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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51531 The narrative of Lawrence Mowbray of Leeds, in the county of York, Gent., concerning the bloody popish conspiracy against the life of His Sacred Majesty, the government, and the Protestant religion wherein is contained I. His knowledge of the said design, from the very first in the year 1676, with the opportunity he had to be acquainted therewith, ... II. How far Sir Thomas Gascoigne, Sir Miles Stapleton, &c. are engaged in the design of killing the King and firing the cities of London and York, for the more speedy setting uppermost the popish religion in England, III. An account of the assemblings of many popish priests and Jesuits at Father Rishton's Chamber ..., IV. The discovery of the erecting a nunnery at Dolebank in Yorkshire ..., V. A manifestation of the papists fraudulent conveying of their estates, himself being privy to some of them, VI. A probable opinion concerning the Jesuits, the grand instruments in these affairs : together with an account of the endeavours that were used to stifle his evidence, by making an attempt upon his life in Leicester-Fields. Mowbray, Lawrence. 1680 (1680) Wing M2994; ESTC R10191 28,403 35

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be propounded to them The Laws against Dissenters and Nonconformists being in some things as severe as against the Papists But hitherto they have not been able to obtain their desired end but have lost all their solicitations in this matter And I have heard some Papists say They did dispair of ever doing any good that way For though civil respects may pass as to the common offices of humane Life between persons of different Religions yet when principles in which oppositions have their deepest root do fight against principles such parties can never heartily unite I mention this that a just regard may be had in all our Governors towards the peaceable and well-affected of that Class My Lord I have not in what I have done acted out of private malice or revenge against any mans person but have only been stimulated by the pricks of my own conscience to prevent those mischiefs which I knew were impending upon our King this City and the whole Kingdom And herein I confess a prize was put into my hands to have been the first Discoverer of this Bloody Plot in the year 1676. But I must acknowledg that through the power of contrary temptations I did succumb and yet I was not altogether unjustifiable in my thoughts in that I undertook a journey to London from the North on purpose to make this Discovery so that my early desires may somewhat atone for my slow and tardy actings For which as I have obtained His Majesties Gracious pardon so I hope your Lordship will be moderate in your judgment concerning me seeing the Impediments I was then to wrestle withal seemed to me Invincible as hereafter in the following Narrative is declared And the truth is I did quiet my conscience at that time by suggesting that I reserved my self for the disclosing the Conspiracy some other time when the danger was nearer hand and the design more ripe for execution Herein though I was prevented by others yet the scheme of my thoughts being thus laid open will I hope alleviate my censure amongst good men There are some particulars illustrative of what is hereafter declared which may be spoken to when I am called upon to appear at any Tryal as an Evidence for His Majesty I shall say no more to your Lordship at this time but craving pardon for my boldness and recommending your Lordship with your great charge the Honourable City of London to the Divine Protection I humbly subscribe my self Your Lordships in all just and Christian service LAWRENCE MOWBRAY AN Introductory Preface I Think it not amiss before I mention my Informations to give the Reader some account of my self and the opportunity I have had of being acquainted with this black design and the methods I took to discover the same after I was convinced of the evil thereof which last clause I mention because being falsly principled by the Romish Priests at first I thought it a meritorious work The place of my Nativity was Worcestershire but my Father removing his whole Family into York-shire in my Infancy I there received my Education in my youth and that in the Protestant Religion as established in the Church of England I was brought up in a Grammar-School in order to the Vniversity but other circumstances not concurring and the times seeming not to look smilingly upon learned men my friends were diverted from those thoughts and I was to wait for a more favourable opportunity In this Interval being about 18 years of Age I was dealt with by some Papists in the North to reside a-while in Sir Thomas Gascoignes House not upon the strict terms of a servant but as an ingenuous attendant or rather expectant of a better fortune till the Clouds blowing over I might as my intentions were transplant my self into the Vniversity and I was inclined to Sir Thomas Gascoignes rather than to any other Family because he was represented to me as a sober and temperate person and a good Example for Youth to imitate I had not been long there but I was dealt with by Sir THOMAS himself the Lady TEMPEST but especially by Father RVSHTON Confessor to Sir THOMAS and his whole Family to turn to their Religion the Arguments they used were these the Truth of their Church and the certainty of Salvation therein whereas Protestantism as they alledged was but a Novelty risen up of late years and the Souls of its Professors were in great danger of Eternal Damnation except they did return to Rome the Mother-Church and withall they used many alluring provocations and flattering promises of great and large preferments if ever it pleased God to favour their Endeavours that the Roman Religion should again be established in this Kingdom which they told me they were in great hopes of and that many heads and hands were at work in order to the effecting thereof I being not able to see thorow those pecious pretences was insnared by them and accordingly yielding to their insinuations was admitted into their Church being thereupon in great favour with them and daily Assistant to Father Rushton at the Altar And here to note this by the way the Zeal of the Papists doth upbraid the coldness and indifferency of many Protestants who upon the entertainment of Servants and Attendants little heed their Principles in reference to Religion but suffer them to go on without any endeavour to rectifie their understandings in case any errour reside in them as if it were only lawful for them to use the labour of their Bodies as they do their Oxen and Horses without any regard to cultivate their minds whereas you shall hardly have a Servant admitted into a Popish Family but they will sift his Religion and Principles and if he be a Protestant they will endeavour to reduce him and they esteem themselves under a Religious Obligation so to do whose Zeal therein if it were according to knowledge might be instructive unto others who stand upon a truer Foundation and embrace righter Principles This by the by Being thus turned Roman Catholick as I have said I had opportunity to be admitted to the Privacies of Sir Tho. Gascoigne Father Rushton and others in whose frequent Consultations and Discourses both amongst themselves and also with me I soon found out the Intrigues of their Designs and my mind was so astonished at the thoughts of the King's Murder and the Great Alterations which were designed by them to be accomplished in this Land that I not only returned to the Reformed Religion in my heart which I formerly revolted from and since by God's goodness have re-made publick profession of but I resolved also to repair to London about the latter end of the year 1676. to make a Discovery of what I knew in those matters And I had then a fair opportunity to disengage my self from Sir Tho. Gascoigne's Family in regard the Laws being strict against Papists and at that time pressed to be put in execution Sir Thomas was willing to abridge the
number of his Houshold lest forfeitures should grow high upon them taking therefore that occasion I withdrew from that House and a while after undertook a Journey to London about May 1677. long before Mr. Oates had made any publick Discovery of a Plot and yet the Priests and Papists in the North had some jealousie of my constancy in their Religion and being also conscious to themselves that I could discover a great part of their guilt they used many menaces against me even to my very face which I eluded as well as I could Coming to London under the discouragement of many circumstances as my being of small acquaintance at London c. and therefore not capable of making any creditable applications to the Court moreover highly threatned by the Papish Party both in the Country and in London besides juding it ridiculous in me standing alone to appear against so great a Body of Opponents for I then knew of no other evidence but my self I was so far intimidated and disheartened in my undertaking as to return to Yorkshire again reintecta and without making any Discovery at all but still under great inquietude and dissatisfaction because I could not ease my mind in making the Discovery I intended Arriving again in the Country the pricks of my conscience did follow me thither insomuch that I could have no rest till I had wrote up a Letter to a Great Person at Whitehall acquainting him as from an unknown hand with the designed Murther of His Majesty and the Great Danger the Kingdom was in by those underhand machinations the Copy of which Letter in regard it was the Embrio of my Discovery I have here annexed My Lord How long I have concealed the intended and immediate malice of some disloyal and traiterous persons from whose merciless and bloody Design God bless our Soveraign Lord the King It is now full time I think to declare though not in hopes of reward but as a true and loyal Subject to my King the wicked and desperate Design of some Papist Conspirators c. That by an immediate insurrection to proceed with Fire and Sword until they have altered the Government or settled the Crown God bless King Charles the Second upon the head of some other so by consequence the death of the King is conspired and sought for This Conspiracy my Lord is of no little standing but to my knowledge contrived almost this three years ago and now come to the height of a desperate resolution My heart is loyal and true to the King but I must confess that through the perswasion and urging of Father Rishton c. I have my self subscribed to this wicked Design and now am forced as well through Loyalty to my King as to clear my stained conscience from that foul Design it to reveal and will endeavour hereafter to discover and procure a List of these Conspirators which I have seen and subscribed to But I am certain of the after-mentioned persons with many others are subscribed in the List and great Promoters of this Act and are still providing both Force and Arms for their carrying on their Design My Lord I most humbly beg your Lordships pardon for this my boldness intreating your Lordship as a true Royalist to communicate these Lines to whom your Lordship thinks most convenient At present my Lord I dare not subscribe my name for several reasons but at any time upon protection from these Papists being at present within their claws I shall acknowledge the hand and mark subscribed as to proceed from My Lord Your Lordships most faithful and obedient Servant and to the King a Loyal and faithful Subject York Jan. 1. 77 8. These persons names who have subscribed that at present I remember were Inglesby Sir Tho. Gascoigne Tho. Gascoigne Esq Sir Miles Stapleton Barronet c. But the said Letter being sent by me by the Common Post and from one unknown I did therefore doubt whether it might come to the hands of that Noble-man to whom it was directed or if it did how it would be resented in regard of the extraordinary Novelty of the thing wherefore I did not think my self to have sufficiently discharged my conscience in such a Crisis of danger meerly upon the sending of that Letter without seconding the Contents thereof by farther Applications therefore afterwards being encouraged by the appearance of others in this case I did resort to some Magistrates in Yorkshire viz. Justice Tyndall and Justice Lowther before whom I being examined upon Oath made a short Scheme of the said Design as by the Copy of the Examination before them hereunto annexed may appear The Information of Lawrence Mowbray of Leeds taken before us upon Oath this sixteenth day of August 1679. THE Informant saith that in the year 1675. to the best of his knowledg he being at Sir Tho. Gascoignes he the said Sir Tho. ordered the Informant to draw a Conveyance of his whole Estate to Sir Will. Inglesby which Conveyance the Informant saith he drew by the form of a Conveyance of Trust made from Sir Miles Stapleton of his whole Estate to Sir John Dawney The Informant further saith that though he was not witness to the aforesaid Conveyance of Sir Tho. Gascoigne yet he heard from Sir Tho. Gascoigne that there was a Defeasance to the said Deed of Trust and from Rob. Bolron and Matthias Hickeringill that they were witnesses to the said Deed of Trust And further he speaketh not to the Deed of Trust The Informant further deposeth that in the year 1676. to the best of his remembrance about Michaelmas Sir Tho. Gascoigne Tho. Gascoigne Esq the Lady Tempest and William Rishton Priest c. being together in Barmebow Dining-room he the Informant heard them hold several discourses concerning a Design of killing the King firing the Cities of London and York the Lady Tempest seemed to say jeastingly if the Design did not take they would all be poor Gentlemen Tho. Gascoigne her Brother answered her if it did not take effect she would partake of their sufferings being also concerned in it they all concluded it would be a meritorious undertaking and for the glory of the Church and they would venture their Estates in it The Informant further saith there was then in the House one Doctor Stapleton a Priest who coming from another room and finding the Informant at the door went in and desired them in a low voice to forbear their Discourse for there was one at the door Whereupon the Lady Tempest called in the Informant and sent him down to entertain some strangers below The Informant further deposeth that he had heard several Discourses from Sir Tho. Gascoigne and William Rishton of a Religious House or Nunnery was to be established at Dolebank and Sir Thomas would settle ninety pound per annum for their maintenance Taken before us Brad. Tindall Will. Lowther junior This Examination being transmitted by the said Justices to the Council I soon after viz. August