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A91192 A Gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulnes & continuance of the ancient setled maintenance and tenthes of the ministers of the Gospel: proving, that there is a just, competent, comfortable maintenance due to all lawfull painfull preachers and ministers of the Gospel, by divine right, institution, and expresse texts and precepts of the Gospel: that glebes and tithes are such a maintenance, & due to ministers by divine right, law and Gospel: that if subtracted or detained, they may lawfully be inforced by coercive laws and penalties: that tithes are no reall burden nor grievance to the people; the abolishing them, no ease or benefit to farmers, husband-men, or poor people, but a prejudice and losse. That the present opposition against tithes, proceeds not from any reall grounds of conscience, but base covetousnesse, carnall policy, &c. and a Jesuiticall and Anabaptisticall designe, to subvert and ruin our ministers, Church, religion. With a satisfactory answer to all cavils and materiall objections to the contrary. By William Prynne of Swainswick, Esq; Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1653 (1653) Wing P3971; Thomason E713_12; ESTC R203238; ESTC R26600 128,273 175

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DIVINE RIGHT they ow wages to the Ministers of the Gospel And if so then 5. It follows inevitably that there being no other setled way of maintenance particularly prescribed for them in the Gospel and convenient Houses Glebes for them their families and necessary Cattle and Tithes of the increase of the fruits of the earth and Cattle of all sorts being as necessary and requisite for the habitation food clothing support of them their Ministry families and supply all their necessaries with as little charge or trouble as may be as for the Priests and Levites under the Law that Godly Christians cannot pitch upon any equaller fitter juster better wiser rational or convenient way of maintenance for them than that of necessary Houses Rectories Glebes in every Parish and Tithes of all things needfull for food and raiment it being the constant standing setled maintenance which the most wise just and holy God invented prescribed for his own Priests and Levites maintenance amongst his own people when setled by him in the land of Promise and that which all setled Christians Empires Kingdoms States Churches generally through the Christian world have pitched upon as most agreeable to Gods will and word under the Gospel which no wayes repeals nor contradicts his own former prescriptions of this kinde 6. That the Glebes and Tithes of the Priests and Levites under the Law were reserved by God himself the Supream Land-lord of all kingdomes Countries Nations Churches People in the world and the special God Lord King Father Saviour and Preserver of his own people as a Sacred Holy Tribute Rent Portion and Homage due unto Himself from poor Creatures Servants Vassals who are no true Proprietors but onely Stewards and Tenants at will of all the Lands Goods earthly blessings and possessions they enjoy The earth being the Lords and the fulnesse thereof and the Corn Wine Cattle fruits and earthly creatures we possesse not really ours but Gods own 1 Chr. 29. 11. to 17. Psal 24. 1. Psal 97. 5. Psal 50. 9 10 11 12. E●ech 16. 18 19 20. Hos 2. 8 9. Dan. 4. 32 35. Mat. 6. 10. 11. The use and possession of which tribute He allotted to the Priests and Levites under the Law for their maintenance salary and reward of their labour in his service for the advancement of his worship glory honour and his peoples spiritual good reserving the inheritance and right thereof alwayes to himself as the premises sufficiently evidence Now God himself to whom alone Tithes and Glebes were originally impropriated not to the Levitical Priest-hood being unchangeable without any variableness or shadow of turning Jam. 1. 17. Psal 102. 26 27. Mal. 3. 6. and Jesus Christ to whom Tithes were first paid by Abraham in the person of Melchisedeck having an unchangeable Priest-hood and being a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck Heb. 7. And all Christians whatsoever under the Gospel being as much his absolute Creatures Vassals Servants Stewards and Tenants as well as the Israelites under the Law and all their Lands Goods Earthly blessings Corn Wine Cattle and imployments his in right and not their own as well as theirs too why they should not all render to him the self same sacred Tribute holy Portion Rent Homage of Glebes and Tithes of all they have as well as they though the Levitical Priest-hood be abolished they being so specially reserved and consecrated to himself for the support maintenance reward encouragement of his faithfull Ministers under the Gospel imployed in his Service for his honour glory and their everlasting salvation Let John Canne and all presumptuous peremptory tith-oppugners answer me yea this their Soveraign Land-lord and Creator if they can who will one day call them to a strictaccompt for detaining this due Rent Tribute Homage from him and may justly dispossesse and strip them naked of all they have for this their ingrate contemptuous carriage towards him as he hath done many of late by fearfull fires and other judgments as well as heretofore Mal. 3. 8 9 11. 7. That as the Gospel it self succeeded the Levitical Law and Baptisme and the Lords Supper Circumcision and the Passeover So the Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel succeed the Priests and Levites under the Law in their Ministerial function in the Church of Christ by Gods appointment their Ministry and Office being both the same in substance even to worship praise and honour God according to his revealed word and will and instruct exhort direct and guide his people in the way of salvation though differing in some circumstances of lesser moment abolished by Christs death It is therefore most reasonable just equitable convenient they should receive and enjoy the like setled maintenance by Glebes and Tithes as their predecessors did God hav●ng prescribed none other kinde of reward or subsistence for them in the Gospel that any can shew me It is usuall in all Kingdomes States Nations where there are any publike setled offices and Officers for any persons who succeed others in those Offices to enjoy the self same Salaries Houses Lands Fees and Revenues as their Predecessors lawfully received unlesse there be some special Laws to alter their Stipends This we see verified in all Civil Military and Ecclesiastical Officers yea in the times of greatest publike charges that ever befell the Nation those whom most yet call Judges Sheriffs Majors Generals Colonels Captains and Governours of Forts c. though their Commissions be altered in some things and themselves in more do yet receive the self same Salary pay and maintenance annexed to their Offices as their lawfull predecessors did yea to come closer home All our Protestant Ministers since the reformation of Religion have generally enjoyed the Gl●bes and Tithes as the Parishioners enjoy and frequent the Churches as their popish predecessors did before them though the one of them just like the Levitical abolished Priests made it their chiefest businesse and part of their calling to say Masse and offer an unbloudy Sacrifice as they falsely termed it on their Altars both for the quick and dead and the other who succeed th●m make it their principall work to preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments according to Christs institution Since then the Ministers of the Gospel succeed the Levitical as well as the popish Priests as the Gospel doth the Law and the Christian Sacraments the Jewish and we with all converted Gentiles engraffed into Jesus Christ and the Church of God succeed the Jews who were broken off from their own Olive Tree that we might be engraffed in their places who now partake of the root and fatnesse of their Olive Tree as the Apostle resolves Rom. 11. 16. to 25. Why the Ministers of the Gospel should not likewise succeed the Leviticall Priests as well as the popish in the enjoyment of their setled maintenance by Glebes Tithes being not meerly ceremonial as I have proved and all believing Gentiles who succeed the believing Israelites in Gods Church succeed
giddy-headed people and stript of a competent setled maintenance independent of the vulgars or Superiors meer wils and pleasures which will render both their Persons Words Doctrine and Ministry contemptible and lesse authoritative to the people For the Scripture informes us That poor men are lightly esteemed 1 Sam. 18. 23. and therefore David couples these together Psal 119. 141. I am poor or small in estate and despised And Solomon informes us That the poor useth intreaties speaks not with authority like the richer sort Prov. 18. 23. That the poor is hated even of his own neighbour separated from him despised by him and that all the brethren of the poor do hate him how much more do his friends go far from him though he pursueth them with words yet are they wanting to him Prov. 14. 20. 19. 4. 7. Yea he resolves Eccles 9. 15 16. That a poor mans wisdome is despised and his words are not heard and that no man remembred or regarded that poor wise man who by his wisdome delivered the small city that was beseiged by a great King Neither is this old Testament but Gospell truth likewise Jam. 2. 2 3 5 6. If there come into your assembly a man with a gold ring in goodly apparell and there come in also a poor man in vile rayment ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing and say to him sit thou here in a good place and say to the poor stand thou there or sit here under my footstool Hearken my beloved Brethren hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heires of the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him But YE HAVE DESPISED THE POOR a fault still common in the world Poor indigent Ministers as well as Saints though rich in faith are alwayes generally contemptible to the greatest part of men and their very poverty makes not only their persons but words and Doctrine to be slighted and despised as these Scriptures and experience manifest Wherefore a competent setled maintenance and revenue is not only just but necessary to add more r●verence esteem and authority to their Exhortations rebukes words and preserve their persons callings Doctrine from contempt and scorne in the eyes and ears of men Who though they ought to know them which labour among them and are over them in the Lord and admonish them and to esteem them very highly in love for their workes sake 1 Th●ss 5. 12 13. Yet by reason of their inbred pride and corruption will be very averse to do it if they be very poor indigent and living like beggers upon almes and charity as our new Reformadoes would have them XI Ministers of the Gospell must not seek to please men but God for if they yet pleased men they should not be the servants of Christ Gal. 1. 10. Neither must they corrupt the Word as many do to humour the Iusts wils or countenance and carry on the unrighteous cove●ous ambitious oppressive bloudy or treacherous designes of wicked men fasting yea preaching praying for strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickednesse Esa 58. 4. But as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God must they speak in Christ 2 Cor. 2. 17. Now a just comp●tent setled maintenance independent on the Governours Magistrates or peoples wils and pleasures such as was the Priests and Levit●s under the Law enjoyed by divine institution is the best means and preservative to keep Ministers from being Men-pleasers flatterers time-servers and corrupters of the word of God to humour men a great inducement to them to preach the word of God sincerely and to rebuke and exhort with all authority Whereas a poor beggerly mean dependent Minister whose whole maintenance and subsistence must only rest upon the arbitrary wils of persons in highest present power who may out or strip them both of their Callings and Benefices when and for what they please or only upon the peoples voluntary contributions will certainly be a men-pleasing time-serving flattering unsincere and word corrupting Ministry studying more to please and favour those by and from whom they have their Livelihood then to please God and fitting their preaching and praying to their opinions tempers factions parties designes holding alwayes with the prevailing strongest party and wresting the Scriptures to support their very errors vices sins and most unrighteous treacherous perfidious oppressing practises and bloudy usurpations not daring to displease them as Ecclesiasticall Histories record and our own experience can sufficiently testifie in these late whirling times and changes as well as in King Edward the 6. Queen Maries and Quen Elizabeths reigns when our Religion suffred so many publick alterations and most Ministers theu changed their peoples Opinion and Religion with the times Hence the Scripture records this as one of Jeroboams policies to keep the People and Kingdome from returning to the right heire 1 King 12. 28 29 31 c. ch 13. 33 34. That he made Priests of the lowest or poorest of the people who were not of the Sonnes of Levi and placed them in Bethel who being poor mean and depending on him for their Salaries readily sacrificed to his golden Calves offered upon the Altar which he had made in Bethel and observed his new prescribed Feasts which the Priests and Levites that were in all Israel having La●ds Suburbs and a setled maintenance refused to do Whereupon Jeroboam and his Sonnes cast them out from executing the Priests office unto the Lord and substituted these base Idol-Priests for the Calves 2 Chron. 11. 13 14 15. Which became sin unto the house of Jeroboam even to cut it off and to destroy it from the face of the earth God deliver us of th●s Nation from the like Atheisticall Jeroboam-like policy and practise now which will certainly prove the ruin of them and their house who shall put it in execution if not of our Religion and Nation as it did of Jeroboam his house and the wh●le Kingdome of Israel XII All Christians are commanded Gal. 6. 10. As they have opportunity to do good to all men to relieve their wants especially to the houshold of faith Therefore they are in an especiall manner bound to do good to their Ministers in maintaining them and communicating to them in all good things as he resolves v. 6. The rather because we have this Precept thus seconded Heb. 13. 16. But to do good and communicate forget not for with such sacrifice God is well pleased coupled with this injunction Obey them that have the rule over yon and submit your selves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account That they may do it WITH JOY and NOT WITH GRIEF FOR THAT IS UNPROFITABLE FOR YOU Wherein these 3. Conclusions are positively asserted 1. That Christians must not only obey their Ministers but likewise do good and communicate to them in all good things the want 2. That this is so
at all or judgement in their Art learning their Military skill not at their owne but the peoples great costs 3. Learned Ministers both before and after their admission into the Ministry are at great charges to furnish themselves with Bookes and Libraries necessary for their Calling whereas our Officers and Souldiers are and were furnished with all sorts of Armes and Ammunition fitting for their calling out of the publick Treasury only which continually recruites them when lost in Service 4. The calling of the Ministry requires men of far more able parts and eminency of gifts whereby they might gain far more worldly wealth riches and honours in many other callings then they do or can do by the Ministry by which they are commonly losers in respect of worldly gains ●and preferments a thing very considerable then the calling of an ordinary Souldier or most warlike Officers doe as experience manifests and I thinke most Soldiers and Officers will acknowledge and thereupon must admit them proportionable allowance to their parts and work in the Ministry it selfe 5. Ministers when once entred into their callings are alwayes day and night upon constant duty without intermission their whole lives being so taken up with study preaching catechizing praying fasting exhorting admonishing reproving comforting visiting the sick in body troubled in minde resolving doubts of conscience and other Ministeriall duties as well private as publick that they have most of them scarce one spare day or hour all the year to imploy in other affaires for their owne advantage in worldly things Whereas many of our Army Officers and Souldiers lie idle in their Quarters many months if not years of late together without any actuall service and yet receive their full constant pay and those in actuall service and Garisons do that they call duty only by turnes once or twice a week and then but for two or three houres in a day being then successively relieved by others having sufficient time every day and week not only to follow their private Trades if they please necessary usefull beneficiall to others but also to exercise Merchandise and other gainfull worldly imployments and Offices to which they were never trained up whereby most of them are grown richer then most of our Ministers in halfe the space they were fitting for their Ministry before they received one penny profit by it As for our Officers they seldome do any duty have all their men-servants listed under them and paid by the people to do them service only being exempt from duty and how seldome they have been of late times at their Quarters upon their duty as Souldiers but otherwise sitting in Counsell to advance their own power estates and pull down all above them to intrude themselves into their places we all see by experience contrary to the Apostles precept 2 Tim. 2. 4. No man that warreth intangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life that he may please not supplant him who hath chosen him to be a Souldier and to John the Baptists injunction to Souldiers Luke 3. 14. Do violence to no man nei●her accuse any falsely and be content with your wages Which ungospell practises I wish they would first reforme by conforming themselves unto this Precept before they reforme our Ministers or their setled wages a thing beyond if not against their calling 6. The calling of Ministers as it is every way farre more laborious as perillous and full of hardship as that of Souldiers 2 Cor. 11. 23 to 33. 4. 8 9 10 11. 2 Tim. 2. 3 9 10 12. 3. 10 11 12. 4. 5 6 7. So questionlesse it is far more honourable necessary usefull beneficiall to others then that of Souldiers and Commanders for they are the very Embassadors of God himselfe and Jesus Christ the King and Lord of glory the King of Kings and Lord of Lords the Prince of the Kings of the earth and only Potentate to whom all other Powers and kne●● must bow beseeching men in Christs stead to be reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5. 20. The Ministers servants messengers of Jesus Christ workers together with him Stewards of the mysteries of God and the glory of Christ 1 Cor. 4. 1 2. 2 Cor. 6. 1. 8. 23. 2 Tim. 2. 24. imployed to preach to sinfull men the unsearchable riches of Christ to turne them from darknesse unto light and from the power of Satan unto God Eph. 3. 8. Act. 26. 18. to rescue their souls from the slavery and power of sin Satan hell death everlasting damnation and make them the sonnes of God heirs and coheirs with Christ of everlasting glory and felicity in Gods heavenly Kingdome through the power of Gods Grace and Spirit working in with by and through their Ministry on their hearts Now the calling of a Souldier though it be honourable and in some cases lawfull and necessary if rightly managed yet it is for the most part sinfull hurtfull pernicious dangerous and unbeseeming the Gospell in respect of the cause managing abuses thereof it being accompanied with murther violence rapine treachery perjury sacriledge cruelty inhumanity profanenesse blasphemy contempt of God of all sacred civill Lawes and Ordinances ambition treason and the worst of sins tending usually like an overflowing Deluge to the subversion desolation ruine of whole Families Cities Countries Kingdomes Churches yea Mankinde it selfe Religion Lawes Liberties Properties turning whole f●amous Cities into ashes and Kingdomes into Golgatha s Acheldamaes fields of bloud and dead mens sculs very wildernesses as the Scripture Histories and experience manifest Hence God styles great Warriers and Armies The rod of his anger a Battle Ax with which he breaketh in pieces the Nations destroyeth Kingdomes and treadeth them down like the mire in the streets and then at last destroyes them in his wrath when they have executed his judgements for their rapines violence and bloudy cruelty Isa 10. 5 c. Jer. 51. 20 c. They being really carried on from one war to another out of vainglory ambition covetousnesse a mad humour of false greatnesse et nullus supra caeteros eminendi modus in sua fata pariter ac publica to their own and the publick ruine yet still under a pretext of publick good and safety as Seneca excellently writes in his 94 Epistle a piece worth the reading of Alexander the great Caesar Pompey Marius qui cum omnia concuterent concutieb antur et cum mult is fuerunt mali pestiferam illam vim qua plerosque nocuerunt ipsi quoque sentiunt And indeed the Profession of a Souldier even in the best of men and warres is so full of danger and pollution that it leaves some scars of sin and tincture of pollution on them Whence we read that though David were a man after Gods own heart and fought the battels of the Lord against his professed enemies by his speciall command with constant successe yet God would by no means permit him to build an house and Temple
this very case of Tithes If not then why should not Tithes and Glebes which many Ministers and we have vowed and devoted to God continue and still be paid under the Gospel without superstition sin or Judaisme as well as other Vows Oaths and the religious observation of them Upon these Considerations all or most Christian Kingdomes States Churches upon the very first preaching and embracing of the Gospel amongst them not onely edified Churches and Chappels for Gods worship and publike Assemblies but likewise endowed the Ministers thereof with convenient Glebes and Tithes as Eusebius Socrates Scholasticus Theodoret Nicephorus Calistus the Century Writers Baronius Spondanus with other Ecclesiastical Historians and Hospinian De Origine Templorum prove at large for forraign Parts and our own ancientest Annualists with Antiquitates Ecclesiae Brittanicae Sr. Henry Spelman Concilium Angl. Tom. 1. and learned Dr. Vsher in his Britanicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates manifest for our own Nations and Realms Now because John Canne out of his ignorance hath newly published in his Second Voyce from the Temple or Ale-house rather for which Cannes are more proper That Pope Gregory the tenth was the first that ordained Tithes to be paid to Priests in the year 1214. and that the Customs for paying Tithes at this day were setled upon the Kingdome by the Popes Legates in Provinciall and Synodall Constitutions about the time of Henry the third and Henry the fifth Vouching Thorpe and Ridley the Civilian to prove it I shall give you a brief touch concerning the Original of Churches Glebes Tithes in this our Island About the year of our Lord 48. as our Historians record Joseph of Aramathaea who interred our Saviour with XI more Disciples were sent into Britain to preach the Gospel by Philip the Apostle in the raign of Arviragus who arriving here were courteously entertained by this Pagan King and preaching the Gospel to him and his people he perceiving the purity of their Doctrine and the holinesse of their Conversation gave them twelve Hides of land in the Isle of Avalon since called Glastenbury for to build a Church and support them till this day called and known by the Name of the twelve Hydes of Glastenbury where they built the first Church erected for Gods worship in this Isle made of Wattle and Reed and there continued together preaching the Gospel and living upon this their Glebe now of great value which was afterward confirmed to them and the Ministers of the Gospel there succeeding them both by Marius and Coilus next successors to Arviragus whom they instructed in Christian Religion to which they were well affected albeit neither of them nor Arviragus himself proceeded so far as to be baptized for fear of displeasing their Pagan subjects though Harding in his Chronicle chapter 48. against the stream of our other Historians writes that King Arviragus himself was Baptized by Joseph of Arimathaea After this Lucius King of Britain being converted to the Christian Faith and Baptized his subjects and many other petty British Kings about the year of our Lord 176. by Faganus and Domianus sent to him at his earnest request by Elutherius then Bishop of Rome long before Pope or Popery were there erected or known in the world he upon the reception of the faith builds and ●ndows Ch●rches throughout his Dominions with Glebes and Tithes to support the Ministry whence our ancient Poets thus write of him Lueius in Christum credit Christoque dic●tas ECCLESIAS DOTAT DISTINCT AS ORDINAT VRBES Many of our ancient Historians adde that in his time there were 28 Flamins and three Ar●h Flamines in Britain endowed with great Revenues for the Service of their Idoll gods to whom they had erected so many faire Temples and that Lucius after his conversion Turned these into 28 Bishopricks and three Arch-Bishopricks and purging these polluted Temples from their Idols and heathenish pollutions dedicated them to the Service of the true God which Sr. Henry Spelman Dr. Vsher Godwin and the most judicious of our later Antiquaries justly reject as fabulou● After Lucius Churches were here and in other places endowed with Glebes and Bishops with rich Lordly possessions by Constantine the great And about the year of Christ ●12 the Christians being here and elsewhere restored to peace and freed from persecution by Constantine began to build and repair those Churche● which Dioclesian and other persecutors had rased to the ground and to endow them with maintenance for the Ministry In succeeding times the English Saxons who at their first arrival being bloudy Pagans cruelly wasted the British Churches and butchered their Ministers Schollers Saints being converted to the CHRISTIAN FAITH by Augustine sent hither for that purpose by Pope Gregory the first who disclaimed that Papall Supremacy his Successors since challenged Aethelbert King of Kent and his Saxons being baptised by Augustine about the year of Christ 603 thereup they began to repair the old ruinated Churches and to build new throughout his Dominions this King turning his Royall Palace at Canterbury into the Church of Christ and that City the Seat of his Kingdome into a Bishops See and bestowing them on Augustine who converted him and his Subjects to Christianity whom he made Archbishop of Canterbury and endowed with large Possessions Not long after divers other Saxon Kings and their Subjects being converted and baptised built endowed sundry other Churches both with Glebes Possessions of good value and likewise with Tithes And in anno 854. Aethelwolf King of the West Saxons considering the perillous times then fallen upon him and his Realm by reason of the burnings of the Wars the Plunders of the Goods the devastations of the Territories of his Kingdome by the most cruel depredations of barbarous Enemies and Pagan Nations and the manifold Tribulations afflicting him and his people even to their destruction he thereupon summoning a general Councell or Parliament at Westchester in which himself Bernredus King of Mercia and Edmund King of East Angles with all the Prelates and Nobles of England were present did by their wholesome Counsel for redresse of these evils by his Charter ratified in and by this Councell Give the Tenth part of all his own Lands in perpetuity to God and his Servants free and exempt from all Secular Services and also from all Royall Tributes and Taxes Great and Small and from all Military Expedition Building of Bridges and GVARDING OF CASTLES that so they might the more diligently powre forth their prayers unto God for him without ceasing who had in some part thus eased them of their servitude from which Grant of his Sir Henry Spelman conceives the Parsonage House Rectory and Glebes in every Parish of his Realm had its Originall though afterwards increased by the munificence of the Patrons And this shall suffice touching the true Original and progresse of our Churches Rectories and Glebes in the beginning of Christianity both amongst the Britains and Saxons of
heaven whence they are stiled HEIRS and INHERITORS OF THE KING-DOME Jam. 2. 5. Gal. 3. 27. Rom. 8. 17. Titus 3 17. Heb. 1. 14. chap. 6. 17. 1 Pet. 3. 7. Mat. 25. 34. and this Kingdome THE INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS Col. 1. 12. Ephes 1. 11. 14 18. 1. Pet. 1. 4. Acts 20. 32. an unanswerable argument that Heirship and Birthright is the best Surest Jestest Honourablest Lawfullest Title of all other to Crowns Kingdomes and Possessions on earth being the very Title of Christ himself to his everlasting Kingship and Kingdome and of the Saints in and by Christ to the Kingdome of heaven it self and Crown of Glory so the Seat and Throne of this His Kingdome is said to be Zion and Jerusalem most emphatically expressed Isa 24. 23. The Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem before his Ancients gloriously A typ● of the Church of God under the Gospel first planted in and propagated from thence throughout the World according to the Prophesies Isaiah 2. 3. Michah 4. 2. Whence the Church under the Gospel is called the New Jerusalem c. Rev. 3. 12. chap. 21. 2 10. Gal. 4. 26. Heb. 12. 22. 2. That the Ministers of and under the Gospel are expresly stiled in these prophesies Priests and Levites severall times 3. That their Office under the Gospel in a mysticall sence is to offer bu●nt-offerings to bake or kindle Meat-Offerings to do Sacrifices continually and to Minister unto God 4. That these Priests and Levites should be taken out of the converted Gentiles and Isles afar off whereof our Isle was chief 5. Priests and Levites should never fail cease nor want a man under the Gospel and that would multiply them as the Host of Heaven as well as the Seed of David 6. That they should convert and bring their brethren for an offering out of all Nations and the Isles afar off to Gods Mountain and House in Jerusalem as the children of Israel used to bring their Offerings thither Since therefore the Ministers of the Gopel in these prophesies are thus expressely stiled Priests and Levites and are to offer burnt-Offerings Meat-Offerings Sacrifices and Oblations to God in his Mountain and House at Jerusalem c. under David their King in an Evangelicall sence without any Judaisme or denying of Christs coming in the flesh they may undoubtedly in the self same sence and Right receive all Glebes Tithes Oblations and other dues from Christians and converted Jews under the Gospel as the Priests and Levites did at Jerusalem under King David and his Successors seeing they succeed them in their Office in an Evangelicall sence according to these prophesies which as strongly confirm the Maintenance of their Priestly Function their Tithe● as their Evangelicall Priesthood 7. Although Christ his Apostles and the Ministers of the Gospel in the Primitive times whiles the Church was in the Wildernesse under grievous blo●dy Antichristian Kings Magistrates Persecutours by reason of the present persecution neither did nor could receive Tithes and Gleb●s for their Maintenances from the persecuted Christians and therefore were necessitated to live by private Contribution and extraordinary wages in that case of extremity yet it no wayes follows that therefore all Ministers of the Gospel afterwards shall do so in setled Kingdomes States Nations converted to the saith where Kings Magistrates People doe all generally embrace and professe the Gospel and where Churches are established and Ministers Glebes and Tithes are or may be confirmed by setled Laws which I shall irrefragably prove by these instances 1. The Priests and Levites under the Law had no Glebes or Tithes at all whiles the Israelites wandred 40 years together in the wildernesse though they had then a La● and right to receive them Will the Objectors thence inferr● Therefore they ought to have no Tithes nor Glebes when the Israelites were possessors of and setledin the Land of Canaan in peace when they enjoyed both without dispute 2. The Priests and Levites had no Tithes nor Glebes in the Realm of Israel under the Vsurper Jeroboam and his Idolatrous successors who deprived them of their possessions Cities Suburbes Tithes and Priest Office too 2 Chron. 11. 13 14. c. 13. 9. Therefore the Priests and Levites in the Kingdome of Judah might not lawfully claim nor enjoy any Glebes or Tithes nor Ministers under the Gospel nor yet those in Israel under David and Solomon who were no Persecutors but Patrons of them 3. When both these Kingdoms with their Priest and Levites were carried away captives into Assyria and Babylon the Priests and Levites during the 70 years captivity enjoyed neither Glebes nor Tithes Will it them follow Therefore they might lawfully enjoy neither after their restitution to their Country and execution of their Priestly Function and the reedifying of the Temple as we read they did Neh. 10. 38. c. 12. 44. c. 13. 1. to 13. and the people charged with robbing of God when they neglected to pay Tithes and Oblations to them Mal. 3. 7 8 9 10. 4. Christ himself so soon as born was forced to fly out of his Country into Aegypt by bloudy Herod and to remain there till after his death Mat. 2. 13 14 15. After which he complained That Foxes had holes and Birds of the ayre nests yet he had not where to lay his head Mat. 8. 20. Luke 9. 58 And at last he was apprehended mocked reviled crowned with thorns crucified by the malicious Jews and SOLDIERS who parted his Garments among them and cast Lots upon his Vesture The Evang●lists closing up the Tragedy of his Passion with this perpetuall brand upon the Domineering cruell Soldiers THESE THINGS THEREFORE THE SOLDIERS DID John 19. 24. For which and for reporting a Lye to smother the truth of Christs Resurrection the High Priest GAVE LARGE MONEY TO THE SOLDIERS besides Matt. 28. 12 15. Will Canne therefore hence conclude theresore our Souldiers now must force our Ministers to fly into Aegypt-till Herods death leave them neither Rectory Personage house or Vicarge nor yet so much as a Bed Bolster Tith-Hay or Straw whereon to lay their heads and naile them to the Crosse pierce their sides with spears-points revile deride them and at last part not only all their Glebes Tithes and Goods but their very Garments and Gowns between them Surely if they must and shall do so let them beware of another perpetual memento like the former These things therefore The Soldiers did So the Soldiers took the mony and did as they were taught by Canne and Popish Priests and Jesuits 5. The Apostles who succeeded our Saviour in those dayes of persecution were thus handled by Pauls own relation 1 Cor. 4. 9 c. We are made a spectacle unto the world unto Angels and to men we are fools for Christs sake we are weake we are despised even to this present houre we are hungry and thirst and are naked and are buffeted and have no certain dwelling place we are