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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66701 The new help to discourse or, Wit, mirth, and jollity. intermixt with more serious matters consisting of pleasant astrological, astronomical, philosophical, grammatical, physical, chyrurgical, historical, moral, and poetical questions and answers. As also histories, poems, songs, epitaphs, epigrams, anagrams, acrosticks, riddles, jests, poesies, complements, &c. With several other varieties intermixt; together with The countrey-man's guide; containing directions for the true knowledge of several matters concerning astronomy and husbandry, in a more plain and easie method than any yet extant. By W. W. gent. Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698.; Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698. Country-man's guide. aut. 1680 (1680) Wing W3070; ESTC R222284 116,837 246

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animalia plebis Inveniunt For when the seven mouth'd Nile the Fields forsake And to his ancient Channel him betakes The tillers of the ground live Creatures find Of sundry shapes i' th mud that 's left behind This River is in length almost 3000. miles being the only River of Egypt and is for its varieties sufficiently famous all the World over Of the fortunate Islands The Air of those Islands is reported to be of that singular temperature and the Earth of that fruitfulness that the Husbandmen have their Harvest in March and April Here all good things do abound useful or delightful for the life of man plenty of Fruits store of Grapes the Woods and Hedges bringing forth excellent Apples of their own accord The grass being mowed down in five days space will grow up to the length of a Cubit the ground is so fertile At Christmas they have Summer and all fruits ripe The Earth yields her fruit five or six times a year the Mountains are always beautified with variety of Flowers the Trees and Hedges-rows evermore green Dame Flora hath here her continual habitation and Ceres therein a continual Mansion In their sowing every two grains bringing forth a thousand Qu. How many Kings did formerly 〈◊〉 in these Countrys whereof our now 〈…〉 Soveraign King Charles the second is the most absolute Monarch An. In England it self were seven during the time of the Saxon Heptarchy which were 1. The Kingdom of Kent containing Kent only begun by Hengist the Saxon Captain and ending in Baldred having a succession of eighteen Kings and the continuance of two hundred forty and two years Queens County Weishford and Dublin Scotland had formerly two Kings whereof one was of the Scots the other of the Picts Besides these there was a King of the Isles of Scotland and one of the Isle of Man and Henry the sixth created Henry Beauchamp Earl of Warwick King of the Isle of Wight so that reckoning seven Kings in England three in Wales five in Ireland two in Scotland and three in the other Islands and you will find the whole number to amount to twenty Kingdoms A Discourse of Wonders Foreign and Domestick And first of Foreign AN Artizan in the Town of Norenburg in Germany made a wooden Eagle which when the Emperor Maximilian was coming thither flew a quarter of a mile out of the Town to meet him and being come to the place where he was turned back of its own accord and accompanied him home to his lodging 2. There is a Lake about Armach in Ireland into which if one thrust a piece of wood he shall find that part which remaineth in the mud converted to Iron and that which continueth in the water turned to a Wherstone 3. The Hill Aetna in Sicily which continually vomiteth forth flames of Fire to the astonishment of all beholders The reason of these flames as is conjectured is the abundance of Silver and Brimstone contained in the bosom of this Hill which is blown by the wind driving in at the chaps of the Earth as by a pair of bellows through which chinks also there is continually more fuel added to the fire the very water administring an operative vertue to the combustible matter as we see that water cast on coals in the Smiths Forge doth make them burn more ardently The reason of this flame is thus rendred by the witty Ovid in his Metamorphosis I st ● bitumine● rap●un●t incendi●● vices Luteaque exiguis ard●scunt Sulphura slammis Atque ubi terra cibos alimentaque debita slamma Non dabit absumptis per longum viribus annum Naturaeque su●m nutrim●ntum decrit edaci Non f●cit Aetna famem desertaque deseret ignis A rozen mould these siery flames begin And clayje Brinstone aids the sire within Yet when the slymie soylconsumed shall Yield no more food to feed the sire withal And Nature shall restrain her nourishment The flame shall cease hating all famishment 4. A Lake in Aethiopia superior of which whosoever drinketh either falleth immediately mad or is for a long time troubled with a drowsiness of which the aforesaid Ovid thus reciteth Aethiopesque Lacus quos siquis faucibus hausit Aut fu●i● aut patitar mirum gravetate soporem Who doth not know the Aethiopian Lake Whose waters he that drinks his thirst to slake Either groweth mad or doth his soul oppress With an unheard of drowsiness 5 The three wonders of which Spain boasteth of viz. 1. A Bridge over which the water flows that is used to run under all other Bridges 2. A City compassed with fire which is called Madrid by reason of the Wall that is all of Flints environ it round about 3. Another Bridge on which continually feed ten thousand Cattel the River Guadiana which hath his head in the Mountain Seira Molina afterwards runneth under ground the space of fifteen miles the like doth the River Lycus in Anatolia according to Ovid. Sic ubi terreno Lycus est epotus hiatu Exsilicit procul hinc alioque renascitur ore So Lycus swallowed by the gaping ground At a new mouth far off is rising found 6. The Tomb of Mansolus built by his Wife Artunesia Queen of Halicarnassus accounted one of the worlds seven wonders it being five and twenty Cubits high and supported by six and thirty curious Pillars of which thus writeth the witty Poet Martial Aere nam vacuo pendentia Mansolaea Laudibus immodicis Caris ad astra ferunt The Mansolaea hanging in the Sky The men of Caria's praises Deify 7. The Temple of Diana at Ephesus accounted also one of the worlds seven wonders It was two hundred years in building being four hundred twenty five foot long and two hundred twenty broad sustained with a hundred twenty seven Pillars of Marble seventy foot high whereof twenty seven were most curiously graven and all the rest of Marble polisht It was fired seven times and lastly by Herostratus the same night in which Alexander the great was born which made the Poets say that Diana who was the Goddess of Midwifery was so busie at the birth of that great Potentate that she had no time to defend her own Temple 8. The Pyramis of Aegypt reckoned also for one of the worlds seven wonders which have out-lived devouring time They were built nigh to the City of Memphis whereof two are most famous The first and greatest was built by Cleops a King of that Country who in the work employed a hundred thousand men the space of twenty years The Basis of which Pyramis contained in circuit sixty Acres of ground and was in height a thousand foot being made all of Marble This work was begun of such a prodigious vastness that King Cleops wanted money to finish the same whereupon as Herodotus writeth he prostituted his Daughter to all commers by which dishonest means he perfected his building and she besides the money due to her father exacted of every man that had the use of her body one stone
they are and kiss it thrice so doing their devotion to Mahomet The carrying it about the streets hath no question in it a touch of the Jew this Ceremony being borrowed from that of carrying about the Ark on the shoulders of the Levites The other main part of it which is the Adoration is derived from the Heathens there never being a people but they which afforded divine honors to things inanimate But the people indeed I cannot blame for this Idolatrous devotion their Consciences being perswaded that which they see pass by them is the very body of their Saviour Certainly could the like belief possess the understanding of Protestants they would meet it with as great devotion The Priests and Doctors of the people therefore are to be condemned onely who impose and enforce this sin upon their Hearers and doubtless there is a reward which attendeth them for it Pope Innocent about the year 1215. in a Council at Rome was the first ordained it ordering that there should be a Pix made to cover the Bread and a Bell bought to ring before it The Adoration of it was enjoyned by Pope Honorius An. 1226. both afterwards encreased by the new Solemn Fast of Corpus Chrisbi day by Pope Urban the fourth An. 1264. and confirmed for ever with multitudes of Pardons in the Council of Vienna by Clement the fifth An. 1310. Qu. What other Popes were they which brought up as ridiculous Customs stil used amongst them An. Sergius the second was the first that changed his name for thinking his own name Bocca de Porco or Swines mouth not consonant to his dignity he caused himself to be called Sergius which president his Successours have followed varying their names contrary to their natures So if one be a Coward he is called Leo if a Tyrant Clement if an Atheist Pius or Innocens if a Rustick Urbanus and so of the rest Sextus the fourth brought in Beads and our Ladies Psalter Sergius the third instituted the bearing about of Candles for the purification of the blessed Virgin Mary Celestine the second was the Inventer of that mad kinde of Cursing by Bell Book and Candle Sergius the fourth was the first that on Christmas night with divers Ceremonies consecrated Swords Roses or the like which afterward are sent as a Token of love and honor to such Princes as they like best Leo the tenth sent a consecrated Rose to Frederick Duke of Saxony desiring him to banish Luther The like did Clement the seventh to our Henry the eighth for writing against Luther Paul the third sent an hallowed Sword to James the fifth of Scotland when he began the War with our Henry the eighth The like did Julius the second to our Henry the seventh in his Wars against his Rebels Boniface the eighth instituted the Roman Jubile and decreed that it should be solemnized every hundred years but by Clement the sixth it was brought to fifty Clement the fift first brought in Pardons and Indulgences and such like trumpery Qu. What is the Popes chief stile wherein the number of the Beast is reckoned as in the thirteenth of the Revelation and the last Verse is manifested in these words Here is wisdome let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 666 An. VIcarIVs generaL Is DeI In terris Englished Gods General upon Earth Thus reckoned DCLVVIIIIII Qu. What is the Anagram of Roma the Latine word for Rome An. Amor or Love which one cast into this Distich Hate and Debate Rome through the world hath spread Yet Roma Amor is if backward read Then is 't not strange Rome hate should foster No For out of backward love all hate doth grow Qu. What number was most fatal to Rome An. The sixth number according to this Verse Sextus Tarquintus Sextus Nero Sextus iste Scilicet Papa Alexander 6. Semper sub sextis perdita Roma fuit What other names or numbers to her won In the sixth still she lost was Rome undone Qu. Why is Rome taken to be Babylon mentioned in the Revelations An. Because it is said there that the whore thereof sitteth on a beast with seven heads which cannot so properly be understood of any place as this being built upon seven hills namely 1 Palatinus 2 Capitolinus 3 Viminalis 4 Aventinus 5 Esquilinus 6 Caetius 7 Quirnialis governed by seven Kings viz. 1 Romulus 2 Numa 3. Annus Martius 4 Tullus Hostilius 5 Tarquin Priscus 6 Servius Tullus 7 Tarquin superbus And acknowledging several sorts of Rulers 1 Kings 2 Consuls 3. Decemviri 4 Tribunes 5 Dictators 6 Emperors and 7 Popes Qu. How many times hath Rome been taken by forraign Nations An. Ten. 1. By the Gauls under the conduct of Brennus the brother of Belinus King of Britain 2. By Alarick King of the Gothes who conquered Rome Campania and Naples 3. By Genserick King of the Vandals a people which inhabited the Countrey now called Swethland 4. By Totila King of the Gothes 5. By Odoarer King of the Heruli who drave Augustus out of Italy and twice in thirteen years laid the Countrey desolate 6. By Theodoricus King of the Gothes called by Zeno the Emperor to expel Odoarer 7. By Gundebald King of the Burgundians who having ransacked all Italy returned home leaving the Gothes in possession of the same who after they had continued there seventy two years were at last subdued by Belisarius and Narses two of the bravest Captains that served the Roman Emperors This Belisarius was a true Example of the mutability of Fortune who having served his Countrey in great Command for many years was at last brought to that necessity as to stand by the high-wayside and beg Date obolum Belisario Give a half-penny to Belisarius 8. The eight time was by the Moors and Sarazens followers of Mahomet his Law Gregory the fourth being Pope 9. By Henry the fourth Emperor of Germany Gregory the seventh being Pope 10. By Charles Duke of Burbon An. 1528. in which Rome suffered more than by the siege and sacking of the most barbarous Nations Clement the seventh being then Pope Qu. How many Natural Languages or Mother Tongues which have no affinity with others are spoken in Europe An. Fourteen 1. Irish spoken in Ireland and the West of Scotland 2. British in Wales 3. Cantabrian or Biscany nigh unto the Cantabrian Ocean and about the Pyrenian Hills 4. Arabique in the Mountains of Granada 5. Finnique in Findland and Lapland Dutch though with different Dialect in Germany Holland Denmark Swethland and Norway 7. Chanchian which the East Friezlanders or Canchi speak among themselves for to strangers they speak Dutch 8. Slavonish of great extent and use especially in the Turkish Countreys 9. Illyrian on the East side of Istria and in the Isle of Veggin 10. Greek 11. Hungarian 12. Epirotique in the Mountainous parts of the Kingdom of Hungary 13. Jaxygian on the North-side of Hungary between Danubius
alike An. In the Grave which shade Diogenes to say being searching in the Charnelhouse amongst the dead skuls that he could find no difference betwixt the skull of King Philip and another mans All in the Grave alike are made The Scepter and the Sithe and Spade Qu. What would become of a great sort of men if every one were served in their kind An. A number of Tailors would be damn'd for keeping a Hell under their Shop-board many Broakers would make their Wills'at Tiburn if the searching for stolen Goods which they have received should like a plague but once come amongst them Two parts of of the Land should be whpped at Bridewel for Leachery and three parts be set in the stocks for drunkenness Qu. Wherein hath the Beggar a priviledge over great persons An. In that he cannot fall lower than he is whereas the great man is subject to that of the Poet In ways to greatness think on this That slipp'ry all Ambition is Qu. What was the dyet of former ages in those days which were called the Golden Age of the world An. They catcht not their surfeits with eating of Capon Partridge and Pheasant their dyet was Apples Roots Nuts Dates ●igs c. and sometimes for rarities Butter Cheese and Eggs and for drink instead of Sack Claret Muscadine Ippocrass Mum Beer or Ale their beverage was the cool streams distilling from some uncorrupted Fountain a description whereof we have in the eighth Book of Ovids Metamorphosis concerning the entertainment which Philemon and Bancis gave to Jupiter and Mercury Ponitur hic bicolor sincerae bacca Minervae Intibaque radix lactis massa coacti Ovaque non acri leviter versata familla Prunaque in patulis redolentia mala camestris Hic nux hic mixta est rugosis carica palmis Et de purpureis collectae vitibus uvae Omnes fictilibus nitidae They on the table set Minerva's fruit The double colour'd Olive Endive root Radish and Cheese and to the Board there came A dish of Eggs rare roasted by the flame Next they had Nuts course dates and Lenten Figs And Apples from a basket made of twigs And Plums and Grapes cut newly from the Tree All serv'd in Earthen dishes Houswifely Qu. What passion is most natural unto Man An. Love which entereth in at the eyes and pierceth the heart many setling their loves on such objects for which they can give no reason Qu. Whether is Love the cause of likeness or likeness the cause of love An. Both. Qu. What creatures are those some living and some dead that rule all the world An. The Sheep the Goose and the Bee for the Sheep yields Parchment the Goose Quils to write it and the laborious Bee brings Wax to seal it as one hath wittily deliver'd in these verses The Bee the Goose the Sheep Do so maintain the might Of Monarchs Kings and States That wrong suppress not right The Bee brings sealing Wax The Goose our writing Quils The Sheep his Parchment coat or skin For Deeds and dead mens Wills Qu. What is the general saying concerning the Italian women An. That they are Mag-pies at the door Saints in the Church Goats in the Garden Devils in the House Angels in the Streets and Syrens in the Windows Qu. What Passion is most prevailing over the nature of man An. Fear of which we read that it hath in one night turned the hair of the head from black to white but most memorable is that example of one who was pretended to be let blood to death for being blinded and his arms bound the Chyrurgions that were about him only saying How bravery he bleeds on his arm How gallantly on that although they did nothing to him at last one saying Now the blood comes from his very heart when they came to unblind him they found him liveless struck stark dead with a panick fear Qu. Why is man called Microcosmus or the little world An. As being the Epitome of the great Volume of Nature borrowing from the Angels soul from the brute Animals sense from Plants life from other creatures bigness but above all inferiors is endued with that prerogative of casting up his eyes to Heaven to behold the excellencies of the Creation wherein other Creatures are deficient Pronaque cum spectent anim alia caetera terram Os homini sublime dedit coelumque videre Jussit erectos ad sydera tollere vultus And where all beasts look with grovelling eye He gave to man looks mixt with Majesty And will'd him with bold face to view the Skie Qu. What Art is that which makes use of the vilest things in the world An. Physick which makes use of Scorpions Flies Wasps Serpents Ear-wiggs Toads and such like nothing though to our apprehension never so seeming vile but serves to some use according to that of the Poet There 's nought so vile that on the Earth doth live But to the earth some special good doth give Nor ought so good but strain'd from that fair use Revolts from virtue stumbling on abuse Virtue it self turns Vice being mis-apply'd And Vice sometimes by action 's dignifi'd Qu. Whether is the life of a rich covetous Citizen that swims in wealth and treasure caring for none nor beloved of any or the lives of a Countrey Yeoman or Farmer who lives in a mediocrity betwixt poverty and riches yet content with his estate which of these two is first to be preferred An. Better it is in the solitary woods and in the wild fields to be a man among beasts than in the midst of a peopled City to be a beast among men In the homely village art thou more safe than in a fortified Castle the stings of Envy nor the bullets of Treason are never shot through those thin wal Sound Healths are drunk out of the wooden dish when the Cup of Gold boyls over with poyson The Countrey cottage is neither batter'd down by the Cannon in the time of War nor pestered with clamorous Suits in time of Peace The fall of Cedars that tumble from the tops of Kingdoms the ruine of great Houses that bury families in their overthrow and the noise of shipwrack that beget even shricks in the hearts of Cities never send their terrors thither that place stands as safe from the shock of such violent storms as the Bay-tree does from lightening Qu. Who are the subjects that pay tribute to the Countrey Farmer An. The Meadow gives him her pasture the Trees pay custom with their fruit the Plough sends him in Corn the Ox bestows upon him his labor and the Sheep cloathes him with his wool Qu. How came the famous Poet Buchanan off when travelling into Italy he was for the freeness of his writing suspected of his Religion and taken hold of by some of the Popes Inquisitors An. By writing to his Holiness this Distich Laus tua non tua fraus virtus non copia rererum Scandere te fecit hoc decus eximium
found ●n our Isles of Britain An. In the Isle of Man are found at this day certain Trees of Timber and other Wood in great abundance many fathoms under the ground which were thought to be brought thither and 〈◊〉 in Noahs flood and not discovered till of late years At Barry Island in Glamorgan-shire upon ● Clift or Hole of a Rock laying your ear unto it you may hear sometimes as it were ●he noise of blowing the Bellows others of Smiths striking at the Anvil sometimes ●iling clashing of Armour and the like this ●s said to be by inchantment by the great Merlin who bound certain Spirits to work here in making of Armour for Aurelius Am●rosius and his Britains until his return but he being killed they by the force of his harm are constrained to labour there still Qu. By how many several Nations hath this Land been inhabited An. The first Inhabitants hereof were the Britains whose off-spring at this day is the Welsh our seeming ancient Historians de●ive them from the Trojans who came hither under the conduct of one Brutus but this by Mr. Cambden and our late Antiquaries is rejected as a fable who by many unanswerable arguments prove them to be descended from the Gauls they were questionless a warlike Nation and stoutly with stood the Romans in their invasion of them being at last more over come by the treachery o● Androge●s and others than by the Roman puissance The next were the Romans who entered the Island under the conduct of Julius Casar some few years before the birth of our Savior It continued a Roman Province till after the year 400 when Proconsul Aetite taking with him away the Legoniary Soldiers to defend Gallia from the Franks and Burgundians left South Britain a prey to the Scots and Picts quitting our Island of themselves to defend those Provinces nearer home The third Nation were the Saxons a people of Germany called in by Vortiger Kin● of the Britains in aid against the Scots and Picts who then over-run this Island bu● these Guests soon become their Masters wh● under the leading of Hengist and Horsus ● planted themselves in this Island that the n●tive Inhabitants could never recover it from them These Saxons came not in all at once b● at seven several times each under their Le●ders gaining a part from our Brittish Monarchy till at last they ingrossed the who● to themselves then was England divide● into a Heptarchy or seven several Kingdom all which were united into one by Egb● King of the West-Saxons who was the first English Monarch The fourth people were the Danes who made violent irruptions in this Island under the Reign of King Ethelred the Saxon and so far they prevailed that he was contented to pay them the yearly Tribute of 10000 pounds which at last they enhanced to 48000 pounds This Tyranny Ethelred not able to endure warily writ to his Subjects to kill all the Danes as they slept on St Brices night being the 12. of November which being executed accordingly Swain King of Denmark came with a Navy of three hundred and fifty sail into England drove Ethelred over into Normandy and tyrannized over the English with a very high hand every English house maintaining one Dane whom they called Lord who living idly and receiving all the profit of the English labours gave occasion to after-ages when they saw an idle fellow to call him a Lurdan And so imperious were they that if an English man and a Dane had met on a Bridge the English man must have gone back and stayed till the Dane had come over They used also when the English drank to stab them or cut their throats to avoid which villany the party then drinking used to request some of the next sitters by to be his surety or pledge whilst he paid Nature her due and hence have we our usual custom of pledging one another finally after the Reign of three Kings the English threw off their yoke and the Saxons were re-inthronized The fifth Conquest thereof was by William Duke of Normandy Anno 1066. who with a strong Army entred the Land flew King Herald and with him 66654 of his English Soldiers Somewhat before that time was a great Comet which portended as it was thought this change of Government of which one wrote thus A thousand six and sixty year It is as we do read Since that a Comet did appear And English men lay dead Of Normandy Duke William then To England ward did sail Who conquer'd Harold and his men And brought this Land to bale A brief Epitome or Chronical-discourse of the Kings of England since the Norman Conquest VVIlliam the First sirnamed Conqueror bastard Son to Robert Duke of Normandy who having conquer'd the Country used such policies as utterly disheartened the English from hopes of better fortune who thereupon yielded to him and he having for twenty two years ruled or rather tyrannized over the English Nation dyed and was buried at Cane in Normandy William the second sirnamed Rufus the second son of the Conqueror took the Crown upon him his eldest Brother Robert being then busie in the Holy-Land who when the Christians had conquered Jerusalem chose him King thereof but he hoping for the Crown of England refused it but his brother William taking possession in his absence stoutly defended his Title brought Duke Robert to composition and having reigned twelve years and eleven months wanting eight days he at last hunting in the new Forrest was by the glance of an arrow shot by Sir Walter Tirrel struck in the breast whereof he immediately dyed and was buried at Winchester Anno 1100. Henry the first the youngest Son of the Conqueror yet too old for his brother Robert in policy took the advantage of time and stept into his Throne in his absence against whom he warring was by him taken and had his eyes put out this Henry was for his learning sirnamed Beauclark he reduced the measures of England to that proportion which we now call an Ell he left behind him only one Daughter reigned thirty five years and lieth buried at Reading Stephen Earl of Blois Son to Alire Daughter to the Conqueror usurped the Crown he was a man of Noble parts and hardy passing comely of favor and personage he excelled in martial policy gentleness and liberality towards men to purchase the peoples love he released them of the tribute called Darn-gelt he had continual War against Maud the Empress and after a troublesome Reign of eighteen years ten months and odd days he dyed and lieth buried at Font Everard Henry the Second Son to Maud the Empress Daughter to Henry the first and to Maud Daughter to Malcolm King of Scotland and Margaret Sister to Edgar Etheling by which means the Saxon blood was restor'd to the Crown This Henry was a most magnanimous Prince and by his fathers inheritance added many of the French Provinces to the English Crown as also the Dutchy of Aquitain and the
Earldoms of Guyen and Poictou by Elbiner his wife and a great part of Ireland by conquest towards the latter end of his Reign he was much troubled with the unnatural Rebellion of his Sons He dyed the sixth day of July Anno 1189. and Reigned twenty four years and seven months lacking eleven days Richard the first for his valor and magnanimous courage sirnamed Coeur de Lion he with a most puissant Army warred in the Holy-Land where by his acts he made his name very famous overcoming the Turks in several Battels whom he had almost driven out of Syria he also took the Isle of Cyprus which he afterwards exchanged for the Title of King of Jerusalem after many worthy atchievements performed in those Eastern parts returning homewards to defend Normandy and Aquitain against the French he was by a Tempest cast upon the Coast of Austria where he was taken prisoner and put to a most grievous Ransom finally he was slain at the siege of Chaluz in France by a shot from an Arbalist the use of which warlike Engine he first shewed to the French whereupon a French Poet made these Verses in the person of Antropos Hoc volo non alia Richardum marte perire Ut qui Francigenis Balistae primitus usum Tradidit ipse sui rem primitus experiatur Quamque aliis docuit in se enim sentiat artis It is decreed thus must great Richard die As he that first did teach the French to dart An Arbalist 't is just he first should try The strength and taste the Fruits of his own Art In his days lived those Outlaws Robin Hood Little John c. King John next succeeded or rather usurped the Crown his eldest Brothers Son Arthur of Britain being then living He was an unnatural Son to his Father and an undutiful subject to his Brother neither sped he better in his own Reign the French having almost gotten his Kingdom from him who on the Popes curse came to subdue it with whom joyned many of his Subjects by which the Land was brought to much misery Finally after a base submission to the Popes Legat he was poysoned by a Monk at Sw●nested-Abby after he had reigned seventeen years and five months lacking eight days and lyeth buried at Worcester Henry the third Son to King John against whom the rebellious Barons strongly warred yet however he expelled the intruding French out of England confirmed the Statutes of Magna Charta and having reigned fifty six years and twenty eight days was buried at Westminster of which Church he built a great part Edward the first sirnamed Long-shanks who warred in the Holy-Land where he was at the time of his Fathers death a most Heroick magnanimous Prince he awed France subdued Wales and brought Scotland into subjection disposing of the Crown thereof according to his pleasure he brought from thence the Regal Chair still reserved in Westminster-Abby he was a right vertuous and fortunate Prince Reigned thirty four years seven months and odd days and lyeth buried at Westminster Edward the second a most dissolute Prince hated of his Nobles and contemned by the vulgar for his immeasurable love to Pierce Gaveston and the two Spencers on whom he bestowed most of what his Father had purchased with his Sword as one writeth in these Verses Did Longshanks purchase with his conquering hand Albania Gascoyn Cambria Ireland That young Carnarvon his unhappy Son Should give away all that his Father won He having Reigned nineteen years six months and odd days was deposed and Edward his eldest Son Crowned King Edward the third that true pattern of vertue and valor was like a rose out of a Bryar an excellent Son of an evil Father he brought the Scots again to a formal obedience who had gained much on the English in his Fathers life time laid claim to the Crown of France in right of his Mother and in pursuance of his Title gave the French two great overthrows taking their King prisoner with divers others of the chief Nobility he took also that strong and almost impregnable Town of Callice with many other fair possessions in that Kingdom Reigned fifty years four months and odd days and was buried at Westminster Richard the second Son to Edward the black Prince the eldest Son of King Edward the third an ungovern'd and dissolute King He rejected the sage advice of his Grave Counsellors was most ruled by his own self-will'd passions lost what his Father and Grand-father had gained and at last his own life to the Lancastrian faction in his time was that famous or rather infamous rebellion of Wat Taylor and Jack Straw He having Reigned twenty two years three months and odd days was deposed and murdered at Pomfret Castle Henry the fourth Son to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster third Son to Edward the third obtained the Crown more by force than by lawful succession he was a wise prudent Prince but having gotten the Crown unjustly was much troubled with insurrection of of the subjects which he having quieted surrendred to fate having reigned thirteen years six months and odd days and was buried at Canterbury Henry the fifth who from a dissolute vicious Prince became the mirror of Kings and pattern of all Heroick performance he pursued his Title to the Crown of France bear the French at Agin Court and was in a Parliament of their Nobility Clergy and Commons ordained Heir apparent to the French Crown but lived not to possess it dying in the full carrier of his victories at Vincent Boys in France and was brought over into England and buried at Westminster He Reigned nine years five months and odd days Henry the sixth sirnamed of Windsor his birth-place of whom it was prophesied that What Henry of Monmouth had won which was his Father Henry of Windsor should lose He was a very pious Prince and upheld his State during the life of his Unkles John Duke of Bedford and Humphrey of Glocester after whose deaths the Nobility growing factious he not only lost France to the French but England and his life to the Yorkish faction He having reigned thirty eight years was overthrown by Edward Earl of March descended by the Mothers side from Lionel Duke of Clarence second Son to King Edward the third was arrested and sent to the Tower where within a while after he was murdered and buried at Cherlsey since removed to Windsor Edward the fourth a prudent politick Prince He after nine bloody Battels especially that of Tawton in which were slain of the English thirty six thousand on both sides was at last quietly seated in his dominions of England and Ireland Reigned twenty two years one month and odd days and was buried at Windsor Edward the fifth his Son a King proclaimed but before his Coronation was murdered in the Tower Richard the third brother to Edward the fourth was Crowned King ascending to the same by steps of blood murdering King Henry the sixth and Prince Edward his Son 3.