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A61210 A description of France in its several governments together with the most considerable cities, sea-ports, and rivers of that kingdom; as also the distances, with the longitudes, and latitudes of each place, &c. with many other remarks, necessary to the knowledge of that kingdom. By J.S. Gent. Illustrated with a map. J. S.; Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698, engraver. 1692 (1692) Wing S51; ESTC R212956 41,764 137

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The Soil is not generally Fertile Quality by reason of the great Number of Mountains and Forests which are to be met with in some of its Provinces The Rhône the Saone the Loire Rivers and the Allier are the most celebrated Rivers that water the extent of this Government Lyonnois is one of the most agreeable Countries of France being diversified with Plains and delicious Hills which produce very good Corn excellent Wines and great store of different Fruits particularly Chesnuts which ar● transported all over Europe Lyons ONE of the most ancient and celebrated Cities of Gaul is a Noble City since its Situation is exceeding pleasant its Climat very Healthful its Places and Edifices most Magnificent It is at present one of the Richest and most Populous Cities of the Kingdom in Merchants Trading in several Places by means of the Loire the Saone and the Rhône There are Banks and Correspondencies for Africa Asia and all the principal states of Europe all sorts of Manufactures and Impressions of Books It was formerly a Colony of the Romans It s Mayor and Sheriffs are ennobled and transmit their Honour to their Posterity The Canons of the Cathedral Church are to be Noble in the Fourth Race and bear the Title of Earls It has an Archbishop who qualifies himself Primat of the Gauls There is also a Generality a Mint and a Presidial See It is seated on the Confluence of the Rhône and the Saone about 16 Miles from Vienne 70 from Geneva 150 from Turin 200 from Orleans and 230 from Paris Lon. 24.8 Lat. 45.24 Beaujeu UPon the Ardiere is the Capital of Beaujolois There is nothing recommendable in this City but a very antient work of Embroidery which represents the Sacrifice of a Hog a Sheep and a Bull which is to be seen over the Portal of the Principal Church The Romans called these Sacrifices Suovetauralia It stands on the Brow of a Hill about 30 Miles from Lyons and 14 from Mascon Lon. 23.50 Lat. 45.50 Mont-Brison UPon the Vezise passes for the Capital of Forez It is famous for an Admirable Piece of Clock-work about 43 Miles from Lyons Lon. 23.10 Lat. 45.14 Clermont THis City is not only the Capital o● Lower Auvergne but of the whole Province It is renowned in History for the holding of several Councils Under King Philip the First the Voyage of the Holy Land was here resolved on Here is said to be a Fountain which has the vertue to Petrify for with the single course of its Waters which seem to be thick and bituminous it has made a Wall 200 Yards long and 4 yards high with a Bridge which they are obliged to cut down sometimes to prevent its too great encrease King Charles the Ninth had the curiosity to go and see it in his Journy to Bayonne It is an Episcopal See and stands on a little Hill about 50 Miles from Moulins 90 from Lyons and 200 from Paris Lon. 22.00 Lat. 45.28 Saint Flour is the Capital of Upper Auvergne remarkable for its Bishops See about 45 Miles from Clermont Riom Capital of the Dutchy of Auvergne holds the Second Rank after Clermont It is adorned with a Generality a Mint Presidial and other Prerogatives about 7 Miles from Clermont Moulins THis City is the Capital of the Province of Bourbonnois accompanied with a Castle considerable for its strength and building It has likewise very sine and large Suburbs where is made the best sort of Knives and Scissars which are Transported from thence It has a Generality upon which depend the Elections of Montlucon Gannat and Esvaon and some others of Nivernois and the Upper Marche The Inhabitants have the reputation of being Civil and Officious It stands nigh the Center of all France on the River Allier about 28 Miles from Nevers 96 from Lyons and 90 from Dijon Lon. 22.14 Lat. 46.16 Gueret with its Royal Jurisdictions is the Capital of the Upper Marche it stands on the River Cruse about 32 Miles from Limoges Dorat is the Capital of the Lower Marche about 26 Miles from Limoges and 47 from Poitiers 9. Of the Government of GUYENNE THis Country was antiently called the Kingdom of Aquitain ab Aquis because of the great number of Springs and Fountains of Hot Water Eleanor Inheritrix of this Province and Wife of Loüis the Young King of France having been Divorced espoused Henry King of England to whom she brought for a Dowry this Guyenne which Loüis had rendred to her This was a Firebrand that kindled between the Two Crowns a War which lasted near 300 years and finished but in 1443. The Government of Guyenne is full as spacious as Orleanois Extent since it extends it self from East to West above 240 Miles from St. John de Breüil Frontier of Languedoc to the Sea and from South to North above 225 from the Port of Albe in Cominge to Niort in Poitou It is bounded in the North by Poitou Angoumois Bounds and la Marche in the East by Auvergne and Languedoc in the South by the Pyrenaean Mountains which separate it from Spain and in the West by the Ocean The Air is generally wholesom enough Quality the Soil fertile in Corn Wine and Fruits except in the Lands towards the Coasts and the Pyrenaeans where it produces nothing but Broom and Pasturage which feed a good number of Cattel Fountains of hot Water are generally to be found here It is watered with a great Number of Rivers Rivers amongst which is remarked the Garomne the Lot the Dordonne l'Adour and the Charnte The Confluence of the Garomne and the Dordonne which is made at the Mouth of Ambez is very dangerous It is to be observed that from the Mouth of Ambez to the Sea this River is called Gironde and not Garomne as Sanson has marked in all his Maps It is divided into two principal Parts whereof one that is towards the North retains the Name of Guyenne and the other which is towards the South is called in general Gascogne Guyenne distinguisht into Eight little Countries First of all one observes observes Guyenne properly so called and Bazadois about the Garomne Agenois Quercy and Roüergue which are to be found in order upon the Lot in ascending to its Rise on the Northern side Limosin is seated to the North of the Dordonne Perigord about the same River and Xaintogne about the Charente and upon the Coasts of the Ocean Gascogne is likewise divided into several little Countries First Armagna● is distinguished in the midst which extends it self to the Pyrenaean Mountains and is subdivided into several little Jurisdictions as the Upper and Lower Armagnac the Countries of Riviere Verdun Lomagne c. towards the North Condommois and les Landes towards the West the same Lands and the Land of Labourd on the South one meets with in order along the Pyrenaeans the lower Navarre with the Vicounty of Soul Bearn and Bigorre after which one rejoyns the upper Armagnac and towards
the East one ●●nds le Cominge to which may be joyned le Conserans Bourdeaux UPon the Garomne is the Capital of the Government of Guyenne a very ancient large and beautiful City wherein is made a very considerable Commerce by reason of the conveniences of its noble Port. It has all the Qualities and all the Prerogatives that may render a City remarkable It is the See of an Archbishop who qualifies himself Primate of Aquitaine it has a Parliament a Gonerality a Mint an University and Admiralty It is one of the most noted Empories of all the Kingdom and used to be very much frequented by the Dutch and English for Gascoign Wines About 84 Miles from Rochelle and 120 from Toulouse Lon. 17.50 Lat. 44.50 Agen UPon the River Garomne the Capital of Agenois holds the first Rank after Bourdeaux and is situated in a Soil whose Fertility makes the Inhabitants idle It is a Bishops See 〈◊〉 bears the Title of Earl but he has 〈◊〉 other Lordly Right in the City 〈◊〉 Lords of Exale descended from 〈◊〉 Princes of Verone have had their R●dence in Agen. About 20 Miles 〈◊〉 Condom and 35 from Aux Long. 〈◊〉 12. Lat. 44.13 Bazas upon the V●sane is the Capital of Bazadois a ha●som City and stands about 25 M●● from Bourdeaux Cahors THE River Lot during its course 〈◊〉 this Province forms Six or Se● indifferent large Peninsula's in one 〈◊〉 which stands Cahors the Capital 〈◊〉 of all Quercy Henry the Great ga● here some Testimonies of his Condo● and Valour by a Battle which he o● stinately fought during three days 〈◊〉 cessively to render himself Master 〈◊〉 the City Some look upon it as 〈◊〉 ancient Vxelodunum which defended ● self a long time against Julius Caesa● Pope John the 22d was born he● who was called before James of C●hors 'T is a very ancient City honou● 〈◊〉 with an Episcopal See a Presidial 〈◊〉 a famous University It has also 〈◊〉 Remainders of an Amphitheatre 〈◊〉 Bishop takes upon him the Title of ●arl Near to Cahors is to be seen the ●sidue of an Aquaeduct which was ●eretofore above Nine Miles in Length About 38 Miles from Alby and 55 from Toulouse Lon. 20.6 Lat. 44.23 Rhodez UPon the River Aveyron is received for the Capital of all Roüergue It is a very ancient City but has lost much of its Grandeur and Beauty by the Prisals and Reprisals which the Goths Sarrazens and French have made in different times It has a Bishop and a Presidial and stands about 48 Miles from Mende 74 from Toulouse and 80 from Narbone Long. 21.20 Lat. 44.7 Perigueux UPon the River Lille the Capital of Perigort is more ancient than it is fine as one may judge by the Remainders of an Amphitheatre which is 〈◊〉 be seen there with many other Mon●ments of Antiquity In its Neighbou● hood Pepin the Short obtained a sign● Victory over Gayfer Duke of Aquitai● Anno 768. It is honoured with an ● piscopal See and a Presidial It is mo● sweetly situated in a pleasant Valle● about 42 Miles from Limoges and 6● from Bourdeaux Longitude 19.18 Latitude 45.12 Limoges UPon the River Vienne is the Capita● of all Limosin with a Bishoprick and a Generality The City is very populous and rich by reason of it Trade Its Artisans are particularly famous for curious Enamel-Work ' Ti● a neat but no large City inhabited by a People of so great Industry that they compel every one to work and is there fore termed by the French the Prison of Beggars At the taking of it whe● revolted Edward the Black Prince could by no means be allured to pity the unfortunate Citizens till pursuing his Enemies he saw Three French Gentlemen oppose his whole Army the consideration of whose Courage and Bravery induced him to Compassion whereas before he had vowed Revenge About 68 Miles from Poitiers and 100 from Bourdeaux Lon. 20.00 Lat. 45.40 Tulles seated in a rough and hilly Country is a Bishop's See it stands about 33 Miles from Limoges Saintes BY Ptolemy called Mediolanium seated upon the Charente is● the Capital of Saintonne 't is a very ancient City and is honoured with an Episcopal See and a Presidial It is about 32 Miles from Rochelle and 40 from Angoulesme Lon. 17.44 Lat. 45.42 Aux UPon the River Gez anciently called Augusta Ausciorum an Archbishops See The Income whereof is said to be greater than any Prelates of France reckoned at no less than an Hundred Thousand Livres per annum It stands about 38 Miles from Toulouse 80 fro● Bourdeaux and 320 from Paris Lon. 18.50 Lat. 43.40 Lectoure A Bishops See called in our Mode● Lectodurum of old Lestoracium ● Town so well fortified when in th● possession of the Earls of Armagnac tha● it maintained it self three Months against the Strength of France But since i● came into the Power of the French Kings so strengthened according to the Modern Art of Fortifications that it 〈◊〉 esteemed the strongest Bulwork of the Kingdom on this side and securest Fortress against Spain It stands upon a● Hill about 14 Miles from Condon 〈◊〉 from Agen and 20 from Aux Longitude 19.4 Latitude 43.58 Aire upon the River Adour is an Episcopal City and stands about 38 Miles from Dax and 44 from Condom Condom SItuated on the Confluence of the Rivers Baise and Gele is the Capi●●l of Condomois It is an Episcopal City whose last Bishop has been acnowledged as a Person of an extraor●inary Merit insomuch that he was ●hosen for the Dauphin's Tutor by the King It has also a Senechalsy and a Presidial About 20 Miles from Agen and 22 from Aux Long. 18.48 Lat. 44.00 Dax and Bayonne are also Bi●●op's Sees seated upon the River A●dour within 32 Miles of each other the former being the Capital of Les-Landes the latter of the Country of Labourd There is a Mountain near Bayonne from whose top 't is said one may discern three Kingdoms to wit France Spain and Navarre Pau THE Principality of Bearn is situated at the Foot of the Pyrenees where they joyn to Languedoc and has the Glory of giving Life to King Henry 〈◊〉 Great Pau upon the River Gave is 〈◊〉 Principal of all the Province honou●● with a Parliament or Court of Judic● ture for all the Country and a fair P●lace built by Henry of Albret King 〈◊〉 Navarre and Lord of Bearn It stan● 26 Miles from Aire and 86 from Bo●deaux Lon. 17.40 Lat. 43.23 Oler●● mounted upon an high Hill and Lase●● upon the Gave are also Bishops Sees Gathe UPon the River Ardour is the Capital of the Earldom of Begorre It is honoured with a strong Castle and Episcopal See and the Senechalsy for a● the Country of Begorre It is abou● 24. Miles from Pau and 26 from Au● Lon. 18.14 Lat. 43.18 Saint Be●trand upon Garomne Capital of Cominge● is also a Bishops See as is likewise Sain● Lizer upon the River Salat and Lombez upon the Save this last but of late erection 10.
Thirteenth but we must now make an addition of Lorrain and the French-County which are in its dependance so that we will divide it in Fourteen principal parts Four of these Governments to wit Picardy Normandy the Isle of France and Champagne are Situated to the North of the Loire and about the Seine except the First which is more Northerly than the other Three Those of Bretagne Orleanois Bourgogne and Lyonois are about the Loire and the other Four are to the South of the same River to wit Guyenne and Languedoc about the Garomne Dauphine and Provence to the East of the Rhone one towards the North and the other towards the South Lorrain and the French-County are directly Scituated to the East of this Kingdom The Capital City of France is Paris Capital seated in the midst of the Isle of France upon the River Seine It passes for a Vast Rich and Populous City one of the Noblest in Christendom and a Parliament City subject to the king of France and his ordinary Seat It is an Archbishops See and is adorned with a Famous university and Three illustrious Academies embelished with a great number of Magni●cent Churches and Stately Buildings about Two Hun●●●● and Eight Miles almoit S. E. of 〈◊〉 The French are full of Spirit Manners active and ingenious enough in Arts and Sciences polite and agreeable in Convrsation complaisant to the Ladies and courteous to Strangers but withal very unconstant and very rash ut sunt subita Gallorum ingenia is one of the Remarks of Caesar A French Gentleman was one Day speaking advantagiously of the Free Genteel Humour of his Countrymen to an Italian and said that there was no Nation could deny but that the French were the most tractable and sincere People in the World to which the Italian answered that the thing from which he pretended to draw all his Advantages passed with them for a weakness and an effect of their imprudence I don't admire replied the French-man coldly that you make so disadvantagious a Judgment of our best Qualities because your Politicks believe that without being a Cunning Knave one can never make a Gallant Man As to the Persons of this People they are commonly of a Middle Stature and for the most part of a slight making their Complexion being generally hot and moist which makes them very subject to the heats of Lust and easily inclinable to those Diseases which are its Concomitants Their chief Exercises are Tennis and Dancing Exercise to the last of which they are so generally affected that were it no● so much exclaimed against by their rigid Ministers it is thought that many more of the French Catholicks had been of the Reformed Religion For so extreamly are they bent upon this Diversion that no interruption whatsoever neither Age Sickness nor even Poverty shall retain their Heels when they hear the Musick Their Language is very smooth and pleasant Language but rather Elegant than Copious and therefore much troubled for want of Words to find out Periphrases besides that a great deal of it is expressed in the Action the head and Shoulders move as significantly towards it as the Lips and Tongue and he that pretends to speak it with a good grace must have somewhat in him of the Buffoon It is enriched with variety of Proverbs which is a great help to the French Humour of Scoffing a Language so naturally disposed for Courtship as makes all the people Complemental The Laws of this Kingdom are either Temporary Laws and alterable at pleasure or Fundamental which neither King nor parliament as they say can alter Of this last fort the Principal are the Salick Law and the Law of Apennages By the Salick Law the Crown of France may not descend unto the Females or fall from the Launce to the Distaff as their Saying is which Law one undertaking to justify out of Holy Writ urged that Text of St. Matthew where it is said Mark the Lillies which are the Arms of France and see how they neither labour nor spin By that of the Apennage the younger Sons of the King are not to have a share in the Kingdom with their Elder brother which Law was made by Charles the Great before whose time we find the Children of the Kings stated in their several Thrones and the Realm divided amongst them into many Kingdoms But by this Law they are to be entituled to some Dutchy or County with all the Rights and pro●ts belonging thereto all matters of Regality as Levying Taxes Coynage and the like excepted only which upon the failing of the Masculine Line return again to the Crown The Name thereof derived from Abannage a German Word signifying a Portion The King of France has the Titl● of Most Christian King and Elde● Son of the Church the Eldest Son o● the king is called the Dauphin and i● the presumptive Heir of the Kingdom● The Dutchies of Orleans Anjou Alencon and Berry as also the Earldom o● Evreux have been the ordinary Titles of the other Sons of France The number of the Peers of France formerly consisted but of Twelve viz. The Archbishop and Duke of Rheims The Bishop and Duke of Lâon The Bishop and Duke of Langres The Bishop and Earl of Beauvais The Bishop and Earl of Noyon The Bishop and Earl of Chaalons The Duke of Burgundy The Duke of Guyenne The Duke of Normandy The Earl of Toulouse The Earl of Champagne The Earl of Flanders The Six First were Ecclesiasticks and the rest Laicks each with his particular Function The Institution of these Twelve peers is attributed by some to Charlemain by others to Hugues-Capet the Number of them is at present no more in use except on the Coronation-day and that of the Laick Peers is much greater than it was France is governed by an Absolute King Government The Crown is hereditary to his Family and is so far Particular that the Legitimate Males alone can pretend to it by the Institution of the Salick Law which absolutely excludes Females as we have intimated before One may reckon at present Twelve Paliaments in the States of France since the Conquest of the French County One may also reckon Twenty Three Generalties or Offices of the Exchequer Twenty Five Mints and Fourteen Universities Whose Seats I shall observe in the particular Discourse of each City where they are established It is pretended that the Parliament of Paris was Instituted by Pepin Paris Father of Charlemagne and that it was ambulatory till Philip the Fair made it fixt in 1302. The Courts of Justice of the Isle of France Champagne the whole Government of Orleanois and all Lyonois are under its Jurisdiction That of Toulouse Toulouse was Instituted b● the same Philip the Fair in the sam● Year and was not fixed till under Charle● the Seventh in 1443. That of Rouen Rouen was Instituted by th● same Charles the Seventh in the sam● Year and was fixed in 1503. unde●
Namur 120 from Paris Lon. 23.12 Lat. 50.28 2. Of the Government of NORMANDY THis Province has lost much of its antient Lustre Advantages and the Authority which it had in the time of its antient Dukes who were Sovereign Princes so Powerful that they have often sustained long and impetuous Wars against the Kings of France England and other Princes with whom they have many times contracted Alliances It was formerly called the Western Neustrie Name and the name of Normandy was given to it upon the account of the Northern People who came to inhabit there for Nord-man in High-Dutch signifies Man of the North. It is Situated upon the Channel Extent and may extend about 186 Miles from East to West from Aumale to the Western side of Coutantin and 129 from South to North-east viz. from Alenson to the City of Eu. The British Sea or the Channel Bounds bounds it in the North and West towards the East it has the Isle of France and the Country of Perche with that of Maine towards the South The Soil is Fertile enough in Corn Quality Pasturage and Hemp and abounds in Wood and Fruits it produces but little or no Wine Cyder and Beer being the most usual Liquors There is to be found also several Mines of Iron Fish is so common there that it is as it were given away There are very good Quarries for Structure and also your Marble Slat c. not slightly to be esteemed of As for Mineral Waters they are to be met with in divers Places those of Forges are of the greatest Repute and most frequented The Country excels in many agreeable Forests in number of Fir-Trees and a great quantity of White Salt which is conveyed to Paris The Inhabitants 't is said are so disposed to plead one against another and so well versed in all the Tricks of the Court that they esteem much rather to go to the extremity of Justice than to reconcile matters by Civility and Sweetness and without having recourse to Process which is the reason that the very Rusticks are almost all Lawyers I have read a Story of Two Neighbours tha● quarrell'd to that Extremity about a Mag-Py's Nest which was built upon one Man's Tree and inclined over th● Land of the other that they reduced themselves to the very brink o● Ruin It s chief Rivers are the Seine Rivers i● which the Eure discharges it self and the Rille which hides it self under ground for the space of a League nea● B●aumont le Roger the Orne which goes up to Caen and the Vere which passe● by St. Lo and separates the Bishoprich of Coutance from that of Bayeux The Government extends it self no further than this Province Extent which is divided into Upper and Lower The Upper comprehends the Bayliwicks of Roüen Evreux Caux and Gisors The Lower those of Caën Alenson and Coutance It is again divided into Seven Diocesses whose Episcopal Cities are Roüen Lisieux Bayeux Coutance Auranche Seez and Evreux The Four First are to be found in order upon the Channel of England going from East to West the Three others are to the South of them and meet in their turn from West to East The Diocess of Roüen comprehends Four little Countries which are called Caux Bray Vexin Normand and Roumais In that of Caux there is the Land of Yvelot which certain Authors Mis-informed have pretended to have been raised to a Kingdom by King Clotaire But this Opinion is of no credit and it only bears the Title of a Principality To the West of the Bishoprick of Coutance one finds the Isle of Jersey under the 18 Deg. 10 Min. of Longitude and the 49.30 Min. of Latitude and the Isle of Garnsey under the 17.40 Min. of Longitude and the 49.30 Min. of Latitude and several other little Adjacent Isles These Islands are in the Authority of the King of England and these Two may have each about 24 or 30 Miles of Circuit and were heretofore a part of Normandy The most considerable Cities take as follows Rouen ROüen or Roan upon the River Seine is the Capital of Normandy a very large and stately City one of the best of France and most advantagiously Seated for Trade by reason of the Flux and Reflux of the Sea it has an Archbishop a Parliament and a Sea-Port which are Three things that will at any time make a City recommendable and also a Mint and a Generality It s Situation is in a delightful Plain bordered on one side with several agreeable Mountains covered with Trees and on the other side wash'd with the River Seine to which are adjoyning many pleasant Meadows The Cathedral Church is a very stately Building in which there are Three Towers whereof one is covered with Lead which Time seems to have changed almost into the colour of Copper and whose Height is above 550 Steps The Tombs of the Dukes of Normandy and the Arch-bishops of the Place the Statue of Charles the Fifth in White Marble its Organs of an extraordinary bigness the Body of it supported by Twenty One Pillars but more particularly the Choir and Sacerdotal Ornaments presented by William King of England and the Cardinal Amboise as also its Treasure which ●s very curious to see upon the account of the Splendour and Riches of the Vessels Mitres c. all emboss'd with Gold and Stones of Value but principally a Sacred Mantle of Needle-Work representing Jesus Christ amongst the Doctors in the middle receiving Baptism by St. John all which is very glorious and remarkable besides many other Curiosities which it would be too tedious to insert There is one thing very observable upon the portal of this Church which is a Triumphant Arch representing Henry the Fourth who chases the Lions and the Wolves from his Flock and encourageth his Sheep whilst on the other side he sees the Ligue bound in chains and King of Spain who is near a Clock pensive and Melancholy at the sight of so many illustrious Actions The Government of the Province makes his usual residence at Roüen which is within 60 Miles of Amiens 69 of Paris and 145 of London Lon. 20.2 Lat. 49.26 Caen. CAën upon the River Orne passes fo● the Second City of Normandy both as to its Extent Antiquity and Situation 'T is said that this City became s● Rich and Powerful by the residence o● the English during their Wars with France and also by reason of the grea● Privileges it is invested with For besides the University founded by Charle● the Seventh it is honoured with a Generality a Presidial and a Bayliwick Moreover it is enriched with Nineteen or Twenty Churches besides a great number of Religious Houses about 70 Miles from Roüen Lon. 18.12 Lat. 49.19 Diepe DIepe is a Town of Reputation by reason of its noble Haven and the great quantity of good Merchandise and the vast Traffick it makes in all Places of Europe The River Argue● on which it stands renders
the Loire is the chief The Indre the Cher and Vienne swell'd with the Waters of the Creuse come to discharge themselves here between Monsoreau and Langest i● Touraine The Mayne after having receiv'd the Loire joyned to the Sarte be●low Anger 's discharges it self also above this City The Charante takes its Rise in Angoumoy which it waters with a part of its Course after having passed in a corner of Poitou Here is observed 13 or 14 Countries or principal Provinces Division whereof Four one finds on this side the Loire seated in the following order going from West to East le Maine le Perch the upper Beausse or Country of Chartres and part of Gastinois Five upon the Loire in following its Course Nivernois Orleanois or Lower Beausse Blaisois Touraine and Anjou Fore beyond the same River viz. Berry Poitou with the Country of Aunis and Angoumois which is yet more advanced towards the South Orleans SItuated upon the River Loire is the chief City of this Government It is very Beautiful of great Trade and was heretofore the Metropolis of a Kingdom that bore its Name It used to be the Residence of Strangers who were drawn hither by the Magnetick Courtesie of the Inhabitants and the Politeness of the Language they speak here which is as highly esteemed as the Castilian is in Spain the Tuscan in Italy And as the Attick Tongue was formerly in Grecce It is a Bishops See who at his first Entrance has a Priviledge to examine and pardon Offenders Five National Councils have been held here It has a Bayliwick and a very ancient presidial See but its Generality is Modern It likewise has a famous University Three memorable Sieges which it happily sustained has made it renowned in History Under the Title of a Dutchy it is the Appennage of the Second Son of France About 68 Miles from Paris Lon. 20.42 Lat. 47.44 Nevers FOrmerly called Noviodunum Adu●rum the Capital of Nivernois is so commodiously Situated that Julius Caesar chose it to make a Garrison of and a Magazine It shews no less Antiquity in its Churches than in its Walls and although it has no Suburbs it contains notwithstanding Eleven Parishes It has a Noble Castle Ditches full of Water and a Stone Bridge composed of 20 Arches over the River Loire which receives the Nievre in this place They have in their Neighbourhood the conveniency of the Medicinal Waters of Pougues which is a Town where several Parsons go for the Advantage of their Healths and where the most substantial Men of the Province have built stately Houses for that purpose It has a Bishop and was erected into a Duchy by Francis the First About 30 Miles from Moulins 80 form Orleans and 125 from Paris Lon. 22.2 Lat. 40.44 Tours THe City of Tours heretofore Caesarodunum pleasantly seated upon the Loire the Capital of Tourane is without contradiction one of the first of France if one considers its Situation and its Prerogatives Under the Roman Emperors it was the Metropolitan of the third Lyonoise in Celtick Gaul Its Archbishop has for Suffragans the Bishop of Anger 's that of Mans and all those of Bresagne It has a Generality a Presidial and a Mint The Silk-Trade which they drive here is very advantagious to them About 48 Miles from Poitiers 60 from Orleans and 115 from Rennes and Paris Lon. 19.18 Lat. 47.23 Anger 's THe Capital City of Anjou seated upon the Mayenne between its Mouth in the Loire and its Confluence with the Sarte joyned to the Loire It has a considerable Castle and the Houses covered with which makes it be called the Black Ci● It is renowned for its University a● the fine Procession upon Christmas-day which every Year draws many Stran●ers to this City It has a Bishop und●● the A. of Tours a Bayliwick a Presidial and a Mint About 60 Miles fr●● Tours and nigh 160 from Paris Lon. 17.48 Lat. 47.27 Poitiers THe Capital of Poitou upon the River Clai● is one of the largest 〈◊〉 the Kingdom for it yields to none b● Paris in bigness It contains a great many of the Roman Antiquities 25 Parishes and is adorned with an Episcopa● See under the A. of Bourdeax a Generality Mint and an University famous for the Civil Law The Batte● of Poitiers was very unlucky to th● French and the English were doubl● Victorious by the taking of King John Charles the Seventh King of France transferr'd hither the Parliament of Paris which made its Residence here for the space of 18 Years during the English Wars About 48 Miles from Tours ●5 from Rochelle 94 from Orleans Lon. ●9 00 Lat. 46.34 Man 's THe Capital City of Maine is most agreeably seated upon the Sarte ●arge ancient and very populous with the Title of a Bishoprick under the A. of Tours It is observed from this City that the English laying Siege to it in the Year 1425. first put in use the great Artillery which had not as yet been seen in France About 48 Miles from Tours 52 from Anger 's and 78 from Orleans Lon. 18.42 Lat. 48.5 Nogent-le-Rotrou passes for the Capital of Perch and yet is but a Burrough-Town but one of the finest Burroughs of all France and very rich upon the account of its Manufacture of Serge Linnen c. About 37 Miles from Mans as many from Alenson and 30 from Vendôme Chartres UPon the Eure is the Capital of ●ausse and the Country of Chartr● It once had its particular Kings a● has now the Title of a Dutchy a● preserves the Ruins of a Temple bu● before the Nativity of Jesus Chri● 'T is said the City was built before 〈◊〉 Deluge and 't was there the Druids 〈◊〉 ciently Assembled It s Cathedral Churc● which is a Bishops See passes for o● of the Ancientests of Christendom th● two Bells whereof are the finest and th● largest in France The Bishop has mo● Parishes in his Jurisdiction than any 〈◊〉 ther of the Kingdom About 42 Mil● from Paris and 43 from Orleans Lon. 20.23 Lat. 46.26 Bourges THis City is the Capital of Berry Caesar speaks of it as a very ancien● and powerful City under the Name o● Avaricum Biturigum seated upon th● River Eure. It has seven great Gate● as many Suburbs 17 Parishes and a ●reat number of other Churches It is ●onoured with an Archbishoprick an University a Generality a Bayliwick ● Presidial See and a Mint It s Arch●ishop qualifies himself Patriach and ●rimat of Aquitain but that of Bour●eaux disputes this Title with him It 〈◊〉 about 35 Miles from Nevers 55 from ●rleans and 80 from Tours Lon. 21.14 Lat. 40.55 Rochelle THe Country of Aunis has nothing recommendable but Rochelle which is the Capital thereof It has an Episcopal See a Presidial and a Mint A City naturally strong by reason of the Marshes But it s noble Fortifications are absolutely resed It was often besieged taken and retaken by the English and French But the most memorable Siege that ever was laid
Vandals passed into Africk but in the mean time Vallia King of the Visigoths who fought for the Romans utterly extirpated the Silinges and reduced the Alains to that extremity that being unable to subsist any longer by themselves they went and submitted to Gunderic King of the Vandals The Sueves maintained themselves near Two Ages in Spain and at length their Kingdom was also extinguished by Leuvilgild King of the Visigoths in the Year 588. All these Barbarians were divided into several Bands or Parties who had each their Captain and made Incursions and Ravages without intermission So far they proceeded that there was seen at the same time People of the same Nation in Places far remote one from the other and in Interests directly opposite In the Year 408 Stilicon Honorius's Lieutenant who was accused for introducing them is massacred by the Order of Honorius the Emperor Alaric King of the Visigoths his good Friend to revenge his Death besieged the City of Rome Three times and the last takes it by Treason on the Twentieth Day of August in the Year 410. About the end of the same Year he died in Calabria as he was preparing to pass into Africk Ataulfe his Cousin succeeded him and espoused Placidia Sister of the Emperor Honorius whom he had taken in Rome In the Year 412 Ataulfe passed into Gaul Narbonnoise and makes himself Master of Narbonne He remained there but Three Years The Count Constantius who was since Emperor and married Placidia his Widow compelled him to go into Spain where he was killed by his own People in Barcelone towards the Month of September in the Year 415. They elected Sigerick in his Place and gave him the same entertainment on the Seventh Day Vallia his Successor was remanded into Gaul by Constantius who gave him the Second Aquitain with some Cities in the adjacent Provinces amongst others that of Toulouze where he established his Royal Seat in the Year 419. But he died in few Months after and Theodorick succeeded him Under this King and under Evaric or Eurick the Visigoths became Masters of all the Three Aquitaines and the Two Narbonnoises During the great Revolt of the Maritime People to wit those upon the Coasts of Flanders Picardy Normandy and Bretagne which happened in the Year 412 the French being joyned with them seized upon that part of Second Germany which was called Ripuaire and the people Ripuarians or Ribarols The Romans by Treaty or otherwise left them the free possession of it A little after which Faramond began to reign We find in the Historians of those times that the French had enjoyed several Kings before him as Genebaud and Alec in the Year 288 who came to Treves to sue for a Peace of Maximilian As also Ascaric and Radagaise in the Year 307 whom Constantine took Prisoners in War and exposed them to Wild Beasts in the Arena for having taken up Arms notwithstanding their Faith given to Constantius his Father In the Year 374 one Mellobaudes who being great Master of the Militia and Count of the Palace of the Emperor G●ian killed and subdued Macrian King of the Germans and rendred many other Services to the Empire Towards the Year 378 one Richemer who had such another Charge near Gratian as Mellobaudes had In the Year 382 one Priam or Priarius whom some would have to be the Father or Grandfather of Faramond besides Marcomir and Sunnon Brethren in 397 the First of which Stilicon banished into T●scany and made the other be Massacred by his own Creatures when he attempted to be ● motion to revenge the Exile of ● Brother And in the Year 414 or ● one Theodemer Son of Richemer wh● had his Head cut off with his mothe● Ascila for some Undertakings again● the Empire Notwithstanding the common Op●nion has always begun to reckon t● King 's of France by Faramond whether ● be because his Predecessors had not the● fixed residence in Gaul or that he est● blished Royalty amongst the Frenc● In effect it seems that the Romans ha● in some fashion subdued this Nation an● since the entertainment of Marcomir● Sunnon and Theodomer they would no● longer permit them to have their Kings Faramond began to reign in the Year 418 according to the common Opinion a Year very remarkable by a Great Eclipse of the Sun From whom to Lewis the Fourteenth the present King of France are computed no less than 65 Kings THE Geographical Description OF FRANCE FRANCE then Name which was heretofore called Gaul hath received its Name from that of the ancient People called Franks who came from a part of Germany to inhabit there in the time of its first Kings It is Scituated in the midst of the Temperate Zone Situation between the Forty Second and Fifty First Degree of Latitude extending it self from the Fifteenth Degree of Longitude to the Twenty Ninth insomuch that it may be computed to have 460 Miles English from South to North from the Pyreneans to Calais upon the Channel and 600 in its greatest extent from East to West Extent from the point of Conquet in Bretagne to Saralbe in Lorrain It is bounded in the North by the Channel and the Low-Countries Bounds in the East by Germany Suisserland Savoy and Piedmont from which it is separated by the Alps in the South by the Mediterrancan Sea and the Pyrenean Mountains which separate it from Spain and in the West by the Ocean The Air is recreative and wholsome Quality the Soil extraordinary Fertile in Corn Wines Fruits and Hemp. One meets there with Delicious Medows Pleasant Forests and most agreeable Plains in which one may observe a great number of Cattle and Wild Fowl as Horses Oxen Sheep and Goats Stags Wild-boars partridges Woodcocks Plovers Quails and other Volatils Several Authors as Strabo and Botero speak of its Mines of Gold and Silver If they are rare those of Iron Lead Coals and other Minerals are frequent enough There are Quarries of most Beautiful Stone and Slat exceeding proper for Buildings Towards the South there are several Fountains of Hot and Mineral Waters very relieving for many Distempers Upon the Coasts is made a great quantity of very good Salt Botero says that France produces Four Load-stones which have the vertue to attract the Gold and Silver of Strangers These Four Load-Stones are Corn Wine Salt and Hemp. In a Word there is all that can be desired in order to pass ones Life after a most agreeable manner Amongst the great Number of R●vers which fructify this Country Rivers Four are particularly observed to wit the Loire the Seine the Garomne and the Rhone all of them take their rise herein but the last which proceeds from the Mount St. Gothard in the Country of the Grisons and passes through the Lake of Geneva France is divided according to the Twelve great Governments which appeared to the General Assembly of the States held in 1614 Division after the majority of Lewis the
and became very powerful by their great Alliances The last of its Dukes dying left only a Daughter who was married to Charles the Eighth and afterwards to Lewis the Twelfth Kings of France Thus this Dukedom was united to the Crown from which it has not been dismembred since Bretagne was anciently called Armerique Name as being situated along the Sea Some pretend that its new Name was given to it by some People of Great Britain who came to inhabit there or else from Brutus King of the Gauls but there is more probability that this Name proceeds from an old Gaulish word called Brit which signifies painted because its ancient Inhabitants used to paint their Beards and their Hair This Province has about 180 Miles from East to West Extent from beyond Vitrey to the Point of Conquet and 120 from South to North from the Isle of Boüin to the Mouth of the River Coüonon towards St. Michael's Mount It is bounded on the East by Anjou and Main Bounds advancing it self towards the West like a Peninsula to the Ocean which confines it on the other sides The Soil abounds in excellent Pasturage and Cattel Quality from whence they furnish themselves with very good Butter They have good store of Corn some Wine Linnen and Fruits in a great quantity They make Salt upon the Coasts and abound in excellent Fish Here also are the best Sea-Ports of the whole Kingdom Amongst the Number of Rivers which water this Country Rivers is observed the Loire the Villaine which receives the Ouste Those of Blavet Auffen Trieux and Rance Yet these laft are no where considerable but at their Mouths The Government of Bretagne is limited in this single Province Division which is divided into Upper and Lower this towards the West and the other towards the East They that consider the different Languages of the Province divide it into three parts they attribute to the Bishopricks of Dol Rennes and St. Malo the use of the French Tongue they say that the British Tongue which is a remainder of the Gaulish is received amongst the Inhabitants of the Bishopricks of Cornoüaille St. Pol de Leon and Trequier They give a mixt Language to the Bishopricks of Nantes Vennes and St. Brieux These Nine Bishopricks are under the Archbishop of Tours Rennes UPon the Villaine is the largest City Capital and Capital of the whole Province the usual Residence of a Bishop and Parliament It is seated in the Upper Bretagne and has the Privilege of coining Mony about 50 Miles from Nantes 115 from Rochelle c. Long. 16.30 Lat. 48.3 Nantes UPon the Loire is the strongest and more commodious for Traffick by the means of the Loire over which it has a very fine Bridge and by reason of the Flux and Reflux of the Sea Under the Name of Cardivicum and Corbilo it is esteemed one of the three most ancient Cities of 〈…〉 has a Generality a Mint and 〈…〉 It was the Habitation of 〈…〉 Dukes of Bretagne and 〈…〉 of their Eldest Sons under 〈…〉 of Earls as also Dinan● 〈◊〉 of their Youngest It is a Bishops 〈…〉 as St. Malo Dol and St. Brieux about 44 Miles from Anger 's 68 from Rochelle Long. 16.48 Lat. 47.13 St. Malo THe strong Situation of St. Malo upon the Sea and its vast Correspondence in Foreign Countries render it one of the most considerable places of the Kingdom It is guarded at Night by very fierce Dogs of an English Breed which go the Rounds of the City The Discovery of Canada is owing to one of its Inhabitants called James Cartier In the year 1661. it suffered a great Loss by a Fire which consumed a part of the Houses about 12 Miles from Dol and 42 from Rennes Long. 16.8 Lat. 48.40 Dol. IT stands in a Marshy Ground and is said to contain some Family who bear the Name of Devils perhaps because they are the Remainders of the ancient People Diablintes Some Dukes of Bretagne had a design to have erected the Bishoprick of Dol into an Archbishoprick About 33 Miles from Rennes Long. 16.22 Lat. 48.34 St. Brieux a Bishops See was the only City which preserved it self during the Wars between the Families of Blois and Mont for t it stands on the Sea about 55 Miles from Rennes The Five foregoing Cities are in the Upper Bretagne Brest IN a Gulf where the Sea makes Four different Entries is esteemed one of the best Sea-Ports of Europe Indeed the Ships are always afloat there were they of Two Thousand Tun. It is the principal Magazine of the Admiralty of France for Vessels which go upon the Ocean seated in the Lower Bretagne About 125 Miles from Rennes 120 from St. Malo 320 from Paris Long. 13.18 Lat. 47.58 Blavet BLavet aliás Port-Loüis was formerly given to the Spaniards by those of the Ligue and during the War against those of the Reformed Religion the Sieur de Soubise had a design to render himself Master of it This and Brest bear the Lawrel from all the rest by reason of their strong Fortifications together with the Goodness and Greatness of their Ports It stands in the Lower Bretagne about 82 Miles from Rennes and 60 from Brest Long. 14.42 Lat. 47.23 In the Sea of Gascogne under the 17th Degree of Latitude there is an Island which is called Bell-Isle which extends it self about 21 Miles in Length 9 in Breadth and about 54 in Circumference It is considerable for the Passage of Ships along its Coasts and for its strong Castle which the Hollanders attak'd in vain An. 1674. notwithstanding their puissant Naval Army for that Effect Oüessant a little Island nearer the Shoar towards the West has the Title of Marquisat as well as Bell-Isle 6. Of the Government of ORLEANOIS THis is one of the best and most agreeable Countries of France as also the most extensive of its Governments for it comprehends Fourteen or Fifteen Provinces or Countries It is called the Government of Orleanois Name because Orleans is the most remarkable among the Cities It has near 300 Miles from East to West Extent from beyond Chinon-Castle in Nivernois to the Extremity of Poisou and near 204 from South to North from Monbrun in Angoumois to Nonan-court in Normandy It is bounded in the East by Burgundy and Champagne Bounds in the North by the Isle of France and Normandy in the West by Bretagne and the Sea and in the South by Saintonge Perigord la Marche and Bourbonnois The Soil is very fertile in Corn Quality Wine Cattle and in a word all things that may conduce to the satisfaction of Life Amongst other Woody parts it to be seen the Forest of Orleans that contains 70000 Acres an● 't is said that in the time of Francis th● First it contained 140000. There i● no Country in France where one mee● with so many Paved Ways as here It is watered with a great number o● Rivers Rivers amongst which
Country and remarkable for the notable Resistance it made against the whole Forces of Lewis the Thirteenth in the last Civil Wars concerning Religion It is about 37 Miles from Arles 5● from Orange and 60 from Narbon Lon. 22.52 Lat. 43.8 Le Puy IS accounted the greatest City of Languedoc after Toulouse The Bishop who stiles himself Earl of Vellay where of it is Capital depends immediately o● the Pope and is subordinate to 〈◊〉 Archbishop It stands on the River Loyre about 30 Miles from Mende 56 from Viviers and 68 from Lyons Lon. 22.58 Lat. 44.33 Mende and Viviers in the Province of les Cevennes are remarkable for nothing but their Episcopal Sees the Bishops whereof are stiled Earls 11. Of the Government of DAUPHINE THis Province which made part of the ancient Allobroges was afterwards comprised in the Kingdom of Burgundy which Charlemagne joyned to the other Members of France The Emperor Henry the Fourth being at Variance with Pope Gregory the Seventh was so persecuted by his own Children that divers Lords taking the Advantage of their Divorce and deriding him as a deprived King carried away each a Piece of this Kingdom O●●o Earl of Flanders had Franche-County Berald of Saxo●y possessed himself of Savoy Provence fell to B●enger and Dauphiné to the Occupation of Guigue le Gras who gave to it this Name Name upon the account of Dauphin Earl of Viennois whose Daughter had espoused his Son It should be incongruous methinks Original of the Name of Dauphin to intimate here the original of the Name of Dauphin which has been the Title of the Eldest Son of France for above 300 Years Imbert or Humbert Earl Dauphin of Viennois having lost his Son in the faral Battel of Crecy and unhappily let his last Child fall out of a Window of which he dyed seeing himself insulted by Amedée Earl of Savoy his irreconcilable Foe and finding himself unable to resist him resolved to procure him a more powerful Neighbour For this effect he offered his Country to Philip of Valois King of France for him and his Successors upon condition that the Eldest Son of France should bear the Title of Dauphin and that his Arm● should be quartered with those o● France Which Proposal was accepted of by the King to the great Displeasure of the Savoyard So Charles the Fifth the Grand-Son of Philip was the first that bore the Name of Dauphin in the Year 1350. Dauphiné extends it self from East to West Extent about 129 English Miles from Pignerol to Valence And 111 from North to South from Lanieu upon the Rhône in Bresse to le Buis in las-Baronnies It is bounded in the North by Bresse and Savoy Bounds In the East by Piémont In the South by Provence And in the West 't is separated by the Rhône from Languedoc and Lyonnois The Soil Quality although very Mountainous produces excellent Wine and very good Corn in some Places as in those Parts about Greenoble and Die and along the Rhône but in general it brings forth Rye Oats Barley and a little Wine There is one thing here particular enough in respect of a certain Hol● which is in a great Rock near Nions There goes out a Wind which one is scarce sensible of when near it and even boisterous at 20 or 30 Paces distance It s greatest Rivers are the Isere Rivers which receives the Drac below Grenoble and the Durance which takes its Rise from hence and runs toward Provence Dauphine is divided into Upper and Lower The First Division which is towards the East comprehends Gresivaudan Diois lés-Baronies Gapensois Ambrunois and Briansonois The other which extends it self towards the West along the Rhône comprises Viennois Valentinois and Tricastin Grenoble UPon the River Isere in Gresivandan is the Capital City of the whole Country in Latin Gratianopolis the chief Seat heretofore of the Accusiani 'T is a very ancient populous and well-built City embellished by the Emperour Gratian who gave it its Name It is much resorted to by the Noblity upon the account of the Court of parliament erected here in the Year 1453. It has been an Episcopal See for above 1200 Years and has besides a Generality and a Mint Equally distant viz. abou 30 Miles from Vienné Die and Valence Lon. 25.4 Lat. 44.54 Ambrun THE Capital of Ambruncis an Arch-Bishops See seated upon a very high Rock in the midst of a pleasant Valley surrounded with Mountains under which runs the River Durance The Arch-Aishop here shares the Jurisdicton with the King insomuch that their Judges in the Bayliwick are alternative The hilly Country hereabouts is the highest of France About 48 Miles from Pignerol 46 from Susa c. Lon. 26.5 Lat. 44.10 Vienne SEated upon the Rhône is a famous and very ancient City as one may see by divers Monuments of Antiquity whose Vestigia are still in being It is honoured with an Archiepiscopal See and a Bayliwick It had a Bridge over the Rhône which is broken and whose Passage is very dangrrous for Boats It is situated in the lower Dauphiné and stands about 17 M. from Lyons 43 from Grenoble and 68 from Geneva Lon. 14.8 Lat. 45.7 Valence UPon the River Rhône is a handsome and populous City the Capital of Valentinois Its Bishoprick is united to that of Die The Bishop qualifies himself Bishop and Earl of Valence and Die and the Bayliwick is depending upon this Prelate It has given honorary Title to two Persons of more Fame than Honour The first of which was Caesar Borgia the Son of Pope Alexander the Sixth who was made Duke of Valentinois by Charles the Eighht The other Madam Diana the Mistress of Henry the Second who governed the Affairs of France under him and honoured with the Title of Dutchess hereof About 38 Miles from Vienne and 43 from Grenoble Lon. 27.12 Lat. 44.32 Brianson THE Capital of Briansonpis is seated upon a very high Mountain It is a Bishops See and a Bayliwick It stands about 22 Miles from Ambrun and 36 from Pignerol Lon. 26.22 Lat. 44.30 Saint-Pol-Trois-Châteaux is the Capital of Tricastin It is a flourishing City seated in the lower Dauphiné upon an advanced Cliff near the Rhône It is a Bishops See who stiles himself Earl under the Arch-Bishop of Arles It stands about 16 Miles from Orange and 72 from Grenoble Lon. 24.2 Lat. 43.53 Gap THe Capital of Gapensois is adorned with an Episcopal See and a Bayliwick It s Bishop is qualified Earl It has a very strong and noble Cittadel It stands about 18 Miles from Ambrun and 23 from Sisteron Lon. 25.40 Lat. 44.6 Die upon the Drome was an ancient Colony of the Romans heretofore the See of a particular Bishop but at present joyned to that of Valence It is seated in the lower Dauphiné and stands about 36 Miles from Grenoble Le Buis upon the Aurese is the Principal City of les Barronies and a Bayliwick 12. Of the Government of PROVENCE THis
Province made part of Gaul Narbonois and was the First Conquest of Caesar in Gaul He called it the Province 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by excellency Name over the other Parts which he had reduced under the Obedience of the Romans It was the First of the ancient Kingdom of Burgundy some of whose Kings have born the particular Title of Kings of Arles It extends it self from East to West above 150 Miles Extent from the Mouth of the Var to the Rhône And from South to North near 120. From the Cape Ceerchiez towards Toulon as far as the Durance 9 Miles beyond Ambrun It is bounded in the North by Dauphine in the East in part by Piemont Bounds from which it is divided by the Alps and the County of Nice and in part by the Mediterranean Sea In the South by the same Sea and in the West by the Rhône which separates it from Languedoc The whole is much of the same nature with Languedoc Quality but is one part thereof to wit between Marseilles and Arles different from all the rest of France By the French usually called le Crau by the elder Writers Campi Lapidei because all in a manner overspread with Stones In this Province is said to be made the best Oyl of the Kingdom and very good Salt at Berre and Pecais Besides the Rhône Rivers one observes amongst its Rivers the Durance which receives the Verdon and the Hubaye the Argens the Var and the Arc which take their Original all Three from hence Here are also several Gulphs as that of Marseille Hyeres Grimaut Lerins c. Between la Crau and the Durance is to be found Five or Six Lakes The Mouths or Channels of the Rhône are called Graus in the Language of the Country Upon the Coasts one meets with the I●ands of Martegue Pomegue Hyeres or Stecades the Isles of Lerins in their Gulf which were heretofore renowned by the Conquest which the late Earl of Harcourt made here with a handful of Men. Although Provence is divided into Vpper Middle and Lower Division yet it will be better distinguished by its Diocesses which I will endeavour to put in the easiest order imaginable First of all in the Middle one finds the Diocesses of Aix Riez Senez and Digne the First about the Durance the other Three about the Verdun in ascending to its Spring which is in the last Upon the Coasts the Diocesses of Arles Marseille Toulon Trejuls Grace and Vence which are to be met with thus in order going from West to East The Diocess of Glandeve is about the Var. Towards the North those of Sisteron and Apt with the County of Venaissin with the Principality of Orange Aix Near the little River of Arc is the Metropolis of Provence and was that of Narbonensis Secunda and at that time called Aquae Sextiae from Cajus Sextius who brought hither a Roman Colony and the Hot Baths here It is now and has been of a long time an Archbishops See and adorned with a Court of Parliament for this Country An. 1501. also a Generality and a Mint It is a very neat and populous City memorable in History for the great Defeat of the Cimbri by C. Marius Eâ victoriâ visus meruisse ne ejus nati Rempublicam poeniteret by this Victory and this alone obliging the Romans as Vellejus has it not to be sorry for his Birth About 14 Miles from Marseille and 36 from Toulon Lon. 24.40 Lat. 43.4 Arles UPon the Rhône by Ausonius called the Rome of France and in those times so highly valued that Constantinus Flavius being chosen Emperor by the British Legions in the declining times of the Western Empire designed to have made it his Imperial Seat It is a very ancient City where the Romans established their Sixth Colony It has yet the Remainders of an Amphitheatre an Obelisk all of Stone and some other Monuments It s Bridge of Boats over the Rhône passes for a very Noble Work It has a low and marshy Situation which natural Strength seconded by the new Works of King Henry the Fourth have made it one of the most assured Bulworks of France on this side the Kingdom It has been the Regal Seat of the French Kings of Burgundy who from hence were stiled Kings of Arles Between this City and the Sea but on the other side of the River runs a deep Channel cut with infinite Charge and Industry by C. Marius for Conveyance of Victuals into his Camp in his War against the Cimbri before mentioned It is an Archbishops See c. about 44 Miles from Aix as many from Marseilles and 16 from Nîmes Lon. 33.38 Lat. 43.5 Marseille A Known Port on the Mideterranean and a very ancient City which flourished in the time of Caesar by whom it was forced and made a Colony It was governed as a Republick and had a famous Academy It is an Episcopal See and one of the Admiralty It s Port passes for one of the securest of the Mediterranean See the Ships of France retire hither for the mosh part 't is a place of the greatest Resort by the Levantins and has a very considerable Traffick For which reason it must be very populous It stands about 14 Miles from Aix 38 from Toulon and 44 from Arles Lon. 24.35 Lat. 42.47 Coulon IS also an Episcopal City by Ptolemy called Tauroentium and by some Tholone beautified with a fair and capacious Haven one of the best of the Mediterranean which serves also for a Retreat to the French Ships of War Gallies and many other Vessels It is well stored with Oyl great quantity of Salt conveyed hither from the Isle of Ere 's about 9 Miles off and a sort of Almonds called Provence Almonds made by this means one of the most frequented Ports of the Miditerranean About 38 Miles from Marseilles 43 from Aix c. Lon. 25.22 Lat. 42.34 Salon A Little City which is renowned for being the Birth-place of the famous Nostradamus whose Tomb is still to be seen here enclosed in the Wall of the Church with his Pourtraiture upon it Of the County of VENAI SIN THis Country has been in the Dependance of the Holy See ever since the Year 1228. Pope Clement the Fourth having translated the Pontifical See to Avignon in the Year 1305. Clement the Sixth purchased this City 38 Years after together with the County and his Successors made their Peaceble Residence here to the year 1380. when Gregory the Eleventh returned again to Rome Avignon UPon the Rhône is the Capital of the County the ordinary Seat of the Popes Vice-Legat an Archbishop a● Inquisition and an University In this City are said to be Seven Palaces Seven Parish-Churches Seven Monasteries Seven Nunneries Seven Inns and Seven Gates There is one thing remarkable in Relation to this City and very necessary to be known by Travellers which is very incommodious about Avignon Namely that the Gates of this City are exactly shut at Sun-set