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A91502 Mene mene, tekel upharsin. The second part of Mene tekel, treating of the year MDCLXXXIX. : And modestly shewing what may probably be conjectured to succeed in the affairs of Europe in general, and of England, Holland, Scotland, and France in particular; with something also about the affairs of Ireland, and the French King's forces there. : To which is added a treasonable paper dispersed among the papists, by J. Gadbury, with some reflections thereon, and also on his almanack for 1689. / By John Partridge. Partridge, John, 1644-1715.; Gadbury, John, 1627-1704. 1689 (1689) Wing P619A; ESTC R203323 33,895 50

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endeavour to take the Kingdom and that it shews various and many Mutations in the King's Affairs and also in the Law. So that it seems in those Eastern Countries even there too where their Kings are really Arbitrary such Accidents do use to happen upon such Configurations as well as in these Northern parts where Government is by Compact and Agreement His word Rebels is a term used in those Countreys as well to those who regulate the abuses of Government that prevent the subversion of Kingdoms and the ruine of Religion as to those that indeed are so and no doubt but that Man that calls himself King or rather Tyrant of France would look upon it as a great Injury done to him to be called to an account for all his Villanies Murders Perjuries breach of Oaths Promises destroying of his Subjects disturbing the peace of Europe burning Towns without any Cause hanging his Subjects sending others to the Galleys while others of them are starving in Jailes and all for being Protestants I say perhaps this Man would think himself injured and would be apt to call them Rebels that should doe it when indeed it would be a good Service and a work of merit to ease the groaning Slaves of their Burden the Earth of a Tyrant and the Princes of Europe of a Perfidious and treacherous Neighbour This Square of Saturn and Jupiter was attended by a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in October last of which Haly says thus Si quando Mars Junctus fuerit cum Saturno struet qui liber alteri fraudes deceptiones erunt inter homines percussiones vulnera that when Saturn and Mars shall be conjoined it shews much Fraud and Deceipt and that there shall be fighting and wounds especially if they meet in a humane Sign And this Conjunction was succeeded by a Square of them about the end of March from the Signs of Scorpio and Aquary and also at the very time of that great Central Eclipse of the Moon in Libra which was near the place of Saturn at the time of the second Square of Saturn and Jupiter in July 1688. All Authors do agree and indeed Experience can plead for it that such Crowds of Malignant Positions do naturally give mischief and trouble to Mankind Effusion of Blood Destruction of Great and Noble Men Wars Pestilence and all Manner of Violence that attends such kind of Affairs and Transactions as you that please may read more at large in Guido Bonatus pars quart cap. 57. and cap. 77. and also in Origanus de effectibus And thus much for those things that are passed by and yet in force to produce something to come I come now to the Figure it self and where I left off The Moon is at this Ingress upon the place of the last Conjunction and in the seventh House and by her Latitude in Opposition to Jupiter This shews the Common sort not to be pleased with some things done by those that are signified by that Star but Jupiter is in trine to the Sun he hath secured himself from what can appear from thence But here we also find the Sun and Mars in an exact Square from Aries and Cancer and this not only Zodiacal but a Mundane Square likewise and from two of the most principal Signs in the whole Zodiack and from Angles besides This can be construed to give nothing more proper to its Nature then Action and Hostility both by Sea and Land and therefore about the time of the Ingress we may hear of some considerable Action performed by the Dutch or Germans or both against the French Tyrant and also about the same time expect the same Success of the English and Dutch Fleets by Sea against him and his wicked Accomplices that are endeavouring to dip the World in Blood and also to make Slavery and Tyranny hereditary If you will believe our Friend J. Gadbury he tells us in his Almanack for 1689 that it promiseth Tempests and Hurricanes but the Fellow will so lie especially since he turned Papist that he is not to be believed However perhaps it may by inverting his Notion prove true by appearing in Hurricanes Storms among the Papists and that Cursed Faction of which he is believed to be a worthy Member to his Reputation and their Advantage We also find here that Mars is in the Ascendent and of such a Position when he is afflicted as here Haly says speaking of Mankind before Crescent inter eas rixae discordiae se vulnerabunt percutient sanguinem fundent propter hoc accident eis magnum damnum malum That there shall be Quarrels and Discords from whence shall arise Blows and Wounds and the Effusion of Blood and for this reason there shall happen to them meaning Mankind much damage and loss A Planet Angular hath indeed much more Power to perform what he signifies by being in an Angle than in the other Houses and of the Angles the first and tenth is the chiefest and therefore he may be allowed by his Position there to give both speed and violence to his Effects If we consider the Moon we shall really find her in the seventh House separated from the Sextile of the Sun and applying to the Opposition of Jupiter and the Sextile of Venus The Moon is Lady of the fifth House the Angle of Embassies c. and in the seventh the House of Wars and Contests Jupiter is Lord of the Tenth and just turned Retrograde in his own House Pisces and is in a Zodiacal Parallel with Saturn likewise This seems to shew some new thing on Foot about making some League or entering into or upon some new Project of War which is at present wholly unknown but the advantage in the Consequence of it will be considerable and it seems designed for the mighty States of Holland and their Confederates and this seems to be managed under some other kind of pretences then what is intended perhaps it may be some Affairs that may concern the King of Denmark for the Moon here is on the Radical place of his Jupiter and Mars here on the Radical place of his Venus and both Sun and Venus here on the Cusp of his Radical Mid-Heaven But this I am sure will be considerable for so many Planets do not use to be Angular and in Cardinal Signs for nothing and especially when such Applications and Positions attend them And this brings me to the Consideration of what Countries and Nations are like to be concerned in the Transactions of this Year and who are like to be the Sufferers thereby In the Figure we find this Square is from Aries and Cancer under Aries are England France Germany Denmark c. under Cancer are Scotland Holland Zealand c. and from these Kingdoms and Countries will be the first appearance of the Action of this Summer in Cancer we find the Sun in Trine to Jupiter in Sextile to the Moon and in Conjunction with Venus now all
it signifies that there shall be strange grievous and durable Afflictions upon the Earth and among Mankind Multiplicabuntur Latrocinia Contentiones c. Cap. xxxvii de Revolut Annor Mundi The Intent of Messahalah in that place is to shew that when Mars is applying to Saturn they being the only two Corrosive Stars stir up a violent and an unusual Ferment not only in the Minds and Passions of Men but also in all things of Nature because Mars hath the Power of acting or agitating in a peculiar manner on those condens'd compact and acid Principles of old Saturn it is like the Effect of Salts and Acids being put together which cause a violent Ebulition and after that 's over it produceth a Tertium Neutrum something that is like neither of them The nature of Mars is well described by P. J. Faber who saith Mars veluti Sol alter Calorem summum rebus impertit suo intestissimo Caloro vitali perficit maturat crudum omne frigidum So that we are not to believe this kind of Effect that Messahalah speaks of to proceed from an empty Ignote Notion but from a real and rational Philosophick Principle and Quality and then this Application if we consider it is by Opposition the worst of Aspects and by Retrograde Motion which doth much increase the Maligne Effects of the Aspect the Application and whatsoever doth depend thereon which are Devastations and Ruine of Countries Pleets and fighting by Sea Armies and Destruction by Land Deceit and Treachery one with another and besides all this private Murders when violent Aspects happen upon Lunations c. But there is one thing more to be observed and that is the Parts of Heaven that they are in which are violent for they both culminate with violent fixed Stars perhaps there may be some that may carp at the word both culminate and therefore let all such know it is a proper Expression and can be vindicated with a very little Labour and Trouble and also in violent Parallels both which do aggravate and increase the Malignant Quality of these two Superiors Saturn and Mars the one in Taurus culminates with the Jaw of the Whale of the nature of Saturn the Head of Medusa of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter and also the Pleiades and the other with the Stars in the beginning of the Scorpion as the Lucida Corona the Stellae Nebulosae the Lanx Australis Borealis And thus much in general for the malignant part of the Effects of this Eclipse of the Moon in September As for the Benefick Influence thereof I can say very little to it for the two Fortunes from whom all the Balsam is expected to heal and also corroborate are not only in Opposition one to another and in a Mundane Square to Saturn and Mars but also upon the place and the Opposite Point of the last great Triple Conjunction in Leo in active parts of Heaven and in violent Parallels likewise From whence and all which considered together I can see but little Rebate from what the Opposition of Saturn and Mars in fixed Signs promiseth at the time of this Eclipse I shall now speak a word or two to the Ingress it self and so come to Particulars c. But before I enter on that you must give me leave to put you in Mind of that Opposition of Saturn and Mars from the beginning of Taurus and Scorpio by direct Motion in the beginning of August the Sun and Moon at that time being upon the place of the last Conjuction of Saturn and Jupiter At the time of this New Moon which is the fifth so August at 24 minutes past 3 of the Clock in the Morning the two Lights are appproaching the Horoscope in Leo and the two Malevolents in the tenth and fourth Houses all Angular and indeed so are all the Planets except Venus The Effects of this Opposition will have the same tendency that the other before mentioned will have and the one will increase the Force and Vigor of the other and therefore I have given my Judgment on the second only because at that time the force of both will be in operation And Bonatus in par 4. cap. 87. speaking of a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the tenth says Si fuerit in decima significat detrimentum Regum Magnarum Destructionem esses eorum Mortem Magni Regis if says he it was in the tenth it signifies the Detriment of Kings and Great Men and their Destruction and also the Death of a great King. And it is certain that as the Affairs of Europe now appear these things are probable to happen in divers Countries and Kingdoms of Europe And tho our Author speaks of a Conjunction in that part of Heaven yet we shall find that this Opposition will be attended with such like Effects ad unguem And therefore you shall hear what the same Author says of Mars unfortunately placed in the tenth House as we have in the 85 Cap. Et si fuerit in decima significat Tribulationem venturam Rusticis atque popularibus ex parte Regis Divitum ac Potentum significat vulnera percussiones gladiorum atque flagella Angustiam ex eis atque Carcerem penuriam seu indigentiam victualiam significat Bella Contentiones de rebus quae non sunt● illorum qui petunt eas nec pertinent ad eos if says he it is in the tenth as here it signifies Sorrow and Tribulation shall come to the common People by reason of their King and great Men and it also signifies Wars and Contentions for things that are not theirs neither do belong to them So that we see it is not only from the Rays those two there are conjoyn'd but from Mars also in that Angle ill placed or rather purely malefick for Mars cannot be worse placed then in Opposition to Saturn and both of them Peregrine and neither of them in Signs really agreeable to their own Natures But besides all this Mars doth more immediately signify some King or other or at leastwise one that thinks himself to be so because he is Lord of the tenth House the Horoscope of Kings and great Men in general and in the Genethliacal Part of Astrology it is observed that Mars in the Ascendent Peregrine and afflicted always signifies a Man that is bold angry quarelsom and yet a Coward and with these Qualifications he is generally poor and needy And so I have done with the Oppositions of Saturn and Mars in general only observe First That all the Effects of these two Oppositions and also the third will wholly be directed and guided by the same Rule and to the same End as the Conjunction of them in November 1688 was intended and upon every remarkable Aspect in these Signs or Leo and Aquary which are in the same Quadrangle you will see or hear something remarkable done or acted in order to the great Work till it
House of Sorrow Imprisonment and Trouble and the Sun who is the real Significator of Kings and great Men is under the Earth in the sixth Angle of Heaven lately afflicted by the Mundane Parallel of Saturn and so was the Moon too also we may observe that Saturn and Mars are both Angular and in Square and the Moon also at that time is in a Mundane Square of Mars and he in Opposition to the Mid-Heaven the Ascendent of Kings And what is yet further to be observed both Sun and Moon are applying to the Zodiacal Parallels of Saturn and Saturn also in Square to the Mid-Heaven the House of Honour And lastly observe that there are none Angular at the time of this Eclipse but Saturn Jupiter and Mars and they in Square and Opposition to the places of the last great Conjunction all which considered are Arguments of Trouble and Mischief to ensue after such a Position that is so near the vernal Figure and so aggravated as you have here heard by those many Malevolent Positions and Configurations which shall be in order discoursed and explained what they signify and when their Effects may be expected for these Configurations will not appear before the Solstitial Ingress As a Foundation to the rest let us first consider that the great Conjunction in the Year 1682 is now beginning to shew its Effects in another nature and way than what it hath done yet for upon every Aspect made by the Superiors Saturn Jupiter and Mars to the place of that Conjunction you will find different kinds of Violence and Effects in the World as you may observe by what is past in this Conjunction and those of former times In 1686 Jupiter came to the Square of that place and what Inventions were from that time used to build up a new Tyrannick Form of Government I suppose most People remember And now Jupiter is come to the opposite Point and Saturn to the Square of it which Aspects usually give Hurries and Confusions in the World as you may see it is now like to do and it may be remembred that in 1639 Saturn came to the opposite place of the Conjunction in the Year 1623. The Eclipse of the Moon in March happened just upon her rising and therefore the Effects thence depending will begin soon after The Eclipse falls in 15 degrees of Libra an Aery Equinoctial Sign which Junctine says gives Inter Ecclesiasticos Schismata and indeed Ptolomy says it concerns things sacred and the Mutations of such things as belong to those Persons and Places Lib. 2. Cap. vi And Cardan seems to render a Reason for it when he says that the Eclipses of the Luminaries operate more upon Cities Provinces and Kingdoms than upon Kings or particular Persons because they signify the Multitude Seg. 5. Aphor. 45. And in another place he says Eclipses in Aery Signs move Sedition in those Kingdoms concerned under the Effects of them And that is very natural to the eclipsed part of Heaven because it falls in the twelfth House of Heaven for Eclipses that fall in the twelfth and eighth Houses of Heaven says Cardan are far weaker than those that fall in the Angles and there seems some reason for it because those parts of Heaven are dark and obscure and bear no manner of Ray to the Ascendant from whence the Effects of this Eclipse will be spent in whispering suggesting c. such things as are to do Mischief rather than Good. Saturn is in the Ascendant Retrograde and in Square to Mars who is in Opposition to the Tenth This according to the Opinion of Haly gives Discontent and signifies People of a dissatisfied Principle It likewise says he gives a sort of Thieves and Robbers or rather Out-lyers that live on the spoil of others such as the Irish Tories or the French Booted Apostles and something of the same Nature in England of late known by the Name of Regulators or Destroyers of the Government and the Effects according to its Nature will work effectually because they are both Angular but yet these can give no Action but are Preparatives Another thing is the Sun and Moon hastning to the Zodaical Parallel of Saturn and both of them but just separated from his Mundane Parallel which two Positions will have as great a share in the Effects that attend this Moon 's Eclipse and this Quarter also as any in either Figure And the rather because the Moon in the Vernal Figure it self is exactly in a Zodaical Parallel with Saturn these give various and different kinds of Remora's grumbling and dissatisfaction among all sorts but especially the Common People because the Moon is most afflicted And Bonatus adviseth in all Revolutions to consider the Application of the Sun and Moon for upon their Rays with the next Planet doth depend much of the Affairs of that Quarter So that the Moon being afflicted seems to usher in those kind of Effects given by Haly in these Words Si Luna jungitur cum Saturno significat in rebus multos Labores Tristitias damna quae accedent hominibus ratione Carcerum similium depopulationem Villarum Civitatum a quibus decedent gentes ibant ad alia loca If the Moon says he is joined to Saturn it shews great Sorrows Labours and loss that shall happen to Mankind by reason of Prisons c. and Depopulation of Cities and Towns from which they shall depart and go to other Places And how much of this hath been verified in this Quarter I leave to all and any of those that have read or heard what is of Truth reported and I sear too many have found true to their Cost and Sorrow I do not intend to spend much time on this Quarter because it will so soon expire after the Publication of these few Sheets and because this Quarter and its Effects are but an Introduction to the rest of the Year the latter part of which will be the most remarkable And so I come to consider the Summer Quarter which begins June the 10th at 52 min. and 49 sec after 10 of the Clock in the Evening 1689 Ex Tab. Caeroli And to that time this Figure following is set ☉ Enters ♋ die 10. Junii hor. 10. min. 52. Scrup. 49. P. M. 1689. ☽ a vacuo ad ⚹ ♄ ⚹ ☉ ☍ ♃ Lat. Lond. Lat. Planet ♄ 2 23 No. ♃ 1 2 So. ♂ 2 36 So. ♀ 1 17 So. ☿ 1 43 No. ☽ 4 12 No. Declin Planet ♄ 9 16 ♃ 12 00 ♂ 2 19 ♀ 22 10 ☿ 24 13 ☉ 23 32 ☽ 19 27 If we look back to the Preventional New Moon we shall find both the Sun and Moon in Square to Mars from the Signs Gemini and Pisces Mars being in the Ninth House and the Sun and Moon in the Eleventh and Saturn in the end of Libra in exact Opposition to the Tenth the House of Honour and what is observable he is there almost Stationary on the Radical Place of the
allow that Scotland and Holland are under Cancer then are their confederates very well signified by Jupiter Venus and the Moon who are all strong and in a good Condition Mars is in Aries the Ascendant of France and there in friendly Rays with none but stands singly alone this considered with the two Oppositions of Saturn and Mars of which more hereafter when I come to particulars that happen within the Compass of this Quarter do plainly shew that those that espouse the French Quarrel are like to feel the fury of this Year's Action with a Witness And so I come to consider the Sun's entrance into Libra which is this Year on September the 12th at 25 minutes and 25 seconds Afternoon per Tab. Carolin Sol in Libra Sep. 12. hor. 0. min. 23. sec 25. P.M. 1689. Luna vacua Lat. Lord. Lat. Planet ♄ 2 40 No. ♃ 0 58 So. ♂ 4 22 So. ♀ 1 17 So. ☿ 0 59 No. ☽ 5 16 So. Declin Planet ♄ 10 34 ♃ 14 46 ♂ 9 52 ♀ 15 17 ☿ 0 25 ☽ 28 30 ☉ 0 00 The Preventional New Moon is not much to be taken notice of at this Ingress altho an Eclipse of the Sun at the same time but the Postventional Full Moon is remarkable because attended with a Retrograde Opposition of Saturn and Mars and a Central Eclipse of the Moon at the same time in Aries both which will much influence the Affairs of this Quarter for if we please to look back we shall find that Saturn and Mars came to an Opposition from the beginning of Taurus and Scorpio in the beginning of August last and this upon a New Moon and at such a time when the Sun and Moon were upon the place of the Last Conjunction going to the Opposition of Jupiter and now Mars falling Retrograde comes to a second Opposition upon the 20th of September by the Felsinean Ephemerides and on the 19th by Argol And they also make a third Opposition by their direct Motion again from the same Signs in the Month of January next and of the three that will be the most pernicious especially to the Kingdom of Ireland the Judgment of which I shall refer to my next Year's Almanack as the most proper place for it but these two to the now unsuccessful Deputy-Governour of it they both being upon the place and opposite place of his Radical Sun and also in Square to his Radical Moon It hath been the Custom or rather the Fashion of some of our Profession when they were to give a Judgment on such a Position to pretend to give the exact Time of the Conjunction or Opposition and then set a Figure to that Time from whence they were used to give their Opinions of its Effects But how irrational and improbable this is all Men know that understand Calculation and know the difference of Tables that give the Motions and that it is impossible to expect any two of them to agree to two or three hours in the Motions of the Superiors which if so then it is a piece of folly to pretend to set a Figure for the time of the Opposition c. Therefore I shall give my Judgment of it from the Figures of the Lunations preceding as the most probable and rational way in my Opinion and I am sure it is the certainest way that can he propounded and the rather because it is at the Time of the Postventional full Moon according to the Direction of the Great Ptolomy Lib. 2. cap. 9. and his Authority is sufficient for me The time of the Lunation preceding this Opposition being calculated happens on September the 19th at 44 min. past 2 of the Clock in the morning so that any one that pleaseth to set the Figure may make use of that Time without further trouble and it is the time also of a very great Eclipse of the Moon so that the Eclipse tells the World there are great things of Ruine and Destruction to be done and the Opposition of Mars and Saturn tells us where and what The First thing I shall observe in the Figure is that all the Planets are opposed for Jupiter is in Opposition to Venus Mars to Saturn the Moon to the Sun and Mercury and Jupiter and Venus do both behold Saturn and Mars by a Mundane Square Hence you see the Superior Bodies and Motions seem to have fitted out this Time for some strange Catastrophe in the Affairs of the World and to turn up by the Roots the Tyranny and Opression which the Son of Perdition by help of his dark Lanthorn Councils and booted Apostles hath endeavoured to plant and propagate not only in his own Land but in ours also by the help of his Friends But blessed be God for their Disappointment and the Ruine of that Cut-Throat Design by which we must all have fell or else declared for that Villanous Lying Doctrine which is blasphemously term'd Religion Popery I mean. The Eclipse falls in the eighth House called the House of Death it is an obscure Angle and hath no Affinity with the Ascendent and the place of it is governed by Mars who is in the terms of Venus and she Lady of the Angle following the Eclipse and upon the place of the great Conjunction in Leo This Eclipse falls in Aries an Equinoctial Sign and its Governour is in Taurus an earthly fixed Sign in Opposition to Saturn which makes its Effects rugged and also durable and will be managed according to the nature of Saturn and Mars Junctine says an Eclipse of the Moon in the first ten degrees of Aries Febres futuras aedium ineendia combustiones nemorum ac aeris siccitatem ostendit that it gives Feavers burning of Houses and Woods and a great Drought But Ptolomy tells us that it signifies the Change and Alteration of Religion and Religious Customs And it is my Opinion that the Effects of this Eclipse will be spent chiefly on the Kingdom of France and the Dominions thereunto belonging for all the Configurations of this Year have more or less to do in the Nativity of that King and he at this time under the Effects of a malicious Revolution But more of these things when I come to speak in particular to Persons and Things under the Influence of these Motions At this Lunation all the Planets are Peregrine except Mercury who is in his own terms and not one of them in an Angle but all either in Cadent or Succedent Houses but Mars and Saturn in particular are Cadent in the ninth and third Houses si fuerit in nona significat detrimentum Religiosorum Largarum Religionum ut sunt Episcopi Archiepiscopi Cardinales similia Bonatus speaks thus of a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the ninth and you may expect the same from an Opposition with very little rebate Messahala speaking of such an Affair commands us to observe Saturn and Mars for says he if Mars applies to Saturn and commits his Rays and Disposition to him