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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07975 Natvral and morall questions and answers. Intermingled with many prettie and pleasant riddles, and darke sentences / written by A.P. ; with a manner of ordering the body for health through euery month of the yeare, and for dieting it for a seuen-night after blood-letting. Written in Latin verse by Ioachimus Camerarius. A. P.; Camerarius, Joachim, 1534-1598 Victvs et cultvs ratio. 1598 (1598) STC 19054.5; ESTC S94569 41,291 139

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more with any of her kind but keepeth a perpetuall chastity Herevpon the Empresse answered If you counsell me to imitate and follow the conditions and nature of the birds in whom there is no reason why doe you not as wel alledge vnto mee the example of the Pigeons and Sparrowes which are birds in their kind as well as of the Turtledoue Euen as the Turtledoue after the death of her mate doth couple no more with any other of her kind euen so the Pigeon and the Sparrow are alwaies in loue indifferently with the birds of their nature and feather The auncient ceremony which was vsed in the creation and annointing of Kings VVHen any King was crowned in times past which was commonlie in that place where his predecessours were buried the Bishop that should annoint and install him carried before him in his left hand a small bundle of tow and in his right hand a burning torch or waxen candle and as he was putting the fire vnto the flaxe turned his face towards the king and said vnto him with a loud voice Sic transit gloria mundi So the pompe glory of the world doth vanish away which he repeated three times It was for to ioine humilitie to authoritie The answere which the Earle Lazaram gaue to the Tartarian Embassadors THe king of Tartary willing to inuade with a great power the kingdome of Hungarie sent his embassadors to the court of Lazaram with a Mule laden with a sacke full of corne to demand of him free and quiet passage through his countrie so to enter into the kingdome of Hungary The embassadors performing their commission found the Earle vpon one of his castels called Archforme and being well informed of their charge demaunded of him free passage for their lord and his army with such due and faithful obedience as it became vnto him their lord and king was else determined to send into his territories more Souldiours then there were grains of corne within the sacke that was vpon the Mules backe and therewith they scattered the corn ouer all the court of the castle The Earle hauing heard them with patience gaue them likewise a most bountifull entertainement and appointing to giue them answere the third day caused in the meane time to be gathered a great store of Cockes Hens and Chickins and to bee shut vp for his purpose three daies without meat which being immediatly executed by his seruants at the time expired the Duke caused all these foules to bee brought into the court of his castell in presence of the said Embassadors which in lesse then half an houre had pickt vp all the corn thus scattered by the Tartarians Herevpon the said Earle said to the Embassadours Tel to your lord in my name that notwithstanding the great number of his men yet shall hee nor bee able to set out so manie as shall suffice to ouercome and conquer vs as you haue seene by the similitude of my Chickins God also gaue to the Earle the victorie The answere which Erasmus of Roterdam sent to king Francis KIng Francis hauing earnestly sollicited by some of his embassadors that worthy and renowned personage Erasmus of Roterdam that it would please him to come into France and receiue of him the best entertainement which he were able to giue him for this king did account it one of his cheefest felicities to haue diuers learned men about him Erasmus sent his Maiestie this answere Learned men my soueraine resemble faire tapistries which the further they stand remooued from the eie the fairer and perfecter they seeme to bee but if they are viewed and regarded neer by they loose much of their former grace beauty perfection And therfore my soueraign pardon me if I had rather to remain your humble seruant in these parts where I am in such reputation with your maiestie as I am already then neerer vnto your highnesse in lesse fauour and estimation A most Christian act done by the Earle of Anion FOokes the fift of that name Earle of Anion as hee had wonne a great battell against his enemies neere the towne of Sees his Souldiours had taken a great number of prisoners whom they had bound chained and had lodged them within the church The Earle in the morning willing to hear seruice and seeing so many prisoners within the church wonderfully displeased with it turned his face towards his souldiors saying vnto them My fellow-souldiors and friends what haue you done do ye not know that the church is the house of God and a place of praiers of liberty And you haue made it a prison and a den of thraldome wherein you haue beene very much ouerseene and herevpon caused all the prisoners to bee loosed and set at libertie and hauing giuen them meate and drinke sent them all away without paying any ransome A Pasquill of Leo the tenth PAsquil is an old piller of stone standing in the market place of Rome wherevpon euery first day of the year called New-years day euery man fasteneth closely notwithstanding many scrols libels and writings in praise and dispraise of Princes great potentates It happened that in Pope Leos daies the tenth of that name there was set vpon this piller a white paper wherein these seuen letters stood written M. C. C. C. C. L. X. THe Pope being very desirous to vnderstand the signification hereof and knowing that euery man would interprete them by vertue of the letters numerable 1460 being the date of a time past already and knowing that these letters should haue some other signification and intelligence caused a diligent inquiry to bee made for to find him out that had set vp this scrol and with much adoe the partie being found out at last and brought before the Pope earnestly demaunded and examined vpon the interpretation of those letters did promise to declare expound them vpon condition that his holinesse would vouchsafe to pardon him and neuer to trouble or molest him for it This being promised hee said vnto the Pope Holy Father these seuen letters will be thus interpreted Multi Cardinales Caeci Creauerunt Caecū Leonem Decimum A worthy act of Galatius Duke of Milan IT was told to Galatius that there was in Milan a very craftie and subtill Lawier for inuenting of means to prolong causes and to make them neuer ended whensoeuer he had vndertaken to doe it either for fauour or els for money The Duke desirous to trie his skill inquired of one of his stewards if there were nothing due to any that furnished his house with prouision and necessaries The books of account being perused there was found a hundreth pounds to be due to the Baker Hereupon the Duke caused the poore man to repare before the Senate and addressing himselfe to this aduocate demanded counsell of him for delaying the payment of this money The Lawyer promised the Duke that he would find meanes and law that the Baker should finger no part of that mony in a
it and by foresight to resist forraine inuasion Quest. Who are onely to be called resolute souldiours Answ Those that are determined either to die or els to obtaine the victory Quest What is a cheefe fault in warre Answ Feare of death Quest. How did antiquitie represent vnto vs the issue of good things Answ They made an image holding in the right hand a cup and in the left hand an eare of corne with a sprig of Poppy signifying therby that he easily is brought asleepe that is contented with the fruits of the earth Quest What seruice is most in request and being performed is least considered and most hated Answ Treason Quest What time is most desired and obtained is most accused Answ Age. Quest. What men are cheeflie deceiued Answ Those that looke for two contrarie thinges at one time namelie for pleasure and the reward of vertue Quest. What is that in the morning goeth vpon foure legges at noone vpon two and in the euening vpon three legges Answ Man for in his infancie hee creepeth vpon hands and feet in his youth hee goeth straight without any helpe or stay and in his age vseth besides his legges the aid of a staffe to support his body Quest. What thing is in the day time as round as a hoope and at night long as a Answ A girdle about a man or womans body Quest How many waies is violence cheefly committed Answ Two waies either by deceit or by force the one is the practise of the Foxe and the other of the Lyon and both of them are most farre from humanitie Quest. Why is vertue had in so small account Answ Because shee is plaine and cannot dissemble Quest Why dooth vertue reiect all glosings Answ Because truth needes no shaddowes Quest What men are most ingratefull to themselues and least hurtfull to other men Answ Those that are couetous and enuious for as these pine away at other mens welfare and prosperitie so the other endanger their soules to leaue rich perhaps vnthankfull heires behind them Quest. Why is heauen said to haue a low gate Answ Because those that shall enter into it must first stoope low and learne humilitie Quest Why did Antiquitie in their churches place a crosse vpon the entrance of the quire Answ Because the body of the church did represent the church militant vpon earth and the quire the church triumphant in heauen to teach vs hereby that no man would come from the one into the other vnlesse hee did suffer first crosses and persecutions Quest. What is a friend Answ Another selfesame Quest What is commonly the end of a dissolute life Answ A desperate death Quest. What is a cheefe signe of a Princes clemencie and a token of his great courage and magnanimitie Answ To despise the whisperings of vnthankfull men and patiently to suffer the rage of enuy Quest Which are the cheefest ornaments of women Answ Shamefastnesse Quest. How might a foole resemble a wise man Answ In hiding of his folly by silence Quest. What three things doe men most couet Answ Riches Pleasure and Honor. Riches bee the nurses of sinne and iniquity Pleasures the guides to calamitie And Honor the pompe of worldly vanities Quest. Why are pleasures so much to bee abandoned Answ Because their first entring is counterfeit and deceitfull and their departure is griefe and repentance Quest What thing in this world is alwaies without rest Answ A guilty conscience Quest What is it that men most doe hunt after and oftentimes prooueth most deceitfull Answ Womens fauor Quest. What is it that women most feare yet of it do most desire the occasion Answ To be with child they most desire and fear most the hour of their deliuery Quest What doe children most hate and yet is most profitable vnto them Answ Correction Quest. What is lesser then a Mouse and hath more windowes then a house Answ A Thymble Quest. What vice is most likest to the apples of Tantalus Answ Hypocrisie For as the Apples of Tantalus seemed in sight most beautiful and yet prooued but shadowes so this vice although it beareth a glorious shew of perfectiō yet is nothing els but a meer and a deceitfull illusion Quest Why is it amongst men now adaies so much practised Answ Because it is the highest degree of dissembling and therefore is accounted a sure step to promotion Quest. What men transforme themselues into angels of light and are nothing but Diuels incarnate Answ Hypocrites Quest What men promise thēselues many vaine things Answ Courtiers and such as liue in continuall hope Quest What thing in the latter minute of his age waxeth yong againe Answ The Moone Quest Who is the mother of all mankind Answ The earth euen by the Oracle of Apollo for this Oracle being demanded by certaine Princes that were in controuersie for the kindome of Aegypt who should succeed the late King deceased answered that he should not only be installed King of the kingdome of Aegypt that first should kisse his mother but should likewise become monarch of all Asia This answer being reported by the Priest vnto the Princes that were then attending without vpō the Oracle Darius hauing heard it stept suddainly from his horse and kist the ground saying that the earth was the mother of al mankind The princes that could not deny it made and created him King who afterward conquered all Asia and became quiet monarch of many kingdomes Quest What is it that taketh least pleasure in company Answ Pride for it hateth his betters enuieth his equals and despiseth his inferiors Quest What is it that being aliue is altogether dumbe and being dead yeeldeth a most sweet harmonie Answ A Lute or any kind of instrument made of wood Quest Which is the best remedy for things that are not to be recouered Answ Obliuion or forgetfulnesse Quest. What is chiefly to be commended in a warrior Answ To be in fight terrible and in conquest mild Quest. What surfeit is most dangerous and least auoided Answ The surfeit of sinne Quest. Who kill their mother ere they be borne in the reuenge of their father that begot them Answ Vipers for as the male and femall ingender by the mouth so the damme being kindled with lust in the art of Venery bites of the males head and the yong ones ere they be borne gnaw their mothers belly open to come forth and so doe kill her Quest What is it that soonest waxeth old Answ A benefite for nothing is sooner forgotten then a good turne and nothing longer remembred then an iniury Quest What are Vsurers Answ The Horseleeches and Caterpillers of the Commonwealth Quest. What is the least and yet the profitablest thing in a Garden Answ A Bee Quest. What wind bloweth no way to profite and is noysome to all the neighbours Answ The foisting of a dogge the smell whereof is noysome to all the companie that are neere it Quest Vpon what men are almes deedes worst bestowed Answ Vpon blind men