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A08629 The sixt lampe of virginitie conteining a mirrour for maidens and matrons: or, the seuerall duties and office of all sorts of women in their vocation out of Gods word, with their due praise and dispraise by the same: togither with the names, liues, and stories of all women mentioned in holie Scriptures, either good or bad ... Newlie collected and compiled to the glorie of God, by T.B. Gentleman. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn. 1582 (1582) STC 1894; ESTC S101565 285,239 337

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so vnnaturallye with his owne sister to the terrour of all Athiestes vngodly wretches incestuous lyuers that abounde in these dayes so greatlye in all places abroad and runne headlonge to their own damnation without anye shame remorce or conuersion without dread eyther of Gods vengeaunce to lyght vppon them in this worlde or of the deuilles tormentes to vexe them in the worlde to come 2. Sam. 13. all Tamar the daughter of Absolon was a verye fayre woman also to looke vppon shee had a sister called Maacha which was the wife of Roboam king of Iuda and best beloued of all his wiues and Concubynes as appeareth in her storie 2. Sam. 14.27 2. Chron. 11.20 1. Kings 15.2 Taphath or Tapheth or Taphet dropping a drop a prety one Shee was the daughter of king Salomon and wife to Abinadab one of his xii chief officers and purueiours for his victuals in the countrie or region of Dor. 1. Kings 4.11 Timna or Thimna or Thamna signi an image shape a numbring telling forbidding fayling faythfull perfectnesse c. Shee was the Concubine of Eliphaze the sonne of Esawe and mother of Amaleck of whome came the curssed Amalekites Gene. 36.12 There was an other woman called Thimna which was the daughter of Seir an Horite and sister to Lotan one of the chife and mighty Princes of the Horites with whome Esaw grew in affinitie Gene. 36.22 1. Chro. 1.39 Tirzah or Thirza or Thersa signi pleasing well liking contenting willing sweete running Shee was the youngest of the fiue daughters and coheires of zelophead the sonne of Hephir of the tribe of Manasses the sonne of Ioseph of her read more in her eldest sister Mahlahs storie Numbe 26. Triphena signi both one thing as meaning returning a nise woman a cleere delicate and fine dame Triphosa signi both one thing as meaning returning a nise woman a cleere delicate and fine dame These were two certeine godlye women to whome among other godly women S. Paule in his Epistle to the Romans for their diligent labour in the Gospell sendeth greeting saying salute Triphena and Triphosa which women laboured in the Lord. Rom. 16.12 V Uashti or Uasti or Uasthi signi drinking bibbing doubling putting flaxe on the distaffe Shee was the wife of Ahasuerus otherwise called Artaxersis or Cambysis king of Persia And when on a time shee made a great and princely feaste and bankette of wine for all the women of the Citie of Susan in the royal house of the king her husbande as hee likewise did at the same time vnto all the men to shew his magnificence and glorye of his kingdome So it was that the king her husband being merye with wine sent certeine noble men about him and commaunded them to bring Queene Uashti before him with the crown royall vpon her head that hee might shewe the people and the Princes there assembled at the feaste her bewtie for shee was a verye fayre and goodlye woman to looke vppon But the Queene Uashti refused to come vnto him at the king her husbands commaundement Therfore y e king being very angry with her in the 3. yeere of his raigne and in the yeere of the world 2610. called 7. Princes of Persia Media whiche were of his priuie Councell together and sayde vnto them What shall we doe vnto Queene Uashti according to the law because she did not obey our commaundement nor come vnto vs when we sent for her by commission geuen to y e Eunuches The Memuchan one of his seuē chiefe Counsellers gaue this aduice and counsell and saide The Queene Uashti by her disobedience hath not onelie done euill against the king but against all the Princes and people that are in the Prouinces of the king for thereby hath she giuen an example to all the women in the land to doe the like vnto their husbands For it cannot be chosen but that the act and disobedience of the Queene shall come abroade into the eares of all women both Princesses and other so that they shall by her euill example dare to displease their husbands yea and despise them also in their owne conceytes and opinions and arrogantly shall say Loe the king Ahasuerus commaunded Uashti the Queene to be brought in before him but she came not at his sending for nor obeyed him So shall the Princesses and noble women of Persia and Media this day take first occasion hereof to doe the like And say also vnto all the kings and Princes whē they heare of the act of y e Queene as she did then also the rest of the inferiour women in y e land wil by continuance doe the same By which occasion much despitefulnesse and wrath shall arise and shal be ingendred may intend if this example goe vnpunished in Uasty if it please the king therefore let a royal decree be enacted and proceede from him and let it be written and registred for a lawe inuiolable and neuer to be transgressed in the statutes of Persia and Media that Uasti be diuorced and come no more before the king and let the king giue her royall estate vnto another of her companions that is better then she and more worthye to bee made Queene in her steede And when this decree or statute of the king shal be made and published by proclamation throughout all his kingdome then shall all women both great and smal feare to offend their husbāds by following Uasties euill example and shall geue their husbandes more due honour reuerence and obedience at the least if not for loue as they ought yet for feare of further punishment by the lawe as they are compelled Which wise and graue aduise of his priuy counsell so pleased the king and the Princes that the king straight wayes followed the same and put it in execution So that the Queene Uashti was diuorced from the king Hester receiued in her place and after y e law statute made y e king sent from his court letters in diuers lāguages to publishe the same law statute in all his prouinces and to euery people after their language straightly charging cōmanding y t euery man should beare rule in his own house y t euery wife shoulde be subiect to her husband at his commandement Hester 1.9 c. Zebudah or zebida sig edowed dowment She was the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah wife of Iosiah king of Iuda and mother of Eliakim otherwise called Ioiakim whō Pharao Necho made king deposed Iehoahaz 2. King 23.36 Zeresh or Sares sig a roote a smal chaine a forraine misery or inheritance a seuered misery or heritage a rundel or crowne of vnhappines or of inheritance She was the wife of y t proude and ambitious man Haman who whē he was exalted by Assuerus y e king in steed of acknowledging his change and humbling himselfe waxed so ambitious and disdaynefull and cruel that because Mordicay a Iewe woulde not doe any reuerence vnto him he wrought all the spyte
malice he possibly coulde against him And after that he was inuited with the king to Hesters feast he for ioy that he was so highly in her fauour also as he thought went home and called for zeresh his wife and all his friendes and told them all howe the king had preferred him to honour aboue other and especially how that Hester the Queene had byd no man to her banquet but the king saue him onely but sayeth he to his wife all this doeth nothing auayle me nor doe me any good so long as I see y t malepart Iew Mordicay sit stil at the kings gate doe me no reuerence as I passe by Then zeresh his wife being a wicked woman gaue him as wicked counsel against Mordicay and sayd Let them make a Gibet or a payre of gallous fiftie cubites high and to morow speake vnto the king that Mordecay may be hanged theron Then shalt thou goe ioyfully w t the king vnto the Queenes banquet which wicked aduise counsel was no sooner geuen but Haman her husband as speedily put it in practise caused a most huge paire of gallous to be made set vp for Mordicay But whē he came to y e king thinking to haue begged Mordicay to be hanged God in y e meane time had so wrought in y e kings heart to promote Mordicay that Hamā cōtrary to his expectatiō was cōmanded by y e king to doe Mordicay al y e honor he might as vnto y e kings chiefest friend But whē he had done y e thing went so neere his heart that he hasted home again very sorowful sad told zeresh his wife his friēds al y t had befallen him quite cōtrary to his hope thē said his wife zeresh vnto him if Mordicay thine enemy be of y e seed of y e Iewes before whō thou hast begun to fall thou shalt not preuayle against him but shalte surely fall before him And as God put in the mouth of this wicked woman to speake euen so indeed y e Lords decree came to passe against her husband For afterward he was hanged vpō the same gallous that shee caused him to make for Mordicay together with her 7. sōnes also at one time she her selfe turned out of house home all that euer shee had confiscate geuē to Q. Hester as appeareth in the storie of Esther at large Esther Zeruah or Serua sig a woman Leaper or hornet She was y e wife of one Nabat an Ephrathite of zerida bare vnto him a sonne called Ieroboā whē her husband was dead she a widow because her sonne was a mā of strēgth and courage she preferred her sōn into y e seruice of king Salomon where in proces for his wisedome and valiantnes he became surueyour of the kinges workes for y e tribe of Ephraim Manasses but at the last for the great offences of y e king God among other enemies raysed vp this hir sonne Ieroboam to rebel against the king his maister and after his death aduaunced him to the kingdome of Israel 1. King 11.26 Zeruiah or zaruia or zeruah or Serua or Seruiah with an S. si bound griefe distresse or trouble of the Lord binding vp framing shaping c. She was the daughter of Ishai or Nahash Dauids father sister to Dauid Abigail mother of Abishai Ioab and Asael 3. valiant captaynes worthy men of the tribe of Iuda 1. Chro. 2.16 2. Sam. 17.25 Zibiah or zibia or Sebia sig a prickette fayre chiefe standing to the Lord willing She was a woman of Beersheba and wife of Ahaziah king of Iuda mother to Ioash the good king of Iuda who repayred the temple of the Lord which Athalia and her childrē had broken downe spoyled and restored the true religion that Athalia had defaced and set vp Idolatry 2. Chro. 24.1.6 2. King 12.1 Zilla or Sella sig a shadow a rosting a scorching a tingling a setting vp a treading downe a comparing a wicker basket She was one of the two wiues of Lamech the sonne of Methushael the mother of Tubalkain the cūning smith brasier of his sister Naamah her mates name was Adah who seeing that all men hated their husbande for his crueltie were afrayd least at one time or other he should be killed Gen. Zilpah or zelpah zelphan sig the rewme nought worth the despising of the mouth a slauering mouth She was the maid seruaunt or handmayde of Laban whom he gaue to Lea his youngest daughter the wife of Iacob to be her handmayd and when Lea had left bearing of children she gaue her mayde zilpha vnto her husband Iacob to wife who bare vnto her 2. sonnes called Gad and Assur which afterward were two of the ten tribes of Israell Gen. c. Zipporah or Sephora sig his bird fayrenes pleasing a sparrow a trumpet wel doing goodnes fayre early a Goate She was one of the seuen daughters of Reuel or Iethro or Hobab Prince of Midian or Ethiopia who comming with her sisters to draw water at a well and fill the troughes for to water their fathers sheepe were resisted by Shepheardes that droue them away Howbeit beyng rescued by Moses that sate there at the wel as a banished man driuen out of Egypt who rose vp and defended them they drew water enough and watered their sheep they returned home againe their father there seeing them come sooner then they were woont to doe asked of them how chaunce they had done so quickly A man of Egypt quoth they deliuered vs from the hands of the Shepheards and also drewe water ynough and watred our sheepe Thē their father to declare his thankfull mynde was desirous to recompence the benefite and good turne done by Moses vnto his daughters and saide vnto them where is he Why haue yee so left the man call him that he may eate and drinke with vs. So they went and called Moses who agreed to dwell with their father And at the last their father gaue this his daughter zipporah vnto Moses to wife vnto whom she bare 2. sonnes the one called Gershon the other named Elezer And when it pleased God to call Moses from keeping his father in lawes sheepe out of Ethiopia of Midian to goe into his owne countrie Egypt to deliuer his people from the tyranny of Pharao he tooke his wife zipporah and her two sonnes with him and returned towards Egypt And as he was by the way in a common Inne God punished Moses so with a sore sicknesse for neglecting his sacrifice of circumcision for he had not as yet circumcised his sonne as God had appointed that he had almost killed him with death Then zipporah his wif● seeing that her husbande for sicknesse coulde not and GOD euen then required it to be done as an extraordinary acte of a woman not to bee followed of anye other women in baptising their owne children tooke a sharpe knife and
the Lord liueth and as my soule liueth the Lord I say that hath kept the innocent and cleane and withholden thee from comming to shedde bloud and caused that thine hand shoulde not saue thee nor thou reuenge thy self vpon thine enimy my husband so now thine enemies shal be as Nabal they that intend to doe my Lord euill And now receiue this present I pray thee which I thine handmayde haue brought and let it be giuen vnto the young men that followe my Lorde And I pray thee forgiue the trespasse of thine handmayde for the Lorde will make my Lorde a sure house and confirme his kingdome to his posterity because my Lorde fighteth the battels of the Lorde and none euil hath beene founde in thee in all thy life And albeit that man Saule hath risen vp to persecute thee and to seeke thy soule yet the soule of my Lorde shal bee bounde in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God who shall preserue thee by his protection long in his seruice from all daungers but the soule of thine enemies shall God cast out as foorth of the myddle of a sling and vtterly destroy thē And when the Lord shall haue done to my Lorde all the good that hee hath promised thee and shall haue made thee king and ruler ouer Israel then shal it be no griefe vnto thee nor offence of mynde vnto my Lorde that thou hast not shedde causelesse nor that my Lorde hath not preserued or auenged himselfe which thinges woulde haue tormented his conscience And when the Lorde shal haue dealt well with my Lorde then thinke on thine handmayde and remember my wordes Which pithy petition of hers being done ended it not onely pacified his wrath and stayed his handes from shedding of blood that day but also gaue Dauid greate cause both to prayse GOD for sending her to be the occasion therof and also highly to commend Abigail for her wise counsell and good aduice therein And so Dauid being greatly moued with her wisedome godly perswasiōs gētly receyued her present that she had brought did cleerely remit the churlish behauiour of Nabal her husband for her wisedome and vertues sake saying Abigal blessed be the Lord God of Israel that sent thee this daye to meete me and blessed be thy good counsell and blessed be thou which hast kept me this day from shedding blood c. Now therefore goe in peace to thy house for behold I haue heard thy voyce doe graunt thy petition Which being graunted she tooke her leaue returned againe to Carmell But when she came home and found Naball her Husband so farre ouercharged with wyne that his wittes were gone through drunkennesse and belly cheere she thought it conuenient to follow the wise mans counsell Eccle. 31. Not to rebuke him in his wine nor to say any thing vnto him good or bad at that time but to let the matter rest till the drinke were all out of his brayne and his memory freshe for as then hee had no reason to consider the daunger hee was in or to geue thankes for this great benefite of deliuerance wrought by his wife if shee had tolde him And so on the nexte morrowe shee declared to Naball the greate and perillous danger he was in for his churlishnesse and vnkyndnesse shewed to Dauid and his seruauntes Whiche when hee hearde did smyte him so sore to the hearte that hee was colde as a stone for feare thereof and neuer enioyed it but dyed within tenne dayes after for verie sorowe Of whose death Dauid beeyng aduertised after a certayne time hee remembred Abigail as shee in her petition before had requested him and hauing had good experience of her greate godlinesse wisedome and humilitie hee sent messengers to Carmel to commune with Abigael concerning marriage and to signifie vnto her that hee was willing to take her to his wife And Abigail after great and curteous entertaynment of Dauids Embassadours or seruauntes that did the message or errand in most humble manner sayde vnto them Beholde let thy handmayde bee a seruant to washe the feete of the seruauntes of my Lorde as though she woulde saye I am more fitte to be wife vnto one of his seruauntes And with great gladnesse and good wil she made haste to make her self ready to go with thē so with her fiue maides following her she tooke horse and went with the messengers of Dauid and became his wife 1. Sam. 25. 3. c. al. And when he dwelt in Ziklag among the Philistines whiles he went with Achis the king to warre Abigal his wife and her mate Ahinoam were both taken prisoners by the Amalechites and led away captiue vntill such time as they were rescued by Dauid their husband as appeareth 1. Sam. 30.5.18 And in processe this woman Abigail bare vnto Dauid a sonne called Chiliab which in the 1. Chro. 3.1 is called Daniel 2. Sam. 3. 3.1 Chro. 3. 1. There was an other woman called Abigal or Abigael which was the daughter of Nahash or Ishai and sister to Dauid Zeruiah Ioabs mother and wife to Iether an Ishmalite vnto whom she bare a sonne called Amasa 2. Sam. 17.25.1 Chro. 2.16.17 Abihail or Abiahil sig the father of light or of prayse as before in Abiahil She was the daughter of Eliab the sonne of Ishai and one of the xviii wiues of Rehoboam king of Israel which bare vnto him iii. sonnes as 2. Chro. 11.18.19 Abishag or Abisag signifieth the Fathers ignorance or mistaking The father catching touching or encreasing c. She was a goodly fayre young damosel or virgin of the Tribe of Isacar brought vp in the Citie Shunem And for her exceeding beautie and good manners she was chosen afore all other women to lye in the bozome of king Dauid and to keepe and nourish him with her heate in his extreame olde age And she cherished the king and ministred vnto him but the king knew her not After whose death shee being still a pure virgin and mayde was greatly desired of Adoniah king Salomons halfe brother to be his wife● and for a meanes to beg and obtaine her the sooner he vsed the helpe and mediation of Bethsheba Dauids widowe and Salomons mother to whom hee thought Salomon woulde not say nay in a greater request But this request of his mother to giue Abishag to Adoniah his brother to wife so displeased king Salomon that he did not onely say his mother nay and refused to giue him Abisag to wife but also for this presumption of Adoniah in asking Abishag to wife he tooke occasion straight waies to put Adoniah to death so that he died for it as appeareth 1. King 1.3 2.17.22 Abital or Abithal signifieth the father of dewe or shadowe She was one of the wiues of king Dauid who bare him a sonne in Hebron named Shephatiah 2. Sam. 3.4 1. Chro. 3.3 Abra signifieth awayting mayde a handmayde or seruant She was the faithfull and trustie handmaide of Iudith that had the
also before the yeeres of famine shee bare two sonnes called Manasses and Ephraim Gene. 41.15.50 Atarah or Athara or Araia ●ign the Lordes anger or heate a Crowne She was one of the wiues of Ierathmeel and the mother of Onam 1. Chro. 2.26 Athalia signi tyme for the Lorde his time an houre c. Shee was the daughter of Omri or as some will of Ahab which was the sonne of Omri eyther for that shee was brought vp still with Achab or for that shee imitated his maners in all kinde of Idolatrie Shee was also the wife of Iehoram king of Iuda whome shee corrupted greatly with her Idolatrie and vnto whome in the yeere of the worlde 3217. shee bare a sonne called Ahaziah which was Iehorams youngest sonne who also all his elder brethren being before slain by the Philistines succeeded his father Iehoram in the kingdome His mother Athalia entised him also to all wickednesse insomuch that the Lorde caused him to bee slayne by Iehu Then Athalia perceiuing that her sonne was dead shee in the yeere of the worlde 3239. tooke vpon her the rule and gouernement and to the intent that there shoulde bee none of that lynage of Iehosophat to rayne or make title to the crowne and that shee onely might vsurpe the gouernement and raigne quietly shee most cruelly murdered and destroyed all the seede and posteritie of Iehosophat and Ioram to whom the kingdome appertayned saue one for so it pleased God to vse the tyrannie of this wicked woman to destroy the whole family of Ahab onely Ioas the sonne of Ahaziah was stolen away and hid from her by Iehosheba as appeareth in her storie And when wicked Athalia had ruled the lande most cruelly sixe yeeres and had broken vp the house of God and bestowed vpon Balam and Idoles all thinges that were dedicated therein to the Lorde In the seuenth yere Ioas was brought forth by Iehoida the priest and proclaymed king Shee hearing that ranne into the Temple of the Lorde and there beholding Ioas crowned king shee rent her clothes and cried out treason treason But at the commaundement of Iehoida the priest the captayne and souldiers tooke her and caried her out of the Temple and slue her by the way as they went to the kinges house in the yeere of the world 3245. and this was the ende of that wicked idolatresse booddy woman Athalia 2. Kin. 2. chro c. 24.6 Atossa was first the wife of king Cambyses afterward maried to king Darius Histaspis and maried the mother of Xerxis in the yeere of the worlde 3620. reade more in Ester For as some thinke this Atossa was Ester who first was the wife of A●huerus and after his death became wife to Darius Histaspis vnto whom shee bare Xerxes the father of Artaxerxes in the yeere of the worlde 3621. Azuba or Asuba sig left or forsaken his strength in her Shee was the daughter of Silhi and the wife of Aha king of Iuda vnto whom she bare a sonne called Iehoshaphat that was also king of Iuda after his father 1. King 22.42 2. Chro. 20.31 There was another woman of this name which was the wife of Caleb and bare him diuers sonnes as appeareth 1. Chronicles 2.18 19. B Baara or Bara or Baraa sig a workemanshippe a bed a fire in wicked mynde in ill a companion in ioyes in feedyng in buildyng c. Shee was one of the wiues of Shaharaim whom with her mate Hushim he put away from him and tooke other 1. chro 8.8 Bashemath or Basemath ●ig sweete smelling spices destruction of death in discomforting Shee was the daughter of Elon an Hittite and one of the wiues of Esawe who with her mate Iudith was a griefe of minde to her good father and mother in lawe Isaak and Rebecca through her continuall disobedience and great rebellion Gen. 26.34 Bernice signifieth a hurtlesse Sonne a heauie victorie the weight of vanquishing finely moued or with choyse Shee was the daughter of Herode Agrippa borne in the yeere of the worlde 4170. and the naturall sister of king Agrippa and wife to Herode king of Chalcida her Grandfather And being entertayned of king Agrippa in his house as his wife also she went with him to Cesaria to salute Festus and to welcome him into the Countrey who was then but newly entered into his office of presidētship in the roome of Felix And when Paules matter should be heard before Agrippa she went with him also into the common hall where she was receiued with great pompe and there sate with Agrippa and the other gouernours all day to heare the examination of Paul before Festus the new President and beyng almost conuerted with her husband Agrippa at the wordes of Paule she together with the rest of the Gouernours arose and in secret conference iustified Paule as altogether innocent and most vnwoorthy of death or imprisonment Actes 25.13 23.26.30 Bethsheba or Bethsabe Bethzabe Bathshua or Bersabe signifieth the seuenth daughter or the daughter of an othe The daughter of fulnes of noise or th● daughter of saluation or the honourable or noble daughter She was the daughter of Eliam called also Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel 1. Chro. 3.5 and the wife of Uriah the Hittite which was with Ioab in king Dauids warres against the Moabites at Rabbath And on a tyme in the yeere of the worlde 3086. as Bethsabe was washing her selfe in her priuie garden alone it chaunced king Dauid to looke out at a windowe in his pallace as hee walked on the top or roofe thereof in the afternoone and seeing her to bee a very fayre woman he was presently so rauished with her beautie that forthwith hee sent for Bethsabe and shee comming vnto him hee lay with her committed adulterie with her so sent her home againe to her owne house Then shortly after shee perceiuing her selfe to be with childe and fearing least for that fact shee should be stoned to death according to Gods lawe sent Dauid the king worde thereof secretely Whereupon the king partly to hyde his owne fault and partly to saue the woman from daunger of the lawe sent for Urias her husband to come home from warres that hee might colour and father the matter by lying with his wife But when Dauid sawe that Urias woulde by no meanes company with his wife Bethsabe as he desired he returned him back againe to Ioab with a letter the contentes whereof caused Urias quickly to bee dispatched out of his life by the enemie And when Bethsabe heard that her husbande Urias was dead shee mourned for her husband so when the mourning was done Dauid sent for Bethsabe and to make her amendes hee tooke her into his house and shee became his wife and in the yeere of the world 3086. she brought foorth the same childe conceyued in adulterie being a sonne which liued not long but being stricken by God with a sore sickenesse for Dauids Bethsabes sinnes and punishement it died
because they thought scorne to yeelde them selues vnto you that they might finde mercie in your sight Therefore haue I deuised by my selfe after this maner I will go before the prince Olophernes the chiefe captayne of your armie and tell him all their secretes will shew him y e way how hee may come by them and winne their citie without the losse of body or life of any one of his men Nowe when the men had pondered her woordes and considered well her beawtie her coūtenāce fayre face they were astonied wondering greatly at her excellēt beauty they put her in good cōfort of her life saying Thou hast saued thy life by finding out this deuice and making hast to come before our Lord. Now therefore come with vs to his tent and some of vs shall conduct thee till they haue deliuered thee into his hande And when thou standest before him bee not afrayde in thine heart but showe vnto him what thou hast to say and be thou sure hee will intreat thee well So they set her and her mayde in a chariotte and beeing accompanied with an hundered men brought her to Holophernes cent where by reason her comming was bruted among the pauilions or tentes of his souldiers there was such a running too and fro to see her that they came and stoode rounde about her as shee stoode without Olophernes tent merueiling at her beawtie and wondred at the children of Israel because of her feature comely and goodly personage insomuch as euery one being immediatly ouercome taken with her beawtie sayde one to another who woulde dispise this people of the Iewes that haue amonge them such goodly and fayre women Should we not by reason fight agaynst them for these women if for nothing els surely it is not good that one man of these bee lefte for if they shoulde remayne they might deceiue the whole earth So when Olephernes was aduertised of her comming and that shee stood without his tent wayting to speake with him hee sent his garde and seruauntes for her who brought her neere vnto his tent doore where he lay very stately vpon his bed vnder a canopie whiche was wouen with purple and golde and emeraldes and precious stones and when his menne wente in and tolde him that Iudith was come Olophernes came forth vnto the entrey of his tent lighted with Lampes of siluer because it was in the night carried before him to meete her and welcome her And when Iudith was come before him he no sooner saw her but immediatly he was ouercome and rauished with her beawtie for both he and his seruants marueiled all thereat So Iudith looking wishly vpon him and being somewhat abashed at the first with his maiestie shee fell downe vppon the earth as one almost dead for feare and being reuiued agayne did reuerence vnto Olofernes and his seruants tooke her vp agayne at his commaundement Then saide Olofernes vnto her woman bee of good cheere and feare not in thine heart for I neuer hurt any that woulde serue Nabuchadnezer y e king of al the earth As for thy people if they had not despised mee I would not haue lift vp my speare against them but they haue procured these thinges vnto themselues But tell mee now what is the cause that thou art fledde from them And wherefore thou art come vnto vs For if thou be come for safegarde and succour then bee of good comfort thou shalt liue from this night and hereafter for none shal hurt thee but intreat thee well as they do the seruants of king Nabuchadnezer my Lord. To whom Iudith made answere on this wise saying Sir quoth Iudith if thou wilt receiue the words of thy handmaid suffer thine handmaid to speake in thy presence I will declare no lye vnto my Lord this night And if thou wilt followe do after the wordes of thine handmaide God will bring the thing perfectly to passe by thee and my Lord shall not fayle of his purpose As Nabuchadnezer king of all the earth liueth and as his power is of force who hath sen● thee to reforme and punishe all persons that goe wrong not onely men shall bee made subiect to him by thee but also the beastes of the field and the cattell and the foules of the heauen shall liue by thy power vnder Nebuchadnezer and all his house For wee heard of thy wisedome of thy prudent spirit and actiuitie doe all people speake yea it is declared bruted through the whole earth that thou onely art good excellent and mightie in all the kingdome and of a wonderfull knowledge in the feates of warre For as concerning the matter which Ach●or whom thou banished thine armie did speake in thy presence and gaue counsell vnto my Lorde to make search whether the people of the Iewes had sinned against their God or no. It is manifest and true and wee haue heard of his words for the men of Bethulia did take him and hee declared vnto them all that hee had spoken vnto thee concerning vs and the people of Israel Nowe thrrefore least my Lorde should bee frustrate and voyde of his purpose and that death may fall vppon them and that they may bee taken in their sinne whiles they prouoke their God to anger which is so oft times as they doe that which is not beseeming Yea this is playne of a suretie that our God is so wroth with vs by reason of our sinnes that he hath she'wed by his Prophetes vnto the people how that far their sins he wil deliuer them ouer vnto y e enemie And for as much as the childrē of Israel know that they haue so displeased their God they are sore affrayde of thee yea and suffer great hunger also at this present For want of drinke they are in a maner as dead men for because their victualles fayle aud their water is wasted they haue in their extremitie determined to slay their cattel that they may drinke the blood of thē are purposed to consume all things y t God hath forbiddē thē to eate by his lawes Yea they haue purposed to spēd y e holy things of their God which he hath forbiddē thē to touch as the first fruits of y e wheat the tithes of the wine of the oyle which they had reserued sanctified for the priests that serue in Ierusalem before the face of our God the which thing it is not lawfull for any of the people to touch with their handes Moreouer they haue sent to Ierusalē because they also that dwel there haue done the like such as shoulde bring thē licence frō the Senate and whē they shal bring thē word thē they wil do it they shal be giuen thee therfore to be destroyed the same day For if they do these things it is a playne case that they must needs be destroyed Wherefore I thine handmaid knowing all this am fled frō thē to shew thee these things for God hath sent me to
doe mee Whereupon Isaak called Iacob and blessed him and sente him awaye with a great charge to take a wife of the Daughters of Laban Rebeccas brother And thus by the counsaile and perswasion of Rebecca Iacob escaped the daunger of Esaw and was sent to Laban his mothers brother where in processe hee gat him a wife and purchased the loue of Esaw againe Afterward Rebeccaes nurse called Debora died and was buryed in Bethel vnder an Oke Gen. 22.23 Reuma or Ruma or Roma signi a hie stately or loftie dame thunder outcast Shee was the Concubine of Nahor Abrahams brother Milchas mate who bare vnto Nahor foure sonnes called Tabath Gahā Thahash and Maachah Gene. 22.24 Rhode signi seeing strong a fight a disascenting a rose She was the faithful mayde of Marie the mother of Iohn Mark who hearing Peter knocke at the doore knewe his voice but did not at the first open the doore and let him in for ioye and gladnesse of his comming but ranne in and tolde her mistris and the companie of the faithful then assembled praying for him that Peter stoode at the doore And they not beleeuing her reporte to bee true sayde vnto her thou art madde Yet shee affyrmed it constantly that it was so then sayde they it is his Aungell So Peter continuing still knocking at the last shee went and opened the doore and when they saw Peter so miraculously deliuered they were all astonished Act. 12. 13. Rizpha or Respha signi a hurt with a s●one Shee was the daughter of Ahyah and after became king Sauls Concubine by whome she had two sonnes the one named Armony and the other Miphiboseth And after the death of Saule shee played the naughtypacke with Abner the chiefe Captaine of Sauls hoste who being therefore reprooued by Ishbosith Saules sonne Abner like a wicked man coulde not abyde to heare of his faulte with this woman herby tooke occasion in his wrath conceiued against Ishbosith to betray the kingdome of Saule to transfer it first to Dauid who afterwarde deliuered her two sonnes aboue named together with the fiue sonnes of Merob Sauls eldest daughter to the Gibeonites who for the offence of Saule hanged them vp together vpon an hill before the Lord. Then Rizpha perceiuing their carcases to remayne vpon the gibbet longer then the law required made prouision to saue theyr bodies that neyther birdes should fall vpon them by day nor beastes by night Also in the time of the great famine that then was by reason of the drought shee made her self a tent of sackcloath and place it vppō a rock wherin she cōtinued praying frō y e beginning of haruest vntil water dropped vpon y e people from heauen And when it was told Dauid what Rizpha Saules Concubine had done to pacifie the wrath of the Lorde Hee caused the bones of her sonnes with the bones of Saule and Ionathas to bee carryed into the countrey of Beniamin and there buried in the Sepulchre of Cis Saules father 2. Sam. 3. 7.21.8 c. Ruth signi watred or filled seeing hasting falling enspiring glutted dronken Shee was the sister in lawe of Orpha a very fayre Damosel borne in the countrey of Moab where by chaunce shee became the wife of Mahlon the sonne of Elimelech and Naomy a straunger of the Israelites that came out of the lande of Iuda there to soiourne And when her husbande was dead and her sister in lawes also shee and her sister went to bring her olde mother Naomy then a widdowe also on her waye trauailing home to her owne countrey of Iuda And when she had gone a good way with her mother and her sister Orpha with much intreatie of her mother in lawe was returned backe to her house in Moab Ruth for no intreatie nor perswasion that her mother in law coulde vse vnto her woulde in anye wise forsake her or departe from her for when her mother Naomy sayde vnto her Oh see my daughter thy sister in lawe Orpha is gone home againe to her people and to her godes return thou also go after her she being by Gods wonderfull prouidence appoynted to be one of his housholde coulde by no perswasion bee turned backe from God that had chosen her to bee his but answered Naomy her mother in law thus Intreate mee not to leaue thee nor to departe from thee for whether thou goest I will goe and where thou dwellest I will dwell thy people shall bee my people and thy God my God Looke where thou diest there will I dye also and there will I bee buryed The Lorde doe so and so vnto me if ought but death onelye departe thee and me asunder so forsaking father and mother and her owne countrey where shee was borne shee went forwarde with her mother in lawe till she came to Bethlem Iuda which was in the moneth Aprill or in the beginning of barley haruest Whither when she came to declare her great affection that shee bare towardes her mother in lawe shee was verye diligent and willing to spare no paynefull diligence to gette both her owne and her poore mother in lawes lyuing and humbly sayde vnto Naomy I praye thee let mee goe to the fielde and gleane eares of corne together after him in whose sight God shall make mee finde fauour And so as Ruth went out one day a leasing among the harueste folke shee happened by the prouidence of God vppon the fieldes perteining to Boaz who shewed her such kindnesse that shee neyther lacked meate nor drinke neyther yet corne so long as haruest lasted which she caryed home stil to her mother in lawe to relieue her And when al haruest was done her mother in law Naomy gaue her this counsaile saying This man Booz in whose fielde thou hast leased all this while is our neere kinsman therefore do now by my counsaile This night he wynnoweth barley in the barne wash thy selfe therefore and annoyt thee and put thy rayment vpon thee and get thee to the barne and keepe thy selfe close vntill he haue left eating and drinking and when hee goeth to sleepe marke the place where he layeth him downe And when he is a sleepe goe and lyft vp the cloathes softly at his feete and lay thee downe and he shall tell thee what thou shalt doe So when Ruth had done all thinges according to her mother in lawes teaching Boaz about midnight awaked out of his sleepe and feeling one lye at his feete was afrayde and groping with his hande hee asked who it was I am Ruth quoth shee thine handmaide spreade therefore the wing of thy garment ouer thine handmaiden for thou art next of my kinne Now blessed art thou quoth Booz for thou haste shewed more goodnesse at the latter end then at the beginning in asmuch as thou folowest not young men were they poore or rich And now my daughter feare not I will doe vnto thee all that thou requirest for thou art well knowne to bee a woman of vertue Howbeit
his face that he was the murtherer of her husbande and her father and now last of all of her sonne to whō the king aunsweared neither good nor bad From that day forewardes there was perpetuall hatred betweene Alexandra and Marimy and Riparim the mother of Herode and Salumith her sister that came of base and seruile blood After this Salulumith on a time perceiuing that the king detested Marimy tooke occasion to accuse Marimy of treason and that shee woulde poyson the king her husband which the king too lightly beleeuing to bee true at her false report commaunded Marimy to be brought foorth and to be beheaded in the citie And as she was brought foorth vnto the market place of the citie all the women of the citie followed her Alexandra her mother also cursed and rated at her saying come out thou y t hast abhorred conspired against the Lord. Alexandra wept also as though it had byn for the wickednes that her daughter had committed thinking surely to please the king by that meanes and to bleare his eyes if peraduenture he might suffer her to liue til she might haue opportunity to poyson him but all would not helpe for Marimy for all this was guiltlesse beheadded and put to death by the king her husband as you may reade more in her history Then the king repenting him of her death for loue of her he fel sick and being at deaths doore Alexandra his mother in law sought meanes how to poyson him which being vttered to the king he commanded to apprehend her to kil her which was done accordingly So was Alexandra also beheaded and put to death as appeareth in Iosephus fo Anna of this name there haue bin many noble women one was a Iewe wife of Elcana and mother of Samuel as yee may reade in the Scripture another was an old widow prophetesse in Ierusalem in Christes time c. y e 3. was daughter to Isachar of y e tribe of Leui or as Damascen saith of y e tribe of Iuda was married to Ioachim of y e same tribe which being long barren at last brought foorth y e blessed virgin Mary after the death of Ioachim she was married to Cleophas and after his death to Solome Cooper in his dictionary Damascen Aristobulus wife the Queene vpon a false report geuen out against her good brother in lawe Antigonus commaunded him to be cruelly put to death in prison without knowledge of the king her husbands and his brothers mynd which cruell murder blooddy fact of hers hastened her husbands death speedily for being very sick before now for thought died Ioseph fol. 17. Afterward when her sonne Alexander fled to Alexandria and there was narrowly besieged pursued by Gabinius a Romain with a strōg army she like a good mother went forth to Gabinius weeping and besought him y t he would not destroy her sonne so for her sake Gabinius spared her sonne Alexander did him no harme Ioseph fol. 30. Arsinoe was the daughter of Ptolome sister to Philopater who going to warres against Antiochus w t her brother Philopater as they fought fiercely together Arsinoe wēt diligētly about her mē weeping pitifully with her haire about her shoulders desired thē y t they woulde helpe her fight valiātly promising to giue vnto euery of their wiues childrē if she had the victory 2. pounds of gold Thus by her meanes it came to passe y t their enimies were ouerthrowen her brother Philopater got y e victory ouer Antiochus as yee may reade more at large in the 3. booke of the Machabees fol. 1.2 3. Beronice who was sister vnto king Agrippa whē she came by chance to Ierusalem of deuotion to visite the holie place sawe one Florus president a●d captayne of the Romaines most greeuously and violently to oppresse the people of the Iewes and for payment of exactions and tollage to slaye manye of them euen at the entraunce of the Temple Shee came foorth weeping vnto Florus that furious wretche and besought him to bee fauourable and spare the people for shee pitied them very greatly but Florus relented nothing But when she was departed from him he flouted and mocked her although she w●re the kings sister and that in the temple of the Lord to her great discomfort Afterward Eliasar the seditious people hauing gotten y e rule of the citie Ierusalem not only furiously set a fire the king Agrippas house and all therin but Beronices house also the kings sister they burnt to the ground deuided the spoyle amōgst them as yee may reade in Iosephus fol. 64.68 Cleopatra Queene of Egypt wife vnto Marcus Antonius a noble man of Rome hauing receyued letters of ayde from Alexandra made this comfortable aunsweare agayne in another letter If thou canst finde the meanes to come to me secretly thou shalt perceyue what I will doe for thee After this Marcus Antonius her husband being made next vnto the Emperour Augustus and sent by him to warre vpon the kings of the West countries as hee that raigned in Egypt nowe by his wiues Cleopatras prouocation hee rebelled against Octauian Augustus his maister and made warre with him both by Sea and by land and ioyned in league with Herode king of the Iewes But at the last her husband being slain and dead by Octauians host comming by ship to the Isle of Rhodes Herode escaped hauing reconciled him selfe to Octauian Then they went both together towards Egypt to be reuenged vpon Cleopatra as she that was the only cause of her husbands conspiracie and rebellion by inciting him therevnto But saith Iosepus that wicked woman when she saw her city to be ouercome put out her most precious apparrel sitting vpō y e throne of her kingdome commaunded a Uiper to be brought vnto her which assoone as she had suffered to sting her brest she died As Octauian Augustus came to the place saw her sit there he reioyced that he might be reuenged of her cōmanded to thrust her from her throne but whē they came to her found her dead it displeased Octauian the Emperor and grieued him very sore Iosph 40.44 Deboras saith Iosephus a prophitesse by her prayer brought to passe great health in Israell so did diuers other iust and godly women which by their prayers obteyned many thinges at Gods hand Iosephus fol. 184. Hyrcanus wife the Queene being a widowe was banished from Ierusalem by her owne sonne Aristobulus together with Alexander her youngest sonne Ioseph fol. 17. Hasmonais maide being very well beloued of one Herod the seruant also of the said Hasmonai that killed her maister and the whole familie saue this maide whom he loued and vsurped the kingdome ouer Israel When shee sawe that her maister and all his familie were dead and shee onely left aliue shee distrusting Herodès crueltie went and clymed vp to the toppe of an house saying There is no body left aliue of my