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A61705 Some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, An answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence wherein the innocency of the Episcopal clergy is vindicated, and the constitution and government of our Church of Scotland defended, against the lies and calumnies of the Presbyterian pamphleters. Strachan, William.; Ridpath, George, d. 1726. Answer to the Scots Presbyterian eloquence. 1694 (1694) Wing S5776; ESTC R1954 92,648 108

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towards the Royal Martyr K. 〈◊〉 I. how they acted against his Majesties Interest in a direct op●…sition to the wh●…le ●…ody of the Nation When the whole ●…ingdom 〈◊〉 t●…ose who had formerly been deluded by the rest of the 〈◊〉 with the ●…alse and Hypocritical pretences of Reformation did unanimously embrace the King's Interest the Presbyte●…ians were so far from being s●…nsible of their Sin and Folly that they ●…ted a●…ainst him with the utmost Rigour of Malice and En●… And ye●… t●…ese Men ●…ave now the Considence to protest They 〈◊〉 no hand 〈◊〉 ●…inging him to his Death as if the History of these ●…es were qui●… 〈◊〉 and no publick Monuments of their Trea●…nable and Reb●…llious Actings against that Prince remaining to 〈◊〉 ●…ternal 〈◊〉 and Reproach But this is not all the countenance and encouragement these Barbarous Par●…icides Received from our Presbyterians For when the ●…ws came to Scotland of a Treaty begun betwixt the King and Parliament of England Mr. Rob. Blair and Sir John Cheesly were ●…sently dispatched away by Order of the Presbyterian Ministers to joyn with Cromwel in obstructing the Treaty And upon their Arrival there wi●…h two other Commissioners Viz. The Earl of Lothian and Will. Glendinning fro●… the Committee of Estates Cromwel began to shew himself for crushing the Treaty he drew up his Army towards London and sent in a Remonstrance to the Parliament shewing his disallowance of the Treaty and craved Justice as he call'd it to be done on the King Now these Presbyterian Commissioners not only concurred with Cromwel in this Remonstrance against the King but likewise remained at London during the whole time of the King's Tryal and Execution and never offered to Remonstrate against the Unjust and Unnatural proceedings against his Majesty They did indeed send down to Scotlan●… for Instructions relating to the King's Tryal and they were Ordered to endeavour the procuring a delay but in the m●…an tim●… to be cautious not to offend the prevailing Party in ●…gland I know the Presbyterians will here pretend that the Guilt of this Act cannot be charged upon them solely since their 〈◊〉 from the Kirk Acted nothing in reference hereto but in conjunction with the Commissioners from the Committee of Estates But here we must consider that the Committee of Estates did now wholly consist of the Presbyterian Party the rest of the Members not daring to appear by Reason of their known Affection and Loyal●…y to their Prince For when the Scots Army was Defeated by Cro●… at Preston many of our Noblemen and Gentlemen were 〈◊〉 killed in the Action others to a great Number taken Prisoners and such as had the Fortune to make their escape were ●…orced either to abscond or 〈◊〉 the Country to avoid the severities with which the Presbyterian Pa●…ty who now had Usurped the Government of the Nation did persecute all such as were concer●…d in this Engagem●…nt for the Defence of the King's Person And by this means the Presbyterians got the whole management of the affairs of the Kingdom into t●…eir 〈◊〉 and acted there as they Listed so that although the Committ●… of ●…states as well as Commission of the Kirk sent Commissione●… to concur with the Kings Murderers in England yet the Guilt and shame of this Act cannot in any Reason be imputed to the generality of the Nation but only to the Presbyterian Crew whose actings have always tended to bring their Country into Disgrace and Contempt From hence I think it clearly appears that the Horrid Murder of this Royal Martyr is justly chargeable upon none of our Nation but the Presbyterian Sectaries and the like may be made evident in Relation to the Kingdom of England that the Presbyterians and other Sectaries of that Nation were the only Actors of that dismal Tragedy and did most cruelly Persecute the Church of England and its M●…mbers for persevering in their Allegiance and Duty to their Sovereign But let us in the next place see what the behaviour of this Party was towards K Charles II. upon his advancement to the Throne for our Author tells us That what they suffered on his Account every body almost know●… That our Presbyterians did consent to the pro ●…laiming of Charles II. King upon the News of his Fathers Murder is true but their Loyalty in this point was clogg'd with such Rest●…ictions and Limitations as was not ●…asie for the King to comply with They for●…'d him before his Admission to the Crown to Sign a D●…laration signifying his Penitency for the Sins of his Forefat●…rs in opposing the Work of God and his own in so long foll●…wing th●…ir ●…ootsteps with a Resolution to accomplish and 〈◊〉 the Covenant in all its ends and purposes which also for the more 〈◊〉 they caused him to take and Swear And because his Majesty did at 〈◊〉 refuse to Sign this Declaration the 〈◊〉 of the Kirk did on the 1●… of August 1650 Publish a 〈◊〉 commonly called the Act of the Westkirk wherein they 〈◊〉 they will not Espouse any Malignant Party or Quarrel and that they will not own the King nor his Interests otherwise than ●…ith ●… Subordination to God and so far as he owns and prosecutes the ●…ause of ●…od and disclaims his and his Fathers opposition to the Work of God and to the Covenant and likewise disowns all the ●…nemies thereof And in prosecution of this Declaration when the Kingdom had resolved to call home K. Charles II. and for that End had admitted to favour those who formerly were banished the Court and Nation as Malignants this gave the Zealous and bigotted Covenanters so great Offence that they protested a●…ainst all the present proceedings and declared that they had 〈◊〉 to the solemn ●…eague and its ends admitted to the Throne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who was an Enemy and Opposer of the quiet of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and ●…irk And this Rigid Party having drawn to a 〈◊〉 in the West in the year 1650 Oct. 17. they Penned and 〈◊〉 a Paper which they called a Remonstrance of the Gentlemen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Ministers att●…ending the Forces in the West which they delivered into the Committee of Estates and from which afterwards they got the Name of Remonstrants Hence we see how this Merciful Prince was Treated by them in the very infancy of his Reign and what further disquiet and disturbance they afterward occasioned him is but too Notorious from the many Insurrections they raised against his Government and which occasioned the Enacting of those Laws the severity of which they now so grievously complain of What these Su●…ferings were which this Author alledges the Presbyterians met with for adhering to K. Charles II. I must confess I am altogether ignorant of unless he means that some of the more moderate of their Party were willing to own the King after he had taken the Covenant and therefore upon that account suffered in the common Calamity with the rest of the Nation when Cromwel with the English Army invaded our
impowered by the State to Inflict censures upon obstinate Sinners These were the Terms proposed to them by the Civil Government for carrying on this Union and this they think they might have law●…ully done without owning so much as the validity of their Ministry and I am sure much more without being obliged either to approve of or to enquire into their Lives and Conversations since in matters of Religion the bad ●…ives of Christians is never a sufficient Ground for separating from their Communion if it be in all other Respects lawful The design of the first part of this Pamphlet is to shew That the Episcopal Party bear an invetera●…e M●…lice against the Presbyterians and there●…ore their Testimony ought not to be of any Authority in these Accusations whi●…h they bring against them But our Author if his Spirit of Revenge had not been too predominant might have saved himself all this trouble since the Episcopal Party do not o●…er to urge any thing against th●…m upon their own bare Authority but what they can evidently prove from Authentick Reco●…ds and from the A●…testations of Men of ●…nspotted Fame and Credit who were Eye-Witnesses to m●…ny of the Villanies and Injuries done to our 〈◊〉 And this I am certain they have already done beyond th●… possibility of a Con●…utation in the Case ●…f ●…he Afflic●…ed Clergy ●…nd som●… other Discourses which they have Published relating to their lat●… Barbarous Persecution Late I ought not to call it since it Rages almost as much now as ever It 's tru●… the Clergy are not so much exposed to the Rage and ●…ury of the Rabble as they were by whose instigation is very well know●… not very long ago But their Miseries are far f●…m b●…ing at an end they sti●…l rem●…in in Exile from their Churches and Houses are exposed to all th●… Miseries of Poverty and Want have not the least 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 wher●…by they may gain Bread to 〈◊〉 their crying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mis●…rie do daily increase upon them and whi●…h is most discouraging they have no prospect of Deliverance ●… pray ●…od may enable th●…m p●…tiently to undergo this Fiery Try●…l to withstand all the Temptations of Interest and World●…y Po●…iticks and to remain firm and stedfast in asserting those Prin●…iples of our Re●…igion for which they at presen●… suffer that so having no other aim before their Eyes but to keep a Conscience void of Offence both towards God and Man th●…y m●…y have a well grounded hop●… of Receiving at la●… as a Reward of their Sufferings that Eternal Crown of Glory which Christ hath purchased to all those that suffer for well doing But let us pursue our Authors Thread of Discourse and see what the Grounds are whereon he Accuses the Episcopal Party with inveterate Malice against the Presbyterians And the first instance we meet with of this kind is That they were the First Aggressors and impugned the Governm●…nt of the Church of Scotland by Presbytery which was the first it had after the Reformation It is not a little surprizing to see what pains the Presbyterians take to delude the ignorant people into a belief That our sirst Reformers Condemned and Exploded the Ancient Government of the Church and that it was no less Odious to them than the Romish Superstitions When there is nothing more plain ●…rom History than that at the beginning of the Reformation there was not the least Controversie about the Church Government and the Bishops who did not oppose the Reformation were lest in full possession not only of all their Temporal Dignities but likewise of their Spiritual Authority and Jurisdiction Suc●… of the Bishops as persisted in the Romish Errors and Corrupti●…ns were not allowed to Exercise their Spiritual Authority over the Clergy but some of the Reformed Communion under the Name of Superintendants were placed over their Dioceses and invested with the whole Episcopal Jurisdiction and Authority over the Clergy of these Provinces who were obliged as appears from the Acts of our National Synods to pay to their Superintendents all the Canonical Obedience that is due to other Bishops And by a Commission of the Assembly met at Leith in January 1572 the Government of the Church was declared to be in the Arch-bishops and Bishops and their Elections to be made by the Dean and Chapter which Declaration was ratified by Act of Parliament the s●…me year and likewise by a General Assembly held at Perth in ●…gust thereafter Till the year 1575 about fifteen years after the ●…gal settlement of our Reformation there was not the least disturbance in the Kingdom about the Government of the Church that Mr. And. M●…lvil returning ifrom G●…eva where he had been bred up with the Presbyterian Parity began to raise Commotions in the Church by attempting to have the Geneva Model Established in 〈◊〉 But a fu●…ler Account of the Government of our Church after the Reformation you may see in a Treatise Published by Arch-bishop Spo●…swood upon this Subject and Entituled Refutatio Libelli de Regimine Eccl●…siae Sco●…icanae and likewise in a late Discourse where the same Argument is at Large considered and in which it is undeniably proved from the Records of Parliament that Episcopacy was not only the first Government Established in our Church immediately upon the Reformation but wha●… is more that although the Episcopal Authority was frequently Weakned and Interrupted by the popular Insurrections of the Presbyterian Party yet it was never by Law Abolished in that Kingdom till the unhappy Civil Wars broke out under the Reign of King Charles I. In the year 1592 when they pretend their great Idol of Parity was Erected there was indeed a greater Jurisdiction and Authority allowed by Act of Parliament to Presbyteries and Synods than what was Granted them before which the King was forced to yield to to put a stop to the many Seditions and Commotions raised by Melvil and his Accomplices But yet notwithstanding this the Bishops did still continue to exist by Law and in all Parliaments they did Sit and Vote as the first of the three Estates as appears from the Records of these Parliaments And in the year 1596. L●…slie Bishop 〈◊〉 Ross dying at Brussels Mr. David Lindsay was presented by the King to the Bishoprick the very next year which is a plain demonstration that at that time Episcopacy was look'd upon as existent by Law all which is made out very plainly and evidently in this Apology But our Author will by no means allow th●… Superintendency Established in the Church by our first Reformers to be a Species of Prelacy And his Reasons are first That those Superintendents had the very same Form of Ordination with other Minister●… Before I proceed to consider the force of this Objection it will be needful to premise something concerning the occasion of this Institution At the beginning of the Reformation it was not thought safe that the Popish Bishops who still adhered to their
better preserving the Unity and Discipline of the Church each Bishop should be accountable for his Administration to the whole Colledge of Bishops And therefore although the Bishops should yield up some of their Right and for the entertaining the better correspondence with the Clergy of their Dioceses condescend to give them an Account of their diligence in the Offices of their Function yet this could not be supposed to degrade them of their Office or make them to be no Bishops We grant that the Superintendents did yearly give an Account of their Diligence in their Functions to a National Synod but this Synod consisted of none but the Superintendents and Bishops of the other Dioce●…es and of the most Eminent of the Presbyters who were allowed by the Superintendants to sit in that Meeting There was no Minister permitted to be a Member of that Synod till he was first approved of by the Superintendants as a person sitly qualified to judge of such matters as were brought be●…ore that Assembly And I would willingly know of this Author whether the Superintendants were any more a●…countable to this National Synod than the Bishops who went along with the Reformation and notwithstanding of this their being accountable were still looked upon as Bishops and left in full possession of all their Temporal and Spiritual Rights which they enjoyed before the Reformation And if those Men who were acknowledged on all hands to be Bishops were as much accountable as the Superintend●…nts then it is no Argument that the latter were no Bishops The next instance which this Author brings of the Episcopal Party their bearing an inveterate Malice against the Presbyterians is a long Enumeration of the Laws and Statutes made by King Charles II. and his Parliaments for suppressing the many Seditions and Rebellions raised against his Government by the Presbyterian Faction He sums up all the Acts of Parliament made against that Rebellious Crew and these he highly aggravates as the greatest instances of Cruelty in any Government But as to this point the Learned and Worthy Sir George Mackenzie has quite stopt the Mouths of this clamouring Party by his excellent Treatise wrote in defence of the proceedings of the Government of K. Charles II. against the Presbyterian Dissenters He has there given us a summary account of the mild and calm Methods used by the Government to reclaim this obstinate Party who were even hardned in their Rebellious Principles He shews that the enacting of these Penal ●…aws against them which this Author has scraped together was nothing but what the Governours of any Nation would have been out of absolute necessity forced to do for its safety and security He has collected the most considerable of the pretended instances of Cruelty against particular persons which the Presbyterians do now most grievously complain of and do mostly insist upon in their Railings and Belchings against the Government To all these instances he has given such a full and satisfactory Answer that every impartial Reader must needs own and acknowledge that these persons met with no severity but what their Rebellious and Treasonable Actings against the Government did justly deserve that the punishments inslicted upon them for their op●…n and avowed designs of subverting the Monarchy were conform to the Laws of the Nation and the proceedings in their Tryals very fair and legal and that the Methods of proceeding in our Criminal Courts of Scotland which this Author so grosly belies pag. 30. 31. are the fairest and justest and the Panna●…s indulged the greatest advantages for their own defence of any Nation in Europe All which he has clearly demonstrated to the conviction of every disi●…teressed person who upon Reading the History of these times will be apt to say that the mildness and clemency of that Government towards the Rebellious Sectaries was its greatest Cruelty So that it is but Labour in vain for this Author to be so sull and copious in relating these sufferings of his Party unless he can disprove what Sir George Mackenzie and others have demonstrated against them of their being guilty of such srequent Seditions and Rebellions against the State as would have provoked the mildest Government on Earth to have quite extirpated them But all the Attempts which either this Author or another who pretends to Answer the Vindication of K. Charles II. Governm●…nt makes that way are only some weak esforts upon Sir George's personal ●…ame and Reputation which are sounded upon such a Rock as the greatest Malice of this party is not able to undermine His admirable qualities of Learning Loyalty and Religion have so justly recommended him to the Favour and Esteem of all Virtuou●… and Ingenious Men that for these Scriblers to Attempt the blemishing of his ●…ame is to as little purpose as the Dogs barking at th●… Moon What this Author alledges against Sir George's ingenuous dealing in his Vindication of Printing some Fanatical Covenants and Declarations published by the Presbyterians and the urging these as ●… ground ●…or enac●…ing those severe Laws against them although the Laws wer●… made long before the publishing of th●…se Declarations I say what he alledges on this score is most notoriously false For these Covenants and Declarations were only annexed to Sir G●…orge's Vindication of the Government by the Publisher and that with design to let the World see with what impudence this Party did accuse the Government of severity when it appears from their own Authentick Declarations that they were still pe●…sisting obstinately in their Wicked and Rebellious Practices against the State There was no necessity of recurring to these Posteriour Declarations of Rebellion to justifie the making of these Laws against the Presbyterians since their former Trea●…onable Actings under the Reigns of K. James VI. and K. Charles I. were sufficient grounds to direct the Wisdom of the Nation to enact such Laws as might tend most ●…o suppress the sedition of Rebels and secure the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom Their srequent Insurrections against K. Jam●…s VI. in laying violent hands on his person at the Castle of Ruthven in the year 1582 and keeping him Prisoner th●…re for several Months together in raising an Army against him in the year 1585 in the South parts of the Kingdom and advancing therewith streight towards St●…rlin where the King then was and in tumultuously getting to Arms at Edinburgh and there Besieging the Session-House where the King and his Counsellors were met together and by that Insurrection had like to have done considerable mischief had not their Rage been stopt by the Loyalty of some Citizens who instantly Assembled together in Defence of the King's Person and the many other Commotions they raised against his Government by their Seditious Libels and Sermons besides that the whole Reign of King Charles the First that mo●…t just and clement Prince was nothing else but a perpetual Succession of Rebellions raised against him by these Presbyterian Votaries I say all these
Assembly b●…fore But notwithstanding this great advantage the Presbyterians had in these Elections yet even in the Convention had not the Episcopal party been divided among themselves about the Civil Government their Adversaries could never have gained any ground upon them in altering the State of our Church For many of the Episcopal Nobility and Gentry being dissatisfied about the lawfulness of the State Revolution withdrew from the Convention of Estates before the Affairs of the Church were considered and this you must needs suppose was no small diminution of the interest of the Episcopal Church in that Convention and enabled the Presbyterians to do there as they pleased And so I think this short Account of the State of our Nation at that time is sufficient to convince the Reader that although Presbytery was Established by that Convention yet it by no means follows that the Majority of ou●… Nation inclines to that Government 'T is known to any who are the least conversant in the Affairs of our Country that the persons who are mostly drawn away with the strong delusions of that party are but of the meaner and vulgar sort and those only in the Western parts of the Kingdom but the greatest part of our Nobility and Gentry are Men of more Judgment and Reason of a freer and more Noble Education than to be so infatuated or deluded by vain and imaginary Dreams And therefore to clear them from this imputation of Meanness thrown upon them by this Author and in his own Phrase to cut the Throat of this Objection once for all that we may not be hereafter any more stunn'd with the Noise hereof I could have subjoyned hereunto a LIST of all our Nobility that are not Popish and have Ranked them according as they are affected either to the Episcopal or Presbyterian Government but being at such a distance cannot have it exact And if it were not a thing of unsufferable Toil and of little or no moment to make an exact List of the Gentry of the Nation I could shew a far greater Disparity among them with Respect to this Affair than could even here appear in the List of the Nobility and yet it might be evident from it how vastly considerable the Episcopal Interest is among them beyond that of the Presbyterian Another of the untruths with which this Author charges his Adversary is for asserting That the Episcopal Rulers and Ministers used all Christian and discreet Me●…hods to gain Dissenters And why our Author should have so much Malice as to deny this known Truth I cannot well imagine for 't is certain that the behaviour of the Episcopal Clergy towards the Presbyterian Dissenters was truly Christian and Brotherly they used all fair and discreet Methods to reclaim them from their Errors and Delusions and their endeavours that way were by the blessing of God so successful that at the time when K. James Granted his Indulgence to his Subjects there were scarcely any Presbyterians in the whole Nation ●…xcept a few Wild Camer●…ans who betook themselves to the Hills that did not actually joyn in Communion with the Episcopal Church their very Teachers came punctually to Church and attended upon the Ministry of the Episcopal Clergy they were constant Hearers of their Sermons and frequently Received the Sacraments from their Hands Now I would gladly know of our Adversaries what plausible Reason they can give for deserting our Communion after the Promulgation of this Indu●…gence when they thought it lawful to joyn with us before What excuse can they pretend for ●…o groundless a Separation to separate from a Communion which they themselves owned to be lawful by their joyning therein Our Constitution still remained the same there was no Alteration in it that could afford them the least pretext for leaving our Communion and Episcopacy can never be urged in their Defence since by their former practice they declared it lawful to Communicate with Bishops Methinks that if they had any true Notio●…s of Schism they might soon perceive how 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of it lies against them upon this score and it concerns them highly to Vindicate themselves in this point and to shew that by separating from a lawful Established Communion which th●…y themselves by ●…oyning with it owned to be lawful 〈◊〉 in which there were no 〈◊〉 Terms required they were no ways guilty of Schism Pag. 43. He accuses his Adversary of downright Lying because he asserts That the Presbyterians ●…ve justled out and 〈◊〉 the Lord'●… Prayer and Abolished the Reading ●…f the Scriptur●…s in Church●…s and yet with the same Breath he confesses the Assertion to be true and endeavours to Vindicate their practice therein He alledges the frequent Use of the Lord's Prayer is a meer prophaning of it and upon this Account he thinks the Presbyterians may totally abstain from the use thereof which is such an instance of Veneration to Sacred things as is not often to be met with that because a Sacred thing may sometimes chance to be abused to Superstition therefore we must altogether slight and contemn it May not we upon the same ground likewise abstain from Worshipping God since the Divine Worship has been prophan●…d by the Heathenish Superstitions in paying that Adoration to inanimate Creatures which is due only to the Eternal and Infinite Being But the Presbyterian practice in this contempt of our Saviours Prayer is so very ridiculous and many of their party have uttered such Blasphemous Expressions concerning it that they deserve no small Rebuke And I don't see how they can well Vindicate themselves from what is charged upon them by the Author of the Presbyterian Eloquence that when a Presbyterian Minister was Staged before one of their own Judicatories for this Blasphemous Expression That if ever our Saviour was Drunk it was when he composed his Prayer they would not so much as enquire into the Truth of this Accusation notwithstanding it was brought before them by a person of known Honour and Integrity who had been one of the Judges of the Nation and offered to prove the Truth of his Accusation by the Testimony of such Witnesses as could not be well rejected Now methinks that although their concern for punishing such Blasphemous Expressions had not influenced them yet at least the deference they owed to a Man of his Character and Quality ought to have engaged them to take this matter into their cognizance and make some enquiry into it and what excuse they can pretend for this Neglect I cannot apprehend the matter of Fact being so Notorious that there was no denying it Their Abolishing the Reading of the Scriptures in Churches is likewise so generally known that our Author does not offer to deny it It is customary in the Church of Sc●…tland that always at the beginning of Divine Service the Clerk is appointed to Read two or three Chapters in the Old or New Testament for the Instruction of those who come sooner to Church than others that
Kingdom defeated our Forces and oppressed all that stood in any sort suspected of the Crime of Loyalty But it is evident from the History of these Times that the generality of the Presbyterians were so far from being forward in owning the King's Interest that at the same time when Cromwel was so successful in the South of Sc●…tland as to have all besouth Forth under his Dominion great numb●…rs of them were assembled in Arms in the West and remonstrated against the Nation for owning the King's Interest And this much of the Loyalty of our Presbyterians This Author Pag. 53. to justifie the Proc●…dings of their late General Assembly in refusing to admit some of the Episcopal Clergy into a share of their Government upon the Terms desired by K. William urges That they did no●…hing but what the Church of England Convoc●…tion had done 〈◊〉 them who 〈◊〉 to admit th●… 〈◊〉 on the same King's d●…sire It were no small presumption in me to offer any Vindication of the Proceedings of those learned and worthy Meembers of the Convocation in England who at that time opposed the designed Comprehension of the Dissenters but I think I may be allow●…d to say that they w●…nt upon far better Grounds than our pretended General Assembly who refused to receive such of the Episcopal Clergy as condescended to address them upon that account I am not concerned here to enquire into the ●…awfulness of what these ●…piscopal Addressers did in desiring to be united with the Pr●…sbyterians in the Government of the Church I shall not here so much as enter upon that Question My business at present is only to shew that the 〈◊〉 of Scotland are ●…ar more inexcusable in denying the Request of these Episcopal Ministers that addressed them than those of the English Convocation who obstructed the Union with the Dissenters upon the Terms that were then proposed and my Reasons are these First The Dissenters in England never offered any Address to the Convocotion declaring their Willingness to return to the Churches Communion upon her laying aside the use of these innocent Ceremonies which they pretend they cannot in Conscience comply with Had the Presbyterians given but the least intimation of their readiness to abandon their Schism upon the making of these Alterations the Clergy perhaps to further so desirable a Work might have easily been induced to grant them some Ease as to their unreasonable Scruples about those harmless Rites used in our Worship which tho' indisferent in their Nature yet are very signi●…icant in their Use. But it is to no purpose ever to expect to reclaim the Presbyterians from their Schism upon such Terms since they declare against the whole Body of the Common-Prayer and the Order of Episcopacy as unlawful and therefore to make Alterations in the manner of our Wo●…hip which could have no other esfect but to create more Enemies to our Communion was no ways consistent with the Prudence that is required in Ecclesiastical Governours Now this is what the Sc●…ts Assembly cannot urge in their Defence since those of the Lpiscopal Clergy who had the freedom to joyn with them in the Government of the Church Petitioned them upon that account and declared their readiness to concur with them in maintaining the Discipline of the Church and punishing scandalous and contumacious Offenders which were all the Acts of Government they de●…ired to share with them in As for their Presbyterian Ordinations they did indeed declare positively against them and refused to joyn with them in any such Acts as they thought to be direct Encroachments upon the Episcopal Power But Secondly There is another Reason which may have influenced the ●…nglish Convocation to oppose the Alterations in the form of our Worship which K. William did then desire them to make and that is T●…e Preservation and Saf●…ty of the whole Liturgy They were ●…t that time sensible of the fatal overthrow of their Neighbouring Church of Sc●…tland how the Order and Constitution of its Governm●…nt was ●…uite overturned by the Presbyterians and not only the Bi●…hops turned out both of their Spiritual and Temporal Rights but 〈◊〉 the greatest part of the Clergy most barbarously Treated ●…nd driven from their Houses and Churches This cruel Treatment which their Brethren in 〈◊〉 received from that Dissenting Party might ju●…tly a●…arm the English Clergy to expect the same Usage from the P●…esbyterians here as soon as they could thrust themselves into 〈◊〉 power of doing th●…m any mischief And therefore considering the great Interest the Presbyterians had in that ●…irst Parliament a●…ter the Revolution it was no ways safe for the Convocation to consent to the Dissolving of the present Act of Uniformity lest they should meet with such Obstacles in establishing another as they were hardly able at that time to grapple with The Presbyterian Members of that Parliament were so numerous that had the present Act of Uniformity been once dissolved they would have th●…own in so many Stops and Hinderances against a new Establishment of the ●…urgy by Act of Parliament they would have started so many new Scruples of Conscience to be solved about it and by this means occasioned such infinite de●…ys therein as would have made the Re-settlement of our Liturgy a t●…ing almost impossible If the Parliament had offered to ratisie the Service-Book with the Alterations the Convocation should think fit to make therein before they Dissolved this present Act of Uniformity I cannot tell but many Members of that Convocation might have been prevailed with to Consent to some Alterations in those indisferent Ceremonies the Presbyterians so groundlesly exclaim against that for the future they might not have the least pretence for continuing in their notorious and wretched Schism But for the Convocation to consent to the Dissolving the present Establishment without having any security for another is what none could expect from any prudent or reasonable Society Thirdly The Convocation in England might perhaps be the more remiss in promoting an Union with the Di●…senters upon the Terms proposed because they saw no probability of preserving thereby the Unity of the Church as long as the Presbyterians profess to own no common Principles of Unity with us that may still oblige them to remain in the Communion of the Church Unless they acknowledge our Bi●…hops to be the Principles of Unity and that it is necessary for every one that intends to continue a Member of the Catholick Church to be united in their Communion I say unless they own these Catholick Painciples of Unity in common with us we can have no security that they will remain ours any longer than their Interest shews them their Duty And therefore an Union with them upon any other Terms in stead of preserving the Unity of the Church would be a ready way to enable them to make a greater rent and breach in our Communion whenever they should see it their Interest again to erect Altar against Altar But our Scots