the freedome of their power in the other they may seeme but to pay their debt But this violent part of the Lords shewed the nature of a rough time and was the beginning of the Second Ciuill Warre of England For now hauing had their desire in The peremtorie proceeding of the Lords this and finding theire owne power and the weakenesse of the King they peremtorily require the confirmation and execution of all those Articles formerly granted threatning the King that vnlesse hee presently performed the same they would constraine him thereunto by strong hand Thus will Liberty neuer cease till it growe licentious and such is the misery of a State where a King hath once lost his reputation with his people and where his Nature agrees not with his Office or answers the duties thereunto belonging And with this menacing message they had their swords likewise ready drawne and with strong forces assemble about Dunstable making towards London where the King then lay The great Prelates of the Kingdome with the Earle of Glocester labour to appease The Prelates and the E. of Glocester labour to pacifie and bring in the Lords them and with two Cardinalls which at that time were sent by the Pope to reform these disorders of the Kingdome they repaire to Saint Albons and desire conference with the Lords who receiue them very peaceably but their letters which the Pope had written vnto them they refused to receiue saying they were men of the sword and cared not for the reading of letters that there were many worthie and learned men in the Kingdome whose Counsells they would vse and not strangers who kyew not the cause of their commotion absolutely concluding that they would not permit Forrainers and Aliens to intermeddle Their submission in their actions or in any businesse that concerned the Kingdome With which answere the Cardinalls returne to London But the Prelates of England so labour the businesse Reg. 5. Anno. 1313. as the Lords were content to yeeld vp to the King such Horses Treasure and Iewels as they had taken of Pierce Gaueston at Newcastle so that the King would grant their petitions And thereupon Iohn Sandall Treasurer of the Kingdome and Ingelard Warle Keeper of the Wardrobe are sent to Saint Albons to receiue those things at their hands About this time Queen Isabel is deliuered of a sonne at Winsor whom Louys her brother Queen Isabel deliuered of a sonne and other great men and Ladies of France would haue had christened by the name of her father Philip but the Nobility of England had him named Edward And here the King keeps his Christmas feasts the French with great Magnificence and is said or rather suspected to bee euill counselled by them against his Nobles betweene whome there being so ill correspondence already any imagination serues to make it worse Suspition causing all things to be taken in ill
to the kingdom Three yeares this affliction held was attended with so great a Pestilence and generall sicknesse of the common sort caused by the ill nutriment they receiued as the liuing scarce sufficed to burie the dead Notwithstanding could all this extinguish the rancour betweene the King and his Nobles but daily one mischiefe or other brake out to holde in and increase the same The wife of Thomas Earle of Lancaster is taken out of his house at Canford in Dorcetshire The wife of the E. of Lancaster taken out of his house at Canford by one Richard Saint Martin a deformed Dwarffe as hee is described a follower of the Earle Warrein claiming her for his wife and auowing how hee had layne with her before she was married to the Earle which the Lady her selfe to her perpetuall ignomy and the shame of honour voluntarily auerred This base creature claymes by her the Earledomes of Lincolne and Salisbury whereunto shee was heire Which with out being supported by great Abbettors hee would neuer haue presumed to attempt The King is noted an Actor herein which beeing in so tender reserued a businesse as mariage added much to his other violations of order gaue The King aduertised of his errots occasion and hardinesse to inferiour persons to reproue his courses as may bee noted by this passage Being at the celebration of the feast of Pentecost at dinner in the open Hall at Westminster a woman fantastically disguised enters on Horse-bake and ryding about the Table deliuers him a letter wherein was signified the great neglect hee had of such as had done him and his father noble seruices taxing him for aduancing men of vnworthie parts c. which letter read and the woman departed put the King into a great rage They who guarded the doore being sharply reprehended for suffering her to enter in that manner excused themselues alleadging it not to be the fashion of the Kings house in times of festiualls to keepe out any which came in that manner as they thought to make sport Search beeing made for this woman shee is found and examined who set her on She confessed a Knight gaue her mony to doe as shee did The Knight is found and vpon examination boldly confessed hee did it for the Kings honour and to none other end and escapes without further adoe Thus while the North parts were not only infested with the Scots but likewise by such of the English as vnder colour of vsing ayde for resistance robbed and spoiled The miserable affiction of the Borderers all where they came to the miserable vndoing of the people Besides Robert Bruce now absolute King of Scots sends his brother Edward with a mighty power into Ireland whereof hee got a great part and the title of a King which hee held three yeares Thus all things went ill as euermore it doth in dissolute and dissenrious times wherein the publicke is alway neglected But these mischiefes abroad was the occasion that a reconciliation betweene the A reconciliation between the King the Nobles A new occasion of trouble King and the Earle of Lancaster is made by the mediation of two Cardinalls vppon such conditions as were soone after vniustly broken by the King A Knight is taken passing by Pomfret with letters sealed with the Kings Seale directed to the King of Scots about murthering the Earle which Messenger is executed his head set vpon the top of the Castle and the letters reserued to witnesse the intended plot Which whether it were fained or not the report thereof cast an aspersion vpon the King Reg. 11. Anno. 1318. and wonne many to take part with the Earle After this vpon an inuasion of the Scots forraging as farre as Yorks a Parlement is assembled at London wherein againe the King by the working of the Cardinalls and Cleargie of England yeelds faithfully A Parlement at London to obserue all the former required Articles Whereupon an ayd is granted him of Armed men to go against the Scots London settes foorth 200. Canterbury 40. Saint Albons 10. and so of all Cities and Boroughs according to their proportion whereby a great Army was leauied Which comming to Yorke through mutenie emulation and other impediments was dissolued and turned backe without effecting any thing The next yeare after vpon the rendering vp of Berwicke to the Scots by the treason of Peter Spalding who had the custodie thereof the King of England raises an Armic Reg. 12. Anno. 1319. beleagers it the Scots to diuert his forces enter vpon England by other waies and were like to haue surprised the person of the Queene lying neare Yorke The siege notwithstanding is eagerly continued and the King in great possibility to haue The L. Hugh Spencer the yonger succeded Gaueston in the office of L. Chamberlaine regained the Towne had not the Earle of Lancaster with his followers withdrawne him-selfe vpon discontent hearing the King say how hee would giue the keeping thereof to the Lord Hugh Spencer the younger who was now growne an especiall Minion the successor both of the Office and priuate fauour of Gaueston and therefore not to be induted by the Earle Those of Yorke and the Countrie adiacent hauing receiued inestimable damages by the Scots collect an Armie of 10000 men incounter them at Milton on Swayle but beeing not well ledde nor experienced they receiued the defeite with the losse of 3000 men Whereof the King being certified and seeing all things to succeed ill with him concludes a truce with the Scots for two yeares and againe returnes with dishonour from those parts In the time of this peace a great flame arises from a Reg. 14. Anno. 1321. small sparke and tooke beginning vpon this occasion A Baron named William Brewes hauing in his licentious age wasted his estate offers to sell vnto diuerse men a part of his inheritance called Powes Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford in regarde the land lay neare his obtaines leaue of the King to buy it and bargaines for the same The two Rogers Mortimers Vncle and Nephew great men likewise in those Another occasion of reuolt parts not vnderstanding it seemes any thing of the former bargaine Contract also for the same land with the said Sir William Brewes Hugh Spencer the younger hearing of this sale and the land adioyning to part of his obtaines a more especiall leaue of the King being now his Chamberlaine and buies it out of all their hands The Earle of Hereford complaines himselfe to the Earle of Lancaster the refuge of all discontented men who at Sherborn enters into a Confederation with diuers Barons there assembled taking their oathes intermutually to liue and die together in maintaining the right of the kingdome and to procure the banishment of the two Spencers father and sonne whom they now held to be the great seducers of the King and oppressors of the State disposing of all things in Court at their will and
The Lords oppose the Spencers suffering nothing to be obtained but by their meanes Which the State accounted a mischiefe most intollerable and grievous vnto them seeing all graces and dispatches were to passe out but at one dore whereby the Kings benignity and power is diminished the Kingdome dishonoured all corruptions introduced to the overthrow of Iustice and good order And vnder this pretence they take Armes wherein themselues proceed not in that And take Armes even way of right as they made shew but follow the fury of their wils being once out and astray they seize vpon and make spoile of the lands and goods of those persons they prosecuted and all such as had friendship and affinity with them killing their servants and disposing their Castles at their pleasure And comming armed thus to S. Albons they send to the King residing then at London the Bishops of London Salisbury Hereford and Chichester who were there assembled to consult for peace requiring him as he tendred the quiet of the Realme to rid his Court of those Traitors the Spencers condemned in many Articles of high Treason by the Communalty of the Land and withall to grant his Letters Patents of Pardon and Indemnity both to them and all such as took part with them and that for no offences past or present they should hereafter be punished The King returnes answer That Hugh Spencer the father was beyond the Seas imployed in his businesse The King excuses the Spencers and the sonne was guarding the Cinque-Portes according to his office and that it was against Law and Custome they should bee banished without being heard Moreover that Denies the Lords their demands their request was voide of Iustice and Reason for that the said Spencers were ever ready to answer to all complaints made against them according to the forme of Law and if the LL. could proue they had offended the Statutes of the Realme they were willing to submit themselues to the triall thereof And besides swore he would never violate the oath made at his Coronation by granting letters of Pardon to such notorious offenders who contemned his person disturbed the Kingdom and violated the Royall Maiestie Which answer so exasperated the Lords as presently they approach to London and lodged in the Suburbes till they obtained The Lords come armed to London leaue of the King to enter into the Citie Where they peremptorily vrge their demands which at length by mediation of the Queene and the chiefe Prelates the King The King yeelds unto them The Earle of Hereford publishes the Kings Edict in Westminister Hall is wrought to condiscend vnto and by his Edict published in Westminster Hall by the Earle of Hereford are the Spencers banished the Kingdom Hugh the father keeps beyond the Seas but the sonne secretly hides himselfe in England expecting the turne of a better season The Lords having thus obtained their desire with the Kings Letters of impunity depart home but yet not with such security as they gaue over the provision for their own defence Shortly after there fell out an vnexpected accident that suddainely wrought their confusion The Queene who had ever beene the nurse of peace and laboured to accord The occasion of the Queens displeasure with the Lords the King and his Barons making her progresse towards Canterbury was disposed to lodge in the Castle of Leeds appertaining to the Lord Badlesmere who had beene long the Kings Steward but lately tooke part with the Barons and sending her Mareschall to make ready for her and her traine they who kept the Castle told him plainely that neither the Queene or any else should enter there without letters from their Lord. The Queen her selfe goes to the Castle and receiues the like answer whereupon Shee is denied lodging in the Castle of Leeds she is driven to take such lodging other where as could be provided Of which indignity she complaines to the King who tooke it so to heart as presently with a power of armed men out of London he layes siege to the Castle takes it hangs the The King takes the Castle of Leeds Growes strong keeper Thomas Culpeper sends the wife and children of the Lord Badlesmere to the Tower and seises vpon all his goods and treasure And having this power about him and warmed with successe and the instigation of the Queene sodainely directs his course to Cicister where he kept his Christmas and there provides for an army against the Barons whereof many seeing the Kings power increasing left their associates and yeeld themselues to his mercy amongst whom were the two Rogers Mortimers men of great might and meanes the Lord Hugh Audeley the Lord Maurice Barkley and others who notwithstanding contrary to their expectation were sent to divers prisons The Earles of Laucaster and Hereford seeing this sodaine change withdrew themselues and their companies from about Glocester towards the North-parts The Lords withdraw into the North parts and are ouerthrowne The King followes them with his Army wherein were the Earles of Aihol and Angus and at Burton vpon Trent where they had made head discomfited their forces and put them all to flight Whereupon seeking to escape they retire further North and at Burrough Briggs are encountred by Sir Simon Ward Shriefe of Yorke and Sir Andrew Harckley Constable of Carleil who after the Earle of Hereford was slaine in striuing to passe the Bridge tooke the Earle of Lancaster with diuerse other Lords and brought them to Pomfret where the third day after the King sitting himselfe in iudgement with Edmond Earle of Kent his brother the Earle of Pembrooke the Earle Warren Hugh Spencer lately created Earle of Winchester and others Sentence of death is giuen against Thomas Earle of Lancaster by drawing hanging and beheading as a traytour The two first punishments are pardoned in regard he was of the The executiō of the E. of Lancaster with diuers other Losds in diuerse places royall blood and only beheaded hee was the same day without the towne of Pomfret before his owne Castle And by the like iudgement were condemned the Lord Roger Clifford the Lord Warrein Lisle the Lord William Tuchet Thomas Maudit Henry Bradburne William Fiztwilliams William Lord Cheyny Thomas Lord Mowbray Ioseline Lord Danyll all which were executed at Yorke Shortly after the Lord Henry Teyes is taken drawne hangd and quartered at London the Lord Aldenham at Windsor the Lords Badlesmere and Ashbiunham at Canterbury the Lord Gifford at Glocester principall men in principall places to spread the more terrour ouer the kingdome All their estates and inheritances are confiscated and many new men aduanced by the same And this is the first blood of Nobility that euer was shed in this manner in England since William the first which beeing such and so much as The first of any Earle or Baron of England that euer was executed upon Scaffold or otherwise since the time of William the first
was most welcome to his mother who herein had her desier and being wholly bent to reuenge whereof none are saide to bee more eager then women found there besides her great partie in England those who nourished that humour in her amongst whom was chiefe Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmor lately escaped out of the towre of London a gallant young Gentleman whom shee especially fauoured The Bishop of Exceter perceiuing some plots to be in hand and their The Bishop of Exceter discovers the Queens plots close consultations made without him withdrawes secretly from thence and discouers to the King so much as hee obserued of their courses The King sends presently for the Queene and Prince soliciting withall the King of France to hasten their returne which when hee saw was neglected and delayed hee caused them openly to be proclaimed enemies to the kingdome banishing them and all their adherents out of the The Queene proclaimed enemy to the Kingdome Land and withall causes all the Ports to bee strongly kept and sends three Admiralls to attend on seuerall coasts to oppose their landing The Queene to inflame her the more is informed of a plot laid to murther her and the Prince and either doubting how much the money of England might worke in those should be tempted therewith or else finding little forwardnesse in her brother to aide or countenance her course against her husband withdrawes to the Earle of Haynault being then a Prince of great meanes and likewise Earle of Holland to whose daughter Phillippa she contracts her sonne the Prince and gets aide and mony of him to transport her into England Arriving at Harwich with the Prince the Earle The Queene returnes with forces of Kent the Kings brother whom she brought with her from the Court of France the Earle of Pembrooke the Lord Roger Mortimer and Iohn brother to the Earle of Heynault with 2500 Henowayes and Flemings she was received with great ioy and concourse of all the discontented Nobility and others and especially by the Bishops of Hereford and Lincolne who soone resorted unto her as men who had lost to recover their fortunes The King vpon notice of this sodaine and safe arrivall of the Queene demands aide Reg. 19. Anno. 1326. of the Citie of London which returnes answer That they would with all dutie honour the King Queene and Prince but their gates they would shut against all forreiners and traytors to the Reatme and with all their power withstand them The King with his small Councell The King demands aide of the Citie of London about him reposing no assurance in this answer after Proclamation made that none vpon paine of death should aide the Queene and commandement given to destroy all her adherents onely her own person the Prince and his brother the Earle of Kent excepted and that whosoever brought the head of Roger Mortimer should haue 1000 pounds he leaues the Citie committing the keeping of the Tower to Sir Iohn Weston with the guard of his yonger sonne Iohn of Eltham and his Neece the Countesse of Glocester first wife to Pierce Gaueston now of Hugh Spencer the younger a Lady vnfortunate by the over great fortunes of both her husbands and departs towards the West hoping to finde aide in those partes as formerly he had done against the Barons but he saw the world was altered and no man there to regard him The King departs towards the West The Queene advertised of his course marched after him growing daily greater as she marched and comes to Oxford where the Bishop of Hereford Preached before her and the whole assembly and delivers the cause of her proceeding taking for his The Queene followes Text My Head aketh my Head aketh and concludes most undevinely that an aking 2. King 24. and sick Head of a Kindome was of necessity to be taken of and not otherwise to be cured A most execrable doctrine and repugnant to the Sacred Word which in all corrupted times is evermore produced to abuse mens Credulity and iustifie Impiety in whatsoever Ambition or Malice shall attempt a sinne beyond all other that can bee committed vpon earth And the more to countenance the Queenes proceeding it was noised two Cardinals were seene in her Campe sent by the Pope to excommunicate such as tooke Armes against her and the cause of hers to be for the delivering the kingdome from the misleaders of the King the Spencers the Lord Chancellour and their adherents all others to be safe And here proclamation is made that nothing should bee taken from any subiect without paying ready mony and a penalty imposed on whomsoever The Queenes Proclamation did the contrary as for the value of three pence to loose a finger sixe pence the hand twelue pence the head and that whosoever brought to the Queene the younger Spencers head should haue 2000 pounds Thus is a bad cause defended with shew of Iustice and an vunaturall presumption made to seeme right by power and authority An impotent woman led with passion and abused by wicked counsell is brought to make head against her owne head to conduct an innocent sonne against the father to vndertake an action she knew not how to manage and to put her selfe into their hands who having other ends then hers would work beyond though under her authority what pleased themselues And though the event as commonly it doth in such attempts proue worse then the intention of the vndertaker yet howsoever the infamy of all what was acted lyes foule and open vpon her Memorie and no Apologie extant any way to cover it and therefore we must leaue the same as wee finde it And better had it been for the honour of the state of England to haue beene without her great dowre then to haue had her example the worst of a Queene it ever yet had The miserable King having his reputation the maine support of Maiestie blowne vp with the hurlewinde of his pursuers found few or no hands to aide him So that after hee had put Hugh Spencer the father into the Castle of Bristoll with what defence could be prouided for the guarding thereof hee leaues to trust the Land and commits himselfe to a more vnfaithfull Element the Sea with purpose either to hide himselfe a while in the Isle of Lundie or to passe ouer into Ireland The King betakes him to the Sea but tost to and fro with contrary windes after Sir Thomas Blunt his Steward with others were shrunke from him hee lands in Wales in Glamorgan shire where though hee found not saftie hee found loue and was hidden in the Abbey of Neth The Queene with her Armie from Oxford goes to Glocester where the Lords Percie and Wake with ayde from the North met her and thence to Bristoll assailes and winnes the Castle puts to death the defender Hugh Spencer Earle of Winchester without forme or tryall of Law causing him to bee drawne and hanged on the common
Hugh Spencer the father hanged at Bristol gallowes in his Coat armour cut vp before hee was dead headed and quartered This done shee passes to Hereford and the King beeing not to bee found Proclamation is made that if hee would returne and conforme himselfe to rule the State as hee ought to doe hee should come and receiue the gouernment thereof by the generall consent of his people But hee either not daring as destitute both of courage and counsell to trust to this offer or not well informed thereof keepes himselfe still concealed Whereupon as may seeme was intended aduantage is taken to dispose of the gouernment and the Prince who is now vnder their guard is made Guardian of the Kingdom hath Fealtie sworne vnto him and a new Chancelor and Treasurer are appointed Long it was not ere the King came to be discouered as a person too great for any couer and was by Henry Earle of Lancaster brother to the late Thomas William The King taken prisoner Lord Zouch and Ries ap Howell taken and conuayed to the Castle of Kenelworth The younger Spencer with Baldocke the Chancelor and Simon Reading apprehended with him are sent to the Queene to Hereford Spencer who was now Earle of Glocester is drawne and hangd on a gallowes Fifty foote high wherein hee was exalted aboue his father otherwise had the like execution and likewise in his Coat armor whereon was written Quid gloriaris in malitia psal 52. Simon Reading was hanged Ten foote lower then hee But Baldocke in regarde hee was a Priest had the fauour to bee pined to death in Newgate And here likewise a little before was the Earle of Arundell with two Barons Iohn Danyll and Thomas Micheldeuer executed as Traytors by the procurement of Roger Mortimer for adhering to the Kings part To accompanie these mischiefes of the Countrey the Commons of London made insurrection and force their Maior who held for the King to take their part let out all prisoners possesses them of the Tower put to death the Constable thereof Sir Iohn Weston murther the Bishop of Excester to whom they bare an especiall hatred for that being the Kings Treasurer hee caused the Iustices Itenerants to sit in London A Parlement at London where the Prince is elected King by whom they were grieuously fyned and thus all is let out to libertie and confusion After a moneths stay at Hereford the Queene with her sonne returning kept Christmas at Wallingford their Candlemas at London where the Parlement being Reg. 20. Anno. 1327. assembled agreed to depose the King as vnfit to gouerne obiecting many Articles against him and to elect his eldest sonne Edward which they did in the great Hall at Westminster with the vniuersall consent of the people there present and the Archbishop of Canterbury makes a Sermon vpon this text Vox populi vox Dei exhorting the people to inuoke the King of kings for him they had there chosen The Queene either out of the consideration of the difference of a husband and a sonne whom now shee was not like long to guide or through remorse of conscience looking backe vpon what shee had done takes this election grieuously to heart insomuch as her sonne to recomfort her swore hee would neuer accept of the Crowne without the consent of his father whereupon by a common decree three Bishops two Earles two Abbots foure Barons three Knights of euery Shire with a certaine number of Burgesses of euery Citie and Borough and especially of the Cinque-Ports are sent to the imprisoned King at Kenelworth to declare vnto him the election of his sonne and to require the renuntiation of his Crowne and royall dignity whereunto if hee would not consent the State was resolued to proceed as it thought good The King beeing first priuately made acquainted with the Message The King is brought to resigne his Crowne the most harsh to Nature that could bee imparted and by two whom hee especially hated for hauing especially offended them the Bishoppes of Hereford and Lincolne was brought forth before the assembly to whom as soone as his passion wherewith hee was ouercharged would giue him leaue hee confessed how he had beene misguided the common excuse of a poore spirit and done many things whereof now hee repented which if hee were to gouerne againe hee would become a new man and was most sorrowfull to haue so much offended the State as it should thus vtterly reiect him but yet gaue them thankes that they were so gracious vnto him as to elect his eldest sonne for King Hauing spoken to this purpose they proceed to the Ceremony of his resignation which chiefly consisted in the surrender of his Crowne for the forme whereof beeing the first that euer was seene in England they could followe no precedent but must make one and William Trussell a Iudge put it into the Stile of Lawe to render it the more authenticall and pronounced the same in this manner I William Trussell in the name of all men of the Land of England and of all the Parlement The forme of his resignatiō Procurator resigne to thee Edward the Homage that was made to thee sometime and from this time forwards now following I defie thee and priue thee of all royall power and I shall neuer be tendant on thee as King after this time This was the last act and the first example of a deposed King no lesse dishonorable to the State then to him He was a Prince more weake then euill and those exorbitances of his met with as great or greater in his people who as wee see delt ouer roughly and vnciuilly with him Hee is reported by some to haue been learned which perhaps might make him the softer to haue written verses when hee was in prison to haue founded Oriall Colledge and Saint Mary Hall in Oxford He had by his wife Isabell two sonnes Edward borne at Windsor who succeeded Misissue him and Iohn Surnamed of Eltham who was created Earle of Cornewall An. 1315. and died in the Flower of his youth in Scotland And also two daughters Ioan married to Dauid Prince of Scotland and Elionor to the Duke of Gelders The end of Edward the second The Life and Raigne of Edward the third VPpon the resignation of Edward the second Edward his sonne of the 1327. An. Reg. 1. age of fourteene yeares beganne his Raigne the twentith of Ianuary 1327 and sends forth Proclamations of his peace into all Shires in this form Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitaine to N. N. our Shirife of S. greeting Whereas the Lord Edward late King of England our father by the common councell and assent of the Prelates Earles Barons and other chiefe men with the whole Communaltie of this Realme did voluntarily amoue himselfe from the gouernement thereof willing granting that we as his eldest son and heire should assume the same c. which proclamation made
to palliat a wrong did but the more discouer it Within 5 daies after was he crowned at West by Walter Archbishop of Canterbury at which solemnity the Q. made shew of great sorrow hevinesse but being after pacified by the inlargement of her Ioynture which tooke vp three parts of the Kings revenewes she beganne to be of better cheere Twelue especiall The Queene hath her ioynture inlarged Twelue especiall men chosen for the government men are here appointed to manage the affaires of the Kingdome till the King were of fit yeeres to governe of himselfe the Arch-bishops of Canterbury and Yorke the Bishops of Winchester Hereford and Worcester Thomas Brotherton Earle Mareschall Edmond Earle of Kent Iohn Earle Warrein Thomas Lord Wake Henry Lord Percie Oliver Lord Ingham and Iohn Lord Rose but the Queene and Roger Lord Mortimer vsurped this charge and tooke all tooke all wholy to themselues And to busie the present and An expedition into Scotland vphold this Change an expedition instantly is vndertaken for Scotland wherein those strangers still retained which the Queene brought over with her are imployed vnder the conduct of the Lord Iohn Beaumont brother to the Earle of Haynault and at Yorke the whole Army were to meete where the English being not all of a party quarrell with those strangers and so great a conflict arose betweene them as cost some bloud and was hardly appeased an ill presage of that iourney At Stanhop Parke the English Army incounter the Scottish and though the English were thrice greater and might easily haue vanquished them yet by the treason of some great men as it was bruited they escaped all away and nothing was done so The Scots retyre from Stanhope Parke ●● nothing done that the yong King borne for victories was deprived the honour of his first action which yet being not conducted by his own Spirit was held more dishonorable to others then to him Vpon their returne all the Hannowayes and Stipendaries are sent home into their own Countries During this businesse the deposed King remaines prisoner at Killingworth with the allowance of 100 markes a month for his expences deprived of all those comforts the world should yeeld him His wife whom he loved though now the author of all his misery sends vnto him letters and apparell but excuses her comming as being not permitted by the State Neither was he thought safe enough where hee was nor so straitly lookt unto as they desired to haue him being in the custody of his Vnckle the Earle of Lancaster And therefore they commit him to other guardians and men of the most rough Natures could be found the Lord Matrevers and Thomas Borrney who from thence removed him to the Castle of Berckley in Glocestershire where long hee The miserable estate of the imprisoned King staid not but was conveyed to Corfe Castle and thence to other places vp and downe to beguile and disappoint his friends by the vncertainety of his being if any plot were laid which they doubted to restore him Besides to disguise him the more and that hee might not be easily knowne they shaue his Head and Beard which as a servant of his Sir Thomas de la More a Knight of Glocestershire reports who wrote his life was done in the open fields by the commandement of Gourney who most barbarously caused the miserable King to sit on a Mole-hill whilst the Barbor shaved him and to take cold water out of a ditch to wash him withall which the patient King saith this Reporter seeing told them That yet in despight of them he would haue warms water at his Barbing and therewithall shed aboundance of teares Other vile reproches this savage Iaylor put vpon his annointed Soveraigne as here-conveyed him backe to Berckley He is murthered at Berkley Castle Castle where shortly after he and Matrevers caused him to be murthered in a most hideous manner by thrusting vp a hot Iron into his bowels thorow an hollow instrument whereby no outward Note might appeare to bewray how hee came by his death For the body being after laid forth and vewed by many substantiall Citizens of Bristoll and Glocester called thither for that purpose they could finde no signe either of wound or poyson so that their Evidence confirmed the report that was given out how he died of extreme greife This was the end of Edward the 2 within eight months after his deposing The deed-doers Matrevers and Gourney though they had commission and great hopes giuen them to do as they did yet being by those who were ashamed to avow it they durst not abide the triall but as Fugitiues fled presently their Countrey Gourney three yeeres after was taken at Merseilles and murthered on the Sea before he came to England that hee might tell no tales who set him on work But this was not all the bloud this deed cost the iudgement of God fell heavily not onely vpon the great contrivers but even vpon the whole Kingdome and what the yssue of this present Prince whose throne though without his guilt was thus set vp on his fathers bloud sustained in after times the many imbrued Scaffolds the divers bloudy fields the infinite slaughters in the civill discord of their divided families which the consumed race of the most part of all this present Nobility will testifie But now for the present the authors of this change vse all meanes to increase and fortifie their owne fortunes whilst the State in generall receiues no great satisfaction thereby Mens expectations are not answered in that manner as they were conceived The Queene mother and her Minion Mortimer lately created Earle of the Marches of Wales guide all and all that is not well done or amisse in the Governement is now attributed to them and their councell So that discontentments in gender new Factions according to the Nature of turbulent times The Kings marriage with Phillippa of Haynault is solemnized and a Parlement is 1328. Anno. Reg. 2. held at Northampton where a dishonourable peace is concluded with the Scots and confirmed by a match between David Bruce Prince of Scotland sonne to Robert Bruce and Ioane sister to the King of England which match by reason of the tender age of the Prince being but seven yeare old could promise little good Besides by the secret working of the Queene Mother the Earle of March and Sir Iames Douglasse The King surrenders by his Charter his Title of Soveraignety to the Kingdome of Scotland A Parlement at North. restores divers Deeds and instruments of their former Homages and Fealties with the famous Euidence called the Ragman Roole and many ancient Iewels and Monuments among st which was the Blacke Crosse of Scotland c. Moreover any Englishman is prohibited to hold Lands in Scotland vnlesse he dwelt there In consideration whereof King Bruce was to pay 30 thousand Markes Shortly after another Parlement is held at Winchester A dishonorable peace made with Scotl. where
hands together betweene the hands of the King of France pronounced the words of the Homage which were these You become Liegeman to the King my maister here present as Duke The forme of the Homage of Guyene and Peere of France and you promise to beare saith and loyalty vnto him Say yea and King Edward said yea and kisses the King of France as the Lord of the Fee in the mouth the like Homage hee then did for the Earle do me of Ponthieu This act of submission performed in the person of a King young actiue hauty and powerfull who held himselfe wronged in doing it to whom hee did bred that rancour in his heart as it had beene better for all Christendome that Ceremony had beene spared at this time and not so punctually beene exacted by King Phillip whom their owne Historians blame for standing so much vpon his Regality with one as mighty as himselfe and more able and likely to shake his new gotten Throne then any other whatsoeuer to whose passion considering the fiery heat of his youth hee should rather haue ministered Oyle then Vinegar and more hospitably intertertained him in his Court comming with that State and Magnificence as hee did attended with the best of all the kingdome of England to shew what he was and to beget a respect of his high estate But these are the errours of improuident Princes who carried with the sway of their owne will imbroyle themselues and their subiects that euer suffer the worst and are sure to pay dearely for others faults And now thus wounded in reputation with a minde swolne for reuenge the King K. Ed. returns out of France intertaines the Scottish businesse of England returnes to settle his affaires at home where Scottish businesses fall out to intertaine him The late peace concluded with them is held so dishonourable as it must not holde and to breake the same followed an occasion begunne vppon their owne quarells The tender age of their King the affliction of kingdomes with the emulation and factions in great men put Edward Balliol sonne to Iohn Balliol sometime King of Scotland thirtie two yeares after his fathers deposition to attempt Ed. Balliol comes out of France defeited his opposers is crowned King of Scotland the recouery of that Crowne and out of France where hee had all that while remained hee comes by the solicitation of his friends into England where hee was permitted vnderhand to get ayde and had all such Scots and English who were of the faction against Bruce to take his part and with them hee sodainely assailes those who had the gouernment of that kingdome during the nonage of the young King Dauid beeing at that time with the King of France and ouercame them in a battayle with the slaughter of many Noble men and Thousands of the common people and thereuppon was immediately crowned King of Scotland at Scone But his party being not so potent as they could maintaine and defend his quarrell against all those which opposed it hee was forced notwithstanding this great defeit to retire him into England to get more ayde of King Edward who now shewes himselfe in the action Berwick recouered ioynes with Baliol against his brother in law king Dauid goes in person with a strong Army to recouer Berwicke which after three moneths siege being valiantly defended The bataile of Halidown hil by the Lord Seton was againe taken in and the Army of the Scots which came to the rescue thereof at Halidowne hill vtterly defeited where were slaine seuen Earles 900 Knights and Baronets foure hundred Esquires and about two and thirty thousand common souldiers as our writers report theirs fourteene thousand And with this effusion of blood is Baliol returned to his miserable kingdome In this oppugnation of Berwicke though my haste bee great I must not so much A memorable act in the oppugnation of Berwicke trespasse vertue as to ouerpasse one memorable perticular recorded by the Scottish writers which is how the Lord Seton seeing all reliefe failing and the assaults so violent as hee could not long holde out conditions with king Edward if rescue came not at such a day to render him vp the towne and for assurance deliuers him two of his sonnes Shortly after king Edward hauing notice of the Scottish Army approaching with greater power and speed then hee expected and likely to bee there before the day sommons the Lord Seton to render the towne presently otherwise he should see his two sonnes executed before his face and withall a Gallowes is made ready within sight of the towne the young Gentlemen brought forth and vnder the hand of the Executioner wherewith the distressed Lord rent betweene those powerfull passions of Nature and Honour standing doubtfull what to doe his wife the mother of those sonnes a Lady more then a woman comes vnto him exhorts him to remember his Fealty sworne to the King his Charity to his Countrie the dignity of his noble Familie that they had other children left though these were destroyed and besides themselues were not so olde but that they might haue more How those if they should bee preserued from death at this time might otherwise shortly perish by some worse occasion And what a staine he should lay on the name of Seton and their posteritie for ever by a base act of yeelding and betraying the place committed vnto him whereby also hee was not certaine whether he should preserue his children or no for how could hee hope that this King who had violated his first promise with him would performe the last And therefore besought him that hee would not prefer an vncertaine and momentany benefite before a certaine and perpetuall ignominy And so recovering her Lords resolution for holding out withdrew him from the walles into some other parts aside that he might not be Spectator of the execution of his innocent children The next yeare after this defeit at Hallidown Hill Edward Baliol King of Seots at 1333. An. Reg. 7. Newcastle doth Homage to the King of England as his superiour Lord and takes his oath of Fealty Binding himselfe and his heires to hold that Kingdome of him and his successors for ever with the inheritance of fiue Countries next adioyning to the Borders So large a part yeelds hee to forgoe rather then to be in danger to loose the whole which Edward Baliol doth Homage for the Kingdome of Scotl. yet could not secure his estate but rather imbroyled it the more by reason of the discontent which most part of the Nobles of Scotland conceived vpon this act of Alienation and subiection of their Country Insomuch as it gaue both Kings continuall occasion of trouble for a long time after with the expence of infinite treasure A Parlement holden at London There was granted to the King of England for these warres a Fifteenth of the Temporalty a Twelfe of Cities and Boroughes and a Tenth of the Clergie in
suncke all their Ships King Edward vanquishes the French Kings great Navie slew 30 thousand men and landed with as great glory as such a victorie the greatest that ever before was gotten by the English at Sea could yeeld Most of the French rather then to endure the Arrowes and sharpe swords of the English or be taken desperately leape into the Sea Whereupon the French Kings Iester set on to giue him notice of this overthrow which being so ill newes none else willingly would impart on the suddaine said and oftentimes re-iterated the same Cowardly Englishmen Iean Tillet Dasterdly Englishmen Faint-hearted Englishmen The King at length asked him Why For that said he They durst not leap out of their ships into the Sea as our braue French-men did By which speech the King apprehended a notion of this overthrow which the French attribute to Nicholas Buchet one of their chiefe Commanders who had armed his Ships with men of base condition content with small pay and refused Gentlemen and sufficient Souldeirs in regard they required greater wages and it osten happens that the Auarice of Commanders haue beene the occasion of great defeits But this losse much abated the power of the French King who notwithstanding in these Martiall times was soone supplyed both out of his owne Dominions and those of his Confederates and makes a mighty head against this victorious powerfull and freshly furnished King of England who suddainely sets downe before Tourney with King Edward and sends hic Challenge to the French King all his owne and his adherents forces And from Chyn a place neere-by where hee lodged sends his Cartell the 17 of Iuly to Phillip de Valois lodging at S. Andrew les Aire with his puissant army Declaring how he with the power of his owne Kingdome and aide of the Flemmings was come to recever his right in the Kingdome of France uniustly detained from him contrary to the Lawes of God and Man and that seeing no other meanes would serue hee was forced in this manner to haue recourse to his sword Notwithstanding seeing the businesse was between them two hee offers for the avoiding of Christian bloud ànd devastation of the Country to try the same by combat in close Campe body to body or each of them accompaned with 100 choyce persons which if the said Phillip refused then to strike battell within ten daies after before the Cittie of Tourney Phillip de Valois returnes answer the last of Iuly in this manner Phillip by the grace of God King of France to Edward King of England Wee haue perused your letters sent to the The French Kings answer to the Challenge Court of Phillip de Valois containing certaine requests to the said Phillip and for that it appeareth hose letters and requests were not written or made vnto vs wee will in no sort answer you But seeing by those letters and otherwise wee understand how you led by Wilfulnesse without all reason haue entred our Kingdome of France with armed power and committed no small dammage in the same and on our people contrary to the duety of a Liegeman having lalely sworne homage vnto us acknowledging us as by right King of France and haue promised that obedience which is due from the Vassall to his liege-Liege-Lord as is manifest by your letters Patents under your great Seale which we haue with us and you likewise ought to haue the same with you And therefore our intention is as becomes our Honour to chace you out of our Kingdome as we firmely hope in Christ from whom we haue our power to do For that by this your warre most wickedly begunne our Iourney undertaken for the East is hindred no small number of Christians there murthered the holy service neglected and the Church dishonoured And whereas you alledge you possesse the aide of the Flemmings wee are assuredly perswaded that they with the Communalty of their Countrie will so beare themselues towardes our Cosen their Earie and vs their superiour Lords as they will not omit to obserue their honour and fidelity whatsoeuer hath beene by some through ill counsell perpetrated for their owne priuate contrary to the common good The French write how King Phillip with this Letter sent worde to King Edward how by his Cartell hee aduentured nothing of his owne but onely exposed the dominion of another which was without all reason If hee would hazard the kingdome of England though it were lesse against the kingdome of France the said King Phillip would enter combate in close campe with him on condition the Victor should enioy both kingdomes But that they say King Edward would not doe Three moneths the siege of Turney had continued and nothing effected but the waste of the Countrie about all the eyes of Christendome bent vpon this action both kingdomes deeply ingaged expecting with anxiety the doubtfull euent thereof when Iane de Valois sister to Phillip widdow of William late Duke of Haynault and mother A mediation for peace to Phillippa wife to King Edward a Princesse of excellent vertue came from Fountenelles where shee had rendered herselfe a Nun vowed to God to mediate a peace betweene these two intaged Kings her brother and her sonne in lawe and labours to stay the sword of destruction lift vp for blood trualying from one to the other stubbornly bent to their intentions and neuer left them though often denyed till shee had with great patience and wise counsell quallified their boyling passions in such sort as she obtained day and place for both Kings to parle together A memorable worke to bee effected by a woman especially in such an age of Iron as that was This parle brought forth a truce for one yeare and both these great Armies A Truce concluded are dissolued The French King returnes home and so doth the King of England with his Queene who had remained in those parts three yeares and had there Anno Reg. 15. brought forth two sonnes Lionell afterwards Duke of Clarence and Iohn borne at Gant who first was Earle of Richmond and after Duke of Lancaster But King Edwards condiscending to this sudden truce had indeed no other motiue thē the want of his supplies of treasure which came short to his expectation notwithstanding those mighty impositions which were laid on his subiects And whereas hee had vpon his last returne into England in great displeasure remoued his Chancellor and imprisoned his Treasorer with other Officers most of them Cleargy-men and still held them in durance Iohn Stratford Archbishoppe of Canterbury on Iohn Strarford Archbishop of Canterbury his Letters to King Edward whom the King laid the blame of his wants writes him a most bolde and peremptory Letter to this effect first shewing him how it was for the safety of kings and their Kingdomes to vse graue and wise Counsailors alledging many examples out of holy Writ of the flourishing happinesse of such as tooke that course and their infelicity who followed the
seruice of his body eight in the affaires of his State Which spaces hauing then no other engine for it hee measured by a great waxe light deuided into so many parts receiuing notice by the keeper thereof as the seuerall houres passed in the burning With as faire an order did he proportion his reuenues equalling his liberties to all The first suruay of the kingdome his other expences whereof to make the current run more certaine he tooke a precise notice of them and made a generall suruay of the kingdome and had all the particulars of his estate registred in a booke which he kept in his treasury at Winchester And within this circumference of order hee held him in that irregularity of fortune with a weake disposition of body and raigned 27 yeares leauing his sonne Edward a worthie successor to maintaine the line of Noblenesse thus begun by him EDWARD though hee were farre inferiour to him in learning went much beyond him in power for he had all the kingdom of Mercna-land An. 900. in possession whereof Alfred had but the homage some write held Edwardus Senior soueraigntie ouer the East Angles Northumbrians though we finde in the ioynt Lawes that he and Guthrum made together they held the same confederation fore-concluded by Alfred He also subdued the Brittaines in Wales fortified furnished with garrisons diuerse townes in England that lay fit to preuent the incursions of the Danes and was all his raigne of 23 yeares in continuall action and euer beforehand with fortune And surely his father he and many that succeded during this Danicque warre though they lost their ease wonne much glory renowne For this affliction held them so in as hauing little out-lets or leisure for ease luxury they were made the more pious iust carefull in their gouernment otherwise it had been impossible to haue held out against the Danes as they did being a people of that power vndauntable stomack as no fortune could deterr or make to giue ouer their hold And the imbecility of some vnactiue Prince at that time had beene enough to haue let them quite into the whole Which may be the cause that in the succession of some of these Kings were certaine ruptures made out of course in respect of their ablenesse As first after the death of this renowned King Edward Senior his sonne ATHELSTAN of full yeares and spirit was notwithstanding the bracke An. 924. in his birth preferred before his legitimate sonne Edmond vnder age Nor Athelstan a Bastard preferred before the lawfull sonne did Athelstan disappoint the kingdome in this worke but performed all noble parts of Religion Iustice and Magnanimitie after sixteen yeares raigne died without issue EDMOND his brother succeded him A Prince likely to haue equalled An. 940. the worth of his Predecessors had he not vntimely perished by the hand of a base Out-law in his owne house at a festiuall amidst his people that dearely Edmond loued and honoured him And though he left two sonnes yet was EDRED his brother preferred to the kingdome before them who making An. 946. no variation from the line of Vertue continued by his ancestors was Edred or Eldred held perpetually in work by the Danes during the whole time of his raigne which was of ten yeares EDWIN his nephew the eldest sonne of Edmond succeded him an irregular Edwin youth who interrupting the course of goodnes liued dissolutely died wishedly Otherwise had Edgar the other sonne of Edmond continued that rare succession of good Princes without the interposition of any ill which is not in the Fate of a kingdome EDGAR though he were but sixteen yeares of age yet capable of counsell An. 959. was by the graue aduise of his Bishops who in that time of zeale held especially Edgar the raines on the hearts and affections of men put directed in the way of goodnesse and became a most heroicall Prince Amongst other his excellent actions of gouernment hee prouided a mighty Nauy Edgar prouides shipping to secure his coasts from inuasion which now he found though late was the onely meane to keepe out those miseries from within that thus lamentably afflicted the land euer before negligent or not inured to Sea-affaires For when the Romans first subdued the same there was no shipping but a few small vessells made of wicker and couered with hides whereby they and after the Danes both mighty as those times gaue in shipping found that easie footing they had Yet Egbert is said to haue prouided a strong Nauy about the yeare 840. And Alfred thirty or forty yeares after did the A most vsefull progresse like But either now dis-used or consumed by the enemy Edgar re-edifies and sets forth a Fleet consisting as some write of 1600 saile others a farre greater number those hee deuides and places in foure parts of the Realme making his progresses yearly with part of his mighty Nauy round about the whole Isle whereof hee assumed the title of King And to reduce it all to one name Monarchie he was intitled King of all Albion as testifies his Charter granted to the Abby of Maldesmesbury in these words Ego Edgarus totius Albionis Basileus nec non Maritimorum seu insulanorum Regum circum habitantium c. For he hauing first of all other made peace with the Danes and granted them quiet cohabitation through all his dominions had the soueraigntie ouer them And Kenneth King of Scots did him homage whether for Cumberland and Westmerland giuen to that Crowae by King Emond his father or for his whole Kingdome I cannot say And fiue Kings of Wales did the like for their Country and came all to his Court at Cardiffe So that hee seemes the first and most absolute Monarch of this land that hitherto we finde The generall peace that held all his time honoured his name with the title of Pacificus and rendred his Kingdome neuer before acquainted with the glory of quietnesse very flourishing But as if the same had beene giuen to shew and not to vse like a short calme betwixt stormes it lasted but little beyond his raigne of sixteene yeares being too short to close the diffeuered ioynts of a commixed Hee raigned 16. yeares Kingdome which was onely to haue beene the worke of Time and that none of these late Princes who were best like to haue aduanced and confirmed the State of a Monarchie were ordained to haue But all as if things would another way Saint Edward were put off from their ends by their vntimely deaths as was this glorious young An. 975. Prince in the two and thirtith yeare of his age leauing his sonne Edward a child to vndergoe the miseries of nonage to bee made a sacrifice for ambition and a Saint by persecution through the hand of a step mother who to aduance her owne Ethelred brake in ouer the bounds of
in Normandy by Duke Richard the second Grandfather to them both gaue him most Royall entertainement And here he shewed himselfe and here no doubt hee found matter for his hopes to worke on In this enteruiew hee discouered England being to be presupposed he came not to gather cockle-shels on the shore Nor was it long after ere Harold whether of purpose to ratifie some paction closly contriued betwixt them or by casualty of weather driuen into France and so faine to make it seeme a Harald goeth ouer into Normandy iourney of purpose to the Duke is not certainely deliuered was gallantly entertained in Normandy presented with all shewes of Armes brought to Paris and there likewise feasted in that Court. And at his returne to Rouen something was concluded either His entertainment in likely-hood to deuide the Kingdome betweene them or that Harold being a coast-dweller and had the strongest hand in the State should let in the Duke and doe his best to helpe him to the Crowne vpon conditions of his owne greatnesse or whatsoeuer it was promises were made and confirmed by oathes vpon the Euangelists and all the sacred Reliques at Rouen in the presence of diuers great persons Besides for His promises to the Duke more assurance Harald was fyanced to Adeliza the Dukes daughter and his brother Wolnot left a pledge for the performance This intercourse made the trans-action of the fate of England and so much was done either by King Edward or Harald though neithers act if any such were was of power to preiudice the State or alter the course of a right succession as gaue the Duke a colour to claime the Crowne by a donation made by Testament which being against the Law and Custome of the Kingdome could be of no validity at all For the Crowne of England being held not as Patrimoniall but in a succession by remotion which is a succeeding to anothers place it was not in the power of King Edward to collate the same by any dispositiue and testamentary will the right discending to the next of bloud onely by the Custome and Law of the Kingdome For the Successour is not sayd properly to be the heire of the King but the Kingdome which makes him so and cannot bee put from it by any act of his Predecessour But this was onely his claime the right was of his owne making and no otherwise For as soone as hee had heard of the death of King Edward with the Election and Coronation of Harald for they came both together hee assembles the States of Normandy and acquaints them with the right he had to England Soliciting an extention of their vtmost meanes for The Dukes speech to the assembly of the States of Normandie his recouery thereof and auengement of the periured Vsurper Harald shewing them apparant probabilitie of successe by infallible intelligence hee had from the State his strong partie therein with the debility and distraction of the people What glorie wealth and greatnesse it would adde to their Nation the obtayning of such a Kingdome as was thus opportunely layd open for them if they apprehended the present occasion All which remonstrances notwithstanding could enduce but very few to like of this attempt and those such who had long followed him in the warres exhausted their estates and content to runne vpon any aduenture that might promise likelyhood of aduancement The rest were of diuers opinions some that it was sufficient to hold and defend their owne Country without hazarding themselues to conquer others and these were men of the best ability others were content to contribute but so sparingly as would little aduance the businesse and for the most part they were so tyred with the former warres and so desirous to embrace the blessing of peace as they were vnwilling to vndergoe a certaiue trouble for an vncertaine good And with these oppositions or faint offers the Dukes The subtil proceeding of the Duke with his Nobles purpose at first had so little way as did much perplex him At length seeing this protraction and difficulty in generall he deales with his neerest and most trusty friends in particular being such as he knew affected the glory of action and would aduenture their whole estates with him As William fitz Auber Conte de Bretteuile Gualier Guifford Earle of Logueuille Roger de Beaumont with others especially his owne brothers Odo Bishop of Bayeux and Robert Earle of Mortaigne these in full assembly hee wrought to make their offers which they did in so large a proportion and especially William fitz Auber who made the first offer to furnish forty ships with men and munition the Bishop of Bayeux forty the Bishop of Mans thirty and so others according or beyond their abilities as the rest of the assemblie doubting if the action succeeded without their helpe the Duke aryuing to that greatnesse would beare in minde what little minde they shewed to aduance his desires beganne to contribute more largely The Duke finding them yeelding though not in such sort as was requisite for such a worke dealt with the Bishops and great men a part so effectually as at length hee gote of them seuerally which of altogether hee could neuer haue compassed and causing each mans contribution to bee registred inkindled such an emulation amongst them as they who lately would doe nothing now striued who should doe most And not onely wan he the people of his owne Prouinces to vndertake this action The French likewise ayde the Duke but drew by his faire perswasions and large promises most of the greatest Princes and Nobles of France to aduenture their persons and much of their estates with him as Robert fitz Haruays Duke of Orleance the Earles of Brittaine Ponthien Bologne Poictou Mayne Neuers Hiesms Aumal Le Signior de Tours and euen his mortall enemy Martel Earle of Aniou became to bee as forward as any All which hee sure could neuer haue induced had not his vertues and greatnesse gained a wide opinion and reputation amongst them Although in these aduancements and turnes of Princes there is a concurrency of dispositions and a constitution of times prepared for it yet is it strange that so many mighty men of the French Nation would aduenture their liues and fortunes to adde England to Normandie to make it more then France and so great a Crowne to a Duke who was to great for them already But where mutations are destined the counsels of men must be corrupted and there will fall out all aduantages to serue that businesse The King of France who should haue strangled this disseigne in the birth was a The reason of the Dukes powre child and vnder the curature of Baldouin Earle of Flanders whose daughter the Duke had married and was sure to haue rather furtherance then any opposition that way Besides to amuze that Court and dazella young Prince he promised faithfully if hee conquered this Kingdome to hold it of that King as he
of this Kingdome which could not but be likesome to the State in generall and all preferments and dignities conser'd on his to be either by vacancies or displacing others which must needs breed very feeling grieuances in particular And yet wee finde no great men thrust out of their roomes but such as put themselues out by reuolting after his establishment and their fealtie giuen as appeares by the controuersie betweene Warren the Norman and Sherburn of Sherburn Castle in Norfolke which castle though the King had giuen to Warren yet when Sherburn alledged How hee neuer bare Armes against him Cambden Nors that hee was his subiect as well as the other and held his Lands by that Law which he had established amongst all his subiects the King gaue iudgement against Warren and commanded that Sherburn should hold his Land in peace So that it seemes hee contented himselfe and his for the time onely with what he found here ready and with filling vp their places who were slaine in the battell or fled as many were with the sonnes of Harald out of the Kingdome Such Gentlemen as he could not presently preferre M. S. and had a purpose to aduance hee dispersed abroad into Abbeys there to liue till places fell out for them and 24 he sent to the Abby of Eley whereby he not onely lessened the multitude of attendants and suitors at Court eased that eye-sore of strangers but also had them a watch ouer the Clergie who then were of great and eminent power in the Kingdome and might preuaile with the people But the English Nobility incompatible of these new concurrents found notwithstanding 1067. Anno. Reg. 2. such a disproportion of grace and darkning of their dignities by the interposition of so many as must needs lessen their splendour that many of the chiefest doubting to be more impayred in honour and estate conspired together and fled some into Scotland and some into Denmarke to trie if by ayde from abroad they might The English Nobility forsake the kingdome recouer themselues and their lost fortunes againe at home Amongst which the chiefe was Edgar Atheling termed Englands Dearling which shewed the peoples zeale to his bloud who with his mother Agatha and his two sisters Magaret and Christin intending to retire into Hungarie their natiue Country were driuen by tempest on the coast of Scotland where they were in all Hospitable manner entertained by Malcolin the third whose former suffrings in his exile had taught him to compassionate others like distresses and whom it concerned now to looke to his owne his neighbours house being thus on fire and to foster a pattie against so daungerous an in-commer that was like to thrust them all out of doore Which induced him not onely to entertaine this Prince dispossest of his right but to enter league with him for the publique safetie And to inchaine it the stronger hee takes to wife Margaret the The King of Scots enters league with the English Nobility and marries Edgars sister sister of Edgar a Ladie indued withall blessed vertues by whom the bloud of our auncient Kings was preserued and conioyned with the Norman in Henry the second and so became English againe Vnto Edgar in Scotland repaired the Earles Edwin and Morchar Hereward Gospatric Siward with others and shortly after Stigand and Aldred Arch-bishops with diuers of the Clergie who in the third yeare of this Kings raigne raised very great commotions in the North beyond Humber and wrought most egarly 1068. Anno. Reg. 3. to recouer their lost Country but being now to late and the occasion not taken before the settling of the gouernment whilst it was new and branling they preuailed nothing but gaue aduantage to the Conquerour to make himselfe more then hee was For all conspiracies of subiects if they succeed not aduance the soueraigntie and nothing gaue roote to the Norman planting here more then the petty reuolts made by discattred troupes in seuerall parts begunne without order and followed without resolution whereas nothing could be done for a generall recouery but by a generall sulleuation of the people for which all wary preuention was vsed and they had waites enough laide on to hold them downe And though these Lords imbroiled themselues and held him doing in the North yet hee hauing all the South parts setled vnder his domination with well practized and prepared forces there could bee little hope of good whilst all their great estates furnisht the Normans both in state and meanes to ruine them The Earledome and all the Lands which Edwin held in See the Charter in the Appendix Yorkeshire were giuen to Alain Earle of Brittaine kinsman to the Conqueror The Arch-bishopricke of Canterburie confer'd on Lanfranc Abbot of Caen. That of Yorke on Thomas his Chaplaine and all the rest both of the Clergie and others which were out had their places within supplied by Normans And after King William had appeased a Commotion in the West which the sonnes of Harald with forces out of Ireland had raised also repressed the rebellions of Excester and Oxford he takes his iourney in person Northward with all expedition least the enemy there should grow to high in heart and opinion vpon the great slaughter of his people made at Yorke and the defeiture of his Brother and Leiuetenant Robert Earle of Mortaigne slaine with seuen hundreth Normans at Durham where at his first comming he so wrought that he either discomfeited or corrupted the Generals of the Danicque forces newly arriued to ayde the Lords sent by Swaine King of Denmarke vnder the conduct of his two sonnes Harald and Knute with a Nauie of three hundreth saile and after sets vpon the Army of the Lords weakened both in strength and hope by this departure of their Confederates and puts them to flight Which done he vtterly wasted and laide desolate all that goodly Countrey betweene Yorke and Durham the space of 60. miles as it might be no more a succour to the enemy And the like course he used on all the Coasts where any aptlandings lay for inuasions and so returnes to London Most of the Lords after this defeit came in vpon publique faith giuen them and were conducted to Barkehamsted by the Abbot Fredricke where vpon their submission and Oath of Allegeance re-taken they had their pardon and restitution of grace graunted by the King who it seemes was so willing to acquiet them that againe he takes his personall Oath before the Arch-bishop Lanfrancke and the Lords To obserue See the Appendix the Auntient Lawes of the Realme established by his Noble Predecessors the Kings of England and especially those of Edward the Confessor Whereupon these stormy dispositions held calme a while But long it was not ere many of these Lords whether vpon intelligence of new 1074. Anno. Reg. 8. hopes from Prince Edgar who was still in Scotland or growne desperate with new displeasures at home finding small performance of promises made rupture
of a thousand saile and was aided with sixe hundreth more by Robert le Frison Earle of Flanders whose daughter he had married But the winds held so contrary for two yeares together as vtterly quasht that enterprize and freed the King and his successors for euer after from future molestation that way But this businesse put the State to an infinit charge the King entertayning all that time besides his Normans Hugh brother to the King of France with many companies 1078. Anno. Reg. 12. of French Finding the English in respect of many great families allied to the Danes to incline rather to that Nation then the Norman and had experience of the great and neere intelligence continually passing betweene them And these were all the warres he had within the Kingdome sauing in An. Regni 13. he subdued Wales and brought the kings there to doe him homage His warres abroad 1079. Anno. Reg. 13 were all about his Dominions in France first raised by his owne sonne Robert left Lieuftenant gouernor of the Dutchie of Normandy and the Countie of Mayne who in his fathers absence tasting the glorie of commaund grew to assume the absolute The Kings of wales doe homage to King william rule of the Prouince causing the Barons there to do him homage as Duke not as Lieutenant leagues him with the King of France who working vpon the easinesse of his youth and ambition was glad to apprehend that occasion to disioynt his estate who was growen too great for him And the profusse largesse and disorderlie expence whereto Robert was addicted is nourished by all waies possible as the meanes to imbrake him in those difficulties of still getting mony that could not but needs yeeld continuall occasion to intertain both his own discontent theirs from whom his supplies must be raised And though thereby he purchased him the title of Courtois yet he lost the Robert of Normandy titled Courtois opinion of good gouernment and constrayned the estates of Normandie to complaine to his father of the great concussion and violent exactions he vsed amongst them The King vnderstanding the fire thus kindled in his owne house that had set others all in combustion hasts with forces into Normandie to haue surprized his sonne who aduertised of his comming furnisht with two thousand men at Armes by the King of France lay in ambush where he should passe sets vpon him defeited most of his people and in the pursuite happened to incounter with himselfe whom hee vnhorsed and wounded in the arme with his Launce but perceiuing by his voice it was his father he hasted to remounte him humbly crauing pardon for his offence which the father seeing in what case he was granted howsoeuer he gaue and vpon his submission tooke him with him to Rouen whence after cured of his hurt hee returned with his sonne William likewise wounded in the fight into England Long was it not ere he was againe inform'd of his sonnes remutyning and how hee exacted vpon the Normans vsurpt the intire gouernment and vrged his fathers promise 1080. Anno. Reg. 14. thereof made him before the King of France vpon his Conquest of England which caused his litle stay heere but to make preparations for his returne into those parts whether in passing he was driuen on the Coast of Spaine but at length ariuing at Burdeaux with his great preparations his sonne Robert came in and submitted himselfe Robert rebels against his father the second time whom he now tooke with him into England to frame him to a better obedience imploying him in the hard and necessitous warres of Scotland the late peace being betweene the two Kings againe broken and after sent him backe 1081. Anno. Reg. 15. and his young sonne Henry with the association of charge and like power but of more trust to the gouernment of Normandie After the two Princes had beene there a while they went to visite the King of France at Constance where feasting certaine dayes vpon an after dinner Henry wanne 1082. Anno. Reg. 16. so much at chesse of Louis the Kings eldest sonne as hee growing into choller called him the sonne of a Bastard and threw the Chesse in his face Henry takes vp the Chesse-bord and strake Louis with that force as drew bloud and had killed him had not his brother Robert come in the meane time and interposed himselfe Whereupon Louis and Henry sonnes of the Kings of France and England they suddenly tooke horse and with much adoe they recouered Pontoise from the Kings people that pursued them This quarrell arising vpon the in-ter-meeting of these Princes a thing that seldome breeds good bloud amongst them re-enkindled a heate of more rancor in the fathers and beganne the first warre betweene the English and French For presently the King of France complots againe with Robert impatient of a partner cnters Normandie and takes the Citie of Vernon The King of England inuades France subdues the Country of Zaintonge and Poictou and returnes to 1026. Anno. Reg. 20 Rouen where the third time his sonne Robert is reconciled vnto him which much disappoints and vexes the King of France who thereupon summons the King of England to doe him homage for the Kingdome of England which he refused to doe saying Hce held it of none but God and his sword For the Dutchie of Normandie hee offers him homage but that would not satisfie the King of France whom nothing would but what King William denies to do homage for England to the King of France he could not haue the Maistery and seekes to make any occasion the motiue of his quarrell and againe inuades his territories but with more losse then profit In the end they conclude a certaine crazie peace which held no longer then King William had recouered a sicknesse whereinto through his late trauaile age and corpulencie he was falne at which time the King of France then yong and lustie ieasting at his great belly wherof he said he lay in at Rouen so irritated him as being recouered he gathers al 1087. Anno. Reg. 21. his best forces enters France in the chiefest timeof their fruits making spoile of all in his way till hee came euen before Paris where the King of France then was to whom he sends to shew him of his vp-sitting and from thence marched to the Citie of Mants which he vtterly sackt and in the distruction thereof gate his owne by the straine of his horse among the breaches and was thence conueyed sicke to Ronen and so ended all his warres Now for his gouernment in peace and the course hee held in establishing the His gouernment in peace Kingdome thus gotten first after he had represt the conspiracies in the North and well quieted all other parts of the State which now being absolutely his hee would haue to bee ruled by his owne Law hee beganne to gouerne all by the Customes of Normandie Whereupon the agreeued Lords and
an euent For hauing taken vp by the way three Gallies to conduct him to Ragusa for three hundred Markes of Siluer disguised vnder the names of Pilgtimes hee was by his lauish expences discouered to bee the His discouery King of England which note once taken it was impossible for him to lay anie couering thereon that could euer hide him more though vpon warning thereof he presently left all his company and with one man onely takes horse and through all the daungers of a wilde desart and rocky Country trauayling day and night passes into Austrich where Fame that was a speedier post then himselfe was before him And comming to a Village nere to Viena and reposing himselfe in a poore hosterie was taken a sleepe by meanes of his companion going forth to prouide necessaries for him King Richard taken prisoner who as hee was changing money was knowne taken and brought before the Duke of Austrich and vpon examination confessed where his maister was of which prise the Duke was most ioyfull in respect of his reuenge for the disgrace hee did him at the entring of Acon and presently sends him to the Emperour Henry the sixt whom likewise he had offended for ayding Tancredi the base sonne of Roger in the vsurpation of the Crowne of Sicilia against Constantia the lawfull daughter of the same Roger whom this Emperour had married Newes hereof is presently sent by the Emperour to the King of France that he might likewise reioyce at this fortune and hee tells him That now the Enemy of his Empire and the disturber of the Kingdome of France was fast in holde and all the manner how The State of England is likewise soone certified of this heauie disaster and great meanes is made to redeeme their King out of captiuitie who is sayd to haue borne his fortune with that magnanimitie and so cleered himselfe of the scandalls layd on him for the death of Conrade the Emperours kinsman other his actions in the East in such sort as he won the affection of the Emperor so that he professed a great desire to restore him and reconcile him to the King of France But yet wee finde That King Richard deposed King Richard deposed himselfe of the kingdome of England himselfe of the Kingdome of England and deliuered the same to the Emperour as his supreame Lord and inuested him therein by the deliuering vp his hat whch the Emperour returned vnto him in the presence of the Nobility of Germany and England to hold this Kingdom from him for 50 thousand pounds sterling to be payed as an annuall tribute And yet notwithstanding all this the King of France combining with the Earle Iohn preuailed so much with the Emperour as hee held him his prisoner a whole yeare and sixe weekes through their offer of mighty summes they made vnto him For he and the Earle Iohn fully accounted that he should haue beene held a perpetuall prisoner and vpon that reckning the Earle Iohn did his homage to the King of France for the Dutchy Earle Iohn doth homage to the King of France for Normandy of Normandy and all the rest of those transmarine territories and for England as it is sayd and besides resignes vnto him Gisors with the Country of Vexin sweares to marry his sister Alice and to bee diuorsed from his other Wise the Daughter of the Earle of Glocester The King of France couenants to giue him with his sister that part of Flanders which hee had taken from that Eareldome and sweares to ayde him in the attayning both of England and whatsoeuer else the Lands of his brother Then goes the Earle Iohn ouer into England carrying many strangers with him and presently the Castles of Wallingford and Windsor are rendred vnto him then comes hee to London and requires of the Archbishop of Rouen and other the Commissioners the Kingdome of England and that fealty bee made vnto him affirming his brother was dead but they not giuing credit vnto him and denying his desire with rage and strong hand hee fortifies his Castles and in hostile manner inuades the Lands of his brother finding many partakers to ioyne with him The Queene mother the Iustices of England and all the faithfull seruants of the King guard and defend the ports against the inuasion of the French and Flemings who in great numbers seeke to ayde the Earle Iohn and also they labour the redemption of the King whose ransome the Emperour rates at 100 thousand Marks with the finding of fiftie Gallies ready furnished and two hundred souldiers to attend his seruice in the holy warres for one yeare In Normandie the Officers and Seruants of the King of England defend with no lesse faith and courage the right of their Maister against the King of France who withall his powre labours to subdue them and by his large offers to the Emperour prolongs his redemption and inhaunces his ransome This toyle and charge is the world put into through the misfortune and weakenesse of their hardy King who onely in respect of his valour being otherwise not worth so much and the Holy worke hee vndertooke whereby hee obliged the Clergie which then managed all got the opinion and loue of his subiects in such sort as they straine euen beyond their ability to recouer and preserue him and so wrought in the end that the Emperour compounds with King Richard in this manner that hee should send his Commissioners to London and receaue an hundred thousand Markes of pure siluer of Cologne The Emperors composition with King Richard waight to be sealed vp and safely conducted to the bounds of the Empire at the perile of the King of England and other fifty thousand Markes of siluer whereof twenty thousand for the Duke of Austrich and thirty thousand for the Emperour to be payd at seauen monethes after and pledges to be giuen three score to the Emperor and seauen to the Duke Besides the King of England sweares to send his Neece the sister of Arthur Earle of Brittaine to be married to the Duke of Austrich c. And the Emperour granted to the King of England by his Charter the Soueraignty of the Prouince Vienne and Viennoys Merseilles Narbona Arls Lyons and whatsoeuer hee had in Burgogne with the Homages of the King of Arragon the Earles of Dijon and Saint Giles In which countries were fiue Archbishop-ricks thirty three Bishopricks but the Emperour could neuer haue domination ouer them nor they receaue any Lord that hee presented them So that this great gift consisted but in title which yet pleased King Richard that hee might not seeme to part with all his substance for nothing And the same wind he sends to Hubert the new Archbishop of Canterbury lately made his Vicegerent in England to be blowne ouet all the Kingdome by a letter he wrote vnto him wherein he hath these words For that sure I am you much desire our deliuerance and greatly reioyce therein we will that you be
without their assistance as by Right and Custome they ought allegation examples of three Archbishops so elected The Monkes oppose this allegation offering to bring proofe that they onely by the speciall priuiledge of the Roman Bishops were accustomed to make this Election The Pope appoints a peremptorie day for deciding this Controuersie wherein the first Election for being made in the night out of due time and without solemne ceremony is oppugned by the Kings procurators the last was argued by some of the Monkes to be ill by reason there was no cassation of the first which iust or vniust ought to haue beene before any other Election could iuridically be made The Pope seeing the procurators not to agree vpon one person by the Councell of Innotent the ninth the Cardinalls adiudged both Elections voyde and presents vnto them a third man which was Stephan de Lancton a Cardinall of great spirit and an Englishman borne who had all the voyces of those Monkes which were there through the perswasion of the Pope alledging it was in their powre by his prerogatiue to make good this choyce Stephan Lancton thus elected and after consecrated at Viterbo the Pope dismisses Stephan Lancton elected Archbishop of Canterbury the Monkes and the rest of the Agents with letters to King Iohn exhorting him benignly to receiue this Archbishop Canonically elected natiue of his Kingdome learned in all the Sciences a Doctor in Theologie and which exceeded his learning of a good life and conuersation a man fit both for his bodie and his soule c. withall he writes to the Prior and Monkes of Canterbury charging them by the vertue of Holy obedience to receiue the Archbishop to their Pastor and humbly to obay him in all Spirituall and Temporall matters These letters with the notice of what was done at Rome so inraged the King as with all precipitation he sends Foulke de Cantlo and Henry de Cornhill two fierce knights with armed men to expell the Monkes of Canterbury as Traytors out of the Kingdome and to seize vpon all they had which presently was as violently executed as commanded and away packe the Prior and all the Monkes into Flanders except such as were sicke and not able to goe and all their goods confiscated Here withall he writes a sharpe letter to the Pope accusing him of the wrong hee did in King Iohn offended with this Election writes to the Pope cassing the election of Norwich whom he especiall fauoured and aduancing Stephan Lanction a man vnknowne vnto him bred euer in the Kingdome of France among his enemies and what was more to his preiudice and subuersion of the liberties appertayning to his Crowne without his consent giuen to the Monkes which should first haue beene required hee had presumed rashly to prefer him so that he much meruailed that the Pope and the vniuersall court of Rome would not call to minde how necessary his friendship had hitherto beene to that sea and consider that the Kingdome of England yeelded the same greater profit and commoditie then all the Kingdomes else on this side the Alpes Besides that he wouldstand to the liberties of his Crowne to the death constantly affirming that he could not be reuoked from the Election and preferment of the Bishop of Norwich whom he knew euery way fit for the place And in conclusion threatens that if he be not righted in the Premises hee would stop vp the passages of his people to Rome and that if necessity required he had in the Kingdome of England and other his Dominions Archbishops Bishops and other Prelates of so sufficient learning as they needed not goe to begge iustice and iudgement of strangers The Pope returnes answere to the Kings letter and begins with these words when about the business of the Church of Canterbury we wrote vnto you exhorting and requesting you humbly earnestly and benignly you againe wrote backe to vs as I may say by your leaue in a fashion threatning reprouing contumacious aud stubbornely and whilstwee tooke care to giue you aboue your right you regarde not to giue vs according to our right respecting vs lesse then becomes you And if your deuotion bee most necessary for vs so is ours no lesse fit for you When wee in such a case haue honoured no Prince so much as you you sticke not to derogate from our honour more then any Prince in such a case would haue done pretending certaine friuolous occasions wherein you alledge that you cannot consent to the Election of our beloued sonne Maister Stephan Praesbiter by the title of Saint Chrysogonus Cardinall celebrated by the Monkes of Canterbury for that hee hath beene bred among your Enemies and his person is altogether vnknowne vnto you Then argues hee that it was not to bee imputed vnto him for a fault but was his glory to haue liued long at Paris where hee so profited in study as hee deserued to bee Doctor not onely in the liberall Sciences but also in Theologie and his life agreeable to his learning was thought fit to obtaine a Prebend in Paris Wherefore hee held it a maruaile if a man of so great note natiue of England could be vnknowne vnto him at least in fame since saith hee you wrote thrice vnto him after hee was by vs preferred to bee Cardinall that though you had a desire to call him to your familiar attendance yet you reioyced that hee was exalted to a higher Office c. Then excuses hee the point that the Kings consent was not required in regard that they who should haue required the same affirmed how their letters neuer came to his hands c. Although saith hee in elections celebrated at the Apostolique Sea the consent of Princes is not to bee expected Yet were two Monkes deputed to come to require your consent who were stayed at Douer so that they could not performe their message inioyned them with other allegations to this effect so that at length saith hee wee were disposed to doe what the Canonicall Sanctions ordayned to bee done without declyning either to the right hand or the left that there might bee no delay or difficultie in right intentions least the Lords flocke should bee long without pastorall cure and therefore reuoked it cannot bee In conclusion hee vseth these words As wee haue had care of your Honour beyond right endeauour to giue vs ours according vnto right that you may more plentifully deserue Gods grace and ours least if you doe otherwise you cast your selfe into those difficulties whence you cannot easily get out Since hee in the ende must ouercome to whom all knees bow in Heauen Earth and Hell whose Vicegerencie heere below though vnworthie Wee exercise Yeelde not therefore to their Councells who desire your disturbance that themselues might fish in troubled Waters but commit your selfe to our pleasure which will redound to your praise Glorie and Honour Neither is it safe for you to repugne against God and the Church for which the
to be Maister of the Kingdome yea of the King the Rector and Disposer of Court is throwne out with disgrace the Seale taken from him and giuen to the Abbot of Euesham In like sort his brother Geffrey a Knight Templar is put out of the Councell both of them much maligned by the Nobilitie who had often before laboured their amouement as held to be corrupt Councellors and wrongers of the State and now are they falne off themselues But the cause of this their deiection may shew that oftentimes Officers vnder weake Princes are not so much faulty as the World holds them to be for not yeelding to passe a Grant from the King made vnto Thomas Earle of Flaunders the Queenes Thomas of Sauoy marrieth the inheretrix of the Earledome of Flanders which he held but during her life Vncle of 4 pence vpon euery sacke of Wooll an enormious act then accompted they both lost their places though not their reputations in this their fall discouering what the Enuie that attended their fortune hindred men to see To this Earle of Flanders the next yeare after the King grants notwithstanding 300 Markes to bee payd out of his Eschequer annually for his homage Now besides the great exactions of the King and his wastes The Sea of Rome extorts huge summes as if one Gulph sufficed not to swallow vp the substance of the Kingdome which opened the mouthes of our Clergie so wide as they let out many exclamations against the auarice of the Popes of that time and the Roman Factors who by permission of the King or by his negligence presumed so farre vpon the easi-yeeldingnesse of the State as they wrung out what they listed In so much as besides the fleece they would now haue the bodies of their possessions And the Pope sends his Mandat to haue three hundred Romans preferred to the benefices which should bee first vacant in England which so amazed the Clergie and especially Edmond Archbishop of Canterburie as hee seeing no end of these concussions of the State and Liberties of the Church and himselfe on whom the Scandall of all must light vnable by reason of the Kings remissnesse to withstand it tyred with the vanity of worldly actions giues ouer all and betakes himselfe to a voluntarie exile in the Edmond Archbishop of Canterbury giues ouer his Sea Abbay of Pontiniac in France and there applies him to the contemplation of a better life But before his departure he yeelds as a ransom for his Church 800 Markes to the Pope The Clergie although thus left by their head generally oppose what they could against the Popes rapine who to get money for his wars with the Emperor vsed dayly Pope Gregory the 9. new and insolent pressures vpon them in so much as they repaire to the King declare how preiudiciall and detogatory it was to his royaltie and the liberty of the Kingdom to suffer this proceeding which none of his Predecessors heretofore euct did and of how dangerous consequence it was to his successors The King either not apprehensiue of the mischiefe or content to ioyne with the Pope to punish and awe the Kingdome not onely refers them to the Legat but offers to deliuer the chiefe opposers vp vnto him Whereupon they seeing themselues forsaken and no powre to succor them but their owne did what they could to withstand the Legats proceeding who now by the Kings animation presumes more peremptorily to vrge them to supply the Popes present occasion and holds a Conuocation at London for effecting the same Wherein the Clergie declare how this contribution now required by the Pope for the destruction of the Emperor and effusion of Christian bloud was vnlawfull hee being not an Heretike nor condemned by the iudgement of the Church although excommunicated That it was against the Liberties of the Church of England being required vnder paine of Ecclesiasticall censure as a thing of seruitude and compulsion That they had heretofore giuen a Tenth to the Pope on condition that neuer any such exaction should againe be made least it might be drawne to a Custome for as much as binus Cod. de Episcopal L. Nemo actus inducat consuetudinem That for their businesse in the Court of Rome they were to passe through the Emperours Countries and the daunger they might haue thereby That it was not safe for the Kingdome to impouerish the King who had many enemies against whom hee must haue to sustaine warre And besides how for the furnishing of diuers Noble men vndertaking of late the businesse of the Crosse great contributions had beene made That the Church of England was poore and hardly able to sustaine it selfe That a generall contribution was to bee made by a generall Councell c. Notwithstanding these reasons though at first they staggered the Legat yet such course was taken by winning some of them vpon hope of preferment as the rest could not without the note of contumacie but yeeld perforce so by this treason of deuision the body of the Councell is entred into and the Pope preuailes in this businesse The King hath now a sonne lately borne and Richard his brother Earle of Cornwall Edward eldest sonne to King Hen. hauing likewise issue by permission of the State which heretofore hee could not obtaine vndertakes the Crosse and with him his Vncle William Longsword Earle of Salibury and many other Noblemen These departing out of England Peter of Sauoy another Richard Earle of Cornwall vndertakes the Crosse. Vncle to the Queene comes in and hath the Earledom of Richmond bestowed on him with many other gifts he is knighted and feasted suptuously for which the poore Iewes by way of redemption pay 20 thousand Markes at two tearmes of that yeare Boniface the sonne of Peter of Sauoy Nephew to the Queen is preferred to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury After this the King makes an expedition into Wales which had often put him to great charge and trouble hauing beene very vnfortunate in his many attempts 1241. Anno. Reg. 25. against Lewellin intituled Prince or King of North-Wales who being lately dead had left his two sonnes Dauid and Griffin by deuision of State to bee at discord betweene themselues whereby hee came to make an easier end of that businesse and now onely but with the shew of his powre got that which heretofore hee could not with much bloud hath submission and fealty rendred vnto him by Dauid withall his charges for that iourney but now this ended another attempt of greater expence but lesse benefit is in hand The Earle of March with his wife the Queene Mother and many other Great Lords of Poictou so worke by their earnest solieitation with assurance of successe as the King is induced to vndertake another expedition into France The 11 Parliament matter is mooued in Parliament generall opposition made against it the great expence and the ill it last brought to the Kingdome vehemently vrged How it was vnlawfull to
himselfe to enter into Dover Castle At Canterbury they bring him into the Chapter house where the Earle of Glocester standing forth in the middest calls out the Earle not by the name of King but Richard Earle of Cornewall who in reverent manner comming forth takes his Oath ministred in this manner Heare all men that I Kichard Earle of Cornewall do heere sweare vpon the Holy Evangelists The Oath of the King of Romanes that I shall bee faithfull and dilligent to reforme with you the Kingdome of England hitherto by the Councell of wicked persons overmuch disorded bee an effectuall coadiutor to expell the rebels and disturbers of the same and this Oath will inviolably obserue vnder paine of loosing all the Land I haue in England so helpe mee God In this manner deale the Lords to binde this great Earle vnto them supposing his power to haue beene more then it was which at length they found to be nothing but an Ayrie Title for having consumed all that mighty substance abroad in two yeares which with great frugality had beene many in gathering he returnes in this manner home poore and forsaken by the Germans without any other meanes to trust vnto but onely what he had in England Notwithstanding vpon his returne the King takes heart and seekes all meanes to vindicate his power dispatching first messengers secretly to Rome to be absolued from 1259. Anno. Reg. 44. his inforced Oath then sends into Scotland to the King and the Queene his daughter for aydes to be ready vpon his occasions And to haue the more assurance of the King of France and be freed from forraine businesse he makes an absolute resignation of whatsoever right he had to the Duchy of Normandie and the Earledomes of Aniou King Henry resignes his right to Normandy c. Poictou Tourene and Maine in regard whereof the King of France giues him three hundred thousand pounds some say crownes of Aniouine money and grants him to enioy all Guien beyond the river Garoune all the Country of Xantonge to the river of 1261. An. Reg. 45. Charentè the Countries of Limosin and Quercy for him and his successors doing their Homage and Fealty to the Crowne of France as a Duke of Aquitayne and a Peere of that kingdome The Lords likewise on the other side seeke to strengthen their association and hold in each other to their Oathes and observation of their orders which was hard to do for consisting of manifold dispositions there was daily wauering sometimes Pikes among themselues in so much as the Earle of Leicester the chiefe man that kept the fire of that saction in told the Earle of Glocester finding him staggering that hee cared not to liue with such men whom he found so mutable and vncertaine for said he my Lord of Glocester The Lords combine against the K. as you are more eminent so are you more bound to what you haue vndertaken for the good of the kingdome And as he incensed others so had he those that animated him as Walter Bishop of Worcester and Kobert Bishop of Lincolne who inioyned him vpon remission W. Rishenger of his sinnes to prosecute the cause vnto death affirming how the peace of the Church of England could neuer be established but by the materiall sword But now many being the temptations many are drawne away from their side especially after the sentence giuen against them by the King of France made Arbitor of the quarrell who yet though hee condemned the prouisions of Oxford allowed the 1262. An. Reg. 46. confirmatiō of King Iohns Charter by which distinction he left the matter as he found it for those prouisions as the Lords pretended were grounded vpon that Charter Howsoeuer his sentence much aduantaged the King of England made many to dispence with their Oath and leaue their party Amongst whom was Henry Sonne to the Earle of Cornewall on whom the Prince had bestowed the Honour of Tyckhill who comming to the Earle of Leicester told him hee would not be against his Father the King nor his allyes but said he my Lord I will neuer beare Armes against you and 1263. Anno. Reg. 47. therefore I craue leaue to depart The Earle cheerfully replies my Lord Henry I am not sorry for your departure but for your inconstancie go returne with your armes I feare them not at all About the same time Roger de Clifford Roger de Leiborn Hamo I Strange and many other wonne with gifts depart from the Barons Shortly after Roger de Mortimer of the Kings part breakes into open act of hostility makes spoyle of the lands of the Earle of Leicester who had now combined himselfe with Llewellin Prince of Wales and had sent forces to inuade the lands of Mortimer in The beginning of the warres those parts And here the sword is first drawne in this quarrell about three yeares after the Parlement at Oxford The Prince takes part with Mortimer surprises the Castle of Brecknock with other places of strength which hee deliuers to his custodie The Earle of Leicester recouers the towne and Castle of Glocester constraines the Citizens to pay a thousand pounds for their redemption goes with an Army to Worcester possesses him of the Castle thence to Shrewsbury and so comes about to the Isle of Ely subdues the same and growes very powerfull The King doubting his approch to London being not yet ready for him workes so as a mediation of peace is made and agreed vpon these conditions That all the Castles 1264. Anno. Reg. 48. of the King should be deliuered the keeping of the Barons the Prouisions of Oxford should bee inuiolably obserued All strangers by a certaine time should auoide the Kingdome except such as by a generall consent should be held faithfull and profitable for the same Here was a little pause which seemes was but a breathing for a greater rage The Prince had fortified Windsor Castle victualled and therein placed strangers to defend it and himselfe marches to the towne of Bristow where in a contention between the Cittizens and his people being put to the worse hee seends for the Bishop of Worcester an especiall partaker of the Barons to protect conduct him back When he comes neare Windsor he gets into the Castle which the Earle of Leicester was going to besiege being about Kingston the Prince meets him to treat of peace which the Earle refuses and laies siege to the Castle which was rendred vnto him the strangers turned out sent home into France The King to get time conuokes another Parlement at London wherein hee wonne many Lords to take his part with them the Prince Richard Earle of Cornwall Henry 19 Parlement held at London his sonne William Valence with the rest of his brethren lately returned hee marches to Oxford whither diuerse Lords of Scotland repaire to him as Iohn Comin Iohn Baliol Lord of Galloway Robert Bruce and others with many Barons of the
themselues in regard of the many Leauies lately made vpon the estate Ecclesiasticall As in Anno Reg. 22. they paied the moietie of their goods of which the Abbay of Canterbury yeelded 596 pounds 7 shillings and 10 pence and besides furnished sixe horses for the Sea-coasts This Leauie as Stow notes in his collection amounted to sixe hundreth thousand pounds And in Anno Reg. 23. the King seized into his hands all the Priories Aliens and their goods Besides hee had a Loane of the Clergie which amounted to 100 thousand pounds whereof the Abbat of Bury paide 655 pounds Notwithstanding now vpon this their refusall the King puts the Clergie out of The King puts the Clergie out of his protection his protection whereby they were to haue no Iustice in any of his Courts a straine of State beyond any of his Predecessors which so amazed them being exposed to all offences and iniuries whatsoeuer and no meanes to redresse themselues as the Archbishop of Yorke with the Bishops of Duresme Ely Salisbury Lincolne yeelded to lay downe in their Churches the fifth part of all their goods towards the maintenance of the Kings warres whereby they appeazed his wrath and were receiued into grace But the Archbishop of Canterbury by whose animation the rest stood out had all his goods seized on and all the Monasteries within his Diocesse and part of Lincoln taken into the Kings hands and Wardens appointed to minister onely necessaries to the Monkes conuerting the rest to the Kings vse At length by much suite the Abbots and Priests giuing the fourth part of their goods redeeme themselues and the Kings fauour Thus will Martiall Princes haue their turnes serued by their Subiects in the times of their Necessities howsoeuer they oppose it During this contrast with the Clergie the King calls a Parliament of his Nobles at Salisbury without admission of any Church-men wherein hee requires certaine of the great Lords to goe vnto the warres of Gascoine which required a present supply vpon the death of his brother Edmond who hauing spent much treasure and time in the siege of Burdeaux without any successe retyres to Bayon then in possession of the English and there ends his life But they all making their excuses euery man for himselfe the The Lords refuse to goe into Gascoigny except the King went in person King in great anger threatned they should either goe or hee would giue their lands to others that should Whereupon Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford high Constable and Roger Bigod Earle of Norfolke Mareschall of England make their declaration that if the King went in person they would attend him otherwise not Which Answere more offends and being vrged againe the Earle Mareschall protested hee would willingly goe thither with the King and march before him in the Vantgard as by right of inheritance hee ought to doe But the King told him plainely hee should goe with any other although himselfe went not in Mat. West Person I am not so bound said the Earle neither will I take that iourney without you The King swore by God Sir Earle you shall goe or hang. And I sweare by the same oath I will neither goe nor hang said the Earle and so without taking his leaue departs Shortly after the two Earles assembled many Noblemen and others their friends to the number of thirty Bannerets so that they were fifteene hundred men at Armes well appointed and stood vpon their owne guard The King like a prudent Prince who knew his times prosecutes them not as then but lets the matter passe In regard that both his businesse in France and the pressing necessity of ayding his Confederats whereon his honour and whole estate abroad depended called him ouer into Flanders which the King of France had now inuaded pretending the same title of Soueraignty to that Prouince as King Edward did to Scotland And hauing had intelligence The French King inuites the Earle of Flanders to Paris and there imprisons him of the intended Alliance and other designes of the Earle Guy sends for him as if knowing nothing therof to come with his wife and daughter to make merry with him at Paris where in steed of feasting he makes him his prisoner and takes from him his Daughter in regard he sought being his vassall to match her to the Son of his capitall enemy The Earle excuses it the best he could and by much mediation is released and suffered to depart but without his Daughter of whose surprize and detention contrary to the Law of Nations he complaines to the Pope and other Princes who earnestly vrge the release of the young Lady but all in vaine and thereupon this Earle presuming on the ayde of his confederates takes armes and defies the King of The French King inuades Flanders France Who now comes with an Army of sixty thousand against him which caused the King of England to make what speed he could to releeue this distressed Earle and to leaue all his other businesses at home in that broken estate which hee did the Scots in reuolt and his owne people in discontent For which yet hee tooke the best order he could leauing the administration of the Kingdome during his absence to the Prince and certaine especiall Councellors as the Bishop of London the Earle of Warwicke the Lords Reginald Gray and Clifford and besides to recouer the Clegry receiued the Archbishop of Canterbnry into fauour And being ready now to take ship the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons and the Commons send him a Roll of the generall grieuances of his Subiects Concerning his This roll of grieuances is recorded by Tho. Wal. viz. Append. Taxes Subsidies other Impositions with his seeking to force their seruices by vnlawsull courses his late impost layd of fortie shillings vpon euery sack of Wooll being before but half a marke estimating the Wooll of England to a fift part of all the substance thereof The King sends answere that he could not alter any thing without the aduice of his councell which were not Reg. 26. Anno. 1299. now about him and thereforè required them seeing they would not attend him in this iourney which they absolutely refused to doe though hee went in person vnlesse hee had gone into France or Scotland that they would yet doe nothing in his absence preiudiciall to the peace of the Kingdome And that vpon his Returne hee would set all things in good order as should bee fit And so with 500 saile eighteene thousand men at Armes he puts out for this iourney wherein Fortune shewed him how she would not be alwaies his For contrary to King Edward passes ouer into Flanders to the ayd of the Earle Guy his expectation he found the Country of Flanders distracted into popular factions a ritch proud people who though they were willing to ayde their Prince and defend their liberties which they respected more then their obedience yet would they not bee commanded otherwise then
it were denied him yet something hee had the King and hee deuiding it betwixt them The Pope graunted the King the Tenth of all the Churches of England for two yeares and the King yeelded that the Pope should haue the First fruits of those Churches And the better to effect this businesse the Pope makes an errand and sends Petrus Hispanus Cardinall a Latere to call vpon the King for consummation of the Marriage betweene Prince Edward and Isabell daughter to the King of France And this Cardinall gott something but not so much as he expected Whilest they were thus busie at Carliel about the opening of the Spring opens K. Bruce teeouers new forces himselfe the hidden King Robert Bruce and with some forces hee had gotten together soddainely assailes the Earle of Pembrooke at vn-awares and gaue him a great defeit and within Three daies after chases the Earle of Glocester into the Castle of Ayr where he besieged him till by the Kings forces hee was driuen againe to his former retire But this shewed that so long as hee was in what estate soeuer he was there would be no end of this warre Which caused King Edward to send out his strict commandement that whosoeuer ought him seruice should presently vpon the Midsommer after attend him at Carliel K. Ed. enters Scotland and dies there And withall hee sends the Prince to London about the businesse of his Marriage In Iuly although hee found himselfe not well hee enters Scotland with a fresh Army which hee led not farre for falling into a Dissenterie hee dies at Borough vpon the Reg. 35. An. 1340. sands as if to show on what foundation hee had built all his glory in this world hauing Raigned Thirtie foure yeares Seuen moneths Aged Sixty eight A Prince of a generous spirit wherein the fire held out euen to the very last borne bred for action and militarie affaires which hee mannaged with great iudgement euer wary and prouident for his owne businesse watchfull and eager to enlarge his power and was more for the greatnesse of England then the quiet thereof And this we may iustly say of him that neuer King before or since shed so much Christian blood within this Isle of Brittaine as this Christian warrior did in his time and was the cause of much more in that following He had issue by his first wife Queene Elionor Foure Sonnes whereof onely Edward His Issue suruiued him and Nine Daughters Elionor married to the Earle of Bar. Ioan to Gilbert Clare Earle of Glocester Margaret to Iohn Duke of Brabant Mary liued a Nun in the Monastary of Amsberie Elizabeth married first to Iohn Earle of Holland after to Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford the rest died yong He had by his Second wife Two Sonnes Thomas Surnamed Brotherton which was Mareschall Earle of Norfolke and Edmond Earle of Kent The end of Edward the First The Life and Raigne of Edward the second EDward of Carnaruan remoued more then one Degree from the Father in heigth of Spirit and nearer the Grandfather in flexibility and Reg. 1. Anno. 1307. easinesse of Nature which made him apt to be taken began his Raigne in Iuly 1307. in the Three and twentith yeare of his Age. A Prince which shewes vs what confusion and mischiefe attends Riot Disorder Neglect of the State and aduancing vnworthie or ill-disposed Minions to the preiudice of others the griefe of his people and the deminution of the Royall Maiestie And though his youth might somewhat excuse the first sicknesse of his priuate Fauours yet those often Relapses of his shewed it was an habituall indisposition in the whole state of his Minde not to be cured Neuer was Prince receiued with greater loue and opinion of all or euer any that sooner lost it For his very first actions discouered a head-strong wilfulnesse that was K. Ed. the first imprisoned his sonne and exiled Pierce Gaueston vncouncellable Whereof the intertaining againe his olde Companion Pierce Gaueston was one whom the Father had banished the Kingdome finding him to haue corrupted the youth of his Sonne and leade him to commit many ryots amongst which was the breaking of the Parke of the Bishop of Chester for which hee both Anno. Reg. 33 imprisoned his Sonne and exiled Gaueston Besides this prouident King as if fore-seeing the mischiefe might insue at his death charged his Sonne vpon his blessing neuer to recall or entertaine Pierce Gaueston againe about him and required the Lords who were present to see his Will obserued therein which notwithstanding hee Pirce Gaueston recalled and preferd by the King brake before his Fathers Funeralls were performed and not only intertaines but inuests Gaueston in the Earledom of Cornewale and the Lordship of Man being both of the Demaines of the Crowne and makes him his chiefe Chamberlaine Then to bee reuenged on the Bishop of Chester his Fathers Treasurer who had abbridged his expences and complained of him for his ryot hee caused him to be arrested committed to prison and seises vpon all his goods which he gaue to Gaueston makes a new Treasurer of his owne remoues most of his Fathers Officers and all without the aduice or consent of his Councell which gaue them their first discontent and bewrayed his disposition Before his Coronation a Parlement was held at Northampton wherein was ordained A Parlement at Northampton held before the Coronation that the Monies of his Father notwithstanding the people held them base should bee current and a Fifteenth of the Cleargie a Twentith of the Temporalty is there granted After the Funeralls performed at Westminster hee passes ouer to Bologne where his Nuptialls with Isabel Daughter to Philip le Bel are sumptuously The marriage of K. Ed. solemnized at Belogne solemnized at which were present the King of France the King of Nauare his Sonne the King of Almaine the King of Sicile and three Queenes besides the Bride with an extraordinary concourse of other Princes At which Feast Gaueston is sayde to haue exceeded them all in brauerie daintinesse of attire wherewith afterward he infected the Court of England A mischiefe the most contagious to breed a Consumption in a State that can be introduced For the imitation thereof presently distends it selfe ouer all and passes beyond the example and at length all meanes to maintaine it And had hee done no other hurt to the Kingdome then this it had been enough to haue made him as hee was odious therunto But besides hee afterward filled the Gaveston corrups the King Court with Buffons Parasites Minstrels Players and all kinde of dissolute persons to entertaine and dissolue the King with delights and pleasures Whereby he so possest him as hee regarded no other company no other exercise but continually day and night spent his time and treasure in all Wantonnesse Ryot and disorder neglecting the affaires of the State and the company and counsell of all the rest of the Nobles
though with much valour leauing behinde him but the fame of a Rebell after hee had serued the English about six yeares King Edward shortly after these supplyes sent into Brittaine goes himselfe in person with more and lying before Vannes lately recouered by the French Iohn Duke of Normandy eldest sonne to the French King sent to ayde Charles de Bloys with an Army of forty thousand came to giue him battaile and being vpon the point of incounter a mediation of truce is made by two Cardinalls sent from Pope Clement the fixt and concluded for three yeares vpon many conditions with a reference to the Pope and the Court of Rome to heare and examine the differences betwixt the two kingdoms but not to determine them without the consent of both Kings This pause againe giues them more time to worke for greater woundes and nothing is left vnpractised that might aduance the same And though the people now seemed to put off their Armour they left not off armes but had diuerse bickrings both in Brittaine and Gascony for which either side accused other King Edward returning makes an expeditiō into Scotland against K. Dauid whom he chased into the Ilands And here the Isle of Man is conquered by William Montacut Earle of Salisbury whom king Edward caused to be stiled King thereof and returning backe solemne Turneaments are held at Dunstable where hee is attended with 230. Knights For now all the pastime and exercise in England were Iustes and Turneaments held in Smithfield Winsor and other places A society of Knights of the Round table in imitation of King Arthur is designed a magnificent Chamber of 200. foot round erected for the same at Winsor and to this society many strangers of other Coūtries are allured The French K. also practises the like martial association in France Reg. 17 An. 1343. And about this time began the order of the Garter instituted at Winsor vpon a solemne feast there celebrated which held for many dayes and serued that time as an The institutio of the Order of the Garter Embleme of a tye and combinement in honour of such as were admitted thereunto which was the end of the constitution thereof Howsoeuer the Garter of the Countesse of Salisbury taken vp by the King in dancing with her was saide to haue beene the occasion But it were some derogation to that noble institution to impute the originall thereof to an act of Leuitie seeing with what a graue and religious ceremony it is performed Although we see oftentimes accidents of little consequence giue beginnings to things of great estimation which time makes venerable But besides these exercises of Armes this great and prouident King during this truce takes especiall care for the Gouernment of the Kingdome and reformation of the abuses thereof which daily grow as diseases in full bodies and must of necessity haue sometimes their cure otherwise there will be no health in a State A Parliament is called at Westminster wherein vpon the grieuons complaint exhibited by the Earles The Nobility write to the Pope concerning his collation of Benifices in England Barons Knights and Burgesses against the collation of Benifices on strangers a letter was sent to Pope Clement 6. in humble manner beseeching him to consider how inconuenient and derogatory it was to the state of the Kingdome of England that such reseruations prouisions and collations of Benifices as had beene formerly vsed should in such sort be continued For that the Churches of England had in times past bene indowed by noble and worthy persons to the end the people might be instructed by such as were of their owne language and how by the vsurpation of some of his Predicessors strangers and sometimes enemies to the Realme were preferred to many of them whereby the money and profits were transported the Cures vnfurnished almes and Hospitality vnused the edifices ruinated the charity and deuotion of the people deminished and many other grieuous inormities contrary to the will of the Founders occasioned which they could not suffer any longer and therefore besought his Holinesse wholly to reuoke such reseruations prouisions and collations that meete and natiue persons might exercise those Cures and without delay to signifie his intention therein otherwise they meant to imploy their dilligence that remedy and redresse might be had according to reason The date of these Letters was in full Parliament at Westminister the 28. of May 1343 with which were like wise sent the Kings letters to the same effect by Sir Iohn Shordich a graue person and of great vnderstanding in the Law whose message made Sir Iohn Shordich sent with these Letters him so vnwelcome to that Court as hee departed without leaue or answer which though the Pope afterward sent yet the King proceeded to the prohibition of all such prouisions collations within his Realme on paine of imprisonment or death to whom soeuer should in time to come present or admit any such person or persons who by the Pope were so preferred to the preiudice of the Kings royall prerogatiue And to this effect were Writs directed to all Arch-bishops Bishops others to whom it appertained inhibiting them in no wise to attempt any thing preiudial to this ordinance Here is the Arch-bishop Stratford with much adoe vpon his submission reconciled The Arch-bishop of Canterbury reconciled to the Kings fauour And much debating there is in this Parliament concerning Wools and the asseasement of certaine prices vpon the same more or lesse according to the seuerall parts of the Realme and concerning customes to be imposed on them as at three Markes and a halfe vpon the transportation of euery sacke but it seemes nothing was done in this businesse Ptince Edward about the age of 13 is created Prince of Wales and Commissioners Prince Edward created Prince of Wales are appointed to be sent to the Pope to treate of Peace betweene the two Kings according to the Articles concluded in the truce which were Iohn Bishop of Excester Henry de Lancaster Earle of Derby Hughle Dispensier Lord of Glamorgan Cousins to the King Rauph Lord Stafford with others The next yeare after another Parliament or the same proroged is held at London Reg. 18. An. 1344. wherin after much altercation a tenth was granted by the Clergie and a fifteenth by the Laytie for one yeate and a certaine Coyne of gold called the Floren of base alloy which had beene for the warres in Fraunce is decryed and Nobles of finer coyned to A Parliament the great liking of the subiects And for their better commodity the exchange of moneys at London Canterbury and Yorke is ordained Shortly after generall Musters are taken throughout the Kingdom and Certificate made of all sufficient and able Bowmen Generall musters and appointing of Armor and of all others fit to beare Armes Besides a Commission is sent into euery countrey to inquire of mens abilities and all of fiue pounds to teu
the night and in approaching the walles the Guard asked Who goes there he answered The fortune of France His voyce being knowne the gates are opened and in is hee receiued with the teares and lamentations The French King flyes of his people when yet seekes to comfort all he could The number of the slaine on the place are certified to be 30. thousand The chiefe men were Charles d' Alanson Iohn Duke of Borbone Ralfe Earle of Lorraine Louys Earle of Flanders Iaques The number of the slaine Dauphin de Viennois Son to Imbert who after gaue Dauphine to the Crowne of France the Earles of Sancerre Harcourt brother to Geoffry and many other Earles Barons and gentlemen to the number of 1500. This memorable victorie hapned vpon the Saterday after Bartholomew day being the 26. of August 1346. All the Markes of an intire ouerthrowe rested with King Edward the field of the Battaile the bodies of the slaine and their spoiles The occasion of this great defeit according to humaine coniecture the French attribute to the choller rashnes and precipitation of their King and his brother and sure temeritie and presumption haue euer been the ruyne of great Actions especially in warre King Edward managed this victorie with as great moderation as he wanne it and first hauing imbraced his Sonne commending his valour shewed that day he renders thankes to God after as he had inuoked his ayde before at the beginning of the Battayle and earely in the morning being Sunday he sent out 300. Lances and 2000. Archers to discouer what was become of the enemie who found great Troupes of such as were comming from Abbe-uille St. Requier Roan and Beauvoys ignorant of what had hapned led by the Arch-byshop of Roan and the Prior of France whom they like wise defeited and slew 7000. Our Writers report that of Straglers which were fled from the Battaile or comming on hauing lost their way by reason of a thicke mist which hapned that morning were slaine many more then in the field the day before which sheweth vs the wonderfull losse this afflicted Countrie susteined at one fatall blow But this was not all the victories that fell to King Edward that yeere there was an other of more importance gotten in England by the Queene and his people at home against the K. of Scots who being set on by the French to diuert the warre there entred King Dauid ouerthrowne and taken prisoner vpon this Kingdome with 60. thousand men as our Writers report assuring himselfe of successe in regard as he supposed the maine strength thereof was now gone into France But he found the contrary the Lords of the North as Gilbert de Humfrivile Earle of Angos Henry Percie Ralph Nivile William Dayncourt with the Arch-byshop of Yorke the Bishop of Durham and others of the Clergie gathered so great force and so well ordered them by the animation of the Queene who was there in person as they vtterly defeited this great Armie tooke Dauid their King prisoner with the Earles of Fife Menteth Murry Sutherland the Lord Douglas the Arch-byshop of Saint Andrewes and others and put to the sword 15. thousand Scots This Victorie sell likewise vpon a Saterday and sixe weekes after that of Cressie And as if all concurred to make this yeere tryumphant The aydes sent to the Countesse of Monfert in Brittaine lead by Sir Thomas Dagworth ouerthrew and tooke prisoner Charles de Blois pretender to that Duchie and with him Monsieur la Val the Lords Rochford Beaumanoyr Charles de Bloys taken prisoner Loyacque with many other Barons Knights and Esquires there were slaine in the incounter the Lord De la Val father of him which was taken Vicont Rohan Monsieur de Chasteau Brian de Malestroit de Qnintin de Direval great Lords besides many other worthy men at Armes Knights and Esquires to the number of about 700. Thus all fell before the Sword of England Now King Edward without medling with the great Cities Amiens and Abbeville which were both neere marches on directly and sets downe before Calais a Towne of more importance for England and the gate to all the rest wherein Iohn de Vienne Marshal of France and the Lord d' Andreghen a great man in his time commanded All that Winter King Edward hauing sheltred his people as in another Towne furnished with all prouisions lay without any molestation of the French King who King Edward besiegeth Calais this while was likewise besieged with the affliction of his owne state Misfortune is euer held a great fault both in mightie men and meane and opens the mouthes of those whose hearts are peruerse The people of France were in extreame pouertie yet notwithstanding the necesitie of the Kings affayres must constraine fresh supplyes The ill managing the publique treasure the falshood of the Financiers the decrying of Moneys the deminishing of trafficke augmentation of impostes Subsidies Gabels c. were the causes of this publicke murmur and put the people in dispaire seeing no end of the troubles wherein their King was dayly more and more ingaged And now was no way to helpe him but by an assembly of the States Wherein the Financiers Receiuers and managers of monies are called to render an account and the treasure committed to the disposing of the Cleargy and the Nobles to take away suspition in the people of ill dealing Foure Bishops two Abbots and foure Knights are chosen for that businesse Pierre des Essars Treasurer of France is committed to The State of France prison condemned in a great Fine to the King Other Officers and accountants restore at once what they were long in gathering The Banquiers Lombards and other vsurers are put to the presse for their vnlawfull exactions the Intrests are proued to exceed the Principall which is confiscate to the King and the Intrest giuen to the Debtors Courses wherewith indigent Kings in expensiue times vse to serue their turnes and please their oppressed people Which I haue the rather noted though it lye without our circle to shew that other Kings likewise layd hand vpon what they could fasten as well as ours haue done and made benefite of mens offences onely this of the Vsurer is new to vs but yet like to that practised heretofore vpon the Iewes and might serue a turne with as much content to the people and as faire a shew of a iust correction as theirs did the nature of the Extortors being alike Ayded with this meanes and the ready seruice of his Nobles and ablest subiects the French king in the Spring hath an Army in the field approaches Callais but findes no way open to come to relieue it The King of England was both Maister of the Hauen and possest all other wayes whatsoeuer were passable and had the Flemings his friends who with a huge Army had besieged Ayre and did much mischiefe on the confines of France To oppose them is Iohn Duke of Normandy the Prince sent for out
Edward arriues with 300. men at Armes and 600. Archers Monsieur Charmy sets out The French circumuented in their practise likewise the same night from Saint Omers with his Forces and sent 100. armed men before with the Crowns to Americo and to possesse the Castle The men are let in at a Posterne Gate the Crownes receiued and themselues layd in hold Which done the gates of the Towne are opened and out marches the King before day to encounter Monsieur de Charny comming on with his forces who perceiuing himselfe betrayed put his people to the best defence hee could and the king of England to a hard bickring who for that hee would not bee knowne there in person put himselfe and the Prince vnder the colours of the Lord Walter Manny and was twice beaten downe on his knees by Monsieur de Riboumont a hardy Knight with whom hee fought hand to hand and yet recouered and in the end tooke Riboumont prisoner Charny was likewise taken and all his forces defeited King Edward the night after which was the first of the new yeare feasted with the prisoners and gaue Riboumont in honour of his valour wherein he honoured his owne a rich chaplet of Pearle which himselfe wore on his head for a New-yeares-gift forgaue him his ransome and set him at liberty The rest pay dearely for what they got not and were well warned how to trafficke in that kinde Yet the English not long after in the like practise had better successe and got the Castle of Guisnes a peace of great importance neere Calais for a summe of mony giuen to one Beauconroy a French man Of which Castle when the French King demanded restitution in regard of the Truce King Edward returnes answer That for things bought and sold betweene their people therein was no exception and so held it Shortly after the French king not borne to liue to see any better fortune dyes leauing that distressed kingdome to his sonne Iohn who found farre worse For An. 1305. Reg. 24. these fore noted wounds were but as scratches to that State compared with those horrible maimes it indured in his and after in the Raignes of Charles 6. and 7. till the sword of England was turned home vpon it selfe to let out the blood of reuenge The French King dies with as tragicall mischiefes on the fuccessours of these great actors who now thus wrought others ruines aboade King Edward the next yeare after is againe in person with a Fleet on the Sea to incounter certaine Spanish shippes passing from Flanders loaden with cloth and other King Edward in action at sea against the Spaniards commodities whom after a great fight and much blood shed on either side hee tooke with all their substance for that the Spaniards the yeare before entered the Riuer Garonne and tooke away certaine English ships loaden with wines and slew all the English His forces in Guien were not idle this while but many conflicts passed betweene the French and them notwithstanding the Truce which was renewed The warres in Brittaine likewise continue and are hotly maintained betweene the two Ladies the widdow of Monfort and the wife of Charles de Bloys whose husband remaynes prisoner in England eager defenders of eithers pretended right Diuerse ouertures of peace had beene made by Legates sent from the Pope and Commissioners often met to the great expence of both Kings but nothing could be cōcluded the winner the loser seldom agreeing vpon cōditions in regard the one wil haue more then the other is willing to yeeld vnto so temporary Truces which Alterations of moneys were but slenderly obserued are onely taken to winne time These actions not only consumed our men but the treasure of the kingdome The warre though inuasiue could not maintayne it selfe The monyes here are altred and abated in weight and yet made to passe according to the former value Before this time there were none other peeces but Nobles and halfe Nobles with the small peeces of siluer called sterlings but now grotes of foure-pence and halfe grotes of two pence equiuolent to the sterling money are coined which inhansed the prices of things that rise or fall according to the plenty or scarcity of Coine Which made seruants labourers to A Parlement raise their wages accordingly Whereupon a Satute was made in the Parliament Anno Reg. 27. now held at Westminster to reduce the same to the accustomed rate which was giuen before the late great Mortality This caused much murmuring amongst them imputing the cause thereof to William Edington Bishop of Winchester the Kings Treasurer whom they held to be the Author of the abatement of the Coyne The King conceiuing displeasure against the Flemmings for being disappointed of the Match betweene a Daughter of his and their yong Earle Louys who was escaped into France and bestowed on a daughter of the Duke of Brabant with-drawes the Mart or Staple of Woolls from their Townes greatly inriched thereby and can The Staple established in England sed the same to be kept at Westminster Chichester Canterbury Lincolne Warwick Yorke New-castle Excester Carmarden Bristoll and Hull Holding it fitter to aduance his owne Townes then Strangers by the commodities of the Kingdome And here are prouident Ordinances enacted for the gouerning and ordering this Staple An Act is also made in this Parliament that all Weares Milles and other stoppages Walsinham of Riuers hindring the passages of Boates Lighters and other Vessels should be remooued An Act most commodious to the Kingdom but it tooke little effect saith my Authour by reason of bribing and corrupting Lords and great men who regarded more their owne then the publike benefite A mischiefe fatall to all good Ordinances and yet is it an honor to that time that so behoufull an Act was ordained For this eafie conuaying and passing of Commodities from place to place to impart the same more generally would no doubt be an infinite benefit to this State And seeing God hath made vs Riuers proper for the same it is our negligence or sloth if we marre them or make them not vsefull in that kinde as other Nations doe with farre lesser Streames There is mentioned also an Act to bee made at the instance of the Londoners that Stow. no common Whore should weare any Hood except rayed or striped with diuers colours nor Furres but garments reuersed the wrong side outward wherein they did well to set a deformed marke vpon foulenesse to make it appeare the more odious After this Parliament Henry Earle of Derby is created Duke of Lancaster and The Earle of Derby created Duke of Lancaster Ralfe Lord Stafford Earle of Stafford and heere Charles de Bloys a long Prisoner in England agreed for his Ransom which was 40. thousand Florins and was permitted to returne into Britagne to prouide the same Great mediation is made by the Pope to accord the two Kings and Commissioners meet on both
him indured the brunt of the day Whereupon the Prince demanding whether hee accepted not his gift hee answered how these men had deserued the same as well as himselfe and had more neede thereof The Prince pleased with this reply gaue him fiue hundred markes more in the same kinde An example of the worthineste of the time wherein good deseruings went not vnrewarded All things prouidently accommodated after the battaile the Prince with his ptisoners first retyres to Burdeaux and thence passes with great glory into England now Anno Reg. 31. 1336. the Theatre of triumph The French king is lodged at the Sauoy then a goodly pallace of Henry Duke of Lancaster Many prisoners vpon reasonable ransome and many vpon the French kings word vndertaking for them are deliuered and sent home honorably Dauid King of Scots who had remayned prisoner eleuen yeares in England is shortly after by the earnest solicitation of Ioan his wife sister to King Edward set likewise at liberty for the ransome of a hundred thousand markes striulin to be paid in ten yeares The security now had of France gaue way to this Princes liberty Aboue foure yeares the French King remayned prisoner in England in which time were many ouertures and great offers made for his deliuery but nothing effected Charles the Dauphin who managed that kingdome during the captiuity of his father a Prince of great discretion wrought all meanes possible to bring that factious people to yeeld their contribution for ransoming their King but little preuailed The Parliament there called to consult thereof rather augments the misery of the State then prouides remedy Wherein after the Dauphin had grauely deliuered The state of France during their Kings captiuity the desolation and danger they were in being thus depriued of their Head and the necessity of recouering and relieuing the same by their vtmost meanes There was a choyce required of fifty to auoid confusion to bee made out of all the Prouinces to consult of what was propounded according to the instructions they should receiue These fifty after many meetings send for the Dauphin to heare their resolution which was much otherwise then hee expected For instead of ayd and subuention they require reformation in the State And first the Bishop of Laon chosen their Speaker besought him to keepe secret what should be vttered vnto him by the States Theyong Prince answers That it were much preiudiciall to the degree hee held in the Kingdom to take Law of his Fathers Subiects and therefore commuanded them by their Allegeance openly to reueale what they had in their hearts The Bishop there vpon declares the euill managing of the Publique Reuenues demands redresse and Commissioners appointed to call such as were answerable to yeeld their Accounts That all who had managed the Treasurie should bee deposed from their Office That both the Moneys and all the affaires of the State should from thencefoorth be directed by foure Bishops and twelue Burgesses whereof the Citie of Paris should bee chiefe and that without this Councell the Dauphin should doe nothing And in conclusion they instantly require That the King of Nauarre might be set at libertie On which Conditions they would yeeld any reasonable subuention for redeeming their King To these harsh Demands the Daupbin requires time to answer which he so puts off from day to day in hope thereby to separate and dis-vnite their Councels as the the Deputies at length tyred with delay grewe cold and the Assembly brake vp without doing any thing But this left such a poyson as infected the people and specially those of Paris who shortly after presumptuously demand to haue the King of Nauarre deliuered according to the Decree of the Deputies and without delay they so wrought with Pinquigny the Gouernour of Artoys who had the keeping of this Fire-brand as he The King of Naurre set at libertie was deliuered after 19. moneths imprisonment and comes to Paris so accompanied as shewed both of what Spirit and state he was and that he meant to take his tyme of revenge Here is he welcome with the applause of the whole Citie to whom in publique maner with great eloquence he declares the wrongs hee had receiued and besides intimates what right he had to the Crowne of France thereby to imbroyle the affayres of that State which were already too much in combustion This put the businesse of redeeming the captiue King quite out of their mindes for that time and the Dauphin is constrained by an Acte of Abolition to acquit the King of Nauarre and his Complicies of all former offences And seeing the peruersnesse of the Parisians goes to solicite other Cities and Prouinces trauailing from place to place for ayd and succour leauing his brother Phillip Duke of Orleance at Paris to keepe them in the best he could during his absence The Prouince of Languedoc is renowned in their Hystories for being the first that made the largest offer of ayd towards the redemption of their King in the Assembly of the three States at Tholouse wherein they promised to their Gouernour the Conte d' Arminiacque not onely to imploy their Reuenue but their mooueables and euen to sell their wiues Iewels to raise the same Besides to witnesse their publique sorrowe they ordaine that no costly Apparell Feasting Playes or other iollyties shoul be vsed within their Prouince during the time of their Kings captiuitie Champagne by their example doth the like But nothing could moue the Parisians to yeelde any thing The King of Nauarre had wonne them both from their obedience and all humanitie and put them into such flames of rebellion as when the Dauphin came backe to the Citie the Prouost of Marchants assalted his house with three thousand Artificrs in Armes and rushed himselfe vp into his Chamber with certaine of his traine wherewith the Dauphin being amazed the Prouost bids him be content it was resolued it must be so And presently vpon Signall giuen Ian de Couflans and Robert de Cleremont Marshalls of Fraunce and his chiefe Counsellors are slaine in his presence The Dauphen cryes out What meane you Will you set vpon the Blood of France Sir sayd the Prouost Feare you not It is not you wee seeke it is your disloyall seruants who haue euill counsailed you And heere withall hee takes and puts on the Dauphins hat edged with gold and sets his owne which was partie coloured Red and Peach-colour as the Liuerie of the Citie vpon the Dauphins head out he goes adorned with the Hat of a Prince as a signe of his Dictator-ship causing the bodyes of these two noble men to bee trayled along the streets to the Court of the Pallace for all the furious multitude which ran to applaud the murther to gase on This done the Prouost writes in the name of the whole City to all the great Townes soliciting them to ioyne with theirs the principall of the kingdome and take their Liuery as the Dauphin had done
for the reformation of the State Besides they compose a Councell of themselues whereof the Bishop of Laon the Primier President the Prouost with some of the Vniuersity were chiefe assuming a Soueraigne power to order all affaires of the State as a Common-wealth So that wee see in what a miserable confusion that kingdome stood being without a head and how apt it was then to shake off all authority and dissolue the gouernement into parts shewing vs that it was no new proiect amongst them to Cantonize as the great Townes and the Princes of late practised to doe in their leagues during their ciuile combustions The Dauphin thus disgraced with much a doe gets out of this tumultious City and retyres into Champagne and at Vertus assembles the States of the Countrie whom hee found loyall and ready to yeeld him all succour The rest of the great Townes refusing with much disdaine to ioyne with the City of Paris offer him likewise their ayde So that hee was put into some heart and likly to effect his desires in short time had not the King of Nauarre who sought his destruction still raysed new broyles in the State and taken Armes against him Now besides these confusions greater mischiefes arose in that miserable kingdome the poore Paysants that had beene eaten out by the Souldiers and troden vnder foote by their Lords colleague and arme themselues in the Country of Beauuoysis France spoyled by the souldiers and others on all sides and turne head vpon the Gentry and such as had done them wrong spoyling sacking burning their houses killing their wiues and children in most outragious manner This was not all troupes of souldiers which had no work or meanes to liue ioyne together in mighty Companies ouer-runne and rauage other parts of the kingdome The forces in Brittaine vnder the conduct of Sir Robert Knoles breake out vpon the confining Countries and returne loaden with inestimable booties of wealth All which miserable calamities enough to haue vtterly dissolued a State prolong the imprisonment of their King in England so that nothing could bee effected for his ransome which King Edward thinkes long till he haue in his Treasury and vrges likewise for his part very hard conditions requiring say they besides infinite summes that King Iohn should doe homage and holde the kingdome of France of the Crowne of England which hee with great disdayne refuses as being not in his power to alien what was vnalienable vowing that no misery of his should constrayne him to doe any thing preiudiciall to his successors to whom hee would leaue the State as hee receiued it But yet at length offers other and more large conditions then the French were willing to yeeld vnto which being long in debating and nothing concluded after foure yeares expectation King Edward in great displeasure resolues to make an end of this worke with the sword and to take possession King Edward goes to take possession of the kingdome of France of the kingdome of France And ouer hee passes to Calais with a Fleete of eleuen hundred Sayle His Army hee diuides into three battailes one hee commits to the Prince of Wales another to the Duke of Lancaster and the third hee leades himselfe And first hee marches to the City of Aras which hee takes within three dayes Thence into Champagne where the Cities of Sens and Neuers are rendered Anno Reg. 34. vnto him The Duchy of Burgogne terrified with these examples redeemes it selfe from spoyle vpon paying two hundred thousand Florins of gold Furnished with which treasure and booties by the way vp King Edward marches to Paris where the Dauphin who had now the title of Regent hauing lately ouercome the faction and executed the principall of the Mutiners was with great forces which in the common danger flocked together to defend their Countrie and would not by the example of his father and Grand-father be drawne out to hazard vpon any attempt but stood onely vpon his defences which the King of England seeing after many prouocations raysed his siege and returnes into Brittaine to refresh his Army In the meane time the Regent layes in mighty store of victualls prouides that the Souldiers should haue enough without pressing the inhabitants and with extreame dilligence so fortifies the City as King Edward returning with all his refreshed power was vtterly disappoynted of his hopes to doe any good there Thus that great Citty which was like to haue endangered the whole kingdome of France was the onely meanes to preserue it From hence King Edward takes his way towards Chartres with purpose to besiege that City but being by an horrible tempest of haile thunder and lightning that fell vpon his Army so terrified as hee vowed to make peace with the French King vpon any reasonable conditions as he shortly after did at the treaty of Britigny The Treatie of Accord concluded at Britigny neere Chartres vpon these Articles That the country of Poicton the Fiefs of Thouars and Belleuille the Countrie of Gascoigne Agenois Perigort Limosin Cahors Torbe Bigorre Rouergne Angoulmois in soueraigntie with the Homages of the Lords within those Territories Monstruel on the Sea Ponthieu Calais Guines La Merk Sangote Boulogne Hames Vales and Onis should bee to the King of England who besides was to haue three Millions of Scutes of gold whereof sixe hundred thousand presently in hand foure hundred thousand the yeere following and the Surplus in two yeeres after insuing vpon reasonable payment And for this the King of England and his Sonne the Prince of Wales as well for them as their Successors for euer should renounce all their right pretended to the Vid. Append. Crowne of France the Duchy of Normandie the Countryes of Touraine Aniou Maine the Soueraigntie and Homage of the Dutchy of Britagne and the Earldome of Flanders and within three weekes King Iohn to bee rendred at Callais at the charge of the King of England except the expences of his House For assurance of which Accord should be giuen into his hand Hostages Louys Duke of Aniou Iohn Duke of Berry King Iohns sonnes Phillip Duke of Orleance his brother Iohn Duke of Burgogne the Conts of Bloys Alenson Saint Pol Harcourt Poncian Valentinois Grand Pre de Brenne des Forrests the Lords Vaudemont Couscy Piennez de Saint Venant de Preaux de Momerancy de Garanciecis La Roche guion Estou-teuille Le Dauphind ' Auergne d' Andrigil de Craon sufficient cautions for the sayd Summes and conditions The Scots not to be ayded by the French King nor the Flemmings by the English Charles King of Nauarre and his brother Phillip are comprehended likewise in these Articles c. This Treatie of good accord and finall Peace signified by both Kings was ratified King Iohn deliuered by their two eldest Sonnes Edward and Charles and sworne vnto by the Nobilitie of both Kingdomes The Hostages are deliuered vnto King Edward who departing from Honfleur brought them into England leauing the
Informers small transgressions made great penalties These were his courses for raysing moneys wherein he failed not of fit Ministers to execute his will among whom was chiefe Ranulph Bishop of Durham whom he had corrupted with other Bishops to counterpoise This Raunlph gaue a thousand pounds for his Bishopricke and was the Kings Chancellour Profusion euer in want the Clergie awe the Layety and countenance his proceedings All which meanes he exhausted either in his buildings which were the new Castle vpon Tine the Citty of Carleil Westminster-Hall and the walles of the Tower of London or else in his prodigall gifts to strangers Twice he appeased the King of France with money and his Profusion was such as put him euermore into extreme wants This one Act shewes both his violence and magnanimity As he was one day hunting a Messenger comes in all haste out of Normandy and tels him how the Citty of Mans was surprised by Hely Conte de la Flesche who by his Wife pretended right therunto and was aided by Fouques d' Angiers the antient enemy to the Dukes of Normandy and that the Castle which held out valiantly for him was without present succour to be rendered He sends backe the Messenger instantly wils him to make all the speed he could to signifie to his people in the Castle that he would be there within eight daies if Fortune hindred him not And sodainely he askes of his people about him which way Mans lay and a Norman being by shewed him Presently he turnes his Horse towards that Coast and in great haste rides on when some aduised him to stay for fit prouisons and people for his iourney hee said They who loue mee will follow me And comming to imbarke at Dartmouth the Maister told him the weather was rough and there was no passing without eminent danger Tush said he set forward I neuer yet heard of King that was drowned By breake of day he arriued at Harfleu sends for his Captaines and men of warre to attend him all at Mans whither hee came at the day appointed Conte de la Flesche hauing more right than power after many skirmishes was taken by a stratagem and brought prisoner to Rouen where more inraged then dismaide with his fortune he let fall these words that had hee not beene taken with a wile hee would haue left the King but little Land on that side the sea and were hee againe at libertie they should not so easily take him Which being reported the King sent for him Set him at libertie gaue him a faire Horse bad him goe his waie and doe his worst Which act ouercame the Conte more then his taking and a quiet end was made betweene them That he affected things of cost euen in the smallest matters is shewed in the report of his finding fault with his seruant which brought him a new paire of hose whereof he demanding the price was told how they cost threc shillings wherewith being angrie he asked his seruant if that were a fit price of a paire of hose for a King and willed him to goe presently and to buy those of a marke which being brought him though they were farre worse yet he liked them much better in regard they were said to haue cost more An example of the Weare of the time the humor of the Prince and the deceipt of the seruant The King returnes into England with great iollity as euer bringing home better fortune out of Normandy then from any his Northerne expeditions Feasts his Nobilitie with all Magnificence in his new Hall lately finished at Westminster wherewith he found much fault for being built too little saying It was fitter for a Chamber then a Hallfor a King of England and takes a plot for one farre more spacious to be added vnto it And in this gayetie of State when hee had got aboue all his businesses betakes him wholly to the pleasure of peace and being hunting with his Brother Henry in the New Forrest Walter Terell a Norman and his kinsman shooting at a Deere whether mistaking his marke or not is vncertaine strake him to the heart And so fell this fierce King in the 43 yere of his age when he had raigned nie 12 yeres A Prince who for the first two yeares of his raigne whilst held in by the graue counsell of Lanfrance and his owne feares bare himselfe most worthily and had beene absolute for State had hee not after sought to bee absolute in power which meeting with an exorbitant will makes both Prince and people miserable The end of the Life and Raigne of William the second The Life and Raigne of Henry the first HHNRY the yongest sonne of William the first being at hand and 1100 Anno. Reg. 1. borne in England which made much for him was elected and crowned within foure dayes after his Brothers death it being giuen out that Robert who should haue succeeded William was chosen King of Ierusalem and not like to giue ouer that Kingdome for this Wherefore to settle Henry in the possession of the Crowne all expedition possible was vsed least the report of Roberts returning from the Holy warres being now in Apulia comming home might be noysed abroad to stagger the State which seemed generally willing to accept of Henry The first actions of his gouernment tended all to bayte the people and sugar their subiection as his predecessor vpon the like interposition had done but with more moderation and aduisednesse this being a Prince better rectified in iudgement and of a Nature more alayed both by his sufferings hauing sighed with other men vnder the hand of oppression that taught him patience also by hauing somewhat of the Booke which got him opinion the Title of Beauclarke First to fasten the Clergy Hee furnishes with fit men all those Vacancies which his Brother had kept emptie recals Anselme home to his Bishopricke of Canterbury and restores them to all whatsoeuer priuiledges had beene infringed by his Predecessor And for the Layetie Hee not onely pleased them in their releeuements but in their passion by punishing the chiefe Ministers of their exactions which euermore eases the The ministers of exactions punished spleene of the people glad to discharge their Princes of the euills done them knowing how they cannot worke without hands and lay them on their Officers who haue the actiue power where themselues haue but the passiue and commonly turne as they are mooued Ralph Bishop of Durham chiefe Counsellor to the late King a man risen by subtlety Ralph Bishop of Durham committed to prison of his Tongue from infimous condition to the highest employments was committed to a streight and loathsome prison being famed to haue put his Maister into all these courses of exaction and irregularities and remaines amongst the examples of perpetuall ignominie All dissolute persons are expelled the Court the people cased of their impositions and restored to their lights in the night which after the Couerfeu Bell were
Dissolute persons expelled the Court. forbidden them vpon great penalty since the beginning of William the first Many other good orders for the gouernment of the Kingdome are ordained and besides to make him the more popular and beloued hee matches in the Royall bloud of England taking to wife Maude daughter of Margueret late Queene of Scots and Neece to Edgar Atheling descended from Edmond Ironside A Lady that brought with her the inheritance of goodnesse shee had from a blessed mother and with much adoe was won from her Cloister and her vow to God to discend to the world and be a wife to a King Thus stood he entrenched in the State of England when his brother Robert returning from the holy warres and receiued with great applause into his Dutchy of Normandy Robert Duke of Normandy returnes from the holy warre shakes the ground of all this businesse the first yeare threatning the second arriuing with a strong Army at Portsmouth to recouer the Crowne appertayning vnto him by the course of succession hauing a mighty partie in England of the Norman Nobility who either mooued with Conscience or their discontent a sickenesse rising of selfe 1101. Anno. Reg. 2. opinion and ouer expectation made any light occasion the motiue of reuolt The Armies on both fides meete and are readie to encounter when for auoyding Christian bloud a treatie of peace was moued and in the end concluded with these Articles 1. That seeing Henry was borne since his father was King of England which made him the The agreement between Henry and his brother eldest sonne of a King though the last of a Duke and now inuested in the Crowne by the act of the Kingdome hee should enioy the same during his life paying to Robert 3000 markes per annum 2. And Robert suruiuing to succeed him 3. That all who had taken part with Robert should haue their pardon and receiue no detriment 1102. Anno. Reg. 3. This businesse thus fairely passed ouer Robert of a generous and free Nature staies and feasts with his Brother here in England from the beginning of August till Michaelmas and then returnes into Normandy When Henrie ridde of this feare takes Henry claymes the inuestitu●es of Bishops to a higher straine of Regality and now stands vpon his Prerogatiue for the inuestitures of Bishops and collation of other Ecclesiasticall estates within his kingdome oppugned by Anselme who refused to consecrate such as he preferred alledging it to Anselm oppugnes the Kings prerogatiue be a violation of the Sacred Rites and Ceremonies of the Church lately Decreed concerning this businesse in so much as the King dispatches an Ambassage to Pope Paschal with declaration of the right hee had to such inuestitures from his Predecessours the Kings of England who euermore conferred the same without interruption till now The King sends to the Pope of late Anselme followes after these Ambassadours goes likewise to Rome to make good the opposition The King banishes him the Kingdome and takes into his hands his 110. Anno. Reg. 4. Bishopricke The Pope stands stifly to the power assumed by the Church but in the end seeing the King fast strong and lay too farre off out of his way to bee constrained and hauing much to doe at that time with the Emperour and other Princes about the same businesse takes the way of perswasion to draw him to his will solliciting him Anselme followes Vide Append. with kind Letters full of protestations to further any designes of his that might concerne his State if he would desist from this proceeding The King prest with some other occasions that held him in and hauing purposes of The King and Anselm accorded that Nature as by forbearance of the Church might be the better effected consents to satisfie the Popes will and becomes an example to other Princes of yeelding in this case Anselme is re-called after a yeares bannishment and the Ambassadours returne with large remunerations Whilest these things were managing at Rome there burst out here a flame which The Earle of Shrewsburies combination consumed the parties that raised it and brought the King more easily to his ends then otherwise he could euer haue expected Robert de Belesme Earle of Shrewsbury sonne to Roger de Mongomerie a very fierce youth presuming of his great estate and his friends fortifies his Castles of Shrewsburie Bridgenorth Tickhill and Arundel with some other peeces in Wales belonging to him and combines with the Welch to oppose against the present State out of a desire to set all in combustion for his owne ends that were altogether vncertaine which put the King to much trauell and charge but within thirty dayes by employing great forces and terrors mixt with promises hee scattered his complices and tooke all his Castles except that of Arundell which rendred vpon condition that the Maister might bee permitted to retire safe into Normandie which the King easily granted seeing now hee was but the body of a silly naked Creature that had lost both Feathers and wings And it made well for the King his going thither For from the loosing of his owne estate in England and thereby aduancing the Kings reuenues hee goes to loose Normandy also and brings it to this Crowne For as soone as he came thither hee fastens amity with one of like condition and fortunes as himself an exiled man whose insolency had likewise stript him out of all his estate in 1104. Anno. Reg. 5. England and much wasted that in Normandy which was William Earle of Mortaigne sonne to Robert halfe Brother to King William the first Who being also Earle of Cornewal made sute likewise to haue that of Kent which his Vncle Odon lately held but being denied it and also euicted by Law of certaine other parcels of Land which hee claimed retires with great indignation into Normandy where not only he assaults the Kings Castles but also vsurpes vpon the State of Richard the yong Earle of Chester then the Kings Ward These two Earles combine themselues and with their Adherents committed many outragious actions to the great spoile and displeasure of the Countrey whereof though they complained to Duke Robert they found little remedy For he being now growne poore by his out-lauishing humour began it seemes to be little respected or else falne from action and those greatnesses his expectation had shewed him was as commonly great mindes dasht with ill fortunes are falne likewise in spirit and giuen ouer to his ease Wherupon the the people of Normandy make their exclamations to the King of England who sends for his Brother Robert Reprehends him for the sufferance of these disorders aduises him to act the part of a Prince and not a Monke and in conclusion whither by detention of his pension or drawing him being of a facile Nature to some act of releasing it sends him home so much discontented as hee 1105. Anno. Reg. 6. ioynes with these
partaker of our ioy and thought fit to signifie to your be louednesse that the Lord the Emperour hath prefixd the day thereof to be vpon Munday after the Feast of King Richards letters into England the Natiuity and the Sunday after we shall receiue theCrowne of the Kingdome of Prouince which he hath giuen vs whereof we send his Letters Patents vnto you and other our friends and well willers and doe you in the meane time as much as in you lyeth comfort those you know loue vs and desire our promotion Teste me ipso apud Spiram 22. Sep. The Emperour likewise writes to the Bishops Earles Barons and other the Subiects of England how he purposed to aduance and magnificently to honour his especiall friend their King and in this Coyne are they payd at home for what they were to lay out King Richard sends after this for his mother Queene Elionor who is still a trauailer and for the Archbishop of Rouen with many others to come vnto him about the time and businesse of his deliuerance for which There is imposed vpon euery Knights Fee twenty shillings the fourth part of all lay mens reuenues and the fourth part of all the reuenues of the Clergie with a tenth of their goods is inioyned to be payd The Chalices and treasure of all Churches are taken to make vp the summe the like is done in all his territories beyond the Seas so dearely cost the returne of this King from his Easterne voyage And this Queene Berenguela had likewise her part of affliction in this iourney for shee with her sister in law the Queene Dowager of Sicilia fearing the Emperours malice were a whole yeare in trauayling from Palestina and at length were conducted vnto Poictou The King of France hearing of this conclusion made betwixt King Richard and The King of France and Earle Iohn proffer great sums to hold King Richard prisoner the Emperour writes to the Earle Iohn how the Diuell was got loose willing him now to looke to himselfe and it vexed them exceedingly both being disappointed thus of their hopes And there vpon the Earle Iohn leauing his Castles in England well defended and incouraging his Soldiers to hold out and credit no reports departes into Normandy where he with the King of France whilest King Richard is yet in the Emperours hands solicites him with the proffer of a hundred and fifty thousand Markes or else a thousand pounds a moneth so long as he held him his prisoner But it preuayled not though it staggered the Emperour for a time who in the end shewed this letter to King Richard that he might see what care was taken for him and then deliuers him to his mother Elionor receiuing the pledges for obseruation of peace and the rest of the ransome vnpayd The Archbishop of Rouen the Bishop of Bath with the sonnes of many principall Earles and Barons And so in February King Richards returne into England one yeare and sixe weekes after his Captiuity in the fourth yeare of his raigne he returnes into England where the Bishops in whose grace especially he was had excommunicated the Earle Iohn and all his adherents and taken in his Castles of Marleborow Lancaster and a fortresse at Saint Michels mount in Cornewall defended by Henry de Pumeroy But his Castle of Nottingham though strongly assailed by Ralph Earle of Chester and the Earle Ferrers and the Castle of Tichill by the Bishop of Duresme held out for the Earle Iohn and found the King some worke to doe vpon his returne who presently without any stay otherwhere came before Nottingham Castle withall the shew of state and greatnesse he could make which yet could not so terrifie the defen dants as to make them yeeld confident either in their owne strength or in opinion that there 1193. Anno. Reg. 5. was no King euer to returne to assault them and supposiing it but a meere shew resolued to hould out for their maister which put the King to much trauayle and great expence of blood before they rendred themselues which was also vpon pardon Those of the Castell of Tichill yeelded to the Bishop of Duresme their persons and goods saued The King assembles a Parlement at Nottingham where Queene Elionor was present and sat on his right hand The first day of the Session he disserseth Girard de Canuile of A Parlament at Notingham the Castle of Lincoln and the Shriefwike of that Shire from Hugh Bardolph hee takes the Shriefwicke of Yorkshire the Castles of Yorke Scarborow and the custody of Westmerland and exposes them all to Sale The Archbishop of Yorke giues for the Shriefwicke of Yorkeshire three thousand Markes with one hundred Markes of annuall rent The second day of the Session the King requires iudgement vpon the Earle Iohn for hauing contrary to his Oath of fealty vsurped his Castles c. and contracted confederacy with the King of France against him And likewise iudgement against Hugh de Nauant Bishop of Couentry for adhering to the Earle Iohn and the Kings enemies And it was adiudged they should both appeare at a peremptory day to stand to the law Which if they did not the Earle Iohn to deserue banishment and the Bishop to vnder goe the iudgement both of the Clergie as being a Bishop and of the Layety being the Kings Shriefe But this Bishop two years after was restored to the Kings fauour and his Bishopricke for fiue thousand Markes The third day of this Session was graunted to the King of euery ploughland through out England two shillings besides the King required the third part of the seruice of euery Knights Fee for his attendance in Normandy and all the Wooll that yeare of the Monkes Cisteaux Which for that it was grieuous and insupportable vnto them they fine for money The fourth and last day was for the hearing of grieuances and accusations and so this assembly brake vp But here either to adde more Maiesty after calamity or else to nullifie his act done to the Eemperour is appointed the Kings recoronation to be solemnised Richard againe crowned at Winchester at Winchester presently vpon the Feast of Easter next following Whilest the king was in these parts William King of Scots repaires to him and required the dignities and honours his predesessors of right had in England and with all the counties of Northumberland Cumberland Westmerland and Lancaster To whom the King of England first answered that he would satisfie him by the aduice of his Councell with shortly after was assembled at Northampton where after deliberation he told him that his petition ought not in reason to be graunted at that time when almost all the Princes of France were his enemies for it would be thought rather an act of feare then any true affection and so put it off for that time with faire promises yet graunts he by the aduice and consent of the Councell vnder his Charter to William King of Scotts and his heires