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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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reveled in his holy Word 7. Their clashing contradiction is a plenary confuta●son for som say no mixtils or Animats shal subsist but only C●lical bodies and two Elements yet can shew no caus or colour why they rather then the rest or how the world shal be more glorious being as a bare house unfurnished and unhabited sith variety makes it Mundus or comly som that al creatures shal be restored so wel as men yet know not how to stow them as two were of ech kind in the A●c in the world unles they fain it of infinit capacity som that such only shal be reserved as are extant at last day that is good luck and bad as al the world is now ruled for why they rather then the rest sith al shal be incinerated so wel as thos already corrupted som that none now or then existent are capable of restitution or resurrection but new shal be formed of rare kinds like thos in the Lunar world to serv the Saints in a new material world to com Touching this Earth som say it shal be refined like gold in the fire and bettered or beautified tenfold for the Saints mutual commerce som that it shal be a mansion for such as neither deserv Heaven for their good deeds nor Hel for hainous crimes som that it shal be the habitation of unbaptized Infants which they hold better then Saint Austins dark dungeon Thes are al carnal conceipts or ungrounded unwarranted Phantasms sith the kingdom of Heaven is stiled the Seat of blessed Spirits wher they shal reside as in their proper place of perpetual possession not as an Inn to lodg in for a space and at last leav it for ever nor shal they hav a City hous and country Grange to remov from Heaven to Earth at pleasures as som sottishly surmise but shal enjoy a Heavenly habitation and beatific Vision for their eternal inheritance which wil be no boot to change for an Earthly mansion though they should enjoy Christs personal presence to boot which they also hav stil in Heaven Most Greec Fathers with many Latin assert annihilation Authorities Hilari saith this Heaven caled Firmament shal pass away and not be but that invisible wherin God dwels abides for ever Clement fains his Master Saint Peter to tel Simon Magus that ther be two Heavens one superior increat eternal wher blessed Spirits inhabit another inferior visible studded with stars which at last day shal be abolished Saint Jerom saith thos two Fathers Opinion was most approved as cohering with Saint Pauls saying The things seen are temporal but thos not seen 2 Cor. 4. 18. eternal meaning that al Visibles shal perish to nothing but invisibles abide for ever in infinity Dr. Hakewil cites sundry late L. 6 Apol. sub ●●nem Protestant Professors as Patrons of annillation viz. Luther Melancthon Bucer Beroaldus Bartolinus Vorstius Junius Rivet Hunnius Tilenus Cassanius Meisnerus Polanus Martinius Brentius Wollebius Gerard Arnobius Frantzius and others whos pregnant testimonies to that purpose he produceth worthy of exact perusal which to recit or capitulat consorts not with my affected brevity who must hasten to answer the Ronovators and Substitutors Arguments Ob. Saint Peter saith The Heavens must contain Christ til the Acts 3. 19 21. times of refreshing and restitution of al things which God hath spoken by al his holy Prophets Ergo al shal be restored Sol. The Syriac Interpreter renders it til the end of al times or worlds consummation but the times of restitution or refreshing signify the complement of our Redemption for as Calvin comments becaus our restitution or redemption is yet imperfect while we grone under the bond of bondage we shal be restored to liberty at last day when 't is perfected but speaks nothing of the Worlds renovation after 't is burnt nor can it be wiredrawn or wrested to any such construction if rightly sensed Ob. David saith God laid the Earths foundations that it Ps 104. 5. sh●uld not be removed for ever So Salomon One generation passeth and another coms but the Earth abides for ever Ergo Eccles 1. 4. shal not be annilled Sol. Thes places are stifly urgd against the Earths diurnal motion with more color then to oppugn abolition yet truly against neither for the intention is that by Natures cours it is laid to remain for ever without decay or diminution in the whol like other elements had not God decreed to dissolv it but the parts of them al are subject to jugial alteration and corruption the word for ever is so long as Time or the World lasts so caled in comparison of mans mortal condition as circumcision is stiled perpetual Repl. The Lord saith Lo I creat new Heavens and Earth Isai 6●●7 Rev. 21. 1. for the former shal not be remembred So Saint John cals them new for the first passed away and ther was no more Sea so Saint Peter The Heavens shal pass away with a nois and Elements 2 Pet 3 10. 13. melt with heat but we look for new Heavens and Earth Ergo being burnt they shal be refined and renovated or new created and substituted but not al utterly abolished or annulled Sol. See how partial Sectists are it was pressed last that the Earth abides for ever now that it shal be renewed or a new surrogated but truth lies in the kernel of genuin sens not in the shel of words surely they are not meant literaly of material Heavens and Earth or if they be it tends rather to annillation then restitution o● substitution for Isai saith The former shal com in mind no more Saint John They passed away and there was no more Sea Saint Peter The Heavens shal pass away with a nois and Elements melt with heat how then renewed such as constru to perish pass away be no more c. of the worlds instauration or melioration and not of annihilation must answer wher in Grammar 't is so taken for in Philosophy and Theology renovation diametraly differs from destruction Beza applies Isais alleged words to the Churches State or Christs kingdom which also alluds to the Saints condition in Heavenly Jerusalem as Saint Johns immediat ensuing words import I saw the holy City new Jerusalem Rev 21. 2. coming from God prepared as a Bride trimmed for her husband which intimats their continual cohabitation or hir eternal Mansion with God hir Bridegroom So Saint John and Peter by new Heavens intend the Saints glory in new Jerusalem with God or the Lamb and not any material new Heavens as al authentic Authors expound Rep. Isaiah saith The Moons light shal be as the Sun and Isai 30. 26. Suns sevenfold as of seven dais Ergo at last day al things shal be perfected in far greater glory not totaly abolished to be no more Sol. The Prophet speaks Mysticaly and Metaphoricaly as oft elswher of the Church under Christ which he cals a new Heaven and Earth as the new Heavens
and Earth which I wil Isai 66. 22. 23. make shal remain before me so shal your seed and name continu from one Moon to another and from Sabbath to Sabbath shal al flesh com to Worship before me saith the Lord. All which Texts our Expositors aptly apply to Christs kingdom when his Church shal be renewed but no new world implied so thos words of the Moons light as the Sun and Suns seven fold are meant of the Churches restauration whos glory shal septuply exced the Suns splendor as Junius interprets which consorts to our engllsh Annotations for by the glory of thos excellent Creatures is shewed the super eminent beatitud of Gods children in Christs kingdom the Church but tend nothing to a new real material World Rep. David saith Thou shalt change them as a Vesture Ps 102 26. 27. and they shal be changed which Saint Paul repeats of thes material Heavens and Earth Ergo they shal hav a perfectiv alteration Heb. 1. 11. 12. no destructiv annillation Sol. Both indeed speak of thes Heavens and Earth but neither of any perfectiv renovation sith both say they shal perish by the word Balah which properly purports Brought to nothing for change is many wais as in quality better or wors in quantity bigger or less in substance by generation and corruption but mostly by annihilation which is the greatest mutation ab ente ad non Ens even to nothing So Bellarmin blunders on that Psalm God only is unchangeable who brought the Heavens from no being to be and wil reduce them from a being not to be concluding al other Creatures in the same condition Bartholinus observs that mutation is often taken for annillation as Can. 2. 11. the Winter is past i. quit extinct Isai 2. 18. the Idols shal utterly abolish Now the Heavens also may be said to be changed in respect of us who shal be translated from a material visible World to an immaterial invisible Kingdom from a terren possession to a Celical Paradise stiled new Jerusalem and a new Heaven The approved Annotations interpret al Texts of new Heavens and Earth Tropicaly touching Christs Kingdom or Church See Psal 110. 3. Jer. 31. 36. Jer. 33. 26. Joel 2. 28. Hebr. 12. 28. and elswher Ob. St. Paul saith The fashion of this World passeth away 1 Co● 7. 31 Ergo the extern form only shal be altered but the essence or substance not abolished Sol. Are thes handsom inferences The Apostle asserts nothing of the material World but only denots the vanity of mundan matters that al passeth away like a tale that is told as Calvin and Junius interpret Ob. Christ saith som shal sit at my right hand som at my left Luk. 22. 30. ye shal eat ana drink at my Table in my Kingdom Ergo the Saints shal sit and eat corporaly at his Table in his Human Kingdom Sol. This is a gross carnal conceipt of Chiliasts and other Novists addle devisers who hold a new World shal be created for Christs personal Kingdom wher he shal reign or reside for ever resigning the highest Heaven to his Father as if Infinity could not contain al things Christ speaks of eating and drinking at his Table Tropicaly as al sober Orthodox agree deriving it from his last Supper which he newly instituted before thos words were uttered signifying the effect of it that therby they shal participat eternal life in his Heavenly Kingdom not at Jerusalem a thousand yeers before the Judgment as common Chiliasts conceiv nor after it for ever in a new created World to com as other Opinionists deem or dream Ob. St. Paul saith The Creatures shal be delivered from corruptions Rom 8. 21 22 23. bondage into the glorious liberty of Gods Children for the whol Creation grones and travels in pain together til now and not only they but we also which hav the first fruits of the Spirit even we groan within waiting for the adoption to wit redemption of our body Ergo al Creatures shal be restored Sol. This is like a Rabbets head left last to slay as requiring most labor for such obscure places al Sectists obtrud as Men lov to fish in troubled waters 'T is most abstruse of any in the new Testament as St. Austin avers wherto many apply St. Peters words That in Pauls Epistles som things are hard 2 Pet. 3. 16. to understand which the unlearned and unstable wrest as they doo other Scriptures to their own destruction 'T is a good cavest for bold Buzzards not to build doubtful doctrins on dark Oracles without good guids unles they be found or founded on Faiths analogy elswher The first words The Creatur shal be delivered from Corruptions bondage may best be doon by annillation being therby freed from Mens abuses and farther possibility of decay tho not restored to perfecter estate as the letter seems to say The next Into the glorious liberty of Gods Children may be safly expounded together with their liberty or by reason of it or at same time with it So St. Chrysostom best skild in his Mother toung interprets the particl 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 together for or by reason of that they shal be freed by means of the Saints liberty Semblably St. Ambros saith it shal be at the same time together when the Saints shal attain their glory which two Expositions seem soundest to salv al scruples For dumb Creatures cannot be coheirs with the elect of eternal bliss by redemption or resurrection of the body as the bare words imply having no saving faith in Christ Thos words Not only they but even we which hav the first fruits of the Spirit groan within our selfs waiting for the adoption even the redemption of our body plainly distinguish betwen the Saints state who groan and wait for the redemption of the Body and al other Creatures which groan only to be delivered from corruptions bondage together with the liberty of Gods Children or at the same time or by means of it Which deliverance may best be atchived by a total final abolition when they shal no more be subject to slavery abuse and villany This cleerly resolvs al difficulty to interpret the particile into by together with the liberty of Gods Children according to thos two orthodox Fathers authentic exposition Such as assert any other liberty of restauration or melioration must answer al foregoing Arguments for annihilation or shew sufficient caus why som shal be restored and not al sith St. Paul names the whol Creation or every Creature Kinds and Individuals To say Mixtils Vegetals and Bruts shal partake the glorious liberty of eternal felicity with Gods Sons or Saints is a Brutish buz which no sound sober Divines dare own He useth the phrase of delivery from corruption rather then annihilation as parrallel to Mans manumission from like bondage Marlorat who is for restitution comments thus hence it appeers into how great glory Gods Sons shal be
but the chief charms are reserved for the Children to be Baptised as appeers in their Ceremonies The like are used in Mariage Visitation of the Sick extrem Unction consecrations of Churches and Church-yards to expel Phantasms Faieries and imaginary Spirits al which belong to the Kingdom of Darknes being effects of our natural ignorance Another error is from misinterpreting the words eternal Life everlasting Death and secund Death of which three in order Adam had an estate to liv for ever not by nature in himself Eternal Life or any part of his but by eating the Tree of Life which he had leav to doo so long as he obeied God but was thrust out of Paradise so soon as he sinned lest he should feed theron and liv for ever Now Christs death is a discharge of sin and restitution of Life eternal to al the faithful who beleev in him and to them only Yet the general doctrin of Divines is that every Man hath eternal life by nature of his immortal Soul so that the flaming Sword at entrance of Paradise may hinder him from tasting the Tree of Life but not from immortality which God bereaved Nor shal he need Christs sacrifice for recovery of the same sith not only the faithful or righteous but the wicked and Heathen shal enjoy eternal Life without Death much less a secund everlasting death To salv or shadow this they say by secund everlasting Death is meant a secund everlasting Life but Torments which is a figure never used sav in this very case Is not secund Death an eternal being both of Body and Quaere Soul in Hel-fire under Satan This tenet of the Souls immortality is founded on som obscure places of the new Testament which yet in a different sens of his own mint are cleer enough and unnecessary to Christian Faith For suppose when a Man dies nothing remains but his Carcas cannot God who made clay a living Creature by his word rais it again by another word Yes but not to the same life which vanished to nothing wheras the Soul being immortal persists identical Soul in Scripture stil signifies either Life or a Living Creature and Body jointly with Soul a Body alife As God saith Let the Waters produce Reptile animae viventis the creeping thing with a living Soul we translat that hath life Again God created Whales omnem animam viventem in English every living Creature but of Man God made him of dust and breathed in his face the spiracle or breath of life factus est Homo in animam viventem and Gen. 8. 21. Man was made a living Creature So God said when Noah cam out of the Arc I wil no more smite omnem animam viventem Deut 12. 23. every living Creature Eat not the Blood for 't is the Soul or Life But if Soul signified a substance immortal existing after separation from the Body it may be said of any other Animal so wel as Man Is it said of any other that God having made the Body of Quaere Earth breathed into his face spiraculum Vitae the Spirit of Life Which al interpreters expound of creating and infusing the Soul together He goes on the Souls or Lifes of the Faithful which being accidents that annihilated when the Bodies died must be new made are by Gods special Grace not of their own Nature to remain in their raised Bodies for ever after Judgment Wher 't is said in the new Testament that any shal be cast Body and Soul as if they were distinct Quaere parts into Hel-fire it imports Body and Life how can Life be cast being a bare accident That they shal be cast alife into Rev. 19 v. 20. Gehenna So 't is said The Beast and fals Prophet were both cast alife into a Lake of fire burning with Brimstone This dark doctrin of the Souls subsistence after separation opens a sluce to let in the superstitious superstructures of Purgatory and Indulgences Ghosts or Goblins and Exorcisms invocating of Saints yea Heaven and Hel too with som others For Men before Christs coming being taught from the Greecs Demonology that Mens Souls were distinct substances which after separation must subsist somwher by their own Nature the Doctors of the Church long doubted wher they resided til the general Resurrection supposing they lay under the Altars but finding that Martyrs Souls of them slain for Gods word if they hav Souls why not others Quae c. Lay under the Altar the Church of Rome for their profit Rev. 6 9. erected Purgatory Surely they doo al for profit to maintain their pomp pride power and prodigality Beza to prov Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection Mat. 16. 28. and continues stil urgeth his words Verily I say to you som of them which stand here shal not tast of death til they hav seen Mat. 16. 28. Marc 9. 1. Luk. 9. 37. Gods Kingdom com with power Ergo either Gods Kingdom cam shortly after and is now in this World or els som then standing by Christ are yet alife Sol. This is a darke difficil place which provs nothing necessarily but if Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection why doo we stil pray thy Kingdom com Therfore 't is not meant therof Yea after his Resurrection the Apostles asked Wilt thou now restore the Kingdom of Israel He answered 'T is not for you to know the time or season which the Father hath put in his own power but ye shal receiv power by the holy Ghosts coming on you and shal be my Witnesses in Jerusalem in al Judea and utmost part of the Earth So he told them his Kingdom was not com nor shal they foreknow when 't is to com Christ said to Peter of John If I wil that he tarry Jo●n ●1 v. 22. til I com what is that to thee Which bred a beleef that he should not dy yet the truth of it was neither confirmed nor confuted by thos words but left as a dark saying and so must this Howbeit sith Christs transfiguration is the next Act handled by al three Evangelists haply he cals that Gods Kingdom which som ther should see being a representation or vision of his glory and Majesty as he shal com in his Kingdom which cannot be proved to begin til the day of Judgment Wher is it proved that any terren Kingdom shal commence Quae●e then Then shal the Faithful rise with glorious spiritual Bodies inlifened and becom Christs Subjects in his Kingdom wher they shal not eat drink marry as they did in their natural Bodies but liv happily in their individual Persons for ever The elect then alife shal be suddenly changed and their Bodies made spiritualy immortal but Reprobats shal rise to receiv punishment yet not eternaly in their individual Persons nor can any place prov it As after the Resurrection the Elect shal be restored to Adams estate before he fel so Reprobats shal be in the
before their deaths they ordeined som Disciples as Superiors over several Churches and Presbyteries 4. That such were stiled Prelats set over and Bishops or Overseers 5. That Peter and James Apostles Marc and Timothy Evangelists Gaius and Lynus two of the seventy Disciples Titus Onesimus Evodius Clemens Lucius Apelles Denys Areopagit Polycarp Ignatius Anacletus Apostolic Men were actual Bishops in several Sees as Ignatius Tertullian Irenaeus trusty Trustees avow 6. That in after ages Bishops were chosen by Presbyteries not occasionaly like Presidents or Moderators in Councils nor annualy as Maiors of Cities but perpetualy for life like Masters of Colleges to govern their Dioceses 7. That such continued in al christian Churches by the titles of Bishops or Prelats til Luther stiled them Superintendents 8. That after-Records or Catalogs of Episcopal continued successions are extant every wher beyond cavil or contradiction 9. That al Elders or Presbyters with Deacons Evangelists c. were Clergy Men by imposition of hands til Calvin occasionaly admitted Laics Joint Rulers in shew with Clerics which form hath since crept into a few Churches as novities stil find vulgar intertainment like new Brooms 10. That ther is no semblable color for conterfet Lay-Elders to meddle in Church matters nor ever were any such except Church-Wardens to keep the common Stock Goods and Utensils safe What needs more light at noon The blind are never the better nor wil deaf Adders be charmed So far the History Gaudenus de Episcopatu Gauden about Episcopat In his Hicrospistes or Defens of English Ministry and Ministers LEt Dr. Gauden a learned Divine ful of piety and free Appendix from partiality moderat the matter who in his Elegant Apology for the Ministry hath thes passages in sundry places He dotes not on any dross or rust which antient venerable Episcopacy may in many revolutions of ages easily contract and be as easily cleered nor likes thes rigid reformations which som rash envious ambitious Presbyters driv on who know not how to shav their Fathers Beards without cutting their Throats pair their Nails without cropping their Hands nor as unskilful Chymists refine from dross without consuming what is Pretious nor as blind Empirics purge bad Humors without casting into bloody Fluxes Our Lord Jesus Christ the tru Messias Son of God Angel of the new Covenant the great Apostle Bishop and Father of our Souls Author and Finisher of our Faith Suprem Lord and King Eternal high Priest and unerring Prophet of his Church was sent by G●d the Father to perform al Prophecies fulfil al righteousnes and settle a visible Ministration of holy things in his Church who cam not in his own Name as Man to be Mediator or to take the Honor of Prophet Priest and a King over it but had his Mission from the Father by evident Witne● from Heaven both before and at his Birth but more eminently at Baptism by the visible Shape of a Dov and audible voice This is my beloved Son in whom I am wel pleased being annointed with gifts of the Holy Ghost abov al as Head of the Church Thes were attended with infallible Signs and Wonders while he taught the Mysteries of his Kingdom and instituted holy Rites to distinguish his Church from the World by thos Seals and Pledges of his lov in dying for the Faithful when he shed both Blood and Water on the Cross Which having personaly accompiished as to the meritorius part of his Ministry he being no more to convers in a visible Human presence on Earth did after his Resurrection commit the Keis of his Kingdom to the twelv Apostles aforechosen as Stewards or Ministers of his Houshold instructing them on what fundation of Faith to build his Church and by what Sacramental Signs to confirm Beleevers bidding them to Teach and Baptise al Nations to ordein Disciples that should succed and so breathed on them promising to send his Spirit as he did after his Ascention and to be with them til the Worlds end This cannot be meant of their Persons who shortly died but of their Survivers or Successors in the Ministry to whom the same Authority and assistance belongs by divine durable Charter or Commission for publication and confirmation wherof the Holy Ghost cam on them in shape of firy Cloven Toungs filling them with miraculous gifts fit for the first planting of the Church and al Ministerial power derivable to others for propagation and perpetuity therof Which whol fram or Fabric was the proper effect of his Prophetic Wisdom for instructing his Church an Act of his Kingly power in governing it and the fruit of his Priestly care for a right Liturgy or Officiating to be stil continued by an holy Succession of Evangelical Ministers in his Name to Teach Guid and Govern it in al holy Duties He made Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors Teachers for the work of Ministry and edyfying of his body who had divers gifts as be several parts in our body so that al are not Prophets or Pastors which are Beleevers or Members as every bodyly part is not an Ey tho it partakes the same Soul as Beleevers doo the same Spirit in differing ministrations of which Gifts thos only are to Judg whom the Spirit sets Successivly in the Church with power to ordein others without which divinely constituted Order began by Christ derived to the Apostles and delegated to their Successors the Church long ago had bin a Monster made up of confused excrescences or heaps of Heresies Sects Schisms and blind Baiards as such mishapen prodigies start up daily who having cast off Sacred Order doo in their varieties exced the promiscuous productions even of Afric The Apostles accordingly first filled up Judas place by Lot out of the seventy Disciples and took care to ordain others which should so doo after them distributing their own labors into several Churches som of Circumcised Jews others of Gentils among whom they exercised Divine power and Authority with al fidelity as Christs Ambassadors Heralds and Laborers in his Husbandry or Espousers to make a Mariage betwen Christ and the Church which office none without do delegation might presum to perform During which primitiv purity they ordeined Elders in every City and Country charging them to fulfil the Ministrey and feed their Flocks both in tru Doctrin and good Diciplin over whom the Lord had made them Overseers by the Apostles assignation Som of which had charge to settle a Succession of such as should be apt and able to teach the Word of Life that Christs Institution might be kept unblamable til his secund coming by an holy Order or Office of Ministers duly made by solen imposition of sacred hands as a visible token of their peculiar designation to this function Thus beyond al doubt or disput which none but Atheists or Infidels wil deny Christs holy Ordinance was carried on successivly for three generations 1. In the Apostles 2. From them to Elders and Rulers 3. From them to others which
Fire was cast into Sea and a third part becam Blood At the third A great Star caled Wormwood burning as a Lamp fel making a third part of Rivers and Fountains bitter that many died of them At fourth A third part of Sun Moon and Stars was darkned that the day and night for a third part shined not Here intervens as a preparatory transition to the three last Trumpets An Angel flying through midst of Heaven crying a loud Wo Wo Wo to the Earths Inhabiters by reason of the three Angels yet to sound The fift sounded which is the first Ch 9. 1 Wo. of Wo And a Star fel from Heaven to Earth and he opened the bottomless Pit with a Key whence arose Smoke darkning Sun and Air out of which cam Locusts whos effects are notably described together with their King Abaddon or Apollyon The sixt or secund Wo sounded wh●ch 2 Wo. Ch. 10. loosed four Angels bound at Euphrates who were prepared to slay a third part of Men their Army being two hundred thousand thousand Horsmen which are largely described with their woful effects Here a mighty Angel Jesus Christ descended with a litle Book in his hand open who set his right Foot on the Sea and left on Earth swearing with lifted up hands by him that livs for ever ther should be no more time but at sound of the seventh Trumpet the mystery of God shal be finished as he declared to the Prophets This Angel cried loud as if a Lion roared or seven Thunders uttered their voices which John was about to writ but a voice from Heaven bid him seal it up and eat the little Book which in his mouth was sweet as Hony but made his Belly bitter that he might Prophecy Then ●b 11. was John bid to mesure Temple Altar and Worshipers with a reed but not the out Court for the Gentils must tread the holy City under foot forty two Moneths and he gav his two Witnesses power to Prophecy one thousand two hundred sixty dais clad in Sack-cloth but the beast rising from the bottomless Pit shal kil them whos dead Bodies shal ly in the street of the great City three dais and half unburied who shal reviv and ascend to Heaven to their Enimies great grief and terror The seventh 3 Wo. or third of Wo sounded which finished Gods mysteries and his Churches miseries then were great voices heard in Heaven saying the Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs to whom the twenty four Elders sung a gratulation attended with Lightnings Thundrings Voices Earthquake and great Hail Here the first Prophecy or System of Visions which contains chiefly the fourth Empires condition ends after which the secund contemporar with the former of Seals and Trumpets folows foretelling the Churches future state til the last day Herin three principal points are handled 〈◊〉 1. Hir tribulations 4 Vision by several Enemies 2. Hir deliverance by their destruction 3. Hir happy condition after deliverance Most Interpreters make both Visions one continued Prophecy yet not so properly tho in substance neer one The Churches persecutions Ch. 12. by several Enimies are pourtraied in this fourth Vision but the parturient Womans pursuit by the Dragon most pointly who waged war with the remnent of Hir seed The Dragons Ch. 13. instruments are the Beast with seven heads and ten borns rising from the Sea and that coming out of the Earth which had two horns like a Lamb but spake as a Dragon The events Ch. 14. of this persecution is the Saints victory by their constant confession of Christ even to death which is amplified by the causes and effects The Vision of seven Phials ful of Gods wrath and the seven 5 Vision last plagues poured out by seven Angels declare the Churches Ch. 15. deliverance by hir Enimies destruction The first poured his Ch. 16. plagues on the Earth the next on the Sea the third on Rivers and Fountains the fourth on the Sun the fift on the Beasts seat the sixt on Euphrates the seventh into the Air whos effects see in the context In the sixt Vision many mysteries are manifested being before 6 Vision Ch. 17. but obscurely mentioned which point out the Rise Reign Seat Vassals Success and final fal of Antichrist with al the Churches Enimies Here behold the great Whores judgment and event wherin a lifely description of the Whore to be judged both by visional representation of a Woman sitting on a scarlet Beastful of Names of Blasphemy having on hir forehead a Name writen A Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots and Abominations and by real explanation that the Beasts seven Heads are seven Hils and ten Horns ten Kingdoms The Instruments which shal destroy the Whore are thos ten Horns or Kings who shal hate and make hir desolat or naked eat hir flesh and burn hir with fire The promulgation Ch. 1● of Babylons perdition is performed by three Angels one declares the certainty 't is falen and becom the habitation of Devils another warns al Gods People to com out of hir for fear of hir plagues setting forth hir V●ssals sad laments crying alas alas that great City the last seals up hir ruins irrecoverablenes under the type of A great Milstone cast into the Sea Then folow gratulatory Ch. 19. exultations of the Heavenly company singing Halelujah to God both for the Whores judgment and preparation of the Lambs Wife to marry with him together with the Lamb and his Armies total conquest over the Beast fals Prophet and earthly Kings with their Armies wherto al Fowls are invited to eat their flesh The last Vision shews the event of the Whores judgment 7 Vision Ch. 20. which is triple 1. The Saints safety by chaining up the Dragon or Devil for one thousand yeers in the bottomless pit 2. The Martyrs living and reigning with Christ one thousand yeers but the rest of the dead lived not again til thos yeers were finished 3. The Saints miraculous deliverance from the Nations Gog and Magog by fire from Heaven to devour them when their Deceiver is cast into a Lake of fire and Brimstone wherupon folows the general judgment of the dead smal and great according to their works So far the Church Militants future state on Earth next folows the Triumphants happy condition in Heaven for ever which is gloriously decyphered with the Water of Life and Tree in midst of the Street as the Text Ch. 211 Ch. 22. shews The conclusion with its three parts is Analysed at first among the three chief Heads of this Prophecy which shal not be Tautologicaly repeated or reiterated Mr. Dury in a prolix Preface to the German Divines Clavis hath prefixed an ample Analysis which is abundantly abridged and annexed for variety of wit The Title tels that the Book Ch. 1. v. 1. is a Revelation of Jesus Christ who is the Subject-matter sith the sole scope is
Throne saying it is doon so he that sat beholding new Jerusalem descend from Heaven said to John Lo I make al Rev. 21 5 6. things new it is doon I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and end Ergo new Jerusalem begins at the Phials last term It is doon when the whore was dispatched and so symbolizeth with that time which ins●eth the Beasts perdition For one of the Phial Angels shewd John the whores condemnation while the Rev. 17. Phials were pouring out and one at least behind which Angel shewed him the great City holy Jerusalem or Lambs Bride descending from God when it becam glorious the Phials being ended and Beast with Babylon destroied Ergo it began with the seventh trumpet 6 The numberless multitud of al Nations Kinreds People and Toungs bearing triumphant Palms who are Citizens of new Rev 7 9. 16. 17 Jerusalem that shal hunger or thirst no more for the Lamb shal lead them to living Fountains of water and God shal wipe al tears from their eys concur with the seventh trumpet or space of time from the Beasts destruction Thes are his several sorts of Synchronicisms which I hav put in so plain English as my smal skil in such sublime speculations can perform wherto heads this brief period or perclose After Christs thousand yeers reign and Satans condemnation 〈◊〉 to eternal fire folows the general Resurrection and final Judgment After new Jerusalem folows Paradise with the tree of Life in midst like Eden having a River on ech side Rev 20. 11 12 13. 14. Rev. 22. 12 of the street which is the worlds consummation and conclusion of this Revelation when God wil giv every Man as his work shal be Such a Key of Synchronicisms or Apocalyptic compass wil open al the hid mysteries of this Book with which no part of the old Testament no not Daniels Visions or Vaticinations can compare for certainty or singular structure to find out the right interpretation by concent or harmony of times and concurrence of things Lord open every Mans ●ys that he may discern thy wondrous works of wisdom Commentarii Compendium The Brief of his Commentary NExt ensues his cu●ious Comment which contains two Comment principal parts 1 Of the seven Seals and seven Trumpets 2 Of the litle Book both being vastly tedious and imperspicuous but som sporadical excerptions shal be presented more plausible and perceptible craving pardon for not abbreviating al particular parcels He begins with the Apocalyptic Theater wher John behold Part 1. al as on a Stage which is that imperial Heavenly Session of God and the Church exactly framed after the form of old Israels incamping in the Wildernes both which he compares Rev 4. Numb 1. 52. at large wel worth perusal but too prolix to capitulat He omits the Vision of seven Asian Churches in the three first chapters and parts the rest into two Prophecies 1. Of the Seals which comprehends the Empires destinies 2. Of the litle Book which concerns the Church or Christian Religion til in fine both be united in the Church and this Worlds Kingdoms Rev. 11. 15. becom the Lords Kingdoms and his Christs The scope of the sealed Book is to shew the distances of insuing times distinguished by characters of events in what order of changes and chances the Roman Empire running on Christ should vanquish the Gods of this World with whom he waged war Rev. 5. who must reign til he hath put al Enemies underfeet viz. al terren power and authority as St. Paul expounds The first 1 Cor. 15. 24. 25. six Seals distinguish divers different times of the Empire then florishing til Christ shal suppress the Heathen Gods or Idols in al thos dominions The first shews the origin of Christs victory when 1 Seal Rev. 4 7. the fals Gods fel and the worshipers being pierced with the Gospels arrows submitted to Christ the conqueror who hath not yet fully overcom but laid a fair foundation of Victory to be gradualy finished The discloser of this Seal is The first Beast like a Lion shewing one on a whit Rev 6. 1. 2. Hors with a Bow and Crown given him this is Christ or som Emperor haply Vespasian by whos conduct the war is waged and victory won as the folowing Seals are disposed or directed by Emperors The secund shews murders and intestin slaughters which 2 Seal the next Beast like a Bullock discloseth by One riding on a red Hors with a great Sword which was Trajan a mighty warrier born in Spain who made the third bloody primitiv persecution and the Jews raised fierce wars in Lybia beside many momutinies in most parts of the Empire The third shews a voice saying A measure of Wheat for a 3 Seal Rev. 6. 5. 6. penny and three of Barly for a penny see thou hurt not the Oil and Wine by which most Men deem dearth and famin to be meant yet he rather resembles it to the severe justice then executed The discloser is The third Beast with a Mans face by one on A black Hors with a pair of Ballances in his hand which is Septimius Severus an African in whos reign was no noted famin but famous justice wherof the Ballance is an Emblem The pricing of Victuals seems to sound thus take not Wheat or Barly from any til du price be paid and keep the like law in Oil and Wine that is defraud none nor steal or purloin for this Septimius and Alexander Severus both of one name shortly succeding were most strict justiciars denoted in this third Seal See Aurelius of the first and Lampridius of the last The fourth shews Killing with the Sword Hunger Pestilence 4. Seal Rev. 6. 7. 8. and Beasts of the Earth whos discloser is The fourth Beast in shape of an Eagle presenting one whos name was Death and Hel folowed who rode on a pale Hors having power over a fourth part of the Earth This is Maximinus a big barbarous Bubulc born in Thracia under whom the Sword raged every wher For in this Seals compas of thirty three yeers ten lawful Caesars wherof Maximin one were slain by the Souldiers besides thirty usurpers as Orosius tels wherof Galienus the last exceded al the rest far in savage ferity as Trebellius Pollio informs In the same age also the pestilence prevailed for fiften yeers over al the Empire as Zonaras testifies Lastly folowed famin in most ruful maner for al was wasted by thos wild Beasts and tillage abandoned so that a fourth part of the Earth or Empire perished The fift and sixt Seals hav● no Beast to usher them nor any 5 Seal sitting on Horses but must begin wher the chance of the Rev. 6. 9. 10. 11. foregoing Seal left viz. at Aurelians reign A. 268. when the fiften yeers pestilence ceased In which the Souls of them slain for Gods Word and Testimony which they held lay under the Altar crying aloud how
Pray and lift up your Heads 1 Thes 5. 2 3. for your redemption is at hand but such as liv securely as assured of their salvation speaking peace and safety to their Souls Sudden destruction shal com upon them as travel on a Woman With Child and they shal not escape The day of the Lord shal com as a Thief in the night therfore watch and pray for great things and terrible revolutions are at dore to befal at end of A. 1655. wherin this Author is most confident who proceds thus It rests to be shewed 1. What hitherto hath bin fulfilled 2. What at present is effected 3. What shortly is to be expected which is chiefly contained in the 11. and 16. Chapters The Revelation describes the State of Christs Church in the new Testament and what shal betide the fourth Monarchy under which it subsists This description includs three Periods of time 1. The Dragons Ethnic Kingdom when seven Crowns 1 Period stood on his seven Heads being publicly adored and Christians persecuted by Pagan Emperors to which reign Constantin Rev. 12. 3. Rev. 13. 1. 2. put a Period A. 312. and the Church triumphed til Theodosius died A. 395. At which time the Devil left his shape of a Dragon resigning his Host Seat and great Authority to the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns which rose from the Sea 2. Antichrists Vicarian Lieftenentship under the Dragon 2 Period Rev. 12. 15 16. from A. 395. til A. 1655. now neer During which space the Pope or fals Prophet blasphemed Gods name and persecuted his Saints for one thousand two hundred sixty yeers but when the Dragon was cast to ground he cast water out of his mouth as a Flood to carry away the VVoman that is he stirred the North Nations to invade the Empire and infest the Church but the Earth swalowed the Flood for they embraced Christanity and erected sundry Kingdoms The Dragon seing Idolatry could not be publicly erected resigned to the Bea●t risen from the Sea on which the great Whore or Antichrist the Dragons Deputy Vicar crept up in thos wars rode his seat power and authority viz. his host of Devils or Idols wherin Ethnics worshiped him which his Antichristian Vicar stil continues under the name of Saints Herof St. John speaks Rev. 13. 3 4. al the World wondred at the Beast but worshiped the Dragon which gav him power and the Beast also saying who is like him or able to make War with him This Lieftenentship is to last forty two months or one thousand two hundred sixty annal dais which beginning A. 395. must end A. 1655. as is said Then folows the Churches tru peace or prosperity at last 3 Period Rev 20. 1 2 3. Period for at sound of the seventh Trumpet the seventh Wo cam on the Empire and the seventh Phial of Gods wrath was poured o●● wherwith the Churches Enimies are cut off and the Devil shut up in the bottomless Pit for one thousand yeers so that nothing but tru tranquillity can insu Hence the Church Rev. 11. 15. exults with great voice saying the Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs who shal reign for ever To thes three times al three Parts of the Apocalyps are Analysis squared for the Son of God des●ribes the state of his Church and what shal befal the Empire in a triple maner 1. By seven Epistles chap. 2. and 3. 2. By a Book sealed ch 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. By a litle open Book ch 10. to the end He also appeered to John in several shapes 1. As a Son of Man ch 1. who suffred in the fi●●t Period 2. As a Beast like a Lamb with seven Horns and seven Eys ch 5. which fights in the secund Period 3. As a strong Angel clothed with a Cloud ch 10. who reigns having al things put under his feet in the third last Period As a Son of Man in m●●st of seven golden Candlesticks he declares the Churches condition in general by seven Epistles wherof the two si●st belong to the first Period the ●iv last to the se und but the Promises ch 2. and 3. to the last As a Lamb he opens the sealed Book Gods hidden Decree implying the Roman Empires estate distinctly under which the Church is built and subsists ch 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9. viz. in the Politic State for the first Period til A. 395. which by opening the six first Seals is performed the Ethnic Emperors condition is shewed in the first fiv but the fal of Paganism in the sixth from Constantin to Theodosius death In the secund Period from A. 395. to 1655. when the seventh Seal is to be opened seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare by seven Judgments then executed the Empires ruin Ch. 8. 1. By Barbarians A. 395. 2. By Romes first sackage A. 410. 3. By suppressing the West Empire in Augustulus A. 476. 4. By abolishing al public Offices A. 552. 5. By Sarrasens as the first Wo tels ch 9. 1. to 12. 6. By Turcs ch 9. 13 to 19. 7. By Papists palpable Idolatry Murders Sorce●ies Fornications and other abominable sins as in the secund Wo ch 9. 20 21. In the third Period at entry of A. 1655. the seventh Angel sounds and Judgment is executed with the third Wo on the Churches Enimies wherby Gods mystery is fulfilled ch 10. 9. As an Angel covered with a Cloud having a litle Book opened which John swalowed he foretels what shal befal the Ecclesiastic State in al three Periods 1. The Church is built up under persecutions ch 11. 1 2. 2. 'T is gloriously beautified with the Sun having the Moon under foot as despising al mundan things and a Crown of twelv Stars the twelv Apostles on hir Head ch 12. 1. 2. 3. The red Dragon raiseth many Heresies and troubles but Constantin as Michael overcam him and expeld Heathenism v. 9. In the secund Period thes seven Synchronicisms are set forth 1. The holy City trod down by the Gentils ch 11. 2. 2. The two VVitnesses mourn in sack cloth v. 3. to 10. 3. The VVoman fled into the Desart ch 12. 6 to 14. 4. The ten hornd Beast blasphems God and makes war with the Saints 5. The two hornd drivs a pety ped●ing trade ch 13. per totum 6. The company of one hundred forty four thousand sing a new Hymn and liv blamless ch 14. 1. to 6. 7. The VVhore of Babylon or Papal Hierarchy rides and rules the ten hornd Beast of free accord ch 17. Herupon God forewa●nd hir by declaring his plagues and punishments ch 15. and 16. but when no redres folowd he past sentence to confound hir Hence in the third Period the Churches joy or ovation over hir Enimies total ruin is displaied with hir wished peace or tranquillity ch 19. Thes are the general Contents of al but many mo important particulars relating to our times occur which shal be summarily collected for the Churches
yeer is a time of releas so the seventh Millenium shal be the Saints rest or reign the worlds releas 4. Christs coming is immediatly to folow Antichrists confusion and the seventh Trumpet with thos thousand yeers and other appendent Prophecies forego the great day of Judgment which the Jews so much celebrat and Christ with his Apostles commemorat This is no short space of hours but of many yeers in Hebrew dialect circumscribed with two real Resurrections as peculiar precincts Which day begins at the morning Judgment of Antichrist and other the Churches Enimies then alife by the Lords glorious appeering in flames of fire but ends at the general Resurrection and Judgment after the thousand yeers reign when Satan shal be loosed a short space and the wicked cast into Hel torments but the Saints translated into Heaven to reign with Christ for ever This St. Peter 2 Pet. 3 7. 8. 13 cals The day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly Men adding immediatly Beloved be not ignorant that one day ther newly named with the Lord is as a thousand yeers apertly intimating that the very Judgment day shal be a thousand yeers when he and his Brethren the Jews look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherin dwels righteousnes according to his promiss Wher was this promiss being before John saw the Apocalyptic Vision except in Isaiah I creat new Heavens and a new Isai 65. 17. Earth and the former shal not be remembred or com into mind Isai 66. 22. Again As the new Heavens and new Earth which I wil make shal remain before me so shal your seed and name remain which is a main evidence how God wil rebuild it 5. This is that Kingdom ready to judg the world as St. 2 Tim. 4. 1. Paul saith I charge before the Lord Jesus Christ who shal judg quick and dead at his appeering and his Kingdom For at last 1 Cor. 15. 24 28 general Judgment he shal resign the Kingdom of his Church to God the Father that he may be subject to him who subdu●d a● to himself that God may be al in al. So far is he from entring a new Kingdom Ergo that which shal neither be before the Lords appeering nor after the last Judgment must needs be betwen both which is the Millenar reign This is a sly subtle Argument 6. This is the Son of Mans Kingdom which Daniel saw to Dan. 7. 14 27 whom was given dominion glory and a Kingdom that al People Nations and Toungs should serv him when dominion and greatnes of Kingdoms under Heaven shal be given to the Saints of the most high as the Angel interprets This cannot be after last Judgment sith he must then resign not receiv a Kingdom but his and Johns is the same becaus they begin at one term the destruction of the fourth Roman Beast viz. that in Daniel Dan. 7. 11. when he was slain and his body given to the burning flame that in John when the Beast and sals Prophet are cast alife into Rev 19 v 20. a lake burning with fire and brimstone As also becaus both their Judgments are alike which by comparing wil appeer For Daniel saith I beheld til the Thrones were set and Judgment given Dan. 7. 9 10 22 Rev. 20. 4. to the Saints who possessed the Kingdom So John I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given to them who lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers What can better conform or cohere For whatever the Jews or Christ and his Apostles delivered touching the great Judgment day is taken out of Daniels said Vision viz. that Judgment is to be accomplished by fire Christ to com in the Clouds in the glory of his Father the Saints to judg the World with him and Antichrist abolished with the brightnes of his coming Lastly This is that large Kingdom shewed to Nebuchadnezar in a statu of Dan. 2. 34. 35. 4 Kingdoms not that of a stone cut out of the Mountain while the series of Monarchy remained for this is Christs Kingdoms present state but the stone which becam a Mountain when al Kingdoms were utterly defaced or destroied which must needs be his Millenar reign 7. The Roman Empire is the fourth Kingdom reveled to Daniel Imagine confusa but not according to the distinction of Facts or specification of Fates as it was to John nor is it strange to see a thing unveled in general yet most particulars sealed or conceled For the surrogat Cal of Gentils in Jews stead was shewed to Peter and other Apostles but the particular Fates and Stats not known til Christ reveled them in Apocalyptic Visions For the order of times and cours of things to be acted was reserved til Johns revelation The Mother-Text whence the Jews ground an expectation of the great Judgment Day wherto almost al descriptions in the new Testament refer is Daniels said Vision of a Session when the Dan 7. 9 10. c. fourth Beast was to be destroied but the grand Assises resemble their Synedrion or chief Court wher the Pater Jud●cii had his Assessors sitting on semicircle seats before him I beheld saith he til the Thrones were pitched not cast down as late Translations render and the Antient of dais Pater Consistorii did sit and the Judgment of the whol Sanedrim was set and the Books opened Here the name and form of Judgment is cited and twise after repeated 1. At amplification of the V. 21. 22. ●6 wicked horns tyranny when judgment was given to the Saints of the most High 2. In the Angels interpretation That the Judgment shal sit and take away his Dominion to consume and destroy to the end Wher note that Cases of Dominion Blasphemy Apostasy or the like belonged to the Sanhedrim whence St. Jude and the Jews cal it The great day of Judgment Jude v 6 7. and describe it by fire becaus the Throne was a firy flame and wheels as burning fire a firy stream issued out before him and the Beasts body was given to the burning flame The like expressions are in the Gospel wher this day is intimated or inferred the Son of Man shal com in the Clouds in the glory of his Father with his holy Angels thousand thousands ministred to him as Daniel saith I saw one like the Son of Men coming in the clouds to the Antient of dais Hence St. Paul learning that the Saints shal judg the world becaus Thrones were set and judgment given them confuted the Theslaloniens fals fear of 2 Thes 2. 2 3. Christs coming then at hand becaus that day cannot be til the Man of sin first com and reign his appointed time as Daniel foretold whos destruction shal be at the Son of Mans appeering in the Clouds but not before For Daniels wicked horn or Beast acting in it is Pauls Man of sin as the Church from hir in fancy ever interprrted 8. The Kingdom
spotless and blameless of him in peace accounting his long suffering for Salvation as our beloved Brother Paul according to the wisdom given him hath writ to you who in al his Epistles wherin are som things hard to be understood which the unlearned and unstable wrest to their own destruction as they doo other Scriptures speaks of thes things viz. Rom. 2. 4 5 6 7. 1 Cor. 1. 7 8. 1 Cor. 3. 13. 2 Cor. 7. 11. Phil. 1. 10. Ph. 2. 15. Ph. 3. 10. Col. 3. 4. 5. 1 Thes 2. 12. 1 Th. 3. 13. 1 Th. 5. 32. 2 Th. 1. 8 11. 1 Tim. 6. 14 25. Tit. 2. 12. 13. Heb. 12. 14 28 29. For better understanding St. Peter of the Worlds conflagration or combustion consider thes circumstances 1. That the old Hebrew the Scriptures language hath no one word to express the univers of superior and inferior Bodies caled in Greec Cosmos in Latin Mundus in English World but Heaven and Earth jointly so when St. Peter saith the World then being perished by water but the Heavens and Earth now are reserved to fire he might convertibly utter the Heavens and Earth then perished by water as the World now shal by fire so a new Heaven and Earth in Scripture notion imply a new World 2. That no other World or Heaven and Earth shal perish by fire then what before perishd by water as the antithesis argues which is the sublunar whos Heaven is Air and Earth the whol Geographic Globe both which were vitiated or defiled by the deluge and the Creatures destroied or much depraved Such a World then and no other Heaven or Earth shal suffer a secund flood of Fire for restauration as it had before a deluge of Waters for corruption This is a witty novity as ther be sundry such now adais but scars Orthodox sith 't is a Catholic Tenet that the Ethereal Heavens with al their Starry host shal be burnt up 3. That the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 translated Elements is not distinguished from Heaven and Earth ther named becaus Heaven includs Air and Earth Water so three Physical Elements are implied and Fire if it be a fourth or not rather a quality of intens heat inherent in another Body must burn the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and can be none of that to be burnt So it must be rendred the whol Host of them or Furniture belonging to them as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies the works or Host of the Earth which shal be burnt Gen 2. 1. For Moses saith The Heavens and Earth were finished with al the Host of them which the Septuagints stile Furniture So the meaning is the Heavens and Host therof with the Earth and works or Furniture therin shal be fired The Scripture specifies three Heavens 1. Empyreal of Glory whos Host or Army are invisible Angels and blessed Spirits 2. Ethereal or Starry whos Host are shining Stars and Planets 3. Aereal or Sublunary whos Host are either visible as Meteors and Fowls or invisible as evil Spirits and Fiends with their Prince of the Air Satan the Devil To apply it St. Peter cannot intend the Empyreal which is increat and impassible nor Ethereal which is of vast immensity and sublimity in regard wherof this lower world is but a point or Center nor did thos two receiv any curs for Mans sin or contagion or contamination by the Deluge nor doo any of Gods enimies dwel ther to defile them So it rests That the Aereal only with al their Host shal be burnt up at last day Thes Heavens then shal melt with fervent heat being a metaphor taken from refining Metals which is his meaning who expounds dissolving by melting or purifying as the Septuagints stil interpret that word by refining but when the Aereal is so refined the Ethereal Lights wil shine to them on Earth far more glorious as passing their rais through a purer medium so that the world shal seem renewed As to the word passing away 't is an Hebraism signifying any change of a thing from the old Estate so al imply a secession from their pristin condition but no utter abolition by Fire more then the former destruction by Water If any ask whether the Host of invisible Spirits shal suffer by it 'T is answered That they shal not be burnt as the visible yet shal be exiled or excluded from thos lofty mansions into lower Dungeons as St. Jude intimats The Angels which lost their Jude v. 6. first estate and left their habitations he hath reserved to everlasting chains of darknes at the Judgment of that great Day Ther is another exposition to the same effect for Christ describing Mat. 24 29. the coming of this day useth prophetic expressions that the Sun shal be darkned and Moon giv no light the Stars shal fal from Heaven whos powers shal be shaken this cannot be construed literaly sith som Stars are bigger then the Earth and cannot fal on it nor can be darkned being essentialy lucid bodies so the meaning may be the World is either Mundus contin●ns viz. the whol frame of Heaven and Earth or contentus viz. the Inhabiters and kingdoms therin so the Heaven of this politic world is the Soveraign part therof whos Host and Stars are the ruling powers or Magistrats and Earth the Pezantry or Plebeians together with al terren creatures serving mans use such acceptions are usual in the Prophets as Poets strains are to us If this notion of the contained world be admitted the whol Host of Heaven and Earth high and low Princes and Pesants Men and Beasts shal be consumed at Christs coming to judgment but wheras at the Flood the Contained only perished yet the Containing was also corrupted or contamined In the destruction by fire it shal be contrary For the world of wicked ones being destroyed the Heavens and Earth Containing shal be purged or purified for the righteous to possess This exposition is not so proper as the former yet if ther be som whom neither can satisfy but wil needs hav the Fire totaly to annihilat this visible world it may be answered that the judgment Day shal last a thousand yeers so saith he but none els and this Fire not be at beginning when Christs Enimies with Satans Kingdom shal be destroyed and then a restauration bu● at end or evening shal be an utter annillation of the whol Creature so Saint Peters words may bear thus however Heaven and Earth shal in fine perish by Fire yet before that be we look for new or the worlds restauration to anteced this abolition according to his promiss Howbeit this suits not so wel with his chief scope nor with the Prophets promiss pointed at which specifies such a Fire only as shal forego a restauration and not caus a final abolition of the whol Univers with al therin nor hath it any ground in Scripture or if any such annillation shal be it stands with reason to be by Gods immediat hand or
Witchcraft Witches justly punished with death for their fals beleef that they can doo such mischief and a wil or purpose to act it their Trade being neerer to a new Religion then a Craft or Science Such as are content to be poor may easily resolv to Censure be honest so thos that hold Hel to be no real place and Devils meer Metaphors must of cours deny Witchcraft yea many who pretend to be wise pious professors are too incredulous of Witches contrary to the faith of al Gods People Exod. 22 18. both Jews and Christians who wil not suffer a Witch to liv as God commanded The best is only privat persons deny it but al public Princes and Christian Common-wealths make strict Laws against it Saul destroied Wisards and such as had familiar Spirits yet in distres caused a Witch of Endor to rais Samuel as the spectre seemed with whom he consulted Serjeant Glyn who at last Lent Assises in Cornwal condemned eght Witches upon pregnant presumptions and personal confessions can scientiously satisfy any Man that ther be such impious confederats with Satan els al Laws and Magistrats that question them for their fals imaginations or intentions to work mischief if they can doo none were most unjust and to execut them bloody De Regno purae Caliginis Of pure Darknes Kingdom BEside al Soveraign powers Divine and Human precited Eph. 6. 12. Mat. 12. 26. Mat. 9. 34. Eph. 2. 2. John 16. 11. the Scriptures specify rulers of this Worlds Darknes even the Kingdom of Satan and Principality of Beelzebub over Devils or Phantasms in the Air as Satan is stiled Prince of the power of the Air and Prince of this World becaus he rules in this Worlds darknes So they under his dominion in opposition to the Faithful caled Children of the Light are properly Children of Darknes The Kingdom of Darknes is a confederacy of Deceivers who Kingdom of Darknes to get dominion over Men in this World devise erroneous doctrins to extinguish the Light both of Nature and Scripture p. 333. c. therby to seduce silly Disciples and so disprepare them for the Kingdom of God to com Fabula narratur mutato nomine de te Let the name changed be The tale is told of thee The darkest part of Satans Kingdom is without Gods Church among such as beleev not in Christ yet doth not the Church like the Land of Goshen enjoy al Light necessary to the work injoined by God but as Men born blind hav no Idae● of any bodily Light nor can any conceiv greater then he hath perceived somtimes by his own senses so is it with the Light of the Gospel and understanding too that none can imagin any greater degree therof then he hath attained Ther be four causes of spiritual Darknes 1. By abusing or abolishing the Scriptures Light for weer 1 Caus not knowing the Scripture the chief is wherto almost al the rest are consequent or subservient wresting it to prov Gods Kingdom so oft cited to be the Church or multitud of Christians now living or that shal rise at last day but the Kingdom of God was first erected by Moses ministry over the Israelits so saith he but none els cald his peculiar People which after ceased when they refused to be longer governed by God and chose Saul Since which time God had no proper Kingdom by pact or covenant but only as he ever was is and shal be universal King of al Creatures ruling according to his absolut Wil and infinit Power Nor are any now under any King or Kingdom by pact sav our secular Soveraigns til Christ shal com again to reign eternaly on Earth Succedaneal to this said error is that Christ now in Heaven hath som one Man or Assembly by whos mouth he speaks givs Laws and which represents his Person This regal power under him the Pope claims generaly over al the Church but in particular stats the Pastors or Presbyteries of thos places which begets such darknes in Mens understandings Hence results another error that a Christian Kingdom had need to receiv his Crown by a Bishop as if the claus of Dei gratia depended on that Ceremony So al Ecclesiastics assume the title of Clergy caling al others Laity or People simply Hence also arose the distinction betwen Emperors Civil Laws and Popes Canons which last were but bare Canons or Rules voluntarily received by Princes til Charlemaign becam Emperor but afterward as the Popes power increased becam commands or Laws and Emperors allowed them For the Pope pretending al Christians to be his Subjects makes it capital for any not to be of Roman Religion but tolerats Jews Mahometans and Pagans to enjoy their own Rites if they offer no scandal A secund abuse of Scripture is turning consecration into conjuration or inchantment for to consecrat is to offer giv or dedicat decently and devoutly any thing to God by separating it from common use or prophane to be holy and peculiar for Gods service by his Ministers hands but when Papists pretend to change the nature or quality of a thing as in the Lords Supper to make Bread and Wine by saying this is my Body this is my Blood to be Christs very Body and Blood it must either be Gods extraordinary work which 't is not being doon daily and frequently or a vain impious conjuration wherby they would hav Men beleev a change of Natures contrary to the testimony of their sight and other senses If the Aegyptian Sorcerers who turnd their Rods to Serpents and Waters to Blood or at least to seem so had made no change in shew but only outfaced the King that they were Serpents which looked like Rods would not al Men tax them for Liers Thus Priests tel the People that they hav turned Bread into a Man nay a God requiring Men to worship it which is gross Idolatry The words this is my Body or represents my Body can extend soly to the Bread which Christ consecrated with his own hands for he said not the Bread wherof any Priest shal say this is my Body shal be instantly transubstantiated into it nor was this doctrin harched in the Church of Rome til under Innocent the third not 500. yeers ago when the Popes power was at highest and Peoples darknes heaviest that Men could not see the Bread they eat specialy being stamped with Christs figure on the Cross as if the very wood was transubstantiated which they ate together with the Body So at Baptism they use many Charms in name of the holy Trinity with the sign of the Cross at naming ech Person as in consecrating holy Water the Priest saith I conjure thee Creature of Water in the name of God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord and by virtu of the holy Ghost that thou becom conjured Water to driv away al the Enimies powers c. The like is doon in Benediction of Salt and Hony mixd therwith
Aio Negas Nego a property of self-secking turn-coat Parasits becoms no tru Scholar nor ever harbored in my candid Dov like habitation the worth of Mut●●m a●●ilium your work wil shine the better and brighter by this foil or at least spread farther Opposita juxta se posita magis melius elucescunt and my Book haply wil be more esteemed becaus it brings such dainty exotic fruits and excellent flowers from your ful furnishd Eden When Sir Francis Bacon Viscount St. Alban intended to divulge his Instauratio Magna to new model al liberal literature he sent a MS. copy to crav Sir Thomas Budleis accurat judgment on it who after perusal highly commended as indeed it deserved both stile stuf and structure but told him the world would never want new Devisers and old Readers like Carriers horses could not leav their beaten Road being more addicted to antiquity then novity the application is obvious and superfluous Of later ages many Mr. withers and others men hav translated Davids Psalms into English meters seeking a priviledg to print them with our Bibles instead of thos allowed by Queen Elizabeth but could never obtein so base a Monopoly savoring more of filthy lucre then Scholastic ingenuity King James compiled a Translation but neither he nor his Son caused it to be inserted in the Bible sith new things seldom excel the old I wish you would revise or examin my excerptions not exceptions as Aliens and not your own to see what faults you can find in the Positions so wel as misprisions that fitting retractations may be made by your self or me or both in future Editions or new Additions for al men are too partial and obnoxious to errors To recapitulat the points that I dissent in are 1. That mans Summary Soul is an immortal substance first inspired by God into Adam and ever after produced successivly one from another though most Divines differ from us both by virtu of the general benediction to Increas and Multiply in their kinds but not life or breath only which as an accidental quality or effect of the Soul vanisheth ceaseth and perisheth with the Body That after separation from the Body by Death it subsists in Heaven or Hel for ever whereas al Essential parts els extinguish with their Bodies 2. That Church government belongs to the Clergy or Ecclesiastic Hierarchy being a Body distinct but subordinat from the Civil State 3. That the real kingdom of Heaven Gods high Throne wher Christ sits at his Fathers right hand in glory shal be the Elect Saints eternal Mansion wher they shal enjoy the beatific Vision or blessed presence of the sacro sanct Trinity face to face eviternaly 4. That Christ shal reign or remain in this Kingdom of Glory for ever resigning the Kingdom of Grace or Government of the Church to his Father that God may be al in al but not in any new finit World on Earth sith after the general Judgment al shal be infinity Your other Tenets touchig Gods Kingdom in Israel by contract or Covenant that Hel H●lfire Torments Tormentors Satan Devil Accuser D●sticier and such like are meant Metaphoricaly which al Divines take realy for the Vally of Hinnon caled Gehenna B●imstome Lake of Sodom and Gomorrha the Churches Enimies or temporal Foes but no real Fiends which fel by pride that Christ never dispossessed any Men of Devils but only h●aled their bodily diseases or violent malad●es that ther is no Demonology Sorcery Witchery or Witches yet such justly deserv death for their fals opinion and wi●ked intention to doo mischief if they could which is hard Justice that suprem Soveraigns in al Stats whether legal Successors by long lineal Ancestry or late Conquerors and Intruders by power or policy are to sway al matters of Religion by their decrees dictats or directions both in defining the Canon of Scripture and al Articles of Faith wherto People must simply submit or implicitly obey whatever the civil Magistrat shal impose or innovat in Doctrin or D●sciplin which is contrary to what they are taught that in such cases of Conscience they must rather obey God then Men. This the stubborn English wil scars subscribe whos contumacy was such against our last King that they rooted out him and his posterity upon pretext of Tyranny wherwith the mutinous male-contented multitud usualy brand or blast al their Roial Rulers Indeed Men ought with the noble Bereans to sift or serch whether thes things be so or no els al Common-wealths shal be stil Subject to put on new Masques or Visors of Religion at their Princes pleasures as Camaeleons change colors wheras Catholic constancy even with loss of life was ever esteemed the best blessed seed to sow Christian soil either under Pagans or Papists as our Marian Massacres make manifest but versatil wits like Weather-cocks can turn every way or with every wind to serv turns as Proteus is fained to vary Nunc violentus Aper nunc quem tetigisse timeres Anguis erit Now a fierce Bore fearful to see Next Snake horrid to touch hee 'l be Al the premised Positions with som other suspected Novities I touch not nor trench upon but commend them to the Readers free judgment If you wil deign to accept thes bold addresses or advertisments from an old Dotard who intends them fairly sans scandal or scurrility in good part you shal shew a la●dable disposition and liberal education according to the tru intention as they are tendered for the public behoof or benefit of the literary Republic if not I hav discharged my duty Docte tuum Nomen colo magnopereque recordo Si modo veridicus vis humilisque fore Noli Animam violare tuam nec tollere nostram Quam simul Authorum comprebat omne genus Nec tunicam spoliato tuam renuendo Ministros Jure suo Gregibus posse praeesse suis Nec Christo Sanct is Terrestria pradia finge Qui modo celsa Dei Coelica regna tenent Nec Tropice reputa Reprobos descendere ad Orcum Nec Coelum Electis detrahe post obitum Parce mihi mea si Theoremata redder● certo Justis vindiciis sospita ab omne malo Audeo non verbis contendere viribus impar Artibus Ingenio Literulisque bonis Unius haud oculus licet integer omn●● cernit Multa scienda sapis tu resipisce tamen Learnd Sir your Name I lov and weigh greatly If you 'l embrace truth and humility Doo not your own Soul wrong nor ours take away Which Authors of al sorts maintaind alway Nor doo your Coat desile right to deny That Pastors hav power their Flocks to rectify To Christ and Saints fain not Earthly mansions Who now posless Gods Heav'nly habitations Nor deem the Damnd go t' Hel Tropicaly Nor Heaven after Death to th' Elect deny Spare m' if I to guard thes Theses contend And by just means from al il to defend I dare not striv in words being short in
one in in ech of the seven Asian Churches to whom he directed his Episties For Bishops as Fathers ordeined Presbyters but not they Bishops nor can Sons ordein Sons without a Father or Bishop who is superior both in precedence of place and preeminence of power as is proved The twelv Apostles and seventy Disciples had equal charge Luke 10. 1. or Commission to preach the Gospel cure Diseases and cast out Devils yet the twelv superior to the seventy as al know Som too boldly say Both were one order becaus caled Disciples sit liber Judex let St. Luke decide it After this relating to what he premised of the Apostles he appointed other seventy Disciples also If other then not the same nor doth community of general title argu identity of special order or specifical Office For Apostles were caled Disciples but the seventy no Apostles and Matthias one of them was chosen Apostle as to an higher degree yea Dorotheus flatly avers that they were subordinat to them and many afterwards made Diocesan Bishops who succeded the twelv and Presbyters the seventy as al Antients Jeronimo non exempto unanimosly vote and inform Men who hav forfeted their Faith or resigned it to Faction fear not to vent untruths among the Vulgar being sure the simpler sort wil be seduced for lack of learning and their Proselits apt to accept shadows for substances or counterfet copper for current Coin But St. Austins saying to Julius the Heretic wil wel suit such Sectists Hath time so confounded al things is darknes turn'd to light or contrarily that Pelagius Celestin and Julius can see but Hilary Cyprian and Ambros becom blind semblably are al Fathers Councils and Ecclesiastic Writers blind Beetles not to perceiv how primitiv Churches not long before their dais were governed but Calvin Cartwright and Knox such Lynces to see so far into a Milston what was acted so many ages before their births without any Perspectivs of Human Histories a strange instinct if not inspiration Let St. Austins admonition shape the conclusion 'T is fit Christians should prefer Antiquity before your Novities and rather adhere to their solid Judgments then to your shalow fancies The Answer to nine Questions propounded at last Parliament to the Assembly of Divines touching Jus Divinum in Church Government is built on the proofs or Principles precited 1. That Elders and Elderships in Scripture were sacred Officers representing the Church 2. That Christ hath a temporal Kingdom wherof secular Magistrats are Vicegerents and a spiritual committed to Church Officers as 't is said Aaron and his Sons shal wait on the Priests Office and a B●shops Numb 3. 10. Office is a good work for they are contra distinct and may 1 Tim. 3. 1. not confound their powers Say that Magistrats must guard the Church by positiv Laws yet not rule in it nor they to meddle with secular affairs 3. That no Independent congregational Elderships are Jure divino 4. That Christ gav the Keis to his Apostles and their spiritual successors but not to Mat. 16 19. Mat. 18 18. John 20 23. al Members of the Church Al which are tru Positions if the head Rulers be included els 't is no Church Government of divine Institution For no Societies Companies Colleges or Corporations can be complet without their several Heads as right Episcopacy is a regulated Presbytery but single Presbytery without a Bishop who may not be secluded or separated Episcopat beheaded 'T is said That in the black Moneth a headless Hors wanders the streets with a chain about his neck which haply now is fulfilled if the Church becom an Anarchical Acephalon and the World an Antipodical Anarchy That answer hath two main defects 1. In not declaring the whol truth that the Apostles were Heads or Presidents over al Presbyters and before their deaths deputed Bishops to be ordinary Rulers themselfs being extraordinary in their steads 2. In not explaining whether Lay-Elders may be admitted among Church-Officers which seems to bee a mungrel mixture But al Sects learn that craft of Satan to concele what makes most against them Certes Episcopat and Elderships are Correlats nor can ther be a tru Presbytery without a Prelat Whence Mr. Calvin at Geneva when they reformed Religion and had expelled their Popish Prelat Soveraign of the State offered to readmit him if he would renounce the Papacy but upon refusal erected this new form of Ministers and Laics to draw in joint yoke together to pleas his Popular Patrons He wished as his felows did to hav Protestant Prelats as in England or Superintendents which are analogical Bishops as elswher for they are truly Christian yea of Apostolic Institution not Anti-Christian unles Antichrist be the head and many hundreds suffred Martyry under Pagan tyranny beside som here in the Marian persecution therfore such aspersions savour more of ignorant malice then tru charity for it may sincerly be said sans scandal that Episcopacy stood established in this land ever since the dawn of Christianity under Lucius a Brytish King almost An C. 180. 1500 yeers both by antient and later Laws from age to age So that if the primitiv form of Church government be retained it cannot be exiled for if Titus Timothy and the rest were ruling Elders over Presbyters it should be so stil yet 't is not simply unalterable if weighty causes require an abolition Epiphanius rightly reputed Aerius an Heretic though it be no point of Faith but Faction and such since stiled Schismatics for opposing Episcopacy sith if it should be granted which can never be proved that 't is a meer Human Ordinance of Apostolic Men yet possession and prescription of 1500 yeers sans violence or usurpation is enough to instal it in a firm right free from extirpation if their be any sure setled state on Earth For St. Jerom no friend to that Order for his teen against John the proud Patriarch of Jerusalem under whos Jurisdiction he lived long at Bethleem Juda freely agniseth that the peace of particular Churches cannot be conserved without it being the best means to suppress Schisms Sects and Heresies which swarm like Locusts in the open Sun Many abuses are crept up specialy in committing too much power to Lay. Chancelors and detracting divers priviledges from Presbyters beside excessiv avarice of som Bishops which reigns in scarlet Robes so il as in lawn sleevs al which may be reformed and pristin procedings restored without weeding out pure Wheat with Tares Cockles and Darnel which wise Husbandmen wil not doo but what disorders may grow upon its utter eradication as al alterations are perilous none but Gods alseing Ey can foresee To sum up al thes are Oraculous verities 1. That Christ Summary during life kept al rule in his sole power but after Resurrection commended it to his Apostles by a Triple charge to Peter Feed my Sheep 2. That when Beleevers increased they erected Elders every wher to officiat under them 3. That
we hold the Scriptures Scripture tru Canon as Oracles of God delivered by divine inspiration according to the tru testimony of the old Jewish and later Christian Church but cashire som Apocryphal Additions of the Romists and Remists from being Rules of Faith yet allow most of them as useful morals for instruction of life In privat Praiers and public Liturgies Papists use the Latin language Public Praies under pretext of uniformity with many vain Tautologies which we dislike but approv the holy custom of public Assemblies to worship God by Praiers and Praises in the Mother Toung as St. Paul commends and commands In som particulars we dissent both in judgment and practis Other Poin●● as in their profitable Purgatory popular Image-worship Orisons and Oblations for the dead Invocations of Saints and Angels Auricular Confession works of Supererogation Indulgences and al such bran brought in by avarice and ambition being but Human superstructures not warranted by the Word nor confirmed by general consent Precept or practis of al Churches Touching the Popes claim of universal Supremacy Infallibility Papal Primacy and Superiority over al Churches and Councils we flatly forbid the Banes as unjust Usurpations got by Princes favors or Popes fraud flattery power and policy yet grant a Priority of place as Peter had among the Apostles either in his Roman Dioces as Bishop or in Councils as Bishop of that antient imperial Metropolis as other Patriarchs Primats and Prelats hav precedence by antiquity of their several Sees For the sacred Function of Ministry we hold the antient form Ministry derived from the Apostles to Bishops and Presbyters to preach the Word celebrat Sacraments reconcile Penitents anathematise Delinquents use the Keis in Jurisdiction or Government excluding al others from thes duties as impudent Intruders who are no● ordeined by just Cōmission We renounce al imaginary power or Wil-worship annexed to the Office by Human superstition with al spurious spawns of Mens inventions Scriptureless Opinions and groundless Traditions dashing thos Babylonish Brats against the stones yet stil foster the Sons of Sion or Israel of God in al divine Institutions which were long led Captiv and laid in Antichrists Dungeon within the Wals or Suburbs of Babylon In a word we hold the tru Faith holy Mysteries Catholic Orders constant Ministry and commendable Customs continued in that Church nor doo deem it a matter of Conscience or Prudence to debar any thing divine though delivered by Mens impure hands For divine Ordinances are incorruptible nor can pollution of Mens Minds or maners defile them no more then putrefaction pollut the Sun when it shines on Carrion we may be corrupted but holy Ordinances like God are stil the same when restored to primitiv purity We must not cast away Gods provision though sent by Ravens nor abandon al Romish Tenets of saving Truth though Trent Council anathematised som Truths Popes were ever too wary to abject or abrogat tru Religions Essentials Scripture Sacraments Ministry Church Polity on which the overgrown structures of Pontifician pomp pride profit power and policy through Peoples credulity are raised or sustained Nor can ought conduce more to their content then that rash Reformers should reject al Rites of Religion retained by them They know how meager a Sceleton or meer shadow it wil shew both for Doctrin Disciplin Duties and maners if fanatic Reformers reject al Principles as Popish Or if som Mens rapacious avarice may prevail to bereav Ministers maintenance leaving them nothing to liv on but bare scraps of arbitrary grudging contributions Certes Church-reformation is to be carried with al accurat rigour in cleer points of saving Truths but with much eandor charity and circumspection toward Christians in other things wherin we differ or dissent 'T is a laudable Schism to separat gold from dross not retaining both in confusion nor rejecting both in passion wherby they shal not only reform abuses but invite Men to embrace or approv our wel tempered zele making them see their own defects or deformity For Reformation is best doon not by cutting off Religions head but by taking off the Visors which hide its beauty sith Men wil best see their errors not by tearing out their eyes but by fairly removing the films or beams of prejudice and pertinacy which obvele or hinder their sight By this shield of moderat charity proving al things and holding what is good we justly defend al Reformed Churches from the sin and scandal of Schism when we truly declare to separat no farther from them then we are perswaded they hav swerved from Christ and the Catholic Church We are bid to com out of Babylon but not to run out of our wits to act as Gods People with meeknes and charity not with firy fiercenes and cruelty like sons of Belial running from one Antichrist to another For Papists hav much of Antichrist in som kinds and so may many mo in others either by innovations confusions or chiefly uncharitablenes For if nothing savours more of Christ then Charity nothing hath less of Christ then the contrary which many Men mistaking for zele nourish a Cockatrice for a Dov and a Serpent for a Phaenix This freeth us from the brand of Schismatics such as the Novatians and Donatists were like our modern Sectists who so claimed to be a tru Church as to exclud al others from communion or accord Som cry out upon Papists cruelty which hath bin too barbarous yet they use more both against them and their Brethren longing for such a Kingdom of Christ as shal consist in War Blood and Massacres against al except thos of their own side or Sect. We may not imput the errors or enormities of every Popish Doctor to al that Profession nor take them at the worst sith ther is much difference betwen their public disputs and privat practises nor are their death-bed Tenets alwais conform to their Chairs or Pulpits Yea many are much more modest and moderat then hertofore wherin we ought to rejoice But for the People most are ignorant of thos Disputs wherin to er wilfully is dangerous which if they hold being so taught yet 't is under perswation or lov of Truth retaining the foundation of Christ crucified and expecting salvation by his sole merits of whom we should judg charitably that God in Mercy accepting their lov to truth which they know wil pardon particular errors which they know not to be such judg as you wil be judged We are loth or should be to differ from any Christians unles Conscience tels they are in evident error who like not Faction nor delight in separation nor hold any bloody Tenets against thos of advers Opinion but wish like charity from them that we may be al united to Christ and his Church Tru Reformation is but a return to Gods way by retaining such Principles as pertain to al Beleevers for we may use the Temples holy Vessels if restored from prophane hands of quaffing
except a quinquennial Eclips since Edward 6. of blessed memory began A. C. 1547. the Reformation Al which particulars with many mo are previously and pregnantly proved in the premisses which shal not be vainly reiterated Thes points are presented to public sifting or scanning sans scandal or scurrility with hope of like liberty stil allowed to Scholars as the Adversaries ever exercised against Episcopat freely if they kept their Pens from treason and sedition as Penry in his Martin Mar Prelat did not even when Prelats most swaied or domineered For no Sect can or dare say al their Tenets are infallible Truths why then wil they not patiently permit them to be tried by the Touchstone of Gods Word for the better ventilation of verity without bitternes or asperity His positis quis non frendet vel cornua tendit Foelix a tergo quem nulla Ciconia pinsit Thes things thus laid who wil not push or winch Hee 's happy whom no stork behind doth pinch Supplementum mutuatum A supply taken from many THes were Adversaries or Antagonists to Presbyterians who may be fit Accusers but no good Judges nor shal any of their railings or revilings be produced but only such probable testimonies as concern matters of Fact Doctrin or Disciplin laying aside al uncharitablenes Wheras Christ hath three Offices of King Priest and Prophet they differ under which to darrain their Disciplin They say he is considered as Son of God or secund Person in Trinity so al Persons and Princes Beleevers or Infidels are his Vicerois in their Dominions or as Mediator Head or Governor of the Church so al Pastors Teachers and Elders are his immediat Vicars or Officers but civil Magistrats only Patrons and Protectors the one in Spirituals the other in Temporals To this they al stick as limpets to astone but dissent in particular points of the foundation Cartwright confines Christ as Son of God coequal with the Father to be Ruler of Civil Stats but not as our Saviour or Redeemer the Humble Motioner saith he hath power over al Principalities in Heaven and Earth not simply as secund Person but as Son of God Manifested in the Flesh having sole authority not only as God and Man but as meer Man Cartwright contests that Christ in governing secular Stats hath no Superior the Motioner saith As he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords he receivs this power of the Father to whom Beza assents that God governs the World in person of his Son as made Man and al power given him in Heaven and Earth is spoken properly of his Humanity If then Christian Princes hav power under him as Mediator God and Man nay as Head of the Church their Presbyteries or Elderships hav not sole stroke in spiritual matters of Rulership Snecanus stifly holds That St. Paul speaking of Christs body intends 〈◊〉 ●or 15. 24. E●h 1. 20 21. Co●●s 1. 1● 17. civil Magistrats as Church Officers joyntly with Aldermen and 't is great rashnes to exclud them accompting such for Adversaries and Anabaptists Ob. Cartwright opposeth that Christ being sole Head of Rom. 12. al the Church and every particular Congregation which hath a wel ordered Eldership is never severed from his whol Body 1 Cor. 12. nor any part of it Ergo ther needs no subordinat Head or Governor over any Christian Church Sol. This Sophistry is soon retorted thus Christ is our Priest Prophet Pastor who is never absent but able to perform al such functions Ergo we need no Ministerial Officers or Presbyters as if he sitting personaly in Heaven had not set such to Preach and preside here visibly on Earth Repl. He enjoyns If the civil Magistrat hath right to rule in Christs Body the Church it shal hav two Heads which were monstrous Ergo 'tis absonous Sol. Ther is a Ministerial Head or Spiritual so Christ is soly over the whol Church which to claim as the Pope doth is Antichristian usurpation and a Magisterial or Temporal which imports only a secular Ruler as al Princes are in their Dominions so a like inference may be made if the Common-wealth belong both to Christ and civil Magistrat it shal hav two Heads which were as Monstrous but neither is necessary Princes may be Christs Substituts or subordinat Rulers even in Spiritual causes better then base Rusti●s or Mechanics admitted to be Elders 'T is a tru Tenet that Christ constituted his Disciples to assist in his Priestly Office on which score we defend against Papists that every ordeined Minister is so wel his Vicar as the Pope having equal power to Preach pray and dispens Sacraments but the Author of Ecclesiastic and civil Polity denies Pastors to be Ch●●sts Vicars as he is p. 68. Priest for so the Pope the Devils Vica● assums it but only as a Prophet which is a novel Paradox disclaimed by his Brethren For F●nner finds only two Offices making Prophecy part of his Priesthood so it results they be his Vicegerents for Regiment only as Kings and al would fain be so if they could deriv a Roial right They urge against Bishops how his Kingdom is not of this World yet place it in the Consistorian Eldership for Beza saith Christ as King and Head of the Church rules it by Pastors lawfully caled which Cartwright and Fenner confirm Sonnius saith Christ executs his Regal Office by the internal government of his Spirit and external of the Ministry how then doo Lay-Elders being no Priests nor Prophets hold their regency For Christ is suprem Soveraign the Presbytery his Kingdom and Spiritual Elders his Vicerois so Laics are but pety Princes like the idle Kings of France meer shadows or Cyphers Beza De Presb. p. 188. saith every Eldership is Christs Tribunal which is parallel to the Canonists parasitic position that the Pope and Christ hav but one Consistory For as Papists prohibit al Appeals from Christs Vicar so they hold it hainous to appeal from the Genevan Consistory being Christs Tribunal beyond comptrol So what they deprav or disprov in others they-selfs practis and patronize 1. They blame Bishops as they doo the Pope for medling Criminations with many matters and Lording it over others alleging our Saviours saying Vos vero non sic and St. Peters precept Luke 22. 26. 1 Pet. 5. 3. not as Lords over the Clergy which is meant of abusiv ambition Yet their Elderships undertake a Sea of affairs in ordine ad Christum like Papists which they hook in within the compass or cognisance of their Consistorian Commission Al Crimes saith Knox which deserv death by Gods Law Murders Adulteries Sorceries Blasphemies Heresies railings against the Sacraments incur Excommunication in which Cases Summons must be sent to the Offenders Parish or if he hath no setled abode to the chief Town of that Division to appeer and answer at a set time or shew caus why Excommunication should not be denounced but if he appeer not he is to be Excommunicat
as if their cavilling were sufficient When Cyril saith That Moses Law to punish Adultery with death is out of date he comptrols his Opinion as corrupt May it not more justly be said Nomine mutato narratur fabula de se The Tale change but the Name Of them is stil the same When Theodoret testifies That Chrysostom Patriarch of Constantinople had the charge of other Churches in Asia Thracia Pontus beside his own See and Sozomen saith he deposed thirteen Bishops for Simony Cartwright cogs an answer That he had no other care over them then al Godly Ministers ought to hav over al Churches in Christendom or if he took rule over them he was a proud Prelat like the Pope yet haply he deposed thos Bishops by consent of the Presbytery not by his own authority al which bewray gross ignorance contrary to known truth When the first Nicen Synod which placed Patriarchs over Primats is urged for the antiquity and authority of both Cartwright scofs at it as no famous Council taxing divers Decrees of error specialy in points of Disciplin yet al Churches receiv them as authentic and Arrians or other Heretics may so wel cavil at the Doctrins When Antioch Council caled fifteen yeers after Decreed That inferior Bishops shal not act without their Metropolitan sav what pertains to their own Dioceses He glosseth that a Metrapolitan was only set over a chief City and the name makes no more difference then to say a Minister of London and Newington but by Dioces is meant a Parish so he stil translats the Greec word becaus it bears a Parochial and Episcopal division though generaly used for the later wher a chief Minister had som Mercat-Town with vicine Villages appendent to his Church as at Hitchin and elswher Sic parvis componere magna solebat What fine foists and brazen bolts are thes to bolster a bad caus When Athanasius avers That Denys Patriarch of Alexandria to which Jurisdiction Egypt Thebais Mariota Lybia and other Provinces pertained had the Churches of Pan●apolis committed to his care as Epiphanius saith the same of Peter another Patriarch to whom the Archbishop of Miletus was subject Cartwright consters it of a voluntary care not authoritiv which every Minister ought to take of Churches round about him When Theodoret Bishop of Cyprus saith Heself had Government of eight hundred Churches Cartwright checks him for a vain boaster upbraiding his writing against Cyril quid ad rhombum When the Councils of Nice Antioch Carthage and Sardis declare that only Bishops hav authority to excommunicat Cartwright from Calvin the chief Coryphee declares That in so doing they fomented ambition Thus they speak Magisterialy from their Chair what they list which their partial poor blind Proselits hold for Oracles When Mr. Fox provs Archbishops to be abov Bishops and them abov Ministers Cartwright givs a dor That he writing a Story was more diligent to deliver what is doon then how wel or il doon Yea he censures al learned Men under Edward 6. that they knew only in part and being sent out in the morning dawn yer the Gospel Sun was risen high might oversee much which som not so quick eyd can better discry for what they had in acutnes of sight others enjoy by cleernes of the Suns light He prescribes two learned observations 1. That in the Nicen Synod and others within two hundred yeers after many Canons and Cautions were made touching a Metropolitan in every Province what honor or title he shal hav what limits of Jurisdiction and what place to sit in which shews that it was opposed in thos dais intimating that som Schismatic Spirits opposed the Ecclesiastic Hierarchy then as Disciplinarians did since which is no warrant so to doo 2. That among Pastors Elders and Deacons in every Church one was chosen by the rest to propone matters whether doubts to be debated censures to be decreed or elections to be determined who gathered voices and was the common mouth to moderat the whol Assembly A learned lesson to shew that Episcopal Government jumps just like Germans lips with Genevan Presbytery as if they should shake hands who shape al to their own cut as an old Dotard at Athens deemed al ships his own which cam into the Haven Howbeit they differ diversly among themselfs For Cartwright 〈◊〉 draws the Elderships origin from Moses and Aaron who assembled the Elders at Gods command which he interprets of Laics but Gallaesius of Preachers Pe●●itan Ber●ram and Siniler of Civil Rulers Senators and Princes Beza brings proof out of Moses Pentateuch Chronicles and Prophets But Calvin the Founder saith The Jews Sanedrim was founded after their Captivity being then inhibited to creat a King yet the seventy being instituted by Jethros advise were a lawful Polity allowed by God to censure maners and Doctrins The titles given to Ministers in the new Testament Acts 10. 28 Acts 26. 16. Rom. 15. 16. 1 Cor. 14. 32. Phil. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Beza Junius and Cartwright ascribe to their Elders which Calvin applies to al Ministers Thus they run som into Egypt before the Law som to Mount Sinai in the Wildernes som elswher to seek their Eldership yet cannot find it but agree like Sa●sons tail-tied Foxes Wher any mention is made of Elders Congregation Church Court Bishops Rulers Thrones Christs Kingdom c. Beza Junius Danaeus Cartwright and that cru imagin it to ring a peal for their Presbyterian platform suting the Scriptures to their tunes For as poor folks beget Children but know not how to keep them so Sectists breed or broch new Opinions and seek Scriptures to maintain them who as Hilary saith care not what the words mean but put their own meaning on them Lastly Listen how highly they prais themselfs and Hyperbolicaly Eudog●es extol their Disciplin We hav Christ and his Apostles with al the Prophets for us We striv for everlasting truth which God hath left and may not leav it the matters we meddle in are according to Gods Wil in his Word We propound his Caus faithfully and for it are persecuted We are his poor Servants painful Ministers zelous Professors feeders of his Flock Christs litle ones the foolish things of this World chosen to confound the wise of immortal seed lawful successors to thos who by Faith quenched the violence of fire unreprovable modest most worthy Watchmen We hold nothing not taught in Scripture but what old and new Writers affirm and exemples of primitiv times confirm We seek not to pleas Men or pleasure our selfs but patiently abide til the Lord bring our righteousnes to light and just dealing as the noon day We merit prais of the Law and of Gods Church seeking only to doo good our zele is parallel to that of Moses Elias the Prophets John Baptist Paul the Apostles and Christ Our side detests sin and wickednes our Ministers suffer al evil at Magistrats hands for refusing to doo evil at their commands professing to
obey God rather then Men. Brav Men by their own report but doo not al Sects say the same like the Pharisee who praied O God I thank thee 1 am not as other Men Now hear Luke 18 11. their Eulogies of the Disciplin T is the only band of unity bane of Heresy punisher of sin cherisher of righteousnes pure perfect and ful of goodnes ordeined for Gods honor the Peoples health and al Nations happines The most beautiful order of Government substantial form of Christs Regiment and best Gold to build Gods Church which wil make hir a chast Spous bright as the morning fair as the Moon cleer as the Sun and terrible as an Army with Banners The establishing of this Presbytery is the ful placing of Christ in his Kingdom and Scepter wherby he ruleth among Men caled by St. Paul The ground pillar of truth It is the blade of a shaken sword in the Cherubins hand to keep the Tree of Life and chief Throne of al excellence wherin God sits The Temporal Empire is a subaltern under-Court to decide Causes by dictat direction or mandat of the Ecclesiastic Consistory which is Keeper or Overseer of the Civil The Spiritual Jurisdiction so far excels the secular in degree or dignity as ou● Soul surpasseth the Body or Heavenly blessings transcend Earthly benefits Such Ministers as prefer Civil Magistrats to Ecclesiastic flatter them lucre and belly fare but the Presbyterial Consistory is Christs Tribunal from which is no appeal wherto the mightiest Monarchs are liable being al Sheep equaly subject to their Shepherds 'T is the safest Shield for a State to prevent Sedition and Rebellion to cut off contention and Law-suits to draw divers from other Trades to study Divinity restoring Men from blindnes to sight darknes to light prophanenes to purity and piety Then wil be unity in the Church when can ye tel if al Sects stil swarm so Papists quail Anabaptists wail and Atheists fail but the People shal find perfection of Justice the Nobility be righted and the Commons comforted then wil God cloth our Priests with salvation and satisfy the Poor with B●ead His Saints shal shout for joy and al ends of the Earth fear him Sir Thomas Mores Vtopia is a meer Anarchy compared to this peerless Polity of Presbyterial parity But their somtime best beloved Brethren Brown Barow Greenwood vilify them and deprav that Disciplin ten times more then thes boasters magnify both whos derogations detractations and defamations for modesty sake shal be superseded to shun scandal slander and scurrility Two Questions were of old debated by Divines chosen on Upshot both sides 1. Whether the word Bishop was ever used in any Church for every Pastor and Presbyter or for one only who ruled both Priests and People within his precincts 2. Whether the name Elder was ever taken in the new Testament or by the Fathers for meer Laics or Ministers only the resolution of both which shal be referred to the premisses which every Man having perused may easily decide or determin to avoid prolixity and Tautology Presbytery is of divine right as instituted by Christ in caling Summar● and sending seventy Disciples to preach and confirmed by the Apostles in Ordeining Elders every wher so is Episcopat of equal right on the same score of Christs chusing twelv Apostles and their substituting Bishops to succed in Government but Presbyterial Polity without Prelats by a motly mixture of Ministerial and Laical Elders is a meer novity devised for a shift by Mr. Calvin in case of necessity when the Genevans had expelled their Soveraign Bishop and were destitut of Ecclesiastic Disciplin This is irrefragable verity in point of fact maugre al contradiction Thes three foregoing Theses are transacted too tediously but in the first Traduction of every particular Soul from Parents in the secund Gods Prescience of simple Intelligence which in Order of Nature preceds al Decrees in the third a joint Government of the Head with the Body which is monstrous to sever them wil salv al scruples that can be objected or imagined which no other way can possibly promiss or perform Quale sit a Mundi genesi per secula Cleri Continuum regimen praevia scripta probant What Church-rule from the Worlds birth stil hath bin Through al times may by previous proofs be seen Antistes Caput est Cleri sed Presbyteratus Se●u● Corpus Episcopii J●s utriusque patet A Bishop is Clergies Head but Presbytry Both's right is cleer Body of Episcopy Historia haec recitat qua recta Ecclesia forma Praesidibusque quibus tempus in omne fuit How through al times the Church was governed And by what Rulers in Story is rehersed Spirituale fuit Regimen pro more Monarchae Alite● Sic Deus instituit Christus idemque tulit Church Goverment was set in Kingly frame So God ordain'd and Christ upheld the same Saera Dei Coetus Politia est condito ab Orbe Ali●● Vsque ad Apostolicos rite redacta dies Gods Churches Regiment from the Worlds Creation Is rightly drawn down to th'Apostles station Presbyteris in Clero ascitus Episcopus omni 〈◊〉 Semper Apostolico j●re supremus erat Bishops in al Clergies were set Superior To Priests by Apostolic right stil Inferior Schismatisi suncti rite Haereticique vocantur 〈◊〉 Qui male Praelatis opposuere suis Al that oppos'd their Prelats wrongfully Are Schismatics and Heretics cal'd justly THESIS IIII. Praedictiones de Messia Predictions of Messias THer be manifold manifest Prophecies in the old Testament of the Messiah or Saviour of the World stiled by Jacob Shiloh of whos coming in the ●●●sh the Prophets foretold which was fulfilled in the fulnes of time Wherupon the Jews ever since expect his glorious reign on Earth like a King in great extern pomp as Mahometans vainly look for their Pseudoprophets return and Millenars apply it to Christs secund coming with his Martyrs and many eminent Saints raised from death which shal reign with him here victoriously 1000. yeers at whos first approch the Jews shal be converted and acknowledg him their tru Messias Al which predictions concerning Messiah to com were accomplished in and by Christ at his first coming to suffer for the sins of Mankind nor is any els to be expected til his last coming to general Judgment as shal evidently appeer by comparing thirty two Prophecies with St. Matthews Parallels in the Table subscribed Isai 7. 14. Mat. 1. 23. Mich. 5. 2. Mat. 2. 6. Isai 11. 1. Mat. 2. 15. Jer. 31. 15. Mat. 2. 18. Judg. 13. 5. Mat. 2. 23. Isai 40. 3. Mat. 3. 2. Isai 9. 1. Mat. 4. 15. Levit. 14. 4. Mat. 8. 4. Isai 53. 4. Mat. 8. 17. Isai 61. 1. Mat. 11. 4. Isai 42. 1. Mat. 12. 17. Jonah 1. 17. Mat. 12. 40. Isai 6. 9. Mat. 13. 14. Psal 78. 2. Mat. 13. 35. Isai 35. 5. Mat. 15. 30. Isai 62. 11. Mat. 21. 5. Zech. 9. 9. Mat.
flesh provoked thee to wrath O let his chastity procure thy Mercy that as my pollution seduced me to fal so his purenes may reduce me to thy favour My disobedience deservs sharp revenge but his obedience merits much more Mercy for what can Man deserv to suffer which God that made Man cannot merit to be forgiven When I ponder the greatnes and grievousnes of his Passion I see the saying tru That Jesus Christ can into the World to sav the chiefest sinners Darest thou then O Cain cry thy sins are greater then can be forgiven thou liest like a murderer the Mercies and merits of one Christ are sufficient to sav millions of Cains if they wil beleev and repent For al sins are finit but Gods Mercies and Christs Merits infinit therfore O Father for his bitter death and bloody passion pardon al my sins deliver me from the vengeance they hav deserved and let his merits make me partaker of thy Mercies My importunity shal never ceas to cal and knock with the Man that would borow the Loafs til thou open the gate of thy Grace If thou wilt not bestow the Loafs yet Lord vouchsafe the Crums of thy Mercy which shal suffice thy hungry Hand-maid Lastly sith thou requirest nothing but to lov thee in truth of heart wherof a new Creature is the truest outward testimony and 't is so easy for thee to make me such as bid me be so Creat in me O Christ a new heart and renew a right spirit within me then shalt thou see how mortifying old Adam and his corrupt lusts I wil serv thee as a new Creature in a new life after a new way with a new toung new words and new works to the glory of thy name and gaining of other sinful Souls to the Faith by my devout exemple Keep me for ever dear Saviour from Hels torment and Satans tyranny So when I shal leav this life send thy holy Angels to carry me as they did Lazarus Soul into thy Kingdom receiv me into that most joiful Paradise which thou promisedst to the penitent Theef who at last gasp so earnestly begged mercy and admission into thy Kingdom Grant this O sweet Saviour for thy names sake to whom I ascribe as is most du al Prais power and glory for evermore Postscriptum sacratum A very pious Postscript THis Appendix is annexed chiefly to the premisses out of Mr. Henry Smiths Arrow against Atheists to this effect The main marks of Messiah to com were manifested in Christ alone specialy how the Jews should not know or acknowledg Psal 12. 22 Is●i 53. 3. him but reject and refuse him to the end he might be doon to death for Mans salvation according to Gods determinat Decree For if they had received him as the tru Messias surely he had not bin so But becaus they denied derided and put him to death doubtless he was so Al particular Promises and Prophecies pointing out the Messiah were fulfilled in him or by him as that the Womans seed should break the Serpents head that a Virgin should bear him the Birth place Bethleem al Infants thereabouts slain for his sake Kings to adore him with presents of Gold and other gifts he should be presented at Jerusalem for the greater glory of the secund Temple fly into Egypt and be caled thence a Star should shew his coming into the World John Baptist caled Elias becaus he cam in his Spirit and Power should go as a Messenger or Usher to prepare the way before him and cry in the Desart that he should be poor abject and despised of Men preach with al humility and meeknes of spirit doo many miracles and heal al Diseases be slain for Mens sins betraied by his own Disciple which dipped in the dish with him be sold for thirty silver peeces with which a Potsherd field must be bought the Traitor to be cut off and another take his Office he should ride into Jerusalem on an Asses Foal be apprehended arraigned beaten buffeted scourged spit on his hands and feet nailed his side pierced he to drink Vineger and be crucified among Malefactors his cloaths divided and lots cast for his Coat but not a bone broken he should rise from death the third day ascend into Heaven and sit at his Fathers right hand as a Conquero● Al which were pointly verified in him or perfectly performed by him The time of Messias coming concurs soly in Christ for Daniel foretold how in the fourth Monarchy the eternal King Dan. 2. 39 44. shal com and build Gods Kingdom through the World which befel under Augustus Caesar founder or establisher of that Agge 2. 8. Empire Agge foreshewed that the desired of al Nations shal com and the secund hous filled with greater glory then the first for Herod built and beautified it outwardly in great pomp and Christ graced it inwardly with his glorious presence yea Malachy Mal 3. 1. saith He shal com during the secund Temple and Daniel Dan 9. 26. That it shal not be demolished til Messias be slain who foretold its destruction Jacob told his Sons That the Scepter shal not Gen 49. 10. depart from Juda til Shiloh com which is the Gentils expectation Al which circumstances completly cohere with Christs first coming in the appointed time He must be an everlasting Psal 89. 3. 4. King for God saith I hav sworn to David my Servant I wil prepare thy Seed for ever and build up thy seat to al generations which cannot sort to Solomon for his Kingdom was rent by Jeroboam and after suppressed by Nabuchodonosor nor can the words for ever be applyed to any temporal King but eternal which must descend from Davids loins and linage This Premist Jer. 23 5 6. God confirms saying Behold the dais com that I wil rais up to David a righteous seed he shal reign a King to doo judgment and justice on Earth in his dais Juda shal be saved and Israel dwel safely and this is the name men shal cal him Our just God To whom can this consort sav to the Son of God caled Catexock●n the Son of David who was his Father in the flesh and bore his type or figure Hence Ezekiel and Hose stile the Messiah David Ez●k 34 33. Hos 3. 5. being to descend of his seed I wil set over them a Shepher● even David my Servant he shal be their Shepherd and I wil be their God and my Servant David a Prince among them Now becaus the Jews look for Messias to be a Temporal King to reign in Judea and subdu their Enemies as Chiliasts deem or dream he shal doo at next coming with his Martyrs the confutation of their fond conceipt wil be a strong confirmation of the contrary For their expected time of the Messias as the Mahometans of their fals Prophet is long ago expired yet no such Terren King ever reigned ther and it repugns Scripture Daniel cals him An eternal King and
to make him manifest This Title contains three things 1. the Author God who gav it to Christ 2. The use for which he gav it to shew his Servants the things that shal shortly befal 3. The means by which Christs manifestation is put forth to this use 1. He sent and signified Ibid v. 2. 3. c. it by an Angel to John 2. The Preface directs either generaly to al Churches that bear record of Gods Word and Testimony of Jesus and al things he saw which wil make them blessed that read hear and keep the same or specialy to the seven Asian Churches of Jesus Christ who is described 1. By the properties or effects of his first coming in the Flesh who is the faithful Witnes and first begotten of the dead Prince of al earthly Kings which loved us and washed our sins in his Blood making us Kings and Priests to God his Father 2. By the properties and effects of his secund coming with Clouds when every Ey even thos that pierced him shal see him and al Kindreds wail becaus of him 3. By a narrativ of the Visions which extends from ch 1. v. 9. to ch 22. v. 6. 4. By the conclusion comprised ch 22. v. 6. ad finem Here consider 1. The certainty importance and use of it 2. The effects which it wrought in John who was ready to worship the Angel but bid to forbear 3. The command which he had not to seal the Prophecies with the reason of it 4. The authority therof is repeated becaus Jesus sent his Angels to testify thes things in the Churches becaus 't is ratified by the Spirit Bride and al Beleevers becaus the perfection is such as no thing may be added or subtracted on pain of eternal plagues and perdition The Contents of the Prophecy are triple 1 The things which John saw in the first Vision viz. 1 Vision Chap. 1. Christs presence with his Churches who is their Mediator and high Priest as walking in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks their King as holding their seven Stars or Angels in his right hand and Prophet as out of whos mouth went a sharp two edged sword of Gods Word 2 The things which then were Chap. 2 3. viz. the seven Churches to whom John by Christs appointment sent Epistles wherin al perfections and imperfections promises and menaces admonitions and reproofs exho●tations and precepts are intended to al Churches and Pastors so wel as thes sith no Prophecy is of privat interpretation for the proem and period of every Epistle is Let him that hath an ear h●ar what the spirit saith to the Churches 3 The things to b●fal hereafter Ch. 4 t●l ch 22. which transcend from the Churches on Earth to the Kingdom of Heaven wher John saw the things which must be hereafter The secund Vision shews 1 What the Churches constitution 2 Vision in Heaven is how ordered about Gods Throne and set in his presence 2 What the administration of affairs in Heaven and Chap. 4. the Churches government on Earth by Jesus Christ is who a spotless Lamb flain meritoriously purchased that honor to open Chap 5. the sealed Book of Gods Counsils being his seven Eys of Wisdom and seven Horns of Power able alone to discharge such a trust 3 What changes chanced in the World and the Chap. 6. Churches condition at opening of the first six seals wher is shewed how at preaching of the Gospel great troubles and terrible Chap. 7. wars arose among Men wherin Christs Martyrs ly as Sacrifices under the Altar crying for vengeance but are comforted that they shal be avenged after a short season and their Enimies terrified at first executing of the Lambs wrath upon them Yet lest judgment prepared should fal on his Friends a preventiv Chap. 8. provision is made to seal and sever them from the rest that no hurt heat or hunger shal annoy them 4 What destruction betides or is brought on the World at opening the seventh seal and what glory to the Saints which last includs al that folows to the end of this Book Here seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare Gods Judgments on the Earth but the three last remarkably differ from the four first which giv warning of great Wo thrise threatned by tripetion to the Earths Inhabitants but the four first tend to depriv the World of a third part of their comforts as in trees green grass the Se● with al Animals therin Ships Rivers Fountains Sun Moon Stars the light of day and night The three Wo-Trumpets Chap. 9. produce heavier plagues both by Locusts which shal so torment Men that they shal seek death but not find it and Euphratean Horsmen which shal slay a third part of Men yet the rest repented not The third Vision of A mighty Angel coming from Heaven 3 Vision Chap. 10. clothed with a cloud and Rainbow on his head his face like the Sun and feet as pillars of fire who stood on the Sea and Earth had a litle Book open in his hand which John being bid eat up and inabled him to Prophecy The three past Visions shew three substantial Note differences of things reveled to John and three main changes of his Spirit in receiving them the first contains Christs ministration of his Offices on Earth among his Churches the next of his Offices in Heaven over al the World to preserv and propagat his Church the last of his Offices both in Heaven and Earth to finish al wickednes in the World and to perfect his Churches felicity In al which manifestations he is presented sutable to the things reveled 1 As a Man in dealing with Men 2 As a Lamb offred to God in dealing with God 3 As a mighty Angel to incounter Satan with his Angels and powers of darknes in the World The matter of this Vision is Chap. 11. to shew when and how the mystery of God spoken by the Prophets shal be finished wherin 1 John had a Reed as a Red given to mete the Temple Altar and them that worship 2 The out-Court is given to the Gentils who shal tread on the holy City fourty two moneths 3 The two sack cloth witnesses had power to Prophecy one thousand two hundred and threescore dais 4 The Beast rising from the bottomless pit shal slay them but after three dais and a half they revived and ascended to Heaven in a cloud which terrified their Enimies 5 Great joy was in Heaven becaus this worlds Kingdoms are becom the Lords and his Christs that he may reward his Saints and Servants Ther folow several subordinat Visions which concern the Church typified by a woman Chap. 12. and respect 4 times 1 Before she fled into the wildernes who brought a Man-child which the Dragon waited to devour but he was rapt up to Heaven and the Dragon with his Angels cast to Earth by the Angel Michael yet he persecuted the Woman and made war
with the remnent of hir seed 2 While she abode ther wher two Beasts occurred one rising from the Sea with seven Chap. 13. heads and ten horns and on his horns ten Crowns with the name of Blasphemy on his heads A secund coming out of the Earth who had two horns like a Lamb but spake as a Dragon he did great wonders making fire descend from Heaven and deceived them that dwel on Earth bidding them make an Image to the other Beast which was wounded and did liv and caused such as would not worship it to be slain He also made al receiv a mark in their right hands or foreheads that none might buy or sel sav he that had the mark name or number of his name which is 666. During thes Beasts joint reign the Churches state on mount Chap. 14. Sion and Gods imparting his Wil to the World touching the everlasting Gospel Babylons future fal punishment of the Beasts folowers and gathering the Harvest and Vintage are declared Gods Judgments on the Beast are poured out in seven Chap. 15. golden Phials of his last plagues by seven Angels coming out of the Temple in Heaven clothed with pure white linnen and their brests girded with gold girdles The first poured his on the Earth Chap. 16. and a noisom sore fel on the Beasts worshipers The secund poured his on the Sea which becam as blood of a dead Man The third his on Rivers and Fountains which turnd to blood The fourth his on the Sun which scorched Men with fire that they blasphemed Gods name The fift his on the Beasts seat whos Kingdom was darkned that Men gnawed their toungs for torment The sixt his on Euphrates which was dried up that the way of the Eastern Kings might be prepared The seventh his into the Air whence folowed Voices Lightnings Thunders and such a mighty Earthquake as the like was never seen by Men and huge hail 〈◊〉 every stone weighing a Talent and Men blasphemed God 〈◊〉 of this plague Ther cam three unclean Spirits of Devils lik ●●ogs from the mouths of the Dragon Beast and fals Prophet which by lying miracles gathered the Kings to battel of that great day of God Almighty at Armageddon Next the judgment and mystery of Babylons great Whore sitting on a scarlet Beast with seven Chap. 17. heads and ten horns is shewed to John that the seven heads are seven hils and ten horns ten Kings After it Babylons destruction Chap. 18. is declared and great lamentation of several sorts made for it as may ther be read 3 As she cam out of the wildernes Chap. 19. great gratulations are given to God for perdition of Babylon and preparation for the Lords marriage with his wife then the Armies of Heaven on whit Horses under conduct of Christ caled the Word of God who had on his vesture and thigh a name writen King of Kings and Lord of Lords made war with the Beast fals Prophet and Kings wherto an Angel invited al Fowls to eat the flesh of the slain but the Beast and fals Prophet were taken and cast alife into a lake burning with fire and brimstone 4. During hir reign with Christ after she cam out Chap. 20. of the wildernes one thousand yeers when Satan being loosed a little space shal deceiv the Nations Gog and Magog to gather them to battel but fire cam from God and devoured them Lastly A new Heaven and Earth caled the holy City new Jerusalem Ch. 21. Ch. 22 coming down from God prepared as a Bride for hir Husband is pourtraied at large Thes Analyses in a prosal method or maner are plainer better At end of his Annotations and briefer for the vulgar sort then such as are set in Sections and Subsections but Dr. Deodat hath a very ample one on the Apocalyps in substance the same with the 2 former or very litle varying which he that lists may survey Now to my main task The Author of Apocalyps is John the Divine Christs best Introduction beloved Disciple Son to Zebedee a Fisher Man and Brother of James the greater whom Herod the King ●lu with the Sword who wrot the fourth Gospel and three general Epistles but not John a Presbyter in thos dais as Eusebius and Dionysius Alex deem nor any other of that name as al Antients agree for he only was exiled to Patmos A. C. 97 wher thos Rev. 1. 9 10. Rev. 1. vers 1 2 11. Visions were presented on the Lords day to which he gav that appellation mis-named by many the Sabbath without any Scriptural warrant nor did any of the Fathers so stile it The Authority also is every way divine being indited by Christ Jesus Authority as God gav it him and sent to John by an Angel that he should communicat it to the Churches who wrot it in a Book and sent it to the seven Churches of minor Asia So John imparted it to the Churches an Angel to John Christ to the Angel and God to Christ Jesus what can be a more divine Origin or Pedigree Specialy being an inspired Prophecy For Moses the Man of God and his peculiar Favorit had the honor to Pen the first Book of the old Testament and John Christs chief favorit the last of the new Testament so the one commands old Israelits not to ad or take from Gods Word Deut. 4. 2. and the other threatens al which shal ad to the Words of his Prophecy that God wil inflict the plagues writen therin but Rev. 22. 18 19. if any shal detract God wil take away his part from the Book of Life and holy City The Excellence of it apppeers many wais for the stile is Excellence most statly and sublime the matter ful of Majesty and Mystery the expressions pathetical and pithy som mystical in dark Visions to exercise the Judgments of the wisest som more facil or familar to succour the infirmities of the weakest Much more might be added ingeneral but I hasten to Mr. Medes Clavis and Comment whom Dr. Twiss highly admires saying he hath sundry rare notions stiled Specimina or Essais wherin he excels specialy in rendring the Revelations right sens which is most Tropical or Figurativ As in the mystery Rev. 12 of the battle in Heaven and casting Satan to Earth he shews that Stats and Kingdoms in the politic World are resembled in Scripture sutable to the Natural wherin Heaven and Earth denot the Nobility and Commonalty For Heaven consists of Sun Moon and Stars of greater or lesser magnitud as in a Realm is a King Queen Nobles and other officers of divers degrees but on Earth is much more variety of Creatures as Trees Herbs Flowers Fishes Beasts Serpents so among People of any Community no less difference of Trades and Professions He destinguisheth the whol Prophecy into the Book closed Division with seven Seals comprising an History from the Gospels first preaching to the Worlds
end which sets forth the fates or fortunes of the Roman Empire and the litle open Book which includs the doings or destinies of the Christian Church The first presents the seven Seals and seven Trumpets for the seventh Seal produceth the seven Trumpets 1. The first six Seals contain the story of the Empires condition or continuance til Constantin when ther being a marvelous metamorphosis from Pagan to Christian this change is compared to the Worlds end and by giving of a new which is very semblable 2. The seven Trumpets which contain the seven Rev. 9. Seals represent Gods judgments on the World for opposing the Gospel and oppressing the Saints 1. By Ethnic Emperors for which the dition or dominion was gradualy rent into ten Kingdoms Which is unfolded in four degrees therof being the subject of the four first Trumpets 2. The other three are termed Wo Trumpets denouncing divine judgments on the Antichristian World or degenerat Stats of Christiendom 1. By Sarrasens in the first Wo Trumpet 2. By Turcs in the Rev. 11. 15. secund 3. By the Worlds end in the last Medi Clavis Expositio Med's Key and Exposition HIs Clavis contains sundry Synchronicisms or concurrences The Key of things in one time set forth under the Seals For ther is a Quaternion of Prophecies Synchronizing in equality or identity of Time 1 Of The Womans abode in the Wildernes for a time times and half 2. Of The seven headed Beast restored and ruling forty two months 3. Of The out-Court or holy City troden by the Gentils so long 4. Of The two Witnesses prophecying in Sack-cloth one thousand two hundred sixty daies al which three times signify the same For chronical identity hinders not but one may be before or after another tho they agree in term of yeers therfore the coevity shal be proved by other characters that they belong to the self same times 1. The times of the Beast and Womans mansion in the Rev. 12. 6. 14. Wildernes begin at one instant viz. the Dragons foil when he was cast to the Earth for when Michael threw him from Heaven the Woman escaped Ergo they identicat 2. The times of the Beast and Two Witnesses testimony Rev 11. 7. being also equal expire together at end of the sixth Trumpet Ergo they commenced at once and synchronize throughout 3. The Witnesses times and the Court or holy City possessed Ibid. v 2. 13 18. by the Gentils forty two months which conspire as al grant Ergo they synchronize most exactly and equaly 4. The Woman in the Wildernes the Beasts dominion treading down the holy City and two Witnesses prophecying jointly concur Ergo al four synchronize 5. Now for the next Synchronicism The two hornd Rev. 13. v. 3. to 15. Beast wherin the fals Prophet is Head complies with the seven-Headed or ten Hornd Beast caled the other Beasts Image which when his deadly wound was restored to pristin estate was to rule forty two months and thos being ended he did great wonders exercising al his power in the seven Headed Be●sts presence but both are taken and cast alife into a firy Lake burning Rev. 19 v. 20. with Brimstone Ergo both sympathizing in their rise and ruin wherof one used the others power in his presence contemporize throughout Wher Note that whatever is ascribed Note to the Septicep Beast of the evil he commited or worship given him was doon after his instauration or cure of the wound but the ten Horns belong to his first Head or restored estate as the Angel informs saying Ther are seven Kings Rev. 17 10. fiv are falen one is and the last is not yet com which must continu a short space so the sixth was then in St. Johns dais but the Horns not then com Ergo it must pertain to the seventh or last Head The two hornd Beast and fals Prophet are one as Irenaeus App●ndix observed as by comparing Rev. 13. v. 13. to 16. with Rev. 19. v. 20. wil cleerly appeer The septicep ten-hornd Beast Rev. 13 12 14. is caled the Beasts Image Rev. 14. 9 11. Rev. 15. 2. Rev. 16. 2. Rev. 19. 20. Rev. 20. 4. For this Beast acknowledging the fals Prophet to be his restorer is ruled by his Wil as suprem Lord and cald his Image not whos similitud he bears for in that respect he rather resembles the seven headed Dragon nor of his estate before the wound after whos exemple he blasphemed God and made war with the Saints but that which the two hornd Beast speaking as a Dragon restored and claims for his own the Genetiv being passivly taken to signify the Possessor as the Beasts mark is not stamped on himself but on thos that worship him For the Beasts Image wherto the fals Prophet gav life caused al which would not worship it to be slain Ther be but two Beasts pourtraid in the Apocalyps and wher the Beast and fals Prophet are named together the Image is not cited being both one For 't is that Rev. 15. 2. Beasts Image whos Name and number is specified viz. the two-hornd who is the others prime principal founder 6. The times of the great Harlot or mystical Babylon and Rev. 17. 3. septicep ten hornd Beast synchronize for the Beast carries the Whore sitting on him whos ten Horns or Kings take authority with him at once when he was restored but when his body cam to be dissolved they hated the whore making hir naked and desolat whos flesh they burnt with fire 7. The hundred forty four thousand Virgins sealed contemporize Rev. 14. 1. with the Whore and Beast for they deter men from al Communion with him or his Image or mark being so opposit to him and his folowers when the bonds of holy Souldiers persevered in allegiance to the Lamb bearing his name and his Fathers in their foreheads as other Apostats did the Beasts mark in their right hands or foreheads Thus the Capitulation ten hornd Beast revived synchronized with the Woman in the Wildernes with treading the holy City under foot and the Rev. 12. 7. witnesses mourning in sackcloth so doth the two hornd Beast with the ten hornd and the Whore with both as also the company of sealed Virgins with the Whore and Beast al which make a singular synchronical symphony of al with al and ech 8. The inner Court measured with a Reed the VVomans parturition the Dragons watching hir and his fight with Michael Rev. 13. 1. 2. 3. temporize for so soon as she brought forth a Manchild who was to rule al Nations with a rod of Iron she fled into the Desart to be nourished for a time times and half or one thousand two hundred sixtie daies and immediatly insued that battle in Heaven when the Dragon and his Angels were cast to Earth then he resigned his place and great authority to the cured septicep Beast whom al the world wondred at and
and Ephraim are rejected from this type as being chief Coriphees of the Idolatrous Apostasy under the Judges Ergo unfit to present Professors of tru Religion yet to complet the number L●vi is set for Dan and Joseph tacitly supplies Eph●aim but the Wifes and Handmaids Sons promiscuously interserted and Handmaids Children adopted for their Dames to shew or signify that both bond and free are al one in Christ Sith then Leahs Sons Natural and Adopted are duple to Rachels in the first six are four of Leahs Juda Reuben Gad Aser and two of Rachels Nepthali Manasses So among the last six four of Leahs Simeon Levi Isachar Zabulon and two of Rachels Joseph Benjamin but on both sides thos are preplaced or preferred which holy Writ commends for som memorable act touching Gods Worship or Zele As Juda is prime becaus Josua 22. 21. Christ issued of that Tribe Reuben next for their sacred protestation about the Altar of Witnes built on Jordans bank wherby and becaus first born he must stoop to none sav the Regal Tribe Gad is third being Reubens companion in that famous action as also in that Eliah and Jehu Destroiers of Baalism descended of that Tribe Aser fourth becaus the widow of Sarepta who fed Eliah and the Prophetess Anna who proclamed Christ at his presenting in the Temple sprung of this Tribe Leahs last quaternion Simeon Levi Isachar Zabulon are not so renowned as the rest or blasted with som Crime Among Rachels issu Nepthali and Manasses lead the Family for from the first sprung Barach Siseras Vanquisher from the last Gidion subverter of Baals Altar and Elisaeus the Prophet But Nepthali more noted becaus his Seat is Galile and chief City Capernaum wher Christ most conversed Yet Joseph and Benjamin being youngest bring up the Rere But Ephraim guilty of much Apostat Idolatry in Jeroboam and Achab beside that Saul a Benjamit hated David a Judait Censure Thus the order of the sealed Tribes is explicated which is a curious Cobweb of wit if of so much worth or congruous to the holy Ghosts intention but 't is briefly plainly and truly presented to satisfy al subtle or serious speculators Under the six foregoing Seals the Empires state yet florishing til Idols should fal is described by intestin Chances Now succeds the seventh or last Seal of the seven Trumpets wherin 7 Seal the destinies of its decay are displaied for they sound Alarms to the fatal battle for the blood of so many Martyrs slain by Roman Emperors Now though they becam Christians yet that staid not Gods hand from avenging thos which cried under the Altar no more then Josiahs godlines did from destroying the Kingdom of Juda for the Idolatries and murders of Manasses At opening this Seal was silence in Heaven half an Rev. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. hour when seven Angels had seven trumpets given them and another standing at the golden Altar with a golden Censer offere● much Insens with the praiers of the Saints Then were Voices Thundrings Lightnings and an Earthquake being al prepatories to thos trumpets Al Divines know that the works of divine Providence are executed by Angels or Messengers and thos seven prepared to sound but the four first Plagues of less moment or extent then the rest which rest mostly on the Western World or Bishop of Rome who was to be Head For the Empire with other Kingdoms is tacitly resembled to the Worlds body whos parts are Earth Sea Rivers Heaven Stars which every Monarchy resembleth The often repetition of a third part as of Trees Earth Sea Rivers Heaven implies the Empires extent over a third part of the then known World in St. Johns dais as afterward the seven headed Dragon with ten horns i. that heathen Empire drew a third part of the Stars or Princes and Rulers under Rev. 12. 3. 4. his Dominion with his tail and cast them to the Earth The Rev. 12. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. first Angel sounded and Hail and Fire mixd with Blood fel on the Earth and a third part of Trees was burnt up with al green grass The secund sounded and as it were a great Mountain was cast into the Sea which turned a third part into Blood and a third part of al Creatures therin that had life died and a third part of Ships destroied The third sounded and a great Star caled Wormwood fel from Heaven burning like a Lamp which fel on a third part of Rivers and Fountains making them bitter that many Men died of them The fourth sounded and a third part of the Sun was smiten with a third of the Moon and Stars so as a third part was darkened and a third part of the day shone not nor of the night The first Trumpet entring at the Roman Idol Government 1 Trumpet which was shaken at end of the sixth seal being ready to strike the first blow destrois a third part of the Ea●th with a Isai 28. 2. Isai 30. 30. terrible tempest of Hail Fire and Blood which was the impetuous irruption of Northern Nations wasting the Nobles and Commons For Hail in Prophetic notion indicats hostil assalts but lightning and fire is joind with it as David doth Ps 18. 12. 13. wherto blood is added to shew great slaughter insuing Trees in Prophetic Parabols imply great Lords and rich Men as Okes of BasanIsai 2. 13. Cedars Isai 14. 8. Firtrees Zech. 11. 2. in al which places Princes and Potentats are pourtraid but green grass imports the Commons To apply it the Wo of Applicat this Trumpet began at Theodosius death A. 395. when Alaric with a vast Army of Goths and other Barbarians broke in upon Macedon and raged fiv yeers but then betook to the West committing most savage spoils and slaughters in al parts as Epist 3. St. Jerom an Ey witnes wofully relats At last he invaded Italy and besieged Honorius at Hasta whos Lieftenent Stilico levying puissant forces resisted his fury and repeld him to Pannonia who by composition retired to Illyricum in the East Soon after Rhadagaiso a Scythian with 200000. Goths Sarmatians and Germans attempted Italy and besieged Florence but Stilico subdued and beheaded him Immediatly a swarm of Vandals Alans Marcomans Heruli Suevi Almans Burgundians and other barbarians broke into Galle Spain and Africa as St. Epist 11. Jerom also dolefully declares This is that direful Hail storm mixd with fire and blood for sundry writers Achmetes and others aptly resemble War by such Meteors and Metaphors 2 Trumpet The next Trumpet the Empire being enough wasted on the Earth therof assails the Sea with a far greater stroke killing the living Creatures and destroying Ships For Rome the Metropolis being once or twise taken and burnt with hostil flames the Enemies possessed the out Provinces at pleasure and set up several Kingdoms which is signified by the Sea of that Jer. 31 36. Isai 19 5. Ezek 31. 4. Ezek. 14. 19
leaving Egs in the Earth to increas their issu They had a King the Angel of the bottomless Pit caled ●n Hebrew Abaddon in Greec Apollyon destroier which imports them Infidels or Children of unbeleef subject to the Prince of the Air as St. Paul saith wheras Eph. 2. v. 〈◊〉 Christians are freed from Sarans power and converted to God This Prince cald before the Devil old Serpent Satan Dragon is here new named Abaddon wheras Mahometans profes to worship one sole God Demiurgus Maker of the univers to whom they giv the Epither Abdi or Abada i. Eternal wheras the holy Ghost givs this King a title of semblable sound but opposit sens Abaddon the Worlds destroier instead of Demiurgus the Maker The sixth or secund of Wo hath a voice from the four horns 6 Trumpet Rev. 9. 13. to 2● of the golden Altar saying Loos the four Angels which are bound at the river Euphrates Thes Angels being Patrons of thos parts metaphoricaly signify the confining Nations which breaking in upon the Roman Regions stopped a few ages neer this River but are now loosed They may probably imply the Turcs four Sultanies or Signiories Asia minor Aleppo Damascus Antioch but becaus Antioch lying a little remot from Euphrates lasted but fourten yeers being surprised by Boemund in the holy war som instead reckon Bagdet beyond Euphrates in Persia Such was their State at first irruption under Trogulbecus or Tongrolipix who took Bagdet An. 1008. Seididruddulas or Cutlumuses Nephew to Tangrolipix founded the Asian Kingdom An. 1012. Siarfuddulas subdued Aleppo An. 1079. Tagaddaulas another Nephew of Tangrolipix surprised Damascus at the same time Al which Angels were long limited to thos parts with manifold changes and now at last let loos being prepared for an Hour a Day Month and Yeer that they might slay the third part of Men. This loosing befel when the Tartars abolished Bagdets Caliphship A. C. 1621. An. 1258. and the Turcs were cast as it were with a sling into the Empires territories on this side Euphrates For the Latins who staid their incursions two hundred yeers were about that time driven out of Syria and Palestine Then the Turcs shared lesser Asia til Ottoman grew great whos Son Orchanes entred Europ and his fith Successor Mahomet 2. took Constantinople which is that slaughter of a third part of Men here intimated as the time a Day Month and Yeer plainly indicats For a Prophetic Day implies one yeer a A nice observation if v●ri table Month thirty a yeer three hundred threescore and fiv in al three hundred ninty six Now Tangrolipix was inaugurated King of Persia An. 1057. and Constantinople sacked An. 1453. just 396. yeers asunder Haply the very hour which in that proportion makes fiften dais agreed also with the event if Almachinus had recorded the Month of his Inauguration so wel as the yeer They are said to be Horsmen as Turcs and Persians are mo then Foot in number two hundred thousand thousand which intimats huge Armies as David saith The Charets of God are Psal ●8 17. twenty thousand even thousands of Angels such vast Armies the East Nations bring into field I heard saith John the number of them viz. by voice for he cannot see numbers in Vision and so must other places be understood which appeer not by Vision Ezekiel in his Prophecy against Gog the land of Ezek. 38. 2 3. Magog chief Prince of Mesech and Tubal from whom Tures descend describes them to be Horsmen armed for Persians and Parthians take name of Paras a Hors or Horsman But Turcs since their long plantations ther are by Nicetas and others caled Persians So thes Euphratean Horsmen are Turco-Persians They had brest-plats of fire Jacinthian smoke and brimstone which is no wher els in Scripture Ergo it may wel allud to Guns and the Horses heads were like Lions out of who● mouths issued fire smoke and brimstone by which a third part of Men was killed For the Turcs used Guns latly before invented See Chal●●●dilas at siege of Constantinople and slu a third part of Inhabitants as their Successors did since at Corinth and other Cities Such sharp sawces make meats seem more savoury and Mr. Mede hath many such unvulgar unparalleld Annotations The Horsmens power was in their mouths and tails having tails like Serpents and heads with both which to doo hurt So Sarasens are said to hav sharp tails of Scorpions which is tru of Turcs who had tails of Serpents signifying their Mahometan subtlety or imposture wherby both did more mischief then by the Sword The rest of Men which were not killed by thes plagues repented not of their works that they should not worship Devils and Idols of gold c. which can neither hear see nor walk Nor of their Murders Sorceries Fornication and Thefts This is manifestly meant of Christians in the Roman Empire which worship Images made of those metals and materials for none but they doo 〈◊〉 on this side Euphrates Thes indeed are no Devils or unclean Spirits sith no Christians wil 1 Tim 4. 1 2 3. wittingly or willingly worship such But Demoniacs or Deastri dead Men Deified whom they make Mediators of Intercession betwen God and Men. The seventh Trumpet or third of Wo is ready to sound but 7 Trumpet Rev. 10 v. 1 c. a mighty Angel cam from Heaven clothed with a Cloud a Rainbow on his Head his Face as the Sun and Feet pillars of Fire He had in his hand a little Book open who set his right foot on the Sea and left on Earth crying loud as when a lyon roars and seven thunders uttered their voices John was about to write it but a voice from Heaven said seal up thes things which the seven thunders uttered and write not Then the Angel lifted his hand to Heaven and swore by him that livs for ever that Time shal be no more But in the dais of the seventh Angels voice when he shal begin to sound the mystery of God should be finished as he declared to his servants the Prophets The sound of this seventh Trumpet should succed the sixth but is superseded by the litle Book intervening yet lest ought be omitted in the interim to fulfil the Prophecy of Seals the holy Ghost shews the last trumpets event in general viz. that at sound therof the Roman Beast being destroid and the last heads time com to an end the mystery of God shal be finished as he foretold his Prophets For so 't is declared to Daniel that the fourth Dan 7. 13. 14. Beast being slain the Son of Man or King of Saints should rule over the World and the gratious promises of restoring Israel be fulfilled The finishing of which mystery is Christs glorious Kingdom which arose or appeered at sound of the 7 Ttrumpet when the grand acclamation of Voices in Heaven was heard saying The Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Rev.
literaly lift up to Gods Throne but mystical here meant analogicaly to the Roman Throne as Constantin and his Successors were for al power and their Thrones is of God If any ask how mystical Christ rules with an iron Scepter or Sword of war 'T is in a duple way 1. Divine against Devils Princes of this world which is stoutly waged 2. Human when Constantin crushed Maxentius Maximian and Licinius Christs Enemies This Child was not lift up to Gods Throne so soon as born for he was to rule but when he was ripe and ready for a Kingdom so tru Christ entred not his Kingdom so soon as born but at thirty yeers of age fit for Priesthood or spiritual Government The Woman fled into the wildernes wher God prepared a Vers 6 7 8. place to be fed one thousand two hundred threescore dais This Prophecy is afterward somwhat fuller repeated and described wherto it shal be deferred Ther was war in Heaven Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon who with his Angels fought but prevailed not nor was their place found any more ther. Here is shewed how the Woman escaped the Dragons wait by Michaels rescu who being conqueror cast him down to Earth wherby hir Son was lifted up and she departed to a Desart This war was waged while the Woman travelled not after she was delivered as many misdeem for the battel befel before the Woman fled which was after hir dilivery and Rev. ●2 10 11 hir Sons taking up to Gods Throne Michael and his Angels having with them Christs Martyrs and Confessors fought for in the triumphant song 't is said they overcam by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony who loved not their lifes to death Semblably the Dragon and his Angels took with them the Roman Tyrans in their Train which worship them This Michael is not Christ as som suppose but chief of the Princes or seven Archangels specified by Daniel viz. that Dan. 10. 13. Dan. 12. 1. great Angel said to stand for Gods Children whom Christ King of Angels and Men opposed to Satans black Guard raging against his Saints For Angels are sent to defend the heirs of Salvation whom they invisibly protect against evil Spirits So in this war of the primitiv Church against the Dragons worshipers the Angels under conduct of their Chieftain acted both in strengthning Martyrs against Tyrans threats and mitigating or sweetning their torments beside many mo wais of weakning the Enimies spirits and dejecting their minds that oftimes they desisted or granted truce for a time til in fine after two hundred yeers war of persecution it pleased Christ to giv ful victory the Womans Child being lift up to the Imperial Throne and Satans Kingdom subdued as 't is said the Dragon prevailed not nor was his place found any more The great Dragon that old Serpent caled the Devil and Satan Vers 9. which deceivs the whol World was cast out into the Earth and his Angels with him He and al his Fiends being before worshiped as God was cast down from the top of Divinity to the Abyss of curs contempt and contumely For as God executed judgment on the Egyptian Gods at Israels delivery Exod. 12. 11. from their tyranny so he doth here they prevailed not or were overcome which is al one Hebraism and they cam● no more ther. I heard a loud voice in Heaven Now is com Salvation Vers 10. 11. strength and Kingdom of our God and power of his Christ for the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night but they overcam him by the Lambs blood Thes words being most cleer sans Allegory or ambiguity are a Key to interpret the whol Vision For hence appeers that the Childs lifting up to Gods Throne is an introduction to Salvation strength and Kingdom of God and power of his Christ into the Imperial throne that the Enimy ejected is the Accuser who traduceth the faithful day and night that the forces used by Michael and his Angels were Martyrs and Confessors who overcam by the Lambs blood freely yeeldding their life 's to death Satan caled before Dragon and Devil is now new named Accuser as the Hebrews term him But contrarily the holy Ghost is Paraclet or Advocat the one Destroier the other Defender This title best agreed to thos times when Christians were accused by Roman Idolaters of Thyestean Fests Oedipean Incests Medean Murders Adultery Treason burning of Houses Poisoning Plagues Famin and al hainous crimes or hidious calamities which hapned but it aims chiefly at Satans trial of Job by tribulations as Pagans did Christians by persecutions Rejoice O Heavens and ye that dwel in them wo to the Inhabiters Vers 12. of Earth and Sea for the Devil is com down to you having great wrath becaus he knows his time is but short Though the Dragon was cast from the throne by Constantin yet People continued his worship specialy under Julian Apostat but soon after Christianity prevailed and al the Empire was washed with Baptism which made Satan rage and seek by al stratagems to undermine the Church This while the woman dwels in a Desart who being freed from Heathen tyranny til the seventh trumpets sounding and Christs secund coming lay not hid or invisible but lived in a midle condition like the Israelits before they entred Canaan who escaped Pharaohs slavery yet attained not the Land of promiss So Christians escaped Pagan bondage and served Christ freely Yet as the Israelits Apostatized to worship a golden Calf Baal Peor Balaam c. So Christians fel to semi-Idolatry or Iconolatry The Womans abode in the wildernes fourty two months answers to See Numb 33. the Israelits so many mansions in the Desart not without a tacit typical mystery When the Dragon saw he was cast to the Earth he persecuted the Vers 13. 14. 15 Woman which brought forth a Manchild to whom were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly from the Serpent into hir place to be nourished for a time times and half a time but the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a Flood after the Woman that it might carry hir away Satan is cast down but not cast out who staying below essaied to oppress the Woman by what wais or wiles he could She began to fly but cam not instantly to the Desart as neither did the Israelits for Pharaoh pursued them into the red Sea and the red Dragon hir with a Flood of water quam bene cuncta quadrant the great Eagle is evidently the Roman Empire hir two wings the East and West Caesars under whos protection she fared in an Eremitical Estate three yeers and half expressed before by one thousand two hundred threescore dais to comply with Daniels times This Eagle in Esdras typifies the fourth Kingdom and 1 Esd 11. 16 17 the twelv feathered wings the twelv first Caesars from Julius to Domitian Thus
ended Vers 14. at Romes destruction and the rest precited but intimats specialy Rev. 8 1● Rev. 9 1. to 19. the Turcs ruin For an Angel flying through midst of Heaven cried Wo Wo Wo to the Earths Inhabiters by reason of 3 Angels trumpets yet to sound The first hapned by Sarrasens the next by Turcs as generaly granted whence thos words the secund wo is past are unanimously interpreted that instantly after Romes ruin and the German Empires revolution the Turcs East Empire shal fal Behold the third Wo coms quickly al three fal on the Empire but the last ensues The seventh Angel sounded and Voices in Heaven said the Vers 15. 16. 17 Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs who shal reign for ever Here begins the seventh or last plague poured on Babel wherin the Evangelical Churches great joy is briefly described becaus they hav got a good Head Rome destroied Germany revolted from Popery and the Turcs Empire ended This joy is set out by John Rev. 19. as David reflects on it Psal 93. 1. Psal 97. 1. Psal 99. 1. The Nations Papists were angry and the wrath is com to Vers 18. 19. cut off or destroy them This act is confirm'd by a duple sign 1. Gods Temple was opened and ther was seen the Ark of his Testament 2. Ther were Lightnings Voices Thunders Earthquake and great Hail The contents wherof are elswher explicated wher the Son of God with Celical Armies appeer on whit Horses but the Beast and Kings of the Earth are utterly Rev. 19 11 to 21 destroied The time of the dead to be judged and that thou shouldst reward thy servants the Prophets Saints and them that fear thy Name and shouldst distroy thos which destroy the Earth This Judgment is darkly described being before caled the mystery Rev. 10 4. 7. of God and uttered by seven thunders which must not be writen This is also after rehearsed in Christs thousand yeers reign which the Author declines to define yet inclines to it Rev. 20 4. 5 6. As in the secund part of Apocalyps seven Judgments are given on the Roman Empire by seven trumpeting Angels in the secund Period so here in the third are described seven Plagues to be poured out by seven Phials on the same The seventh at end of the one thousand two hundred threescore yeers concurs with An. 1655. and fils up Gods wrath The seven Plagues fel on the Politic State presaging its fal but the seven Phials are poured on the Ecclesiastic too declaring both their punishments Thos began An. 395. but thes under the sixth Judgment a litle before the total final ruin The seven Plagues proced from the Lord holding a Cup of red wine who poured it on his litle Flock but now the ungodly shal drink the dregs Psal 75. 8 9. wrung out as David denounceth Thos seven Angels with the Rev. 15. 5. 6. 7. seven Plagues cam out of the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Heaven and one of the four Beasts the Lion of Juda gav the seven Angels seven golden Phials ful of Gods Wrath the event or effect folows I heard a great voyce out of the Temple saying to the seven Chap. 16. V. 〈◊〉 Angels Pour out the Phials of Gods wrath on the Earth viz. Earths Inhabiters who rejoiced at the Beasts Victory or on the whol world which wandred after the Beast worshiping Rev. 13. 3. 4. both Beast and Dragon so the Popish Empire is plainly understood The first poured his Phial on the Earth and ther fel a noisom Vers 〈◊〉 grievous sore on the Men which had the Beasts mark and them which worshiped his Image Earth implies the whol Empires extent but reflects on the peaceable part and on the Beast coming out of the Earth which is the Pope and his Clergy who prevail not by open Power as the Sea-bred did by war but crept in slily and softly as grass grows out of the ground without nois or notice This Phial was poured at time of Reformation but when tru Professors opposed Papists reproving their fals Doctrins and foul deeds a noisom sore of fierce wrath hate and enmity fel on the Men so marked against al Protestants sith they could not seduce them by words or wiles nor subdu by the Sword The secund poured his on the Sea which becam as blood of a Vers 3. dead Man and every living Soul in the Sea died By Sea is pointed out the ten hornd Beast rising from the Sea his troubled state which fel on al parts specialy Germany with much bloodshed and al Men ingaged in the war through the Provinces died in that Flood of waters The third poured his on the Rivers and Fountains of Waters Vers 4. which becam blood VVaters both in Scripture and among al Authors signify Kingdoms the Roman Empire is compared Rev. 17. 1. 18. to a Beast with ten horns and to a City with streets but here to a Sea with Rivers which are the Popish dominions for the great VVhore sits on many waters the Fountains are Kings with their Peers and Parlements but how this Phial hath bin poured on Great-Brytain and the Head-spring becom blood stil sprouting out is evident to al Men but though thos that are the Voice or Trumpet in thos actions cannot be excused yet we must say with the Angel here Lord thou art righteous Vers 5. becaus thou hast judged thus How France feels Gods wrath of the third Phial and how much more it may time wil discover Vers 6. For they hav shed the blood of Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink being worthy This more particularly concerns France wher such floods hav been shed within a hundred yeers last past but how other Realms shal fare time wil revele I heard another from the Altar say even so Lord God Almighty Vers 7. tru and righteous are thy Judgments This voice ca● from the Thyasterion wher Martyrs Souls incessantly prais God The fourth poured his on the Sun who had power given to Vers 8. scorch Men with ●ire Most Expositors understand the Sun of Righteousnes wherwith the woman is clothed but this repugns the plagues poured on the Popish world or Earth opposit to the Church-Heaven Gods faithful Children wherof the Lord Jesus is Head so we must serch what Sun signifies elswher in the Apocalyps The Sun becam black as sackcloth of Rev. 6. 12. hair which imports the ruin of Imperial dignity in Heathen Church-Heaven by Constantin The Suns third part w● Rev. 8 12. smiten that is the old Empires smal remaining splendor shal vanish An Angel stood in the Sun meaning a potent Evangelical Rev. 19. 17. Rev. 21. 23. Prince gathered Forces against Papists The City had not the Sun or Moon to shine in it or needs no temporal Potentat to govern it If we compare thes texts with the Sun
difficulties emergent which shal be curtly explained In this deep dark discurs divers Objections occur which wil require debate and resolution 1. Whether the Text not torted but literaly or tropicaly Doubts referred to the times hath bin rightly unfolded 2. Whether the Figures or Images which make thes mysteries obscure be cleered by other places of the Apocalyps and Prophets from whom they are taken and applied to Things as the Text and Times require 3. Whether what is past or now in acting should be serchd in the Acts of the Roman Empire to see what may be more sutably applied another way without disturbing the method o● harmony 4. Whether the Text doth tel what is to be expected at end of Gods determined time on the fourth Monarchy and Papacy viz. when the fourty two months or 1260. yeers expire Hence riseth a main rub whether the Epoche or beginning Answer of thos 1260. yeers be rightly related to An. 395. at Theodosius death This is proved in the previous Prophetic Key by certain characters or marks to be summarily repeated 1. Becaus Daniels Epoche of 1290. dais fals exactly on An. 365. when the Temples grand desolation hapned under Julian so the 1260. must com 30. later An. 395. sith they shal end together 2. Becaus at the Empires bipartition An. 395. the Roman Eagle got two wings and the Barbarians broke in driving the Woman into the Desart wher she must be fed three times and half or one thousand two hundred threescore annal dais the period wherof fals An. 1655. 3. Becaus the treading of the holy City or Church fourty two months begins at that Invasion and ends alike 4. Becaus at that Invasion the ten hornd Beast rose from the Sea and soon clipped the Eagles wings that in threescore yeers An. 455. al ten horns or Kingdoms visibly appered Hence Authors date the Prolog of the Empires decay at Theodosius death and Ecclesiastic writers from St. Pauls words agree That Antich●●st shal arise ● The● 2 6 7. when the Empire begins to fal generatio un●●s est corrupti● alterius So Tertullian Iren●us and many mo define 5. Becaus the two hornd Beast west Antichrist cam out of the Earth silently An. 395 when he assumed a primacy or preeminence both in Civil and Spiritual affairs which he never before arrogated over other Church●s For Aeneas Sylvius afterw●rd Epist 28● Can. ●6 Pope writes That til the Nicen Synod smal respect was shewed the Roman Sea but every one lived to himself In the third Carthage Council An. 390. a Canon passed That the first Bishop shal not be stiled chief Priest or Prince of Priests but Bishop of the first Sea For Innocent first A. C. 404. usurped authority over Princes and Prelats as Presbyters wil hav suprem Magistrats submit to them like Sheep to their Shepherds who Excommunicated Arcadius Emperor of Constantinople and removed Chrysostom the Patriarch busily bestirring to get a primacy over al African Churches His successors Zosimus Boniface 1. Celestine 1. attempted the like Hist l. 7. c. 3● aspiring as Socrates storieth but Siricius first forbad Priests to marry which St. Paul cals the Doctrin of Devils 6. Becaus the two Witnesses at end of thos one thousand two hundred sixty yeers shal be subdued and slain but two accidents shal befal after the seventh Trumpets sounding Romes dest●uction and determination of the secund Wo so that haply the Witnesses shal be raised he flatters himself and his Brethren before A. 1655. for smal circumstances are not regarded in great Prophecies Hereto may be added som new Arguments 1. St. Austin Proofs writes how the Gentils reported that St. Peter prophecied Christian Religion should dure but 365. yeers which he reputed a Heathen fiction yet haply he predicted the continuance without interruption should be so long For Christ at 30. yeers was baptized and began his Minist●y which being added to 365. foretold by St. Peter make 395. at which time Antichrist appeered the holy City was calcitrated the Witnesses mourned and the Woman fled as is plainly prespecified 2. That the 6000. yeers of the Worlds durance from the Creation equivalent to the six dais works every day 1000. yeers expire next yeer 1655. which he strangely strivs and strains to justify but that Rabinical prediction is a frivolous fiction and his computation a ridiculous distortion for that 6000. yeers fals short A. 1655. about 315. yeers by the best accompt 3. The yeer of the Flood began A. M. 1656. which concurs with A. C. 1655. complet or 56. current when the Dan. 7. 11. Rev. 19. v. 20. Churches Enimies shal be destroied with fire as the old World was by water this indeed is a brat of many Mens brains which haply Men shal shortly see dashd against the Stones 4. The Roman Monarchy initiated when the Suns Eccentricity was greatest whence Astrologers Aueis nulla fides infer that it shal end when 't is least which som refer to last yeer 1653. but this bare guesse is notum per ignotius 5. The Turcs hav two Prophecies to be read in the Author touching their Empires expiring that this young Achmet the secund Son to Ibrihim shal be the last Emperor For surely strange alterations hav hapned since Achmets death A. 1617. who contrary to custom having three young Sons caused his Brother Mustapha to succed a precedent never known before but he after nine Months reign deposed and Achmets eldest Son Osman set up whom the Janizaries strangled with his Wife and two infant Sons A. 1622. Next succeded his Brother Morat or Amurat the fourth who died Issuless A. 1640. and after him Ibrihim or Abraham whom the Janizaries also bowstringd with his three Wifes A. 1648. but advanced his sole Son Achmet aged six now twelv yeers who reigns at their devotion or disposing and is like to be the last if such fopperies be worthy of faith By al which premisses 't is probable 1. That the two Chronicisms Inferences character 1290. and 1●60 are incident to A. 365. of Julian and 395. of Theodosius as foresaid 2. That the Terminus a quo of Daniels 1290. yeers can be applied to no other then A. 365. when God blew up the foundations of Jerusalems Temple 3. That the Epoche of thos 1260. yeer● must be referred to A. 395. becaus both numbers necessarily expire together 4. That the ten-hornd Beast began from A. 395. til 455. becaus the Eagle got two Wings A. 395. and his ten horns appeered A. 455. 5. That in al Roman Histories no yeer sutes so semblably to al Characters as 395. Erg● we may stick to it and expect the event A. 1655. specialy sith killing the two Witnesses eventualy provs the thing Som are shy to put a Period of thes Prophecies so precisely at A. 1655. but let such consider 1. That the Angel held up his hand to Dan. 12 7 11. Rev. 10 5 6 7 Heaven and swore by him that livs for ever it shal
from Fountains and Milk run in Rivers The World shal rejoice and al Nature be glad being manumised from the dominion of sin impiety and al error Beasts shal not feed on Blood nor Birds on prey but al things quiet and amicable Lions and Calfs shil eat at the same Cratch Wolfs shal not woorry Sheep nor Dogs hunt nor Eagles or Hawks doo harm Children shal play with Serpents Finaly it shal be as Poets tel of the golden age in Saturns time but they erred becaus tru Prophets to whos Eys divine Visions were presented as present foretel future contingents as if they were already acted which Prophecies when fame had spred prophane men not witting why they were uttered or when to be performed thought them to be antiently accomplished which yet could not be completed while Man reigned but when wicked Religions are extinguished and Sin extermined then shal the Earth be subdued to God and al thes things com to pass yea men shal liv long and happily reigning together with God The Kings of Nations shal com from the Earths ends with gifts to adore the great King whos name shal be reverenced and renowned to al People under Heaven and al Princes bearing sway on Earth so far this fine Orator and with such confidence as if he received it by special Revelation but later Chiliasts are contrary to him who say Christs millenar reign shal anteced the day of judgment but Lactantius that Christ shal first Judg the World Master Archer a most acut Lynx but boldest Bayard of al who shoots at blind mans Buts conjects from Daniels words From the time that daily Sacrifice Den 12. 11. 12. shal ceas and abomination which makes desolat be set up shal be one thousand two hundred ninty dais blessed is he that waits and coms to one thousand three hundred fifty fiv dais this is forty fiv mo then one thousand two hundred ninty and both Prophetic dais or yeers thes saith he began under Julian Apostata who revived Paganism and incited the Jews to rebuild their Temple but God defeated it by an Earth-quake and Subterraneal fires which cast up the foundations as Christ foretold So by his calculation the first sum 1290. should expire A. 1650. now past and the last A. 1695. 46. yeers hence But if that shal elaps too his Disciples like the Mahometans wil date it to a farther day He hath another cringe that no Soul ever entred the third Heaven no not Christs how then can he sit at his Fathers right hand But a Celical or Elementar Paradise as he promised the good Theef nor shal any Saint go thither til the last Judgment pass For H●l he saith al Christians hav erred except himself for Hel wherto Reprobats now go is not the place of fire prepared for the damned at last day but a temporar prison in the Air Earth or Sea to confine their Souls til the Judgment day when they shal be sent into a most spatious Hel containing al the created World or what els is beside Gods mansion Lo the audacity and temerity of Sectists Who bear or boast as if they were inspired or of Gods Cabinet Counsil affecting novities tho never so fals frivolous or fanatical Thes great Clercs like Arrius and other learned Heretics Refutation mislead many ignorant Idiots specialy in dark mysteries but such squibs end in an Ignis fatuus of their fantastic brains for they hav no sound proof that Christ shal reign on Earth a thousand yeers but that the Saints shal reign with him in new Jerusalem which is no terren place but caled by Saint Paul Heavenly Jerusalem the City of the living God and by Joha that Hebr. 12. 22. Rev. 21. 2 10. great holy City descending down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for hir Husband the Lamb. The contrary Reasons are thes 1. Christ ascended into Reason 1 Heaven and shal com to judg the World Ergo not to reign a thousand yeers before that day for to say he shal descend to reign and ascend after a thousand yeers to com again is against the Scripture which warrants only two comings Master Mede to shun this Scilla fals into Charybdis of a strange singular crotchet making Christs secund coming to judgment one continued act with his millenar reign becaus Saint Peter speaking of the judgment day and perdition of ungoly men subjoyns immediatly or interruptedly that one day with the 〈…〉 3. 7. 8. Lord is as a thousand yeers and a thousand yeers as one day which he saith is meant precisely of that particular day but the same Apostle elswher saith God shal send Jesus Christ when Acts 3. 19 20 21. the times of refreshing shal com whom the Heaven must receiv til the restitution of al things as he hath spoken by al his Prophets This time of refreshing and restitution Chiliasts conceiv to be his millenar reign for they say none but Martyrs and som priviledged Saints shal partak the first Resurrection which is Dan. 12. 13. such a singular prerogativ as Daniel could not obtain it but by special promis but it shal be when the Jews refreshing by Christs presence shal com viz. at the general Resurrection For Christ saith I go to prepare a place for you I wil com again John 14. 2 3. and receiv you to my self that wher I am ther ye may be also this plainly provs that he wil com back but once at last day to tak his Disciples with him into Heaven not to dwei with them here a thousand yeers or for ever Saint Paul saith God Eph 1. 20. set Christ at his right hand in Heavenly places til the last day so David Sit at my right hand til I make thine Enimies thy footstool Ps 110. 1. c. which shews he shal not com thence til al is subdued to him at last day See Psalm 110 't is short but expounds four chapters of the Apocalyps 16. 17. 18. 19. cleerly 2. Al the godly or elect at Christs secund coming shal immediatly rise to glory upon sound of the Trumpet and 2. Thes 4. 16 7. thos then living shal be caught up in the Clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the Air Ergo he coms not to reside with them but to carry them with him for ever 3. Christ saith his Kingdom is not of this World but the Kingdom of God is within you that is Spiritual not Terren Luke 17. 21. or Temporal consisting in worldly Pomp Power Pleasure Armies Victories Slaughters Triumphs or such carnal courses as Chiliasts conceiv or vainly confide 4. The Church Militant is a amixd multitud of good and bad as a draw net which needs the comfort of Gods Word Sacraments and other Ordinances having Christ the high-Priest inceffantly interceding in Heaven on their behalf as Scriptures speak Ergo it shal not consist a thousand yeers soly of Saints which need no ordinary helps as they dream 5.
it folow that such are said to hav so much glory here may not be said elswher to hav more Shal the Saints Bodies during thos one thousand yeers shine as the Firmament and Stars yet eat drink sleep go to wars or wors Surely so great glory cannot sort or sute with such sordidity Repl. The first Resurrection is promised to Daniel as a prime privilege Thou shalt stand in the lot at end of dais but the last Ibid v. 13. common to al Ergo c. Sol. This inference is improper and impertinent for Mr. Archer holds how al the Godly shal partake the first Resurrection so wel as Daniel nor is any sound reason to includ him rather then Moses or David The truth is no Resurrection is their imported but a free promiss that Daniel shal liv in peace and prosperity as he did al dais of his life til the end So bold are Sectists to scru Scriptures and seduce Idiots Ob. Daniel saith from the time daily Sacrifice shal ceas and Ibid. v. 11. 12. abomination which makes desolat be set up ther shal be one thousand two hundred dais blessed is he that coms to the one thousand three hundred thirty fiv dais Mr. Archer taking yeers for dai● as is usual makes them to begin under Julian Apostata who invited the Jews to reedify their Temple til not a stone was left on a stone so by his comput the first Sum 1290. completed A. 1650. the last A. 1695. as he presumes Sol. In this confident assertion no part is sound for what warrant hath he to take yeers for dais Yet so writers use Or what reason to begin them with Julian Indeed he opened Pagan Temples and set up Idolatry but caused not the Jews daily sacrifice to ceas but desired to promot it had not God prevented nor erected any abomination in Christian Churches Daniel designs only two times when solen sacrifice shal be put down and abomination set up viz. by Antiochus and Titus not so late as Julian nor is the Earthquake story authentic but application to Christs prophecy most audacious sith 't is intended to Titus time as the Text plainly provs Daniels words declare the short durance of Antiochus desolation viz a time times and half which is three yeers and half or 1290. simple dais and from it til a plague shal fal on his Person 45. mo 1335. which betided precisely to Antiochus as the Maccabees and Josephus testify but nothing to Julian Ob. David saith when the Lord shal build up Sion and his Psal glory appeer Ergo Jerusalem shal be rebuilt by God and Christ reign gloriously ther. Sol. This is to snatch at shadows or semblance of words but the Text treats of Babylons captivity and the Saints earnest longing to see Sion restored which is promised that the Lord shal get glory by it but of Jerusalems rebuilding or the Lords appeering ther in glory ne gry quidem nor ground Ob. Peter saith The day of the Lord wil com as a Theef 2 Pet. 3. 〈◊〉 in the night in which the Heavens shal pass with a nois and Elements melt with heat the Earth with al Works therin shal be burnt up Nathless we according to his promiss look for a new Heaven and Earth wherin dwels righteousnes Ergo al old Creatures shal be consumed with fire and new substituted for the Saints use far more glorious and righteous● as som presum to model Sol. Several Sects diversly and dangerously distort this Text but the Apostles answers som Scoffers which ask Wher is the promiss of his coming Not to reign one thousand yeers as Chiliasts fondly imagin but to judg al flesh as is evidently expressed which is after thos one thousand yeers or at last end of them Yea many words That day wil com as a Theef 2 The● ● 7 8. in which the Heavens Elements and Earth shal be burnt up cleerly convince Christs coming to Judgment the last words wheron they most rely A new Earth wherin dwels righteousnes as if they cannot mean the Judgment day becaus no righteous Men shal then dwel on Earth the Original runs we in whom righteousnes dwels look for a new Heaven and Earth For the habitation of righteousnes refers to just Men who expect the performance of promiss but if they be read as we translat righteousnes relats soly to the Heavens in quibus Coelis not in qua Terra sith one Pronoun respects not ●oth Substantivs as Junius observs Yea Archer agniseth that no righteous Soul is to inhabit Heaven in thos one thousand yeers nor any after within the verge of created Heaven for a● that space shal be Hel as he holds so al tends nothing to a Millenar reign Ob. Isaiah saith I creat new Heavens and a new Earth but Isaiah 65. 17 21 ●2 the old shal not be remembred nor com to mind They shal build houses and inhabit them plant Vineyards and eat the fruit of them for my elect shal long enjoy the works of their hands but thes things cannot be doon after the last Judgment Ergo c. Sol. The Prophet means not that after Heaven and Earth is burnt or new created Men shal build or plant but Mr. Burroughs expounds it by a Metaphor that God in later dais shal doo such glorious things for his Church as if he made al new which is far from burning the old being no more then what Peter brings from Joel 2. 30. I wil shew wonders in Heaven and Earth Blood Fire and pillars of Smoke which was accomplished at Pentecost when the holy Ghost descended 〈◊〉 12. 26 27. Nor more then that in Haggai 2. 6. Yet 't is a little while and I will shake the Heavens Earth and Sea which was performed at Christs first coming and the Apostles preaching to the Gentils wherof Isaiah speaks in the cited chapter as St. Paul Rom. 10. 20. expounds the first vers I was found of them that sought me not but to interpret it of his secund coming wil make the Jews suspend their faith til those promises of building and planting be fulfilled Ob. 'T is said God hath not subjected the World to com to the ●●b 2 5 8 Angels but now we see not al things put under him Ergo Christ is to hav al put under him This is not yet doon at his first coming as the Words are cleer nor shal be in the life to com for then he must resign the Kingdom to his Father so by consequent it must be exe●uted during his interstitial Millenar reign when he shal triumphantly subdu al and al sorts of Enimies Sol. The World to com ther meant and mentioned is the time of the Gospel which was not ministred by Angels like the Mat 28. 18 Law on Sinai but by the Son of God this new world differed more from the old then the Earth after the Flood from it before and began at Christs first coming but manifested at his 〈◊〉
prophaned or mispent in riotous revellings by wicked persons specialy sith 't is founded in honor Th●s three are 〈◊〉 of our Saviour and commemoration of his chief mercy 4. Whether an express warrant of Christs precept or his 4 〈◊〉 Apostles practise be necessarily required to ratify every Religious Rite of the Church Or whether late Reformists walk by that Rule of Scriptural authority in sanctifying arbitrary dai● of Thanksgiving and Hamiliation with many mo Ordinances Customs and Ceremonies which they use 5. What warrant is ther to annul the seventh day Sabbath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or surrogat the Lords day in stead sav only that the Apostles somtimes meet on the first day to break Bread Yet the observation of this is no abolition of that specialy sith they stil frequented the Jews Synagogs on thos dais to convert them Or what for the Name sav that St. John saith He was in the Spirit at Patmos on the Lords day Yet is ther no irrefragable evidence that it was the first day O● what for Pedo B●p●s● exc●pt that the Apostles Baptised whol Families in which most probably not infallibly were som Infants The bare letter reacheth not so far to assert a precise precept or precedent for either but we rely on the Churches testimony tradition interpretation and authority for al three with many mo Why not then in this point of holy Fests instituted and i●tended soly to our Saviours honor and service wherin is no danger but much devotion and sanctity 6. Whether Quis requisivit who required it be rightly 6 Q●●●e applied to such cases specialy the three precited Or whether it may not be better retorted who requires thes irregular Fests and Fasts appointed by particular Churches or privat Congregations upon arbitrary wil-worship or ordinary occasions Hav not Church Governors so much power or authority as modern Innovators Consider that thos great Clercs had far cleerer judgments to discern truth then silly shalow Sciolists and know that in al matters or mysteries of Religion 't is safer to offend by way of piety humility and devotion then in proud self-lov contempt or despication To take a sober reckoning on the other side what warrant hav Ministers to examin Communicants before the Lords Supper and repel whom they l●st Christ at first institution whos patern they pretend to folow in al particles did not examin his Disciples nor bid them so to doo but admitted Judas to partake it at his own Luk. 22. 21. peril knowing him to be a Traitor and Reprobat St. Paul 1 Cor. 11. 28. exhorts every Man to examin himself and so eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup but neither he nor any of the rest practised examination of others so ther is no precept practise or precedent for this modern innovation Yes say they St. Peter bids al be ready alwaies to render a reason of the hope in 1 Pet. 3. 15 16. them with meeknes and fear Tru but speak sincerely is this given as a rule for Pastors to examin Communicants or rather for Al Christians to satisfy Infidels or others Read the next words having a good Conscience that wheras they speak evil of you as of il doers they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ Here is no cloke or color for examining Communicants therfore beware how ye wrest or wiredraw Scripture to serv turns Hos scrupulos solvas eris mihi magnus Apollo Cleer thes points and to me Great Phoebus thou shelt be This brief Essay or Epigram being a Theological Theory Corollary is purposly premised as a Prodrom or Patern of 670. such som larger som lesser to be published by Gods grace in two Folio Tomes so soon as they can be transcribed and impressed wherof the Enchiridion now com forth jointly with this work is as it were the Table or Catalog containing the Arguments of them al. Thus writers toil and travel in vain to pleas or profit variously disposed Readers led wholy by Opinion Affection or Prejudication most of which wil rather retribut sharp scofs and scurrilous censures then deserved thanks or commendations but 't is best Buoy-like to bear up amidst al boisterous billows of spite and scandal maugre Mens malice and al envious or venemous toungs To shut up al with two homespun verses His Epigramatibus facies non omnibus una Nec diversa subit quales soluere Gemelli Thes Essais hav not al one face to see Nor much unlike as Twins are wont to be Sitne superstitio Natalis Festa sacrare Christi inter varios lis odiosa fuit Ther 's hateful strife ' mongst som whether to keep holy Christs Birth-day Fest be superstitious folly Scaurus ait renuit Varus utri credere vultis Tam facile est lites conciliare graves Scaurus saith Varus gainsaith which wil ye Beleev So easy 't is great brawls t' agree In dextram potius pietate offendere praestat Quam laeva opprobriis spernere Festa sacra 'T is better right hand-wise by zele t' offend Then Holy dais left-like with scorn vilipend Discite quod verum est moniti nec temnite Christum Sed colite aeterno Festa dicata Deo Learn truth that 's taught and doo not Christ defy But Fests ordained t' eternal God apply Though my silly reason and shallow resolution specialy in Vale●●ct●●● Dotage be no way regardable or reliable on in the learned Common wealth yet to satisfy som special Friends who earnestly entreat it I will openly unmasque or declare my judgment in six controversal points but very briefly and bluntly 1. Touching Mans Souls production I hold Traduction against the universal Tenet of Infused by Creating and Created in Infusing 2. For Predestination to eternal Life or Death I beleev it to be with reference to Gods prescience of pure simple Intelligence not of his free Pleasure to shew his Power by any absolut irresistiv Decree 3. Concerning Church Government I defend Episcopacy for the best form of Ecclesiastic Polity as instituted by our Saviour analogicaly and by his Apostles actualy or apertly but continued in al Churches ever since til Mr. Calvin changed it in case of necessity 4. About Christs Millenar reign on Earth immedialy before in or at the last day of judgment and general Resurrection of al human flesh and for his eternal personal reign on a new Earth resigning his kingdom of Glory to his Father my Opinion amidst such a copious cru of learned Clercs who debate it diversly both wais must needs be amphibolous or ambiguous like a giddy Ostrich which having laid hir first eg at rovers on the sands regards not wher she lais the rest nor on what heap she sits abrood but doo rather declare then incline to the former and profes my self advers to the later Me trahit in dubios aliorum assertio sensus An reget in Mundo hoc Christus an Arce Poli Others opinions make me doubtful whether Christ shal
so high as his Heavenly Throne or abov his earthly Footstool how can it consist with the dignity of Christ our King that his Saints shal sit at Table som at his right hand som on his left to eat and drink wi●h him freely and familiarly for ever Let this suffice for Scriptural confirmation of the elects eternal reign with our blessed Saviour in Heavenly habitations De aeterno Christi regno Of Christs eternal reign THat Christ at the Judgment day and general Resurrection of al Flesh shal resign up the Kingdom of Glory wher he now sits in Majesty to his Father and reign personaly on Earth at his Metropolis of Jerusalem to be new built with his Saints eternaly never to see Heaven again which is to suscipere gradum Simeonis from a C●lical infinit Kingdom to a Terrestrial finit Paradise Thus Scriptures seem to hav several sens●s according to Mens various interpretations of arbitrary authority This openly oppugns my last Opinion of the Worlds annihilation 8 Thesis against renovation of the old or substitution of a new wherto this Position of Christs eternal Personal reign at new built Jerusalem principaly tends but I defend that this present finit World which was at first made of meer nothing shal in fine be utterly abolished or resolved into nothing when 't is once dissolved or destroied by fire This is expresly evinced or evidenced by thes texts of sacred Scripture current coin David saith Heaven and Earth shal perish Ps 102 26. Mat. 24 3● Job 14. 12. Christ They shal pass away Job They shal be no more Isaiah they shal vanish like smoke al their Host shal be dissolved and Isai 51. 6. Isai 34 4 2 Pet. 3. 10 Rev 20 11. roled together as a scrole they shal fal down as a leaf from the Vine and a faling fig from the figtree St. Peter they shal pass away with great nois St. John they fled away and no place found for them Al which phrases to perish pass away be no more vanish like smoke roled up as a scrole fal down as a Vine-leaf or fig from a figtree fly away and their place no more found strongly imply abolition or at least impugn a perfecter condition to be the place for our Saviours perpetual personal reign with his Saints yeelding up the Kingdom of Glory the third Heaven never to return 'T is a sory unequal exchange to quit a Celical infinit increat mansion for a Terrestrial finit created habitation nor can any of the premised terms plainly purport or senisibly signify melioration as if the new Heaven and Earth shal be bettered or beautified sith in al language of Men or Grammatical construction perfection is advers to perdition and to perish or pass away asystat to perfection If the World is to be renewed or repaired it shal hav no end but 't is said the end of al things is at hand and the ends of the World are com upon us In nature is nothing but time place and space but afterward al eternity ubiquity and infinity as in Man corruption shal put on incorruption mortality immortality weaknes power and dishonor glory Many most pressing reasons and authentic authorities are alleged on behalf of annihilation in the eighth or last Thesis which 't is not my guise or property to reaccumulat Howbeit having gleaned or gathered sundry select speculations scattered through his whol work som veracious som fucatious som dubious som suspitious som erroneous I presume to present them in public sans answer or animad version Specimina diversimoda Several sorts of Essais MAster Hobbs is a great general Scholar who hath an excellent Entelechy to devise novities but deems them al verities and would fai● hav the World dance after his Pipe which wil never be For Men may catch Ruddicks or Thrushes in Pitfals and Woodcocks in Springals but bigger Birds are too wild wily and wary then to be snapd in such silly snares Real inventions if good are very laudable and verbal too if veritable but novel Opinions contrary to common current Tenets of al Authors most suspitious and mostly erroneous Not to linger any longer in the Porch thes which folow are som of his sporadical Positions Touching the signification of som words in Scripture he saith they depend not Chap. 34. on the writers wil or vulgar use but on their tru proper sens in Gods word Body and Spirit in Schools language are stiled Substances Body what Corporeal and Incorporeal but a Body naturaly imports that which fils up som space room or place being a real part of the visible univers which is an aggregat of al Bodies and no part of it but a Body nor is any thing a Body which is not part of it and contained or included in it This Body being subject to change in various apparence to Animals senses is caled Substance or Subject of sundry Accidents as somtime to mov somtime to stand stil somtime hot somtime cold somtime of one color sound smel tast or touch somtime of another Which several seemings produced by diversity of Bodily operations on our Senses Organs we cal Accidents of thos Bodies according to which acception Body and substance signify the same so to conjoin or cal ought an Incorporeal Substance is to destroy ech other as if one should say an incorporeal Body Thus much for the interpretation of the word Body Now the vulgar doth not denomin al the univers Body but Spirit what only such parts as they find by feeling to resist their force or by seeing to hinder farther prospect but Air and such subtle substances not subject to the Ey they term wind breath or latinly spirits as that which in any Animal givs life and motion is caled the Vital and Animal spirits Wheras thos Idols of the brain representing bodies wher they are not either in Dream or to a distempered brain waking are nothing as St. Paul cals al Idols nothing at al wher they seem to be and in the brain it self nothing but tumult rising from the objects confused action or Organs disorderly agitation Hence som which search not their Causes but rely on others knowledg cal them thin Bodies supernaturaly compact of Air becaus the depraved sight judgeth them Corporeal and som term them Spirits or Spectres becaus the Touch descries nothing wher they appeer that resists their fingers So the genuin signification of Spirit in common speech is either a subtle fluid invisible Body or a Ghost Idol or Phantasm of the Brain but metaphorical meanings are many Somtimes it signifies a Mans disposition or inclination of Mind as one having a humor to comptrol others is said to hav the Spirit of contradiction if one be addicted to uncleannes an unclean Spirit If to peevish perversnes a froward Spirit If to sullennes a dumb Spirit If to holines the Spirit of God Somtimes any eminent ability or extraordinary passion or diseas of Mind as great prudence is clyped the
one Man speaks to another prohibiting Adam to eat of the Tree of knowledg and upon disobeying exiled him out of Eden from enjoying eternal Life wherto he was created had he not sinned Gen. 7. 7. Afterward he punished his Posterity for their Vices al sav egth Persons in whom his Kingdom consisted with a deluge Gen. 8. 18. of Waters but his first Kingdom by solen compact was with Gen. 17. 7 8. Abram in thes words I wil establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy Seed after thee for an everlasting Covenant to be a God to thee and them and wil giv thee and thy Seed al the Land of Canaan wherin thou art a Stranger for an everlasting possession In memorial herof he instituted Circumcision Exod. 19 5 〈◊〉 8 caled the old Covenant as the sign or Sacrament therof The same Covenant God renewed by Moses at Sinai they being newly becom a Nation which is expresly stiled tho the name of King and Kingdom not before used a Kingdom of Priests and holy People for they promised to doo as the Lord commanded which argues their peculiar consent compact or covenant but al the Earth is the Lords by power property and precedent So 't is a cleer case that by Gods Kingdom is meant a civil Common-wealth instituted by Subjects consents for regulating their behaviour both toward God their King in obeying his Laws toward one another in point of Justice and toward Forreners in peace or war This was properly a Kingdom when God was King of Israel which befel to no People els and the high Priest after Moses his sole Lieftenant or Viceroy whence 't is forecaled Regnum Sacerdotale a 1 Pet 2 9. Kingdom of Priests and by St. Peter Sacerdotium Regale a Roial Priesthood sith none but the high Priest might enter Sanctum Sanctorum only once a yeer to inquire Gods Wil 1 Sam. 8 7 c. of him Many mo places prov the same as when the Elders greiving at Samuels Sons corruption required a King to rule them Like al Nations God said they did not reject Samuel but himself that he should not reign over them Thus God was their King and Samuel only delivered what he dictated So saith 1 Sa● 12. 12 Samuel when ye saw Naash King of Ammon com against you ye said to me a King shal reign over us when the Lord God was King After they had rejected God and broken the Covenant by that revolt or rebellion chusing another King the Prophets foretold his restitution that it shal be in Zion Davids Throne at Jerusalem on Earth See Isai 24. 23. Ez●k 20. 33 37. Micah 4. 7. So saith the Angel Gabriel of Christ He shal be great and caled the Son of the most high and the Lord Luk. 1. 32 3● shal giv him his Father Davids Throne and he shal reign over the hous of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom shal be no end This is a Kingdom on Earth for whos claim Christ was crucified as an enemy to Caesar and on his Cross inscribed Jesus of Nazaret King of the Jews being in scorn Crowned with Thorns So 't is said of the Disciples That they did contrary Acts 1● 7. to Caesars Decrees saying ther is another King one Jesus Therfore Gods Kingdom is real no metaphorical Monarchy and so taken in both Testaments When we say For thine is the Kingdom power and glory 't is understood by force of our Covenant not by right of his power So it were frivolous to pray Thy Kingdom com unles it be meant of Gods Kingdoms restauration by Christ which was interrupted by the Jews electing Saul Nor is it proper to say the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand or thy Kingdom com if it had stil continued for Gods Kingdom of Power is every wher In sum Gods Kingdom is a civil Monarchy which consists Summary in the Israelits obedience or obligation to observ thos Laws which Moses first should bring from Sinai and what the high Priest afterward shal deliver before the Cherubins in Sanctum Sanctorum which being cast off by electing Saul the Prophets foretold should be restored by Christ and we daily pray for its redintegration thy Kingdom com acknowledging the right of it in adding For thine is Kingdom Power and Glory for ever Amen The proclaiming herof was the Apostles Preaching wherto Men are prepared by Gospel-Teachers and to promiss obedience to Gods government is to be in the Kingdom of Grace becaus God givs such power to be his Subjects gratis when Christ shal com in Majesty to judg the World and actualy govern his own People which is caled the Kingdom of Glory If Gods Kingdom caled for its gloriousnes and celsitud the Kingdom of Heaven were not a Government which he executs on Earth by Vicars or Vicerois who deliver his commands to the People ther needs no digladiation who it is by whom God speaks to us nor would Priests trouble themselfs with spiritual jurisdiction nor any suprem Rulers deny it them From this literal interpretation of Gods Kingdom ariseth Holy what a genuin Exposition of the word Holy signifying what in Monarchies Men cal public or the Kings property who is the public Person or Representativ of al his Subjects As God King of Israel is stiled the holy one of Israel and the Jews Gods People a holy Nation So the Sabbath Gods day is a Holy day the Temple Gods hous a holy Hous Sacrifi●es Offerings Tiths Gods Tributs Holy duties Priests Prophets Annointed Kings Gods Ministers holy Men the celical Spirits Gods Messengers holy Angels or the like For wherever holy is taken properly ther is stil somwhat signified of property got by consent For al Mankind is Gods Nation by property of power but Israel only an holy Nation by Covenant In saying Halowed be thy Name we pray for Grace to keep the first Commandment to hav no other Gods but him The word Prophane is usualy taken in Scripture for common Prophane what and consequently the contraries holy and proper or peculiar must signify the same thing but figurativly such as liv godly giving themselfs to devotion as if they forsook the World are caled Bonhoms That which God makes holy by appropriating it to his own Sacred what use is stiled Sacred or Sanctified as the seventh day in the fourth Commandment and the elect in the new Testament are said to be sanctified as indued with the spirit of godlines That too which Men dedicat or giv to God for his public service Churches Chapels with their Utensils Priests Victims Oblations external Rites of Sacraments c. is stiled Sacred or set apart to God Now ther be divers degrees of sanctity or holines when things are sequestred or consecrated for Gods neerer service th●n others as al the Israelits were a holy People peculiar to God yet Levies Tribe more holy and Priests among Levits more but the high Priest most holy so Judea was a
without torture of Body and Mind in which sens it shal endure for ever unquenchable and the torments endlesss Yet it folows not that he so cast in shal so endure or resist it as to be eternaly burnt and tortured but never dy or be destroied Yea tho many places prov everlasting fire and torments into which Men may be cast successivly one after another for ever yet none assert that any individual Person shal perennaly abide or endure therin but he shal hav an everlasting secund Death For when Death and the Grav Hel hav delivered up the Rev. 20. 13 14. dead in them and every Man judged according to his works Death and Hel shal be cast into the Lake of Fire this is the secund Death Hence 't is cleer that every Reprobat condemned at general Judgment must suffer a secund Death after which he shal dy no more But what is meant by Mind so oft iterated if not Mans Quaere Soul The jois of eternal Life are comprised in Scripture under Eternal Life the name of Salvation or being saved which signifies to be secured either respectivly against special evils or absolutly from al as want sicknes death Now becaus Man was made immortal or immarcescible and fel from it by sin it results that to be saved from sin is to be freed from al evil and afflictions acquired by the same Ergo Remission of sin and Salvation from death and misery is al one As when Christ Mat. 9. 2 5. cured a Paralytic Man saying Friend be of good cheer or comfort thy sins be forgiven the Scribes said within themselfs he blasphems but he asked whether 't is easier to say thy sins be forgiven or arise and walk Yet he used that form of speech to shew he had power to remit sins which implies that 't is al one to the saving of the sick to say thy sins are forgiven or rise and walk For sith death and misery are punishments of sin the discharge of it relea●eth the other two being absolut Salvation such as the elect shal enjoy after the Judgment day by Christ Jesus favor who for that caus is caled our Saviour Touching particular Salvations from enimies or miseries 't is needless to treat but becaus the general Salvation must be in the Kingdom of Heaven ther is great debate or difficulty about the place Becaus Kingdom is an Estate ordained by Men for security Kingdom of Heaven against enimies and want it seems this Salvation which sets forth our Kings glorious reign by conquest not a safety by escape shal be on Earth For wher we expect Salvation we must look for Triumph Victory and Battle in order which cannot be supposed in Heaven and wher els we must serch the Scriptures Isaiah largely describes it To be at Jerusalem Isai 33. 20. c. a quiet habitation a Tabernacle not to be taken down The Saviour is Our Lord Judg Lawgiver King The condition of the saved is The People that dwel therin shal be forgiven their iniquities By this 't is cleer that it shal be in Jerusalem wher God shal reign at Christs next coming and fil up the Salvation of Gentils which shal be received into his Kingdom for ever Isai 66 20 21. Isaiah more expresly declares it That the Gentils who had any Jews in bondage shal bring them from al Nations on Horses Charets and Litters to Jerusalem the place of Gods John 4. 22. worship As our Saviour told the Woman of Samaria that Salvation is of the Jews or begins at them As if he should say ye worship God but know not by whom he wil sav you we know it shal be by one of Juda and not a Samaritan This Rom. 1. 16 17. St. Paul explains The G●sp●l is Gods power of Salvation to every one that beleeveth to the Jew first and also to the Greec Joel 2. 30 32. So Joel describing the Judgment day saith God wil shew wonders in Heaven and Earth Blood Fire and Pillars of smoke wherto he ads In Mount Zion and Jerusalem shal be Salvation Obad. v. 17. c. So saith Obadiah On Mount Zion shal be deliverance and holines Jacobs hous shal possess their possessions which he particularly points out by The Mount of Esau Land of Philistins fields of Ephraim Samaria Gilead and Cities of the South concluding thus The Kingdom shal be the Lords On the other side no plain pregnant place provs the Saints Ascention into Heaven sav that 't is caled the Kingdom of Heaven which was becaus he governed the Israelits by commands sent to Moses from and after sent his Son as he wil again thence or els that his Throne is Heaven and Earth his Footstool but that his Subjects or Servants shal sit so high as his Throne or abov his Footstool sutes not with the glorious Majesty of so great a King Al thes Kickshews of arguing from similituds which he Answer derides in others are soon satisfied that his subjects shal not sit on his suprem Throne as Coequals or Coordinats but only dwel as Princes Servants doo in their Palaces in his holy John 14. 2. Hous of Heaven This saith Christ hath many mansions being infinity it self wheras not a tithing pa●● of Mankind can possibly find place to stand on a new Earth or finit world Three Worlds are specified in Scripture 1. The old before Noahs flood wherof St. Peter speaks 2. The present of 2 Pet. 2. 5. which Christ saith My Kingdom is not of this World 3. That to com of it St. Peter saith We according to his promiss look for new Heavens and Earth which is that World wherin Christ coming in the Clouds with great glory shal send his Angels to gather the Elect from the four Winds or utmost parts of the Earth to reign over them under his Father everlastingly Thus he But wher is the World to com taken for a Real material Quaere World as the other two be 'T is not Cosmos or Mundus venturus but Seculum vita vel Aevum futurum the Time Life or Age to com Nor is ther any warrant in al Gods word for thos last words that Christ shal reign over the Saints ●iz on Earth under his Father everlastingly but that they shal reign with him 1000. yeers as Chiliasts contest Touching Understanding he saith 't is only imagination Understanding raised in Man or any Animal that can imagin by words or signs which is common to Man and Beasts As a Dog by use understands his Masters cal or check with sundry strange tricks by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calture so doo divers other kinds yea som 〈◊〉 to speak but understanding peculiar to Man is not only to know one anothers wil but his thoughts or conceptions by the consequents of things Names into affirmations ●e●ations and other forms of speech of which he wil treat elswher For Witchcraft he holds it to be no real power yet are
same condition that Adam and his Posterity were since his fal sav that God graciously promised a Redeemer to such as should repent and beleev but not to thos that dy in their sins impenitent as Reprobats doo so they may liv as they did before with gross corruptible Bodies as al Men now hav and haply beget Children continualy which no 1 Cor. 15. Scripture gainsais St. Paul treats only of the Resurrection Luk. 20 34. c. to life eternal not a word of that to pnuishment nor Christ who saith the Children of this World which liv in the estate Adam left them shal marry and generat successivly by an immortality of Kind not of Persons who are not worthy to be counted among thos that shal rise and obtain the World to com that is life to com not a terren World which alone are Heirs of eternal life equal to Angels and Children of God So a secund eternal death remains to Reprobats when after the Resurrection shal com a time of torment or punishment which by succession of sinners shal last so long as the kind of Man by propagation shal endure that is eternaly but not so every single Person nor shal the Tormenters be F●ends or evil Angels Touching the Souls natural immortality that 't is a spiritual substance subsisting by it self after separation he answers som objections Ob. Salomon saith Dust shal return to Dust as it was and Eccles 12. 7. the Spirit to God that gav it Ergo God created the Soul distinct Spirit Sol. He shews how Mans Body made of dust must return to dust but God only knows what becoms of his Spirit Chap. 3. 20. Breath or Life He hath a sentence of semblable sens Al Man and Beast go to one place al are of dust and turn to dust Who knows except the Omniscient that Mans Spirit goes Ibid. v. 19. upward and a Beasts downward Sith 't is said That which befals the Sons of Men betides Beasts as one dies so doth the other yea they hav al one breath before spirit so that a Man hath no preeminence abov a Beast for al is vanity He praiseth Ch●p 4 2 3. the dead beyond the living and ads Better is he which hath not yet bin nor seen the evil work doon under the Sun then both the dead and living which cannot hold current if Mans Soul be immortal that no Soul were better then it only for a little oppression in this life Lastly he saith The living know they shal dy but the Dead know nothing naturaly before the Body shal rise nor hav any more a reward for their memory is forgot Al which places prostern the Souls immortality and by Spirit is meant Breath or Life as often foresaid Ob. Christ saith Abraham Isaac and Jacob are living Ergo their Souls separat subsist stil for their bodies lay buried many ages before Sol. This purports Gods promiss and certitud of their Resurrection not any actual life as God said to Adam on the day he should eat the forbidden fruit he shal certainly dy so from that day he was a dead Man by Sentence but not by actual execution til 930. yeers after Ob. The wicked shal rise to Judgment and go into everlasting fire torment or punishment wher the worm of Conscience never dieth which is caled a secund everlasting Death and general everlasting Life in torments far wors then Death as appeers in the new Testament Ergo c. Sol. Al this is tru yet it no wher appeers that the Damned shal liv in torments everlastingly for God the Father of Mercies and fountain of Goodnes who doth al what he wil and holds al Mens hearts at his disposing working them to wil and doo without whos free gift no Man hath any inclination to good or repentance of evil wil not punish Mens transgressions committed by inevitable ignorance natural frailty or wilful obstinacy sans end of time or with extremity of torture more then Men can conceiv or imagin Then he proceds to answer Bellarmins places or proofs in both Testaments touching Purgatory which he that lists may read p. 346. c. The next Caus of spiritual Darknes is heathen Demonology 2 Caus or doctrin of Devils as St. Paul cals it which their Poets as principal Priests diffused divulged or dissipated over the World witnes Hesiods goodly Genealogy of Gods For they caled al Spirits good and bad Demons but the Jews gav the name Demon only to evil Spirits stiling the good which Prophets or others inspired had the Spirit of God So they caled Lunatics Maniacs Lycanthrops Epileptics Hysterics or the like direct Demoniacs possest with evil Spirits They said unclean Persons had an unclean spirit dumb Men a dumb Devil aspersing John Baptist and our Saviour himself to hav Devils but Devils specified in Scripture are meer Diseases If any ask why Christ did not cross comptrole or teach Quest the contrary but confirms it by bidding D●vils go out of Men which is improper to speak unto any Diseas that cannot hear He answers that Christs command to any Diseas is no more Answ improper then to rebuke the Fever Wind or Sea which obeied him yet can hear no more then the rest Nor are such speeches improper becaus they import or impart the power of Gods word to command such contumacious Diseases under the appellation of Devils as they were then generaly deemed to depart out of M●ns Bodies So Devils Spectres or evil Spirits which they dreamed of are meer Phantasms or Inhabitants of their own Brains nor are any Ghosts of the Dead or ever were extant in the Air Heaven Hel or any real place as som surmise Al this must be taken upon his bare Phythagorean Ipse dixit Was that legion of Devils who besought Christ to enter 〈◊〉 into the Gergesens Swine and caried a whol Herd headlong into Sea only a Diseas Can Metaphors discurs or doo such mischeef When Christ cast out a dumb Spirit the traducing Pharisees denied not the dispossessing or matter of fact but said he did it by Beelzebub Prince of Devils can Christians then deny it Christ saith St. Matthew was led by or of the Spirit into Ma● 4. 1. Ma●● 1. 12. Luk 4. 1. the Wildernes which Spirti drov him into the Desart saith St. Marc but Luke that he being ful of the holy Ghost which descended on him as a Dov newly before at Baptism was led of the Spirit into the Wildernes al which imply the holy Ghost nor can this be a possession of one substance by another sith Christ and the holy Ghost are one self same substance 'T is said after the Devil took him up into the holy City and set him on a Pinnacle but anon after caried him on a very high Mountain to shew him al the Worlds Kingdoms but certes the Devil did not transport him by force nor is any Mountain so high to shew him one Hemisphere of the World The meaning then must be
even tru Philosophy against Laws but Ecclesiastics who are subject to any State hav no proper right to govern but al what they assum to doo is meer usurpation tho they gild it with the gloss of Gods right Tully tels that one Cassius a Roman Judg if the Witnesses could not make cleer a crime would ask the accusers Cui bono what profit the Prisoner expected by the fact For no presumption so evidently declares the guilt of an Author as the gain which he shal get by the action So in the foresaid cases it must be inquired what gain glory or greatnes accrued to any by holding the same 1. That the Church militant on Earth is Gods Kingdom of glory or Land of Promiss not that of Grace which is but a Promiss of the Land thes benefits arise to the Clergy that the Priests Pastors or Prelats acquire as Gods public Ministers or Teachers of the People a right to govern the Church and consequently the Common-wealth both being the same Persons Hence the Pope prevailed with al Christian Princes subjects to beleev that to disobey him in spiritual causes was to oppose Christ himself whos Vicar he was as St. Peters successor which in effect is to usurp an universal Monarchy over al Christendom For tho the Christian Emperors at first constituted them suprem teachers in al their Dominions under them by the title of Pontifex Maximus or cheif Prelat yet when the Empire was divided and after dissolved he easily induced People being his Subjects already to adore him as Christs Viceroy in the Church as his Kingdom of Glory so it may be presumed that he having the best benefit by this universal Monarchy was author of that Theory Afterward when Princes Stats and Churches rejected the Popes universal power the civil Soveraigns should hav reserved their right before they let it go as England in effect did sav that the Clergy maintaining their function under them to be Gods right seemed to usurp if not a Supremacy yet an independence on civil power yet seemed only acknowledging a right in the King to suppress the exercise of their function at his pleasure Indeed wher the Presbytery prevailed tho they abandoned many Romish Doctrins yet this that Christs Kingdom is already com and began at his Resurrection is stil retained Yea they claim power to excommunicat Kings as ordinary Sheep of their Fold and be sole Moderators in al matters of Religion wher they rule as the Pope chalengeth it over al Christians For to excommunicat a Soveraign is to rep●l him from al places of public service and resist him by the Sword as they did in Scotland So to excommunicat any privat Person without the Soveraigns leav is to bereav his lawful liberty and usurp unlawful power over their Brethren To uphold this spiritual Soveraignty non minor est virtus 1 Infallibility quam quaerere parta tueri they use many Engins 1. To perswade that the Pope in his Pontifical Chair or public capacity cannot er so Presbyters would be beleeved in Pulpits 2. That Bishops hav not their right immediatly from God 2 Suo●ection of Bishops nor mediatly from Soveraigns but soly from the Pope that they may side with him upon al occasions wheras Presbyterians shuffle off Prelats to usurp their power 3. That al Clergy-Men Seculars and Regulars are exempt 3 Exemptions of the Clergy from power of Civil Laws who wil be protected by the State yet pay no part of public expens to prop their power nor are liable to penalties the Presbyterians wish it to themselfs 4. That their Priests must be stiled Sacerdotes Sacrificers 4 The Name Sacerdotes which was the Israelits title both of their civil Magistrat while God was King and public Ministers afterward which with mak●ng the Lords Supper a Sacrifice puts People in beleef that the Pope hath the same power over al Christians which Moses and Aaron had over Israel both Civil and Clerical the Presbyters are intitled Elders who were chief Assistants to the Apostles 5. That Marriage is a Sacrament which givs the Clergy 5 Mariage a Sacrament authority to judg the lawfulnes of it and consequently what Children are legitimat Presbyterians pretend no proper right in this kind sav only to hav the father at Baptism testify the child to be his own which is of no great use 6. That Priests may not marry which assures the Popes 6 Priests Celibat power over sundry Princes for if a King be a Priest as many Soveraigns are Prelats he cannot marry nor transfer his Regal right to Posterity without the Popes special dispensation Presbyters are no way guilty herin who marry twise thrise or four times 7. That auticular Confession is a Sacrament wherby they 7 Auricular Confession acquire better intelligence of Princes purposes and Peoples projects in the Civil State then thes possibly can of their sub●leties stratagems or machinations in the Ecclesiastic Polity here the Presbyterian parallel ceaseth 8. That to Canonize Saints and declare Martyrs pertains soly 8 Saints Canonization to the Pope which assures his power among simple sottish people who wil obstinatly oppose their Soveraigns either hostily or proditoriously even to death if the Pope Excommunicat or pronounce them Heretics and Enimies to the Church 9. That divers doctrins Transubstantiation Penance Absolution 9 Doctrins remitting and retaining sins greatly ratify this spiritual Monarchy among the vulgar 10. That the devise of Purgatory justification by external 10 Purgatory works and sale of Indulgences doo chiefly inrich the Clergy the subtraction wherof excited Luther to revolt from the Pope who conferred the Indulgences of al Germany on his Sister 11. That by Demonology Exorcisms and other bug Bear 11 Demonology Rites they keep or think they keep people the more under their girdle as doubtless men stand in more aw of them 12. That Aristotles Philosophy Metaphisics Physics Ethics 12 School po●nts Politics precited and School Divinity taught in every University erected or regulated by the Popes authority keep al thos errors from being detected and make men mistake Ignis fatuus of vain Philosophy for his very Light of the Gospel So that Roman Quaere Cui bono descries the Pope to be principal Author or Fautor of thos dark doctrins from which Good Lord deliver us Ther be three knots on Christian liberty 〈◊〉 Knots untied 1. That which the first Presbyters knit who assembling to agree what they should teach and binding themselfs to teach nothing against their assemblie Decrees deemed People obliged to folow their doctrins and forsook ther company then caled Excommunication if they refused 2. That which Presbyters of the chief City or Province got on Parochial Ministers caling themselfs Bishops or Prelats Is Qu●●e it not the same office or order which Saint Paul first conferred on Titus and Timothy to reside over al Presbyters in Crete and Ephesus compare them no Eg can be
liker one another 3. That which the Bishop of Rome the Imperial Metropolis assumed as Pontifex Maximus over al Bishops in the Empire Thes three were ravelled or resolved here by the same way but preposterously for order the last first and first last For Queen Elizabeth totaly dissolved the Popes power but Bishops retained their Jurisdiction under hir as under the Pope yet with a claus or claim of jure divino derived from God 2. The Presbyterians in Parlement put down Prelats with al their pomp which perhaps they repent since and so the secund knot was untied 3. The Presbyterians soon after were unhorsed or at least unsadled and so the last untwisted So we are now reduced to the Independence of primitiv Christians 〈◊〉 to folow Paul Cephas or Apollos was not that stiled Schism as every Man likes best Which if it be without raising debate or measuring Christs doctrin by our partial affection to his Ministers Person is perhaps best but not absolutly 1. Becaus ther ought to be no power over Mens Consciences fav by the word it self working Faith in every ones heart according to Gods purpose 2. Becaus such as teach ther is great danger in every litle error should not require a Man endued with his own reason to folow any others opinion or most voices of many Men which is to hazard his salvation at Cross and Pile What is it then for People to Quaere obey the chief Civil Ruler in al points of Religion Lastly he compares the Papacy specialy in the point that Comp●risons the Church Militant is Gods Kingdom spoken of in the old and new Testament to the Kingdom of Faieries or old Wifes fables teaching Ghosts and Spirits with the fine feats which they are fained to play at night For the Papacy is the Roman Empires very Ghost sitting triply Crowned on its Grav for the language used in their Liturgies is Latin or old Roman toung The Faieries in al parts or places hav only one universal King caled Oberon but in Scripture Beelzebub Prince of Demons such is the Pope in his Clergy over the World The Faieries are Spirits of Ghosts inhabiting darknes solitud or Gravs so are Ecclesiastic spiritual Ghostly Fathers who walk in dark Doctrins Cels Cloisters Churches and Church-yards Faieries hav inchanted Castles and Gigantic Ghosts domineering over al Regions round about so hav they Cathedral Churches which by virtu of Holy water and charms cald Exor●isms can turn Towns into Cities or Imperial Seats Faieries take Children out of Cradles and change them to natural Fools caled Elfs fit only to doo mischief so they bereav young Men of Reason by certain charms composed of Metaphysics and Miracles with old Traditions and abused Scriptures wherby they becom good for nothing but to execut their Superiors secret commands Faieries are never seized on nor brought to answer the hurts they doo so Ecclesiastics vanish from al Tribunals of Civil Justice When Faieties are angry with any they send Elfs to pinch them so if the Clergy take teen against any State they make superstitious Subjects to pinch their Princes or one Prince inchanted with promises to pinch another Faieries marry not but their Incubi couple with flesh and blood so their Priests marry not nor are any of the chastest sort Faieries hant Daieries and feed or feast on the fat of Cream which they skim from Milk so that Clergy is crammed with Cream or fat of the Land by Zelo●s devotions or donations and toillest Tiths In what Shop or Officin Faieries make their Inchantments old Wifes resolv not but the Clergies operatories are Universities erected and established by the Pope What coin Faieries use no History records but Popish Ecclesiastics in al Receipts accept the same mony we doo yet being to repay doo it in Masses Indulgences and Canonizations Finaly Faieries hav no real existence but in the fancies of fond ignorant Idiots rising from old Wifes traditions or young Poets fictions no more hath the Popes spiritual plenipotence beyond the verge of his own civil Territories caled the Churches Patrimony any right or reality sav only in the Panic fears of silly seduced People which stand in aw of his Excommunications upon hearing of fals Miracles Traditions and interpretations of Scripture Thes are Mr. Hobbs singularities with many mo superseded but his special Tenet is that God was the Israelits sole King to whom Moses Aaron Josua Judges and high Priests were Lieftenants or Deputies and they his peculiar chosen People by Contract or Covenant for many ages til at last they cast him off and would hav an Earthly visible King like other Nations but Christ shal be King over al the chosen People of Beleevers at the last day of Judgment and Resurrection of Men with whom he shal reign personaly in Earthly Jerusalem for ever The premisses speak him to be a singular Scholar of most acut wit who hath a rare invention ready pen concise stile and elegant elocution with whos Apollinean Harp my poor Panlike Pipe cannot contend Cedat Apollineae Panis Avena Lyrae Let Pans plain oat-Pipe yeeld To Phaebus Harp the Field In such points wherin he and I differ specialy Four I only confirm mine own Opinion by Scripture but no way confute his by Arguments but hav selected sundry excerptions and subnected som scattered quaeres extempore for the Readers better satisfaction to ruminat on I hope he shal hav no just caus nor any Author els such is my sollicitud in exemplifying exactly for any falsification to say with Martial Quem repetis meus est O Fidentine Libellus Sed male dum recitas incipit esse tuus Fidentin the Book which thou repeatst is mine But while thou il recit'st 'gins to be thine It rests that according to my common cours or custom I doo close up the Catastrophe of al with an Essay or Epigram applied to Mr. Hobbs Domino Hobso Epigramma An Essay to Master Hobbs The seven Distichs in Defens of Mans Soul Church government Christs and the Saints eternal reign in Heaven SIR having a purpose in my extrem old age to publish a few Theological speculations tho beyond the lists of my Phisical Profession that they may remain the Heir of my Brain sith God hath bereaved the Heir of my Body I met with som strange seeming passages or positions in your learned Levith●n which is diversly censured as al others works are and generaly construed to savor of self-conceit contrary to my tenets which I was bound by scholastic ingenuity fairly to vindicat but not to refut yours being far unable to grapple If you take me for an Emulist or Antagonist God the heart searcher knows me to be neither who would gladly imitat not emulat your accomplished abilities sans sordid envy and doo affect your person with amicable amity free from servil flattery Figulus Figulo invidet a quality of base Mechanics never tainted my thoughts nor is fit for any free minded Artist to intertain but Ais
Rev. 16. 3. Politic World So Babylons dominion is expressed wher the Lord threatens to dry up the Sea and springs The Assyrian Kingdoms amplitud is described by the same Metaphor the deep or Sea hath exalted hir 'T is said of Pharaohs Kingdom the waters shal fail from the Sea therof or his Dominion shal be bereaved So the four great Beasts or Kingdoms rose from the Sea which implies largenes of Dominion Dan. 7. 3. Now a third part of the Roman Sea becam blood which denots slaughter of Animals and inanimats ruin too therfore the Sea becoming blood by a great Mountains fal betokens violent destruction as a Beast is butchered bleeding For so 't is said in the Phials that the Sea becam as the blood of a dead Man or one slain The like mystery of a Mountain meant by a City is applyed to old Babylon even a Mountain burning Jer. 51. 25. with fire as here For point of History Alaric after Stilicos death returned as a Ram and took Rome creating Attalus A. C. 410. the Hun Emperor whom he soon deposed and reinthroned Honorius Immediatly insued a total renting of the Empire which was shortly shared into ten Stats or Soveraignties 1. Brytans 2. Saxons in this I le 3. Francs in Galle 4. Burgundians in Belgia 5. Visi-Goths in Aquitain and part of Spain 6. Sueds in Gallaecia 7. Alans in Lusitania 8. Vandals in Africa 9. Almans in Germany 10. Ostr●-Goths in Pannonia beside Greecs in the East Empire which is counted one of the ten when the West was dissolved in al which befel notable changes Howbeit the number of ten is not taken so strickly as if should be no mo nor fewer nor other but that it should be severed into about ten So after Alexander four Kingdoms are predicted Macedon Asia Syria Egypt Dan. 8. 22. yet a fifth of Thracia was added by Lysimachus which ended with his life The third Trumpet is of a Star falen from Heaven burning 3 Trumpet like a Lamp on the third part of Rivers and Waters named Wormwood making the waters bitter wherof many died This is meant of Hesperus or west Caesar who after Gensericus K. of Vandals had sacked Rome fel headlong to ruin strugling a while with death under the obscure Emperors Avitus Majoranus Severus Anthemius Olybius Glicerius Nepos Augustulus who were Princes of baleful bitternes and perished by mutual Massacres or Trecheries Augustulus which is an ominous diminutiv of the first founder was expeld by Odoacer K. of Heruli but when the west Empire lay A. C. 〈◊〉 A. C. 〈◊〉 Note buried 324 yeers P. Leo 3. surrogated Charlemaign to be Emperor becaus under this coverture of Caesar revived or the Beasts sixth Head stil reigning the Pope may not be reputed seventh or last which is Antichrist as is too evident to every judicious Ey This Papal Caesar pertains not to the Heads of the Roman Beast but to the Horns or Kingdoms into which it was to be torn being ready to resign his room to the last seventh Head By the Star burning as a Lamp the blazing Star Lampadios is described and such is the Hesperian Caesar great in dignity but of short durance whos coming must continu but a short space Isaiah saith of Babylons King How art thou falen from Heaven O Lucifer Son of the morning Isai 14. 12. For by Stars great Princes Powers and Potentats are figured The fourth sounded greater calamities of darkning the Sun 4 Trumpet Moon and Stars of Roman Majesty which before shined dimly under Ostro Goth Kings For after the Consulship failed and Totila demolished a third part of Rome it was in som sort restored A C. 542. by Belisarius and Narsetes Justinians brav Commanders but now this Worlds Queen was stripd of al Consular power Senat and Magistrats which as Stars gav great light yea becam inslaved to the Exarchat of Ravenna hir Handmaid vassal 〈◊〉 1. 1. Jer. 31. 35. O deep darknes how doth the City sit solitary that was ful of People How is she becom a Widow She that was Queen among Nations and Princess of Provinces how is she made tributary This is that smiting of Sun Moon Stars that they could giv no light by day or night For when Senat Consuls and other Officers were suppresd what could be but a total Eclips such as never was before Next folow three Trumpets of Wo so stiled becaus an Angel flying through Heaven cried Wo Wo Wo to the Earths inhabiters which are the most grievous of al. For when thos of the Christian Empire had defiled themselfs with Idol-Images of a new stamp during the four former Trumpets sounding God sent thos new plagues to punish a duple sin one for the Martyrs deaths under Heathen Rome the other for Iconolatry under Christians as 't is Rev. 20. intimated that they worshiped the Devil and Idols of Gold Silver Brass Stone and Wood. The fifth or first Wo Trumpet is of Locusts rising from the 5 Trumpet Rev. 9. 1. 10 12 smoke of the bottomless Pit which is meant of Mahometans seduced by their Pseudo-prophet to the perdition of many Nations This smoke obscured the Gospels light latly shining Exod. 10 13 14. abroad whos professors rightly resemble Locusts in many respects For thos which plagued Egypt cam from Arabia wher Mahomet spred his Hellish smoke and the Arabs likened to Judg 7. 12. them for multitud They are also stiled Sons of the East relating to Egypt wher the ●sralites learned so to term them Achmetes refers Locusts to troops of Enemies which devour ordestroy Countries Thes are compared to Scorpions for power and fo●m having tails like Scorpions so they were Locusts-Scorpions which had power in their teeth and poison in their tails Thes were forbid to hurt grass trees or any green thing as the common sort doo but only M●n not marked with Gods Seal so no Natural but Symbolical vermin are here implied They were like Horses prepared to battle with Mens faces and Womens hair but had Lyons teeth with brest-plats of Iron and sound of their Wings as Chariots of many Horses running to battle Al which import armed Souldiers as the Sarrasens erected a vast Kingdom by war yet subdued not the East Empire like the Turcs For while the former Trumpets sounded a new pontifical State started up from the ruins of the old Politic but Sarrasens subverted neither whos Kingdom crept up to so sudden greatnes as never any for Mahomet was but a Merchant as Romulus a Shepherd whos Kingdom in one Century subjected Palestine Syria Armenia minor Plin. l 6 c 28. l. 〈◊〉 c. 29. Asia Persia India Egypt Numidia Barbary Portugal Spain and part of Italy beside S●cil Sardinia Corsica and other Iles wheras 500. yeers expired yer Rome subdued al Italy They had long hair like women as Arabs then and stil use whos durance to destroy was but fiv months as Locusts com at Spring and dy in Autumn
power to giv the Beasts Image life that it should speak Vers 1● and caus so many as would not worship it to be killed Nebuchadnezar decreed the same of his Image but if this had not received life the slain Beast could not reviv in him no● was the former Dragon-Worshiper idle but activ and stout to fly on his Enimies as this Image ought to be in which he should reviv Therfore the fals Prophet had power not only to allure People to make the Image of the last cours but to inlifen him wherby he may by Edicts injoin such things as shal support his dignity and punish Opposers by temporal death For al power of the Image or Secular Beast is derived or delivered by the Pseudoprophetic who denounceth sentence of Heresy against al which resist his Authority and the other must execut it This is commonly caled a delivery over to the Secular Power which is but his Hangman becaus he wil not seem or deem to defile his holy hands with blood The like use other Sects or Septs make of Civil Magistrats He caused al great and smal rich and poor free and bond to Vers 16. 17. receiv a mark in their right hand or forehead that none might buy or sel sav such as had the mark or name of the Beast or number of his name The mark is his name as 't is caled the mark or name and afterward the mark of his name This allud● Rev. 14. 11. to an old custom of marking Servants with the Masters name specialy in the foreheads but Soldiers of their Captains in the hand So the Lambs Folowers being contrary to the Beasts had his name and his Fathers in their Foreheads The number of his name is the same with himself but cald the number becaus brought into letters of number God so disposing it but the mark and number differ if the interpretation be directed after the analogy of other places For the mark shews to which Lord they belong that bear it but the number indicats from what stock they spring that are marked as the number of twelv made in the multiplication of twelv Virgins is a symbol of Apostolic linage or Of-spring as shal be shewed The Beasts name which includs the number is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 imposed soon after the Revelation was writ For at the Empires division by Theodosius and rising of the ten Kings the Roman fals Prophet and West Inhabiters under him were stiled Latin by fatal instinct which very name subducting the numeral letters as Hebrews and Greecs use make the mystical number 666. noted by the holy Ghost which provs the Beasts prosapy who vaunts himself to succed the Apostles but indeed descends from the Dragon for the Apostolic number 12 wil never cast into 666. however multiplied but from the number 6. which belongs to the red Dragon and Beast of the sixth Head neatly and naturaly For the whol sum how great soever is compact out of six by units tens and hundreds as if the Dragons whol seed were diffused through this last Beasts whol Body with al his Ministers Here is Wisdom let him that hath understanding count the V. 18. Beasts number which is the number of a Man even 666. The Virgins number one hundred forty four thousand contrary to the Beast is altogether Apostolic begot of 12. multiplyed by twelv times twelv thousand for the reason or result of contraries is contrary wher both the name writen and number of the company is expressed but here the name is conceled or left to be collected and conjectured from the number wherin lies a mystery The forbidding to buy and sel is a brand of Papal Excommunication excluding commerce or company with such To receiv the mark of the Beasts name is to acknowledg Note him Lord and obey his authority but to receiv his number is to embrace his impiety derived from the Dragon Now tho none can hav the mark of his name or obey his authority unles he partake his number and impiety yet may a Man admit the number or impiety and abandon his name or authority As the Greecs hold the Dragons impious Idolatry with the Latins as first erected or established in the secund Nicen Synod by a Pope who labored earnestly to reviv the slain Dragons Image yet reject his authority and wil not bear his name or yoke as formerly but made a Schism as 't is stiled from the Latin Church which hath lasted abov 700. yeers maugre al brute Anathemas Let me intrud or interpose a few words Excommunication Animadvers is a prohibitiv brand to bar al that hav it from commerce company and communion but no permissiv badg to admit any nor can be caled a proper name Now Roman Catholic is the general appellation which al own and the Oath of Papal Supremacy caled reconciling to the Church of Rome a common mark or cognisance without which none may buy or sel spiritual wares among them Quam bene conveniunt Thes two terms Roman Catholic and Papal Supremacy applyed to the name and mark of the Beasts folowers I must own how fit or unfit soever humbly submitting them with al els to public censure No Symbols similituds nor allusions run on al four feet but are obvious to various applications which may and doo differ in divers circumstances as here haply it happens For the Beasts number Vicarius Dei generalis in terris DCLVVIIIIII 666. is the Beasts tru paraphrastical title and right number therof but no proper name nor number of a Man as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is nor are the numeral letters collected from the original Greec wherin John wrot as the others be but from the Roman Latin which is a considerable case Let Readers ruminat on it and judg deliberatly I looked and lo a Lamb stood on Mount Sion and with him Rev. 14 V. 1. one hundred forty four thousand having the name of the Lamb and his Fathers in their forheads The company of Virgins which folow the Lamb standing on Sion and elect Gentils put in place of Israel mentioned at beginning of the seventh Seal for 't is described in a duple Vision to conjoin the prophecy of Seals with that of the litle Book signifies the Church which in midst of Papacy continued constant to the Lamb as a Virgin under Babylon being the Apostles genuin progeny who were not confined to any set station but folowed the Lamb wherever he did go By the number one hundred forty four thousand 12. times 12000. it appeers that the same company is specified both wher 's being the Apostles tru Ofspring which bear the number twelv as an Emblem or Ensign of their peculiar prosapy or pedigree Mount Sion was Davids Kingdoms Throne or Roial mansion caled his City becaus he got it from the Jebusits and walling it built a Tower Streets and Courts It may here parabolicaly imply that part of the Earth which Christ having vanquishd made his Churches
habitation viz. the Christian World wher she keeps hir faith and chastity undefiled when the Beast polluted al with adulteries and slaughters The name Lamb is left out in most English Bibles and his Fathers only inserted but the best Translators hav both and the matter requires to read it so For the allusion to mark Servants and Souldiers belongs to the Lambs folowers that they should bear his name so wel as his Fathers in their foreheads at Baptism being signed with the Cross At which time they giv faith personaly or by Sureties to renounce Satan and al his works and worship which in Apocalyptic phrase is to abandon the Dragon and his power with al his Angels or Devils In this Sacrament we solenly profes faith to the Lamb and his Father for 't is the Lords Seal as the Antients cal it Origen saith let us bear the immortal laver in our forheads which when the Devils shal see they tremble St. Austin terms it the Roial mark of our Redeemer which Seal is defaced or obliterated by Idolatrous superstition as Tertullian Isodor and many mo teach or testify The Persons Rev. 7. 4. sealed both before and here are the same but the reason for the end of sealing different for ther the matter of protection is treated here of fealty yet 't is needless to seek another Seal beside Baptism which performs both becaus with it God ads his Grace wherby he owns them as his and takes them into tuition the one is handled in the other Vision of the sealed the other in this Hence Clemens Alex. cals Baptism a perfect safeguard and Nazianzen a seal S. Basil saith unles the Angel take notice of thy mark how shal he fight or defend thee from the Enemy hereby saith Nicetas we are kept safe from Satans snares Thus Baptism is the seal and sign of the Cross the mark of the Lamb as al agree I heard a voice from Heaven as many Waters a great Thunder V. 2. 3. and the voice was as of Harpers playing with their Harps They sung as it were a new Song before the Throne and four Beasts and Elders and none could learn it but the one hundred forty four thousand which were redeemed from the Earth The voice as of many Waters and Thunder signifies a great multitud Rev. 19 6. such as was the Levits singing with musical Instruments for 't is after caled the voice of a great multitud as of many waters and mighty thunderings Daniel describing the Son of Dan. 10. 6. God saith the voice of his Words was like a multitud which St. John cals many waters The Singers were Celical Angels glorifying the Father and the Lamb as they did before when he unsealed the Prophecies The Song is stiled new in both places being different from that sung before Christ was sent and for the new benefit of his coming granted to no foregoing ages but only to the last times the form wherof is expressed Rev. 5. 13. before viz. to him that sits on the Throne and to the Lamb be blessing honor glory and power for ever Amen Which agrees with the Evangelical Hymn after Christ appeered in the flesh wher to him that sits on the Throne and the Lamb jointly redemption power riches wisdom strength honor glory and blessing are devoutly ascribed None could learn that song so long as the Beast bore sway in Christendom sav such as be of the one hundred forty four thousand who only sans spot of Idolatry glorify the Father on Earth as Angels doo in Heaven as Christ teacheth us to pray Thes are not defiled with Women but Virgins they folow the V. 4. Lamb wherever he goeth thes are bought from among Men being first fruits of God and the Lamb. Women here meant in a Prophetic phrase are Christian Cities addicted to Idols whos Queen is great Babylon Mother of Harlots with whom Kings and Nations commit fornication but the Lambs company convers not with such being Virgins free from Idolatrous Incest or pollution Thes folow the Lamb or faithfully cleav fast and never forsake him in what City or Country he shal set up his Standard thither they folow Thes are bought out of the prophane multitud to be a peculiar People like first fruits which imply al things exempt from il uses to God and the Lamb. In their mouth was found no guile for they were without fault V. 5. No ly was found in them but al Christian Idolaters are Liers who say they worship God the creator but giv it to Creatures as St. Paul saith They turned the truth of God into a ly worshiping Rom. 1. 25. the Creature as the Creator Hence Amos cals Idols lies but thes tru worshipers were faultless and no ly found in their Amos 2. 4. mouths I saw another Angel sly in midst of Heaven having the everlasting V. 6. Gospel to preach unto the Inhabiters on Earth and to every Nation Kinred Toung and People After a description of the Company folows the history of things doon by them and their leader the Lamb against the common Enemy which is duple 1. Of Admonition to the Beasts folowers presented by three Angels 2. Of Revenge by a Parabol of Harvest and Vintage The Monitor Angel is caled another in respect of thos foregoing musical Angels wherof this Prcacher was none Wher note that in such Visions the Angels represent them Note whom they govern but this lofty Flier seems to be more eminent then any Rulers of Men being emploied to declare his Gospel caled everlasting not so much in respect of time to com as that past viz what was promised touching the Womans seed to break the Serpents head at beginning of the World as St. Paul saith that which God promised before or Titus 1. 2. when the World began is eternal life He said with a loud voice fear God and giv him glory for V. 7. the hour of his judgment is com worship him that made Heaven Earth Sea and Fountains of Waters This Angel knowing Gods Kingdom to be at hand when Judgment must be executed on Idols and Idolaters the Devils being cast down and despoiled of the Roman Throne exhorts al Nations Kinreds and People to becom Christians to worship God only as he is declared in the Gospel and beware of Idols Surely Iconolatry is analogical Idolatry tho not identical with Heathen Fear God and giv him glory for the hour of his Judgment is com viz. wherin Christ by his Cross hath spoiled Powers and Principalities declaring by his Apostles and Evangelists to the Nations which through so many ages he suffred to walk in their own wais that they should turn from Idols or at his coming suffer eternal death Why then doo Christians who profes faith in this Judg return as it were by a back dore to adore Idols or Devils under new names having no Textual warrant of precept or precedent so to doo St. Paul Acts 14. 〈◊〉
that Christ went into the Wildernes freely and the carying to or fro was a very Vision as St. Lukes words in the Spirit apertly indicat or demonstrat Ob. Satan entred into Judas Iscariot who communed with Luk 22 3. 4. the chief Priests and Captains how to betray Christ Ergo Satan is a Spirit Sol. Satan signifies Enimy who is said to enter into Judas when he intertained a tra●terous hostil intention to sel his Lord and Master for Satan cannot be said to enter before he harbored any such hostil design and 't is impertinent to say he entred in afterward therfore his wicked plot or purpose and Satans entring was one and the same thing but Incorporeal real Spirits be none Why then did not Christ and his Apostles instruct silly Quest People so plainly that they might no more doubt the truth therof Becaus such questions are more curious then salutiferous Answ and it may so wel be asked why he gav faith piety and obedience to som only but not to al which he could so easily doo Hereto reason may be rendred that as God when he brought the Israelits into Canaan did not instantly destroy al Neighbor Nations but left som as thorns in th●ir sides to awaken their industry and piety so Christ in conducting us toward his Heavenly Kingdom did not destroy al difficulties of natural questions but left them to whet our industry intellect and Judgment his chief scope being to sh●w this one Article that he is Christ Son of the living God sent to sacrifice himself for sins and at next coming to reign gloriously over the Elect and to sav them from their Enimies eternaly Ther be Angels or Spirits good and evil but not incorporeal Confession such as Men suppose they see in the dark or a dream or vision which the Latins cal Spectra and took for Demons Yea ther be corporeal Spirits subtle and invisible yet not that they possessed any Mans Body and Saints Bodies shal be such viz. spiritual as St. Paul cals them Howbeit the doctrin of incorporeal Spirits prevailed in the Church and Introduced Exorcism which is not fully extruded Then were many Demoniacs but few mad Men now many mad Men but few Demoniacs which proceds not from any change in Nature but only of Names It may be asked whether the bad Spirits be they comparatly 〈◊〉 coporeal or incoporeal shal realy torment the damned with fire for ever or what els they doo Another Relique of Gentilism not brought in but left Images when they gav their names to Christ is Image-worship not instituted by Moses or Christ being meer Ideas Idols Phantasms Conceipts or Representations of extern Bodies extant in their Brains from the Organ of Senses though they seem realy without us being like things in a dream which intruth are nothing as St. Paul tels For tho their metal or mattet Gold Silver Copper Stone Wood be somwhat yet the very Figure or Sculpture which they honored or adored was a meer figment having no habitation existent of it self but only in the motions of Mens brains the worship of which is in Scripture flat Idolatry or Apostasy from God who was the Jews sole King and Moses his first Lieftenant His prime Law was that they should hav no other Gods but or beside himself The next that they should make no carved Image of their own invention to worship it For 't is al one in deposing a King and setting up another whether he be set up by a Neighbor Nation or the Subjects To honor is highly to valu any Persons power by comparing him with others but none can compare with God therfore we dishonor him by any valu less then infinit Honor properly is internal in the heart but Mens thoughts which appeer outwardly in words and actions by praying genuflexion obeying serving are signs of honoring commonly caled worsh●p latinly Cultus Worship is duple 1. Civil du to Men as to Kings by Subjects Worship to Masters by Servants Fathers by Sons Pedagogs by Scholars Captains by Souldiers c. 2. Divine which we render to God soly or things consecrat to his service To seek a distinction of Divine and Civil worship in the words Latria Doulia and not in the worshipers intention is very fallacy or foppery For ther were two sorts of Servants 1. Such as their Masters had absolut power to kil upon discontent or disobedience as Slavs with their issu who were caled Douloi and their service Doulia being sold like Beasts 2. Thos that served spontaneously for hire or hope termed Thetes Domestic Servants upon mutual Covenants Both kinds hav their labor appointed by others and such stiled Latres as work for others So latria signifies al service in general but doulia only of Bondmen both are used promiscuously in Scripture to signify Gods service sith we al are his Sons Servants and Slaves in al which sorts is contained not only Obedience but worship with fit words and gestures An Image is the representation of somthing visible finit Image what and figured which is a quantity every way determiend so ther can be no proper Image of God Angels Spirits or Souls sith they hav no definit dimensions but only of visible bodies in fantastic forms shapes or seemings The species or shew of things in water by reflexion or refraction or of the Sun and Stars in the Air which are not wher they seem to be nor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or figures the same with that of the Objects 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 termed Ideas Idols Phantasms or Apparitions whence one inward Sens is stiled Imagination for a man can Fiction what fancy shap●● he never saw like Dreamers as Poets fain Centaurs Chimera's and other Monsters so can he frame them in mat●er of wood clay stone metal stiled Images not to resemble any real thing but only som phantastic Inhabiters of the devisers brain sith ther is a similitud of one to the other as 't is painted carved melted or moulded in matter by Art like the Image of that Idol conceived in nature Image in an ampler acception implies any resemblance of one thing by another as a King is caled Gods Image and an inferior Magistrat a superiors yea Pagans adored such for Gods as had no semblance of the Idol in their phansy as an unhewn stone for Neptune and Images of the same Saint diametraly differ yet serv their turn wel enough as names doo in History to present the Persons described Idol is extended farther in Scripture Idol what to signify Fire Sun Star or any other Creature visible or invisible worshiped as God but to put worship and Image together divers doctrins wil occur To worship an Image is Idolatry voluntarily to doo such extern acts as are signs of honoring either the matter wood Stone metal or phantasm of the brain for which it was formed or figured or both together as one animat compound of both Body and Soul To be bare before a Prince or