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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68845 The vvorlde possessed with deuils conteinyng three dialogues. 1. Of the Deuill let loose. 2. Of blacke deuils. 3. Of white deuils. And of the commyng of Iesus Christe to iudgement, a verie necessarie and comfortable discourse for these miserable and daungerous daies.; Monde à l'empire et le monde démoniacle fait par dialogues. Part 2. English. Selections Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571.; Chauncie, William. 1583 (1583) STC 24786; ESTC S119207 112,768 274

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Christ and driue him out of their Countrey then thei would driue out suche swine because thei feare least such chaunge should trouble them and least thei should haue some hinderance touching their bodies or temporall goods To be shorte we see daiely if there bee any talke of the kyngdome of Christe the like that happened to Herode and those of Ierusalem when Iesus Christ was borne Tobie Why what happened to them Theo. Sainct Mathew saieth that when by meane of the wise men whiche came to worshippe Christ newes came to Ierusalem that the Kyng of the Iewes was borne not only Herode but al the Cities of Ierusalem was troubled with hym Tobie It is no meruaile though the Tyraūt Herode was troubled for he feared the losse of his kyngdome whiche by right belōged not to hym But what needed thei of Ierusalem to bee troubled with suche newes Had thei not greater occasion to reioyce For besides that Messias was promised to them at whose handes thei looked for full perfect restoryng of all thynges it is to bee doubted but thei had rather haue a Kyng of their owne Countrey and blood then such a straunger and Tyraunt as Herode was Theo. Thou saiest troth and therefore the faithfull whiche were the true Israelites among those people reioyced very much whē thei heard of the birth of Iesus Christ their Kyng their sauiour and redeemer Tobie Wee haue good witnesse thereof and namely in the Sheepheards to whom it was first shewed and after in Simeon which so longed to see that great goodnesse of God whiche he sawe Theo. The other whiche were carnall and worldly menne and not true Israelites but onely in name denied that Herode would not so easily leaue his kyngdom and that the Romanes would not suffer any other prince to raigne in Iuda but themselues and those appoincted by them Whereby thei thought that there must needes be greate chaunge in Iurie and this chaunge could not bee without great warres troubles whiche should greatly trouble the common state and so become hinderaunce vnto theim And because thei would liue in quietnesse thei had rather remaine in the state wherein thei were tho it were miserable then fall into those troubles whiche thei thought would be greater For thei were already vsed to this yoke and therfore thei thought it not so heauie as thei did at the first before thei were vsed to it Tobie Mee thinkes neither Herode nor the Iewes neded to feare that seyng Christ came not to raigne after the maner of worldly kynges as he hymself witnesseth Therefore neither Herode nor the Romanes neded to feare that he should take awaie their possession neither the Iewes that he should trouble their Countrey in takyng of their Kyngdome Theo. That is verie true But the state was then as we se it now whē Iesus Christ sheweth hym self to the worlde by the Preachyng of the Gospell For why doe tyrauntes persecute it But because thei feare like Herode leaste it should hinder their Kyngdome And how many are there that would be glad to be lightened of the Romishe Antichrist yoke haue greater libertie whiche notwithstandyng had rather beare it then by suffryng neuer so little trouble to bee deliuered by meanes of the Gospell Thereby we may well perceiue what care suche haue of their soules or Saluation None but the true children of God esteeme Iesus Christe and his Gospell better then their Swine and therefore are alwaies ready to forsake all rather then Iesus Christe to abide all daungers rather then suffer hym to departe from them yea to keepe hym with them as muche as thei can with all their might and to followe hym whether soeuer he goe for thei esteeme the libertie of their conscience more then all the Kyngdomes or Lordships of the worlde Tobie Are there not some emōg you that bragge of the reformatiō of the Gospell that are like those that thou talkest of Theo. There are more thē I would wish For there are many that although thei se an vnspeakeable confusion in the Churche of God and in all estates yet thei will heare of no better reformation then that whiche thei haue because their bodies are in quiete and rest Wherefore thei feare if any should goe aboute to establishe better order to th' ende that God bee not dishonoured as he is and the people better instructed and ordered lest some troubles might arise whiche should trouble that worldly quietnesse wherin thei would liue And therefore thei had rather roote in the mire and suffer other to roote with thē then to haue those troubles whiche thei so sore feare Wherein thei are greatly deceiued for the meane to liue in quiet is not to caste of the yoke of Iesus Christe but to embrace it and thei must necessarily bear the yoke of Sathan whiche will not beare Christes yoke Now it is easie to Iudge whiche of the twoo is lighter and easier to be borne and which bringeth greater quietnesse by all meanes vnto man For as Iesus Christ witnesseth that his yoke is light pleasaunt and amiable so he promiseth quietnesse to the soules and consciences of those whiche beare it and submitte themselues to hym and his Discipline and followe him as their Maister Tobie I doubt not but these of whom thou speakest doe proue to their coste that whiche thou saiest and thinkest by that meane to auoide a light and easie paine are deceiued finde for one paine an hundreth Theo. If suche men knewe what it were to serue God from the bottome of their hart thei would not thinke or trouble for there is no paine in seruyng God but onely in seruyng the Deuill For none serue GOD as thei ought but serue hym with good harte and to serue with good harte is so farre frō beyng paine that contrariwise it is a singular pleasure to vs and as for those that serue the Deuill although thei take pleasure in euill doyng for that it is more naturall to thē then to doe well yet thei serue hym as bonde and slaues and the pleasures that thei haue in seruyng hym are like the pleasures of the sicke Who contrary to the councell of the Phisition eate and drinke that whiche deliteth their phantasie and afterwarde become sicker thereby Tobie Wee haue alreadie spoken heretofore of those whiche are contented to haue the Gospell and Religion onely in outward shewe Me thinkes wee maie well ioyne thē with these of whiche wee now talke Theo. Wee maie well so doe Tobie Seyng wee haue sufficiently and largely talked of the old and newe Genezarians tell vs if thou haue any more to saie touching the possessed of whom thou madest mention before Theophrast I haue muche more to saie but we will leaue of that till an other tyme. FINIS THE SECOND PART OF THE DEMONIACKE VVORLDE or worlde possessed with Diuels conteining three Dialogues 1. Of Familiar Diuels 2. Of Lunaticke Diuels 3. Of the
their bodies what tyranny he vseth on their soules when thei are giuen ouer to hym Now when wee reade that whiche the Euangelistes haue written of the possessed let vs cōsider in them the estate of poore sinners whiche are in the power of Sathan Tobie What saiest thou to the first touchyng the possessed whiche are tormented with many Deuilles Theo. Thou knowest that it hath beene a common opinion among Christian men of long tyme that God hath giuen to eche man a good Angel to keepe hym and likewise that euery man hath an euill Aungell that striueth with the good and goeth about to hurte and wholie ouerthrowe hym whose euill Aungell he is Tobie Yea I can yet saie the prayer by rote that was taught me whē I was yong to bequeath me to my good Aungell But tell me I praie thee thinkest thou not that euery man hath a good and ill Angell Theo. Thou maiest here perceiue by the histories of these possessed which were tormented with so many Diuelles that thei had more then one euill Angell a peece for thei had as many euill Angelles as thei had Deuilles within them Tobie If God suffer many Deuilles at once to fal on one man to hurt and destroy if thei can I doubt not but that he giueth also when it pleaseth hym many good Angelles to his children to guard and defend them from those wicked Angelles whiche are plaine Deuilles Theo. The holie Scripture maketh no expresse mention that God giueth any certaine nomber of Aungelles to his elect to conduct and defend them but it generally teacheth vs y t God hath created Angels to serue those that are appointed to life euerlastyng and that thei be assigned to them to defende them And therefore the Psalmest saieth That the Angels of the Lorde are camped like an hoast about them that feare the Lorde Furthermore wee reade that the charge of a whole Countrey kingdome or Empire is giuen by the Lorde to one Angell as Daniell doeth plainly declare Likewise wee reade that God hath sometymes sent many Angelles to keepe and defende one man as witnesseth the vision of Heliseus seruaunt when the Lorde caused hym to see the succour that he sent Heliseus his maister Tobie Seeyng wee haue so many enemies and so cruell wee haue greate neede of Gods sauegarde that he sende his Angelles to keepe guide and defende vs or els we should surely be but very ill kept Theo. Although our good God and father hath very well prouided for that from the beginnyng neuerthelesse we must not bee carelesse but watche continually as warriours doe that looke euery houre for the assault or allaroms of their enemies And therefore after S. Peter had admonished the faithfull to cast and laie all their care on God assuring them y t God would be carefull for them he exhorteth them after this maner be sober watche for your aduersarie the Deuill as a roaryng Lion walketh about sekyng whom he maie deuour whom resist stedfast in the faith Seyng then that the lorde hath warned vs of the malice of our enemie and of the desire that he hath to hurt and ouerthrow vs and the diligēce that he vseth therein and likewise of the duetie on our part to resist him and the meanes that God giueth vs to defende our selues against that so daungerous an enemy certainly we ought not to be carelesse and slothfull therin For if we despise the warnynges that God by his worde hath giuen vs and care no more for them then if wee were out of daunger doe we not deserue that God in iust iudgemēt should giue vs ouer into the hādes of our aduersarie as children of rebellion and disobediēce For we are forbidden tempt God and we bothe tempt hym and mocke him when we despise his warnynges and vse not the meanes whiche he in his word hath declared vnto vs and by whiche he will helpe and succour vs. And therefore the exāples of the possessed that we spake of euen now maie serue to waken vs that we be not sodainly ouercome with so cruel an enemy who as he desireth nothing but our vtter destruction so he ceaseth neither daie nor night to range and rome to and fro to set on vs at vnawares as we se euidently by the example of Iob and in the similitude whiche wee spake of before that our Sauior Christ made vnto the Iewes touchyng the wicked spirite that wandered in the desertes and sought for rest Tobie If one deuill be sufficiēt to trouble and torment the whole world in what state bee the poore possessed that are not onely troubled with one but with many Theo. To th' ende that we maie the better iudge of this matter and perceiue the malice and rage of our aduersarie lett vs cōsider in what furie he brought those possessed whiche answered our sauior Christ that thei had a Legion of Deuilles within them because thei were possessed with a great nomber as it well appeared when Christ gaue them leaue to depart by their enteryng into the Heard of Swine that were there by and then wee shall well vnderstand how we maie come to the knowledge by suche examples into what state the Deuill bryngeth mennes soules thorowe the synne that raigneth in them and into what tormēt and trouble he bryngeth the whole worlde by thesame meanes Tobie I wene S. Mathew writeth that these twoo possessed of whō thou speakest came forth of the graues were very fearfull so that none could passe that waie Theo. S. Marke touchyng this matter saieth that he had his abidyng of hym that he spake therof emong the graues and no man could bind him no not with chaines because that whē he was often bound with fetters chaines he plucked the chaines in s●nder and brake the fetters in peeces neither could any man tame hym and alwaies bothe night and daie he cried in the mountaines and in the graues and stroke hymself with stones Sainct Luke saieth further of this matter that he was long time possessed with the deuill and he ware no Clothes neither abode in house but in graues and breakyng the bandes that he was bounde with was caried of the Deuill into the wildernesse Tobie There are many thynges to bee considered in these possessed in whiche I would knowe thy minde Theo. Shewe them in order and I wil answere thee to euery of theim as GOD shall giue me grace Tobie The first is touchyng their abidyng in the graues and desertes and why the deuill rather caried them thether then to any other place For sainct Luke saieth plainly as thou diddest rehearse euen now that the deuill did cary thē to those places Theo. Thou must vnderstande that the deuill doeth not onely torment the possessed in their bodies but also thei so trouble their vnderstanding that all bodily tormētes wer nothyng in comparison of the torment