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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13512 Taylors Vrania, or His heauenly muse With a briefe narration of the thirteene sieges, and sixe sackings of the famous cittie of Ierusalem. Their miseries of warre, plague, and famine, (during their last siege by Vespasian and his son Titus.) In heroicall verse compendiously described.; Urania Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1616 (1616) STC 23806; ESTC S118287 24,950 88

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number Misvnderstanding tongues did there incumber Thus he that sits in Heau'n their plots derided And in their height of pride their tongues deuided For in this sudden vnexpected change The wife and husband Sire and sonne were strange The Brother could not vnderstand the Brother The Daughter stands amazed at hir Mother By euery one a seuerall part is acted And each vnto the other seems distracted Thus by the Iustice of the Lord of Hosts Each seuerall tongue was driu'n to seuerall coasts And GOD peculiar to himselfe did chuse His most beloued yet hard-hearted Iewes Iehouahs honor with them then did dwell His Name was only knowne in Israel Salem his habitation was of yore In Sion men his glory did adore Th' Eternall trine and trine Eternall one In Iurie then was called on alone The sonnes of Heber were th' adopted stocke Gods onely Chosen holy sacred flocke Amongst all Nations them he only lik'd And for his owne vse them he culd and pik'd Them his sin-killing sauing word he gaue T' instruct thē what condemn'd what wold saue To them he gaue his word his Couenants band His Patriarks his Prophets and his hand Did blesse defend instruct correct and guide The Iewes and no one Nation else beside For them a world of wonders hath he done To them he sent his blest begotten Sonne On them a Land he freely did bestow Where milke and honie plenteously did flow With them he was till they from him did turne And wilfully against his blessings spurne All heau'nly earthly Soules or Bodies good They lack'd no temp'rall or eternall food His Temple builded in Ierusalem Where he had daily sacrifice from them Where though their seruice was defect and lame Th' Almighties mercy did accept the same For though Mans sin is great God hath decreed To take his best endeuour for a deed And whilst they in his loue and feare abode They were his people he their gracious God But when impieties began to breed And ouergrow old Iacobs sacred seed When they from good to bad began to fall From ill to worse from worst to worst of all When GODS great mercies could not them allure And his sharp threatnings could not them procure When each ones body was vnto the soule A loathsom dungeon to a prisoner foule When sin all shameles the whole land o're spreads Then God threw dreadfull vengance on their heads And for their heynous heaping sin on sin Ierusalem hath oft assaulted bin First Shishack Egypts King with might and maine Made hauock there in Rehoboams Raigne The Citie Temple Golden vessells Shields All as a prey to the Egiptians yeelds Next Ioas came the King of Israel In Amaziahs daies with furie fell He brought Iudea to Samariaes thrall King Kingdom Princes Peeres and people all Then thirdly Rezin King of Aram came In Ahaz time with sword and furious flame Th' Assirian great Zenach'rib was the next By whom good Hezekiah was perplext But when blasphemous Pagans puft with pride Contemptuously the GOD of Gods defide The Lord of Lords whom no power can withstand Tooke his owne gracious glorious cause in hand He vsd no humane Arme or speare or sword But with his All-commanding mighty word One Angell sent to grisly Plutoes den A hundred eighty and fiue thousand men Then fiftly was Ierusalem subdude In Iudaes blood th' Assirians hands imbrude Manasses Godles glory did expire All yeeld vnto th' insulting foes desire Vsurping Conquest all did seaze vpon The King in chaines-bound sent to Babylon Till he Repenting to his GOD did call Who heard his cry and freed him out of thrall Then sixtly Pharaoh-Necho Egipts King To great distresse all Iudaes Land did bring With fell confusion all the Kingdom fill'd And with a dart good King Iosias kill'd The Shepheard for his wandring sheep was shooke The godly Prince from godles people tooke So this iust zealous and religious Prince Whose like scarce euer Raign'd before or since Th' Almighty to himselfe did take agen As knowing him too good for such bad men Nabuchadnezer next made them obay When Zedekiah did the Scepter sway King Kingdom Peeres and People all o'rethrowne All topsie-turuy spoyld and tumbled downe The curst Caldeans did the King surprise Then slew his Sons and next pluck'd out his eyes Then vnto Babilon he was conuayde In Chaines in Prison and in Darknes layde Till death his Corps did from his soule deuide He liu'd a slaue and sadly gladly dyde The Citie and the Temple burnt and spoyld With all pollution euery place was soyld The holy vessels all away were borne The sacred Garments which the Priests had worne All these the Caldies voide of all remorce Did carry vnto Babylon perforce Which seuenty yeeres in slauerie and much woe They kept and would by no meanes let them goe Till Persian Cirus did Earths glory gaine Who freede the Iewes and sent them home againe He rendred backe their vessells and their store And bad them build their Temple vp once more Which many yeeres in glorious state did stand Till Ptolomie the King of Egipts band Surprisde the Iewes and made them all obay Assaulting them vpon the Sabboth day Next after that from Rome great Pompey came And Iudaes force by force perforce did tame Then did the Caesars beare the earthly sway The vniuersall world did them obay And after that the Romane power did place The Idumean Herods graceles Grace Him they created Tetrarch demy King Gainst whom the Iewes did boldly spurne and fling For they had sworne that none but Dauids seed In the seat Royall euer should succeed But Sossius and King Herods armies strength Did ouer-run them all in breadth and length By hostile Armes they did them all prouoke To beare the burthen of their awfull yoke And lastly them the Romanes ouer-run By valiant Titus old Vespasians sonne Then fell they to an vnrecouer'd wane They all in generall were or slaine or tane Then was the extirpation of them all Their iust worst last most fatall finall fall Thus mercy being mock'd pluckd iudgmēt down Gods fauour being scorn'd prouokes his frowne Aboue all Nations he did them respect Below all Nations he did them deiect Most vnto them his fauour was addicted Most vpon them his furie was inflicted Most neere most deere they were to him in loue And farthest off his wrath did them remoue He blest he curst he gaue and then he tooke As they his word obayde or else forsooke How oft Iehouah seem'd his sword to draw To make them feare his precepts and his Law How oft he raisd them when they headlong fell How oft he pardond when they did rebell How long did Mercy shine and Iustice winke When their foule crimes before Gods face did stinke How oft Repentance like a pleasing sauour Repurchasd GODS abused gracious fauour When he did blessings vpon blessings heape Then they ingratefull held them meane cheape Their plenty made them too too much secure They their Creators yoke would not endure They
Graceles fell from goodnes and from grace And kick'd and spurn'd at Heau'ns most glorious face The Prophets and the Seers that were sent To warne them to amendment repent They ston'd they killd they scorn'd they beat they bound Their goodnes to requite their spight did wound The Prophets came with loue and purchasd hate They offred peace and were returnd debate They came to saue and were vniustly spilld They brought them life and were vnkindly killd No better entertainment they afford Vnto the Legates of their louing Lord. Thus were the Lab'rers in GODS Vineyard vsde Thus was their loue their care their paines abusde Their toyles and trauailes had no more regard Bonds death and tortures was their best reward At last th' Almighty from his glorious seat Perceiu'd his seruants they so ill intreat No more would send a Prophet or a Seer But his owne Sonne which he esteem'd most deere He left his high Tribunall and downe came And for all Glory enterchang'd all shame All mortall miseries he vnderwent To cause his loued-loueles Iewes repent By Signes by Wonders and by Miracles By Preaching Parables and Oracles He wrought and sought their faithles faith to cure But euer they obdurate did endure Our blest Redeemer came vnto his owne And 'mongst them neither was receiu'd or knowne He whom of all they should haue welcom'd best They scorn'd and hated more then all the rest The GOD of principalities and powers A Sea of endles boundles mercy showres Vpon the heads of these vnthankfull men Who pay loue hate and good with ill agen Their murdrous-minded-malice neuer left Till they the Lord of life of life bereft No tongue or pen can speake or write the storie Of the surpassing high immortall glory Which he in pittie and in loue forsooke When he on him our fraile weake nature tooke To saue Mans soule his most esteemed Iem And bring it to the new Ierusalem From Greatest great to least of least he fell For his beloued chosen Israel But they more mad then madnes in behauiour Laid cursed hands vpon our blessed Sauiour They kill'd th' eternall sonne and heyre of heau'n By whom and from whom all our liues are giu'n For which the great Almighty did refuse Disperse and quite forsake the faithles Iewes And in his Iustice great omnipotence He left them to a reprobated sence Thus sundry times these people fell and rose From weale to want from height of ioyes to woes As they their gracious GOD forsooke or tooke His mercy either tooke them or forsooke The swart Egyptians and the Isralites And raging Rezin King of Aramites Then the Assirians twice and then againe Th' Egiptians ouer-runs them all amaine Then the Caldeans and once more there came Egiptian Ptolomy who them o'recame Then Pompey next King Herod last of all Vespasian was their vniuersall fall As in Assiria Monarchy began They lost it to the warlike Persian Of Nimrods Race a Race of Kings descended Till in Astiages his stocke was ended For Cirus vnto Persia did translate Th' Assirian Soueraigne Monarchizing state Then after many bloody bruzing Armes The Persian yeelded to the Greekes Alarm's But smoake-like Gracian glory lasted not Before t was ripe it did vntimely rot The worlds Commander Alexander dyde And his Successors did the world deuide From one great Monarch in a moment springs Confusion Hydra-like from selfe-made Kings Till they all wearied slaughter'd and forlorne Had all the earth dismembred rent and torne The Romans tooke aduantage of their fall And ouer-ran c●ptiu'de and conquerd all Thus as one nayle another out doth driue The Persians the Assirians did depriue The Graecians then the Persian pride did tame The Romanes then the Graecians ouercame Whilst like a vapour all the world was tost And Kingdoms were transferd from coast to coast And still the Iewes in scattred multitudes Deliuer'd were to sundry seruitudes Chang'd giuen bought sold from land to land Where they not vnderstood nor vnderstand To euery Monarchy they were made slaues Egipt and Aram Caldea them out braues Assiria Persia Graecia lastly Rome Inuaded them by heauens iust angry doome Foure Ages did the sonnes of H●ber passe Before their finall desolation was Their first Age aged Patriarks did guide The second reuerend Iudges did decide The third by Kings naught good bad worse and worst The fourth by Prophets who them blest or curst As their dread GOD commanded or forbid To blesse or curse eu'n so the Prophets did Our Sauiour weeping on the Mount did view The Cittie and foretold what would ensue And in his tender pitty vnto them Said oh Ierusalem Ierusalem Thou killst the Prophets and to death didst ding Those that were sent thee heau'nly grace to bring How oft and oft would I for your owne good Haue gathered you as doth as Hen hir brood But you would not and therefore to you all Your houses shall to desolation fall Which came to passe according as he said Which in the second part is here displaide The last and most lamentable Destruction of the Ancient famous and memorable Cittie and Temple of Ierusalem being destroyed by Vespasian and his Sonne Titus COnfusion Horror Terror dreadfull Wars Domesticke forreine inward outward Jars Shafts shot at Iuda in Iehouahs ire Infectious plague war famine sword and fire Depopulation desolation and The finall conquest of old Iacobs Land These are the Theames my mournfull Muse rehearses These are the grounds of my lamenting Verses Iosephus wrote these things in ample wise Which I thus briefly do Epitomize Which worthy Author in large scope relates His Countries alterations and estates The Bookes of his Antiquities do tell How often times th'arose how oft they fell How oft God fauourd them how oft his frowne From height of greatnes cast them headlong downe The Seaueuth booke of his Warrs declareth plaine How Roman Conquest did the Kingdom gaine How death did tyrannize in sundry shapes In sword in fire in famine and in Rapes Who loues to read at large let him read his Who likes compendious briefes let him read this Since Hebers sons the country first enioy de Six times it hath bin wasted and destroyde Twice three times spoyld and thirteen times in all Wars force or Composition made it thrall Compare all wars that chanc'd since the Creation They all are nothing to their desolation No storie or no memorie describes Calamitie to match old Isrels Tribes For if each Land their bloody broyls recount To them 't were but a mole-hill to a mount All which for sin in the Almighties furie Was heap'd vpon the sinfull Land of Iurie And almost sixteen hundred winters since Did great Vespaesian Romes Imperiall Prince With braue yong Titus his stout valiant son Iudeaes Kingdom spoyle and ouer-run And with an Army Royall and renownd They did Ierusalem beleaguer round With force with stratagems with warlike powers With Rams with Engines scaling ladders Towers With all the Art of either might or sleight The Romans vpon each aduantage wait