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A86934 A brief exposition of the prophecies of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. By George Hutcheson minister at Edenburgh. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy Hutcheson, George, 1615-1674. 1654 (1654) Wing H3822; Thomason E1454_1; ESTC R209588 282,367 353

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the promise of restitution under the Messiah some taste whereof is mixt with the threatnings Chap. 2.12 13. chap. 4 whose birth and government is held forth chap. 7 In the second Sermon having in the Lords Name challenged and threatned Israel for ingratitude hypocrisie injustice and Idolatry Chap. 6 and having lamented the general defection of the time be comforts himself and all Believers under their troubles of al sorts by many ample promises concluding al with one solemne acknowledgment of the mercy and fidelity of God chap. 7 Many particulars in this Prophecie wil be best understood by considering the times wherein the Prophet lived of which see 2 King 15 16 17. and 18 Chapters and 2 Chron. 26 27 28 29 30 31. Chapters CHAP. I. IN this Chapter after the Title v. 1. The Prophet sets forth the Lord as in a solemn Court-day appearing with great power severity and Majesty to take order with Israel and Iudah for their sinnes especially Idolatry verse 2 3 4 5. Then he particularly foretels the desolation of the kingdome of Israel ver 6 7. the greatnesse whereof together with Iudah's stroak by the same Assyrian is particularly and pathetically held forth by the Prophet from his own sorrow for it ver 8 9. from enemies rejoicing at it ver 10. from declaration of the calamity of particular places where the enemy should come ver 10 11 12 13 14 15. and from the mournful face that then should be of all things v. 16. Vers 1. THe word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morashite in the days of Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah Kings of Judah which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem THe Inscription or Title of the Prophecy doth contain a description of the messenger imployed from his name and the City where he was born conceived to be that City Marshah in the Tribe of Iudah Iosh 15.44 2 Chron. 11.8 and 14.9 10. which is here threatned v. 15. as likewise his commission from God the time of his prophesying under several kings of Iudah and a declaration that his commission extended to both the kingdomes of Israel and Iudah and especially to the chiefe Cities thereof Whence learn 1. Men are not to run unsent on publick imployments in Gods house but to waite upon a call and commission and having received it to cleave closely to it for the Word of the Lord came to Micah and he published only the Word of the Lord that came to him and which be saw c. 2. The messages and challenges sent by the Lords servants unto the Church are to be looked on as sent from him whose challenge the conscience cannot flee as being more then our party and as being most certain and infallible Therefore this doctrine is held out to be the Word of the Lord and Micah saw this to wit in vision or by prophetick revelation implying that what he said was as certain as if it were seen accomplished 3. The Lord in his great mercy and long suffering is pleased not to with-hold a testimony from his backsliding people but by multiplication and long continuance of Prophets is pleased to forewarne them of ruine if so be they may turne and prevent it Therefore is not only backsliding Israel honoured with Prophets but there are many at once in both Kingdomes and these prophesying long in the time of many Kings for not onely is Isaiah at the same time with Micah prophesying in Judah but Hosea if not also Amos in Israel as may be gathered from the inscription of their Prophecies Frequent sending of Prophets and messengers is either a means of stirring up to reformation as when Haggai and Zechariah were sent out almost at one time Hag. 1.1 Zech. 1.1 with Ezra 5.2 or a presage of speedily approaching ruine where their message is not received 2 Chron. 36.15 16 17. 4. The servants of God must not resolve to have alwayes sweet times and fair weather in the service of their generation but ought to look for variety of times and conditions to wrestle with such was the lot of this Prophet he lived in the dayes of Jotham Ahaz c. Having to do not only with wicked Kings in Israel who lived in the same time with these Kings in Judah and in Judah he had not onely a pious Hezekiah to deal with but a wicked Ahaz and a Jotham in whose dayes reformation was not so through as under Hezekiah or Josiah and he did see the total ruine of Israel and the affliction of Judah by the Assyrians 5. As the Lord will not spare his own people when they provoke him so doth he in equity deal with them according to the degrees of their provocations therefore is there a sad message concerning Jerusalem and they must not take it ill to be joyned with Sam●ria in the procass whom yet they hated as vile Apostates yet it is so ordered as Samaria is placed first it being first and chief in the provocation which is a poor preferment and consequently first and deepest sharers in the punishment as getting only threatnings whereas Judah is comforted and punished at this time with greater lenity Ver. 2. Hear all ye people hearken O earth and all that therein is and let the Lord GOD be witness against you the Lord from his holy Temple To conciliate Authority to the ensuing Doctrine the Prophet summons all the creatures and all people to be witnesses to this processe against Israel and Iudah and to one solemne Court day wherein the Lord would judg and witness against his people and by his judgements should vindicate the sentence of his servants against sin from all contempt of unbelievers Doct. 1. The Word of the Lord ought to be gravely and with all Authority delivered by his Messengers therefore doth Micah by this solemn charge to all creatures to appear declare that his message was a grave purpose not to be slighted and that it was the Lord who hath command of all creatures and not men only they had to do with 2. It is usual for the visible Church not only to slip through inadvertency but especially to drown her self in Apostasie and having once fallen away to prove so void of all sense of Piety so selfish and so obstinate as not to be easily convinced and so stupid in sin as not to be sensible of approaching wrath therefore must there be a solemn citation of all Nations as if there were need of a dayes-man to awake them from their sleep and the Lord must be a witness against them ere they be convinced 3. God is a witnesse whose testimony may and will convince of sin as not only knowing all things perfectly but when he declares this with power either inwardly to a conscience only or outwardly by corrections also he will convince the most obstinate Let the Lord be witnesse against you and he will carry his point 4. When sin is come to an height in the Church and they will not take with or
will not tolerate for this stroak is for their transgressions or rebellions their sins and high places 3. In times of defection and controversie the Lord hath a special eye upon and a chief quarrel against such as have a leading hand in bringing on or carrying on the Apostasie for these questions What is the transgression of Iacob What are the high places of Iudah imports that God observes and would have the cause of all the defection and who began it sought out 4. In universal defections eminent places and persons are ordinarily most culpable as misleading others by their example and authority for the transrgession of Jacob is Samaria the high places of Judah are Jerusalem that is iniquity abounds most in these Cities and the sins of the Land have their rise and countenance from thence 5. The Lord hath an especial eye upon his own Church and people to whom he manifests himself and marks their declinings narrowly especially in the matter of his worship for Judahs high places are especially pointed at whereas all Israels desperate defection is named in a gen●●al of transgression Ver. 6. Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field and as plantings of a vineyard and I wil poure down the stones thereof into the valley and I will discover the foundations thereof The Lord pronounceth a more particular sentence against Israel for their sins and particularly against Samaria that when theten Tribes should be led captive that City as being chief in the sin should have a remarkable stroak the buildings thereof should be rased to the very foundation the stones thereof cast down from the hill whereon it stood to the valley to lye as heaps of stones do which are gathered by Labourers of the ground and the place thereof should be only for planting of vineyards in it Doct. 1. Iniquity entertained will lay most eminent and strong places desolate for Therefore wil I make Samaria as an heap of the field c. although it endured a siege for three years 2 Kings 17.5 yet this threatning takes effect at last 2. Eminency in sin causeth eminency in judgements therefore Samaria is made an heap the stones poured down c. whereas other Cities of that Kingdom were not so ruined but there are some Cities of Samaria or of the Countrey about to bee inhabited 2 Kings 17.24 when it lyeth desolate 3. Wicked men prosecuting their wicked and ambitious ends may be made use of by God in an holy manner as instruments to execute his judgments upon his backsliding people and are so to be looked on by all who would have the use of their condition therefore the Lord for his peoples instruction and direction doth own the stroak to be inflicted by the Assyrians I will make Samaria as an heap of the field c. Ver. 7. And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces and all the hires thereof shall be burnt with the fire and all the Idols therof will I lay desolate for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot and they shall return to the hire of an harlot Samaria is threatned with further ruine in that not only her private things but her supposed sacred things should be destroyed her graven images broken that the mettal thereof might be carried away and her gifts given to Idols as harlots do to their Paramours or her riches out of which she gave these gifts and which she accounted to be the reward of her idolatry shall either be burnt by the furious soldiers or go as they came and perish as they are purchased and so her idols should be desolate Doct. 1. As it proves the vanity of idol-gods that they are obnoxious to destruction and desolation so in dayes of vengeance Gods speciall quarrel is against them to shew their frailty and the folly of all those who cleave unto them therefore all the graven images thereof shall be beaten in pieces and all the idols thereof wil I lay desolate by with-drawing respect worship and gifts from them 2. Idolatry is in Gods account spiritual harlotry and adultery for their gifts given to idols are hires such as are given unto or by harlots as the word signifieth and their riches the hire of an harlot Idolaters break that Covenant betwixt God as their Husband and them as his Spouse and doe poure out that affection due onely to God on idols and therefore provoke him in his jealousie to punish 3. As men may through Gods permission prosper in an ill way so are they ready to sacrifice their prosperity to a wrong cause and by their prospering to harden themselves in their way for Samaria's gifts bestowed on her idols or her great riches enabling her to offer she gathered it of the hire of an harlot that is shee acknowledged not God for her riches but conceived that they came to her for her unlawfull leagues and treaties with idolaters and as a reward of her idolatry and defection from the Tribe of Judah and the worship of God and therefore persevered in it See Hos 2.5 Ier. 44.17 18. 4. Riches purchased in a wrong way or abused to confirme men in a sinfull course shall come to nought for the hire thereof shal be burn● with fire and they shal return to the hires of an harlot Whereby wee are not so much to understand that the Assyrian Idolaters should take the riches and gifts of Samaria and abuse them as Israel had done in putting these gifts in the Temple of their Idols and acknowledging the riches as given them by their god as that it is a proverbial speech signifying that as these riches were ill purchased by Israel so they should go as they came and do them no good but vanish for an harlot purchaseth her hire ill and ordinarily it is as ill spent Ver. 8. Therefore I will wail and howle I will go stript and naked I will make a wailing like the dragons and mourning as the owls The sentence being pronounced the Prophet proceeds to set forth the greatnesse of the judgment together with that which was to come on Judah that they may be stirred up to lay it more seriously to heart in time And first hee declares what their calamity shall be by his own sorrow for it which was extreamly bitter as of dragons and owles whose horrible howlings in desert places is made use of in Scripture to expresse the condition of men sensible of great calamities I●h 30.29 Psa 102.6 and by his going naked and stript of his upper garments as a signe of totall desolation Isa 20.2 3. By all which the Lord doth not declare his allowance of any bitter carnal mourning in trouble but by the Prophets practice the Lord would teach 1. When his people provoke him he can send affliction beyond expression and such sorrows as no outward signes can sufficiently vent for this bowling wailing and going naked doth import so much in the Prophet foreseeing the storme and doth foretell that
concluding that she ought not to give way to discouragement 1. There is nothing the people of God want in trouble which might be helpful or comfortable to them but it wil be made up in God for however her King and Counsellers were uselesse and enemies to her safetie in that strait and were afterward cut off for their sins and that she might be emptied of all created comfort and helps yet the Lord wil not admit that she should think she wanted a King while as he lived and reigned to preserve her in her trouble and in due time to re-establish his Kingdom in her so much doth this sharp question teach Is there no King in thee Is thy Counseller perishid 2 As the Lord seeth it oft times fit not to remove but continue and increase a peoples trouble for they were to be in pain to go out of the city dwel in the field and go to Babylon so the people of God in such cases ought to arme themselves with resolution for such lots rather then by discouragement to make their owne crosse heavy which is all they can doe so much are we taught in that howsoever he reproves their cries v 9. yet saith he be in pain which doth not only import an assuring of them that the trouble was to come nor yet only a concession that it is no marvel they have pain and sorrow but a command also to set themselves resolutely to bear it as they are commanded to build houses in Babylon Jer. 29.4 5 6 and to make their captivity as comfortable as lawfully they may 3. The right pondering of the fruit which the Lord brings out of the troubles of his people may help to crush discouragements under them labour to bring forth like a woman in travel He sets her out in her trouble as travelling in birth of some mercy to make her forget her sorrow which she should minde much and presse after See John 16.21 22. 4. The Lords tender affection towards his people especially under trouble may be a great lenitive to their bitternesse Therefore is shee here called the daughter of Zion which is a stile of tendernesse A room in his heart will make an affliction to be no affliction or very tolerable 5. Every step of the people of God in affliction is a step toward deliverance and the utmost degree of affliction is the door next to deliverance so much doth the scope and drift of this place teach the Church going out of the City and dwelling in the field was going toward deliverance and when shee went even to Babylon where in outward appearance shee might have lost hope yet there shall shee be delivered and is neerer to a deliverance there then in the holy City These things rightly studied may take away much seeming ground of discouragement under trouble Doct. 3. The Lord is to be eyed as undertaker for the performance of improbable like promises which may cause all difficulties to vanish Therefore after that promise There shalt thou be delivered is subjoyned There the Lord shal redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies when he undertakes it wil be easie to raise a Cyrus and make him do it 4. While as the Lord promises in delivering to redeem them it teacheth 1. That the Lord wil reckon kindred with and interest in his afflicted people that hee may appear for them for it was the part of the neerst in kindred to redeem and the word in the Originall intimates so much 2. That they having by sin sold themselves into captivity Isaiah 50.1 Christ by the price to be paid to justice for the Elect among them should procure their deliverance also and of the visible Church for their sake All temporall deliverances to the children of God flowing from that eternall Redemtion from sin and as an appendix to the new Covenant and the visible Church getting deliverance for the Elects sake among them 3. That for enemies who had captivated them as they had sold themselves to them for nought so they should be actually asserted unto liberty without any price save onely stroakes to the unjust possessors Isa 52 3. Ver. 11. Now also many nations are gathered against thee that say Let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion For further confirmation of his minde concerning her afflictions he sets forth in the last place his great and holy designe concerning the enterprize of her manie enemies who in her ensuing calamity and after her return from captivity and after her conversion to Christ should be gathered against her as also against the Church of Christ in all ages and first hee holds forth what is their purpose to the end his purpose overturning theirs may be seen to be the more glorious to wit that they intended and set themselves to deal with her not as a priviledged place but that they might pollute her as a prophane place with blood and other abominations and take her ornaments from her and put her from her dignity and that they might feed their eyes with such a sight Doct. 1. The true Church hath the most enemies of any society for many Nations are gathered 2. It is usefull for the Church to remark what enemies intend and what our troubles would seem to threaten to the end that more of God may be seen in delivering for this end is the consideration of the enemies designe premitted to the consideration of the purpose of God See Psal 124.1 2 3 4. 3. As the wicked see no priviledg the Church of God hath why she may not be dealt with as other prophane societies so the greatest bitternesse the people of God have in their affliction is that hereby not onely they but their priviledges are trampled under foot by enemies for it is the sad sight they get of enemies designes when they hear them say Let her be defiled or prophaned See Isa 10.9 10 11. Lam. 2.15 4. There are many so wicked as to account the Churches calamitie a pleasant spectacle and sweet sight to feed their eyes with for there are who say Let our eye took upon Zion which is an evidence of a desperately wicked condition Ver. 12. But they know not the thoughts of the LORD neither understand they his counsel for hee shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor Ver. 13. Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion for I will make thine horn iron and I will make thy hoofs brasse and thou shalt beat in pieces many people and I wil consecrate their gain unto the Lord and their substance to the Lord of the whole earth Followeth the Lords purpose concerning this their enterprise which is incomprehensible and unsearchable by enemies and quite contrary to their intention as minding by their gathering together to ripen them for vengance as sheaves are gathered that they may be threshed to the execution whereof he encourageth the Church promising to enable them and give them a compleate victory which should be ascribed to him
strive to amend it then the Lord will publickly in view of all the world convince and correct them by his stroaks therefore doth he call all people the earth and all that therein is to hear and see the Lord witnessing against his Church which is a bitter case when our betrothed Lord is provoked to go out of doors to the streets with his beloveds faults 5. The justice and equity of the Lords dealing with his people even when he proceeds to severity in correction is so uncontrovertedly clear as that it may be seen and read of all therefore also are the creatures called to appear as witnesses of his proceedings and that affliction is justly procured by Israel 6. If this passage from his holy Temple be understood of heaven it teacheth that however men may obstinately bear out against all convictions from men yet the glorious Majesty of God when he lets forth any rayes of it from heaven as v. 3 4. in his works it will so dazle them as they shall not be able to stand out If we understand it of the Temple at Jerusalem it teacheth that the Jewes their confiding much in the Temple should not exempt them but rather be a part of their ditty that the mercies of God manifested there and from thence unto them should effectually convince them of sin and aggravate it who have not walked answerably and that Israels renouncing of that Temple and the worship of God there shall be matter of a sad challenge which they will not be able to answer In all these respects the Lord God will be witnesse from his holy Temple Vers 3. For behold the LORD cometh forth out of his place and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth 4. And the mountains shall be molten under him and the valleyes shall be cleft as wax before the fire and as the waters that are poured down a steep place To stir them up the more and to make them heed the message he declares in general Gods purpose concerning them that he would manifest himself in his glory from heaven and trample under his feet whatever is most eminent and make high and low feel the effects of his Presence and Justice according to his infinite power which when he pleaseth to let forth will make mountains to tremble and resolve into dust and vallyes to cleave as wax melteth before a fire and as waters run with violence down a steep place Doct. 1. However the Lord do most clearly manifest his glory in heaven and Atheists and carnal men think he is shut up there yet as he is every where filling heaven and earth so will he when he pleases manifest his presence on earth in glorious effects of providence for so doth this speech import The Lord cometh forth out of his place that however heaven be in a peculiar way his habitation yet he will from thence appear in glorious majesty on earth 2. The glorious manifestations of God in the world ought to be looked upon with reverence admiration and humble wondring So much doth behold prefixed to this manifestation import 3. It is quite beside the expectation of a back-sliding Church that God should appear in severity against them and therefore such a dispensation surprizeth them so much also doth this Behold teach that to them who still dream of peace with God notwithstanding their wicked way it should be an unexpected and sudden thing to see him appear in glory to punish 4. The greatnesse and majesty of God ought to be well studied and considered upon by all those who oppose him and reject his will not to drive them yet further from him but rather to crush their obstinacy and induce them to repent for Gods Majesty is here held forth to make them tremble to be found in a way disapproved of his Word 5. Men in their declinings from God seek unto themselves false refuges whereby they think to shelter themselves against Gods vengeance but are herein deluded for there are high places of the earth whereby are signified their Idols worshipped on these high places wherein they trusted or their strong holds or high and lofty men who thought to be exempted from common judgements or generally their high and lofty imaginations all which or whatsoever else they can oppose the Lord is potent to crush He will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth 6. Greatness of opposition against God contributes to set him out more eminently by crushing thereof for He treads on the high places that is not only crushes and commands them but is the more eminently seen in so doing in that they are high their height making them conspicuous from afar while he stands upon them 7. The Lord is able to overturne what is greatest and most stable in the world and make all creatures feel his power and indignation in an effectual way this is held forth in that the mountains shall be molten under him and thevalleys cleft as wax before the fire c. 8. Sin in the people of God makes that which otherwise might be comfortable matter of terrour to them for whereas the Majesty and Power of God is comfortable to the Church in that she hath such a God to crush her enemies and wherein they deal proudly to be above them yet now because of sin it is the matter of her terror However it be so far comfortable as that all this is done to drive her to his mercy Ver. 5. For the transgression of Jacob is all this and for the sins of the house of Israel what is the transgression of Jacob Is not Samaria and what are the high places of Judah are they not Jerusalem Followeth the Lords quarrel or the cause procuring his appearing thus in glorious severity which is the hainous transgression of his people who came of Jacob otherwise called Israel and withal he declares that the Original and rise of this transgression in Israel was from the chief City Samaria while as Omri and Ahab did there erect Idolatry having translated the regal dwelling thither which was before in Tirzah 1 Kings 16.23 24. which had now in processe of time spread through the Kingdom and had daily influence from the Court and chief City and that in Iudah the City of Ierusalem had cast a Copy to all the Land and not only in sins against the Second Table but in corrupting the worship of God with their high places which Iotham tolerated and his son Ahaz proceeded to grosser abominations 2 Kin. 16.10 11. 2 Chr. 28.24.25 and so drew on the people to imitate their wayes Doc. 1. The provocations of the Lords priviledged people may bring on very remarkable stroaks for all this that is all this appearing in severity is for the transgression of Iacob 2 Albeit the Lord in his great mercy look over the infirmities of his people yet rebellion and idolatry and corrupting of his worship especially when multiplyed is that which he
were burnt it self or that God should make the Church active to effect it as was in part accomplished when the Jewes after their captivity destroyed the Edomites as History recordeth 4. The Word of God and his Omnipotency and fidelity who speaks it is sufficient to confirm the Churches faith in the certainty of most improbable things For whatever unlikelihood be in this promise it is removed by this For the Lord hath spoken it Ver. 19. And they of the South shall possess the mount of Esan and they of the plain the Philistines and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria and Benjamin shal possess Gilead 20. And the captivity of this hoast of the children of Israel shal possesse that of the Canaanites even unto Zarephath and the captivity of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shal possess the Cities of the South It is further promised That the Church shall not only have restitution but enlargement of their possessions enjoying all their own and possessing what had been their enemies The Jewes in the South taking in Edom with their own portion they who dwell in the plain enjoying the Philistines land as lying neerest them and all their own borders recovered not only Ephraim Samaria and Benjamin but Gilead also beyond Jordan and for further confirmation the Lord foretels that the numerous captivity of Israel should possesse their Northern border to Zareph●●h or Zareptah toward Zidon 1 Kings 17.9 And that the Captives of Jerusalem and Judah in Sepharad conceived to be a place in a Chaidea should possesse their South-border Now concerning the accomplishment of this promise it cannot be said that any thing done by the Maccabees and their successors or obtained by Herod and his successors from the Romanes was the full performance these things coming far short of what is here foretold besides that the children of Israel or ten Tribes are expresly mentioned in this Prophecie Nor doth the taking the place in a spiritual sense fully exhaust the meaning there being such expresse designation of places to be possessed and of several troups of captives to possesse the several places And therefore it seems to point further at the restitution of Israel to their own land and the inlargement of their border when they shall turn to Christ in the latter dayes Rom. 11.25 26. However the Promise may teach us 1. The afflictions of the Church through Gods blessing tend to their advantage and gain For the Captivity are to get not only their own land but the mount of Esau and the Philistines and what they had not before their Captivity 2. Christ in his Church will gain ground on his enemies and possesse and reign over them either by their voluntary conversion or violent subjection and destruction For so much doth the scope of this promise being spiritually taken import 3. The priviledges of the people of God are irrevocable and immurable and will break forth in comfortable fruits after long and sad interruptions This is again signified and taught by Israels possessing the fields of Ephraim and Semaria and Benjamin with Gilead as the Original hath it of which they have been so long deprived 4. The Lord marketh every distresse and captivity of his people and what becomes of them and may manifest much of his goodness to such as he hath sore afflicted and brought down with corrections For though the Captivity was sent away with much ignominie and carried far off yet the Lord marks that they are the captivity and where they are and will restore them to their possessions and cause them to possess the gates of their enemies Ver. 21. And Saviours shall come up on Mount Zion to judg the Mount of Esau and the kingdom shal be the LORDS A further Promise of fit instruments to be raised up in the Church to deliver her and manage the cause of God against enemies as of old when the Lord raised up Judges to deliver Israel Whereby we are to understand not only spiritually that Christ will send to the Church his Apostles and Messengers who instrumentally save the Elect 1 Tim. 4.16 by holding forth Christ in the Word of Salvation and by their Doctrine do condemn the world but that in all Ages and especially in the Church of converted Israel God will raise up instruments of deliverance to the Church as he did also in the times betwixt the captivity and coming of Christ Doct. 1. The Church of Christ will not want fit instruments to promote her happinesse For Saviours shall come up on Mount Zion 2. The allowance of the Church of God is Salvation eternal and temporal also in so far as is fit for her to receive Therefore are the instruments sent to her called Saviours to wit in an instrumental way 3. The Doctrine of the Gospel in the mouth of Christs Servants doth reprove judge and condemne the world and all the enemies of Christ and this judgement is seconded with spiritual plagues and sometimes temporal till the day come when the World shall judge them and they receive a complete recompence according to it Thus do some of Christs instruments judge the mount of Esau 4. As the Lord is Soveraign in all the world even over his enemies So when he raiseth up instruments for the Churches good he will blesse them and by them bring his enemies to an account and execute his sentence against them For these instruments of the Churches temporal deliverance do judge the Mount of Esau when God delivers enemies into their hand as his delegates to pour his vengeance upon them The last and great promise is that God in his Christ shall have a Kingdom in his Church and among their enemies for their behoof Doct. 1. Where Christ sets up his Church there he sets up his Kingdom also and will be acknowledged as such For the Kingdom shall be his 2. No dominion or sovereignty is to be acknowledged in the true Church but Christs only he alone hath power to make Lawes binding the conscience to institute Ordinances enjoyn censures appoint Officers by his own Courts to judge his own House c. For the Kingdom shall be the Lords All other Saviours or instruments of deliverance must serve him and his Officers must content themselves with his Ministry 3. The Kingdome of Christ is matter of comfort to the true Church and godly it being sweet to live under his yo●k and protection for it is a promise The Kingdome shall be the Lords 4. Christ holds his kingdom by a certain and firm tenure as being made sure to him by the infallible promise of God as here is recorded in holy Scripture and upon this ground may the Church notwithstanding all opposition expect the day when the kingdomes of this world shall become the kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever Rev. 11.15 JONAH The ARGUMENT JONAH having prophesied in Israel in or a little before the days of Jeroboam
us go say they and he will teach us of his wayes they account it a mercy to be taught and that not what they like or as they effect but what is his will 13. Albeit the Lord hath appointed a teaching Ministry in his Church which his people ought and wil acknowledge yet every true convert is taught of God partly while they hang not their faith on mens authority but exalt God alone to be the infallible Teacher and Law-giver in his Church and do try if what men say be agreeable to his mind and partly while they feele God in and by his appointed means teaching truth effectually and perswasively to their hearts Hee will teach us of his wayes say they See John 4 42. 1 Thes 1.13 14 As all knowledge of divine things ought not to rest in contemplations but stirre up to practice so however men of much literal knowledge may be more prophane in their conversations then others yet such as are taught of God and acknowledg his Authority in the meanes of instruction and feel the efficacy of his Spirit conveighing what is taught to their hearts their knowledg will resolve in practice it being the Lords prerogative to convince the conscience and subdue and stir up inclinations to practise what is taught He will teach us and we wil walk in his paths Unto this promise the Prophet subjoynes a reason why Nations should seek to joyn with the Church to wit because the doctrine of salvation should go forth from the Jews among all Nations to stir them up to seek the Lord and this light shall shine forth in the Church in all ages to invite Nations to come and seek teaching Doct. 1. The glory of the Church of the New Testament consists not in idle ceremonies but in the profession and holding forth of true doctrine according to the Word which is the badge and mark of the true Church for the Law or generally the true doctrine as the word in the Original bears shall go forth out of Zion and the Word of the Lord from Ierusalem that it may shine in all the Churches of the Gentiles and this is a part of the eminency of the mountain of the Lords house 2. The Lord hath made it clear that the Doctrine of salvation in the days of the Messiah was not to be treasured up among the Jewes only as of old Psal 147.19 but to spread throughout the world for the Law shall go forth of Zion c. 3 The Doctrine of the Gospel is the same for substance with what was in the Church of the Jewes though clothed with new circumstantials Therefore it is called a Law alluding to the old name and cometh from among them to us though not from Sinai cloathed with dark shadowes and fearful terrours but from Zion adorned with cleernesse and seasoned with sweetnesse 4. As the Word of God published in his Church is the instrument of true conversion so it is the meanes whereby Christ inlargeth his Kingdome and will prevail in the world to perswade Nations to joyne themselves to him in his Church therefore is this given as a reason of the inlargement of the Church and activity of Converts for the Law shall go forth of Zion c. Ver. 3. And he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong Nations afar off and they shal beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hook Nation shall not lift up a sword against Nation neither shall they learn war any more Ver. 4. But they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his fig-tree and none shall make them afraid for the month of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it The next promise contains her peace and tranquillity setting out yet more the Churches glory under Christs government that God in his Son Christ shall by his Gospel have and exercise a spiritual jurisdiction and kingdome in the world whereby he shall subdue them to his obedience and having subdued shall govern them so as to procure peace and tranquillity to the Church that the converted may serve God quietly in their particular stations and become useful each to other This their condition is expressed in termes taken from the usual practice of peaceable times wherein men being out of use of war do turne their weapons of offence into instruments of husbandry and utility and wherein men go about those callings and abide abroad in the fields without fear of danger as 1 King 4.25 Doct. 1. Christ coming with his Gospel is to reigne as a King and have authority over those who receive him for he shall judge among many people 2. It is a truth to be much and frequently studied that Christs Kingdome is universal his Church spread over the world and he having power over all for her good that he may have his glory and every particular Church and believer be comforted in such a head and in hope of the enlargement of his dominion when by Apostafie or persecution it is confined to narrow bounds therefore is it again promised that he shal judge among many people and rebuke strong Nations afar off to wit far from Judea and meaning all people far and neer 3. The Lord may deal very terribly with such as he purposeth to do much good unto he may convince rebuke and afflict them for sin that he may drive them to his mercy for that is a part of his work in gathering a Kingdom to judge and rebuke 4. Albeit the Lord in gathering of his Church do not make use of weapons of war but only his Word with the reproofs and terrors thereof yet that will suffice to subdue them to him nothing in the creature being able to stand out against the Lord convincing and rebuking for sin for if he judge and rebuke many people and strong Nations they will feel it and beat their swords into plowshares c. and come under his government 5. This promise of great tranquillity and peace is not so to be understood as if the Lord did condemn Christians their undertaking of lawful wars for Magistrates bearing the sword of Justice which must oft-times be executed by force of armes is the Ordinance of God Rom. 13. Nor are we so to understand it as if the Church were alwayes to enjoy outward peace and tranquillity for Christ refuses that himself Matth. 10.34 Nor doth the godlies spiritual peace in all troubles exhaust the full scope of this promise But the scope is to teach us 1. The saving effect of the Gospel upon men is when it daunts and subdues their corruptions and so makes them as tractable and plyable to the will of God so peaceably study to serve God in their stations and to be useful each to other for when these strong Nations are rebuked they beat their swords into plowshares c. Which are instruments of their lawful calling and of utility to themselves and others 2. This taming of mens corruptions by the Gospel will appear farther
in that the Saints and converted will live at peace in so far as they are renewed otherwise a Saints corruption as well as our own may be on our tops and that there shall not be such an enmity betwixt believing Jewes and Gentiles as was before the partition was taken down in these respects Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation neither shall they learn war any more 3. Whatever troubles the Church may meet with from enemies yet she shall give no cause nor occasion thereof albeit their corruption may take occasion to raise troubles because of the profession of the Gospel for the converted shall be peaceable men and beat their swords into plowshares c. 4. In despite of all the power and imaginations of enemies the Church of God shall have even outward peace and tranquillity in so far as is needful and subservient to their spiritual good otherwise when it proves hurtful it is better to want it as the Church hath many times found in experience And as the Lord hath often given tastes of this to his Church so it will be more fully accomplished when the fulness of the Gentiles and all Israel shall be turned to the Lord as sometimes before in the Church so then they shall fit every man under his vine and under his fig-tree and none shall make them afraid Doc. 6. The fidelity of God who promiseth is sufficient to assure our hearts of the performance of greatest things as being omnipotent and having all things under his power and at his command which may either promote or seem to impede the execution of his will Therefore is this promise which might seem improbable by reason of the great desolation which was threatned should come sealed with this for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it Ver. 5. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever In the Parallel place Isai 2.5 instead of what is here is contained an exhortation to the Jewes that since the Church under the Messiah was to be glorious they would faithfully cleave to God and true Religion in all their calamities till these dayes should come and seeing the Gentiles were thus to flow in to Christ they would not slip away but be provoked to jealousie and come in to partake And indeed the hope of the Church of God is so great and sure that it may well encourage men to be honest under any disadvantage and albeit this exhortation was not hearkened unto at the first Conversion of the Gentiles yet the day will come when it shall be effectually upon them Rom. 11.11.25 26. But Micah seems to hold forth further the resolution of the Converts of Jewes and Gentiles under the Gospel to renounce all heresies and sects and to adhere constantly and zealously to God and the Profession of the Chrstian Religion exciting themselves hereunto by the example of idolaters who were pertinacious in their irreligious courses and this is a third evidence of the glory of the Church and ground of encouragement to the godly that instead of the manifold Apostasies and pollutions with the wayes of the Pagans which appeared formerly in the Church of the Jewes the Church of God especially Israel being converted should then prove constant in their Religion Doc. 1. Constancy in adhering to the true Religion is the great glory of a Church and encouragement of the godly to whom backslidings are a sad affliction as here we are taught 2. The Christian Profession and Religion consists in walking in the Name of the Lord that is in professing and practising according to the revealed rule which is his Name not seeking to be wise above what is written and going about these things in his strength as 1 Sam. 17.45 Psalm 118.11 being furnished with encouragement from him for so his Name in Isa 2.5 is the light to wit of direction and consolation of the Lord. 3. Such as would walk in these pathes and adhere to them ought to make sure an interest in God by Covenant and make use of this interest for daily influence and ought to be filled with much affection toward their Confederate Lord Wee will walk in the Name of the Lord our God 4. For right performance of our duty there is much need also of frequently renewed resolutions and gathered together motives to set us on edge as here they gather arguments from idol-servers and put on resolutions Wee will walk c. 5. Eternall resolutions or resolutions of persevering constantly are fit and beseeming so high a duty as walking in Gods Name we wil walk say they and walk for ever and ever It being a way wherein there is no cause of wearying and the benefit thereof being but in its prime and fully to appear when time and its contentments are ending 6. Even in the dayes of the Gospel there are still so many blindfolded and deluded as not to see the glory of Christs Kingdome but will pertinaciously follow their Idol-gods for there are all people that is many who will walk in the name of their god 7. The Lords people ought and by grace will be so far from being shaken or drawn away by the multitude of men who forsake their true God that idolaters their observancy and exactnesse in their way should give occasion to the seekers of God to put on resolutions of more exactnesse their blinde zeal toward that which is no God may teach us our duty toward the true God for so doth this comparison instituted teach that not onely Christians would not joyne with them in their way but seeking these were so carefull and resolute much more ought they to be so in the right way For al people wil walk every one in the name of his God and we will walk in the Name of the Lord our God for ever and ever See Ier. 2.10 11. Ver. 6. In that day saith the LORD will I assemble her that halteth and I will gather her that is driven out and her that I have afflicted 7. And I will make her that halted a remnant and her that was cast farre off a strong nation and the LORD shall reigne over them in mount Zion from henceforth even for ever The fourth encouragement doth yet further evidence the glory of the Church from the consideration of her former misery by affliction for sin which he would now make up and of such constitute his Church and Kingdome over which he should reigne for ever and ever And however this promise be of generall verity pointing out what base and contemptible like matter he will gather his Church of yet it hath a speciall relation to the presently afflicted and yet further to be afflicted Church of Israel whom he comforts against all her afflictions and impediments that might cut off all hope of her restauration by promising to gather them under the Gospel and make them a
great Nation and that Christ in his spiritual government shall constantly rule over them in their own land after their conversion or in the Church which was prefigured by Mount Zion Doct. 1. The Lords afflicting of his Church doth in a special manner endear her to his affection and makes that she shall not be behind when mercies are a dealing for saith he I wil assemble and gather her that I have afflicted See Jer. 31.20 2. Great afflictions are no impediments to the Churches restitution when the time of it comes when Omnipotency is imployed about it and when he in love remembers them in their low estate for such as are so crushed with trouble as they are made to halt such as are afflicted driven out and cast farre off he can and will assemble and gather them and make a remnant and strong nation of them that is he wil preserve a remnant and keepe them from total ruine in trouble and at last restore and multiply them 3. The glory of a Church restored and the height of their felicity is to have the Lord reigning and acknowledged as a King in all his prerogatives amongst them therefore it is added to their restitution And the Lord shall reigne over them in Mount Zion 4. The Churches King is not subject to mortality nor such a one as may be put from his kingdom and leave them exposed to hazard but the Lord shal reigne over them and so protect them from henceforth even for ever which also imports that he will still have subjects to reigne over Ver. 8. And thou O tower of the flock the strong hold of the daughter of Zion unto thee shall it come even the first dominion that kingdome shal come to the daughter of Jerusalem Here the Lord makes a more particular application of his comfortable promises unto the Church of the Jewes for however the Promise be of general verity in a spiritual sense being applied to the Catholick Church that Jerusalem which is from above yet the following verses cleare that it is to be understood specially of the Church of the Jewes whom he here cals the tower of the flock or Eder of which Gen. 35.21 conceived to be a place neere or in Ierusalem and in particular that part which was after called the sheep-gate and the strong hold of the daughter of Zion or Ophel of which 2 Chron. 27.3 Neh. 3 26. The first encouragement given to them for the comfort of the godly is that not only the Kingdome of Christ should first begin at them as the History of the New Testament doth evidence but that under Christ they should be restored to their wonted dignity resembling that which they had of old enjoyed under David and So●omon before their rents and calamities Doct. 1. The Lord in gathering the universal Church hath an especial regard to the Jewes his brethren this doth appear in the speciall allowance given to them in the promises concerning the Kingdome of Christ of which as the Lord gave them the first offer so from them the Apostle Rom. 11. gathers that much mercy shall yet be manifested unto them 2. The Church of God is the receptacle and fold of all his true sheep wherein they gather themselves under his government and are environed with strength for safety so much is signified to us by these names given to Zion The Tower of the flock and strong hold 3. The Lords own Application of spiritual comforts is especially requisite for his afflicted people therefore the Lord counts it not enough to have propounded ample promises in general to the Church which might answer all their cases and which they were bound to be applying but he holds it also necessary to apply these to the present Church in her need 4. The glory of Christs Kingdome is as great and greater spiritually then ever the glory of David or Solomons reigne was outwardly all the valour strength and victories of David all the riches honour and wisdom of Solomon even to admiration and all the felicity of Israel under both are but shadowes of that substance therefore is it called the first dominion that is not so much the dominion at first offered to the Jewes as a dominion like the first flourishing times of Israel 5. As Christ to fulfil the truth of God did make first offer of his Kingdome and Gospel to the Iewes so in due time he wil bring them under his dominion and spiritual Government and will restore them to their wonted dignity thereby uniting all Israel in him the seede of David as they were before the rent made by Ieroboam adorning them eminently with the spirituall excellencies and priviledges of his Kingdome if not also appearing gloriously for them in outward things for saith he Unto thee shal the first dominion come the kingdome shal come to the daughter of Ierusalem Ver. 9. Now why dost thou cry out aloud is there no King in thee is thy Counseller perished for pangs hath taken thee as a woman in travel 10. Be in pain and labour to bring forth O daughter of Zion like a woman in travel for now shalt thou go forth out of the city and thou shalt dwel in the field and thou shalt go even to Babylon there shalt thou be delivered there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies The next encouragement given to the Church of the Iewes is by shewing his mind concerning her troubles that were shortly to ensue and that he may the more effectually comfort her he very pathetically propounds her trouble as if she were now under it and shewes unto her that however in outward appearance she had cause of bitter sorrow her King and Counsellers being to perish in that calamity she being to be driven from the City and Temple which were to be destroyed to sojourn a space in the fields till the rest of the Captivity were gathered and then to be carried captive unto Babylon yet upon better consideration she might finde shee had no such cause of fainting but ought rather resolutely to provide for and couragiously to bear that trouble seeing God should be King and Counseller to her and in Babylon where she might have least hope she should find deliverance and so he clears his mind to be this that by trouble she is going on toward deliverance Doct. 1. The troubles of the Church may in their houre prove very sharp and bitter as the pangs of a woman in travel crying out aloud 2. Albeit the Church of God in her trouble seeme to have reason for excessive sorrow and bitter discouragement yet really it is not so but she hath still some reason of encouragement and ought to set about it therefore whatever her troubles were yet saith he why dost thou cry out aloud as if he had said there is no reason for such excesse in anxiety and sorrow The reasons of this principal doctrine held forth in the Text are as so many doctrines all of them
Doct. 1. Enemies are not permitted to run at randome in their wayes but the Lord hath an effectual and wise Providence over-ruling in all their designes for in all of them he hath thoughts and Counsel and therefore we are not to eye much their brags but looke to him who sets bounds to them and sits at the helme of Providence 2. The Lords holy purposes of good to his people and wrath to his enemies may be so conveighed in deep wisdome and so contrary to the way of carnal reason and probability that they will not be seene by any natural eye nor can be discerned by enemies themselves who are given up to run blindfold upon their own ruine They know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his counsel See Psa 92 6 7. 3. In one and the same action God may have an holy worke of his Providence and men their wicked intents and sinful courses they being carried on without an eye to his revealed will which is the rule of duty nay not to his providence either but meerly for their own ends and he making use of the same work of theirs to over-reach them and bring about his purposes for in this enterprise They gather themselves for a sinful end ver 11. And God gathereth them as sheaves for an holy purpose See Isa 10.5 6 7. 4. The Lords end in letting enemies loose upon the Church beside her trial from them is to ripen and fit them for judgement for he shal gather them as the sheaves unto the floore to wit to be trampled under foot as their corn was by beasts that tread it out See Ier. 51.33 Such as the Lord abhorreth are let come in opposition to his people and they are ripened for destruction thereby partly while their cup is thus filled to the brim which in other transgressions might be long a filling partly while he lets affliction out upon his Church that secret enemies may discover themselves and so be brought to the floore for threshing 5. Christs Church is not to look what she hath in her self for opposing these enemies that assault her and for bringing about the mercies intended for her but what he will make her and how she shall be enabled to set against and overcome all difficulties and in the faith thereof ought cheerfully to set to her duty Arise saith he as to one laid by dead or discouraged and thresh O daughter of Zion for I wil make thy borne to push iron and thy hoofe brasse to thresh as was their custome Deut. 25.4 Upon these terms the weak may say I am strong 6. The Churches victory over her enemies wil in due time be made compleat and in due time Israel and the Church of God shall have their many enemies under their feet either as ruined or true subjects or tributaries This is imported not only in that she shall tread them with her hoofes and heat in pieces many people but in that their gain shal be consecrated or devoted which alludeth to that of Jericho Josh 6.17 19. wherein there was a compleat victory given to Israel 7. The glory of all the victories of the Church and of the benefits obtained thereby ought to be given to God onely for so much also doth the consecrating of their gain and substance as the corn that is threshed out to the Lord import that as Jericho was offered to the Lord and it was a sin in Achan to take ought of the consecrated things so it should be a sin in the Church to exalt her self and not the Lord only in and by these successes 8. The Lord onely must be the undertaker to get himselfe the glory of all his wonderful dealing for his people and make them forth-coming to his praise and will also crush and suppresse whatsoever among his people would come betwixt him and his glorious design and I wil consecrate their gain is the Lord speech though afterward he speak of himselfe in the third person 9. The Lord by his vengeance on the Churches enemies will have himselfe manifested and known in the world and by his gracious dealing for his Church and blessing her endeavours will have himself acknowledged through the earth and the kingdomes of the earth to become his for so much doth the stile the Lord of the whole earth teach that as he is so indeed so not onely by these victories shal he be known to be so through the world Psal 9.16 and 59.13 but shall at last have his dominion acknowledged and submitted to more generally through the earth CHAP. V. IN this Chapter the destruction of Jerusalem and overturning of the kingdome being foretold ver 1. The people of God are comforted with the promises of Christs birth under whom they should be restored ver 2 3. and of his government in relation to his peoples tranquillity their deliverances increase and victory over their enemies v. 4 5 6 7 8 9. his purging his Church from carnal confidences v. 10 11. and idolatrous courses v. 12 13 14. that so he alone may be seen to do for them ver 14.15 Ver. 1. NOw gather thy self in troopes O daughter of troops he hath laid siege against us they shall smite the Judg of Israel with a rod upon the cheek HEre is foretold the destruction of Jerusalem by the Caldeans and the ignominious and base usage of their Kings and Judges 2 Kings 25.7 18 19 20 21. as a fore-runner of the taking away of the Scepter from Judah to make way for Christs birth Gen. 49.10 which began to be accomplished in the Babylonish captivity in that none of the Tribe of Judah swayed the Kingly Scepter after that time all which the Prophet foretells by way of defiance given by the Church to their roving enemies to do their utmost endeavours according as God by his effectual Providence should permit them to enterprise and execute in regard that however Jerusalem were taken and their rulers so abused yet they had a King to come out of despised Bethlehem ver 2. Doct. 1. Christs ordinary harbingers and forerunners when he is to come with mercies to his Church are afflictions to fit them for such manifestations for so is this destruction premitted to the promise of Christs birth and kingdome Afflictions are Gods means to purge out and cut off many whom he will not make partakers of those mercies to invite others to repentance for sin obstructing these mercies to endear them to his heart and make them capable of these consolations which in their prosperity they would readily despise 2. Jesus of Nazareth is the true promised Messiah who was to be raised to rule his people Israel when their Judges and Rulers were ignominiously intreated and put down from their Authority who was held forth in the promise for the Churches comfort when this desolation began in their captivity and actually exhibited when it was in completeing their Kingdom then being by the Romanes reduced into the form of a Province
Herod an Idumean made King the power of their Judicatories restrained before and in the time of his Ministry and shortly after his Ascension their City Commonwealth and Temple being utterly overthrown So much doth this verse compared with ver 2. and the accomplishment in the New Testament teach us 3. The Church of God rightly pondering her advantages in him may in him give a defiance to enemies utmost malice seeing they can do no hurt but what he will make up with advantage nor can they hinder any of his gracious purposes toward his people So much doth this manner of speech directed to the Caldeans teach N●w gather thy self in troops c. 4. Oppression backed with authority and great power doth nothing diminish the hainousness thereof before the Lord for albeit the Caldeans had ordered armies marching and acting at the command of Authority and they would esteem what they subdued to be lawful conquest Isai 49.24 yet the Lord stiles Caldea O daughter of troops or as the word signifies bands of robbers to shew that their great conquests were but great oppressions 5. Whatever good the Lord brings out of the afflictions of his Church yet she may expect to be distressed with them in the mean time for He hath laid siege against us shall the people say importing that all the Land should be subdued the City besieged and the inhabitants thereof made to acknowledge their felt distresse 6. The contempt and injury done to Authority and Magistrates under whom a people may be kept from confusion and the Church protected is a special ingredient in the affliction of the visible Church for they do resent it as a part of the affliction They shall smite the Judge of Israel so also doth Ieremiah lament the stroake even of Zedekiah Lam. 4.20 7. As Princes and men in Authority being wicked do dishonour God more then others by reason of their greatnesse and it is their eminency which oft-times makes them so much stand out against God so the Lord in his righteousness makes contempt to be their punishment they are smitten with a rod on the check which is a contemptible stroak Lam. 3.30 See Job 12.21 Psal 107.40 Ver. 2. But thou Beth-lehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting Followeth the consolation of the godly from a Promise of Christ to be the Ruler in Israel whose birth as man is foretold to be in Beth-lehem Ephratah the City of David whose heire he was in the Tribe of Judah Judg. 17.7 called Ephratah Gen. 35.19 and 48.7 to distinguish it from another Beth-lehem in the Tribe of Zebulun Josh 19.10 15. By means whereof it is likewise foretold that this City though base in respect of others should become great and indeed famous and lest any should look on this Ruler as only man and beginning to be at his incarnation therefore it is also declared that he is the Son of God whose generation is eternal Doct. 1. Christs incarnation and manifestation of himself is the true Churches chief comfort in all her troubles for therefore is his birth subjoyned to the desolation mentioned ver 1. as the salve for that sore 2. Mercies manifested to any place or person ought to be taken notice of and marked that they may be thankfully acknowledged and use made of them Therefore is the speech directed to the City that they may consider the priviledge and thou Beth-lehem-Ephratah 3. Christ useth ordinarily to make use of and honour most such things as are least considerable in outward appearance As here he will not be born in Jerusalem but in Beth-lehem Ephratah which is little among the thousands of Judah that is a small City of few people and governed by mean Rulers in comparison of other Cities The speech relates to the division of the people by thousands under the government of their several Rulers 1 Chron. 12.20 And therefore Matth. 2.6 in stead of thousands the Princes are named who governed them See 2 Cor. 1.27 28 29. 4. Smallest and basest things by enjoying of Christ or having relation to him do become great Therefore considering the event this text is read thus Mat. 2.6 Thou art not the beast among the Princes of Judah and the Hebrew text here may be read by way of question which includes a denial Art thou little c No verily though thou seem to be so For out of thee shall come forth c. 5. The Lord in his providence useth to bring about the performance of his promises in strange and wonderful manner As may be seen in the accomplishment of his promise Luke 2.1 c. Joseph and Mary dwelling in Nazareth all the time after the Conception of Christ and little thinking on a removal at the period of his birth are charged by the Emperours Edict to go up to Bethlehem that so the Word of the Lord might not fail and that the prediction concerning the Messiah might be fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ 6. Christ is Ruler and King in his Church he will be acknowledged to have dominion and will performe the duties incumbent to a faithful Ruler He shall come forth that is to be Ruler in Israel 7. Christ in his Mediatory Office as he is a King acting for God the Father so doth the Lord especially allow of him and will maintain and desend him and his Kingdom He shall come forth to me saith the Lord. See Psal 2 6. 8. Christ the Mediatour is not only to be considered as Man but that the same Christ born in Bethlehem in the fulnesse of time is also true God begotten of the Father from all eternity and so is God and Man in one person for He that same individual person though not according to one and the same nature who cometh forth of Bethlehem-Ephratah He I say it is whose goings forth have been from of old that is from everlasting or the dayes of eternity as the Original hath it 9. Christs eternal generation as God is superexcellent and incomprehensible Therefore it is called goings forth in the plural number to shew its excellencie wherein all excellencies and infinitely more then we can comprehend are summed up though I do not seclude but that herein both his eternal generation and eternal designation to the Office of Mediatour may be imported Ver. 3. Therefore will he give them up until the time that she which travelleth hath brought forth then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel The threatening and promise in the former verses are conjoyed and the way of bringing about this mercy is further explained to wit that he would give up that Church unto her enemies hands to be vexed as a woman in travel till Christ be born of that Nation or of a Virgin among them and then should all his scattered brethren return
make him famous and precious as an ointment poured out to invite others to come under his yoke and it is his prerogative to have an universal Government and Kingdom over Jewes and Gentiles throughout the earth which he will still prosecute till he obtain all that is in his Charter for He shall be great to the ends of the earth imports all these See Zech. 8.23 7. The Conversion of souls unto Christ and bringing them under his yoke tends to the setting forth of the greatnesse of Christ and the conversion of many doth set out his greatnesse the more who doth draw all these doth care for them and to whose fulness they flow and depend upon and it should be the care of all who are converted in their expressions and carriage to commend and set him forth as great and superexcellent therefore is the enlargement of his Kingdome described from this effect of it He shall be great to the ends of the earth 8. Whatever is promised in the Word is to faith so certain as if it were then performed and ought to be looked on as coming speedily the Lords choosing of times and seasons for performing his promise being no delay in a believers eyes nor impediment unto his faith to feed upon it as present for this cause it is said now shall he be great Gods keeping his appointed time is great haste to the believing man Isa 60.22 and the promise apprehended by faith giveth the thing promised a present subsistence to his use and comfort Vers 5. And this man shall be the peace when the Assyrian shall come into our land and when he shall tread in our palaces then shall we raise against him seven shepherds and eight principal men 6. And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian when he cometh into our land and when he treadeth within our borders Followes some special fruits of Christs governing his Church such as peace and means sufficient not only to oppose the disturbers thereof such as the Assyrians were to Israel of old but to offend them also and so they shall be delivered However this promise spiritually considered belong to the whole Church and literally also in so far as is for her good yet it seems to have a special relation to the Church of Israel when they shall be converted and restored to their land Doct. 1. Christ is the only Author and Maintainer of the Churches Peace for this man or this one the word implying a demonstrating of him to others as one remarkable shall be the peace He pacifies Gods anger towards us establisheth our hearts in the faith thereof in him only have we true peace among our selves for luke-warmnesse breeds divisions and he it is that maketh peace in his Churches borders and creates a cloud over he● 2. The Church will not want enemies of her peace and such as will study to disturb it and may seem to prevail much at some times for the Assyrians or such enemies as the Assyrians were of old and the Babylonians or the land of Nimrod v. 6 shall come into our land and tread in our palaces she must resolve to have peace with continual ba●tels 3. The Church hath her peace secured in Christ in the midst of trouble and through him will have means sufficient to oppose her enemies and maintain her peace for he shall be the peace when the Assyrian shall come and there are seven shepherds and eight principal men to raise against him or a sufficient number of leaders seven being a number of perfection and eight yet more with armies to oppose him 4. It is a great blessing upon a land when the Lord furnisheth them with able men for government and rule in all exigents for that is Israels mercy to have such to employ and they are the means of their peace and safety We say they shall raise or call and send out she herds and principal men where their Princes are called shepherds with relation to the people as a flock 5. The enemies of the Church do oppose her alwayes to their own great disadvantage in the end for the Church shall not only defend themselves but they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof or their borders or with their own swords Babylon is here called the land of Nimrod because he founded that Kingdome Gen. 10.9 10 11. and was a great oppressor as his successors were 6. The inconveniencies which the Church sustains by her troubles do not prove so great as they may seem to be for however he tread in our palaces ver 5. yet ver 6. it is but treading within our land and borders See 2 Cor 4. 8 9. and 6.9 7. As the Church is sure to be delivered from her enemies so the glory of all he● enterprises and victories by them are to be ascribed to Christ only whatever be the part of instruments in bringing them about therefore albeit they raise up shepherds c. ver 5. yet ver 6. Thus shall he deliver us Ver. 7. And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD as the showres upon the grasse that tarrieth not for man nor waiteth for the sons of men The similitude of Dew made use of here leads us to a two-fold interpretation of this passage 1. That the Lords blessing of the rest given by these deliverances to the Church of Israel shall make her to multiply and flourish marvellously as the dew and rain fals down in great abundance suddenly and unexpectedly without humane industry and thus the similitude is used 2 Sam. 17.12 Psal 110.3 2. That the Church of Israel shall not only flourish themselves but be instruments of the flourishing and increase of the Church among the Nations as the Lord is the principal refresher and fructifier of his Church and therefore his operations are compared to dew and raine Hos 14.5 Psal 72.6 So they shall be instrumentally as dew and raine to many Nations that is being furnished with the Spirit from above and with refreshing doctrine they shall water them therewith as dew and raine doth the ground and so conquer them to the Kingdom of Christ and be instruments of their fruitfulnesse and blessings to them Both these interpretations agree in one to hold forth the miraculous increase of the Church either of Israel her self or of the Gentiles also by her means as another fruit of the government of Christ over them and may safely be taken both in here From the first interpretation Learn 1. That afflictions may make many sad and sore breaches on a Church before they recover out of them for they are now brought to the remnant of Jacob. 2. The Lord can easily when he pleaseth restore his broken people and make them increase as admirably and incredibly as
Gods being an adversary to the wicked is neither soon seen by them nor suppose it be seene is the sadnesse of such a condition easily laid to heart therefore is it again inculcated Behold I am against thee saith the Lord of hostes though it had been told before chapter 2.13 2 Abuse of mercy will in the end resolve in the abusers misery for beautifull Nineveh who plaid the harlot with it her skirts are discovered and abominable filth cast upon her and she with whom the Nations committed fornication is made the object of peoples detestation 3. People in their greatest pomp and glory do but flie with borrowed wings and are in such a condition as God can easily strip them of what they gloried in and set them as contemptible objects for Nineveh hath shame and nakednesse which he will shew to nations and kingdomes when he strips her of her borrowed glory 4. As wicked men cannot enjoy honour and greatnesse in the world and not abuse it so the Lord is provoked thereby to plague the abusers with ignominy for I will cast abominable filth upon thee and make thee vile saith he to glorious Nineveh 5. The Lord will make such as have publikly sinned without repentance to become publik spectacles of his justice and severity to the terror and astonishment of the beholders for I will set thee as a gazing-stock and it shall come to passe that all they that look upon thee shall flee from thee 6. It is righteous with God not onely so to smite his enemies as the stroak shall surpasse the cure of any consolations from friends and the terror thereof so to overwhelm them as that they cannot and dare not appear to bemoan and comfort them but it is rightcous also that such as have oppressed without pity should have none to condole with them in their justly procured and inflicted corrections for all this is imported in this threatening all that look upon thee shall flee from thee and say Nineveh is laid waste who will bemoan her whence shall I seek comforters for thee that no sorrow should expresse her stroak nor any consolations prove sufficient that her friendg being terrified should not be able to appear for her and that she should be abhorred and detested of all in her miseries Ver. 8. Art thou better then populous No that was situate among the rivers that had the waters round about it whose rampart was the sea and her wall was from the sea 9. Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength and it was infinite Put and Lubim were thy helpers 10. Yet was she carried away she went into captivity her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets and they cast lots for her henourable men and all her great men were bound in chains 11. Thou also shalt be drunken thou shalt be hid thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemy To confirm what hath been said and to crush all presumptuous thoughts in Nineveh as if she should be able to stand it out he sets before her the example of No or Alexandria a great city in Egypt or neer unto it of which see Jer. 46.25 Ezech. 30.15 And in this example 1. He rehearseth the flourishing condition of that city it was populous or nourishing that is a great market-town nourishing the countrey about it it was strong be situation being built among the Channels of Nilus and environed with strong ramparts the sea also enclosing it on divers parts it was also strong by great and many confederates such as Ethiopians or Arabians who are frequently named Cush in Scripture Egyptians and other people of Africa wherein the speech is directed to No as insulting over her vain confidence in these to the terrour of Nineveh 2. He repeats their stroak That that City had been made desolate her people being carried captive her young children dashed in pieces her honourable men divided amongst the souldiers as prey and carried away as slaves as for the time of this desolation and the persons by whom it was acted it is needlesse for us further to enquire seeing the Spirit of God puts it out of controversie that it was done before the utter ruine of Nineveh 3. This example is applied to Nineveh wherein is shewed that since she had no more advantages then the other had it was but folly to think her self to be invincible and she is assured that how potent soever she be yet she shall be drunk with the wine of Gods wrath and that notwithstanding her former splendour she should be made to hide her self for shame and fear and become obscure as if she had not been and that she should notwithstanding her own strength be forced to seek help from abroad or to supplicate her enemies for pity Doct. 1. The Lord hath given abundant proof that there is no power nor probable means of defence able to stand out against him when he prosecuteth a controversie for so doth the bringing in of this instance teach 2. Men are still ready to be presumptuous and confident of their own standing whatever they see done to others therefore is this example produced and applied that her conceit may be thereby crushed Art thou better then populous No c. 3. Men have nothing to boast of as sufficient to preserve them from ruine but others have had the same or better who yet have succumbed herefore are all the circumstances of ruined No's strength pointed out to shew that she might well have compared to Niuevch in any thing that would have seemed to be a defence 4. The Lords minde concerning sin and impenitent sinners is the same in all ages and he will so declare himself by his judgements for as No for her sins was carried away c. so is Nineveh threatened because of her provocations Thou also shalt be drunken c. 5. The wicked may not only expect to be deprived of counsel and prudence in straits as drunken men are but to be totally overwhelmed with the judgements of God in full measure for they are not to taste a little of the cup of wrath but to drink of it till they be drunken Thou also shalt be drunken See Jer. 25.15 27.6 The Lord can and because of sin will bury in obscurity the greatest of Nations as if they had never been and make them who made great shew of glory and courage seek holes to hide themselves in for saith he Thou shalt be hid 7. Unto such as are pursued by the justice of the Lord their enemies are made terriblé and all their strength and preparations are not sufficient to secure them from fear or keep them from being brought into their enemies reverence for whatever Nineveh had to oppose yet thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemie Vers 12. All thy strong holds shall be like fig-trees with the first ripe figs if they be shaken they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater For further confirmation of
most part in general denunciation of Gods vengeance upon gross and impenitent sinners such as the Chaldeans were wherein the Lord threatneth wrath and sad judgments to come upon them for the grosse abominations such as ambition covetousnesse oppression sensuality carnal policie idolatry c. which abounded amongst them This controversie the Lord layeth out in several branches sometimes repeating the same things in substance and amplifying them from several considerations to the end there may be a more distinct clear sight of the sinfulnesse of their sin of the vanity of the pretences they founded their courses on and of the equity of God judgments subjoyned to every branch The first branch of the controversie is that the Chaldeans and in special their King being given to sensuality and ambition or drunk with pride and ambition as with wine was insatiable in his Conquests like death and hell or the grave of which Pro. 30.15.16 Isa 5.14 and not being content with his own portion did labour to adde one Kingdom after another to his dominions Doct. 1. As the godlies honest wrestling through an evil time by faith is an evidence that God wil reckon with their oppressors so the Lords reproving and punishing the Apostasie of any within the Church may assure men that he will not spare wicked enemies for this is subjoyned to what was said ver 4. with a Yea also or How much more importing that when he made the just to live by faith he would also reckon with the Chaldeans and if he discovered and punished the listed up soul how much more the Chaldeans See Jer. 25.29 1 Pet. 4.17 18 2. The most part of unrenewed great mens actions and enterprises are consecrated to the service of their vile lusts For Because he transgresseth by wine and is proud he keeps not at home his great enterprises are undertaken to satisfie sensuality and ambition 3. Men once inslaved to the service of their lusts do become brutish and in a manner renounce their very reason for so may the words also be read The proud man transgresseth as through wine he is drunk with ambition as with wine which depriveth men of the use of sense and reason 4. It is a sin flowing from ambition a violence offered to nature which is content with little when men cannot acquisce in their lot and portion assigned them by God especially when it is competent but doe by all means hunt after more for it was the Chaldeans sin and ambition that having a Kingdom yet he keeps not at home 5. It is the Lords judgement upon ambitious men that the more they go beyond bounds to satisfie their lusts they become the more insatiable the more they drink they are the more thirsty for such an one enlargeth his desire as hell and is as death and cannot be satisfied but gathereth unto him all Nations and heapeth to him all people Vers 6. Shall not all these take up a parable against him and a taunting Proverb against him and say Wo to him that encreaseth that which is not his how long and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay The Lord threateneth that because of these their sins his judgments should make them contemptible and matter of derision insomuch that even those whom they had oppressed should insult over them and mock them and declare them accursed in their unlawful Conquests which however they had groaned under them could not endure long and in their overcharging and burdening themselves with the dross of this world Doct. 1. Even the consciences of wicked men if they were awake or suffered to speak would give out doom and sentence upon them and subscribe to the righteousnesse of Gods judgements for here he appeals to themselves Shall not all these take up a parable c. So also v. 7.2 When men sinfully endeavour to satisfie their pride and ambition it is right●ous with God to make them most contemptible and ignominious for the proud man v. 5 meets with a parable and taunting proverb or becomes a matter of publick derision 3. However the oppressed and subdued may seem to be far behinde with Conquerors and Oppressors yet the Lord will in due time cleare that there is but little cause for such an apprehension and greatest oppressors wil meet with their own stroak wherein the lowest may insult over them and they shall be rather the object of pitty then of envy or on whom any would wish more cruelty for All these to wit the nations subdued by him v. 5. even all of them and those who were sorest smitten shall take up a parable against him and a taunting proverb against him and say Wo to him See Isa 14.4 12. 4. As unjust Conquest gives a man no right to his Purchase so it brings on Gods curse and at last makes the Purchaser an object of derision Wo here may be taken both for an insulting expression a declaration of a curse upon him Wo to him or Wo he by way of triumphing over him and laughing at him that encreaseth that which is not his 5. Though the oppressed ordinarily groan under the oppressor and wish his end admiring at Gods patience toward him yet it may be concluded that oppression shall not continue so long as either the oppressed or oppressor might expect and that disappointment of the oppressors hopes of continuance in his way shal be matter of derision for all this is imported in that part of the proverb How long 6. Albeit oppressors promise to themselves much ease contentment pleasure and happinesse in their great enjoyments yet they are iniserably disappointed for riches are in themselves but base and great abundance of them beyond that which is needful is to the ambitious but a burden and matter of vexation drawing down the soul from God and intangling and polluting it and this may point out the misery of those who hunt so much after these things Wo to him that ladeth himself with thick clay that is base riches which do but burden pollute and intangle him Ver. 7. Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee and awake that shall vex thee and thou shalt be for booties unto them 8. Because thou hast spoiled many nations all the remnant of the people shall spoile thee because of mens blood and for the violence of the land of the City and all that dwell-therein The Lord yet declareth his mind concerning these sins and threatens yet farther that he will pay them home as they had served others for as the Chaldeans had ranged up and down the world like ravenous beasts so he would suddenly raise up the Medes and Persians who for present were little dream't of to trouble and devour and prey upon them v. 7. And as they had robbed and spoiled many nations so he would stir up the remnant of the nations either such nations as had been reserved from their sury or the remainder of the nations which they had ruined who should
their ends and neglect piety or to wait on God for counsel will prove shameful sinful men who lean to their own wits will finde that their most serious consultations will leave them in the mire Thou hast consulted shame to thy house saith the Lord. 5. It is a high degree of impiety and a clear presage of ruin when a man in managing his affairs casts off all his love to his neighbours and not onely mindes himself only but stands not upon the prejudice of others to rise upon their ruins or to cut them off though never so many and he but one if he think it may tend to his advantage for Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people 6. As men for the most part neglect their soules when they are mad upon their worldly designs so it is a dangerous c●se when it is so and it will prove a poor bargain in the end when men having gained never so much yet have sinned against their soul which the Lord here not only makes use of as a challenge but declares it as a judgement on the Chaldean 7. Sin and guilt will pursue and finde out the sinner and will of it self call for vengeance though all the world should be silent and not challenge him for the stone will cry out of the wall and the beam out of the timber shall answer it Ver. 12. Wo to him that buildeth a Town with bloud and establisheth a City by iniquity The third branch of the controversie points chiefly at the way of their prosecuting of their covetous and ambitious ends which was as one fin cometh not readily alone but dra weth other sins with it by oppression cutting off of people and other unjust wayes This course the Lord pronounceth to be accursed however they gilded it over with specious pretences of publick good or that thereby they endeavoured to perfect settle their civil State Doct. 1. The Lord looks much unto and tryes the dispositions of men much by the meanes they make use of in a course whether it be right or wrong in it self for the Lord chargeth upon them here that they carried on their work with blood and by iniquity 2. Pretence of publick good and zeal to advance the State and government is one of the fig tree-leaves where with men think to cover their oppression and make it plausible but all in vaine for Wo to him that buildeth a Towne with blood and establisheth a City by iniquity 3. Though all oppressions be not alike horrid in themselves and men readily do account themselves good enough when they go not the length they might or that others do in that fin yet the Lord will pursue the fairest way of oppression men can take with vengeance as being sinful in it self and sometime being more cruel in its lingring way then the most violent oppression in hot blood for Wo to him that establisheth a City by iniquity be what iniquity it will as well as to him that buildeth a Towne with blood Ver. 13. Behold is it not of the Lord of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity The Lord explaineth this Wo and denounceth that he should appear eminently against them in making all their endeavours to establish themselves wherein they employed many nations and had much toile as in a fiery furnace every head being made bald in their wars Ezek 29.18 to prove not only vain to no purpose but to tend also to their own prejudice as one whose work is cast into the fire loseth both his materials his labour and endangereth himself by following it to get it prosecuted or rescued so should they perish in their hunting after wealth and with it See the like threatning Jer. 51.58 Doctr. 1. Men taking sinful wayes to prosecute their designes may meet with much toile and vexation in their work as an earnest of further judgement for the people that is the Chaldeans and many instruments employed by them labour and weary themselves 2. The utmost of mens endeavours shall not promote or perfect a work which God is against nor uphold what he hath a minde to overthrow for though they labour and weary themselves yet it shall be for very vanity and to no purpose 3. Such as by bloody oppression seek to exalt and establish themselves shall not only lose their labour but incur further dammage by their attempt and lose themselves their work the materials which they had to begin their work upon for the Chaldeans shall labour in the very fire which shall not only breed them toil pain in labouring but shall devoure all their conquests themselves and the Kingdom of Babel which they had when they began their tyranny 4. The Lord will so order his judgments upon violent oppressors as that his hand shall be visibly and remarkably seen by all to be the inflicter of them and he shall prove himselfe omnipotent by frustrating men of their wicked purposes and consuming all their labours for Behold is it not of the Lord of hostes that the people shall labour in the very fire c. Ver. 14. For the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea The Lord subjoynes a reason to this sentence clearing how he should be so much seen in this judgment to wit that however he seemed to let his own Name and glory be obscured when he suffered the Chaldeans to oppresse the world and lead his people into captivity yet in due time he would make his glory so conspicuous in their just destruction and his powerful asserting of Judah into liberty as the Nations should be filled with the knowledge therof as the sea is full of water all this as a type and pledge of the glory to be revealed in Christ the knowledge of his Name then to be communlcated Doct. 1. When oppressors do prosper and the Lords people with the rest of the world are brought into bondage by them the Lords glory is engaged for his appearing against them in due time for it is subjoyned as a reason of the Chaldeans evil successe for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord c. 2. The greatnesse of oppressors doth contribute to illustrate and set forth the glory of God in bringing them down and therefore is rather an argument why the Lord should destroy them then any hinderance to it the Lord wil bring down the Chaldeans for in so doing the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of his glory See Ps 9.16 3. As God is most glorious in himself so he will make his glory to shine in the deliverance of his people though for a time he suffer them to be in bondage for in bringing back Judah at the ruine of Babylon the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as
without contending and make them forbearing of it till Gods prefixed time of deliverance come for the Prophet supposeth that the appointed yeares of the Captivity were to come and doth not quarrel as formerly but prayeth that the Church may be borne through in that time This were a way to make many a crosse easie which our quarrelling makes insupportable See Jer. 29 5.6 4. The people of God are sometimes left to lie under a long continued tract of trouble to the end they may be narrowly tryed and may have much sorrow to be repayed with joy Psal 90.15 for this trouble did endure for years even seventy of them 5. Besides the Lords general relation to all his creatures as his handy work he hath a peculiar relation to his Church and people whose calling to be his people and their building up and establishing in that priviledge is his own peculiar worke and amongst whom his elect are made anew by him in a worke of redemption and regeneration so that they become new creatures and the worke of his hands Isai 45.11 In the midst of whom also he hath a work of his Ordinances and Kingdome to be preserved and carried on Which relation as the Church ought to acknowledge it and hold all she hath of him and make his worke the matter of her chiefe care in trouble so this interest doth indeare the Lords people to him and is a cause why he will not let them go to ruine and so lose all that himselfe hath done for so doth the Prophet reason revive thy work 6. The Lords people and worke may by reason of long and sore Captivity and possibly desertion accompanying it be redacted into such extremities as all may seem to be in peril of ruine and the faith of the godly in peril to faint and give it over There may be such low ebbes as may put the godly to pray O Lord revive or preserve alive 7. As the Lord both can and will preserve his work and people who wait on him from ruine and that in the midst of extremities so the Lords doing of this ought to be much esteemed therefore the Prophet resolving on Captivity maketh it his suite which he hath warrant and ground of hope to aske and the granting whereof will be refreshful though the trouble otherwise be pressing O Lord revive thy work in the midst of thy yeares 8. It is a very refreshful dispensation and which the people of God have warrant to look for that the Lord will season and sweeten their times of trouble with some evidences of his favour either in their bosomes or by some token for good in his providence Therefore the Prophet is directed to pray further in the midst of the yeares make known to wit his wonted favour by some manifestation and was answered in the Lords raising up of Prophets to them in Babylon and by raising up the head of their King about the midst of the yeares of their Captivity 2 Kings 25.27 c. as a pledge of their future liberation and by other favours bestowed upon them 9. As the Lords proceeding in wrath against his people would undoe them so the apprehension of Gods just anger against them for their sinnes is a great hinderance to them in their prayers Therefore the Propher when he thinks on wrath is made abruptly to cut his prayer that he may runne and deprecate it make known saith he not expressing what in wrath remember mercy 10. As the Lords just indignation against sinne doth not so transport him as that he will forget mercy or that he will deal in strict justice without all moderation with his afflicted people so this may give warrant to all those who are sensible of sin and of wrath due or inflicted for it to flee to his free favour and to pray with the Prophet In wrath remember mercy And teacheth all to magnifie God when this prayer is answered in any sort and that God doth mixe a cup of wrath with any mercy or moderation Ver. 3. God came from Teman and the holy One from mount Paran Selah His glory covered the heavens and the Earth was full of his praise Ver. 4. And his brightnesse was as the light he had hornes comming out of his hand and there was the hiding of his power The Prophet that he may strengthen his own the godlies faith in assurance of an answer to his prayer gathereth together several grounds whereupon he expects it which are taken from the manifestations of God in delivering his people from Egypt in carrying them through the Wildernesse and setling them in the promised Land expecting by faith that the Lord being unchangeable still the same and the people still his will repeate these in their future delivery and so lifts up his heart above all difficulties in the captivity or that might impede their restitution as looking to what had been done as pledges of what God would do before his Word failed or they perished Gods glorious manifestations of old among and for his people are branched out in several particulars whereof the first agreeing much with Deut 33.2 is the Lord manifesting of himself on Mount Sinai at the giving of the Law and on the hills adjacent in the desert through which he marched after giving of the Law before his people as their consederate God in glory and Majesty like himselfe insomuch that the splendor wherwith he was invironed filled heaven earth was bright as any light though these rayes like horns which shined forth from his hands or sides when he appeared did point out his power yet but darkly as being but a veile cast over his glorious power which in it selfe is incomprehensible as that light could not be stedfastly looked upon by the infirme and easily dazled eyes of man Doct. 1. It is a thriving way in prayer not only to put up desires to God to perswade him but to gather arguments whereby to confirme our own faith in the hope of speeding which will make us both cheerful in prayer and quiet having done our duty Therefore though all this exercise be called prayer ver 1. yet after a short suite ver 2. the Prophet makes the study of arguments of faith his chief work here See 1 John 5.14 15. 2. The Church is a storehouse of experience for a time of need she hath treasures of instances of what God hath done ready to be repeated againe in a new extremity for the Prophet repeats here works done of old which he lookes upon as pledges of the like in this new strait 3. Gods glorious manifestations of himselfe in and for his Church ought to be joyned with the consideration of his holinesse and his glory and splendor ought to set out his perfection in purity that the Church may fall in love therewith and study conformity thereto for appearing thus he is God the holy one 4. The Lords glory amongst his people may shine brightly in a Wildernesse which
shall be forsaken c. And so Moab Ammon and the rest of them when Judahs remnant shall be made up as it is v. 7. D●ct 2. Such as have been long injurers of the people of God and in●eterate enemies to them God can when he will meet with them for these Philistines had long possessed a part of Ornaan ●nd as sacred Histories tell us were vexers of the Church on all occasions and now the Lord threatens to pay them home 3. The Lord can engage with his enemies in their full strength and by his stroak undo them and put them to all disadvantages for when he engages with the Philistines in their flourishing condition of Cities and Countrey he maketh them to be forsaken and a desolation drives them out and rooteth them up and destroyeth them that there shall be no Inhabitants 4. When God is angry no place can promise an exemption to themselves from judnements strhug Cities open Countries and lurking holes in it are all alike potent to his blow for here he threatens their Cities the Nation and the Land or Countrey 5. As there may be much wo intended and purposed against them who little apprehend it till they be made to feel it in effects so the Lords Word writing sad things against a people is the begluning of their wo however for a time they may prosper notwithstanding for Wo saith he to the Philistines now flourishing the Word of the Lord is against you It portendeth wo that God hath such a word or sentence in his own purpose against them but they were visibly under wo when it was published 6. Sin as it highly provokes God and endeavoureth to trample under foot his glory wasteth fouls and consciences so when God comes to punish for it it wili lay the most fertile populous land desolate and waste I will even destrey thee that there shall be no Inhabitant and the sea-coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepheards c 7 Places of great confluence and resort are ordinarily places of much sin which draweth down remarkable judgement Therefore this countrey is twice threatned under the name of the sea-coast not only with relation to its fertility but because much repaire of many Nations treasured up much sin as fuel to insuing wrath Ver. 7. And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah they shall feed thereupon in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lye down in the evening for the Lord their God shall visit them and turne away their captivity This judgement is amplified irom an event that should follow upon i● to wit that the remnant of the Jewes when the Lord according to his Covenant shouln manifest his favour in returning their captivity were to possesse the land of the Philisinnes as a part of their own inheritance and as the Lords flock they were to feed and dwell there securely even in the evening when it is perillous fot flocks or persons to be abroad in a wasted countrey This was accomplished partly literally when at the return of the Jewes from Babylon they possessed these lands as stories mention beside what may farther be done when the Lord saveth all Israel and partly spiritually when the inhabitants of these places were converted to the Church and added to the Lords Israel by the Gospel as is marked Act. 8.26 40. where Azotus is the same with Ashdod Doct. 1. As Gods covenant with a people may stand firme notwithstanding many afflictions so that standing Covenant will be forth-comming for much tendernesse and restitution in due time to the afflicted confederates when others shall perish in their calamities for the Lord speaks still to captive Judah in the Covenant-stile the Lord their God and when the Philistines are gone he promiseth to Judah that the Lord their God will visit them and turne away their captivity 2. Covenant-rights and promise-rights will not faile to appear in performance though after long delayes and many disappointments for this sea coast was Judah's by right which though they were long kept out of yet at last the coast shall be for the house of Judah 3. The Lord hath reserved choice mercies for his peoples lowest estate and will do that for them then which they could not do for themselves when they were in greatest power for the remnant of the house of Judah shall possesse the coast which they could not doe when they were a flourishing kingdome and when they are but a remnant yet they feed thereupon and lie down in the evening 4. When the Lord doth afflict his Church he doth not only restore her but by some special advantage doth recompense her losse by trouble This is held out to us by the remnant of Judah their getting the land of the Philistines with their own land to make up their hard captivity 5. In all the calamities wherewith the Lord afflicts the Nations he hath a singular respect to the setting forth of his own glory by bringing advantage to the Church and Gospel by these judgements so the Lord in destroying the Philistines hath an eye to the planting of Judah there and to the spreading of the Gospel in those places Vers 8. I have heard the reproach of Moah and the revilings of the children of Ammon whereby they have reproached my people and magnified themselves against their border The next that God deales with are the Moabites and Ammonites whom he conjoyneth in this threatning as being both descended of Lot and so alike near of kin to the Jews and as running both one way against the Church and being often confederate together for that end Psal 83.5 6 7 c. The ground of the Lords challenge against them is their proud contemning and reproaching of his people in the day of their affliction and their boasting to encroach upon the Churches border and to possesse their land Doct. 1. No relation will tie men who are wicked to be friends to the Church and godly but all of them though never so near wil run one way to be her enemies so did Moah and the Children of Ammon though both in kin to Juda. 2. Bitter reproaches and insolent mocking of the afflicted Church is a great addition to her trial which God will take notice of as a sufficient ground of controversie against the reproacher so it is here taken notice of as Judahs trial from them and Gods quarrel-against them I have heard the reproach of Moab and the revilings of the Children of Ammon whereby ●hey have reproached my people 3. The Lords chastising of his people in anger for their sins doth not hinder his affection to take notice of the wrongs done by wicked instruments in due time to repay them Nor do reproaches cast upon the Lords people diminish any whit his estimation of them but rather increase the expression of it I have heard the reproach saith the Lord and notwithstanding all that yea so much the more they are my people 4. Nor so much as
wicked proud boasting and wicked enterprising far more wicked acting against the Lords people their land and rights but it will in due time be reckoned for for it is put upon these enemies score that they magnified themselves against the border threatning to possesse it Ver. 9. Therefore as I live saith the LORD of hostes the God of Israel Surely Moab shall be as Sodom and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah even the breeding of nettles and salt pits and a perpetual desolation the residue of my people shall spoile them and the remnant of my people shall possess them 10. This shall they have for their pride because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the Lord of hostes Follows the judgement threatned for this sin and confirmed by an oath that these enemies should be made as Sodom and Gomorrah not for the way of their destruction but for Gods rooting them and their memory out and laying their land utterly desolate as a salted land which makes it barren to bear onely weeds and that for a long time if not for ever as to them though there be a promise of their restitution especially spiritual Jer. 48.47 49.6 And whereas they encroached upon Judah the Lord threatens to make Judah spoile and possesse their land v. 9 which is to be understood as that promise v. 7. is and that they may know the cause of this stroak the Lord repeats it againe that all this should come upon them for their proud insolency against and reproaching of his people v. 10. Doct. 1. The Lord is in great earnest that he will meer with the Churches enemies as having both power and reason so to do he being the Churches Protector in Covenant with her though it be little believed either by the Church or his enemies therefore he assures them of it by his oath and takes unto himself titles of power and interest As I live saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel 2. Though the Lord think is not fit to smite every sinful Nation with immediate judgements from heaven or to make their countreys utterly and for ever unuseful as Sodom and Gomorrah were yet his displeasure is no lesse against the enemies of his people then against those he hath so smitten and he will in due time evidence it by sore desolation and of long continuance being compared with the Churches lot therefore is the Lords wrath on these Nations compared with that which he let forth on Sodom and Gomorrah Surely Moab shall be as Sodom and the Children of Ammon as Gomorrah even the breeding of nettles and salt-pits and a perpetual desolation 3. Though the Church may oft times be exposed as a prey to her enemies yet the day may come when the Church will be employed to do that to enemies which they threatned to do to them and in part attempted to do for whereas Moab and Ammon magnified themselves against Israels border v. 8. now the Lord threatens that the residue of my people shall spoil them and the remnant of my people shall possesse them 4. In a time of judgements upon enemies there will be need of frequent inculcating of Gods controversie if they would have a blessed use of stroaks in turning to God and that so much the rather as they will be ready to see many things before they see their injuries done to the Church as a cause of their calamity tharefore is this quarrel again repeated This shall they have for their pride c. 5. Pride and insolency will not misse a fall and stroak in due time especially when pride leads men to act sin and wrong not out of infirmity or ignorance but with an high hand and that against the Church for This shall they have for their pride because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the Lord. 6. A chiefe cause of the Lords appearing for his reproached and wronged people is that the wrongs done to them seem to reflect on him as if he were not keeping Covenant with them or not able to defend or redresse their wrongs and therefore as he affects them even in troubles so he will in due time by visible acts set out his power for them and his love to them therefore this stroak is threatned because they were infolent against the people of the Lord of hoasts where both his power and his interest in Israel are asserted as rubbed upon by them and to be cleared in the judgement to come upon them Vers 11. The LORD will be terrible unto them for he will famish all the gods of the earth and men shall worship him every one from his place even all the Isles of the Heathen This stroak is farther illustrated from an effect that when the Lord shall thus terribly plague enemies and vindicate the wrongs done to his Church he will consume the idols of the Nations also by blasting their reputation that could not help their worshippers whereas God helps his people and shal withdraw worship from them as useless things and so famish them of their food and oblations and make them lean whereby way shall be made for spreading of the knowledge of the true God especially in the dayes of the Gospel wherein without distinction of place John 4.21 or of Nations Acts 10.34 35. all the remotest Nations lying beyond the sea to Judea and the Iflanders shall serve him and yet more particularly in the day of the saving of all Israel which shall be life from the dead to the generality of the Gentiles Rom. 11.15 the fame of Gods doing for them inviting all Nations to renounce their idols and serve him Doct. 1. God is a dreadfull Party for weak man to provok and albeit he be oft times little regarded of the secure siuner yet in a day of anger he will be found terrible The Lord will be terrible unto them 2. As idolatry is a great cause of Gods anger against a people provoking him to smite them so people are ordinarily so addicted to idols that they are undone before they cease to esteem of them so much doth the conexion of these two import The Lord will be terrible unto them for he will famish all the gods of the earth he will terribly destroy them because he hath a mind to bring down their Idols 3. As it is a sweet fruit of judgements when they bring down Idols as well as lay other things waste so howsoever the Lord doth suffer idolatry for a time yet at last by judgments on idolaters and by mercies toward his people he will abolish idols and exalt himself as the only true God to be chosen and served by the world for He will famish all the gods of the earth and men shall worship him 4. It is the priviledge of the new Testament and a part of the glory of Christs Kingdome that the Lords worship is not confined to a Temple at Jerusalem nor to the Nation of Israel and such
might feare him and receive instruction 3. Albeit God onely wise to whom all his works are known from the beginning cannot be disappointed of any expectation he hath yet this dealing with his sinfull people and the meanes he useth are such as in reason might promise and doe indeed oblige them to bring forth the fruits of repentance and reformation therefore he subjoynes to this warning from his judgements on others I said Surely thou wilt fear me thou wilt receive instruction speaking after the manner of men and shewing what his dealing did oblige to 4. True godlinesse and an evidence of true turning from Apostasie consists in an holy aw of God and fear because of our offending him or to offend him again joyned with spiritual wisdom learned from the word and from our experience of our selves and our failings or of others to carry on and fe●d that disposition for so is their duty here described Thou wilt feare me thou wilt receive instruction 5. No stroakes on sinners ought to be a discouragement to them being penitent from comming to God or from expecting good at his hand for if they should fear him so their dwelling should not be cut off howsoever he punished them 6. Albeit true godlinesse or turning to God from sinful wayes will not exempt a people from fatherly chastisements to make them more wise and their turning yet more serious yet the penitent in these will meet with favour considering what he deserves and what such as go on in impenitency meet with for so is insinuated so their dwelling should not be cut off howsoever I punished them 7. To be delivered from going into captivity out of our own land where we should want the publick ordinances of Gods worship is a mercy which may sweeten much affliction in our own land it is a promise to the penitent Their dwelling shall not be cut off howsoever I punished them 8. Such is the madnesse of men especially where the Lord hath given them over that no example will warn them their security conceit dreaming of priviledges c. will hide all dangers from such till they light upon themselves for all these warnings wrought not they corrupted all their doings 9. The more meanes be essayed to reclaim a people without successe the worse will that people grow where meanes are not blessed they leave that curse behinde them therefore all these meanes of warnings threatnings promises and lesser stroakes being in vaine see what followeth They rose up early and corrupted all their doings they were vigilant active and earnest to goe wrong 10. It is a cleare proofe of incorrigiblenesse and a presage of certaine ruine when a people are never more mad upon sinne then when judgements are let forth for it for by this the Lord proves their incorrigiblenesse and sealeth this wo upon them that when the Nations were cut off yet They rose up early and corrupted all their doings Ver. 8. Therefore wait ye upon me saith the Lord untll the day that I rise up to the prey for my determination is to gather the Nations that I may assemble the Kingdomes to poure upon them mine indignation even all my fierce anger for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousie The Lord having thus accused and left the body of the Jewes under his wo he turnes now to the godly among them who could not but be affrighted with these threatnings and troubled with the thoughts of dispersion of the people therefore he propounds divers grounds of their encouragement some whereof were to be accomplished in part at their return from the captivity and all of them spiritually in the dayes of the Messiah beside what may be expected yet more fully at the conversion and saving of all Israel The first ground of encouragement is that as they had God to wait and depend upon in the time of the ensuing calamity wherein God would consume the Jewes out of his jealousie over them so there was ground of hope that the Lord having punished his Church would appear against her enemies to take the prey out of their teeth and raise up the Nations to consume them and make such havoke of them as might testifie his zeal for his people and glory which had been violated by them and therefore the godly were patiently to expect this day so much the rather as all this should tend to the advance ment of the Kingdome of Christ as is after cleared Doct. 1. The Lords just controversie against the visible Church provoking him to abandon her doth nothing diminish his affection to any godly remnant in it nor make him forget them in sad times for in the midst of all these quarrels he hath a word to them 2. God in his Church is jealous of her and of her affection toward him and for his Church against all that trouble her in both which cases his jealousie being provoked is terrible and will raise up many instruments and make a great destruction for this jealousie of God first against the Jewes which is supposed here and first in order to be understood and then against her enemies which is most expresly pointed at will arise to the prey as a roaring Lyon will assemble Nations and Kingdomes to make them scourges to the Jews and then to be plagued themselves Will pour out indignation and fierce anger and devour all the earth or Land 3. When the Lord is about to bring forth some glorious peece of his Gospel-work The Church is to expect some great shakings and vastations to make way for it for in order to what followeth in this Chapter there will be a devouring of all the earth a casting of all into the furnace that he may b●ing out his pure mettal 4. When it pleaseth the Lord to let judgements upon his Church arise to a captivity and a leaving of them in their enemies hand the godly are to expect a time of the trial of faith and patience before there be a change as here is insinuated that when Judah is consumed there will be need of waiting on God before a day of vengeance on enemies come about 5. Times of greatest trouble have matter of encouragement to the godly in that they have ground of present dependance on God for strength and furniture during the straite and ground of future hope that there will be an outgate and that vengeance will come on oppressors they are allowed and invited to wait on God till that other day come 6. Patience is the kindly fruit of hope and the posture wherein the godly are to expect issue and to finde present troubles easie Wait ye upon me saith the Lord till the day c. Ver. 9. For then will I turne to the people a pure language that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord to serve him with one consent 10. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia thy suppliants even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering A second
the son of Joash 2 Kings 14.25 but with little success as may be gathered confidering the times wherein be lived is sent to preach to Nineveh the chief City of the Assyrian Empire But disobeying the command he it sharply punished by God till he was humbled for his f●lly And being brought to follow the second call after he had fulfilled his message God upon Nineveh's repentance spares them whereat he repining is reproved of God In sum the Prophets frailty is a preaching to all and especially to disobedient servants and the Ninevites their repentance and Gods dealing with them holds out his riches in mercy and may convince all those who are unfruitful under the plenty of preaching Albeit this be a History yet it is justly reckoned among the Prophets in respect of the Penman who was a Prophet and in respect of the chief subject of it which is a prediction of things to come And however Jonah was in some things a type of Christ Matth. 12.37 40. Yet as the confideration of that is to be remitted to its proper place so to speak of him as a type further then in what is opened by Christ is unsafe CHAP. I. THe parts of this Chapter are 1. Ionah's disobedience to the Lords call he essayed to flye to Tarshish when he should have gone to Nineveh to ver 4.2 The correction of his disobedience The Lord by a mighty storm at sea pursues him til by lot and his own confession he is found guilty and gives out his own doom which is executed by the Mariners though with much reluctancy to ver 17.3 His preservation in his correction by a fish prepared to swallow him ver 17. Ver. 1. NOw the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai saying 2. Arise go to Nineveh that great City and cry against it for their wickedness is come up before me HEre Ionah gets a commission and calling to go and preach against that great city Nineveh and stoutly accuse and threatten them for their great wickednesse which was crying unto God for vengeance Whence learn 1. The servants of God are not to be at their own disposing but to be employed in service as the Lord thinks fit for Ionah after his employments in Israel is put upon strange service of leaving his country and going to a barbarous and wicked people to carry hard tidings which might be very full of hazard in appearance 2. Great and flourishing places have ordinarily great and crying sins for The wickednesse of Nineveh that great city is come up before God 3. As abounding sin is not in a cold rife way to be spoken against but with all zeal and fervencie so the Lords servants having commission from him may and ought boldly to plead his controversie and for him against greatest persons or places For J●nab is sent to cry against the great City and their wickednesse 4. Greatest sinners are ordinarily most secure and insensible Therefore also doth Nineveh whose sins are come up before God need that the Prophet should cry 5. The Lords reason for sending Jonah thither to preach was not onely to shew that God is Lord of all the earth and a punisher of sin even among Pagans or to give some essay of sending his Word unto the Gentiles but more especially 1. To leave a standing witnesse in the repentance of Nineveh against all those who obstinately contemn the Gospel as this passage is commented upon by Christ Matth. 12.41 2. To forewarne all of the removing of the Lords messengers when their message is not received Therefore was Jonah sent away from Israel which was now desperate in its backsliding see Mat. 21.43 3. To convince all that he takes no pleasure in the death of sinners Therefore though Nineveb's wickednesse is come up before God yet Jonah is sent to warn them ere the stroak come on Ver. 3. But Jonah rose up to flie unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD and went down to Joppa and he found a ship going to Tarshish so be paid the fare thereof and went down into it to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD Here we have Jonah's disobedience to this call he being surprised with the novelty of such a charge and fearing hazard or want of success or as may be gathered from Chap. 4.2 that if either on their repentance or in Gods long-suffering threatenings should not be executed he might be reputed a false Prophet and so be exposed to contempt whereof the Prophets of God had many trials in Israel it self 1 Kings 22.8 18. 2 Kings 9.11 Therefore he resolves to flee from God to Tarshish in Cilicia not that he denied his universal presence in all the world but as the original bears He fled from before the face of the Lord that is from the land where God usually manifested himselfe to the Prophets and from obeying the Lord as a rebellious servant flying from his Master in whose presence he useth to stand And this resolution he followeth and finding at Joppa a ship he sets to the journey it being safer and nearer to travel by sea then by land Doct. 1. It is an usual fault in men to examin Gods command by their owne wisdome or will and accordingly as they judge to obey or disobey for so doth Jonah here He rose up to flye c. and so do all they who look more to see a reason of Gods commands satisfactory to them then to the will of the Commander 2. Even the precious servants of the Lord have so much unmortified corruption as being left to themselves may drive them on in very high fits of disobedience For Jonah a Prophet doth avowedly resist the will of God 3. Rebellion in the children of God may not onely be a sudden tentation or a fit shortly shaken off but they may go on long in it and with great deliberation for Jonah all the while hee was going to Joppa fraughting the ship and launching out by all which the Lord tryed his abiding by it continueth in his resolution 4. Men in their rebellion are ordinarily so addicted to their own will that they are blinde and inconsiderate not pondering any inconvenience that may ensue but will hazard all rather then be crossed in their purposes This doth appear in Jonah hee who knew the Lord will disobey him and yet think to prosper hee will rather lose that great priviledge of standing before the Lord to receive prophetick revelations then want his will which is twice marked to shew his great madnesse yea hee will rather be at charges to pay the fare and hazard to Sea with Pagan men then goe among Pagans at Gods command 5. Successe in a way of rebellion against God is a snare leading on the rebell to sadder corrections Therefore Jonah found a ship ready and opportunity to launch out that he may get a sharper rod at sea where Pagans should be witnesses and not Israel Ver. 4. But the LORD sent