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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A62136 Great Britain's glory: being the history of King Arthur with the adventures of the Knights of the Round Table. J. S. 1697 (1697) Wing S64; ESTC R219789 16,822 25

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Sword entred fix inches whereupon with a terrible groan he fell to the Earth and at what time the King stood on him and devided his Head from his Trunk the which he delivered to his Esquire that bore his Bow and Quiver Nor were the Knights of the Order idle for Sir Lancelot had by this time grievously wounded the Mercian King and taken him Prisoner and Sir Tristrian slain thirty six Captains besides thirty six common Soldiers so that the King of the East Angles seeing all go to wrack and his Men were disordered caused the Retreat to be sounded whereupon his Captains endeavoured to bring off their Men but they being in great Consternation and the Britains pressing on them fearful of death fled in all parts and left all the Booty they had gotten to the Conquerors who fiercely pursuing the flying Foe made terrible flaugheer insomuch that such as could not fly into Castles and Strongholds fell by the Sword to the number of twenty thousand This Over●how being noised abroad brought a great Fear upon all the Saxon Princes so that the Mertians wholly submitted and sent a great Ransom for their King who upon his swearing to become Tributary and Vassal to King Arthur was set at liberty Nor were there any of their petty Kings that then possessed this Island which they had devided into Heptiarchey but sent their Ambassadors with great Presents to intreat a Peace the which upon their acknowledging him their Supream Prince and paying eath two hundred Geldings a Faulcon and a Grey-hound yearly was accorded to And thus flourished this Renowned King in the beginning of his Reign but more dreadful and redoubted were his future Deeds as by the Sequel will appear CHAP. III. How King Arthur passed into Denmark conquered the Kingdom of Norway overthrew Burnamissa the Danish King besieged Copen-Hagen and how at the Intreaty of Geneura the Sister of the Danish King he hearkered to an Accord and had an Interview with Burnamissa and how a Peace was concluded between them upon the whole matter being left to the Princes's Award and how King Arthur falling in Love with the fair Princess married her THe King having in a manner brought England to his subjection resolved not to suffer the current of his Victory to be damed up with Ease took counsel with Merlyn and the most valiant of his Knights what Enterprize was next to be undertaken who advised him That it was most for his Honour to revenge the Injuries he had received by the Danes who roaming about those Seas had not only taken divers of his Ships but landing had surprized some smast Towns upon the Sea coast and burnt them corrying the Inhabitants into miserable Captivity and by ctuel Tortures obliged them to offer Sacrafice to their Idols that Kingdom being then unconverted This motion pleased the King whose restless spirit and desire of Glory made him impatient of ease whereupon he caused a great Navy of Ships to be rigg'd in Milford Haven and in all other Ports and gave Order for the building Men of War and Gallies so that in six Months space he had a Fleet of small and great Vessels that consisted of three hundred Sail on which early in the Spring he imbarqued with twenty eight thousand choice Soldiers and all manner of Warlike Provision having by this time inroled twenty new Knights to supply the places of such as fell by the Sword or dyed of divers Diseases and so with a fresh gale weighing Anthor and with a fair Wind arriving in the Baltick Ocean entered the Straits now guarded by the two famous Castles of Coronsburg and Elzeburg the latter standing on the Coast of Norway and there brought such a fear on either Shore that the Inhabitans in all parts fled with what they could most conveniantly carry leaving the rest for a prey to the Britains who under the Conduct of their victorious King intiched themselves with a great booty when incamping before Nidrosia in Norway summoned the City to yield but there being a strong Garison therein they returned Answer That they kept the City for Burnamissa King of Denmark and would in no wise yi ld it without his Order whereupon the King commanded the Assault to be made by twelve thousand Men under the leading of forty faut Knights of the order of the Round Table who heving their Scaling Engines in a readiness on Easter-eve marched to the Wall and with a showre of Arrows and Wild-fire drdve the defendants thence when as Sir Ector bearing the Royal Seandard mounted and making great slaughter of suek as opposed cutting of Arms Legs and Helmed Heads placed it on the chief Bulwark which the rest seeing on all sides sfreve to imitate him so within less than six hours the City was won which the Conquered perceiving retired to the Marker-place and throwing down their Arms begged Mercy which the King generously granted yet gave the Spoil of the City to the Soldiers not reserving any part to himself which so heightned them that leaving a Garison there passed on to Bergen which upon the first Summons surrendred and by its Example all the remaining Cities and walled Towns did the like so that the Kingdom of Norway was entirely at King Arthur's Devotion whereupon finding no more to conquer he having received a supply of five thousand Men to make up the number he brought by reason he was forced to leave the like Number in Garison imbarqued and passed the Straits landed upon the Dainish Shore filling all with Terror and Amazement when as that King having gathered a huge Army advanced to give him Battle which did not a little rejoyce King Arthur who greatly desired to try his strength in Mar when jayning on the great Plain before Copen-Hagen a dreadful Fight began but Victory who never declined our Heroick Prince soon declared for the Britains so that the Danish King Anding the Battle swerve and that he could not stay his Men longer from open flight to cover their Shame sounded the Retreat whereupon they retiring in great Confusion King Arthur and his Knights following so furiously that all the Plain was strewed with the bodies of the slain and so hotly they pressed on that e're three parts of the Army entered the City the Gates were shut up and a third pars shut out for fear the Britains should enter pell-most with them who were by the furious Soldiers slain in the fight of their Friends though the compassionate King bid spare the Sword The Danes thus overthrown the King intamped before the City resolving to carry it by force and the next Day prepared for the Assault resolving to march in the head of his Knights to win immortal Fame by his planting his Srandard upon the Wall with his own Hands or to lose his Life nor could the Peeswasion of his Nobles make him decline it but as he approached the Wall the Gates opened whereupon he supposed the Foe intended to sally but inflead of armed Men there issued
out a Troop of beautiful Ladies and in the front of them the beaureous Genura Sister to Barnamissa the Manish King whereat King Arthur muth wondered and commanding his Men to stand in Battalia with twelve Knights went to meet them when as the Ladies approaching him the fair and beauteous Princess fell at his Feet and bedewing the Ground with Gears besought him to have Compassion on her distressed Country the King being moved at this unusual sight in loding wise raised her in his Arms and bad her be of good Comfort bur the sorrowful Lady whom Tears made more lovely refused all Comfort unless he would grant het Request to which the King overcome by Tompassion consenced after a short Pause if what the demanded might consist with his Honour whereupon opening a Casker that one of her Ladies held the first presented him with Iewels of great value set in Gold and then intreated that an Interview might be had between him and her Brother to which the King readily consented as already faeling Love's pointed Shafts pierce his high prooffed Armour and presenting the fair Princess with a Crown of Gold set with Pearls and Diamons which he had taken in the Mercian War as likewise her Ladie with Iewels of great price he dismissed them and caused a royal Tent to be pitehed about a Furlong fram the Vaunt guard of his Army Hostilities ceasing the Danish King with twenty of his chief Nobility came to King Arthur's Tent and there in humble wise would have proserated themselves but the King would not permit it but making them sit down actorsing to their Degree entered into a Discourse with them relating at large the justness of his taking up Arms and demanding Restitution for the Wrongs his Subjects hed received and for the Mischiefs his Country had sustained to which Burnawissa replyed That whatever had hapned in that Nature had been without his Knowledge but however knowing him to be a Prince of great Clemency he would be well contont to submit to whatever he should think fit The King overcome by the meekness of the Dane finding a relenting in his Breast as generously offered to refer the whole marter to the beauteous Princess and bound himself to stand 〈◊〉 what Award He should make which was joyfully accepted by Burnamissa who expected before that no less than his Kingdom of Norway would make Satisfaction to the offended British Monarch whereupon the Princess was sent for who came attended by divers Ladies of Honour in most sumptuous Attire glittering in Gold and Fems which were out-vied by her imcomparable Beauty when making her Approach King Arthur arose from his Chair of State and saluted her as likewise his Knights did her Ladies Then Burnamissa made her acquainted with the Pleasure of King Arthur but she in Modesty refused to be Arbitress in so weighty a matter till the King pressed it and desired her to do him so great an Honour whereupon after some Consideration she awarded That her Brother should defray the whole Charge of the War and restore all such Ships as were found to appertain to any of King Arthur's Subjects and that the Offenders being taken should be delivered to the King to dispose of as he thought fit and then the King to depart the Land and withdraw his Garrisons These Articles were highly approved on either part and the Princess her Wisdom admired whereupon Commandment was given to proclaim them with beat of Drum and sound of Trumpet and that from thenceforth all Hostility should cease Peace being thus happily accorded the Danes rung their Bells and made Bon-fires in every City all the Nobility feasting their poor Neighbours and Tenants throughout the Kingdom when as the Danish King causing a royal Pavillion to be reared without the City prepared a sumptuous Feast to which he in humble wise invited the King and his Nobles and so great was the Entertainment that the like had not been known before in that Kingdom But what pleased King Arthur more than all was the sight of the fair Princess with whom by this time he was most passionately in Love Nor did the Feaver of his Desire less afflict her though she durst not raise her Hopes so high till at last the King not longer able to resist the Magick of heri Eyes took the opportunity of breaking his Mind to her who humbly told him with a demure Countenance That she could not conceive herself worthy the Thoughts of so great a Monarch but if it pleased him to condescend so low as to raise her to such Dignity she had no Argument against his Pleasure if her Brother would consent This pleasing Answer overjoyed the King insomuch that sending for the Danish King he desired to beg one Favour of him Nay replied Burnamissa your Majesty may command even what you please since to your Clemency I owe so much Then said King Arthur 'T is this fair Pledge of lasting Peace that I with low Submission do request If my Sister be contented said the King I am overjoyed at what I hear and have long desired to be allyed unto so great a Prince yet must not compel a free Mind You need not said the Princess blushing like a Rosey Bloom that opens in June or July to the Morning-Sun for I have already parted with that Heart that needs would go upon Condition you consented I do consent most willingly replyed the King and thereupon taking King Arthur in his right Hand and the Princess in his left he joyned their Hands and at the Request of the former Segbert the British Arch-Bishop Married them according to the Cannons of the British Church pronouncing many dreadful Curses on whoever should attempt to untye the sacred Band. This known in the Camp and City redoubled the Ioy so that all Night long whole Loads of Pines blazed insomuch the Fires created a new Day as soon as Sol was set and so sumptnous was the Feast which lasted many Days that Rome in all her Glory could not exceed it the Martial Feats to win Glory and the Love of the Ladies were so many that I have not place here to relate them CHAP. IV. How returning home King Arthur sound his Country invaded by Magor King of Ireland and how he vanquished him and having recovered the Isle of Angle-Sea from the French sailed into France to revenge the Injury done to his Subjects overthrowing their Army Also how Queen Geneura was delivered of a Son and of the Presents and Vows made by the Saxon Kings With a full Description of the Knights of the Round Table THe King having been absent from his own Dominions for the space of six Months began to cast his Eye homeward when having remitted Burnamissa the Charges he was at and only gave order his Subjects Loss should be repaired he with his fair Queen whom the King leaded with rich Presents took leave of the Danish Court and imbarquing with the whole Army and divers of the Danish Nobility who from chair
King hed order to attend the Queen having a fair gale on the ninth of October landed where they first imbarqued and were received with universal joy whereupon the King coming to a Castle of his near 〈◊〉 feasted the Dainish Nobility in a mast spianded manner But whilst he remained there he had notice That Magor King of Ierland who by his Amiassaders had courted the fair Gemna and been refused was to revenge it on his Arrival landed with great Power in South Wales whereupan the King comforting his Queen who was greatly grieved that through her cause such suddenly Troubles should arise passed on with his victorious Army and gave him Battle near Merioneth and utterly discomfited him so that flying with his broken Army and being every-where assaises by the Country Peasants who had laid the way for him he scarcely escaped to his Ships with five thousand out of his thirty thousand so that King Arthur speedy as Cesar in his victories returned to his fair Queen with the Trophies of his conquered Enemies long before he was expected to have fought the Battle when sending four thousand Men under the leading of Sir Lancelot and divers of her good Knighes they landed on the Isle of Angle 〈◊〉 and drove thence the French that had for some time past during the troubles of this Kingdom setled themselves there The King's Victories daily increasing the Terror of his Name being spread wide it made the most redoubted Monarch tremble yet durst France then powerful at Sea invade our Coait and with fire and sword spoiled many Sea-towns carrying away great booty as also the People the Men they made cow in their Gallies and the Women to satiate their prodigious Lust when as the crys of his suffering sujects reaching his ear where he was delighting himself with his Queen he resolved once more to forsake the Camp of Venus and her soft Delighis to court Fame and Glory in the Camp of Mars whereupon having sent to Lothario● for Restitution and receiving rather scorns than a satisfactory answer from that imperious King he made great proparations for the War and had at that time twelve Sale of Ships sent to his aid by his Brother of Denmark when being in a readiness with an Army of thirty four thousand he coasted the Country and puning into the bay of Marselies with his shot of Arrows that flew like Haile drove the defendants from the shore on which himself with his own Standard first leaped and stood like an inraged Lyon though a thousand that is flew round his Head and many 〈◊〉 from his glittering shield but long it was not e're the valiant Knights of the Order imsrating their Soveraign thrust their Ships to Land and putting their Soldiers in Battle-aray charged furiously upon the formost Battailian of the Enemy lead by the Duke 〈◊〉 Vallois so that being overset they retreated in great disorder and finding no place to be received broke the Ranks of their Friends when as the Duke De Nevers advanced with the right wing of Horse to their succour but was so gauled with the shot of Arrows that the Horses mischiefet more the Riders than the Britains In this Confusion the King drawing out six thousand of his choice Men charged upon the disordered Enemy with such courage that he pierced their main Battle making lanes of death where-ever he came cutting off Arms Heads and Legs insomuth that the Danish General Gironeus imitating him the French Soldiers routed in all parts left their Commanders and fled insomuch that the slaughter of the Nobility was great a Fare even incident to that Kingdom nor would they trust to the weak wall of Marselies but flying to Lyons and Paris left that part of the Country naked to be possessed of the Britains The terror of this overthrow alarming the French Court and finding that brought home to them which they had used to others abroad the People with Tears besought their King to appease the Conquerer in time and thereby prevent worse desolation who considering his tottering Kingdom was at stake sent four of his prime Lords to beg a Week's Cessation or Truce to which King Arthur whose 〈◊〉 was more at Glory and Renown than Advanvantage accorded during which time the King having raised a Mistion of Crowns sent them in divers Waggons with other rich Presents to purchase his Peace and the depatrure of his new come Guest yet prevailed they not e're he had made his Acknowledgment for the indignity put upon the King's Ambassadors and deliver the Town and 〈…〉 Marselies to be possessed as a Pledge of future Peace by the Britains for the spare of twenty Years to come and upon pain of forfeiting it for ever no Hostilities to be used by Lend nor Depravations by Sea These Articles accorded the Kin● hastened to his own Country with the grearest part of his Army leaving only 〈…〉 Solders in Marselies and having amply rewarded the 〈◊〉 dismissed them Vpon King 〈…〉 he found to his unspeakable joy his fair Queen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a lovely Boy who by the Advice of Merlyn he nam●d Constantius those Victories and great Exploits that Prophet for●… which after his Father's death he succeeding him in his Throne exactly came to pass and now the joy bring great throughout the British Dominisns all the Saxon Kings came to King Arthur's Court then removed to the then floursihing City of Hereford and made their Homage complementing him highly on his Marriage and the birth of his Son presenting the Queen and Royal Infant with great Presents as Iewels Gold and fragrant Spice of Arabia promising for them and their Heirs to be obedient to the British Stepter though before and after the Death of King Arthur they brake their Vaws though to their great disadvantage For the young Prince almost as successful in War as his Father grasped the Kingdoms of the Mercians and East-angles with so hard a hand that during his Life they could not wrest them from him but to our purpose King Arthur being the chief Favourite of Fortune and the eldest Son of Fame began to enlarge the splendor of his Court and increase the number of the Knights of the Round Table in whom consisted his chief Strength for scarce was there any one of them but durst encounter ten ordinary Men hand to hand and as he increased them so he enlarged their Pensions which drew the most Valiant of all Nations to serve him though none were admitted before they were tryed The habit they ordinarily wore when without their Armour was a Vest lined with Sables and on the back of it a red Cross and on their Thighs Cushes of highest proof their Stockings were in the manner of Bugkins and their Shoes of Camelsskin the Hair appearing outward on their Heads they wore Caps made of Seal-skins lined with Silk and Cotted and about their neck Silk of divers colours each of them in War carrying a double Faulchion a Battle-axe a Bow and Quiver a Launce being severally