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A17808 Annales the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth Queene of England France and Ireland &c. True faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne ... are exactly described.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. Book 1-3 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1625 (1625) STC 4497; ESTC S107372 510,711 833

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caried her selfe more difficultly neither would she heare those which would assure the Lady Arbella borne in England to be next to King Charles her Vnkle to the Inheritance in England nor Embassador which would make it appeare by Historie that the Kings of Scotland borne in Scotland had in time past by hereditarie right succeeded in the Countie of Huntington and he instantly besought her that she would not denie a Prince her neerest Kinsman that right of inhabitance which she vouchsafed to vnknowne Strangers But she commanded that the Reuenues should be sequestred in the hands of the Lord Burghley Gardian of the Pupils and warneth the King to satisfie Creditors out of the Earle of Lenox his goods in Scotland She tooke it impatiently that it should be suggested that the King would reuoke the infeoffement of the Earledome of Lenox to the preiudice of the Lady Arbella although by the Regall right of Scotland it alwaies hath beene lawfull to reuoke Donations hurtfull to the Kingdome and done in minoritie The Counsell of England doe not hold it conuenient and fit that the Treatie of Edenborough should be confirmed thinking it yet to stand firme They require that the Embassadour would propound something that might somwhat recompence the fauors and friendship that the Queen had manifested to the King who spared not the Blood of the English in his defence and consolidate a friendship Whereupon he propounds according to his instructions That a League may be made not Offensiue but Defensiue and with mutuall succours against the Pope and his confederates with certaine Lawes against those which should attempt any thing against either Kingdome and Rebels vnder pretence of Religion But besides these the English thinke it Iust that seeing the Queene had not omitted nor would omit any thing for the defence of the King and that for this cause she had incurred the Indignation of many That the States of the Kingdome of Scotland should giue caution that so long as the King is vnder age he should not contract nor renew couenants with any neither to marrie nor be sent out of Scotland without the Queenes aduice But these things being of such moment require to be exactly and circumspectly considered and are put backe to Scotland till another time In the meane time Morton who indeed was of a most eager and sharpe disposition trusting in his long experience and multitude of his vassals thinking nothing wel done but what he did himselfe not being able to endure to be lesse than he had been contemning his Colleagues and reiecting the manner of administration prescribed tooke againe the managing of affaires and detained the King in his power in the Castle of Sterlin admitting and denying entrance to whom he pleased The Peeres prouoked therewith tooke the Earle of Athole to be their Generall and in the Kings name summoned all that were aboue fourteene yeeres of age and vnder sixtie to meete together with Armes and Victuals to deliuer the King and true many came and hauing displaid their Colours marched towards Faukirk where Morton presented himselfe with his men But Sir Robert Bowes the English Embassadour interceding hindered them from comming to blowes Morton being vext to see how matters went presently retires to his House The Earle dyed as quickly and left a suspition that he was poysoned Which thing those that were moued against Morton tooke that aboue all to increase their hatred vntill they brought him to his ruine as we shall say hereafter This yeere nothing of note was done in Ireland But the Spaniard and Pope Gregorie the thirteenth prouiding for their owne profit vnder shadow of restoring Religion held secret counsell how at one time to inuade both Ireland and England and dispossesse Queene ELIZABETH who was the surest defence of the Protestants Religion The Pope he was to conquer Ireland for his Sonne Iames Bon-Compagnon whom he had created Marquis of Vignoles The Spaniard secretly to succour the Irish Rebels as Queen ELIZABETH had done the Hollanders while he entertained Parlies of friendship with her to enioy if he could the Kingdome of England by the Popes authoritie and then the States her confederates he could easily reduce to a course which he despaired to doe vnlesse he were Lord of the Sea and this hee saw could not be done vnlesse hee were first Lord of England And it is not to be doubted but that as he holds Naples Sicilie and Nauarre of the Popes liberalitie so most willingly would he hold England as a Beneficiarie ought to doe Those which know the principall strength of England consists in the Nauie Royall and in Merchants Shippes which are built for Warre thought it were good to fraught the Merchants Shippes for some long voyage by Italians and Flemmish Merchants and whilest they are vpon their voyage this Royall Fleet might be ouer-whelmed by a greater At the same time Thomas Stukeley an English Fugitiue of whom I haue spoken in the yeere 1570 ioyned to his Forces the Rebels of Ireland by this notable subtiltie and his great ostentation and shew and the promises which he made of the Kingdome of Ireland to the Popes base Sonne he had so wonne the fauour of this ambitious old man that he honoured him with the Titles of Marquis of Lemster Earle of Wexford and Caterlaughie Viscount Mourough and Baron of Rosse all of them remarkeable Places in Ireland and made him Generall of eight thousand Italians payd by the King of Spaine for the Warres of Ireland With which Forces hauing weighed Anker from the Ciuita Vecchia in the end he arriued in Portugal at the entry of Tage where a greater power by the Diuine Prouidence puft downe these that threatned England and Ireland For Sebastian King of Portugal to whom the whole expedition was committed because in the heate of his youth and ambition he had promised the Pope to goe against the Turkes and Protestants and employ all his power being drawne into Africa by Mahomet Sonne of Abdalla King of Fesse by great promises treates with Stukeley to goe before with these Italians to Mauritania And Stukeley being easily wonne to that knowing that the Spaniard disdaining that the Sonne of a Pope should be designed King of Ireland had consented to it hoisted saile with Sabastian and by an honest Catastrophe there he ended a dissolute life in a memorable combate Wherein dyed three Kings Sebastian Mahomet and Abdalemelech If this fate of Sebastians had not altered the King of Spaines mind from inuading England in hope of the Kingdome of Portugal England had felt a terrible storme of warre if credit may be giuen to English Fugitiues For they report that the great forces which hee had begun to rayse in Italy to showre vpon England were stayed for the taking of Portugal And being that his minde was wholly bent vpon that hee could not be made to thinke of England although the English Fugitiues earnestly sollicited him and for that businesse the Pope
meanes she adorned her tongue with pure words and instructed her mind with the best documents and good learning not for pompe or ostentation but to recreate her life and frame her selfe to vertue that among the learned Princes of her time shee was held Miraculous But the death of EDVVARD interrupted the studies of the Liberall Arts For scarce was he expired but Dudley Duke of Northumberland who earnestly coueted the Kingdome for Iane Gray to whom he had affianced his Sonne vsed some persons to perswade her to quit the right which shee had to the Kingdome for a certaine summe of money and great possessions in Land She modestly answered that they ought first doe well to agree with Mary her elder Sister because that during her life she could pretend no right to it Anon after by the publike voice of a Cryer Iane Gray HENRY the Eighth's Neece by his second Sisters Daughter was proclaimed Queene of England the cause thereof being sought out was found to bee that in regard of a Lawe by Act of Parliament which had neuer been duely abrogated MARIE and ELIZABETH had beene declared illegitimate although that by the same Lawe the King their Father had declared that after EDVVARD the Sixth if Issue fayled that they should succeede him in order and that by the Ciuill-Law of England such Sisters could not hereditarily succeede EDVVARD because they were not Cousin Germanes but as our learned in the Law say of the halfe Blood They adde likewise that HENRY the Eighth had by his last will nominated Iane Gray Moreouer it was shewed what danger there were if MARIE and ELIZABETH should marrie stranger Princes which would re-establish the Popes authority which was reiected out of the Kingdome And to that purpose they produce Letters Patents that EDVVARD the Sixth a little before his death had perfected and many of the Peeres Bishops Iudges and others by their signes in writing had fortified neuerthelesse the good-will that the Lords and the Commons bore to the Daughters of HENRIE the Eighth within twentie dayes had driuen away this storme and MARY proclaimed Queene through all parts of England who comming toward the Citie of London with an Armie ELIZABETH not to bee wanting her Sisters cause and hers being yet disquieted went accompanied with fiue hundred Horse to meet her vpon the way In the first Assembly of the Parliament that MARY caused to bee holden what things soeuer had beene decreed against the marriage betweene Qu. Katharine and HENRY the Eighth were abrogated and it was iudged lawfull by the Diuine Law and at all times and at all places auaileable for these reasons Because it had bin contracted by the consent of both their Parents of most Illustrious Princes of most graue Personages as well of England as Spaine and with a graue and constant deliberation of the learnedest men of Christendome and consummated by the procreation of Children The same religious Seruice and administration of the Sacraments which were in vse at the decease of HENRY the Eighth are re-established notwithstanding without any mention of acknowledging the Popes authority which thing put the Queene and Cardinall Pole into great trouble and vnquietnesse who thinke that for matter of the marriage consent of Parents and the iudgement of the wise did but onely depend vpon the Dispensation of Pope Iulius the second and were very angry that the vse of the Sacraments were permitted to those who were not as yet well and duely receiued into the Church without the authoritie of the Pope But the States of the Kingdome and MARY bethought her selfe of it feared to receiue and acknowledge the Popes authority which they had already shaken off neither could they suffer that the Queene should quit the Title of Soueraigne head of the Church of England to which the most part of them Prelates Peeres and Common-people had sworne to HENRY the Eighth his heires and successors and there were many of them that had got their riches from those of the Church But tooke it greatly to heart to forsake him perswading herselfe that all the right that she had to the Kingdome of England was vpholden by no other meanes then by the power of the Pope who gaue sentence of her side after her Father had declared her illegitimate Verily many at that time had the Popes power in such hatred and a strangers yoke that within tenne dayes after that MARY was married to Phillip King of Spaine Tho. Wyat and many others of Kent brake out into rebellion perswading themselues that this marriage was made to no other end but the more rigorously to presse them downe vnder the Romane yoke by the strength of Spaine and dispatch ELIZABETH out of the way who was next heire to the Kingdome of England Charles the fifth Emperour knowing what spirits were in England and that Cardinall Pole was going with power of Legate from the Pope cast a blocke in the way not without the Queenes counsell lest he should trouble businesse not as yet established that he should not come into England till fifteene moneths were expired when the third Parliament was ended and the marriage of MARY and Philip should be celebrated by the Dispensation of Pope Iulius the third because they were allied in the third degree and that the Emperour Charles himselfe had heretofore contracted to marry her being then vnder age for time to come At last being dismissed from the Emperour he came into England by demands and obtestations propounded orders that the lawes against Heretikes might be re-established all Lawes published against the Sea of Rome since the twentieth yeere of Henrie the eighth abolished and the whole body of the Kingdome reconciled to the Church of Rome The which with great difficulty he obtained yet not before the goods taken from the Monasteries Colledges Bishops c. by Henry the eighth and Edward the sixth were confirmed vpon like Couenant to the Queene and the possessors lest the Kingdome should be disquieted Foorthwith hereupon he absolued both the Clergie and people of the crime of Schisme and Pope Iulius the third himselfe with great ioy celebrated a solemne Masse at Rome ordained Prayers published a Iubile and granted a plenarie Indulgence to all who had giuen God thankes for the revnion of the Kingdome of England Then is sent vnto him Anthony Viscount Montaigue Thomas Thurlbe Bishop of Ely and Edward Carne to giue thankes for the pardon which he had granted for the Schismes and in the name of the King the Queene and the Kingdome and that due submission and obedience should be performed to the Pope and See of Rome Iulius then being deceased Paulus 4. gaue them audience and publike conference in the Apostolike Palace and in the Hall of Kings receiued their obedience approued the pardon and absolution granted by Cardinall Pole And for the well deseruing of Mary and Philip he out of the fulnesse of his power erected for euer Ireland to be a Kingdome and adorned
Regent he obliged himselfe by Writings vnder hand and seale to attempt nothing that should concerne either war or peace the person and marriage of the King or the Queenes liberty without the consent of the other Complices and hee caused the Lord of Lidington to informe Throgmorton that he should no more intercede for the Queene and that both himselfe and all others made choyce rather to indure any thing else than to permit that shee enioying liberty should still retaine Bothwell about her expose her Sonne to danger the Countrey to molestation and themselues to banishment We well know said hee what you English men can effect by a warre if you harrasse our frontiers and wee yours and are well assured out of the ancient alliance they haue alwaies entertained will neuer forsake vs. Neuerthelesse hee denied Ligneroll the French Ambassadour Leager to see the Queene while Bothwell were taken and contrary to that which he had promised to the King of France he daily intreated this miserable Queene most rigorously for all the good shee had formerly done him Hitherto so much as I could collect out of Throgmortons Letters Presently after Earle Murray put to death Iohn Hepborne Paris French Dowglas and some other of Bothwels seruants who assisted in the murdering of the King But when they came to their excution they protested before God and his Angels whereunto he gaue no eare that they heard Earle Bothwell say how himselfe and Morton were the originall Authors and discharged the Queene of all suspition As also Bothwell himselfe when hee was prisoner in Denmarke had often protested both during his life and at his death with a most sincere and religious attestation that she was innocent thereof and foureteene yeeres after when Morton came to vndergoe his last punishment he confest that Bothwell sollicited him to consent thereunto and he vtterly refusing to attempt the same except he first saw an expresse command in writing from the Queenes owne hand he replyed that this in no manner could be compassed but excluded it must be without communicating of it formerly to her Queene ELIZABETH and the King of France being much incensed with such a precipitant deposition and the Conspirators obstinacy against the sute of their Ambassadours it turning as it were to the reproch of Royall Maiesty they began to fauour the Hamiltons who still held the Queenes party Pasquier also Ambassador Leager for France treated with Queene ELIZABETH to procure her re-establishment by force of Armes who thought it most expedient first to prohibit the Scots all commerce with England and France while she were deliuered that so some diuision might grow betweene the Nobility and the people which Nobility seemed to conspire against her But for a while to passe ouer these affaires of Scotland Question being then made of restoring the Towne of Calais to the English according to the Treaty of Cambray seeing the eight yeeres therein specified were now expired Smith being sent into France with G. Winter Master of the Nauall Artillery after the sounding of a Trumpet before the gate of Calais which lookes towards the Sea with a lowd voyce in the French Tongue he demanded that according to the Articles of that Treaty the Town Territory with some Canons might be surrendred into his hands he also at the same time drew an Act by the hand of a publique Notary in the presence of some Germane and Flemish Merchants who were accidentally there at the same time and taken for witnesses and then he went presently to the King of France at Castell de Fossat where with Norris Ambassadour Leager he made againe the same demand The King sent to his Councellors amongst whom M. de l'Hospitall Lord Chancellor Proloquutor for the rest with a graue and well compiled discourse spake to him in this manner THat if the English had any right to lay claime to Calais they might as well challenge and pretend title to Paris for by the fortune of Warre they had conquered and lost both the one and the other That the right they pretended to Calais was but new whereas that of the French tooke beginning with the Kingdome it selfe And though the English possessed it for the space of three and twenty yeeres more or lesse yet the originall title euer remained to the King of France as well as that of the Duchies of Guyenne and Normandy which the English likewise detayned for a long time by the force of their Armes That the French did not conquer but rather recouered Calais with their Armes euen as they did their former Dukedomes That the prescription of times alledged by the English tooke no place betweene Princes but their right lay alwayes in their force and in the Law of the twelue Tables for one might eternally challenge his owne properties out of the hand of his enemie That the English though sufficiently instructed in Treaties and contractations of affaires were neuer mindefull of Calais in the Treaty which passed not long since at Troyes though they enterprised a warre principally for the recouery thereof so as hereby they manifested that they had giuen ouer all pretence to the same That this Treaty of Troyes was a Renouation by meanes whereof that of Cambray was in some poynts reformed notwithstanding the clause of the Reseruation of rights and claimes because that touched onely inferiour and petty Priuiledges and claimes whereas that of Calais was held for one of the most principall and important That notwithstanding any thing which Francis the Second attempted in Scotland this would not accrue to the preiudice of Charles the Ninth That in some speciall cases the attempts of particular men were subiect to the Lawes but in the proceedings of Kings and Princes it tooke quite otherwise That for whatsoeuer was vndertaken in the Kingdome of Scotland made ouer in dowry to King Francis the English who by surmizes aymed at his and the Queene of Scots proiect they should rather complaine vnto her seeing they entred Haure de grace which is in France vnder a colourable pretext of the Kings preseruation where placing a strong Garrison and diuers warlike munitions they held it by force of Armes and furnished the Prince of Condé with Moneyes for which cause they lost the claime which they had to Calais That GOD permitting the French to recouer the same resolued in his heauenly prouidence that it should be a meanes to end the warres that had beene betweene them in that they were seuered and separated by the Sea which running betwixt both coasts serues for iust borders and limits as that Poet sings And the English who are certaine Nations Seuer'd by Sea from other Regions That the Queene of England should take a better course in embracing Peace with the King of France then by seeking to recouer Calais Finally that no man should dare to moue a word to the King about surrendring it to the English but if any were so presumptuous that he
extraordinarie propertie and disposition That frequent commerce with strangers brought into the Common-wealth strange maners and fashions of life and that Ladies Princesses by these Marriages in stead of augmenting their owne Kingdomes added to those of their Husbands submitted themselues and their Subiects to their commands and laid open to strangers the secrets of their Kingdoms That a strange Husband out of the naturall affection he bare to his owne Countrey would preferre his owne Subiects before the Subiects of England That England had no need of the helpe of any stranger beeing strong enough of it selfe to defend the Kingdome and the riches thereof and to repell any forraigne Force That the annexing of another Kingdome would breed but charge care and trouble and how Kingdomes as well as humane bodies fell many times by their owne waight That some alleadged in scorne of the Nobility That the Queene marrying within the Kingdome should somewhat impaire her Royall dignity whereas her Maiestie who by her vertue opened a way to rise vnto this Soueraigntie was extracted from Nobility and that yet there are some Nobles of the Royall Blood who are like Sprigs of the same Royall Branch or Arme and hereupon the Kings of England haue euer in their Letters honoured Dukes Marquisses Earles and Vicounts with this Title of Cousins In the meane while the Earle of Sussex taking his Iourney by Antwerp Cullen Magunce Wormes Spire Vlme and Ausberg came into Austria with a great and magnificent Traine who beeing honourably entertained he there remained fiue moneths at the Emperours charge hauing daily conference with him about serious and waighty matters and touching the Marriage of Charles and on a day appointed he inuested him with the Order of the Garter at an Euening Prayer refusing through scruple of conscience to bee present at the celebration of Masse In this affaire many difficulties presented themselues about Religion and the Arch-duke's mayntenance the stile of King and the succession to the Kingdome and many points were argued both of the one side and the other For the Title and Stile of King it was accorded he should haue it For the Succession in that hee could not enioy it by the Lawes of the Kingdome in that it was preiudiciall to the Children hee should haue the tutelage and gardianship of them And that nothing more was granted to Philip King of Spaine when he married Queene MARY As for his maintenance if hee would furnish them at his charge whom he should bring with him and retaine in the Court the Queene out of her Royall Dignitie would abundantly discharge the rest yea and that too if he required it But one scruple still remained touching Religion For the Emperour demanded as also Charles himselfe that he might haue a publike Church granted him whither hee might repaire with his Court to the celebration of diuine Seruice according to the Romane forme But this beeing refused the Emperour was satisfied with an indifferent motion which was That hee might haue a peculiar place ordained within the Court for this purpose where he might quietly performe his Deuotions as euer it is permitted the Ambassadours of Romane Princes with a prouiso that the English should not bee thereto admitted and that neither hee nor his Followers did oppugne the Religion receiued in England neither fauour any opposites If any discontentment grew about Diuine Seruice hee should for a time forbeare his ordinary exercise and with the Queene repaire to that celebration performed according to the Church of England When this Treatie had beene sagely discussed of in England that I may not relate any further of the negotiation the Queene made answere That if shee yeelded to this she should offend her owne Conscience and openly violate the publike Lawes of the Kingdome to the extreme perill both of her dignitie and safety But if Charles were pleased to come into England to see her he should reape fruites worthy his trauell and paines And thus the Emperour dismissed the Earle of Sussex with great honour and the Earle of Sussex turning a little out of his way to see Charles tooke his leaue of him at Gratz and the Arch-duke Charles expecting to receiue a more fauourable Answere found himselfe frustrated of his intention For this prosecution was giuen ouer by little and little which made a progression of seuen whole yeeres with diuers intercourses of honourable Embassies it leauing notwithstanding a mutuall loue and amity betweene the Princes so cordiall and inherent that the Emperour alwaies crost the Popes designes against Queene ELIZABETH Not long after the Arch-duke married Mary Daughter to Albert the fifth Duke of Bauaria by whom amongst other Children he had two Daughters whereof the one was Queene of Spaine the other of Poland About this time came into England from the mightie Emperour of Russia and Muscouie Ioh. Basilius E. Twerdico and T. Pogarella with most Martlet Sable and Ermyne Skins whereof at that time and in precedent ages the English made great account both for ornament and health and they promised to the Queene and the English Nation continuance of that affection which the Emperour had manifested and what great studie and care he had taken for the English euer since they frequented those parts whereof you shall hereunder see the beginning In the yeere 1553. certaine Marchants of London the principall of whom were An. Iudd G. Barnes and A. Husay shaping out a course for Cathay by the frozen or Hyperborean Sea vnder the conduct of Sir Henry Willowbie who was frozen to death in the Iourney Ro. Chancelour his Lieutenant happily opened the passage of Russia before this time vnknowne running vp with the Riuer of Duina till he came to sixtie degrees of the Pole Articke where a little Monasteerie is seated consecrated to Saint Nicholas When the Emperour heard of it he sent for him to the Mosco in Caroches made after the manner of the Countrie he entertain'd and dismist him with many graces and fauours promising the English great immunities if they would trade into his Empire and reioycing that hee had met with a meanes to transport by Sea into Russia forraign merchandize which the Russiās could not come by before but with great difficultie by the Narue and the Kingdome of Poland enemies When Robert Chancelor vpon his returne gaue inforamtion thereof and of what high esteeme the Clothes of England were in those parts the low rate of Hempe and Flaxe whereof they made their Cables and cordage and what rich Skins they affoorded these Marchants raised a society or company by Queene MARIES permission in a faire Building appropriated to their vse which at this day we call the Moscouie house and Basilius granting them many immunities they haue since that time sent euery yeere a Fleet of Ships and maintained traffique the which likewise hath been greatly augmented since the yeere 1569. when out of his loue to Queene ELIZABETH he granted them that none but the English of
to substitute vnderstanding men to answere those complaints which the Queene of Scots would exhibit against him and his Confederates and to yeeld some iust cause and reason of his deposing her If not that herselfe would presently set her at liberty and employ all her forces for her re-establishment And so likewise she admonished him not to sell her precious habits and ornaments though the States of the Kingdome had permitted him Earle Murray obeyed there being no other way to call in question his administration and gouernement but those that came out of England and the great Men of the Kingdome refusing any manner of deputation Wherefore he came himselfe in person to the City of Yorke a place appointed for this proceeding with seuen of his most inward friends being Deputies for the Infant-King that is to say the Earle of Morton the Bishop of Orcades the Gouernour of Dunfermlin the Baron of Lindsay 10. Macgill and Henry Barneuay accompanied with the Earle of Lidington whom Murray drew thither with faire promises in that he durst not leaue him behinde in the Kingdome and George Buchanan who was wholly at his deuotion and becke And the very same day came thither the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of Sussex who not long before was constituted President of the North and Sir Ralph Sadler a Knight and one of the Priuy-Councell who were nominated to heare and examine the cause why the Queene of Scots was deposed The Bishop of Rosse the Barons of Leuingstone and of Boyd the Gouernour of Kenivinin Iohn Gordon and Iohn Corburne appeared there for the Queene of Scots who was wonderfully wroth that the Queene of England would neither see nor heare her hauing commanded that her owne Subiects should stand vp against her before the Commissaries in that being an absolute Princesse she stood not bound except she listed to make answer to her Subiects accusations and obiections Being assembled on the seuenth of October and read the Commissions both of the one side and the other Lidington who was there present turning towards the Scots admonished them with a marueilous free and plaine discourse That seeing it seemed the Queene of England pretended no other thing by the authority shee had conferred vpon the Commissaries but to staine the honour and impaire the reputation of the Queene the Kings Mother and to interpose herein her owne censure as an honourable Arbitratrix but that they should weigh and well consider what a perill they exposed themselues vnto and how they were like to purchase not onely the hatred of the Scots who continued deuoted and affected to the Queene but further the ill-will of other Christian Princes and of such affinitie as shee had in France in criminally accusing and hazarding her reputation in such a publique and iuridicall Tryall before the English sworne enemies to the Scottish name and what account could they giue to the King of such a presumptuous and insolent accusation which could not but redound to the preiudice of Scotland when being of riper yeeres hee shall repute both himselfe his Mother and countrey hereby dishonoured And therefore hee thought it very fitting to let fall this odious accusation of so great a Princesse except the Queene of England had contracted with them a mutuall League offensiue and defensiue against those that should in case molest or trouble them And thus much said hee out of his loyaltie and dutie a Scottish Secretarie hath aduertised you of Hereupon looking vpon one another they remained not vttering one word The Queene of Scots Deputies who had the honour to speake first before the taking of their Oath protested That though the Queene of Scots thought good to haue the cause betweene her Maiesty and her disloyall Subiects handled before the English yet neuerthelesse they conceiued not themselues herein to be vnder the command of any but their owne Princesse seeing Shee was free and absolute and ought neither faith nor homage to any other The English in like manner protested How they accepted not of this protestation to the preiudice of any right or prerogatiue which the Kings of England haue heretofore challenged as Soueraigne Lords of the Kingdome of Scotland The next day the Queene of Scots Deputies put in their Declaration in writing HOw the Earles of Morton Mar and Glencarne the Barons of Hume Lindsay Reuthen and Sempil and others had raysed an Armie in the Kings name against the Queene her selfe taken her vsed her disgracefully and clapt her vp in prison at Lake-Leuin They broke open the Mint carried away all sorts of Coyne Gold and Siluer Money or no Money crowned the King her Sonne who was yet but an Infant and the Earle of Murray vnder the title of Vice-Roy or Regent vsurped his power and authority and seyzed on all the wealth munition and reuenewes of the Kingdome Afterwards they alledged that the Queene being escaped out of Prison after shee had beene there restrayned for the space of tenne dayes denounced publiquely vpon her oath That whatsoeuer shee had yeelded vnto during her imprisonment was extorted from her against her will by force threats and terrour of death Notwithstanding to prouide for common tranquillitie shee had giuen authoritie to the Earles of Argathel Eglenton Cassil and Rothsay to accord all differences with her Aduersaries who for all this forbare not with a strong and armed hand to seyze on her person as shee retyred by priuy wayes towards Dunbritton they slew the most of her loyall Subiects and for those remayning some they carried away prisoners others they banished and all this for nothing but onely in that they had faithfully serued their Princesse And that for these inhumane outrages shee was constrained to repaire into England to implore of Queene ELIZABETH that ayd and succour which shee had oftentimes promised her that so shee might be restored to her Countrie and former dignitie A few dayes after Earle Murray Vice-Roy and the Deputies for the Infant-King for so they were nominated put in their Answer which was THat Lord Darley the Kings Father beeing slaine Earle Bothwell who was reputed the author of this Murder had so bewitched the Queenes heart as hee carried her away by force remoued her to Dunbar and after a separation from his owne Wife married her That the Nobles of the Kingdome being moued herewith they thought they could not discharge a better office than to punish Bothwell the author of this assassinate for all ouer the Country it was imputed to a generall conspiracy among the principall of the Nobilitie to restore the Queene to her former libertie to dissolue this vniust marriage and to prouide for the young Kings safetie and the quiet and tranquillitie of the Kingdome When the matter was so exasperated as they were readie to come to hand-blowes the Queene caused Bothwell to retire out of the Realme against the Nobilitie shee thundred out such threats and threatned such reuenge as they were enforced to commit her
and worthy a Subiect But howsoeuer I was willing the best I was able to pay this my humble Duty to Her blessed Memory and to your Honorable selues by my poore endeuours to make knowne the desire I haue to intitle my selfe A true denoted to your resplendent vertues ABRAHAM DARCIE THE HISTORIE OF THAT EVER Most blessed and Glorious Empresse Queene ELIZABETH of happy renowne and matchlesse Fame OR ANNALLS Of all such things of note as hapned during her happy Reigne as well in England France Ireland as Scotland Spaine Italy Germany and the Netherlands The third Booke and the foure and twentieth yeere of her Raigne Anno MDLXXXI HEreupon in the beginning of Ianuarie next was Thomas Randolph Captaine of the Light-horse sent into Scotland with cōmand that he should attempt nothing that might any way bee preiudiciall to the present religion or the peace of the two Nations he was also to sollicite in the behalfe of the Lord Morton that Lenox might be sent out of Scotland and such of the Nobility as fauoured the English faction might bee encouraged Randolph the better to effectuate his message for the good of Morton maketh recitall of his many great merits and good services done to his Maiesty the inueterate malice of his aduersaries the high respect and honor they ought to haue of Queene ELIZABETH who expected nothing lesse then to haue her suit now reiected in so honest a cause The King answered that by the duty of his royall charge hee was to execute iudgment and iustice vpon a person so conuicted in matter of Maiesty that he ingeniously acknowledged the Queenes manifold fauours nor would hee act any thing might any way bee iustly offensiue to her Maiestie Then after Randolph being admitted into the Assembly of the States of the Kingdome reckoneth vp the well knowne benefits which both the King and Country had earst receiued from the Queene namely HOW by the blood of the English their Country had beene deliuered from the French and of their King his Kingdome and Religion she had euer been a chiefe supporter but for any way seducing the King although some but most falsly did intimate so much or seeking to hold one foot of ground in Scotland shee neuer entertained such a thought yet were they not ignorant that she wanted not opportunity the King being in his cradle the Queene-mother in Prison and the Nobles in combustion But on the contrary all her royall care was for the conseruation of their King her neere and deare kinsman and allyed to her in a triple bond of neigborhood religion and consanguinity nor had shee euer found him or any of his Regents or Vice-Roies defectiue towards her in their loues before this Aubigny of France came into Scotland but since his ariuall hee wholly vsurped the Regall authority hee had withdrawne all affection from the English to bestow it vpon the French who before his ariuall neuer somuch as acknowledged their King had remoued from his person his most trusty friends brought in strangers had conferred with foraigners by letters which he shew'd for inuading England that he had brought the Scotish Presbytery into contempt with the King as a people altogether turbulent seditious had peruerted the administration of iustice vpon the borders Nor could her Maiesty endure a Prince so vertuous so neerely allyed vnto her to bee thus abused and caried away by such sinister practices Notwithstanding this for the present there was nothing done either for Morton or against Lenox whom the Scots for the most part supposed no way guilty of such aspersions or calumnies as had beene obiected Randolph seeing that thought hee would try another conclusion consorts himselfe with the friends of Morton and Lenox aduersaries bewaileth the miserable estate of Scotland representeth to them the imminent perills which hang ouer the heads of the King the Country and them all complaineth that the Queens message by way of intercessiō hath beene slieghtly respected suggesteth with them secretly to attempt to gaine that by force of Armes which they cannot get by faire meanes promising to further and furnish them out of England with men money and munition This Oratory of his proued so perswasible with them that thereupon the Earles of Argathel Mont-Rosse Angus Mortons Nephew by the brotherside Glencarne Reuthen Lindsey others became all of his side But soone after they fell at discord amongst themselues and seeing the King wholly caried away with the fauour of Lenox nor no whit danted for the English forces which were now vpon the borders and had already encountred theirs generally respecting the kings personall presence with them though a child were not affraid to bend all the powers they could make vpon Lenox and thought it was enough to haue pity on Morton notwithstanding the Earles of Angus and Marre practised couertly and cunningly with Randolph in the behalfe of Morton and against Lenox whereof Whittingham hauing aduertised the King Angus was commanded to retire himselfe beyond the riuer Spea Marre to yeeld vp the Castle of Sterlin into the Kings hands Randolph hauing an apprehension of feare got him priuately into Barwicke and seeing matters proue desperate aduiseth Angus Marre to prouide for themselues either in submitting themselues to the King or to seeke the protection of the Queene of England The English forces were no sooner withdrawne from the borders but Morton conuicted of murthering the King had his head cut off for he had confessed as the report went that Bothwel Archebauld Douglas had imparted their intent of making away the King but in so tumultuous a time as that was hee durst not reueale it Nor could hee deny but that since the Kings death hee had beene very inwardly conuersant and more familiar then before with Douglas the Kings murtherer and had promised by his letters if Bothwel should at any time be accused to defend him the best he might Instantly Douglas and others the friends of Morton fled into England In the Low-Countries against the Graue Van Reneberg who had there valiantly serued the King of Spaine and now laid siege to Stenwicke in Friezland the States sent the English vnder the conduct of their General Norris who with no lesse courage then good successe after he had twice releeued the besieged with victuals caused the Enemy to raise his siege But after that comming to fight with Verdugues the Spaniard hauing the victory in his hands his enemies put to flight suddenly fortune changing he is beaten off the field dangerously wounded and many of his men slaine amongst which not to nominate the rest were these men o● note Captain Cotton Fitz-Williams and Bishop I know not well whether I should here recite a Combate which was betweene Thomas Chieftaine of the Wallons and Generall Norris but Norris by the Law militarie being not permitted to admit of because he was Generall of the Armie his Lieutenant Roger Fitz-Williams
accepted the Challenge which two after a while trauersing their ground to and fro without one drop of blood-shed betooke themselues to drinke freely together and so of enemies became friends and parted Yet here wee must not omit to obserue that our Englishmen who of all the Northerne Nations haue beene most commended for sobrietie haue learned since these low-Low-Country warres so well to fill their cups and to wash themselues with Wine that whilest they at this day drinke others healths they little regard their owne And that this vicious practice of drunkennesse hath so ouerflowed the Land that lawes proscripts of restraint are vsually made for the drying vp of the same But whilest they were all this while contending in the Low-Countries for Dorppes Villages the King of Spaine getteth into his hands the rich Kingdome of Portugall For Henry which was King hauing paid Natures tribute the yeare before left the Realm to diuers Competitors amongst whom Philip King of Spaine sonne of his eldest Sister puissant enough in force though not in right by reason of his priority in blood and descent comming of the elder line and being Male thought with his friends himselfe worthiest to bee preferred to the succession of the said Kingdome before the women the yonger sort and such as did lesse participate of the blood The Duke of Sauoy reiected for that he came of the yonger Sister Farnese sonne to the Prince of Parma borne of the eldest Daughter of EDWARD brother King HENRY and KATHERINE of Brabant second daughter to the said EDWARD grounding themselues only vpon the benefit of Representation a simple fiction could not annihilate the true Title of Inheritance nor intercept the King of Spaines lawfull succession and this the Spaniards stood to maintaine And as touching Don Antonio Prior of Crates sonne to Lewis the second brother of King HENRY he was ipso facto reiected for that he was illegitimate The King of Spaine neuerthelesse propounded the matter twice to his Clergy and men of Law to decide the cause charging them in the name of God and vpon their faith and saluation to tell him freely whether hee had rightfull claime or no to that Kingdome They hauing with vnanimous voice assured him that it was proper to him he quickly putting forth first the Duke of Alua put to flight Antonio elected of the people and within 70 dayes brought all Portugall vnder his iurisdiction But touching the Right of Katherin de Medicis the Queen of France who claimed it from Alphonsus and the Earles of Boulogne for 320 yeares agone that the Spaniards laughed at as a Title out of date and fetcht from the old Prophetesse the Mother of Euander a thing iniurious to so many of the Kings of Portugal which had lawfully and lineally succeeded one another and therefore ridiculous to both Spaniards and Portugals Whereat the Queene incensed with anger and considering how mightily the Spaniard now in his ascendant enriched himselfe farre and neare by the accession or surcrease of this new-got Kingdome his Ilands and the East Indies breeding a feare within her to her selfe and the Princes her neighbouring friends aduised them and amongst the rest the Queene of England that it was already high time to stay the Spaniards in his mounting and to stop him vp within his owne bounds before his ambition should extend any further Queene ELIZABETH who was not to learne what shee had to doe in that nature for her selfe and her friends and foreseeing how dangerous the growing greater of the neighbour Princes would be lent eare thereto with no light attention but with great and Royall kindnesse entertained Antonio banished out of Portugall and recommended to her from France thinking that Spaine could not take exception thereat because hee was of her Alliance issued from the Blood Royall of England and of the House of Lancaster as shee well knew nor in any Treaties that euer had past betwixt Spaine and England was any caueat at all inferred forbidding England to receiue or to haue commerce with the Portugals At the same time for the more confirmation of assured amitie the Queene of France and the King her sonne prosecuting the mariage of the Duke d' Anjou addrest an honourable ambassage into England for the consummation thereof came ouer François de Bourbon Prince of Daulphiné Arthur de Cosse Cont de Secondigny Marshal of France Louis de Lusignan M. de S. Gelais Lansac Salignac Mauuisser Bernarde Brisson President of the Parliament of Paris and one of the learnedest men of France and others who as they they were of Honorable ranke were very nobly receiued and banqueted in a Banquetting-House built on purpose neere Westminster richly adorned with rare and sumptuous furniture and Titls and Tournaments proclaimed which were presented in a most princely manner by Philip Earle of Arundell Fred Lord Winsor Philip Sidney and Fulk Greuill Knights against all commers with sundry other courtly sports and Princely recreations not necessarily coincident to our History To conferre with them concerning these Nuptials were appointed the Baron of Burghley Lord high Treasurer of England the Earles of Sussex Lincolne Bedford and Leicester together with Sir Christopher Hatton and Secretary Walsingham Amongst whom these matrimoniall Contracts following were concluded vpon THe Duke d' Anjou and the Queene of England within six weekes after the ratification of these Articles shall personally contract mariage here in England The Duke and his associates seruants and friends being no English subiects shall haue libertie to vse their owne Religion in a certain place in their houses without molestation or impeachment He shall not alter any part of the Religion now receiued in England Hee shall inioy and haue the Title and Dignity of King after the mariage shall bee consummate but notwithstanding shall leaue intirely to the Queene the managing of affaires And whereas his demand was that immediately after the celebration of the mariage he should be crowned King instantly to inioy the title and dignity during the gouernment of the Kingdome in the minority of their children The Queene answered she would propound and further it at the next high Court of Parliament to be holden within fifteen dayes after the ratification Letters Patents and other things shal be passed in both their names as in the time of Philip and MARIE The Queene by Act of Parliament shall ordaine an Annuall pension for the Duke but the valuation thereof shall bee left to her pleasure she will also ordaine the said Pension to continue if he shall surviue her The Duke in Dowry shall bestow on the Queene to the value of forty thousand Crownes per annum out of his Duchy of Berry and shall forthwith infeofe her therein As touching their Issue it shall likewise be enacted by Parliament in England and registred in the Annals of France as followeth That the Heires of them as well Males as Females by maternall right of
Blood by the Ghost and memorie of Henry the seuenth Progenitor to them both and by the Princely honour which sometimes she had Then she complained that all her Princely Robes were taken away by the command of the Counsellors Shee presageth their malice will extend to worse things Shee added that if they had shewed without fraude or falshood the papers which they tooke from her it would clearely haue appeared by them that nothing had caused her vntimely death but the doubtfull care which some had of Queene Elizabeths safetie Finally she intreated her to returne her an Answer vnder her Hand touching these things Whether these Letters came to the hands of Queene Elizabeth I cannot say As for the rest there past according to the diuersitie of mens natures diuerse speeches vpon this matter not to speake of the declamations and exclamations made by the Clergie pro contra which commonly are very sharpe Some weighing the matters in equitie thought they had handled her too hardly because she was an absolute and free Princesse ouer whom God alone had the command being very neerely allyed in blood royall to Q. Elizabeth and that being driuen out of Scotland by the rebells shee was no sooner arriued in England but Q. Elizabeth promised her vpon her Princely word by Hen. Mildmore to shew her all courtesie and to welcome her with all royall deeds of hospitalitie yet neuerthelesse contrary to this promise imprisoned her and violated these sacred rights That shee could not be held but for a prisoner of warre and to such it was lawful to practise any meanes for their libertie and freedome That she could not commit treason because she was no subiect and that none hath power ouer his equall That that had disanulled the sentence of the Emperour against Rob. King of Sicily because he was not subiect to his Empyre That if Embassadors which ●●e but Princes seruants shal haue conspired against those to whom they are imployed in Embassage are not culpable of treason much lesse the Princes themselues and that the will ought not to be punished vnlesse it take effect That it was a thing neuer heard of for a Queene to passe vnder the hands of a common executioner That she was condemned contrary to the law of God the Romane Ciuill Law and the English yea euen against the Statute of the Parliament Anno 13. of Elizabeth whereby it was ordained That no person should be called into iudgement for hauing attempted the ruine of the Prince but vpon the testimonie and oath of two lawfull witnesses who should be brought face to face before the accused and in her trial no witnes was produced against her but she was condemned from the testimony of two Secretaries absent They discoursed diuersly also of the credite that was to bee giuen to domestick seruants being prisoners They much commended the speech of Adrian the Emperour Testibus non testimonijs credendum That wee should rather trust the the witnessors than the witnesses Others priuately complained that Spyes or Intelligencers had beene suborned who by forgerie false letters and deceitfull sleights had deluded this Princesse exposed to iniuries had preuented her purposes encouraged her to bad matters of which shee had not so much as once thought had she beene kept as was requisite and if such fraudulent Machinators had not beene put to her to that purpose That it hath beene a familiar thing in all ages for those that are enuyed by Courtiers euen against their wills to be brought into treason and to heape more dangers more treacherously vpon the innocent being once restrained of liberty Others thought that she was not a free and absolute Qu. but only titulary because shee had forsaken her kingdomes gouernement and was vnder the protection of the queene of England so soone as she was come within the kingdome and as in doing well she had tasted the benefite of the Law so in doing ill she was subiect to the rigour thereof according to the Lawyers Maxime He deserueth no benefite of the Law which trespasseth against the Law Otherwise the condition of a stranger-stranger-king offending within the countrey of another should be better than of him which raigneth well That she was a subiect temporally but not originally because that in respect of regall authoritie there cannot be two absolute Princes together in one Kingdom That by the common receiued opinion of Lawyers The king out of his Territories is a priuate man except in expedition of warre and therefore can neyther conferre nor exercise the royall Rights Besides that that she had lost her soueraignety of Empire by her trespasse and that those which are subiect to a King by reason of domicile may commit treason As touching the parentage there is no neerer kindred than our country for that it is a second Diuinity and our first and greatest parent As touching the promises of the duties of humanitie and hospitalitie these are no priuiledges to commit euills vnpunished That promises are to be vnderstood so long as things remain in the same estate and are not changed That he which hath committed a crime deserueth not to enioy any promised security and the rights of hospitalitie as sacred but our countrey is more sacred That the Prince no more than the Pope neuer bindeth his hands and that all Princes are more neerely obliged to their Cōmon-wealths than to their promises That if they should proceed with her as with a prisoner in warre they obiect I know not out of what author That onely captiues are to be pardoned from whom we can suspect no disturbance of the peace and no others And that euery one hath power ouer his equall alwayes and when the equall submitteth himselfe to his iudgement eyther expressely by word or secretly by contract or else by offending within his iurisdiction That the Pope had cut off the sentence giuen by the Emperour against Rob. King of Sicily because the fact was not committed within the Emperours dominions but within the Popes That by the law of Nations Ambassadors haue beene so fauoured for the necessity of their Ambassages as not to be violated but Kings which trespasse in the countrey of another haue no such graunt Finally that in matter of treason the will though wanting effect is punishable and to practise the death of the Prince nay to know of the practice to conceale it is held for treason That many Kings haue beene condemned and punished as namely Rescuporis of Thrace by Tiberius Licinius Maximinianus by Constantine the great Bernard of Italy Conrade of Sicily c. And that which is the summe of all The soueraigne Law is the safetie of the people now no law more soueraigne than the welfare of the Common-wealth And that Iupiter himselfe made this law That whatsoeuer is for the commodious good of the Common-wealth is lawfull and iust On the contrary that the Bishops of Rome haue put to death some Ecclesiasticall Princes not for the
and likewise for the Kingdome of Scotland Yet they neuerthelesse would not agree thereunto but meerely for those foure Cities which the Queen then had in possession as Ostend Flushing Bergen vp Zoom and the Breele and that during the said Treaty and twentie dayes after prouided that in the meane while it was lawfull to the Queene of England to assault Spaine and to the King of Spaine to inuade England as well out of Spaine as of Flanders During that time thus runned in speech about this Truce and the place appoynted for the conference which at last was appoynted at Bourbourgh Sir W. Crofts who for the great desire hee had of peace was gone to Bruxels without the knowledge of the rest of the Commissioners propounded in particular some Articles for which hee afterwards was imprisoned vpon the Earle of Leicesters accusation though that to the iudgement of others hee ought not to haue beene reproued or disauowed yet it is not lawfull to Commissioners to exceede the limits of their Commissions prescribed vnto them Finally the English seeing they could not obtaine a full and intyre cessation of Armes nor to see at all the Commission containing power for the Duke of Parma to treat of peace they propounded THat the ancient alliances betweene the Kings of England and the Dukes of Burgundie might be renewed and confirmed That the Flemmings might peaceably enioy their priuiledges and serue God with libertie of conscience That the Spaniards and other strangers might be sent out of Flanders to ridde the Flemmings and the neighbouring-Prouinces of all feare And that if they would grant these things the Queene to shew that shee had not taken vp Armes for her owne particular interest but for the necessary defence both of the Flemmings and her selfe would willingly hearken vnto any reasonable conditions touching the Townes which shee then possessed in the Low-Countries paying the mony which shee had laide out about them Whereunto the Dukes Deputies answered THat when it would please them friendly to conferre with them about the renewing of their ancient alliances there should be no disagreement in that regard That stranger Princes had nothing to doe with the Flemmings priuiledges of grace graunted as well vnto the reconciled Townes and Prouinces as vnto the rest which by force of Armes haue beene brought vnto obedience That their stranger-Souldiers were of necessitie retained there because they were vp in armes both in Holland England and France As for Townes taken from the King and expences of money the King of Spaine might well demand recompence of the Queene of many thousands of Crownes spent in the warres of the Low-Countries since her assisting and taking into her protection the rebellious Flemmings About this time Dr. Dale by the Queens cōmandement was sent vnto the Duke to make a friendly complaint vnto him of a Booke lately set forth by one Allin an English Cardinall by which hee admonished the Nobles and people of England and Ireland to ioyne with the forces of Spaine vnder the Dukes conduct for the execution of Pope Sixtus the Fifth his Sentence published by a Bull against the Queene by which he declared her an Heretique illegitimate and cruell against the Queene of Scots c. and commanded her Subiects to assist the Duke against her Many of those Bulls were printed at Antwerpe to be dispersed in England The Duke made him answere that hee had not seene any such Booke or Bull and that hee would not vndertake any thing in the Popes name yet that hee was to obey his King Moreouer that he honoured and admired so much the Queene for her Royall vertues that next vnto the King he made more account of her Maiestie than of any other Prince That hee had counselled the King to treate of that peace which would be more profitable to the English than to the Spaniards for quoth hee if the Spaniards be ouercome they can easily recouer their losse again but if you be once vanquished your Kingdome is vtterly lost Whereupon Doctor Dale replyed That the Queene was powerfull enough to defend her Kingdome and that himselfe might well iudge according to his graue wisdome that shee could not easily be ouerthrowne by the losse of one battell seeing the King of Spaine himselfe by so long a warre could not as yet recouer the inheritance of his Ancestors in the Low-Countries Well said hee these things are in the hands of the Almightie God Afterwards the Commissioners had many conferences and alterations and as it were weaued the same webbe againe When the English desired a toleration of Religion to be granted but for two yeres to the Vnited Prouinces it was answered That as the Spaniard interceded not in the like kinde for the English Catholikes so they hoped that the Queene in her owne wisedome would forbeare to request any thing of the Spaniard preiudiciall to his honour his oath and his conscience When they required re-payment of the money which the States of Brabant owed the Queene they answered That that money was lent without the Kings priuity or authoritie But all accounts beeing cast vp it might appeare both how much that money was and how much the King had spent in this warre to whom more ought to be paid By such kinde of answeres they deluded the English vntill the Spanish ARMADA approched the coast of England and the thunder of their Ordnance was heard from the Sea Then receiuing a conuoy from the Prince who during this treatie had brought almost all his forces to the shore by his Commissioners were honourably conducted to the borders neere Calais So vanished this treatie into nothing vndertaken by the Queene as the wisest sort of men iudged to auert the Spanish Fleete continued by the Spaniard to surprize England vnawares vnprouided so that both of them seemed to sew the Foxes tale to the Lyone skin That Spanish ARMADA the greatest and best furnished with men munition and all warlike preparations that euer the Ocean did see and arrogantly named Inuincible consisted of one hundred and thirtie ships in which were nineteene thousand two hundred and ninety souldiers eight thousand three hundred and fiftie Mariners two thousand eightie Gally-slaues chayned two thousand six hundred and thirty peeces of great Ordnance The Generall was Alphonsus Perez Guzman Duke of Medina Sidonia For Antonius Columna Duke of Palian of S. Cruz or of the holy Crosse designed Generall dyed during the preparation and vnder him was Iohn Martinus Recaldus a most skilfull Nauigator The third before the Calends of Iune they loosed from out of the Riuer of Tagus and bending their course towards the Groin in Galicia by a strong tempest they were dispersed three Gallies with three Oares on a seat beeing by the industry of Dauid Guin an English slaue and the perfidiousnesse of the Turkish Gally-slaues carried to the coast of Frāce after some time with great difficulty met at the Groin and the Hauens thereabouts So
and marked it with dignities and Royall preheminences The which the States of Ireland had liberally offered to Henry the eighth and the Queene a little before vsed and enioyed the same But these things are not for this place The Romane Religion seemed then to be well established in England howbeit the Ecclesiasticall company seeing that Mary was now fortie yeeres old growne dry and sickly scarce hoping for any ofspring began forthwith to be afraid of ELIZABETH For they knew she was brought vp in the Protestant Religion and obserued that all men cast as vpon a rising Sunne both heart and eye vpon her Therefore they seriously consult from the very beginning of Maries Raigne how to preuent that the Religion now called backe should receiue any detriment by her The wiser and more consciencious sort iudged it to be an exceeding foule crime to destroy Royall Linage and Mary herselfe who was a godly Princesse though displeased with her Sister for the discord of their Mothers yet certaine sicke-braind fellowes who neither durst vndertake any thing nor performe any thing by right or wrong to establish the Catholike Religion did thinke it fit And it happened very commodiously for them that Tho. Wyat Peter Carew Iames Crofts and others for the Protestants seditiously endeuoured to doe rash and turbulent things labouring with all haste to mary ELIZABETH to Edward Courtney Earle of Deuon-shire She as being guilty hereof is thrust into prison first of all vncertaine rumors are dispersed that she was a partaker of sedition thereupon many are brought in question for their heads and others brought to the Racke Croft with a religious asseueration openly affirmed that she was no way guilty and out of all offence for sedition Wyat also it was thought who was ready to vnder-goe his last punishment would haue accused her and hee openly professed the same Neuerthelesse she is put into the hands of Keepers who hurry her this way and that way at length her Seruants and Maides are laide in fetters harder dealing then her dignity deserued In the meane time the French King Henry the second by priuate Letters full of loue comforts her and by many and great promises seekes to draw her into France whether for loue or by deceit to beget her a greater danger I will not say to make way to the Queene of Scots his Neece to the Crowne of England after Queene MARY In like manner Christian the Third King of Denmarke who long before made profession of the Protestants Religion endeuours all he can and treates vnder-hand to marry her to Frederick his Sonne Which when the Papists of England perceyued they againe threaten perill and mischiefe and fearing her cry out that all of the Romane Religion Queene and Kingdome are in ieopardy while shee subsists therefore necessarily to condemne her eyther Laesae Maiestatis or as a depraued Heretique and during that storme whilest cruelty was rigorously exercised vpon the meaner sort of Protestants I. Storie Doctor of the Law and others cunningly giue it out in all places in seuerall assemblies that they vnderstood it was practising to extirpate and ridde out Heresie ayming at her without sparing the smallest branches Notwithstanding moderating her selfe imitating the Mariner when a storme violently increaseth heard diuine Seruice according to the rule of the Romish Church came often to Confession and verily beeing oft rudely and churlishly disturbed by Cardinall Pole the terrour of death made her confesse her selfe to bee a Romane Catholique Howbeit MARY hardly beleeued it not forgetting that herselfe being forced by the same apprehension had by Letters written to her Father with her owne hand which I haue seene renounced for euer the authority that the Pope pretended to haue in England and acknowledged her Father to be Soueraigne Head of the Church of England and that the marriage betwixt him and her Mother was incestuous and vnlawfull Neyther could the Cardinall and other Prelates perswade themselues to it who to assure the Romane Church wished her to be taken out of the way But Philip MARY'S Husband and other Spaniards being more iust on ELIZABETHS behalfe would not heare of that Not that the fortune of an afflicted Princesse mooued them so much to mercy as their owne reason circumspectly aduised them Because fore-seeing if ELIZABETH were cut off that by Marie Queene of Scots next Heire to the Kingdome of England now married to the Dolphin of France England Ireland and Scotland might be ioyned to the Scepter of France then which nothing could be more fearefull to the greatnes of Spaine with whom they haue continuall warres When therefore without impietie they could not put ELIZABETH to death many thought it would be most aduisedly done to remooue her farre from England and marry her to Emanuel Philibert Duke of Sauoy Neyther did this please Spaine who before had purposed her for Charles his sonne And Thomas Cornwallis who was of the Queenes Councell likewise disswaded it telling Her that the people of Englād would hardly beare it yea in no wise suffer it that the next Heire of the Kingdome should be carryed away into a forreine Countrey At which time MARY for her inueterate hatred to ELIZABETH and because shee refused to marry with Sauoy grew to that heat of anger that shee ouer-charged her with reproaches and often-times would not stick to say that Marie Queene of Scotland was the certaine and vndoubted Heire of the Kingdome of England next to her selfe These consultations holden against ELIZABETH were taken away by a warre which MARY denounced in the behalfe of her Husband against France which although that was the prime and principall cause shee neuerthelesse alledged others and those most true viz. That France against the Lawes of couenant had nourished and sustained by his Agents and ministers the Rebellions of the Duke of Northumberland and Tho. Wyat the machinations and workings of Dudley and Ashton against her person sent out Pyrats against the English Merchants furnished Stafford with Ships and Armes to possesse the Castle of Scarborough had attempted by wicked practices to surprize Callais permitted English mony to be counterfeited and adulterated in France and inuaded the Low-Countries which the English by couenant are bound to defend In this flaming warre and the Scots stirred vp by the French inuading the Frontiers of England Calais is lost the Castles of Lisbanck Newnambrig Mere Oyes Hammes Sandgate the Castle and Towne of Guines and amongst the frequent Funerals of Prelates which sad presage seemed to fore-shew the displeasure of the diuine power MARY neglected of her Husband and with concocted griefe for the losse of Callais which had beene Englands rightfully two hundred yeeres with a Feuer and the Dropsie the seuenteenth day of Nouember 1558. departed hauing reigned fiue yeeres foure moneths A Princesse of a holy behauior to al her piety to the poore liberalitie to the Nobles and Clergie can neuer enough be praysed But the time was
that they should forbeare absolutely to beare these Armes by the intercession of M. Memorency the Guizes Emulator who thought it not to be any honour for the King of France to take any other Title or to graue in his Seales any other armes than the Armes of the Kings of France and shewed that this Title alone was of more importance than many others and that the precedent Kings had no other when they sought their right in Naples and Milan And truely from these Titles and these Armes which the King of France at the instigation of the Guizes hath taken from the Queene of Scotland then vnder age all the disasters which afterwards happened vnto her haue flowed from that for from thence came the enmities openly declared by Queene ELIZABETH against the Guizes and those which shee practised against her priuatly which by the subtil malice of men who made vse of the growing enuy and of the occasions which sprung from day to day haue beene so fomented on both sides that nothing could extinguish them but death for Soueraigntie admits no Companion and Enmitie against Maiestie is grieuous A few daies after in stead of giuing foure Hostages for the Towne of Calais as they were bound by the treaty of Cambray they gaue onely three the English Merchants are iniuriously dealt with in France one of the Ambassador Throgmortons seruants was sent to the gallies which F. great Prior of France had taken carried away by force from a publique place Some Pistols were shot at the Ambassadour himselfe and in his owne lodging and to make him the more contemptible hee was serued at the Table with no other Vessell but such as the Armes of England and France were ioyntly grauen on Finally la Brosse was sent into Scotland with a troupe of choyce men Gallies were sent for from Marseilles and from the Mediterranean Sea Those in Scotland which professed the Protestants Religion and qualified themselues with the title of the Assembly perswaded by certaine heady Ministers and especially by Knox a most hot controller of the Royall authority that it behooued the Peeres of the Realme to take away Idolatry from their authority by force to settle the Princes within the limits prescribed by the Lawes had already refused to obey the Queene-Mother and Regent though shee was a modest and a prudent woman changed Religion tumultuously ransacking and burning the sacred places drawne to their partie Hamilton Duke of Chastelraut the most powerfull of all the Kingdome much prouoked by the wrongs done by the French and many Nobles were bayted with hope to haue the Ecclesiasticall Reuenues insomuch as they seemed not to thinke of Religion but to plot in good earnest a reuolt against the Queene Regent and against the French which made warre in Scotland and accused Iames Prior of Saint Andrewes Bastard brother to the Queene their Coriphea who since was Count of Mura to haue coueted the Kingdome from his Sister But by the holy protestations which hee made vnto them hee tooke away all suspition of hauing any other ayme but the glory of God and the Countries liberty and that seeing it opprest by the Queene Regent and the French he could not chuse but lament most bitterly for it They sent William Maitland of Lidington Secretary to Queene ELIZABETH and hee in a pittifull discourse complained to her that since the marriage of the Queene of Scotland with the Daulphin the administration of the Kingdome had beene changed strange Souldiers spoyl'd and ruin'd all the French were placed in the chiefest offices of the Kingdome the Castles and strong places put into their hands the pure money corrupted for their particular profit and that by these deuices and the like they fortifie themselues fraudulently to take away the Kingdome as soone as the Queene should be dead Cecill who was the principall minister that Queene ELIZABETH vsed in this businesse and in all other for his singular wisedome employeth H. Percy who afterwards was Earle of Northumberland to know what end the Lords of that Assembly propounded to themselues what meanes they had to obtaine that which they desired and if one should send them succour vpon what conditions might Amitie bee maintained betweene the two Kingdomes They answered that they propounded not to themselues any other end but the aduancement of the glory of Iesus Christ and the sincere preaching of Gods Word to extirpate superstition and idolatry and to keepe the liberty of their Ancestors which they knew not by what meanes it might be done but they hoped that God would giue successe to their designes according to their desire to the confusion of their aduersaries And as for the intertaining of amitie betweene the two Kingdomes that that was the abridgement of their wishes and thereunto vowed their goods their faith and their constancy They deliberate slowly of these things in England because the Scots were not well furnished with money and armes nor very faithfull among themselues But they considered that the Marquis D' Elbeuf Vnkle to the Queene of Scotland had leuied men in Germanie by the meanes of the Ringraue for the Scottish warre that they had brought downe into the Hauens peeces for battery that the preparations which were made were greater than was necessary for the restraining as was pretended of a small number of vnarmed Scots that the French to draw to their league the King of Denmarke promised him that the Duke of Lorraine should quit the right which hee pretended to haue to his Kingdome and that likewise the censure of the Pope against the Queene was more importunately sollicited than euer and a sentence declaratory for the right of the Queene of Scots to England there was sent vpon the frontiers of Scotland one Sadler a prudent man and the Counsellor of the Duke of Northumberland who guarded the South frontier and Iames Croft Gouernour of Barwicke For the Councell of England could not see what these things tended vnto except to inuade England and to pursue by armes that which they attributed to themselues by their Coates and Titles Now doe they in England seriously consult vpon the businesse and it seemed to them to be a very bad example that one Prince should lend ayde and succour to the subiects of another Prince who rayse vp broyles and tumults but it seemed also that it were an impietie to abandon those who professe the same Religion a slow wisdome to permit the French who were sworne enemies to the name of English challenged the Realme of England and enioyed at that time in all places an assured peace to remaine armed in Scotland so neere England and so opportunely for the inuading of that side where Nobles and Commons of England are most affectionate to the Romish Religion That it were to deliuer cowardly into the Enemies hand the safetie of particulars and the peace of the generall For that cause it behooued not to stand vpon dreaming and
newes I cannot well say whether the Papists more lamented or the Protestants reioyced Queene ELIZABETH now perceiuing her selfe more secure then euer before to the end that the Church might subsist and encrease in her partie and that the Common-wealth might more more flourish in honour and riches proclaimed two most wholsome Edicts by the first wherof she commanded all Anabaptists and such other like Heretiques who vnder pretence of shunning persecution were come from Countries beyond the Seas to certaine Port Townes vpon the Coast of England to depart the Kingdome within twentie dayes whether they were natiue or strangers vpon paine of imprisonment and forfeiture of their goods And by the second Edict her Maiesty supprest a Sect of sacrilegious men who vnder colour of extirpating superstitions had begun to demolish ancient Sepulchers Epitaphs and Ensignes of Noble Families and other Monuments of reuerend Antiquity which had escaped the furie of the prophane vnder King HENRIE the Eighth and King EDVVARD the Sixth and to pull off the Lead that couered the Churches And moreouer cōuerted the Monastery of Westminster a most famous place for the sacring of the Kings of England and the place where the Armes and Royall Ensignes were alwaies kept into a Colledgiall Church or as I may better terme it into a Seminary of the Church And there instituted one Deane twelue Prebends one Master one Vsher fortie Schollers whom they call the Kings Nurseries out of which there be sixe euery yeere or more chosen for the Academies of Ministers and Singers twelue poore c. to the glory of God and the increase of true Religion and good Learning And certainly there comes out from thence happily for Church and Cōmon-wealth a number of Learned men Tooke away by little and little whereby shee gained great Honour and no lesse Glory the course of money mingled with Copper and brought in vse that which was pure fine siluer to restore the honour of the Kingdome to preuent the deceit of those which both within and without this had corrupted the kinds and chang'd things much auaileable for the good of the Common-wealth into coynes of false money and transported the good siluer into forraigne Nations and to abate the prices of vendible commodities which were extremely inhaunc't to the great preiudice of the Common-wealth and aboue all for Stipendiars Soldiers Seruants and all such as are payde for their labours by hyer and brought it most happily to passe in a few moneths without making any stirre first in forbidding all persons to melt or transport out of the Kingdome as well the good and pure money as that which was mingled with Copper Moreouer in bringing that which is so mingled to his value that is to say the Penny to a halfe-penny the two-penny piece to three-halfe-pence the sixe-pence to a groat and the rest to two and a farthing because there was no more money and finally buying them for good siluer of all such as had any of it prouided that they brought it within the time prefixt in the Table of money which could not be done without losse to her insomuch that wee ought to acknowledge it to proceede from Queene ELIZABETH that the siluer was better and more pure in England during her Raigne then in full two hundred yeeres before and that it was not vsed in any other part of Europe She afterward caused good Coyne to bee stamped for Ireland which we call sterling of which the shilling is worth twelue-pence in Ireland and in England nine A matter indeed waighty great and most memorable which neither King EDVVARD the Sixth could nor Queene MARY durst enterprize sithence King HENRY the Eighth was the first King that euer caused Copper to be mingled with Siluer to the great shame of the Kingdome damage of his Successors and people and notable token of his excessiue expence sithence his Father had left him more wealth then euer any other King left his Successor and likewise he had drawne abundance of money by the meanes of Tributes and Imposts without grounding our selues vpon that which Cardinall Poole had left in writing That he had drawne more then all the other Kings which had raigned since the Victory of the Normanes and heapt vp an infinite deale when by the power of a Parliament hee tooke vnto himselfe all the Lordships which the English beeing absent had held in Ireland all the first Fruites of Ecclesiasticall Liuings and the Tenths which were in England and Ireland all the reuennews gifts and goods belonging to Monasteries This yeere dyed Francis Lord Hastings Earle of Huntington the second of that Race who had by Katharine the Daughter of Henry Lord Montaigue Brother to Reinald Cardinall Poole Issue Henry who succeeded him and diuers other Children who agreed well in brotherly loue but not in Religion In Ireland Shan otherwise called O-Neale a great and potent man in the Countrey of Vlster and lawfull Heire to Coni O-Neale who surnamed himselfe Baco which is as much to say as Claude and was created Earle of Tyr-Oene by HENRY the Eighth after he had put to death Mathew Baron of Dungannon his bastard Brother who was taken for legitimate spoyled his Father of his rule and domination for which hee quickly dyed with sorrow tooke vpon himselfe the Title of O-Neale couering his head after a barbarous manner with that hee wore vpon his legges and feete cast himselfe into Rebellion for feare of beeing pursued by the Lawe so as fiue-hundred Foote were sent out of England to ioyne with two Companies of Horse leuied in Ireland against him But after hauing made some light Skirmishes perceiuing himselfe vnable to resist the English and to bee hated of his owne men and that Surly-Boy Iacob Mac-Connell and Odonnell were risen against him hee layde downe Armes at the perswasion of the Earle of Kildare his Kinsman and promised to come into England to aske pardon as wee shall describe it in a more ample manner in its proper place THE FOVRTH YEERE OF HER RAIGNE Anno Domini 1561. AT the beginning of the yeere Fr. Earle of Bedford hauing beene sent into France to end the mourning for the death of Francis the second to congratulate with King Charles for succeeding him summoned often the Queene of Scotland sometimes himselfe alone and sometimes accompanyed with Throgmorton to confirme the Treaty of Edenborrough but all in vaine For he could drawe no other Answer of it but That it behoued and was requisite not to resolue vpon so great a thing without mature deliberations and that shee neither would nor could confirme it without the Peeres of Scotland Throgmorton neuerthelesse ceased not to presse her instantly by all the meanes hee could deuise In like manner the Cardinall of Lorraine and all the other Guizes her Vnkles and Iames her bastard-brother who was newly arriued in France But whiles they thus did nothing but deferd it from day to day by
of France and the Chancellour of the Hospitall in an ample Discourse expressing to them the present felicity they thereby enioyed and the generall contentment they ought to receiue and testifie the same withall for the amplification of this subiect and out of a false surmize he reported to them that the day before the Townes surrender there was seene within the view thereof an English Fleet which came for ayde and succour and he openly auerred that by reason of this warre the English were wholly frustrate of their right and demand touching the restoring of Calais The infected Soldiers were transported into England who so spred the face of this sicknesse through a contagious and infectiue poyson as all the Kingdome was therewith grieuously afflicted onely in the Citie of London consisting of an hundred twenty and one Parishes within the compasse of one yeere an hundred and thirty thousand men rather more then lesse dyed Monsieur de Guize Vncle to the Queene of Scots dying while this Ciuill Warre lasted the Queenes Maiesty of Scotland not beeing paid her Dowrie Marquis Hamilton depriued of the Duchy of Chastelraut and the Scottish Guard being excluded from the King of France the Queen of Scots tooke it very much to heart But the Cardinall of Lorraine her other Vncle fearing that this would bee a subiect which might cause her to reiect the French and become friend to the English sends her word againe by Croc to marry with Charles of Austria and to offer for her Dowrie the County of Tyrol Shee aduertiseth Queene ELIZABETH thereof who counselled her by Randoll who I haue spoken on before to make choice of a Husband as heretofore I haue said and withall more plainely then yet shee had done recommended Robert Dudley whose wife beeing heire to Robsert had lately broke her necke and promised her in case that she would marry him to declare her Her Sister or Daughter and Englands Heretrix by Act of Parliament Foix the French Ambassadour made the Queene Mother and her Vncle 's acquainted with this who presently disdained the Party so much as altogether vnworthy of that Race and Royall Maiestie that they promised not onely to pay her Dowrie but also that the Scots should haue their ancient immunities yea and more if shee would stand firme in amity with France and reiect the marriage which was offered her telling her that Queen ELIZABETH did not propound this marriage to her seriously but with dissimulation as hauing destin'd Dudley for her owne Husband and that shee should not ground her hope vpon the authority of the Parliament because that in England one Parliament abolisheth what another hath established Furthermore that the designes of the Councell of England were no other but to hinder her from marrying at all She neuerthelesse referres it to the Colloque being molested with troubles in her Kingdome to see that the Arch-bishop of Saint Andrewes had beene imprisoned by the command of the Earle of Murray for not desisting to celebrate the Masse who would scarce grant him pardon though he asked it with flowing teares and that the feruent Ministers supporting themselues by Murrayes authoritie did violence to the Priest who had celebrated Masse in her Court being allowed by the Law and were not punished And it was not possible for her to suppresse those which troubled the affaires though all her care was wholy for the Common-wealth granting a perpetuall forgetfulnesse of all that was past increasing the stipend of Iudges establishing wholesome Lawes inflicting capitall punishment vpon Adulterers and often her selfe hearing causes pleaded in the Seat of Iustice so that by an equall Law shee gouerned both the great and the small In this vnlucky yeere dyed William Gray Baron of Wilton Gouernour of Berwicke who had in warre purchased great glory much diminished his patrimony for the ransome that he payed when he was taken prisoner in France The Protestants lamented much for him and Francis Earle of Bedford was substituted in his place Aluarus of Quadra Bishop of Aquila Ambassadour of Spaine in England likewise dyes who was no lesse lamented by the Papists whom he had fed with hope that the Romish Religion should haue beene re-established The Poles of whom I haue spoken were his intimates whereby he made himselfe suspected to haue nothing else in his minde but to trouble and disorder the affaires of England and to breake the amitie which was betweene the Queene and the King of Spaine whereupon the Queene intreated the King to reuoke him But hee excused it by his piety and writ backe that it would be a great incommoditie to Princes if at the first discontentment that is taken at their Ambassadours they should be constrayned to reuoke them And to say truth hee was displeased that without giuing him notice they had shut him vp in his House subiect to be questioned and publiquely reprehended for no other cause but that one Italian hauing shot another with a Pistoll he admitted him into his House and conueyed him priuately away whereupon he was more prouoked against the English than euer tofore taking occasion thereby to say that the English Pyrates molested the entries of Spaine and prepared to goe for the West-Indies and made it appeare manifestly sending Richard Shelley an English Fugitiue for Religion who was greatly bent against his Prince vpon an Embassie of honour to Maximilian the designed King of the Romanes to congratulate with him and seyzed vpon some English Merchants Ships in the Ports of Beotia because the English pursuing the French had intercepted some Spanish Ships William Lord Paget who for his vertue was exalted to three eminent dignities died Hee was so learned that HENRY the Eighth made him his Secretary sent him in an Embassie to the Emperour Charles the Fifth and to Francis the First King of France and he nominated him to be one of the Gouernours of the Kingdome during the minority of his Sonne Then Edward made him Chancellor of the Duchie of Lancaster Controller of the Kings House honoured him with the dignity of a Baron gratified him with the Order of the Garter which was reprochfully taken from him by Dudley Earle of Northumberland but restored againe with honour by Queene MARIE because by his prudence and sound aduice he had done good seruice to the Common-wealth and hee conferred vpon him the keeping of the Priuy Seale which is one of the foure highest dignities of ciuill honour For HENRY the Eighth by Act of Parliament constituted the first in the Chancellor the second in the Treasurer the third in the Lord President of the Priuy Councell and the fourth in the Keeper of the Priuy Seale aboue all Dukes and inferiour onely to the Children Brethren Vnkles or Nephewes to the King Queene ELIZABETH perceiuing that his old yeeres exempted him from being conuersant in matters of State as formerly he had beene remitted him of whatsoeuer belonged to publique administrations and
being diuorced from his first Wife tooke in her place the Lady Ienet Beton Aunt by the Mothers side to the Cardinall Beton by whom hee had Issue Iames Hamilton Duke of Chastel-Heraut Marie Sister to the Earle of Arraine bore to Mathew Iohn Earle of Lenox who being slaine by the Hamiltons when hee attempted to set King IAMES the fourth at liberty left this Mathew Earle of Lenox whom King Iames the Fifth loued most dearly in respect of his Father When the King was dead and the Hamiltons in full authority Mathew went secretly into France from whence being sent backe by the French King Henry the second into Scotland to preuent all detriment to the Scottish Common-wealth through the practices of the Regent Hamilton hee valiantly carried himselfe in this employment But being of an honest milde nature and very open-hearted permitting himselfe to bee out-reached by Hamilton and the Cardinall Beton in a small time hee lost the amity of the French and when hee could neither tarry in Scotland nor returne into France he went into England and committed himselfe in trust to King Henry the Eighth who very graciously entertained him as one that was powerfull well beloued in the Westerne parts of Scotland Whervpon he acknowledged him for next Heire to the Crowne of Scotland after Queene MARY who was then exceeding yong though neuerthelesse the Hamiltons condemned him and confiscated all his Lands gaue him to Wife the Lady Margaret Douglasse his Neece by the elder Sisters side with demeanes in England which amounted in an annuall reuennew to the summe of 1700. Marks after hee had made promise to surrender into his hands the Castle of Dunbritton and the I le of Buthe with the Castle of Rothsay which is in England The which hee vndertooke with courage but fayled in the successe The Queene of Scots beeing a wise and prudent Lady all whose drifts aymed at England shee gaue him her safe conduct and restored vnto him his Fathers goods both that hee might oppose the designes of Iames his bastard brother whom shee had honoured with the Earledome of Murray as also to cut off the hopes of others by the meanes of Darley her Sonne which they might any wayes foster and nourish of succession to the Diadem of England For shee feared that being of the Blood Royall borne in England and very well beloued of the English if hee were ioyned with any puissant Family in England relying on the English power and forces hee might happely one day disturbe her right of succession to the Kingdome of England many men reputing him for the second Heire apparant after her and shee affected nothing more feruently then by his meanes to bring the Kingdomes of England and Scotland to fall into some Scottish Race and Name and so by him to propagate them to posteritie in the name of the Stewards his Ancestors Queene ELIZABETH well discerned all this and to preuent it gaue the Queene of Scots to vnderstand by Randolph that this Marriage was so distastfull to all the English as against the consent of her Councell she was enforst to prorogue the conuentions of Parliament to some other fitter time for feare lest the States of the Kingdome therewith prouoked should enact somewhat to the preiudice of her right to the succession And therefore to cut off all occasions of this Issue hereafter and to satisfie the English she aduised her to thinke of some other marriage and so by this meanes shee once againe and with great affection commended vnto her the Earle of Leicester for an Husband who for this speciall reason she had exalted to the Dignity of an Earle For prosecution of this the Earles of Bedford of Randolph and of Lidington were deputed to treat of this marriage at Barwicke in the Moneth of Nouember The English promised vnto her a firme and constant Amity a perpetuall Peace and that vndoubtedly shee should succeed to the Crowne of England if she married with the Earle of Leicester The Scots on the other side contested alleadging That their Queenes Dignitie who had beene sued vnto by Charles Sonne to the Emperour Ferdinand the King of France the Prince of Condé and the Duke of Ferrara could not permit her so farre to embase and vnder-valew her selfe as to match with a new-made Earle a Subiect of England and who propounded nothing but bare hopes without any certaine Dowrie neither stood it with the honour of the Queene of England to commend such a man for an Husband to so great a Princesse her neere Kinswoman but rather shee should giue an infallible testimonie of her great loue and affection towards her to giue her absolute libertie to make choice of such an husband as might entertaine perpetuall peace with England to assigne her a yeerely Pension and with the authority of the Parliament confirme the right which shee had to succeede In all this busines the extreme desire of Queene ELIZABETH was although she made discreete haste to assure by such a marriage the succession of the Kingdome in an English Race The Queene of Scotland seeing that this businesse had beene prolonged full two yeeres and making account to marry Darley doubted whether she was proceeded withall in good earnest or no and that Queene ELIZABETH did not propound this marriage but to make a pre-election of the most worthy for herselfe or to marry the more excusable with Leicester She beeing absolute Queene after she should haue really consented to marry him But the Commissioners of Scotland weighing these reasons to maintaine their power with the Queene had resolued to hinder by all meanes all kinde of marriages Queene ELIZABETH admonisheth them to hinder that with Darley Leicester himselfe full of hope to enioy Queene ELIZABETH by secret Letters priuily warnes the Earle of Bedford not to presse the thing and with this hope it is credibly thought that hee secretly fauoured Darley THE EIGHTH YEERE OF HER RAIGNE Anno Domini 1565. DARLEY in the meane time by the intercession of his Mother with Prayers and diligence to Queene ELIZABETH obtained though with much difficultie leaue to goe into Scotland and to stay there three Moneths vnder pretext to be partaker of his Fathers establishment and came to Edenborrough in the Moneth of February in the great winter when the Thames was so frozen that people passed dry ouer on foot Hee was a Youth of a most worthy Carriage fit to beare rule of an excellent composition of members of a milde spirit and of a most sweet behauiour As soone as the Queene of Scotland had seene him she fell in loue with him and to the end to keepe her loue secret in discoursing with Randolph the English Ambassadour in Scotland she often-times intermixt her discourse with the marriage of Leicester and at the same time seekes a dispensation from Rome for Darley shee being so neere in bloud that according to the Popes Ordinance they stood in neede of one This being come
to euery bodies knowledge shee sends Lidington to Queene ELIZABETH to haue her consent to contract with Darley and not to be any longer detained with a vaine hope of marriage Queene ELIZABETH propounds the matter to her most intimate Councellors who by the secret suggestions of the Earle of Murray easily beleeued that the Queene of Scotland had no other designe but to strengthen her selfe by such a marriage to carry the right which shee pretended for the Kingdome of England and at length to establish it and likewise the Romish Religion that some did adhere vnto her seeing that by reason of her children the succession was ascertained to her House and others for the affection which they bare to the Romish Religion there being found more Eirenarch's in England deuoted to the Romish Religion than to the Protestants That to preuent these accidents it was chiefly requisite first to pray the Queene to marry speedily to the end that the affaires and hopes of England should not depend else-where but of the certainty of Succession which should come of her and of her Linage for they feared that if the Queene of Scotland did marry and should haue issue first many would incline towards her for the certainty and assurednesse of succession Secondly to ruine as much as may be the Romish Religion in England and to aduance and carefully establish the reformed the one by vsing more moderately in things indifferent such Protestants that are carried with a feruent zeale the other in setting Guards againe vpon the deposed papisticall Bishops who were then dispersed through the Countrey by reason of the plague conferring vpon the other Bishops greater authority to execute the Ecclesiasticall Ordinances then they had contrary to the terrifying Praemunire which the Lawyers doe obiect suppressing those Bookes which Harding and the fugitiue Diuines had sent out of the Low-Countries into England driuing out some Scottish Priests who hid themselues in England depriuing the English fugitiues of the Ecclesiasticall Benefices which they enioyed vntill then and compelling the Iudges of the Land who were for the most part Papists to acknowledge the Queenes Soueraigne authority and to sweare vnto it And that to hinder the marriage of Darley it was fit to leuy Souldiers vpon the Frontiers of Scotland to the end to raise a terrour to fortifie the Garrison of Berwicke to set a guard vpon the Countesse of Lenox Darley's Mother and on Charles her Sonne and to re-call out of Scotland into England the Earle of Lenox and Darley his Sonne vpon paine of losse of their goods before they made any alliance with the French or with Spaine and to assist those which were bent against this match and to receiue the Earle of Hertford and Katherine Gray somewhat into fauour which thing onely was thought that the Queene of Scotland very much apprehended in regard that shee likewise pretended a right to the Kingdome and it seemed none other could bring a greater impediment to this marriage than she From hence Throgmorton is sent to the Queene of Scotland to aduise her that it behooued to deliberate long of a thing that can be but once determined on and that a precipitate marriage was followed with repentance to re-commend Leicester to her againe and againe and that it was altogether contrary to Canon Law to contract with the Sonne of her Aunt by the Father-side For Queene ELIZABETH desired aboue all that some of the English Race should by her meanes succeed to both the Kingdomes albeit there fayled not who for matter of Religion and for the two Kingdomes made account to succeed if shee dyed without issue She answers That it was now past reuoking and that Queene ELIZABETH had no cause to be angry seeing that by her Councell she had made choyce of a Husband which was no stranger but an English man borne of the Royall bloud of both the Kingdomes and the most noble of all Great Brittaine Amongst these things Lidington treateth of affaires in England and dissembling with Leicester often spoke vnto him touching marriage with the Queene of Scotland as also to the Duke of Norfolke much more worthy to marry a Queene who then refused it with a modest excuse The Qu. of England to interpose some hindrance to this so hastened marriage calls backe Lenox and his Son Darley as being her Subiects according to the forme of the leaue which she had granted them The Father excuses himselfe modestly by Letters the Sonne prayes her not to hinder his aduancement representing vnto her that hee might be vsefull to England his dearest Countrey and openly declared vnto her that aboue all things hee loued and honoured the Queene of Scotland To answere which loue she had adorned him forthwith with the dignity Equitis Aurati with the titles of Baron of Ardmanock Earle of Rosse and Duke of Rothesie and fiue moneths after his comming into Scotland marries him with the consent of many Peeres and declares him King The Earle of Murray who imbraced nothing so affectionately as ambition and vnder pretence of Religion had drawne to his faction the Duke of Chastelraut a man without leauen Murray murmuring exceedingly and others storming and stirring vp such like questions Whether a Papist might be admitted King or no If the Queene of Scotland might chuse her selfe a Husband If the States might not impose their authoritie The Queene of England bare this peaceably knowing the sweete and tractable nature of Darley and the open heart of his Father and taking pitty to see a kinsman and a Queene very young to haue to doe with turbulent men who hauing beene already more than twenty yeeres loosed from Royall command could not indure Kings and feared them not seeing that the power of this Queene who enuied her was not increased by so meane a condition hauing Darleyes Mother in her power and fore-seeing that troubles in Scotland would spring out of this marriage as it happened quickly after for some great ones of the Kingdome and the chiefe of them Hamilton and Murray disdaining this match the one because it had beene contracted without the consent of the Queene of England the other for the enuy which he bare to the House of Lenox but both the one and the other pretending the conseruation of Religion to disturbe the marriage brought their Ensignes into the field insomuch as she was constrained to raise forces to celebrate it in safety and with the helpe of the King her Husband pursued the Rebels so swiftly that she constrained them to flie into England before the English troupes which were promised them for ayde were arriued and the Queene of England conniuing with Murray who was much addicted to the Engglish assigned him a conuenient place to lye heere in safetie and sent him money vnder-hand by the Earle of Bedford vntill his returne into Scotland which was the morrow after the murder of Dauid Riz as wee shall speake of it
of Desmond who had faithfully promised to performe all the dueties of a loyall Subiect and others who were broken out into ciuill warres To extinguish these Controuersies Queene ELIZABETH calls Desmond into England and makes him Gouernour and Iustice of that Prouince with an Assessor two Lawyers and a Clerke and nominated Warham S. Leger chiefe President a man that had beene long conuersant in Irish affaires About the middle of October the same yeere dyed Thomas Chaloner lately returned Ambassadour from Spaine a famous man borne in London brought vp at Cambridge who had addicted himselfe as well to Mars as to the Muses and being but young got honour vnder Charles the fifth in the expedition of Alger who hauing suffered ship-wrack and had swomme so long that his strength and armes fayled him saued himselfe by taking hold of a Cable with his teeth whereof he lost some Vnder EDVVARD the Sixth at Mussleborrough where hee behaued himselfe so valiantly that the Duke of Sommerset honoured him with the Dignitie of Knight-hood And vnder Queene ELIZABETH in an extraordinary Ambassie to the Emperour Ferdinand and foure yeeres ordinary Ambassadour in Spaine where he composed fiue Bookes in pure and learned Verse of the restauration of the English Common-wealth which he called Hieme in fumo aestate in horreo Hee was honourably buried at Saint Pauls in London Cecill being chiefe mourner when Thomas his Sonne who liued neere HENRY Prince of Wales was very yong THE NINTH YEERE OF HER RAIGNE Anno Domini 1566. IN the beginning of the yeere Charles the 9. King of France sent into England to the Queene Rambouillet with the Robes of the order of S. Michael to bee giuen to two of the Peeres of England whom shee pleased She made choice of the Duke of Norfolke as being much more noble then any other and to the Earle of Leicester louing him very well Rambouillet hauing beene for and in the Name of his King placed honourably at Windsor amongst the Knights of the Order of Saint George inuested them solemnly in the Royall House at Westminster This shee tooke for a great honour remembring her selfe that no English was euer honoured with this Order saue HENRY the Eighth EDVVARD the Sixth and Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke But when she exactly obserued all things that belonged to the honour of it she was at length much displeased to see it so vilified that it was prostituted indifferently to euery man And shee busied her selfe not onely in things concerning honour but chiefely what was for the good of her Subiects For the Ayre beeing so intemperate that yeere that experienced men feared a want of Corne and other victuals she did not onely prohibit any Corne to be carried out of the Kingdome but tooke care that great quantity was brought in While these things past Henry Earle of Arundell being great and powerfull among the Lords of the Realme after hauing consumed much wealth vpon a vaine hope to marry the Queene and the Earle of Leicester who then was in great credit with her and his friends which had failed in the trust which hee reposed in them taking away this hope quite from him tooke leaue of her and voluntarily went out of the Kingdome vnder colour to recouer his health but in effect to strengthen himselfe against sorrow But the other English who for their naturall valour thought themselues borne to liue in Armes and not in idlenes seeing the Nobility of all parts did rise at the report of the warre against the Turke and carried their Armes and Courages into Hungarie Amongst whom the most remarkeable were Iohn Smith cousin german to EDVVARD the Sixth by the Sister of I. Seimor the Kings Mother H. Champernon P. Butshid R. Greuill G. George T. Cotton c. In Iune following the Queene of Scotland had a most auspicious and happy Deliuery for the eternall prosperity of Great Brittaine IAMES her Sonne who is now Monarch thereof whereof she gaue present notice to Queene ELIZABETH by Iohn Meluin Queene ELIZABETH howsoeuer angry to see her out-strip her in honour who enuied her as speedily sent H. Killigrewe to congratulate her lying in and the birth of her Sonne and to admonish her not to fauour any longer Shan O-Neale who rebelled in Ireland nor to assist Roquerbay an English Fugitiue and to punish some theeues that rob'd vpon the Borders After hauing vn-wearied her minde by a Progresse to shew herselfe as fauourable to the Muses of Oxford as well as of Cambridge betweene which there was then a sincere emulation goes toward the Vniuersitie of Oxford where she was magnificently entertained and staid there full seuen dayes taking pleasure in the pleasant aspect of the place at the beauty of the Colledges in the spirits and learning of most exquisit Schollers which passed the nights in Comedies and the dayes in learned Disputations for which she gaue them ample thankes by a most sweet discourse in Latine and a most louing farewell As soone as shee was returned to London the States of the Kingdome assembled there the first day of Nouember beeing the day assigned and after hauing established a Statute or two they begun to dispute among themselues of the Succession of the Kingdome seeing that the Queene hauing vowed Virginity had already reigned eight yeeres without thinking seriously of an Husband that on the one side the Papists made account of the Queene of Scots who had lately had a Sonne that on the other side the Protestants being deuided some of them made account of one and some of another and euery particular prouiding for their safety and Religion presaged the stormes of a most fearefull time if shee should dye without assuring a Successor And the keener sort of spirits proceeded so far as to blame her as if she abandoned both her Country and Posteritie and to teare by reprochfull defaming Libels wicked Councellor therein and to curse Huic her Phisicion because he disswaded her to marry for I know not what womanish infirmity The Earles of Pembroke and Leicester were openly and the Duke of Norfolke couertly of opinion that a necessity of marriage should be imposed vpon her or else publikely to appoint a Successor by authority of the Parliament whether she would or no which caused them to bee forbidden to enter into the Priuie Chamber or come neere the Queene who neuerthelesse granted them pardon as soone as they demanded it They neuerthelesse being much troubled and all the rest of the vpper House of Parliament touching the Succession all with one mind by the mouth of Bacon Keeper of the great Scale according to the dutie which they ought vnto God the fidelity to their Prince and the charity to their Countrie so to doe that as by her meanes they then sweetly enioyed all the benefits of Peace Iustice and Clemency they and their posterity might by her meanes likewise enioy the same assuredly and continually But
had spread vpon the Queene or to cleanse it with his bloud vnlesse as he said himselfe his slanders might be accounted vaine by reason of his doting age Giue me leaue that the other side may be heard by diuers that writ thereof and at that time publisht it in print but such writings were soone call'd in both in fauor of the Earle of Murray and in hatred of the Queene and likewise by Ambassadours Letters worthy to bee beleeued In the yeere 1558. at the marriage of Francis the Dolphin of France and Mary Queene of Scotland Iames the Queenes Bastard-Brother commonly called the Prior of Saint Andrewes Metropolitan of the Order of Saint Andrewes despising that title was ambitious after a more splendid one but when the Queene by the aduice of the Guizes refused it him hee returned into Scotland discontented wherein vnder a faire pretext of reforming Religion and to establish the liberty of Scotland hee begun to trouble the State and effected it and so brought it to passe without the knowledge of the Queene in a Conuenticle of Confederates Religion was changed and by the calling in of ayde from England the French were driuen out of Scotland Francis King of France being dead he presently went to his Sister into France and hauing put away all suspition tending to her preiudice or dis-reputation for the affaires of Scotland swore vnto her calling GOD to witnesse to performe all dueties that a Sister could expect from a Brother and vpon the hope which he had that shee being brought vp from her tender age in the delicacies of France would not returne into Scotland workes with the Guizes to appoint some Noble-man of Scotland to be Regent there and almost poynted at himselfe to be the fittest man of all But hee being sent backe into Scotland without any authority but Letters of Commission by which the Queene gaue power to the States to assemble and consult for the good of the Kingdome and seeing himselfe deiected from his hope returned much vexed and passing thorow England made it there knowne that if they wished well to Religion in Scotland to the peace of England and the security of Queene ELIZABETH they ought by all meanes to hinder the Queene of Scotland to passe into Scotland Shee neuerthelesse being safely arriued in Scotland the English Ships being disappointed by obscure weather and being there embraced her Brother with all signes of fauour and good-will and in a kinde of manner committed vnto him the generall administration of affaires Notwithstanding all this the branches of his ambition are not cut off which grew daily and appeared both in words and deedes For hee could not containe himselfe but often among his friends deplored that the warlike Scottish Nation was no lesse subiect to the command of a Woman than the English was and by the instruction of Knox whom he esteemed as a Patriarke often debates that Kingdomes were due to merit and not to linage and that Women should be excluded from succeeding and that their gouernement were monstrous He treated likewise with the Queen by his friends that she should substitute foure of the Royall House of the Stewards who if she dyed without issue should succeed to the Crowne one after another without regarding who were legitimate or no thinking he should be one seeing he was the Kings Sonne though vnlawfully begotten But the Queene wisely considering that such a substitution was contrary to the Lawes of the Kingdome to defraud the right Heires a most pernicious example dangerous for her Subiects and would be an hinderance to her selfe for her second marriage she mildely answered That she would more aduisedly deliberate with the States of the Kingdome about a matter of such weight consequence and to testifie her fauour and bounty towards her Brother shee honoured him with the title of Earle of Mar afterwards with the Earledome of Murray for the dignity of Mar was then in controuersie being ignorant all this while that he aymed at the Kingdome and affirmed himselfe to be the lawfull Sonne of Iames the Fifth To make the easier way hereunto by meanes of the extraordinary fauour the Queene shewed to him he supprest the most noble Family of the Gordons powerfull in vassalage and command whom he both feared in respect of themselues as also by reason of the reformed Religion which adhered vnto him he expelled Hamilton Duke of Chastelraut out of the Court who was reputed next Heire to the Crowne imprisoned the Earle of Arraine his Sonne banished Count Bothwell into England dismissed all opposites of their honourable offices and places and retained the Queene vnder his power and suruey as a Gardian might doe his Ward aboue all other things being carefull that Shee might not negotiate nor intend any marriage And when he saw that of the one side the Emperour sollicited her for his Brother and the Spaniard on the other part for his Sonne he absolutely disswaded her both from the one and the other alledging vnto her how the ancient immunities of Scotland would not permit nor indure a strange Prince and whensoeuer the Scepter fell into the hands of Women they neuer made choyce of an Husband but within their owne Countrey of Scotland But in conclusion he perceiuing that all the Scots generally affected her marrying and discerning that by the perswasion and inducement of the Countesse of Lenox she desired to marry with the Lord Darley hee himselfe likewise then commended him vnto her for an Husband hoping in respect of his youth and for that he was of a tractable nature and disposition he would be euer at his direction and dispose Neuerthelesse when hee saw how dearely the Queene loued him himselfe to fall by little and little out of her fauour and grace hee repented of the counsell and aduice he had giuen and admonished Queene ELIZABETH to crosse this marriage by all the meanes possible that she could Presently after the Nuptials were accomplished and the Lord Darley proclaimed KING the King then presently reuoked such gifts as during his minority the Queene had conferred both vpon him and others whereupon being nigh associated with them he tooke vp armes against the King and the Queene pretending that this new King was dis-affected to the Protestant Religion and how she contracted this marriage without the consent of the Queene of England But hauing scarcely made any triall of the fortunes of warre he fled as I said into England where despayring of all succour he laboured by Letters to Morton a man of great subtilty and another like himselfe to effect that seeing the marriage could not be broken off yet that the affection and loue of the married couple might be abated by some secret practices and a fit occasion offered it selfe for after some domesticall and priuate grudgings to quaile the courage of this young King which boyled a little too hot and to preserue entyre her owne Royall prerogatiues in
to a guard while they could finde out and execute Bothwell But shee weary of reigning with so infinite many disturbances had willingly resigned and transferred ouer the Kingdome to her Sonne constituting the Earle of Murray for Vice-Roy That hereupon her Sonne was solemnely consecrated and crowned King all confirmed and ratified in Parliament by the States of the Kingdome That by reason of Iustice which was equally ministred the Scottish Common-wealth had recouered some vigour and strength while some particulars who could not endure the publique repose had contrary to their oath cautelously released the Queene out of safe custodie and taken vp Armes violating herein the fidelitie they owe to their King and though thankes be to GOD they obtayned victory ouer them yet notwithstanding with an hostile and disloyall heart they presumptuously enterprized against their Countrey and Prince and therefore the Royall Authoritie must needes conformably haue beene supprest by such tumultuous and mutinous Subiects After a reiteration of the former protest the Queene of Scots Deputies replyed in these words THat what Earle Murray and his Complices alledged for hauing taken vp Armes against the Queene in that Bothwell whom they accused of killing the KING was in great grace and authoritie about her could not iustly brand them with the marke of disloyall Subiects seeing there was no euident proofe of his murdering the King but contrariwise by sentence of the Peeres hee was cleared thereof and this absolution confirmed by Act of Parliament with their very approbation and consent who at this time accuse him and that then perswaded the Queene to take him for her Husband as beeing more sufficient than all others to sway and gouerne the Kingdome they obliged vnto him their fidelitie in Writing and not so much as in words disallowed of this marriage while they had drawne to their partie the Captaine or Gouernour of the Castle and the Maior of Edenborrough For then in the night which was a very vnfit season in hostile manner they assayled the Castle of Bothwick where the Queene was and shee retyring her selfe by the fauour of the night they presently raysing an Armie vnder pretext of her defence went themselues into the field way-layde her as shee went to Edenborrough and aduertized her by Grange whom they sent to her that shee should shake off Bothwell while hee had appeared in iudgement and cleared himselfe all which shee willingly did to auoid effusion of bloud But Grange vnder-hand admonished Bothwell to with-draw himselfe promising him with oath that no bodie should pursue him so as hee made away with their owne consent and beeing minded they might easily haue taken him afterwards But when they had once gotten the Queene into their hands for the mannaging of their ambitious designes they made no great reckoning of him and it is no great wonder when they beeing the Queenes Subiects and hauing vowed fidelity to her shee bitterly rebuked them hauing so basely and vnworthily entreated her Royall Maiesty Shee freely referred the matter to the whole Estates of the Kingdome and made a declaration thereof vnto them by Lidington her Secretary But they would not so much as giue any eare vnto it but conueyed her away secretly by night and emprisoned her at Lake-Leuin In saying that wearied with her Reigne shee resigned and gaue ouer the Kingdome is a most palpable inuention because shee is neither too-much broken with yeeres nor of such a feeble and weake constitution but equally vigorous both in bodie and minde to mannage weightie and great affaires but most certaine it is that the Earles of Athol Tubardine and Lidington who were also of her Councell aduized her to seale the drafts of Resignation to auoyd death where-with shee was daily threatned and this was not done with any preiudice eyther to her selfe or her Heires because shee was then a prisoner and imprisonment is a iust feare for according to the opinion of Ciuilians a promise made by a prisoner is of no worth Hereunto also she was perswaded by Throgmorton who presented vnto her a draft written with his owne hand whom shee entreated to informe the Queene of England that shee did it constrained and contrary to her will That when Lindsay presented to her the Patents for her to subscribe vnto hee terrified her with feare and horrour of death and so by this meanes enforced her to seale with weeping eyes not hauing so much as read the Contents That the Lord of the Castle of Lake-Leuin vnderstanding and seeing apparantly that shee had subscribed and sealed against her will hee would not set to his hand as also this Resignation was most vniust because shee had nothing hereby assigned her for her owne behoofe and entertainement neither grant of libertie nor assurance of life That whosoeuer will but equally ballance things hee cannot but iudge this to be a weake infringement of Royall Authoritie because when the Queene was at libertie in the presence of many Nobles of the Kingdome shee declared how shee had done it out of meere constraint And what they boast to haue effected by Act of Parliament can no wayes preiudice her Royall prerogatiue because in this tumultuarie Parliament there were present but foure Earles one Bishop two Abbots and sixe Barons though aboue an hundred betweene Earles Bishops and Barons haue a voyce in the Parliament of Scotland and yet of so small a number some protested that what was done should not redound to the preiudice of the Queene or her Successours because shee was a prisoner That the Ambassadours of France and England could neuer be certified from her though they had many times instantly vrged it whether she voluntarily resigned ouer the Kingdome or no. And so farre the Common-wealth hath beene from beeing iustly gouerned vnder the vsurping Vice-Roy that on the contrary all manner of impieties neuer bare a greater sway for hee hath beene seene to demolish sacred buildings to ruine illustrious Families and to afflict and grinde the faces of the miserable poore And therefore they humbly entreated the Queens Maiestie of England to be assisting with her best fauour counsell and ayde to the Queene her neere Kinsewoman so lamentably opprest Thus farre I copied out of the proper Writings of the Commissioners These matters thus heard the Commissioners enioyning Murray to produce and proue with more solid reasons the occasion of so strange a rigour vs'd to an absolute Queene because all formerly alledged had no pregnant testimonies but only ambiguous and improbable Letters and Lidington hauing priuily made known that he himself had often counterfaited the Qu. hand Murray would no further prosecute before strangers the accusation he had framed against his Sister except the Queene of England promised of her part to take vpon her the Protection of the Infant King and wholly abandon the Queene of Scots But the Deputies by vertue of their Delegation hauing no authoritie to promise any such matter two on both parts were sent vp to London to
start-ups and their Countrey yeelded as a prey to strangers This carried them violently into a manifest Rebellion and they were the first who disturbed the publique peace of this Kingdome which had continued vnshaken for the terme of eleuen yeeres vnder the happy Reigne of Queene ELIZABETH they being boldly and powerfully incited hereunto by Nicholas Morton a Priest sent from the Pope to denounce Queene ELIZABETH for an Heretike and therefore depriued of all power and gouernement Suddenly likewise they diuulge by a publique Manifestation That they tooke vp armes to no other end but to set vp againe the Religion of their Ancestors to remoue from about the Queenes bad Councellors to restore the Duke and some other great Men who were dismissed of their places and dignities to former libertie and grace But as for the Queenes Maiestie they would attempt nothing against her but vowed that both then and at all times they would perseuer and continue her most obedient Subiects They writ also to the Papists dispersed throughout the whole Kingdome to ioyne their forces together But in stead of cohering to them the most part sent to the Queene both their Letters and the Bearers All the particular men of the Kingdome and the Duke of Norfolke himselfe both their seruice and meanes and to be employed against them So that vpon this occasion shee made a iust triall of her Subiects singular and vnspotted fidelitie and of Gods rare clemency and protection for which shee gaue him great and vnfaigned thankes The Rebels went presently to Durham the next Episcopall See where they rent and trampled vnder foot the sacred Bibles and Bookes of the Liturgie written in the English Tongue as they light vpon them in the Churches Afterwards they celebrated Masse wheresoere they went they leuied and brought into the field many men vnder flying colours wherein were painted in some the fiue wounds of our Lord in others the Challice of the Eucharist Robert Norton a venerable and graue Gentleman who was old and bald carried the Crosse with the Colonell ensigne they came by small dayes marches to Chiffordmore which is not farre from Wetherbie where making a generall muster of their Army vpon the two and twentieth day of their Rebellion they could make no more but sixe hundred Horse and foure thousand foot and when they heard that the Queene of Scots for whose releasement out of imprisoment they had principally taken vp armes was conducted from Tudberie to Couentrey a strong Citie and committed to the guard and custodie of the Earles of Shrewsburie and Huntington that the Earle of Sussex of the one side of them had raised a mightie Armie to set vpon them that Sir George Bowes lay at their backes with chosen and maine troupes and had fortified Bernard-Castell and how the Earle of Cumberland and the Lord Scrope had manned and secured Carlile and dayly leuied more forces they retired from those quarters and returning speedily in a manner the same way they came they came before Rabie which is the principall house and seate of the Earles of Westmerland from whence departing they straitly beleaguerd Bernard Castle which in a short time yeelded to them for want of prouision victuall all and Sir George Bowes with Robert Bowes his brother and all the Souldiers of the Garison issued out with their Armes They were formerly proclaimed Traitors by sound of Trumpet The same very day my Lord of Sussex accompanied with the Earle of Rutland the Lords of Hunsdon Euers and Willowbie of Parham marched against them with seuen thousand men When they saw they were come to Ackland being terrified and daunted they fell to flight and fell backe toward Hexham which place also leauing speedily they crossed along by vnbeaten paths that so they might creepe couertly vnder the hedges and came to the Castle of Naworth where vnderstanding that the Earle of Warwicke and the Lord Clynton Vice-Admirall followed close at their heeles with twelue thousand men drawne out of the South parts of England the two Earles fled into the neerest parts of Scotland with a few men vnknowne to the rest where the Earle of Northumberland obscured himselfe for a while about Harclaw in the little countrey Hamlets amongst the Grymes most notable Theeues who deliuered him afterwards into the Earle of Murray's hands The Earle of Westmerland found some meanes to hide himselfe about Carry Furnhurst and Bucklie and at last scapt into Flanders with some other English in his company where he liu'd a long but a poore life vpon a small Pension which the King of Spaine allowed him The rest saued themselues some by flight some by lurking in holes and dennes For example and terrour sixe inferiour Magistrates were hanged at Durham and others among which one Plumtree a Priest was a man of greatest note There were formerly executed at Yorke Digbie Falthrope Bishop and Pouenham And certaine moneths after Christopher and Thomas Nortons brethren were put to death at London and some others in other places After this the most apparāt notable Rebels were condemned of high Treason and banisht as namely the Earles of North. Westm the Countesse of North. the Daughter to the Earle of Wigorne Edward Dacres of Morton Iohn Neuill of Leuerserg Io. Swineborne Tho. Marquenfield Egre. Ratcliffe brother to the Earle of Sussex Char. Neuill Ro. Norton of Nortonconniers Christ Marmaduke and Thomas of the Family of the Nortons Ro. and Na. Tempests George Stafford and about some fortie others of Noble and worthie Houses whose conuiction and banishment was confirmed by the whole house of Parliament and pardon granted to some who had no Estates nor euer went out of the Kingdome And thus the flame of this Rebellion was in a short time quencht Chiapine Vitelli who was priuie to it as I told you before openly admiring the same in the presence of her Maiestie and many great men of the Kingdome but no doubt inwardly greeuing this Rebellion was so easily and suddenly supprest and that so his owne comming into England tooke so little effect From the combustions of this Rebellion thus couered and extinguisht as out of the ashes of that former fire a little flame began to kindle at Naworth in Cumberland neere to the Valley of Seuerus which was raised by Lau. Dacres second sonne to Geor. Lord Dacres of Gilesland This man after the death of the young Lord Dacres his Nephew because he was the sonne of his elder Brother being angry that so large a Patrimonie should by Law discend vnto his Neeces whom the Duke of Norfolke their Father in law had betrothed to his three sonnes hee commenced suite against them but perceiuing that it would come to no prosperous issue on his side hee secretly combin'd with the Rebels and attempted to carry away the Queene of Scots but all in vaine But the Rebels being defeated sooner then he expected and proclaimed Traitors openly whilest himselfe
earnestly with Queene ELIZABETH for the re-establishment of the Queene of Scotland complayning that she was more strictly handled then formerly vnder the custodie of the Earle of Huntington her sworne enemie and emulator who as well as she had secret aimes to the Kingdome of England The Ambassadour of Spaine also at the sollicitation of the Bishop of Rosse prest that point very hard in the name and behalfe of his King But the Queene after shee had seriously reuolued the cunning deuices that they all practised to free the Queene of Scots and had couertly giuen out that she was ioyned with them in the Rebellion lately appearing answered him THat it was an inconsiderate and dangerous folly to free one that so apparantly aspired by ill practice to the Crowne of England That she had need more straightly then ordinary to looke vnto her and discharge some of her Seruants whom she had for the most part chosen for her own proper dessignes and to giue for an assistant to the Earle of Shrewsbury whom she had appointed for her Keeper who began to suspect the loyaltie of these people the Earle of Huntington whom she neuer knew to haue any title to the Kingdome but onely out of some relation to her in affinity and that neuerthelesse she had discharged him long sithence promiseth to omit no meanes of agreement with the Scots and protesteth to prosecute no iniuries receiued by her That she euer hoped that the King of France the King of Spaine and the Queen of Scotland would not take it in ill part that she onely prouided for the peace and safety of her selfe her subiects since nature reason and the honour of her Royall Name did of right require the same at her hands And that if any of them knew any way more expedient to preuent that imminent menacing danger shee would not onely heare but most willingly embrace it After this they sate in Councell often hereupon at the Court whether it were best to send the Queen of Scotland backe into her Countrie or retain her stil in England and how they might best prouide for the safegard both of the Queene and their Religion Whiles they were consulting hereabout William Herbert Earle of Pembroke happened to dye being issue to Richard son to R. Herbert the eldest Earle of Pembroke being in the Climactericall yeere of his age as if he had presaged what mischiefe should befal him if hee had longer liued leauing behinde him three children Henry Edward and Anne Hee was buried in S. Pauls Church with stately and honourable Rites and a most glorious Tombe erected for him a Noble person who out of his owne meanes rais'd a Fortune to himselfe For he so wrought into the fauour of HENRY the Eighth that he made him one of the Gentlemen of his Chamber and by his owne prudence increased his meanes especially after the King had married Katherine Parre his wiues Sister And vnder EDVVARD the Sixth hee procured whiles the Court was distracted in seuerall factions to be of the Order of Saint George Knight of the Garter the honour to be the Kings Squire the Title of Baron Herbert of Cardiffe and the dignity of the Earle of Pembroke He was Generall vnder Queene MARY of her Troopes she sent against Wyat and for the English Armie at S. Quintin President of Wales twice Gouernour of Calais vnder Queene ELIZABETH he was constituted Steward of her houshold whose fauour he lost for a time in regard that hee was the first moouer of the match betweene the Duke of Norfolke and the Queene of Scotland notwithstanding his intention and will were no way ill affected therein and failed narrowly a little before his death of being questioned vpon certaine euidences at large dilated and presumptions secretly found out Hitherto Pope Pius the Fifth had laid a foundation of abstruse darke conspiracies for Queene ELIZABETH and the yeere before she hauing no warning thereof nor cited by a Bull declaratorie priuily sends forth an Anathema and excites Rebellion and causeth the said Bull to be fixed to the Palace Gates of the Bishop of London in these words THE SENTENCE Declaratory of the Holy Father Pope Pius the Fifth against ELIZABETH the pretended Queene of England and those Heretiques adhering to her And finally all such as obey her to be insnared in the same PIVS Bishop a seruant of the seruants of GOD for the future memory of the businesse HEe that rules in the Heauens aboue and to whom all power is giuen both in Heauen and Earth gaue vnto one onely vpon Earth viz. to Peter the chiefest amongst the Apostles and to the Pope of Rome Peters Successor a holy Catholique and Apostolique Church without which there is no Saluation to gouerne it in the fulnesse of power And this he ordayned as chiefe aboue all Nations and Kingdomes to pull downe destroy disseuer cast off plant and erect to combine in the vnitie of spirit his faithfull people connext together through mutuall charitie and present them whole and sound to his Sauiour Which charge Wee who through the grace of GOD are thereunto called submitting our selues to the gouernement of the same Church cease not with all our best labours and indeuours to preserue this vnitie and Catholique Religion which hee who was the Author thereof so suffered to be incumbred for the triall of the faith of his and for our correction But the number of the ungodly is so great in power that there is not a corner left vpon the whole Earth now vntainted with their wicked Doctrines Amongst which ELIZABETH pretended Queene of England is aboue all the shelter and refuge of Error and most noysome enemies It is She who after shee had possessed the Kingdome vsurping monster-like the place of the chiefe Soueraigne of the Church in England and the principall iurisdiction and authoritie thereof hath throwne into miserable ruine the whole Kingdome when it was euen brought to the Catholique faith and began to bring forth good fruits For shee with a powerfull hand prohibiteth the exercise of the true Religion which was heretofore ouerthrowne by HENRY the Eighth the forsaker therof and afterwards repayred with the helpe of this See by MARIE lawfull Queene of England of famous memorie and embraceth the Heresies of obscure persons the Royall Councell once composed of the English Nobilitie shee hath broken off oppresseth such as made profession of and exercised the Catholique Religion re-established the wicked Ministers and Preachers of impietie abolished the sacrifice of the Masse Prayers Fastings the diuiding of the Meates the Celibate and all Catholique Ceremonies sent Bookes ouer her whole Kingdome containing manifest Heresies commended to her Subiects the prophane Mysteries and Institutions which shee had receiued and obserued from the decree of Caluin displaced the Bishops Rectors and Catholique Priests from their Churches and Benefices and disposed of them to Heretiques and is bold to take vpon her to iudge and determine Ecclesiasticall affaires forbade the
credit to those hurtfull truces and assembles For whilest they treated of these things in England they receiued great dammages in the punishments of many and murdering of others the taking of Dunbrittō situated neere Glotte or Cluide vpon an arme of the sea beeing the strongest and best fortified Castle in all Scotland I. Hamilton Arch-bishop of S. Andrews brother to the Duke of Chastelraut was hanged as a confederate of murdering the King without being brought according to the custome of the Countrey to Iudgement onely vpon the testimony of a priest who iustified that vpon taking confession of the assassinates of the King he heard them say that he was of the confederacie The Queene being prisoner could no longer harbour in her heart what shee had a long time concealed perceiuing herselfe out of all hope plunged in a deepe sorrow that of all her seruants they had left her but onely 10. and a priest to doe her seruice and that all meanes both for her health and liberty being euer most charitable seemed to bee taken away She sent thereupon secretly vnto the Duke of Norfolke a forme of her dessignes which shee had written long before and certaine amorous Letters written in a particular Character only betweene them two with other Letters to perswade him still to rely vpon the Pope and the Spaniard by Ridolph whom shee recommended vnto him as one most affectionate to his seruice and very necessary to be employed in his Affaires But Higford the Dukes Secretary who copied out this remembrance and those Letters in the vsuall Character being commanded to throw them into the fire hid them secretly vnder the mats in the Dukes Chamber for some further Dessigne as it seemeth This Ridolph being one day in the Dukes presence spake and made Barker often iterate the same THat he had obserued that there was as well among the Nobles as meaner sort in England three sorts who studied nouelties some were such as had flourished vnder the authority of MARIE and were then but few in number others who beeing zealous of the Romane Religion fretted that they were not permitted the free exercise thereof others who being transported with a new hope grieued at their present fortune who to enterprize any thing that would be propounded vnto them wanted nothing but a Leader of some Noble Race money and forraigne assistance That there could not be found one more illustrious and capable in such respect then the Duke who had the generall fauour of the people and that it stood with reason that he should reuenge the iniuries done him in that they had so long kept him prisoner against the Lawes of the Countrie and that they had not called him to the Assembly of Parliament sithence hee had his place and voice as beeing chiefe amongst all the Peeres Earle Marshall of the Kingdome of England And with the greater efficacie to perswade him to these things shewed him a Catalogue of the Nobles who had deuoted both themselues and their fortunes to his seruice if hee vndertooke this assured him that for forraigne helpe the Pope would be at all the charges of the Warre prouided that the Catholike Religion might bee aduanced hauing to this end disbursed the yeere before a hundred thousand Crownes when the Bull was publisht of which he himselfe had distributed to the English Fugitiues 12000. promised that the Spaniard prouoked by the iniuries of the English would send him for aide 4000. horse and 6000. foot which might very conueniently be brought in about the beginning of summer at Harwich a Port in Essex at whose approch the Duke had a great number of strong ships and without suspicion because about the same instant the Duke Medinoe-Coeli was to come into Flanders with a great Fleet. Concluded lastly that this might be supposed to be a meanes to free the Duke from all suspicion of attempting the Kingdome and to prouide for the safety of the Queene of England prouided that she embraced or at least-wise tolerated the Romane religion and consented that the Queene of Scotland should marry the Duke The Duke conceiuing these things somewhat probable gaue eare vnto him but neuerthelesse refused to subscribe the Letters of Credit which were offered him by Ridolph being vpon departure and would not harken to the counsel which the Bishop of Rosse suggested to him by Barker after he had often reuolued it in his minde TO seize vpon the Queene on the suddaine with a number of choise Gentlemen to disturbe the Parliament being then assembled And that this might easily be done considering the opportunity of times since this Assembly afforded him so many Gentlemē at his deuotion which could not be conuented in any other place without suspition That he had iust cause to be mooued hereunto in regard they had kept him so long prisoner against the Lawes of the Countrey and that they would not admit him to the Parliament and that they had sought out most seuere Lawes against the Papists And by pregnant examples sithence Castriot in Italy and others in all Countreyes hauing inopinately enterprized waighty affaires haue happily succeeded in them And if not long since fiue Gentlemen of Scotland were able to breake off the Parliament by which Murray was to be banished and bring the Queene vnder their power they might by the same meanes and as easily if they would lay hold of the occasion offered vnto them seyze vpon Qu. ELIZABETH accomplish the marriage of the Qu. of Scotland and prouide in England for the Catholique Religion without any great noyse or need of forreine assistance The Duke who of his naturall good inclination was far from offending reiected this counsell from his heart as most pernitious and dangerous But now H. Percy offered the Bishop to imploy himselfe about the deliuerance of the Queene of Scotland from prison prouided that Grange and Carre Farnihurst should receiue him at his entrance into Scotland and that the Earle of Northumberland his Brother who was prisoner should be set free Howsoeuer being suspected because of his great familiaritie with Baron Burghley and for that hee so long deferred the enterprise they gaue as little credit to this counsell as to that of Powels of Stanford one of the company of the Gentlemen of the Guard and to that of Owen one of the vassals of the Earle of Arundell who should haue vndertaken this but the Bishop of Rosse perceiuing they were vnable to effect it being men of no note hindered them As for other businesses which were closely done in these passages wee will omit vntill the light discouer them Whiles all these things were secretly handled in London there happened a most feareful Earth-quake in the Easterne parts about the Countie of Hereford neere the Towne of Kinaston For vpon the twelfth of March about sixe of the clocke in the euening the Earth opened and a Mountaine with a Rocke vpon which it was situated after a hideous noyse and strange crash
businesse more deliberately attempted carried with more courage and constancy of the Confederates nor lasted longer time vndiscouered by any of the coniurate-society That their military Companies might in foure and twentie houres space be put ouer out of Flanders into England the Queene and the City of London suddenly surprized Religion restored and the Queene of Scotland settled and crowned in her steade All which were like to haue the better successe for that Thomas Stukeley an English Fugitiue was then in readinesse with three thousand men to bring Ireland in subiection to the King of Spaine and with three Ships that were Spies set the English Fleete on fire Thus H. Catene of which much was vnknowne till the yeere 1588. when he published a booke printed at Rome and priuiledged by Sixtus the Sixth Now returne wee to the purpose if we be digrest Scarce ten dayes after the Dukes death were sent to the Queene of Scots then all mournefull and in sorrow Will. Lord de-la-Warre Sir Ralph Sadler Tho. Wilson Doctor of the Ciuill Lawes and T. Bromley the Queenes Attourney who were so to expostulate with her as to charge her for vsurping the Title and Armes of England nor that she had renounced them according as it was conditioned at Edenborrough and to assume them more freely had secretly contriued to marry with the Duke of Norfolke which the rather to bring to passe shee had left nothing vnassayed by the ministery of her Agents by force and Armes to set the Duke at liberty had raised Rebellion in the North Countrey had succoured the conuicted Rebels of Scotland and Flanders had by Ridolph the Italian his solliciting implored the aydes of the Pope the King of Spaine and others for inuading the Countrey of England they vrged also that shee had receiued Letters from the Pope who had promised to keepe her as safe vnder his wing as the Hen doth her Chickens calling her and her Complices The true Children of the Church And finally that shee had procured a Bull from the Pope against the Queene and and had suffered herselfe by her friends in forraigne parts to be called The Queene of England To all these with a bold countenance and constant resolution hauing first protested herselfe to be a free Prince and subiect to none she answered THat she had not vsurped the Title or Armes of England but that being yet young and vnder the power of her Husband the King of France necessity imposed them vpon her but since her Husbands death shee neuer bore them wherefore it was not to be imputed to her as any fault of hers neither would she take them to her so long as ELIZABETH liued or any Childe shee should beare That in the matching with the Duke of Norfolke shee had no thought of any ill might happen to the Cōmon-wealth but rather much good and if she should renounce the marriage it was contrary to the matrimoniall Vow she had made and that by dutie thereof she was bound to aduertise the Duke of his dangers and to quit himselfe out of prison That she had neuer raised nor consented to the raising of any tumults but was alwaies ready to discouer what plots shee knew of against the Queene or Countrey if she had pleased by her to bee admonished of or to haue admitted her to her sight or hearing nor at any time had succoured the English Rebels but only by her Letters had recommended the Countesse of Northumberland to the Duke D'Alua Of Ridolph she was to haue necessary vse for her pensionary Annuities and in some money-matters whom shee knew to be a great Fauourite of the Popes but neuer had receiued any Letters from him had neuer dealt with any touching her deliuery but indeed had not refused to giue eare to such as had offered the seruice in that kind and for that cause had passed her priuie Seale to Rowlston and Hall She had sometimes receiued Letters consolatory and full of piety from the Pope wherein was no mention of any such matter nor had shee procured any Bull from Rome onely on a time a copie of one of them was shewed her which after she had read shee cast it into the fire But if any out of forraigne Countries shall write or speake otherwise then they ought they ought to answere it and to suffer the penaltie of their faults She neuer sought or sent either to the Pope or K. of Spaine for the procuring any inuasion vpon England but had implored their helpes for her restoring into her owne Realme but not before her Maiestie had preadmonition thereof But if shee were to be called in question concerning these Letters she requested for that shee was issued from the Bloud Royall of England that she might answere for herselfe in person in open Parliament In the meane time was Scotland all vp in Armes miserably troubled with Ciuill Warres whilest on the one side such as fauoured the Queene relying vpon aide from the French and the other party expecting the like from England had dayly encounters together notwithstanding both English and French shewed themselues most desirous to appease and accord their dissentions by the Ambassages which either countrey sent into Scotland Of which France proposed that their most commodious course would bee to elect amongst them some persons of well-known worth and wisedome to gouerne the Kingdome for a time not taking vpon them supreame authority or the names of King or Queene they were not willing to acknowledge for King the King of Scotland for that they held hee had no right but by his mother and that shee was vniustly deposed of her Subiects and therefore shee was iustly to bee reputed their Queene and the ancient League of Alliance betwixt her and France to continue firme and inuiolable Those likewise from England on the contrary maintained by strong argument that such an Administration or popular gouernment would be an Anarchy and that the Commonwealth was not to admit plurality of Gouernours and that Scotland hauing alwaies beene commanded by Kings was not now to haue an election of such Administrators That the States of the Realme had deposed the Queene and lawfully crowned and inthroned the King and that the ancient recited Alliance was a contract not of persons but of the two Kingdomes of France and Scotland alledging also that by an expresse Law the most Christian King was bound to defend the King of Scots in these termes If there happen at any time controuersie about the Kingdome of Scotland the Kings of France shall support ayde and defend him whom the States of Scotland shall adiudge the Title of the Kingdome to And as touching the causes of the Queenes deposing it should bee enquired of of those Scots who haue deposed her The French notwithstanding openly fauouring the partie of the Queene of Scotland became serious intercessours to her Maiestie for to set her at liberty lest that as his Ambassadour did freely hee might
bee thought not to respect her who had been wife to the King his brother and now the Dowager of France and to neglect the now puissant Family of the Guizes in France or to approoue that pernicious example of deposing of Kings And which was the most capitall point of all that shee finding her selfe abandoned of the French in her aduersity might seeke Patronage from Spaine and that by her meanes the three prepotent Realmes of England Scotland and Ireland might colleague them in amity with Spaine to the no small endamagement of the State of France To these Qu. ELIZABETH with milde alacrity answered THe King of France will be well aduised what or how he shall doe with the Queene of Scotland notwithstanding she was their Queene and now is their Dowager howbeit for the dissoluing of the Duke of Aniou's mariages she hath held secret cōsultation with the Spaniard He will also consider whether that ancient Law of Alliance be violable and whether he be bound therby or no to defend the King in his nonage He will also bethinke him how much France is beholden or obliged to the Family of the Guizes by whose practices the Countrey hath beene afflicted with long and bloody wars the French haue beene forced to lose the loue of Scotland and the poore Queene brought into this calamitable case she is in In very deed the example of deposing Kings I hold a thing most pernicious and well deseruing infernall punishment but for that the Scots are to answere And for mine owne part I call to mind the things which grieue my heart to remember But notwithstanding I know not how the French in old times allowed of Pepin when he supplanted Childeric Hugo Capet Charles of Lorraine depriuing them of their ancient successions descended to them from a long-continued Race of Ancestors to transferre the Scepter to new-erected Families As also Philip surnamed the good Duke of Burgundie exiled Iaquette from his countries of Hainault Holland or the Danes when they expulst from his Kingdome Christianus the second and his Daughters Or the Spaniards who imprisoned the Queene Vraca after they had put her from the Crowne It is no nouelty for Sonnes to succeed their deposed Mothers So Henry the Second was admitted King of England Alphonsus the yonger Sonne of Vraca King of Castill and of late memory Charles the fifth King of Spaine and Sicily their Mothers then suruiuing The world is full of examples of many Queenes that haue exchanged their Diademes for prisons which France doth testifie at large hauing imprisoned not to say further the wiues of three of their Kings one after another Lewes Hutin Philip the long and Charles the faire For my part I detaine the Queene of Scots vnder a reasonable Guard but I doe it for the preseruation of England and mine owne safety after the example of the French who for their better security of affaires put Chilperic into a Monasterie Charles of Lorraine into a safe and straite prison and Lodowicke Sforza Duke of Mylan into a Dungeon with Iron grates Whereunto as she was very conuersant in the Histories of all Nations shee annexed other examples of the same nature drawne out of the Historie of Spaine and finally concluded that true it was such Presidents carried euer with them some semblance of Iniustice but she required that the King of France would vndertake the defence of the Queene of Scotland euen as he was bound by his Allyance intimating that it would bee an action of greater glory to the French than all those vnhappy enterprizes they assumed in the cause of that infamous woman Iane of Naples But when it was discouered that at the same time the Queene of Scots practised secretly to confirme an alliance with the Spaniard by the negotiations of the Lord Seton who arriuing in Essex disguised in the habit of a Mariner and returning from thence into Scotland through England hee had promised succours in the Duke of Aluaes name to the Scottish partakers with the Queene shee was kept with a straighter Guard and the affection borne to her by the French by little and little waxed cold And certainely as the Duke of Alua omitted nothing wherein he might vent his hatred to Queene ELIZABETH so was shee no lesse cautelous to preuent it and frustrate his dissignes For in the first moneths of this yeere hee complained by the Spanish Ambassadour in England that the Flemmish Rebels bought all their warlike munition there and were receiued into all her Ports and Hauens shee presently by a strict Proclamation commanded that all Flemmings any wayes suspected of sedition should depart out of England and that their ships of warlike equipage should be seysed vpon in her harbours All which returned to the dammage of the Duke of Alua. For Humes Earle of March and other Flemmings reduced as it were to a desperate poynt whether they were terrified by this Proclamation or that they were vnder-hand admonished to retyre but they presently surprised the Breele which is seated vpon the mouth of the Meuse caused Flushing forthwith to reuolt and other Townes which expelled the Spaniards as they were in hand to make cittadels to captiuate their libertie in a short time cut off the Duke of Alua by Sea and through the meanes they had to make it good for themselues had a power to molest and detaine the Spaniard with a long and tedious warre wherein Souldiers haue obserued that hee shewed for his part such palpable carelessenesse and negligence as was not beseeming so great a Generall who for the space of foure whole yeeres grossely ouer-slipt the maritime affaires and expeditions of Flanders At the same time there was a famous generall muster before the Queene at Greenwich with a pleasant trayning in Armes by the Citizens of London and after their returne from thence martiall men who began to rust and corrupt in their owne houses began to flow out of England into Flanders and according as they stood affected betooke themselues some to the Duke of Alua and others the farre greater number to the Prince of Orange who opposed his proiects for the defence of Religion and his Countries libertie Amongst whom Sir Thomas Morgan was the first that brought three hundred men into Flushing vpon the report whereof the Duke who intended the recouery of it forbare and retyred Further hee vsed such expedition and diligence as hee caused greater troupes to come for after himselfe there landed nine Companies more of English conducted by Humfrey Gilbert who being consorted with the French first attempted to surprize Scluse and Bruges then hee set vpon Tergow in Suethebenelant But their scaling-Ladders being too short hollow correspondancie betweene the French and the English and Mondragon comming on with fresh succours for the assieged they retyred to Flushing of which both the one and the other sought to make themselues masters each to themselues But the Prince of Orange made good vse of this
to incite him to doe good to the religious Princesse the Lady Charlotte of Bourbon daughter to the Duke Mont-pensier who fled for her Religion into Germany But hee obtained nothing for France as it were pushed by fate ran headlong into a direfull warre Neuerthelesse the King and his mother the Queene writ iointly into England and sent La Garde to prosecute the marriage of the Duke of Alanzon For seeing this young Prince grow cholericke to see himselfe so vnworthily handled by his mother on all sides as if he had beene a prisoner and vnderstanding that he held secret Councel with the Politicians of France they thought it safest to diuert him from warre to send him into England In the interim they imployed all their cunning in Scotland to get Iames the young King ouer into France and to displace Morton the Vice-roy from his charge and for this purpose they sent thither the Kings Scottish guard The Queene of Scotland greatly desired this perswading her selfe that if her sonne were in France out of danger shee and the Catholikes should be more gently handled in England that the English faction which was in Scotland and alwaies relying vpon the Kings name would quickly be ruinated as he riper increased in yeres so the English should increase in feares as well of the French partie as of the Scots side The French did no lesse desire it fearing that the Regent of Scotland who was altogether at the deuotion of the English would breake the ancient Alliance which was betweene them and the Scots and neuertheles then when he instantly required that they would contract the Alliance of mutuall defence against strangers betweene England and Scotland it was denied him lest perhaps he should by the same meanes demand an annuall Pension to bee assigned to him and certaine Scottish men But eare was giuen to those who vpon a light suspicion accused the Queen of Scotland the Countesse of Shrewsbury and the Earle himselfe to haue without the Queenes priuity made the marriage between Charles the Paternall vncle of the King who had a little before confirmed vnto him by Parliament the County of Lenox and the Lady Elizabeth Cauendish the Countesse of Shrewsburies Daughter by her first Husband Wherevpon the mothers of either sides and others for this cause being kept prisoners a little time imputed and laid all the fault vpon the Queene of Scotland As it was vnknowne whither this marriage tended and that diuers suspicions had their birth by it Henry Count of Lidington was established President of the Assembly of the North with new instructions and secrets for this affaire This kind of Magistrate which at this present is very honourable hath in a little time from weake beginnings growne to this greatnesse and now what I haue learned of it by a free and short digresion I meane to leaue to posterity When in the reigne of HENRY the Eighth the rebellion of the inhabitants of that Countrie had stirred vp for the destruction of Monasteries was laid asleepe many made complaint of the iniuries which he had receiued during that Rebellion vnto the Duke of Norfolke who remained in those parts some of which he determined and left the rest to be finished by persons which to this purpose hee had established with Commissions sealed with his owne Seale but the King being aduertised hereof sent him a particular Seale to serue in such causes and hauing reuoked him gaue that Commission to Tunstall Bishop of Duresme and appointed Commissioners with power to heare and determine the complaints of the poore Hee was the first which bare the name of President and since the authority of his Successours hath bin of great value In these times the superfluity of Apparell so preuailed in England by a Vice peculiar to the Nation which pleaseth it selfe by imitating others that the ancient fashion fell in such disgrace that the men by a new fashion of habit and too much brauery made manifest the filthinesse and insolency of their spirits swaggering euery where couered with silke gold and siluer pure and mingled The Queene marking that this superfluity drew euery yeere out of the Kingdome to the dammage of the publike great quantity of money for the buying of silke and other strange Merchandizes and that many Gentlemen who might doe good seruice to the Publike and others to seeme to be He did not onely consume their demeanes to their particular dammage but also increased their debts vsed deceits and by this meanes fell into the nets of the Law and after they had prodigally lauisht their goods studied to make a change she endeuoured to prouide a fit remedy for it And although by the Lawes of HENRY the Eighth and MARY she could preuaile against them and draw from it great summes of money neuerthelesse she rather lou'd to preuent it by a simple commandement She commanded therefore that within 14. dayes euery one should forme his apparell to the prescribed fashion if he would not incurre the seuerity of the Lawe and shee herselfe began this reformation in her Court But by the malice of time this Edict and these Lawes by little and little gaue place to this superfluity which grew to a greater height of insolency was immediately traced by the riotousnesse of Feasts and splendor of Buildings for since that time more magnificent ample and faire Countrie houses of Noble-men and priuate men haue beene raised vp in England then in any other Ages whereby truly the Kingdome was greatly adorned but the glory of Hospitality greatly decreased The English which were at warre in Holland vnder Chester and Gainsford failed this yeere the one in vertue the other in successe For those which lay in Garrison at Valkenburgh gaue ouer the place and yeelded to the Enemy neuerthelesse they were pardoned for feare lest Queene ELIZABETH should not suffer the Spanish Fleet which was sayling towards Flanders vpon the Sea of Great-Brittaine to enter into her Hauens to victuall themselues The others which were in the Channell of Sluce after they had sustained a sharpe Combate and couragiously repulsed the Spaniards being surprized by theit enemies who had trauersed the Riuer were ouerthrowne and chased from the place with the losse of three hundred men and three Ensignes I know not whether it be expedient to record these triuiall things That this yeere the pious credulity of certaine Preachers of London was deceiued by a young wench who fained herselfe possessed with a Deuill That there was a great Whale found dry on the Shores of the I le of Thanet whose length was twentie Elles of our measure the breadth from her belly to her backe bone thirteene foote the space betweene her eyes eleuen foote That the Thames did ebbe and flowe twice in one houre That in the moneth of Nouember from the North to the South fuming Clouds were gathered together in a round the night following the Skie seemed to burne the Flames running
would lay siege to it he writ againe to the Earle representing vnto him the Queenes mercy the ancient dignitie of the House of Desmond the glory of his Ancestors the infamy that he should leaue to his posterity exhorts him not to be tainted with the name of Rebell but returne to his duetie He to the contrary armes his minde with obstinacy and his Castle on all sides with Spanish and Irish At what time Drury the Deputy dyed at Waterford a man of approued worth who from his youth had beene trayned vp in the exercise of Warre in France Scotland and Ireland Together with the death of the Deputie dyed Malbey's authoritie in Mounster who when he had put his men in Garrison went to Connach the Prouince of his gouernement The Rebels take heart by the death of the Deputie and deliberate how they might vtterly draw themselues from vnder the English command and are of opinion to blocke vp the Garrisons on all sides and starue them by famine Iames Desmond then besiegeth Adare where W. Stanley and G. Carew were in Garrison But the besieged apprehending famine as the extremitie of all euils so wearied the besiegers with often eruptions that they raised the siege and gaue them libertie to forrage the Countrey neere about them which they did lustily and valiantly Iames himselfe was wounded there In the interim the Councell of England chose for chiefe Iustice of Ireland William Pelham with the authoritie of Lord Deputie vntill they had chose one and the Earle of Ormond President of Mounster who sent the Earle of Desmonds sonne to Dublin there to be kept for hostage Pelham goes towards Mounster sends for Desmond but hee excuseth himselfe by Letters sent by his Wife For that cause Ormond is sent who warnes him to send Sanders the Diuine the Souldiers that were strangers and to deliuer vp into his hands the Castles of Carigo-foyle and Asketen to submit himselfe absolutely and turne his forces against his Brethren and the other Rebels assuring him grace if hee did it if not to be declared a Traitor and an enemy of the Countrey but by subterfuges and flyings off hee dallies and playes with these things In the beginning of Nouember hee was proclaymed Traytor and guiltie Laesae Maiestatis because hee had dealt with forraine Princes for the subduing and ouerthrowing of the Countrie and intertained Sanders and Fitz-Morris Rebels cherished the Spaniards which were driuen from the Fort caused faithfull Subiects to be hanged displayed against the Queene the Ensigne of the Pope and brought strangers into the Kingdome This declaration being published the Lord chiefe Iustice gaue Commission to Ormond to goe on with the warres Desmond turning his designes into another part of the Countrey of Mounster and sacketh Yoghall surprizeth without resistance a Sea-Towne and strong enough Ormond wastes all farre and wide about Conile the onely refuge of the Rebels brings away their Flockes and giues them in prey to the Souldiers hanged the Maior of Yoghall before his owne doore for refusing to receiue the English Garrison fortified the Towne and after prepares himselfe to besiege the Spaniards in Strangicall But they before-hand with-drew themselues from that danger Neuerthelesse the English pursued them and left not one of them aliue and molested the Rebels in all parts of Mounster Desmond and his Brethren although they lay hid writ long Letters to the Lord chiefe Iustice that they had vndertaken the protection of the Catholique faith in Ireland by the Popes authoritie and the aduice of the King of Spaine therefore they courteously warne him that in so pious and meritorious a cause he would ioyne with them for the saluation of his owne soule THE THREE AND TVVENTIETH YEERE OF Her Reigne Anno Dom. 1580. THe Lord chiefe Iustice pleasantly iesting at these things returnes to Mounster cals thither the Nobilitie detaines them with him not suffering any to depart without giuing Hostages and promise to imploy all their power and ayde with him and Ormond against the Rebels Who speedily diuiding their forces make diligent search for the Rebels constraine the Baron of Lixnaw to yeeld besiege the Castle of Carigofoyle kept by Iules an Italian with some few Spaniards and with their great Ordnance hauing made a breach in the Wall which was built but of dry stone entered killed part of the Garrison hanged the rest and Iules himselfe Then the Castles of Ballilogh and Asketen perceiuing the English to approach sets them on fire and leaues them Peter Carew and George his brother are made Gouernours of Asketen with a new Garrison of the English they waste the Lands of Mac-Aule from thence the chiefe Iustice by a watery Mountaine enters Shlewlougher in Kerrie brings away great quantities of cattell and defeats many Rebele Iames the Earle of Desmonds brother hauing pillaged Muske-roy appertaining to Cormag-Mac-Teg whom the chiefe Iustice by Law set at libertie as well deseruing for his seruice against the Rebels met with Donel brother to Cormag who hauing slaine many and recouered the spoyle tooke him being wounded to death and deliuered him to Wararm S. Leger Marshall of Mounster and to Walter Raleigh a new Commander They proceed against him in iustice and hauing conuinced him executed him for a Traitor and set his head for a spectacle vpon the Gate of Corcage The Earle of Desmond himselfe being ouer-whelmed with misery and no where safe remoues euery houre sends his Wife to the Lord chiefe Iustice to aske pardon and imployes his friends to Winter who with a Nauall Army watcht the Spaniard in the mouth of the Hauen that he might be transported into England to begge the Queens pardon The Lord chiefe Iustice hearing that Arthur Lord Gray who was appointed Deputy of Ireland was landed leaues the command of the Army to George Bourchier second sonne to the Earle of Bath and by easie iourneies returnes to Dublin to deliuer vp the gouernement of the Kingdome to his Successor As soone as the Lord Gray was arriued being informed that some Rebels conducted by Fitz-Eustat and Phoog-Mac-Hugh the most renowned of the famous House of the Obrins who after their spoyles and robberies made their retreat to Glandilough fiue and twenty mile Northward from Dublin to win reputation and to breed terrour at his beginning hee commanded the Captaines who were come from all parts to salute him to gather troupes and to goe with him to set vpon the Rebels who were retyred to Glandilough a Vale full of Grasse the most part of it fertile and fit to feede Cattell situated at the foote of a steepe Rocke full of Springs and so enuironed with Trees and thicke bushes that the Inhabitants of the Countrey knew not the wayes in it When they were come to the place Cosby the Leader of the light-armed Irish which they call Kearnes who knew the situation well aduertized the others of the danger in entering into that Valley
in them lay to be in hatred within the Kingdome and accused him to Qu. ELIZABETH to be sent by the Guizes to ouerthrow Religion to procure the liberty of the captiue Queene and to disunite the amitie which was between the Kingdomes of England and Scotland They are easily beleeued and notwithstanding that he purged himselfe by Letters to the Queene and made profession of the Protestants Religion serious deliberation is hereupon taken in England The Councell of England was afraid that he would oppresse those Scots that stood best affected to the English and fauour the incursions which were made vpon the Borders and allure the King to marry in France or else-where vnknowne to the English and that the King now in his youth would molest the affaires of England and beeing come to more maturitie of age would assume the title of King of England as his Mother had done Which if he did the danger would fall more heauily from him than from his Mother in regard his birth gaue him an assured hope of two Kingdomes and gaine more friends to fauour his cause and that the Scots trayned vp in the ciuill warres and the warres of the Low-Countries were more expert to learne warlike offices Therefore from hence it is thought good by some meanes or other to infringe the fauour and authoritie that Lenox had with the King or to driue him out of Scotland and that without delay because rumours were giuen out that Balfour was sent for out of France who had found I know not what Writing of his owne hand to conuince him of the Murder of the Kings Father to ruine Morton and that he had for no other end obtained the gouernement of the Castle of Dunbriton but to set in stranger-forces into Britaine or to transport the King into France It was likewise said that he had perswaded the King to resigne the Kingdome to his Mother who had beene vniustly and by a most wicked example deposed by her Subiects after hauing taken her faithfull promise to resigne it by and by after vnto him againe by a lawfull resignation which would be a solid confirmation to him and a meanes to extinguish all factions and make him knowne to all to be lawfull King After this Sir Robert Bowes Treasurer of Barwicke is sent into Scotland to accuse Lenox of these things before the King and his Councell and to aduertise the King of the eminent dangers thereof As soone as hee had beene admitted hee demanded that Lenox might for a while be remoued from that place but the Councell would not agree vnto it as being a thing new and vnheard of to cause one of the Kings Councell to be put out from the Councell without shewing cause Also they made a doubt whether or no the Queene had giuen him that in charge expresly and therefore willed him to shew his instructions which he refused to doe saue to the King and to one or two others And seeing that he could not be heard hee was presently called backe and tooke leaue of the King when it was little thought on complayning that the wholesome admonitions of a well-deseruing Queene were reiected Shortly after Alexander Hume is sent from Scotland to excuse these matters hee had not admittance to the Queene but was sent to the Lord Burghley Treasurer who grauely and succinctly gaue him to vnderstand THat it was not any contempt of his person that was cause why the Queene would not permit him to see her knowing very well by experience that he was well affected to Religion to his Prince and Countrie and most studious for the peace of both the Kingdomes but out of a iust sence and sorrow for the contempt which was shewed towards her Maiestie and of the trust of her Ambassadour who had contained himselfe within the prescribed bounds of his Legation Layes all the blame vpon the new and ill-aduised Councellors excuseth the King as not being of age to haue much experience and wished him to lend an eare to the holy and wholesome counsels of the Queene who truely bare him a maternall affection and not to make lesse account of them than of those from a French kinsman the King of France his subiect who laboured to marry him to a French woman of the Romish Religion and peraduenture goes about now the Hamiltons exulting to be designed the Kings Lieutenant Let the King saith he remember that no passion is more feruent than ambition and let the Scots remember what troubles the French had caused in Scotlād if the Queen by her wisdome and power had not preuented it So Hume was sent backe into Scotland and all of purpose to strike terrour into the King and to make him beleeue that the Earle of Lenox had some pernicious designe against him and the Kingdome Neuerthelesse within a while after Morton who was most addicted to the English was accused by Arran Laesa Maiestatis and cast into prison The end of the second Booke of the Annals and History of that mightie Empresse Queene ELIZABETH of most happy and blessed memory THE HISTORIE OF THE MOST HIGH MIGHTY AND Euer-glorious Empresse ELIZABETH Inuincible Queene of England Ireland c. True Defendresse of the Faith of immortall Renowne and neuer-dying Fame and Memory OR ANNALLES OF ALL SVCH REMARKable things as happened during her blest Raigne ouer her Kingdomes of England and Ireland as also such Acts as past betwixt her MAIESTY and Scotland France Spaine Italy Germany and the Netherlands The third Booke F●●thfully translated out of the French and ●●●●isht in English with the KINGS leaue and Authority granted by his most Excellent Maiestie to ABRAHAM DARCIE To the euery way Noble and accomplished with all vertues Sir EDVVARD CONVVAY the Kings Secretary of State Sir WILLIAM HARVEY Lord HARVEY Baron of Rosse Sir ORACE VERE Sir ARTHVR THROCKMORTON Sir ROBERT MAVNCELL Sir FRANCIS POPHAM Sir WILLIAM MOVNSON Sir RICHARD WESTON The Right vertuous generous Sir THOMAS HATTON AND CHRISTOPHER HATTON Sir CARIE RAVVLEIGH EDVVARD WRAY Esquire I Here presume to consecrate to your perpetuall Honour this Booke which vnder the Honourable Shield of your Noble protections I haue sought to shelter knowing the Fame of this Heroicke Empresse to be no lesse deare vnto you then your Illustrious Persons are carefull to propagate to all Posterities your cleere and vntainted Names which by your pious liues and religious conuersations you haue engrauen in the Temple of Eternity your vertues cannot but cherish this History which containes the life of so matchlesse a Queene whose Diuine perfection the whole world admired as one who was the perfect Patterne of Princesses and the true Mirour Honour of Virgin-kinde I confesse many far better able then I a Stranger could haue discharged this Enterprise with far more skill and both in smoother and more elegant termes if they had beene willing to honour their Labours and Industries with so rare
or enterprize ought in France the King according to equitie would chastise them but whatsoeuer they had done in England the King would neither enquire after nor execute the Law vpon them That all Kingdomes were free and open to fugitiues and that euery King should labour to defend the liberties of his Kingdome That ELIZABETH her selfe had not long before receiued into her Realme Montgomerie the Prince of Conde and others of the French Nation And that at that time Seguri the King of Nauarre his Ambassador remained in England plotting new deuices against the King of France Whilst these things past on Bernardin Mendoza Spaines Ambassador in England secretly past into France murmuring and raging as if he contrarie to the right of Ambassie had beene forc'd out of England being indeed a man of violent and turbulent nature and hauing himselfe abused the holy and sacred rights of Ambassadors did deserue according to the opinion of many after the ancient seueritie to bee pursued with sword and fire Hee was commanded to depart the Realm because he had intermixt himselfe amongst those wicked conspiracies with Throckmorton and others that laboured for the bringing in of Strangers into England and dispossessing of the Queene for which being gently reproued he in stead of excusing and purging himselfe by a modest reply accused the Queene and her Councel about the money which was detained from the Geneuois for the aide and succours which were sent to the States of the Netherlands to the Duke of Anjou and to Antonio King of Portugall and also for the Pyracies of Drake But lest the King of Spaine should thinke the rights of Embassie vvere violated by this and not the offence of Mendoza reuenged W. Waade one of the Queenes Councell for the expedition of Letters was dispatched into Spaine there plainely to demonstrate how mischieuously Mendoza had behaued himselfe in his Ambassage And to signifie likewise lest the Queene should be thought by returning of Mendoza to renounce the ancient friendship between the Kingdomes that she was ready to performe all Offices of humanitie towards him if the King in Mendoza's place would send any other more carefull for the maintaining of friendship prouided that the like might be performed to her Ambassador in Spaine But the King disdaining to receiue or conferre with Waade referred him to his Councell Whereat Waade somewhat incensed boldly declared that it had beene an ancient custome ouer all that the Ambassadors should bee admitted to speake in presence euen of their enemies and in time of Warre And that the Emperor Charles the fifth father of the King gaue admittance to the Herald that denounced warre against him from the King of France refusing to impart to the Councell the tenour of his Ambassie Now Idiac Secretarie to the King of Spaine endeuoured himselfe much to come to the knowledge of those matters but his Art and policies failing him hee was fully instructed out of France of the whole passage by Mendoza Whereupon laying aside the quality of a publike person he familiarly declared to Waade that to his griefe hee saw many men which bent all their studies to breake and seuer with mischieuous deuices the Leagues and amity of Princes and to increase their enmities That the iniury was done to the King of Spaine himselfe and not to Ambassadors first on the person of Dispez and then of Mendoza That there was no reason why he should any more accuse Mendoza to the King that had receiued for his fault if hee committed any sufficient punishment being so ignominiously and disgracefully sent backe That the Catholique King had dealt iustly in rendering like for like and as the Queene had dismissed Mendoza without hearing but appointed him to bee heard by her Councell the King in like manner had appointed him to the Cardinall Granuellan To this Waade made answer that there was a large difference between himselfe that had neuer giuen the least distaste to the Catholike King and Mendoza who had highly grieuously offended the Queene hauing insolently a great space disdained and refused to come neere her and committed many things vnfitting and vnworthy an Ambassador Notwithstanding all this Waade could not bee admitted but returned into England without being heard All those crimes for the most part which were obiected against Mendoza were taken out of the confession of Throckmorton For when Throckmorton saw himselfe at the point of being apprehended hee sent vnto Mendoza a little trunke wherein were contained his secrets neuerthelesse his other trunkes being diligently searched there were found two Catalogues in one of which were contained the names of the Ports which were most appropriate and conuenient for the landing of their troopes in the other the names of such Noblemen in England as did entertaine and imbrace the Roman Religion Which Catalogues when hee saw produced he cryed out aloud that they were things suborned and that he neuer saw them before that time and that they were purposely inserted into his trunke by some that plotted his destruction and being tortured to force him confesse hee still persisted but tortures being applyed the second time he confessed all that he knew and being examined touching the Catalogues to what end they were written he made this Declaration THat a few yeares since taking his iourney to the waters of Spaw with one Ieney and Englefield they consulted among themselues of the meanes by which England might bee inuaded of the strangers and the forme of the gouernment changed and to that end the names of the Ports and Noblemen were set downe in those Catalogues That Morgan had signified to him by Letters out of France that the Catholique Princes had already deliberated vpon the inuasion and by the auspicious succours of the Duke of Guise to set at libertie the Queene of Scots the Guise wanting nothing but money and some helping hands in England That to procure these things C. Paget vnder the assumed name of Mopus was sent into Sussex where the Guise had determined first to land his troops That he had communicated the businesse and shewed the names of the Ports and Noblemen to Mendoza who was now perfectly instructed by the rect of the conspiracie Neither doth he deny that hee had promised his owne helpe and industry And had also aduertised Mendoza with what Noblemen being a publique personage he might conferre with with whom he himselfe being but a priuate man could not without danger hold parley And with him found the meanes by some of the principall Catholiques to take vp souldiers in the Queenes name then when the stranger forces should ariue to bee ioyned with them These things he freely confessed Neuerthelesse being accused publikely in the Court at London hee precisely denied all affirming that hee had spoken out of his owne inuention and not the truth onely to free himselfe from the tortures againe and openly accused the Queene of cruelty and those of the Inquest of falshood framing
heart fayleth me not yet nor will I faint in aduersitie I referre me to my confession made to Bromley now Lo Chancellor and Baron Lauar I am ignorant of the English lawes and Statutes I haue no Counsellers at law Who are my Peeres I know not My notes and writings are taken from me and there 's none dares mediate for me I am free from all trespasse against her Maiestie I haue animated none against her neither am I to be called into iudgement vnlesse it were for some word or writing of mine owne that could be produced against me wherein I haue recommended my selfe and cause to some forraigne Princes which I would not deny The day following Sir Ayme Poulet and Parker two of the Commissioners repayred to her who shewed her in writing her answer and demanded whether she would persist therein which after she had heard read distinctly and truly vnto her she commended it saying she would But this quoth she was out of my minde that which I would haue added now that the Queene wrote vnto me that I was subiect to the lawes of England and to be iudged by them because I liued vnder their tuition To which I answer That I came into England for ayde and hauing euer since beene detayned prisoner I could neuer enioy the tuition or benefite of the lawes nor till this present had I any to teach them vnto me In the afternoone certaine of the Commissioners with some learned Counsellers at the Ciuill and Canon Law came to her The Chancellor and Treasurer shewed their authoritie by Commission telling her That neyther her detayning in captiuitie nor her Princely prerogatiue could priuiledge or exempt her from answering in the kingdome gently intreating her That she would be pleased to heare what was obiected if not they were to proceed by course of Law against her though absent She answereth She was no subiect and that she would rather dye a thousand deathes than acknowledge her selfe to bee one seeing that by such acknowledgement shee should preiudice the soueraignty of her royall Maiesty and become lyable to the Lawes of England yea in case of Religion notwithstanding she was ready to answere to all things in open Court of Parliament though shee knewe that this Convention was for formalities sake purposely continued for the taking away of her life already condemned in opinion She wisheth them to examine their owne consciences and to remember that the spacious Theater of the world was more than the Kingdome of England Then she began to complaine of some iniuries offered her but the Treasurer interrupting her recited fauours which she had receiued from her Maiestie namely that she had punished some for impugning the title of her right to England stayed the State when they would haue condemned her for seeking to haue married with the Duke of Norfolke and for consenting to the rebellion in the North. But when they saw she made no reckoning thereof they departed from her After a few houres Sir Aimé Poulet and the Sollicitor presented the Commission and the names of the Commissioners to her that thereby she might see they were to proceed by no fraudulent but a legall course in equity As for the Commissioners she tooke no exception but that shee excepted against was the seuere new Law as vniust and purposely deuised against her and vpon which their Commission depended whereof they could shew no president neither would she euer yeeld vnto it She demanded by what Law they should proceed Ciuill or Canon saying they must send for Interpreters from Padua Poytiers and other outlandish Academies because there were none in England that vnderstood them adding further that by the expresse words of the Queenes letters it appeared she stood already conuicted of diuers crimes and condemned before she was tryed and therefore had no need to come before them to a second hearing but desired to be resolued of some scruples she had found in the letters yet would not deliuer them out in writing because shee said it became not a Queene to play the Scribe For this cause the selected Commissioners went again to her of whom she desired to know what these words meant For that she was vnder the Queenes protection To which the Chancellor made answer This was easie to be vnderstood by any yet was it not the subiects part to interprete their Soueraignes meaning neyther were they come for that cause She likewise required them that they should shew forth the Protestation which once she had made But it was answered That it had not beene allowed nor should it be now because it was preiudiciall to the Realme of England Then she demanded by what authoritie they were to proceed To whom it was answered By the authoritie of the Commission and the Ciuill Law of England But sayth she you make Lawes as you list and I am not bound to submit my selfe to them seeing the English long since refused to be subiect to the Law-salique of France and that if they would proceed by the Ciuill law of England they must produce examples for that that Law consisteth for the most part of presidents and ancient customes But if by the Canon Law none but the founders therof ought to be the expositors Answer was made They would proceed neyther by the Ciuill nor Canon but by the Law of England yet by the Caesarian and Canon Law both it was plaine if she would heare it that she ought to appeare She refused not shee said to heare them by way of discourse but not iudiciarily From this she fell into other speeches That she neuer had any thought to destroy the Queene That she had been forced to endure many iniuries That she should become a common stone of offence if she were thus stil abused That she had offered to imploy Nauue for the repealing of the Popes Bull and that she would sundry times haue excused her innocencie by letters but was not permitted finally That all the offers of good-will which she had offered for twentie yeares space were still reiected As she slipped aside by these prettie digressions they brought her to the point and intreated her to say plainly whether she would answer the Commissioners She replyed Their Commission was grounded vpon the new Law which was made to entangle her hauing therefore iust cause of suspioion she could not endure it and hauing alwayes carried a true heart she would not now trespasse so much against the Kings of Scotland her ancestors as to acknowledge her selfe a subiect to the Crowne of England For what were that else but to proclaim them rebells and traytors notwithstanding she refused not to answer yet by no meanes in the nature of a subiect for that shee had rather perish than to answer as a malefactor Then answered Sir Christ●pher Hatton Vice-Chamberlaine saying You are accused of conspiracy against our soueraigne La the Queene an anointed Queene but not condemned You say you are a Queen Admit it yet
to be examined And yet hardly will that serue because all the world haue their eyes vpon vs Princes as if we were set vpon a Stage and do marke afarre off the least spot or blemish that is on vs so that we had neede to be carefull we do nothing vnbeseeming vs. But you haue by this new law brought me into such a narrow straite that I am to determine vpon the punishment of a Princesse my next kinswoman whose practises haue afflicted mee with so great griefe that not to augment my sorrowes in hearing it spoken of I did willingly absent my selfe from this Parliament not as some thinke for feare of treachery Notwithstanding I will not leaue although I vse few words of it to put this secret out of my heart which I haue seene with mine eyes and read the oath by which some haue bound themselues to dispatch me within one moneth From hence I foresee your danger in my person and certainly I shall be carefull and diligent to repell it I haue not forgot the combination you haue made for my safety of which I neuer thought before I saw it confirmed vnder the signes seales of the most part of you assuredly it hath bound me in strict bonds of loue towards you perpetually who doe affect no greater comfort than in the loue of you and the common-wealth But for as much as the matter now in hand is an example as important as rare I deeme you expect not that I should resolue any thing for the present For My manner is euen in things of lesse consequence to be long in deliberating about that I must once resolue vpon I will pray to God Almightie that he will illuminate My heart to fore-see what is commodious for the Church the Common-wealth your safeties Notwithstanding lest delay should bring danger you shall as the oportunitie of time will serue vnderstand My purpose In the meane time I would you should expect all the goodnesse from Me which good Subiects may look for from a good Princesse Twelue daies after when she had more deeply weighed the matter in her minde seeing her selfe with many doubts and difficulties variously distracted and vnable to counsell her selfe she sent the Lord Chancellor to the Noble men and Pickering to them of the Lower House intreating them to consider more seriously of so weighty a matter and to deuise some more wholesome remedy that the Queene of Scotlands life might be preserued and she secured After they had deliberated a long time and considered that the good or ill of Princes concerneth the Subiects with one-according voice they all put on againe the same resolution which they had before grounded vpon these Reasons THat so long as the Queene of Scotland liued Queene Elizabeth could not bee secure vnlesse shee would become penitent and acknowledge her crimes and that shee should be kept more straitly and bound by oath and writing or that shee should deliuer Hostages or that shee should depart the Kingdome Of her Repentance they had no hope for that shee had beene vngratefull to Queene Elizabeth who had saued her life and would not so much as acknowledge her faults As for a straiter Guard her hand-writing oath or Hostages they would be all as nothing for that Queene Elizabeth being dead all these would vanish away instantly As for departing the Land if shee were out of it they feared shee would raise Armes against it The L. Chancellor and Pickering the Speaker of the Lower House declared these things at large to Queene Elizabeth importuning her earnestly that the Sentence should be put in execution shewing her That if it were iniustice to deny the Execution of the Law to the meanest Subiect much more to refuse to grant it to the whole Body of the People who with one voice will demanded it so iustly To which she answered O how wearisome is that way where We find nothing but irksomnesse whilst we are going in it when t is past vnquietnes I am troubled this day if euer the like whether to speake or hold My tongue if I should speak and not complaine I desemble if I hold my tongue the paines you haue taken is in vaine if I complaine it will seeme strange notwithstanding I confesse that My first request was both for your securitie and mine owne Some other meanes should haue beene found out than that you now propound Insomuch that I cannot but complaine to you though not of you for that I learne by your demands that My safetie dependeth vpon anothers ruine If any thinke that I haue purposely prolonged the time to purchase a counterfeit praise of clemencie vndoubtedly they wrong Mee vnworthily and he that searcheth the depth of all inward thoughts knoweth it well And greater wrong they doe Mee if they thinke that the Commissioners durst pronounce no other sentence for fear of displeasing Mee or seeming to neglect My safetie For either My Officers haue failed Me in their duties or else certified the Commissioners that My will and Command was That euery one should proceede freely according as they thought good and that they should tell Mee in particular what they purposed to publish openly Out of the great affection I bore her it was that I would haue some other means inuented to haue preuented this mischiefe But because it now clearly appeareth that I cannot be safe vnlesse shee die I am touched with a deepe dolour to see that I who haue shewed fauour to so many Rebels wincked at so many treacheries should at the last be seene to deale cruelly with so great a Princesse Since I tooke in hand the managing of this Kingdome I haue seene infamous Libells cast out against Me as a Tyrant Much good may it doe the writers I thought they would signifie som strange thing indeed it was strange to Me to be taxed of tyranny I would it were as strange to heare of their impietie But now what is it they will not put forth in their writings when they shall know that I haue consented that an executioner shall imbrue his hands in the blood of My neerest Kinswoman And in the mean time I am so farre from cruelty that I would not to saue My life doe her any violence nor haue I had so much care to prolong it as in the preseruing of it to preserue hers with intolerable griefe that it cannot be so still I am not so senselesse as not to see the perils which lye before Me so vnaduised to whet the knif that shal cut My throat nor so carelesse not to respect My life But I thinke with My Selfe that there are many which for the safeguard of a Prince's life aduenture their owne but I franckly confesse I am none of that number These things haue I often cast in My minde But forasmuch as diuers haue imployed their tongues and pens against me giue me leaue to defend My Selfe as I may to the end you may see
put these words into her eares Mortua non mordet Being dead she will byte no more And notwithstanding as she was naturally slow to anger she had this custome that she neuer would enter vnaduisedly or without premeditation into any action so she began to weigh in her minde whether it were better to put her to death or to let her liue From putting her to death she was disswaded By her owne naturall clemency not to vse cruelty to her who was a Princesse and her next kinswoman from the feare that she had Histories should make her infamous to posterities and from the dangers which might fall vpon her as from the part of the King of Scotland who then was the next in succession to the Crowne of England so also from the Catholick Princes and from desperate people who would attempt any thing From pardoning of her likewise she foresaw no lesse danger to ensu● That the Nobility which had giuen the sentence against her would couertly seeke to regaine the fauour of her and her sonne and that could not be done without danger to her selfe That her other subiects would take it ill when they perceiue their labour to be lost and though then they were carefull for her welfare yet hereafter they might grow carelesse and that many would change their religion and become Popish vpon a supposition of greater hopes seeing her preserued as it were by fatall prouidence to inherite the Kingdome of England That the Iesuites and Seminaries whose eyes were all cast vpon her seeing her sickly and not like to liue long would be so much the more busie to procure the death of Q. Elizabeth to set vp their religion Her Courtiers also ceased not to suggest these and the like things vnto her Wherefore should you pardon so monstrous a malefactor being already iustly condemned who after shee had subscribed to the combination made for the preseruation of your health and safety notwithstanding presently after attempted the taking away of your life and thereby to procure the vtter ruine of Religion the Nobilitie and commons Clemency indeed is a Princely vertue but not to be shewed to such as are mercilesse Let the vaine shew of mercy yeeld to life-preseruing seueritie and haue regard that your mercy bring you not to misery It is enough to haue the commendation of clemency in that you haue once giuen pardon to pardon her againe were nothing else but to pronounce her innocent to condemne the States of the Kingdome of iniustice to animate her agents to attempt new mischiefes and to discourage your faithfull subiects from hauing any care for the preseruation of the weale publick Religion the Common-wealth your own welfare the loue of your countrey the oath of association the care of posteritie to come doe all together begge and beseech you that she which desireth the destruction of all these may speedily be brought to destruction her selfe If these be not heard there is no safety left for this State and Historians will leaue it recorded to the ages to come that the fayre sunne-shine dayes of all prosperity which were in England vnder Q. Elizabeth ended in a darke and dreadful euening nay turned into a dismall night of eternall obscurity Our posterity shall find that we wanted wisedom hauing power to foresee our miseries but not to preuent them the which will thereby become the greater the grossenesse whereof will be imputed not so much to the malice of our enemies as the improuident stupidity of these times That the life of a titulary Queene of Scotland was not so much worth as the safety of this whole kingdome nor is there any place left for lingring for delayes are dangerous We should not giue malefactors of that monstrous nature leaue to breathe which from their insolency will take their last support and from the impunity of their crime expect some recompence He which keepeth not himselfe out of danger when he may seemeth rather to tempt God than to trust in him All the danger that can be from strangers will cease with the cause and cannot harme England vnlesse it be by her What will or power soeuer the Pope can haue to hurt will cease with her death The Spaniard can haue no cause to finde fault who for his own security put his onely sonne Charles to death and doth what he can at this present also to make away Don Antonio King of Portugale the more to extend his ambition The king of France entertayneth an inuiolable league of loue with England and is aboue all things so interested herein that by the present dispatch of the Q. of Scotland the hope of the Guises shall be layd flat vnder foot since it is so that out of the desperate hope they haue in the long looked-for ayde from their kinswoman their insolency is growne so great at this time against him That the King of Scotland euen in nature and out of a true respect of his royalty cannot but be moued to displeasure at his mothers death yet he will rather out of better deliberation wayt wisely till time shall ripen his hopes with security than to attempt out of season the things which can affoord him nothing but disturbance and danger And the neerer he shall growe to his great hopes the farther off will forraigne Princes who of customary course are alwayes opposite to the growing greatnesse of others estrange themselues from him They propounded also to her domesticall examples because that that which is warranted by president is the more tolerable As What comportment the Kings of England for their securities haue had with their competitors namely Henry the first with Robert his elder brother Edw. the third or rather his mother with Edward the second Henry the fourth with Richard the second Edward the fourth with Hen. the sixt with his sonne the Prince of Wales and George of Clarence his owne naturall brother Henry the seuenth with the Earle of Warwick the yonger sonne of the Duke of Clarence and HENRY the eightth with De-la-Poole Earle of Suffolk with Margaret of Salisbury and Courtney Marquesse of Exeter all which in comparison of their offences dyed for very sleight matters Neyther did the Courtiers only suggest these and the like to the Queene but diuerse fiery-tongued Preachers also tooke occasion to exercise with all asperity of spirit the heate of their desires in hastning on her death Sundry also of the vulgar sort were of the same temper according as their affections or humours carried them away with hope or feare Amidst these sad-afflicting thoughts of minde which so troubled the Queene of England's perplexed heart as that she delighted to be all alone and to sit solitary by her selfe neyther looking vp nor vttering any speech yet would suddenly many times breake out into these words and sighing say AVT PETERE AVT PERCVTE and withall also a kinde of Emblem PREVENT THE STROKE BY STRIKING shee deliuered Secretarie Dauison letters vnder her
his enemie and one thirsting for blood saying that hee was apprehended by his cunning policies being vpon the point of departure out of the Kingdome and by him was with the hope both of life grace which he promised him so farre allur'd and treacherously ouer-reacht that hee confessed all that was obiected to him and therefore those things ought not in right and equity or any consequence be brought against him being by treachery and deceit extorted from him As for the resistance which he made hee excused because he perswaded himselfe that the letters of protection sealed with the Kings great Seale which hee had with him were of greater consideration and value then which the Earle of Arran had written with his owne hand for his apprehending Hee likewise answered that hee was not so much blame-worthy in concealing for so short a time the conspiracy against the King and his Queene-mother as hee deserued praise at last for disclosing of it And finally protesting that from his heart hee vtterly hated all witches and sorcerers he openly said that if there were any at all hee verily beleeued that they liu'd in the Courts of Princes The Peeres after they had according to the custome sworne that they had in no waies moued or incited the Kings Aduocate to accuse him they pronounc't him guilty of Laesae Maiestatis and in the end his head was cut off which by his friends was presently taken and stiched to the body and so buried Euen in the same time whilst these Scots enterprised these things against their King in the seruice as they pretended of Queene ELIZABETH to their owne ruine Certaine English likewise to do seruice to the Queene of Scots began to plot against their own Queene things of no lesse weight and attended on with the like bad successe Of which was chiefe Francis Throckmorton eldest son of Iohn Throckmorton Iudge of Chester but by deuices of Leicester hee was degraded and punished because that if I faile not in these law matters hee had stuffed and corrected in many places a copie of iudiciall transaction taken out of the originall which was corrupted and did not present it with all faults and defects This Francis became first suspected by reason of letters which he had written to the Queene of Scots and were intercepted and therefore he was clapt into prison where hee beginning to confesse Thomas Lord Paget and Charles Arundell a Courtier secretly left their Country and fled into France where they with others zealous in the Roman Religion bitterly deplored their misfortune complaining amongst themselues that by the means of Leicester and Walsingham they had without any desert vtterly lost the fauour of their Queene that they were vnworthily afflicted with iniuries and opprobries that many stratagems were deuised against them and diuers snares laid to force them against their owne wills and intentions to runne into the crime of Laesae Maiestatis neither was there any hope of helpe or succour left for them within the Kingdome And surely at that time that they might with more ease sound the mindes of men there were put in practice many fraudulent deuices counterfeit letters were suborned in the name of the Queen of Scots and the rest of the fugitiues with their hands fasly thereto subscribed and these were cast into the houses of the Papists Spies were likewise sent forth to gather the dispersed rumors and captate scattered speeches Then reporters of tales and falsities were accepted and welcomed and many vvere suspected but amongst others the Earle of Northumberland and his sonne the Earle of Arondell vvho vvas cōfined to his house and his vvife vvhich was giuen in keeping to Shirley G. Howard brother to the Earle and H. Howard their Vncle brother to the Duke of Norfolke who was oftentimes examined about Letters written from the Queene of Scots Charles Paget and a certaine fellow as then vnknowne called Mopus and notwithstanding he was wise and innocent yet he had much to doe to defend and warrant himselfe from their traps Neither were these artificiall policies and easie credulities to bee holden or esteemed as things vaine when the matter lay vpon the safeguard of the Queene For then the detestable malice of the Papists began to manifest it selfe publiquely divulging bookes wherein they exhorted the seruants of the Queene to doe by her as Iudith to her immortall fame dealt with Holofernes The Author of these bookes could not certainly be discouered but the suspition lighted vpon one G. Martine of Oxford a man well learned in the Greeke and Latine tongues and one Carter a Booke-binder because he caused them to be imprinted was put to death And forasmuch as by these books the Queens honour was much distained and she rumoured abroad to bee tyrannous and cruell She which aboue all things laboured and studied to leaue to the world a happy memory of her goodnesse She was much moued and incensed against those that had knowledge of the causes which thus prouoked the Papists as barbarously cruell and iniurious to her honour Insomuch that they found it needfull for them to excuse themselues by divulged writings importing these protestations of their part THat they had alwayes entreated the Priests in a more milder fashion then they deserued neither euer vrged any questions to them concerning Religion but onely of their pernicious machinations against their Prince and Countrey moued by strong suspitions with probable signes and arguments thereto That Campian was neuer so extremely tortured but that hee was able to walke and subscribe his hand to his confessions But Brian refusing either to speake or write his name that was author of those mysticall writings which were found about him was kept from all food vntill by writing he demanded it But this yeelding no sufficient satisfaction to the Queene she commanded the Commissaries that were appointed for criminall proceedings that is to say the examiners to abstaine from tormenting and the Iudges from punishing And a short while after those seuentie Priests whereof some were condemned to be put to death and all of them had incurrred the censure of the Law shee caused to bee banished out of England amongst which the most eminent were G. Heywood sonne to that famous Epigrammatist the first Iesuite that entred into England I. Bosgraue a Iesuite also I. Hart of singular learning aboue the rest and E. Richton that monster of ingratitude who presently after vomited vp the poison of his malice against the Queene to whom hee was indebted for his life and published it in open writing Edward Stafford Ambassador for the Queene in France diligently obserued how the Baron of Paget and Arundell were ariued in France But could not penetrate into their designes Neuerthelesse he sollicited the King of France to expell as well them as Morgan and other English that vvere confederates and complotters against their Queene and Country But his answer was THat if they did plot