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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A78023 Meditations upon 1 Sam. 26. 19. Humbly presented to the Common-Councel of London, for their serious rumination. / By their servant for their good, Henry Burton. Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1647 (1647) Wing B6167; Thomason E399_24; ESTC R201725 10,672 16

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they differ from you though they have hazarded their lives for you which as it is a high breach of charity and an unsampled ingratitude so it is most odious and abominable before God whose Justice and Wrath if not appeased by faith in Christ accompanied with syncere Repentance and publike Humiliation will undoubtedly if Gods Word be true concerning Saul and other in the like case break forth upon you and your Councellours yea upon City and Kingdom For * Gal. 6. God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap In King Davids time 2 Sam. 21. a famine of three ●●●rs was in the Land For what cause David enquires of the Lord and the Lord answered It is for Saul and for his bloody house because be slew the Gibeonites Why Saul was now dead and doth the Lord now under Davids Raign punish Israel for Sauls sin Yes Gods forbearance is no forgivenesse his patience is no payment And though Saul was dead yet Israel being accessory to Sauls sin God punisheth them And because Saul slew the Posterity of the Gibeonites God now requires it at the hands of Sauls Posterity The Gibeonites demand of David seven of Sauls sons to be hanged which is granted But why should all this ado be for the Gibeonites for these Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel but a remnant of the Amorites I but the children of Israel had sworn unto them Now observe it well As Saul in his zeal for the children of Israel slew the Gibeonites so the Lord now in his zeal both punisheth the children of Israel with three yeers famine and slayeth seven of Sauls sons for satisfaction to the Gibeonites Now if the Lord were so zealous and exact in his Justice in so punishing Sauls sinful zeal and avenging the slaughter of the Gibeonites though aliens in Israel what impunity can they look for at the hands of the righteous God who out of what zeal soever be it for those new lords to be set over them as the peoples zeal was to have Saul for their King rather then the Lord 1 Sam. 8.7 are so extremely injurious and oppressive and that to their brethren their own natural Country-men yea perhaps kindsmen too and that which is above all other relations their preservers and deliverers from utter ruine and destruction of them and theirs and that with the extreme hazard of their own lives interposing their bodies between the City and utmost imminent mortal destructive danger and that in a juncture of time when the enemy was in the top of his strength and in the ruff of his jollity fully resolving the day was his before it dawned and on the other side our Army consisting of raw Souldiers and no lesse raw Offices was at the lowest ebbe and given for lost as men that durst not engage and whom the enemy supposed would rather flee then fight so injurious I say as to go about in stead of putting at least Lawrel Crowns upon their heads to make them level with the Gibeonites to purchase their lives with being hewers of wood and drawers of water to the whole Nation as glad that they may but breathe in the common air and live of a morsel of bread to lengthen their miserable lives so much worse then death by how much these are men of a more noble and heroick spirit then so dearly to prize a most ignominious life after so many large proffers of their dearest blood to purchase a most glorious death No greater injury nor indignity can be done to well-deserving Vertue then to recompence it with impious Scorn David would not suffer those Worthies of his to be sent back with disgrace 1 Sam. 10. with their beards half shaven and their garments cut off to their huttocks by Hanun the Ammonite to whom he had sent to congratulate his new Crown 2 Sam. 12 26-31 but to revenge such an indignity gathered an Army wherewith he brought under the proud Ammonite so as he took his Royal City and the Crown from his head and put the people under sawes and under harrows of iron and made them passe thorow the brick-kiln and thus did he to all the Cities of the children of Ammon and all this I say for one disgrace put upon Davids servants though new garments and their new grown beards might seem to heal all again And will not our David Jesus Christ trow you avenge such horrible indignities as your Remonstrances and Representations have cast upon his Worthies and such as have done more for you then a complement and so much the more when the disgraces put upon them reflect upon himself whose power and goodnesse hath by them as his servants and instruments atchieved so great things for you the City Kingdom Parliament Could any thing have been invented more dishonourable to Christ and more darkening the bright beams of his glory shining forth in those famous acts of his wrought by this Army then thu● not onely to bury such glory under an infamous act of eternal oblivion but to brand those servants of his with the Thracian notes of perpetual villainage Nor do I but the thing it self speak and proclaim this Your Remonstrance and Repreientation are extant to all the world But what might be the cause of all this calamity A monstrous conception sure that brings forth such a monstrous birth Why the reason is were there any reason at all in it that those Worthies of the Army do not in all things concur in their judgements with you I would say with your Teachers whose judgement is yours about the things controverted at this day touching Christs Spiritual Kingdom while they would rack mens Consciences to conform to such a Church-Government as they are never able for all their titular Jus divinum to make out from Scripture-evidence So as such forcing of the Conscience otherwise informed and perswaded by the Word of God as it is a horrible violation of our late Solemn Covenant for a Reformation in all things according to the Word of God so it is no lesse Antichristian Tyranny over mens souls then that which the Pope and Prelates have exercised over us if not worse Jer. 28.13 when the woodden yokes of the Prelates being broken seem now to be turned and multiplied into many thousand yokes of iren Consider therefore ye worthy Citizens whether it was not the very spirit of Antichrist breathed upon you by those who have changed the name but not the nature of Prelatical Usurpation that hath thus imposed upon your facile Credulity begotten of your high opinion of them to undertake such a horrid attempt for the perpetual enthralling and vassalizing of both souls and bodies of those who have been your Deliverers and who have abundantly proved themselves to be next under God the best and faithfullest friends that either you or the City or our native Country of England have in all the world at this day Therefore most dear Citizens and Country-men Acts 3.13 14 15 17. let me use the Apostle's words to you which he did to those that had through the subornation of their Synedrion the Priests and Pharisees by their lond Vote Crucifigs Crucifige killed the Prince of life saying Now brethren I wot that through ignorance ye did it as did also your Rulers And certainly I affirm it again and again never could your own genius being ingenuous men and of a generous breeding and education ever have led you into such a miserable Maze had not your over-credulous hearkning to some other's Counsel ensnared your over-confident presuming on some supposed good in it as Eve through the Serpents subtilty supposed to be in the eating of the forbidden tree so leading your harmlesse intentions captive at their will to be the instruments of serving their ungodly unnatural designe Let me therefore adde and apply to you as the most soveraign and onely remedy to cure the wound of your conscience before God and of your honour with men that exhortation of the Apostle Acts 3.19 Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sin may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Make your peace with God and so with your own conscience as well as with men and for that end petition the Parliament for a Solemn and Publike Fast-day wherein your humble and syncere confession before all may stop the mouth of so crying a sin that God may have his glory and you his mercy and both Parliament City and Country impunity especially whose spirits shall sympa●hize and bear a part with you and chiefly those who have had the prime share with you in the sin either in counselling you to it or not deterring you from it for either of these ways the sin is theirs Ezek. 3.18 19. Matth. 5.19 that so they may be the first to share in the shame and your selves not the last FINIS
the children of God So David complained when he fled from Saul Psal 57.4 Such children of men then as either stir up others or do themselves persecute the children of God they shew themselves to be therein no other then the children of men not the children of God Nor doth this excuse Saul that he was egged to this by any of his Doegs or flattering sycophantizing Courtiers Kings will never want bad Councellours if they be bad themselves If a Ruler hearken to lyes Prov. 29.12 all his servants are wicked If Saul were led by bad Councellours he might thank himself that either his example led them to it or that he was led by them Ahab followed Jezebels counsel to get Naboths life and vineyard and that by an hypocritical way of a Fast But both he and she and their house and Kingdom paid dearly for it Adam lays the fault on his wife and she on the Serpent the Serpent is cursed but they escaped not scot-free so as the earth became accursed for their sakes So here is a curse imprecated upon those children of men that stirred up Saul to persecute David But did not this Curse involve Saul too Did not the Lord forsake him No Samuel now to pray for him being before his death * 1 Sam. 16.1 forbid any longer to mourn for him as being rejected of God And henceforth he proceeds from evil to worse and worse Now the * Vers 14. Spirit of the Lord for the government of his kingdom departeth from him and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him Now * 1 Sam. 28.6 when he enquired of the Lord the Lord answered him not neither by dreams nor by Vrim nor by Prophets Then * Vers 7. he sends to seek out a Witch to enquire of her And all along he stands to none of his promises and oathes made to David but pursues him continually to make an end of him And in the end he falls by the Army of the uncircumcised Philistines and being sore wounded he desperately fell upon his own sword and so died Object But David was a Prophet and so might imprecate such a curse which upon like occasions we have not the like warrant so to do Answ Nor need we This curse is not taken off the file but stands in force still and is recorded to admonish us upon whom the ends of the world are come If we counsel others to evil or if we follow others counsel to do evil both fall under the same curse under the same condemnation But now what or whom doth all this concern Or what is it to this famous City as to those whose Body Representative as themselves hold the Common Councel this should be inscribed Certainly much every manner of way Shall I deal clearly Surely I must Otherwise I should neither fear God nor love you nor desire the honour and safety of this City Which God forbid It was said of old of Judah * Jer. 17.1 The sin of Judah is with a pen of iron and with the point of a diamond O that it might not be said so of London But is not the sin of London written published and made conspicuous in the eyes of all the world I beseech you consider what you have done Read over again and ponder well those frequent pressings importune Petitions Remonstrances Representations what daily pursuance of them to the Two Houses of Parliament wherein among many good things you were so importunate to have those Worthies of our Nation whose endeavours God hath crowned with so many glorious Victories over potent enemies to be trampled under feet abased disgraced cast out of all Places of honour credit or trust either in Church or Common-weal and to be for ever disabled and made uncapable thereof who have from the first to this day all along shewed themselves so faithful affectionate valiant and prodigal of their dearest lives and all to deliver this City and Kingdom from becoming a spoil and prey to those who had long ago in their enlarged and insatiable desires swallowed up London at a morsel And your casting out of Common-Councel and Militia sundry honest men for no other known cause but because honest as a leading case to the Parliament to do the like is of the same nature with the former But whence is this or what heathen stories or Turkish histories can furnish us with any such examples as these Certainly the Grecian * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Law by votes or little shells put into a pot for the banishment of their most famous Worthies for ten yeers as Aristides Camillus c. Ostracismon is no way parallel being a Law to banish some one in the City eminent for his vertues as Aristides for ten yeers How is it possible then that such things should proceed from men professing to be Christians Certainly they could not come from men that had but humane Principles much lesse from the Common-Councel of so famous a City as London is 'T is true indeed and is not denied that you have acted these things and have owned them But I beseech you were there no children of men that have stirred you up to these things No nocturnal Conclaves whence these counsels sprung Certainly whoever they be and you know best though they be in as high esteem with you as if they were Angels of light or Oracles from heaven yet by thi● Scripture cursed they are before the Lord because they have instigated you to remonstrate and represent the faithful in the Land and the Preservers of Israel such as David was odious and vile to the Parliament thereby to bring that Body Representative and so the whole Body of the Land under a most damnable guilt of unnatural ingratitude and diabolical malice in driving those our brethren and benefactors from abiding in the inheritance of the Lord 1 Sam. 16.19 as Saul with his children of men did David which wrapped them all in the Curse Now what is to be done that if possible this curse may be removed and the sin expiated Some perhaps will say that no doubt those concerned in the said Remonstrance or Representation are now well satisfied the City and Army do well accord together and do both joyntly stand for Justice and the Common-Councel hath in a late Petition desired that satisfaction being made by Delinquents an Act of Amnestia or Oblivion may be pass●d and confirmed for an utter abolition and final reconcilement of all parties and differences for setling of peace love and unity among the subjects of this Kingdom A blessed Petition But dear Christians there is one thing remains to be done besides this peace love and unity among our selves and with men and that is our peace with God otherwise as Jehu said to Jehoram What Peace Certainly God requires this of you the Common-Councel of London for that which you have done against your brethren in the Army and elsewhere onely because in point of judgement