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A61094 Reliquiæ Spelmannianæ the posthumous works of Sir Henry Spelman, Kt., relating to the laws and antiquities of England : publish'd from the original manuscripts : with the life of the author. Spelman, Henry, Sir, 1564?-1641.; Gibson, Edmund, 1669-1748. 1698 (1698) Wing S4930; ESTC R22617 259,395 258

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consent of the Bishops and Barons For in his Charter whereby he divideth the Court-Christian from the Temporal he saith thus Sciatis quod Episcopales Leges communi Concilio consilio Archiepiscoporum meorum caeterorum Episcoporum Abbatum omnium Principum regni mei emendandas judicavi And this seemeth to be that same Commune Concilium totius Regni whereby he made the Laws he speaketh of in his Charter of the great Establishment aforesaid William Rufus in An. 1094. calls Episcopos Abbates cunctosque Regni Principes to a Council at Rochingheham 5. Id. Mar. Henry I. de communi Concilio gentis Anglorum saith Matthew Paris posuit Dunelmensem Episcopum in vinculis Where Gentis Anglorum might be extended to such a Parlament as we use at this day if the use of that time had born it But Eadmere speaking of a Great Counsel holden a little after at Lambith calleth it Concilium Magnatum utriusque Ordinis excluding plainly the Commons And to that effect are also all the other Councils of his time But our later Chroniclers following Polydore as it seemeth for they cite no Author do affirm that Henry I. in the sixteenth year of his reign held the first Parlament of the three Estates The truth whereof I have taken some pains to examine but can find nothing to make it good Eadmerus who flourisht at that very time writing particularly of this Council or Assembly saith XIII Kal. Aprilis factus est conventus Episcoporum Abbatum Principum totius Regni apud Serberiam cogente eos illuc sanctione Regis Henrici I. And among other causes handled there he sheweth this to be the principal viz. That the King being to go into Normandy and not knowing how God might dispose of him he desir'd that the succession might be confirm'd on his son William Whereupon saith Eadmer omnes Principes facti sunt homines ipsius Willielmi fide Sacramento confirmati Florentius Wigorniensis who liv'd at that time and dy'd about two years after reporteth it to the same effect Conventio Optimatum Baronum totius Angliae apud Sealesbiriam 14. Cal. Apr. facta est qui in praesentia Regis Henrici homagium filio suo Gulielmo fecerunt fidelitatem ei juraverunt Here is no mention of the Commons whom in likelyhood they should not have pretermitted if they had been there assembled contrary to the usual custom of those times Nor doth any succeeding Author that I can find once touch upon it I conceive there might a mistaking grow by Polydore or some other for that many of the Commons if not all were at this time generally sworn to Prince William as well as the Barons were and as after in the year 1127. to Maud his daughter Prince William being then dead But I no where find in all the Councils or Parlaments if you so will call them of this time any mention made of any other than the Bishops Barons and great Persons of the Realm And so likewise in the time of King Stephen The first alteration that I meet with is in the twenty second year of Hen. II. where Benedict Abbas saith Circa festum S. Pauli venit Dominus Rex usque ad Northampton magnum ibi celebravit Concilium de Statutis regni sui coram Episcopis Comitibus Baronibus terrae suae per consilium Militum Hominum suorum Here Militum Hominum suorum extendeth beyond the Barons and agreeth with the Charter of King John as after shall appear Yet Hoveden speaking of this Council doth not mention them but only termeth it Magnum Concilium But there hapn'd about this time a notable alteration in the Common-wealth For the great Lords and owners of Towns which before manur'd their lands by Tenants at Will began now generally to grant them Estates in fee and thereby to make a great multitude of Free-holders more than had been Who by reason of their several interests and being not so absolutely ty'd unto their Lords as in former time began now to be a more eminent part in the Common-wealth and more to be respected therefore in making Laws to bind them and their Inheritance But the words Militum Hominum suorum imply such as held of the King in Capite not per Baroniam and therefore were no Barons yet such as by right of their Tenure ought to have some voice or Patron to speak for them in the Councils of the Kingdom For holding of the King as the Barons did they could not be patronized under them And doubtless they were not many at this time tho' much encreased since the making of Domesdei book where those few that were then are mentioned And it may be the word Hominum here doth signify those that serv'd for Burrough-Towns holden of the King for it must be understood of Tenants not of Servants To grope no further in this darkness The first certain light that I discover for the form of our Parliaments at this day is that which riseth fourty years after in the Magna Charta of King John The words whereof I will recite at large as they stand not only in Matthew Paris but also in the Red-Book of the Exchequer with some little difference hapning in the writing Et Civitas Londinensis habeat omnes antiquas libertates liberas consuetudines suas tam per terras quam per aquas Praetereà volumus concedimus quod omnes aliae Civitates Burgi Villae Barones de quinque Portubus omnes Portus habeant omnes libertates omnes liberas consuetudines suas Et ad habendum commune Consilium Regni de Auxiliis assidendis aliter quam in tribus casibus praedictis de Scutagiis assidendis summoneri faciemus Archiepiscopos Episcopos Abbates Comites Majores Barones Regni sigillatim per literas nostras Et praetereà faciemus summoneri in generali per Vice-Comites Ballivos nostros omnes alias qui in Capite tenent de nobis ad certum diem scil ad terminum 40. dierum ad minus ad certum locum in omnibus literis summonitionis illius causam summonitionis illius exponemus Et sic facta summonitione negotium procedat ad diem assignatum secundum consilium eorum qui praesentes fuerint quamvis non omnes summoniti venerint Here is laid forth the Members the Matter and the Manner of summoning of a Common Council of the Kingdom which as it seemeth was not yet in the Records of State call'd a Parlament The Members are of three sorts First the Arch-Bishops Bishops Abbots Earls and the Greater Barons of the Kingdom so call'd to distinguish them from the Lesser Barons which were the Lords of Mannours Secondly Those here before mention'd by Bened. Abbas to be call'd to Clarenden that held of the King in Capite whom I take to be now the Knights of the Shire And thirdly those of Cities Burroughs and
that none should be put to further trouble unless the King 's own necessity or the common good of the Kingdom required it Therefore the Bishops Earls Sheriffs Heretoches or Marshals of Armies Trithingreves Leidgreves Lieutenants Hundredors Aldermen Magistrates Reves Barons Vavasors Thungreves and other Lords of land must be all diligently attending at these Assemblies lest that the lewdness of offenders the misdemeanor Gravionum i. of Sheriffs and the ordinary corruption of Judges escaping unpunished make a miserable spoil of the people First let the laws of true Christianity which we call the Ecclesiastical be fully executed with due satisfaction then let the pleas concerning the King be dealt with and lastly those between party and party and whomsoever the Church-Synod shall find at variance let them either make an accord between them in love or sequester them by their sentence of excommunication c. Whereby it appeareth that Ecclesiastical causes were at that time under the cognizance of this Court But I take them to be such Ecclesiastical causes as were grounded upon the Ecclesiastical laws made by the Kings themselves for the government of the Church for many such there were almost in every King's time and not for matters rising out of the Roman Canons which haply were determinable only before the Bishop and his Ministers To proceed Before they entered into any causes as it is commanded in the Laws of Canutus which we mentioned par 2. ca. 17. the Bishop to use the term of our time which from hence taketh the original gave a solemn charge unto the people touching Ecclesiastical matters opening unto them the rights and reverence of the Church and their duty therein towards God and the King according to the word of God and Divinity Then the Alderman in like manner related unto them the Laws of the land and their duty towards God the King and Common-wealth according to the rule and tenure thereof Of all which because I find a notable precedent in a Synodal Edict made by Carolus Calvus Emperour and King of France in Concil Carissiaco An. Dom. 856. I will here add it not to shew that our Saxons took their form of government from the French but that both the French and they as brethren descending from one parent the German kept the rights and laws of their natural Country Episcopi quinque in suis parochiis Missi in illorum Missaticis Comitesque in eorum Comitatibus pariter placita teneant quo omnes Reipub. Ministri Vassi Dominici omnesque quicunque vel quorumcunque homines in iisdem parochiis Comitatibus sine ulla personaram acceptione excusatione aut dilatione conveniant c. That is The Bishops in their parishes or Diocesses and the Justices Itinerant or Aldermen in their Circuits and the Earls in their Counties shall hold their pleas together whereunto all Ministers and Officers of the Common-wealth all the King's Barons and all other whatsoever they be or whose Tenants soever they be within the same parishes or Counties without any respect of persons excuse or delay shall assemble together And the Bishop of that parish or Diocess having briefly noted sentences touching the matter out of the Evangelists Apostles and Prophets shall read them to the people and also the decrees Apostolick and Canons of the Church and in open and plain terms shall instruct them all what manner and how great a sin it is to violate or spoil the Church and what and how great pennance and what merciless and severe punishment it requireth with other accustomed necessary and profitable admonishments The Aldermen also or Justices shall note down such sentences of law as they call to mind and shall publish unto them the Constitutions of us and our predecessors Kings and Emperours gathered together touching this matter And the Bishops by the Authority of God and the Apostles and the Aldermen or Justices and Earls under the penalty of the King's Laws shall with all the care they can prohibit every man of the Kingdom from making any prey or spoil of the Church c. OF PARLIAMENTS WHEN States are departed from their original Constitution and that original by tract of time worn out of memory the succeeding Ages viewing what is past by the present conceive the former to have been like to that they live in and framing thereupon erroneous propositions do likewise make thereon erroneous inferences and Conclusions I would not pry too boldly into this ark of secrets but having seen more Parliaments miscarry yea suffer shipwrack within these sixteen years past than in many hundred heretofore I desire for my understanding's sake to take a view of the beginning and nature of Parliaments not meddling with them of our time which may displease both Court and Country but with those of old which now are like the siege of Troy matters only of story and discourse Because none shall go beyond me in this argument I will begin with the foundation of Kingdoms which of necessity must be more ancient than Parliaments for that a Parliament is the grand Council of the Kingdom assembled at the commandment of the King for advice in matters of State Our first labour is then to see what this Grand-Council was originally It is confest on all hands that the King is universal Lord of his whole Territories and that no man possesseth any part thereof but deriv'd from him either mediately or immediately This derivation thus proceeded The King in the beginning divided his whole territory into two parts one to be manured by his own Tenants and Husbandmen then call'd Socmen For the Kings of England us'd in those days to stock their grounds themselves like the Kings of Israel and by the profits thereof especially to maintain their Hospitality their Court and Estate having in every Mannour Officers and Servants for that purpose This part was Sacrum Patrimonium the inseperable inheritance of the Crown call'd in Doomsday Terra Regis and in Law the Ancient Demaine And because it belong'd to the husbandry of the King all that manur'd or held any part of this land were said to be Tenants in Socage and might not be drawn into the wars of which nature as touching their Tenure they continue at this day The other part of his whole territory he portioned out to Military men which tho' the other was the more profitable yet this was always held for the more honourable and therefore so divided this among his Nobles and chief servants and followers for supportation in his wars and Royal Estate To some in greater measure to others in less according to their merit and qualities Provinces to Dukes Counties to Earls Castles and Signiories unto Barons rendring unto him not ex pacto vel condicto for that was but cautela superabundans but of common right and by the Law of Nations for so I may term the Feodal-law then to be in our Western Orb all Feodal duties and services due from the Donees and their
Carew Contrary to a perswasion very common now adays That Philosophy Oratory Poetry and the other Exercises which take up the first four years in our Universities are altogether foreign to the business of Lawyers and that the study of them is so much loss of time to Gentlemen design'd for that honourable Profession After he had continu'd at home about a twelve-month he was sent to study the Law at Lincoln's-Inn either with a design to practise it or which is more likely as a necessary accomplishment of an English Gentleman There he stay'd almost three years but was then unhappily remov'd when we may imagine he began to relish the Law and in some measure to conquer the difficulties of it Many years after we find him complaining of his hard Fortune in the Preface to his Glossary and he concludes his complaint with a character of the Common-Law which I will here transcribe for the honour of the Profession Excussit me interea è Clientela sua speaking of the Law gratiae potestatis dignitatis immensaeque apud nos largitrix opulentiae Illa inquam vestitu simplici inculto sed jurium omnium Municipalium absit dictis invidia nobilissima domina omni utpote justitia moderamine prudentia sublimique acumine temere licet eam perstrinxerit Hottomannus refertissima He was about twenty years of Age and retiring into the Countrey married the eldest Daughter and Coheir of John Le Strange a Gentleman of an ancient Family in Norfolk By this match he became Guardian to Sir Hamon Le Strange during whose Minority he liv'd at Hunstanton the Seat of that Family and was High Sheriff of Norfolk By degrees he begun to be taken notice of for his great Prudence and Abilities and was accordingly three several times sent by the King into Ireland upon publick business At home he was appointed one of the Commissioners To enquire into the oppression of exacted Fees in all the Courts and Offices of England as well Ecclesiastical as Civil which a late Author calls A noble Examination and full of Justice To this business he gave his constant attendance for many years together with great integrity and application and the Government was so sensible of his good services that the Council procur'd his Majesties Writt of Privy Seal for 300l. to be presented to him not as a full Recompence for so they declar'd but only as an occasional Remembrance till they should have an opportunity of doing something for him that might be a more suitable consideration for his diligence in that and other publick Affairs This attendance made him neglect his own private business to the great prejudice of his Family as he himself seems to complain in his Preface to the Glossary And his eldest Son Sir John Spelman represented to the Privy Councel how much his Father's Estate had suffer'd by it appealing for a proof of his great pains therein to the knowledge of several of their Lordships to the Journals of that Commission and to his papers and collections relating to the same I cannot give any particular account of the other publick Services wherein he was employ'd He was Knighted by K. James who had a particular esteem for him as well on account of his known capacity for business as his great Learning in many kinds more especially in the Laws and Antiquities of our Nation These for a good part of his Life he seems to have study'd for the service of his Prince and his own diversion but not with an eye to any particular design When he was about 50. years of Age he resolv'd to draw his affairs into as narrow a compass as might be with a full design to bestow the remainder of his time among Books and Learned Men. With this resolution he sold his Stock let his Estate quitted the Countrey and settl'd in London with his wife and family His next business was as he himself tells us to get together all such Books and Manuscripts as concern'd the subject of Antiquities whether foreign or domestick For in these Enquiries he had ever had a particular delight and now being in a good measure free'd from the daily disturbances he was before exposed to it was natural for him to fall into a study to which his own genius had always led him It is likely he had then a good understanding of the Laws and Customs of the Kingdom I mean the Modern part of them such as is commonly us'd in the ordinary practice of it But such a general knowledge could not satisfie a Mind so curious and a Judgement so solid as his appears to have been in all his Writings These inclin'd him to search into the Reasons and Foundations of the Law which he knew were not to be learnt but from the Customs and Histories of our Nation in all Ages nor these Usages to be trac'd out but by a strict examination of the most ancient Records and Manuscripts And as his own inclination led him to this Enquiry so not troubling himself with the Practice of the Law but content to live quietly upon his own Estate he was perfectly at leasure to pursue it And indeed as the best things in this world are attended with inconveniences it is very much to the disadvantage of the Law that those of the Long Robe who are best qualified to improve the knowledge of it from original Records are so much taken up with the business of their Profession that they have little time to bestow upon those matters As on the other hand Men who are born to Leasure and Estates however inclinable they may be to the more polite parts of Learning do seldom care to engage in a study which at first sight seems to be so rough and tedious Thus the one wants Leasure and the other Resolution and so the Monuments of our Fore-fathers being neglected we are depriv'd of a great deal of useful knowledge that might be drawn from them It was the happiness of Sir Henry Spelman and much more of the English Nation that he had both time and inclination to do it I mean to examine the ancient Laws and Monuments not only of our own but also of most other Northern Kingdoms Particularly he was very well versed in the old Feudal law and has shewn us in a Discourse upon that head how most of the Tenures here in England have their foundation from thence This near relation between their Customs and our Constitutions made him many times marvel that my Lord Cooke adorning our Law with so many flowers of Antiquity and foreign learning should not turn aside into this field from whence so many roots of our Law have of old been taken and transplanted And I wish so he goes on some worthy Lawyer would read them diligently and shew the several heads from whence these of ours are taken They beyond the seas are not only diligent but very curious in this kind but we
by the Saxons it casteth anchor chiefly on Reliefs as a thing most evident and unanswerable the rest save Wardship it scarcely fortifieth with a breath besides the bare assertion This it saith was common and in pursuit thereof addeth these words For Reliefs we have full testimony in the Reliefs of their Earls and Thanes for which see the laws of King Canutus Cap. 68 and 69. the laws of Edw. the Confessor cap. de Heretochiis and what out of the book of Doomsday Coke hath in his Instit Sect. 103. Camden in Berkshire Selden in Eadmer 154. Great authorities secumque Deos in praelia ducunt We must not meddle with them all at once let us try them singly The law cited out of Canutus is in these words And beon ða heregeata Let the heriot which was to be paid after the death of great men be according to their dignities An Earl's eight Horses four sadled and four unsadled four Helmets four Corslets eight Spears and as many Shields four Swords and two hundred marks of Gold The heriot of a Thane next to the King four Horses two sadled and two unsadled two Swords four Spears four Shields one Helmet one Corslet and fifty marks Of the inferiour or midling Thane an Horse furnished and his weapon c. And he that less hath and less may let his heriot be two pound Here is speech indeed of an heriot but none of Relief I shall anon shew the difference between them and then hath this law nothing against me Touching the law alledged to be Edward the Confessor's the words be these Qui in bello ante Dominum suum ceciderit sit hoc in terra sit alibi sint ei relevationes condonatae c. Here I confess is mention of Reliefs but I deny this to be the law of Edward the Confessor 't is true that it is published by Lambard among his receiv'd laws but if you mark it in a differing letter as noting it to be an addition In an ancient MS. therefore which I have of those laws it is not sound nor in the printed copy of Roger Hoveden who wrote till the third year of King John that is 134. years after the Confessor's time with reverence therefore be it spoken it is mistaken both in the Report and by my Ld. Coke himself whom it followeth if they say that these words were part of the law of Edw. the Confessor yea the text it self maketh ..... of William the younger call'd Rufus But to conceal no truth it is delivered by Jornalensis Monachus in the very same words as a law of an elder King amongst us than the Confessor namely of Canutus our Danish King who in the 157. Chap. of his laws speaking of one slain in battel in the presence of his Lord saith expresly Sint ei relevationes condonatae Now the game seemeth to be wonn but stay a while and remember what I said before of the translations of our Saxon Laws and Charters into Latin The Saxons and the Danes whose Language and Laws differ'd little in those days wrote their Laws only in their own tongue and the translating of them hath begotten much variety and many controversies we must therefore resort to the original Saxon where this passage is in the 75 th Chap. of the second part of his Laws in these words se man ðe aet ðam sy●dung toforan his hla●ord ●ealle sy hit innan lande sy hit of lande beon herogeata forgyfene which is thus verbatim The man that in a military Voyage is slain before or in the presence of his Lord be it upon land or off of land let the Heriots be forgiven him He saith not let the Releifs but let the Heriots be forgiven him and I deny not but this might be one of the Danish Laws which Edward the Confessor took out of Canutus's Laws when he compos'd the Common Law out of the West Saxon Law Mercian Law and Dane Law if the copies of them were extant and it is very probable that William the Conquerour or one of his sons did turn that Law of Heriots into this of Reliefs For that which my Lord Coke hath out of Doomsday is the same which Mr. Cambden hath in Barkshire touching all that County Vt Tainus vel Miles Regis Dominicus moriens pro releviamento dimittebat Regi omnia arma sua Equum unum cum sella alium sine sella quod si essent canes vel accipitres praestabantur Regi ut sivellet acciperet Here is releviamentum us'd in the Conquerour's time which I doubt not but our Question is of it in the time of the Saxons That also cited by and out of Mr. Selden is of the same nature and one answer therefore serveth to all the three Yet by way of corollary I shall anon discover another error of this sort rising even from Doomsday it self and the Normans possessing this Kingdom of the Saxons but not well instructed in their Laws and Customs which is as followeth CHAP. XVIII Difference between Heriots and Reliefs HEriots were usual among the latter Saxons Reliefs among the elder Normans before their coming into England This according to the custom of the Feudal Law and other Nations that ordain'd by Ludovicus al. Clodoveus King of France about the year 511. to tame the Almans whom he then had brought to servitude I find it not in England till the Soveraigntie of the Danes The first Laws which I find that mention it are those of Canutus before mentioned who perhaps for the assurance of his throne us'd this politick device to have all the Armour of the Kingdom at his disposition in this manner when he had dismissed his Danish Army But it falling so out as the Heriot being to be paid at or after the death of the Old Tenant and the Relief at or before the entry of the new the Normans in this did like our Ancestors the Saxons who because our Christian Pascha or Passover fell out yearly to be celebrated about the time of the Feast of their Idol Easter call'd our Passover by the name of their Easter so they seem to have conceiv'd the Saxon heriot to be the same that their Norman Relief was and therefore translated the word heriot by Releviamentum or Relevium and raising the form of their Feudal Law in England drew the Saxon customs to cohere therewith as much as might be But there is great difference between Heriots and Reliefs for Heriots were Militiae apparatus which the word signifieth and devised as I said before to keep the conquered Nation in subjection and to support the publick strength and military furniture of the Kingdom the Reliefs for the private commodity of the Lord that he might not have inutilem proprietatem in the Seignory The Heriots were therefore properly paid in habiliments of war the Reliefs usually in money The Heriot for the Tenant that died and out of his goods the Relief for the Tenant
that succeeded and out of his purse The Heriot whether the son or heir enjoy'd the land or not the Relief by none but him only that obtain'd the land in succession The Heriot whether the land were fallen into the Lord's hands or not the Relief in old time not unless it were fallen and lay destitute of a Tenant whose taking of it up out of the Lord's hands was in that sense called Relevium or Relevatio a taking up of that was fallen according to the French word Reliefe Bracton well observ'd the difference saying Fit quaedam praestatio quae non dicitur Relevium sed quasi sicut Heriotum quasi loco Relevii quod dari debet aliquando ante sacramentum fidelitatis aliquando post Hotoman saith Relevium dicitur honorarium munus quod novus Vassallus Patrono introitus causa largitur quasi morte alterius Vassalli vel alio quo casu feudum ceciderit quod jam à novo sublevetur Nov. Leo. 13. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nominat I stand the longer herein for that not only the Report but even Doomsday it self and generally all the ancient Monkish writers have confounded Heriots and Releifs Yet might I have saved all this labour for nothing can make the difference more manifest than that we often see both of them are together issuing out of the same land But when all is done neither is Heriot nor Releif any badge of land holden by Knight's-service or in Capite for both of them are found in lands of ordinary Socage Yet I confess that Bracton saith de soccagio non datur Relevium and a little before de soccagio non competit domino Capitali Custodia nec homagium ubi nulla Custodia nullum Relevium sed è contra But this serveth my turn very well for that they in the Report having fail'd to prove that Releifs were in use in the Saxons time whereof they affirm'd they had full testimony it now inferreth on my behalf that if Releifs and Wardships were not in use among the Saxons that then also Tenure by Knight-service was not with them Besides all this the Heriot was a certain duty and settled by Law the Relief so various and uncertain as the Lords exacted what they listed for it when it fell into their hands constraining the heir of the Tenant as it were to make a new purchase of their Feud whereupon the Feudists called this Releif not only Renovatio and Restauratio feudi in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 turning or bringing back of the Feud to the former condition or proper nature of it but also Redemptio a ransoming of it out of the Lord's hands That it thus stood with us in England by and by after the Conquest appears by that we have shewed before out of the Magna Charta of Henry I. CHAP. XIX No Fines for Licence of Alienation TOuching Fines for Licence of Alienation it is not said what kind of Tenants among the Saxons did pay them nor for what kind of land they were paid The Thane-land hereditary is apparently discharg'd thereof by the ordinary words of their Charters before mention'd where 't is said that the owners of lands may give and bequeath them cuicunque voluerint and that freely ab omni munduali obstaculo Doomsday also as we here shewed doth testifie as much and so doth the very word Alodium which the ancient Authors attribute to these lands So that the Thane-lands doubtless were free both from the Fine and Licence But as touching Folcland and land holden at will of the Lord tho' continued in ancient time to their children after the manner of Copy-holds it is no question but that they might both have Licence for aliening such lands and also pay consideration for it as our Copy-holders do at this day I find that one Brictrick in the time of King Etheldred about the year 984. bequeath'd legacies of good value unto his Lord's wife to intreat her Husband that this Brictrick's Will whereby he had devised many lands and goods to Monasteries and divers men might stand And that Thola the widow of Vrke a Thane of Edward the Confessor obtain'd licence from the same King Edward that she might devise both her lands and goods to the Monastery of Abbotsbury But of what nature these Licences were whether to alienate the land or to make a Will or to give the land to Monasteries as in Mortmain I cannot determine If they only intended alienation then I understand them only of Lands holden according to the custom of the time at will of the Lord or Folcland Yet in that Thola's Licence was as well to bequeath her goods expresly as her lands the Licence seemeth to be given therefore to make a Will which no man then could do if not a Thane Quaere But howsoever it be expounded it must not be extended to the Thane-lands or land hereditary for the reasons before alledged And as touching Fines for Licence of Alienation after our manner which the Report suggesteth they could not doubtless be in use among the Saxons for there are not found as I suppose here among us before the time of Edward I. and not established afterwards 'till 1. Edw. III. where the King granteth that from thenceforth lands holden in Chiefe should not be seized as forfeited which formerly they were for Alienation without Licence but that a reasonable Fine should be taken for the same See the Statute CHAP. XX. No Feodal Homage among the Saxons OUr word Man and homo in Latin have for many ages in old time been used by the German and Western Nations for a Servant or Vassal And from thence hominium and vassaticum afterwards homagium was likewise used for hominem agere to do the office or duty of a servant not to signifie Manhood as some expound it and so also Vassalagium But by little and little all these latter words have been restrain'd to note no more than our ceremonial homage belonging properly unto Tenures which I met not with among our Saxons nor any shew thereof in former ages unless we shall fancy that the Devil had it in his eye when he offered to give unto our Saviour all the Kingdoms of the world if he would fall down and worship him For here he maketh himself as Capital Lord our Saviour as the Feodal Tenant the Kingdoms of the world to be the Feud the falling or kneeling down to be the homage and the worshipping of him consisting as the Feodists expound it in six rules of service to be the Fealty Pardon me this idleness but from such missemblances rise many errors Homage as we understand it in our Law is of two sorts one more ancient than the other called homagium ligeum as due unto the King in respect of Soveraignty and so done more Francico to King Pipin by Tassilo Duke of Bavaria about the year 756. The other homagium feodale or praediale belonging to
heirs upon every gift grant and alienation tho' no word were spoken of them It appeareth by the Feodal-law from whence all that part of our Common-law that concerneth Tee and Tenures hath original and which our Common-law also affirmeth that there was always due ..... Those that thus receiv'd their Territories from the King were said to hold them in Capite for that the King is Caput Regni and were thereupon call'd Capitanei Regis and Capitanei Regni otherwise Barones Regis the King's men Tenants or Vassals who having all the land divided amongst them saving that which the King reserv'd to himself as Sacrum Patrimonium were also call'd Pares Regni and were always upon commandment about the person of the King to defend him and his Territories in war and to counsel and advise him in peace either Judicially in matters of Law brought before the King in his Palace which in those days was the only place of Royal justice or Politically in the great affairs of the Kingdom Hereupon they were not only call'd Praetorianum consilium as belonging to the King's Palace but Magnum concilium Regis and Magnum concilium Regni For that in those times it belonged only to them to consult with the King on State-matters and matters of the Kingdom insomuch as no other in the Kingdom possessed any thing but under them And therefore as in Despotical Government the agreement or disagreement of the Master of the Family concluded the menial and the whole Family so the agreement and disagreement of the chief Lord or him that held in Capite concluded all that depended on him or claimed under him in any matter touching his Fee or Tenure To this purpose seemeth that in the Laws of Edward the Confessor ratified by the Conqueror Debet etiam Rex omnia ritè facere in regno per judicium proc●rum regni These great Lords according to this Archetype of Government set them by the King divided their lands in like manner among their Tenants and followers First they assign'd a portion ad victum vestitum suum which they committed over to their Socmen and Husbandmen to furnish them with Corn Victuals and Provision for Hospitality and briefly all things necessary to their domestical and civil part of life The residue they divided into as many shares or portions as might well maintain so many Military men whom then they call'd their Knights and thereupon the shares themselves Knights-fees i. e. stipendia militaria And these Fees they granted over to each of their principal followers furnishing them with so many Knights for the wars These Grantees that receiv'd their Estates from the Barons or Capitanei and not from the King were called Valvasores a degree above Knights and were unto their Lords the Capitanei or Barones Regis as they the Capitanei were unto the King and did in like manner subdivide their lands among their Socmen and Military followers who in old time were call'd Valvasini whom I take to be the same at this day that are the Lords of every Mannour if not those themselves that we call Knights as owners of a Knights-Fee For in this the Feodal-law it self is doubtful and various as of a thing lost by Antiquity or made uncertain by the differing manners of several Nations Insomuch that Valvasores and Valvasini grew to be confounded and both of them at last to be out of use and no other Military Tenures to be known amongst us than tenere p●r Baroniam and tenere per feodum militare But in a Charter of Henr. I. it is said Si exurgat Placitum de divisione Terrarum si interest Barones meos Dominicos tractetur in Curia mea si inter Vavassores duorum Dominorum tractetur in Comitatu c. Where the Valvasores were also and the Barons themselves Suitors and Attendants Bracton mentioneth them in Henry III's time to be Viri magnae dignitatis Nor was their memory clean gone in Richard II's days as appeareth by Chaucer Yet do I not find in any of our ancient Laws or Monuments that they stood in any classick kind of Tenure other than that we may account the Baron Vavasor and Knight to be as our Lawyers at this day term them the Chief Lord Mesne and Tenant But herein the Feodal-law of our Country differ'd from that of Milan and other parts For there the Valvasini could invest which we call infeosse none under them in fee that is to hold of them by Knights-service And with us every Tenant Par aval might in infinitum till the Statute of Quia Emptores Terrarum enfeoffe another by Knight-service and to do all the services unto him that he did to his Mesne Lord. So that by this means a line of Knights-services might be created of a dozen yea twenty Mean-Lords and Tenants wherein every of them might have his prochine Tenant obliged unto him in the duties and services that his Lord Paramont which held of the King was to do and yeild unto the King himself for the same lands viz. Honour Ward Sustenance     Safety Marriage   give keep   Attendance Relief Counsel to Aid Defence of his Person Tribute Fidelity   Defence of his Patrimony         All which in ancient time while the Feodal-law flourished were well understood to be comprehended under the profession of Homage and the oath of Fidelity which every Feodal Tenant or as others call him Vassal usually did unto his Lord. Honour promis'd by the Tenant upon his knees in doing Homage which tho' it be the greatest and most submiss service that a Freeman can do unto his Lord yet the profession of it to the meanest subject is as ample and submiss yea in the very same words that to the King himself Attendance to follow and attend him in the war at his own charge and in peace with suite of Court Therefore Tacitus calleth them Comites Defence of his person for if he forsook his Lord being in danger it was forfeiture of life land and all he had Defence of his Signiory that nothing of his lands rents or services were withholden or withdrawn Profit by Ward Marriage and Relief as they fell Tribute by way of Aid to make his eldest son a Knight to marry his eldest daughter ransom himself being taken prisoner yea in some places to be an hostage for his Lord. Sustenance that being faln into poverty according to that in the Canon law spoken of a Patron Alatur egenus Counsel and Advice in which respect the Tenant was bound ordinarily once in every three weeks to come to his Lord's Court and there as a Judge with other of his Peers to censure the causes of his Signiory and to direct his Lord as the cause occurrent did require and always to keep his counsel This to the meanest Lord was in the nature of the King 's Great Court or Counsel call'd afterward a Parlyment Fidelity for
of Peace between their Neighbours Congratulations Embassages and such like Viand But what moves you to let slip King John Edward II. Richard II. Henry VI. and Richard III. Selv. Not for that they were free from foreign Expences which is not possible for it oppressed them all but for that most of them omitted such necessary charge as in policy they ought to have undergone both for strengthening themselves with Friends and weakning their suspected Enemies such as when occasion serv'd were like to do them damage For if Edw. III. had not by this means fortify'd himself with the alliance and friendship of the noble Knight Sir John of Henault the Dukes of Brabant and Gelderland the Arch-bishop of Colein the Marquess Gul●ck Sir Arnold de Baquetien the Lord Walkenbargh and others and also greatly impai●'d the power of the French King by winning the Flemings from the obedience of the Earl of Flanders his assured friend and by procuring the stay of much of the aid by him expected out of the Empire Scotland and other places he had not only fail'd in his French attempts but also put his Kingdom of England in hazard by the Scots who were sure of all the help and backing that France could any way afford them So had it not been for the aid and friendship of the French King the Earls of Bullogne St. Paul the Gascoines and other foreigners Henry III. had been bereav'd of his Kingdom by his own Subjects which notwithstanding he held with great difficulty So the rest likewise But on the contrary part the others whom you nam'd neglecting this right precious tho' costly ground work not only wanted it when need required but with the ruine of their People State and Kingdom lost their Crown and dearest lives by the infernal hands of cursed Murtherers their rebellious Subjects getting once the better hand Viand But Edw. II. used means also to have procured the amity and assistance of divers foreigners as the Duke of Britain the Lord Biskey the Lady Biskey Governess of the King of Castile and Leon James King of Arragon and others And Rich. II. sought the like of the hands of the French King and so the rest likewise of others Selv. True not examining the dependencies of time present they imagined in their prosperity that things to come would ever have good success and therefore deferr'd still the doing of it till extream necessity compell'd them to it and then their Estates being utterly desperate and ruinated no man willingly would lend them aid or ear Knowing that when the fury of the disease hath once possessed the vital places it is then too late to apply Physick This reason made the Princes you speak of to refuse King Edward II. And as for Richard II. when the French King saw how he was entangled and overladen with dangerous Rebellions and Divisions of his Nobles and Commons at home war in Scotland Flanders Spain Portugal Ireland sending forces against the Infidels releiving the expell'd King of Armenia and many other such turbulent affairs he then thought and truly that there was more to be gotten by being his Enemy than his Friend and taking advantage of that opportunity defied him also and warr'd upon him So that King Richard wholly void of aid and hope fell into the hands of his proud Barons and lost both Crown and Life In like miserable sort stood the case with Henry VI. For being once descended to the lowest exigent who almost durst releive him or any of the rest for fear as our Proverb saith of pulling an old house upon his own head Whereas if in their flourishing estate they had employ'd their treasure to encounter future perils being yet afar off they had no doubt securely held their Crowns and perhaps without much business illuded all the practices of their Enemies drawing nearer Had Richard II. at the time when being in France he bestow'd the value of 10000l. in gifts upon the fickle French King stay'd there and employ'd the other 300000. and odd marks by him also wasted at that bravery in gaining the amity of his neighbour Princes to serve his turn when need should be it is not unlikely but afterwards it might have sav'd all the rest For it is a good rule that is taught us in the art of Fencing to break the blow or thrust that might endanger us as far from our Bodies as we can For as I said before when things be drawn to the last period the time of help is past according to the saying of Hecuba to her betray'd husband being about to arm himself Quae mens tam dira miserrime conjux Impulit his cingi telis aut quo ruis inquit Non tali auxilio nec defensoribus istis Tempus eget non si ipse meus nunc afforet Hector Most Royal therefore are the Providence and Expences of her Excellent Majesty who as it were with Linceus eyes looking into the lowest secrets of the practices of her Enemies hath not only for these 36. years utterly cancell'd and made them frustrate but foreseeing also what mighty consequences may depend on mean beginnings omitteth no diligence to defeat them whilst they are yet in the shell or so to environ the mark whereat they are levell'd as being hatch'd they shall be able to perform nothing Knowing it to be far greater wisdom to preserve the body whilst it is sound from all infirmities than by admitting a dangerous disease to gain the credit of an excellent cure And tho' mony be the Blood wherein the Life of all Common-wealths as in a nest is cherisht yet nature teacheth that to preserve health and cure an impostumate disease we ought to let blood out and that sometimes in great abundance And as Themistocles said Pecunia nervus belli mony is also the sinews of war and look how necessary Peace is in a Common-wealth so necessary is War to beget Peace for Peace is Belli filia the daughter of war But to return to our matter lest we fare like the unskilful hounds that undertake a fresh hare when they have hunted the first till she be almost spent It appeareth by that that hath been said that a main Port by which our treasure hath been vented from us heretofore is now shut God be thank'd and that instead thereof no new is opened So that thereby our store must needs remain better by us than it hath and we by consequence must be the richer It is also to be added that whereas in former times much of the treasure that came into the land was buried up in superstitious employments as about Images Shrines Tabernacles Copes Vestiments Altar-cloaths Crucifixes Candlesticks c. by means whereof the Common-wealth became no whit richer than if that part so employed had never come within the Land Now we do not only retain that Idolatrous charge still in our purses which makes us much the wealthier but the rest also which for many hundred years together was so employ'd is