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A13576 Archaioplutos. Or the riches of elder ages Proouing by manie good and learned authours, that the auncient emperors & kings, were more rich and magnificent, then such as liue in these daies. Heereto is annexed, the honours of the braue Romaine souldiours; with the seauen wonders of the worlde. Written in French by Guil. Thelin, Lord of Gutmont and Morillonuilliers: and truely translated into English.; Archaioplutos. English Telin, Guillaume.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1592 (1592) STC 23867; ESTC S100994 36,841 108

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one time to the Temple of the Capitoll sixteene thousand poundes of gold with a great nūber of precious stones and pearles estimated woorth ten hundred and fiftie thousand Sesterriaes which sums amount to three Millions of gold And Budaeus sayth that Augustus imployed in the beautifying of the Cittie of Rome the Empire and things for publique profit beside building of Temples Theaters Pallaces and buildings of magnificent construction four-teene thousand times four-teene hundred thousand Sestertiaes which value thirtie fiue Millions of Crownes In his tyme a Burgesse of Rome named Lentulus Augurius was so high in his grace and fauour as Seneca sayth that he cōmaunded to be giuen him at one time four thousand times Sestertiaes which value ten Millions who seeing himselfe so forwarde in authority would often-times say to the Emperor in reproche as it were that in respect of his seruice he had left the pleasure delight of studying good Letters which hee prized esteemed more then al the pompe of inordinate riches This ingratitude was well punished afterward by Tyberius as writeth Suetonius Tarius Ruffus a man of base condition by good fortune and great industrie got in the seruice of Augustus a thousand times Sestertiaes which amount to two Millions and fiue hundred thousand Crownes Plinie sayth that Augustus to increase the good and honor of such as hee knewe to be well minded people sent them as Gouernours into hys Prouinces giuing them verie honest meanes whereby to make them great Eusebius in his Chronicles saith that after the tryumph at Actium Augustus made the goodly number before the Censors there were found foure Millions an hundred and sixtie thousand Cittizens of Rome And after the natiuitie of our Sauiour Iesus Christ hauing adopted Tyberius and they two beeing Censors the number vvas made when was sound nine Millions three hundred and seauentie thousand Cittizens within the Cittie and Subbarbes In thys time as Iuuenall witnesseth in his ninth Satyre this order was helde in Rome that when the children of the Cittizens were borne within three daies after one shoulde goe to the Temple of Saturne where the Treasure of the Consines was kept there in the Register Court before the Maisters and Keepers of the riches the infants name was enrolled Heereby they knew the age of euery one and what number of infants the Cittizens had nor was he to be reputed or thought a man vntill he came to the age of 17. yeeres The tryumph of Pompey PLutarch speaking of Pompeyes triumphe which was decreed for hym by reason of the victory he had against the two kings Tygranes and Mithridates the one king of Armenia the other of Pontus saith that by the goodly Wagons and Chariots wherein was drawne along thorowe the Cittie the treasure of his spoyles as also the semblances and portratures of the Kings Countries conquered appeared publiquely to euery one of what Nations subiected thys tryumph was ordained In euery Chariot were titles written of great faire Letters whereby they were signified and manifested The Nations ouer whom he tryumphed were these that folow the kingdomes of Pontus and Armenia the Coūtry of Paphlagonia of Cholchos Spayne Albania Syria Cilicia Mesopotamia Phaenicia Palestine Iudea Arabia yet not cōprising his victories on the Sea where he preuailed often and very farre of Hee adioyned to the Romaine Empire a thousand strong places about nine hundred Citties and tooke eyght hundred ships from Pyrats Plinie in the thirty-seauenth booke of hys naturall hystorie reciteth the order magnificence of thys Tryumph which hee saith is reported in the Registers of the Capitall To wit on the day of his natiuitie was hys tryumph when ryding thorowe the Citty hee brought to the publique Treasurie a Checker or table-boorde to play on made of two precious stones beeing foure soote long and three soote broad was neuer found like stones of such greatnesse He had in the order of his tryumphe in one Chariot a goodly booke of mighty and huge volume he had three beddes of golde seruing to make banquets on each one lying after the auncient fashion vessel of gold and precious stones to serue nine cupboordes three statues of Gold of Mars Pallas and Iuno After followed a Mountaine of Golde foure square whereon was Harts Lyons and fruites of all sorts garnished and enuironed round with a Vine of Gold a Chappell in the midst dedicated to the Muses which was made all of Peavles and on the toppe thereof was a very sumptuous Horologe In another Chariot was an Image of Pompey which likewise was made of pearls Plutarch sayth that thys tryumph was deuided into two dayes and yet the tyme would not suffise to make declaration of euerie part thereof Pompey brought to the Treasure in gold siluer and vessell all which came by hys spoyles twentie thousande Talents which value twelue Millions beside that which he gaue to his men of warre of whom he that had least had a thousande and fiue hundred Drachmes Attique which value an hundred and fiftie Crownes The Romaine subsidies after the tryumph of Pompey valued four-score and fiue Millions of Drachmes which make eyght Millions fiue hundred thousand crownes Pompey in the Playes which he made for the people after his seconde Consulship amongst other strange thinges brought into the place called the great circle by the Latines Circus maximus sixe hundred Lyons whereof he had three hundred and fifteene all the Iubilie Therefore not without cause said Cicero in hys Officiis that these were the most magnificent playes that euer were before him And when hee brought these beastes to be seene it was to make them kil one another or to make them fight against men that were condemned to thys punishment Sylla was the first that shewed thys manner of fight to the people beeing of an hundred together yet Pompey brought into the Theater beside these Lyons foure hundred and ten Panthers at one tyme. Augustus shewed four hundred twentie and Caesar foure hundred Lyons Afterwarde by the Emperours and Princes thys kinde of pastime was very much vsed and was called the chasing of wilde beasts for the peoples pleasure The charges that Ptolome was at for the ayde of Pompey BUdaeus writeth that one named Ptolome succoured Pompey in the conquest of Iudea who at his owne proper cost gaue pay to eyght thousande Horsemen and made a feast whereat was present a thousand men sette at the Table euery one hauing his Cuppe of gold and each one changed at euery messe that was serued a Cup of gold of a new and contrary fashion This riches commeth some-what neere to that of Pytheus of Bithinia who gaue to King Darius of Persia a Plane tree of gold with the Vine of golde whereof is stil reserued such fame and memory Afterward he receiued Xerxes sonne to Darius into hys houses with his Armie of Souldiours consisting of eyght hundred thousand men whē he discended into Greece Herodotus in his seauenth booke saith
in his life the forme thereof beeing thus Alexander vnto Aristotle greeting Thou hast not done rightlie or well in putting forth the bookes of the Acroamaticall sciences for wherein shal I excell any other heereafter if the science wherin I was instructed by thee be taught and made common to euerie one As for my selfe I woulde thou shouldest know that I make more account and had rather goe beyond all men in excellencie of of learning and knowledge then in greatnesse of power or deedes of Armes He commaunded Aristotle to write fiftie bookes of the nature of beastes gyuing hym for hys paines as sayth Atheneus a Greeke Authour eyght hundred Talents which value foure hundred and foure-score thousand Crownes A president howe learning was esteemed in elder tymes where now Schollers paines are neither rewarded nor regarded Hee sent likewise fiftie Talents to Xenocrates which he refused saying hee had no neede of so much money to maintaine hys poore estate Whereat Alexander was offended saying he was vnciuill to refuse his gift though hee needed it not himselfe yet he might take it and bestowe it among hys friendes The same Atheneus in his fourth booke of the banquet of the Sages following the aduise of the Persian Histories sayth that in what soeuer place Alexander was he would customably sitte at the Table at supper after his conquest of Asia and eate among his Friendes in a common Hall hauing alwaies with him the number of three-score and ten at the least To maintaine thys custome he appointed for the ordinary dispence therof an hundred Attique Mynaes which value a thousand Crownes But King Dauid saith he who was conquered by hym had a custome diuers times to make publique banquets apparantlie in hys Court which alwaies was in the open Halles where were present to the number of fifteene thousande And for euery such banquet as we now speake of the estate ordained appointed for the dispence of the Table two hundred and forty Myriades which amount to two Millions and foure hundred thousand Crownes for euery Myriade valueth ten thousand whereof an hundred Myriades make a Million and fortie Myriades four hundred thousand Crownes The riches of Mydas and Cyrus PLinie in hys three and thirty booke sayth that Mydas king of Phrigia and Craesus King of Lydia which at thys daie is called Natolia a Prouince in Turkie were enriched with Golde beyonde number or measure Cyrus also King of Persia who tooke Craesus and his treasures had infinite wealth for he spoyled all Asia so that by his victories he gained fiue hundred thousande Talents of siluer to wit talents of Egypt which value as he sayth each Talent foure-score pound weight of siluer And thys summe is reported according to the great Iacke or Tankarde belonging to Semiramis which weighed fifteene Talents Thys summe or quantitie of siluer is the verie greatest that Budaeus remembreth to be gathered in money at one time together which amounteth to three hundred Millions of Crownes and rating them after the Talents of Egypt as saith Plinie there shall be sixteene parts ouer aboue which com to fiftie Millions Nor is it to be meruailed that he gathethered so much for he had vnder his power the auncient Treasures of Assiria which was translated from the Medes and many other Countreyes beside so that heere among hee had the old riches of Dauid and Salomon He reporteth moreouer that there was an auncient King of Cholchos named Esubopes that first of all made opening of the Mynes and founde the richnes of the earth where-out hee drewe innumerable store of Golde and Siluer He likewise had victory against Sosestres King of Egipt who wonderfully abounded in wealth so that this King of Cholchos had in his house the pyllers roofes doores and vaultes of pure Golde On the wonderfull riches that was in this Countrey was inuented the fable of the Golden Fleece The riches of Sardanapalus SArdanapalus who liued two hundred yeres after Salomon and by hys deceasse brought an ende to the Kingdom of the Assirians according as Atheneus the Greeke writer recordeth beeing seated in his Pallace and house royall by Arbaces hys Lieuetenant of the Medes there burned himselfe and his Concubines Ctesias reciteth that when the sayd king Sardanapalus liued hauing no meanes left to with-stand the siedge and that all kynde of victuales wexed scant hee caused to bee made in a seperate place from other resorte in his Pallace a frame of Carpenters worke containing the height of four hūdred foote in manner and fashion of a Pyramides in the middest wherof he commaunded to be placed an hundred and fiftie Couches of Gold which serued to make most sumptuous and magnificent banquets vpon agreeing wyth the custome of old By the sides of them or els vpon them was deuised as many Tables of Gold thys doone heere would he entertaine his Wife hys Concubines and Ladyes of hys Court such as he best affected they not knowing or doubting what he intended to doe after them he followed making fast the doore without any hope to return back againe But before hee thus lockt vp himselfe among thē hee caused to be brought thether as sayth the History a thousand Myriades of Gold and a Myriade of Myriades of siluer with a great number of habillements for men and women of purple with sundry other very sumptuous accoustrements When he was inclosed by his cōmaundement his Eunuches and Groomes of hys Chamber put fire to the huge frame of Carpenters worke which endured burning the space of fifteene dayes such as behelde thys wondrous flaming fire supposed that he was sacrifycing to the Gods Thus ended Sardanapalus his licentious life and all the rest that were with him consuming there likewise a thousand Myriades of Gold which value an hundred Millions For-beare we then to estimate the Myriade of Myriades of Siluer the Couches of gold the Tables of gold and other costly habillements As also three thousande Talents of gold which value eyghteene hundred thousand Crownes which he sent from his seate royall to King Nynus to whom hee had gyuen his Chyldren in keeping The riches of the Emperour Anthony the Triumuire and the magnificence of his Queene Cleopatra PLutarch sayth that the Emperour Anthony the Triumuire spente in one yeere two hundred thousand Talents which value six-score Millions of golde that the estates of Asia had yeelded him for the offence they committed against him in maintaining and bearing fauour to his enemies Cassius Brutus in the Countrey of Macedon in such an amercement were they taxed for two yeeres albeit the fine was determined for nine yeeres This summe was imployed in payment of a largesse and gyft promised to his Souldiours which vvas as Plutarch reporteth fiue thousand Drachmes for each one which come to twentie thousand Sestertiaes esteemed fiue hundred Crownes His Army was eyght and twentie thousande Legionaries and ten thousand men beside the Horsmen The estimation of Anthonies gift to hys men of warre amounted for an hundred
according to Budaeus amounted to twentie seauen Millions nine hundred thousande Crownes of the Sunne and twelue hundred thirtie-two Talents of siluer which come to seauen hundred thirty seauen thousande Crownes of the Crowne Yet is not comprised in this sum what was giuen to three-score and ten thousande Labourers of whō mention is made in the 5. chapter of the 1. Booke of the Kings nor of 3000. three hundred Maisters that ruled and ouer-sawe the worke nor the charges offraights and carriages nor how much the brasse and yron cost nor what rewarde was giuen to eyght 〈◊〉 thousande men more sent him for handy-crafts men by the King of Egipt Wherfore we may well imagine that Salomons Temple was a worke of wonder and the cost thereon bestowed inestimable It is written in the second booke of the Chronicles the fourth Chapter That all the Vessels Basons Candlesticks Censors Lampes Organes and other musicall instruments of the Temple the Alsar the Ports the Tables and Hindges were of pure gold Wee reade likewise in the first Booke of the Chronicles the nine and twentith chapter that the Princes and Fathers of the linage of Israell also the Captaines of thousands and hundreds offered willingly and gaue for the seruice of the house of God fiue thousands Talents and ten thousand peeces of Golde tenne thousand Talents of siluer eighteene thousande Talents of Brasse and one hundred thousande Talents of yron And they with whom precious stones were found gaue them to the Treasure of the house of the Lord. Salomon caused to be made three hundred Shieldes of fine Golde that is to say couered with Gold framed in fashion of Plates accounting each Plate worth sixe hundred sicles which value two thousand and foure hundred Crownes of the Sunne Three hundred Targets which are little light Shieldes of the purest purified Gold and placed them in the house of Lybanon Eupolemus adioynes heereto a thousande Shieldes of Gold It is written in the tenth Chapter of the third Booke of the Kings that Salomon made a great seate royall of Iuorie and couered it with the best Gold And the seate had sixe steps and the top of the seate was round behind and there were Pommels on either side of the seate And there stoode twelue Lyons on the steppes sixe on a side there was neuer like worke seene in any Kingdome Salomon sacrificed at one time to God two and twentie thousand Oxen and an hundred twentie thousand Sheepe His ordinary expence day by day was thirtie quarters of fine Manchet flower and three-score quarters of other meale ten stalled Oxen and twentie out of the Pastures an hundred sheepe besides Hartes Buckes Wilde-goates and Capons And Salomon had fortie thousande stalles of Horsses for Chariots and as many Heards of Horsses he had likewise twelue thousand Horse-men according as it is written in the thyrd Booke of the Kings the fourth Chapter The riches of Darius QUintus Curtius Plutarch Strabo and other Historians haue supposed written that Alexander the great after his conquest of Darius king of Persia found in the Treasurie of his conquered enemie twenty-nine thousand talents which valued an hundred and eight Millions of Crownes of the Crowne So choysely and deerely did Darius account ofhis pleasure in the night as he lodged in a Chamber betweene two great Hals hys bedde beeing spred foorth very sumptuously and couered with a Vine of Gold in manner of an Arbour enriched with Grapes hanging thereon which were most curious and costly precious stones The richnes of the very pillow of his bed was woorth fiftie thousande Talents which doe amount to thirtie Millions of Crownes When Alexander gained the battaile against him in Cilicia he was then but fiue twenty yeeres old and sent his Lieuetenant Parme●o to the Citty of Damas where Darius had with-drawne a gre● part of the afore-named Treasure there he found foure hundred and twenty-nine Ladies his Concubines well skild in Musique which hee brought with him into his Hoast for his delight and pastime with sixe and forty workmen that wrought vpō flowers making curious Trammels and Chaplets for Ladyes most odoriferous two hundred three-score and seauenteene Cookes twenty Potters that made Pots other necessaries of earth for the daily vse of the Kitchine nine chiefe Maisters of the Paistrie three-score ten sluggerds of one sort and seauenteene of an other whose labour was to mixte the Aromatique wines to blende and temper the sweet delicious licquors and most arteficiall drinkes thorow bagges and such like fit for the purpose forty other work-men that made sweet odours sauours both dry and licquid If then the King of Persia had so much store of delights in warre when he was prepared to a fight so full of hazard danger what may we imagine he had at other times and in what aboundance of pleasures he lyued when he held hys assured quiet in Babilon a Citty exceeding in all superfluities and vices yet florishing abounding plentifully in wondrous wealth Herodotus in the third booke of hys Historie deuided the Realme of Persia into twenty Gouernements or Prouinces the principall was the Kingdom of Lydia wherof the rich Craesus was King that afterwarde was vanquished by Cyrus and brought into captiuitie Plinie speaking of the estate of the Persians in his tyme sayth that the Empire of the Persians which as then was translated to the Parthians contained eyghteene Kingdomes Herodotus in the Booke before named sheweth by iourneyes lodgings that from Sardis beeing in Lydia to Susa which was the chiefe seate and aboad of the Kings was full three Monthes iourney Quintus Curtius sayth that in two Citties of Persia to wit Susa Persepolis Alexander found an hundred three-score ten thousand Talents of siluer in one heape which himselfe tearmed a summe innumerable an hundred thousande Talents valued three-score Millions of Crownes The sayd Darius had one of the fayrest women in the world to hys Wife who was likewise taken with her two daughters ten thousand Talents he woulde haue giuen for to haue them againe and one halfe of hys Countrey which would not be graunted yet Alexander intreated them very honourablie and wythout any reproche Hee neuer afterward sawe his wife and daughters but once and in short while after himselfe was traiterously slaine by Bessus who had the principal charge vnder him The liberalitie of Alexander the great to his men of warre ALexander the great after his conquest and returne out of Asia beeing aduertised that hys Souldiours and men of warre were indebted by hys seruice caused their debts to be payde and bringing money into the midst of hys Campe according to the affirmation of each one how much he owed so much in ready pay was deliuered them the sum amoūted to sixe Millions of Crownes He was studious of great knowledge hauing euer-more vnder the pillowe of hys bed the poesie of Homer He wrote a Greeke Epistle to Aristotle which is reported by Plutarch