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A89922 The Christian and Catholike veritie; or, The reasons and manner of the conversion of Francis de Neville; formerly a Capuchin, preacher, the Popes missionary, and superiour in sundry covents of the same order. A treatise very usefull for all Christians, and especially for such as are popishly affected, or not fully setled in their beliefe; and for the further confirmation of the faithfull. Wherein many secrets of the Romish clergy, heretofore unrevealed, are discovered. Dedicated by the author to the high court of Parliament now assembled, 1642. See the contents at the next page. Neville, Francis de.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing N502; Thomason E144_15; ESTC R11352 153,461 187

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in the world it being not so much as once mentioned in the holy Scripture as well as that of Antioch where Peter is said to have been nor did Paul being a● Rome ever speak of Peter who should have been there at the same time he was and often recommending the faithfull saith nothing of the chief amongst them to wit Peter Moreover writing from Corinth to the Romans whom he had taught he saluteth a multitude of Saints and christians at Rome naming them particularly but greeteth not Saint Peter at all who should have been Superiour and Master to Paul and all the faithfull so from the reading and consideration of the holy Scripture a strong proof may be drawn to prove that Saint Peter was never Bishop of Rome nor ever was at Rome But I think not the question of so great importance as to detain longer the eyes and minds of the Reader thereupon for though we grant that he was both at Rome and was Bishop at Rome it can give no superiority to the Pope of Rome Saint Peter having never had it as you have sufficiently heard and although he had had it is not an infallible consequence to make an article of faith that the Bishop or Pope of Rome should have it also Moses was established by God in the office of Priest Lawgiver and Prince in Israel but he left no Successour in that office and dignitie for God did not command it Saint Iohn the Baptist also had no Successour in his office nor the Apostles in their Apostleship although then we should grant that Saint Peter was generall Pastour and Head of the Church why should we give him a Successour in that chardge seeing God hath given no such command in his word And when Saint Peter writeth to the Christians he doth not command them to acknowledge the Bishop of Rome for his Successour after his death was there ever any Kingdome or Soveraignty temporall or spirituall in the world established without there were some Laws made about the Succession or form of Election here appeareth no such thing nor any declaration of the will of God upon this subject wherefore then doth the Pope claim this without the word of God and make it an article of faith Further if Peter was established universall Head of the christian Church it was then when the Church was small and the chardge was easie but it being now grown great and christians spread over all the world what shoulders are strong enough to support such a burthen Now if after the death of Saint Peter there behoved a Successour and Head of the universall Church to be chosen let all men who have but the least spark of judgement judge if that office ought not to appertain either to James or John whom Paul to the Galathians calleth the pillars of the Church who lived a long time after Saint Peter or to some other of the Apostles rather then to deferre it to Linus Saint Pauls disciple of whom nothing is extant but his name or to Clement of whom they produce onely some writings which because they contain too ridiculous things to be beleeved are rejected as Apocrypha or to Cletus or Anacletus for it is uncertain to which of those thice Or at least they ought to have honoured those excellent Apostles so farre as to call them and ask their advice for the choosing an Head of the Catholick Church who will beleeve that even in the time of the Apostles a small number of christians at Rome some of them converted Jews some Gentiles should have had the credit to give a Head and Pope to the Catholick Church meerly of their own authority without communicating with the Apostles or other Christians of Ephesus Corinth Jerusalem Asia and the rest who were beyond comparison in greater number and more considerable than themselves being converted before them and auncienter Christians many of them having seen and heard the Sonne of God preach and been his Disciples Where is that word of God which giveth this power to the City of Rome which besides the person of the Emperour who at that time did live there ruling in all cruelty and wickednesse had nothing more considerable than those of other Cities to give a chief Priest a Prelate and a Superiour to all the Apostles then living and to all the Bishops whereof many were Disciples of Jesus Christ and his Apostles and to all Christians dispersed in many provinces and kingdomes he must be very blinde who will perswade himself of such a thing without the word of God or some other authentique priviledge for it out of the Gospel the Acts of the Apostles their Epistles or some other books worthy of belief But if Peter was at Rome and was Bishop which is not likely he that succeeded him might succeed in the office and dignitie of Bishop but not in that of Apostle which was personall neither in the charge of universall Bishop and Head of the Church which Peter never had Nor do we find the first three or foure hundred years and more after the death of our Saviour that any Bishop or other writer did ever give to the Bishop of Rome the title of universall Bishop of generall head and Superiour or any such thing nor that ever any of the Romish Bishops durst lay claim to it We find indeed that many Bishops from diverse places did write to them concerning sundry points of Religion not as referring the determination to them but to ask their advice not as from Judges but as from Doctours and fellow-Bishops who having their chair in the chief Citie of the world might justly be esteemed men of capacitie and merit so we see they are content in their Epistles to call them fellow-Bishops or brethren and companions never Superiors nor Masters nor universall Bishops or Pastours or any such thing It would be too tedious to set down all the Epistles which bear these titles and although I should cite them yet would some men affirm I had left out those in which the title of universall head is found But for an irreprehensible proof of this before any reasonable man let them but read the lives of the Popes written by Popish authours especially by one Du Chesne a modern writer who doth not forget nor omit any thing to prove the Primacy and power of the Popes of Rome there yee may see in the life of every Pope the name and subject of all those who write to him and whereof any knowledge could be had and this man thinketh to draw great advantage for the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome from the multitude of letters written to him from so many places which was onely done for the reason alleadged before but not so much as one word is there to be seen of Superiour or universall head of the Church or any such like thing but onely of fellow-Bishop brother companion coequall or some such thing which shewed no Superiority or Primacy but onely equality as for
done by the grace of the Father of lights who is never deficient in necessitie and from whom I confesse doth proceed the great gift of faith And if a Pagan should be Judge of this controuersie and others betwixt us and the Romish Church I verily beleeve he would suddenly condemne that Church of an unjust usurpation and intolerable errour in this point as all the rest which by the grace of God we shall handle hereafter and give sentence in favour of my beliefe which I protest I have chosen as the holiest purest and most conformable to the doctrine and intentions of the Sonne of God and his Apostles Now all the question and difficultie of this point consisteth the knowledge of those two which of them is the most certain rule and sure Judge most to be beleeved and most proper for our faith whether the Word of God or the Pope of Rome and his traditions The Church of Rome saith it is the Pope but I hold with the Orthodox doctrine of this Kingdome of England and the reformed Churches that it is the Word of God We shall shew hereafter that our Saviour never gave that power and authoritie to the Pope and therefore he cannot pretend it but here I shall prove that the holy Scripture is and ought to be the sole rule and true Judge of our faith grounding my selfe upon these following reasons CHAP. II. That the holy Scripture is the onely Iudge and rule sufficient of Faith and not the Pope nor the Church THat man without question hath a true catholick and perfect faith and is in a true beliefe who beleeveth all that Christ Jesus hath caught and neither beleeves nor will beleeve more in the matter of faith for the Son of God being that divine and infinite wisdome and knowledge which came into the world to save mankinde and teach them true faith hath preached and taught all that was necessary to faith and salvation so he who beleeves all that Jesus Christ hath taught and nothing more hath a true and perfect faith and it is impietie to beleeve the contrary Now it is true that whatsoever our Saviour did preach necessary to salvation is in the holy Scripture and therefore the holy Scripture containes all the doctrine which is necessary to faith and out of the written Word of God nothing necessary to faith is to be sought For the Evangelists and holy Writers having undertaken by the motion and command of the holy Spirit to write the actions and doctrine of the Son of God for the instruction of all the faithfull that should come after it is not credible that they should have written but a part and omitted something that was necessary to the perfect faith and for the instruction and forming of a true Christian otherwise wee must say that the Gospel is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ but onely a part of the Gospel and the New Testament is but a part of the New Testament of the Son of God And note that they were inspired and commanded by the Spirit of God to leave to Christians and the whole Church the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ they being assisted and helped by his speciall grace to that end Moreover they have not onely within one chapter or two but every one of them a great number where undoubtedly they have had space enough to comprehend all the doctrine necessary to salvation and being foure that which one of them might have forgot and left out might be supplied by the other their purpose being specially to write the doctrine and precepts of the Son of God which were necessary to salvation and if there were any thing more to be beleeved than that which is in the Evangelists we must thinke that it should be found in the Epistles either of St Peter or St Paul or some others of the chiefe Apostles who all except St Paul were witnesses of the doctrine and actions of the Apostles for many years and many of their Sermons fully might have touched it a little So it is voyd of all reason to thinke that Christ Jesus did preach any other thing necessary to salvation than that which is contained in the holy Scriptures And if it were not in the holy Scriptures it would follow that the Evangelists were faultie and blame-worthy and their writings imperfect for that Author is greatly to be blamed who being expresly commanded to write of some important subject writes many things not necessary to his purpose and passeth by more important and principall things Now the Evangelists having undertaken by the command and motion of the holy Spirit to write the doctrine of faith and salvation preached by Jesus Christ for the instruction of the faithfull they have written many things not absolutely necessary to salvation as a number of Parables Histories and Miracles for illustration or farther confirmation of fundamentall doctrines and therefore wee must say that having written such things they have not omitted more necessary and important things otherwise they were blame-worthy and their writings would be imperfect Now seeing there was but one holy Spirit that moved them and guided their pens and their writings in this worke one of them might have omitted something which the holy Spirit would leave and teach us by the other or by the writings of other Apostles but that there is any thing necessary to salvation omitted by them all is more than can be beleeved by any Christian Furthermore we see that the Evangelists and Apostles have left us sufficient instructions in their writings to lead us to perfection and the practice of most excellent vertues wee must beleeve them with better reason that they have given us sufficient instructions to a perfect faith which is the foundation of all vertue and perfection and without which there can be no perfection nor vertue or otherwise it behooved us to say that they taught men to be perfect not giving them sufficiently instructions to be Christians which should be an intolerable foppery Even as if a Mason would teach his apprentise to build an excellent house not instructing him how to lay the foundation or if a Master would instruct his scholar to read not teaching him to know his letters We must therefore believe that they having left us so noble and sufficient instructions to become perfect they have also left us sufficient doctrine in their writings to obtain a perfect faith which is the necessary ground of all vertue and perfection and doubtlesse there are none but obstinate and blinde persons who will deny it 2. Tim. 3.15 Doth not Saint Paul also speaking to Timothy say Thou hast learned from thy infancy the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus We must say then that the holy Scriptures being able to make him wise to salvation contain all the doctrine necessary to salvation otherwise they could not make him wise to salvation that is sufficiently
might ask who those Cardinals be whom they call Princes of the Church and upon whom the Church is said to rest and move as a doore on the hinges for from the word Cardine is Cardinall taken and it is known to every man that some of them are simple Priests others Bishops and others neither Priests nor Bishops but ordinarily great Lords and Princes to whom that dignitie is given for the greatnesse of their family the most part of them being very rich and abounding in wealth and pleasures who represent neverthelesse as they say the Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ although the difference be as great betwixt the Cardinals and the Disciples as betwixt day and night and a great Chaos between those conditions and neverthelesse these are the guides and leaders of the flock of Christ the Counsellours of the universall Pastor and the onely men can give a Pastor to the Church But consider I pray you what prejudice it is to Princes and Kingdoms hereby the Popes labouring to perpetuate that Primacy within the families and confines of Italy make of purpose a great number of Italians Cardinals for one of other countreys and I am full perswaded if there be sixtie Cardinals there are ever more than fourtie of them Italians and it may be three or foure of every other Nations and when the Pope is dead there being but 16. or 17. dayes purposely to conveene and make a new election there are none but the Cardinals in Italy can be present so it is not to be marvelled if the Pope who is now adayes created is ever an Italian it being impossible to other Cardinals who are imploied in their charges or about their Princes to be present in time their number being even too small to contradict or carrie it although they were there But I would willingly ask who hath made Italy dearer to God than other Kingdoms and Nations to carry this priviledge and to give and impose a Law upon all other Christians of the world Was Christ Jesus and St. Peter born in Italy they were born and issued from Judea ought Italy which is but a small peece of ground to give Laws to the whole world and to bring all other Christians under their yoke Is it a Nation of greater worth then is France Spaine Germany or other Kingdoms greater and richer more powerfull and renowned than she is to bring them also under her Empire if the Head of the Church ought to be created by election to make the election just equitable and lawfull all Kingdoms should be advertised of the day of the election that they may have time to come or send their deputies thither Let them have equalitie of voice as many and no more of Italy than of France or Spaine let Italy although but little hold the place of a Kingdom and have as many voices if they will as a greater and more powerfull Kingdom that might be suffered and it is all the favour it could pretend let the election be made at Rome and let the Pope live there if he list this might be born with providing all the Christian Kingdoms might have time to send their deputies and be received with equalitie of voice and suffrage so he who should be chosen in this manner might more lawfully be esteemed head of the Church if not by divine at least by humane right and Ecclesiastical policie and Christians having after this manner contributed and consented to his election might have some reason to acknowledge him for superiour and obey him But to be elected as he is now adayes although in all times there had been a head in the Church he who is elected after this manner cannot be justly and lawfully esteemed for such a one for the election is altogether unjust and consequently invalid and therefore none are bound to obey him I speak even according to the Laws of the Romish Church supposing also that Jesus Christ had had intention to leave another Head than himself to the Church on earth I marvell that Kings and Princes who have so great power and so wise Counsell neer them should so suffer this great injustice to be done to all Christians that depend on their Authority and take no order with it are there not as wise men and capable to govern the Church in their Dominions as in Italy Is it necessary that it be continually governed at this day by an Italian and that all the Congregations and orders of the Romish Church be also governed by men whom the Pope laboureth by his policy to have ever of his Nation to reign and maintain himself with more full power Those whom this doth concern know sufficiently what I mind to say And must all the goods and almes of Christians serve onely to augment and inrich all the families of Italy one after another and that strangers can never pretend any part in that wherein they have as much interest as the others and the materials of which they furnish at their proper charge and to the great oppression of the people which might be much eased if those innumerable summes of gold which go every yeer out of their Dominions to maintain the dissolutenesse and excesse of the Pope and his Court did remain within the countrey or were converted to the use of the Kings and Princes nor is it without cause that the Italians mock other Popish Nations for suffering themselves to be so gulled by them and truly they have good reason Let those who have the authoritie and power in their hands look to it if they please I speak this even according to the maximes of the Romish Church and their worldly policie but this is not the greatest evil nor the thing I intend most in this discourse By this it may be seen how the Pope of Rome abuseth the bountie of Princes and Christians to maintain himself in his authoritie and howsoever S. Peter and the other Apostles were subject to Princes he himself in his 1 Epist 2 Chap. 13 verse exhorting Christians to all dutifull obedience 1 Pet. 2.13 and especially that obedience and subjection that is due to Kings and Princes Notwithstanding the Pope at this day saith that he is exempted from all spirituall and temporall Laws and jurisdiction thinking he holdeth of none but himself on earth labouring to usurpe the same authoritie over Kings and Princes that the Son of God had and applying to himself that of our Saviour Mat. 28.18 Matth. 28.18 All power is given to me in heaven and earth but with this difference that although Christ had the authority yet he made no use of it but ever submitted himself to Princes and Kings of the earth and the Pope having not this power usurpeth it neverthelesse so farre as he can Thence cometh it to passe that he would bring under his authoritie and Dominions Kings and Princes and pretendeth them all to be subject and tributarie to his power not onely in spirituall but even in
Pope alone who being elected and chosen by such humane or rather worldly or rather diabolicall means so often deceived in his judgements so subject to vices and infirmities yea and so uncertaine of his owne salvation I could not see how that could be a sure ground of a firme beliefe such as ought to be that of our faith there being no place in the holy Scripture that giveth him either right to judge or infallibilitie to doe the same as J shall shew more amply with other things so that J did imagine all this to be onely an humane invention and deceit flowing from the ambition and power of the Pope so dazel the eyes of the simple and weaker understandings and a refuge for want of the Word of God to maintaine the doctrine taught in that Church Those considerations did ever sencibly move me and the more I grew in age and continued in the study and meditation of Theologie and holy Writings the more also did increase the impressions and commotions they made in my spirit and though often through scrupulous simplicitie J endeavoured to confirm my selfe and banish those doubts thoughts according to the Command they gave me yet the truth did appeare so strong and evident that J could not but suspect the doctrine of that Church and as those doubts did multiply within mee the curiositie and desire to finde out the truth was also augmented And also because J doe not remember to have met with any learned or judicious men even of the Romish Church which did not make mee to see in free Conferences that they had the like doubtings and that they did not see sufficient ground in the Word of God for most Articles of the Romish beliefe All those Considerations being come to their maturitie made mee resolve to come with courage and other necessary Circumstances out of the Kingdome of darknesse where J had lived so many yeares and give my selfe fully to follow the most holy truth where I protest and confesse before God and the world J have found more satisfaction and tranquilitie of minde than ever J could meet withall so long as J was in the darknesse of ignorance and lyes But that J have no sooner taken my pen to give glory and praise to God to whom it is due and to edifie the Church the indisposition of the time past giving me but small hopes of any good fruits from the seed J might have sowed before moved me to delay even to this time and occasion wherein the power of darknesse seemeth to be shaken in most Nations of the world especially pietie justice and truth being likely to flourish in this Noble Kingdome of England with greater libertie and splendour than ever by the wisdome and zeale of this incomparable Parliament called by the great prudence of the high and mightie King Charles and continued to this present J have some hopes of more plentifull fruits and that some may open their eyes more freely to search and know the truth and doe as J have done as J wish they would doe Besides J having been marveilously delivered not long since from a hard captivitie of ten moneths occasioned by the onely treachery and inhumanitie of my younger brethren much obliged to me But as Papists angry at my conversion contrary to all the oathes of securitie they so often made to mee my occasions calling me amongst them But God of his grace having not onely delivered mee beyond all humane expectation but also made me the Instrument to bring to the knowledge of his truth my owne Keeper who was of the same order with mee and the meanes of my deliverance J have now more obligation than ever to give glory to God and wish that all men were in the straight paths of the faith to give more perfect praises to God for all his favours It is not my intention to treat here amply of all the Controversies of Religion an infinite number of grave and worthy Authors having already done it more learnedly exactly and curiously than I could to whom J remit the curious and those who have the leasure and desire to be further informed But that which I pretend in this little Treatise is onely briefly to deduce the reasons which have most troubled and vexed my spirit advertising you that J shall onely use the Versions in this Booke which are received in the Romish Church to wit the vulgar they attribute to St Jerome for the Latine and that of the Doctors of Lovaine for the French to the end the ignorant who know not what the Scripture is take not occasion to stumble here and say as their custome is all is imposture and deceit God forbid J should seeke applause or glory of any thing wee have no good but that which commeth from God but I may say truly J was not accounted ignorant in the Romish Church for besides the study of Philosophy and Theologie and others wherein J spent many yeares J was imployed above twelve yeares in Preaching by expresse Commission from the Generall of the whole order of Capuchins where J was and by priviledge and especiall Letters from the Congregation of Cardinalls at Rome J was the Popes Missionary above seven yeares a favour imparted but to few for the great and extraordinary power they have moving jealousie even almost to all the Bishops And though J have been a sinner full of imperfections and will not nor cannot glorifie my selfe in any thing before God or men yet the charges of Superioritie in divers Monasteries of Deputie in many Provinciall Assemblyes of Confessor in sundry places of Missionary in many Cantons where J have been and was actually imployed when I left the Romish Church evidence sufficiently the opinion and estimation which was had of me in the order I was of passing with silence the applause and affection of peoples in many Cities and Countryes sufficiently knowne to thousands But to God be the glory and honour before whom I protest worthy Reader I shall write nothing here but the simple truth sincerely as J thinke and know it according to the true feeling I have Let no unreasonable scruple or vaine feare divert you from reading this Treatise for there is no Commandement under heaven can hinder you to seeke your salvation and to see and enquire if you be in the right way or not You will reade willingly a Comedie a Roman a booke of love or songs without scruple Wherefore will you not reade this that concernes your salvation If the Pope forbids it it is because he is interessed but none ought to be received Judge in his owne cause Besides have you never heard that of the Prophet Isaiah Isai 15.3 Mat. 22.29 My people are captive because they are without knowledge and that of our Saviour Mat. 22 29. Yee erre not knowing the Scriptures And as I desire nothing but your profit and Gods glory so shall you not see here any affectation of vaine eloquence but onely strong
reasons set down in so easie a stile that the most simple may understand the same and when you have considered my doctrine J am assured you shall finde it Orthodox and truly Catholike altogether conformable to the doctrine of Jesus Christ and his Apostles which is the onely Catholike veritie and the onely intent of this Discourse Now I having lived so long time and converted amongst the Romish Church and had so many occasions and imployments to perceive and discover all the inventions subtilities abuses and deceits thereof I doubt not but J shall speak many things unknowne to those who have not lived amongst them and many even of those who lives amongst them are ignorant of and many whereof an infinite multitude of persons otherwise of good natures and well bred take no notice at all and many things which most men know sufficiently and deplore following the same onely by a forced necessitie and many things also which divers maliciously dessemble and desire them not to be divulged And if the light of the truth which I purpose to set downe here be hurtfull to the eyes of any man questionlesse that will onely be to the bleere-eyed who have their sight troubled with some malignant humour and I am assured where it offendeth one it will please thirtie Although the Owles which delight onely in the night and darknesse cannot indure the light of the pleasant Sunne which God maketh to shine upon us he leaveth not off for that to display his beames upon the earth whence daily we see he produceth an infinite number of rare and marveilous effects and none can deny but that the Owles themselves receive often much good thereby J beseech the great God of light that the truth which I desire to write may be profitable both to the sicke and the whole to the eyes well disposed and those that are not and that this little Treatise which is written for all may be profitable to all J beg from my heart the grace and blessing of God to that end without which J acknowledge and confesse 1 Cor. 3.7 he who planteth or he who watereth is nothing nor can doe nothing To him therefore who is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end be all honour and glory Amen THE CHRISTIAN AND CATHOLIKE VERITIE CHAPTER I. How the Romish Church acknowledgeth no other Judge in matters of faith but the Pope ONe of the points which ever troubled my spirit most when I was of the Romish Church and ought certainly to move every wise and judicious man is that they make the Pope of Rome alone infallible Judge of that faith which hath been taught preached to us by Christ and his Apostles for howsoever they say and preach often to the simpler sort that it is the Church they hold for Judge yet they confesse that that Church is principally seene in generall Councells and that without the Pope of Rome of the Councells neither are nor make up the Church and have no power certaintie nor infallibilitie but by the Pope alone For although all the Bishops Patriarchs and Cardinalls yea all the Christians of the world were assembled they make not up they say a Church if the Pope be not present himselfe or by Deputy because holding him for head of the Church they are members without a head which cannot make up a body nor by consequent a Church and though they were all of one opinion in any point or Article of faith all will be errour if the Pope be of a contrary minde and all that the Pope declares to be or not to be a point of faith ought to be holden infallible even though the rest of the Church and Christians be of a different opinion And this is the common beliefe of the Romish Church which is to be seene in those Bookes they hold Orthodox and preached in their publick Sermons and though I know that many Prelates among them of great learning and even so many famous Universities grudge mightily thereat yet to publish or preach the contrary is declared a matter of Excommunication and Anathema Where yee may observe that it fareth not with the Councells of the Romish Church which they affirme to be the true Congregation of the faithfull as it doth with Parliaments or generall meetings of the States of Kingdomes where he that precedeth hath but one voice or two at the most and can neither pronounce sentence nor make any act but by the pluralitie of voices and suffrages of the Assembly so that whatsoever is ordered or enacted is justly said to be ordered and enacted by the Parliament or Assembly But it is not so in their Councells for although they discusse it may be and examine the question or point of beliefe all that neverthelesse is but in shew and ceremony for the Pope is not obliged to stand to the opinions and voices of the rest but he alone pronounceth the sentence maketh the act the point or Article of faith after his own fancy and mind so that whatsoever is concluded and enacted in matter of faith can onely be said to be concluded by the Pope alone the rest having neither power to hinder contradict or censure him nor refuse his ordinances except they will be reputed schismatickes and heretiques for as he saith of himselfe he is the Vicar of God on earth hath all the power of Jesus Christ and the Councell of Lateran ascribe to him that of our Saviour in Mat. 28.18 Mat. 28.18 All power is given to me in heaven and earth So it is wrongfully when they say the Church is Judge in matters of faith but they should say it is the Pope alone for such indeed is their common doctrine without which men must beleeve amongst them none can be saved Thus you see how all the faith of the Romish Church is grounded on no other foundation than the head and judgement of the Bishop of Rome who for the most part is wickedly chosen by indirect courses as simony and force having often times proved ignorant ungodly abhominable or at least politique and wise worldlings which is now adayes the condition most requisite to make a Pope who as I shall most cleerly shew hereafter hath no superioritie nor primacy over the Church nor infallibilitie promised by the word and institution of the Son of God to be a competent Judge in that as many great Bishops and Universities of the Romane Church acknowledge sufficiently and I my selfe have heard it of them and beleeve there is no man of good understanding in the world to whom this doctrine doth not seeme altogether extravagant and voyd of all sense and reason yet it is the beliefe of the Church of Rome without which they say none can be saved For my part I am perswaded that whosoever of the Romish Church will consider this point especially without passion and interest and sincerely seeke the truth and his owne salvation he cannot choose but yeeld as I have
be agreeable to God God not blessing those humane inventions And yet secular persons do but seldome possesse that favour amongst the people as to have Images and be accounted holy and blessed because their parents finding not so great profit to make them passe for Saints or blessed men as doe the religious orders they care not so much for except it may be a little honour to their families there is nothing but great charges and expences to them But there is no Saint nor miracle beleeved or esteemed among the religious orders which bringeth them not great profit and abundance of Almes because they well know that the more they are accounted holy the more are the people inclined to doe them good in hope of their prayers and to participate of their merits as they often tell them and if there were no gaine to be made by exposing of Saints and Miracles to the people there would not be so many seen in the Romish Church but the profit is worth the paines And the better to colour their mystery they make Princes and Kings speake as being intrest in the glory of the Saint Besides this being not done without great charges and much money which they must give to the Popes Commissaries and Officers they labour to ingage them that they may have the helpe of their purses Thence cometh it to passe that poore people who want competent meanes or have not so easie accesse to great ones as the religious orders may never pretend to be adored for Saints and canonized in the Church of Rome whatsoever vertue or perfection they may have but there be few of the moderne Saints who are not of those Orders and there is no Order that hath not a great number and exposeth not every day new ones for that trade is very profitable and the invention gainfull And if those of the Romish Church brag so much of their Miracles which they say are so easily and often done I marvell much they chase not the devills out of the bodies of a number of persons who as they say are so long time afflicted and possessed that would be great charitie and that onely were capable to canonize them during their life and make them passe for Saints before the people although it be easie to use imposture therein there they say hath been a great number in our dayes whether by Sorcery or otherwise I leave that to others where the Romanists may have faire occasion for the fiction is easie there and the devill doth his best to authorise the lye Now I know that those who are esteemed most holy in the Romish Church have been sent thither even by the Princes command and have tryed all their faith merits fastings austerities reliques blessed beads prayers and exorcismes yet there is none can say they have been delivered by them But I have seene that after a great many had been much troubled with a certaine Wench that was possessed whom I knew to deliver her at last a certaine Monke of a certain order whom I also knew bethought himselfe to take her in pilgrimage of seven or eight dayes Journey to a certain Church where many demoniacks were said to have bin healed in old times but he returned her with the Devill in her body and a little Monk in her belly which shee got of him by the way I have knowne a multitude of such like accidents which I might set downe but I choose rather to passe them over with silence Now a thing which seemed most miraculous to me of all that I did see in the Romish Church was certaine companies and fraternities of people who have not their name from any Saint but from charitie whose profession is to bury the dead yea even those who dye of the Plague and yet doe they not contract any evill themselves nor those who frequent them and I verily beleeve this cannot be done without some particular assistance and preservation from the bounty of God that blesseth this good worke But the Romish Church hath no reason to glorifie and prefer it selfe to others for it because that is also done in this Kingdome and in the reformed Churches of other Kingdoms even with a better successe for not onely they who have care of the body but I have even seen those who have onely a care of their soules and who are ordained to minister spirituall comfort and assistance to them in their sicknesse render them freely that service without catching any evill or danger either for themselves or those who are conversant with them where of an hundred that I have seen imployed in that Charge in the Romish Church I have not knowne ten that escaped although they ever lived sequestred from all conversation and commerce with the whole But if we must acknowledge a Miracle it is the delivery which it hath pleased God of his mercy to worke for me not onely in bringing me out of the errour and abuse wherein I was but also out of straight prison into which I was brought by the onely perfidy and treason of my owne brethren for being detained there under five locked doores some of them halfe a foot thicke barred and boulted strongly all the windows grated after the same fashion and watched so carefull that I could neither write nor speake to any but to my Keeper who was forbidden to have any discourse with me except for necessary things and was chosen to that from among five hundred for the great trust they reposed in him but not so much as to entrust him with the key of my innermost dore which for greater securitie was kept under two other locks and given to another in custody who was commanded to carry them about him day and night so that to speak in worldly appearance there was no hope of my deliverance but having called on God and put my whole confidence in him he moved the heart of my Keeper in such manner that he not onely resolved to leave the errour of the Romish Church after my example and perswasion but even exposing himselfe to all danger to set me at libertie he had by Gods favour the industry to come by the key which was so carefully locked up without any noise or appearance of opening and our good God gave us the grace to elude all their pursuing of us even with royall Authoritie and to passe through the midst of them that pursued us and even among my own brethren without being perceived and however they thought they had stopped all the Ports and passages for us neverthelesse to escape by that onely which was most convenient and ready for us and where I may say the onely providence of God towards us blinded them they should not mistrust that he might save his poore servants who had no other hope but in his bountie And in this doubtlesse we must confesse that God is marveilous in his wayes and that there is even no wisdome councell nor power against the Lord and if I
must acknowledge any miracles this may be said to be one wrought by God towards me rather than those of the Romish Church If we must acknowledge any miracles in our ages the marvellous deliverance of this Kingdom in the dayes of Queen Elizabeth in the yeer 1588 when the Pope having shared in half with the King of Spaine to make up that Navie which they tearmed Invincible to seize on this State all their enterprises were brought to confusion without doing an exploit and that more by storms and Armes from Heaven than by those of men this should be called a Miracle And the discoverie of that damnable Powder-plot to King James in his time being the yeer 1605. wherein the Enemies of the truth thought to destroy all the glory and Nobles of this Kingdome in a moment may be called a Miracle And the victory obtained 1639 by the Hollanders against the Spaniards on these Coasts where nine or ten small Ships caused such terrour and confusion and were the occasion of the utter wine to a terrible and espouventable Navy consisting at least of threescore and ten saile of strong Ships well armed and brought all their unjust designes to naught this might be held a Miracle And if we must acknowledge Miracles the discovery of the conspiracy and confusion projected the last Spring the yeare 1641. against the tranquillity and repose of those Kingdomes ought to be holden for a Miracle And the agreement so quickly made betwixt the two Kingdomes of England and Scotland which the last yeare 1640. some hellish firebrands and agents of the spirit of discord would have set on fire the one against the other to bring this whole State to confusion and ruine which God hath turned to the confusion of the Authors and good of his people this may be said to be a remarkable Miracle And if we must cry out Miracles that which is fallen out this present moneth of October at the writing of this in Scotland where divers of the greatest of the Nobility were neare to be massacred whereby the Enemies of peace thought yet againe to bring this State into confusion if God by his ordinary goodnesse had not shewed himselfe at this time againe the God and protectour of his people ought to be esteemed a Miracle And if all miraculous deliverances which have been wrought by the bounty and mercy of God in this Island since it received the faith and puritie of the Word of God had falne out in Spaine or in some other place under the Popes Jurisdiction they would have esteemed them as great Miracles as the deliverance of the Israelites out of the captivitie of Egypt under the leading of Moses or Josuahs victories by his battels or Sampsons with the Jaw-bone of an Asse over the Philistims or Davids over Goliah or Judith over Holophernes and the like and they would write and publish them as evident miracles It is true also and we ought to acknowledge Gods power doth clearly appeare therein and we must not beleeve that those deliverances are fallen out by accident chance but confesse that the bountie of God would therein shew the care and affection he had for the conservation protection of this his poore people whom it seemeth he hath chosen and held in these ages for his peculiar heritage among all Kingdomes And I marvell the enemies of the truth and of this State open not their eyes to see those so marveilous protections and that they have hardned themselves so often against the manifest hand of God But this sufficeth if those of the Romish Church have no stronger proofes to maintaine their invocation of Saints than the miracles wherewith their Books are stuffed that will serve to deceive the simple but men of understanding wil not be satisfied with that and I thinke it is out of question better to addresse our selves to God through Jesus Christ who is our onely sure Mediator as he commandeth us and as the Apostles have done themselves and taught us to doe than to interpose all the Saints as the Romish Church telleth us without any word of God nay contrary to the word of God which condemneth with Anathema those who shall preach to us or teach us any other wayes besides that which hath been preached to us by Christ and his Apostles CHAP. XX. Of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper and the Communion under both kindes I Have ever had those words of St Paul in great estimation by which he forbiddeth us to be wiser than we ought Rom. 13.3 Let no man saith he thinke of himselfe more highly than he ought to thinke but to thinke soberly And I have often marveiled that the Romish Church bragging that shee accomplisheth the Counsells of Christ which shee holdeth for works of supererogation and wherefore shee thinketh God much obliged to her despise in the meane time the commandements of our Saviour and alienate her selfe so far from his institution and intention For my part I beleeve the excellency and perfection of a good Christian of perfect faith and of the true Church doth consist in approaching as neere as may be to the intention and institution of Christ and in indeavouring to do as he hath done and as it hath been his will to shew us and in so far as we can conforme our selves to his actions especially in the reception and administration of the Sacraments for he is come to be our Master and being the infallible Wisdome he hath done and taught us all was needfull The Romish Church findeth fault with the Eucharist for being called the Sacrament of the Supper and calleth it the Sacrament of the Altar Now it is certaine that our Saviour instituted this Sacrament immediately after Supper wherefore it may justly be called the Sacrament of the Supper as it was for a long time in the Church of Rome Even to this present they call it the day of its institution the fifth feria in the Lords Supper Feria quinta in coena Domini and that notable Bull wherein are excommunicated and delivered to the power of the Devill all the Princes Parliaments and Courts of Justice yea and the most part of Christians in the world and which is read so solemnly every yeare at Rome on thursday of the holy weeke is called the Bull in the Lords Supper Bulla in coena Domini and when Christ instituted that holy Sacrament it is certaine that was not on an Altar but on the same Table whereon he had supped and none of the Evangelists make mention here of an Altar so there is no reason it should be called the Sacrament of the Altar but the Sacrament of the Supper or if you will of the Lords Table or of the Communion or of the Eucharist which words agree all with the institution of our Saviour but not that of the Altar The greatest controversie in this mystery is not concerning the name but the body of Christ which the Romanists thinks they receive substantially
their secrets are glad of this occasion to tell all their businesses and often those of their neighbours and declare their griefe to a man whom they thinke obliged to keep all secret and therefore we must not marvell if we see the women so much inclined to it and the Priests knowing them to be more tractable and consequently more liberall than men labour to keepe them in those exercises what ever disorders or discontentments may fall out from their husbands But finally there is no man of spirit who will not confesse that Christ and his Apostles have done wisely in having not instituted this fine mysterie The Bishops also themselves and other Pastours who have more intrest to conserve the divine service in their Churches and to have a care of the generall good than of the profit and particular satisfaction of their Priests begin as much to detest the use of this confession as they did ardently preach and recommend it heretofore for now they see the great disorders and inconveniences it draweth after it and their experience will be the cause they will not be sorry to see all re-established and restored to the primitive order in the time of our Saviour and his Apostles I passe over the great scandall occasioned by this confession whereof an infinite number of Cities and places can give too manifest testimony and which is the cause many judge well that it is surest and more profitable to discover and confesse our secrets to God alone according to his holy will and commandements than to Priests to obey the precepts of the Pope and I shall yet shew in another place that the confession is a snare which precipitates many into hell if the Maximes of the Romish Church be true CHAP. XXIII Of Purgatorie THe Church of Rome which hath founded her new doctrine not upon the Word and will of Christ but especially upon profit and greatnesse hath not contented her selfe in stead of two Sacraments instituted by our Saviour to wit Baptisme and the Lords Supper to adde five more whereof the Pope the Bishops and the Priests can make good profit every one of them according to his degree and charge whether it be for the administration of them or the dispensations or other casuall things which concerne them and which fall out every foot But shee hath yet further bethought her to invent a Purgatory which shee saith is a place whether the soules of the faithfull departed in Gods favour doe ordinarily goe after their death there to be burnt and tormented many yeares nay even many hundreds and thousand yeares if they be not delivered by the good works of the living or by the prayers of good people or by application of the overplus of the merits of Christ and the Saints whereof the Pope calleth himselfe the sole Treasurer and Dispenser making profession to apply them by his Jubiles and Indulgences So that simple people to shun that terrible fire after their death wherewith the justest men are threatned have often spoyled themselves and their successours of many lands and great riches to give them to those who are reputed to be godlier than others to oblige them to pray for them after their death that they might not remaine so long in those paines and if those who are alive have any affections to their parents and good friends which are dead they often spare nothing to helpe and relieve them in this their necessitie by all the means which the Romish Church preacheth to be strongest and of greatest force whereof the most part are in the hands and disposition of the Clergie alone and the Monkes and they tell them if they be not helped they must satisfie the rigour of the justice of God and that they must pay to the last farthing and be burned in a fire as hot and scorching as that of hell not onely for the paines due to mortall sins but also for the least veniall sins they might have committed in their life of which every man hath questionlesse an innumerable number and because as they say ready money is good physicke they perswade them not to trust to their heires the payment of that debt who may be diverted by the motive of avarice but that they should provide while they are alive and in health for feare of being surprised by death and that the candle that goeth before giveth better light and is more profitable for that is the phrase of those Ghost like Fathers This doctrine is very profitable to the Clergie but exceeding fearfull and very terrible and strange and deserveth well to be cleerly grounded on the Word of God to be beleeved For to say that God hath sent his Sonne into the world to save mankinde and whose bloud was of an infinite price but neverthelesse hath not been sufficient to satisfie for the paines that a mortall sin doth merit or yet a veniall that I may use the tearme of the Papists or although it hath been sufficient enough and that he hath testified that he loveth mankinde more than doth a Father or Mother their children Notwithstanding he will not apply to them a graine of his satisfaction gratis but hath ordained a fearfull fire to burne them and torment them after their death though they be fully reconciled to him and have departed in his favour and that he esteeme and call them his deere children it is a thing that ought not to be beleeved by any Christian nor yet conceived by any man And is it possible to be beleeved that God hath promised Paradise to those who shall suffer persecution for his name and justice and comfort them who shall be afflicted in this world and shew himselfe to those who shall be of a pure and cleane heart account them blessed who shall dye in him that is to say in his favour that Christ hath promised to say Come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world to them who have given meat and drinke to him in his poore when they are hungry or thirstie and to them whom he accounteth his loving children and that onely to satisfie the rigour of his justice and without any hope of amendment he will punish them after their death for many yeares with the same paines that the Devill and the greatest enemies of his honour and glory doe suffer except onely that those shall be tormented for ever and others shall have sometime an end it may be after many hundreds and thousands of yeares for they have invented yet of purpose more to terrifie the people certaine Stories which say that for every small sin they must borne at least seven yeares in Purgatory and what can they hope for who have hundreds and millions the frailty of man being but too great It is questionlesse to wrong the great mercy of God and rather deny his bounty it is to derogate from the infinite merits of the bloud of Christ it is too blasphemous against
kissed the Popes pantofle he ask him some Indulgences he will give him ten or twenty thousand without difficultie for there needeth but a word and an hundred thousand doth cost no more than two neither in the giving nor in the carriage if it were duckats he would not be so liberall Now it may be he will say to him I give you twenty thousand benedictions of such a Saint or Prince that is to say the power to apply twenty thousand Indulgences of such a Tenure to twenty thousand beads Medals Images or Crosses and the like in such sort that he who shall have one of those about him in saying some Pater or Ave or using some such devotion may deliver himself when he will from all the time he should be in Purgatory from his birth even to that day although he were an hundred yeers old and can often deliver the souls of his friends which are in Purgatory and do them that courtesie when they think least of it and the Gentleman when he returneth will give one half of them it may be to his Mistresse to oblige her and mark that it often doth and may fall out that he who can dispose of so great and considerable a portion of the treasure of the merits of Christ and the holy Martyrs and Confessors to deliver himself and many others out of Purgatory when it pleaseth him is an Atheist a blasphemer murtherer and a man given to all vices having neither God nor soul and who beleeveth neither an heaven nor hell neverthelesse according to that good doctrine it must take effect and be of force especially in others for such is the will disposition and resolution of the holy Father the Pope who can bind and loose how and when he will and dispose of the merits of Christ Jesus and the Saints as of the Cabage in his garden God knoweth and all men of any understanding in the Church of Rome I say nothing here but that which is commonly practised and which ought to be beleeved of all good Papists who are the true children of the Pope But if it be difficile to beleeve all this without the Word of God let them remember themselves they should have a blind faith and not be so curious nor to be disciples of Christ but to be disciples of the Pope CHAP. XXV Of the Congregations and religious Orders BEcause the learnedst and most judicious of the Romish Church confesse that the profession of the three Monasticall and religious vows is not an institution of Christ there being no such thing found in the holy Scripture nor practised by the Apostles but onely an humane invention which had its beginning many ages after and which by the industrie and diligence of the Popes who for their particular profit did take them almost from the beginning in their speciall protection have been augmented and maintained even to that degree wherein we see it at this day and because all those professions have their straightest obligation onely from the authoritie of the Pope who dispenseth on it when and to whom he will which sheweth he beleeveth not himself there is any divine obligation but onely humane having proved sufficiently in the former Chapters that this power of the Pope is void and usurped it is hereafter needlesse to trouble our selves any more to shew the nullity and invaliditie of those professions to oblige any one whatsoever so we shall content our selves to shun prolixity with this foundation which we have laid for this point and others the like and onely say here that as the Indulgences have served in former times the Bishop of Rome to inroll an infinite number of Souldiers under his Ensignes to make war for the conservation and augmentation of his revenues and estate they have been also very usefull to gather a multitude of Christians under a great number of fraternities congregations and other orders which the Pope having instituted and established under the name and at the instance of some particular persons especially for the defence and augmentation of his power and authoritie in time of peace against his enemies and evill willers hath shortly after furnished and gratified them with an infinite number of Indulgences priviledges and immunities as well to unite them and make them more affectionate to him gratifying them with so many favours as to allure to themselves more people under colour and pretext of the great number of pardons and graces both for themselves and their friends knowing that the greater and stronger those companies should be the stronger ane surer should be his partie And howsoever the Popes in the beginning did favour some companies and orders more than others either because they were taken from amongst them or for particular affections or other respects Neverthelesse they have been constrained in the end to avoid jealousie to make all common and make a great Bull to that effect which they have called the great Sea Mare magnum in which they have swallowed up all those favours and priviledges and made them common to all the orders so for the present they are all omnipotent on earth in matter of exemptions priviledges and Indulgences and there is not almost a simple Priest amongst them who hath not greater power than the whole body of Bishops together in that which concerneth their estate Those sweet and forcible inticements of Indulgences and priviledges have much served many Orders to allure an infinite multitude of followers and to win the affections of the people and oblige them to give great Alms and their means liberally that they may partake of their favours and Indulgences and the plentifull effects of this are to be seen in many Monasteries and Houses so rickly founded in Churches and Chappels so sumptuously builded and enriched and in an innumerable and insupportable multitude of Monks and religious persons which live there and are entertained in plentie although at the cost and almost generall complaint of all the Provinces republiques and Cities through the Christian world where they are and to the great discontentment of Bishops and prejudice even of secular Priests both because they run as they say on their Marches and being companies furnished with all sorts of spirits and appearance of holinesse know better how to snatch the substance of the people and because they are more prodigall of their Sermons often than they are desired they keep by that means the Priests and Pastors in ignorance and negligence there being few Priests and Pastors principally because of that in the Romish Church who imploy themselves in preaching as they ought where we see in the places and kingdoms where those orders or rather disorders are not almost all the Ministers give themselves to that Noble and commendable exercise and for the most part with great successe And for the great enterprises upon the rights of the Clergie grounded say they on their Buls there is at this day betwixt them the Bishops and Priests such a notable
the day long or at games and pastimes which are publiquely suffered and commonly frequented more freely on the Sabbaths which God from his owne mouth hath commanded to be sanctified than on a holiday of their devotion which is onely commanded by the Pope And what can be said here but that it is to make void the commandment of God for a humane invention and tradition and account more of the commandments and precepts of men than of the commandments of God Oh happie are the people which have the Lord onely for their God by whose Word they strive to be ruled and directed in every thing and which solemnise the whole Sabbath with all the respect and devotion they are able Which I seeing so faithfully observed in this Kingdom of England and besides that the Service of God was so reverently celebrated the Churches so much frequented of all Noble and ignoble rich and poore I confesse I often thanked and do thank my God for having delivered me out of the captivitie of Aegypt and from that Idolatrous people among whom I lived imployed in gathering of straws and in unprofitable works for having I say delivered me with a strong hand in despight of all the enterprises and power of the enemies of the truth for having brought me through the seas confounding and drowning therein all the industrie and pursuing of mine enemies and bringing me to this Land flowing with the milk and honey of heavenly and earthly blessings to this Countrey of Sion and this Jerusalem and place of peace whereas the Gospel is preached in greater puritie so the Service of God is celebrated with greater perfection and reverence than in any Kingdom of the world and is likely yet to be better by the care and zeal of this thrice worthie Senate It is true that as the bodies are composed of divers members and of different qualities and conditions so all they which are of the reformed Church are not Saints and there are some vices to be found in many and doubtlesse but too many and if I dare not say few yet I may say truly not neer so many as in the Romish Church as well in that which concerneth the service of God as in that which concerneth the policie both of Ecclesiasticall and Civill for it hath often been observed and I have seen it with my eyes the famous Cities yea and States governed by those of the reformed Churches did live in good order and policie which after being falne into the hands of Popish governors commonly greater friends of their particular profit than of the glory of their Princes and the publique peace and good have in a short time lost their felicitie and prosperitie and changed their good policie into confusion and disorder this truth is known to many more than to me And if one will but look upon this Noble Kingdom and all the States especially which enjoy peace under Princes and Governors of the Reformed Religion and likewise on the States which are governed by those of the Romish Church especially on those which are under the dominion of the Bishop of Rome and over whom he domineereth with greatest authoritie there is no man who will not see the great difference and they who have been in Italy and have any knowledge of the government of the Popes territories know sufficiently what comparison there is betwixt the policie of the one with the other Ye shall know saith Christ the tree by its fruits Mat. 7.20 and they who produce such fruits of confusion and disorder ought not in my opinion nor cannot be thought good trees and as trees bring forth good or bad fruits according to the proportion of sap which they draw from the earth which giveth them both life and action so must we beleeve that the government of people followeth commonly the doctrine and beleefe which animateth them and where we see those disorders that it is not the spirit and doctrine of truth which governeth them for Justice Order and Peace are his inseparable companions but rather the spirit of errour which being a friend of disorder produceth nothing but the like fruits and effects and every where bringeth confusion And if it happen that any States leaving the beleefe of the Romish Church embrace the Reformed you see incontinent their government totally altred their policie to be changed to the better and all things established in better order and as States and Provinces following this doctrine of the infallible truth are kept and maintained in better order and policie so ordinarily also do they flourish in greater lustre and glory in greater wealth and prosperitie And I may say likewise that the Princes even of that beleef have seldome found more faithfull and affectionate subjects and servants than those of the Reformed Religion both in peace and war and howsoever they have sometimes suffered oppressions neverthelesse the murthers and infamous attempts and perfidious treasons against the State or the persons of their Lords have been little found amongst their practises But they have often shewed they had rather suffer persecutions with patience than abandon themselves to infamous actions unworthie of the honour and doctrine of Christians Those States also who are not so fast bound and tied to the interests of the Pope having no cause to complain nor distrust their practises and even seeing much publique good to follow upon their managing and good and wise governing besides that they often imploy many of them in important occasions and of very great trust they gratifie them yet so much as to suffer them judging themselves in safety and security with them not mistrusting they can receive any hurt from them because those Churches having the Law and Word of God for rule of their faith they have it also for square of their life endeavouring to conform their actions thereunto and commit nothing which may derogate from the condition of the faithfull which I write more willingly as knowing it even from the confession of their greatest enemies Deut. 33.31 so as we may say that of the Cantique inimici nostri sunt judices Our enemies are Judges of it and I my selfe have heard it oftentimes from the most judicious of the Romish Church And if the Romanists would carry themselves with so great modestie and fidelity towards the Princes and States under which they desire to live they should receive questionlesse the same kindnesse and gratification but as their doctrine is much different so are often the effects not but amongst them there are found many noble and generous minds lovers of tranquillitie and peace and of the glory and prosperitie of the States in which they remain But because the Bishop of Rome who is never content with his own but is insatiable of wealth as be all his Clergie keepeth continually a congregation of Cardinals of purpose by him which borrow the name and pretext De propaganda fide for increasing the faith but indeed hearkneth to nothing more