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A78056 Religions peace: or, A plea for liberty of conscience. Long since presented to King James, and the High Court of Parliament then sitting, / by Leonard Busher citizen of London, and printed in the year 1614. Wherein is contained certain reasons against persecution for religion, also a designe for a peaceable reconciling of those that differ in opinion. Busher, Leonard.; H. B. 1646 (1646) Wing B6251; Thomason E334_7; ESTC R200599 43,040 46

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when they com there for God giveth a blessing onely to his own ordinance and abhorreth Antichrists And Kings are to think that they are men as well as Kings Act. 9.15 1 Tim. 2.1.2 1. Cor. 7.2.22 Wise 6.1.8 and that Christ hath ordained that same meanes of faith for Kings which he hath for subjects and that subjects are Christs freemen as well as Kings subjects and Kings that beleeve are Christs Servants even as subjects are Kings servants and both are bought with a price therefore both ought not to bee the servants of men in matter of faith and religion but Kings shall give a greater account at the day of judgment then their subjects to judge men now for religion is to judge afore the time also to sit in the judgment seat of Christ to whom onely it belongeth yet not before the day appointed how much lesse to Kings and Bishops Rom. 2.16 Act. 10.42 I read that Constantine the Emperor called the great wrote to the Bishop of Rome that he would not force constraine any man to the faith but onely admonish commit the judgment to God Christs kingdom is not of this world Ioh. 18 36.10.17 therefore may it not be purchased nor defended with the weapons of this world but by his word and spirit no other weapons hath he given to his Church which is his spirituall kingdom Therefore Christ saith Mat. 18.17 He that wil not heare the church let him he to thee as a heathen and a publicane Ephes 6.10.17 he saith not burne banish or imprison him that is Antichrists ordinance And though a man be an heretick yet ought he not to be burnt but to be rejected after once or twice admonition Tit. 3.10 that is cast out of the Church but as in the church of Rome people of all sorts are by persecution forced there into by the Bishops Ministers thereof so it is in the Church of England also which sheweth that the Bishops Ministers of Rome England are of one spirit in gathering people to their faith and church which is the spirit of Satan who knoweth welth at his kingdom the false Church would greatly decay if persecution were laid down seeing himself cannot stand before the word and spirit of God much lesse his Bishops Ministers therefore he wil have them for a name and shew to use the word of God but indeed if the false interpretation and alledging of the Scriptures wil not help then saith he constrain them with fire and sword or else if people have libertie of conscience they will try the spirits which of them is of God as the Apostle John teacheth and then saith he the Prince as well as people will try all things 1 Ioh. 4.1 and keepe that which is good and wil also prove themselves as the Apostle Paul teacheth whether they are in the Apostolike faith or not 2 Cor. 13. 5 as the Church of Rome provoketh the Magistrates to persecute to death such as are excommunicated out of her so doth the Church of England provoke the Magistrats to persecute to death such as she excommunicates And as the Bishops and Ministers of Rome will perswade the prince and people to heare and read none but themselves so do the Bishops and Ministers of of England also but the Bishops and Ministers of the Apostolick church doe perswade all men to prove and try the Spirits whether they are of God which they cannot doe except they heare and read other mens doctrines as well as the Bishops and their Ministers neither can they if they would so long as the Bishops have power from the King and State to silence and imprison c. all Preachers and to burne all books which teach not their doctrines Your Majesty and Parliament shall understand that all those that confesse freely without compulsion that Iesus is the Messiah 1 John 5.1 1 Joh. 4.2 1 Cor. 12.13 the Lord and that he came in flesh are to be esteemed the children of God and true christians seeing such are born of God and no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost therefore not to be persecuted And as Abel killed not Cain but was killed himself and as Isaac and Iacob did not persecute Ismael and Esau but was persecuted of Ismael and Esau who Gal. 4.29 and Cain were figures of all persecuters so the beleeving doe not persecute the unbeleeving nor the true Church the fals but the beleeving and true Church are as they have been most often persecuted themselves of whom Abel Isaac and Jacob were figures whose children are all beleevers and freemen that stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free Gal. 5.1 and will not be tangled with the yoke of bondage no not with circumcision much lesse with the discipline and doctrine of the Church of Rome whose Bishops are able Ministers of the fire and sword both to Prince and people as many Histories doe lamentably witnes to their utter infamy and overthrow also if the beleeving should persecute the unbeleeving to death who should remaine alive then none but the beleeving should live in the world and the unbeleeving should dye in their unbelief and so perish for ever the Lord will not that the beleeving should live to the destruction of the unbeleeving but unto their conversion edification and salvation And by persecuting of Prince and people to death because they will not heare and beleeve is no gaining of souls unto God but unto the devill And whereas ignorant and wicked Bishops may think to win souls by killing Prince and people for Religion they are deceived greatly for thereby they lose many souls viz. their own and the unbeleeving their own they lose because they wilfully break the Lords Commandement that saith Thou shalt not kill Luk. 18.20 meaning such as are not corporall malefactors and the others which dye in their unbeleef they confesse themselves are eternally lost except they as some of their ministers hold a redemption after this life And the Bishops should know that error and heresie cannot be killed by the fire and sword but by the word and spirit of God that is the onely weapons of Christs Bishops and Ministers and such only Christs ministers do use whose lives and conversations are so harmles holy and gentle that thereby and by their deaths and sufferings they win many souls unto God whereby they are known from all false Bishops and ministers who like wolves and beares not like sheepe and lambs make prey and devour both Prince and people that are not of their kind if they be able to master them Besides may it please your Majesty and Parliament to understand that the beleeving man that hath an unbeleeving wife 1 Cor. 7.16 and the beleeving woman that hath an unbeleeving husband cannot live together as the Scripture teaches for the salvation of the unbeleeving if they be
persecuted to death indeed some thereby are forced to confesse with the mouth that which they beleeve not in heart and so are made true dissemblers in stead of true Chistians wherby many men and women are deceived with dissembling husbands and wives as well as the King and State are deceived with dissembling servants and subjects but the word of God if permission of conscience might be granted would procure upright pure and unfained husbands and wives servants and subjects so that thereby neither Prince nor people should be deceived for all good shepherds wil divide and separate not force slay and persecute for if men and women be found Hereticks they shall be separated from the Church but if they be unbeleevers they shall not be joyned unto it untill they be converted by the word of God much lesse forced which conversion for ought we know may be at their death if not afore seeing the Lord calleth some at the eleventh houre so well as at the first Mat. 20. 6 7 and not at the King and Bishops pleasures Kings and Magistrates are to rule temporall affaires by the swords of their temporall kingdoms and Bishops and Ministers are to rule spirituall affaires by the word and spirit of God the sword of Christs spirituall kingdom and not to intermeddle one with anothers authority office and function and it is a great shame for the Bishops and Ministers not to be able to rule in their Church without the assistance of the King and Magistrate yea it is a great sign they are none of Christs Bishops and Ministers if they were they would not be afraid nor ashamed of their faith nor yet would they perswade Princes and people to persecute and force one another to beleeve them but would use only the assistance of Gods word and spirit and therewith suffer their faith and doctrine to be examined proved and disputed both by word and writing Tit. And he is a true Bishop who is unreprovable and that is able to stop the mouths of his adversaries by Gods word and Spirit onely whose faith and discipline agree with the Prophets Christ and his Apostles and maketh no contradiction but all those Bishops that force Princes and peoples to receive their faith and discipline by persecution doe with Iudas goe against Christ in his members with swords staves and halberds who seeing Gods word will not help them betake themselves with all haste and hazard unto the authority of the King and Magistrate I read that a Bishop of Rome would have constrained a Turkish Emperor to the Christian faith unto whom the Emperor answered I beleeve that Christ was an excellent Prophet but he did never so far as I understand command that men should with the power of weapons bee constrained to beleeve his law and verily I also do force no man to beleeve Mahomets law Also I read that Iews Christians and Turks are tolerated in Constantinople and yet are peaceable though so contrary the one to the other If this he so how much more ought Christians not to force one another to Religion and how much more ought Christians to tolerate Christians when as the Turks do tolerate them shall we be lesse mercifull then the Turks or shall we learne the Turks to persecute Christians It is not onely unmercifull but unnaturall and abominable yea monstrous for one Christian to vex and destroy another for difference and questions of Religion and though tares have overgrown the wheate yet Christ will have them let alone till harvest Mat. 13.29.30 38. lest while you goe about to pluck up the tares you pluck up also the wheat with them as your predecessors have done who thought they had gathered up the tares and burned them but you see now that they have burned the wheat in stead of tares Wherfore in all humility and Christian modesty I doe affirm that through the unlawfull weed-hook of persecution which your predecessors have used and by your Majesty and Parliament is stil continued there is such a quantity of wheat plucked up and such a multitude of tares left behinde that the wheat which remain cannot yet appeare in any right visible congregation Acts 3.17 And now beloved Soveraign and Parliament I know that through ignorance you doe persecute as did also your predecessors Amend your lives therefore and turne that your sinnes may be put away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord who before hath shewed by the month of his holy servant John Rev. 12.14 that the woman meaning the Church should fly into the wildernesse for a time times and half a time from the presence and persecution of the serpent And that the winepresse should bee troden without the City untill bloud came out of the winepresse unto the horse bridles Rev. 14.20 by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs and thus he hath fulfilled it Now therefore I humbly beseech you suffer not your Bishops and Ministers any longer to perswade to force your subjects or any others to their faith and Church by persecution neither suffer them therewith to defend their faith and Church against their adversaries if they have not any thing from Gods word against us let them yeeld and submit themselves if they think they have any thing against us let them betake themselves onely to Gods word both in word and writing 2 Tim. 3.16 For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God to that purpose and is profitable to teach to reprove to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect unto all good works with which scripture and not with fire and sword your Majesties Bishops and Ministers ought to be armed and weaponed Mat. 10.14 15. Mat. 16.11 and whosoever shall not heare the words of such Bishops and Ministers then such Bishops Ministers are commanded by Christ not to imprison burn banish hang them but to shake the dust of their feet against them for a witnesse when they depart from them Act. 13.51 affirming that at the day of judgment it shall be easier for Sodome and Gomorrah then for such persons and this commandement of Christ did his Bishops and Ministers obey as you may read By which and by that which follow your gracious Maty and Princely and honorable Parliament may perceive the will and mind of our Lord and Saviour Christ unto whose mercy I commend you and to the word and wisdom of his grace which is able to build further and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified Amen Your faithfull and loving subject Leonard Busher not Furbusher There is one Furbusher a preacher in this Land Certain Reasons against Persecution FIrst because Christ hath not commanded any King Bishop or Minister to persecute the people for difference and judgement in matter of Religion Secondly because Christ hath commanded
whatsoever For whom also and for the whole common-wealth of all his kingdoms we ought to be diligent and ready to hazard and lay down not only our goods but also our lives at all times and occasions For Christ hath onely set us free from all ecclesiasticall laws and ordinances which himselfe hath not commanded in his last will and testament yea from the ecclesiasticall laws and commandments of the old Testament Col. 2.14 Heb. 8.23 how much more hath he set us free from the ecclesiasticall laws and ordinances of Antichrist but he hath not set us free from the morall and judiciall law of God for that the King is bound to execute and we are bound to obey and for want of the execution thereof Deut 17.18 20 there are in our land many whores and whorekeepers and many children murdered besides the death and undoing of many persons about whores Wherefore I humbly desire that the morall and judicial law of God may be practised and executed of all degrees both high and low without respect of persons according to the mind of Christ for the Lord will have that every man shall love him above all and his neighbor as himself and Christ saith Luk. 6.31 As ye would that men should do to you so do yet to them likewise Therfore as the King would not have his subjects to take away his life because he is contrary to them in religion so let not the King take away his subjects lives because they are contrary to the king in religion as you would not that men should force you to a religion against your consciences so do not you force men to a religion against their consciences and as it is the duty of subjects to seek the conversion of their king State by the word of God and not his and their destruction by fire and sword So it is the duty of the King and State to seek the conversion of their Subjects by the word of God and not their destruction by fire and sword as the Pope and his Prelates doe teach Note whose vassals therein both Emperors and Kings as well as people have beene a long time both to the destruction of themselves their subjects For who knoweth not that Prelates and priests have perswaded Subjects to destroy their Kings and Princes as wel as Kings Princes to destroy their subjects 1 Cor. 3.17 6.19.20 but I pray them both to take notice that the Scripture saith he that destroyeth the Temple of God him will God destroy Let not therefore Kings Princes nor Subjects bee any longer perswaded to destroy one another through the subtletie of Bishops and their ministers who most of them onely seeke the security of their owne pompe and glory and the stablishment of their spiritual thrones therein for so long as they may confirm that they passe not who perish whether King Prince or people Again therefore I humbly pray his Majesty and Parliament to repeale and make void all popish lawes and canons and to see the moral Iudiciall law of God Frederick Iohn Palsgraves said that under pretext of the holy-ghosts office of correction little else was sought then to reigne over the consciences of the Magistrates subjects like as in the accursed popedom is come to passe c. both firmly enacted and carefully practised after the minde of Christ and them shall Christs spirituall throne be stablished in the hearts and consciences both of King Prince and People so as the Church Christs spirituall Kingdom shall increase in the knowledge of faith and obedience thereof with all love peace and charity one towards another And the common wealth of his Majesties Kingdoms will flourish and prosper and also his throne be constantly stablished both to him and his Heires throughout all his Dominions in a sure land of peace and love th' one with and towards another to the glory of God and the comfort of his Majesty and of all his Subjects and also to a famous and excellent glorious pattern of government to all Kingdoms Nations and Countries round about as in the daies of Salomon King of Israel For if the holy lawes of Gods word be practised and executed after Christs will then shall neither King Prince nor people be destroyed for difference in Religion then Treason and Rebellion as well as burning banishing hanging or imprisoning for difference in religion will cease and be laid down then shall not men women and youth be hanged for theft then shall not the poor same sick and weak ones be stocked and whipped neither shall the poore stranger fatherlesse and windowes be driven to beg from place to place neither shall the lame sick and weake persons suffer such misery be forsaken of their kindred as now they be then shall not murder whoredome and adultery be bought out for money then shall not the great defraud and wrong the small neither the rich oppresse the poore by usury and little wages then shall not men bring up and inherit others children instead of their owne neither shall an honest man be forced to live with a whore instead of an honest wife nor yet an honest woman be forced to live with a whorekeeper in stead of an honest husband Then shal not servants be forced from marriage by bonds nor yet be bound to servitude longer then six yeers neither shal they be brought up contrary to covenant nor posted from one quarter or one yeare to another for their freedom and in the end be forced to buy it of their Masters or else to goe without it too Then shall neither Prince nor people be disinherited for not being of the Church Note wel neither shall they be held lawlesse persons though excommunicated neither shal any man dare kil them as now they may and be quit by law neither shall any man feare to have his mouth stopt for preaching the truth then shall no man need to flee out of his native Countrey and Fatherland for persecution sake then shall all men live in peace under his owne vine Act. 15.28.29 21.25 lauding and praising God honoring and obeying the King Then also will no bloud be eaten among Christians whereby the Jewes should have just cause to stumble or be offended neither should any reliques of the ceremoniall law as Tithes and offerings c. be any longer in use whereby the Jewes should be hardned in their unbeliefe Jewes kept back from the faith by persecution and kept from the faith of the Messiah Then shall the Jewes inhabit dwel under his Majesties Dominion to the great profit of his Realmes and to their furtherance in the faith the which we are bound to seeke in all love and peace so well as others to our utmost endeavour for Christ hath commanded to teach all nations c. and they are the first Lastly then shall not so many Men and Women be deceived by false Ministers neither by their