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A35233 The general history of earthquakes being an account of the most remarkable and tremendous earthquakes that have happened in divers parts of the world, from the creation to this time, as they are recorded by sacred and common authors, and perticularly those lately in Naples, Smyrna, Jamaica and Sicily : with a description of the famous burning mount, Ætna, in that island, and relation of the several dreadful conflagrations and fiery irruptions thereof for many ages : likewise the natural and material causes of earthquakes, with the usual signs and prognosticks of their approach, and the consequents and effects that have followed several of them / by R.B. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1694 (1694) Wing C7328; ESTC R40369 98,213 196

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Diseases which affected the Cattel throughout Italy so that most of their Beasts died A great Famine and Pestilence in France The King of England is slain by the East Angles The Danes enter the Thames with two hundred and fifty Ships they take Canterbury and London and expel the King XXIX In the Ninth Tenth and Eleventh Centuries an Earthquake happened in Scotland another in France a very great one in Asia and several terrible ones with mighty Whirlwinds in Germany Also a great Earthquake in England where five Suns appear at one and afterward four Moons at once Horrible groans and noises in the ground at Rome Syracuse in Sicily was extreamly shaken with an Earthquake A wonderful Hail at Oxford in England with many other terrible appearances as Fire rising out of the River Rhyne and many places in Germany the Sun appears for certain days as if it bled In the Reign of King William the Conqueror 1086. happened an Earthquake with a dreadful noise In 1100 in the Reign of King Henry I. the Earth moved with so great violence in England that many buildings where shaken down and Malmesbury the Historian writes That the House wherein he sate was lifted up with a double remove and at the third time setled again in its proper place In divers places a hideous noise was heard and the Earth through several rifts cast forth Fire for many days together which neither by Water nor any other means could be supprest In Lumbardy in Italy about the same time was an Earthquake which lasted above six weeks and removed a Town from the place where it stood a great distance Matthew Paris mentions another Earth quake and a great Darkness in England about twenty years after And another in the Reign of King Henry II. in the Eastern parts of England which threw down many Persons who were standing or walking and made the Clocks to strike and Bells to ring in the Steeples In 1179. on Christmas day at Oxenhall near Darlington in the County of Durham the Earth was lifted up aloft like a Tower and so continued all that day as it were immoveable till Evening and then fell with so horrible a noise that it affrighted the Inhabitants thereabout and the Earth swallowing it up made in the same place three Pits of a wonderful depth which were afterward called Hell-Kettles It is reported that Bishop Tonstal put a Goose into one of these Pits having first given her a mark and the same Goose was found in the River Tees which if true these Kettles have passages under Ground XXX In 1180. an Earthquake ruined a great part of the City of Naples Great Stones were Rained from Heaven and a Hill of an immense magnitude is removed out of his place The City of Catania in Sicily is destroyed with nineteen thousand People by an Earthquake A multitude of Snakes were seen at Rome a fiery Dart ran up and down in the Heavens Women appeared in the Heavens of admirable shapes to the great amazement of the Spectators About this time the Hungarians Invade the Empire of Germany but are reconciled The Bishop of Saltsburg calls an hundred thousand Hungarians into Bavaria which are all slain there and the Emperors Eyes pluckt out A great Famine in Germany and France The Prussians Invade Poland and fifteen thousand of them are slain and twenty thousand made Prisoners The Saxons Rebel against the Emperor twenty six thousand of them are Drowned in a Pitfall by the Stratagem of two Bishops in Holland as they came against the Earl of Flanders Gonsalmus King of Spain Poisons King Sancho with an Apple The Danes Land in Scotland and wast divers places the Scots put them to flight They Land in Kent and spoil the Isle of Thanet The King of Denmark is slain by one of his Servants The Danes being defeated at Oxford fly to the Church and are there burnt Otho Emperor of Germany is Poisoned with a pair of Gloves Pedro King of Spain taketh Oscu and killeth thirty thousand Moors The English Invade Normandy Harold Earl of Caithnes in Scotland cuts out the Bishops Tongue for which the King puts out his Eyes hangs him and causeth his Male Children to be Gelt The K. of Ioenium is swallowed up by an Earthquake and in England many Buildings are thrown down by the same means amongst which the Cathedral Church of Lincoln was rent in pieces XXXI In 1222. There were such Earthquakes in Italy and Lombardy that the Cities and Towns were forsaken and the People kept abroad in the Fields in Tents many Houses and Churches were thrown down much people thereby crushed to Death The Earth trembled twice a day in Lombardy for fourteen days together besides two Cities in Cyprus and the City of Brescia were this year destroyed by Earthquakes In 1176. About the time that Adrian the Fourth was made Pope was a dreadful Earthquake at Millain and all the Country round about A noise like Trumpets in the Air was heard in Italy where was likewise a great Earthquake another in England and a third in Germany The Consequents were thought to be the slaying of two hundred thousand Moors by the Spaniards about that time The Pope giveth the Kingdom of England to Philip King of France Excommunicating King John The French strive to take possession of it but the Flemish with the English take three hundred sail of Ships from them and burn an hundred more The King of Arragon is slain The King of Bulgaria plucks out the Emperors Eyes The Infidels take Jerusalem and slay many Prisoners The Turks win all the lower Asia from the Greeks The Pope is slain by a Fall The Emperor Kills fourteen thousand Bohemians The King of England brings the Welsh under intire subjection XXXII Remarkable is what is related by divers Authors which happened in a Town called Hamel in the Dutchy of Brunswick in Germany in 1248. June 26. This Town being very grievously troubled with Rats and Mice there came to them a Pied Coat Piper who agreed with the Burgers that for so much Money he would quite clear them from those Vermine nor would he demand it till a year and a day after The agreement being made he began to play on his Pipes going from one Street to another and all the Rats and Mice followed him whom he led to a great Lake hard by where they all went in and were drowned so that the Town was Infected no more At the end of the year the Pied Piper returned for his reward The Burgers put him off with slightings and neglect offering him some small matter which he refusing and staying some few days in Town On Sunday Morning at High Mass when most People were at Church he fell to Play on his Pipes and began another Tune whereupon there followed him one hundred and thirty Boys out of the Town to a great Hill called Koppen scituate on the Road hard by when they approached the Mountain it rent in twain and opening let him
the Battels Sieges and other remarkable Transactions Revolutions and Accidents which happened from the beginning of the Reign of K. Charles I. With his Tryal at large and last speech and the most considerable matters till 1660. With Pictures of several Accidents Price one shilling 6. HIstorical Remarks and Observations of the Antient and Present State of London and Westminster shewing the Foundations Walls Gates Towers Bridges Churches Rivers Wards Halls Companies Government Courts Hospitals Schools Inns of Courts Charters Franchises and Priviledges thereof with the most remarkable Accidents as to Wars Fires Plagues and other ocourrences for above 903 years past Pr. 1 s. 7. ADmirable Curiosities Rarities and Wonders in England Scotland and Ireland or an account of many remarkable persons and places and likewise of the Battles Sieges prodigious Earthquakes Tempests Inundations Thunders Lightnings Fires Murders and other Occurences and Accidents for many hundred years past Together with the Natural and Artificial Rarities in every County in England With several curious Sculptures Price one shilling 8. THE History of the Kingdom of Ireland being an Account of the Ancient Inhabitants and of all the Battles Sieges and other considerable Transactions both Civil and Military in that Countrey from the first Conquest thereof under King Henry II. till its entire Reduction by His Majesties Arms. Together with the most remarkable Passages that have since happened there to this time Also a List of the present Nobility of that Kingdom By R. B. Pr. 1s 9. THE History of the Kingdom of Scotland Containing an Account of the most remarkable Transactions and Revolutions of State in that Kingdom during the Reigns of 72. Kings and Queens to this time Intermixt with variety of strange Accidents Prodigious Appearances and other considerable Events And a List of the present Nobility of that Kingdom By R. B. Pr. 1s 10. THE English Empire in America or a prospect of His Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies namely New-found-land New-England New-York New-Jersey Pensylvania Mary-land Virginia Carolina Bermudas Barbuda Anguila Monserrat Dominica St. Vincent Antego Mevis or Nevis St. Christophers Barbadoes and Jamaica With an account of their Discovery Scituation and Product The Religion and Manners of the Indians and other excellencies of these Countries Illustrated with Maps and Pictures of the strange Fruits Birds Beasts Fishes Insects Serpents and Monsters found in those parts of the World Price one shilling 11. A View of the English Acquisitions in Guinea and the East-Indies With an Account of the Religion Government Wars strange Customs Beasts Serpents Monsters and other Observables in those Countries And among others the Life and Death of Mahomet the Grand Impostor with the Principal Doctrines of the Turkish Religion as they are displayed in the Alcoran Two Letters one written by the Great Mogul and the other by the King of Sumatra in the East-Indies to our K. James I. of an extravagant stile The cruel Executions in those parts with the manner of the Womens burning themselves with their dead Husbands Pr. 1 s. 12. THE English Heroe Or Sir Francis Drake Revived Being a full Account of the dangerous Voyages admirable Adventures notable Discoveries and Magnanimous Atchievements of that Valiant and Renowned Commander As I. His Voyage in 1572. to Nombre de Dios in the West-Indies where they saw a Pile of Bars of Silver near 70 foot long 12. foot broad and 10. foot high II. His incompassing the whole World in 1577. which he performed in two years and ten months gaining a vast quantity of Gold and Silver III. His Voyage into America in 1585. and taking the Towns of St. Jago St. Domingo Carthagena and St. Augustine IV. His last Voyage into those Countries in 1595. with the manner of his Death and Burial Revised Corrected and very much inlarged reduced into Chapters with Contents and beautified with Pictures By R. B. Prince One Shilling 13. TWo Journeys to Jerusalem Containing first An account of the Travels of two English Pilgrims some years since and what Admirable Accidents befel them in their Journey to Jerusalem Grand Cairo Alexandria c. 2. The Travels of 14 English-Merchants in 1669. from Scanderoon to Tripoly Joppa Ramah Jerusalem Bethlehem Jericho the River of Jordan the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah and back again to Aleppo To which is added a Relation of the great Council of the Jews assembled in the plains of Ajayday in Hungary 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ By S. B. an English man there present With the notorious delusion of the Jews by a counterfeit Messiah or false Christ at Smyrna in 1666 and the event thereof Lastly The Extirpation of the Jews throughout Persia in 1666. Epistle of Agbarus to our Saviour with our Saviours Answer Beautified with Pictures Pr. 1s 14. EXtraordinary Adventures of several Famous Men With the strange Events and signal mutations and changes in the Fortunes of divers Illustrious places and persons in all Ages being an acount of a multitude of stupendious Revolutions accidents and observable matters in divers States and Provinces throughout the World With Pictures Pr. 1 s. 15. THE History of the Nine Worthies of the World Three whereof were Gentiles 1. Hector Son of Priamus King of Troy 2. Alexander the great King of Macedon and Conquerour of the World 3. Julius Caesar first Emperor of Rome Three Jews 4. Joshua Captain General and Leader of Israel into Canaan 5. David King of Israel 6. Judas Maccabeus a valiant Jewish commander against the Tyranny of Antiochus Three Christians 7. Arthur King of Brittain who couragiously defended his Countrey from the Saxons 8. Charles the Great K. of France and Emperor of Germany 9 Godfrey of Bullen King of Jerusalem Being an account of their glorious lives worthy actions renowned Victories and Deaths Illustrated with Poems and the Picture of each Worthy By R. B. Price One shilling 16. FEmale Excellency or the Ladies Glory Illustrated in the Worthy Lives and Memorable Actions of nine Famous Women who have been renowned either for Vertue or Valour in several Ages of the World As 1. Deborah the Prophetess 2. The valiant Judith 3. Queen Esther 4. The virtuous Susannah 5. The Chast Lucretia 6. Voadicia Q. of Brittain in the Reign of Nero Emperor of Rome containing an account of the Original Inhabitants of Brittain The History of Danus and of his fifty Daughters who murdered their Hosbands in one Night Of the valour of Voadacia under whose conduct the Brittains slew 70 thousand Romans with many other remarkable particulars 7. Mariamne Wife of K. Herod 8. Clotilda Queen of France 9. Andegona Princess of Spain The whole adorned with poems and pictures to each History By R. B. Price One Shilling 17. VVOnderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy discovered in above 300. memorable Histories containing 1. Dreadful Judgments upon Atheists Blasphemers and Perjured Villains 2. The miserable ends of many Magicians c. 3. Remarkable predictions and presages of approaching Death and how the event has been
left open or by the Fire getting in at the Clefts of the Walls suffered much and are most fallen The Castle at St. Giacomo-Point is quite sunk under ground A Capigee Bassa is sent from hence to Smyrna to look after the Grand Seigniors Interest in taking the Estates of those dead without Heirs which will add affliction to affliction but the publick necessities here are great And the Lord Ambassador of England has sent down an Officer with command from the Grand Visier to be assisting perticulary to our Nation in looking after their concerns LXIII In December following several Earthquakes happened about Naples and Beneventum but without such unfortunate Accidents as attended them some months before Nevertheless that accident being fresh in memory it is not to be imagined in what a consternation the People were and how they fell to their Prayers in several Churches The Monks in those quarters made use of the opportunity to preach That the end of the World was at hand and for that reason endeavoured to a waken the People to give Alms. But in regard saith my Author that the People are not now to be imposed upon as formerly when they used such ways to rear those costly Foundations that are scattered over all Europe they resolved to keep what they had not finding the Monks made better use of their Money than they themselves could do I suppose it will not be deemed presumption to assert that these dreadful shakings of the Earth did seem plainly to presage those Convulsions that happened soon after and may presignify good as well as bad Events Not only the happy Revolutions in these three Kingdoms but also the horrid ruins devastations and miseries which the ambition and barbarity of the French King has occasioned lately in Christendom and which do still continue LXIV Dismal was the Calamity and Judgment which befel the Inhabitants of the Island of Jamaica in the West-Indies upon Tuesday June 7. 1692. by a dreadful Earthquake For about eleven a Clock in the morning the Earth suffered a great Trepidation which in a minutes time was increased to that degree that several Houses began to rumble down and in six or seven minutes or a quarter of an hour at the most made terrible havock and devastation It threw down almost all the Houses Churches Sugar-works Mills and Bridges through the whole Country It tore the Rocks and Mountains and threw them into the Sea but Port Royal had much the greatest share in this astonishing Judgment of God The Minister of that place relates That the same Morning he had been at Prayers in the Church which he never neglected to keep up some shew of Religion amongst a most ungodly debauched People and was gone to a place hard by the Church where the Merchants use to meet and where the President of the Council was designing to dine with one Captain Ruden but his House upon the first concussion sunk first into the Earth and then into the Sea with his Wife and Family and some others that were come to dine with him but the Minister staying some time with the President escaped the danger yet soon after they found the ground rowling and moving under their feet Lord Sir says the Minister What 's this He replied very composedly being a sober grave man It is an Earthquake be not afraid it will soon be over but it increased and they heard the Church and Tower fall upon which they ran to save themselves The Minister quickly lost the President and made toward Morgans Fort which being a wide open place he thought to be securest from falling Houses but as he came near he saw the Earth open and swallow up a multitude of People and the Sea mounting in over the Fortifications He then laid aside all thoughts of escaping and resolved to make towards his own Lodgings and there to meet death in as good a posture as he could and in his way was forced to run through two or three very narrow streets where the Houses and Walls fell on each side of him and some Bricks came rowling over his Shoes but none hurt him When he came to his Lodgings he found all things safe not a Picture of which there were several fair ones in his Chamber displaced He went to the Balconey to view the street in which his House stood and saw never an House down there nor the Ground so much as crackt The People seeing him there cryed out for him to come down and pray with them When he came into the street every one laid hold on his Cloths and embraced him so that with their fear and kindness he was almost stifled He persuaded them at last to kneel down and make a large ring which they did he pray'd with them near an hour when being almost spent with the heat and the exercise they brought him a Chair the Earth working all the while with new motions and tremblings like the rowling of the Sea insomuch that when he was at Prayer he could hardly keep himself upon his Knees By that time he had been about half an hour with them aggravating their sins and provocations and feriously exhorting them to repentance there came some Merchants of the place who desired him to go aboard some Ship in the Harbour refresh himself having got a Boat to carry him off so when he came to the Sea he saw it had swallowed up the Wharf with all those goodly brick Houses upon it most of them as fine as those in Cheapside and two intire Streets beyond that He walked upon the tops of some houses that lay level with the surface of the Water from whence he gotfirst into a Canoo and then into a Long-Boat which put him a Board a Ship called the Siam Merchant where he found the President safe who was overjoyed to see him they could not sleep that night for the returns of the Earthquake almost every hour which made all the Guns in the Ship jar and rattle The next day he went from Ship to Ship to visit those that were bruised and dying and to pray with them and likewise to do the last Office at the sinking of several Corps that came floating from the Point The shakings of the Earth still continued with Thunder and Lightning and foul Weather and the People continued still as desperately wicked as before for that very day this terrible Earthquake happened as soon as night came on a Company of lend Rogues called Privateers fell to breaking open Warehouses and Houses deserted To rob and rifle their Neighbours whilst the Earth trembled under them and some of the Houses fell on them in the Act and those audacious Whores that remained upon the place were as impudent as ever He went again ashoar to pray with the bruised and dying people and to Christen Children where he met too many Drunk and Swearing he did not spare them nor the Magistrates neither who had suffered wickedness to grow to such a height In
than the Sea which vomits up Shi●wracks Mnre Cruel than the Conqueror who spares VValls it swallows and devours whaesoever it oVerturns The Sea is Subject to its Empire and Marriners confess that those Storms are most dangerous which are occasioned by Earthquakes This misfortune is common to all Kingdoms Since Man became Criminal all parts of the Earth are become moveable and stedfastness must be no longer lookt for in the VVorld since Innocency is banished thence by Injustice This disorder is the punishment of our Sin and Reason a well as Faith doth sufficiently assure us that the Universe would never have been agitated with these furious Accidents during the state of Original Righteousness VVherefore should Gods Anger have Armed the Elements against his Faithful and Obedient Subjects VVherefore should he have overthrown all this works to destroy Innocent Men VVhy should it have overwhelmed the Inhabitants of the Earth with the ruins thereof if they had not been sinful VVhy should it have buried those in the Bowels of the Earth who were not to dye Let us then conclude that Earthquakes are the Effects of Sin Appendix HAving given an Account of the most remarkable and tremendous Earthquakes in the World from the Creation to this time I think it may not be improper to add two or three unusual Occurrences and strange Passages that have happened of another kind but altogether as surprizing as the former I. The first shall be the Copy of a Letter sent from an Abbot in France giving a Relation of an Hermit living in that Countrey who seems to revive the ancient simplicity and innocency of that solitary Life to which some pious men in former ages confined themselves thereby to be freed from the noise and hurries of the World and to devote their minds wholly to the Service of God Which being so very unlike the lazy Luxurious Lives of the generallity of the present Romish Monks and Fryers may be somewhat diverting after the reading the former melancholy Relations And I shall give it you in the Abbots own words as I sind them in the Memoirs of the Present State of Europe for the Month of May 1692. Sir It is now eleven years and an half that the famous Father Hermit has been received into the Wood of my Abby but I can assure you that at this hour I know him no more than the first day I saw him This venerable Old Man has been so careful to conceal his Name Family Countrey Age and all that could make him known that neither I nor any of his Brethren nor as I fancy any other Person has ever known any thing of him touching his Bitth Having told him one day that the example of a man of his Quality had mighty Efficacy He cry'd out immediately telling me that he was nothing and that if the rumour went he was something he would depart the Province the next day insomuch that I never mentioned it to him but once since It is now about a month that the occasion lay fair for so doing He told me with some heat that all that was said of his Birth was Lie and Fiction About seven years ago he was grievously sick and forsaken by his Physicians The most antient of his Brethren and whom he most cherished conjured him to make himself known at least to them promising never to discover it till after his death He refused him with a rebuke telling him that it was above 40 years that he had laboured to conceal himself and that he would make him lose a work of a so many years in one quarter of an hour The truth is that in the Province of Burgundy where he remained a long while the report ran that he was the Natural Son of King Henry IV. and as soon as he came hither the same report was scattered here What gave occasion to it so far as I can judge is his great presence and his Majestick Ayr which causes him to be beloved and respected generally by all People his noble and easy carriage and behaviour his countenance wherein are observed many seatures of that of Henry le Grand his quick wit and gay hamour but more especially that profound silence he observes to prevent his being known for the more he would be concealed the more People strive to know who he is and the less he speaks of himself the more he is discourst of As concerning his Age it is difficult to know it exactly When he came hither which was in June 1676 he told me he was 70 years old Since he has said he was about the Age of the Bishop of Angiers who is above ninety He formerly told me he had seen the Moors go out of Spain when they were driven thence and that he was then tall In fine his Brethren by other circumstances affirm him to be ninety four years old Now follows what I know of his Life and which I have learnt from himself That until the Age of 20 years he had been well educated which was the Cause of his great Vigor That he had born Arms without being wounded That thinking to retire from the World he had examined all the different manners of living in the Religious Orders and that nothing had pleased him so much as the Hermitick Life after the manner it subsisted in the time of the first Hermits of the East That this was that he imbraced That for this purpose he had gone into Italy and had retired into a Forrest that belonged to the Republick of Venice whence he had been driven by the frequent visits of the people of that Countrey That thence he went into Germany and that to see a brave Hermit he willingly went 3 or 400 Leagues That being since retired into the Kingdom of France he had remained in Lorrain Champagne in Lionnois in Burgundy and lastly in Anjou And that where ever he had been he had built Hermitages and had assembled Companions I fancy you will not be sorry that I give you such a particular account of his establishment in this Province since I am a Witness of it This good old man having left the Diocess of Langres by reason as his Brethren told me of the report that was spread there of his being the Son of Henry IV. of France He took the Resolution of going to settle with one of his Companions in Normandy upon the Sea side Having fallen down as far as Saumur upon the River Loire he understood there was a Forrest in that Neighbourhood where he might erect a fine Hermitage This Forrest is called the Wood of Brossuy belonging to M. de la Meilleraye The next day he went with his Companion to view that Forrest but having found no Water in it he lost hopes of being able to retire thither At his coming out of the Wood this good old Man being wearied and perceiving our Abbey he came to it to refresh himself I received him and falling presently to discourse of solitude and retreat he
aforementioned as well as by divers others The last Relation is as certain as the two former of which I shall likewise give the Names of the Persons and their Places of aboad as it came in a Letter from Hitchin in Hartferdshire as followeth Hitchin Jan. 6. 1693. Dear Sir Yours I received the last Night As to the Person you enquire after and the Lord's work upon him take it in short as followeth His Name is David Wright about 27 or 28 Years of Age he lived two or three Miles from hence for some Years in the capacity of a Shepherd his Distemper of Body by the Evil rendring him uncapable of any hard Work At Michaelmas 1693. he desired a Religious Woman to take him into her Service which she was unwilling to do because he was a prophane Wretch and much given to Swearing and other Vices but upon his promising a Reformation and that he would go to Hear the Word Preach'd she Hired him yet he afterward went on in his Evil Courses and would not go to Hear But Nov. 29. last past having notice that there was a Sermon to be Preach'd at Hitchin by one Mr. Edward Coles a worthy Minister his Mind was so much sixt to go and Hear him that notwithstanding the same day he had a Brother came for him with a Horse to go some Miles another way about urgent Business of his own yet he could by no means be prevailed with to go with him of which Resolution he says he can give no reason in himself He came to Hear and the Word made such deep Impression upon his Mind that his Soul was Converted and his Body Healed at the same time He declares that while the Minister was Preaching his hard Heart was softened and the Eyes of his Mind inlightened whereby he had Faith in his Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that at the same time he found his Body Cured of the Evil under which he had long Languished and is fully perswaded he shall never have it again But however God may please to do as to that this is certain that he hath been very well from the 29th of November to this very day But the Change upon his Soul is more remarkable than the Cure of his Body To see such a poor grosly ignorant Wretch so suddenly Changed and to hear him blessing and praising of God and admiring his Grace and Love to him That he who knew nothing one hour before should now speak so sensibly of Jesus Christ and heavenly things This is to the astonishment and admiration of all that knew him As to his bodily Distemper he has had the King's Evil for about steen or sistxteen Years past and was formerly Touched by King Charles the Second At first he was forced to keep his Bed for several Weeks together great Pains and divers running Sores upon him but for about twelve Years past he has been in Service for the most part yet never in Health all the while but had Running Sores which were sometimes skinn'd over and swell'd and then he was at the worst and felt most Pain till they broke and run again He has had these Sores in many parts of his Body of which the Scars are visible and two continued in the same place in the small of his Back a long while and at the time when he came to Hear the Sermon aforementioned they were skinn'd over and swell'd so that he was in very great Pain and could not keep pace with his Company but while he was Hearing the swelling of his Sores sunk insensibly and he was well on a sudden and all his Pain was gone so that as they returned home he went before them leaping rejoycing and praising God for his great Mercy and Loving kindness to him all the way he went After he came home he continued to admire the exceeding Grace of God to so vile and ignorant a Sinner as he was and spent most part of the Night in this heavenly Exercise and still remains in this admirable frame of Heart Much more might be mentioned but this may suffice at present from Yours c. We whose Names are hereunto subscribed do hereby attest and declare That living in the same Family with David Wright we were Eye and Ear-witnesses of the Truth of the foregoing particulars concerning him and in confirmation of the Verity thereof we have hereto put our Hands Slape Drever Tho. Drever Both Sons to the Mistress of the House with whom David Wright dwelt Thomas Child Joseph Morgan In short as Atheism and Prophaneness it may be never more abounded than in the present Age so the Almighty hath not lest himself without witness of his Power and Providence in the World by several Examples both of Judgment and Mercy And a Race of Impious Wretches being risen up who deny the Divinity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour The Almighty by these repeated Instances of Supernatural Power seems at this time loudly to assert and proclaim the Godhead of our Glorious Redeemer since such Miracles are new wrought by Faith in Jesus Christ as very much resemble those done by himself when he was in the State of Humanity FINIS A Catalogue of Books Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside History 1. ENglands Monarchs Or A Compendious Relation of the most remarkable Transactions from Julius Caesar to this present adorned with Poems and the Picture of every Monarch from K. Will. the Conqueror to K. Will. and Q. M. With a List of the Nobility and the number of the Lords and Commons in both Houses of Parliament Pr. one shilling 2. THE History of the House of Orange Or a Brief Relation of the Glorious and Magnanimous Atchievements of His Majesties Renowned Predecessors and likewise of His own Heroick Actions till the Late Wonderful Revolution Together with the History of William and Mary King and Queen of England Scotland France and Ireland c. Being an Impartial Account of the most Remarkable Passages and Transactions in these Kingdoms from Their Majesties Happy Accession to the Throne to this time By R. B. Price One Shilling 3. THE History of the two late Kings Charles the II. and James the II. being an Impartial account of the most remarkable Transactions and observable passages during their Reigns and the secret French and Popish Intrigues managed in those Times Together with a Relation of the happy Revolution and the Accession of Their present Majeles K. William and Q. Mary to the Throne Feb. 13. 1689. Pr. 1 s. 4. THE History of Oliver Cromwel being an Impartial Account of all the Battels Sieges and other Military Archievements wherein he was ingaged in England Scotland and Ireland and likewise of his Civil Administrations while he had the Supream Government till his Death Relating only matters of Fact without Reflection or Observation By R. B. pr. 1 s. 5. THE Wars in England Scotland and Ireland containing a particular and impartial Account of all