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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08137 Newes from diuers countries as, from [brace] Spaine, Antwerpe, Collin, Venice, Rome, the Turke, and the prince Doria : and how the arch-duke of Austria is intended to resigne his cardinall hat through his marrying with the king of Spaines daughter. 1597 (1597) STC 18504.5; ESTC S4029 12,121 23

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NEWES from diuers countries AS From Spaine Antwerpe Collin Venice Rome The Turke and The prince Doria And how the Arch-duke of Austria is intended to resigne his Cardinall Hat through his marying with the King of Spaines daughter Seene and allowed Printed at London by Valentine Sims and are to be sold in Gratious streete 1597. ❧ Newes from Antwerp the fifth day of Maie 1597. THe Cardinall Archduke which is yet at Bruxels hath as it is reported assembled about 5000. men neere Calice and those parts to spoile the country and it is thought likewise that in the end of this moneth himselfe will take the field with 6000. fighting men to attempt somewhat against the towne of Ostend whether the states haue sent fiue other ensignes of footemen for the farther strengthning of that garrison The states had of late intended to surprise Graueling but the practise being discouered their men returned without perfourming any thing The Frenchmen encreasing still in power make towardes Amiens whereinto there is entred a certaine number of horse and the said Frenchmen inuading the country of Luxembrough did on a sodaine surprize the towne of Iunix which after they had sackt they set on fire and thence marcht towards Lafertei where not being able to effect their purpose they roue vp and downe the prouince doing euery where great hurte For which cause the Cardinall hath sent thither Colonel Berlotta with other Captaines to withstand the French who seeke by such attemptes to crosse and hinder his proceedings We are aduertised here by letters from Holland of the arriuall there of sundry ships laden with diuers merchandizes and store of ready money who report that the Englishmen hauing taken and sakt the Port of Saint Martin did afterward set it on fire with all the shippes within the harbour On sunday the bodies of Saint Flauia Domicila and of S. Hereo and Archileo Romanes were remoued from the Church of S. Adrian to their owne Church which is the title of Cardinal ●●●ronio On munday a counsell was called at Montecauallo wherein the Archmadrite of Messina was bestowed on a Sicilian The Archbishop of Roan receiued his pall and Cardinall Farnese propounded a monasterye in the Kingdome of Arragon in Spaine On Tuseday the Cardinall Marc Antonio Colona departed this life leauing for heire of all goods the Lord Martio Colona his nephue On wendsday towards euening the Cardinall Cesis Monsignor Bonuisi gaue commaundement to the Captaines which were appointed for Hungary that on munday next they shoulde cause their souldiers to depart whereupon certaine companies did yesterday set forward and the said Bonnisi who doth likewise to morrow take his iourney hath already sent his comissary to make prouision for the voyage The Spanish Agentes heere are aduertised by letters from Praghe that the Admirall of Arragon hath published in that court by order of the Catholike King that the Lady Infant of Spaine was maried to the Cardinall Archduke and that the Emperour will resigne the kingdome of Bohemia vnto him as also that he shal be made king of Romanes which is as much to say as heire and successor in the Empire Otherwise the Catholike Maiesty will not giue him any state lest he should diminish the Crowne of Spaine vnlesse perhaps he bestow on him the Dutchy of Brittaine hauing recouered it from the French as a thing belonging to the Lady Infants mother That the Cardinall shall resigne the Archbishopricke of Toledo to Archduke Maximilian one of the brethren of the Prince of Spaines bride which shal be Who as it is reported must be conueied to her husband in October next vpon the publishing whereof the Embassadors of Venice the great Duke and Savoy did in their princes names visite and gratulate the catholike kings ambassador It is likewise reported that the prince Doria his iorney into Spaine is to fetch the Kings daughter and conuey her into Italy whence she shal be accompanied into Flanders by the count of Fuentes who hath order to conduct her to the cardinal Archduke The other night there were sent from hence two Dispensations into spaine the one whereby the kings daughter may take to husband the cardinall the other that the prince may take to wife her that is betrothed vnto him who shal this summer be conueied to Barcellona by the prince Doria in his gally royall with other gallies to the number of 30. whither the said prince will come to receiue her The great duke vnderstanding that the catholike King wanted powder and other munition wherewith to furnish his towns on the sea coast of spaine and Portugall especially at this time because he feares they shal be assaulted by the English fleete his highnesse did therefore cause a ship to be laden with 20000. barrels of powder and other munition which he sent into Spaine for a present to the catholike maiestie but the Florentines say that hee sent the saide munition to haue therefore so much corne graine And the Iesuites which are lately come reporte for a certainetie that the saide ship is long since arriued at Allicante They write from Naples that the viceroy hath built 4. new gallies wherewith togither with other shippes he purposeth to imbarke and carry into Spaine the third part of the footmen that were leuied in that kingdome and there should be leuied another third vnder the conduct of the marques of Treuiso They write from Florence that the fort of Casteldit ouer-against Marsiglia holdes for the great Dutchesse in the French kings name because the said fort was taken by the souldiers of the other fortresse belowe which are kept there at the saide great duchesse cost by whose order the ambassadour of Tuscane conferring with him of France on tuesday told him that whatsoeuer was done herein was for the seruice of the most christian maiestie and by the Duke of Guise his consent which perceiuing that the captaine of the said place had inteligence with the prince Doria sent post for him to Marsiglia that the souldiers might the more easily atchieue their enterprise On thurseday the ambassadors of Venice and of the great D. were together with the Catholike Kings Agent by the space of foure houres in a chamber locked vnto them but it is not known what or whereon they treated Here are news of the archbishop of Siena his death who deceased in his owne church which place it is thought shall bee giuen to the cardinall Taruggi Newes from Antwerp the 14. of Maie 1597. The Cardinall Archduke doth what hee can to put an armie into the field but through want of mony his purpose goes slowly forward neither is it yet knowne what enterprise the Spaniards will make sith the troups which were sent forth are returned vnto their garrisons which moueth some to thinke that they will onely strengthen and furnish the frontier-townes The forces which his highnesse sent to succour Amiens haue done nothing because they were not strong enough to withstand the French who haue entrenched