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A07510 The sunne in Aries A noble solemnity performed through the Citie, at the sole cost and charges of the honourable and ancient fraternity of Drapers, at the confirmation and establishment of their most worthy brother, the Right Honourable, Edvvard Barkham, in the high office of his Maiesties lieutenant, the Lord Maior of the famous Citie of London. Taking beginning at his Lordships going, and perfecting it selfe after his returne from receiuing the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow after Simon Iudes day, being the 29. of October. 1621. By Tho. Middleton, Gent. Middleton, Thomas, d. 1627. 1621 (1621) STC 17895; ESTC S112596 5,179 18

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to be vnderstood Thine shines amidst thy Glorious Brotherhood Circled with Armes of Honour by those past As now with Loues Armes by the Present grac't And how thy Word do's thy true Worth display Fortunae Mater Diligentia Faire Fortunes Mother all may reade and see Is Diligence endeuouring Industrie See here the Glory of Illustrious Acts All of thy owne Fraternity whose Tracts 'T is comely to pursue all Thy Lifes Race Taking their Vertues as thou hold'st their place Some Colledge Founders Temple-Beautifiers Whose blest Soules sing now in caelestiall Quires Erecters some of Granaries for the Poore Though now conuerted to some Rich mens Store The more the Ages misery some so rare For this Fam'd Citties Gouernment and Care They kept the Seate foure Yeares with a faire name Some sixe but One the Miracle of Fame Which no Society or Time can match Twenty foure Yeares compleate he was Truths watch He went so right and Euen and the Hand Of that faire Motion Bribe could ne're make stand And as Men se their Watches by the Sunne Set Iusti●e but by that which Hee h●s done And keepe it Euen so from Men to Men No Magistrate neede stirre the worke agen It lights into a Noble hand to Day And ha's past many Many more it may By this Tower of Vertue his Lordship being gracefully conducted toward the new Standard one in a cloudy Ruinous Habit Leaning vpon the Turret at a Trumpets sounding suddenly starts and wakes and in Amazement throwes off his vnseemely Garments What Noyse is this Makes me from Ruines Wombe Hah blesse me Time how braue am I become Fame fixt vpon my Head beneath me round The Figures of Illustrious Princes crownde As well for Goodnes as for State by Birth Which makes e'm true Heires both to Heauen and Earth Iust 6 in Number and all blessed Names Two Henryes Edward Mary Eliza Iames That Ioy of honest Hearts and there behold His honour'd Substitute whom Worth makes bold To vndergoe the Weight of this Degree Vertues faire Aedifice rais'd vp like mee Why here 's the Cities Goodnes showen in either To raise two worthy Buildings both together For when they made that Lords Election free I gesse that Time their charge did perfect Mee Nay note the Cities Bountie in both still When they restore a Ruine 't is their Will To be so Noble in their Cost and Care All blemish is forgot when they repaire For what ha's beene Reedified alate But lifts it's Head vp in more glorious State 'T is Grown a Principle Ruines built agen Come betterd both in Monuments and Men The Instance is apparent On then Lord Ee'n at thy Entraence thou'dst a Great mans Word The noblest Testimonie of faire Worth That euer Lord had when he first stood forth Presented by the Citie Loose not then A Praise so deere bestowde not on all Men Striue to preserue this Famous Citties pea●e Begun by yon' first King which do's encrease Now by the last from Henry that ioynde Roses To Iames that Vnites Kingdomes who encloses All in the Armes of Loue Malic't of None Our Hearts find that whē Neighbouring Kingdoms grone Which in the Magistrates Duty may well moue A Zealous Care in all a Thankfull Loue. After this for the full close of the Fore-noones Triumph neere S. Lawrence Lane stands a Mountaine Artfully raysde and replenisht with fine woolly Creatures Phoebus on the Top shining in a full Glory being circled with the 12. Caelestiall Signes Aries plac't neere the principall Rayes the proper Signe for Illustration thus greetes his Lordship Bright Thoughts Ioy and Alacrity of Heart Blesse thy great Vndertakings 't is the part And property of Phoebus with his Rayes To cheere and to Illumine Good-mens Wayes Eagle-Eyde Actions that dare behold His Sparkling Globe depart tryed all like Gold 'T is Bribery and Iniustice Deedes of Night That flye the Sunne-beame which makes good Works bright Thine looke vppon 't Vndazled as one Beame Faces another as wee match a Iem With her Refulgent fellow from Thy Worth Example Sparkles as a Starre shootes forth This Mount the Type of Eminence and place Resembles Magistracies Seate and Grace The Sunne the Magistrate himselfe Implyes These woolly Creatures all that Part which Lyes Vnder His charge and office not vnfit Since Kings and Rulers are in holy Writ With Shepheards paraleld nay from Shepheards Rear'd And People and the Flock as oft cohaerd Now as it is the Bounty of the Sunne To spread his Splendors and make Gladnes runne Ouer the drooping Creatures it ought so To be His proper Vertue that do's owe To Iustice his lifes Flame shot from Aboue To cheere oppressed Right with lookes of Loue Which nothing doubted Truths reward light on you The Beames of all cleare Comforts shine vpon You. The Great Feast ended the whole state of the Triumph attends vpon his Lordship both to Paules and homeward and neare the Entrance of his Lordships House two Partes of the Triumph stand ready planted viz. The Brazen Tower and the Triple-Crowned Fountaine of Iustice this Fountaine being adorn'd with the liuely Figures of all those Graces and Vertues which belong to the faithfull discharging of so high an Office as Iustice Sincerity Meeknes Wisedome Prouidence Aequality Industry Truth Peace Patience Hope Harmony all Illustrated by proper Emblems and expressions as Iustice by a Sword Sincerity by a Lambe Meeknes by a Doue Wisd●me by a Serpent Prouidence by an Aegle Aequality by a siluerd Ballance Industry by a golden Ball on which stands a Cupid intimating that Industry brings both Wealth and Loue Truth with a ●anae of Starres with which she chases away Error Peace with a Branch of Laurell Patience a Sprig of Palme Hope by a siluer'd Anchor Harmony by a Swan Each at Night holding a bright burning Tapor in her hand as a Manifestation of Purity His Lordship being in sight and drawing neare to his Entrance Fame from the Brazen Tower closes vp the Triumph his Lordships honourable welcome with the noble Demonstration of his worthy Fraternities Affection in this concluding Speech Fame I Cannot better the Comparison Of thy faire Brotherhoods Loue then to the Sunne After a great Ecclipse for as the Sphaere Of that Caelestiall Motion shines more cheere After the Interposing Part is spent Then to the Eye before the Darknes went Ouer the bright Orbe so Their Loue is showne With a Content past Expectation A Care that ha's beene comely and a Cost That ha's beene Decent cheerefull which is most Fit for the Seruice of so great a State So fam'd a Cittie and a Magistrate So worthy of it all ha's beene bestowde Vpon thy Triumph which ha's clearely shorrde The Loues of thy Fraternity as great For thy first Welcome to thy honour'd Seate And happily is Cost requited then When Men Grace Triumphs more then Triumphs Men Diamonds will shine though set in Lead True worth Stands alwayes in least neede of setting forth What makes Lesse Noyse then Merit or Lesse Showe Then Vertue 't is the Vndeseruers owe All to Vaine-glory and to Rumour still Building their Praises on the Vulgar Will All their Good is without e'm not their owne When wise men to their Vertues are best Knowne Behold you ' Fountaine with the Tripled Crowne And through a Cloude the Sunne-beame piercing downe So is the worthy Magistrate made vp The Triple Crowne is Charity Faith and Hope Those three Caelestiall Sisters the Cloude too That 's Care and yet you see the Beame strikes through A Care discharg'd with Honour it presages And may it so continue to all Ages It is thy Brotherhoods Armes how well it fits Both Thee and All that for Truthes Honour sits The Time of Rest drawes neere Triumph must cease Ioy to thy Heart to all a Blessed peace FINIS FOr the Frame-Worke of the whole Triumph with all the proper Beauties of Workmanship the Credit of that iustly appertaines to the deserts of Master Garret Crismas a Man excellent in his Art and faithfull in his Performances
THE SVNNE in Aries A NOBLE SOLEMNITY PERformed through the Citie at the sole cost and charges of the Honourable and ancient Fraternity of DRAPERS at the confirmation and establishment of their most Worthy Brother the Right Honourable EDVVARD BARKHAM in the high Office of his Maiesties Lieutenant the Lord Maior of the famous Citie of LONDON Taking beginning at his Lordships going and perfecting it selfe after his returne from receiuing the Oath of Maioralty at WESTMINSTER on the morrow after SIMON IVDES day being the 29. of October 1621. By THO. MIDDLETON Gent. AT LONDON Printed by Ed. All-de for H. G. 1621. TO THE HONOVR OF HIM TO VVHOM THE NOBLE FRATERNITY of Drapers his worthy Brothers haue dedicated their loues in costly Triumphes the Right Honourable EDVVARD BARKHAM Lord Maior of this renowned CITIE YOur Honour being the Center where the Lines Of this Dayes glorious circle meetes and ioynes Loue Ioy Cost Triumph all by You made blest There do's my Seruice too desire to rest At your Lordships command THO. MIDDLETON THE SVNNE IN ARJES PIsces being the last of the Signes and the Wayne of the Sunnes Glory how fitly and desiredly now the Sunne enters into Aries for the comfort and refreshing of the Creatures and may bee properly called the Spring time of Right and Iustice obserued by the Shepheards Kalender in the Mountaine to proue a happy Yeare for poore mens causes Widdowes Orphans Comforts so much to make good the Sunnes Entrance into that noble Signe I doubt not but the Beames of his Iustice will make good themselues And first to begin with the Worthy loue of his Honourable Societie to his Lordship after his Honours returne from Westminster hauing receiued some seruice vpon the water the first Tryumph by land attends his Lordships most wished arriuall in Pauls Church-yard which is a Chariot most Artfully framed adorned bearing the Title of the Chariot of Honour In which Chariot many Worthies are plac'd that haue got Trophies of Honour by their Labours Deserts such as Iason whose Illustration of Honour is the Golden Fleece Hercules with his Ne plus vltra vpon Pilasters of Siluer a fayre Globe for conquering Alexander a Gilt Lawrell for triumphant Caesar c. Iason at the approach of his Lordship being the Personage most proper by his Manifestation for the Societies Honour lends a voyce to these following words The Speech presented by Jason BE fauourable Fates and a faire Skie Smile on this Expedition Phoebus Eye Looke cheerefully the Barke is vnder Sayle For a Yeares voyage and a blessed Gale Be euer with it 'T is for Iustice bound A Coast that 's not by euery Compasse found And goes for Honour Lifes most precious Trading May it returne with most Illustrious Lading A thing both wisht and hop'te for I am Hee To all Aduenturous Voyages a free And bountifull well-wisher by my Name High Iason first Aduenturer for Fame which now rewards my danger and o're-tops The Memory of all Perill or her stops Assisted by the noble Hopes of Greece 'T was I from Colchis fetcht the Golden Fleece Am One of the first Brothers on Record Of Honour got by Danger So great Lord There is no Voyage set forth to Renowne That do's not sometimes meete with Skies that frowne With Gusts of Enuie Billowes of despight Which makes the Purchase once atchieu'd more bright State is a Sea he must be wise indeede That sounds It's Depth or can the Quick sands heede And Honour is so nice and rare a Prize 'T is watcht by Dragons Venamous Enemies Then no small care belongs too 't but as I With my assisting Argonautes did try The Vtmost of Aduenture and with bold And constant Courage brought the Fleece of Gold Whose Illustration decks my Memory Through all Posterities naming but Mee So Man of Merit neuer faint or feare Thou hast th' Assistance of Graue Senators here Thy Worthy Brethren some of which haue past All dangerous Gulfes and in their bright Fames plac't They can Instruct and guide thee and each one That must aduenture and are comming on To this great Expedition They will bee Cheerefull and forward to Encourage Thee And Blessings fall in a most infinite Summe Both on those past Thy Selfe and those to come Passing from this and more to encourage the labour of the Magistrate hee is now conducted to the Master-Triumph called the Tower of Vertue which for the strength safety and perpetuity beares the Name of the Brazen Tower of which Integrety keepes the Keyes Vertue being indeed as a Brazen wall to a City or Common-wealth to Illustrate the prosperity it brings to a Kingdome the Top-Turrets or Pinacles of this Brazen Tower shine bright like Golde and vpon the Gilded Battlements thereof stand 6. Knights 3. in Siluered and 3. in Gilt Armour as Vertues Standerbearers or Champions holding 6. little Streamers or siluer Bannerets in each of which are displayed the Armes of a Noble Brother and Benefactor Fa●●e sounding forth their praises to the world for the Encouragement of after Ages and Antiquity the Register of Fame containing in her Golden Legend their Names Titles as that of Sir Henry Fitz-Aiwin Draper L. Maior foure and Twenty yeares together Sir Iohn Norman the first that was rowed in Barge to Westminster with Siluer Oares at his owne cost and charges Sir Francis Drake the Sonne of Fame who in two Yeares and tenne Monthes did cast a Girdle about the world The vnparaleld Sir Symon Eyre who built Leaden Hall at his owne cost a Storehouse for the Poore both in the vpper Lofts and lower the Generous memorable Sir Richard Champion and Sir Iohn Milborne two bountifull Benefactors Sir Richard Hardell in the Seat of Magistracy 6. yeares together Sir Iohn Poultney 4. yeares which Sir Iohn founded a Colledge in the Parish of St. Lawrence Poultney by Candlewicke streete Iohn Hinde a Reedifier of the Parish Church of St. Swithin by London Stone Sir Richard Pipe who being Free of the Leather sellers was also from them translated to the Ancient and Honorable Society of Drapers and many whose names for breuities cause I must omit and hasten to the Honour and Seruice of the Time present From the Tower Fame a personage properly adorned thus salutes the Great Mr. of the Day and Triumph The Salutation of Fame VVElcome to Vertues Fortresse strong and cleere Thou art not onely safe but glorious heere It is a Tower of Brightnes such his Truth Whose Strength and Grace feeles a perpetuall Youth The walls are Brasse the Pyramid's fine Gold Which showes 't is Safeties and Prosperities Hold Cleare Conscience is Lieutenant Prouidence there Watchfulnes Wisedome Constancy Zeale Care Are the sixe Warders keepe the Watch-Tower sure That nothing enters but what 's iust and pure For which effect both to affright and shame All slothfull Blouds that blush to looke on Fame An Ensigne of good Actions Each displayes That worthy Workes may iustly owne their Praise And which is cleareliest