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A43199 Ductor historicus, or, A short system of universal history and an introduction to the study of that science containing a chronology of the most celebrated persons and actions from the creation to this time, a compendious history of ... transactions ... of the ancient monarchies and governments of the world, an account of the writings of the most noted historians ... together with definitions and explications of terms used in history and chronology, and general instructions for the reading of history / partly translated from the French of M. de Vallemont, but chiefly composed anew by W.J., M.A. Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735.; Vallemont, abbé de (Pierre Le Lorrain), 1649-1721. Elémens de l'histoire. 1698 (1698) Wing H1309; ESTC R15760 279,844 444

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after the Death of her Son Ahasias resolv'd to make away with all that was left of the Royal Family without sparing her own Sons that she might reign without a Competitor Ioas Son to Ahasias was saved alone from his Grandmothers Fury by Iesabeth who hid him when he was in the Cradle in the House of the Lord and so preserved this precious Remainder of David's Family 3120. Ionah the Prophet lived 3125. Hosea the Prophet lived 3135. Ioel the Prophet lived 3150. Hesiod the Greek Poet lived 3155. Amos the Prophet lived 3180. Isaiah the Prophet lived 3190. Micah the Prophet lived 3174. Olympick Games instituted by Iphitus King of Elis Son of Praxonidas of the Race of the famous Oxiles Here begin the Olympiads where Varro places the end of Fabulous Times and the beginning of the Historical These were celebrated every fifth Year or after four compleat Years 776. 3057. Sardanapalus King of the Assyrians begins to reign 'T is said of him That he built two Towns in one Day viz. Anchiale and Tarsus in Cilicia After him that Monarchy was divided into Assyrians and Medes Arbaces taking advantage of the Effeminacy of Sardanapalus erected to himself a Kingdom and Sardanapalus press'd by his Enemies burnt himself in his Palace 3075. Carthage built EPOCHA VII 3198. Romulus or Rome founded 752. This Epocha goes as far as the end of the Captivity of Babylon and lasts 218 Years REmus and Romulus were Sons of the Vestal Rhea Daughter to Amulius who had usurp'd the Kingdom of Alba from his Brother Numitor. This Amulius not willing to have any Heir commanded his Daughter's two Sons to be cast into the Tyber But the King's Shepherd having found them on the side of that River took them up and nursed them at home At 15 Years of Age they instituted the Feast called Lupercals afterwards they restored Numitor to his Kingdom and some time after they built the City of Rome of which Romulus was declared the Founder It was encompassed at first only with a little Ditch which Remus leap'd over out of Contempt but he paid dear for his Jest and lost his Life for it Thus began the Capital of the greatest Empire that ever was in the World 3205. Obed the Prophet lived 3220. Habakkuk the Prophet 3230. Nahum the Prophet 3215. Syracuse built 3228. Salmanassar King of Assyria takes Samaria the chief City of the Kingdom of Israel after a Siege of 3 Years and carries away the Ten Tribes in perpetual Bondage to Ninive Thus ended the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL which had lasted 258 Years since its Division from that of Iudah 723. Tobiah and his History are to be placed about this Time 3235. Sennacherib King of Assyria enters Iudea with an Army and carries Spoil and Desolation where-ever he comes He besieges Ierusalem but Hezekiah by earnest Prayer obtains Favour of God and an Angel of the Lord kills by the Sword in one Night 185000 of his Men. From thence he flies to Ninive where he is killed 715. 3235. Numa Pompilius King of Rome began to Reign 3254. Manasses King of Iuda is taken Prisoner by the Assyrians and carried in Chains into Babylon where he becomes penitent makes a Prayer extant in the Apocrypha and God restores him to his former Dignity 696. Nebuchodonosor or Nebuchadnezzar the Monarch of Babylon 3350. Enters Iudea with an Army and takes Ieco●iah King of Iudah Captive 3360. Zedechias King of Iuda In the 11th Year of his Reign Nebuchodonosor takes Ierusalem Zedechias is taken endeavouring to make his Escape They put his Children to Death before him afterwards they put out his Eyes load him with Chains and carry him Prisoner to Babylon His Palace is burnt the Temple destroyed the Walls of Ierusalem pull'd down and all the Inhabitans led Captive among the Babylonians 590. 3375. Nebuchadnezzar's Pride is punished by God He loses his Senses and is reduced to live 7 Years in the Woods among the Beasts 3385. Nebuchadnezzar being converted and restored to his former Grandeur dies in the 32d Year of his Reign 3387. Ieconiah after 37 Years Imprisonment was freed and treated honourably by Evil-marodoch 3390. Balthasar in the midst of a Feast sees a Hand writing some Words on the Wall which according to Daniel's Interpretation signifie That God will give his Kingdom to the Medians and Persians Which begins to prove true the next Night 3350. Ezechiel began to Prophecy 3370. Pythagoras flourished 3391. Cyrus the Founder of the Persian Monarchy began to Reign 559. Croesus the rich King of Lydia 3400. Conquer'd by Cyrus 3400. Daniel the Prophet flourish'd EPOCHA VIII 3420. Cyrus or the Iews restored 530. This Epocha reaches as far as the Taking of Carthage and lasts 334 Years THe 70 Years of Captivity to which God in his Wrath had condemned the Iews being expired in order to their Restoration he resolved to make Cyrus Master of all the East and place him on the Throne of the Kings of Babylon This Prince hearing the Prophets had foretold That he should rebuild the Temple of Ierusalem gave leave to all the Iews that were Captive at Babylon to return to their own Country under the Conduct of Zorobabel He took all the Holy Utensils of the Temple out of the Treasury of the Kings of Babylon whither they had been transported and gave them back to the Iews who marched away to the number of 42000 Persons and were no sooner arrived but they laid the Foundation of the New Temple 3419. Cyrus having conquer'd and slain Nabboneus otherwise call'd by Daniel Darius the Median King of Babylon becomes Monarch of all Asia 3421. Cambyses succeeds Cyrus 3417. Tarquin last King of the Romans He is sirnam'd the Proud He puts to Death Servius his Father-in-Law and his Wife Tullia has the Impudence to drive her Chariot over the dead Body of her Father 3436. Sextus Son to Tarquin ravishes Lucretia the Wife of Collatinus in regret thereof she stabs her self having first adjur'd her Husband and Friends to revenge the Injury Which they immediately prosecuted under the Conduct of L. Iunius Brutus and Tarquin with all his Family are expell'd Also the Royal Government pull'd down and a new one erected under Consuls whereof Brutus was the first This happen'd 245 Years after the City was built 509. 3429. Darius Hystaspes succeeds his Father Cambyses in Persia. 3460. The Persians are defeated at the Battle of Marathon in Attica by Miltiades the Athenian General 3465. Xerxes the great Monarch of Persia call'd in Scripture Ahasuerus began to reign 485. 3469. Invades Greece with an Army of 5 millions 283000 Men according to Herodotus Plutarch says 5 millions Theodoret 3 millions 3470. This great Army is fought by 5500 Grecians at the Streights of Thermopilae wherein the Lacedemonians being surrounded are cut off The Athenians admonish'd by the Oracle to make use of Wooden Walls by Advice of Themistocles retire on board their Ships which gives Xerxes opportunity to burn Athens 480. 3470. The Athenians under
every Beast of the Field and Fowl of the Air which by Divine Direction Noah collected into an Ark or Ship of vast extent which according to the Commands of God he built and after 120 Years Labour having finish'd it the Flood-gates of Heaven were open'd and the Fountains of the Deep were broken up and in 40 Days time the Waters overwhelm'd the Face of the whole Earth so that all Creatures were destroy'd except Noah and what were with him in the Ark. But the executing Element having perform'd the Commands of Heaven it again return'd to its ancient Habitation part into the Bowels of the Earth and the rest exhal'd into Clouds leaving the Earth dry and again in a condition to be Cultivated Accordingly Noah and his Sons immediately set to work and in a few Ages the Land became fill'd with Inhabitants and Colonies were Transplanted to remoter Parts 1657. A Year after the beginning of the Flood Noah goes out of the Ark seeing the whole Face of the Earth dry and after a positive Order from God Shem Ham and Iapheth the Sons of Noah begin to Till the Ground The Life of Men shortened by one half 1723. Heber is born From him came the Hebrews and the Hebrew Language 1757. Phaleg is born His Name signifies Division because 't was in his time that Noah divided the Earth among his three Sons Iaphet had the West of Asia from the Mountains Taurus and Aman and all Europe Ham had Syria Arabia and all Africa Shem had all the Eastern Asia The Age of Men decreases very sensibly being at this time not above the fourth part of that of the Ante-diluvian Patriarchs 1800. About this time they began to build the Tower of Babel in the Plains of Sennaar 1816. A sort of Royal Authority has its first Rise in Egypt where some more violent than the rest take upon them to Domineer At this Time happen'd the Confusion of Languages which were divided into 72. The Hebrew Tongue remain'd in the Posterity of Heber This Confusion stop'd the Building of the Tower of Babel which those impious People were carrying on 1900. Nimrod the Grandson of Ham began the Babylonian or Assyrian Monarchy 2950. 1920. The King's Shepherds who came out of Arabia settle in Egypt and form a Government 1005. Ninus the Assyrian Monarch began to Reign 43 Years before the Birth of Abraham Semiramis his Wife the famous Assyrian Heroine succeeded him 1948. Abraham is born in the City of Vr in Chaldea a place famous for the Mathematicians that lived there 2002. Zoroaster King of the Bactrians is supposed to have invented Magick about this time 2023. Abraham comes out of Vr by God's Command to go and live at Charan a Town of Mesopotamia Hunting and Fowling were then invented 'T was about 300 Years before this time that the Chaldeans began to observe the Stars and the Motions of the Planets and practise Astronomy EPOCHA III. 2023. The Vocation of Abraham 1917. This Epocha reaches as far as the written Law and lasts 430 Years HEre God begins to make a People Elect and for that purpose he chuses Abraham to be the Stock and the Father of all the Faithful and declares to him That he will establish his Worship and his People which is to be this Holy Patriarch's Posterity in the Land of Canaan Besides the Promise he makes him of giving him a Son he adds that of Blessing all the Nations of the Earth in JESUS CHRIST born from his Posterity The Mark of this first Alliance of God with Men is the Circumcision 2024. Abraham press'd by the Famine goes down into Egypt where Apophis then reigned He is the same with Pharaoh mentioned in the Scripture who having taken away Sarah Abraham's Wife return'd her untouch'd to her Husband 2031. Berah King of Sodom with the other petty Kings of the Neighbouring Cities rebel against Codorlahomor King of Elam who had subjected them to his Domination 30 Years before 2047. Sodom Gomorrah Adamah and Seboim four abominable Towns are burnt by Fire from Heaven because of their infamous and detestable Crimes 1903. Circumcision instituted for a Token of the Alliance God made with Men in the Person of Abraham 2048. Isaac is born his Father Abraham being 100 Years old and his Mother Sarah 90. 2093. The Kingdom of Argos in the Peloponesus begins in Inachus the first known King of the Grecians 1080 Years before the First Olympiad 2207. Thethmosis or Amosis having expelled the Shepherds Kings reigns in Egypt 2154. The Deluge of Ogyges in Attica 1020 Years before the First Olympiad Varro places it 300 Years higher 2185. Iacob through his Mother Rebecca's Counsel and Assistance steals his Father Isaac's Benediction to the Prejudice of his Brother Esau. Towards this time began some of the Four Dynasties or Principalities of Egypt Thebes Thin Memphis Tanis the Capital of the lower Egypt 2229. Ioseph imprison'd upon the false Accusation of Potiphar's Wife is set at Liberty at three Years end having interpreted the Dreams of Pharaoh who raises him to the highest Dignities of the State 1721. 2238. Iacob press'd by the Famine descends into Egypt with all his Family The Israelites dwell there 215 Years 2255. Iacob dies in Egypt after he had adopted Manasses and Ephraim Ioseph's Sons He blesses them preferring the younger to the other 2309. Ioseph dies in Egypt having administred the Kingdom under several Kings Here ends the Book of Genesis 2360. The Kings of Egypt oppress the Israelites and put them to very laborious and painful Works 2373. Moses Son of Amram is born of his Mother Iocebeda Being 3 Months old he is expos'd on the Nile where the King's Daughter takes him up and through a miraculous Providence puts him out to Nurse to his Mother Iocebeda At 40 Years of Age he flies from Egypt into Arabia 2453. Moses tending the Flocks of Iethro his Father-in-Law is commanded by God to return into Egypt and demand of the King the Liberty of the Israelites who groan'd under a severe Bondage The King refuses the Liberty of the Israelites demanded by Moses God visits the Egyptians with ten Plagues At last upon a Tuesday the 5th Day of May towards Midnight Pharaoh lets the People of God go out of Egypt to the number of six hundred Men on Foot not including Children Pharaoh pursues the Israelites with an Army Moses opens a Passage in the Red Sea through which the Israelites go dry-foot and where Pharaoh is drowned with all his Army EPOCHA IV. 2453. Moses or the Written Law 1497. This Epocha reaches as far as the Taking of Troy and lasts 305 Years THree Months after the Deliverance of his People from Pharaoh's Tyranny God gave his Law to Moses on Mount Sinai There was heard from the Top of that Mountain a great noise of Thunder the Sky round about it was bright with Lightnings and the whole Mount seem'd to be a great Fire out of which arose a Flame like that of a burning Furnace 'T was
Great Mogol descended from him Wenceslaus the Emperor depos'd 1399. Rupert of Bavaria succeeds 1400. By reason of the many Civil Wars Italy throws of the German Yoke and several Governors of Cities make themselves absolute as the Scaligers in Verona th● House of Est at Ferrara the Gonzagues at Mantua c. Sigismond K. of Hungary chosen Emperor 1410 He erected Savoy into a Dutchy in favour 〈◊〉 Armedeus 141● Henry V. King of England 141● He is victorious in France wins the famous Battle at Agincourt 1415. The Government of that Kingdom is resign'd to him by the King Charles VI. 142● Iohn VII Paleologus Emperor at Constantinople 1417. Henry VI. a Child King of England 142● Loses what his Father had gain'd in France Richard Duke of York claims the Crown 144● The Rebellion of Iack Cade suppress'd 1450. The King is worsted by the Yorkists and finally depos'd 1●60 Albert of Austria chosen Emperor 143● Frederick of Austria his Brother succeeds 144● The Art of Printing invented 144● Iohn Huniades Emperor of Constantinople 144● Is victorious against the Turks Scanderbeg Prince of Epirus famous for his Victor●●● over the Turks 144● Constantine XIII Paleologus the last Christian Emperor of Constantinople famous for his Valour 1443. Mahomet II. call'd the Great Sultan of Turks 1451. Takes Constantinople Constantine being slain puts an end to that Empire 1453. EPOCHA XIII Constantinople taken by the Turks and the Christian Empire of the East terminated 1453. This Epocha is continued as far as the Year 1660. wherein King Charles being Restor'd the ancient Lawful Government of England was re-establish'd IT must be confess'd that this Epocha begins not so happily as those that have gone before it for whereas almost every one of them commenc'd from some great Action whereby the Almighty bestow'd some benefit upon his People this alas begins with a deplorable state of the Christian World and shews us the expulsion of the true Religion out of Greece and its Neighbouring Provinces by the entrance of the Mahometan Cruelty into Europe after it had ravag'd almost all Asia and Africa But it must be acknowledg'd that the Divine Providence was just in this Punishment of those unworthy Christians who by intruding Heresies first caused Schisms and continual Feuds in the Church and afterwards by Superstition profain'd their most Holy Religion and yet by bitter Persecution destroy'd the Holy Professors of true Christianity that in those Ages oppos'd themselves to the innovated Idolatry and Superstition We might justly enough call the last Epocha Dark and Illitarate as we must Name this that follows the Enlightned and Learned Age of Christianity for the Northern Barbarians that over-run Europe in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries had so effectually swept away all s●●ts of Learning that tho' themselves afterwards be●ame Christians and somewhat Polite yet it requir'd Ages of Time to revive that Learning which they had destroy'd and in effect what thro' the Wars that happen'd and thro' the absolute Power the Clergy exercis'd which gave them an opportunity of living Lazily in Convents all the Sciences and even Arts too were in a very low Estate till in this Century the discovery of the Art of Printing put Books into the Hands of the Laity the which being follow'd in the next Age with the appearance of those great Literati Picus Mirandula Desider Erasmus Mars Ficinus c. Learning began to Revive and by the continued zealous prosecution of the Work that those great Men begun we may now venture to say We have almost arriv'd to the Perfection of those Ages wherein the Greeks and Romans made themselves immortal by their great Erudition and Ingenuity That wonderfully useful Instrument the Mariner● Compass had been found out in the beginning of the Fourteenth Century by the help whereof the Portugueze had ventur'd to Navigate on the Coasts of Africa and by degrees advancing we find them at length towards the end of this Age got as far as India from whence they brought by Sea vast quantities of the rich Commodities of those Parts which before that time came but sparingly hither because brought over an immense Tract of Land to Alexandria before we could receive 'em This was follow'd by a discovery of a new World which Christopher Colombus with great Hazard as well as Skill and Pains found out and thereby gave the Spanish Monarch an opportunity of encreasing his Dominions to an almost infinite extent and of enriching Europe to an inexpressible degree out of the inexhaustible Mines of Mexico and Peru. The following Epocha shews us moreover the Church reform'd and the Christian Religion restor'd to its ancient Purity a Blessing of inestimable value and which we ought all to praise God for and continually pray that he lets not again Superstition to prevail or which is worse Atheism and Irreligion to Profane our Piety Years of Jes. Chr. The Turks having taken Constantinople proceed in their Conquests and gain the Peloponnesus now call'd Morea 1459. Edward IV. Son to Richard Duke of York who had been slain in his Wars against Henry VI. gains the Crown of England 1460. Marries the Lady Gray which disgusts his great Friend the Earl of Warwick 1465. Warwick raises Wars against him and in the end forces him to fly the Kingdom 1470. Henry plac'd on the Throne again after 9 Years Imprisonment but Edward soon expells him 1471. He dies leaving his Crown to his young Son Edward V. 1483. Maximilian of Austria Son to the Emperor Frederick Marries Mary Heiress of Burgundy 1477. They had Issue Philip who Married Ioan the Daughter of Ferdinand King of Spain by which all the Netherlands became afterwards united to that Kingdom Maximilian chosen Emperor 1493. Richard Duke of Glocester usurps the Throne and Murders his Nephews 1483. Richard III. a Tyrant slain at Bosworth by Henry VII who was of the Lancastrian Family and Marry'd the Daughter of Edward IV. declar'd King 1485. Is oppos'd by two Impostors Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck 1486 1499. In the Year 1454. the Portugueze discover'd the Cape of Good Hope and prosecuting their Voyaging they at length got as far as the East-Indies which was discover'd by Vasq. de Gama who was sent by the King of Portugal to that purpose and arriv'd before Calicurt May the 20th 1498. Ferdinand King of Arragon and Isabella Queen of Castille by Marriage unite those Kingdoms and erect the Monarchy of Spain 1474. Ferdinand expels the Moors out of Spain and erects the Inquisition against them which gains him the Title of Catholick 1496. Christopher Columbus a Native of Genoa having partly by his own Study in Geography and partly by Information of some Seamen who had been driven on some far Western Coast conceiv'd an Opinion That there was a large Country Westward of us yet unknown apply'd himself zealously for the Discovery of it to which purpose he first desir'd Assistance of the State of Genoa afterwards of our King Henry VII and of Emanuel King
hundred fourscore and five thousand Men. In his time likewise the King of Babylon sent Ambassadors to Hezekiah who out of Civility shewed them the House of his precious Things and all his Treasury which gave an occasion to Isaiah of prophesying concerning the future Babylonish Captivity Nahum prophecied and comforted the Ten Captive Tribes The Angel Raphael was sent by God to attend young Tobias in the Journey he was to take 3252. 16. Manasses a wicked King succeeded his Father Hezekiah at the age of twelve years and reigned five and fifty years 698 3274. Manasses was taken and carried to Babylon in the two and twentieth year of his Reign But his Affliction made him reflect and humble himself in the sight of God upon which he was brought immediately back to Ierusalem where he reigned three and thirty years more 676 At this time happened the History of Iudith who cut off the Head of Holofernes and delivered the City of Bet●uliah 3307. 17. Amon a wicked King succeeded his Father Manasses and reigned two years after him and was killed treacherously by some of his own Court 643 3309. 18. Iosias a good King at the age of eight years succeeded his Father Amon and reign'd one and thirty years He re-established the Worship of God throughout his Kingdom and exceeded in Virtue all the Kings who had went before him 641 3321. Iosias in the twelfth year of his Reign purged Iudah and Ierusalem from their Idolatry 629 Ieremiah began to prophecy and continued it for the space of near five and forty years Zephaniah Baruch Habakkuk and other Prophets belong to this time 3338. Iosias inconsiderately waged War with Pharaoh Neko King of Egypt wherein he was killed and all the Joy of Iudah was turned into Mourning 612 19. Iehoahaz or Shallum succeeded his Father and reigned three months Neko King of Egypt returning from Assyria deposed Iehoahaz and made his elder Brother Eliakim King in his stead turning his Name into Iehoiakim and carried Iehoahaz along with him Captive to Egypt where he died 3339. 20. Iehoiakim succeeded his Brother and reigned over Iudah eleven years 611 3344. This year Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon took Iehoiakim Captive with an intention to carry him to Babylon afterwards having released him upon very hard Terms he left him at Ierusalem where he remained as his Vassal This Nebuchadnezzar carried away with him part of the Vessels of the Temple with several Children of the Blood Royal and several Persons of Quality among whom was Daniel and his Companions 'T is here we must begin to reckon the Seventy Years of Captivity 606 Daniel begins to prophesy being then very young 3350. Iehoiakim was kill'd by the Babylonians and cast out to be devoured by the Fowls of the Air and the Beasts of the Field 600 21. Iechonias or Iehoiachin succeeded his Brother Iehoiakim and reigned in Ierusalem the space of three months But Nebuchadnezzar carried him away to Babylon with his Mother and the principal Men of his Court among whom were Ezekiel and Mordecai the Uncle of Esther with all the Treasures of Iudah and all the Vessels of the Temple which remained He made his Uncle Mattaniah King and changed his Name to Zedekiah 3350. 22. Zedekiah the last King of Iudah reigned at Ierusalem the space of eleven years 600 Ezekiel began to prophecy the fifth year of his Captivity at Babylon and prophecied to the seven and twentieth year He was descended from the Race of the Priests 3360. In the eleventh year of Zedekiah Ierusalem was besieged taken and plunder'd by the Babylonians Zedekiah was taken in his flight His Children killed before his face his Eyes put out himself bound with Fetters of Brass and carried away to Babylon His Palace was burnt the Temple destroyed the Walls of Ierusalem thrown down and all the People of Iudah led Captive to Babylon where they remained till the year of the World 3419 before Christ 531. 590 Here follows the Succession of the Kings of Israel The State of the Ten Tribes under the Government of Nineteen Kings from the beginning of the Reign of Jeroboam to the end of the Reign of Hosea in whose time they were carried into Captivity by Shalmaneser This State lasted 258 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2969. 1. JEroboam the Son of Nobat was made King and reigned over Israel two and twenty years He to strengthen himself and to keep the People from revolting to Rehoboam set up two Golden Calves the one at Dan and the other at Bethel and by this means made Israel to sin 981 In his Reign a Man of God was sent out of Iudah who prophesied against the Altar at Bethel foretold the Ruin of it by Iosiah restored Ieroboam's wither'd Hand and was slain by a Lion for disobeying the Command of God in eating contrary to the Divine Prohibition at the old Prophet's House 2991. 2. Nadab a wicked King succeeded his Father Ieroboam and reigned two years He and all Ieroboam's Family were cut off by Baasha according as Ahijah the Shilonite had foretold 959 2993. 3. Baasha a wicked King succeeded Nadab and reigned over Israel four and twenty years He was engaged in a War with Asa King of Iuda walked in the Sin of Ieroboam and was threatned by Iehu the Prophet the Son of Hanani 957 3016. 4. Elah a wicked King succeeded his Father Baasha and reigned over Israel two years He was killed by Zimri as he was drinking himself drunk in Tirzab 934 3018. 5 Zimri succeeded Elah but was outed by Omri within seven days 932 6. Omri succeeded Zimri killed Tibni who opposed him translated the Royal Palace from Tirzah to Samaria and reigned over Israel twelve years 3029. 7. Ahab a wicked and idolatrous King succeeded his Father Omri and reigned over Israel two and twenty years He married Iezebel the Daughter of Ethbaal King of the Zidonians was a Worshipper of Baal killed the Prophets of the Lord was besieged by Benhadad King of Syria whom he overcame and sent away with Honour Caused Naboth the Iezreelite to be stoned to Death and unlawfully seized on his Vineyard and at last was seduced by false Prophets to go to Ramoth Gilead to Battel where he was slain according to the Word of the Lord spoken by Micaiah the Prophet 921 In this Kings Reign Hiel the Bethelite built Iericho He laid the Foundation thereof in Abiram his First-born and set up the Gates thereof in his youngest Son Segub according to the Word of the Lord which he spake by Ioshua the Son of Nun. 1 King 16.34 3050. 8. Ahaziah a wicked King succeeded his Father Ahab and reigned over Israel two years He was hurt by a fall sent Messengers to Baalzebub the God of Ekron to enquire whether he should recover or no Elijah meets and stops the Messengers denounces the Death of the King and brings Fire from Heaven upon his Messengers 900 3051. 9. Iehoram a wicked King succeeded his Brother Ahaziah and reigned over
After Ninus he places 1. Arius Both the same with those in the former Catalogue 2. Aralius Both the same with those in the former Catalogue 3. Mamylus 4. Sparthaeus 5. Ascatades His Name is likewise mentioned in the former List. 6. Amyntas All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 7. Belochus All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 8. Balatores All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 9. Lamprides All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 10. Sosares All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 11. Lampraes All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 12. Pany●s All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 13. Sosarmus All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 14. Mithraeos All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 15. Teutamos All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 16. Teutaeus All these with a little Variation of a Letter or two are the same with those in the former Catalogue 17. Arabelus These are not in the List of Zuingerus 18. Chalaos These are not in the List of Zuingerus 19. Anabos These are not in the List of Zuingerus 20. Babios These are not in the List of Zuingerus 21. Thinaeos These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 22. Dercylus These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 23. Eupacmes These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 24. Laosthenes These four the same with those in the former List only Eupacmes here is there called Eupales 25. Pyritiades 26. Ophrateus 27. Ephacheres 28. Acracarnes 29. Sardanapalus Notwithstanding the Darkness and Obscurity of these Times and the various Opinions of Authors about the first Founder and about the Names and Number of the succeeding Kings of the Assyrian Monarchy yet they afford us so much Light as to give us occasion to make these following Reflections REMARK I. THO' the Title of Monarchy belongs equally to all States that are under the Government of one single Prince who is stiled the Monarch of that State so govern'd yet in History it more peculiarly relates to the four great Monarchies of the World who succeeded each other and in their Turn conquered and gave Law to the other Petty Monarchies of the Earth REMARK II. THE first of these Monarchies was according to the joint Testimony of all Writers the Assyrian which by Historians both Sacred and Prophane is promiscuously stiled the Babylonian the Chaldean and the Assyrian Monarchy It was called the Babylonian Monarchy because of the Tower of Babel which Nimrod the first Founder of this Monarchy built and because a great many of its Monarchs held their Court at Babylon It was stiled the Chaldean Monarchy because Babylon was in Chaldea and several of its Kings were Chaldeans Lastly it is called the Assyrian Monarchy because Ninus after he had built Nineveh the Capital City of Assyria translated the Seat of the Empire thither REMARK III. FRom the Beginning Growth and Decay of the Assyrian Monarchy and of the other three we may once for all observe that the Providence of God thô unseen and unregarded had the greatest Share in advancing them from so small a Beginning to so great a Grandeur as to be at last the Terror and Scourge of the rest of the Inhabitants and Kingdoms of the Earth That the Designs and the Glory of this Supreme Being were all along carried on and promoted by these Humane Instruments even whilst they only thought of advancing their own private Interests and of enlarging their own Territories That when the Designs of this great King of Kings and Lord of Lords were once brought about and his Glory sufficiently signalized then he discarded those Instruments took the Empire away from them and bestowed it on another People This is so visible from the whole Series even of Prophane History that it needs no other Proof than the Considerate Perusal of what Historians have delivered to us about the various Changes and Revolutions that have happened in the several great Monarchies of the World Those who were the Greatest arrived by degrees to their Height from very small Beginnings and when they were there there they stopp'd some invisible Power giving a Check to their growing Greatness Afterwards we find that in the midst of all their Glory they have either dwindled away as they rose or else lost all they had been conquering for several Ages together within the compass of a few years or days And does not all this sufficiently prove an over-ruling Providence which takes care of all Human Affairs and disposes of Kings and Kingdoms as he thinks fit Having made these short and we hope useful Reflections we shall now proceed to give you an Account of the State of the Assyrian Monarchy as it was divided into that of the Medes and Babylonians Sardanapalus was conspired against by two of his Generals Arbaces and Belochus the former was made King of the Medes and latter King of the Babylonians The State of that part of the Assyrian Monarchy which was under the Babylonians from Belochus the first King to the Death of Belshazzar the last King which State lasts 271 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3148. 1. PHul Belochus after Sardanapalus reigned 48 years over the Assyrians 802 3196. 2. Tiglath Pileser reign'd 23 years His Name is mentioned in the Scriptures 754 3219. 3. Salmanasar succeeded reign'd 10 years 731 3229. 4. Sennacherib reign'd 7 years This was that King of Assyria mentioned in the Scriptures who brought an Army into Iudea besieged Ierusalem had his Army destroyed by an Angel retired in Confusion to Nineveh and was killed by his two Sons Adrammelech and Sharrizer who fled afterwards into Armenia 721 3236. 5. Assarhaddon succeeded his Father and reign'd 10 years 714 3246. 6. Merodach conquer'd Assarhaddon and reign'd 40 years 704 3286. 7. Ben. Merodach reigned 21 years 664 2307. 8. Nebuchadnezzar I. reign'd 35 years He in the 12th year of his Reign defeated Arphaxad King of the Medes by some called Dejoces who built the City of Echatane The next year he sent General Holofernes into the Land of Iudea who laid Siege to Bethulia and was beheaded by Iudith in his Tent. 643 3342.
9. Nebuchadnezzar II. stiled the Great succeeded his Father Nabopolassar This man besieged and took Ierusalem carried away Zodekiah and all his Nobles into Captivity rifled the Temple of its Vessels brought them to Babylon and placed them in the Temple of his God Bell. He dreamed a Dream of the Four Monarchies which Daniel explained erected an Image in Susa cast the Three Children into the burning fiery Furnace was puffed up with Pride at the Greatness of his Conquests and the Magnificence of his Buildings was deprived of his Reason and turned out to feed with Beasts was restored after 7 years and died after he had reigned 43 years 608 3386. 10. Evilmerodach succeeded his Father Nebuchadnezzar and reigned a little more than 2 years 564 3388. 11. Nerigloosser kill'd Evilmerodach and reign'd with his Son Laborosoarchod about 4 years The former was defeated by Cyrus and killed in Battel and the latter was slain for his Irregularities 562 3392. 12. Belshazzar Son to Evilmerodach and Grandson to Nebuchadnezzar succeeded In a Prophane Feast which he made he saw an Hand writing upon the Wall which Daniel explained and according to his Prophecy he was deposed and killed by his Soldiers and Cyaxares or Darius the Mede seiz'd upon the Throne Thus ended the Assyrian Monarchy which was translated to the Persians 558 The State of that part of the Assyrian Monarchy which was governed by the Medes from Arbaces their first King to Cyaxares or Darius their last Years of the World Years before Christ. 3148. 1. ARbaces having defeated Sardanapalus and taken Nineveh reigned over the Medes 28 years 802 3176. 2. Sosarmus reigned 30 years 774 3206. 3. Medidus reigned 40 years 744 3246. 4. Cardiceas reigned 13 years 704 3259. 5. Dejoces or Arphaxad reigned 53 years 691 3312. 6. Phraortes or Artynes succeeded his Father Dejoces conquered the Persians and reigned 22 years 638 3334. 7. Cyaxeres I. succeeded his Father was more Warlike than his Predecessors but was subdued by the Scythianss who ruled 18 years afterwards were made drunk by him and were killed He reigned 40 years 616 3374. 8. Astyages succeeded his Father and reigned 35 years This King sent his Son Cyaxeres and his Grandson Evil-Merodach who with a great Army of Horse and Foot made Incursions on the Frontiers of Media The Assyrians were beaten and forced to retire 576 3409. 9. Cyaxeres II. or Darius the Mede succeeded his Father and reigned 30 years This was he who conquered Belshazzar and began to lay the Foundation of the Persian Empire being during his Life called the Empire of the Medes and Persians but after his Death united by Cyrus 541 CHAP. III. Of the Persian Monarchy THE second of the four great Monarchies was the Persian which lasted from Cyrus the first Monarch to Darius Codomannus the last 206 years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3419. 1. Cyrus obtain'd the Kingdom of Persia by the Death of his Father Cambyses and the Kingdom of the Medes by the Death of his Uncle Cyaxeres and by this means founded the Persian Monarchy Cyrus died in the 70th year of his Age. But some say that being defeated by Tomiris Queen of the Scythians he had the Misfortune to fall under her just Vengeance who cut off his Head threw it into a Vessel full of Blood and insulted over him in these Terms Satia te sanguine Cyre i. e. Now Tyrant take thy fill of Human Blood 531 3421. 2. Cambyses succeeded his Father Cyrus and reigned over Persia 7 years and 7 months He was a cruel King killed his own Brother Smerdis crucified Polycrates and killed himself at last by his own Sword 529 3429. Oropastes the Magician usurps the Throne under the false Name of Smerdis but within a few months after was killed by seven great Lords who conspired against him Their Names we learn from Herodotus to be Otanes Hidarnes Megabizus Gobrias Aspatines Intaphernes and Darius 521 3430. 3. Darius I. Sirnamed Hystaspes one of the seven Lords who had killed Oropastes is acknowledged King by all the rest which he brought about by this Stratagem These Lords could not very well agree among themselves what Form of Government they had best have Otanes was for a Democracy Megabizus maintained that an Oligarchical Government would be most advantageous But Darius preferred a Monarchical State before either of the former and his Opinion met with the greatest Applause The Question then rose who should be their King since the Heirs-Male of Cyrus were extinct At last they agreed unanimously That the next morning by Sun-rising they should all mount on Horseback and the Man whose Horse neigh'd first should be acknowledged King Oebor Darius's Groom had the Art of making a Horse neigh when he pleased which Skill he then made use of in favour of his Master So that no sooner was Darius mounted but his Horse neigh'd the other Lords alighted did Obeisance to him and owned him for their King He reigned 36 years 520 In the beginning of his Reign he married Atossa the Daughter of Cyrus Widow of Cambyses and of a certain Grandee to whom she had been afterwards married This he did out of Policy to support himself in the Throne thereby insinuating that the Kingdom was not translated to a Stranger but to one of Cyrus's Family Within a while after Darius being returned from Hunting sprained his Foot as he alighted off his Horse There were a great many Egyptian Physicians then at Court who used their utmost Skill to ease the King but all to no purpose for he neither slept nor was his Pain abated for 7 days together At last Democedes a Greek Physician was called for who managing the Distemper according to the Grecian Method gave the Prince something to make him sleep and healed him in a few days The same Democedes was likewise Fortunate in curing the Queen Atossa of an Ulcer in her Breast Among other Favours which that Princess urg'd him to demand of her he intreated her to inspire the King with a Resolution of conquering Greece He had his Desire granted for Darius ordered fifteen of his chief Nobles to attend Democedes that they might take a View of the Cities of Greece which he intended to conquer Accordingly they departed from Susa the Capital City of Susiana in the Kingdom of Persia and passing through Phenicia to Sidon they furnished themselves with Provisions and embarked for Greece They took a View of the Sea-Ports drew Charts of the Coasts omitted nothing that might be of Use to their Design went as far as Italy and visited Tarentum At last Democedes being arriv'd at the Place he desir'd very cunningly gave his magnificent Attendants the slip who in the whole Expedition followed his Orders and by this means got to Crotona where his House was leaving the others to get home as well as they could Other Authors tell us that it was Hippias who instigated Darius against the Greeks But wh●ther one or either of them occasion'd it 't
was I then 'T is certain that about this time Alexander abandon'd himself to Luxury Pleasures Debaucheries and other Effeminacies of the Persians He put Philotus and his Father Parmenio to Death upon suspicion of being guilty of High-Treason His good old Soldiers the Macedonians being jealous that their old Greek Customs would be abolished found great fault at his Proceedings and took the liberty to Censure him for causing himself to be called the Son of Iupiter To divert which he drew them out to another Battel and ordered them to march against Satibar-Zenes Governor of the Arians who had revolted 3621. This year Alexander marched into the Country of the Arismaspians a People of Arachosia whom he subdued as well as the Inhabitants of Parapamisa He passed the Mountain of Caucasus in 17 days became Master of Bactriana of which he made Artabazus Governor Afterwards with a Flying Army he entred Sogdiana which is part of Tartary But Water being scarce in that place himself and Army had like to have perished for Thirst. 329 About this time they brought Bessus the Murderer of Darius to Alexander who stripp'd him naked loaded him with very heavy Chains caused his Ears and Nose to be cut off and referred him to the farther Vengeance of Oxiatres Brother of Darius whom Alexander affectionately loved By him he was crucified and then quartered alive in the same place where he had killed the King his Master 3622. Alexander marched against the King of the Scythians who lived on the other side the River Tanais He engaged the Army of that Barbarian defeated and put it to flight From thence he went to Marakand and reduced all the Rebels who had taken up Arms against him in Sogdiana whither the King of the Scythians sent Ambassadors to him Here it was that Alexander in his Drink killed his dear Friend Clitus the Occasion of which was this Alexander gave a Treat to all his Chief Commanders and in the midst of his Cups began to extoll his own Actions and to depretiate those of his Father Philip. The young Generals were very well pleas'd to hear such fine Things but the old Commanders who had served under King Philip were offended at the Discourse Among the latter was this Clitus who being a frank and sincere Man could not flatter the King in his Vanity but check'd him for his Ambition and Ingratitude Which provoked the King so far that he rose from his Seat and would have stabb'd him with his Lance in the very Room if he had not been hindred from it by several who stood by But Alexander still intent upon Revenge followed Clitus and stabb'd him with a Spear that he took from one of the Centries who was then sleeping The next day when the Fumes of Wine were evaporated and the King saw Clitus weltring in his Gore his Grief was so great that he had killed himself if he had not been prevented by those who attended him He kept his Chamber fasted and mourned for 4 Days together but at last was reconciled to himself through the Importunity of some of his old Courtiers who brought a great many fine Arguments to perswade him that he had killed Clitus justly 328 3623. Alexander continued enlarging his Conquests ravaged and raised Contributions from all the Provinces round about Oxiatres Cohortanus Governor of a small Territory invited him to a splendid Treat to which Alexander made several of his Friends go and invited them to marry the fairest Daughters of these Barbarians himself leading an Example in marrying Roxana the Daughter of Oxiatres an extraordinary Beauty And now he resolved on attempting the Conquest of India and issued forth such Orders as he thought necessary for so great a Design 327 About this time it was that the King gave Ear to his Flatterers and would be adored as a God Calisthenes the Philosopher the Kinsman and Disciple of Aristotle took the freedom to blame him for it but was afterwards cast into Prison where he died in Torments He was accused under a pretence of being an Associate in the Conspiracy against the King's Life for which Hermolaus had been put to Death before Alexander leaving Bactriana marched into India intending to push on his Conquests to the Eastern Sea that so his Empire might have no other Bounds than what the World had He besieged and took Nisa situated at the foot of the Mountain Meros which was consecrated to Bacchus where the petty Kings of India waited upon him and did him Homage He received them honourably and made use of them as Guides to direct him in those unknown Countries He marched to Maz●ga the chief Town of Assaceni which Queen Cleophis held out against him with 30000 Men. There he received a Wound by the shot of an Arrow and the extremity of his Pain made him cry out They call me the Son of Jupiter but at last I find my self to be no more than a Man He took this great City and Cleophis with a great Train of Ladies waiting upon the Conqueror to implore his Clemency was re-established in her Estates After this he stormed several Cities passed the River Indus and very civilly received a Neighbouring King named Omphis who came to surrender both himself and his Army to his Service Abisarius a Potent Prince whose Territories lay on the other side Hydaspes sent his Ambassadors to assure him That he was ready to put himself and Kingdom under his Protection In the midst of these Successes Alexander sent to King Porus willing him in way of Acknowledgment to bring him Contribution-money and to meet him upon the Frontiers of his Dominions to which Porus very haughtily replied That he would give him the Meeting at the Head of his Army But he was convinced of his Error for his Army was defeated and himself taken Prisoner Alexander being affected at the Misfortune of this King and admiring his Courage restored his Kingdom to him and made him one of his Friends This Defeat of Porus opened the way for the Conqueror to proceed further into India several of whose Provinces he subdued 3624. This year Alexander took the City of Oxydraca by Storm where he himself was the first who entred He was dangerously wounded by the shot of an Arrow which pierced his Armour and went into his Body He made War with other People and subdued the Musicani who inhabit the more Southerly Parts of the River Indus He caused their King to be hanged because he had falsified his Word From thence he passed into Pathalia where the King of that Country waited upon him and offered him all his Kingdom 3625. This year having conquered all he could by Land he lanched out into the Ocean to see if there were any more Provinces left for him to conquer He returned back by the way he came embarked upon Euphrates and Tigris with a Design to go into the Persian Sea in search of the Heads of that River hoping he might discover them as he did those
by the Syrians reigned over them 23 years But Antiochus Asiaticus and his Brother both of them the Sons of King Antiochus the Pious reigned over part of Syria of which Tigranes could not make himself Master They went to Rome to Petition for the Kingdom of Egypt which belonged to Setene their Mother and themselves too and continued their Suit for two years together Tigranes put Setene Sirnamed Cleopatra to Death in Prison and by this means the Title which Antiochus Asiaticus had to the Kingdom of Egypt and to part of Syria fell to the Ground In several Engagements Tigranes was defeated by Lucullus the Roman Consul who was Governor of the Province of Cilicia After this Pompey marched to Tigranes who was so much terrified at the very sight of him that he quitted his Diadem and with a great deal of Submission and Respect yielded himself to Pompey But he mov'd with Compassion put the Diadem again upon his Head re-established him in his Kingdom of Armenia upon certain Articles and made Syria a Roman Province This happened in the year of the World 3885 before Christ 64. Anno Vrbis Romae Conditae 688. 87 Having thus given you a short Account of the Kings of Syria from Seleucus the immediate Successor of Alexander the Great in that part of his Conquests down to Tigranes we shall in the next place give you a List of the Kings which reigned in Asia Minor who possessed another part of Alexander's Conquests Sect. 3. The Kings of Asia Minor or Pergamos PErgamos a City of Mysia situated on the River Caica in Asia Minor was the Capital City of a great State called The Kingdom of Pergamos which began about the year of the World 3634 before Christ 316 years It had eight Kings and lasted the space of 188 years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3634. 1. Antigonus one of Alexander's Captains who had Asia Minor for his Share marched against Eumenes routed and killed him being betrayed by his Veteran● Soldiers At last Antigonus was routed and slain by Seleucus King of Syria and Casander King of Macedonia He reigned 15 years 316 3649. 2. Demetrius his Son succeeded his Father Antigonus and reigned 15 years He was expelled Asia won Macedon but was expelled thence taken by Seleucus and within 3 years after died 301 3666. 3. Next after him succeeded Philaterus Intendant of the Finances of L●simachus King of Thrace against whom he rebelled and became King of Pergamos in the 16th year of his Age over which he reigned 20 years 282 3688. 4. Eumenes succeeded his Brother Philaterus and reigned about 21 years He subdued several small Places round about Pergamos and defeated the Army of Antiochus the Son of Seleuchus near Sardes At last he died by immoderate Drinking 262 3709. 5. Attalus Nephew to Philaterus succeeded Eumenes and reigned 44 years 'T is said that he governed with so much Prudence and managed his Treasures so thriftily that his Subjects freely conferred on him the Title of King which his Predecessors presumed not to take up thô they did hold the Quality and Grandeur of One. He defeated the Gauls contrary to all Expectation At last he fell sick at Thebes and was removed thence to Pergamos where he died in a good old Age being about 72 years old 241 3753. 6. Eumenes II. the eldest Son of Attalus succeeded him and reigned 40 years His three Brothers Attalus Phileterus and Atheneus bore so much Respect as well as Love to the King their Brother that they becames his Life-Guards 197 3793. 7. Attalus II. Sirnamed Philadelphus succeeded his Brother Eumenes and reigned about 21 years He drove Orophernes and Demetrius Soter out of Cappad●cia and fully re-established Ariarathes in his Kingdom He was conquered by Prusias King of Bithynia who entred Pergamos robbed the Sta●ues of the Gods and rifled the Temples Upon this Atta●us sent his Brother Atheneus to Rome to complain thereof to the Senate who ordered Prusias to forbear warring against Attalus P●usias slighted the Orders of the Senate burnt the Temples made great Havock in the Neighbouring Countries and defied Attalus who had shut himself up in Pergamos The Senate sent a third time Ambassadors to make up a Peace between him and Attalus which at last was effected This Attalus was a great Friend to the Romans and a constant Favourer of Learned Men at length Peace and Idleness corrupted and spoiled this good Man who left his Kingdom to Attalus Philometor his Nephew 157 3813. 8. Attalus III. Sirnamed Philometor the last King of Pergamos succeeded his Uncle and reigned only 5 years He was a very cruel Prince put his nearest Relations and dearest Friends to Death not so much as sparing his Mother or his Wife In the Second Year of his Reign he retired into the inmost Parts of his Palace where he dressed himself in a very mean Habit let his Beard and Hair grow without cutting never appeared in Publick led a Life exempt from all manner of Pleasures and seemed to inflict a Punishment upon himself for the Crimes he had been guilty of Having thus quitted the Administration of the Government he dug in his Garden sowed Seeds and by an extravagant sort of Humour laid out his greatest Care in cultivating Venemous Plants such as Henbane Hellebore Hemlock Aconite c. He extracted the Juice and Liquor and gathered the Seeds of them of which he made a great many dangerous Presents to his Friends He became so skilful in the Art of Botany especially in whatever related to the Manuring of Plants that he composed a very curious Book upon that Subject wherein as Varro relates he set down the Season of Sowing and of Gathering the Seeds of Plants He applied himself to Founding of Metals became a great Master in that Art cast several Figures and made use of them in raising a Mausoleum to the Memory of his Mother At last being too eagerly set upon these sort of Exercises which exposed him continually to the Heat of the Sun or the Furnace he was seized with a violent Feaver and died on the seventh day of his Illness 137 Eudemius of Pergamus carried the Last Will and Testament of Attalus to Rome and gave the Diadem of the Kingdom and the Royal Robe to Tiberius Gracchus Tribune of the People By this Will Attalus made the People of Rome his Heir Populus Romanus bonorum haeres esto The Romans finding by their Common Law that his Kingdom was a part of his Demeans seiz'd thereon by virtue of these Words Let the People of Rome be the Heirs of my Demeans There was some Fault found with the Romans for putting such a Construction on his Will but having the Power in their own Hands they made it to be a good Title In this City it was that they first dressed Sheep-skins and of them made Parchment whereon they wrote before the Invention of Paper and hence came the Name of Parchment called in Latin Charta Pergamena CHAP. V. Of the
among the Canonical Writings of the New Testament This City was at first called Ephyra afterwards Heliopolis i. e. The City of the Sun It was famous for its Painters Architects and Carvers and was built by Sis●phus Corinth in the several Risques of Fortune which it has run has appeared to the World under VI. distinct States Sect. I. The First State of Corinth under the Race of Sisyphus of which there were X. Kings which lasted 269 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2543. 1. Sisyphus The same with him who as the Poets tell us was condemned to the endless Labour or rouling a Stone up a Hill which no sooner was at the top but rouled down again to the bottom and so renewed his Labour 2. Glaucus the first Instituter of the Ishmian Games 3. Bellerophon He being guilty of Homicide fled to Argos where he was kindly received by King Pretus But it seems Sthenobea the Queen of Argos falling in Love with Bellerophon tempted him to lie with her but upon his Refusal accused him of tempting to violate her Chastity which by the way is much the same with the Story of Ioseph and his Egyptian Mistress Upon this Pretus was offended sent him into Lycia to his Father-in-Law Iolas with Orders to put him to Death But Iolas after several Trials of his Valour so admired him that he not only spared his Life but married him to his Daughter Philonoe 4. Orynthion 5. Phocus 6. Thoas 7. Demoph●on 8. Propodas 9. Doridas Both Sons of Propodas and 10. Hyanthidas Both Sons of Propodas Under these two last Kings the Heraclides fell into Peloponnesus and became Masters of Corinth 'T is to be observed that History is so obscure about these first Kings that the exact Time and Duration of each Reign cannot be set down Sect. II. The Second State of Corinth under IV. Kings called Heraclides which lasted 144 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2812. 1. Aletes the Son of Hippota● the Son of Antiochus who was Nephew to Hercules He reigned 38 years 1138 2850. 2. Ixion reigned 34 years 1100 2884. 3. Agelaus reigned 37 years 1066 2921. 4. Prymnis reigned 35 years 1029 Sect. III. The Third State of Corinth under VIII Kings called Bacchides which lasted 215 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2956. 1. Bacchis reigned 35 years 994 2991. 2. Agelaus reigned 30 years 959 3021. 3. Eudemus reigned 25 years 929 3046. 4. Aristodemus reigned 35 years 904 3081. 5. Agemon reigned 16 years 869 3098. 6. Alexander reigned 39 years 852 3137. 7. Telstes reigned 34 years 813 3171. 8. Aristomenes or Automenes reigned only one year 779 Sect. IV. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3172. The Fourth State of Corinth was under Annual Magistrates which lasted 121 Years viz. From the Year of the World 3172 to the Year 3293. At this time the Government was changed into Aristocracy For 200 of the Bacchides ruled in Common and only created a Prytanis every Year from among themselves till at last it fell under the Tyranny of Cypselus and Periander who reigned about 73 Years 778 Sect. V. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3245. The Fifth State of Corinth was that of the Re-establishment of their Liberty By this means it became a Free Republick and had a great Share in the Wars carried on by the Grecians against the Persians and in the Wars between the Athenians and Lacedemonians as has been already observed This State lasted about 439 Years Sect. VI. The Sixth State of Corinth was under the Romans of which we shall have occasion to speak when we come to the Roman Monarchy CHAP. XIII Of the Mycenians MYcene was a City of Peloponesus situated between Argos and Corinth It was founded by Lacedemon the Son of Semelé But the Kingdom of Mycene was founded by Perseus the Son of Danae after he had killed by an Accident his Grandfather Acrisius King of Argos So that this State is to be looked upon only as a Continuation of the Kingdom of Argos the Regal Authority being translated thence by Perseus to Mycene about the year of the World 2641 before Christ 1309. This Kingdom or State lasted 218 Years under VII Kings Years of the World Years before Christ. 2641. 1. Perseus reigned about 57 years Before he was King he did many great Exploits among the rest overcame the Gorgons three Sea-Monsters 1309 2708. 2. Sthenelus succeeded his Father and reigned 8 years 1242 2716. 3. Eurystheus succeeded his Father Sthenelus and reigned 43 years In his time lived Hercules said to be the Son of Iupiter and Alcmena who by Eurystheus was injoined to destroy divers Monsters in hopes that he would have been killed by them But he always returned home Conqueror which gave an occasion to the Story of the twelve Labours of Hercules Eurystheus jealous of the growing Greatness of this Hero made War against the Herac●idae wherein he and all his Sons was killed 1234 2759. 4. Atreus and Thyestes the Sons of Pelops and Grandsons of Tantalus reigned conjunctly the space of 8 years They had another Brother named Plisthenes who died whilst young and committed the Care of his two Sons Agamemnon and Menelaus to his Brother Atreus He married Aerope the Mother of these Children and Daughter to Minos with whom Thyestes was caught in the Act of Adultery Atreus was so enraged that he first banished his Brother then recalled him within a while after and having killed his Sons dress'd them and served them up to him to be eaten Hence arose the Proverb of Thyestes's Supper 1191 Atreus after the Death of Eurystheus became Master of all Peloponnesus and put the Heraclidae to flight 2767. 5. Agamemnon reigned 15 years He declared War against the Trojans in the Behalf of his Brother Menelaus After Troy was taken he returned home but was there immediately killed by Aegysthus and his own Wife Clytemnestra who lived in Adultery with Aegysthus 1183 2782. 6. Aegysthus the Son of Thyestes born in Incest after the Death of Agamemnon succeeded and reigned 7 years 1168 2789. 7. Orestes the Son of Agamemnon revenged his Father's Death upon Aegysthus and his own Mother Clytemnestra whom he slew After which he ran mad but was restored to his Senses at the Altar of Diana in Taurica He reigned 70 years over Lacedemonia and Mycene 1161 2859. Orestes left two Sons behind him viz. Tisamenes and Penthilus who were Dethroned by the Heraclidae as they were returning to Peloponnesus 1091 CHAP. XIV Of the Thebans BOEOTIA one of the States of Greece was bounded on the West by Phocis on the East by the Eubean Sea on the North by Locris and on the South by Attica and Megaris The Metropolis of this Country was Thebes but who built it is uncertain Calydnus is said to have reigned first in that Place after him Ogyges but last Cadmus But since the Account of the Thebans before the Reign of Cadmus is very obscure we shall pass that
was struck up between Ptolemy Cassander Lysimachus and Antigonus four of Alexander's Commanders upon these Conditions That Cassander should be Master of Europe Lysimachus of Thrace Ptolemy of Egypt and the other Countries of which he was in Possession till such time as Alexander the Son of Roxana arrived to years of Maturity but that Antigonus should still preside over Asia where the Greeks should live under their own Laws This League did not last long for each of them was for getting the whole Power to himself and this they thought the more feasible when he who was Sovereign over them all and whose Vicegerents they pretended to have been was once removed out of the way For Cassander no sooner understood that the People were well affected to Alexander and talked openly of seting him at liberty and placing him upon his Father's Throne but he ordered both him and his Mother to be put to Death privately Hercules another Son of Alexander the Great whom he had by Barsine the Daughter of Artabazus the Persian was invited from Pergamos into Macedonia by Polysperchon who envy'd Cassander's growing Greatness and was at the Head of an Army against him but when they were just ready to engage in Battel Cassander by large Promises won over Polyspherchon to his side who killed the young Prince and his Mother 317 Hitherto those who had seized upon Alexander's Conquests were contented to be stiled Governors of the Provinces but when the Blood Royal of Alexander was extinct each of them took upon him the Name of King thereby to create to themselves the greater Respect from their Soldiers Cassander when he died left three Sons Philip Antipater and Alexander 3652. 3. Philip succeeded his Father Cassander and scarce reigned a whole year for he died of a Consumption 298 3653. 4. Antipater I. and Alexander IV. succeeded their Brother and reigned a little more than 3 years The former of these killed his Mother Thessalonice because she favoured Alexander most thô she conjur'd him by the Breasts that gave him suck to spare her Life Upon this the two Kings fell out and Alexander to revenge this unnatural Crime sent for a Supply from Pyrrhus King of Epirus and Demetrius Polyorcetes of Peloponesus They came to an Engagement wherein both the Brothers were cut off 297 3656. 5. Demetrius Poliorcetes that is The City Taker usurped the Kingdom of Macedon after the Death of the Brothers and reigned 7 years He aimed at driving Lysimachus out of Thrace but was diverted from his Design at first by Pyrrhus King of Epirus who invaded Thessaly but having made Peace with him he raised an Army of 100000 Foot and 12000 Horse with a Fleet of 1500 Sail a greater Force than any had been raised since the Death of Alexander Which migh●y Force putting Seleucus Ptolemy and Lysimachus under some fear they entred into a Confederacy and prevailed upon Pyrrhus by their joint intreaties to violate the Peace Lysimachus from Thrace and Pyrrhus from Epirus invaded Macedon both at once and by that means Pyrrhus having taken Byrrhea was saluted King of Macedon by the Army of Demetrius 294 3663. 6. Pyrrhus reigned over Macedon only seven months For 287 7. Lysimachus claimed his Share in the Government and having driven Pyrrhus out reigned 5 years and an half Demetrius being turned out of Macedon at last threw himself into the Hands of his Son-in-Law Seleucus who received him kindly but made him his Prisoner at large where giving himself up to Hunting Drinking and Gaming he died within 3 years after Lysimachus was at last defeated by Seleucus in Phrygia where he was slain in Battel 'T is said that his Dog stood by his Carcase and guarded it from Fowls and wild Beasts 2669. 8. Seleucus puffed up with his Victory marched into Macedon over which he r●igned only 7 months being treacherously killed by Ptolemy Ceraunus 281 9. Ptolemy Ceraunus after the Death of Seleucus took Possession of the Kingdom of Macedon Antigonus Gonnata the Son of Demetrius Poliorcetes opposed it but was defeated in a Sea-Fight and forced to fly into Beotia Ptolemy married his own Sister Arsinoe the Widow of Lysimachus being received by her into her own City named Cassandrea and afterwards killed her two Sons which she had by Lysimachus in her Arms. About this time a great many Gauls finding their own Country too narrow to entertain them marched in three Companies under three Leaders in quest of a new Country to settle in One Company was led into Thrace by Cerethrius another into Pannonia by Brennus and Acichorius and a third into Macedon by Belgius The last of these Ptolemy who thought himself as able to fight as to commit Villanies opposed and was defeated taken alive and slain by them 3671. 10. Meleager succeeded his Brother Ptolemy but within two months time was outed by the Macedonians who put in his stead Antipater the Son of Philip Brother to Cassander 279 11. Antipater II. he reigned only 45 days 3672. 12. Sosthenes a famous Macedonian raised the Youth of Macedon and marched at the Head of them against the Gauls he fought and defeated them and by this means delivered his Country The whole Army proclaimed him King but he refused that Title and would be only stiled their General He did not meet with the same good Success against Brennus another Leader of the Gauls who fell into Macedon plunder'd and ravaged all that lay in his way and at last defeated and routed Sosthenes himself He died after he had presided over the Kingdom about 2 years 278 3674. 13. Antigonus Gonnata the Son of Demetrius Poliorcetes having made Peace with Antiochus Soter marched into Macedon took Possession of that Kingdom and reigned over it 34 years He drove the Gauls whom Brennus had left behind him to guard the Passes and the Frontiers out of Macedon In his time the Gauls who marched in several Bodies before drew into one assisted King Nicomedes against Zypeus who had seized on part of Bithynia and having defeated Zypeus they settled upon the River Haly in that Place which afterwards from them was called Gallo-Grecia or Galatia Antigonus at his first Accession to the Throne met with some Disturbance first from Pyrrhus King of Epirus and then from Alexander the Son of Pyrrhus but within 2 or 3 years the Storm blew over and he was established in the quiet Possession of that Kingdom 276 3708. 14. Demetrius II. succeeded his Father Antigonus who rendred himself odious to the Etolians by inclining Agro the King of the Illyrians to aid the Mydionians who were besieged by the Etolians He became Master of Cyrene and all Lybia and died after he had reigned 10 years Upon his Death he left a Son behind him very young named Philip. Antigonus Sirnamed Doson because of the magnificent Promises of which he was very Liberal was constituted Governor to the young Prince He married his Pupil's Mother and by his Bounty and Clemency prevailed so far upon the
People that they made him King 242 3718. 15. Antigonus Doson the Governor of Philip reigned 12 years After the Death of Demetrius the Cities of Greece shook off the Yoke of Tyranny and joined themselves to the Republick of the Acheans Aratus the Sicyonian was a great Promoter of the Interests of the Acheans and freed Athens from the Dominion of the Macedonians The Etolians envying their Success joined in a War with Cleomenes King of Sparta against them upon which the Acheans finding themselves unable to resist so great a Power implored the Assistance of Antigonus Doson who repelled Cleomenes and gave him so great a Defeat that he was forced to fly from Sparta to Alexandria Antigonus used the Spartans extreme kindly and permitted them to enjoy their ancient Laws and Privileges but in the midst of all his Glory he was forced to march back to the Defence of Macedon which the Illyrians had invaded He defeated and put them to flight but straining his Voice too much in the Battel he burst a Vein and soon after died of a Consumption 232 3730. 16. Philip IV. the Son of Demetrius at the Age of 16 took the Government upon him which devolv'd to him by the Death of his Governor and Father-in-Law Antigonus and reigned 42 years 220 This King was a very Martial Prince warred against the Etolians and defeated them several times He was so far puffed up by the Success he met with that he aimed at nothing less than the becoming Universal Monarch of the whole World and was for pushing his Conquests to the very Walls of Rome Hence arose the War between the Romans and the Macedonians of which we shall have occasion to speak more particularly when we come to treat of the Roman Affairs which belong to this time 'T is enough at present to acquaint our Reader that Philip failed in his Design was beat several times by the Romans forced to make a Peace with them and was the Cause of hastening the Downfal of the Macedonian State In his time several Prodigies happened in Asia among the rest a great Earthquake which overthrew several Cities and swallowed up others From hence the Soothsayers prognosticated That the Roman Empire then in its Rise should swallow up the Empire of the Greeks At last Philip died of Grief and deputed Antigonus his Kinsman to be his Successor But his Son Perseus being certified of his Father's approaching Death by his Physician secured the Kingdom to himself 3772. 17. Perseus succeeded his Father Philip and reigned 10 years and 8 months 178 3782. This year Perseus having given the Romans great Provocations they engaged in a War against him and he prepared to oppose them He entred into an Alliance with Gentius King of the Illyrians and did all the Mischief he could to the Romans The day before that Battel wherein Perseus was entirely defeated Sulpitius Gallus Tribune of the Soldiers by the Permission of Paulus Emilius the Roman Consul made a Speech to the Army wherein he advised them not to be terrified if they saw the Moon in a total Eclipse that night from two a clock to four in the morning since it was no more than happened at other times according to the Calculations of Astronomy That very night the Eclipse did really happen which caused the whole Army to admire the profound Skill of Gallus and was a great Encouragement to them as it was the contrary to the Macedonians The next day they came to an Engagement wherein Perseus was defeated put to flight taken and carried to Rome to grace the Roman Triumphs and thereby ended the Kingdom of Macedon which became a Roman Province after it had lasted 645 years from Caranus the first King This happened 168 years before Christ in the first year of the 153d Olympiad Anno Romae Conditae 585. CHAP. XVI Of the Lydians LYDIA is a Country in Asia Minor of which Sardes was the City of greatest Account and where the Kings of the Lydians usually kept their Court. It was situated upon the Banks of Pactolus near the Mountain of Tivoli and was one of the most ancient Cities in the World Thô Lydia has been a State exposed to various Turns of Fortune yet History affords us but little Light therein The Kingdom of Lydia had XXII Kings who reigned the space of 505 years But of these we have no Account except of the first and the four last after them till Cresus the last of their Kings were five more Years of the World Years before Christ. 2733. 1. Argon or Agron the Son of Ninus or according to others the Son of Alceus reigned first at Sardes but of XVII of his Descendants we have no knowledge 1217 3150. 19. Adrysus reigned 45 years He was of the Line of Hercules 800 3395. 20. Alyattes I. reigned 14 years 755 3209. 21. Meles reigned 12 years 741 3221. 22. Candaules or Mirsilus the Son of Mirsus the last of the Line of Hercules reigned 17 years He was killed by Gyges with whom he saw his Wife too familiar 729 3238. 23. Gyges having usurped the Throne sent large Presents to Delphos attack'd Miletum and Smyrna and took the City of Colophon by Storm By this means the Kingdom of Lydia was translated from the Family of the Heraclidae to the Mermnades in whose Family it lasted the space of 170 years of which Gyges reigned 38. This Gyges was at first a Slave and kept the King's Herds from whence he rose up at last to be King 712 3276. 24. Ardis the Son of Gyges reigned 49 years In his time the Cymmerians a People of that Country which at present is called Lesser Tartary were driven from their Habitations by the Scythians marched out of Europe into Asia keeping still along the Sea-Coast and took Sardes the Capital City of Lydia 674 3325. 25. Sadiattes the Son of Ardis succeeded and reigned 12 years 625 3337. 26. Alyattes II. succeeded his Father Sadiattes and reigned 57 years He was the youngest Brother The Inhabitants of Sardes had recourse to the Clemency of Alyattes for Cyaxeres King of the Medes would have had them submit to him but Alyattes refused it from whence arose a War of 8 years between the Lydians and the Medes This King had by his Wife Carica a Son named 613 3394. 27. Cresus who reigned 14 years after the Death of his Father He was one of the richest and most potent Princes of the World made the Greeks his Tributaries conquered the Phrygians Mysians Thrasians c. 'T is said Esop so famous for his Fables lived in his time in Phrygia that Cresus sent for him to Sardes where he treated him with a great deal of Respect and that going from Sardes to Delphos he was by the Inhabitants of that Place thrown off a high Rock Cresus puffed up with his Prosperity asked Solon who gave him a Visit what he thought of his Glory and Grandeur Solon replied That no Iudgment could be passed upon the Happiness of
a Caesar who was the Second in Dignity and the First Degree to come to the Empire Constantine the Great Emperor 306. The Image of Constantine who now succeeded his Father Constantius Chlorus being carried to Rome according to Custom is rejected by Maxetius's Orders 306. Maximinus carries on the Persecution But all on the sudden the Face of Church-Affairs is altered Constantine the Great a wise and victorious Prince publickly embraces Christianity 310. Constantine overcomes Maxentius and Maximinus his Rivals 312. EPOCHA XI Constantine or the Peace of the Church 312. This Epocha reaches as far as the Emperor Charlemaign and lasts 488 Years WHile Constantine the Great besieg'd Maxentius in Rome a bright luminous Cross appear'd to him in the Air in the presence of every Body with this Inscription In hoc Signo Vinces The same was confirmed to him in a Dream and the next Day he gain'd that famous and celebrated Victory which freed Rome from a Tyrant and the Church from a Persecutor At the same time Constantine openly renounced Paganism and embraced the Christian Religion and in the 312th Year of our Lord he issued out a Proclamation permitting Christians the open Profession of their Faith and to assemble and build Temples The Church whose Brightness and Purity till then had only shined in the midst of the Blood and Ashes of her Children assumes a new Face and from the wild Deserts where she wandered before now comes to live in Towns and finds an Entertainment even in Imperial Palaces The Cross was set up as the Defence of the Roman People and all the Empire And the Bishops had by this first Christian Emperor's Bounty both Honours and Riches heaped upon them Constantine calls at Nice in Bithynia the first Oecumenical or General Council wherein 318 Bishops condemned the Heresy of Arius who denied the Godhead of JESUS CHRIST There also the Kalendar was reformed a Day for the Celebration of Easter determined and the Nicene Creed composed 325. Constantine rebuilds Byzantium which he named Constantinople and makes it the second Seat of the Empire having enrich'd it with the Spoils of all Europe he had now conquered This is the most flourishing Condition of the Roman Empire since the Destruction of Ierusalem 330. Constantine Constantius and Constans all three Sons to the Great Constantine divide among them the Empire of their Father who dies at Nicomedia 337. Gaul and Spain falls to Constantine Thracia Egypt and Asia to Constantius Italy Illyria and Africa to Constans 'T is said That from this first Division the Imperial Eagle has been spread with a double Head with Relation to the two most considerable Seats Rome and Constantinople For Constantine who was the eldest dy'd at 3 Years end The Emperor Iulian the Apostate dies enraged having received a fatal Blow by a Lance in a Fight wherein he rashly engaged in Persia 363. Valentinian and Valens Emperors 364. Theodosius Emperor 379. The second General Council at Constantinople 381. Theodosius dies at Milan The Empire is again divided between his 2 Sons The East falls to Arcadius and the West to Honorius 396. The Roman Empire begins to decay The Goths spoil Italy Alaric King of the Goths besieges takes and plunders Rome The Emperor Honorius shamefully flies to Ravenna 410. Atolf first King of the Visigoths in Spain which ceases to be under the Domination of the Romans 409. The Franks enter Gaul and raise to the Royal Dignity Pharamond Son to Marcomir one of their Dukes The Foundation of the Monarchy of France 420. Pharamond first King of France 418. Venice built by those that fled the Goths Cruelty 421. Fergus King of Scotland who shakes off the Roman Yoke 422. Valentinian III. Emperor 425. The third General Council at Ephesus 431. Attila King of the Huns called The Plag●e of God spoils Italy Valentinian the Emperor kills with his own Hand Aetius a Patrician the Support of Rome and the Terror of Attila From that time the Western Empire falls so to decay that it could never come to it self again 451. The fourth General Council at Calcedon 451. The Britains being deserted by the Romans and not able to Resist the Picts and Scots call in the Saxons to their Assistance Vortigern being King about 451. Hengist the Saxon erects the Kingdom of Kent the first of the Heptarchy 455. Augustus called also Augustulus is the last Emperor at Rome He is dispossess'd by Odoacer King of the Heruli a People that came from the Euxin Sea Thus ends the Empire of the West and Italy falls under the Power of Odoacer who takes the Name of King of Italy 476. Theodoric King of the Ostrogoths drives Odoacer from Rome routs him kills him with his own Sw●●● and founds the Kingdom of Italy 493. Clovis the first Christian King of France ●84 He kills Alaric King of the Wisigoth●●● ●ith his own Hand in the Battle of Poitou He tra●●●●tes his Royal Seat from Tours to Paris ●95 The South Saxon Kingdom in Britain erected by Ella 488. The West Saxon Kingdom in Britain founded by Cerdick 519. The East Saxon Kingdom commenc'd by Erchinwin 527. Arthur King in Britain flourish'd from 516 to 542. The Kingdom of Northumberland began by Ella and Ida 547. The Kingdom of the East Angles erected by Offa 575. The Kingdom of Mercia began Crida being the first King 582. Iustinianus Emperor began to Reign 527. The Office of Consuls of Rome which had continued thus long ended with Basilius 541. Totilas the Ostrogoth takes Rome 547. The City recover'd by Belisarius but re-taken by Totilas 550. He is kill'd by Narses 552. Alboinus founds the Kingdom of Lombardy and takes Milan and Pavia 568. The Latin Tongue ceases to be vulgarly spoken in Italy 587. About the Year 550. the Seat of the Empire was totally remov'd to Constantinople Iustinus junior Emperor at Constantinople 565. Tiberius II. Emperor 575. Mauritius 586. Phocas 602. Heraclitus 610. Cosroes King of Persia beats the Emperor Heraclius afterwards Heraclius conquers five times and retake● the true Cross 620. At this time was Christianity established in Britain Austin the Monk being sent by Gregory the Great in 596. is entertain'd by Ethelbert King of Kent and made Archbishop of Canterbury Mahomet broaches his false Doctrin about 610. Being in danger at Mecca he flies to Medina whence begins the Aera of the Turks call'd Hegira which in the Arabian Language signifies Flight 622. In 19 Years time that Impostor gain'd all Arabia and laid the Foundation of the Empire of the Caliphs call'd afterwards Turks Damascus and Ierusalem taken by the Sarazens 636. Constantine Emperor four Months Heracleonas six Months 642. Constans Son of Constantine 642. The Saracens infest the Empire Constans Emperor of Constantinople is overcome by them in a Sea-fight 654. Constantius Emperor 669. Iustinian II. 686. Expell'd and his Nose cut off by Leontius who succeeds him 694. He again recovers the Empire 703. The House of Clovis now fallen into a deplorable Weakness
the time of Saul when that State became Monarchical There was formerly a sort of imaginary Theocracy at Athens during the time that Medon and Nileus Sons of Codrus disputed that Government between them for the Athenians having suffered much by that War would by no means afterwards admit a King among them and therefore declared Iupiter sole King of the People of Athens It was about the same time that the Iews requested a King of God II. Monarchy is when a State is govern'd by the Supream Power of one King such as France England Spain c. III Despotick Government is where a Prince is accountable to none for what he does Such as this is the Government of the Grand Signior c. IV. Aristocracy is a Political Government manag'd by a set number of Nobles Venice Genoa c. have this kind of Government V. Democracy is a Government where the People have all the Authority Old Rome and Athens flourish'd under this kind of Republick VI. Oligarchy is the Government of a Few of which kind at p●●●ent are Venice and Genoa VII Ochlocracy is where the Mob dispose of all at pleasure CHAP. IV. Divisions of History THERE are great Disputes among the Schools how to divide History but we do not think fit to be engag'd in either of their Quarrels looking upon them as frivolous and of no consequence and therefore content our selves with affirming 1. That Iustus Lipsius Epist. 61. Cent. Miscel. who divides History into 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is true and fabulous or Poetical History is not to be followed inasmuch as Poetical Fictions and Relations have nothing in the least to do in what we call History Aristotle de re Poetica says That History differs from Poetry in that the former relates Things as they truly are or have been and on the contrary the latter only represents what they might or ought to be 2. That Bodin is not to be imitated in placing natural History which properly appertains to Physick among the Species of History 3. That Keckerman who examin'd so nicely into these foregoing great Men instead of reforming them falls of a sudden into Grammatical Trifles and Logical Punctilio's which will be regarded no more by Men of sound Sense than his tedious Divisions and Sub-divisions of History in which it is impossible to follow him without quickly losing Sight of him We have endeavoured to take a more direct Course which is by dividing History into 1. Ecclesiastical And 2. Civil Ecclesiastical History informs us of what has hapned in the State of Religion And Civil History gives an Account of Occurrences in the Civil State This Division is founded upon the admirable Theology of St. Austin in his Method of dividing the Holy Books and all the History of the Church He says That there have always been two Cities in the World which are the City of God and the City of the World and which are remark'd in these two Brothers Abel and Cain whereof Abel is the Image of the Citizens of God and Cain of those of the World the former the Younger the latter the Elder because Man did not become a Citizen of Heaven but through Grace when he was born a Citizen of the World St. Austin in Psal. 61. de Civitate Dei lib. 15. cap. 1. Thus all History consists only in representing to us the different Events and Passages which have ever hapned in these two opposite Cities The History which treats of the City of God has been ever carefully preserved in the World and is divided into the Church of the Iews and the Church of the Christians of the New Testament The Christian Church may be sub-divided into several Particulars as the Churches of every Patriarchate Kingdom Province Diocess c. The History which treats of the City of the World is the Civil which may be divided into the Histories of the Monarchies and Republicks that have been before our Saviour Christ and the History of the Monarchies and Republicks that have come after him Every Monarchy and every Republick compose many particular Histories Divisions of History Universal History comprehends what has hapned In the City of God Universal History comprehends what has hapned In the City of the World 1. The City of God under The Old Testament 1. The City of God under The New Testament The New Testament The Latin Church c. The New Testament The Greek Church c. 2. The City of the World comprehends Monarchies and Republicks before Ies. Christ. 2. The City of the World comprehends Monarchies and Republicks after Iesus Christ. To be convinced of the Necessity of thus dividing History in relation both to the Church and to Monarchies we are to remember that Maxim which says That we must never wander out of the Road in this Study As also that the principal Design of God Almighty in the Creation of the World was the Foundation Conservation and Sanctification of his Church likewise that the World subsists by no other Means but by those of the Church and moreover that whatever is excellent and admirable either in the Establishment or Revolution of Empires is chiefly occasion'd by the Church If this be so it is necessary of course to have Ecclesiastical Matters keep pace with those of Monarchies and not to separate the History of the City of God from that of the City of the World This the Bishop of Meaux speaks admirably well of in his Treatise of Universal History These Monarchies says he have for the most part a necessary connection with the History of the People of God for God made use of the Assyrians and Babylonians to chastize his People of the Persians to re-establish them of Alexander and his first Successors to Protect them of the famous Antiochus and his Successors to keep them Employ'd and of the Romans to Defend them against the Kings of Syria who were then ready to destroy them Vnder the Romans the Jews continu'd to the coming of Iesus Christ whom when they had Slighted and Crucify'd these same Romans gave their Assistance tho' without de●igning it to the divine Vengeance to exterminate this ungrateful Nation God who had then determin'd to gather together a new People from all parts of the Earth first rang'd them under the Dominion of the Roman Empire which afterwards prov●d the principal means to encrease the course of the Gospel Tho' this same Roman Empire persecuted this new People for above 300 Years yet that Persecution serv'd only t● confirm the Christian Faith and to make it shine the brighter by the Fortitude and Patience of its Professors But at length this Empire finding it had to deal with something more invincible than it self was forc'd to yield and receive into its Bosom that very Church which before it had so long and so cruelly persecuted whence it follow'd that those Emperors did all that lay in their Power to make that Church Vniversally acknowledg'd
under the Conduct of Moses Six hundred thousand fighting Men beside Women and Children 1497 A REMAKK Concerning the Origine of the Nations of the Earth FOrasmuch as the whole Race of Mankind except Noah's Family perished by the Flood 't is from this Family that all the People of the Earth descended Noah had three Sons Iaphet Sem Ham. I. SEM thô the second Son is the Person we place first because from him descended Abraham David and Iesus Christ himself according to the Flesh. He had five Sons 1. Elam from whom came the Elamites the Grandsires of the Persians 2. Assur from whom came the Name of Assyria and the Assyrians 3. Arphaxad to whom was born Salah the Father of Eber or Heber from whom proceeded the Hebrews that is the Iews or the People of God 4. Lud from whom proceeded the Lydians not those of Asia Minor but others less known upon the Confines of Persia. 5. Aram from whom proceeded the Syrians Syria in the Hebrew is called Aram. St. Augustin makes this Judicious Reflection That the Scriptures make no mention of the Descendants of several of Noah's Children as for Instance of Elam Assur Lud the Sons of Sem because they were not the Heads or Chiefs of any Nation Aram had four Sons 1. Vz who seiz'd upon Trachonitis and the Country of Damas and called one of these Countries by the Name of Vz where Iob dwelt 2. Hull from whom came the Armenians 3. Gether from whom proceeded the Bactrians 4. Mesh from whom came the Mesraeneans situated along the Gulph of Persia. Heber Arphaxad's Grandson had two Sons 1. Peleg so called because in his Days the Earth was divided into several Nations and Languages 2. Ioktan who had 13 Sons They were the Chief Heads of several Colonies who spread themselves over the Face of the Earth 1. Almodad who became Master of all the Countries of the Indians from the River Cophena which falls into the River Indus according to Iosephus and St. Ierom. 2. Sheleph 3. Hazarmaveth 4. Ierah 5. Hadoram 6. Vzal 7. Diklah 8. Obal 9. Abimael 10. Sheba 11. Ophir who gave his Name to that Country in the East from which they fetch Gold And the Scriptures make mention of Mount Sephar towards the East which was upon the Confines of their Country 12. Havila 13. Iobab II. HAM had four Sons 1. Cush settled himself in Ethiopia which the Hebrews to this day call Cush 2. Misraim who went into Egypt which in Hebrew is called Mesraim where there is even at this day a City called Mesra 3. Phut from whom proceeded the Inhabitants of Lybia and Mauritania where at this very time there is a River called Phut 4. Canaan from whom came the Canaanites who were in possession of the Holy Land till they were outed by the People of Israel Cush begat Nimrod who began to be a mighty one upon Earth He was one of the greatest Hunters under the Cope of Heaven The Capital City of his Kingdom was Babylon next to it Erech that is Edessa in Mesopotamia Achads that is Nisiba and Calneh that is Seleusia or Ctesiphonta in the Land of Shinar near Babylon Out of that Land went forth Ashur who built Nineveh and the Streets of that City and Calah He likewise built the great City of Resen which lies between Nineveh and Calah Cush had five Sons more 1. Seba from whom came the Sabeans in Arabia Felix 2. Havilah from whom proceeded the Getulians in Africa 3. Sabtah from whom came the Sabathenians in Arabia where according to the Account of Geographers is situated the City of Sabathai or Sabatia 4 Raamah 5. Sabtechah St. Ierom says that from these two last Sons of Cush are descended such People as 't is hard at present to reconcile their ancient Names with the new ones Raamah had two Sons 1. Sheba from whom descended the Sabeans different from those which we have already mentioned For there are two Countries of Sheba in Arabia both of them famous for the Frankincense which comes from thence in abundance The one is writ with a Schin and the other with a Samech 'T is from the first which the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon And in the 71st Psalm where we read the Kings of Arabia and Saba in the Hebrew 't is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Kings of Sheba and Saba 2. Dodan from whom is derived according to St. Ierom the Name of a Country of Ethiopia Misraim had six Sons 1. Ludim from whom came the Lydians who are in Africa 2. Anamim 3. Lehabim from whom came the Lydians formerly called Phuteans 4. Nephtahim 5. Pathrusim 6. Chas●uhim As for four of these Nations Iosephus and St. Ierom declare That at present they are very obseure because they were exterminated in the Wars of Ethiopia Canaan had eleven Sons 1. Sidon who built the City of Sidon and gave it his Name The Canaanites who inhabited Phenicia and the Holy Land have been famous for their great Commerce from whence came the Riches of Tyre and Sidon Upon which account it is that the Scripture gives in the general the Name of Canaanites to Merchants and Traders 2. Heth the Father of the People who dwelt in the Promised Land 3. Iebuseus Iebus was the first Name of the City of Ierusalem whose Inhabitants and those of the Neighbouring Country were called Iebusites 4. Amoreheus the Father of the Amorites who dwelt in the Promised Land and whom God ordered his People to drive out 5. Gergeseus From whom descended The Girgasites 6. Heveus From whom descended The Hivites 7. Araceus from whom came the Arkites and from whom according to St. Ierom the City of Arcas near Libanus took its Name 8. Sineus of whom came the Inhabitants of the Wilderness of Sin or rather of Mount Sina 9. Aradeus from whom descended the Arvadites and who gave his own Name to the Cities of Arade and Antarade of which Ezekiel makes mention 10. Samareus of whom came the Inhabitants of the City and Country of Samaria 11. Hamatheus from whom proceeded the Inhabitants of the City of Hamath There are two of these Cities mentioned in Scripture the Greater Hamath which is Antioch and the Lesser Hamath called Epiphania III. IAPHET had seven Sons 1. Gomer of whom came the first Inhabitants of the Country of Galatia 2. Magog from whom proceeded the Greeks the Messagetans and the Scythians 3. Madai from whom descended the Medes and according to several the Macedonians 4. Iavan of whom came the Ionians and all the other Greeks 5. Tubal of whom came the Iberians who are situated beyond the Euxine Sea and not those who dwelt in Spain 6. Meschech from whom descended the Muscovites or the Capadocians There is in Capadocia a City formerly called Mazaca and since named Cesarea 7. Tiras from whom proceeded the Thracians Gomer had three Sons 1. Ashkenaz from whom came the Germans whom the Hebrews at this very day call Askenssim 2. Riphath of
of the River Indus At Susa he married Statira the eldest Daughter of Darius and bestowed the youngest on his Friend Hephestion 3626. Some time after he left Susa and went to Ecbatane where he spent whole Days and Nights in Riot and Excess His Friend Hephestion died there of a Debauch in Drinking Alexander caused the Physician who had tended on this Favourite in his Sickness to be hang'd To divert the Grief he conceived at the Death of his dear Hephestion he carried on the War against the Cosseans He subdued them in the space of 40 Days thô they fled under the Covert of Mountains and were never conquered by the Kings of Persia. Afterwards he made his Army pass Tigris and marched towards Babylon The Caldean Astrologers met him and advised him not to go thither for it would be fatal to him but slighting their Advice he went thither and was received with great Shouts and Acclamations of Joy He built in Babylon a Dock capable of containing 1000 Sail of Ships and embarking on the River Euphrates he visited Arabia It was then that he laughed at the Caldeans saying He entred Babylon and went out of it again without any harm done him Thus in the height of his Confidence he sailed about the Lakes of Arabia 324 3627. And upon his return to Babylon gave himself wholly to his Pleasures and especially to immoderate Drinking The Journal of his Life represents him in his last Days as a Man drenched in Drunkenness and who did nothing but Eat drink and Sleep Potavit perpotavit crapulam edormiit solito more crapulam decoxit One day as he was offering Sacrifices to the Gods for the Victories he had gained he feasted himself and his Friends drank very hard and carried on the Debauch till late at Night When the King returned from this Feast a Physician of Thessalia invited him and his Company to come and drink at his House The King accepted the Offer and carried twenty of his Friends along with him There was in the Company one Proteas a Macedonian who was a great Drinker the King and this Man challenged each other to drink and at last the fatal Bowl came into his Hands which he drank off and with it his Death Some say there was Poison in that Bowl others that it was his immoderate and excessive Drinking which was the cause of that violent Fever which immediately seized him and within a few days hastened his End He died in the flower of his Age being but 33 years old and was equally lamented both by Greeks and Persians Sisygambis who survived all the Misfortunes of her own Family yet broke her Heart at the News of his Death And thus have we given you a summary Account of the Birth Education Rise Growth Heighth and Fall of this once Great Man We have briefly described what he did before and what he did after he became the Vniversal Monarch of Asia and as he thought of the whole World Considering the Extent and Largeness of his Conquests and the short space of Time he took up in effecting them we may see with what Reason the Prophet Daniel compared him to a Flying Leopard You see that within the compass of a very few years he added to his Petty Kingdom of Macedon Thrace Greece Egypt part of Arabia and of Africa Syria Pamphylia the two Phrygia's Caria Lydia Paphlagonia Assyria Susiana Drangiana Arachosia Gedrosia Aria Bactriana Sogdiana Parthia Hircania Armenia Persia Babylonia Mesopotamia and India But at last in the midst of all his Glory in the very centre of his Conquests he was cut off by an untimely Death and thô he boasted himself to be descended of the Gods and was adored by his Flatterers as One yet he found his Mistake perceived he was but a Mortal Man and that he must die like the rest of the Petty Princes whom he had conquered By him fell the Grecian Monarchy too after it had lasted about 6 years and 10 months For after his Death his Conquests were cantoned among his Captains each seizing on what Share thereof he could At first 't is said the Provinces were divided among thirty of them But at last they were reduced to four Principalities under four Princes Ptolemy had Egypt for his Share Seleucus reigned at Babylon and in Syria Cassander became Master of Greece and Macedonia And Antigonus had Asia Minor for his Part. The Reign and Successors of Ptolemy King of Egypt and the Reign and Successors of Cassander King of Macedonia we shall not treat of here since they belong more properly to another Place where in two distinct Chapters we shall be more particular in speaking to them In this Chapter we shall only give you an Account of the Successors of Alexander the Great who reigned in Syria and in Asia Minor Sect. 2. The Kingdom of the Syrians This Kingdom began under Seleucus Ninacor in the Year of the World 3633 before Christ 317 and lasted about 253 Years to the Year of the World 3886 at which time it was made a Roman Province by Pompey BEfore we give an Account of its Kings it may be proper to give you a short Description of the Country Syria formerly was a large Country in Asia including Assyria Mesopotamia Babylonia Phenicia and Palestina and it has oft been taken for the same with Assyria Some extended its Bounds as far as the Euxine Sea and hence we read of several Syria's in Holy Writ But if we cut off Assyria Mesopotamia and Babylonia from it then Syria is bounded on the North by the Mountain of Amanus which parts it from Armenia On the East by Mesopotamia from which 't is parted by the River Euphrates On the South by Arabia Petrea And on the West by part of Egypt the Phenician Sea Cilicia and a small part of the Mountain Amanus It is at present called Souria or Soristen is one of the finest Champain Countries in the World and abounds with pleasant Pastures Damascus was the Capital City of Syria which became a great Kingdom when the Empire of Alexander the Great was after his Death divided among his Generals Years of the World Years before Christ. 3633. 1. Seleucus Nicanor was the first King of the Syrians He was at first made General of the Cavalry afterwards became Master of Babylonia and Antigonus Master of Susiana 317 This Seleucus being assisted by Ptolemy the Son of Lagus by Cassander and Lys●machus defeated Antigonus who was the first King of Asia after the Death of Alexander He conquered India put Demetrius Poliorcetes to death in a Prison and killed Lisymachus in an Engagement Iustin tells us that the Seleucides were all born with the print of an Anchor on their Thigh And Historians say that never any Father loved his Children so passionately as this Seleucus for the Proof of which they relate this notable Instance His Son Antiochus fell sick of a violent Passion for his Mother-in-Law Stratonice Erasistratus his Physician perceiving it went
make up the Breach between the young Queen and King Ptolemy who afterwards took an Occasion to fall out with Cesar. They declared War against each other Cesar was like to have been cut off but at last Ptolemy was conquered and drowned in his flight After this Cesar became Master of all Egypt which he was not then willing to make one of the Roman Provinces For he bestowed this great Kingdom on his Mistress Cleopatra for some private Favours he had received of her and to secure the Government to her married her to the younger Brother of Ptolemy 65 3904. 12. Ptolemy Iunior reigned in conjunction with Cleopatra who had the entire Authority in her own Hands because her young Brother whom she had married was not above 11 years old 46 3909. Mark Anthony charmed with the Beauty of Cleopatra abandoned the War he was engaged in against the Parthians and waited upon that Princess into Egypt where he spent whole Days and Nights in Revellings and Banquetings Pliny makes mention of a Pearl worth 50000 l. which the Queen powder'd and made him drink off to excite him to Venery Whether this be true or no is not so certain as that Anthony married Cleopatra and bestowed upon her Phenicia the Lower Syria the Isle of Cyprus Cilicia Arabia and part of Iudea The Romans were very much offended that he should be so Prodigal of what was none of his own but belonged to them Anthony after he had with great Success conquered Armenia returned back to Egypt where he gave himself up to a thousand Extravagancies He stiled Cleopatra the Queen of Queens and Ptolemy Cesareon her Son he called the King of Kings He never afterwards marched out in any Expedition but took Cleopatra with him 41 3919. Augustus Cesar offended that Anthony had repudiated his Sister Octavia upon his marrying Cleopatra rendred him odious to all the Romans and made Preparations to carry the War into Egypt against that Queen who at Rome was accused of bewitching Anthony The next year a Sea-fight happened at Actium between Anthony and Augustus wherein the former was defeated Soon after they engaged by Land where Anthony's Army was again routed and he forced to fly and was abandoned by his Friends Anthony in despair of Success laid violent Hands upon himself and soon after Cleopatra did the same by applying an Asp to her Wrist as some Authors report By her Death the Kingdom of Egypt was reduced to a Roman Province in the year of the World 3920 before Christ 30 Anno Vrbis Romae Conditae 722. We should now give you an Account of the State of Egypt as it was a Province under LVIII Emperors viz. XLI Roman and XVII Eastern which lasted 667 years to the year of Christ 637 at which time Omar the second Calif and Successor of Mahomet conquered Egypt from Heraclius the Eastern Emperor by Amar one of his Generals But this we shall treat of in the next Volume wherein we shall give you a Succession of the Roman and Eastern Emperors CHAP. VII Of Sicyonia SIcyon was one of the most ancient Cities of the World It was situated in Peloponesus a Peninsula of Greece upon a Hill about two Leagues off the Sea 'T is from this City that Sicyonia a part of Greece derives its Name The Account of this State is the most Ancient of any in Europe but withal the Darkest and most Obscure However to give some Idea of Sicyon we shall consider it under two distinct States which lasted about 966 years Sect. 1. The State of Sicyon under XXVI Kings from Egialeus who began to Reign in the Year of the World 1900 to the 33d Year of the Reign of Zeuxippus in the Year of the World 2833 which lasted 933 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 1900. 1. EGialeus reigned about 40 years 2050 1940. 2. Europs reigned about 35 years 2010 1975. 3. Telchin reigned about 15 years 1975 1990. 4. Apis reigned about 20 years 1960 2010. 5. Thelxion reigned about 40 years 1940 2050. 6. Egirus reigned about 32 years 1900 2082. 7. Thurimachus reigned 45 years 1868 2127. 8. Leucippus reigned about 53 years 1823 2180. 9. Messapus reigned 47 years 1770 2227 10. Peratus reigned 46 years 1723 2273. 11. Plemneus reigned 48 years 1677 2321. 12. Orthopolis reigned 63 years 1629 2384. 13. Melanthus or Marathon reigned 30 years 1566 2414. 14. Marathus reigned 20 years 1536 2434. 15. Echires reigned 55 years 1516 2489. 16. Chorax reigned 30 years 1461 2519. 17. Epopeus reigned 35 years 1481 2554. 18. Laomedon reigned 40 years 1396 2594. 19. Sicyon reigned 45 years from him Sicyonia took its Name which before was called Egialea 1356 2639. 20. Polybus said to be the Son of Mercury by the Daughter of Iupiter reigned 40 years 1311 2679. 21. Inachus or Ianiscus reigned 42 years 1271 2721. 22. Phestus reigned 11 years 1229 2732. 23. Adrastus reigned 4 years 1218 2736. 24. Poliphides reigned 31 years 1214 2767. 25. Pelasgus reigned 33 years 1183 2800. 26. Zeuxippus reigned 33 years 1150 Sect. 2. Years of the World Years before Christ. 2833. THE Second State of Sicyonia was governed by the Priests of Apollo on whom the Administration was devolved after the Death of Zeuxippus This State lasted only 33 years viz. to the year of the World 2866 at which time the Kings of Mycene seized upon this little Kingdom and annexed it to their own Dominions 1117 CHAP. VIII Argos THere were several Places of this Name but the Argos we treat of here was the Capital City of Argia or Argolidis It was situated on the Banks of Planizza which by the Latins was called Inachus Fluvius in Peloponesus Father Coronelli in his Description of the Morea tells us That this City formerly Dared the whole World to shew its Equal for Stateliness and Magnificence We shall consider this Kingdom under two States which lasted about 545 years Sect. 1. The First State of Argos under IX Kings began in the Year of the World 2093 which is 1081 Years before the first Olympiad Years of the World Years before Christ. 2093. 1. INachus reigned 50 years He is reckon'd by the Greeks to be the most Ancient of all the known Kings 1857 2143. 2. Phoroneus reigned 63 years He is said to be the first Law-maker 1807 2206. 3. Apis reigned 35 years He was a great Prince ruled in Egypt and was called Serapis or Osiris as the Greeks report and ruled also in Spain and Italy 1744 2241. 4. Argus reigned 70 years 1709 2311. 5. Criasus by others called P●irasus reigned 54 years 1639 2365. 6. Phorbas reigned 35 years 1585 2400. 7. Triopas reigned 46 years 1550 2446. 8. Crotopus reigned 21 years 1504 2467. 9. Sthenelus reigned 11 years 1483 His Son Gelanor succeeded and was expelled by Danaus Sect. 2. The Second State of Argos under V. Kings called Danaides Years of the World Years before Christ. 2478. 1. DAnaus being driven out of Egypt by his Brother came into Argos and conquered
Man from the course of a few years but by the close of his Life Cresus derided the Philosophical Severity of Solon but soon found by a sad and fatal Experience that what he said was too true Within a while after Cresus made Preparations for a War against Cyrus but was defeated by the Army of the Medes 556 3408. This year Cresus after the gaining several Victories in Cappadocia supposing Cyrus had no great mind to fall upon him disbanded his Army and retired to Sardes where he thought to have spent the Winter very quietly He was scarce got thither but Cyrus came and sat down before it with his Army and after 14 days Siege the City was taken and Cresus condemned to be burnt This unfortunate King considering he was now drawing to his End remember'd what Solon had said to him about the Happiness of Mankind and thrice invoked the Name of that great Philosopher Cyrus moved with Compassion towards him set him at Liberty and afterwards asked his Advice upon all Occasions 542 Thus with Cresus ended the Kingdom of the Lydians after it had lasted 675 years For afterwards it was subject to the Persians Greeks and Romans and at present to the Turks CHAP. XVII Of Tyre TYRE was a Sea-Port Town built upon a Rock and the Capital City of Phenicia If what Archbishop Vsher says be true it must be acknowledged that this City was more Ancient than Troy and Corinth For he tells us it was founded in the year of the World 2499 by Agenor the Father of Phenix and Cadmus who came from Thebes in Egypt into Syria to fortifie Tyre and Sidon But Iosephus assures us that it was not built till about the year of the World 2733. It is likewise to be observed that the most ancient King of the Tyrians which we can meet with in History was Abibal the Father of Hiram the Friend of David and Solomon 'T is certain that the Tyrians were very Powerful by Sea but whether they were the first Inventers of Letters as some assert is not so certain To give you some Idea of such a confused History as is that of Tyre we shall consider this Kingdom under Four distinct States Sect. I. The First State of Tyre under XII Kings which lasted 213 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2886. 1. A Bibalus reigned 35 years 1064 2921. 2. Hiram succeeded his Father and reigned 34 years This was that King of Tyre who sent King David Cedar-Trees Carpenters and Masons to build his Royal Palace 1029 2955. 3. Baltazar or Baleastartus reigned 7 years 995 2962. 4. Abdastratus succeeded and reigned 9 years 988 2971. 5. ..... the Son of the Nurse of Abdastratus reigned 12 years 979 2983. 6. Astartus reigned 12 years 967 2995. 7. Aserim or Astarimus his Brother succeeded and reigned 9 years 955 8. Pholes or Pheletes reigned 8 months 3006. 9. Ithobaal the Priest of Astartus reigned 31 years 944 3037. 10. Badesorus reigned 6 years 913 3043. 11. Matgon or Mettinus reigned 9 years 907 3052. 12. Pygmalion reigned 47 years After him we have no Account of the Affairs of the Tyrians for 250 years together 898 Sect. II. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3099. The Second State of Tyre which is very obscure and unknown lasted 250 Years For in History we meet with no mention of any of their Kings except Eluleus of whom very little is said 8●1 ELuleus reduced the Gitteans who had revolted In his time God humbled the Tyrians who were grown very Insolent by the Greatness of their Riches and that long Prosperity which they had enjoyed Isaiah in the 23d Chapter of his Prophecy foretells the Miseries which were to fall upon Tyre as a Punishment of its Pride and Cruelty especially towards their Neighbours the Israelites It seems as if Isaiah in his Chapter acted the part of an Historian rather than that of a Prophet every thing being there so naturally described The Riches Vanity and Luxurious Way of these Wealthy Merchants living who were the principal Inhabitants of Tyre are therein so lively represented Sect. III. The Third State of Tyre under X. Kings which lasted only 64 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3349. 1. IThobaal reigned 24 years In his time Nebuchadnezzar laid Siege to Tyre which after 13 years he took and instead of Ithobaal set up Baal for King 601 3373. 2. Baal reigned 10 years After his Death the King of Babylon set up Judges to govern Tyre 577 3383. 3. Eeni-Baal the I. Judge governed 2 months 567 4. Chelbes the Son of Abdeus governed 10 months 3384. 5. Abbarus governed Tyre the space of 3 months 566 6. Mitgon and the two Sons of Abdelin governed the space of 4 years 7. Gerestrapus the two Sons of Abdelin governed the space of 4 years 3388. 8. Balatorus governed the space of one year 562 3389. 9. Merbaal was sent from Babylon to Tyre to preside there in the room of his Brother Balatorus deceased He governed 4 years 561 3393. 10. Hiromus came from Babylon to Tyre to reign instead of his Brother Merbaal deceased He governed 20 years Here we meet with another Chasm in the History of Tyre which lasted about 205 years whereof we have no Account 557 Sect. IV. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3413. The Fourth State of Tyre which is very dark for 205 Years for History is silent about it till such time as it was besieged by Alexander the Great which happened in the Year of the World 3618 before Christ 332. 537 3618. THis year the Inhabitants of Tyre sent a large Crown of Gold to Alexander as a Compliment to him for his Conquests He told their Ambassadors That he would come himself to Tyre to pay the Vows which he had made to Hercules The Ambassadors replied That he needed not to come so far as Tyre to do that since the Temple of Iupiter stood without the City in the Place where old Tyre stood Alexander took this as an Affront and as if they seemed to deny him Entrance into their City whereupon he threatned to lay it in Ashes Accordingly he besieged it and after 7 months with the loss of a great many Men took it by Storm put all the Tyrians to the Sword and burnt their City In this general Calamity Strato and his Son were spared to whom and their Posterity Alexander gave the Kingdom of Tyre 332 Quintus Curtius tells us That Tyre rose out of its Ashes was rebuilt in a short time and so strongly fortified that it held out 15 months against Antigonus King of Asia Thus have we given you a summary Account of the Empire of China the Kingdoms of Egypt Sicyon Athens and the other States of Greece of Lydia Tyre c. We are sensible there were other Petty Kingdoms such as Cyprus Sicily Crete c. but forasmuch as they did not then make any great Figure in the World and since History does not say much about them