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A41204 The famous and delectable history of Don Bellianis of Greece, or, The honour of chivalry containing his valiant exploits strange and dangerous adventures, with his admirable love to the Princesses Florisbella, daughter to the Souldan of Babilond / now newly writ[t]en by Francis Kirkman.; Belianís de Grecia. English Fernández, Jerónimo.; Kirkman, Francis, 1632-ca. 1680. 1671 (1671) Wing F779; ESTC R16345 257,809 344

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Princess Magdalena and thereupon he gave her a King before the Damsel as a pledge of his faith and as a token of the promise he made her and then sending out the Damsel to sée if any body were in the Garden he took a solemn farewel of her and the Damsel returning and telling him that the coast was clear he lest his Lady and departed to his Lodging And now our Lovers had procéded thus far they were more inamored of each other then they had béen and during the time of his stay he spent all the nights with her and the fatal day being come of their separation they both séemed to be very much disturbed but she being resolved to put a project she had in her head into ex●cution was the better satisfied and made provision accordingly He again promised to obey her in all things and not to fail in any thing he had promised her and now the very hour of his departure being come and that he had taken his leave of the King and Quéen and also of her telling her that he should within one hour set sail and so he left her She in prosecution of her intention having put all things into readiness before discoloured her Face and made that somewhat brown that was before very fair and clear and putting her self into a Suit and Coat habited like a Page and turning up her own Hair which was as yellow as the Gold or rather as radiant as the Sun-beams she put on a Periwig of another colour and so disguised her self that she was hardly knowable to her self and putting a parcel of rich Iewels and some Coin into her pocket and a Letter which she had written into her hands she went to the Sea-side where she had not waited long before he came She had so perfect a confidence that he did not at all distrust her but she coming up to him delivered a Letter to him which he opening read these words The Letter of the Princess Florida to the Prince Clarineo Sir AS a trial of your Love and an effect of your Promise to obey me in all things I make bold to request this of you to entertain this Donzel into your Service I dare warrant his Fidelity And although you are supplied with a faithful Servant already yet I pray accept of this from me who hath commission from me only sometimes to put you in mind of Your faithful and constant Friend FLORIDA Don Clarineo having read the Letter looked stedfastly on the Messenger and she as firmly upon him but he made no discovery but thus he said Most amiable Youth how welcome you are to me my usage of you shall testifie and you shall always find that in me as if my beloved Princess were presen● Good Sir replied the disguised Lady your only acceptance of me into your Service is all I desire and if I can serve you in any thing assure your self of my Fidelity to my utmost ability This discourse being ended he presently went aboard and carried his Page Florello with him for so had she named her self and the wind serving they hoysed up sails and departed When night came the Prince not only caused his Page to lie in the Ca●in but also in the same bed with him he was very unwilling at the first but it being the Princes absolute command he obeyed But although they lay together all the term of the voyage yet did not the Prince suspect his sex and quality but he passed with him and all others in the Ship for a Boy And thus did they travel up and down all those Seas and searched several Islands but to no purpose till at length to Ireland they came as shall be declared in the next Chapter CHAP. VI. How the Knight of Cupid travelled into England went to the famous City of London and from thence to Windsor where a Combat was to be fought for that a Countess was accused of Adultery by one of her Damsels who was hired thereunto by the Countesses Brother in Law The King ordering that the Damsel should provide a Champion to fight on her behalf she had a fierce Giant and the Countess being unprovided of a Champion the Knight of Cupid undertook the Combat on her behalf he fights with and kills the Giant and thereupon the Damsel confessing the accusation to be false is burnt and the Countesses Brother in Law is banished How the Knight of Cupid had in vain sought for the Princess Magdalena in England and taking shipping at Westchester travelled into Ireland THus did the Prince Clarineo travel from one Country to another in search●ng for the Princess Magdalena wishing by all means to find her that he might return to his beloved Princess Florida who although she was very near him yet he was ignorant thereof but it was great joy and comfort for them Lo●h in regard she did always sée him and converse with him and their discourse being for the most part about her And now our Prince having sailed to the western parts of the World he arrived at England and there he landed resolving to visit most of the considerable parts of that Kingdom and therefore he caused thrée Horses to be disimbarqued for himself his Squire Florello and his Dwarf and ordering his Vessel to sail about most part of the Island and méet him at Westchester which is the nearest Sea-port Town in England to Ireland whither he also intended to travel and sée if in the Country of his Friend Peter of Ireland he might hear any news of the Princess Magdalena He and his Attendants being thus mounted on horse-back they rode on towards the great and famous City of London where the King of that Country kept his Court being come thither the King and all the Court were just then removing to the antient Castle of Windsor for the trial of a Cause that was there within few days to be ended by Combat the occasion of which Combat was this A Countess of that Kingdom having thrée Children by her Husband he died leaving her a Widow and she seized upon the Estate for the use of her Children they being as yet but young The Earl her Husband had a Brother who was very desirous of having the Children in his kéeping because he might under that pretence receive the Rent of his Brother's Lands but to this the Countess would in no wise agrée Wherefore her Brother in Law was so angry and being of a wicked and perverse nature being ambitious of Honour and covetous of the Estate of his Brother he had contrived a way how to gain all the Estate to himself wherefore he by great presents in hand and many fair promises of greater matters drew into confederacy with him a Damsel who had lived many years with his Sister in Law and her he caused to give out that the thrée Children of her Lady were not begotten by the Earl her Husband but by another who kept her company by this means proving her Lady to
purposely come into these parts to perform our enterprize and by taking you at some advantage to carry you dead or alive to our Lord the Souldan and to the end that I might the more easily accomplish my design we attempted to surprise this Castle But continued he I now believe it much harder to perform our enterprise then I expected since I find you possessed with so great vallor The Emperour at this recitall was much surprised and blameing Don Gallaneo for his wicked undertaking only ordered him to be secured in the Castle but he told the Emperour that although he were secured yet he were best to take care of his own safety for that the forces which he had brought with him would endeavour to endanger him to this the Emperour replyed he would provide against them and so departed in Company of Don Brianel who desiring the Emperor to dub him a Knight was put off till another time more convenient And now leaving them we return to Don Bellianis who remaining ten days in the Damsels Cave and being cured of his wounds was desirous of departing and therefore he requested the Lady to let him know what service she would command him she finding the time convenient thus related her story I was Daughter to Pompeiane King of Antioch named Aurora but being nere kin to the most beautifull Princess Florisbilla Daughter to the Souldan of Babylon I was in that Court bred up with her and there I continued so long that a very valiant Knight arrived there who was called the Knight of the three Images This Knight was not only very couragious but he was also very amorous of the Princess my Cousin and seeing me to be very familiar with her he courted me to intercede with her in his behalf I thus became his confident and acted for him with all integrity but to little purpose for the Princess Florisbilla would not accept him but he still importuning her and me she was desired to acquaint the Souldan her Father with his suit who not only disallowed of it but caused him to depart his Empire which action so angred the Knight that he departing went unto the King my Fathers Country and resolving to be revenged on me slew my Father gained possession of the Kingdom and gave it to a Prince of his Kindred named Don Gallaneo And I intending to return to my own Country was diswaded therefrom by a wise woman named Bellona who caused me and these my companions to be brought hither telling me that e're long I should be delivered by the Prince of Greece and the Hungarian Prince his Cousin whose words I have found true hitherto and therefore said she I am in good hopes of recovering my Kingdom by your hands To this Discourse Don Bellianis replyed that he was ready in all things to obey and serve her and not only in person but with a sufficient Army to execute so great an enterprize The Princess answered that only his Company and his Cousins would be sufficient and that in order to their business there was Armor left by the Sage Bellona for them both which being brought forth that was of an Orange Taw●y colour with a large Wave of the Sea and on the Shield was painted a Knight kneeling to a beautifull Lady who turned away her face with this inscription For your discourteous leaving me when I first saw you now be gon dispair and dye On the Prince Arsileo's Shield was painted a Dragon and Griffon fighting parted by a Damsel These armes did not only please but very well fit the Princes who putting them on and mounting their Horses they left the Cave being thus accompanied with the Princess and her Damsels who put on their Masks and thus rode on but not far had they gone when they perceived two Knights to come out of a Castle and with them a third unarmed like a Prisoner one of the Kinghts was armed in an azure armor with imperiall Crowns and on his Shield the God Mars was figured the other had a white armor our Knights were desirous of knowing who these were that they met and would gladly have forced them to have delivered him whom they supposed was a Prisoner but could not because they had not as yet received the order of Knighthood On the other side the Knight in white armor was desirous to try their vallors by breaking of a Lance and to that end he sent his Squire to invite one of them to that exercise but they returned their sufficient answer that they were not Knighted but wished they were for his sake and that to that end they intended to travel to the Emperor Don Bellaneo to receive that order from his hands The white Knight returned this answer that the Emperor was not in his Court at present and therefore if they intended to travell thither they would loose their labour but if they were fitly accomplished for and desirous of that order the Knight his Companion would give them that honour and he assured them that he was such a Person as was not for Nobillity or Prowess excéeded by the Emperor himself Our Knights being very desirous of Knighthood especially that they might try their vallors against this new Knight sent one of the Damsels to the Knight in the azure armor with their request who being satisfied of their Nobillity by taking their Oaths did presently admit them into the order of Knighthood the Princess Aurora girding on the Sword of Don Bellianis and the white Knight doing the same to Arsileo and thus the Knight in the Azure armor having given them his benediction they returning him many thanks again mounted on Horseback And now being in a Capacity to try their vallor the white Knight desired Arsileo to perform his promise who being as ready as the other soon consented and thereupon putting their Lances in their Rests they ran against one another with such fury that their Lances were broken into shivers and they both dismounted thereupon drawing both their Swords they began a doubtful and furious Combate whereupon Arsileo as being the best armed had the better of it sorely wounding his adversary but so that they were in short time both reduced to a low condition which Don Bellianis seeing and he being desirous to assist his Cousin Arsileo having obtained leave of the Princess Aurora he invited the Knight in the Azure armor to break a Lance the Knight of the Castle consented thereto and accordingly they began their Course with very great fury but although their Lances were flown up into the air in severall pieces yet their bodies were immoveable at which the Knight of the Castle wandred having been used to unhorse all whom he encountred but having foyled with his Lance he drawing his Sword gave Don Bellianis so mighty a blow on the Shield that he lost it and was forced to lean on his horses neck but recovering himself he returned the Knight of the Castle so weighty a stroke on the Helm
sorry that he could not at present obey her Commands but that he would in short time when he could be frée to dispose of himself return and attend her and desired that in the mean time she would accept of a Ring which he presented to her which was that of the Emperor Brandezars which he said cost him much Blood in purchasing it only for her sake as knowing that it would be of excellent use having the Vertue to preserve and kéep her from the power of all Enchantments and thereupon drawing off his Gaunlet he presented it to her but she being unwilling to receive any such presents from any Knight whatsoever did not at first accept it till she was desired by the Infanta Matarosa so to do and commanded by her Father and withal her own inclination prompting her thereto she took it of him and told him that she would receive it as a Pledge of his sudden return to receive satisfaction from her Father for the service he had done them She also desired him to acquaint her with the circumstances of the late Adventure but he referred that Relation to the Sage Bellona who having finished her Naration took her leave to depart but in this time the Princess Matarosa séeing the reserved silence of Don Bellianis was resolved to venture a question with him and thereupon she said Sir Knight I believe the Sage Bellona is so great a Mistress over you that without her leave you dare not let your Tongue walk Therefore I intend to ask her to give you your spéech that we may understand somewhat more from you Ah dear Madam said he I hope you will excuse and pardon me and not attribute my silence to rudeness or neglect but to an other passion that at this time so overpowers my heart that the Organs of my spéech are wholly stopped thereby But Madam I hope ere long at my return to do you some service that may be some part of amends for my unhamsom departure at this time well replyed the Infanta so let it be then and make hast that I may understand what you mean And now the Sage Bellona being on her departure having finished her Salutations to the Emperor and the two Princess's he nimbly leapt on his Horse and bowing his Head to the Pomel of his Saddle in token of Reverence departed on his journey where we shall for some time leave him The Sudden departure of the Knight of the Basilisks had so distempered the Princess Florisbella that she hardly observed the motion of the Souldan and her Mother who were returning to the City for her eyes were so déeply engaged in looking after the Knight that she beheld no other object The Infanta Matarosa séeing this called on her and entered into discourse with her about him until they arrived at the Court but being arrived there she went to her Chamber and casting her self on her bed she began to complain of her hard fortune that had given her so much trouble for the sight of one whom she knew not and it may be was but a poor extravagant Knight and that the sage Bellona as she had done her one kindness in bringing one to relief and help her so she had done her a greater discourtesie in bringing him to captivate her liberty and disturb her mind she complained of the Gods that they had permitted her to be so overcome and then again thin●●●g that he might be himself one of them for by the actions she had séen him perform she could not judge him humane These were her complaints and her thoughts were so troubled that she could not express them The Infanta Matarosa observing her actions and suddain retirement and judging that she was love stricken had followed her and hearkened at her Chamber door to hear her complaints but they were so disordered that she could not understand them but in short time after the Princess Florisbella gave her a true account of the passions of her heart and she received some consolation from her who continually talked of and expected the return of the Knight of the Basilisks The Souldan did also expect him and much doubted that it was the Prince Perianeo of Persia because he refused to discover himself but some of his Nobility who had séen and observed them both alledged the contrary and that this became his Armour more compleatly this were their thoughts and maginations wherein we shall at present leave them We have already told you that Don Brianel was dispatched away for Antioch to take the best order he could in the affairs of the Princess Aurora and be made such expedition in his Iourney not being hindred by any considerable Adventure that in short time he arrived in that Kingdom and coming to a City called Mi●iana which was within twelve miles of Antioch he there took up his quarters at the house of one of the best Knights in the Countrey who although he was but poor in regard of the distractions of his Countrey yet he was a good Knight and Loyal to his Soveraign as you shall understand by the sequel Don Brianel having supped with his Host enquired what news that Countrey afforded and who was their King at this the Knight replyed that they had in few years had several but that their last true Soveraign Prince had béen named Pompeiano who was despised and slain by the Prince of Persia and the Kingd●m bestowed upon one Don Gallaneo who also was lately slain and since him another who was named Tramolcano and Brother to the King of P●●●gia had seized on the Kingdom as pretending to be nearest of Kin to the late Don Gallaneo he at that time Reigned and kéep us all in hard and cruel Bondage having imprisoned several of the Nobility but especially one Damartino who had béen sometimes Governour of our Countrey under our King But continued Don Brianel had your King Pompeiano any Children he had said the Host one Daughter named Aurora but we know n●t whither she be alive or dead but if she be alive and should come hither said the Prince would the Countrey receive her and restore her to her Kingdom That they would with all their hearts replyed the Knight but that they are at present so kept under by the Tyrant Tramolcano but if there were any person to appear in her behalf and to encourage the people much might be done on her behalf These were the discourses betwéen the Prince and the Knight who further added that the onely fittest person to serve her would be Governour Damartino if he were at liberty but that he was strickly guarded in a Castle near the City and that there was a Mine from the Castle to the City even to the Palace and that although the Guard of the Castle was but ten Knights and a Gyant yet they could quickly through that Mine go to the Palace and raise 30000. men in arms Don Brianel having heard all these particulars and knowing that the
Prince but they soon received their deaths at their hands and they being dead they searched about for more enemies but could find none and now séeing the Keys at the Porters girdle they took them from thence and opened the Prison door where they found Damartino the late Governour but so pale weak and féeble that he was hardly to be known He supposed they had béen Knights that were come from the Tyrant King to dispatch him of his life but when he was informed the contrary and that he was frée he was very glad rendring thanks unto Palineo whom he knew but Palineo told him that all thanks for that was onely due to Don Brianel without whose assistance there had béen nothing done nor attempted Don Brianel was unwilling to receave this praises but rendred them to Palineo But now the Governour Damartino being at liberty he told them that it was necessary to deliver several others that were there Prisoners and were his servants to this they agréed and séeking about found and delivered them this done the Prince and Palineo were laid in two Beds to have their wounds dressed by one belonging to Damartino who was skilful in that Art and there they continuel several days till they were well ordering that if any came from the King to admit them and Don Brianel being very curious of his Horse and careful to have him he was hardly to be equalled sent one of their servants to fetch them both which they did in the dark of the evening and now all things being in good state and condition with them Don Brianel being now at leisure and in company with Damartino and Palineo told Damartino that although he had done thus much for his deliverance yet he had other business to dispatch having a Letter from their Princess Aurora directed to Damartino which he gave him and he opening it found these Lines Aurora the disinherited Queen of Antioch Princess of Miriana to her Loyal Knight and Subject Danartino greeting It is not unknow to you and all the World of the strange disasters of our Family of late years and how that I have lost a Father and you a King and have my self been forced for safeguard of my person from the power of my enemies to banish my self from my own Countrey and flee to strangers for aid and succour The Gods I hope have now looked on my suffering and are willing to put an end to them by my acquaintance with this vallerous Knight and several of his Alliance who have promised to assist me in the recovery of my Kingdom And to the end it may be done with the more ease and facility I have desired him to take the trouble to travel to you and advise with you of what is most needful to be done as what forces I ought to have for the accomplishing of my designs and when and where to order them Of these matters I have given him Commission to treat with you of whose Loyalty I make no question therefore I pray take such order herein as may best conduce to the service of your distressed Princess Aurora Damartino was so joyed at the recept of this Letter that he embraced the Prince Don Brianel with very great affection and so did the valiant Knight Palineo and they both promised their utmost assistance and that they would spend their lives to the very last drop of blood that was in their bodies but considering the great strength and policy of the Vsurper they did believe the attempt would be very difficult however being resolved to procéed in it they purposed the next day to leave the Castle in the custody of Damartino's servants who had directions how to answer all that came and secure it till their return and that they would visit the Duke of Silviana who was a man of great power and from whose assistance they had great expectation in order to this design they having changed their Armour departed about midnight It was near morning when these thrée Knights accompanied only by two Pages issued out of the Castle and advanced on their way they had not travelled above six miles before they met with two Knights compleatly armed in Rose coloured Armour with many Crowned Lyons they being as courteous as they séemed to be valliant one of them advancing asked if any of our thrée Knights were lately come from Antioch yes replyed our Knights and desired to know the cause of their enquiry we séek for a Knight said they that wears a Tawny Armour and the Picture of a fair Lady in his Shield Don Brianel knowing that they enquired for Don Bellianis replyed thus let me know your name and quality I shall give you a true account of your demand I am said the other called the Knight of Lyons I am no wiser with that answer said Don Brianel then I was before I can resolve you no more said the Knight then I shall not perform promise with you said the Prince I wonder said Palineo Sir Knight of the Lyons how we should know you since I believe your déeds of Arms have not yet ●lazoned forth your worth your arms séeming as if it had hitherto béen engaged in few mortal fights you were best try my courage replyed the Knight of the Lyons content said Palineo and if I am vanquished my friend shall acquaint you with what you desire and if not your fair Armour shall be mine content said the Knight and to this Don Brianel also ●gréed and thereupon they began their encounter which was performed with such fierceness that the Knight of the Lyons lost his stirrop but Palineo was dismounted yet would not yeild himself vanquished nor suffer Don B●ianel to ac●uaint the Knight of the Lyons with his demand whereupon the other Knight of the Lyons and Don Brianel began 〈◊〉 Combat wherein Don Brianel received such a blow on the Helmet that breaking the Laces it flew from his Head ●eaving it wholly uncovered Great was the anger and ●age of Don Brianel for this misfortune which he was re●olved to revenge and thereupon drawing his Sword approached his enemy with marvelous fury the Knight of ●he Lyons was as valiant as he and resolved to prosecute ●he Combat but approaching near Don Brianel and know●ng him he cried out in the Gréek Tongue It is enough Prince of Macedon I must not fight with you Don Brianel ●earing that and wondering who should know him in so ●trange a place asked who he was the Knight of the Lyons without any reply unlaced his Helmet and Don Bri●nel soon knew him to be Don Lucidamore Brother to Don Bellianis and asking who was his Companion he was answered that it was his Brother Don Clarineo of Spayn ●hey all embraced with much joy to the great wonder of Damartino and Palineo and now nothing passed but loving Spéeches the two Princes acquainting Don Brianel that ●hey came out of Constantinople with the Emperor their Father and 100000. Men which were not far off intend●ng
Don Bellianis having thus finished his discourse the Princess was fully satisfied that in doing him a courtesie she should likewise pleasure her Cousin whose mind she knew very well but like a discréet vertuous Lady she was resolved to know what Parentage he was of and whether that disproportion would not hinder that which they so much desired and thereforr she thus replyed Noble Sir I give you many thanks for your fréeness with me and assure your self that in this matter I shall execute your will that you shall have your destres provided that you engage me in nothing that may be a blemish to the Honor of my fair Cousin and therefore Sir I pray tell me who gave you the Honor of Knighthood that if I be demanded that Question by my Cousin I may be provided with an Answer To this he soon replyed He who gave me the order of Knighthood was as then unknown to me and so was I then to him but since I knew him to be the Emperor of Greece Then Sir quoth the Lady I question not but he was satisfied that by birth you were worthy of it Ah Madam said he he was then told that I was of Noble Linage by a Lady that was present but since he hath known me and I him better for indéed he is my Father Then recounted he to her the maner of his first Adventures and how he was Knighted by his Father and how afterwards did fight with him as it is ●t large set down in the First Part of this excellent History This Discourse so well satisfied the Princess that she told him that since he had béen so free to her as to tell her his greatest secrets she would in recompence thereof tell somewhat that would give him equal content and thereupon she sail Sir Knight I do now assure you that you may account your self happy in your love for the Princess Florisbella my Cousin is altogether amorous of you as you are of her and hath been as desirous to discover the same as you your self and therefore so carry your self in this business that what ever you do may redound to the honor of you both and to the end that you may receive the same satisfaction from her own mouth I will immediately go into her Chamber and bring her hither At which words Don Bellianis fell on his knees to the ground and straitly embracing her legs he said Ah dear Madam what thanks what services what returns shall I make for this extraordinary favor But she knowing that a little time would be soon lost got from him and leaving him in this extasie went into the chamber of her Cousin where she had not stayed long but she returned with her Cousin in her company who now being undressed was attired in a Mantle of Crimson Velvet and such other Garments that Juno in all her Bravery did not appear half so stately nor Venus when she courted Adonis was not half so lovely when they came into the Chamber they found the Knight on his knées his extasie of Ioy had béen so great wherefore the Princess Mattarosa taking her Cousin by the hand led her to him saying Behold here Madam the best Knight in the world prostrate on his knées expecting from your lips the gracious favor of your admitting him to be your Knight Arise most noble Prince answered the Princess for so my Cousin informs me you are and indéed it could not be expected that so great Perfections of Valor Magnanimity and true Vertue should abide in the breast of any one but the greatest Prince in the world At these words Don Bellianis humbly kissing her hand arose and then the Princess Mattarosa caused them both to sit down when they were sate the Princess Florisbella demanded of him how he performed the Adventure of setling her Cousin Aurora in possession of her Kingdom for said she I hear that she is bound ●o y●u for that favor then he Recounted to her all that happened in that Adventure how he killed her usurping Enemy Don Gallanco and the many hazards he ran thorough when he went disguised in the Apparel of one of her Damsels and how at last he procured the Souldan of Persia to Confirm her in her Kingdom and then said he Madam I had gone along with her to have séen her setled therin but that the remembrance of your divine Beauty was as attractive to my heart as the Loadstone to the Néedle which caused me to leave that Charge to two of my Brethren and some other of my Friends to apply my self hither to wait upon my Comnands And said the Princess Mattarosa it was most happy for us both that you went not thither for I had ere this perished without the assistance you brought me and the Princess my Cousin had still wanted one to undertake the Redemption of her Father Ah most noble Lady replyed he I sée now that Fortune and my good Stars have brought me some swéet with much of biter I have hitherto run thorough in that they have given me some opportunity of testifying to you my service in which point I wish my Destinies will still continue me to my lives end for it will be the greatest good that can come to me to spend the remainder of my life in the service of so Divine Persenages and therewith he took the fair Hand of his Mistriss and amorously kissed it In these terms continued these Lovers for two or thrée hours an then they gave●d each other such assured Testimonies of their loves that it endured for ever The Princess signified much sorrow that he was to depart in so short time to hazard his person in so great perils but he assured her that since she thought him worthy of being hers he did not question but to overcome all difficulties and in short time return with her Father Than she desired him to take some company with him that he might be the better enabled to perform his Enterprize but he refused that desiring to perform it himself that the Souldan her Father might be obliged to none for this Deliverance but to him onely that thereby he might have the more cause to grant him what he should afterwards desire of him But the Princess Mattarosa knowing that her Brother the Prince of Numidia intended to accompany him in this Adventure perswaded him that since the Iourney was long and that he was to travel on the Caspian Sea to some uncertain place there that he would not refuse his company which he at last assenced to Thus having spent much of the night in these Discourses after the two Lovers had given each other new Obligations of Promises of an everlasting Love and Friendship they every one with great silence departed to their severall Lodgings CHAP. XVIII How Don Bellianis had a second Conference with the Princess Florisbella and her Cousin Mattarosa and how he after he had taken his leave of the Ladies departed in quest of the Souldan
irrecoverably and their second birth shall bring as much joy as their loss had brought grief to their Parents They are born to command as many Empires and Kingdoms as are represented on their bodies and by them shall peace be given to the greatest Empires in the Universe This Prophesie was brought to the Court and presented to the Souldan and Don Bellianis who séeing the contents of it would not be very pleasing they therefore resolved to conceal it from the knowledge of all trusting Fate to dispose of them and hoping for the best But withal they made the stricter provision for the nursing of the two young Princes who with their Purses were placed in a Castle adjoyning to the Court and a strict Guard set to watch it night and day By the consent of all the young Son was named Meridian after the name of the Souldan his Grand-father and the Princess was called Clarinds it being the name of her Grand-mother the Mother of Don Bellianis These two admirable Princes being thus named were delivered to certain Ladies to be nursed by them in a Castle and under a Guard as we have already told you and there they continued ●●x moneths without being visited by any but the Father Mother Grand-father and Grand-mother and such of the Court as they permitted to go with them and in these six moneths they were grown so large that it was admirable to all that faw them The Father and Grand-father of these two Princes were very glad that six moneths were passed hoping that they by taking the same care of kéeping and guarding them might hinder the effects of the threatning Prophesie The Princess Florisbella was mightily well pleased with the thriving of her Children but was dissatisfied at their being so strictly guarded and had several times inquired of her Husband the cause why they could not be bred up in the Court with her Don Bellianis still concealed the true cause of their confinements and replied that it was out of state and that it would be better for the Children while they were so young to be bred privately then otherwise promising that so soon as one year was past by which time they would be capable of knowing them to permit them to be brought to and bred up in the Court and with this answer the Princess was forced to rest satisfied The news of the birth of these two heave Princes being spread abroad was soon carried not only to all parts of the Empire but it also came to the hearing of Don Brianel and Aurora King and Quéen of Antioch who believing they should oblige Don Bellianis and his Princess sent their Daughter Aurora to be been up with them in the Court of Babylon and by their example Alfiron and Persians King and Quéen of Shyraz also sent their Daughter Bellians for whose arrival at Court great joy was made And now the Princess Florisbella was again desirous that her two Children might he brought to Court to accompany these two Princesses Don Bellianis promised her that her desire should in short time be granted but that he must first have the consent of her Father the Souldan before it could be done The Princess hearing and understanding that if she could have her Fathers consent her Husbands would be had she therefore became a Suitor to her Father in that be half He answered her as her Husband had done that in short time she should have her desires fulfilled But she was so importunate with both her Husband and Father that she caused them to promise her that on a day prefixed which was to come within one moneth more the two Princes should he brought to Court She waited the coming of that day with some impatience and when it was come a great Feast was provided and Triumths were intended to be solemraze● in honour of the two Princes and all the Court went in a kind of procession to the place where they were kept They were brought out of the Castle by their Nurses and placed in a Golden Chariot drawn by two milk-white Palsreys They were attended by several other Chariots wherein were the most eminent of the Court and guarded by those who had formerly béen the Guard of the Castle They being brought to Court and dinner ended they were in the same mam●er drawn in their Chariots to a place scaffolded and railed in where the Tournament was to be kept All Persons here took their places according to their degrées and abilities and the two young Princes were placed on a Scaffold where were none but themselves and their Nurses and the two young Princesses Aurora and Belliana and opposite to them was the Scaffold whereon sat the Souldan and his Wife and Don Bellianis and the Princess Florisbella who was very joyful at the sight of her two Children but her joy was converted into sadness within few hours after All People being placed on the Scaffolds and the Combatants who were to perforin this days Triumph being entred the Lists they rode about making their usual obeysances to these Princes and so passed on to their several stations where at the noise of forty Trumpets they began their carere which was performed with much gallantry and so indéed was all the action of the day to the great content of all the Spectators But a little before the approaching of the night when the Combatants were separated there were two Chariots séen in the Air drawn by six Griffons apiece they came from several ways for one came from the East and the other from the West and méeting in the Air they began a furious Combat with each other which continued for some time in the Air to the admiration of all the beholders but they in the end separated and both whéeling about alighted in the place where the Tilting had béen performed out of one of these Chariots issued a Giant and in his hand two Lions who went towards the Scaffold where the two young Princes Meridian and Clarinda were seated but before they could come thither they were met and opposed by another Giant and two fierce Lecpards who came out of the other Chariot betwéen these two Giants began a fierce and cruel Combat for they drawing their mighty broad Falchions soon drew blood from one another in the mean time the Beasts were not idle for they assaulted each other with great violence and in the end of a cruel Combat which was begun continued and ended by these Giants and Beasts to the admiration of all the beholders the Giant with the Lions was vanquished by the other and a great peal of Thunder and flash of Lightning happening the Chariof out of which the vanquished Giant and Lions came was vanished and so was the Giant and Lions and the other Giant séeing himself Conqueror taking his Leopards in his hand went up to the Scaffold where the two young Princes were and taking them into his arms bore them away and carrying them to the Chariot he entred with them
the Giants head that he was astonished at the blow and in the mean time seized on the Battle-ax The Giant soon came from his astonishment and now believing his Enemy to be quite weaponless advanced towards him but to his cost for he not doubting any such matter came so near that the Knight of Cupid hitting the Giant a blow with the mighty Battle-ax cut off one of his arms at which he roared like a baited Bull and the Knight again following his blows in two more laid him flat upon the earth and so coming to him and possessing himself of the Giant 's Sword he therewith smote off his head The Knight of Cupid having now to the joy and admiration of the whole Company killed his Enemy the Giant and cut off his head with his own Sword put it on the Swords point and presented it to the Countess saying Now Madam behold the effects of your Prayers and Tears have given me the Victory over your Enemy and if this be not enough let me know what is further to be done The Countess coming down from the Scaffold threw her self at the Knight's féet with many fears embracing him but he taking her up went to the King and the Iudges who told him The Conditions of the Combat should be performed whereupon the false Damsel was seized on and a pile of Faggots being in readiness she was carried thither to be burnt She séeing that the end of her life was at hand and being accompanied by some Religious Persons they so far wrought with her that she confessed That the Accusation she had made of the Countess was false and that she was hired thereto by the Countesses Brother in Law The King and the Iudges hearing of this commanded her to be burnt immediately as a punishment for her offence and withal banished the Countesses Brother in Law so that if after twenty days he should ever be séen in England he should be hanged And now justice being done on all sides the Quéen took the virtuous Countess and her Children into her company and the King desired the valiant Knight of Cupid to go with him the which he did and stayed there with him several days being all that time highly and honourably feasted and entertained by the King and all the Court. But some few days being passed and he hearing no news of what he searched for the Princess Magdalena in order to his resolutions he passed thorow the principallest places in England till he came to Westchester where méeting with his Ship he soon after embarqued leaving the fame of the Knight of Cupid spread abroad in all that Country Being now embarqued with his trusty Squire and Dwarf he sailed cross those Seas and landed near the Port of Dublin then called Ballicleagh or the Town of Hurdles it being as most of all that Country is built upon Hurdles laid upon a Bog The whole Country of Ireland was at that time governed by one Monarch who kept his chief residence at Dublin but it was divided into four small Kingdoms or Provinces called Lemster Munster Ulster and Conaught and over these there were several Kings Earls or Governors The principal King himself whose name was Owen Roe Oneale governed the Province of Lemster particularly the Governor of Munster who was his Brother and Father to Peter of Ireland was named Mac Guire the King or Governor of Ulster was named Owen O Coneele and the King or Governor of Conaught was named Owen Mac O Brian These were the several Governments and these were the several Governors of this Kingdom whose Monarchy was as antient as any in the World for it was first formed into a Monarchy by King Gaelus Son to Pharaoh King of Aegypt in the time of the Patriarch Abraham which was two thousand years before the Incarnation of our blessed Lord and Savior and it continues in the same way of Government to this day never admitting of any but a Kingly Government CHAP. VII How the Knight of Cupid being arrived in Ireland was set upon by four Knights whom he vanquished and afterwards more of their Companions but at length he being overpowered by the Multitude and refusing to yield to the King was well nigh slain How he submitted to the King who told him of Wars in his Kingdom about Honna Princess of Ulster who was beloved by the Prince of Conaught but could not be suffered to Marry him by reason of the Gyant Flusteron who would compel her to be Married to him against her will How the King with the Knight of Cupid went to the Wars and after many bloody Battels and the Destruction of many Cities the War was ended by the sole valour of the Knight of Cupid who in a single Combat slew the Giant Flusteron THe valiant Knight of Cupid had no sooner set footing on the Irish shore but he commanded his Horse to be disimbarqued and he mounting his lusty Courser armed at all points and attended on by his dear Squire Florello and his trusty Dwarf who were also mounted he advanced towards the City of Dublin but long had he not travelled but he was met by four Knights armed at all points who commanded him to stand he did so and asked their business They replied He must go with them to the King their Master and take such an Oath as he would impose on him or else leave his Horse and Arms behind him He hearing their terms and not being used to be compelled to any thing so unreasonable answered That he should not with his good will take any Oath much less leave his Arms. They told him That this he must do or else they would compel him and thereupon one of them drew near to seize on his Bridle but he who was so forward paid for his holdness for he gave him such a blow on the head with the great end of his Lance that he beat him breathless under his Horses féet His Companions séeing this went all thrée to seize on him but he turned his Horse to avoid them and thereby they passing on he had the leisurs to put his Lance in his Rest ready to receive them They séeing him thus provided for them all thrée ran against him and although all thrée did hit him together yet they moved him no more then if he had béen a Tower but they fared not so well for he encountred one with his Lance so that he was thrown over his Horses crupper and he seized on another in his arms as he passed by and drawing him out of his saddle threw him on violently against the ground and the third who at that time escaped was worser treated for at the next encounter he threw him to the ground and his Horse upon him and thus these four Knights being dismounted he passed on But they in short time recovering their Horses and mounting again pursued him but at some distance so that he was near the City Walls before they overtook him and then they rode up
the King of Ulster resided she who had béen the unhappy cause of all these Wars which she confidering of and that she might be the cause of her Father's ruine considered also which way to prevent it and therefore sent to her Lover Owen Mac O Brian Prince of Conaught to desire him to lay down his Arms and leave her to the disposal of her Father for if he obstinately persisted she would never have him although frée to dispose of her self and séeing his first taking up of Arms against her Father had béen for her sake to hinder her marriage with Flusteron so she desired him that for her sake he would also lay down his Arms and then she questioned not but her Father would be induced to do so too and a Peace would follow and she hoped then so to order affairs as that she might content him and her self This Prince who was still in Arms in his own Province and only waited the motions of the two other Armies now hearing the desires of his Princess knew not what to resolve on but being willing to oblige her in all he could and not thinking it convenient to lay down Arms till the War was ended he resolved on a third course which was to take past with her Father relieve and assist him against the King and thereby as he hoped oblige him to bestow his Daughter on him and therefore away he marcheth with all his Army towards the City of Dundrom where the King and the Knight of Cupid had besieged the King of Ulster The news of his approach surprized the King neither did the Prince of Ulster know what he intended but he soon sent a Letter to acquaint him that although he had appeared his Enemy when alone in the Field yet now that he saw him likely to be oppressed by the King and his numerous and victorious Forces be would joyn interests with him till he had frée● himself of so potent an Enemy and that then afterwards it would be time enough for them to consider of their own private quarrel which he hoped would be put to a good end and that at least if he would not let him have the happiness of having his Daughter yet he would not compel her against her will to be married to another The Giant Flusteton hearing of this message and supposing it might turn to his disadvantage would not permit the Prince of Ulster to return him any answer but told him that he would take such order that the King of Lemster should soon be enforeed to withdraw his Forces and the way he propounded was this that they being we●● fortified néed not fear any assault in that place and if they ●ould be put to the utmost extremity they might escape by sea but he did not expect any such matters because the Prince of Conaught would hinder the King from procéeding so forwards and he leaving a sufficient Party to secure the Princess left the City of Dundrom and went to his own Country and there raising another great Party he roved up and down and at length entring the Province of Lemster in the King's absence did much mischief burning and destroying all places where he came thinking by this means to force the King to raise his siege and return home to guard his own Country But the King not knowing of this mischief but séeing the Forces of the Prince of Conaught sent to know why he came thither armed commanding him to depart and disband his Forces He answered that he could not indéed deny but that he was his Sovereign and therefore ought to be obeyed but that withal what he did was for self-preservation and to serve a Mistress whom he estéemed above all for he believed that if he should permit him absolutely to conquer his Neighbor the Prince of Ulster and thereby his Mistress would also be destroyed it would not be long before he served him in the same manner and so become absolute not permitting them their antient Principallity to which they had as much right as he to his absolute Sovereignty and therefore the cause why he could not obey him at present was because he was resolved not to sit still and first sée his Neighbors Principallity taken from him and then his own This was the answer he sent whereupon the King sent away to his Brother Mac Guire Prince of Munster and Father to Peter of Ireland to raise what Forces he could and come to his assistance resolving to compel these two Princes to obey him The Prince of Munster knowing of the War and doubting of the events thereof had already raised an Army to be in readiness and therefore was quickly on his way to his Brother before Dundrom but in the mean time the Giant Flusteron had committed many villanies for he had surprized the antient City of Tredagh in Lemster and destroying the Inhabitants very much ruined the City it self and now hearing that the Prince of Munster was ingaged against his Party he marches into his Country and spoils many places there but more particularly the Town of Rabennee which he set on fire and now all the Kingdom of Ireland was ingaged in a War which was very bloody and all occasioned by the wilfulness of this Monster Flusteron who now supposing it necessary makes all haste possible to the City of Dundrom and getting into it gives an account of his villainies By the assistance which he brought the City was so well relieved that it was resolved they would no longer be inclosed within the walls but go out and face and fight their Enemies knowing that if the Prince of Conaught did them no good he would not harm them by assisting their Enemies wherefore he making all the Forces he could marched out of the City and being fleshed and encouraged by the success he had abroad hoped to have the same here in the Field and now being resolved to fight he questioned not but he should conquer and therefore was so bold as to send to the King to defie him and to appoint a pitcht Battle thrée days after or sooner if he would The King hearing of his presumption called his Councel to advise what was to be done And there the Knight of Cupid advised the King to agrée to the Battle to be fought thrée days after and in the mean time to have a Truce so that any single Persons might be frée to visit their Enemies Camp or City All this was agréed on by all Parties and the Knight of Cupid having leave of the King and power to treat as he thought fit was resolved to treat with all Parties and sée if by his prudent management he might put an end to this War without fighting Whereupon the chief occasion of this War being about the Marriage of the Princess Honora he first went to her and there he examining her to every thing found that she had an absolute antipathy against and hatred to the Giant Flusteron her intended Husband and
that rather then have him she would destroy her self and that withall she had as great a love for the Prince of Conaught Owen Mac O Brian whom she would with all her heart be married to The Knight of Cupid having heard her mind told her that he would endeavor that she should have her desire and therefore he went next to her Father Owen O Coneele Prince of Ulster of whom he likewise desired to know If he had any inclination to Peace The old Man replied he desired it above all things being weary of the War long time since and that he would have left it off if the Giant Flusteron would have permitted him The Knight of Cupid hearing this told him The occasion of the War as he understood was because he would compel his Daughter to marry with Flusteron against her own mind Truly replied the old Prince I had no inclination that she should be married to Owen Mac O Brian Prince of Conaught because we have been ancient Enemies and therefore was willing the other my Friend and Subject should have her and that hath occasioned this unhappy War but I now wish that it were otherwise and did not care if she were married to the Prince of Conaught or left to whom she her self should please so I knew how to rid my self of Flusteron who is grown now too potent for me and over-rules all my Councels As for that replied the Knight of Cupid if you please to give your Daughter free leave to marry I question not but I shall end the War without much more blood-shed and that you shall be well enough rid of Flusteron If it may be so I should be content replied the old Prince and so they parted And now the Knight of Cupid thought it expedient to go to the Giant Flusteron where when he came he told him that he had béen the whole cause of the War and that it would be well done of him to endeavor an end of it by permitting the Lady Honora to choose whom she would for a Husband Why whom should she choose but me replied the Giant fiercely who have best deserved her It may be so she will replied the Knight of Cupid and that it will be the best way to give her her own freedom I shall not trust the peevish Baggage said the Giant but I will have her alive or dead and as I have so I will always hazard my life to gain her I would that young Princely Puppet of Conaught would either fight with me for her or produce any body else that would do it and then it should be soon seen who best deserves her I must confess said the Knight of Cupid that for force and valour you may exceed him but there are other qualities that a Lady expects above that What should any Ladies expect replied the Giant but to marry where their Parents think fit and to obey those Husbands who can gain most from others and thereby enlarge their own Dominions This is your opinion replied the Knight of Cupid but I still advise you to let the Lady have her own choosing Yes if I were sure she will choose me replied he or else if she will renounce all her interest to her Father's Principality and he give me present possession of it That were unreasonable replied the Knight I rather believe that the Prince of Conaught will produce a Champion to fight in hers and his own behalf I should be glad to see him replied the Giant and that shall be the end of the War I will go ask him replied the Knight and so departed And now at last going to the Prince of Conaught he told him That he had been much too blame to ingage a Kingdom in a War out of pretence of assisting of a Lady Then I perceive Sir replied the Prince you have never been in love for if you had you would not value ten Kingdoms to a Ladies enjoyment Well but how do you think to gain her replied the Knight for I know that you must never have her unless the Giant Flusteron be first dead and that I think is somewhat difficult to be done Truly replied the Prince rather then lose her I would venture my own Person against that Monster But do you imagine said the Knight that you should vanquish him Truly I much doubt it replied the Prince but I then could but die and then all my sorrow would at once be at an end The Knight of Cupid hearing him thus resolute and pitying all Parties and being desirous to make an end of this War for the doing whereof there was but one way told the Prince that he would undertake the Combat on his behalf and therefore desired him to agrée to what he should direct and then he questioned not but he should suddainly put an end to the War to his own content The Prince knowing well enough the great valor of the Knight of Cupid as having heard of his fight at his first arrival in that Kingdom and withal having séen other testimonies of his valour during the War and believing that if he undertook the Combat he should be successful he therefore kindly thanked him for his generous offer telling him That if he would on his behalf enter the Combat against his Enemy and conquer him as he did not question he would freely give him his Principality only contenting himself with the in joyment of the fair Princess Honora The Knight of Cupid hearing the generous offer of the Prince replied That he desired no other requital but the honour of having done him that particular service and as he hoped a general good ●o the whole Kingdom that was now involved in a desperate War The matter being now agréed upon as to the main the Prince at the directions of the Knight of Cupid writ this Letter The Letter of Challenge from Owen Mac O Brian Prince of Conaught to Flusteron of the Mountains of Callingford in Ulster IT is not unknown to the whole Kingdom that the chief cause of these Wars hath been your pretensions and mine to the Princess Honora and you and I both know that but one of us can lawfully injoy her to Wife and I have often heard that you have several times sworn that none should have her so long as you were alive whereupon I have often thought that there is but one way to conclude upon Peace and that must be very difficult and dangerous for me however I being now resolved to spare all further effusion of blood as much as in me lies do make this further offer That I will within these two days expose either my own Body or some others as my Champion to fight with you body to body and which soever shall remain Victor shall have the Lady Honora as the Prize of his Conquest If therefore you accept of these terms I expect that you give sufficient Pledges for performing of the Conditions as I on my part am willing to do These