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A03941 A Nevv-Yeares gift for English Catholikes, or A briefe and cleare explication of the new Oath of Allegiance. By E.I. student in Diuinitie; for a more full instruction, and appeasement of the consciences of English Catholikes, concerning the said Oath, then hath beene giuen them by I.E. student in Diuinitie, who compiled the treatise of the prelate and the prince. E. I., student in divinitie.; Preston, Thomas, 1563-1640. 1620 (1620) STC 14049; ESTC S119291 68,467 212

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Oath that doe any way appertayne to the Ciuill and Temporall Obedience due to His Maiestie whom hee acknowledgeth for his true and lawfull King and Soueraigne ouer all His Domioions And Martinus Becanus a famous Iesuite in the first Edition of his Controuersia Anglicana writeth thus Becanus in Controuersia Anglic cap. 3. p. 102 And truly to me it is certaine that all the parts and propositions of the Oath are not false if they bee well declared For these are true first that King Iames is lawfull King of England Scotland and Ireland Secondly that in the same Kingdomes he is the Supreme or Soueraigne Lord in Temporalls 2. First therefore if wee consider the end of this Oath which is only to make profession of our temporall Allegiance and to make a true distinction not betwixt Catholikes and Protestants c. the expresse declaration of His Maiestie and the rules before mentioned in the second and third Obseruation it is euident that by those wordes Soueraigne Lord is not to be vnderstood the Kings Supremacie in Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall but only in Temporall and Ciuill causes 3. Secondly it is also euident that albeit by force of the expresse wordes and the plaine and common vnderstanding of the same to which the seuenth branch of this Oath tyeth the swearer wee are bound only to acknowledge that King Iames is lawfull and rightfull King of this Realme and of all other His Maiesties Dominions and Countries and not that Hee is the Soueraigne Lord of the same both for that those words Soueraigne Lord are put only ex parte subiecti and not ex parte predicati and therefore by vertue of the words are not affirmed as likewise he that stileth the Pope most holy and most blessed doth not affirme him to bee most holy and most blessed vnlesse the words most holy most blessed be put ex parte predicati also that if we regard the force and vertue of those words Soueraigne Lord they haue not the same sense which the words lawfull and rightfull King haue seeing that one may be a lawfull and rightfull King and yet not the Soueraigne Lord of His Kingdome as if the Emperour should make the great Duke of Toscan King of Hetruria he would be lawfull and rightfull King of that Countrie and yet not the Soueraigne or Supreme Lord of the same because hee is as a feudarie subiect to the Emperour Neuerthelesse because the lawfull and rightfull King of England is also the Soueraigne Lord of the same by reason and vertue of the matter we may lawfully and if it bee demanded at our hands are bound to acknowledge and sweare that King Iames is not only the lawfull and rightfull King of England of all other His Maiesties Dominions but also the Soueraigne or Supreme Lord of the same And in this sense both the XIII Priests and also M. Greene vnderstood the word Soueraigne in their Protestation and Declaration 4. Neither is it to the purpose which some obiect that the King of England is the Popes Vassall and as a feudarie subiect to him in Temporals and therefore the Pope and not King Iames is the absolute Soueraigne and supreme Lord in Temporals of this Kingdome For although wee should absurdly admit that for the title and clayme of Temporall Soueraigntie which the Pope pretendeth to haue ouer this Kingdome by vettue of some grant of former Kings may bee brought some probable proofe as there cannot seeing that it is euident that no King of England hath authoritie to giue away His Kingdome or make it subiect in Temporals to another Prince without the consent of the Kingdome it selfe and that no colour of any probable proofe can bee brought from any Authenticall Instrument to shew that the Kingdome of England euer consented to any such grant yet considering that no probable title can bee a sufficient ground to depriue any man of that Right Dominion or any other thing which he actually possesseth but such a title must bee most certaine and out of all controuersie as I shewed aboue in the Fift Obseruation it is manifest that notwithstanding any such probable title euery subiect of this Land may lawfully acknowledge by Oath that King Iames is not only the lawful and rightfull King of this Realme and of all other His Maiesties Dominions and Countries but also the Soueraigne or supreme temporall Lord of the same CHAP. II. The Second Branch of the Oath and an Explication thereof ANd that the Pope neither of himselfe nor by any authoritie of the Church or See of Rome or by any other meanes which any other hath any Power or Authoritie to depose the King or to dispose any of his Maiesties Kingdomes or Dominions or to authorize any forraigne Prince to inuade or annoy Him or his Countries or to discharge any of his Subiects of their Allegiance and Obedience to his Maiestie or to giue license or leaue to any of them to beare Armes rayse Tumults or to offer any violence or hurt to His Maiesties Royal Person State or Gouernment or to any of His Maiesties subiects within His Maiesties Dominions 1. This Branch supposing the former Obseruations hath in it no difficultie at all although wee should admit that the immediate obiect thereof or which is all one that which in this Branch by force of the words we are bound immediately to sweare is not only our sincere acknowledgement and perswasion but also that absolutely and assuredly the Pope hath not any authoritie to depose the King c. For considering that the whole tenour of this Branch tendeth to practise namely to depose to dispose to inuade annoy beare Armes rayse Tumults offer violence or hurt and to discharge subiects of their Allegiance and also that it is a doctrine approoued by many learned Catholikes and who haue examined all the arguments on both sides and consequently that it is truely probable that the Pope hath no authoritie to depriue Princes or to dispose of their Temporals it is as cleere and manifest that any man whether hee bee the Kings subiect or no what opinion soeuer he followeth in speculation concerning the Popes authoritie to depriue Princes yet hee may as certainly acknowledge and sweare that the Pope hath no authoritie to depose the King that is to practize his deposition or any other of those things mentioned in this Branch as it is cleere and manifest that hee may certainly acknowledge and sweare that the Pope hath no authoritie to commit open iniustice and that in a doubtfull vncertaine and disputable case the condition of the possessour is to bee preferred 2. Neither doe temporall Princes or other priuate men that haue any thing in their possessiō greatly regard what learned men who by the subtiltie of their wits can easily finde out some probable colour of a broken and pretended title may speculatiuely dispute in Schooles concerning their titles so that in practice notwithstanding such disputations and speculations they bee secured from
being put out of that which they really and bona fide doe possesse And doubtlesse most miserable were the state of all men that possesse any thing of worth and much more of Princes if vpon a title which some learned m●n may in speculation approoue it were lawfull to inuade their possessions before a lawfull Iudge and who is certainly knowne so to bee hath decided and determined the title or controuersie To preuent which mischiefe all Natitions being guided herein by the light of naturall reason haue agreed in this manifest principle that it is open iniustice to put any man out of his possession vpon any title which is not most certaine and free from all controuersie vntill a lawfull and vndoubted Iudge hath decided the matter I said a lawfull and vndoubted Iudge for if it be doubtfull vncertaine and questionable whether he be a lawfull and competent Iudge to determine that cause his decision cannot be sufficient to end the controuersie For which cause the Pope is not to bee accounted a lawfull and competent Iudge to decide this question concerning his owne pretended authoritie to depriue Princes for that it is a controuersie among learned Diuines and approued by very many as Pope Adrian the Cardinaell of Cambray the Cardinall Cusanus the Cardinall Panormitan the Cardinall of Florence Master to Panormitan Iohn Patriarch of Antioch Abulensis Ioannes Parisiensis Ioannes Gerson Iohn Maior Almaine and almost all the Vniuersitie of Paris cited by Widdrington Widdring in the discouerie of D. Schulkeuius slanders §. 7. that the Pope is not a competent Iudge to decide or define infallibly any doctrinall point and much lesse in his owne cause without a true and vndoubted generall Councell and therfore although he should hereafter as yet he hath not attempt to define and decide this question his decision could not end the controuersie nor giue sufficient warrant to any man to practize the deposition of Princes vpon so doubtfull vncertaine and questionable power or title 3. Neuerthelesse it behooueth temporall Princes to be very carefull that their titles to the Dominions which they lawfuly possesse be not so much as speculatiuely or only for Disputation sake disputed pro and contra by learned men least that some ignorant or turbulent spirits which either doe not know or of set purpose to colour their practices vnder a pretence of a probable title will not take notice of the manifest difference betwixt speculation and practice may take occasion thereby to disturbe the publike peace and to molest annoy or to offer any violence or hurt to their Royall Persons States or Gouernment For which cause the Parliament of Paris hath with great wisdome and reason oftentimes by publike Edicts ordained See beneath in the end of this Treatise some of these Decrees that the doctrine of deposing their Kings should not bee so much as taught and maintayned to bee probable or problematike that occasion be not giuen to seditious spirits who know not or will not take notice of the difference betwixt speculation and practice to attempt vnder pretence of a probable title any violence against the Crowns or sacred Persons of their Kings And the reason is manifest for that the temporall Common-wealth hath good and full authoritie to forbid the teaching and publishing of any doctrine which is not necessarie whereby probable danger to the Crownes and liues of temporall Princes and perturbations in the Common-wealth may arise 4. First therefore by those words of this Branch nor by any other means with any other it is euident that the Parliament which representeth the whole bodie of the Kingdome or Common-wealth did not intend to meddle with the authoritie which the whole Kingdome or Common-wealth may according to the opinion of some Doctors pretend to haue in some cases ouer their soueraign Prince as Lessius and others whom the Authors of the Prelate and the Prince doth seeme to follow doe idly obiect And although the meaning of those words were to deny that the whole Kingdome or Common-wealth hath no authoritie to depose their King yet considering that it is also a probable doctrine approued by many learned Catholike Diuines and Lawyers cited by Widdrington Widdr. in Apolog nu 111. and in his Answere to Fitz-herb part 3. cap. 11. nu 36. 37. that the Common-wealth hath no such authority it is also lawful for any man of what opinion soeuer hee bee in speculation concerning this authoritie of the Cōmonweath to acknowledge and sweare that the Common-wealth hath no more authoritie to depose the King that is to practize his deposition then she hath to commit open iniustice But the true meaning of His Maiestie and the Parliament is as the words themselues doe plainely signifie only to deny the Popes authoritie to depose c. to wit that the Pope neither of himselfe that is neither as a sole and totall cause nor by any authoritie c. that is neither as an Instrument or Minister of the Church or See of Rome nor by any other meanes with any other that is nor as a principall or true and proper partiall cause or Agent hath any authoritie to depose the King c. 5. Neither by those wordes or to authorize any forraigne Prince to inuade or annoy Him or His Countries did His Maiestie and the Parliamen● intend to denie the authoritie which temporall Princes may haue in som● cases to make warre against their neighbour Princes and consequently against His Maiestie if he should giue them iust cause of warre yet euer obseruing that no probable power cause or title can bee a sufficient ground to punish any Prince or to inuade His Countries but as the expresse words do plainly shew only to deny the Popes authoritie to authorize any forraigne Prince to inuade or annoy Him or His Countries because all the authoritie which temporall Princes haue to make warre or to inuade the Kingdome of an other Prince for what cause crime or end so euer it bee is deriued from their temporall Soueraigntie grounded vpon the Law of Nature or Nations not from the Popes authoritie And likewise all the authority which the temporall Common-wealth may pretend to haue in some cases to rise vp in Armes against their Prince is not deriued from the Popes warrant license or authoritie but if there be any such power from the Law of Nature And therefore with great reason this Clause denyeth in the Pope all power and authoritie to authorize any forraigne Prince to inuade or annoy His Maiestie or his Countries or to giue license or leaue to any of his subiects to beare Armes rayse Tumults or to offer any violence or hurt to His Maiestis Royall Person State or Gouernmēt because although they shuld haue any such authoritie leaue or licence wherewith His Maiestie and the Parliament would not in this Oath intermeddle they haue it not from the Pope but from the Law of Nations or Nature 6. Secondly in this Branch is not
considering that it is not only probable but also most certaine that hee is excused in conscience and in the sight of God by defending his Prince against such damnable and trayterous practises which are grounded at the most vpon a probable power title and clayme and also that hee cannot bee excused from formall Treason in the externall Court both Ecclesiasticall and Secular of his Soueraigne Prince who is in actuall possession of his Kingdome cānot without open iniustice be dispossessed vpon any vncertayne and controuersed power clayme or title though it were neuer so probable it is euident that those Subiects might iustly bee accounted worse then mad that would in such damnable and trayterous practises concurre with the Pope to the dispossessing of their Soueraigne Prince vnder pretence of a power or title which euen in speculation and abstracting from practise can be at the most but probable 6. Lastly are set downe First the Oath of France or the first Article of the lower House of Parliament wherein of two hundred Deputies for the third Estates were but six Protestants Secondly two Arrests or Decrees of the Parliament of Paris forbidding vnder paine of Treason Cardinall Bellarmines Booke against Barckley and Suarez Booke against our Kings Maiesties Premonition and thirdly another Decree of the said Parliament ordayning likewise that no person of what qualitie or condition soeuer doe teach the said doctrine of deposing Princes as problematicall or probable All which Decrees are proued to be agreeable to truth and iustice and that Christian Princes by vertue of their temporall power haue good and full authoritie both to forbid the teaching maintayning and publishing of all vnnecessarie doctrines positions be they neuer so probable as the teaching and publishing of the same tendeth to the subuersion of States-and to the disturbance of the publike peace in the Ciuill Common wealth and is dangerous to the Crownes and liues of temporall Princes and also to punish with temporall punishments the teachers maintayners and publishers of the same AN ADMONITION TO ENGLISH Catholikes 1. COnsider with your selues Deare Country-men how greatly this new Oath of Allegiance concerneth you all not only in your temporall states and libertie which in conscience you are bound to regard and not wilfully to cast away and the more if you haue a charge of Wife and Children for whom in nature you are obliged to prouide but chiefly in your soules health which aboue all temporall things in this World you are bound to preferre For what doth it profit a man if hee gaine the whole World and sustaine the damage of his soule Mat. 16. Now if this new Oath bee truely an Oath of temporall Allegiance and ministred by lawfull authoritie as this Treatise doth conuince it to bee doubtlesse you incurre the danger of eternall damnation if you refuse it by disobeying and resisting the iust commandement of lawfull authoritie and the Ordinance of Almightie God from whom all power and authoritie doth proceed For he that resisteth power Rom. 13. or authoritie resisteth the Ordinance of God And they that resist purchase to themselues damnation 2. First therefore it behooueth you that are Lay-men to examine diligently this matter and not to be led hoodwinkd into the pit both of spirituall and temporall miserie especially by blinde and ignorant guides who neither vnderstand nor are desirous to know the true grounds of this important Controuersie and therefore can hardly bee drawne for the informing of your consciences to descend with you in particular to the examination of the lawfulnes or vnlawfulnesse of euery Branch of this Oath which many of them I speak with griefe and not without Booke haue not so much as euer read but to cloake their ignorance vnder colour of Zeale and Deuotion without any further examining they only cry out to you in general termes The Church the Pope the Rocke is that which good Catholikes ought to cleaue vnto not knowing themselues what authoritie is spirituall and due to the Pope or Church and what authoritie is temporall and due to temporall Princes and that the Pope is not the Church but only the chiefe member thereof and that the Popes opinion and consequently his Declaratiue Breues when they are grounded either vpon false suppositions or else only vpon his opinion are not the Rocke whereon Catholikes ought to build their eternall saluation and lastly not considering that many times when Popes and Princes haue beene and shall bee in opposition the Popes both haue bin may lawfully bee and also ought to bee resisted As the resistance which Philip the Faire made to Pope Boniface the VIII who depriued the said King gaue his Kingdome to a Genebrard lib. 4. ad annum 1294. Albertus the Emperour and declared that he accounted them for Heretikes who did not beleeue that the said King was subiect to him in Spiritualls and Temporalls b Vignerius ad annum and the resistance which Lewis the XII made to Pope Iulius the II. by whom he was depriued and his Kingdome c Genebrard lib. 4. ad annum 1503. Guicciardin lib. 11. hist Richeome in Apoleget cap. 24 25. See Brerely in the Preface of his Protestants Apologie c. Sec. 20. 21. seq giuen in pray to any that could take it is well commended by Lewis Richeome Prouinciall of the Iesuites and proposed for an example to be imitated yea and he sheweth that whensoeuer any Bishop of Rome should offend the King of France as those Kings were offended by those Bishops the Iesuites in such an occasion would doe that which good Clergie-men and good French-men together with the said King Philip and Lewis did in those times who defended their rights against those Popes Boniface and Iulius without any irreuerence to the Sea Apostolike And therefore I beseech you Deare Countrey-men to take heed vpon what guides you relye for the directing of your soules in these important affaires and remember that Admonition of our Sauiour Mat. 15. Blinde they are and guides of the blinde And if the blinde be guide to the blinde both fall into the ditch 3. Secondly you that are Priests and haue taken vpon you to guide others in the way to saluation and ought to be alwayes readie to satisfie euery one that asketh you a reason of that faith which is in you 1. Pet. 3 if you thinke in your consciences the Oath to bee lawfull and ministred by good and full authoritie you ought to take great heede that your soules bee not defiled nor your consciences stayned with some worldly respect and that neither hope of gaine or preferment nor feare of want or disgrace keepe you backe from giuing warning to those whom you are boūd to guide direct and instruct to beware of the danger which they are like to fall into by resisting the Ordinance of God if they refuse the Oath when it is tendred them by lawfull authoritie lest that you foreseeing their danger and not
crying out to them to take heede be not only partakers of their spirituall harme but doe also cooperate to their temporall ruine and so haue cause to rue your silence and to cry out your selues when it is too late Vae mihi quia tacui Woe is mee because I haue held my peace Isa 6. But if perchance any of you who in your consciences thinke the Oath to be lawfull should for some worldly respect which God forbid cry out against the takers or approouers thereof this were not only to sin most damnably against your owne consciences but also in some sort against the Holy Ghost and to impugne that which in your soules and consciences you thinke and acknowledge to bee true which how hardly it is forgiuen either in this World or the next Mat. 12. our Sauiour himselfe doth expresly witnesse 4. Lastly those Priests that in their consciences thinke the Oath to be vnlawfull and thereupon do not only giue warning to those whom they haue taken vpon them to guide and direct to take heede and beware of the spirituall danger which they thinke will arise by taking the same but also in their zeale do cry out against their Catholike Brethren who either doe take the Oath or thinke it to be lawfull as Apostates from the Catholike Faith and Religion and disobedient children to the Pope and Church giuing the like occasion to others to cry out against them as Apostates from their naturall Allegiance and disobedient disloyall Subiects to their temporall Prince it behoueth them most of all to looke to themselues and according to the admonition which Card. Bellarmine vpon occasion of relating the fearefull death of Pope Innocentius the III. giueth to Prelates and Pastours Bellar. de ge●…itu columbae lib. 2. cap. 9. to examine all the secrets of their consciences most exactly lest perchance it bee erroneous albeit to them it seeme to be sound iust and that their zeale albeit to them selues seeme pure and according to knowledge bee not blind and grounded vpon wilfull or culpable ignorance like that which the Iewes had in crucifying our Sauiour and Saint Paul when he was Saul in persecuting his Disciples who thought thereby to doe God great seruice 5. And truly if their Zeale were hurtfull to none but to themselues they would doubtlesse be the more excusable but considering how preiudiciall it is both to his Maiesties honour and also to his temporall Soueraigntie how scandalous it is to Catholicke Religion and how iniurious it is to their Catholike brethren not inferiour to themselues in vertue and learning whom they seeke to disgrace and to make odious to all Catholickes epecially to their benefactors and friends and so by taking from them their good names and maintenance to bring them into extreame want and miserie and as much as in them lyeth into manifest desperation for which they are one day to render a most strict account they haue great cause to examine their consciences narrowly and carefully to consider vpon what assured grounds they can excuse themselues at the dreadfull day of Iudgement for taking such scandalous iniurious and vncharitable courses both against their Soueraigne Prince whom next vnder God they are bound to honour and obey in temporals and also against their Catholicke brethren who not onely are as learned and religious as themselues but also haue examined this important controuersie and all the danger both spirituall and temporall that dependeth thereon as diligently if not farre more then they themselues haue done 6. To the end therefore that all of you my deare Countrimen may examine your consciences in this poynt of the Oath more easily and eactly and be more fully instructed therein then you haue beene by I. E. the Authour of the Prelate and the Prince who if the common rumour bee true will heare shortly with shame enough what goodly Instructions he hath giuen you I haue out of Roger Widdringtons expresse doctrine and grounds collected this little Treatise which for that it was finished this first day of the yeare I am bould to present it to your Charities for a New-yeares-gift as a small token of the great desire I haue both of your spirituall and temporall welfare And my onely request is that you will bee pleased to read it as I hope you will it beeing neither so prolixe but that in some few houres you may mane it ouer nor so obscure but that any man of meane capacitie may vnderstand it and after you haue read it to iudge thereof accordingly And if I shall heare that you haue reaped any benefit thereby I shall thinke my paines exceeding well bestowed but howsoeuer I shall not thinke my labour lost by giuing you this euident token of my loue for that the loue and dutie I owe to my Prince and Countrie to the Catholicke Religion and to you my deare Catholick brethren and aboue all to God Almightie the Author of all truth yea truth it selfe and who will in due time render to euerie man according to his workes Rom. 2. hath for the defence of a necessarie truth moued mee to take this paines And so with my best wishes I bid you heartily farewell hoping that you will bee wise and not be transported with a blind and intemperate zeale towards Prince or Prelate but that you will bee carefull to feare God to honour the King and without all partialitie to render to God and Caesar and consequently to Popes and Princes that which is their due A Copie of the new Oath of Allegiance deuided into eight Branches as it is in this Treatise explayned 1. I A.B. doe truely and sincerely acknowledge professe testifie and declare in my conscience before God and the World That our Soueraigne Lord King Iames is lawfull and rightfull King of this Realme and of all other his Maiesties Dominions and Countries 2. And that the Pope neither of himselfe nor by any authoritie of the Church or See of Rome or by any other meanes which any other hath any Power or Authoritie to depose the King or to dispose any of his Maiesties Kingdomes or Dominions or to authorize any forraigne Prince to inuade or annoy Him or his Countries or to discharge any of his Subiects of their Allegiance and Obedience to his Maiestie or to giue license or leaue to any of them to beare Armes rayse Tumults or to offer any Violence or hurt to his Maisties Royall Person State or Gouernment or to any of his Maiesties Subiects within his Maiesties Dominions 3. Also I doe sweare from my heart that notwithstanding any Declaration or Sentence of Excommunication or Depriuation made or granted or to be made or granted by the Pope or his Successours or by any Authoritie deriued or to be deriued from him or his See against the said King his Heires or Successours or any absolution of the said Subiects from their Obedience I will beare Faith and true Allegiance to his Maiestie his Heires and
possessor is to bee preferred and Cum sunt iura partium obscura fauendum est reo potius quam Actori When the rights or titles of the parties that are in suite are obscure or not cleere the Defendant is rather to be fauoured then the Plaintiffe And this is the first assured ground and principle for which the doctrine of deposing Princes by the Popes authoritie may not only be barely and simply denyed as it is in the second clause of the Oath by force only of the words but also bee abhorred detested and abiured as impious damnable most cleerly repugnant to the Word of God and in that sense hereticall as it is in the fourth clause The second manifest principle is that it is a controuersie among learned Catholikes and approued by many and therefore truely probable that the Pope hath no authority to depriue Princes of their Regall Power and Authoritie 12. For the better cleering whereof it is to be obserued sixtly that as Ioannes Azorius a famous Iesuite expresly affirmeth Azor. tom 2. lib. 11. c. 5. q. 8. it hath euer beene a great controuersie betwixt Emperours and Kings on the one side and the Bishops of Rome on the other whether in some certaine cases the Pope hath a right and power to depriue Kings of their Kingdome For some Kings haue oftentimes yea since the time of the great Lateran Councell contended with Popes about this matter saying that they haue their Kingdome from God and not from the Pope and that in those things which are ciuill and temporall the power of Kings is supreme and absolute and that herein Kings are not subiect to the Pope although in sacred Ecclesiasticall and spirituall things the Pontificall power is supreme and that herein Kings and Princes are subiect to Popes as children to their Fathers and sheepe to their Pastours c. And many complayned that Gregorie the seuenth did excommunicate Henry the fourth and depriue him of the administration of his Kingdom Thus Azor. And it is a controuersie among the Schoolemen saith Ioannes Trithemius Trithemius in Chron. Hirsaug ad annum 1106. and as yet it is not decided by the Iudge whether the Pope hath power to depose the Emperour or no. And the Ecclesiasticall power saith Iacobus Almainus Almain de d●minio natur ciu Eccles in probat 2. conclus a famous Doctor of Paris and whom Azor relateth Azor. tom 1. lib. 2. cap. 14. among Classicall Doctors cannot by the institution of God inflict any ciuill punishment as are death exile priuation of goods much lesse of Kingdomes c. Nay nor so much as imprison vt plerisque Doctoribus placet as is the opinion of most or of very many Doctors but it is extended only to a spirituall punishment as is Excommunication and the other punishments which she vseth doe proceed from the pure positiue Law or as Gerson speaketh Gerson de potest Eccles considerat 4. from the grant of Princes And the libertie of the Church of France saith Petrus Pithaeus Pithaeus in Cod. libert Eccles Gallicanae printed at Paris by authoritie of the Parliament in the yeere 1594. whom Antonius Posseuinus the Iesuite commendeth for a man truely learned and a diligent searcher of Antiquitie Posseuinus in verbo Petrus Pithaeus is grounded in this principle which France hath euer held for certaine that the Pope hath not power to depriue the French King of his Kingdome or in any other manner to dispose thereof And that notwithstanding any whatsoeuer Monitions or Monitories Excommunications or Interdicts which by the Pope can bee made yet the subiects are bound to yeeld obedience due to the King for temporals neither therein can they be dispenced or absolued by the Pope Which position is in very deed the whole substance both of our new Oath and also of the late Oath of France which the lower house of Parliament would haue had established for a fundamentall law 13. And to omit now many other learned Catholikes cited by Widdrington Widdrington in his Answere to Fitzherb part 1. that it is a controuersie among Catholikes and approued by many and therefore truly probable that the Pope hath no authoritie to depose Princes it is so manifest that no learned man vnlesse hee will bee shamefully impudent can denie it and the publike Writings of learned Catholikes on both sides See beneath in the end of this Treatise the Oath of Frāce the condemnation of Suarez and Bell. Booke and a decree of the Parliament of Paris touching the doctrine of the Popes power to depose the proceedings of the Parliament of Paris against the Bookes of Cardinall Bellarmine of Schulckenius and of Suarez the propounding of the aforenamed Oath by the lower house of Parliament wherein of two hundred Knights and Burgesses there were but fix Protestants besides the complaint of some Doctors of Paris to the Colledge of Sorbon against the Controuersia Anglicana of Becanus and infinite other testimonies of learned men of our owne Nation not only of those who haue taken the Oath or thinke it to be lawfull but also of many others doe most cleerly conuince the same In so much that Cardinall Peron Card. Peron in his speech to the lower house of Parliament compelled by so manifest a truth doth plainly confesse the same and thereupon acknowledgeth that the Pope himselfe doth in France tolerate those Catholikes that hold against him in this point tolerate I say not as publike Vsurers Harlots or other notorious sinners are in some Countries permitted but by admitting them to Sacraments which neither the Pope nor the Prelates of France could lawfully doe if for holding that doctrine those Frenchmen were to bee condemned of Heresie Errour Temeritie or any other damnable sinne So that it is most cleere manifest to any man of iudgment that it is a great controuersie among learned Catholikes and that it is approued by many of them and therefore truly probable that the Pope hath no authoritie to depose or depriue Soueraigne Princes See also the Authour of the Potestants Apologie for the Roman Church in his Preface from Sect. 19. to the end where you may see his dislike of this doctrine for the Popes authoritie to depose Princes and taxeth them who ouercharge the supreme Pastour with incompetent attributes of Authoritie in temporals and in his owne authentical Manuscript he more particularly and expresly shewed that the Pope hath no Authority in temporals either directly or indirectly which last words it pleased those who had commission to print his Booke to leaue out whereof he greatly complained to a friend of mine And likewise for the dislike which this learned Authour shewed in his Preface of this authoritie of the Pope to dispose of temporals it pleased the Authour who translated his Booke into Latine to leaue out the Preface altogether which neuerthelesse is a chiefe part of his Booke and it deserued to bee put in Latine as much if not
or Successours or any absolution of the said Subiects from their obedience yet he wil beare faith and true allegiance to his Maiestie his Heires and Successours and him and them will defend c. Neuerthelesse the lawfulnesse or iustice of this promissorie Oath supposeth for the principall ground thereof the veritie of the former assertorie Clause and therefore it implieth and vertually containeth a deniall of the Popes authoritie to depriue or depose Princes and to absolue Subiects frō their temporall allegiance for that whosoeuer doth sweare that notwithstanding any sentence of depriuation or absolution of subiects from their obedience made or hereafter to be made by the Pope or his Successours against his Maiestie his Heires or Successours to make this promise iust and lawfull he must consequently deny that the Pope hath Authoritie to depriue Princes or to absolue Subiects from their obedience as Suarez examining this Branch of the Oath doth most clearely demonstrate Suarez in Defens lib. 6. cap. 3. See Widdring against Fitzherbert part 1. cap. 5. For if the sentence of depriuation to be made at any time hereafter against the King his Heires or Successours for any manifest cause or crime whatsoeuer may be iust lawfull and effectuall it is as vnlawfull to take this clause as it is vnlawfull for one to sweare that he will not obey the Popes sentence and commandement which hereafter he shall impose be it neuer so inst and without all errour or default But if this sentence of depriuation at any time hereafter to be made can neuer be iust it must needs follow that the Pope hath no more authoritie to depriue or depose the King his Heires or Successours then he hath authoritie to commit open iniustice 2. Wherefore those thirteene Reuerend Priests who solemnly protested to Queene Elizabeth that notwithstanding any authoritie which words are farre more generall then notwithstanding any sentence of depriuation or any Excommunication either denounced or to be denounced against her Maiestie c. they would yeeld to her Maiestie all obedience in temporall causes would then haue made no difficultie to take this Branch of the Oath and consequently to free themselues from periurie they must also deny the Popes Authoritie to depriue and depose Princes for that the iustice of this Branch implieth supposeth as a chiefe ground thereof a deniall of the Popes authoritie to depriue and depose as Suarez doth most plainely conuince 3. First therefore in this Clause is not denied the Popes power to Excommunicate but onely that Excommunication being a spirituall censure doth not worke this temporall effect as to make Kings no Kings or to depriue them of their Royall right and Soueraigntie and consequently not to absolue Subiects from their naturall allegiance which according to the doctrine of Card. Bellarmine and Suarez they doe by the law of God and Nature owe to their lawfull Prince Bell. in Tract contra Barclaium cap. 21. pag. 202. Suarez in Defens c. lib. 6. cap. 3. nu 6. And thus much his Maiestie hath also in expresse words declared The truth is saith his Maiestie The Kings Maiestie in his Premonition c. pag. 9. that the Lower house of Parliament at the first framing of this Oath made it to containe that the Pope had no power to Excommunicate mee which I forced them to reforme onely making it to conclude that no Excommunication of the Popes can warrant my Subiects to practise against my Person or State denying the deposition of Kings to be in the Popes lawfull power as indeede I take any such temporall violence to be farre without the limits of such a spirituall censure as Excommunication is And also that depriuation or deposition from temporall kingdomes is not an effect of Excommunicatiō Widdrington hath shewed at large heretofore and Becanus and Suarez doe also in expresse words affirme the same Widdrington in his Apologie nu 346. in his Answer to Suarez part 2. sect 4. and in his Answer to Fitzher part 3. cap. 1. Frō hence it is very apparāt saith Becanus Becanus in quest de fide haereticis seruanda ca. 8. nu 16. and in his Controuersia Anglic. cap. 3. qu. 2. that Heretikes by this precisely that they are excommunicated are not depriued of their Dominion or Iurisdiction either ouer their subiects or ouer their temporall goods but this depriuation is a destinct punishment and inflicted by a destinct law And againe It is one thing saith he to excommunicate a King and another thing to depose him or depriue him of his Kingdome neither is the one necessarily connected with the other Many Kings and Emperours haue beene excommunicated and yet not therefore deposed and contrariwise many deposed and yet not therefore excommunicated See also Suarez cited by Widdrington in his Apologie Suarez tom 5. disp 15. sect 6. nu 3. and in his answere to Suarez and Fitzherbert 4. And therefore in very truth I am sorie and doe in some sort pittie the Author of the Prelate and the Prince a man whom heretofo●e I haue much loued respected and honoured that he should so grosly forget himselfe as to bewray so palpably such great want of learning iudgement and sinceritie in affirming so boldly and without any proofe at all Pag. 298. that depriuation of Regall authoritie is an effect of excommunicating Kings and Princes and so in denying the effect the cause is denyed For as saith he if you should say A man is not risibilis that is hath not power to laugh you should deny him to be a man so in denying that the Pope can depriue Princes of their Kingdomes you deny in effect that he can excommunicate Whereas this Authour knew right well that Widdrington in that very Chapter which hee citeth did by the expresse doctrine of Suarez and Becanus but now related cleerely prooue against Lessius who vrged euen as nakedly and without any proofe at all the same obiection that depriuation is no effect at all of Excommunication much lesse proprium quarto modo as risibilis a power to laugh is to a man as this Authour most vnlearnedly affirmeth And yet forsooth he taketh vpon him as it may appeare by the very Title and Inscription of his Treatise to giue a full Instruction and appeasement to the consciences of English Catholikes concerning the Oath of Allegiance But this shall suffice at this present for an imperfect portraying of this Authours want of iudgement and sinceritie in his Explication of the Oath of Allegiance especially if wee consider his person the Office hee now beareth and the doctrine which in former times hee held for that as I am told his perfect Picture both in this and other points is alreadie drawne and will be set forth in liuely colours ere it be long 5. Secondly it is euident by the former Obseruations that those wordes Heires and Successours doe not signifie Vsurpers as some would wrest them contrarie to the meaning of the Law the
plaine and common signification of the wordes and the rules before alleaged For albeit this word Successour may in generall bee taken for euery Successour who either vnlawfully or vnlawfull doth succeed yet particularly and properly when it is placed in a Law it is vsually taken only for a lawfull Successour wherefore according to that rule of the Ciuill Law before mentioned in the second Obseruation that the doubtfull words of euery Law must be taken in that sense which is without default this word Successours must in this Oath established by His Maiesties Law bee limited only to lawfull Successours and who according to the Lawes of the Kingdome doe succeed For as according to Law Id tantum possumus quod iure possumus We can only doe that which wee can doe lawfully or by Law so according to Law he only is accounted to succeed who by lawfull right doth succed Whereupon the Ciuill Lawyers doe define Inheritance to be a succeding to all the right of one deceased and an Heire who succeedeth him in all his right without adding lawfull succeeding or lawfully succeedeth for that it is alwayes so to bee vnderstood and therefore being necessarily supposed it is not expressed but altogether omitted in the definitions of an Heire and of Inheritance And whensoeuer in the Common or Statute Lawes of this Kingdome any mention is made of the King and his Successours this word lawfull is but few times added although alwayes it ought to be vnderstood 6 Thirdly it is also euident by the former Obseruations that by those words Treasons and Trayterous Conspiracies are only vnderstood true proper and naturall Treasons and which among all Nations what Religion soeuer they professe are accounted Treasons and repugnant to naturall Alleagiance and Temporall and Ciuill Obedience and not such Treasons which in regard chiefly of Religion are by the positiue Lawes of some Nations made Treasons and accounted Treasons onely for that they are punished with the penalties which are due to proper and naturall Treasons as are the comming in of English Priests into this Kingdome made by the Popes authoritie and all reconcilements to the Pope though in matters that concerne Religion For as His Maiestie and the Parliament haue declared the only intent of this Oath is to contayn the profession of naturall Allegiance and such ciuill and temporall dutie and obedience which euery true and well-affected subiect ought by the Law of God to beare to their lawfull Prince and Soueraigne with a promise to resist and disclose all contrarie vnciuill violence For to preuent such hainous attempts and mischiefes which in time to come might be plotted by the example of the Powder-Traytours who vnder colour of Religion attempted that barbarous and deuillish Conspiracie this forme of Oath was framed saith His Maiestie In his Apologie pag. 2. nu 2. to bee taken by all my subiects whereby they should make cleere profession of their resolution faithfully to persist in obedience vnto me acrording to their naturall Allegiance to the end that I might hereby make a separation not only betweene all my good subiects in generall and vnfaithfull Traytours that intended to draw themselues from my Obedience but specially to make a separation betweene so many of my subiects who although they were otherwise Popishly affected yet retayned in their hearts the print of their naturall dutie to their Soueraigne and those who being carryed away with the like fanaticall zeale that the Powder-Traytours were could not contayne themselues within the bounds of their naturall Allegiance but thought diuersitie of Religion a safe pretext for all kinde of Treasons and Rebellions against their Soueraigne Wherby it is apparant that only such Treasons and Trayterous Conspiracies are here vnderstood which are repugnant and contrarie to naturall Allegiance and not such Treasons which are not naturall Treasons but only in regard of Religion are by positiue Lawes made Treasons and to be punished with the ordinary penalties of true proper and naturall Treason And in this sense also those thirteene Reuerend Priests vnderstood the words Conspiracies Attempts and Practises in their Protestation CHAP. IIII. The Fourth Branch of the Oath and an Explication thereof ANd I doe further sweare That I doe from my heart abhorre detest and abiure as impious and hereticall this damnable doctrine and position That Princes which bee excommunicated or depriued by the Pope may be deposed or murthered by their subiects or any other whatsoeuer 1. Although this Branch may at the first sight seeme somewhat suspicious in regard of that word hereticall yet if it be duly examined according to the former Obseruations it will easily appeare that it contayneth no such difficultie as some impugners of the Oath would seeme to imagine but that if it bee lawfull to abhorre detest and abiure the aforesaid position as cleerely false and iniurious to Princes which the former Discourse doth plainly conuince it is also lawfull to abiure it as hereticall or which is all one as contayning in it a falshood which is repugnant not onely to naturall reason but also to the Word of God reuealed in the holy Scriptures For as euery Doctrine and position which is agreeable to that truth which God hath reuealed is to be accounted of faith so contrariwise euerie Doctrine and position which contayneth in it a falshood which is repugnant to the Word of God reuealed in the holy Scriptures is to be accounted hereticall and repugnant to faith And in this sence the word hereticall is not onely by all Protestants but also by many learned Catholique Diuines commonly and vsually taken as Widdrington hath shewed at large in his answer to Fitz herbert Widdrington in his Adioinder to the first and second part 5. Neyther is it necessarie that we must take the word hereticall as likewise no other ambiguous word contayned in this Oath in that strict and rigorous sense wherein some Catholickes take the word hereticall to wit for that doctrine which not onely contayneth a falshood repugnant to the holy Scriptures but also which by the Church or a generall Councell which representeth the Church is expresly and particularly declared and defined so to be but it sufficeth that we take the word hereticall in a proper and vsuall signification and wherin Catholickes doe commonly take it especially when this common sense is agreeable to the meaning and vnderstanding of the Law-maker for that according to the approued rule before set downe in the second obseruation in a penall and odious matter when the wordes of any Law are doubtfull or ambiguous and there be many common senses of the same word or sentence we ought to take them in that common sense which is more fauourable especially when it is not against the meaning of the Law-maker 6. Neither also is it necessarie to make any Doctrine or Position to be hereticall that the proposition with all particular circumstances therein expressed must bee contained in the holy Scriptures but it sufficeth that it contain
God and Nature due to him from his Subiects so long as he remayneth their Prince and therfore he cannot absolue discharge or release them from the Obligation of this Oath or any part thereof or which is all one he cannot giue them leaue not to beare faith and true allegiance to his Maiestie and consequently not to defend him to the vttermost of their power against all Treasons and trayterous conspiracies which shall be made against his Royall person Crowne and dignitie and not to doe their best endeauor to disclose and make them knowne vnto his Maiestie seeing that to performe all these things Subiects are bound by the law of God and Nature wherein no temporall or spirituall authoritie can dispence And therefore the Authour of the Protestants Apologie for the Roman Church trac 3. Sec. 5. doth very well affirme that all Catholikes are by all Lawes Diuine and Humane indissolubly obliged in the highest degree of all earthly Allegiance to his Maiestie that now is as to their true vndoubted lawfull Soueraigne liege Lord and King CHAP. VI. The Sixt Branch of the Oath and an Explication of the same WHich Oath I acknowledge by good and full authoritie to bee lawfully ministred vnto mee and doe renounce all pardons and dispensations to the contrarie 1. This Branch contayneth in it no difficultie at all if wee consider what hath beene said before to wit that in this Oath is onely demanded a sincere profession of true temporall allegiance and that no authoritie or obedience which is due to the Pope is denied therein And that to treat of the Popes authoritie not affirmatiuely what power he hath but affirmatiuely what authoritie in temporalls the Kings Maiestie hath ouer his Kingdome and Subiects and consequently what authoritie in temporalls the Pope hath not ouer the said kingdome and subiects and also that to exact of Subiects an Oath not onely of their temporall allegiance in generall but also of such allegiance in particular which his Maiestie and the State shall for prudent reasons motiues thinke to be necessarie for the preseruation of the Kingdome from future Treasons Inuasions or Perturbations so that it bee contayned within the bounds of true temporall allegiance doth no way exceede the limits of temporall authoritie 2. First therefore by those words good and full authoritie is not vnderstood any authoritie of the Kings Maiestie in Ecclesiasticall causes but onely in temporall matters as is the ministring of an Oath of true temporall allegiance For although his Maiesty be perswaded that hee hath full and supreme authoritie not onely in temporall but also in Ecclesiastical affaires for externall gouernement and that the Pope hath not ouer him or his Subiects within this Realme any authoritie or iurisdiction nor power to excommunicate his Maiestie yet his meaning is not to meddle at all in this Oath eyther with his owne or with the Popes Ecclesiasticall Supremacie but onely with his owne temporall Soueraigntie and consequently with the Popes authoritie not to depose him or to dispose of his Kingdome or to authorize any forraigne Prince to inuade or annoy him or to absolue his Subiects from their obedience c. And therefore as I obserued before in the third obseruation wee must distinguish betwixt his Maiesties vnderstanding or perswasion and his meaning or intention for his meaning was not to exact in this Oath of His Subiects all which hee is perswaded he might lawfully exact of them but only to demand of them in this Oath a profession of that temporall Allegiance which all Subiects are bound by the Law of God to giue to their lawfull Soueraigne as it is manifest by the declaration both of His Maiestie and also of the Parliament and therefore Hee was carefull not to meddle with the Popes authority to excommunicate Him 3. Secondly it is certaine that albeit Christian Princes haue not authoritie to define and determine what position is hereticall or to punish Heretikes with spirituall punishments for these are meere spirituall things yet they haue authoritie to command their subiects to abiure such positions as are alreadie defined or knowne to bee manifestly false and repugnant to the holy Scriptures for such and to punish with temporall punishments the obstinate maintayners of the same especially as the mayntayning of such positions is hurtfull to the publike temporall peace whereof the King hath charge and who therefore may also by the materiall Sword repell the wrongs and iniuries offered to the temporall Kingdome or Common-wealth by Clergie-men and also the abuses of the spirituall Sword when they tend to the hurt of the ciuill Common-wealth as Franciscus Victoria Ioannes Parisiensis and Couerruuias doe well obserue Victoria Relect. 1. de potest Eccles sec 7. §. octaua propositio Parisiensis de potest Reg. Pap. cap. 11. ad 37. Couerruu cap. 35. Practic question Wherefore a King saith Dominicus Bannes Bannes 2. 2. q. 11. ar q. 1. doth punish Heretikes as most seditious Enemies to the peace of His Kingdome which cannot be preserued without vnitie of Religion And Marriage saith Dominicus Sotus Sotus in 4. dist 29. q. 1. ar 4. being a Sacrament in such sort that it is also a ciuill contract it nothing letteth but that as in the former respect it belongeth to the Ecclesiasticall Court so in regard of the later it is subiect also in some sort to the Ciuill Not that Princes can alter those things which are of the substance of Matrimonie but that they may punish them who contract they shall offend against the publike peace for against those crimes whose iudgement doth belong to the Ecclesiasticall Court they may also ordayne punishments as they disturbe the peace of the Common-wealth Which doctrine of Sotus may in the very like manner bee applyed to Heresie which being a spirirituall offence in such sort that also it disturbeth the temporall peace of the Common-wealth it nothing letteth but that as in the former respect it belongeth to the Ecclesiasticall Court so in regard of the later it is subiect also in some sort to the Ciuill not that Princes can determine and define what is Heresie but that they may punish Heretikes when by defending hereticall positions they shall offend against the publike good For against those crimes whose iudgement doth belong to the Ecclesiasticall Court they may also ordayne punishments as they disturbe the peace of the Common-wealth And therefore Christian Princes haue good and full power to compell their Subiects to abiure impious damnable and hereticall positions for such when it is necessarie to the preseruation of the publike temporall peace and to discouer how their Subiects stand affectted in point of their Loyaltie and due Obedience 4. Thirdly it is euident that Clergie-men being truely subiect to temporall Princes in regard of their naturall birth and of their liuing in Ciuill Societie with others and consequently bound according to the common doctrine of Diuines to obserue their iust Lawes not only virationis
now in controuersie did not consider some Reason Law or Decree which hath great force against their opinion but contrariwise that the later Doctors being conuinced with that Reason Law or Decree doe now defend the contrarie opinion If therfore a learned man seeing that Law or Decree or considering that new reason doth defend the opinion of the later Writers against the ancient hee cannot follow in practice the opinion of the ancient Writers against his owne opinion or which is all one by reason of their authoritie and approbation because the opinion of the ancient who haue not seene or considered that Decree or Reason ought not now to be accounted probable And therefore Widdrington defining probable to bee that which is approued by learned and skilfull men for the better vnderstanding and explication of the last words he added who haue seene and examined the difficultie for if they haue not seene and considered that particular difficultie and controuersie they cannot bee accounted learned and skilfull therein 11. Now the particular difficulty and controuersie concerning this point and which those Popes and Doctours mentioned in the obiection did not consider and examine is whether supposing it to bee now a controuersie and to be apptooued by learned Catholikes that the Pope hath no authoritie to depriue Princes it be not open iniustice in the Pope to depriue Princes of their Kingdomes and Dominions which they really and bona fide doe possesse And therefore vnlesse it can bee conuinced that it is not at this day a controuersie among learned Catholikes whether the Pope hath authoritie to depriue which is as hard a matter as to proue that the Sunne doth not giue light at noone daies or else that it is lawfull vpon a doubtfull vncertaine controuersed probable power or title to thrust by violence any man out of that which heeactually and bona fide possesseth the practice of deposing Princes vnder pretence of the probability of the Popes power to depriue Princes cannot bee accounted probable to any learned man so much as to excuse him in conscience and in the sight of God from formall sinne and iniustice 12. But to conclude with this Obseruation which I wish you Deare Countremen diligently to consider That howsoeuer any Subiect concurring in practice with the Pope to the deposing of his lawfull Soueraigue Prince may vnder pretence of some probabilitie of the doctrine to depose Princes by the Popes authoritie perswade himselfe that hee is excused from sinne and formall Treason in his conscience and before the sight of God wherewith Princes not knowing the secrets of mens hearts but leauing them to the iudgement of God doe not intermeddle in their Tribunals yet considering these two things The first that it is most certayne and out of all controuersie that hee is excused in conscience and before the sight of God from all sinne and offence in defending his lawfull Prince who is in possession and in resisting such inuasions and depositions which are grounded only vpon a probable power and title whereas hee cannot with any reason assuredly perswade himselfe that hee is secure in conscience by taking part with the Pope against his Prince who is in possession of his Crowne The Second that it is also most certaine and out of all controuersie that hee may iustly in taking the Popes part against his Prince being inuaded and depriued vnder pretence of a probable power and title although in very deed the power and title were neuer so probable bee accused and condemned both in the Secular and also Ecclesiasticall Court of the Prince inuaded of open and manifest Treason and as a manifest Traitour be deseruedly put to death for that it is open iniustice in the Pope saith the Authour of the Prelate and the Prince to depriue a Prince of his Kingdome to which hee hath probable right and withall possession and consequently it is open Treason in the Subiect to take part with the Pope in that case against his rightfull Prince These two things I say being duly considered I thinke those Subiects to bee starke mad and senslesse and to haue neither the feare of God nor Man before their eyes that can be drawne to approue such damnable practices and consequently neither the doctrine grounds and principles thereof or to concurre with the Pope to the deposing and dispossessing of their Soueraigne Prince vnder pretence of a power title and clayme which euen in speculation and abstracting from practice can bee at the most but probable And so recommending to your prudent considerations this my serious and sincere aduertisement I make an end and request you euer to haue in minde that which I said in the beginning and cannot too often repeate Feare God Honour the King Render to God and Caesar and consequently to Popes and Princes that which is their due 1. Pet. 2. Mat. 22. A Copie of the Oath of Allegiance or the First Article which the Lower House of Parliament wherein of 200. Deputies for the Third Estates were but sixe Protestants propounded to the French King to haue established for a fundamentall Law in the generall Assembly of the three Estates holden at Paris in the yeere 1614. The First Article of the Third Estates taken out of a Booke intituled Apologie de l'Article primier du Tiers Estat pag. 4. THat to stay the course of that pernitious dostrine which some years since hath been broached against Kings and Souereigne powers established by God by seditious spirits who attend only to disturbe and subuert the same Supplication may bee made to the King that hee will cause to bee decreed in the Assemblie of these Estates for a fundamentall Law of the Realme That for as much as hee is acknowledged Soueraigne in his Estate nor houlding his Crowne but from God alone There is not any power on Earth whatsoeuer it be Spirituall or Temporall which hath any right ouer his Kingdome to depriue the sacred persons of our Kings nor to dispence or absolue for any cause or pretence whatsoeuer their Subiects from the Allegiance and obedience which they owe to them That all the Subiects of what qualitie or condition soeuer they be shall hould this Law for holy and true as agreeable to the Word of God without distinction equiuocation or limitation whatsoeuer Which shall be sworne and signed by all the Deputies of the Estates and from henceforth by all that haue Benefices or offices in the Kingdome before they enter into possession of their Benefices and bee admitted into their Offices That all Masters Regents Doctors and Preachers shall bee bound to teach and publish that the contrarie opinion to wit that it is lawfull to kill and depose our Kings to rise vp and rebell against them to shake of the yoake of their obedience for any occasion whatsoeuer is impious detestable and contrarie to truth and against the establishment of the State of France which dependeth immediatly on none but God That all Bookes which doe teach
Iesu Doctoris Theologi Defensio fidei Catholicae Apostolicae aduersus Anglicanae sectae errores contayning in the third Booke Chap. 23. p. 376. 79 80 82. Chap. 29. p. 410. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. Chap. 6. pag. 834. Chap. 8. pag. 844. and in other places many propositions contrarie to the Soueraigne powers of Kings ordained and established by God the peace and quietnesse of their States and that it is lawfull for their subiects and strangers to attempt against their persons Conclusions of the Kings Attorney generall All which beeing considered The said Court hath declared and doth declare the propositions and maximes contayned in the saide Booke to bee scandalous and seditious tending to the subuersion of States and to induce the subiects of Kings and soueraign Princes and others to attempt against their sacred persons and the discourses making mention of King Glodoueus and Philip the Faire to be false and slanderous Hath ordayned and doth ordayne the said Booke of Suarez to bee burned in the Court of the Palace by the Executioner of high Iustice Hath made and doth make iniunctions and inhibitions to Stationers and Printers not to print sell or vtter it and to all persons of what qualitie or condition soeuer not to haue copie out keepe teach in Schooles nor in other places nor to dispute the said maximes and propositions It doth ordayne that according to the Arrest made the 8. of Iune 1610. that the Decree of the Theologicall Facultie made the 4. of Iune the same yeare of renewing the doctrinall Censure of the said Facultie made in the yeare 1408. confirmed by the Councell of Constance together with this present Arrest or Decree as also those of the yeare 1578 and 95. bee read every yeare the 4. day of Iune as well in the said Facultie as in the Colledge of the Priest and Schollers of the Colledge of Claremont This Colledge of Claremont is the Iesuites Colledge and of the foure Mendicants And that at the instance of the Kings Attorney generall informations be taken of the transgressions against the said Arrests and Inhibitions bee made against the copying out hauing and keeping the like bookes Made in Parliament the 26. day of Iune 1614. Signed VOISIN Moreouer it is decreed that the Fathers Ignace Armand Rectour in this Citie Cotton Fronton and Sirmund shall be sent for the first day of the Court and it shall be shewed them that contrarie to their declaration and the Decree of their Generall made in the yeare 1610. the Booke of Suarez hath beene printed and brought into this Citie against the authoritie of the King the safetie of his Crowne and State And it shall be enioyned them to cause their Generall to renew the said Decree and that it be published and that they bring in the Act within sixe moneths And that they prouide that no bookes contayning such damnable and pernicious propositions bee hereafter made or published by any of their Societie And that it bee inioyned them to perswade the people by their Preachers the Doctrine contrarie to the said propositions Otherwise the Court wil proceed against the transgressours as against Traytors and perturbers of the publique peace The aforesaide Arrest or Decree and what hath beene decreed was pronounced in the presence of the Fathers Ignace Armand Charles de la Tour who came in place of Father Cotton absent Fronton du Duc and Iames Sirmund And the Arrest was executed before the great Staires of the Pallace the 27. of Iune 1614. A Copie of another Arrest or Decree of the Parliament of Paris wherein the former doctrine of practizing the deposition of Soueraigne Princes is condemned and the former Decrees made against the Bookes of Card. Bellarmine and Suarez are againe confirmed An Arrest or Decree of the Court of Parliament touching the Kings Soueraigntie in Temporals and against the pernicious doctrine to attempt vpon the sacred persons of Kings The place ✚ of the Kings Armes of France and Nauarre At Paris By F. Morel P. Mettayer the Kings Ordinarie Printers and Stationers 1615. Taken out of the Records of the Parliament WHereas the Kings Attourney Generall hath complayned to the Court all the Chambers thereof being assembled that albeit by many Arrests or Decrees heretofore made with great and mature deliberation the Court hath confirmed the Maximes which haue at all times beene held in France and are naturally engrafted to the Crowne That the King doth not acknowledge any Superiour in Temporals of his Kingdome but God alone And that no power or authoritie can rightfully release his Subiect from the Oath of Allegiance and Obedience which they owe to Him nor suspend depriue or depose him from his said Kingdome and much lesse to attempt or to cause to attempt either by publike or priuate authoritie against the sacred persons of Kings Neuerthelesse it hath beene aduertized that by Discourses as well in priuate as in publike many persons doe presume to call in question the said Maximes to dispute of them and to hold them for problematike from whence may arise very many inconueniences which of necessitie must be prouided against and that speedily Hee the said Attourney requesteth that seeing the Court is assembled all businesses set aside it will bee pleased to ordaine that the said Decrees shall be renewed and againe published in all the Benches subiect to the Iurisdiction of this Court to the end that the mindes of all the Kings Subiects of what quality or condition so euer may be kept firme and assured concerning the said Maximes and Rules and for the safetie of the Kings life the publike peace and quietnesse With Inhibitions not to transgresse the same vnder the penalties set downe by the said Arrests And that it be enioyned to all their Substitutes to cause the publication thereof to be made and to certifie the Court within a moneth vnder paine to be depriued of their Offices The Court all the Chambers being assembled hath ordayned and doth ordayne that the Arrests of the 2. Decemb 1561. the 29. Decemb. 1594 the 7. of Ianuarie and the 19. of Iuly 1595. the 27. of May the 8. of Iune and the 26. of Nouemb. 1610. and the 26. of Iune 1614. shall bee kept and obserued according to their forme and tenour Forbidding all persons of what qualitie or condition soeuer to transgresse the same And to this end they shall bee published in the Bayliwikes Stewardships and other Benches subiect to this Court by the care of the Substitutes to the Attourney Generall who shall certifie the Court with in a moneth vnder paine to answere it at their perill Made in Parliament the second of Ianuarie 1615. Signed VOISIN The lawfulnesse of all these Arrests or Decrees is manifest partly by that which hath beene said in this Treatise in the Fourth and Fift Obseruation and in the Second Third and Fift Chapters and more particularly by Widdrington in his Discussion of the Decree of the Lateran Councell against Lessius part 2. sect 9. for that Christian Princes by vertue of their temporall power haue good full authoritie according to the doctrine of Ioannes Parisiensis Ioh. Paris de potest Reg. Pap. c. 21. ad 37. Victoria Victoria Relect. 1. de potest Eccles sec 7. §. octaua propositio Sotus Sotus in 4. dist 29. q. 1. ar 4. Bānes Bannes 2. 2. q 11. ar 4. q. 1. in fine Couerrunias Couerr cap. 35. pract quest which is grounded in manifest reason to forbid the maintayning teaching and publishing not only of hereticall erroneous and false propositions but also of all vnnecessarie doctrines and positions be they neuer so probable as the teaching and publishing of the same is dangerous to the Crownes and liues of temporall Princes and tendeth to the subuersion of the State and to the disturbance of the publike peace in the Ciuill Common-wealth whereof the Prince hath charge and to punish with temporall punishments the teachers maintayners and publishers of such dangerous and seditious doctrines Haec omnia Ecclesiae Catholicae indicio subiecta sunto FINIS Page Line Faults corrected 8. 13. would would not 35. 4. at first at the first 71. 16. Authors Authour 87. 27. or vnlawfull or lawfully 133. 20. bound bound 144. 16. bound bound 146. 10. dipose dispose 187. 1. and to be and be 191. 4. Deputies Deputies